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        The Core Steps a Business Can Take to Engage Social Media

This report will give you the main steps to successfully
                     marketing within social media.
This report is designed to give you a foundation approach to the steps necessary for a
successful social media engagement strategy. It is not designed to delve into what social media
is, the benefit, or why social media is should be one aspect of your overall marketing strategy.

Social Media Engagement............................................................................................................... 4
Setting Goals ................................................................................................................................... 4
   Family, Friends and Fun .............................................................................................................. 4
   Intent and Selling ........................................................................................................................ 5
I Don’t Have the Time ..................................................................................................................... 5
Who Owns Social Media? ............................................................................................................... 5
3 Core Elements of a successful social media engagement ........................................................... 6
Acquisition ...................................................................................................................................... 7
   Segmentation .............................................................................................................................. 7
   Key Questions for Acquisition: .................................................................................................... 8
   Examples of Acquisition .............................................................................................................. 8
       Ford Went Social for Release of New Explorer ....................................................................... 8
       A Whole Strategy for Twitter .................................................................................................. 8
Engagement .................................................................................................................................... 9
   Key Questions for Engagement .................................................................................................. 9
   Engagement Examples ................................................................................................................ 9
       Steel Buildings are Social?..................................................................................................... 10
       Watch a Video Get a Free Night ........................................................................................... 10
       Even Paint Can Engage? ........................................................................................................ 11
       Wait a Refrigerator? ............................................................................................................. 11
Monetization ................................................................................................................................. 12
   Key Questions for Monetization: .............................................................................................. 12

Get Started with Social Engagement                               Page |2         – (800) 993-2249
Examples of Monetization ........................................................................................................ 12
       Rite Aid Video to Coupon...................................................................................................... 13
       Social Coupons for a Mexican Grill ....................................................................................... 13
       Create a store right on Facebook.......................................................................................... 13
       Target On Tea........................................................................................................................ 13
Putting it Together ........................................................................................................................ 14
   Tax Service and All 3 Elements ................................................................................................. 14
What to Do Now? ......................................................................................................................... 15
Fast Track your Social Engagement .............................................................................................. 15
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................. 16

About WebBizIdeas:
Ideas—Our MISSION is to help startup and established businesses build better websites,
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(CMS), SEO, Mobile Apps, Business Planning, Website Prototyping, and Business Consulting.

 Our consultants work with any business to develop an idea, create the blueprint, produce the
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Get Started with Social Engagement                              Page |3        – (800) 993-2249
Social media is a new paradigm of marketing, it’s requires a different approach to marketing.
It’s ‘always on’ and contains elements of instantaneous communication. What we call social
media should be more accurately termed social communication. Humans are social animals but
what changes is how we communicate with each other. Social networking allows us to
communicate instantaneously across the world in a matter of seconds. It also offers a direct
one on one or one to many connections that has never existed before.

Before embarking on any social media marketing campaigns, it is essential to set your goals and
define your prospects or target audience. Without a
clear understanding of what you want to achieve and
who you want to reach, your promotional campaigns         The companies that harness
will not be focused and the results may be fragmented       social best look at it as
and weak.                                                   part of a loyalty program
What are the goals of your organization? Do you want        They use social to manage
to build your brand and increase the number of              and build better relationships
targeted visitors to your website?
                                                            with    their   most     profitable
Do you want to improve communication among                    customers.
customers, employees and other stakeholders? Do you
want to strengthen your relationships and increase profitability?

Determining exactly what you want to accomplish through a social media strategy will drive
prioritization of your actions.

If there was one thing that is important to know about social media it is this--the core reason
                         most people spend time within social media is to connect with friends
                         and family.

                        Consumers put social media squarely in the entertainment column.
                        The old interruption approach to marketing simply does not work
                        within this channel of communication.

                        This means that people spend time to talk to friends, family,
                        associates and have fun. Knowing this one element will ensure that

Get Started with Social Engagement       Page |4 – (800) 993-2249
you have success in your efforts with social engagement. Keeping this in front of your mind and
interactions will be the key to making sure your communication, updates, and messages
resonate with your audience.

 create interest in our product or service. Very few people log into a social network to
purchase something. The purchase or decision to purchase or even consider a product is a
byproduct of the activity.

               I DON’T HAVE THE TIME
               This is the number #1 item of feedback I get when I present the best practices
               to marketing in social media. It usually goes something like… “I’m already busy
               enough” or “we are bogged down with day to day stuff already, how do we add
               this on top of it?”.

Here is my quick and easy answer…
First, just like everything else in your business if you find it worthwhile and it generates results
you will find time. What we really are talking about is
priorities. The second thing is focusing on getting strong
foundation in place. What follow below is the core                   When you have any amount
elements to a successful social engagement plan. Also                of people connected to your
some examples on how other companies are making it                   page, it becomes your own
work for them.                                                       private network that you can
                                                                prime any way you want. You
WHO OWNS SOCIAL MEDIA?                                          can,   as    a    brand,   bypass
The short answer is every department in your organization      traditional media companies
can benefit from social engagement. Depending on the size      and activate those people
of your organization different departments or people will
                                                               for free.
play a more central role. Collaboration is the key. When
the IT department can talk to the PR department and when
the R&D side learns that they can access the vast element of general knowledge, real time
conversations, and actual thoughts of the target market that’s when the proverbial light bulb
flips on.

Shoving marketing messages down people's throat doesn't make much sense, so you have to
jump in and accept the good with the bad. Things may blow up, as they did with Southwest and

Get Started with Social Engagement       Page |5 – (800) 993-2249
Nestle recently, but the two-way communication channel you can build up far outweighs [the
potential for negative consequences]. Social is not just a marketing channel - it's PR, product
development, customer service and even HR.

There are 3 core elements of s successful social media engagement campaign. I use campaign
loosely but these elements are each in action at the same time but have to be siloed off to be
effective. These three elements are Acquisition, Engagement, and Monetization.
                     e                                      ,

Quick note: Please not that there is overlap between these three elements. For instance
something you do for primarily engagement might drive acquisition, or a monetization strategy
might also double as an engagement element.

Get Started with Social Engagement       Page |6 – (800) 993-2249
                              THE THINGS YOU DO TO ACQUIRE A FAN,
                               FOLLOWER, SUBSCRIBER, READER, ETC.
                    It’s important to define what you acquisition strategy per social channel.
Your acquisition strategy for Facebook, Your Blog, Twitter, or LinkedIn will each have its own
strategy and pull points.

When amassing fans I always say go with quality over quantity. Your social presence should be an
extension of your brand's voice. To build that
foundation, establish and invite your core customers.           Tell Them What They Get

Begin by communicating to your existing database       A great illustration of this concept comes
and announcing your brand's places of contact          from a radio commercial I hear from time
(Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Etc.) via e-mail. In      to time. This commercial is about a chain of
addition, link to your profiles and pages on your      weight loss centers. Towards the end of
website at every opportunity.                          the commercial you hear the announcer
At retail, include the URL on receipts and checkout
counter cards. Provide an incentive for your current         “you can now find us on Facebook
customers to "follow" your brand, such as exclusive    and Twitter”.
content, discounts or sweepstakes.
                                                       What would be more effective and still fit
                                                       within the space available is something
SEGMENTATION                                           along the lines of “find us on Facebook and
An important point when engaging within the social     Twitter for exclusive weight loss advice”.
space is asking whether or not you need an
                                                       It’s not enough to state that you can be
inherent segmentation strategy.
                                                       found within social media—you have to go
For instance, Apple has an Itunes Facebook page        that extra step and clearly state the benefit
and an AppStore Facebook page. When you                someone gets for following you.
segment out your product bases like this it allows
you to easily craft messages and follow the three core steps we outline below.

It also does another very important thing. It allows your audience and customer to segment
themselves out. If someone is just a fan of one of your products then they only care about that
product. With Apple if you only care about Itunes and Music you join the Itunes page where
you get special music related content. If you care about applications you join the AppStore
Facebook page.

Get Started with Social Engagement        Page |7 – (800) 993-2249
     •   Why should someone follow you or your company?
     •   Intimately know your target market—then ask yourself how does social media play
         a role into my target markets life?
     •   What can you offer or what are their expectations from you?
     •   What are the acceptable offers within this channel (think Facebook, Twitter,
         LinkedIn as channels)
     •   Is this channel strictly inbound or outbound?
     •   How do I integrate my other marketing channels to support and acquire an
         audience within the social space?

The examples of acquisition strategies provided below contain main elements that drive
obtaining an audience. Remember the most effective strategy for acquisition contains large
elements of integration. You integrate you message, your drivers to content, and the key
reason why someone should follow you.

Ford Motor Company released the 2011 Ford Explorer to Fans of the Ford Explorer Facebook
page. Starting mid-June Ford slowly released news, pictures, and content with the final reveal in
July. This was only available to Facebook fans. (htt). This campaign not only resulted in higher
fan acquisition but received press throughout the media as well.

Wholefoods goes farther with Twitter and segmentation. They have a @WholeFoods where
you get global updates, or three topical accounts @WFMCheese (about cheese),
@WFMWineGuys (wine and beer experts), @WholeRecipes (an automated recipe feed). They
go beyond that as well each major metro area has it’s own twitter account such as Chicago at
@WholeFoodsCHI but each store has it’s own Twitter account as well.

Get Started with Social Engagement        Page |8 – (800) 993-2249
                              THE THINGS YOU DO ONCE YOU HAVE AN
                          This is actually the step where you get permission to move to the next
step. First and foremost you must ensure that you deliver on what you promised in your
acquisition strategy. If once someone has started to engage with you and they do not get what
they expected they will leave or worse yet tune out. Just as the advent of timeshifted TV has
allowed consumers to skip commercials if you don’t deliver value your audience will abandon
you as well.

     •   How can I add value to people that follow me or the audience that I gain in the
         permission marketing space? (email in addition to social is permission based)
     •   What are the acceptable forms of engagement in this channel?
     •   What is my engagement schedule?
     •   Who is responsible for engagement items?
     •   What are the unique ways I can engagement this channel that will set me or my
         company apart?
     •   What does my target market expect from me?
     •   What are my competitors doing?

Engagement can arguably be the most important step. Without proper engagement you simply
would not be effective when moving onto the next element—monetization. The people and
companies that successfully engage can then prime their audience towards offers, purchasing,
and other elements of the sales funnel. Below I’ve included a few great examples of companies
that are engaging within social media.

Get Started with Social Engagement        Page |9 – (800) 993-2249
SteelMaster a manufacturer of prefabricated steel buildings engages Facebook in an unusual
way. You wouldn’t guess that there would be much affinity to a steel building. First they found
that Facebook is a great place to post pictures of customer’s buildings.

These pictures not only engage existing customers they also tell a story to potential customers
what is possible. Since the backbone of Facebook is pictures this plays well in this platform.

They also use Twitter to get exposure and create demand in vertical markets they had little
traction in, such as chicken farmers and woodworkers.

Rogers Smith Hotel uses twitter to give away free nights of stay (
                                                                 (click to see tweet below).

Get Started with Social Engagement        P a g e | 10 – (800) 993-2249
IdeaPaint does a great job with their blog. This is the launching pad of their engagement plan.
IdeaPaint turns virtually anything you can paint into a high-performance dry-erase surface—
every 3 year olds fantasy.

Their outreach typically starts with a great video post that shows the product in action. Telling a
story each time it also gives potential customers what is possible with their unique product.
From there they engage within YouTube, Twitter and Facebook connecting with their core

Subzero (maker of appliances and high end refrigerators) whose core customer is a woman age
45 or older focuses on the essential element of adding value to its affluent customers’ busy
lives. They do this by sharing seasonal recipes, wine pairings, and cooking tips. They also
spotlight hot kitchen designers. Facebook is the third-top-referring site to

Sub-Zero then engages their audience rewarding their affluent followers with exclusive news,
discounts, videos, and pictures. This gave the follower the feeling of being on the inside. One
recent question posed by SubZero has garnered over 200 responses or close to a hundred for
the simply question what’s for dinner tonight?

Get Started with Social Engagement        P a g e | 11 – (800) 993-2249
                                   HOW YOU MAKE ROI ON TIME AND
                        It’s important to note here that monetization in social media is vastly
                        different for each company or individual. For some companies it will
be very apparent—such as a T-Shirt company it would be acceptable to put a store on Facebook

Also we mentioned this before but understanding how your product, brand, or serservice falls in
relation to intent. Remember that people do not fire up a social network with the intent on
purchasing something. Will your followers tolerate your monetization strategy?

The good news is that for certain verticals special offers and coupons (one of the best
monetization strategies) is the number one reason people follow a company or brand.

     •   What does you target market expect?
     •   Is there purchase intent?
     •   How often are you able to monetize your audience?
     •   Are you able to monetize your audience in the network or does it require you
         driving them off the channel? (on channel is best).
     •   How can you create a monetization strategy that involves Acquisition and

Remember more than one department owns social media and when we give examples of
specific monetization items the first two steps of acquisition and engagement came first.

Get Started with Social Engagement       P a g e | 12 – (800) 993-2249
At the same time, Rite Aid unveiled its Video Values program, featuring informative,
educational and, in some cases, entertaining videos. By watching videos, customers earn video
credits for savings on products.

For example, viewers of a clip for a Brita Water Filtration product earn a $2 coupon off one of
the Brita items offered. They must print the coupon and present it at the store.

When they rack up 20 video credits, they receive a $5 Rite Aid Bonus Coupon. Rite Aid reports
that it is averaging between 500,000 and 600,000 video views each month. Redemption rates
average nearly 20%, depending on the coupon. (Fredricksen, 2010)

Rubio's Fresh Mexican Grill, a West Coast chain of 195 restaurants, started placing coupons on
Yowza this summer to reach people searching for a lunch spot. Larry Rusinko, the chain's senior
vice president of marketing and product development, saw a 4 percent redemption rate on
coupons offered through Yowza, four times what he was getting through direct mail or ads in
the Sunday paper. (Tiku, 2009)

Storefront with Payvment: Payvment is an e-commerce application that allows for the
development of a retail store on Facebook. Using the PayPal X global open payments platform,
customers can shop from multiple vendors in a single shopper cart, turning FB into what could
be considered the ultimate shopping mall.

The application uses PayPal’s new Adaptive Payments APIs and is built on the company’s
existing shopping cart Web service that turns any online page into an e-commerce page with a
single line of code. Another e-commerce app that lets users post products on FB is My Merch
Store from Zazzle. Create and post products for sale on Zazzle and share them with people
visiting your pages on FB.

Organic tea brand Steaz needed to generate nation-wide awareness and drive sales at Target
stores -- and quickly. The brand felt that if it could get moms talking about Steaz in social media,
the sales would follow. The campaign generated interest and results above expectations,
thanks to blogs, email, and social media activity.

Get Started with Social Engagement         P a g e | 13 – (800) 993-2249
We were confident that we would generate 50,000 coupon downloads, 1,000 new
fans/followers. Our goal was to get Target to notice the little tea brand it had just adopted.

Actual results were 250,000 coupon downloads (with a 20+ percent redemption rate), 6,000
blog and social network mentions, and more than 3,000 new fans/followers. Steaz's December
sales were double its previous best month ever. And Steaz shelves in Target stores nationwide
were emptied. (Magnani, 2010)

                         As with any framework of marketing creating a plan and an
                         implementation strategy are the keys to success. The power of social
                         engagement is it allows instant feedback. Often times you can see
                         immediate results and get immediate market intelligence.

                         The most effective campaigns contain not only specific elements of
                         each step but also mingle the three elements together. Campaigns that
create an incentive for your audience to help you acquire and thus drive engagement.

Most of the examples given in this paper do cover all three elements here is a more illustrative
example of putting this into practice…

A few weeks before taxes were due (right in the middle of tax season) Jackson Hewitt Tax
Service ran a ‘Big Check’ contest where people would submit their plans for how they will put
their income tax refund to use. The contest winner would be awarded $3,000 and selected by
votes from visitors to the contest page on Facebook.

Let’s dissect this a bit and see why it was effective. First it drove Acquisition because in order to
submit a story you had to ‘Like’ the company. It also provided a strong incentive for people who
submitted a story to go to their social circle. Imagine that you submitted a story and you
wanted to win, would you go to your friends on Facebook and ask for their votes?

The key elements of the contest, entering a story, plus voting all drive Acquisition and
Engagement. The monetization came in by pushing traffic and supporting page copy to landing
page on the corporate website. With this campaign being ran in the middle of tax season it also
fit into the front of mind model. (PRNewsWire)

Get Started with Social Engagement         P a g e | 14 – (800) 993-2249
The steps we covered should be elements that are in place for each vertical market you intend
to engage.

   1. Segment out these steps for you and your business.
   2. Plan how each one of these plays a role both in your existing marketing plan but in your
      daily business activities
   3. Plan each step individually (Acquisition, Engagement, Monetization) per channel and
      integrate this into your marketing
   4. Take each network and plan them individually

Also use this platform to truly know your target market. Once you understand your target
market its needs, wants, and how social media plays a role in their daily lives you can then start
creating specific strategies to acquire, engage, and monetize.

One of the things WebBizIdeas can help you with is coming up with a rock solid engagement
plan that gets to the heart of your target market. Not only do we help you with ideation and
creative concepts we also know how to implement and put into practice all the step necessary
to have a successful social engagement plan.

We focus on results and what is going to make a difference for your business. We follow and
have created a four phase process to social engagement. To learn more about our social
engagement strategies visit our Social Media Engagement Page.

             To Get Started Contact WebBizIdeas:
              To get started now fill out our Contact WebBizIdeas Form

         Or give us a call directly: 952-935-4852 - Toll Free: 800-993-2249

Get Started with Social Engagement        P a g e | 15 – (800) 993-2249
(n.d.). Retrieved from

Fredricksen, C. (2010, 06 16). Rite Aid Case Study: Using Video to Drive Loyalty and Sales.
Retrieved from EMarketer:

Magnani, P. (2010, 04 30). Case study: Doubling sales through social me. Retrieved from

PRNewsWire. (n.d.). PRNewsWire. Retrieved from Final Days To Enter Jackson Hewitt(R) 'Big
Check' Tax Refund Tale Contest:

Tiku, N. (2009, 12 01). How to Boost Sales with Mobile Coupons. Retrieved from

Get Started with Social Engagement     P a g e | 16 – (800) 993-2249

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  • 1. WEBBIZIDEAS ELEMENTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ENGAGEMENT The Core Steps a Business Can Take to Engage Social Media Get
  • 2. This report will give you the main steps to successfully marketing within social media. This report is designed to give you a foundation approach to the steps necessary for a successful social media engagement strategy. It is not designed to delve into what social media is, the benefit, or why social media is should be one aspect of your overall marketing strategy. CONTENTS Social Media Engagement............................................................................................................... 4 Setting Goals ................................................................................................................................... 4 Family, Friends and Fun .............................................................................................................. 4 Intent and Selling ........................................................................................................................ 5 I Don’t Have the Time ..................................................................................................................... 5 Who Owns Social Media? ............................................................................................................... 5 3 Core Elements of a successful social media engagement ........................................................... 6 Acquisition ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Segmentation .............................................................................................................................. 7 Key Questions for Acquisition: .................................................................................................... 8 Examples of Acquisition .............................................................................................................. 8 Ford Went Social for Release of New Explorer ....................................................................... 8 A Whole Strategy for Twitter .................................................................................................. 8 Engagement .................................................................................................................................... 9 Key Questions for Engagement .................................................................................................. 9 Engagement Examples ................................................................................................................ 9 Steel Buildings are Social?..................................................................................................... 10 Watch a Video Get a Free Night ........................................................................................... 10 Even Paint Can Engage? ........................................................................................................ 11 Wait a Refrigerator? ............................................................................................................. 11 Monetization ................................................................................................................................. 12 Key Questions for Monetization: .............................................................................................. 12 Get Started with Social Engagement Page |2 – (800) 993-2249
  • 3. Examples of Monetization ........................................................................................................ 12 Rite Aid Video to Coupon...................................................................................................... 13 Social Coupons for a Mexican Grill ....................................................................................... 13 Create a store right on Facebook.......................................................................................... 13 Target On Tea........................................................................................................................ 13 Putting it Together ........................................................................................................................ 14 Tax Service and All 3 Elements ................................................................................................. 14 What to Do Now? ......................................................................................................................... 15 Fast Track your Social Engagement .............................................................................................. 15 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................. 16 About WebBizIdeas: Ideas—Our MISSION is to help startup and established businesses build better websites, marketing online, and engage effectively in digital media. is a new media development firm based in Minneapolis Minnesota. We offer competency in multiple fields: Social Networking, Dating, Ecommerce, Content Management (CMS), SEO, Mobile Apps, Business Planning, Website Prototyping, and Business Consulting. Our consultants work with any business to develop an idea, create the blueprint, produce the code, and market the end result. A combination of waterfall and scrum methodology gives us an advantage when making custom websites from scratch. This proven methodology ensures you will get the website you envisioned every time. OUR PROCESS: Learn more about our web development process. Get Started with Social Engagement Page |3 – (800) 993-2249
  • 4. SOCIAL MEDIA ENGAGEMENT Social media is a new paradigm of marketing, it’s requires a different approach to marketing. It’s ‘always on’ and contains elements of instantaneous communication. What we call social media should be more accurately termed social communication. Humans are social animals but what changes is how we communicate with each other. Social networking allows us to communicate instantaneously across the world in a matter of seconds. It also offers a direct one on one or one to many connections that has never existed before. SETTING GOALS Before embarking on any social media marketing campaigns, it is essential to set your goals and define your prospects or target audience. Without a clear understanding of what you want to achieve and who you want to reach, your promotional campaigns The companies that harness will not be focused and the results may be fragmented social best look at it as and weak. part of a loyalty program program. What are the goals of your organization? Do you want They use social to manage to build your brand and increase the number of and build better relationships targeted visitors to your website? with their most profitable Do you want to improve communication among customers. customers, employees and other stakeholders? Do you want to strengthen your relationships and increase profitability? Determining exactly what you want to accomplish through a social media strategy will drive prioritization of your actions. FAMILY, FRIENDS AND FUN If there was one thing that is important to know about social media it is this--the core reason most people spend time within social media is to connect with friends and family. Consumers put social media squarely in the entertainment column. The old interruption approach to marketing simply does not work within this channel of communication. This means that people spend time to talk to friends, family, associates and have fun. Knowing this one element will ensure that Get Started with Social Engagement Page |4 – (800) 993-2249
  • 5. you have success in your efforts with social engagement. Keeping this in front of your mind and interactions will be the key to making sure your communication, updates, and messages resonate with your audience. INTENT AND SELLING create interest in our product or service. Very few people log into a social network to purchase something. The purchase or decision to purchase or even consider a product is a byproduct of the activity. I DON’T HAVE THE TIME This is the number #1 item of feedback I get when I present the best practices to marketing in social media. It usually goes something like… “I’m already busy enough” or “we are bogged down with day to day stuff already, how do we add this on top of it?”. Here is my quick and easy answer… First, just like everything else in your business if you find it worthwhile and it generates results you will find time. What we really are talking about is priorities. The second thing is focusing on getting strong foundation in place. What follow below is the core When you have any amount elements to a successful social engagement plan. Also of people connected to your some examples on how other companies are making it page, it becomes your own work for them. private network that you can prime any way you want. You WHO OWNS SOCIAL MEDIA? can, as a brand, bypass The short answer is every department in your organization traditional media companies can benefit from social engagement. Depending on the size and activate those people of your organization different departments or people will for free. play a more central role. Collaboration is the key. When the IT department can talk to the PR department and when the R&D side learns that they can access the vast element of general knowledge, real time conversations, and actual thoughts of the target market that’s when the proverbial light bulb flips on. Shoving marketing messages down people's throat doesn't make much sense, so you have to jump in and accept the good with the bad. Things may blow up, as they did with Southwest and Get Started with Social Engagement Page |5 – (800) 993-2249
  • 6. Nestle recently, but the two-way communication channel you can build up far outweighs [the way potential for negative consequences]. Social is not just a marketing channel - it's PR, product development, customer service and even HR. 3 CORE ELEMENTS OF A SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL MEDIA SUCCESSFUL ENGAGEMENT There are 3 core elements of s successful social media engagement campaign. I use campaign loosely but these elements are each in action at the same time but have to be siloed off to be effective. These three elements are Acquisition, Engagement, and Monetization. e , Quick note: Please not that there is overlap between these three elements. For instance something you do for primarily engagement might drive acquisition, or a monetization strategy might also double as an engagement element. ble Get Started with Social Engagement Page |6 – (800) 993-2249
  • 7. ACQUISITION THE THINGS YOU DO TO ACQUIRE A FAN, FOLLOWER, SUBSCRIBER, READER, ETC. It’s important to define what you acquisition strategy per social channel. Your acquisition strategy for Facebook, Your Blog, Twitter, or LinkedIn will each have its own strategy and pull points. When amassing fans I always say go with quality over quantity. Your social presence should be an extension of your brand's voice. To build that foundation, establish and invite your core customers. Tell Them What They Get Begin by communicating to your existing database A great illustration of this concept comes and announcing your brand's places of contact from a radio commercial I hear from time (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Etc.) via e-mail. In to time. This commercial is about a chain of addition, link to your profiles and pages on your weight loss centers. Towards the end of website at every opportunity. the commercial you hear the announcer say… At retail, include the URL on receipts and checkout counter cards. Provide an incentive for your current “you can now find us on Facebook customers to "follow" your brand, such as exclusive and Twitter”. content, discounts or sweepstakes. What would be more effective and still fit within the space available is something SEGMENTATION along the lines of “find us on Facebook and An important point when engaging within the social Twitter for exclusive weight loss advice”. space is asking whether or not you need an It’s not enough to state that you can be inherent segmentation strategy. found within social media—you have to go For instance, Apple has an Itunes Facebook page that extra step and clearly state the benefit and an AppStore Facebook page. When you someone gets for following you. segment out your product bases like this it allows you to easily craft messages and follow the three core steps we outline below. It also does another very important thing. It allows your audience and customer to segment themselves out. If someone is just a fan of one of your products then they only care about that product. With Apple if you only care about Itunes and Music you join the Itunes page where you get special music related content. If you care about applications you join the AppStore Facebook page. Get Started with Social Engagement Page |7 – (800) 993-2249
  • 8. KEY QUESTIONS FOR ACQUISITION: • Why should someone follow you or your company? • Intimately know your target market—then ask yourself how does social media play a role into my target markets life? • What can you offer or what are their expectations from you? • What are the acceptable offers within this channel (think Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn as channels) • Is this channel strictly inbound or outbound? • How do I integrate my other marketing channels to support and acquire an audience within the social space? EXAMPLES OF ACQUISITION The examples of acquisition strategies provided below contain main elements that drive obtaining an audience. Remember the most effective strategy for acquisition contains large elements of integration. You integrate you message, your drivers to content, and the key reason why someone should follow you. FORD WENT SOCIAL FOR RELEASE OF NEW EXPLORER Ford Motor Company released the 2011 Ford Explorer to Fans of the Ford Explorer Facebook page. Starting mid-June Ford slowly released news, pictures, and content with the final reveal in July. This was only available to Facebook fans. (htt). This campaign not only resulted in higher fan acquisition but received press throughout the media as well. A WHOLE STRATEGY FOR TWITTER Wholefoods goes farther with Twitter and segmentation. They have a @WholeFoods where you get global updates, or three topical accounts @WFMCheese (about cheese), @WFMWineGuys (wine and beer experts), @WholeRecipes (an automated recipe feed). They go beyond that as well each major metro area has it’s own twitter account such as Chicago at @WholeFoodsCHI but each store has it’s own Twitter account as well. Get Started with Social Engagement Page |8 – (800) 993-2249
  • 9. ENGAGEMENT THE THINGS YOU DO ONCE YOU HAVE AN AUDIENCE. This is actually the step where you get permission to move to the next step. First and foremost you must ensure that you deliver on what you promised in your acquisition strategy. If once someone has started to engage with you and they do not get what they expected they will leave or worse yet tune out. Just as the advent of timeshifted TV has allowed consumers to skip commercials if you don’t deliver value your audience will abandon you as well. KEY QUESTIONS FOR ENGAGEMENT • How can I add value to people that follow me or the audience that I gain in the permission marketing space? (email in addition to social is permission based) • What are the acceptable forms of engagement in this channel? • What is my engagement schedule? • Who is responsible for engagement items? • What are the unique ways I can engagement this channel that will set me or my company apart? • What does my target market expect from me? • What are my competitors doing? ENGAGEMENT EXAMPLES Engagement can arguably be the most important step. Without proper engagement you simply would not be effective when moving onto the next element—monetization. The people and companies that successfully engage can then prime their audience towards offers, purchasing, and other elements of the sales funnel. Below I’ve included a few great examples of companies that are engaging within social media. Get Started with Social Engagement Page |9 – (800) 993-2249
  • 10. STEEL BUILDINGS ARE SOCIAL? SteelMaster a manufacturer of prefabricated steel buildings engages Facebook in an unusual way. You wouldn’t guess that there would be much affinity to a steel building. First they found that Facebook is a great place to post pictures of customer’s buildings. ook These pictures not only engage existing customers they also tell a story to potential customers customers—they what is possible. Since the backbone of Facebook is pictures this plays well in this platform. They also use Twitter to get exposure and create demand in vertical markets they had little traction in, such as chicken farmers and woodworkers. WATCH A VIDEO GET A FREE NIGHT Rogers Smith Hotel uses twitter to give away free nights of stay ( (click to see tweet below). Get Started with Social Engagement P a g e | 10 – (800) 993-2249
  • 11. EVEN PAINT CAN ENGAGE? IdeaPaint does a great job with their blog. This is the launching pad of their engagement plan. IdeaPaint turns virtually anything you can paint into a high-performance dry-erase surface— every 3 year olds fantasy. Their outreach typically starts with a great video post that shows the product in action. Telling a story each time it also gives potential customers what is possible with their unique product. From there they engage within YouTube, Twitter and Facebook connecting with their core market. WAIT A REFRIGERATOR? Subzero (maker of appliances and high end refrigerators) whose core customer is a woman age 45 or older focuses on the essential element of adding value to its affluent customers’ busy lives. They do this by sharing seasonal recipes, wine pairings, and cooking tips. They also spotlight hot kitchen designers. Facebook is the third-top-referring site to Sub-Zero then engages their audience rewarding their affluent followers with exclusive news, discounts, videos, and pictures. This gave the follower the feeling of being on the inside. One recent question posed by SubZero has garnered over 200 responses or close to a hundred for the simply question what’s for dinner tonight? Get Started with Social Engagement P a g e | 11 – (800) 993-2249
  • 12. MONETIZATION HOW YOU MAKE ROI ON TIME AND RESOURCES It’s important to note here that monetization in social media is vastly different for each company or individual. For some companies it will be very apparent—such as a T-Shirt company it would be acceptable to put a store on Facebook Shirt page. Also we mentioned this before but understanding how your product, brand, or serservice falls in relation to intent. Remember that people do not fire up a social network with the intent on purchasing something. Will your followers tolerate your monetization strategy? The good news is that for certain verticals special offers and coupons (one of the best monetization strategies) is the number one reason people follow a company or brand. KEY QUESTIONS FOR MONETIZATION: • What does you target market expect? • Is there purchase intent? • How often are you able to monetize your audience? • Are you able to monetize your audience in the network or does it require you driving them off the channel? (on channel is best). • How can you create a monetization strategy that involves Acquisition and Engagement? EXAMPLES OF MONETIZATION Remember more than one department owns social media and when we give examples of specific monetization items the first two steps of acquisition and engagement came first. Get Started with Social Engagement P a g e | 12 – (800) 993-2249
  • 13. RITE AID VIDEO TO COUPON At the same time, Rite Aid unveiled its Video Values program, featuring informative, educational and, in some cases, entertaining videos. By watching videos, customers earn video credits for savings on products. For example, viewers of a clip for a Brita Water Filtration product earn a $2 coupon off one of the Brita items offered. They must print the coupon and present it at the store. When they rack up 20 video credits, they receive a $5 Rite Aid Bonus Coupon. Rite Aid reports that it is averaging between 500,000 and 600,000 video views each month. Redemption rates average nearly 20%, depending on the coupon. (Fredricksen, 2010) SOCIAL COUPONS FOR A MEXICAN GRILL Rubio's Fresh Mexican Grill, a West Coast chain of 195 restaurants, started placing coupons on Yowza this summer to reach people searching for a lunch spot. Larry Rusinko, the chain's senior vice president of marketing and product development, saw a 4 percent redemption rate on coupons offered through Yowza, four times what he was getting through direct mail or ads in the Sunday paper. (Tiku, 2009) CREATE A STORE RIGHT ON FACEBOOK Storefront with Payvment: Payvment is an e-commerce application that allows for the development of a retail store on Facebook. Using the PayPal X global open payments platform, customers can shop from multiple vendors in a single shopper cart, turning FB into what could be considered the ultimate shopping mall. The application uses PayPal’s new Adaptive Payments APIs and is built on the company’s existing shopping cart Web service that turns any online page into an e-commerce page with a single line of code. Another e-commerce app that lets users post products on FB is My Merch Store from Zazzle. Create and post products for sale on Zazzle and share them with people visiting your pages on FB. TARGET ON TEA Organic tea brand Steaz needed to generate nation-wide awareness and drive sales at Target stores -- and quickly. The brand felt that if it could get moms talking about Steaz in social media, the sales would follow. The campaign generated interest and results above expectations, thanks to blogs, email, and social media activity. Get Started with Social Engagement P a g e | 13 – (800) 993-2249
  • 14. We were confident that we would generate 50,000 coupon downloads, 1,000 new fans/followers. Our goal was to get Target to notice the little tea brand it had just adopted. Actual results were 250,000 coupon downloads (with a 20+ percent redemption rate), 6,000 blog and social network mentions, and more than 3,000 new fans/followers. Steaz's December sales were double its previous best month ever. And Steaz shelves in Target stores nationwide were emptied. (Magnani, 2010) PUTTING IT TOGETHER As with any framework of marketing creating a plan and an implementation strategy are the keys to success. The power of social engagement is it allows instant feedback. Often times you can see immediate results and get immediate market intelligence. The most effective campaigns contain not only specific elements of each step but also mingle the three elements together. Campaigns that create an incentive for your audience to help you acquire and thus drive engagement. Most of the examples given in this paper do cover all three elements here is a more illustrative example of putting this into practice… TAX SERVICE AND ALL 3 ELEMENTS A few weeks before taxes were due (right in the middle of tax season) Jackson Hewitt Tax Service ran a ‘Big Check’ contest where people would submit their plans for how they will put their income tax refund to use. The contest winner would be awarded $3,000 and selected by votes from visitors to the contest page on Facebook. Let’s dissect this a bit and see why it was effective. First it drove Acquisition because in order to submit a story you had to ‘Like’ the company. It also provided a strong incentive for people who submitted a story to go to their social circle. Imagine that you submitted a story and you wanted to win, would you go to your friends on Facebook and ask for their votes? The key elements of the contest, entering a story, plus voting all drive Acquisition and Engagement. The monetization came in by pushing traffic and supporting page copy to landing page on the corporate website. With this campaign being ran in the middle of tax season it also fit into the front of mind model. (PRNewsWire) Get Started with Social Engagement P a g e | 14 – (800) 993-2249
  • 15. WHAT TO DO NOW? The steps we covered should be elements that are in place for each vertical market you intend to engage. 1. Segment out these steps for you and your business. 2. Plan how each one of these plays a role both in your existing marketing plan but in your daily business activities 3. Plan each step individually (Acquisition, Engagement, Monetization) per channel and integrate this into your marketing 4. Take each network and plan them individually Also use this platform to truly know your target market. Once you understand your target market its needs, wants, and how social media plays a role in their daily lives you can then start creating specific strategies to acquire, engage, and monetize. FAST TRACK YOUR SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT One of the things WebBizIdeas can help you with is coming up with a rock solid engagement plan that gets to the heart of your target market. Not only do we help you with ideation and creative concepts we also know how to implement and put into practice all the step necessary to have a successful social engagement plan. We focus on results and what is going to make a difference for your business. We follow and have created a four phase process to social engagement. To learn more about our social engagement strategies visit our Social Media Engagement Page. To Get Started Contact WebBizIdeas: To get started now fill out our Contact WebBizIdeas Form Or give us a call directly: 952-935-4852 - Toll Free: 800-993-2249 Get Started with Social Engagement P a g e | 15 – (800) 993-2249
  • 16. BIBLIOGRAPHY (n.d.). Retrieved from fans-the-first-look-at-the-2011-explorer/ Fredricksen, C. (2010, 06 16). Rite Aid Case Study: Using Video to Drive Loyalty and Sales. Retrieved from EMarketer: video-drive-loyalty-sales/ Magnani, P. (2010, 04 30). Case study: Doubling sales through social me. Retrieved from PRNewsWire. (n.d.). PRNewsWire. Retrieved from Final Days To Enter Jackson Hewitt(R) 'Big Check' Tax Refund Tale Contest: enter-jackson-hewittr-big-check-tax-refund-tale-contest-90363329.html Tiku, N. (2009, 12 01). How to Boost Sales with Mobile Coupons. Retrieved from Get Started with Social Engagement P a g e | 16 – (800) 993-2249