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Good Examples Of Argumentative Essays
Writing an essay on the topic "Good Examples of Argumentative Essays" can be a challenging
task, requiring a careful balance between showcasing effective arguments and providing
insightful analysis. One of the primary difficulties lies in the extensive research needed to find
exemplary essays that not only present strong viewpoints but also adhere to the principles of
sound argumentation. The process involves sifting through numerous sources to identify essays
that have a well-structured thesis, supported by relevant evidence and counterarguments.
Crafting a compelling essay further entails the challenge of maintaining a coherent flow while
dissecting the chosen examples. This requires a deep understanding of the underlying
argumentative strategies, persuasive techniques, and rhetorical devices employed by the authors
of the essays under consideration. The writer must critically evaluate each example, dissecting
the nuances of the argument, and articulating the reasons behind its effectiveness.
Moreover, it is imperative to strike a balance between analysis and personal insights. While
discussing the strengths of the selected essays, the writer should offer their interpretations and
assessments without overshadowing the original content. This delicate balance demands a keen
sense of objectivity and the ability to present a comprehensive overview without injecting
excessive personal bias.
In addition to the intellectual challenges, time management plays a crucial role. The research
process, coupled with the analysis and actual writing, requires a substantial investment of time
and effort. The writer must navigate through the plethora of available examples, choose the most
relevant ones, and present a coherent synthesis of ideas.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Good Examples of Argumentative Essays" is a demanding
task that involves extensive research, critical analysis, and effective synthesis of information. It
requires a nuanced understanding of argumentative strategies, persuasive techniques, and
rhetorical devices, coupled with the ability to maintain objectivity throughout. Despite the
difficulties, producing a well-crafted essay on this topic can enhance one's skills in
argumentation and critical thinking.
If you find yourself struggling with such essays or need assistance in writing similar pieces,
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Good Examples Of Argumentative Essays Good Examples Of Argumentative Essays
Underworld And Morality In The Aeneid
The Underworld and Morality in Vergil s Aeneid
Book IV of the Aeneid can stand alone as Vergil s highest literary achievement, but
centered in the epic, it provides a base for the entire work. The book describes
Aeneas s trip through the underworld, where after passing through the depths of hell,
he reaches his father Anchises in the land of Elysium. Elysium is where the Soul[s]
to which Fate owes Another flesh lie (115). Here Anchises delivers the prophecy of
Rome to Aeneis. He is shown the great souls that will one day occupy the bodies of
Rome s leaders. Before the prophecy of Rome is delivered, Aeneis s journey through
the underworld provides a definite ranking of souls according to their past lives on
Earth. The Aeneid does not ... Show more content on ...
. . ] / Life s joyless outcasts [. . . ] / Plucked from the breast unripe (108). This
probably refers to aborted and abandoned babies. A Roman mother wanting to rid
herself of the burden of parenthood would certainly weigh one thousand years of
wailing for her dead child against whatever hardship she foresees in rearing that
child. Next are the falsely accused. Minos presides over a silent court, where the
accused forever plead their innocence. This is a call for fair justice in Roman courts.
The accusers are not only sentencing an end to life on earth, but also adding a much
longer punishment of grief to the accused in the afterlife. As with the babies, the
punishment falls to the victim, thus encouraging the powerful to use their judgement
Further down the river, Aeneis encounters souls that have brought punishment unto
themselves. First those who Dealt death unguilty, and threw away their lives (109).
Suicide has often been called the most selfish of human acts; selfish to the ones who
care and love for the victim, and selfish to the God that gave the victim life. The fate
for suicide is constant drowning, like the constant drowning into the self that a person
contemplating suicide must feel. This punishment suggests that suicide will not stop
agony, but only prolong it. After the self inflicted deaths, there are the heart broken
whom Love s unpitying wound / Wasted; in death itself their pain remains
Statistical Analysis Of Variance ( Anova ) And Scott Knott...
2.5.3 Statistical analysis
Two tests were made: analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Scott Knott multiple
comparison test. ANOVA was made with Microsoft ExcelВ® software. Scott Knott
was conducted with SisvarВ® software to compare means (treatments statistically
different). Both tests were made with a 95% confidence limit.
2.5.3 Air permeability
Air permeability of the mortars was evaluated according to Thenoz method
(Pereira and Camarini, 2011). Cylindrical specimens (50 mm diameter and 100
mm height) were prepared and cured at room temperature for 28 days (average
temperature of 25 В°C В± 2 В°C and relative humidity of 60%). Before testing, the
specimens were cut into three parts and the central part (50 mm height) was used
in the test. The slices were oven dried at 50 В°C В± 2 В°C for 48 h and after cooling
they had their lateral surfaces sealed to guarantee the flow was uniaxial and
perpendicular to the cross sectional area. The test was made in a varying charge
apparatus. The average values of three specimens of each mortar composition were
reported. Air permeability was calculated by the Equation 1, which is based on
Darcy s law (Camarini et al., 2008).
k = (Ој/ПЃ.g).(s/S).ln(h0/h1).1/t Equation 1
Where: k = air permeability coefficient (mВІ); Ој = air viscosity at the test
temperature (Pa.s); ПЃ = density of water (kg/mВі); g = specific gravity (m/sВІ); S =
cross sectional area of the sample (mВІ); s = cross sectional area of capillary tube
(mВІ); h0 = start water level (m); h1 =
Open Skies Policies Essay
Open skies policy:
In the 1990 the government of Pakistan takes on an open skies aviation policy, and
signed a memo of considerate with a number of countries of the state and external.
These work out were take on in great speed without really considerate the insinuation
of open skies PIA, which was at that time mostly needy upon domestic and cultural
passenger traffic, unexpectedly set up itself challenging with carries at home. The
result disorder led to more confusion in the minds of underfessional bureaucrats, the
narrow authority and of course the national carrier. All was looking shortsightedly
from side to side its own prism of attention, litter understanding the harmful shock of
its events, or inactions, on the condition of the ... Show more content on ...
Pakistan has included air services contract with 91 countries. As per the new national
aviation policy of Pakistan, namely Lahore, Islamabad and Peshawar, effective
January 01, 1990. The national air line, Pakistan international Airline (PIA) now
operates services to 45 cities in 36 countries across four continents. Is also serves
over 30 cities within the Pakistan.
Thee aviation liberalization policy has also opened up investment chance in the
hardship of airports. in general, the deregulation of air transport has resulted in unique
increase of the sector, with domestic passenger traffic increasing greatly. On the
major means of transportation routes of air transport, in exacting in Karachi
Islamabad and Karachi Lahore, lower fares have give to the break in increased.
In recent year, the private airlines in Pakistan in Pakistan have flourished. Presently
tree private airlines namely Aero Asia, bhoja and shaheen air lines are operation on
domestic and international routes. New entrants are expected to enter the aviation
35 worldwide airlines operate to Pakistan and there has been a great increase on the
cargo side, where the government open sky rule for select cargo flights is creating
increase in this sharpness. In particular, with the opening of CIS stats, charter
operations have aloes improved.
PIA cargo speeded becomes the gold sponsor of logistics Pakistan, exhibition and
PIA Cargo and speeded is the supporter of logistic in
Relationship Between Dimensions Of Service Quality And...
Industry Project Proposal
What is the relationship between Dimensions of Service Quality and Customer
Satisfaction in regards to The Langham Hotel, Auckland?
Submitted To:Academic Supervisor
Dr. Indrapriya KulratneFoad Morzourghi
Submitted By:
Tariq Tanveer Mudh
Table of Contents
1. Introduction and Background3
1.1 Introduction3
1.2 Background:3
2. Research Question and Objectives:4
2.1 Research Question:4
2.2 Research Objectives:4
3. Literature Review:4
3.1 Service Quality:4
3.2 Customer Satisfaction:5
3.3 Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction:5
4. Research Methodology:7
4.1 Secondary Source of Data:7
4.2 Assumption:7
4.3 Ethical Consideration:8
4.4 Strength and Weakness of the research methodology:8
5. Project Management:9
5.1 Resources Required:10
6. References:11
1. Introduction and Background
1.1 Introduction
The Langham Hotel is situated in the heart of vibrant location of Auckland City on
the Symond Street. The Langham Hotel, Auckland has opened in the year 2005 by its
parent company Langham Hotel International . Its presence is not only in New
Zealand but also in cross countries (The Langham Hotel, Auckland, 2015). The
Langham Hotel is currently operating in 4 continents with over 5000 rooms
effectively manage by the Langham Hotels International (The Langham Hotel,
Auckland, 2015). The Langham Hotel is a 5 star luxury property in the Auckland. In
terms of dining facilities, The Langham,
The Shabbat Marjane Satrapi
In the comic The Shabbat by Marjane Satrapi, panels 11 and 41 have visual imagery
that is profoundly moving. Even though the panels only consist of black and white,
the narrative use of these colors helps to convey the emotions of the scene. Black is
associated darkness, evil, and mystery which are mostly negative things. While white
represents light, goodness, and purity, all positive things. Black and white are
complete opposites of each other, black represents negative things, while white
represents positive things. One example of this use of the colors is shown in panel
11. Panel 11 shows the speaker and her family after missiles hit the city they living in.
The speaker is fearing for her life and hugs her mom for comfort she says I
The Human Growth Hormone
Human Growth hormone (GH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide produced
by the anterior pituitary gland from somatotroph cells. GH has come to the
forefront in the sports world for doping and anti aging promoters. In adults, the
most prominent effects of GH are decreased fat mass and increased lean body mass.
The increase in lean body mass is associated with increased protein synthesis, muscle
mass, and muscle function (1). GH plays an important role in the linear development
of bone growth in children and adolescents. After the body stops growing, GH levels
decrease dramatically and remain low throughout the remainder of adult life (2).
GH is a single chain peptide with 191 amino acids that is stabilized by two disulfide
bridges. The molecular weight is 22,000 Daltons (3). GH 1 and GH 2 are genes for
GH that are located on chromosome 17 in the q22 24 region (4). GH secretion is
regulated by growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH). GHRH is a peptide
released from the hypothalamus that stimulates the release of GH. The hypothalamus
also secretes somatostatin, which inhibits the release of GH through back regulation.
GHRH and somatostatin are released from the hypothalamus through the hypophyseal
portal and are transported to the anterior pituitary. GH is released in a pulsatile
fashion that is determined by the concentration of GHRH and somatostatin (5).
Levels of GH are slightly higher in women than in men and the highest amounts of
GH secretion is during puberty in
Thomas Aquinas Fourth Argument
While quite a bit of Aquinas framework is worried about uncommon disclosure the
principle of the Incarnation of God s Word in Jesus Christ the Five Ways are cases of
characteristic religious philosophy (Vidali, 2017). The arguments are known as
argument from motion, argument from efficient cause, argument from necessary
being, argument from gradations of goodness, and argument from design (Lander
University, 2012). The argument that has caught my attention and goes with my
beliefs is the argument from gradations of goodness. Aquinas fourth argument is that
from degrees of goodness. Everything display more noteworthy or lesser degrees of
goodness. There must subsequently exist an incomparable flawlessness that every
blemished being approach yet miss the mark concerning.... Show more content on ...
To summarize this argument there are diverse degrees of goodness in various things,
there are distinctive degrees of being in various things the all the more being, the
more goodness, for there to be degrees of being by any stretch of the imagination,
there must be something which has being in the most elevated degree, in this way, a
being in the Highest Degree or Perfect Being exists (Lander University, 2012).
Thomas contends that to clarify the presence of this degree in being, there must be
something which is uttermost being (Thomas Aquinas: The Fourth Way, 2013). This
is obviously Aristotle s God, a being that is unadulterated fact. This being totally
needs privation and probability, and is as such impeccable in its being (Thomas
Aquinas: The Fourth Way, 2013). I do believe God is a flawless God with an
outstanding and overflowing amount of goodness. God is a perfect
The Origins of Russia Essay
The Origins of Russia
The country of Russia: enormous, expansive, wide open. The words that describe
this Euro Asian country can be attributed to its origins from its Slavic inhabitants
and the takeover by the Varangians. Kievan Russia, as it was called, started its own
civilization in the year 862. The problem with the origin of the Russian State is that
it is exceedingly complex and many theories are based on circumstantial evidence. A
good example of this is the early history of the plains above the Black Sea. This
region compromises the center of the Kievan State, yet much is unknown about these
parts due to the lack of resources. Archaeological finds suggest many ideas, all of
which are unconfirmed. The simplest and ... Show more content on ...
The Scythians lived peacefully until the third century BCE. During that time, they
were overcome by another nomadic tribe, the Sarmatians. Less than twenty five years
after the Sarmatians conquered the Scythians, the Goths superseded the Sarmatians.
The Goths were groups of uncivilized people who strengthened their kingdoms by
keeping them in a state of terror. They were of Germanic descent, and reached the
pinnacle of their strength during the early fourth century. Following the Goths were
the Huns and the Avars. Meanwhile, the Slavs in the fifth century CE emerged and
moved southward to come in contact with the East Roman Empire. The Slavs were
split into three groups, called the Antae, Sclaveni, and the Venedi. Most historical
references do not pay much attention to the Antic tribes, probably because of their
disappearance in the late sixth century. The Sclaveni and Venedi joined and created
a unified East Slavic empire. This Slavic kingdom slowly began to increase during
the late 700s. The area that was held by the Avars in the 790s was demolished
through Charlemagne s destruction of their empire. With that, the Slavic people
began to migrate down to what is now Kiev. At Kiev, they encountered additional
tribes such as the Finno Ugrians, Bulgars, and Khazars. The Finno Ugrians could be
broken down into smaller less civilized tribes, though their counterparts, the Bulgars
and the Khazars, were much more refined.
Basel Capital Accord
CAIIB,ACIBS(UK), Professor, B.V.Raju Insitute of Technology, Narasapur, Medak
Dt., Telangana State ABSTRACT:
The stability of the Financial System largely depends on the strength and resilience
of the Banking System. Indian Banks which suffered from negative capital adequacy,
negative earnings and high NPAs in the Seventies and eighties are now on a robust
footing thanks to the reforms brought about by the Narasimham Committee I and II
and on account of the strong resolve of the Govt. and the Reserve Bank of India. It is
a matter of pride that the Indian Banks have now become fully Basel II Compliant,
and that they ... Show more content on ...
of Banks with CA above 10%| 5| 22| 24| | | | | TOTAL| 25| 25| 25|
PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS PERIOD| 1996| 2002| 2008| No. of Banks with negative
CA| | | | No. of Banks with CA of below 8%| 1| | | No. of Banks with CA between 8
10%| 4| 1| 1| No. of Banks with CA above 10%| 10| 14| 14| | | | | TOTAL| 15| 15| 15|
FOREIGN BANKS PERIOD| 1996| 2002| 2008| No. of Banks with negative CA| | | |
No. of Banks with CA of below 8%| 1| | | No. of Banks with CA between 8 10%| 3| 1|
| No. of Banks with CA above 10%| 5| 8| 9| | | | | TOTAL| 9| 9| 9|
PERIOD| 1996| 2002| 2008| No. of Banks with negative CA| 2| | | No. of Banks with
CA of below 8%| 6| 1| | No. of Banks with CA between 8 10%| 21| 4 | 2| No. of Banks
with CA above 10%| 20| 44| 47| | | | | TOTAL| 49| 49| 49|
The issue of lower capital adequacy had negative connotations both nationally and
internationally. The Reserve Bank of India addressed this issue on priority and
convinced the Government of India to recapitalise the ailing Public Sector Banks.
This process started even before the study period, and by 1996 the no. of Banks
with negative capital adequacy are 2 viz., Indian Bank and Vijaya Bank in the Public
Sector, while there are no Banks
Comparison of Pope and Swift Essay
Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift in their respective poems, The Rape of the Lock
and The Progress of Beauty, offer opposite representations of the nature and function
of cosmetics in eighteenth century society. In The Rape of the Lock, Pope gives a
positive representation of cosmetic s nature and function in eighteenth century
society. On the other hand, Swift s representation takes a very negative tone. Both
poets clearly appreciate and admire the natural beauty of a woman and their opposite
opinions and therefore representation of the nature and function of cosmetics, springs
from this admiration. Pope, whilst slightly ridiculing cosmetics through his use of
satire, represents cosmetics in a positive light through portraying it as... Show more
content on ...
Swift opposes this representation, rather representing the nature of cosmetics as
negative in The Progress of Beauty. As opposed to Pope s representation of the
function of cosmetics as an enhancer of natural beauty, Swift represents the
function of cosmetics as being a destroyer of natural beauty. A number of times in
The Progress of Beauty, Swift alludes to the destructive power of cosmetics due to
its poisonous elements. Swift writes that Venus taught [women] where to find
White lead and Lusitanian dish. (Line 60) Swift represents these cosmetics as
causing women to waste away; So rotting Celia strolls the street. (Line 103) All of
Pope s descriptions of cosmetics as applied to Celia s face in the poem, are ones of
hideousness and disgustingness. The make up causes her lips to be cracked and her
eyes to be gummy. (Line 15) She becomes a mingled mass of dirt and sweat. (Line
20) There is nothing appealing or attractive in the use of cosmetics as Swift represents
it. Rather Swift represents the nature and function of cosmetics as a disgusting thing
that destructs the beauty of women. Cosmetics are not represented by Swift simply as
a temporary destruction of beauty, but also as having the function of permanently
destructing beauty, of doing irreparable damage because of its poisonous elements.
The nature of cosmetics as represented by Swift is negative, and its function is
represented only as one of destruction.
Pope s representation of the nature and function
Peru S Tourism History
In the history, people travel from a place to another place to explore, do business,
immigrant and travel etc. From those movements, people bring their culture to place
that they have travelled and influenced each other and also developed the tourism
industry (Chappel, 2015). According to the website call Peru Travel Guide, Peru was
explored and occupied by Spanish and brought their language and the Catholic
religion to Peru (nd, 2014). After the Spanish, people from different place start
immigrant to Peru, all of those movements have made Peru s society became more
and more diversification. In the late 19th century, people are travel to Peru for
exploration and archaeology the region like Machu Picchu (nd, 2014). ... Show more
content on ...
According to the article from a research by University College London , there are
different kinds of guides that tourists can find in Peru which included university
graduates who have high level of knowledge about tourism, official guides who
trained in a vocational college that have not been trained well enough and untrained
adventure guides who could be local people that know well enough about the region
but not the knowledge about tourism and usually employ by travel agencies because
they are cheap (McGrath, 2004). Therefore, the quality of guiding in Peru is not that
average and reliable which need to be train and knowledge about tourism (McGrath,
In the tourism industry, image making paly a big part of it which can be image or
photo that on different type of media such as posters, brochures and postcard etc.
(Sinervo, 2011)In Peru, people migrated from countryside to city for jobs and their
children need to subsidize the family by work such as selling postcards or souvenirs
to the tourists (Sinervo, 2011). To help with this phenomenon, there is a non
governmental organization form by people from Spain, France and Peru tries to
collect money to help those children. They have come up an idea which is to use
photo of those poor children in postcards and
Essay about Architecture and Insecurity
Architecture and Insecurity An Analysis of Architecture as Metapho in WG Sebald s
Deyan Sudjic, journalist for the New York Times, writes in his discussion of the
potential Freedom Tower meant to replace the cavernous holes that mark where the
twin towers once stood:
Clearly, there is a psychological parallel between making a mark on the landscape
and the exercise of political power...both depend on the imposition of will...and
among the dictatorial...there is an inherent appeal in seeing one s worldview
confirmed by reducing entire cities to the scale of a doll s house (par. 6).
Symbolism and architecture often go hand in hand. Like almost every work of art,
critics and audiences attempt to read something deeper, to find ... Show more content
on ...
In actuality, as revealed through viewpoint of the character Austerlitz, the 19th century
encapsulated the architectural style of the capitalist era...the compulsive sense of
order and the tendency towards monumentalism evident in law courts and penal
institutions, railway stations and stock exchanges, opera houses and lunatic asylums,
and the dwelling build to rectangular grid patterns for the labor force (33). The
Palace of Justice in Brussels presents a perfect example of Imperialist Architecture.
Built in the 1880s at the insistence of Brussels bourgeoisie, the Palace of Justice is
the largest accumulation of stone blocks anywhere in Europe (29). Complete with
hallways that lead nowhere, staircases that fall apart at the touch, and rooms that
cannot be entered (quite literally, there are no doors rooms without entry points are
on blueprints and are simply walled off during construction), the Palace symbolically
represents the complicated nonsense of the imperial Europe. At a time when the
major powers of Europe were competing with one another for colonies, raw materials
for their newly industrialized factories, and subjects from which to collect taxes,
buildings like the Palace of Justice sprung up everywhere in an attempt to impress and
terrify. Rosalyn Deutsche notes that architecture that adheres
How To Write A Robotic Basketball Essay
Tiarra Rodrigues and Ryan Hunter
Robot Basketball Essay #1
In order to actually make a basket, you have to understand the basic fundamentals
of shooting which involve simple mechanics. Firstly square your shoulders
towards the target whether it is a wall or the actual basket. Place your dominant
shooting fingers under the ball, tuck your elbow close to your body and balance
the ball lightly to achieve a greater percentage of success. The horizontal and
vertical alignment of the person to the court needs to be at a reasonable distance to
start off if you are a beginner. The most common shot is known as the free throw
shot (used by mostly younger individuals) in which the person should lack the
strength/ability to shoot the ball with one hand. Rick Barry, the former NBA player,
was an advocate of channeling ... Show more content on ...
After the final dribble, the ball should meet the person s hand and shouldn t cross
their mid line. There is a shot also called a jump shot in which a person is to jump
straight up and perform the basic shooting form. One of the more famous shots is
known as the dunk; also the most popular person to perform this particular shot
Michael Jordan. Dunk totals represent a general aggressiveness needed by a player
to access this shot: a willingness to persevere through people and down the court,
pick up your place from fouls, and to try for the offensive rebound, and athletic
ability must be prominent all things that a good team should have. Dunks are attained
by a negative stigma from basketball purists because many have no compassion when
their head is in the game such as players like Andre Iguodala: star players on bad
teams whose score and dunk has garnered them more media attention from the public
which helps the team but also turns one against his team mates also their financial
compensation is endowed more than their actual natural basketball skills. Centers
and power forwards are the types of players who
Boeing Vs Essay
1. Running Head; Boeing Vs. Airbus 1 (NAME) BOEING VS AIRBUS (COURSE)
(PROFESSOR) (DATE) Total World count; 6386 2011
2. Boeing VS Airbus 2 Abstract The demand facing aircraft manufacturers for new
orders is in principal derived fromthe perceived future demand for commercial
aviation. Several key external economic factorsare likely to outline demand for new
aircraft. These factors are accessed from the perspectiveof decision makers in the
airline industry, Airbusand Boeing, in this paper. Also analysed inthe paper are the
relevant strategies employed by both airliner makers to manipulate thisfactors or
manoeuvre around them in order to survive in the market. The relevant theories
ofstrategic management are also analysed in the paper. The ... Show more content on ...
The demand for commercialplanes carried on to augment progressively all through
the 1930s, but again endured anotherdemand downturn when World War II broke out.
Conversely, the war assisted in generatingsupport for military aircraft research and
expansion, which expanded to commercial aviation9.The end of war brought a fall
down in the aircraft industry as a considerable number of armyorders were
rescinded10. In the 1950s, the aptitude and comfort of commercial aircrafts advanced
significantlyas planes were modernized, including the introduction of jet service in
1959; facilitating6 Devani Boyd Safety and Profits in the Airline Industry. The
Journal of IndustrialEconomics, 34 (3): (20000 311.7 Ibid 3128 Ibid 3129 Ibid pp
31510 Heppenheimer, T. A. The U.S. Aircraft Industry An Overview U.S. Centennial
of Flight Commission.
5. Boeing VS Airbus 5faster cross country flight service. During this period, Boeing
launched Boeing 707 whileDouglas manufactured its DC models, DC 8 being the
latest model in that decade .11Insubsequent years, Boeing and Douglas competed
profoundly to vend their planes byproposing conventional deviations of a basic
design that would serve airlines particularneeds such as big wings for long variety.
How Does Elie Wiesel Use Motifs In Night
Eyes are said to be the window into someone s soul. Through eyes, one can see the
depths of strong emotion and deepest fears. In Elie Wiesel s memoir Night, Eliezer
lived in Sighetu MarmaИ›iei, originally referred to as Sighet, located in Northwestern
Romania with his parents and three sisters. They were forced into a ghetto and
ultimately ended up separated in Auschwitz. In the memoir Night, Elie Wieseluses the
motif eyes to show the ways that the Holocaustimpacted people s humanity. Elie uses
the motif eyes to reveal emotion and thoughts of people throughout the book.
Madame Schachter was a woman on the train heading for Auschwitz with Elie and
his family. Her husband and two eldest sons were deported by mistake onto the first
How Does Kim Kardashian Deserve To Be Famous
Does Kim Kardashian really deserve to be famous?
We all know it s no lie that fame is one of the greatest things one can achieve, but
do some people really deserve the amount of fame that they have? I mean, I know
there are many different ways in which one can grab the fame at any given
opportunity... but leaking your private life to the whole world is just a step too far
if you ask me. Some may say it s desperate, some may say it s not her fault that the
sex tape got leaked but others may then say she thrives off it. Does Kim Kardashian
really deserve to be famous?
It s like a simple equation on how the Kardashians gained fame; Kim Kardashian has
sex with Ray J (on camera), Ray J leaks the video, Kim becomes famous, her sisters
and mother then become famous, and all for what? Nothing. Although, people say that
she gained fame through the fact her dad was a famous lawyer, especially for the case
... Show more content on ...
She s not exactly an interesting person. The only time that you ever see her on the
front cover is when she s trying to garner some attention by making up fake stories
for sympathy. You can clearly tell that her publicist is fighting to keep her on the
front pages and main headliners of the media. She s so over dramatic, selfish and
all she loves is herself (maybe a second love in her life is her child). Who forgets
their child? Was it actually a rumour that Kim had left her child in the hotel room
and had to rush from the taxi back to collect her, or was it just the usual stupid
antics of Kim? I m sure she is a loving mother, but your child comes before your
publicity. Let s not forget about that episode of KUWTK in Bora Bora, where she
literally cried over losing her diamond earrings in the water. Not like she couldn t
buy anymore anyway considering all the money that she has. She really doesn t
deserve her fame and fortune. Like all rubbish, she will eventually fade into
John Brown Failures
John Brown had an ordinary life before he became embroiled in the antislavery
movement. Brown was born in 1800 and he grew up in Ohio. Due to him working
with his father in a tannery, he later wanted to start one of his own when he was
seventeen. The young man soon master the rural arts of farming, tanning, surveying,
home building, and animal husbandry, but his most conspicuous talent seemed to be
one for profuse and painful failure. (Chowder, 333) When he was twenty, he got
married, but later became a widower due to his wife passing away eleven years after
their marriage. However, he got married again and became the father of twenty
children, in which only eleven were able to make it to adulthood. Brown invested
money for his tannery, but... Show more content on ...
In May 1856, Brown led a group of volunteer abolitionists toward Pottawatomie
Creek, where people who were in favor of slavery lived at. He took a total of eight
people with him to Pottawatomie Creek. Brown wanted to seek revenge on the
proslavery people for the sacking of Lawrence. During their mission, Brown got a
hold of James Doyle and other men of the family. Brown watched as his followers
were attacking them by slicing their heads and arms. Doyle was then shot in the head
by Brown. Brown and the other abolitionists went to other homes and killed more
men before they were finished with their mission. This event came to be known as
the Pottawatomie Massacre and from this event, :John brown, the aged outsider,
became an abolitionist leader. (Chowder, 334) Therefore. Brown started to be more
known for his actions against the people who were in favor of slavery as soon as he
arrived tp
Corporate Tax, Cost of Debt, Cost of Equity and Capital...
Corporate Tax, Cost of Debt, Cost of Equity and Capital Structure: A case study of
REITs and conventional real estate firms in the UK
University of Groningen
Faculty of Economics and Business
BSc International Business
January 2013
Table of contents
1. Introduction4
2. REITs7
3. Literature Review9 3.1 Capital Structure Irrelevance9 3.2 Present Models10
4. Data and Methodology12 4.1 Regression12
5. Findings and Discussion16
6. Conclusion20
7. Appendix21
8. Bibliography30
In January 2007 the UK adopted the globally successful real estate investment trust
(REIT) regime, allowing real estate firms to adopt the REIT status with the benefit of
immediate exemption from ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, I expect that REITs use relatively less debt for financing, because of the
relatively higher cost of debt.
Already in 1958, Modigliani and Miller have pointed the discussion of capital
structure towards the cost of debt and equity. According to their first proposition, in
a world of no corporate taxes and with perfect markets, financial leverage has no
effect on a firm s value. In their second proposition, they state that the cost of equity
equals a linear function defined by the required return on assets and the cost of debt
(Modigliani and Miller, 1958).
As negative aspects of debt, e.g. personal tax loss and bankruptcy costs however do
exist in reality, Miller (1977) elaborates that leverage will either have no or a
negative effect on the firm s value, hence untaxed firms should favor equity.
Nevertheless, firms have used leverage even before corporate taxes have been
introduced (Maris and Elayan, 1990). This implies the existence of some market
imperfections, which benefit the use of debt financing, thus enable a trade off of the
cost and benefits of debt resulting in an optimal capital structure, where marginal cost
equal marginal benefits.
In general, the majority of existing research is set up by taking the security issuance
choice as the dependent variable and then tests empirically for determinants based on
data from one type of companies. It needs to be taken into consideration that security
issue decision and capital
Were Ancient Egyptians Really Alone Essay
Ancient egyptian aliens, the whole subject seems pretty far fetched but is it really
as out there as we think it is? Archaeologists find evidence regularly at famous
egyptian landmarks of extraterrestrial presence. So much infact that it has lead
scientists to wonder, were the ancient egyptians really alone in the desert? What put
the egyptians so far ahead of the the rest of the world, with their structures and
technology? Recent discoveries are showing that they not only had control of
advanced medicine, but they also had a sophisticated social structure. Many places
around the world have been shown with this advancement, a more popular example
would be Atlantis. With their advanced and highly valued metals, Atlantis was a
hotspot for cultural mixing. So if all of this happened and yet we still don t have
any clear cut proof. Except for the pyramids. The pyramids have proven to be a
treasure trove of ancient technology and knowledge.... Show more content on ...
Around and inside the pyramids were inventions well surpassing the capabilities of
an ancient civilization. What remains are blueprints for a device much like a
modern day lightbulb, a building that could heal people with sound, blocks cut with
such precision modern day inventions would have a hard time cutting with such
accuracy, and even more. Now the question raised is, How is all of this possible?
Well considering that the pyramids are position in such a pattern only viewed as a
whole from space, scientists believe that it extraterrestrials who had a hand in
sculpting these major feats in human
Digital And Social Media Analysis
Digital and Social media tools/website:
Netflix/TVNZ ondemand: The reason why streaming the shows using Netflix
would be the best idea to show is they have their own Netflix Kid section where
they are all child friendly , it provides the platform to watch whenever the children
is able to do on their free time and you can go back and forth to see the previous
steps if the child is lost on what the next step should be like. Adding on, more than
80% of American under the age 35 have Netflix (Harwell,2016), this would
potentially be parents who uses Netflix with children which would then result to us
having to use Netflix.
Website: There will be a website to showcase the work of the children craft and the
children s ability to ... Show more content on ...
You can use this with either a laptop, mobile phone, iPad or a computer.
Website: Using website is another alternative to having an App. We would like to
open this collaboration with everyone for those who do not have a Phone or an iPad.
Using all these platforms it reaches a wider audience for people who have different
digital tools so we present the show as being accessible online.
Communication and creative strategy:
Instagram has been one of the most popular apps in the world that this will be have
to be a compulsory social media strategy to gain attraction amongst our target
audience (Salleh et al., 2015). This is a pathway for us to engage with our
customers, viewers and users of our show. They will be able to tag us in posts and
also it s for us to communicate to our viewers whether if we have promotional
materials or competitions which will led for us to engage with our audience.
Facebook is one of the most used websites currently, that this is another passage for
us to communicate to our audience. With all the tools available that are similar with
instagram, this shows us on how to engage with our customers and the results of
each posts. We are able to use the boost tools to engage in a more wider audience to
increase our reach not just children from our closer region, but beyond that. This
Four-Bathroom Home Case Study
Cleveland, Ohio, is the most affordable housing market, with an average sale price
of $74,502. In fact, 45% of the most affordable markets in the U.S. are located in
the Midwest. This is at least in part due to the fact that many of these markets were
the first to go into a housing correction, have had a long way to recovery, and are
still doing so. The honor of most expensive place to live in the U.S. goes to
Newport Beach, California, where the average list price for a four bedroom, two
bathroom home is $2,291,764. (Note that a Cleveland home is 30 times less
expensive than a home in Newport Beach.) In comparison, the nationwide average
listing price for a four bedroom, two bathroom home is $302,632, although buyers
can find one for under
The Importance Of Fine Arts Education
Throughout many years, art has been proved to play a crucial role in life. Research
have shown that art courses are important even necessary for children and students in
kindergarten, elementary, middle, and high schools because art can help out in
emotional, mental, and physical being. Many art classes include visual artsbut
performing arts such as dance, theatre and choir are also included. David A. Sousa a
neuroscientist stated that Certain brain areas respond only to musicwhile others are
devoted to initiating and coordinating movement from intense running to the
delicate sway of the arms . Sousa points out that there are many benefits to art
because of the slow movements of the arms and brain activities. Also, schools all
over the world have been slowly cutting out fine arts education for other classes and
clubs. The newer generation is fully understanding the negative effects of the cutting
the funds of fine arts programs. In the recent years, schools have been focusing on
the idea called Common Core which normally includes; math, science, history, and
English. Because of these different types of classes results in a reduction in fine arts
classes. But many students learn different types of real life skills which they need in
the adult world . With the usage of visual and performing arts, students can begin to
improve their personal growth. When producing original works, the students tend to
enjoy the time spent on the piece of art, and draw in a sense of pride
Organizational Change Essay
After reviewing and researching the literature with respect to organizational changes,
I have come to the conclusion that organizations have always changed. When
everything in the world is changing, organization cannot remain islands. They must
change to face new challenges. Bolman and Deal (2008) claim organizations have
changed about as much as in past few decades as in the preceding century. Bolman
and Deal (2008) claim means that the change organizations have experienced in the
last decade are almost similar to those they experience in at the end of the twentieth
century. However, in my opinion this is not entirely true, although some of the
changes organizations have experienced in the last decade are a product of changes
and... Show more content on ...
As a result of the success these practices have realized, employees tend to embrace
them and reject any changes that do not conform to what they consider the way they
have always done things. Employees usually become conditioned to the idea that the
activities and procedures of the past will continue to be fruitful in future. As a result,
they may reject new development and advancements that they feel would threaten
their value system. It is important to change various aspects of organization culture
when trying to institute change in organizations (Kavita, 2005). The aspects that such
changes should target include the balance of power in the organizations, the
organization structure that supports the framework, leadership and management
styles. Organizational history is also very critical, especially if it has a progressive
track record success. However, if the culture despite the changes remains aligned to
the organization goals and mission the employees will adopt it and embrace change.
Specific societal needs and accountability measures have strongly influenced changes
in organizations throughout the 20th and the 21st centuries. Societal needs are
dynamic and ever changing and, as a result, the push organization to find new ways
of meeting their demand (Kezar et al, 2011). For instance, employees and customers
no longer appreciate being the last to know about new research and development,
Evaluation Of A Student For Special Education Essay
In order for a student to be eligible for special education services, the regular
education teacher discovers that there is a problem. From there, a screening must
take place. The screening can consist of hearing, vision, communication, and any
other type that may be needed. Permission is not needed in order to do a screening.
Next, Response to Intervention begins, also known as RTI. This provides levels or
tiers of increasingly intensive instruction to help students master academic content.
Tier 1 takes place in a regular classroom setting. Tier 2 involves and allows the
student to go out to a specialty teacher. Tier 3 mainly takes place in a special
education classroom. Tier 3 requires more one on one instruction for the student
from the teacher. RTI serves two purposes support struggling learners and identify
students with learning disabilities. Parents are invited to take part in their child s
RTI process. Other school professionals also take part during the RTI process to
meet the child needs. Research Based Interventions are used during the RTI
process. Data is gathered during the RTI process on a regular basis. After a few
weeks, the team meets again to determine how beneficial the interventions are for
the child. If RTI is working, it is continued, if RTI is not working, a meeting takes
place where the RTI data is presented. Then the referral process initiates.
The referral process commences with an Admissions and Release Committee known
as ARC. Here, the student
The Dream Argument by Rene Descartes Essay
One of Rene Descartes s most famous arguments, from his not only from his first
meditation but all of the meditations, is his Dream Argument. Descartes believes
that there is no way to be able to distinguish being in awake from being in a state of
dreaming. In fact you could actually be in a dream right now. Rene Descartes s
theory that one is unable distinguish being awake from dreaming, as interesting as it
is, can be at times a little farfetched, along with a few contradictions to himself,
Descartes s dreamargument does not entitle himself to any sort of claim.
Descartes wrote the Meditations on First Philosophy were first published in the year
1641 in Latin. There are six total Meditations that Descartes had written. One thing
that ... Show more content on ...
It is deception from the sense that causes this mistrust for Descartes and brings forth
the Dream Argument. The human senses as well feel very real, just as they do in
reality, and this is one of the first things that have Descartes question the
differences between being awake and dream. Due to the trust issues it he becomes
unsure of whether he is dreaming or not. When it comes to dreaming Descartes
thinks that there could possibility that some certain God that may have easily
deceived him in falsely believing in things could appear to be correct but are not.
However Descartes says that it God is described as a supremely good being
(Descartes, 21). God has always been a being that is worshiped and why would so
many people worship an evil God if he brings no positives to their lives. Descartes
however is not 100 percent positive on whether God is being deceptive or not being
deceptive. James Hill says that [the] key move that Descartes then makes is to
highlight the lack of insight one has into one s condition when dreaming. It is this
lack of insight, and Descartes way of interpreting it, which forms the backbone of the
dreaming argument (Hill, 2). To shorten that down, the minimal explanations to why
and how dreams occur is the foundation for Descartes s Dream Argument.
The main idea of Descartes is that there is no difference between being awake and
dreaming. Descartes says there are no definite signs to differ dreaming from being
awake. You could be possibly
The Path Between the Seas Book Report Essay
Lulu Stevens HST 143 Dr. Quirk 10/26/14The Path Between the Seas By: David
Mccullough David McCullough s The Path Between Seas was printed in New York
City, New York in the year 1977. The events regarding the Panama Canal as
discussed in David McCullough s The Path Between Seas allowed an impressive
assertion of American power the likes of which had never before been displayed. In it
s rich history, this novel offers recollections of failure on France s part, American
strength overcoming Columbian resistance, and triumphant success of medical care
and engineering. During the late 1800s, France was an undeniable force in the
engineering world. It would turn out, however, that America was the country which
would... Show more content on ...
As it would turn out, the French didn t exactly accomplish what they had hoped. A
major loss in funds due to gross misuse and bribery and large casualties rendered
the project a total bust. Many of the early deaths were of the brightest engineering
graduates of the time. Exaggerated claims of false progress kept the money flowing
into the project, but before long the fraud was exposed. Only two fifths of the canal
had been dug after the French spent 2 years longer than they d intended digging. De
Lesseps s reputation was destroyed; all assets the French had gathered were sold to
the Americans for a measly $40 million. America unlike their predecessors in the task
would learn from prior mistakes and have much better luck with this undertaking,
eventually accomplishing the task. America would even defeat Columbian resistance
and assist in developing a new country. After settling the close debate as to where the
American s wished to build their canal and purchasing the area under the 1903 Hay
Herran treaty, the U.S. needed only permission to unearth the ground. Colombia wasn
t too fond of the idea and thus rejected all of America s efforts. Negotiations with the
country went quite poorly as well. Arthur BeauprГ© was chose to communicate with
Colombia but negotiations continued to go poorly as, he was frequently blunt, even
dictatorial, in his
Trench Coat Mafia Research Paper
Trench Coat Mafia The media got hold of the myth from students and held on to it
. The story was the perfect fit for a existing myth of a school shooter. The myth
about the killers was released out before the killers bodies were found. So no one
had seen them they just took a story and ran with it because it sounded good.
Sophomore year is when the trench coats began Eric wanted to go as dracula so
his parents stopped by Sam s Club and got him a long black duster which the kids
referred to as a trench coat . It didn t so much work for him for halloween but he
wanted to change up his style so he began wearing it to school. Many kids called
him a freak and even gay sometimes. Dylan, Eric, and chris began wearing... Show
more content on ...
They then said the shooters killed jocks because of jock abuse . A witness Junior
Bree Pasquale came forward and said they were killing everyone . Bree said They
didn t care who it was (pg.151) so that put out there that the myth of jocks wasn t
true. But the media tried to push what she said to the side because they needed some
type of story. CNN reporters were getting many interviews from students some
students that weren t even at school that day and didn t even know of the killers. But
students came forward saying they knew the TCM was behind the attack. No one
asked how they knew they just published and broadcasted the story. Soon a report
came out quoted Trench coat mafia was a gay conspiracy so people feed off that
myth . Students started coming out with stories out being gay and outcast. A lot of
the time they like to wear makeup and paint their nails and stuff Columbine senior.
Although the student didn t know the boys the story grew .Many students at
columbine were disappointed that people would make up such things not even
knowing the
Judaism and Christianity Essay
Judaism and Christianity
Jesus is the fulfillment of Judaic prophecies; he is the new Moses imparting the new
Law of Love.
MarkPerhaps John Mark, missionary helper of Paul/PeterA suffering Christian
community, perhaps in RomeJesus is the Suffering Servant Messiah; imitate Jesus
fidelity by not losing heart; the way to glory is through the cross
LukeGentile companion of Paul; a doctor; also wrote ActsA Gentile Christian church,
perhaps in southern GreeceJesus salvationis open to everyone, especially the
oppressed, poor, despised; Jesus is the universal savior
JohnA disciple of the beloved apostle, JohnSeveral Christian churches around the
Roman Empire have been suggested #8212;notably Ephesus, but also Antioch in ...
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tribe #8230;Genesis 49:10 David s lineage #8230;2 Samuel 7:1 29 Divine origin
#8230;Isaiah 9:6,7 In righteousness #8230;Isaiah 11:1 5 At God s appointed time
#8230;Ezekiel 21:27 Will endure forever #8230;Daniel 2:44 Born in Bethlehem
#8230;Micah 5:2,3 He is coming #8230;Malachi 3:1 5
Christ s right to rule, determined by: Divine decree #8230;Psalm 2:6,7 Prophecy
#8230;Psalm 45:6,7 Birth #8230;Isaiah 9:6 7 Being seated at God s right hand
#8230;Psalm 16:8 11, Psalm 110:1,2, Acts 2:34 36 Crowning #8230;Zechariah 6:11
Described as: Eternal #8230;Revelation 11:15 Spiritual #8230;John 18:36, 37 Not for
immoral or indecent person #8230;Ephesians 5:5 Of his dear Son #8230;Colossians
Kingdom of God #8212;the rule or sovereignty of God
Described as: God #8230;Mark 1:15 Heaven #8230;Matthew 3:2 Christ and God
#8230;Ephesians 5:5 Their Father #8230;matthew 13:43 My Father s #8230;Matthew
26:29 His dear Son #8230;Colossians 1:13
Special Features of: Good News of #8230;Matthew 24:14 Message of #8230;Matthew
13:19 Secret of #8230;Mark 4:10 13 Key of David #8230;Revelation 3:7
Entrance into, by: New birth #8230;John 3:1 8 Granted #8230;Luke 22:29 Divine
call #8230;1 Thessalonians 2:12 Turning from sin #8230;Matthew 3:2
Members of: Be concerned #8230;Matthew 6:33 Pass through troubles #8230;Acts
14:22 Preach it #8230;Acts 8:12 Pray for it #8230;Matthew 6:10 Work in
Ethical Consumption of Protein
Is there a truly ethical way to consume animal proteins? Even in the age of
technology there is now way that raising animals for slaughter can really be
considered ethical. It is really just a decision for each individual whether or not they
feel that they can live with the idea of consuming meat. When you talk about animal
treatments there is only one place to start, Veal. Veal is a male calfof a dairy cow. The
male calf is taken away from its mother at one day old. Then they are shipped to
farms where they are kept in dark tiny crates (PETA Dairy 5). The purpose of this
procedure is to keep the calf from using muscles, keeping the muscles soft and
tender. The calves are fed a liquid diet that is low in iron and provides little
nutrition. From this treatment the calves frequently suffer from anemia, diarrhea,
and pneumonia (PETA Dairy 5). After just a few months the calves are taken to the
slaughterhouse and killed (PETA Dairy 6). If this isn t something viewed upon as
unethical than I m not sure what is. Then there are cattle that are raised for beef.
The cows that are raised for beef are subject to branding for identification, which is
preformed with a hot iron pressed into their flesh. They also have their horns cut or
burned off of them (PETA Beef 1). These cows also receive very little veterinary
care and result in death from infections or injury (PETA Beef 2). The cows are also
fed a highly unnatural diet to fatten them up, causing digestive
Dorm Room Analysis
Being at a military academy our dorm rooms are supposed to be uniform and
sparkling clean. My dorm room looks similar to the numerous others at this
academy, but it includes minute touches that molds the room into my own. First off,
the thing I remember most about my room is the cleanliness and purity of the room,
but yet it still somehow manages to have that appearance of being worn and
exhausted. The smell of Lysol smacks me right in the face along with the hint of
mustiness in the air. In addition to the smell I hear the slight hum of the air
conditioner running nonstop, which leads the room to feel as if I am in the freezer
section at Walmart. The next element of the room I notice is the floors. Even if I had
just mopped the floors they... Show more content on ...
The rack is crisp and squared away. The hospital corners appear to be drawn on the
bed they are so perfect. They are at forty five degrees coming down from the
corner. At the end of the rack is the foot blanket folded into thirds with the edge
lined up exactly with the edge of the rack. Both the foot blanket and blanket on the
bed are made out of the same itchy material. When I touch them the first thing that
comes to mind is a one size to small turtle neck sweater that your grandmother
netted for you. On top of the foot blanket is a khaki garrison cover with the top
folded in, and is also lined up with the edge of the foot blanket. With the dark ocean
blue blanket folded back eighteen inches, the rack looks as if it should be mounted
on a wall for its pristineness. Located under the rack is the bookshelf. It too is
exactly and meticulously organized. The books are on the left hand side aligned
with the edge of the shelf in decreasing height order from left to right. In the middle
of the shelf are my binders which are stacked on top of each other with the bottom
one being orange and proceeding up, scarlet, banana yellow, midnight black and light
ocean blue. Then on the far right is the hp printer, with all the wires running behind
the rack, to increase the simplicity of the room. The printer is slightly longer than the
bookshelf so it sticks out taking away from the perfection of the
Sample Synthesis Essay
Nature based sound intervention decreases the levels of anxiety and agitation in
critically ill mechanically ventilated patients
To assess the effect of nature based sound intervention on anxiety and agitation levels
in critically ill mechanically ventilated patients.
A randomized single blinded placebo controlled trial was used to conduct this study.
50 mechanically ventilated patients were randomly assigned to either the intervention
or control groups where the investigator was blinded to treatment allocation.
Randomization was performed using sealed envelope technique
The study was conducted in the Medical and Surgical Intensive Care Units and the
Coronary Care Unit at King Fahd Hospital
The Movement International Recognition Of The Church
Rastafarianism In the 1930s, right after coronation of Haile Selassie I as emperor
of Ethiopia, a religious following was started in Jamaica known as Rastafari, an
Abrahamic belief.The most famous Rastafari is arguably Bob Marley, whose
reggae music gained the Jamaican movement international recognition. Spiritual
and moral traits vary widely within the religion, causing members to either to see it
as a way of life or more as a religion. But what is uniting members across the world
is the messiahship and divinity of the first emperor, Selassie. Rastafarianism does not
really have an organizational structure or leadership even though it recognizes people
like Marcus Garvey, Leonard Howell, Joseph Hibbert, Archibald Dunkley, Mortimer
Planno, Vernon Carrington, Charles Edwards and Peter Tosh. Many elements of
Rastafari reflect its origins in Jamaica along with Ethiopian culture. Ethiopian
Christianity traces its roots to the Church of Alexandria, founded by St Mark, and its
5th century continuation in the Coptic Church of Alexandria. Rastafari holds many
Christian beliefs like the existence of atriune God, called Jah, who had sent his
divine incarnate son to Earth in the form of Jesus (Yeshua) and made himself
manifest as the divine person of Haile Selassie I. Rastafari accept much of the Bible,
although they believe that its message and interpretation have been corrupted.
(wikipedia) Members are currently approximately 1 million in number, all over the
Perpetrator Vs Bystander
I agree with Miles Lehrman when he said that A perpetrator is not the most
dangerous enemy because they re not worse than the perpetrator who watched
everything that happened and didn t say anything it didn t want nothing to do
with what was going on. In my own opinion, I feel as that the person that watched
what happened which is the perpetrator is bad as the bystander because they could
do the same thing the bystander do. In addition, to what I was saying about
agreeing with miles Lehrman and saying that a perpetrator is worse than a
bystander here an example. For example, if you were robbing a bank and you took
some money and jewelry. When you would leave and be on a high speed chase there
going to have that one person that s going to
Consumerism and Materialism in America Essay
The economy is a very fragile thing; however it can have an enormous impact on
people. Americans especially are affected because they are so greedy, they always
want more. Because Americans are very materialistic, they can become overly
arrogant and possessive since they are used to getting their way, on account of having
Some people are never satisfied with what they have; they are always on the lookout
for more money and more possessions. Man requires food, shelter, clothing and fuel
everything else is superfluous. Luxuries lead to things like materialism and greed.
People need to realize that everyone is the same on the inside. Our ancestors didn t
have technology or a ton of money and they somehow survived. For the improvement
... Show more content on ...
If a man were to wake up one morning and decide he wanted a new car it would not
be unusual. However, if he decides he wants to upgrade his Toyota Camry to a Ferrari
then he is being materialistic. Odds are that this man cannot afford this superfluous
vehicle and his fantasies are getting the best of him. He is wasting money on
unimportant things.
Producers are always looking for a new way to make money. They research ways to
produce their merchandise more cheaply. ... appliances designed to wear out quickly
and be thrown away. (Berry) If people were more concerned with function and not
money then America would have a lot less waste and Americans would waste a lot
less money. Producers also research new products they can make money from.
Consumer wants can have bizarre, frivolous or even immoral origins, and an
admirable case can still be made for a society that seeks to satisfy them. (Gailbraith).
Producers encourage and scheme ways to get you to buy their product. Producers
know that the economy controls everything.
Producers are enablers. They encourage people to spend money on things they don t
need and aren t necessities. Consumers are like drug addicts, they shop for things
they don t need and are constantly striving to acquire what they don t have. We
Americans are beyond a simple, possessive materialism. (Rose) Americans have
developed a shopping problem. We buy things simply for the
The Relationship Between Body Weight And Blood Pressure
The Relationship between Body Weight and Blood Pressure The hypothesis is to
determine the Relationship between Body Weight and Blood Pressure. High
blood pressure has been noted as one of the leading non infectious diseases around
the world. According to Abdulle A. and his research colleges, in their research
they stated that high blood pressure contributes to an important and prevalent risk
factor to cardiovascular disease. The research finding of Abdulle A. et al. quoted
that it appears from our study that one of the causes of this problem is the high
level of obesity known to elevate the risk for cardiovascular diseases. Harsh D. and
Bray G. brought the attention of the Framingham Study showing that the
participants of both sexes demonstrated increasing blood pressures with increased
overweight. One of the earlier studies that contributed to health was The
Framingham Heart Study the study was introduced on the research of health by
studying the general causes of heart disease. According to Dr. William B. Kannel
The Framingham Heart Study was developed in 1948, the objective of the study
was to understand the factors of Cardio Vascular Disease by following its
development with participants that have not yet developed overt symptoms of
Cardio Vascular Disease. The research will fallow participants for a long period of
time to record changes in towards their health. The researchers stated by Dr. Kannel
recruited 5,209 men and women between the ages of 30 and 62 the
Analysis Of Richard Rodriguez s Hunger Of Memory
An autobiography is completely unlike any other type of writing, and it is this
style of book that author Richard Rodriguez bravely chose to use in Hunger of
Memory. Essentially, an autobiography is a book documenting someone s life; full
of their heartbeat and heartaches. Its raw authenticity is so refreshing in
comparison to complex literary texts full of hidden metaphors and complicated
symbolism. Through this sort of writing, Rodriguez provides an authentic, honest
account of his life while detailing how race played a role in it. In order to
accomplish this, he examines specific aspects of his life and reveals how his culture
and skin color affected these areas. Throughout the text it is obvious that the
consequences of race are involved in every single part of people s lives, specifically
education, as revealed through the hidden curriculum, language, and religion involved
in the classroom. Schools are supposed to teach academic material, but they also
teach students how to function in society and fit in with the culture. In a sense, the
classroom becomes a sort of miniature community as the educator and students
function in a way that reflects the real world outside of classroom doors. Based upon
this idea that schools resemble actual society, researchers have drawn direct links
between the quality of a schools climate and its educational outcomes (Jerald). This
phenomenon is called the hidden curriculum and refers to a range of things (attitudes,
WorldCom and The Mississippi Scheme Scandals Essay
WorldCom and The Mississippi Scheme are both large financial scandals that have
occurred. WorldCom was a telecommunication company that overstated their cash
flow by reporting $7.6 billion in operating expenses as capital expenses. WorldCom
is the largest accounting scandal in US history as of March 2002. The Mississippi
Scheme was a business scheme that destroyed the economy of Franceduring the 1700
s. The scheme involved the loss of paper money s purchasing power as a result of
asset inflation. Both WorldCom and The Mississippi Scheme were frauds involving
manipulation to create higher stock prices and dubious practices within the
organizations to keep the public unaware. Bernie Ebbers was the founder and CEO
of WorldCom. He... Show more content on ...
Buford Yates Jr. was the accounting director of WorldCom. He instructed the
accountants to adjust financial records as the company was failing. He was acting on
orders from his superiors.
Betty Vinson was the director of management reporting at WorldCom. Troy Normand
was the director of legal entity accounting. They made some of the fraudulent entries.
They did this because they were pressured by there superiors.
The Duke of Orleans became the Regent of France in 1715 and served as the ruler
while the heir to the throne was a minor. Regent knew of John Law s financial
expertise and asked for his advice and assistance in straightening out France s
financial mess left over from years of uncontrolled spending under Louis XIV. The
Regent approved Law s scheme and allowed it to happen. John Law was the
founder of the Mississippi Scheme. He was the Controller General and
Superintendent General of Finance which gave him control of all of France s
finances and money creation. He also controlled the company that handled all of
France s foreign trade and colonial development. The scheme he came up with was
a bank that would pay off the national debt, increase the reve¬nue, and at the
same time diminish the taxes. His bank would receive deposits of all the coin and
in exchange give its bills. The bills were worth set value, earning interest, and were
payable on de¬mand. The bills would take the place of coin and were to be a better
and more
Battle Of Olustee Essay
The Battle of Olustee, also known as the Battle of Ocean Pond, only lasted for a
single afternoon, but became the second bloodiest battle for the Union, when the
casualties are compared to the number of soldiers engaged, and was the largest Civil
War battle fought in Florida. This short battle, often forgotten when compared to
grand battles fought during the four year war, is an superb example of how the
Union took their chances and gave it their all, even when it was clear that the
Confederates had better odds, and won the battle, in the end. On February 7, 1864,
the commander of the Union s Department of the South, General Quincy Gilmore,
dispatched General Truman Seymourto Jacksonville, Florida, in hopes of securing
land, politically; blocking, or disrupting Confederate supply... Show more content on ...
Many individual soldier s stories also demonstrate the resilience of either side,
showing how unwilling they were to give up, and stop fighting, until absolutely
necessary. Even John Hay s efforts to get Florida to join upcoming United States
political gatherings, show the unwavering pursuit for unity from the Union s side.
The purpose of this project is to learn more about the Battle of Olustee, and how
individuals, troops, and even the whole of both the Confederacy and Union stood up
against each other, to fight for what they believed in, and prove that each person that
participated in this battle found their own way to stand up for their beliefs. While
proving that this topic relates to the theme is the main purpose of the project, another
purpose is to learn more about what was happening throughout the United States
before, during, and after the time that this battle
Difference Between Fashion And Fashion
In the Oxford English Dictionary, fashion is defined as the production and
marketing of new styles of goods, especially clothing and cosmetics but in reality
what is fashion? Many of us have seen runways and elite fashion shows in the
media; we have even dreamed of sitting next to fashion icons like Anna Wintour and
Rihanna while enjoying said shows. Many of us have also shopped in our favorite
stores and noticed how different our clothingmay be from what we see on the
runway. Why is that you ask? The answer is simple: fashionis a complex entity that
can be split into two vastly different categories: high fashion and streetwear. Though
high fashion and streetwear are seemingly merging into one style of design and
production, the two have different backgrounds, sources of inspiration, price points
and intended audiences
High fashion is comprised of two categories: haute couture and prГЄt Г porter (ready
to wear). In World of Art: The Thames Hudson Dictionary of Fashion and Fashion
Designers, haute couture is defined as high quality fashion design and construction.
This kind of clothing is usually one of a kind and custom fit; official haute couture
brands are determined by the trade union Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture,
which produces a list of brands that fit into its criteria. Before the emergence of ready
to wear garments in the latter half of the twentieth century, fashion was an art that
only the wealthy could afford to indulge in. However, during the late
Bad Hooks Catch No Fish
Bad Hooks Catch No Fish
A good hook is what, best, brings a reader into any form of writing. If not, then all
could be lost, unless it is mentally forced upon. This is especially true for a novice,
or introductory, reader getting into the finer aspects of literature or composition. Such
as, Paul Rankin s (2005) essay, on Hemingway s Hills like White Elephants, lacks a
motivated lead. The opening transition word could throw a reader in the opposite
direction Rankin would have hoped for. The beginning paragraphs poor lead could
cause one to become lost before the revelation of thesis which makes a poor asset to
novice readers.
With the opening word Although (Rankin, p. 234) would make sense if a complete
thought was presented prior. It leaves one to ask, what this complete though could be.
With this lingering thought of what was the original, paves the way for a very
complex sentence, which is still a continuation of the leading thought. Now for
someone venturing into the literary scene, to read a sentence of this magnitude,
could become hesitant to continue. Although, the composition of the first sentence
is artful, it could still be a hard read. Which, from a scholar s perspective is
refreshing and at par. But the little guy becoming a scholar has not earned his
letterman mark yet. It is wise to be careful into reading a sentence with complex
composition of over 100 words. Additionally, the first sentence, a summation of
multiple views could introduce a novice
Privacy concerns with social networking services
Privacy concerns with social networking services Social networking sites vary in
the levels of privacy offered. For some social networking sites like Facebook,
providing real names and other personal information is encouraged by the site(onto a
page known as a Profile ). These information usually consist of birth date, current
address, and telephone number(s). Some sites also allow users to provide more
information about themselves such as interests, hobbies, favorite books or films, and
even relationship status. However, there are other social network sites, such as, where most people prefer to be anonymous. Thus, linking users to their
real identity can sometimes be rather difficult. Nevertheless, individuals can... Show
more content on ...
A study of Facebook profiles from students at Carnegie Mellon University revealed
that about 800 profiles included current resident and at least two classes being
studied, theoretically allowing viewers to know the precise location of individuals
at specific times.[4] AOL attracted controversy over its instant messenger AIM
which permits users to add buddies without their knowing, and therefore track
when a user is online.[4] Concerns have also been raised over the relative ease for
people to read private messages or e mails on social networking sites.[13]
Unintentional fame[edit] Privacy concerns have also been raised over a number of
high profile incidents which can be considered embarrassing for users. Various
internet memes have been started on social networking sites, or been used as a
means towards their spread across the internet. In 2002, a Canadian teenager became
known as
Type 2 Diabetes Virus
Diabetes mellitus is a medical condition that either develops because of a virus or
develops over time as a result to poor diet and exercise. If left uncontrolled it may
lead to serious complications such as stroke, vision loss, amputation, or even death.
Type II Diabetes is a preventable disease that usually occurs when a patient has
been a pre diabetic for some time. Most people with Type 2 are overweight or obese
which can lead to insulinresistance. In the United States, 25.6 million or 11.3% of
adults aged 20 years and older had diabetes in 2010. Non Hispanic Blacks had the
highest prevalence at 12.6% compared with non Hispanic Whites at 7.1% (Gaskin, D.
J. et all, 2014). With the rising cost of healthcare there are millions of Americans...
Show more content on ...
The document encourages good nutrition, physical activity, and a healthy body
weight as essential components to decrease ones risk of developing serious health
conditions such as diabetes. Its goal is to also educate and inform the public about
this serious condition. The document focuses on the fact that this disease is on the
rise throughout the U.S. and the world and provides suggestions to help reduce the
health and economic burden. Primary prevention: movement from no diabetes to
diabetes, testing and early diagnosis: movement from unrecognized to recognized
diabetes, access to care for all persons with diabetes: movement from no diabetes
care to access to appropriate diabetes care, and Improved quality of care: movement
from inadequate to adequate care (Healthy People 2020,

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Good Examples Of Argumentative Essays.pdf

  • 1. Good Examples Of Argumentative Essays Writing an essay on the topic "Good Examples of Argumentative Essays" can be a challenging task, requiring a careful balance between showcasing effective arguments and providing insightful analysis. One of the primary difficulties lies in the extensive research needed to find exemplary essays that not only present strong viewpoints but also adhere to the principles of sound argumentation. The process involves sifting through numerous sources to identify essays that have a well-structured thesis, supported by relevant evidence and counterarguments. Crafting a compelling essay further entails the challenge of maintaining a coherent flow while dissecting the chosen examples. This requires a deep understanding of the underlying argumentative strategies, persuasive techniques, and rhetorical devices employed by the authors of the essays under consideration. The writer must critically evaluate each example, dissecting the nuances of the argument, and articulating the reasons behind its effectiveness. Moreover, it is imperative to strike a balance between analysis and personal insights. While discussing the strengths of the selected essays, the writer should offer their interpretations and assessments without overshadowing the original content. This delicate balance demands a keen sense of objectivity and the ability to present a comprehensive overview without injecting excessive personal bias. In addition to the intellectual challenges, time management plays a crucial role. The research process, coupled with the analysis and actual writing, requires a substantial investment of time and effort. The writer must navigate through the plethora of available examples, choose the most relevant ones, and present a coherent synthesis of ideas. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Good Examples of Argumentative Essays" is a demanding task that involves extensive research, critical analysis, and effective synthesis of information. It requires a nuanced understanding of argumentative strategies, persuasive techniques, and rhetorical devices, coupled with the ability to maintain objectivity throughout. Despite the difficulties, producing a well-crafted essay on this topic can enhance one's skills in argumentation and critical thinking. If you find yourself struggling with such essays or need assistance in writing similar pieces, consider seeking help from professional services. Platforms offer a range of writing services, providing expert guidance and support in crafting high-quality essays on various topics. Good Examples Of Argumentative Essays Good Examples Of Argumentative Essays
  • 2. Underworld And Morality In The Aeneid The Underworld and Morality in Vergil s Aeneid Book IV of the Aeneid can stand alone as Vergil s highest literary achievement, but centered in the epic, it provides a base for the entire work. The book describes Aeneas s trip through the underworld, where after passing through the depths of hell, he reaches his father Anchises in the land of Elysium. Elysium is where the Soul[s] to which Fate owes Another flesh lie (115). Here Anchises delivers the prophecy of Rome to Aeneis. He is shown the great souls that will one day occupy the bodies of Rome s leaders. Before the prophecy of Rome is delivered, Aeneis s journey through the underworld provides a definite ranking of souls according to their past lives on Earth. The Aeneid does not ... Show more content on ... . . ] / Life s joyless outcasts [. . . ] / Plucked from the breast unripe (108). This probably refers to aborted and abandoned babies. A Roman mother wanting to rid herself of the burden of parenthood would certainly weigh one thousand years of wailing for her dead child against whatever hardship she foresees in rearing that child. Next are the falsely accused. Minos presides over a silent court, where the accused forever plead their innocence. This is a call for fair justice in Roman courts. The accusers are not only sentencing an end to life on earth, but also adding a much longer punishment of grief to the accused in the afterlife. As with the babies, the punishment falls to the victim, thus encouraging the powerful to use their judgement meticulously. Further down the river, Aeneis encounters souls that have brought punishment unto themselves. First those who Dealt death unguilty, and threw away their lives (109). Suicide has often been called the most selfish of human acts; selfish to the ones who care and love for the victim, and selfish to the God that gave the victim life. The fate for suicide is constant drowning, like the constant drowning into the self that a person contemplating suicide must feel. This punishment suggests that suicide will not stop agony, but only prolong it. After the self inflicted deaths, there are the heart broken whom Love s unpitying wound / Wasted; in death itself their pain remains
  • 3. Statistical Analysis Of Variance ( Anova ) And Scott Knott... 2.5.3 Statistical analysis Two tests were made: analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Scott Knott multiple comparison test. ANOVA was made with Microsoft ExcelВ® software. Scott Knott was conducted with SisvarВ® software to compare means (treatments statistically different). Both tests were made with a 95% confidence limit. 2.5.3 Air permeability Air permeability of the mortars was evaluated according to Thenoz method (Pereira and Camarini, 2011). Cylindrical specimens (50 mm diameter and 100 mm height) were prepared and cured at room temperature for 28 days (average temperature of 25 В°C В± 2 В°C and relative humidity of 60%). Before testing, the specimens were cut into three parts and the central part (50 mm height) was used in the test. The slices were oven dried at 50 В°C В± 2 В°C for 48 h and after cooling they had their lateral surfaces sealed to guarantee the flow was uniaxial and perpendicular to the cross sectional area. The test was made in a varying charge apparatus. The average values of three specimens of each mortar composition were reported. Air permeability was calculated by the Equation 1, which is based on Darcy s law (Camarini et al., 2008). k = (Ој/ПЃ.g).(s/S).ln(h0/h1).1/t Equation 1 Where: k = air permeability coefficient (mВІ); Ој = air viscosity at the test temperature (Pa.s); ПЃ = density of water (kg/mВі); g = specific gravity (m/sВІ); S = cross sectional area of the sample (mВІ); s = cross sectional area of capillary tube (mВІ); h0 = start water level (m); h1 =
  • 4. Open Skies Policies Essay Open skies policy: In the 1990 the government of Pakistan takes on an open skies aviation policy, and signed a memo of considerate with a number of countries of the state and external. These work out were take on in great speed without really considerate the insinuation of open skies PIA, which was at that time mostly needy upon domestic and cultural passenger traffic, unexpectedly set up itself challenging with carries at home. The result disorder led to more confusion in the minds of underfessional bureaucrats, the narrow authority and of course the national carrier. All was looking shortsightedly from side to side its own prism of attention, litter understanding the harmful shock of its events, or inactions, on the condition of the ... Show more content on ... Pakistan has included air services contract with 91 countries. As per the new national aviation policy of Pakistan, namely Lahore, Islamabad and Peshawar, effective January 01, 1990. The national air line, Pakistan international Airline (PIA) now operates services to 45 cities in 36 countries across four continents. Is also serves over 30 cities within the Pakistan. Thee aviation liberalization policy has also opened up investment chance in the hardship of airports. in general, the deregulation of air transport has resulted in unique increase of the sector, with domestic passenger traffic increasing greatly. On the major means of transportation routes of air transport, in exacting in Karachi Islamabad and Karachi Lahore, lower fares have give to the break in increased. In recent year, the private airlines in Pakistan in Pakistan have flourished. Presently tree private airlines namely Aero Asia, bhoja and shaheen air lines are operation on domestic and international routes. New entrants are expected to enter the aviation market. 35 worldwide airlines operate to Pakistan and there has been a great increase on the cargo side, where the government open sky rule for select cargo flights is creating increase in this sharpness. In particular, with the opening of CIS stats, charter operations have aloes improved. PIA cargo speeded becomes the gold sponsor of logistics Pakistan, exhibition and conference: PIA Cargo and speeded is the supporter of logistic in
  • 5. Relationship Between Dimensions Of Service Quality And... Industry Project Proposal What is the relationship between Dimensions of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in regards to The Langham Hotel, Auckland? Submitted To:Academic Supervisor Dr. Indrapriya KulratneFoad Morzourghi Submitted By: Tariq Tanveer Mudh 100002023 Table of Contents 1. Introduction and Background3 1.1 Introduction3 1.2 Background:3 2. Research Question and Objectives:4 2.1 Research Question:4 2.2 Research Objectives:4 3. Literature Review:4 3.1 Service Quality:4 3.2 Customer Satisfaction:5 3.3 Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction:5 4. Research Methodology:7 4.1 Secondary Source of Data:7 4.2 Assumption:7 4.3 Ethical Consideration:8 4.4 Strength and Weakness of the research methodology:8 5. Project Management:9 5.1 Resources Required:10 6. References:11 1. Introduction and Background 1.1 Introduction The Langham Hotel is situated in the heart of vibrant location of Auckland City on the Symond Street. The Langham Hotel, Auckland has opened in the year 2005 by its parent company Langham Hotel International . Its presence is not only in New Zealand but also in cross countries (The Langham Hotel, Auckland, 2015). The Langham Hotel is currently operating in 4 continents with over 5000 rooms effectively manage by the Langham Hotels International (The Langham Hotel, Auckland, 2015). The Langham Hotel is a 5 star luxury property in the Auckland. In terms of dining facilities, The Langham,
  • 6. The Shabbat Marjane Satrapi In the comic The Shabbat by Marjane Satrapi, panels 11 and 41 have visual imagery that is profoundly moving. Even though the panels only consist of black and white, the narrative use of these colors helps to convey the emotions of the scene. Black is associated darkness, evil, and mystery which are mostly negative things. While white represents light, goodness, and purity, all positive things. Black and white are complete opposites of each other, black represents negative things, while white represents positive things. One example of this use of the colors is shown in panel 11. Panel 11 shows the speaker and her family after missiles hit the city they living in. The speaker is fearing for her life and hugs her mom for comfort she says I
  • 7. The Human Growth Hormone Human Growth hormone (GH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide produced by the anterior pituitary gland from somatotroph cells. GH has come to the forefront in the sports world for doping and anti aging promoters. In adults, the most prominent effects of GH are decreased fat mass and increased lean body mass. The increase in lean body mass is associated with increased protein synthesis, muscle mass, and muscle function (1). GH plays an important role in the linear development of bone growth in children and adolescents. After the body stops growing, GH levels decrease dramatically and remain low throughout the remainder of adult life (2). GH is a single chain peptide with 191 amino acids that is stabilized by two disulfide bridges. The molecular weight is 22,000 Daltons (3). GH 1 and GH 2 are genes for GH that are located on chromosome 17 in the q22 24 region (4). GH secretion is regulated by growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH). GHRH is a peptide released from the hypothalamus that stimulates the release of GH. The hypothalamus also secretes somatostatin, which inhibits the release of GH through back regulation. GHRH and somatostatin are released from the hypothalamus through the hypophyseal portal and are transported to the anterior pituitary. GH is released in a pulsatile fashion that is determined by the concentration of GHRH and somatostatin (5). Levels of GH are slightly higher in women than in men and the highest amounts of GH secretion is during puberty in
  • 8. Thomas Aquinas Fourth Argument While quite a bit of Aquinas framework is worried about uncommon disclosure the principle of the Incarnation of God s Word in Jesus Christ the Five Ways are cases of characteristic religious philosophy (Vidali, 2017). The arguments are known as argument from motion, argument from efficient cause, argument from necessary being, argument from gradations of goodness, and argument from design (Lander University, 2012). The argument that has caught my attention and goes with my beliefs is the argument from gradations of goodness. Aquinas fourth argument is that from degrees of goodness. Everything display more noteworthy or lesser degrees of goodness. There must subsequently exist an incomparable flawlessness that every blemished being approach yet miss the mark concerning.... Show more content on ... To summarize this argument there are diverse degrees of goodness in various things, there are distinctive degrees of being in various things the all the more being, the more goodness, for there to be degrees of being by any stretch of the imagination, there must be something which has being in the most elevated degree, in this way, a being in the Highest Degree or Perfect Being exists (Lander University, 2012). Thomas contends that to clarify the presence of this degree in being, there must be something which is uttermost being (Thomas Aquinas: The Fourth Way, 2013). This is obviously Aristotle s God, a being that is unadulterated fact. This being totally needs privation and probability, and is as such impeccable in its being (Thomas Aquinas: The Fourth Way, 2013). I do believe God is a flawless God with an outstanding and overflowing amount of goodness. God is a perfect
  • 9. The Origins of Russia Essay The Origins of Russia The country of Russia: enormous, expansive, wide open. The words that describe this Euro Asian country can be attributed to its origins from its Slavic inhabitants and the takeover by the Varangians. Kievan Russia, as it was called, started its own civilization in the year 862. The problem with the origin of the Russian State is that it is exceedingly complex and many theories are based on circumstantial evidence. A good example of this is the early history of the plains above the Black Sea. This region compromises the center of the Kievan State, yet much is unknown about these parts due to the lack of resources. Archaeological finds suggest many ideas, all of which are unconfirmed. The simplest and ... Show more content on ... The Scythians lived peacefully until the third century BCE. During that time, they were overcome by another nomadic tribe, the Sarmatians. Less than twenty five years after the Sarmatians conquered the Scythians, the Goths superseded the Sarmatians. The Goths were groups of uncivilized people who strengthened their kingdoms by keeping them in a state of terror. They were of Germanic descent, and reached the pinnacle of their strength during the early fourth century. Following the Goths were the Huns and the Avars. Meanwhile, the Slavs in the fifth century CE emerged and moved southward to come in contact with the East Roman Empire. The Slavs were split into three groups, called the Antae, Sclaveni, and the Venedi. Most historical references do not pay much attention to the Antic tribes, probably because of their disappearance in the late sixth century. The Sclaveni and Venedi joined and created a unified East Slavic empire. This Slavic kingdom slowly began to increase during the late 700s. The area that was held by the Avars in the 790s was demolished through Charlemagne s destruction of their empire. With that, the Slavic people began to migrate down to what is now Kiev. At Kiev, they encountered additional tribes such as the Finno Ugrians, Bulgars, and Khazars. The Finno Ugrians could be broken down into smaller less civilized tribes, though their counterparts, the Bulgars and the Khazars, were much more refined.
  • 10. Basel Capital Accord ROLE OF CAPITAL IN SECURING A STRONG BANKING SYSTEM THE IMPERATIVES OF BASEL III ACCORD Dr.T.V.Rao, M.Com.,Ph.D., CAIIB,ACIBS(UK), Professor, B.V.Raju Insitute of Technology, Narasapur, Medak Dt., Telangana State ABSTRACT: The stability of the Financial System largely depends on the strength and resilience of the Banking System. Indian Banks which suffered from negative capital adequacy, negative earnings and high NPAs in the Seventies and eighties are now on a robust footing thanks to the reforms brought about by the Narasimham Committee I and II and on account of the strong resolve of the Govt. and the Reserve Bank of India. It is a matter of pride that the Indian Banks have now become fully Basel II Compliant, and that they ... Show more content on ... of Banks with CA above 10%| 5| 22| 24| | | | | TOTAL| 25| 25| 25| PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS PERIOD| 1996| 2002| 2008| No. of Banks with negative CA| | | | No. of Banks with CA of below 8%| 1| | | No. of Banks with CA between 8 10%| 4| 1| 1| No. of Banks with CA above 10%| 10| 14| 14| | | | | TOTAL| 15| 15| 15| FOREIGN BANKS PERIOD| 1996| 2002| 2008| No. of Banks with negative CA| | | | No. of Banks with CA of below 8%| 1| | | No. of Banks with CA between 8 10%| 3| 1| | No. of Banks with CA above 10%| 5| 8| 9| | | | | TOTAL| 9| 9| 9| POSITION OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS PERIOD| 1996| 2002| 2008| No. of Banks with negative CA| 2| | | No. of Banks with CA of below 8%| 6| 1| | No. of Banks with CA between 8 10%| 21| 4 | 2| No. of Banks with CA above 10%| 20| 44| 47| | | | | TOTAL| 49| 49| 49| The issue of lower capital adequacy had negative connotations both nationally and internationally. The Reserve Bank of India addressed this issue on priority and convinced the Government of India to recapitalise the ailing Public Sector Banks. This process started even before the study period, and by 1996 the no. of Banks with negative capital adequacy are 2 viz., Indian Bank and Vijaya Bank in the Public Sector, while there are no Banks
  • 11. Comparison of Pope and Swift Essay Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift in their respective poems, The Rape of the Lock and The Progress of Beauty, offer opposite representations of the nature and function of cosmetics in eighteenth century society. In The Rape of the Lock, Pope gives a positive representation of cosmetic s nature and function in eighteenth century society. On the other hand, Swift s representation takes a very negative tone. Both poets clearly appreciate and admire the natural beauty of a woman and their opposite opinions and therefore representation of the nature and function of cosmetics, springs from this admiration. Pope, whilst slightly ridiculing cosmetics through his use of satire, represents cosmetics in a positive light through portraying it as... Show more content on ... Swift opposes this representation, rather representing the nature of cosmetics as negative in The Progress of Beauty. As opposed to Pope s representation of the function of cosmetics as an enhancer of natural beauty, Swift represents the function of cosmetics as being a destroyer of natural beauty. A number of times in The Progress of Beauty, Swift alludes to the destructive power of cosmetics due to its poisonous elements. Swift writes that Venus taught [women] where to find White lead and Lusitanian dish. (Line 60) Swift represents these cosmetics as causing women to waste away; So rotting Celia strolls the street. (Line 103) All of Pope s descriptions of cosmetics as applied to Celia s face in the poem, are ones of hideousness and disgustingness. The make up causes her lips to be cracked and her eyes to be gummy. (Line 15) She becomes a mingled mass of dirt and sweat. (Line 20) There is nothing appealing or attractive in the use of cosmetics as Swift represents it. Rather Swift represents the nature and function of cosmetics as a disgusting thing that destructs the beauty of women. Cosmetics are not represented by Swift simply as a temporary destruction of beauty, but also as having the function of permanently destructing beauty, of doing irreparable damage because of its poisonous elements. The nature of cosmetics as represented by Swift is negative, and its function is represented only as one of destruction. Pope s representation of the nature and function
  • 12. Peru S Tourism History PERU S TOURISM HISTORY In the history, people travel from a place to another place to explore, do business, immigrant and travel etc. From those movements, people bring their culture to place that they have travelled and influenced each other and also developed the tourism industry (Chappel, 2015). According to the website call Peru Travel Guide, Peru was explored and occupied by Spanish and brought their language and the Catholic religion to Peru (nd, 2014). After the Spanish, people from different place start immigrant to Peru, all of those movements have made Peru s society became more and more diversification. In the late 19th century, people are travel to Peru for exploration and archaeology the region like Machu Picchu (nd, 2014). ... Show more content on ... According to the article from a research by University College London , there are different kinds of guides that tourists can find in Peru which included university graduates who have high level of knowledge about tourism, official guides who trained in a vocational college that have not been trained well enough and untrained adventure guides who could be local people that know well enough about the region but not the knowledge about tourism and usually employ by travel agencies because they are cheap (McGrath, 2004). Therefore, the quality of guiding in Peru is not that average and reliable which need to be train and knowledge about tourism (McGrath, 2004). IMAGE MAKING IN PERU In the tourism industry, image making paly a big part of it which can be image or photo that on different type of media such as posters, brochures and postcard etc. (Sinervo, 2011)In Peru, people migrated from countryside to city for jobs and their children need to subsidize the family by work such as selling postcards or souvenirs to the tourists (Sinervo, 2011). To help with this phenomenon, there is a non governmental organization form by people from Spain, France and Peru tries to collect money to help those children. They have come up an idea which is to use photo of those poor children in postcards and
  • 13. Essay about Architecture and Insecurity Architecture and Insecurity An Analysis of Architecture as Metapho in WG Sebald s Austerlitz Deyan Sudjic, journalist for the New York Times, writes in his discussion of the potential Freedom Tower meant to replace the cavernous holes that mark where the twin towers once stood: Clearly, there is a psychological parallel between making a mark on the landscape and the exercise of political power...both depend on the imposition of will...and among the dictatorial...there is an inherent appeal in seeing one s worldview confirmed by reducing entire cities to the scale of a doll s house (par. 6). Symbolism and architecture often go hand in hand. Like almost every work of art, critics and audiences attempt to read something deeper, to find ... Show more content on ... In actuality, as revealed through viewpoint of the character Austerlitz, the 19th century encapsulated the architectural style of the capitalist era...the compulsive sense of order and the tendency towards monumentalism evident in law courts and penal institutions, railway stations and stock exchanges, opera houses and lunatic asylums, and the dwelling build to rectangular grid patterns for the labor force (33). The Palace of Justice in Brussels presents a perfect example of Imperialist Architecture. Built in the 1880s at the insistence of Brussels bourgeoisie, the Palace of Justice is the largest accumulation of stone blocks anywhere in Europe (29). Complete with hallways that lead nowhere, staircases that fall apart at the touch, and rooms that cannot be entered (quite literally, there are no doors rooms without entry points are on blueprints and are simply walled off during construction), the Palace symbolically represents the complicated nonsense of the imperial Europe. At a time when the major powers of Europe were competing with one another for colonies, raw materials for their newly industrialized factories, and subjects from which to collect taxes, buildings like the Palace of Justice sprung up everywhere in an attempt to impress and terrify. Rosalyn Deutsche notes that architecture that adheres
  • 14. How To Write A Robotic Basketball Essay Tiarra Rodrigues and Ryan Hunter Robot Basketball Essay #1 In order to actually make a basket, you have to understand the basic fundamentals of shooting which involve simple mechanics. Firstly square your shoulders towards the target whether it is a wall or the actual basket. Place your dominant shooting fingers under the ball, tuck your elbow close to your body and balance the ball lightly to achieve a greater percentage of success. The horizontal and vertical alignment of the person to the court needs to be at a reasonable distance to start off if you are a beginner. The most common shot is known as the free throw shot (used by mostly younger individuals) in which the person should lack the strength/ability to shoot the ball with one hand. Rick Barry, the former NBA player, was an advocate of channeling ... Show more content on ... After the final dribble, the ball should meet the person s hand and shouldn t cross their mid line. There is a shot also called a jump shot in which a person is to jump straight up and perform the basic shooting form. One of the more famous shots is known as the dunk; also the most popular person to perform this particular shot Michael Jordan. Dunk totals represent a general aggressiveness needed by a player to access this shot: a willingness to persevere through people and down the court, pick up your place from fouls, and to try for the offensive rebound, and athletic ability must be prominent all things that a good team should have. Dunks are attained by a negative stigma from basketball purists because many have no compassion when their head is in the game such as players like Andre Iguodala: star players on bad teams whose score and dunk has garnered them more media attention from the public which helps the team but also turns one against his team mates also their financial compensation is endowed more than their actual natural basketball skills. Centers and power forwards are the types of players who
  • 15. Boeing Vs Essay 1. Running Head; Boeing Vs. Airbus 1 (NAME) BOEING VS AIRBUS (COURSE) (PROFESSOR) (DATE) Total World count; 6386 2011 2. Boeing VS Airbus 2 Abstract The demand facing aircraft manufacturers for new orders is in principal derived fromthe perceived future demand for commercial aviation. Several key external economic factorsare likely to outline demand for new aircraft. These factors are accessed from the perspectiveof decision makers in the airline industry, Airbusand Boeing, in this paper. Also analysed inthe paper are the relevant strategies employed by both airliner makers to manipulate thisfactors or manoeuvre around them in order to survive in the market. The relevant theories ofstrategic management are also analysed in the paper. The ... Show more content on ... The demand for commercialplanes carried on to augment progressively all through the 1930s, but again endured anotherdemand downturn when World War II broke out. Conversely, the war assisted in generatingsupport for military aircraft research and expansion, which expanded to commercial aviation9.The end of war brought a fall down in the aircraft industry as a considerable number of armyorders were rescinded10. In the 1950s, the aptitude and comfort of commercial aircrafts advanced significantlyas planes were modernized, including the introduction of jet service in 1959; facilitating6 Devani Boyd Safety and Profits in the Airline Industry. The Journal of IndustrialEconomics, 34 (3): (20000 311.7 Ibid 3128 Ibid 3129 Ibid pp 31510 Heppenheimer, T. A. The U.S. Aircraft Industry An Overview U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission. AeroOV1.htm. 5. Boeing VS Airbus 5faster cross country flight service. During this period, Boeing launched Boeing 707 whileDouglas manufactured its DC models, DC 8 being the latest model in that decade .11Insubsequent years, Boeing and Douglas competed profoundly to vend their planes byproposing conventional deviations of a basic design that would serve airlines particularneeds such as big wings for long variety. These
  • 16. How Does Elie Wiesel Use Motifs In Night Eyes are said to be the window into someone s soul. Through eyes, one can see the depths of strong emotion and deepest fears. In Elie Wiesel s memoir Night, Eliezer lived in Sighetu MarmaИ›iei, originally referred to as Sighet, located in Northwestern Romania with his parents and three sisters. They were forced into a ghetto and ultimately ended up separated in Auschwitz. In the memoir Night, Elie Wieseluses the motif eyes to show the ways that the Holocaustimpacted people s humanity. Elie uses the motif eyes to reveal emotion and thoughts of people throughout the book. Madame Schachter was a woman on the train heading for Auschwitz with Elie and his family. Her husband and two eldest sons were deported by mistake onto the first transport.
  • 17. How Does Kim Kardashian Deserve To Be Famous Does Kim Kardashian really deserve to be famous? We all know it s no lie that fame is one of the greatest things one can achieve, but do some people really deserve the amount of fame that they have? I mean, I know there are many different ways in which one can grab the fame at any given opportunity... but leaking your private life to the whole world is just a step too far if you ask me. Some may say it s desperate, some may say it s not her fault that the sex tape got leaked but others may then say she thrives off it. Does Kim Kardashian really deserve to be famous? It s like a simple equation on how the Kardashians gained fame; Kim Kardashian has sex with Ray J (on camera), Ray J leaks the video, Kim becomes famous, her sisters and mother then become famous, and all for what? Nothing. Although, people say that she gained fame through the fact her dad was a famous lawyer, especially for the case ... Show more content on ... She s not exactly an interesting person. The only time that you ever see her on the front cover is when she s trying to garner some attention by making up fake stories for sympathy. You can clearly tell that her publicist is fighting to keep her on the front pages and main headliners of the media. She s so over dramatic, selfish and all she loves is herself (maybe a second love in her life is her child). Who forgets their child? Was it actually a rumour that Kim had left her child in the hotel room and had to rush from the taxi back to collect her, or was it just the usual stupid antics of Kim? I m sure she is a loving mother, but your child comes before your publicity. Let s not forget about that episode of KUWTK in Bora Bora, where she literally cried over losing her diamond earrings in the water. Not like she couldn t buy anymore anyway considering all the money that she has. She really doesn t deserve her fame and fortune. Like all rubbish, she will eventually fade into
  • 18. John Brown Failures John Brown had an ordinary life before he became embroiled in the antislavery movement. Brown was born in 1800 and he grew up in Ohio. Due to him working with his father in a tannery, he later wanted to start one of his own when he was seventeen. The young man soon master the rural arts of farming, tanning, surveying, home building, and animal husbandry, but his most conspicuous talent seemed to be one for profuse and painful failure. (Chowder, 333) When he was twenty, he got married, but later became a widower due to his wife passing away eleven years after their marriage. However, he got married again and became the father of twenty children, in which only eleven were able to make it to adulthood. Brown invested money for his tannery, but... Show more content on ... In May 1856, Brown led a group of volunteer abolitionists toward Pottawatomie Creek, where people who were in favor of slavery lived at. He took a total of eight people with him to Pottawatomie Creek. Brown wanted to seek revenge on the proslavery people for the sacking of Lawrence. During their mission, Brown got a hold of James Doyle and other men of the family. Brown watched as his followers were attacking them by slicing their heads and arms. Doyle was then shot in the head by Brown. Brown and the other abolitionists went to other homes and killed more men before they were finished with their mission. This event came to be known as the Pottawatomie Massacre and from this event, :John brown, the aged outsider, became an abolitionist leader. (Chowder, 334) Therefore. Brown started to be more known for his actions against the people who were in favor of slavery as soon as he arrived tp
  • 19. Corporate Tax, Cost of Debt, Cost of Equity and Capital... Corporate Tax, Cost of Debt, Cost of Equity and Capital Structure: A case study of REITs and conventional real estate firms in the UK University of Groningen Faculty of Economics and Business BSc International Business January 2013 Table of contents 1. Introduction4 2. REITs7 3. Literature Review9 3.1 Capital Structure Irrelevance9 3.2 Present Models10 4. Data and Methodology12 4.1 Regression12 5. Findings and Discussion16 6. Conclusion20 7. Appendix21 8. Bibliography30 Abstract In January 2007 the UK adopted the globally successful real estate investment trust (REIT) regime, allowing real estate firms to adopt the REIT status with the benefit of immediate exemption from ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, I expect that REITs use relatively less debt for financing, because of the relatively higher cost of debt. Already in 1958, Modigliani and Miller have pointed the discussion of capital structure towards the cost of debt and equity. According to their first proposition, in a world of no corporate taxes and with perfect markets, financial leverage has no effect on a firm s value. In their second proposition, they state that the cost of equity equals a linear function defined by the required return on assets and the cost of debt (Modigliani and Miller, 1958). As negative aspects of debt, e.g. personal tax loss and bankruptcy costs however do exist in reality, Miller (1977) elaborates that leverage will either have no or a negative effect on the firm s value, hence untaxed firms should favor equity. Nevertheless, firms have used leverage even before corporate taxes have been introduced (Maris and Elayan, 1990). This implies the existence of some market imperfections, which benefit the use of debt financing, thus enable a trade off of the cost and benefits of debt resulting in an optimal capital structure, where marginal cost equal marginal benefits.
  • 20. In general, the majority of existing research is set up by taking the security issuance choice as the dependent variable and then tests empirically for determinants based on data from one type of companies. It needs to be taken into consideration that security issue decision and capital
  • 21. Were Ancient Egyptians Really Alone Essay Ancient egyptian aliens, the whole subject seems pretty far fetched but is it really as out there as we think it is? Archaeologists find evidence regularly at famous egyptian landmarks of extraterrestrial presence. So much infact that it has lead scientists to wonder, were the ancient egyptians really alone in the desert? What put the egyptians so far ahead of the the rest of the world, with their structures and technology? Recent discoveries are showing that they not only had control of advanced medicine, but they also had a sophisticated social structure. Many places around the world have been shown with this advancement, a more popular example would be Atlantis. With their advanced and highly valued metals, Atlantis was a hotspot for cultural mixing. So if all of this happened and yet we still don t have any clear cut proof. Except for the pyramids. The pyramids have proven to be a treasure trove of ancient technology and knowledge.... Show more content on ... Around and inside the pyramids were inventions well surpassing the capabilities of an ancient civilization. What remains are blueprints for a device much like a modern day lightbulb, a building that could heal people with sound, blocks cut with such precision modern day inventions would have a hard time cutting with such accuracy, and even more. Now the question raised is, How is all of this possible? Well considering that the pyramids are position in such a pattern only viewed as a whole from space, scientists believe that it extraterrestrials who had a hand in sculpting these major feats in human
  • 22. Digital And Social Media Analysis DSMM: Digital and Social media tools/website: Netflix/TVNZ ondemand: The reason why streaming the shows using Netflix would be the best idea to show is they have their own Netflix Kid section where they are all child friendly , it provides the platform to watch whenever the children is able to do on their free time and you can go back and forth to see the previous steps if the child is lost on what the next step should be like. Adding on, more than 80% of American under the age 35 have Netflix (Harwell,2016), this would potentially be parents who uses Netflix with children which would then result to us having to use Netflix. Website: There will be a website to showcase the work of the children craft and the children s ability to ... Show more content on ... You can use this with either a laptop, mobile phone, iPad or a computer. Website: Using website is another alternative to having an App. We would like to open this collaboration with everyone for those who do not have a Phone or an iPad. Using all these platforms it reaches a wider audience for people who have different digital tools so we present the show as being accessible online. Communication and creative strategy: Instagram has been one of the most popular apps in the world that this will be have to be a compulsory social media strategy to gain attraction amongst our target audience (Salleh et al., 2015). This is a pathway for us to engage with our customers, viewers and users of our show. They will be able to tag us in posts and also it s for us to communicate to our viewers whether if we have promotional materials or competitions which will led for us to engage with our audience. Facebook is one of the most used websites currently, that this is another passage for us to communicate to our audience. With all the tools available that are similar with instagram, this shows us on how to engage with our customers and the results of each posts. We are able to use the boost tools to engage in a more wider audience to increase our reach not just children from our closer region, but beyond that. This
  • 23. Four-Bathroom Home Case Study Cleveland, Ohio, is the most affordable housing market, with an average sale price of $74,502. In fact, 45% of the most affordable markets in the U.S. are located in the Midwest. This is at least in part due to the fact that many of these markets were the first to go into a housing correction, have had a long way to recovery, and are still doing so. The honor of most expensive place to live in the U.S. goes to Newport Beach, California, where the average list price for a four bedroom, two bathroom home is $2,291,764. (Note that a Cleveland home is 30 times less expensive than a home in Newport Beach.) In comparison, the nationwide average listing price for a four bedroom, two bathroom home is $302,632, although buyers can find one for under
  • 24. The Importance Of Fine Arts Education Throughout many years, art has been proved to play a crucial role in life. Research have shown that art courses are important even necessary for children and students in kindergarten, elementary, middle, and high schools because art can help out in emotional, mental, and physical being. Many art classes include visual artsbut performing arts such as dance, theatre and choir are also included. David A. Sousa a neuroscientist stated that Certain brain areas respond only to musicwhile others are devoted to initiating and coordinating movement from intense running to the delicate sway of the arms . Sousa points out that there are many benefits to art because of the slow movements of the arms and brain activities. Also, schools all over the world have been slowly cutting out fine arts education for other classes and clubs. The newer generation is fully understanding the negative effects of the cutting the funds of fine arts programs. In the recent years, schools have been focusing on the idea called Common Core which normally includes; math, science, history, and English. Because of these different types of classes results in a reduction in fine arts classes. But many students learn different types of real life skills which they need in the adult world . With the usage of visual and performing arts, students can begin to improve their personal growth. When producing original works, the students tend to enjoy the time spent on the piece of art, and draw in a sense of pride
  • 25. Organizational Change Essay After reviewing and researching the literature with respect to organizational changes, I have come to the conclusion that organizations have always changed. When everything in the world is changing, organization cannot remain islands. They must change to face new challenges. Bolman and Deal (2008) claim organizations have changed about as much as in past few decades as in the preceding century. Bolman and Deal (2008) claim means that the change organizations have experienced in the last decade are almost similar to those they experience in at the end of the twentieth century. However, in my opinion this is not entirely true, although some of the changes organizations have experienced in the last decade are a product of changes and... Show more content on ... As a result of the success these practices have realized, employees tend to embrace them and reject any changes that do not conform to what they consider the way they have always done things. Employees usually become conditioned to the idea that the activities and procedures of the past will continue to be fruitful in future. As a result, they may reject new development and advancements that they feel would threaten their value system. It is important to change various aspects of organization culture when trying to institute change in organizations (Kavita, 2005). The aspects that such changes should target include the balance of power in the organizations, the organization structure that supports the framework, leadership and management styles. Organizational history is also very critical, especially if it has a progressive track record success. However, if the culture despite the changes remains aligned to the organization goals and mission the employees will adopt it and embrace change. Specific societal needs and accountability measures have strongly influenced changes in organizations throughout the 20th and the 21st centuries. Societal needs are dynamic and ever changing and, as a result, the push organization to find new ways of meeting their demand (Kezar et al, 2011). For instance, employees and customers no longer appreciate being the last to know about new research and development,
  • 26. Evaluation Of A Student For Special Education Essay In order for a student to be eligible for special education services, the regular education teacher discovers that there is a problem. From there, a screening must take place. The screening can consist of hearing, vision, communication, and any other type that may be needed. Permission is not needed in order to do a screening. Next, Response to Intervention begins, also known as RTI. This provides levels or tiers of increasingly intensive instruction to help students master academic content. Tier 1 takes place in a regular classroom setting. Tier 2 involves and allows the student to go out to a specialty teacher. Tier 3 mainly takes place in a special education classroom. Tier 3 requires more one on one instruction for the student from the teacher. RTI serves two purposes support struggling learners and identify students with learning disabilities. Parents are invited to take part in their child s RTI process. Other school professionals also take part during the RTI process to meet the child needs. Research Based Interventions are used during the RTI process. Data is gathered during the RTI process on a regular basis. After a few weeks, the team meets again to determine how beneficial the interventions are for the child. If RTI is working, it is continued, if RTI is not working, a meeting takes place where the RTI data is presented. Then the referral process initiates. The referral process commences with an Admissions and Release Committee known as ARC. Here, the student
  • 27. The Dream Argument by Rene Descartes Essay One of Rene Descartes s most famous arguments, from his not only from his first meditation but all of the meditations, is his Dream Argument. Descartes believes that there is no way to be able to distinguish being in awake from being in a state of dreaming. In fact you could actually be in a dream right now. Rene Descartes s theory that one is unable distinguish being awake from dreaming, as interesting as it is, can be at times a little farfetched, along with a few contradictions to himself, Descartes s dreamargument does not entitle himself to any sort of claim. Descartes wrote the Meditations on First Philosophy were first published in the year 1641 in Latin. There are six total Meditations that Descartes had written. One thing that ... Show more content on ... It is deception from the sense that causes this mistrust for Descartes and brings forth the Dream Argument. The human senses as well feel very real, just as they do in reality, and this is one of the first things that have Descartes question the differences between being awake and dream. Due to the trust issues it he becomes unsure of whether he is dreaming or not. When it comes to dreaming Descartes thinks that there could possibility that some certain God that may have easily deceived him in falsely believing in things could appear to be correct but are not. However Descartes says that it God is described as a supremely good being (Descartes, 21). God has always been a being that is worshiped and why would so many people worship an evil God if he brings no positives to their lives. Descartes however is not 100 percent positive on whether God is being deceptive or not being deceptive. James Hill says that [the] key move that Descartes then makes is to highlight the lack of insight one has into one s condition when dreaming. It is this lack of insight, and Descartes way of interpreting it, which forms the backbone of the dreaming argument (Hill, 2). To shorten that down, the minimal explanations to why and how dreams occur is the foundation for Descartes s Dream Argument. The main idea of Descartes is that there is no difference between being awake and dreaming. Descartes says there are no definite signs to differ dreaming from being awake. You could be possibly
  • 28. The Path Between the Seas Book Report Essay Lulu Stevens HST 143 Dr. Quirk 10/26/14The Path Between the Seas By: David Mccullough David McCullough s The Path Between Seas was printed in New York City, New York in the year 1977. The events regarding the Panama Canal as discussed in David McCullough s The Path Between Seas allowed an impressive assertion of American power the likes of which had never before been displayed. In it s rich history, this novel offers recollections of failure on France s part, American strength overcoming Columbian resistance, and triumphant success of medical care and engineering. During the late 1800s, France was an undeniable force in the engineering world. It would turn out, however, that America was the country which would... Show more content on ... As it would turn out, the French didn t exactly accomplish what they had hoped. A major loss in funds due to gross misuse and bribery and large casualties rendered the project a total bust. Many of the early deaths were of the brightest engineering graduates of the time. Exaggerated claims of false progress kept the money flowing into the project, but before long the fraud was exposed. Only two fifths of the canal had been dug after the French spent 2 years longer than they d intended digging. De Lesseps s reputation was destroyed; all assets the French had gathered were sold to the Americans for a measly $40 million. America unlike their predecessors in the task would learn from prior mistakes and have much better luck with this undertaking, eventually accomplishing the task. America would even defeat Columbian resistance and assist in developing a new country. After settling the close debate as to where the American s wished to build their canal and purchasing the area under the 1903 Hay Herran treaty, the U.S. needed only permission to unearth the ground. Colombia wasn t too fond of the idea and thus rejected all of America s efforts. Negotiations with the country went quite poorly as well. Arthur BeauprГ© was chose to communicate with Colombia but negotiations continued to go poorly as, he was frequently blunt, even dictatorial, in his
  • 29. Trench Coat Mafia Research Paper Trench Coat Mafia The media got hold of the myth from students and held on to it . The story was the perfect fit for a existing myth of a school shooter. The myth about the killers was released out before the killers bodies were found. So no one had seen them they just took a story and ran with it because it sounded good. Sophomore year is when the trench coats began Eric wanted to go as dracula so his parents stopped by Sam s Club and got him a long black duster which the kids referred to as a trench coat . It didn t so much work for him for halloween but he wanted to change up his style so he began wearing it to school. Many kids called him a freak and even gay sometimes. Dylan, Eric, and chris began wearing... Show more content on ... They then said the shooters killed jocks because of jock abuse . A witness Junior Bree Pasquale came forward and said they were killing everyone . Bree said They didn t care who it was (pg.151) so that put out there that the myth of jocks wasn t true. But the media tried to push what she said to the side because they needed some type of story. CNN reporters were getting many interviews from students some students that weren t even at school that day and didn t even know of the killers. But students came forward saying they knew the TCM was behind the attack. No one asked how they knew they just published and broadcasted the story. Soon a report came out quoted Trench coat mafia was a gay conspiracy so people feed off that myth . Students started coming out with stories out being gay and outcast. A lot of the time they like to wear makeup and paint their nails and stuff Columbine senior. Although the student didn t know the boys the story grew .Many students at columbine were disappointed that people would make up such things not even knowing the
  • 30. Judaism and Christianity Essay Judaism and Christianity Jesus is the fulfillment of Judaic prophecies; he is the new Moses imparting the new Law of Love. MarkPerhaps John Mark, missionary helper of Paul/PeterA suffering Christian community, perhaps in RomeJesus is the Suffering Servant Messiah; imitate Jesus fidelity by not losing heart; the way to glory is through the cross LukeGentile companion of Paul; a doctor; also wrote ActsA Gentile Christian church, perhaps in southern GreeceJesus salvationis open to everyone, especially the oppressed, poor, despised; Jesus is the universal savior JohnA disciple of the beloved apostle, JohnSeveral Christian churches around the Roman Empire have been suggested #8212;notably Ephesus, but also Antioch in ... Show more content on ... tribe #8230;Genesis 49:10 David s lineage #8230;2 Samuel 7:1 29 Divine origin #8230;Isaiah 9:6,7 In righteousness #8230;Isaiah 11:1 5 At God s appointed time #8230;Ezekiel 21:27 Will endure forever #8230;Daniel 2:44 Born in Bethlehem #8230;Micah 5:2,3 He is coming #8230;Malachi 3:1 5 Christ s right to rule, determined by: Divine decree #8230;Psalm 2:6,7 Prophecy #8230;Psalm 45:6,7 Birth #8230;Isaiah 9:6 7 Being seated at God s right hand #8230;Psalm 16:8 11, Psalm 110:1,2, Acts 2:34 36 Crowning #8230;Zechariah 6:11 15 Described as: Eternal #8230;Revelation 11:15 Spiritual #8230;John 18:36, 37 Not for immoral or indecent person #8230;Ephesians 5:5 Of his dear Son #8230;Colossians 1:13 Kingdom of God #8212;the rule or sovereignty of God Described as: God #8230;Mark 1:15 Heaven #8230;Matthew 3:2 Christ and God #8230;Ephesians 5:5 Their Father #8230;matthew 13:43 My Father s #8230;Matthew 26:29 His dear Son #8230;Colossians 1:13 Special Features of: Good News of #8230;Matthew 24:14 Message of #8230;Matthew 13:19 Secret of #8230;Mark 4:10 13 Key of David #8230;Revelation 3:7 Entrance into, by: New birth #8230;John 3:1 8 Granted #8230;Luke 22:29 Divine call #8230;1 Thessalonians 2:12 Turning from sin #8230;Matthew 3:2 Members of: Be concerned #8230;Matthew 6:33 Pass through troubles #8230;Acts 14:22 Preach it #8230;Acts 8:12 Pray for it #8230;Matthew 6:10 Work in #8230;Colossians
  • 31. Ethical Consumption of Protein Is there a truly ethical way to consume animal proteins? Even in the age of technology there is now way that raising animals for slaughter can really be considered ethical. It is really just a decision for each individual whether or not they feel that they can live with the idea of consuming meat. When you talk about animal treatments there is only one place to start, Veal. Veal is a male calfof a dairy cow. The male calf is taken away from its mother at one day old. Then they are shipped to farms where they are kept in dark tiny crates (PETA Dairy 5). The purpose of this procedure is to keep the calf from using muscles, keeping the muscles soft and tender. The calves are fed a liquid diet that is low in iron and provides little nutrition. From this treatment the calves frequently suffer from anemia, diarrhea, and pneumonia (PETA Dairy 5). After just a few months the calves are taken to the slaughterhouse and killed (PETA Dairy 6). If this isn t something viewed upon as unethical than I m not sure what is. Then there are cattle that are raised for beef. The cows that are raised for beef are subject to branding for identification, which is preformed with a hot iron pressed into their flesh. They also have their horns cut or burned off of them (PETA Beef 1). These cows also receive very little veterinary care and result in death from infections or injury (PETA Beef 2). The cows are also fed a highly unnatural diet to fatten them up, causing digestive
  • 32. Dorm Room Analysis Being at a military academy our dorm rooms are supposed to be uniform and sparkling clean. My dorm room looks similar to the numerous others at this academy, but it includes minute touches that molds the room into my own. First off, the thing I remember most about my room is the cleanliness and purity of the room, but yet it still somehow manages to have that appearance of being worn and exhausted. The smell of Lysol smacks me right in the face along with the hint of mustiness in the air. In addition to the smell I hear the slight hum of the air conditioner running nonstop, which leads the room to feel as if I am in the freezer section at Walmart. The next element of the room I notice is the floors. Even if I had just mopped the floors they... Show more content on ... The rack is crisp and squared away. The hospital corners appear to be drawn on the bed they are so perfect. They are at forty five degrees coming down from the corner. At the end of the rack is the foot blanket folded into thirds with the edge lined up exactly with the edge of the rack. Both the foot blanket and blanket on the bed are made out of the same itchy material. When I touch them the first thing that comes to mind is a one size to small turtle neck sweater that your grandmother netted for you. On top of the foot blanket is a khaki garrison cover with the top folded in, and is also lined up with the edge of the foot blanket. With the dark ocean blue blanket folded back eighteen inches, the rack looks as if it should be mounted on a wall for its pristineness. Located under the rack is the bookshelf. It too is exactly and meticulously organized. The books are on the left hand side aligned with the edge of the shelf in decreasing height order from left to right. In the middle of the shelf are my binders which are stacked on top of each other with the bottom one being orange and proceeding up, scarlet, banana yellow, midnight black and light ocean blue. Then on the far right is the hp printer, with all the wires running behind the rack, to increase the simplicity of the room. The printer is slightly longer than the bookshelf so it sticks out taking away from the perfection of the
  • 33. Sample Synthesis Essay HYPOTHESIS: Nature based sound intervention decreases the levels of anxiety and agitation in critically ill mechanically ventilated patients AIM OF WORK: To assess the effect of nature based sound intervention on anxiety and agitation levels in critically ill mechanically ventilated patients. METHODOLOGY: Design: A randomized single blinded placebo controlled trial was used to conduct this study. 50 mechanically ventilated patients were randomly assigned to either the intervention or control groups where the investigator was blinded to treatment allocation. Randomization was performed using sealed envelope technique Setting: The study was conducted in the Medical and Surgical Intensive Care Units and the Coronary Care Unit at King Fahd Hospital
  • 34. The Movement International Recognition Of The Church Of... Rastafarianism In the 1930s, right after coronation of Haile Selassie I as emperor of Ethiopia, a religious following was started in Jamaica known as Rastafari, an Abrahamic belief.The most famous Rastafari is arguably Bob Marley, whose reggae music gained the Jamaican movement international recognition. Spiritual and moral traits vary widely within the religion, causing members to either to see it as a way of life or more as a religion. But what is uniting members across the world is the messiahship and divinity of the first emperor, Selassie. Rastafarianism does not really have an organizational structure or leadership even though it recognizes people like Marcus Garvey, Leonard Howell, Joseph Hibbert, Archibald Dunkley, Mortimer Planno, Vernon Carrington, Charles Edwards and Peter Tosh. Many elements of Rastafari reflect its origins in Jamaica along with Ethiopian culture. Ethiopian Christianity traces its roots to the Church of Alexandria, founded by St Mark, and its 5th century continuation in the Coptic Church of Alexandria. Rastafari holds many Christian beliefs like the existence of atriune God, called Jah, who had sent his divine incarnate son to Earth in the form of Jesus (Yeshua) and made himself manifest as the divine person of Haile Selassie I. Rastafari accept much of the Bible, although they believe that its message and interpretation have been corrupted. (wikipedia) Members are currently approximately 1 million in number, all over the world.
  • 35. Perpetrator Vs Bystander I agree with Miles Lehrman when he said that A perpetrator is not the most dangerous enemy because they re not worse than the perpetrator who watched everything that happened and didn t say anything it didn t want nothing to do with what was going on. In my own opinion, I feel as that the person that watched what happened which is the perpetrator is bad as the bystander because they could do the same thing the bystander do. In addition, to what I was saying about agreeing with miles Lehrman and saying that a perpetrator is worse than a bystander here an example. For example, if you were robbing a bank and you took some money and jewelry. When you would leave and be on a high speed chase there going to have that one person that s going to
  • 36. Consumerism and Materialism in America Essay The economy is a very fragile thing; however it can have an enormous impact on people. Americans especially are affected because they are so greedy, they always want more. Because Americans are very materialistic, they can become overly arrogant and possessive since they are used to getting their way, on account of having money. Some people are never satisfied with what they have; they are always on the lookout for more money and more possessions. Man requires food, shelter, clothing and fuel everything else is superfluous. Luxuries lead to things like materialism and greed. People need to realize that everyone is the same on the inside. Our ancestors didn t have technology or a ton of money and they somehow survived. For the improvement ... Show more content on ... If a man were to wake up one morning and decide he wanted a new car it would not be unusual. However, if he decides he wants to upgrade his Toyota Camry to a Ferrari then he is being materialistic. Odds are that this man cannot afford this superfluous vehicle and his fantasies are getting the best of him. He is wasting money on unimportant things. Producers are always looking for a new way to make money. They research ways to produce their merchandise more cheaply. ... appliances designed to wear out quickly and be thrown away. (Berry) If people were more concerned with function and not money then America would have a lot less waste and Americans would waste a lot less money. Producers also research new products they can make money from. Consumer wants can have bizarre, frivolous or even immoral origins, and an admirable case can still be made for a society that seeks to satisfy them. (Gailbraith). Producers encourage and scheme ways to get you to buy their product. Producers know that the economy controls everything. Producers are enablers. They encourage people to spend money on things they don t need and aren t necessities. Consumers are like drug addicts, they shop for things they don t need and are constantly striving to acquire what they don t have. We Americans are beyond a simple, possessive materialism. (Rose) Americans have developed a shopping problem. We buy things simply for the
  • 37. The Relationship Between Body Weight And Blood Pressure Essay The Relationship between Body Weight and Blood Pressure The hypothesis is to determine the Relationship between Body Weight and Blood Pressure. High blood pressure has been noted as one of the leading non infectious diseases around the world. According to Abdulle A. and his research colleges, in their research they stated that high blood pressure contributes to an important and prevalent risk factor to cardiovascular disease. The research finding of Abdulle A. et al. quoted that it appears from our study that one of the causes of this problem is the high level of obesity known to elevate the risk for cardiovascular diseases. Harsh D. and Bray G. brought the attention of the Framingham Study showing that the participants of both sexes demonstrated increasing blood pressures with increased overweight. One of the earlier studies that contributed to health was The Framingham Heart Study the study was introduced on the research of health by studying the general causes of heart disease. According to Dr. William B. Kannel The Framingham Heart Study was developed in 1948, the objective of the study was to understand the factors of Cardio Vascular Disease by following its development with participants that have not yet developed overt symptoms of Cardio Vascular Disease. The research will fallow participants for a long period of time to record changes in towards their health. The researchers stated by Dr. Kannel recruited 5,209 men and women between the ages of 30 and 62 the
  • 38. Analysis Of Richard Rodriguez s Hunger Of Memory An autobiography is completely unlike any other type of writing, and it is this style of book that author Richard Rodriguez bravely chose to use in Hunger of Memory. Essentially, an autobiography is a book documenting someone s life; full of their heartbeat and heartaches. Its raw authenticity is so refreshing in comparison to complex literary texts full of hidden metaphors and complicated symbolism. Through this sort of writing, Rodriguez provides an authentic, honest account of his life while detailing how race played a role in it. In order to accomplish this, he examines specific aspects of his life and reveals how his culture and skin color affected these areas. Throughout the text it is obvious that the consequences of race are involved in every single part of people s lives, specifically education, as revealed through the hidden curriculum, language, and religion involved in the classroom. Schools are supposed to teach academic material, but they also teach students how to function in society and fit in with the culture. In a sense, the classroom becomes a sort of miniature community as the educator and students function in a way that reflects the real world outside of classroom doors. Based upon this idea that schools resemble actual society, researchers have drawn direct links between the quality of a schools climate and its educational outcomes (Jerald). This phenomenon is called the hidden curriculum and refers to a range of things (attitudes,
  • 39. WorldCom and The Mississippi Scheme Scandals Essay WorldCom and The Mississippi Scheme are both large financial scandals that have occurred. WorldCom was a telecommunication company that overstated their cash flow by reporting $7.6 billion in operating expenses as capital expenses. WorldCom is the largest accounting scandal in US history as of March 2002. The Mississippi Scheme was a business scheme that destroyed the economy of Franceduring the 1700 s. The scheme involved the loss of paper money s purchasing power as a result of asset inflation. Both WorldCom and The Mississippi Scheme were frauds involving manipulation to create higher stock prices and dubious practices within the organizations to keep the public unaware. Bernie Ebbers was the founder and CEO of WorldCom. He... Show more content on ... Buford Yates Jr. was the accounting director of WorldCom. He instructed the accountants to adjust financial records as the company was failing. He was acting on orders from his superiors. Betty Vinson was the director of management reporting at WorldCom. Troy Normand was the director of legal entity accounting. They made some of the fraudulent entries. They did this because they were pressured by there superiors. The Duke of Orleans became the Regent of France in 1715 and served as the ruler while the heir to the throne was a minor. Regent knew of John Law s financial expertise and asked for his advice and assistance in straightening out France s financial mess left over from years of uncontrolled spending under Louis XIV. The Regent approved Law s scheme and allowed it to happen. John Law was the founder of the Mississippi Scheme. He was the Controller General and Superintendent General of Finance which gave him control of all of France s finances and money creation. He also controlled the company that handled all of France s foreign trade and colonial development. The scheme he came up with was a bank that would pay off the national debt, increase the reveВ¬nue, and at the same time diminish the taxes. His bank would receive deposits of all the coin and in exchange give its bills. The bills were worth set value, earning interest, and were payable on deВ¬mand. The bills would take the place of coin and were to be a better and more
  • 40. Battle Of Olustee Essay The Battle of Olustee, also known as the Battle of Ocean Pond, only lasted for a single afternoon, but became the second bloodiest battle for the Union, when the casualties are compared to the number of soldiers engaged, and was the largest Civil War battle fought in Florida. This short battle, often forgotten when compared to grand battles fought during the four year war, is an superb example of how the Union took their chances and gave it their all, even when it was clear that the Confederates had better odds, and won the battle, in the end. On February 7, 1864, the commander of the Union s Department of the South, General Quincy Gilmore, dispatched General Truman Seymourto Jacksonville, Florida, in hopes of securing land, politically; blocking, or disrupting Confederate supply... Show more content on ... Many individual soldier s stories also demonstrate the resilience of either side, showing how unwilling they were to give up, and stop fighting, until absolutely necessary. Even John Hay s efforts to get Florida to join upcoming United States political gatherings, show the unwavering pursuit for unity from the Union s side. The purpose of this project is to learn more about the Battle of Olustee, and how individuals, troops, and even the whole of both the Confederacy and Union stood up against each other, to fight for what they believed in, and prove that each person that participated in this battle found their own way to stand up for their beliefs. While proving that this topic relates to the theme is the main purpose of the project, another purpose is to learn more about what was happening throughout the United States before, during, and after the time that this battle
  • 41. Difference Between Fashion And Fashion In the Oxford English Dictionary, fashion is defined as the production and marketing of new styles of goods, especially clothing and cosmetics but in reality what is fashion? Many of us have seen runways and elite fashion shows in the media; we have even dreamed of sitting next to fashion icons like Anna Wintour and Rihanna while enjoying said shows. Many of us have also shopped in our favorite stores and noticed how different our clothingmay be from what we see on the runway. Why is that you ask? The answer is simple: fashionis a complex entity that can be split into two vastly different categories: high fashion and streetwear. Though high fashion and streetwear are seemingly merging into one style of design and production, the two have different backgrounds, sources of inspiration, price points and intended audiences High fashion is comprised of two categories: haute couture and prГЄt Г porter (ready to wear). In World of Art: The Thames Hudson Dictionary of Fashion and Fashion Designers, haute couture is defined as high quality fashion design and construction. This kind of clothing is usually one of a kind and custom fit; official haute couture brands are determined by the trade union Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture, which produces a list of brands that fit into its criteria. Before the emergence of ready to wear garments in the latter half of the twentieth century, fashion was an art that only the wealthy could afford to indulge in. However, during the late
  • 42. Bad Hooks Catch No Fish Bad Hooks Catch No Fish A good hook is what, best, brings a reader into any form of writing. If not, then all could be lost, unless it is mentally forced upon. This is especially true for a novice, or introductory, reader getting into the finer aspects of literature or composition. Such as, Paul Rankin s (2005) essay, on Hemingway s Hills like White Elephants, lacks a motivated lead. The opening transition word could throw a reader in the opposite direction Rankin would have hoped for. The beginning paragraphs poor lead could cause one to become lost before the revelation of thesis which makes a poor asset to novice readers. With the opening word Although (Rankin, p. 234) would make sense if a complete thought was presented prior. It leaves one to ask, what this complete though could be. With this lingering thought of what was the original, paves the way for a very complex sentence, which is still a continuation of the leading thought. Now for someone venturing into the literary scene, to read a sentence of this magnitude, could become hesitant to continue. Although, the composition of the first sentence is artful, it could still be a hard read. Which, from a scholar s perspective is refreshing and at par. But the little guy becoming a scholar has not earned his letterman mark yet. It is wise to be careful into reading a sentence with complex composition of over 100 words. Additionally, the first sentence, a summation of multiple views could introduce a novice
  • 43. Privacy concerns with social networking services Privacy concerns with social networking services Social networking sites vary in the levels of privacy offered. For some social networking sites like Facebook, providing real names and other personal information is encouraged by the site(onto a page known as a Profile ). These information usually consist of birth date, current address, and telephone number(s). Some sites also allow users to provide more information about themselves such as interests, hobbies, favorite books or films, and even relationship status. However, there are other social network sites, such as, where most people prefer to be anonymous. Thus, linking users to their real identity can sometimes be rather difficult. Nevertheless, individuals can... Show more content on ... A study of Facebook profiles from students at Carnegie Mellon University revealed that about 800 profiles included current resident and at least two classes being studied, theoretically allowing viewers to know the precise location of individuals at specific times.[4] AOL attracted controversy over its instant messenger AIM which permits users to add buddies without their knowing, and therefore track when a user is online.[4] Concerns have also been raised over the relative ease for people to read private messages or e mails on social networking sites.[13] Unintentional fame[edit] Privacy concerns have also been raised over a number of high profile incidents which can be considered embarrassing for users. Various internet memes have been started on social networking sites, or been used as a means towards their spread across the internet. In 2002, a Canadian teenager became known as
  • 44. Type 2 Diabetes Virus Diabetes mellitus is a medical condition that either develops because of a virus or develops over time as a result to poor diet and exercise. If left uncontrolled it may lead to serious complications such as stroke, vision loss, amputation, or even death. Type II Diabetes is a preventable disease that usually occurs when a patient has been a pre diabetic for some time. Most people with Type 2 are overweight or obese which can lead to insulinresistance. In the United States, 25.6 million or 11.3% of adults aged 20 years and older had diabetes in 2010. Non Hispanic Blacks had the highest prevalence at 12.6% compared with non Hispanic Whites at 7.1% (Gaskin, D. J. et all, 2014). With the rising cost of healthcare there are millions of Americans... Show more content on ... The document encourages good nutrition, physical activity, and a healthy body weight as essential components to decrease ones risk of developing serious health conditions such as diabetes. Its goal is to also educate and inform the public about this serious condition. The document focuses on the fact that this disease is on the rise throughout the U.S. and the world and provides suggestions to help reduce the health and economic burden. Primary prevention: movement from no diabetes to diabetes, testing and early diagnosis: movement from unrecognized to recognized diabetes, access to care for all persons with diabetes: movement from no diabetes care to access to appropriate diabetes care, and Improved quality of care: movement from inadequate to adequate care (Healthy People 2020,