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grow your business
using social media
– a step by step guide –

               JuLY 2009
           BY PhiLiP van ZYL

Copyright 2009, Philip van Zyl,

    letter from the author……


    If you are a business owner, this guide is written for you. It is also for those who work in new
    media teams or marketing departments, and for individuals who are their own brand. The
    principles and step by step process in this guide will help you to use the power of social media to
    grow your business.

    It does not matter if you live in Barcelona, Tokyo, Boston, Rio, Brisbane, Moscow, London,
    Canterbury, Dublin, Singapore or Cape Town. Or anywhere else for that matter. This step-by-step
    guide will shepherd you along the quick and proven path to successful social media engagement,
    customised for you and your business needs.

    I have cut straight to the good stuff. You’ll find links to the software I use, as well as to a bunch
    of excellent alternative sites, platforms and software. Almost all of these are free. There are tips
    in here that you won’t find anywhere else in one place.

    If you received this guide from a friend or colleague and you would like to pass it on, please pass
    on this link to the original guide and an area where you can sign up for further information &

    The ten steps in this guide will give you the solid foundation you need. From there you can
    weave your unique magic and express your creativity as the individual you are. After all, it’s your

    I suggest you don’t skip any parts of the guide. Every part links to the others and forms one road

    Here’s to your social media success!

    Philip van Zyl
    Social Media explorer and navigator

    Follow me on Twitter at
                                                                                         retweet this
                                                                                       Click here to post this on twitter

    Copyright Statement: All content © 2009 by Philip van Zyl - Copyright holder is licensing this under the Creative
    Commons License, Attribution – Noncommercial - No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported,
    licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ (This means you can share it freely with your friends, but not resell it). Please refer colleagues
    and friends to this link to download the report for themselves:

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   table of contents
   executive summary........................................................................................................4
   about this guide............................................................................................................5

   part 1 - understanding social media.......................................................................7

   what is social media really?
   are all social media the same?

   part 2 – social media and my business..................................................................9

   how can my business benefit from social media?
   how do I align my social media goals with my business goals?
   why is my website optimisation so important for social media?

   the ten steps to social media success............................................................................12

     step   1 – define your company goal.
     step   2 – define your website goal and specific call to action.
     step   3 – listen to what individuals are saying and where they are saying it.
     step   4 – map and list how it is being said and who the influencers are .
     step   5 – decide on your social media presence and register accounts online.
     step   6 – select your posting and tracking platforms.
     step   7 – define all metrics – clearly, and measurably.
     step   8 – listen, engage and grow your network.
     step   9 - use diverse social marketing strategies.
     step   10 – measure, adjust, listen, engage.

   part 3 – your social future.....................................................................................28

   advertising on social media.
   think laterally.

   my social media roadmap.............................................................................................30


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    executive summary
    This free guide contains the principles and processes for business owners, marketing departments
    and media teams to build their brand and to grow their businesses, using the power of social media.

    The focus of the guide is on understanding social media and getting started efficiently and
    effectively, and then streamlining your online activity into those areas where you are most effective.
    More than just a theoretical look at the social media landscape, it offers the practical step by
    step process to get a social media strategy in place right away, and monitor its ongoing success.

    Most people are aware of social media tools like Facebook and Twitter, but aren’t sure how to use
    them in a business environment. This guide explores the relative merits of many different social
    media sites – and explains how to use them for business benefit.

    It defines social media for non-experts and includes a step-by-step guide to successful social
    media engagement, including a list of helpful resources, software and sites.

    Engaging with social media successfully requires a shift in some key principles of selling
    and marketing online. It requires businesses to embrace the concept of entering a two-way
    conversation with customers through multiple channels, rather than one-way communication
    through traditional marketing tools such as advertising.

    Social media doesn’t need to be hard work. This is a guide to engaging customers and
    stakeholders online in a rewarding, productive and enjoyable way.

    It explains how businesses can benefit from a carefully considered social media strategy –
    beginning with the recognition that companies and their products are already being discussed
    online. The guide shows how you can start to listen to and participate in these discussions, and
    build trust with your existing and prospective customers.

    The ten practical steps in the second half of this guide are a step by step roadmap to social
    media success for businesses and brands. They include tips on defining a company’s social
    media goals and linking them to other business goals.

    These ten steps are used in conjunction with the “social media roadmap” document at the end
    of the guide, where the guide user’s actual strategy is mapped, recorded and designed by them.

    The majority of social media strategies are built around a “main” website or blog. The importance
    of optimising this “main” site is emphasised and the process explained. This optimisation is
    done for both social media links as well as Google and other search engine ranking success. The
    report also explains what you want your prospective customers to do once they get to your site.

    It includes tips for the most effective way to post new content online, and to monitor content
    posted online by others – including a guide to selecting the most relevant material from the huge
    volume added to the internet every day.

    Should you or your company be a blogger? This guide will help you decide. And if you do decide
    to enter the blogosphere, it gives you some excellent tips on how to be successful.

    The whole social media environment is changing fast. The biggest and the most successful businesses
    in the world are getting involved. Isn’t it time you found out what it could do for you and your business?

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   about this report
   Engaging social media successfully requires a few basic and yet fundamental shifts in the
   practice of selling and marketing online. Start by reading the next section called “Mindset”.
   The sustainability of your social media engagement depends upon it.

   If you read this report and complete each of the ten steps as they are detailed here, you will
   lay a solid foundation for success in using social media to grow your business. You will also be
   engaging meaningfully in the community that keeps you in business, and your business will grow.

   If you skip any of the steps or don’t complete them your chances of success are slim. Very slim.
   (But at least you’ll have found your twice removed cousins who live in Spain, and have seen all of
   their christening photos on Facebook).

   One of the greatest enablers of success in social media for your business is ACTION. Start small
   and think big. Do that today and you’ll see the benefits stack up before your eyes, day by day.
   Everything you need to get started is contained in this report or linked to in the References
   section. You ready to get going?

   Everything in this report is informed by three assumptions. They are the big picture “keys” to
   unlock the doors to your success.

   the three keys to social media success
   1. If you do not have clear goals for your business, nothing you do offline, online or any-other-
      line is going to help you realise them. It is essential to have clear and measurable business

   2. If you do not have clear goals and a clear call to action on your “main” website, you will be
      diluting your social media efforts before you start. Your “main” site could be your blog or an
      HTML-type site. The “main” site action may be to take a free 30-day trial, sign up for a
      newsletter, or actually buy a product online right there.

   3. Your social media sites will act largely as “feeder” sites and – collectively – as a feeder
      network for your main site. Remember this and engage in social media with this in mind.

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    Your mindset about Social media will inform your attitude towards social media even before you

    the old way

    Let’s think of the old way of getting your message about your company products
    and services out there. Newspaper advertising, for example. A few thousand
    bucks for a big newspaper advert. Pay a few thousand bucks. Hmm, fun.

    Next hire a research company to find out whether those few thousand bucks
    were well spent and what your customers and prospective customers thought of
    it. Pay a few more thousand bucks. Now we’re having fun.

    Rinse, repeat, and try to run your business at the same time.

    the new way
    Listen to your customers from the comfort of your desk, through multiple channels, mostly at
    no cost. You are part of a big focus group of people that actually use your products or products
    in your market. They are speaking about their wants, frustrations, loves, pains, desires (as we
    speak)…all of which you can engage in and influence. Did I mention that the focus group is free?

    By engaging with some of the influencers in your community you’ll have access to top
    information on your marketplace, trends and insights.

    How about social bookmarking? By having one (start with you are not just trying
    to get more links to your website to schmooze Google (not exclusively anyway), you are easily
    finding top-notch information on your competitors, articles about your market and posts about
    your products. It’s like an online library put together specifically for you to use. And it is a free
    way for you to bookmark all the articles, posts, reports, videos, interviews etc. that you find
    online, using tags rather than the confusing “Bookmark” facility in your browser.

    I could go on, but my point is that social media does not have to be a slog. And the more you
    find ways to benefit as an individual and as a business owner or worker, the more you will enjoy
    yourself. Could that be the reason we’re all here in the first place?

    And when it comes to sustaining your social media strategy to grow your business, which of these
    two options do you think will last?

    1. Social media is a painful mission and I am going to drag myself through it each day because
       there may be a benefit to the company somewhere.
    2. Social media is an exciting opportunity for me to engage people online and spread messages
       virally, to learn from my peers and my customers, and to stay on top of my game in my field.

    Moving right along…

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   part 1 - understanding social media

  “      The secret of social media is that it is not about you, your product or your story. It’s
         about creating value for the communities that happen to include you. If you want to
         make a positive impact, forget about what you can get from social media, and start
         thinking about what you can contribute. Funnily enough, the more value you create for

         the community, the more value they will create for you. Tim O’Reilly, O’Reilly Media.

   what is social media?
   Unless you’ve been living under a rock in the park for the last few years - without anyone to talk
   to and without an internet connection - you’ve probably heard of Facebook. It’s a key example of
   social media.

   A quick definition. Social media is a phrase that describes the platforms and other tools that
   connect people into social networks (of their choosing) online. Some of the household social
   media names worldwide (other than Facebook) are MySpace, Twitter, and YouTube. There are
   many, many more, and we’ll look at some of them in detail in this report.

   The individuals that make up these online networks, use social media to organise themselves
   according to (1) their interests and (2) their preference for the way they choose to share, store
   and deliver information within their community (or “network”).

   Individuals have made it clear they wish to connect with other individuals that they choose to, in
   the way that they choose to, and around topics and for reasons that they choose to.

   The individual is at the centre of the social media revolution. And this is changing the
   way business is done. Hint: kiss goodbye the idea of solely hiding behind the company PR
   department door and sending out anonymous press releases “in the name of the company”.
   Delete delete.

   are all social media the same?
   No they aren’t. Most sites are a combination of four elements - text, images, video, and audio.
   Many sites focus on just one of these elements. Youtube, Viddler and are examples
   of video sites. They also allow text descriptions, images (e.g. a photo of contributor) and audio.
   Despite these peripheral elements, they are still known as “Video sites” and video is their core

   There are also photo sites, such as Flickr, SmugMug and many others. See the diagram that
   follows here for a comprehensive view of the key categories with examples.

   Brian Solis is one of the “godfathers” of social media and was jointly responsible for constructing
   the following diagram that details the main social media categories and some of the main players
   in each category. Look for the link to Brian Solis’s blog in the resources section.

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   part 2 – social media and my business

   Here’s a quick revision of the three keys to social media success described in the “About this
   Report” section earlier.

   key 1 – If you are not clear on your core business goal(s), nothing you do will help you realise
   them (including social media). Get clear on your business goal(s) right now. Set goals that are

   key 2 – If your “main” website is not optimised to get every visitor to your site to take the
   action that you want them to, you simply have to sort that out. Optimise your main site, and keep
   it optimised in a way that directly supports your company goals.

   key 3 – Your engagement in social media will open new paths to your main website door.
   Social media sites will act as “feeder” sites to your “main” site. Bear this in mind as you engage.

   Before we begin the ten step plan to get those three keys into action, here are some final
   thoughts and details to smooth our way.

   How can your business benefit from social media? How do you align your social media goals with
   your business goals? Why is your website optimisation so important?

   how can my business benefit from social media?
   The individuals that buy and use your products and services are having conversations within their
   social networks right now. Some of them are discussing your products and their experiences of
   using these products and services, returning them, breaking them, loving them…

   Some of them are discussing your competitor’s products and services and what they love and
   loathe about them. Others are discussing your market place, what they really want, what they will
   pay good money for.

   By engaging and participating in conversations in your business’ social network you are going to
   add value, show that you care, handle specific issues that come up, and in that way build your
   credibility and reputation as a caring and in-touch company/brand.

   People will begin to like and trust you. When you then share details of a special offer some
   people will click through to look and some will buy. When someone tweets about the shocking
   service they experienced trying to return your product, someone will reply with their positive

   By listening, you will find out how you can best package your product, deliver it, support it,
   charge for it etc. Your network will tell you and you will be able to listen in while two or more
   members in the community discuss it publicly.

   Once you have become an engaging and contributing member of this particular network, you can
   then introduce new topics, and begin to co-create information that the community engages with.
   But let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet…

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    how do I align my social media goals with my business goals?
    In a nutshell, you are going do this by knowing what your company goals are right now. You’ll be
    driving increasing numbers of people to your “main” website so it will need to have a clear call to
    action and be optimised for your chosen keywords.

    If you want to raise brand awareness, then have useful information and cool things about your
    offering at your website. If you want to increase sales of a product then feature that product on
    your website prominently and have a clear call to action (in this case – click here to buy).

    Because much of the social media you will be engaging in will serve as “feeder” sites to your
    “main” site, you may only have one shot at converting a visitor into a prospect, or a customer
    into a repeat customer. Social media will get visitors there, so pre-sell them as much as possible.

    Social media will help you here in two ways. It will spread links and good vibes about your main
    site and people will click directly from articles and tweets and posts to your website.

    The second way it will help you is that all of the incoming links to your site - that have spread
    around the internet - will increase your ranking on Google and the other search engines.

    To locate your social media strategy properly within the context of your business, try sketching it
    out freehand if you don’t want to use software to do this.

    Here is a diagram I recently sketched for a client to map the flow of people to their main site -
    and through their sales and retention process as well. The more integrated the diagram is into
    your complete business flow, the better. It includes social media as well as all other avenues for
    this specific business.

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   why is my website optimisation so important for social media?
   Part of the optimisation of your main site (website or blog) is to have a set of keywords and
   phrases that you have identified, and that your prospective buyers use to search for you on
   Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines. If you have not optimized your website for specific
   keywords, look under Resources at the end of this report for links to sites designed for this
   purpose. It is essential.

   You will be engaging in conversations around your keywords and keyword phrases, and the more
   they beat a path to your website door the better.

   Let’s say for example that you are an online tax consultant. When anyone types in the word “tax
   return” you want the search result linking to your website to be displayed as near as possible to
   the top of page one on Google results.

   Social media plays a decisive part in Google’s decision as to how relevant your website is to the
   term being searched for – and as a result, whether to put you on page one or page 101 of the
   results for that word/phrase.

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    the ten steps to get you there.
    Ok, let’s get cracking with your social media path (roadmap) to success. We are shifting now from
    theory into the nitty gritty detail of how to craft and implement your roadmap.

    The ten steps you will take to succeed in growing your business with social media start here. An
    explanation of what you will need to do in each step is detailed below. The working document
    (roadmap) that you must fill in is at the end of this report. These are intended to be used
    together – i.e. read the steps below and write the details for your business on the attached
    roadmap document in the spaces provided.

    step 1 – define your company goal
    There are two kinds of goals that fall into this category. Let’s call them the big picture goals, and
    the second let’s call the immediate, operational goals.

    Let’s take an example. Your big picture goal may be to be the market leader (by sales volume) of
    all new solar panels for households in your city – be that Rome, Vancouver, Melbourne, Maine
    or Cape Town. Or you may aim to be the market leader in your province or state, or even for your
    whole country. Be specific and be realistic. You intend for this to happen within the next 18

    As part of your big-picture goal you also aim to stock the widest range of quality solar panels for
    households of any supplier online, or in your city (if you have a store) or in your country? You get
    the idea. The same applies whether you offer your product and service online, offline or both.

    What we are interested in for this stage of planning our social media strategy are the immediate
    or “operational” goals you have in order to realise the “big picture” goal(s). Make these as
    specific as possible. The more concrete they are, the easier it will be to measure your success.

    For example, in order to maintain the status of market leader by sales volume of solar panels, we
    could focus on providing excellent service, including after sales service. The rationale for this is
    that the happier our existing customers are, the more they will buy future panels from us and the
    more they will spread the good word about us to their networks.

    Still using our example, we will minimise the number of product returns by offering active
    support in troubleshooting and problem identification as soon as an issue is raised by a customer.
    This will help reduce the number of returns due to incorrect installation or other factors.

    Fill in your main goal(s) as well as the secondary goals that support them under step 1 of your
    attached roadmap document. If the goal is not measurable in some way, you will want to refine it
    until it is. How will you know when you achieve it/them?

    step 2 – define your website goal and specific call to action                                           2
    If you do not have a website that is the online “home” of your company it is going to be a lot
    more difficult to leverage your social media engagement. You may still benefit from a social
    media campaign without a website or blog, but we’ll focus here on having one.

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   Some people prefer to have a blog as their main “home” site. This works well for individuals who
   essentially are their brand and they are seen as “being” the company.

   If you do have a website it should be optimised in two main ways. The first relates to getting
   people to your website and the second is what action that person takes when he or she gets

   goal 1: getting people to your website
   Your site (blog or typically html-type site) should be optimised for search through search engines
   (SEO). What this means is that when someone types in the search term “solar panels for homes”
   your main website should appear on the first page displayed by Google or any of the other search
   engines that people in your target area use.

   You begin accomplishing this by selecting the keywords and keyword phrases most suited to
   your business or specific products. These are also the keywords that have the greatest chance of
   resulting in a visitor following your desired call to action. You then optimise your website copy
   and the information on your site for those keywords and phrases.

   This is not a complicated process but it does require specific attention to detail that I cannot do
   justice to in this report. Look for links in the resources section to information on how to do this or
   where to outsource this to.

   Each website and each web page on the internet has a “ranking” given to it by Google and other
   search engines. Google calls this “Page Rank”. One of your goals is to raise the Page Rank of
   your website and blog as high as possible.

   The higher your page rank the better your chances of making the first page of Google search for
   any of your desired keywords. If your own site has a low page rank, the next best thing is to be
   linked to and linked from other websites that have a high Page Rank. The easiest way to do this
   and the way that is most in the spirit of social media, is to freely provide superb content in ways
   that other blogs and users of information will lap up and use - and in the process link to your

   Hint: Most social media platforms have a high page rank.

   goal 2: getting people to take action when they get to your website
   Once an individual arrives at your site, you want him or her to execute your call to action. If you
   want that person to sign up for a free trial of your product or service, tell them so and give them
   an easy way to do that. The same goes for getting them to buy a product immediately, or to sign
   up for your newsletter by entering her name and email address. Be clear and explicit. Make it
   possible for the person to do what you ask them to do with the least amount of fuss, with as few
   clicks as possible.

   It won’t hurt to have a free scan of your website to see how well the basic design and SEO factors
   are handled. Go to, enter your url and see the detailed results. No

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    step 3 – listen to what individuals are
    saying and where they are saying it.                                                                    3
    One question before we get online and start listening is this: “what are you listening out
    for?” Ask yourself that regularly throughout this listening stage and for all your social media

    Here are four things that will guide what you will listen out for. Fill them in on the social media
    roadmap document.

    They are (1) your company name, (2) a description (maximum of three) of your marketplace, (3)
    the “types” of products or services you are promoting
    (e.g. solar panels, photovoltaic solar panels) and (4)
    the brand names of your products or services (e.g.
    Rainbow, Green Queen and Top panels).                          idea:
    Armed with this, begin listening to what is being said         If you find that the conversations
    online right now. Do this first – sign up for Google alerts.   around your keyword or key
                                                                   phrase are not related to buying,
    Go to and log in.                 then try adding an “action” word
                                                                   to the phrase.
    You will need to sign up for a Google account, which is
    free. Do it. There are many useful tools offered by Google     For example, if you are not
    for free, you can use your single account with them to         having luck with the term “solar
    log in to any of the services they provide.                    panels”, try “buy solar panels”
                                                                   or “buying solar panels” and see
    Once you are signed in, enter your company name as a           the difference.
    search term. If your name is two or more words, be sure
    to click on “Advanced search” and then type the phrase         If you are not having much
                                                                   luck with your company name,
    into the “With the exact phrase” field. If you are doing
                                                                   try “Dragon Mist products” or
    a search for a specific area, then enter the city, state, or
                                                                   “Dragon Mist service”.
    country in the field further down: “Return only articles
    about a local area”.

    Select email every day. If that becomes too much in the future, just log in and change it to once
    a week.

    A second Google search you should do right away makes use of Google’s (surpisingly little known)
    feature called “Show Options”. To get to this feature first type in your search term at
    and hit Search.

    The first results will appear and so too will the “Show Options” link at top left.

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   Click on the “Show Options” link and the options will appear down the left of the screen.

                    Start your listening by clicking on the videos, forums and reviews links and see
                    what the first page results are. Do this for each of your keyword phrases as well
                    as for your company name and product brands.

                    Google has been focusing on real-time search recently as this was never
                    previously their strong point. The “Any Time” options now allow you to search
                    for results that were posted in the last 24 hours and often more recently than that.

                    Twitter (advanced) search is our next stop. It is one of the busiest and buzziest
                    connectors of people to information out there at the moment. The results will
                    also give you an idea of what kinds of other social media sites are being pointed
                    to and are central to the conversation on your topic.

                    Go here

                     If you have phrases, then enter the phrase into
   the field that reads “Exact term”.
                                                                            Be discerning about which RSS
   I am currently using a tool called Tweetizen which has a great           feeds you subscribe to, which
   interface and allows you to set up groups around the keywords            newsletters you sign up for etc.
   you are interested in. You will need to have registered your twitter
   account to join. Once you have logged in through Tweetizen you           Source quality information that
   set up a group and easily click between your keyword or key phrase       is highly relevant to you and
   groups and see (in realtime) what the world is twittering about in       what you are in the process of
   your realm.                                                              achieving with your business.                                                     It is very easy to become
                                                                            overwhelmed with information.
   Set up RSS feeds. If you already have a Google account simply            If the post, article or idea does
   sign up for Google Reader. Many people swear by http://www.              not have a “wow” impact on you
                                                                            then why subscribe to it? which is also good (and now also owned by
   Google). Google Reader has two functions that are useful for you
                                                                            Some people try desperately
   right now.
                                                                            to get the maximum number
                                                                            of followers and huge email
   Once your account is set up at Google Reader, simply click on
                                                                            lists regardless of their
   the RSS feed you see at any blog online that you would like to
                                                                            quality. Remember – it’s about
   receive feeds from. Google Reader is your RSS aggregator for the
                                                                            conversions at the end of the
   information coming from the sites you choose to follow.
                                                                            day, not follower or list size.
   The second good use of Google reader is to find blogs. Once you
   have signed up for an account, click the “Add a subscription” button and enter a search term.
   Multiple pages of links will be displayed which you can then browse and click through to in
   deciding whether you want to follow them via RSS or not.

   You can subscribe to the RSS feed of any of them (or just scan them).

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    It’s worth seeing your keywords and keyword phrases from a few different angles to add some
    depth. There are new tools coming to market literally every day, each with a slightly different
    search angle.

    The key categories of social media search are available as search options in many of the social
    media search platforms. Let’s look at one now:

    Above the search field at SocialMention there are tabs for you to select any one or all of the
    following: Blogs, Microblogs, Bookmarks, Comments, Events, Images, News, Video, Audio and

    Also, have a go at

    For now this is a very adequate place to listen in.

    At this stage do not get bogged down in months of research. Spend time every day listening to
    the conversations, and recording them on the Roadmap document. Do this for an hour or two a
    day for a week. Patterns will emerge that will guide you to the social media locations where you
    will find your people. Depending on the progress you make, you may want to continue for a few
    weeks. I suggest maximum of one month for this stage.

    step 4 – map and list how it is being said
    and who the influencers are                                                                            4
    The kinds of things you are going to be listening out for in your tweets, blog post etc.
    conversations in your market are:

    •	   What are the emotional triggers?
    •	   What lingo is being used (e.g. LOL (“Lots of Love” or “Laugh out Loud”), WTF (work this
         one out for yourself ;-) A tip. If you ever see an acronym that you don’t know simply Google
         “what does WTF mean?” and you’ll get an answer. (It sometimes means “What’s This
    •	   What is the tone of the conversations? Friendly, formal, use of “in-group” slang?
    •	   Are people sharing ideas and activities?
    •	   Are people sharing lots of links?
    •	   Who are the influencers in the community?
    •	   Who are the outside influencers in the community? (E.g. Regulating bodies and activist
         groups that get discussed).

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   step 5 – decide on your social media
   presence and register the accounts online.                                                                    5
   Stake your social media real estate claim now. Make sure you understand the difference between
   your company name and your username, as detailed below.

   register effectively
   If your company name consists of many words – such as
                                                                            tips for posting
   “Dragon Mist Solar Panel Company” - you will need to decide
                                                                            Posting is a big subject and
   on a shorter name. DragonMist will be a good company username.
                                                                            worth staying on top of by
   You will enter your company name as Dragon Mist (two words) on
                                                                            reading good posts on the topic,
   any sign up information asking for your company name. You will           experimenting, watching what the
   use DragonMist (one word) as your username for that social media.        leaders in your community are
   Use the same spelling and the same use of caps for ALL your              doing and by being authentic.
   social media you intend to use your username for.
                                                                            One mistake that many people
   You will be asked to fill in a description of your business and what     make is to write one post and
   you offer. This could be a short description (e.g. the bio space in      submit it as is to all of their
   Twitter) or a long description. If you sign up for LinkedIn you will     social media sites. You may have
   start with your own personal details (mini CV) and then fill in your     a facebook update that is 300
   company description as the place that you work or the business           characters long, describing your
   you own.                                                                 new blog post. That is perfect for
   When you fill out the business description, include some of your
   top keywords you’ve identified for your business, and make it            However, when it appears on
   interesting. Add some spring to your business description step. If       Twitter it is cut off after 140
   you are struggling with this, take note of the descriptions you see      characters and the link may not
   while you are listening online and which ones you think are great.       appear. Anyone seeing your post
   What are they doing? See if you can replicate that energy in yours.      and is intrigued cannot get to the
                                                                            post and is frustrated.
   Search here to see if the name you have chosen is taken. One easy
   step here.                                            Make your post relevant to your
                                                                            social media site it is going to
   If your name is taken, don’t panic. There are lots of creative ways      appear on. They can still all be
   to set up social media names.                                            sent from the same platform (in
                                                                            my case
   Register your name on these accounts because sooner or later you
   are likely to use them. It works the same way that registering your
   company domain name protects you from someone registering it and using it for their website.

   By registering your company name you are not committing to using these accounts immediately.
   Importantly, do not link to your registered but unutilized pages in any of your articles, messages,
   bios etc. until you are actively using them. You do not want to provide a link for someone to click
   through to an empty page.

   When you register for the sites that you are not ready to use actively right away (e.g. Squidoo), fill
   in all your details and include a link back to your main site. It will not do any harm to link from
   these sites to your main site.

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    Set the intention of using them all and do so when the time is right.

    register at:

    On linkedIn you are going to set up your own personal profile that includes information you would
    typically have on your CV. LinkedIn is really an online CV profile of individuals.

    There will be a space for you to fill in the name of the company you work for or own. join

    If you don’t already have a personal facebook account then
    you’ll need to set one up in order to get a business page or        good to know
    start a group. Start by setting up a Facebook Business Page.
    You may set up multiple pages, covering different topics or        QQ, leader in China, is the largest
    relating to your various keywords. Great for SEO.                  social network in the world (300
                                                                       million active accounts)
    Visit this URL:           Facebook has almost colonised
                                                                       Europe and it’s extending its
    Take a few minutes to decide on the best category for your         global reach with more than 200
    business as this isn’t easy to change later. Enter your business   millions users
    or product name and click “Create Page”.                           Maktoob is the most important
                                                                       Arab community/portal
    Add your bio and main website address and your company logo        Myspace lost its leadership
    at the link “Add Information To This Page”.                        everywhere (except in Guam), but
                                                                       is still prominent.
    Now click on your business name that has appeared in the top       V Kontakte is the most popular
    left corner of your screen (a hyperlink) and click “Publish this   in Russian territories (looks a lot
    Page”. Only now will people be able to see your new page.          like Facebook)
                                                                       Orkut is strong in India and
    To finish off, you must click “Add to my products”, and you        Brazil
    become your first “fan” of your business. Don’t skip this last     Hi5 is still leading in Peru,
    step or your site won’t go live.                                   Colombia, Ecuador and other
                                                                       scattered countries such as
    Next, register a Facebook group. You set up a group at the link    Portugal, Mongolia, Romania
    below. Choose an “Open” group to allow anyone to join.             (Hi5 is a San Francisco based
                                                                       Company)                          Odnoklassniki is strong in some
                                                                       former territories of the Soviet
    You will be able to invite friends and colleagues from your        Union
    personal Facebook account and elsewhere to join the group.         Source:

    MySpace does not currently approve of accounts being set up
    with a purely business focus. To use MySpace effectively you
    need to include details about yourself, what your interests are
    and make your business a part of this (not the other way round.)

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   Lots more detail to help you along your way here:

   Having a separate personal and company twitter account is sometimes advisable. Fill in as much
   information as possible on the bio page, including your keywords and market description. People
   will find you by searching for keywords and phrases and it helps to have them in your bio. Make
   it conversational and don’t stuff it with keywords.

   Use a picture of yourself, or your company logo. It makes your tweets much more personal.
   Remember – as always – to link to your “main” website.

   Signup here:

   Your bookmarks will be made public and when someone finds your posts and your contribution to
   a community useful, they may view your delicious links to see what you read.

   Start using it as your bookmarking tool in place of your browser as a good way to start seeing the
   value in this service. Select tags for each link you choose to bookmark, that you can then sort
   your favourites by.

   Signing up for YouTube is pretty straight forward. Remember to use your business name as your
   username and fill in all details including your website link.

   Sign up here:

   When you have your account up and running and you are comfortable posting videos and
   optimising them for search as part of your social media engagement, you may be ready for your
   own YouTube channel.

   Everything you need to set up your own channel is here:

   Press the Change Icon link in the right top corner and now you can upload your pic, bio (“About
   me” box) and website link. As with all of your bios, make it memorable, something that will make
   others want to click on it.

   Digg also does not permit accounts with the sole purpose of promoting company products and
   services. You are going to promote yourself as an expert and share information on the benefits of
   your products and services.

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    In the words of Digg themselves:

    Digg is not for commercial use. Please don’t use Digg for selling or promoting products and
    services. If we discover that you’re involved in Digging for profit we reserve the right to terminate
    your account permanently.

    At Digg you will discover, select, share & discuss.

    Squidoo is the brainchild of internet marketer extraordinaire Seth Godin. Each account is a
    “lens” on a particular subject. It is popular and has a high page rank and features prominently in
    Google search.

    Go to the registration page and fill in all of your personal information. Once you’ve confirmed
    your e-mail address, go ahead and create a lens. It will ask what your lens is about and here
    enter your main keyword phrase that you’ve used to optimise your main site (e.g. “Solar Panels
    for Households”).

    Next, select “I want to do my own thing.” Now you are able to name your lens. Enter your
    company name, using dashes between each word.

    Also pick the category that is most relevant to your business and main keywords. On the next
    page you’ll enter the next three main keywords or keyword phrases you have identified for your

    Now it’s time to create and edit your lens. For the “Lens Intro Title,” just use the primary
    keyword phrase again.

    For the description, write up a quick three sentence blurb explaining what your company provides
    and use your main keyword phrase at least once. For example, “Welcome to this lens! I am the
    owner at Dragon Mist and I’m passionate about green energy and specifically solar panels for
    households. If there is anything you’d like to know about solar panels for home use, read on or
    contact me…”

    There is a lot of information at the Squidoo site to help you get your lens set up, looking good
    and with good basic information.                            idea
    Register at other social media sites that your market is using.       When posting to your blog
    In the Arab community that may be Maktoob, in China QQ etc.           consider adding an image or two
                                                                          to your post to add depth and
    do I need a blog?                                                     colour.

    Can you commit to updating your blog at least once a week?            A quick scan at a site like
    Can you commit to making time to read and address the        should get you a
    comments you will receive in response to your posts? This             powerful pic you can use. They’re
    commitment is essential for your blog to be an asset.                 inexpensive.

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   You have two options when it comes to hosting your blog. The first is you can use a free blogging
   platform such as or You simply go to the site, sign up, choose the
   name for your blog and you are set. There are even default designs you can use. There are some
   limitations, though.

   The second option – which I recommend - is to register a domain or use your existing company
   domain name, with an extension. For example

   There are some technical details to consider here. If your site is hosted on a Microsoft Windows
   server, it is difficult to install WordPress or the other industry standard open-source platforms.

   If you are committed to a Windows server, one of the easiest workarounds is to register a new
   domain (e.g. and host that on a Linux server somewhere else.

   Of the many hosting companies I have used for WordPress, the
   company I recommend most is listed in the Resources section.
   Just make sure that the company you choose to host with has             idea
   C-Panel. Ask them.
                                                                          Write occasional posts in
   I use WordPress and always have. There are lots of themes              response to a popular and
   available, both paid and free. Search for them. There are also lots    stimulating post you read in your
   of useful plugins written for WordPress. If there is one plugin I      community.
   recommend it is SEO plugin.
                                                                          Reference the article in yours,
   Setting up your blog theme and plugins is something you can            and freely reference other great
   confidently outsource. See outsourcing details towards the end of      articles and provide links to them
   the report.                                                            in your post.

   Read this good article on choosing a blog platform here

   ideas for your blog.
   As an industry insider you should have some idea of what the pains of your customers are. What
   do they want? What are they searching for? How can you provide this for them through your blog?

   If you run customer surveys you could use the most commonly raised issues and questions as a
   blog topic.

   Ideas for posts can be triggered by posts and information you read online. When that happens,
   bookmark the page with your Delicious button on your browser and create a tag for this purpose,
   something like “blogideas”. You can then find them all easily when you need them.

   Keep a small notebook on you to jot down ideas when they come to you in the shower (waterproof
   notebook) or out walking the dog.

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    step 6 – select your posting and tracking platforms (software).
    Thankfully, there are many applications available (mostly free of charge), that help with
    management of your social media presence. Expect many more to emerge over the next months
    and years.

    The first benefit is that of having a single, central place from which to post messages and
    updates to multiple social media sites at once. These usually also have some level of built in
    tracking tools. An obvious benefit is that it saves you having to log into each account separately
    each time you want to post something or to read other people’s posts.

    Tracking is valuable in that it gives you an idea of what is working and what is
    not working in your social media activities. I am going to detail the applications
    that I use and have found most beneficial. There are many others and some of
    the other ones you may want to look at are and

    To fully describe the process of posting and tracking, let’s look at the combinations I use
    successfully. They are free to use and excellent tools.

    First sign up at and add your Twitter account.

    Now sign up at In Hootsuite, as an admin, click on
    “Settings.” At the bottom of the “Account” tab, you’ll see a section.
    Here you just paste in your application key.

    You can drag and drop the HootSuite “owlet” into your browser and then click on it each time
    you want to Tweet about a blog or site you are visiting.

    I keep HootSuite and ping open in two tabs on my browser and switch between them. Hootsuite
    allows you to shorten links (URLs), schedule posts for later and track how many times your links
    have been clicked.

    Play around with the two applications and you will discover the many features and the way to
    synchronise the two that works best for you.

    step 7 – define all metrics – clearly, and measurably
    (is that a word?)                                                                                      7
    The first metric relates to your business goals/objectives. In our example company, Dragon Mist,
    the goal is to be the best selling home solar panel supplier by volume. How will you know if you
    have succeeded?

    One source may be a green household survey done every six months and available for your area.
    Other data? If you cannot measure your business goals and objectives, rework them until you
    have clear means of measuring them.

    Let’s look at the goal “Reduce the number of monthly returns by 15% within six months”. This is
    measured in our example by recording the number of returns monthly. Stock take is done on the
    21st of each month and results available by the 25th, from stock control department.

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   Let’s look at your website. Your goal could be to increase conversions of people providing their
   details for a free “Green power household assessment” with one of your consultants. A follow-
   on goal could be to convert 35% of those prospects into paying clients within 3 months of their

   When it comes to website visitor tracking, many people use Google analytics. I prefer
   Statcounter. Sign up for free at either one, insert some code they provide you onto each page
   of your website and you are tracking. They cover all the metrics you will need. Unique visitors,
   repeat visitors, entry and exit pages, conversions and a few other things.

   With regard to each of your social media accounts, the manner in which you track your progress
   depends on your goals.

   If you have chosen something with less concrete measures, such as “raising brand awareness”,
   you will not be focusing on tracking the number of links opened in your posts, or clicks through
   to your blog. You will search for your brand name in twitter search and other media search
   tools (such as social mention). You will be seeing how often it is being mentioned, whether the
   mentions are positive or negative, and what the context of the mention is.

   If you are aiming to drive people to your blog to pre-sell them before sending them on to your
   website, you will track visitor metrics. You will also track the number of click throughs that come
   from your various social media, each of your posts, and what the click ratio is.

   For example, you may have links to a key blog post of yours in six different social media. You can
   track whether the bulk of the links came from Twitter, Facebook, Delicious etc. You can also see
   which of those visitors went on to click through to your website. This will tell you which of your
   social media is providing you with the most clicks to your blog, and which is providing the best
   rate of click throughs to your website.

   The point is that the clearer you are about what action you want every follower or reader or friend
   to take in every one of your posts, the easier it will be to track them.

   It is often useful to map your social media out on a piece of paper and draw the flow of
   information and visitor interest with directional lines.

   Other metrics you can look at are subscribers, fans, page views, links and bookmarks.

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    step 8 – listen, engage and grow your network                                                          8
    This is where you jump in and start listening through your own social media accounts, and begin
    growing your network. Now you begin to actively listen to what is going on in your community,
    and start engaging.

    Once you have all your information entered, you can import           idea
    your contact list from your email programme and see which
    of your contacts are on LinkedIn. Invite them to connect with        To get the maximum number of
    you.                                                                 people to click through to your
                                                                         desired destination…
    Join a few groups linked closely to your product or service. Click
    on Groups and enter your keyword/s. For “solar” there are well         1. Offer something of value
    over a hundred groups. Each has a short description so you can            (always). That could be a
    join the groups with the best fit to your interest and goals. Here        genuinely valuable offer,
    are some of the first groups I found on a search for “Solar” that         well written, clear and
    are relevant to our business example.                                     relevant article etc.
                                                                           2. Be authentic.
          •	Solar Energy Network (3300 members)                            3. Engage and show your
          •	Global Renewable Energy Network (GReEN)                           personality.
            (2200 members)                                                 4. Don’t hard-sell.
          •	Solar Energy Consultants (2200 members)

    Asking relevant questions within each group and answering other people’s questions can raise
    your profile as an expert and give you the chance to mention what you sell. This is not for
    hard selling, but you could answer a question, saying ”As someone who sells solar panels to
    households in the Christchurch area...” Anyone wanting to find out more about you can click on
    your name and see your full profile, including a link to your main site.

    Be creative. Grow your network. Think laterally. See what the group leaders are doing and work
    out what their strategy is. Experiment.

    Post a dozen or so posts before you start following significant people you have found. People you
    follow are notified by email that you have followed them and they will frequently click through to
    your profile to see who you are.

    Follow me at

    Things that they will look at are your bio (are your interests compatible) & your follower number
    rations (are your follower numbers the same as or greater than your following numbers). They
    will also have a look at your last dozen or so tweets and see if they are interesting and they may
    check one or two links to see the quality of the information you are peddling.

    There is software that automatically finds people for you to follow, and then follows them on your
    behalf. It will then check to see if that person has followed you back, and if not will “un-follow”
    that person for you. This is mostly to keep your number of followers and number of followings
    similar. I don’t use software like this.

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   The downside of having thousands of followers is that it becomes noise and you lose the ability to
   see the tweets of the key people you want to hear from.

   Read around on blogs about setting up Twitter and make an informed decision about how you are
   going to approach each aspect of tweeting. My suggestions is start slowly and build more quickly
   as you naturally gather momentum.

   My suggestion is that you experiment, track the results of each experiment, and then continue
   with the aspects that best translate into results you want.

   By participating in the top three groups you have joined on facebook in a similar way to LinkedIn
   you will find members that you will want to invite into your network. Once you find someone
   you want to invite you can start a private conversation with them and then make friends when

   step 9 - use diverse social marketing strategies to
   get your engagement buzzing & track results.                                                            9
   Ok, you are up and running and have more than enough to get started and succeeding. As you
   explore social media you will discover new social media that you may want to register at. You’ll
   find new blogs and new ways of posting and leveraging these for incremental improvements.

   Here are a few marketing strategies that you can use to seriously ramp up your social media
   profile, get new targeted followers and increase your search engine ranking all at the same time.

   Don’t underestimate the power of these four marketing channels and leverage their simplicity.

   article marketing

   This usually has a gradual filtering through the various social media and then linking into your
   social media cloud or directly to your website. It, however, lasts for a long time and is worth

   Will the person reading this learn something new? Will they trust you more from reading your
   article? Make sure the answer to both is yes.

   See if you can use a current news event or trend to weave your story around. With solar panels for
   households and green energy, the trends to piggy back on will include global warming, electricity
   blackouts and eco-living.

   Select one keyword to focus the article on and use it a few times (2-3% of article word count)
   throughout the article. Select a different keyword or phrase to focus on for each article.
   First prize is to slightly rewrite three versions of the article, using different phrases, and submit
   each to a different directory. If you don’t have the time to do this then submit the same article to
   the different directories.

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    Post your article on your own blog first (if you have one). Google will see this as the articles
    “home”, because it appeared there first.

    Submit to at least one of the following three directories:

    press releases.
    Although there are some exciting new ideas in releasing social media press releases, a basic
    newsworthy release to some of the key online PR sites will get you some good coverage. Make it
    newsworthy. Don’t make it all about your product or service. Link to your main site.

    Press releases must have:

          •	    A headline and sub headline.
          •	    The origin or source of the news (example the location).
          •	    The body of the press release (with key news in the first paragraph).
          •	    Additional and contact information at the end (including a link to your main site).

    Submit your press release to at least the following three press release sites.

    Search for country-specific and industry-specific press release sites for your business and use

    commenting on blogs, forums and social media groups.
    Adding a comment at blog posts, forums and social media groups can add to your social media
    success in two main ways. The first is that it helps to establish you as an authority in your field
    and readers may be tempted to click through to your main website to find out more about you
    and what you offer.

    The second way it supports you is that Google currently counts links from comments as a valid
    incoming link, and thus helps your search ranking efforts. Make sure your comments are relevant
    to the page you are commenting on.

    Remember to use your main website link in the field where it is requested. Also add a photograph
    if it is offered as an option by the comment software, it adds character.

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   Get started with Video marketing by registering an account on YouTube. Make a screen capture
   video using Jing (free), publish it to (free) and put the link up on your blog. Load
   it up onto YouTube too. You load it onto YouTube by saving a copy from Jing onto your harddrive
   and loading it from there to YouTube.

   Step 10 – Measure, Adjust, Listen, Engage.
   Follow your roadmap, make adjustments and keep measuring.

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    part 3 – your social future

    Ok, this is the final part of this report so let’s wind things up. If you have read this report
    carefully and implemented all ten steps you are on track to growing your business in measurable
    ways using the power of social media.

    I just read this great quote:

  “       It is a bit odd to go to a bar, stay silent and almost invisible for the whole evening,

          and then complain that you had no interesting conversation. Yet this is exactly what
          happens a lot on online networks. (Roland Legrand).

    Don’t waste the good work you have done in setting up your social media presence by sitting
    back and not participating. Engage and magic will happen.

    Here are two final things to consider; outsourcing and advertising on social media.

    The skill and practice of outsourcing can leverage your efforts massively, and save you time.

    Don’t be afraid to outsource. In fact be proactive and
    choose a few small aspects of your social media campaign
    to outsource to teach yourself the ropes. I’ll show you how          tip
    right now. Remember, it is where your people are hanging out
    that you want to be, not just on the sites that you like. Just       Creative outsourcing.
    because you like recording audio for podcasts does not mean          Remember that you don’t have
    that it should be the focus of your social media campaign.           to pay for outsourced content.

    However, if your people are hanging out at video sites like          Ask your happiest customers if
    Yahoo video, YouTube and Viddler, get a presence there even if       they would record a two minute
    you don’t like making videos yourself. Prepare a clear brief on      webcam commentary on why
    exactly what you want and outsource it.                              they use our product.

    And if you want to outsource a snappy product video to post          What do they love about the
    online, start by asking for tips [guess where…] through your         product the most?
    social media channels. Post a question to a group you belong
    to on LinkedIn. Post what you intend to outsource, what              Run a competition for them.
    your budget is and if anyone has had any good outsourcing            Post them all up onto the social
    experiences with this kind of video. Any tips?                       media video properties and watch
                                                                         them go viral. No cost.
    If you are going to outsource your article and press releases for
    marketing, ask for samples first and generally go for providers
    who speak your desired language as their first language.

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   Try ; & to find a massive pool of people
   who can make that video, write that article etc.

   If you run an event, give a talk, or do a product demonstration. Catch some of the people
   afterwards, hit “roll” on your pocket flip cam and ask them where they are, what they have just
   been listening to, and how they found it. You may get just one or two great ones from many, but
   they are powerful and free. Post them up. I could go on, but over to you now...

   One of the best ways to stay motivated and informed is to take a course in social media
   that walks you step by step through each process. If you would like to stay informed about
   programmes I run online worldwide, enter your details here and I’ll keep you in the loop.

   advertising on social media
   Once you’ve settled into your basic social media presence and you are comfortable engaging your
   networks effectively, you may consider the many paid advertising options on social media.

   It is not essential to pay for advertising as part of your social media strategy, but it is an option
   worth considering. As you look out for them you will see them everywhere, and expect many more
   paid advertising options to emerge rapidly.

   You Tube has redesigned their site to make premium content more visible, facebook has
   advertising options, as does MySpace, LinkedIn and most others. Read up about the advertising
   options, make sure they align with your social media goals, and start small.

   think laterally.
   Social media is not a paint by numbers game. Once you have established a social media
   presence, think laterally. The more you can put yourself into the shoes of your customers,
   prospects or evangelists, the more chance you have of reaching them in a meaningful way
   (meaningful to them, remember).

   Please do post a comment on the GetSocialMedia blog about this guide here

   If you would like additional tips, links to case studies and other information you can use to power
   up your social media campaign, sign up at

   If you’ve found this guide useful please share it with others in your network, your friends and
   colleagues. You can do that now by simply telling them what you thought of the guide and
   sending them this link (which will always have the most recent version of the guide).

   A slightly more fun way to invite a few people at a time is to do it here (and get a free immediate
   gift in exchange)

Grow Your Business Using                                                                 Page 29 of 40
Social Media (A Guide) 2009.                        ©2009 Philip van Zyl

    my social media roadmap

    company/brand name ______________________________________________

    This document is to be used in conjunction with the ten step strategy in part 2 of the guide.

    Step 1 – company goal
    Clear big picture goals:
    ______________________________________   Clear & measurable company goals:
    ______________________________________                      YES   NO
    ______________________________________       Big picture
    ______________________________________       Operational
    In order to realise the above goals, my operational goals are:

    I am going to measure each of these as follows:


Grow Your Business Using                                                               Page 30 of 40
Social Media (A Guide) 2009.                      ©2009 Philip van Zyl
   Which of the above goals can you currently measure?

   Actions to be taken to clarify any of the above that need measurement clarification.


   Step 2 – website goal and clear call to action                                                        2
   My website goals (maximum of three) are (in order of preference)…

    (There should be one main website goal above)

   The clear call to action on my website is…

Grow Your Business Using                                                               Page 31 of 40
Social Media (A Guide) 2009.                      ©2009 Philip van Zyl

    The incentive for anyone to follow my call to action is (what’s in it for them?)

    Things I need to do to realise ALL of the above (in step 2 ) - including “by when” and who will
    do it?

    My top 5 – 10 keywords / keyword phrases are…
    (Don’t just guess these, use the tools, linked to in the resources section).

Grow Your Business Using                                                                    Page 32 of 40
Social Media (A Guide) 2009.                           ©2009 Philip van Zyl

   Step 3 – what are people saying and where are they saying it?                                      3
   This is what is being said about my company, product, service or brand.

   This is where it is being said.

   These are the key themes.


   These are the top 5 blogs relating to my business and offering.

Grow Your Business Using                                                            Page 33 of 40
Social Media (A Guide) 2009.                   ©2009 Philip van Zyl
    These are the other social network sites that are popular with my target community.


    Step 4 – map and list what is being said
    (Include the social media site next to each sentence)

    Some lingo being used:


    The general tone is (friendly, formal etc.)

    People are generally sharing… (ideas, reviews, articles…)


Grow Your Business Using                                                              Page 34 of 40
Social Media (A Guide) 2009.                     ©2009 Philip van Zyl
   If people are sharing links, what are they linking to?

   Some of the key community influencers appear to be

   Some of the key outside influencers appear to be


   step 5 – register all accounts listed in the guide’s step 5.
   Here are any additional sites where my conversations are happening:
   (Register for these)

Grow Your Business Using                                                        Page 35 of 40
Social Media (A Guide) 2009.               ©2009 Philip van Zyl

    step 6 – select posting and tracking software
            I signed up for   ____________________________________

            I signed up for   ____________________________________

            They are linked and working (if you signed up for more than one).

            I have successfully posted to each of my social media sites using the above
            posting platforms.

            I know how the basic tracking works (e.g. how to see how many times a link I
            have posted was clicked on.


    Step 7 – define all metrics
    N.B. For big picture goals and operational goals, include:
       1. what the measure is.
       2. how it is being measured.
       3. how often it will be measured.

    This is exactly how I measure the success of my big picture company goal(s)


Grow Your Business Using                                                               Page 36 of 40
Social Media (A Guide) 2009.                      ©2009 Philip van Zyl
Get Social Media Guide 2009
Get Social Media Guide 2009
Get Social Media Guide 2009
Get Social Media Guide 2009

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Get Social Media Guide 2009

  • 1. grow your business using social media – a step by step guide – JuLY 2009 BY PhiLiP van ZYL Copyright 2009, Philip van Zyl,
  • 2. letter from the author…… Welcome. If you are a business owner, this guide is written for you. It is also for those who work in new media teams or marketing departments, and for individuals who are their own brand. The principles and step by step process in this guide will help you to use the power of social media to grow your business. It does not matter if you live in Barcelona, Tokyo, Boston, Rio, Brisbane, Moscow, London, Canterbury, Dublin, Singapore or Cape Town. Or anywhere else for that matter. This step-by-step guide will shepherd you along the quick and proven path to successful social media engagement, customised for you and your business needs. I have cut straight to the good stuff. You’ll find links to the software I use, as well as to a bunch of excellent alternative sites, platforms and software. Almost all of these are free. There are tips in here that you won’t find anywhere else in one place. If you received this guide from a friend or colleague and you would like to pass it on, please pass on this link to the original guide and an area where you can sign up for further information & resources. The ten steps in this guide will give you the solid foundation you need. From there you can weave your unique magic and express your creativity as the individual you are. After all, it’s your business. I suggest you don’t skip any parts of the guide. Every part links to the others and forms one road map. Here’s to your social media success! Philip van Zyl Social Media explorer and navigator Follow me on Twitter at retweet this Click here to post this on twitter Copyright Statement: All content © 2009 by Philip van Zyl - Copyright holder is licensing this under the Creative Commons License, Attribution – Noncommercial - No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported, licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ (This means you can share it freely with your friends, but not resell it). Please refer colleagues and friends to this link to download the report for themselves: Grow Your Business Using Page 2 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 3. table of contents executive summary........................................................................................................4 about this guide............................................................................................................5 mindset........................................................................................................................6 part 1 - understanding social media.......................................................................7 what is social media really? are all social media the same? part 2 – social media and my business..................................................................9 how can my business benefit from social media? how do I align my social media goals with my business goals? why is my website optimisation so important for social media? the ten steps to social media success............................................................................12 step 1 – define your company goal. step 2 – define your website goal and specific call to action. step 3 – listen to what individuals are saying and where they are saying it. step 4 – map and list how it is being said and who the influencers are . step 5 – decide on your social media presence and register accounts online. step 6 – select your posting and tracking platforms. step 7 – define all metrics – clearly, and measurably. step 8 – listen, engage and grow your network. step 9 - use diverse social marketing strategies. step 10 – measure, adjust, listen, engage. part 3 – your social future.....................................................................................28 outsourcing. advertising on social media. think laterally. my social media roadmap.............................................................................................30 resources....................................................................................................................40 Grow Your Business Using Page 3 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 4. executive summary This free guide contains the principles and processes for business owners, marketing departments and media teams to build their brand and to grow their businesses, using the power of social media. The focus of the guide is on understanding social media and getting started efficiently and effectively, and then streamlining your online activity into those areas where you are most effective. More than just a theoretical look at the social media landscape, it offers the practical step by step process to get a social media strategy in place right away, and monitor its ongoing success. Most people are aware of social media tools like Facebook and Twitter, but aren’t sure how to use them in a business environment. This guide explores the relative merits of many different social media sites – and explains how to use them for business benefit. It defines social media for non-experts and includes a step-by-step guide to successful social media engagement, including a list of helpful resources, software and sites. Engaging with social media successfully requires a shift in some key principles of selling and marketing online. It requires businesses to embrace the concept of entering a two-way conversation with customers through multiple channels, rather than one-way communication through traditional marketing tools such as advertising. Social media doesn’t need to be hard work. This is a guide to engaging customers and stakeholders online in a rewarding, productive and enjoyable way. It explains how businesses can benefit from a carefully considered social media strategy – beginning with the recognition that companies and their products are already being discussed online. The guide shows how you can start to listen to and participate in these discussions, and build trust with your existing and prospective customers. The ten practical steps in the second half of this guide are a step by step roadmap to social media success for businesses and brands. They include tips on defining a company’s social media goals and linking them to other business goals. These ten steps are used in conjunction with the “social media roadmap” document at the end of the guide, where the guide user’s actual strategy is mapped, recorded and designed by them. The majority of social media strategies are built around a “main” website or blog. The importance of optimising this “main” site is emphasised and the process explained. This optimisation is done for both social media links as well as Google and other search engine ranking success. The report also explains what you want your prospective customers to do once they get to your site. It includes tips for the most effective way to post new content online, and to monitor content posted online by others – including a guide to selecting the most relevant material from the huge volume added to the internet every day. Should you or your company be a blogger? This guide will help you decide. And if you do decide to enter the blogosphere, it gives you some excellent tips on how to be successful. The whole social media environment is changing fast. The biggest and the most successful businesses in the world are getting involved. Isn’t it time you found out what it could do for you and your business? Grow Your Business Using Page 4 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 5. about this report Engaging social media successfully requires a few basic and yet fundamental shifts in the practice of selling and marketing online. Start by reading the next section called “Mindset”. The sustainability of your social media engagement depends upon it. If you read this report and complete each of the ten steps as they are detailed here, you will lay a solid foundation for success in using social media to grow your business. You will also be engaging meaningfully in the community that keeps you in business, and your business will grow. If you skip any of the steps or don’t complete them your chances of success are slim. Very slim. (But at least you’ll have found your twice removed cousins who live in Spain, and have seen all of their christening photos on Facebook). One of the greatest enablers of success in social media for your business is ACTION. Start small and think big. Do that today and you’ll see the benefits stack up before your eyes, day by day. Everything you need to get started is contained in this report or linked to in the References section. You ready to get going? Everything in this report is informed by three assumptions. They are the big picture “keys” to unlock the doors to your success. the three keys to social media success 1. If you do not have clear goals for your business, nothing you do offline, online or any-other- line is going to help you realise them. It is essential to have clear and measurable business goals. 2. If you do not have clear goals and a clear call to action on your “main” website, you will be diluting your social media efforts before you start. Your “main” site could be your blog or an HTML-type site. The “main” site action may be to take a free 30-day trial, sign up for a newsletter, or actually buy a product online right there. 3. Your social media sites will act largely as “feeder” sites and – collectively – as a feeder network for your main site. Remember this and engage in social media with this in mind. Grow Your Business Using Page 5 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 6. mindset Your mindset about Social media will inform your attitude towards social media even before you begin. the old way Let’s think of the old way of getting your message about your company products and services out there. Newspaper advertising, for example. A few thousand bucks for a big newspaper advert. Pay a few thousand bucks. Hmm, fun. Next hire a research company to find out whether those few thousand bucks were well spent and what your customers and prospective customers thought of it. Pay a few more thousand bucks. Now we’re having fun. Rinse, repeat, and try to run your business at the same time. the new way Listen to your customers from the comfort of your desk, through multiple channels, mostly at no cost. You are part of a big focus group of people that actually use your products or products in your market. They are speaking about their wants, frustrations, loves, pains, desires (as we speak)…all of which you can engage in and influence. Did I mention that the focus group is free? By engaging with some of the influencers in your community you’ll have access to top information on your marketplace, trends and insights. How about social bookmarking? By having one (start with you are not just trying to get more links to your website to schmooze Google (not exclusively anyway), you are easily finding top-notch information on your competitors, articles about your market and posts about your products. It’s like an online library put together specifically for you to use. And it is a free way for you to bookmark all the articles, posts, reports, videos, interviews etc. that you find online, using tags rather than the confusing “Bookmark” facility in your browser. I could go on, but my point is that social media does not have to be a slog. And the more you find ways to benefit as an individual and as a business owner or worker, the more you will enjoy yourself. Could that be the reason we’re all here in the first place? And when it comes to sustaining your social media strategy to grow your business, which of these two options do you think will last? 1. Social media is a painful mission and I am going to drag myself through it each day because there may be a benefit to the company somewhere. 2. Social media is an exciting opportunity for me to engage people online and spread messages virally, to learn from my peers and my customers, and to stay on top of my game in my field. Moving right along… Grow Your Business Using Page 6 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 7. part 1 - understanding social media “ The secret of social media is that it is not about you, your product or your story. It’s about creating value for the communities that happen to include you. If you want to make a positive impact, forget about what you can get from social media, and start thinking about what you can contribute. Funnily enough, the more value you create for ” the community, the more value they will create for you. Tim O’Reilly, O’Reilly Media. what is social media? Unless you’ve been living under a rock in the park for the last few years - without anyone to talk to and without an internet connection - you’ve probably heard of Facebook. It’s a key example of social media. A quick definition. Social media is a phrase that describes the platforms and other tools that connect people into social networks (of their choosing) online. Some of the household social media names worldwide (other than Facebook) are MySpace, Twitter, and YouTube. There are many, many more, and we’ll look at some of them in detail in this report. The individuals that make up these online networks, use social media to organise themselves according to (1) their interests and (2) their preference for the way they choose to share, store and deliver information within their community (or “network”). Individuals have made it clear they wish to connect with other individuals that they choose to, in the way that they choose to, and around topics and for reasons that they choose to. The individual is at the centre of the social media revolution. And this is changing the way business is done. Hint: kiss goodbye the idea of solely hiding behind the company PR department door and sending out anonymous press releases “in the name of the company”. Delete delete. are all social media the same? No they aren’t. Most sites are a combination of four elements - text, images, video, and audio. Many sites focus on just one of these elements. Youtube, Viddler and are examples of video sites. They also allow text descriptions, images (e.g. a photo of contributor) and audio. Despite these peripheral elements, they are still known as “Video sites” and video is their core offering. There are also photo sites, such as Flickr, SmugMug and many others. See the diagram that follows here for a comprehensive view of the key categories with examples. Brian Solis is one of the “godfathers” of social media and was jointly responsible for constructing the following diagram that details the main social media categories and some of the main players in each category. Look for the link to Brian Solis’s blog in the resources section. Grow Your Business Using Page 7 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 8. Grow Your Business Using Page 8 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 9. part 2 – social media and my business Here’s a quick revision of the three keys to social media success described in the “About this Report” section earlier. key 1 – If you are not clear on your core business goal(s), nothing you do will help you realise them (including social media). Get clear on your business goal(s) right now. Set goals that are measurable. key 2 – If your “main” website is not optimised to get every visitor to your site to take the action that you want them to, you simply have to sort that out. Optimise your main site, and keep it optimised in a way that directly supports your company goals. key 3 – Your engagement in social media will open new paths to your main website door. Social media sites will act as “feeder” sites to your “main” site. Bear this in mind as you engage. Before we begin the ten step plan to get those three keys into action, here are some final thoughts and details to smooth our way. How can your business benefit from social media? How do you align your social media goals with your business goals? Why is your website optimisation so important? how can my business benefit from social media? The individuals that buy and use your products and services are having conversations within their social networks right now. Some of them are discussing your products and their experiences of using these products and services, returning them, breaking them, loving them… Some of them are discussing your competitor’s products and services and what they love and loathe about them. Others are discussing your market place, what they really want, what they will pay good money for. By engaging and participating in conversations in your business’ social network you are going to add value, show that you care, handle specific issues that come up, and in that way build your credibility and reputation as a caring and in-touch company/brand. People will begin to like and trust you. When you then share details of a special offer some people will click through to look and some will buy. When someone tweets about the shocking service they experienced trying to return your product, someone will reply with their positive experience. By listening, you will find out how you can best package your product, deliver it, support it, charge for it etc. Your network will tell you and you will be able to listen in while two or more members in the community discuss it publicly. Once you have become an engaging and contributing member of this particular network, you can then introduce new topics, and begin to co-create information that the community engages with. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet… Grow Your Business Using Page 9 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 10. how do I align my social media goals with my business goals? In a nutshell, you are going do this by knowing what your company goals are right now. You’ll be driving increasing numbers of people to your “main” website so it will need to have a clear call to action and be optimised for your chosen keywords. If you want to raise brand awareness, then have useful information and cool things about your offering at your website. If you want to increase sales of a product then feature that product on your website prominently and have a clear call to action (in this case – click here to buy). Because much of the social media you will be engaging in will serve as “feeder” sites to your “main” site, you may only have one shot at converting a visitor into a prospect, or a customer into a repeat customer. Social media will get visitors there, so pre-sell them as much as possible. Social media will help you here in two ways. It will spread links and good vibes about your main site and people will click directly from articles and tweets and posts to your website. The second way it will help you is that all of the incoming links to your site - that have spread around the internet - will increase your ranking on Google and the other search engines. To locate your social media strategy properly within the context of your business, try sketching it out freehand if you don’t want to use software to do this. Here is a diagram I recently sketched for a client to map the flow of people to their main site - and through their sales and retention process as well. The more integrated the diagram is into your complete business flow, the better. It includes social media as well as all other avenues for this specific business. Grow Your Business Using Page 10 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 11. why is my website optimisation so important for social media? Part of the optimisation of your main site (website or blog) is to have a set of keywords and phrases that you have identified, and that your prospective buyers use to search for you on Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines. If you have not optimized your website for specific keywords, look under Resources at the end of this report for links to sites designed for this purpose. It is essential. You will be engaging in conversations around your keywords and keyword phrases, and the more they beat a path to your website door the better. Let’s say for example that you are an online tax consultant. When anyone types in the word “tax return” you want the search result linking to your website to be displayed as near as possible to the top of page one on Google results. Social media plays a decisive part in Google’s decision as to how relevant your website is to the term being searched for – and as a result, whether to put you on page one or page 101 of the results for that word/phrase. Grow Your Business Using Page 11 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 12. the ten steps to get you there. Ok, let’s get cracking with your social media path (roadmap) to success. We are shifting now from theory into the nitty gritty detail of how to craft and implement your roadmap. The ten steps you will take to succeed in growing your business with social media start here. An explanation of what you will need to do in each step is detailed below. The working document (roadmap) that you must fill in is at the end of this report. These are intended to be used together – i.e. read the steps below and write the details for your business on the attached roadmap document in the spaces provided. step 1 – define your company goal 1 There are two kinds of goals that fall into this category. Let’s call them the big picture goals, and the second let’s call the immediate, operational goals. Let’s take an example. Your big picture goal may be to be the market leader (by sales volume) of all new solar panels for households in your city – be that Rome, Vancouver, Melbourne, Maine or Cape Town. Or you may aim to be the market leader in your province or state, or even for your whole country. Be specific and be realistic. You intend for this to happen within the next 18 months. As part of your big-picture goal you also aim to stock the widest range of quality solar panels for households of any supplier online, or in your city (if you have a store) or in your country? You get the idea. The same applies whether you offer your product and service online, offline or both. What we are interested in for this stage of planning our social media strategy are the immediate or “operational” goals you have in order to realise the “big picture” goal(s). Make these as specific as possible. The more concrete they are, the easier it will be to measure your success. For example, in order to maintain the status of market leader by sales volume of solar panels, we could focus on providing excellent service, including after sales service. The rationale for this is that the happier our existing customers are, the more they will buy future panels from us and the more they will spread the good word about us to their networks. Still using our example, we will minimise the number of product returns by offering active support in troubleshooting and problem identification as soon as an issue is raised by a customer. This will help reduce the number of returns due to incorrect installation or other factors. Fill in your main goal(s) as well as the secondary goals that support them under step 1 of your attached roadmap document. If the goal is not measurable in some way, you will want to refine it until it is. How will you know when you achieve it/them? step 2 – define your website goal and specific call to action 2 If you do not have a website that is the online “home” of your company it is going to be a lot more difficult to leverage your social media engagement. You may still benefit from a social media campaign without a website or blog, but we’ll focus here on having one. Grow Your Business Using Page 12 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 13. Some people prefer to have a blog as their main “home” site. This works well for individuals who essentially are their brand and they are seen as “being” the company. If you do have a website it should be optimised in two main ways. The first relates to getting people to your website and the second is what action that person takes when he or she gets there. goal 1: getting people to your website Your site (blog or typically html-type site) should be optimised for search through search engines (SEO). What this means is that when someone types in the search term “solar panels for homes” your main website should appear on the first page displayed by Google or any of the other search engines that people in your target area use. You begin accomplishing this by selecting the keywords and keyword phrases most suited to your business or specific products. These are also the keywords that have the greatest chance of resulting in a visitor following your desired call to action. You then optimise your website copy and the information on your site for those keywords and phrases. This is not a complicated process but it does require specific attention to detail that I cannot do justice to in this report. Look for links in the resources section to information on how to do this or where to outsource this to. Each website and each web page on the internet has a “ranking” given to it by Google and other search engines. Google calls this “Page Rank”. One of your goals is to raise the Page Rank of your website and blog as high as possible. The higher your page rank the better your chances of making the first page of Google search for any of your desired keywords. If your own site has a low page rank, the next best thing is to be linked to and linked from other websites that have a high Page Rank. The easiest way to do this and the way that is most in the spirit of social media, is to freely provide superb content in ways that other blogs and users of information will lap up and use - and in the process link to your page. Hint: Most social media platforms have a high page rank. goal 2: getting people to take action when they get to your website Once an individual arrives at your site, you want him or her to execute your call to action. If you want that person to sign up for a free trial of your product or service, tell them so and give them an easy way to do that. The same goes for getting them to buy a product immediately, or to sign up for your newsletter by entering her name and email address. Be clear and explicit. Make it possible for the person to do what you ask them to do with the least amount of fuss, with as few clicks as possible. It won’t hurt to have a free scan of your website to see how well the basic design and SEO factors are handled. Go to, enter your url and see the detailed results. No Charge. Grow Your Business Using Page 13 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 14. step 3 – listen to what individuals are saying and where they are saying it. 3 One question before we get online and start listening is this: “what are you listening out for?” Ask yourself that regularly throughout this listening stage and for all your social media engagement. Here are four things that will guide what you will listen out for. Fill them in on the social media roadmap document. They are (1) your company name, (2) a description (maximum of three) of your marketplace, (3) the “types” of products or services you are promoting (e.g. solar panels, photovoltaic solar panels) and (4) the brand names of your products or services (e.g. Rainbow, Green Queen and Top panels). idea: Armed with this, begin listening to what is being said If you find that the conversations online right now. Do this first – sign up for Google alerts. around your keyword or key phrase are not related to buying, Go to and log in. then try adding an “action” word to the phrase. You will need to sign up for a Google account, which is free. Do it. There are many useful tools offered by Google For example, if you are not for free, you can use your single account with them to having luck with the term “solar log in to any of the services they provide. panels”, try “buy solar panels” or “buying solar panels” and see Once you are signed in, enter your company name as a the difference. search term. If your name is two or more words, be sure to click on “Advanced search” and then type the phrase If you are not having much luck with your company name, into the “With the exact phrase” field. If you are doing try “Dragon Mist products” or a search for a specific area, then enter the city, state, or “Dragon Mist service”. country in the field further down: “Return only articles about a local area”. Select email every day. If that becomes too much in the future, just log in and change it to once a week. A second Google search you should do right away makes use of Google’s (surpisingly little known) feature called “Show Options”. To get to this feature first type in your search term at and hit Search. The first results will appear and so too will the “Show Options” link at top left. Grow Your Business Using Page 14 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 15. Click on the “Show Options” link and the options will appear down the left of the screen. Start your listening by clicking on the videos, forums and reviews links and see what the first page results are. Do this for each of your keyword phrases as well as for your company name and product brands. Google has been focusing on real-time search recently as this was never previously their strong point. The “Any Time” options now allow you to search for results that were posted in the last 24 hours and often more recently than that. Twitter (advanced) search is our next stop. It is one of the busiest and buzziest connectors of people to information out there at the moment. The results will also give you an idea of what kinds of other social media sites are being pointed to and are central to the conversation on your topic. Go here If you have phrases, then enter the phrase into the field that reads “Exact term”. idea: Be discerning about which RSS I am currently using a tool called Tweetizen which has a great feeds you subscribe to, which interface and allows you to set up groups around the keywords newsletters you sign up for etc. you are interested in. You will need to have registered your twitter account to join. Once you have logged in through Tweetizen you Source quality information that set up a group and easily click between your keyword or key phrase is highly relevant to you and groups and see (in realtime) what the world is twittering about in what you are in the process of your realm. achieving with your business. It is very easy to become overwhelmed with information. Set up RSS feeds. If you already have a Google account simply If the post, article or idea does sign up for Google Reader. Many people swear by http://www. not have a “wow” impact on you then why subscribe to it? which is also good (and now also owned by Google). Google Reader has two functions that are useful for you Some people try desperately right now. to get the maximum number of followers and huge email Once your account is set up at Google Reader, simply click on lists regardless of their the RSS feed you see at any blog online that you would like to quality. Remember – it’s about receive feeds from. Google Reader is your RSS aggregator for the conversions at the end of the information coming from the sites you choose to follow. day, not follower or list size. The second good use of Google reader is to find blogs. Once you have signed up for an account, click the “Add a subscription” button and enter a search term. Multiple pages of links will be displayed which you can then browse and click through to in deciding whether you want to follow them via RSS or not. You can subscribe to the RSS feed of any of them (or just scan them). Grow Your Business Using Page 15 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 16. It’s worth seeing your keywords and keyword phrases from a few different angles to add some depth. There are new tools coming to market literally every day, each with a slightly different search angle. The key categories of social media search are available as search options in many of the social media search platforms. Let’s look at one now: Above the search field at SocialMention there are tabs for you to select any one or all of the following: Blogs, Microblogs, Bookmarks, Comments, Events, Images, News, Video, Audio and Q&A. Also, have a go at For now this is a very adequate place to listen in. At this stage do not get bogged down in months of research. Spend time every day listening to the conversations, and recording them on the Roadmap document. Do this for an hour or two a day for a week. Patterns will emerge that will guide you to the social media locations where you will find your people. Depending on the progress you make, you may want to continue for a few weeks. I suggest maximum of one month for this stage. step 4 – map and list how it is being said and who the influencers are 4 The kinds of things you are going to be listening out for in your tweets, blog post etc. conversations in your market are: • What are the emotional triggers? • What lingo is being used (e.g. LOL (“Lots of Love” or “Laugh out Loud”), WTF (work this one out for yourself ;-) A tip. If you ever see an acronym that you don’t know simply Google “what does WTF mean?” and you’ll get an answer. (It sometimes means “What’s This For?”). • What is the tone of the conversations? Friendly, formal, use of “in-group” slang? • Are people sharing ideas and activities? • Are people sharing lots of links? • Who are the influencers in the community? • Who are the outside influencers in the community? (E.g. Regulating bodies and activist groups that get discussed). Grow Your Business Using Page 16 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 17. step 5 – decide on your social media presence and register the accounts online. 5 Stake your social media real estate claim now. Make sure you understand the difference between your company name and your username, as detailed below. register effectively If your company name consists of many words – such as tips for posting “Dragon Mist Solar Panel Company” - you will need to decide Posting is a big subject and on a shorter name. DragonMist will be a good company username. worth staying on top of by You will enter your company name as Dragon Mist (two words) on reading good posts on the topic, any sign up information asking for your company name. You will experimenting, watching what the use DragonMist (one word) as your username for that social media. leaders in your community are Use the same spelling and the same use of caps for ALL your doing and by being authentic. social media you intend to use your username for. One mistake that many people You will be asked to fill in a description of your business and what make is to write one post and you offer. This could be a short description (e.g. the bio space in submit it as is to all of their Twitter) or a long description. If you sign up for LinkedIn you will social media sites. You may have start with your own personal details (mini CV) and then fill in your a facebook update that is 300 company description as the place that you work or the business characters long, describing your you own. new blog post. That is perfect for facebook. When you fill out the business description, include some of your top keywords you’ve identified for your business, and make it However, when it appears on interesting. Add some spring to your business description step. If Twitter it is cut off after 140 you are struggling with this, take note of the descriptions you see characters and the link may not while you are listening online and which ones you think are great. appear. Anyone seeing your post What are they doing? See if you can replicate that energy in yours. and is intrigued cannot get to the post and is frustrated. Search here to see if the name you have chosen is taken. One easy step here. Make your post relevant to your social media site it is going to If your name is taken, don’t panic. There are lots of creative ways appear on. They can still all be to set up social media names. sent from the same platform (in my case Register your name on these accounts because sooner or later you are likely to use them. It works the same way that registering your company domain name protects you from someone registering it and using it for their website. By registering your company name you are not committing to using these accounts immediately. Importantly, do not link to your registered but unutilized pages in any of your articles, messages, bios etc. until you are actively using them. You do not want to provide a link for someone to click through to an empty page. When you register for the sites that you are not ready to use actively right away (e.g. Squidoo), fill in all your details and include a link back to your main site. It will not do any harm to link from these sites to your main site. Grow Your Business Using Page 17 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 18. Set the intention of using them all and do so when the time is right. register at: LinkedIn On linkedIn you are going to set up your own personal profile that includes information you would typically have on your CV. LinkedIn is really an online CV profile of individuals. There will be a space for you to fill in the name of the company you work for or own. join Facebook If you don’t already have a personal facebook account then you’ll need to set one up in order to get a business page or good to know start a group. Start by setting up a Facebook Business Page. You may set up multiple pages, covering different topics or QQ, leader in China, is the largest relating to your various keywords. Great for SEO. social network in the world (300 million active accounts) Visit this URL: Facebook has almost colonised Europe and it’s extending its Take a few minutes to decide on the best category for your global reach with more than 200 business as this isn’t easy to change later. Enter your business millions users or product name and click “Create Page”. Maktoob is the most important Arab community/portal Add your bio and main website address and your company logo Myspace lost its leadership at the link “Add Information To This Page”. everywhere (except in Guam), but is still prominent. Now click on your business name that has appeared in the top V Kontakte is the most popular left corner of your screen (a hyperlink) and click “Publish this in Russian territories (looks a lot Page”. Only now will people be able to see your new page. like Facebook) Orkut is strong in India and To finish off, you must click “Add to my products”, and you Brazil become your first “fan” of your business. Don’t skip this last Hi5 is still leading in Peru, step or your site won’t go live. Colombia, Ecuador and other scattered countries such as Next, register a Facebook group. You set up a group at the link Portugal, Mongolia, Romania below. Choose an “Open” group to allow anyone to join. (Hi5 is a San Francisco based Company) Odnoklassniki is strong in some former territories of the Soviet You will be able to invite friends and colleagues from your Union personal Facebook account and elsewhere to join the group. Source: archives/post_2.php MySpace MySpace does not currently approve of accounts being set up with a purely business focus. To use MySpace effectively you need to include details about yourself, what your interests are and make your business a part of this (not the other way round.) Grow Your Business Using Page 18 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 19. Lots more detail to help you along your way here: Twitter Having a separate personal and company twitter account is sometimes advisable. Fill in as much information as possible on the bio page, including your keywords and market description. People will find you by searching for keywords and phrases and it helps to have them in your bio. Make it conversational and don’t stuff it with keywords. Use a picture of yourself, or your company logo. It makes your tweets much more personal. Remember – as always – to link to your “main” website. Signup here: Delicious Your bookmarks will be made public and when someone finds your posts and your contribution to a community useful, they may view your delicious links to see what you read. Start using it as your bookmarking tool in place of your browser as a good way to start seeing the value in this service. Select tags for each link you choose to bookmark, that you can then sort your favourites by. YouTube Signing up for YouTube is pretty straight forward. Remember to use your business name as your username and fill in all details including your website link. Sign up here: When you have your account up and running and you are comfortable posting videos and optimising them for search as part of your social media engagement, you may be ready for your own YouTube channel. Everything you need to set up your own channel is here: Digg Press the Change Icon link in the right top corner and now you can upload your pic, bio (“About me” box) and website link. As with all of your bios, make it memorable, something that will make others want to click on it. Digg also does not permit accounts with the sole purpose of promoting company products and services. You are going to promote yourself as an expert and share information on the benefits of your products and services. Grow Your Business Using Page 19 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 20. In the words of Digg themselves: Digg is not for commercial use. Please don’t use Digg for selling or promoting products and services. If we discover that you’re involved in Digging for profit we reserve the right to terminate your account permanently. At Digg you will discover, select, share & discuss. Squidoo Squidoo is the brainchild of internet marketer extraordinaire Seth Godin. Each account is a “lens” on a particular subject. It is popular and has a high page rank and features prominently in Google search. Go to the registration page and fill in all of your personal information. Once you’ve confirmed your e-mail address, go ahead and create a lens. It will ask what your lens is about and here enter your main keyword phrase that you’ve used to optimise your main site (e.g. “Solar Panels for Households”). Next, select “I want to do my own thing.” Now you are able to name your lens. Enter your company name, using dashes between each word. Also pick the category that is most relevant to your business and main keywords. On the next page you’ll enter the next three main keywords or keyword phrases you have identified for your website. Now it’s time to create and edit your lens. For the “Lens Intro Title,” just use the primary keyword phrase again. For the description, write up a quick three sentence blurb explaining what your company provides and use your main keyword phrase at least once. For example, “Welcome to this lens! I am the owner at Dragon Mist and I’m passionate about green energy and specifically solar panels for households. If there is anything you’d like to know about solar panels for home use, read on or contact me…” There is a lot of information at the Squidoo site to help you get your lens set up, looking good and with good basic information. idea Register at other social media sites that your market is using. When posting to your blog In the Arab community that may be Maktoob, in China QQ etc. consider adding an image or two to your post to add depth and do I need a blog? colour. Can you commit to updating your blog at least once a week? A quick scan at a site like Can you commit to making time to read and address the should get you a comments you will receive in response to your posts? This powerful pic you can use. They’re commitment is essential for your blog to be an asset. inexpensive. Grow Your Business Using Page 20 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 21. You have two options when it comes to hosting your blog. The first is you can use a free blogging platform such as or You simply go to the site, sign up, choose the name for your blog and you are set. There are even default designs you can use. There are some limitations, though. The second option – which I recommend - is to register a domain or use your existing company domain name, with an extension. For example There are some technical details to consider here. If your site is hosted on a Microsoft Windows server, it is difficult to install WordPress or the other industry standard open-source platforms. If you are committed to a Windows server, one of the easiest workarounds is to register a new domain (e.g. and host that on a Linux server somewhere else. Of the many hosting companies I have used for WordPress, the company I recommend most is listed in the Resources section. Just make sure that the company you choose to host with has idea C-Panel. Ask them. Write occasional posts in I use WordPress and always have. There are lots of themes response to a popular and available, both paid and free. Search for them. There are also lots stimulating post you read in your of useful plugins written for WordPress. If there is one plugin I community. recommend it is SEO plugin. Reference the article in yours, Setting up your blog theme and plugins is something you can and freely reference other great confidently outsource. See outsourcing details towards the end of articles and provide links to them the report. in your post. Read this good article on choosing a blog platform here ideas for your blog. As an industry insider you should have some idea of what the pains of your customers are. What do they want? What are they searching for? How can you provide this for them through your blog? If you run customer surveys you could use the most commonly raised issues and questions as a blog topic. Ideas for posts can be triggered by posts and information you read online. When that happens, bookmark the page with your Delicious button on your browser and create a tag for this purpose, something like “blogideas”. You can then find them all easily when you need them. Keep a small notebook on you to jot down ideas when they come to you in the shower (waterproof notebook) or out walking the dog. Grow Your Business Using Page 21 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 22. step 6 – select your posting and tracking platforms (software). Thankfully, there are many applications available (mostly free of charge), that help with 6 management of your social media presence. Expect many more to emerge over the next months and years. The first benefit is that of having a single, central place from which to post messages and updates to multiple social media sites at once. These usually also have some level of built in tracking tools. An obvious benefit is that it saves you having to log into each account separately each time you want to post something or to read other people’s posts. Tracking is valuable in that it gives you an idea of what is working and what is not working in your social media activities. I am going to detail the applications that I use and have found most beneficial. There are many others and some of the other ones you may want to look at are and To fully describe the process of posting and tracking, let’s look at the combinations I use successfully. They are free to use and excellent tools. First sign up at and add your Twitter account. Now sign up at In Hootsuite, as an admin, click on “Settings.” At the bottom of the “Account” tab, you’ll see a section. Here you just paste in your application key. You can drag and drop the HootSuite “owlet” into your browser and then click on it each time you want to Tweet about a blog or site you are visiting. I keep HootSuite and ping open in two tabs on my browser and switch between them. Hootsuite allows you to shorten links (URLs), schedule posts for later and track how many times your links have been clicked. Play around with the two applications and you will discover the many features and the way to synchronise the two that works best for you. step 7 – define all metrics – clearly, and measurably (is that a word?) 7 The first metric relates to your business goals/objectives. In our example company, Dragon Mist, the goal is to be the best selling home solar panel supplier by volume. How will you know if you have succeeded? One source may be a green household survey done every six months and available for your area. Other data? If you cannot measure your business goals and objectives, rework them until you have clear means of measuring them. Let’s look at the goal “Reduce the number of monthly returns by 15% within six months”. This is measured in our example by recording the number of returns monthly. Stock take is done on the 21st of each month and results available by the 25th, from stock control department. Grow Your Business Using Page 22 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 23. Let’s look at your website. Your goal could be to increase conversions of people providing their details for a free “Green power household assessment” with one of your consultants. A follow- on goal could be to convert 35% of those prospects into paying clients within 3 months of their contact. When it comes to website visitor tracking, many people use Google analytics. I prefer Statcounter. Sign up for free at either one, insert some code they provide you onto each page of your website and you are tracking. They cover all the metrics you will need. Unique visitors, repeat visitors, entry and exit pages, conversions and a few other things. With regard to each of your social media accounts, the manner in which you track your progress depends on your goals. If you have chosen something with less concrete measures, such as “raising brand awareness”, you will not be focusing on tracking the number of links opened in your posts, or clicks through to your blog. You will search for your brand name in twitter search and other media search tools (such as social mention). You will be seeing how often it is being mentioned, whether the mentions are positive or negative, and what the context of the mention is. If you are aiming to drive people to your blog to pre-sell them before sending them on to your website, you will track visitor metrics. You will also track the number of click throughs that come from your various social media, each of your posts, and what the click ratio is. For example, you may have links to a key blog post of yours in six different social media. You can track whether the bulk of the links came from Twitter, Facebook, Delicious etc. You can also see which of those visitors went on to click through to your website. This will tell you which of your social media is providing you with the most clicks to your blog, and which is providing the best rate of click throughs to your website. The point is that the clearer you are about what action you want every follower or reader or friend to take in every one of your posts, the easier it will be to track them. It is often useful to map your social media out on a piece of paper and draw the flow of information and visitor interest with directional lines. Other metrics you can look at are subscribers, fans, page views, links and bookmarks. Grow Your Business Using Page 23 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 24. step 8 – listen, engage and grow your network 8 This is where you jump in and start listening through your own social media accounts, and begin growing your network. Now you begin to actively listen to what is going on in your community, and start engaging. LinkedIn Once you have all your information entered, you can import idea your contact list from your email programme and see which of your contacts are on LinkedIn. Invite them to connect with To get the maximum number of you. people to click through to your desired destination… Join a few groups linked closely to your product or service. Click on Groups and enter your keyword/s. For “solar” there are well 1. Offer something of value over a hundred groups. Each has a short description so you can (always). That could be a join the groups with the best fit to your interest and goals. Here genuinely valuable offer, are some of the first groups I found on a search for “Solar” that well written, clear and are relevant to our business example. relevant article etc. 2. Be authentic. • Solar Energy Network (3300 members) 3. Engage and show your • Global Renewable Energy Network (GReEN) personality. (2200 members) 4. Don’t hard-sell. • Solar Energy Consultants (2200 members) Asking relevant questions within each group and answering other people’s questions can raise your profile as an expert and give you the chance to mention what you sell. This is not for hard selling, but you could answer a question, saying ”As someone who sells solar panels to households in the Christchurch area...” Anyone wanting to find out more about you can click on your name and see your full profile, including a link to your main site. Be creative. Grow your network. Think laterally. See what the group leaders are doing and work out what their strategy is. Experiment. Twitter Post a dozen or so posts before you start following significant people you have found. People you follow are notified by email that you have followed them and they will frequently click through to your profile to see who you are. Follow me at Things that they will look at are your bio (are your interests compatible) & your follower number rations (are your follower numbers the same as or greater than your following numbers). They will also have a look at your last dozen or so tweets and see if they are interesting and they may check one or two links to see the quality of the information you are peddling. There is software that automatically finds people for you to follow, and then follows them on your behalf. It will then check to see if that person has followed you back, and if not will “un-follow” that person for you. This is mostly to keep your number of followers and number of followings similar. I don’t use software like this. Grow Your Business Using Page 24 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 25. The downside of having thousands of followers is that it becomes noise and you lose the ability to see the tweets of the key people you want to hear from. Read around on blogs about setting up Twitter and make an informed decision about how you are going to approach each aspect of tweeting. My suggestions is start slowly and build more quickly as you naturally gather momentum. My suggestion is that you experiment, track the results of each experiment, and then continue with the aspects that best translate into results you want. Facebook By participating in the top three groups you have joined on facebook in a similar way to LinkedIn you will find members that you will want to invite into your network. Once you find someone you want to invite you can start a private conversation with them and then make friends when appropriate. step 9 - use diverse social marketing strategies to get your engagement buzzing & track results. 9 Ok, you are up and running and have more than enough to get started and succeeding. As you explore social media you will discover new social media that you may want to register at. You’ll find new blogs and new ways of posting and leveraging these for incremental improvements. Here are a few marketing strategies that you can use to seriously ramp up your social media profile, get new targeted followers and increase your search engine ranking all at the same time. Don’t underestimate the power of these four marketing channels and leverage their simplicity. article marketing This usually has a gradual filtering through the various social media and then linking into your social media cloud or directly to your website. It, however, lasts for a long time and is worth doing. Will the person reading this learn something new? Will they trust you more from reading your article? Make sure the answer to both is yes. See if you can use a current news event or trend to weave your story around. With solar panels for households and green energy, the trends to piggy back on will include global warming, electricity blackouts and eco-living. Select one keyword to focus the article on and use it a few times (2-3% of article word count) throughout the article. Select a different keyword or phrase to focus on for each article. First prize is to slightly rewrite three versions of the article, using different phrases, and submit each to a different directory. If you don’t have the time to do this then submit the same article to the different directories. Grow Your Business Using Page 25 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 26. Post your article on your own blog first (if you have one). Google will see this as the articles “home”, because it appeared there first. Submit to at least one of the following three directories: press releases. Although there are some exciting new ideas in releasing social media press releases, a basic newsworthy release to some of the key online PR sites will get you some good coverage. Make it newsworthy. Don’t make it all about your product or service. Link to your main site. Press releases must have: • A headline and sub headline. • The origin or source of the news (example the location). • The body of the press release (with key news in the first paragraph). • Additional and contact information at the end (including a link to your main site). Submit your press release to at least the following three press release sites. Search for country-specific and industry-specific press release sites for your business and use them. commenting on blogs, forums and social media groups. Adding a comment at blog posts, forums and social media groups can add to your social media success in two main ways. The first is that it helps to establish you as an authority in your field and readers may be tempted to click through to your main website to find out more about you and what you offer. The second way it supports you is that Google currently counts links from comments as a valid incoming link, and thus helps your search ranking efforts. Make sure your comments are relevant to the page you are commenting on. Remember to use your main website link in the field where it is requested. Also add a photograph if it is offered as an option by the comment software, it adds character. Grow Your Business Using Page 26 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 27. video Get started with Video marketing by registering an account on YouTube. Make a screen capture video using Jing (free), publish it to (free) and put the link up on your blog. Load it up onto YouTube too. You load it onto YouTube by saving a copy from Jing onto your harddrive and loading it from there to YouTube. Step 10 – Measure, Adjust, Listen, Engage. 10 Follow your roadmap, make adjustments and keep measuring. Grow Your Business Using Page 27 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 28. part 3 – your social future Ok, this is the final part of this report so let’s wind things up. If you have read this report carefully and implemented all ten steps you are on track to growing your business in measurable ways using the power of social media. I just read this great quote: “ It is a bit odd to go to a bar, stay silent and almost invisible for the whole evening, ” and then complain that you had no interesting conversation. Yet this is exactly what happens a lot on online networks. (Roland Legrand). Don’t waste the good work you have done in setting up your social media presence by sitting back and not participating. Engage and magic will happen. Here are two final things to consider; outsourcing and advertising on social media. outsourcing. The skill and practice of outsourcing can leverage your efforts massively, and save you time. Don’t be afraid to outsource. In fact be proactive and choose a few small aspects of your social media campaign to outsource to teach yourself the ropes. I’ll show you how tip right now. Remember, it is where your people are hanging out that you want to be, not just on the sites that you like. Just Creative outsourcing. because you like recording audio for podcasts does not mean Remember that you don’t have that it should be the focus of your social media campaign. to pay for outsourced content. However, if your people are hanging out at video sites like Ask your happiest customers if Yahoo video, YouTube and Viddler, get a presence there even if they would record a two minute you don’t like making videos yourself. Prepare a clear brief on webcam commentary on why exactly what you want and outsource it. they use our product. And if you want to outsource a snappy product video to post What do they love about the online, start by asking for tips [guess where…] through your product the most? social media channels. Post a question to a group you belong to on LinkedIn. Post what you intend to outsource, what Run a competition for them. your budget is and if anyone has had any good outsourcing Post them all up onto the social experiences with this kind of video. Any tips? media video properties and watch them go viral. No cost. If you are going to outsource your article and press releases for marketing, ask for samples first and generally go for providers who speak your desired language as their first language. Grow Your Business Using Page 28 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 29. Try ; & to find a massive pool of people who can make that video, write that article etc. If you run an event, give a talk, or do a product demonstration. Catch some of the people afterwards, hit “roll” on your pocket flip cam and ask them where they are, what they have just been listening to, and how they found it. You may get just one or two great ones from many, but they are powerful and free. Post them up. I could go on, but over to you now... One of the best ways to stay motivated and informed is to take a course in social media that walks you step by step through each process. If you would like to stay informed about programmes I run online worldwide, enter your details here and I’ll keep you in the loop. ( advertising on social media Once you’ve settled into your basic social media presence and you are comfortable engaging your networks effectively, you may consider the many paid advertising options on social media. It is not essential to pay for advertising as part of your social media strategy, but it is an option worth considering. As you look out for them you will see them everywhere, and expect many more paid advertising options to emerge rapidly. You Tube has redesigned their site to make premium content more visible, facebook has advertising options, as does MySpace, LinkedIn and most others. Read up about the advertising options, make sure they align with your social media goals, and start small. think laterally. Social media is not a paint by numbers game. Once you have established a social media presence, think laterally. The more you can put yourself into the shoes of your customers, prospects or evangelists, the more chance you have of reaching them in a meaningful way (meaningful to them, remember). Please do post a comment on the GetSocialMedia blog about this guide here If you would like additional tips, links to case studies and other information you can use to power up your social media campaign, sign up at If you’ve found this guide useful please share it with others in your network, your friends and colleagues. You can do that now by simply telling them what you thought of the guide and sending them this link (which will always have the most recent version of the guide). A slightly more fun way to invite a few people at a time is to do it here (and get a free immediate gift in exchange) Grow Your Business Using Page 29 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 30. my social media roadmap company/brand name ______________________________________________ This document is to be used in conjunction with the ten step strategy in part 2 of the guide. Step 1 – company goal 1 ________________________________________________ Clear big picture goals: ______________________________________ Clear & measurable company goals: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ YES NO ______________________________________ Big picture ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Operational ______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ________________________ In order to realise the above goals, my operational goals are: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ I am going to measure each of these as follows: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Grow Your Business Using Page 30 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 31. Which of the above goals can you currently measure? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Actions to be taken to clarify any of the above that need measurement clarification. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Step 2 – website goal and clear call to action 2 My website goals (maximum of three) are (in order of preference)… __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (There should be one main website goal above) The clear call to action on my website is… __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Grow Your Business Using Page 31 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 32. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ The incentive for anyone to follow my call to action is (what’s in it for them?) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Things I need to do to realise ALL of the above (in step 2 ) - including “by when” and who will do it? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ My top 5 – 10 keywords / keyword phrases are… (Don’t just guess these, use the tools, linked to in the resources section). __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Grow Your Business Using Page 32 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 33. Step 3 – what are people saying and where are they saying it? 3 This is what is being said about my company, product, service or brand. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ This is where it is being said. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________ These are the key themes. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________ These are the top 5 blogs relating to my business and offering. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Grow Your Business Using Page 33 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 34. These are the other social network sites that are popular with my target community. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________ Step 4 – map and list what is being said 4 (Include the social media site next to each sentence) Some lingo being used: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________ The general tone is (friendly, formal etc.) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________ People are generally sharing… (ideas, reviews, articles…) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Grow Your Business Using Page 34 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 35. If people are sharing links, what are they linking to? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Some of the key community influencers appear to be __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Some of the key outside influencers appear to be __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ step 5 – register all accounts listed in the guide’s step 5. Here are any additional sites where my conversations are happening: 5 (Register for these) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Grow Your Business Using Page 35 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl
  • 36. step 6 – select posting and tracking software 6 I signed up for ____________________________________ I signed up for ____________________________________ They are linked and working (if you signed up for more than one). I have successfully posted to each of my social media sites using the above posting platforms. I know how the basic tracking works (e.g. how to see how many times a link I have posted was clicked on. ____________________________________________________________ Other ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ____________________ Step 7 – define all metrics 7 N.B. For big picture goals and operational goals, include: 1. what the measure is. 2. how it is being measured. 3. how often it will be measured. This is exactly how I measure the success of my big picture company goal(s) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Grow Your Business Using Page 36 of 40 Social Media (A Guide) 2009. ©2009 Philip van Zyl