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Band Promotion
1.Problem and Design Brief
2.Problem Analysis
3.Existing Posters
4.Existing Designs
5.Existing Merchandise
6.Product Disassembly
7.Materials, Components and Adhesives
8.Ergonomics and Anthropometrics
9.User Profile
10.Analysis of Research
11.Analysis of Research
12. Final Specification
13.Initial Design Proposals
14.Initial Design Proposals
15.Initial Design Proposals
16.Initial Design Proposals
17. Initial Design Proposals
18.Chosen Designs
19.Chosen Designs
20.Development of Poster
21.Modelling and Testing Poster
22.Plan of Making Poster
23.Development of CD Case
24.Development of CD Case
25.Plan of Making CD Case
26.Modelling and Testing CD Case
27.Development of CD
28.Modelling and Testing CD
29.Development of T-Shirt
30.Modelling and Testing T-Shirt
31.Plan of Making T-Shirt
32.Modelling and Testing POS
33.Modelling and Testing POS
34.Manufacturing Diary POS
35.Manufacturing Diary Vinyl Sticker
36.Development of Plectrum
37.Plan of Making Plectrum and Key-ring
38.Plan of Making Mug
39.Final CAD and Photoshop Design
Ideas for all products
40.Final Products
41.Four Fold CD Case and PoS
42.Materials List
43.Evaluation – Testing against
44.Client Evaluation
45.General Evaluation
A new/upcoming band called “Stereoscopic Video Waves” are in need of some advertising products to promote their debut
Design Brief
Advertising is a huge issue in all upcoming/new bands. I will be designing and making a variety of advertising
products to help a new band called “Stereoscopic Video Waves” who will be performing in a local Discovery Bay
concert called ‘PICNIC IN THE PARK’.
I will make at least a four fold CD case with a CD inside it, an item such as a t-shirt including a smart material, a
poster and guitar plectrums. I can also design and print mugs, tickets for their first concert, key-rings, stickers, a CD
display stand and a mouse mat to promote their up and coming album. I will use CAD/CAM technologies where
possible to enhance the overall quality of the products.
Problem Analysis
Who will the graphic items be aimed at?
The products I will produce are to be aimed at people who like rock music
from ages ranging 13-60. I am hoping that they will see my designs and want
to listen to the music that the band makes.
How will the products work?
The CD case will hold 1 or more CD’s with the band’s music on it and
will also help advertise the band when it is on display, the poster is to be
up on a wall and will be used to catch the customer’s eye and make them
want to buy the album, the shirt, mug, stickers, guitar picks and a mouse
mat are for fans of the band to buy if they enjoy their music.
What environment will the products be designed for and how
will this effect the design?
The products will be designed to be displayed on a point of sale display and
will then be used inside the purchasers home. Therefore it will need to be
made using suitable materials such as card, or polypropylene and may need
to be laminated to prevent them getting damaged in the Hong Kong
What materials will the product be made out of and how
will I consider environmental issues?
For the CD case, I will use polypropylene because it is easily
recyclable, for the poster I will use poster paper which is also easy to
recycle. Vinyl is hard to recycle but it is possible, I will use vinyl to
make my stickers for the band. I will try to use fair trade cotton
shirts for the shirt and the glass mug can be recycled as well.
How will I assemble the materials?
The four fold CD case can be assembled using folds, tabs and slot joints.
The posters will be designed using Photoshop, and made using the laser
jet printer. The tickets will be designed and made using the same
methods. The shirt will be designed using Photoshop but will be printed
using the sublimation machine. I will use cross joints to connect the
closing of the CD case together if I am going to use this design:
All of the products will be made traditionally,
using adhesives and other purchased
How will I ensure that the products are suitable for
commercial production?
I will make them suitable by making them durable and making sure
they can last in the environments that they will be in, which is easy
because they will be in an average temperature room and will not be
tampered with unless being picked up by customers.
What sort of shop/retail could I see the product in?
I could see the product in any music store such as ‘Tom Lee Music’ and
Existing Posters
I’ve chosen to look at existing rock posters as “Stereoscopic Video Waves” are trying to create the same persona. I like all of these designs
because you can immediately identify the genre with the colours, font style and images used. They have contrasting colours and not a lot
of text, so when you walk past they stand out and you can easily see the advert. The Black Sabbath font is very typical of this time, era
and genre. The Metallica logo has been used consistently throughout all their album art work giving the appearance of metal as they
often use silver colours. The black has been used on all posters as a dominant tone, making them appeal to rock / heavy metal fans. All
posters use portraits of the band as a dominant feature, which shows that the band members are important for the band and advertising.
What I do not like about the Metallica poster is the set up and font of the writing under the picture of the band, it does not make the
band look like a rock band. I like everything else about all the other posters. When I make my posters they will be made to look like
traditional rock posters and will be made in size 24”x36”.
Existing Designs
I like these designs because without using too many dark colours, you can still immediately identify what genre of music they make. This is mostly because of the
font of the text and the images in the designs. Though they do not use too many dark colours, they still use contrasting colours, in the Kiss design, the font is on
a black area and its colour is an orange gradient it stands out because it is on black and has a white outline. The Led Zeppelin design has vintage images of the
band members and dark brown text on a light brown background. The Jimi Hendrix design has a bright yellow background but a deep purple font colour the
font chosen is a very common style used by bands/people who make his type of music. The Beatles mug design has their famous Abbey Road photo printed
onto it, the text is white and it put over the black of the zebra crossing. The Linkin Park design has dirty white/grey text with a black outline, it is put over the
band members so it stands out on the colours of their clothes. The background of the Kiss design is flames which gives the band a very ‘metal’ look. Led
Zeppelin and Linkin Park have chosen to have a very “dirty” look, Led Zeppelin give the appearance of a Rock ‘N’ Roll band whereas Linkin Park look like a
Punk Rock band, which is exactly what they both are. Jimi Hendrix has a very psychedelic style, typical to the era that the album came out in (1967). I dislike
that the Beatles design does not cover the full mug. I like everything else about the rest of the designs.
Existing Merchandise
These two paper designs are both from Rock Sound Magazine. What I like about them is the contrasting colours and simple fonts. Marilyn
Manson’s picture has a pitch black background and his face in the top right corner fades in. The text and his face are white, he is wearing
black lipstick and eyeliner, which makes the only colours in the photo ‘black and white’. The Bullet For My Valentine picture has bold, full
caps, white text over an image of Matthew Tuck (the lead singer) playing guitar with a brutal facial expression, this gives it a very heavy
metal feel. The Jimi Hendrix guitar plectrums all have very different designs on them, in all of them, you can see who Jimi Hendrix is and
that he played guitar/sung in the 60’s. The only safety issue with the plectrums is that if small children get a hold of them, they may swallow
and choke on the plastic picks, therefore, they are aimed at people aged 6+ but mainly for adults because not many children are interested
in the music of Jimi Hendrix. All these designs show clearly the genre of music produced by the artists.
Product Disassembly
I have analyzed this poster and by measuring it I found that it is 590mm
(width) by 850mm (height). You can see that the text is on the top layer,
behind it is the dog and the holder of the leash attached to the dog’s
collar. Behind all this is the cars, road and houses/liquor store, which is
in front of a silhouette of an electricity pole. Finally, behind that is the
After analyzing a CD case of my own I realized that the ideal size for a
case (folded shut) is 120mm x 120mm because it is small and portable
but still fits a CD in it. The CD case I will make will be a FOUR-FOLD
CD case and with therefore be made with a net like any of the nets in the
far right image above. These are all four-fold CD case nets.
Materials, Components and
To make the poster, I will use poster paper (glossy paper),using the laser printer to print out my poster design. Glossy paper has a glass-like shine and is very reflective. This gives images better
contrast and makes for vibrant colors. Laser printing is an electrostatic digital printing process that rapidly produces high quality text and graphics by passing a laser beam over a charged drum
to define a differentially charged image. The drum then selectively collects charged toner and transfers the image to paper, which is then heated to permanently fix the image.
I will use polypropylene to make the four-fold CD case, an addition polymer made from the monomer propylene, it is rugged and unusually resistant to many chemical solvents, bases and
acids. Polypropylene is a thermoplastic polymer used in a wide variety of applications including packaging and labeling, textiles, stationery, plastic parts and reusable containers of various
types, laboratory equipment, loudspeakers, automotive components, and polymer banknotes.
The band shirt will be made from polyester, if not completely, maybe cotton with just a little polyester, the design will be sublimated on to the shirt. When the ink is applied to the shirt, the
polyester and ink react and act as a glue so that the design sticks to the shirt. For good Sublimation Print effects on t shirts, the t shirts needs polyester content and the colour should be light.
The print should be darker. This makes gives the sublimation print a shiny effect.
The CD will be made from using a traditional polycarbonate plastic CD, but the design will be printed on using a normal inkjet printer. Polycarbonates are a particular group of thermostatic
polymers. They are easily worked, molded, and thermoformed. Because of these properties, polycarbonates can be used to make a wide variety of things.
The mug will be made of ceramics with a polyester finish, and the design will be sublimated onto the mug. Sublimation printing, also referred to as dye sublimation printing, is a printing
method for transferring images onto a substrate (usually a cloth material such as polyester). Sublimation is a process where a substance moves from a solid to a gas state without being
transferred into a liquid state. Sublimation printing normally involves the use of a digital printer to produce mirrored images on paper that has been specially coated with a transfer material.
The transfer paper typically is placed into a heat press with the substrate and exposed to temperatures from 180 to 200 degrees Celsius. This allows the ink and transfer material to move into
the gas state.
The guitar pick will be made from HIPS. HIPS (High Impact Polystyrene) is a cheap and pliable material. It is often used in industry to make prototypes because it has excellent dimensional
stability and is easy to fabricate, paint and glue. It is easily recycled and maintains strength in high impact applications.
To make the stickers I will use rolls of sticky-back vinyl. Vinyl is a type of plastic that is made from ethylene (found in crude oil) and chlorine (found in regular salt). When processed, both the
substances are combined to form Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) resin, or as is commonly referred to – Vinyl. It was invented in the 1920’s by scientists who wanted to develop a material that
would help make everyday products that were easier to make, more durable, and cheaper than what was available. Since then, vinyl has become the second largest manufactured and sold
plastic resin in the entire world. The bad thing about using rolls of sticky-back vinyl is that the sticker can only be one colour per sticker.
The mouse-mat will be made from padded fabric. Padded fabric is a cheap, soft material which can be used to make headrests, pillows, mouse-mats and more.
The tickets will be printed onto normal card paper using a normal laser printer and will be designed using Photoshop. Card paper is cheap and very easily recycled.
Ergonomics and Anthropometrics
Anthropometrics is the study of the human body and its movement. It involves measuring and collection data and statistics of the body,
appropriate for the product being made so that it can be used by the buyer comfortably. Ergonomics is the use of the data and statistics
and can affect the products size, shape, colour, texture etc. I will need to think about ergonomics and anthropometrics when designing
things such as the CD and CD case, ticket, guitar pick, mug, sticker and mouse-mat, ensuring they are both safe and easy to use for the
client and fit for purpose.
For the four-fold CD case I will need to make sure that it is not too heavy for people to carry, not hard to open, and the
booklet inside needs to be easy to remove and put back. The CD will need to fit neatly into the case and be easy to
remove and put back in.
The ticket must be small enough to carry around and be put in a bag or pants pocket, but must be big enough to keep
safely where it cannot be lost.
The guitar pick must be comfortable to hold and play guitar with, must not be easy to break as it is meant to be used a
lot. I will use the measurements that I’ve taken to assist my designing.
The sticker must be glossy and pleasant to touch, not rough with many sharp corners.
I must use a mug that is comfortable to hold, I can do this by making sure that the handle fits the amount of fingers in
that allow you to hold the weight of the mug, must be a comfortable shape for the buyer to hold and easy to drink from.
The mouse-mat should be comfortable to rest your arm on whilst using a mouse, to do this I must make sure it is soft
and uses a material that is easy to navigate your wrist and hand across, I must research and consider the height of the
average mouse and the size of the average wrist when picking a mouse-mat to print on.
Product Height Width Depth
Plectrum 35mm 25mm 0.5mm
T Shirt 760mm 560mm n/a
Mug 90mm 260mm 80mm
Poster A3 - A2 A3 - A2 n/a
Keyring 60mm 60mm 3mm
User Profile
Name: Joe Wallace
Age: 16
Occupation: Student
Interests: I am Joe Wallace, I am from California, America and I enjoy playing video games and listening to rock music in
my room. When I go to a music shop to buy a new CD to listen to, the requirements it needs to have are: it must have a
good design that catches my eye and makes the genre of music (rock) obvious, it must have contrasts in colours so that
certain parts in the album stand out. I would pay from $10-$15 USD (£6.23-£9.35) for an album depending on how good
the music is. I am hoping that the CD case will be able to withstand many uses without breaking, and the poster will be
able to stay intact and not tear easily when any part of the poster falls off of the wall that I put it on. I require the poster
to have appropriate images on it because my mother will see it whenever she walks into my room.
Name: Christopher Knight
Age: 24
Occupation: Reptile Breeder
Interests: I am Chris Knight, I am from London, England and I enjoy being around animals, especially reptiles as I breed
them for a living. I also enjoy driving to the reptile store in the morning and playing rock music on my car stereo.
Name: Charlotte Johnson
Age: 46
Occupation: Shop Keeper
Interests: I am Charlotte Johnson and I am from Sydney, Australia. I enjoy cooking for my 2 children and going on
family outings on weekends.
My eldest son’s birthday is coming up in 2 weeks (he’s turning 13) and he enjoys listening to rock music a lot, I was
thinking of buying him a CD as one of his presents. When I go shopping for this rock CD, I will be looking for
albums with appropriate album designs for a 13 year old, this means: no gory images, no swear words in the song titles
and no signs of violence. It must be within the price range of $15-$20 and must last at least 10 years without breaking
If I was looking for a new album to buy, I would need it to look like a metal-rock band’s album and must stand out in a
shelf of rock albums in a store, the font, the artwork and/or the band members and the songs must look like a rock
band should; dark colours, angry emotion to the images, rough textures but no Anti-Christ images as I am a Christian. I
would pay around £7-£11 for a good rock album in a store. The products must withstand constant use and last many
years so that I can show my (now newborn) child when he is at the right age.
Analysis of Research
Writing the ‘Existing Products’ pages helped me to find out the positives and negatives of
existing products being used in the market today (or in the past) and apply the knowledge I
received from finding out what I should and should not put in the designs for the products I
will make.
From researching existing products I found that rock artists tend to use a lot of contrasting
colours and the background is usually a very dark colour with the text being in a very light
colour. The font styles that are used on products made for rock bands make it easy to identify
the genre of music that is played by the band. I also found that they limit the amount of
writing on their posters/album designs etc. I will ensure I consider this when designing.
Analysis of Research
Disassembling existing
products helped me find out
how the products will be
made, and how posters layer
the images/what effect it has
on the final design.
Materials, Components and
Adhesives helped me find the
best materials I need to use to
make the products and how they
will affect the end result. This
also helped me find out what
the products will look like with
different materials
Making the ‘Ergonomics and
Anthropometrics’ page helped me
to design my products in a way that
makes the product comfortable and
easy to use for the customer. I will
take these measurements into
The ‘Profile’ page allowed me to
create an additional criteria in order
to fit/comply with people’s taste,
religion, age. This will help me to not
offend or disturb anybody which will
help me to get more customers.
Final Specification
The products will:
Be aimed mostly at males who like rock music from ages 13-60.
Not involve anything satanic or morbid such as dead people and pictures of past disasters.
Be able to be kept in a store for up to a year or more and help advertise the band.
Be designed to stay durable in a music store.
Be able to fit on the product advertising stands set for each product, and for the poster, on the wall.
Be portable so that when people buy the products, they can bring them back home easily.
Be made traditionally, using adhesives and other purchased components. They will be designed based on other rock bands’ designs
such as Black Sabbath and Nirvana etc. using dark colours and demonic images.
Not need to be waterproof or fireproof. The ones that can be, need to be environmentally friendly.
Have no budget as most of the products are already in the school so there is no need to purchase many extra, expensive items.
Be mostly easy to recycle and easily disposed of.
If the product was to be made in the industry they would be batch produced using things such as poster printers, laser cutters, vinyl
plotters and dye sublimation press’.
Initial Design Proposals
This poster uses the colours pink, black, gold, orange, yellow, brown, blue, grey and peach (skin colour). The product
is a rectangular shape, with the measurements of 590mm x 850mm, the surface has a glossy surface and is very smooth,
the edges are pointed but can not hurt anyone as the poster will be made of poster paper which bends easily. The
poster will be sold in retail stores for $100HKD which is good value for the money because its cheaper than if they
were from other countries. The price does not reflect any social or moral considerations and I think it would cost
about $50HKD per poster if they are made in bulk. Stereo Scopic Video Waves fans would use the poster, along with
other rock music fans. Music store browsers and guests of the band fans’ will be affected when they see the poster and
become intrigued to look into the band more. The product will be put on the consumer’s wall at their home and on
the store wall where it is sold. The poster will be recyclable because it will be made from paper which is a recyclable
item. The product will be rolled up and packaged in a long cardboard tube, which is recyclable. The poster will be
590mm x 850mm which is the size of the average poster so that it can look aesthetically pleasing alongside other
posters that the buyer may have up on his/her wall. It may be more portable and slightly cheaper to make if it were a
smaller size but would not look as good. The product will be used to promote the band and to decorate a room. It
does not need to be very durable as it is not expected to be, because it is paper, but it does need to stick to Blu-Tack
easily so it can be stuck to a wall with it. It will be made using glossy poster paper and ink, they will be made by the
thousands if there is enough money to make them and enough fans/stores willing to buy them, to do this it will need
to be batch produced. It will use printing as a manufacturing method.
This poster is mainly made up of dark shades (black and grey) but uses the contrasting colour of white, the product is a
rectangle because it is a poster, it has a glossy surface. it is glossy poster paper and looks attractive because it glimmers
in the light and feels smooth and “soft” in a way. It will be sold for $100HKD because it will be made of good quality
inks and paper. $100HKD is good value for a poster because it is more expensive to buy posters in/from other
countries. Stereo Scopic Video Waves fans would use the poster, along with other rock music fans. Music store
browsers and guests of the band fans’ will be affected when they see the poster and become intrigued to look into the
band more. The product will be put on the consumer’s wall at their home and on the store wall where it is sold. The
poster will be recyclable because it will be made from paper which is a recyclable item. The product will be rolled up
and packaged in a long cardboard tube, which is recyclable. The poster will be 590mm x 850mm which is the size of
the average poster so that it can look aesthetically pleasing alongside other posters that the buyer may have up on
his/her wall. It may be more portable and slightly cheaper to make if it were a smaller size but would not look as good.
The product will be used to promote the band and to decorate a room. It does not need to be very durable as it is not
expected to be, because it is paper, but it does need to stick to Blu-Tack easily so it can be stuck to a wall with it. It will
be made using glossy poster paper and ink, they will be made by the thousands if there is enough money to make them
and enough fans/stores willing to buy them, to do this it will need to be batch produced. It will use printing as a
manufacturing method.
Poster 1
Poster 2
NOTE: I have
numbered each of my
initial designs in
order of favourites
Initial Design Proposals
This poster is mainly made up of dark shades (black) but uses the contrasting colours of white and yellow, with
the band members in it, so using the colours of their hair, skin, clothes etc. The product is a rectangle because
it is a poster, it has a glossy surface. it is glossy poster paper and looks attractive because it glimmers in the light
and feels smooth and “soft” in a way. It will cost $100HKD because it will be made of good quality inks and
paper.$100HKD is good value for a poster because it is more expensive to buy posters in/from other countries.
Stereo Scopic Video Waves fans would use the poster, along with other rock music fans. Music store browsers
and guests of the band fans’ will be affected when they see the poster and become intrigued to look into the
band more. The product will be put on the consumer’s wall at their home and on the store wall where it is sold.
The poster will be recyclable because it will be made from paper which is a recyclable item. The product will be
rolled up and packaged in a long cardboard tube, which is recyclable. The poster will be 460mm x 650mm
which is the size of the average poster so that it can look aesthetically pleasing alongside other posters that the
buyer may have up on his/her wall. It may be more portable and slightly cheaper to make if it were a smaller
size but would not look as good. The product will be used to promote the band and to decorate a room. It does
not need to be very durable as it is not expected to be, because it is paper, but it does need to stick to blutack
easily so it can be stuck to a wall with it. It will be made using glossy poster paper and ink, they will be made by
the thousands if there is enough money to make them and enough fans/stores willing to buy them, to do this it
will need to be batch produced. It will use printing as a manufacturing method.
This poster is mainly made up of dark shades (black and grey) but uses the contrasting colour of blue and
yellow, the product is a rectangle because it is a poster, it has a glossy surface. it is glossy poster paper and looks
attractive because it glimmers in the light and feels smooth and “soft” in a way. It will cost $100HKD because it
will be made of good quality inks and paper. $100HKD is good value for a poster because it is more expensive
to buy posters in/from other countries. Stereo Scopic Video Waves fans would use the poster, along with other
rock music fans. Music store browsers and guests of the band fans’ will be affected when they see the poster and
become intrigued to look into the band more. The product will be put on the consumer’s wall at their home
and on the store wall where it is sold. The poster will be recyclable because it will be made from paper which is
a recyclable item. The product will be rolled up and packaged in a long cardboard tube, which is recyclable. The
poster will be 590mm x 850mm which is the size of the average poster so that it can look aesthetically pleasing
alongside other posters that the buyer may have up on his/her wall. It may be more portable and slightly
cheaper to make if it were a smaller size but would not look as good. The product will be used to promote the
band and to decorate a room. It does not need to be very durable as it is not expected to be, because it is paper,
but it does need to stick to blutack easily so it can be stuck to a wall with it. It will be made using glossy poster
paper and ink, they will be made by the thousands if there is enough money to make them and enough
fans/stores willing to buy them, to do this it will need to be batch produced. It will use printing as a
manufacturing method.
Poster 3
Poster 4
NOTE: I have
numbered each of my
initial designs in
order of favourites
Initial Design Proposals
This CD case uses the colours pink, black, gold, orange, yellow, brown, blue, grey and peach (skin colour). The product is square
shaped, with the measurements of 120mm x 120mm, the surface is smooth/glossy card and is very smooth, the edges are pointed
because it is very rare to see a CD case with rounded edges. The CD case with the CD in it will be sold in retail stores for $100HKD
which is good value for the money because its cheaper than if they were from other countries. The price does not reflect any social
or moral considerations and I think it would cost about $10HKD-$20HKD per four-fold CD Case. Stereo Scopic Video Waves fans
would use the CD Case (with CD in it) so that they can listen to the music they produce. Music store browsers and guests of the
band fans’ will be affected when they see the CD case and become intrigued to look into the band more. The product will be put on
the consumer’s shelf or in their cupboard at their home and on a store shelf where it is sold. The CD Case will be recyclable because
it will be made from card which is a recyclable item. The CD case will be 120mm x 120mm which is the size of the average four-fold
CD case so that it can look aesthetically pleasing alongside other four-fold CD case that the store would have around it on the CD
shelves. The product will be used to hold a CD in it so that the user can keep his/her CD’s organized. It needs to be able to last a
long time with minimal damage so that it can achieve its purpose of keeping the CD safe inside it. It will be made using thin card
and ink, they will be made by the thousands if there is enough money to make them and enough fans/stores willing to buy them, to
do this it will need to be batch produced. It will use printing as a manufacturing method.
This CD case is mainly made up of dark shades (black and grey) but uses the contrasting colour of white. The product is square
shaped, with the measurements of 120mm x 120mm, the surface is smooth/glossy card and is very smooth, the edges are pointed
because it is very rare to see a CD case with rounded edges. The CD case with the CD in it will be sold in retail stores for $100HKD
which is good value for the money because its cheaper than if they were from other countries. The price does not reflect any social
or moral considerations and I think it would cost about $10HKD-$20HKD per four-fold CD Case. Stereo Scopic Video Waves fans
would use the CD Case (with CD in it) so that they can listen to the music they produce. Music store browsers and guests of the
band fans’ will be affected when they see the CD case and become intrigued to look into the band more. The product will be put on
the consumer’s shelf or in their cupboard at their home and on a store shelf where it is sold. The CD Case will be recyclable because
it will be made from card which is a recyclable item. The CD case will be 120mm x 120mm which is the size of the average four-fold
CD case so that it can look aesthetically pleasing alongside other four-fold CD case that the store would have around it on the CD
shelves. The product will be used to hold a CD in it so that the user can keep his/her CD’s organized. It needs to be able to last a
long time with minimal damage so that it can achieve its purpose of keeping the CD safe inside it. It will be made using thin card
and ink, they will be made by the thousands if there is enough money to make them and enough fans/stores willing to buy them, to
do this it will need to be batch produced. It will use printing as a manufacturing method.
CD Case 1
CD Case 2
NOTE: I have
numbered each of my
initial designs in
order of favourites
This CD case is mainly made up of dark shades (black) but uses the contrasting colours of white and yellow, with the band
members in it, so using the colours of their hair, skin, clothes etc. The product is square shaped, with the measurements of
120mm x 120mm, the surface is smooth/glossy card and is very smooth, the edges are pointed because it is very rare to see
a CD case with rounded edges. The CD case with the CD in it will be sold in retail stores for $100HKD which is good
value for the money because its cheaper than if they were from other countries. The price does not reflect any social or
moral considerations and I think it would cost about $10HKD-$20HKD per four-fold CD Case. Stereo Scopic Video
Waves fans would use the CD Case (with CD in it) so that they can listen to the music they produce. Music store browsers
and guests of the band fans’ will be affected when they see the CD case and become intrigued to look into the band more.
The product will be put on the consumer’s shelf or in their cupboard at their home and on a store shelf where it is sold.
The CD Case will be recyclable because it will be made from card which is a recyclable item. The CD case will be 120mm x
120mm which is the size of the average four-fold CD case so that it can look aesthetically pleasing alongside other four-fold
CD case that the store would have around it on the CD shelves. The product will be used to hold a CD in it so that the
user can keep his/her CD’s organized. It needs to be able to last a long time with minimal damage so that it can achieve its
purpose of keeping the CD safe inside it. It will be made using thin card and ink, they will be made by the thousands if
there is enough money to make them and enough fans/stores willing to buy them, to do this it will need to be batch
produced. It will use printing as a manufacturing method.
This CD case mainly made up of dark shades (black and grey) but uses the contrasting colour of white. The product is
square shaped, with the measurements of 120mm x 120mm, the surface is smooth/glossy card and is very smooth, the
edges are pointed because it is very rare to see a CD case with rounded edges. The CD case with the CD in it will be sold
in retail stores for $100HKD which is good value for the money because its cheaper than if they were from other countries.
The price does not reflect any social or moral considerations and I think it would cost about $10HKD-$20HKD per four-
fold CD Case. Stereo Scopic Video Waves fans would use the CD Case (with CD in it) so that they can listen to the music
they produce. Music store browsers and guests of the band fans’ will be affected when they see the CD case and become
intrigued to look into the band more. The product will be put on the consumer’s shelf or in their cupboard at their home
and on a store shelf where it is sold. The CD Case will be recyclable because it will be made from card which is a recyclable
item. The CD case will be 120mm x 120mm which is the size of the average four-fold CD case so that it can look
aesthetically pleasing alongside other four-fold CD case that the store would have around it on the CD shelves. The
product will be used to hold a CD in it so that the user can keep his/her CD’s organized. It needs to be able to last a long
time with minimal damage so that it can achieve its purpose of keeping the CD safe inside it. It will be made using thin
card and ink, they will be made by the thousands if there is enough money to make them and enough fans/stores willing
to buy them, to do this it will need to be batch produced. It will use printing as a manufacturing method.
Initial Design Proposals
CD Case 3
CD Case 4
NOTE: I have
numbered each of my
initial designs in
order of favourites
Initial Design Proposals
These guitar picks use contrasting colours and all have a smooth surface. The edges are all rounded and the products look attractive because they show the band’s music genre due
to the colours they use. Their retail cost will be around $15HKD each which is an average price for a guitar pick especially due to the money spent on making it (Around $8HKD).
A guitar player would use this product and it might be used in a band on stage or just to practice guitar with. It is aimed for fans of the band who play guitar or who just want
collectables from the band. It does not use recyclable products but the materials can be. The product has rounded edges for safety and ergonomic and anthropometric reasons.
The product is ( x ) it would not work better if it were bigger or smaller because it fits comfortably in the average hand. If it were bigger it would need to be a different shape as
well. The plecks will be made from 31mm x 29mm and will need to be made in batch.
1 2 3 4
NOTE: I have
numbered each of my
initial designs in
order of favourites
Chosen Designs
CD Case Plectrum
This is my favourite poster design
because it has dark and light
colours that contrast and gives a
rock poster effect. The band
members are posed to look like
those on a rock poster would. I
like the effect because you can tell
who the band members are but it
also looks very distorted and
contrasted to the black
This is my favourite album cover for
the CD case design because it uses
contrasting colours and a slightly
psychedelic font that is inspired by
the font that Jimi Hendrix used on
some of his posters and album
covers. The band members are all
contrasted to the background along
with the brightly coloured text.
This is my favourite guitar
plectrum because it is very
simple and also uses contrasting
colours to make the components
on the design stand out and
look like a rock themed product.
I have created a logo design
which represents a wave on an
electrocardiogram type of line.
Chosen Designs
This is my favourite CD design because it
uses contrasting colours and a slightly
psychedelic font that is inspired by the
font that Jimi Hendrix used on some of
his posters and album covers. The band
members are all contrasted to the
background along with the brightly
coloured text.
This is my favourite shirt design because it
uses contrasting colours and a slightly
psychedelic font that is inspired by the
font that Jimi Hendrix used on some of
his posters and album covers. The band
members are all contrasted to the
background along with the brightly
coloured text.
CD Design Shirt Design
This is my favourite point of sale stand
because it it bright and stands out, using
light refracting acrylic and contrasting
text. I like that “OUT NOW” is in bold
so that it stands out and the guitar has the
same features of a real guitar. I think this
would serve its purpose if used to
advertise albums for Stereo Scopic Video
Waves in music stores.
Point of Sale
Development of Poster
Throughout the process of designing the
posters, I experimented with the colours,
text and psychedelic properties of it. I
developed my ideas this way, at points
taking peer feedback and testing what
changes looked best.
“I like this design (1) because it is simple
and looks like a rock poster, using
contrasting colours and band members
that are easily recognizable” – Campbell
“My favourite design is 2 because it looks
like a 60’s rock poster whilst not going
over the top with the psychedelic effects
like some of the other designs” – Jacob
To make sure that I knew exactly how I
wanted the poster to turn out, I chose two
different backgrounds and changed all the
listed things above. I decided I would use
a design that is almost the same as my
original design and a design that has a bit
of every design in it.
The two things I changed about the first
design from the original design is the
band members were lowered so that they
would be underneath the text instead of
behind it and also I arched the text
I designed these posters using Photoshop,
and when they are being made in industry,
they will be printed using offset printing
I used the effects “Posturize”, on the first
one I added the “Black and White” effect
and on the second one I left it as it was but
copied and pasted all the components on a
new layer, moved them all to the left slightly,
and then turned the opacity down.
Modelling and Testing Poster
To test and model the posters, I printed them out on A3 paper so that I could see if the quality was up to standard,
that helped me to find out that the quality was as expected. I then printed out the final posters on thin A3 art card.
I used this card so that the poster would last longer if used in a store, also this makes it look more professional.
Plan of Making Poster
Is the quality
and size up to
standard for a
quality print?
Open up Adobe Photoshop file
(2 mins)
Is the printer
set up
properly and
switched on?
Acquire A3 glossy art card and
load into the laserjet printer. (2
Print A3 poster (I min)
Is the quality
as expected
without any
marks or
Development of CD Case
I chose to do my original design because I did not see anything that I wanted to change about it
I designed this CD case using Photoshop. In this project, the CD case will be made of card paper and will be four-
folded instead of in the industry where it would be made using injection moulding and instead of being a four-fold
CD case it would be made a jewel case. I will use a laser cutter to cut the CD case net outline, already designed in
2D Design, from a piece of good quality card and then print the designs onto paper and stick them onto the CD
Development of CD Case
First I had to decide which CD net I
would use to make my four-fold CD
case, choosing between my 4 favourite
I could not do this one
because the laser cutter
that I am using would not
fit a piece of card/paper
this large in it to cut the
net out.
I did not want to do
this design because it
required separate
pieces of card being
stuck together in
order for it to work
I could not use this
net because it was
too big for the laser
cutter I used to cut
the card.
I chose this one
because it was
simple, effective and
I decided that I would stick a
small short cylinder into the
middle of the CD case so that
it would keep the CD in place.
Plan of Making CD Case
Is the quality
and size up to
standard for a
quality print?
Open up Adobe Photoshop file
(2 mins)
Is the printer
set up
properly and
switched on?
Acquire A3 paper and load into
the LaserJet printer (2 mins)
Print the inside and outside
panels onto the A3 paper
(I min)
Is the quality
as expected
without any
marks or
Trim off excess paper using
guillotine (2 mins)
Are the edges
accurate and
is it the
correct size?
Glue the panels down in the
correct areas (5 mins)
Switch on laser cutter, open up
2D Design file, place A2 card
into the laser cutter and tape
down to bed (10 mins)
Begin cutting process.
Cut = 65% speed, 100% power
Engrave = 100% speed, 10%
power (5 mins)
Is the paper
set firmly in
Is there any
Is it
glued down?
Modelling and Testing CD Case
I designed my CD case net in 2D Design, and then cut it out of a piece
of A2 card using the laser cutter, I then tested to see if the CD case shut
properly and found out that the fold areas were different sizes and did
not shut evenly. I redesigned it to make it fit in place better. After this I
printed out the panels that were to be stuck on the inside and outside of
the CD case onto piece of A3 paper (school does not have A2 printer).
The net was too big to fit all the panels together as one net for each side
so I had to print three of the panels for each side connected and the
other 4 panels separately. I found that this was too big to fit on the CD
case net and that it I was to glue it all down, when I fold the CD case to
open and close it, it would form bubbles in the folds. To improve this, I
re-sized all of the panels separately in photo shop, printed them out and
trimmed them to fit the CD case and stuck them down in singular
panels. I found that without moving the designs, I would not be able to
fit the panels on without having empty space of the net so I moved the
designs in Photoshop to make them fit and printed them out once again,
this worked well so I used this to make my final CD case.
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
Development of CD
When designing the CD, I used the CD case design to start
off with and then I deleted the band members, warped the
text and put an eye without an iris/pupil in it, in the
middle, after that I added the pupil and iris to another layer
on top. I then got the band logo and put it in the eye with
low opacity, making it look like a reflection. I messed
around with the eye and warped and erased a bit of the font
to make the font look like it is behind the eye, fading in.
The hole for the CD should be where the pupil is in the
design. I found that the pupil was too small to do this so I
resized it in Photoshop to make it larger. In this project, the
CD case will be made of card paper and will be four-folded
instead of in the industry where it would be made using
injection moulding. I will use a CD printer to print my
design onto the CD in a good quality.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Modelling and Testing CD
To test my design fit well and looked good, I printed my design onto paper and placed it on top of the CD. I found
that the pupil of the eye was too small for the design and that if the band logo was just on the iris it would be cut out
because the hole of the CD would be under it. Also my design was the wrong size because the CD’s radius was 60mm
and my design’s radius was 40mm so to fix these problems I resized the CD design, I then resized the logo and the
pupil. Once I finished testing the design, I printed it onto sticker paper and stuck it on to the CD.
Development of T-Shirt
In these design, I got a heart monitor image off the
internet and found a wave line image, used the
paint bucket tool to make them both white, pressed
command T and ‘warp’ so that I could make them
blend together, I then erased the continuation of
the line under the wave so that it looks like the
wave is the beat of the heart, I then gave it a blue
glow effect so that it looks more realistically like a
heart monitor. I added the text and added white
dots with the glow effect on them too. I then
changed the colour of the font for variety in shirts
so people can choose between white and yellow text
on their shirt.
When designing this
design, I warped the text of
the CD Case design and
the faces of the band
members and removed the
background, to add a
psychedelic effect, I like
that it looks like a
psychedelic rock design. I
dislike the quality of the
design because of the
warped faces.
In these design I used the CD case
design, in the second design, I got
rid of the background, leaving it
invisible and then I added a
contour bevel to the text so that
you can see it properly when it is
printed on the white shirt. I have
chosen this design (design on the
right) because it is my favourite
design as .
This is the most simple of all the
designs, as you can see, this design is
just the name of the band. I used
Photoshop to design this.
Modelling and Testing T- Shirt
Because of lack of equipment/machinery, I could not print the shirt myself, although I
am aware of the process and how to print designs onto shirts.
Instead of printing it myself, I asked a shirt printing company to print it for me and
they sent me a picture of what it would look like. The only way I could test it is if I put
a piece of A4 paper with my design printed on it, on top of the shirt in the position it
would be in, which is exactly what I did. The company in HK, then were asked to
sublimate the designs onto the shirt.
Plan of Making T-Shirt
Print design onto sublimation paper at correct
(2 mins)
Is the print the right
Place printed sublimation paper onto T-shirt
and stick down with heat tape.
(2 mins)
Is the design lined
up correctly?
Put product with sublimation paper into the
oven, heat to 250F for 60 seconds, remove
from oven and remove sublimation paper.
(2 mins)
Is the image printed
to a professional
Modelling and Testing Point Of Sale
I tested the point of sale display by cutting it out on
cardboard and seeing if everything fits and looks good. I
found that everything fitted well but there was still
some changes that need to be done.
This photo shows that one of
the sides was too small to
look good next to the text
saying “OUT NOW”.
I wrote the measurements of
what I need to cut off.
Now I cut a bit off and
realized that it still did not
look appealing so I once
again wrote the
measurements of what I
needed to cut off. I tapered
this down the front on an
angle, but I could still see the
side panel and it didn’t look
This turned out to be my
final design. I tapered it on a
straight angle so it looked
more streamline and
professional from the front
Final Design of Net
Plan of Making Point of Sale Display
Turn on laser cutter, place
acrylic on cutting bed. Open 2D
Design file on connected PC. (5
(3 mins)
Are the
lines in the right
place? Will it fit on
the acrylic?
Print the design using settings:
Cut = Speed 2.8%, Power =
Engrave = Speed 95%, Power =
15% ( (5 mins)
Is it all accurately
cut with no jagged
Clean the acrylic using methylated spirits,
(3 mins)
Is the acrylic clean
Glue all pieces together using tensol glue and
wear a mask for safety.
(60 mins)
Manufacturing Diary- POS
I first cut out the net of my point of sale display and engraved “OUT NOW” on it using the laser cutter. After that I cut out all the letters and other parts of
the design out of a white acrylic sheet.
1 2 3
4 5 6 7
I then tested if it looked good on the yellow sheet of acrylic and found that it did so I glued the pieces to the yellow acrylic. I then bent the yellow acrylic
where it needed to be bent. This was difficult because I didn’t make a jig. I also had to think really carefully about which direction to bend it in as it was
quite confusing. If this was made in industry I would have to design and make a jig or something for the shape to bend around. This would make it a perfect
90 degree angle, which I found really hard to get. The front angle ended up being about 92 degrees, but it was too difficult to bend it back into place so I
accepted it would have to be left this way.
Manufacturing Diary Vinyl Sticker
I first Designed a yellow sticker of a guitar and the band name, I then cut it out of vinyl sticker using a vinyl plotter, after
that I cut out a black rectangle and stuck the design down on it. I did this because I had enough time left at the end and
wanted to demonstrate the use of vinyl plotting. Also, I think these would sell at the concert. This took about 20 minutes
to complete, so I think overall, the company would make some good money off this as it was already using existing CAD
design s to replicate another sticker out of.
1 2
Development of Plectrum
I used my initial ideas for a guitar
plectrum on paper and then I chose
my favourite and designed it in
Photoshop, using a heart-beat
monitor line and putting it
horizontally across the pick. I then
got a picture of a wave line and
turned it white using the paint-bucket
tool. I added a glow effect to the wave
line to make it blend with the heart-
beat monitor. I then added ??? font
text of the initials of the band name.
In industry, the plectrum will be
made using celluloid and printed in
large quantities but for this project I
will use HIPS, as it is already
coloured with pigment, it is flexible
and can be cut/engraved using the
laser cutter. I have added variety to
the choice in plectrums by changing
the colour of the text.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
This is the outline of the plectrum designed
using 2D Design (CAD). I cut out the outline
of the plectrum to test the size; which it was
fine and easy to use on a guitar. I then added
vinyl stickers which were designed in 2D and
cut out on the vinyl plotter. Both processes
were easy and allows the design to be mass
produced with ease.
The outline red = cut and the
black line will be engraved.
When I made this on the
laser cutter, the engravement
lines were too thin to see
properly, I used the fill tool
to fill the lines and make
them bolder so they could be
seen from a distance.
Plan of Making Plectrum and Key-ring
Turn on laser cutter, place
acrylic on cutting bed. Open 2D
Design file on connected PC. (5
(3 mins)
Are the
lines in the right
place? Will it fit on
the acrylic?
Print the design using settings:
Cut = Speed 2.8%, Power =
Engrave = Speed 95%, Power =
15% ( (5 mins)
Is it all accurately
cut with no jagged
Clean the acrylic using methylated spirits,
(3 mins)
Is the acrylic clean
Plan of Making Mug
Print design onto sublimation paper at
correct size
(1 min)
Is the print the right
Place printed sublimation paper onto
(1 min)
Is the design lined
up correctly?
Put product with sublimation paper into
the oven, heat to 400F for 45 seconds,
remove from oven and remove
sublimation paper.
(2 mins)
Is the image printed
as desired?
Final CAD and Photoshop Design Ideas for all products
Above are all of my CAD drawings in 2D Design Tools.
in Adobe
Final Mug design in Adobe Photoshop
Final design of CD in Adobe Photoshop
Final design of CD case in Adobe Photoshop
Final shirt design
These are my final designs that I had
before printing and making my products.
Most of my designs were designed using
Adobe Photoshop and 2D design.
Final Products
Four Fold CD Case and PoS
Materials List
Product Material Length
T-Shirt Polyester paper,
Sublimation paper
Poster Thin white art card 420mm 297mm n/a x2
Mug Ceramic
Sublimation paper
Key-ring Acrylic
P.O.S Acrylic 325mm 150mm 3mm x1
Plectrum HIPS 40mm 35mm 3mm x2
CD Case Black card 135mm 135mm 7mm x1
CD Sticker Sticker paper 120mm 120mm 1mm x1
Evaluation – Testing against specification
All the products are:
Aimed mostly at males who like rock music from ages 13-60.
Not involve anything satanic or morbid such as photographs of dead
people and pictures of past disasters.
Able to be kept in a store for up to a year or more and help advertise
the band.
Designed to stay durable in a music store.
Able to fit on the product advertising stands set for each product, and
for the poster, on the wall.
Portable so that when people buy the products, they can bring them
back home easily.
Made traditionally, using adhesives and other purchased components.
They will be designed based on other rock bands’ designs such as Black
Sabbath and Nirvana etc. using dark colours and dark imagery.
Mostly not waterproof or fireproof. The ones that are, are
environmentally friendly.
Not considering a budget as most of the products are already in the
school so there is no need to purchase many extra, expensive items.
Mostly easy to recycle and easily disposed of.
If the product was to be made in the industry they would be batch
produced using things such as poster printers, laser cutters, vinyl
plotters and dye sublimation press’.
Client Evaluation
General Evaluation
I believe that my designs are effective, meet their purposes, the design criteria and design specification. I have changed everything I could think of changing to make my designs more attractive and have thought through
any problems that I could change and I have fixed them. I think that my products all function as they were intended to or if not, better.
The posters are made from thicker art paper and can be easily stuck to walls using Blu-Tack, also they advertise the band whilst looking attractive the the audience; people who like the rock genre. I have been told by my
peers that they liked the look of the posters because “they look like rock posters”. I think that the posters that I designed and printed work better than a lot of other posters because they are harder to tear, will last longer
and do not fall off of walls as easily as other posters. I would say the posters are easy to use because all you need to do is stick them to a wall like a normal poster but with less bending of the paper so it would be easier.
The only way that I could reduce the effect on the environment when printing the posters would be to use glossy poster paper instead of thin card or maybe put less colours in my design. The intended user would
usually pay around $50-$150 for this product. After testing the posters I decided that if I were to make them in industry, I would prefer them to be of bigger size, however as the school that I attend does not have a
printer that is big enough to print the size I would like, I could not change the sizes of them to make them bigger.
The CD case functions well as it holds the CD in place, which is better than what I first planned because I did not think of putting in the circular foam board in the middle to hold the CD in place. The CD case looks
attractive, has extra information about the band members and lists all their songs and does not have a single blank panel. At first I wanted to make a lyrics booklet for inside the CD case but I found that by the end of it
I did not have enough to design and make it, and also with the foam piece in it, there would not be enough space for a booklet. My peers have told me that my CD case looks professionally made and designed but some
people said that I should have kept the foam board black to blend with the pupil on the CD when it is in place. What I would change about my CD case if it were to be made in industry would be to make it a jewel case
instead of fold CD case although that would effect the environment because it would not be recyclable. The user would usually pay from $30-$100 for this product.
The CD I designed is suitable for its use as all it needs to do is fit in the CD case and show that it is the band’s CD. I have designed it to make it more psychedelic to suit the theme and I would say it is simple to use
because it is a standard, traditional CD and most people know how to use a CD. The CD would obviously be included inside the CD case when bought and therefore would cost $30-$100. I was told that “the eye looks
poorly designed” but that “the font looks attractive” by my peers. The printing of the product only has a slight impact on the environment as it uses ink, but there is nothing that can be done to make this more
environmentally friendly.
The point of sale display works functions to attract the audience's eyes to the bright coloring, making them look at the cd cases sitting inside the point of sale display. The point of sale display met the design criteria and
specification and its purpose of advertising the band. The product is very easy to use because all you need to do is put a CD case in it so that it leans on the guitar at the back. I asked the band members if they liked the
point of sale and Gabe and Campbell liked it but Jacob thought that it was not ‘Rock N Roll’ enough. He disliked the bright colour and the ‘childish look to it’. I would give the point of sale to the store instead of
selling it to them because it is a promotional display. The product is impacting the environment as it is made of acrylic which is bad for the environment to produce. After testing and modelling the point of sale display,
I changed the shape of one of the sides of the CD holder.
The Key-fobs work to advertise the band and look attractive as they use bright colours and light attracting acrylic which makes the sides glow a bright neon colour. The key-fob met the design criteria and specification
and is easy to use because you just need to clip it onto a key-ring to make it meet its purpose, although it is slightly more difficult to attach to the key-ring than most key-fobs because the acrylic is 5mm thick and the
distance between the hole and the edge of the acrylic is about 1mm too big. If I were to make the key-fob in the industry, I would use a better quality material and also make another key-fob with the poster design on it,
using stickers and engravements.
The shirt was made from good quality cotton and used sublimation to print the design onto it. The design turned out to have higher contrast than I expected it to, although the design is still printed to a high quality
standard. I think that the shirt would look attractive to its intended audience and will help to advertise the band with the large text in the foreground and the contrasting background. My peers have told me that they
dislike the contrast of the image on the shirt but there is nothing I can do to change that as the school paid a company to print the shirt. I have the knowledge to print a shirt but the school does not have the resources.
I could not make the shirt any more environmentally friendly because there are no recyclable materials that you can make shirts with. The audience would probably pay around $150 for this product. If I were to make
this product in the industry I would turn the contrast down before I print it or just alter the opacity on Photoshop.
I think that the mug functions as it should because it uses a white mug and a black and yellow design to contrast and stand out when someone is using the mug. I think that the mug uses a simple but effective design to
advertise the band whilst looking attractive to the intended audience. Peers have told me that they would buy the mug if they were to see it in a shop and the band members had nothing to complain about when I asked
them what they thought of the mug. I believe the mug would be worth $40-$50 if sold in a store. I could not make the mug anymore environmentally friendly but if I were to make the mug in industry I would want to
have either a smaller design in one area of the mug or a more complex design all around the mug.

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GCSE Graphics band promotion

  • 2. Contents 1.Problem and Design Brief 2.Problem Analysis 3.Existing Posters 4.Existing Designs 5.Existing Merchandise 6.Product Disassembly 7.Materials, Components and Adhesives 8.Ergonomics and Anthropometrics 9.User Profile 10.Analysis of Research 11.Analysis of Research 12. Final Specification 13.Initial Design Proposals 14.Initial Design Proposals 15.Initial Design Proposals 16.Initial Design Proposals 17. Initial Design Proposals 18.Chosen Designs 19.Chosen Designs 20.Development of Poster 21.Modelling and Testing Poster 22.Plan of Making Poster 23.Development of CD Case 24.Development of CD Case 25.Plan of Making CD Case 26.Modelling and Testing CD Case 27.Development of CD 28.Modelling and Testing CD 29.Development of T-Shirt 30.Modelling and Testing T-Shirt 31.Plan of Making T-Shirt 32.Modelling and Testing POS 33.Modelling and Testing POS 34.Manufacturing Diary POS 35.Manufacturing Diary Vinyl Sticker 36.Development of Plectrum 37.Plan of Making Plectrum and Key-ring 38.Plan of Making Mug 39.Final CAD and Photoshop Design Ideas for all products 40.Final Products 41.Four Fold CD Case and PoS 42.Materials List 43.Evaluation – Testing against Specification 44.Client Evaluation 45.General Evaluation
  • 3. Problem A new/upcoming band called “Stereoscopic Video Waves” are in need of some advertising products to promote their debut album. Design Brief Advertising is a huge issue in all upcoming/new bands. I will be designing and making a variety of advertising products to help a new band called “Stereoscopic Video Waves” who will be performing in a local Discovery Bay concert called ‘PICNIC IN THE PARK’. I will make at least a four fold CD case with a CD inside it, an item such as a t-shirt including a smart material, a poster and guitar plectrums. I can also design and print mugs, tickets for their first concert, key-rings, stickers, a CD display stand and a mouse mat to promote their up and coming album. I will use CAD/CAM technologies where possible to enhance the overall quality of the products.
  • 4. Problem Analysis Who will the graphic items be aimed at? The products I will produce are to be aimed at people who like rock music from ages ranging 13-60. I am hoping that they will see my designs and want to listen to the music that the band makes. How will the products work? The CD case will hold 1 or more CD’s with the band’s music on it and will also help advertise the band when it is on display, the poster is to be up on a wall and will be used to catch the customer’s eye and make them want to buy the album, the shirt, mug, stickers, guitar picks and a mouse mat are for fans of the band to buy if they enjoy their music. What environment will the products be designed for and how will this effect the design? The products will be designed to be displayed on a point of sale display and will then be used inside the purchasers home. Therefore it will need to be made using suitable materials such as card, or polypropylene and may need to be laminated to prevent them getting damaged in the Hong Kong humidity. What materials will the product be made out of and how will I consider environmental issues? For the CD case, I will use polypropylene because it is easily recyclable, for the poster I will use poster paper which is also easy to recycle. Vinyl is hard to recycle but it is possible, I will use vinyl to make my stickers for the band. I will try to use fair trade cotton shirts for the shirt and the glass mug can be recycled as well. How will I assemble the materials? The four fold CD case can be assembled using folds, tabs and slot joints. The posters will be designed using Photoshop, and made using the laser jet printer. The tickets will be designed and made using the same methods. The shirt will be designed using Photoshop but will be printed using the sublimation machine. I will use cross joints to connect the closing of the CD case together if I am going to use this design: All of the products will be made traditionally, using adhesives and other purchased components. How will I ensure that the products are suitable for commercial production? I will make them suitable by making them durable and making sure they can last in the environments that they will be in, which is easy because they will be in an average temperature room and will not be tampered with unless being picked up by customers. What sort of shop/retail could I see the product in? I could see the product in any music store such as ‘Tom Lee Music’ and ‘HMV’.
  • 5. Existing Posters I’ve chosen to look at existing rock posters as “Stereoscopic Video Waves” are trying to create the same persona. I like all of these designs because you can immediately identify the genre with the colours, font style and images used. They have contrasting colours and not a lot of text, so when you walk past they stand out and you can easily see the advert. The Black Sabbath font is very typical of this time, era and genre. The Metallica logo has been used consistently throughout all their album art work giving the appearance of metal as they often use silver colours. The black has been used on all posters as a dominant tone, making them appeal to rock / heavy metal fans. All posters use portraits of the band as a dominant feature, which shows that the band members are important for the band and advertising. What I do not like about the Metallica poster is the set up and font of the writing under the picture of the band, it does not make the band look like a rock band. I like everything else about all the other posters. When I make my posters they will be made to look like traditional rock posters and will be made in size 24”x36”.
  • 6. Existing Designs I like these designs because without using too many dark colours, you can still immediately identify what genre of music they make. This is mostly because of the font of the text and the images in the designs. Though they do not use too many dark colours, they still use contrasting colours, in the Kiss design, the font is on a black area and its colour is an orange gradient it stands out because it is on black and has a white outline. The Led Zeppelin design has vintage images of the band members and dark brown text on a light brown background. The Jimi Hendrix design has a bright yellow background but a deep purple font colour the font chosen is a very common style used by bands/people who make his type of music. The Beatles mug design has their famous Abbey Road photo printed onto it, the text is white and it put over the black of the zebra crossing. The Linkin Park design has dirty white/grey text with a black outline, it is put over the band members so it stands out on the colours of their clothes. The background of the Kiss design is flames which gives the band a very ‘metal’ look. Led Zeppelin and Linkin Park have chosen to have a very “dirty” look, Led Zeppelin give the appearance of a Rock ‘N’ Roll band whereas Linkin Park look like a Punk Rock band, which is exactly what they both are. Jimi Hendrix has a very psychedelic style, typical to the era that the album came out in (1967). I dislike that the Beatles design does not cover the full mug. I like everything else about the rest of the designs.
  • 7. Existing Merchandise PHOTOS IN THIS SLIDE ARE TAKEN BY ME These two paper designs are both from Rock Sound Magazine. What I like about them is the contrasting colours and simple fonts. Marilyn Manson’s picture has a pitch black background and his face in the top right corner fades in. The text and his face are white, he is wearing black lipstick and eyeliner, which makes the only colours in the photo ‘black and white’. The Bullet For My Valentine picture has bold, full caps, white text over an image of Matthew Tuck (the lead singer) playing guitar with a brutal facial expression, this gives it a very heavy metal feel. The Jimi Hendrix guitar plectrums all have very different designs on them, in all of them, you can see who Jimi Hendrix is and that he played guitar/sung in the 60’s. The only safety issue with the plectrums is that if small children get a hold of them, they may swallow and choke on the plastic picks, therefore, they are aimed at people aged 6+ but mainly for adults because not many children are interested in the music of Jimi Hendrix. All these designs show clearly the genre of music produced by the artists.
  • 8. Product Disassembly I have analyzed this poster and by measuring it I found that it is 590mm (width) by 850mm (height). You can see that the text is on the top layer, behind it is the dog and the holder of the leash attached to the dog’s collar. Behind all this is the cars, road and houses/liquor store, which is in front of a silhouette of an electricity pole. Finally, behind that is the sky. After analyzing a CD case of my own I realized that the ideal size for a case (folded shut) is 120mm x 120mm because it is small and portable but still fits a CD in it. The CD case I will make will be a FOUR-FOLD CD case and with therefore be made with a net like any of the nets in the far right image above. These are all four-fold CD case nets.
  • 9. Materials, Components and Adhesives To make the poster, I will use poster paper (glossy paper),using the laser printer to print out my poster design. Glossy paper has a glass-like shine and is very reflective. This gives images better contrast and makes for vibrant colors. Laser printing is an electrostatic digital printing process that rapidly produces high quality text and graphics by passing a laser beam over a charged drum to define a differentially charged image. The drum then selectively collects charged toner and transfers the image to paper, which is then heated to permanently fix the image. I will use polypropylene to make the four-fold CD case, an addition polymer made from the monomer propylene, it is rugged and unusually resistant to many chemical solvents, bases and acids. Polypropylene is a thermoplastic polymer used in a wide variety of applications including packaging and labeling, textiles, stationery, plastic parts and reusable containers of various types, laboratory equipment, loudspeakers, automotive components, and polymer banknotes. The band shirt will be made from polyester, if not completely, maybe cotton with just a little polyester, the design will be sublimated on to the shirt. When the ink is applied to the shirt, the polyester and ink react and act as a glue so that the design sticks to the shirt. For good Sublimation Print effects on t shirts, the t shirts needs polyester content and the colour should be light. The print should be darker. This makes gives the sublimation print a shiny effect. The CD will be made from using a traditional polycarbonate plastic CD, but the design will be printed on using a normal inkjet printer. Polycarbonates are a particular group of thermostatic polymers. They are easily worked, molded, and thermoformed. Because of these properties, polycarbonates can be used to make a wide variety of things. The mug will be made of ceramics with a polyester finish, and the design will be sublimated onto the mug. Sublimation printing, also referred to as dye sublimation printing, is a printing method for transferring images onto a substrate (usually a cloth material such as polyester). Sublimation is a process where a substance moves from a solid to a gas state without being transferred into a liquid state. Sublimation printing normally involves the use of a digital printer to produce mirrored images on paper that has been specially coated with a transfer material. The transfer paper typically is placed into a heat press with the substrate and exposed to temperatures from 180 to 200 degrees Celsius. This allows the ink and transfer material to move into the gas state. The guitar pick will be made from HIPS. HIPS (High Impact Polystyrene) is a cheap and pliable material. It is often used in industry to make prototypes because it has excellent dimensional stability and is easy to fabricate, paint and glue. It is easily recycled and maintains strength in high impact applications. To make the stickers I will use rolls of sticky-back vinyl. Vinyl is a type of plastic that is made from ethylene (found in crude oil) and chlorine (found in regular salt). When processed, both the substances are combined to form Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) resin, or as is commonly referred to – Vinyl. It was invented in the 1920’s by scientists who wanted to develop a material that would help make everyday products that were easier to make, more durable, and cheaper than what was available. Since then, vinyl has become the second largest manufactured and sold plastic resin in the entire world. The bad thing about using rolls of sticky-back vinyl is that the sticker can only be one colour per sticker. The mouse-mat will be made from padded fabric. Padded fabric is a cheap, soft material which can be used to make headrests, pillows, mouse-mats and more. The tickets will be printed onto normal card paper using a normal laser printer and will be designed using Photoshop. Card paper is cheap and very easily recycled.
  • 10. Ergonomics and Anthropometrics Anthropometrics is the study of the human body and its movement. It involves measuring and collection data and statistics of the body, appropriate for the product being made so that it can be used by the buyer comfortably. Ergonomics is the use of the data and statistics and can affect the products size, shape, colour, texture etc. I will need to think about ergonomics and anthropometrics when designing things such as the CD and CD case, ticket, guitar pick, mug, sticker and mouse-mat, ensuring they are both safe and easy to use for the client and fit for purpose. For the four-fold CD case I will need to make sure that it is not too heavy for people to carry, not hard to open, and the booklet inside needs to be easy to remove and put back. The CD will need to fit neatly into the case and be easy to remove and put back in. The ticket must be small enough to carry around and be put in a bag or pants pocket, but must be big enough to keep safely where it cannot be lost. The guitar pick must be comfortable to hold and play guitar with, must not be easy to break as it is meant to be used a lot. I will use the measurements that I’ve taken to assist my designing. The sticker must be glossy and pleasant to touch, not rough with many sharp corners. I must use a mug that is comfortable to hold, I can do this by making sure that the handle fits the amount of fingers in that allow you to hold the weight of the mug, must be a comfortable shape for the buyer to hold and easy to drink from. The mouse-mat should be comfortable to rest your arm on whilst using a mouse, to do this I must make sure it is soft and uses a material that is easy to navigate your wrist and hand across, I must research and consider the height of the average mouse and the size of the average wrist when picking a mouse-mat to print on. Product Height Width Depth Plectrum 35mm 25mm 0.5mm T Shirt 760mm 560mm n/a Mug 90mm 260mm 80mm Poster A3 - A2 A3 - A2 n/a Keyring 60mm 60mm 3mm
  • 11. User Profile Name: Joe Wallace Age: 16 Occupation: Student Interests: I am Joe Wallace, I am from California, America and I enjoy playing video games and listening to rock music in my room. When I go to a music shop to buy a new CD to listen to, the requirements it needs to have are: it must have a good design that catches my eye and makes the genre of music (rock) obvious, it must have contrasts in colours so that certain parts in the album stand out. I would pay from $10-$15 USD (£6.23-£9.35) for an album depending on how good the music is. I am hoping that the CD case will be able to withstand many uses without breaking, and the poster will be able to stay intact and not tear easily when any part of the poster falls off of the wall that I put it on. I require the poster to have appropriate images on it because my mother will see it whenever she walks into my room. Name: Christopher Knight Age: 24 Occupation: Reptile Breeder Interests: I am Chris Knight, I am from London, England and I enjoy being around animals, especially reptiles as I breed them for a living. I also enjoy driving to the reptile store in the morning and playing rock music on my car stereo. Name: Charlotte Johnson Age: 46 Occupation: Shop Keeper Interests: I am Charlotte Johnson and I am from Sydney, Australia. I enjoy cooking for my 2 children and going on family outings on weekends. My eldest son’s birthday is coming up in 2 weeks (he’s turning 13) and he enjoys listening to rock music a lot, I was thinking of buying him a CD as one of his presents. When I go shopping for this rock CD, I will be looking for albums with appropriate album designs for a 13 year old, this means: no gory images, no swear words in the song titles and no signs of violence. It must be within the price range of $15-$20 and must last at least 10 years without breaking easily. If I was looking for a new album to buy, I would need it to look like a metal-rock band’s album and must stand out in a shelf of rock albums in a store, the font, the artwork and/or the band members and the songs must look like a rock band should; dark colours, angry emotion to the images, rough textures but no Anti-Christ images as I am a Christian. I would pay around £7-£11 for a good rock album in a store. The products must withstand constant use and last many years so that I can show my (now newborn) child when he is at the right age.
  • 12. Analysis of Research Writing the ‘Existing Products’ pages helped me to find out the positives and negatives of existing products being used in the market today (or in the past) and apply the knowledge I received from finding out what I should and should not put in the designs for the products I will make. From researching existing products I found that rock artists tend to use a lot of contrasting colours and the background is usually a very dark colour with the text being in a very light colour. The font styles that are used on products made for rock bands make it easy to identify the genre of music that is played by the band. I also found that they limit the amount of writing on their posters/album designs etc. I will ensure I consider this when designing.
  • 13. Analysis of Research Disassembling existing products helped me find out how the products will be made, and how posters layer the images/what effect it has on the final design. Materials, Components and Adhesives helped me find the best materials I need to use to make the products and how they will affect the end result. This also helped me find out what the products will look like with different materials Making the ‘Ergonomics and Anthropometrics’ page helped me to design my products in a way that makes the product comfortable and easy to use for the customer. I will take these measurements into consideration. The ‘Profile’ page allowed me to create an additional criteria in order to fit/comply with people’s taste, religion, age. This will help me to not offend or disturb anybody which will help me to get more customers.
  • 14. Final Specification The products will: Be aimed mostly at males who like rock music from ages 13-60. Not involve anything satanic or morbid such as dead people and pictures of past disasters. Be able to be kept in a store for up to a year or more and help advertise the band. Be designed to stay durable in a music store. Be able to fit on the product advertising stands set for each product, and for the poster, on the wall. Be portable so that when people buy the products, they can bring them back home easily. Be made traditionally, using adhesives and other purchased components. They will be designed based on other rock bands’ designs such as Black Sabbath and Nirvana etc. using dark colours and demonic images. Not need to be waterproof or fireproof. The ones that can be, need to be environmentally friendly. Have no budget as most of the products are already in the school so there is no need to purchase many extra, expensive items. Be mostly easy to recycle and easily disposed of. If the product was to be made in the industry they would be batch produced using things such as poster printers, laser cutters, vinyl plotters and dye sublimation press’.
  • 15. Initial Design Proposals This poster uses the colours pink, black, gold, orange, yellow, brown, blue, grey and peach (skin colour). The product is a rectangular shape, with the measurements of 590mm x 850mm, the surface has a glossy surface and is very smooth, the edges are pointed but can not hurt anyone as the poster will be made of poster paper which bends easily. The poster will be sold in retail stores for $100HKD which is good value for the money because its cheaper than if they were from other countries. The price does not reflect any social or moral considerations and I think it would cost about $50HKD per poster if they are made in bulk. Stereo Scopic Video Waves fans would use the poster, along with other rock music fans. Music store browsers and guests of the band fans’ will be affected when they see the poster and become intrigued to look into the band more. The product will be put on the consumer’s wall at their home and on the store wall where it is sold. The poster will be recyclable because it will be made from paper which is a recyclable item. The product will be rolled up and packaged in a long cardboard tube, which is recyclable. The poster will be 590mm x 850mm which is the size of the average poster so that it can look aesthetically pleasing alongside other posters that the buyer may have up on his/her wall. It may be more portable and slightly cheaper to make if it were a smaller size but would not look as good. The product will be used to promote the band and to decorate a room. It does not need to be very durable as it is not expected to be, because it is paper, but it does need to stick to Blu-Tack easily so it can be stuck to a wall with it. It will be made using glossy poster paper and ink, they will be made by the thousands if there is enough money to make them and enough fans/stores willing to buy them, to do this it will need to be batch produced. It will use printing as a manufacturing method. This poster is mainly made up of dark shades (black and grey) but uses the contrasting colour of white, the product is a rectangle because it is a poster, it has a glossy surface. it is glossy poster paper and looks attractive because it glimmers in the light and feels smooth and “soft” in a way. It will be sold for $100HKD because it will be made of good quality inks and paper. $100HKD is good value for a poster because it is more expensive to buy posters in/from other countries. Stereo Scopic Video Waves fans would use the poster, along with other rock music fans. Music store browsers and guests of the band fans’ will be affected when they see the poster and become intrigued to look into the band more. The product will be put on the consumer’s wall at their home and on the store wall where it is sold. The poster will be recyclable because it will be made from paper which is a recyclable item. The product will be rolled up and packaged in a long cardboard tube, which is recyclable. The poster will be 590mm x 850mm which is the size of the average poster so that it can look aesthetically pleasing alongside other posters that the buyer may have up on his/her wall. It may be more portable and slightly cheaper to make if it were a smaller size but would not look as good. The product will be used to promote the band and to decorate a room. It does not need to be very durable as it is not expected to be, because it is paper, but it does need to stick to Blu-Tack easily so it can be stuck to a wall with it. It will be made using glossy poster paper and ink, they will be made by the thousands if there is enough money to make them and enough fans/stores willing to buy them, to do this it will need to be batch produced. It will use printing as a manufacturing method. Poster 1 Poster 2 2 1 NOTE: I have numbered each of my initial designs in order of favourites
  • 16. Initial Design Proposals This poster is mainly made up of dark shades (black) but uses the contrasting colours of white and yellow, with the band members in it, so using the colours of their hair, skin, clothes etc. The product is a rectangle because it is a poster, it has a glossy surface. it is glossy poster paper and looks attractive because it glimmers in the light and feels smooth and “soft” in a way. It will cost $100HKD because it will be made of good quality inks and paper.$100HKD is good value for a poster because it is more expensive to buy posters in/from other countries. Stereo Scopic Video Waves fans would use the poster, along with other rock music fans. Music store browsers and guests of the band fans’ will be affected when they see the poster and become intrigued to look into the band more. The product will be put on the consumer’s wall at their home and on the store wall where it is sold. The poster will be recyclable because it will be made from paper which is a recyclable item. The product will be rolled up and packaged in a long cardboard tube, which is recyclable. The poster will be 460mm x 650mm which is the size of the average poster so that it can look aesthetically pleasing alongside other posters that the buyer may have up on his/her wall. It may be more portable and slightly cheaper to make if it were a smaller size but would not look as good. The product will be used to promote the band and to decorate a room. It does not need to be very durable as it is not expected to be, because it is paper, but it does need to stick to blutack easily so it can be stuck to a wall with it. It will be made using glossy poster paper and ink, they will be made by the thousands if there is enough money to make them and enough fans/stores willing to buy them, to do this it will need to be batch produced. It will use printing as a manufacturing method. This poster is mainly made up of dark shades (black and grey) but uses the contrasting colour of blue and yellow, the product is a rectangle because it is a poster, it has a glossy surface. it is glossy poster paper and looks attractive because it glimmers in the light and feels smooth and “soft” in a way. It will cost $100HKD because it will be made of good quality inks and paper. $100HKD is good value for a poster because it is more expensive to buy posters in/from other countries. Stereo Scopic Video Waves fans would use the poster, along with other rock music fans. Music store browsers and guests of the band fans’ will be affected when they see the poster and become intrigued to look into the band more. The product will be put on the consumer’s wall at their home and on the store wall where it is sold. The poster will be recyclable because it will be made from paper which is a recyclable item. The product will be rolled up and packaged in a long cardboard tube, which is recyclable. The poster will be 590mm x 850mm which is the size of the average poster so that it can look aesthetically pleasing alongside other posters that the buyer may have up on his/her wall. It may be more portable and slightly cheaper to make if it were a smaller size but would not look as good. The product will be used to promote the band and to decorate a room. It does not need to be very durable as it is not expected to be, because it is paper, but it does need to stick to blutack easily so it can be stuck to a wall with it. It will be made using glossy poster paper and ink, they will be made by the thousands if there is enough money to make them and enough fans/stores willing to buy them, to do this it will need to be batch produced. It will use printing as a manufacturing method. Poster 3 Poster 4 3 4 NOTE: I have numbered each of my initial designs in order of favourites
  • 17. Initial Design Proposals This CD case uses the colours pink, black, gold, orange, yellow, brown, blue, grey and peach (skin colour). The product is square shaped, with the measurements of 120mm x 120mm, the surface is smooth/glossy card and is very smooth, the edges are pointed because it is very rare to see a CD case with rounded edges. The CD case with the CD in it will be sold in retail stores for $100HKD which is good value for the money because its cheaper than if they were from other countries. The price does not reflect any social or moral considerations and I think it would cost about $10HKD-$20HKD per four-fold CD Case. Stereo Scopic Video Waves fans would use the CD Case (with CD in it) so that they can listen to the music they produce. Music store browsers and guests of the band fans’ will be affected when they see the CD case and become intrigued to look into the band more. The product will be put on the consumer’s shelf or in their cupboard at their home and on a store shelf where it is sold. The CD Case will be recyclable because it will be made from card which is a recyclable item. The CD case will be 120mm x 120mm which is the size of the average four-fold CD case so that it can look aesthetically pleasing alongside other four-fold CD case that the store would have around it on the CD shelves. The product will be used to hold a CD in it so that the user can keep his/her CD’s organized. It needs to be able to last a long time with minimal damage so that it can achieve its purpose of keeping the CD safe inside it. It will be made using thin card and ink, they will be made by the thousands if there is enough money to make them and enough fans/stores willing to buy them, to do this it will need to be batch produced. It will use printing as a manufacturing method. This CD case is mainly made up of dark shades (black and grey) but uses the contrasting colour of white. The product is square shaped, with the measurements of 120mm x 120mm, the surface is smooth/glossy card and is very smooth, the edges are pointed because it is very rare to see a CD case with rounded edges. The CD case with the CD in it will be sold in retail stores for $100HKD which is good value for the money because its cheaper than if they were from other countries. The price does not reflect any social or moral considerations and I think it would cost about $10HKD-$20HKD per four-fold CD Case. Stereo Scopic Video Waves fans would use the CD Case (with CD in it) so that they can listen to the music they produce. Music store browsers and guests of the band fans’ will be affected when they see the CD case and become intrigued to look into the band more. The product will be put on the consumer’s shelf or in their cupboard at their home and on a store shelf where it is sold. The CD Case will be recyclable because it will be made from card which is a recyclable item. The CD case will be 120mm x 120mm which is the size of the average four-fold CD case so that it can look aesthetically pleasing alongside other four-fold CD case that the store would have around it on the CD shelves. The product will be used to hold a CD in it so that the user can keep his/her CD’s organized. It needs to be able to last a long time with minimal damage so that it can achieve its purpose of keeping the CD safe inside it. It will be made using thin card and ink, they will be made by the thousands if there is enough money to make them and enough fans/stores willing to buy them, to do this it will need to be batch produced. It will use printing as a manufacturing method. CD Case 1 CD Case 2 2 3 NOTE: I have numbered each of my initial designs in order of favourites
  • 18. This CD case is mainly made up of dark shades (black) but uses the contrasting colours of white and yellow, with the band members in it, so using the colours of their hair, skin, clothes etc. The product is square shaped, with the measurements of 120mm x 120mm, the surface is smooth/glossy card and is very smooth, the edges are pointed because it is very rare to see a CD case with rounded edges. The CD case with the CD in it will be sold in retail stores for $100HKD which is good value for the money because its cheaper than if they were from other countries. The price does not reflect any social or moral considerations and I think it would cost about $10HKD-$20HKD per four-fold CD Case. Stereo Scopic Video Waves fans would use the CD Case (with CD in it) so that they can listen to the music they produce. Music store browsers and guests of the band fans’ will be affected when they see the CD case and become intrigued to look into the band more. The product will be put on the consumer’s shelf or in their cupboard at their home and on a store shelf where it is sold. The CD Case will be recyclable because it will be made from card which is a recyclable item. The CD case will be 120mm x 120mm which is the size of the average four-fold CD case so that it can look aesthetically pleasing alongside other four-fold CD case that the store would have around it on the CD shelves. The product will be used to hold a CD in it so that the user can keep his/her CD’s organized. It needs to be able to last a long time with minimal damage so that it can achieve its purpose of keeping the CD safe inside it. It will be made using thin card and ink, they will be made by the thousands if there is enough money to make them and enough fans/stores willing to buy them, to do this it will need to be batch produced. It will use printing as a manufacturing method. This CD case mainly made up of dark shades (black and grey) but uses the contrasting colour of white. The product is square shaped, with the measurements of 120mm x 120mm, the surface is smooth/glossy card and is very smooth, the edges are pointed because it is very rare to see a CD case with rounded edges. The CD case with the CD in it will be sold in retail stores for $100HKD which is good value for the money because its cheaper than if they were from other countries. The price does not reflect any social or moral considerations and I think it would cost about $10HKD-$20HKD per four- fold CD Case. Stereo Scopic Video Waves fans would use the CD Case (with CD in it) so that they can listen to the music they produce. Music store browsers and guests of the band fans’ will be affected when they see the CD case and become intrigued to look into the band more. The product will be put on the consumer’s shelf or in their cupboard at their home and on a store shelf where it is sold. The CD Case will be recyclable because it will be made from card which is a recyclable item. The CD case will be 120mm x 120mm which is the size of the average four-fold CD case so that it can look aesthetically pleasing alongside other four-fold CD case that the store would have around it on the CD shelves. The product will be used to hold a CD in it so that the user can keep his/her CD’s organized. It needs to be able to last a long time with minimal damage so that it can achieve its purpose of keeping the CD safe inside it. It will be made using thin card and ink, they will be made by the thousands if there is enough money to make them and enough fans/stores willing to buy them, to do this it will need to be batch produced. It will use printing as a manufacturing method. Initial Design Proposals CD Case 3 CD Case 4 1 4 NOTE: I have numbered each of my initial designs in order of favourites
  • 19. Initial Design Proposals Plectrums These guitar picks use contrasting colours and all have a smooth surface. The edges are all rounded and the products look attractive because they show the band’s music genre due to the colours they use. Their retail cost will be around $15HKD each which is an average price for a guitar pick especially due to the money spent on making it (Around $8HKD). A guitar player would use this product and it might be used in a band on stage or just to practice guitar with. It is aimed for fans of the band who play guitar or who just want collectables from the band. It does not use recyclable products but the materials can be. The product has rounded edges for safety and ergonomic and anthropometric reasons. The product is ( x ) it would not work better if it were bigger or smaller because it fits comfortably in the average hand. If it were bigger it would need to be a different shape as well. The plecks will be made from 31mm x 29mm and will need to be made in batch. 1 2 3 4 NOTE: I have numbered each of my initial designs in order of favourites
  • 20. Chosen Designs Poste r CD Case Plectrum This is my favourite poster design because it has dark and light colours that contrast and gives a rock poster effect. The band members are posed to look like those on a rock poster would. I like the effect because you can tell who the band members are but it also looks very distorted and contrasted to the black background. This is my favourite album cover for the CD case design because it uses contrasting colours and a slightly psychedelic font that is inspired by the font that Jimi Hendrix used on some of his posters and album covers. The band members are all contrasted to the background along with the brightly coloured text. This is my favourite guitar plectrum because it is very simple and also uses contrasting colours to make the components on the design stand out and look like a rock themed product. I have created a logo design which represents a wave on an electrocardiogram type of line.
  • 21. Chosen Designs This is my favourite CD design because it uses contrasting colours and a slightly psychedelic font that is inspired by the font that Jimi Hendrix used on some of his posters and album covers. The band members are all contrasted to the background along with the brightly coloured text. This is my favourite shirt design because it uses contrasting colours and a slightly psychedelic font that is inspired by the font that Jimi Hendrix used on some of his posters and album covers. The band members are all contrasted to the background along with the brightly coloured text. CD Design Shirt Design This is my favourite point of sale stand because it it bright and stands out, using light refracting acrylic and contrasting text. I like that “OUT NOW” is in bold so that it stands out and the guitar has the same features of a real guitar. I think this would serve its purpose if used to advertise albums for Stereo Scopic Video Waves in music stores. Point of Sale
  • 22. Development of Poster Throughout the process of designing the posters, I experimented with the colours, text and psychedelic properties of it. I developed my ideas this way, at points taking peer feedback and testing what changes looked best. “I like this design (1) because it is simple and looks like a rock poster, using contrasting colours and band members that are easily recognizable” – Campbell “My favourite design is 2 because it looks like a 60’s rock poster whilst not going over the top with the psychedelic effects like some of the other designs” – Jacob To make sure that I knew exactly how I wanted the poster to turn out, I chose two different backgrounds and changed all the listed things above. I decided I would use a design that is almost the same as my original design and a design that has a bit of every design in it. The two things I changed about the first design from the original design is the band members were lowered so that they would be underneath the text instead of behind it and also I arched the text slightly. 1 2 Original I designed these posters using Photoshop, and when they are being made in industry, they will be printed using offset printing methods. I used the effects “Posturize”, on the first one I added the “Black and White” effect and on the second one I left it as it was but copied and pasted all the components on a new layer, moved them all to the left slightly, and then turned the opacity down.
  • 23. Modelling and Testing Poster To test and model the posters, I printed them out on A3 paper so that I could see if the quality was up to standard, that helped me to find out that the quality was as expected. I then printed out the final posters on thin A3 art card. I used this card so that the poster would last longer if used in a store, also this makes it look more professional.
  • 24. Plan of Making Poster START Yes No Is the quality and size up to standard for a professional quality print? Open up Adobe Photoshop file (2 mins) Is the printer set up properly and switched on? Acquire A3 glossy art card and load into the laserjet printer. (2 mins) Print A3 poster (I min) No Yes Is the quality as expected without any marks or creases? FINISH No Yes PRINTING IN SCHOOL ON LASERJET PRINTER PRINTING IN INDUSTRIAL LITHOGRAPHY PRINTER
  • 25. Development of CD Case I chose to do my original design because I did not see anything that I wanted to change about it I designed this CD case using Photoshop. In this project, the CD case will be made of card paper and will be four- folded instead of in the industry where it would be made using injection moulding and instead of being a four-fold CD case it would be made a jewel case. I will use a laser cutter to cut the CD case net outline, already designed in 2D Design, from a piece of good quality card and then print the designs onto paper and stick them onto the CD net.
  • 26. Development of CD Case First I had to decide which CD net I would use to make my four-fold CD case, choosing between my 4 favourite nets: I could not do this one because the laser cutter that I am using would not fit a piece of card/paper this large in it to cut the net out. I did not want to do this design because it required separate pieces of card being stuck together in order for it to work properly. I could not use this net because it was too big for the laser cutter I used to cut the card. I chose this one because it was simple, effective and do-able. I decided that I would stick a small short cylinder into the middle of the CD case so that it would keep the CD in place.
  • 27. Plan of Making CD Case START Yes No Is the quality and size up to standard for a professional quality print? Open up Adobe Photoshop file (2 mins) Is the printer set up properly and switched on? Acquire A3 paper and load into the LaserJet printer (2 mins) Print the inside and outside panels onto the A3 paper (I min) No Yes Is the quality as expected without any marks or creases? FINISH No Yes Trim off excess paper using guillotine (2 mins) Are the edges accurate and is it the correct size? Glue the panels down in the correct areas (5 mins) Switch on laser cutter, open up 2D Design file, place A2 card into the laser cutter and tape down to bed (10 mins) Begin cutting process. Settings: Cut = 65% speed, 100% power Engrave = 100% speed, 10% power (5 mins) No Yes Is the paper set firmly in place? Yes No Is there any burnt edges/cutting errors. No Yes Is it accurately glued down? No Yes
  • 28. Modelling and Testing CD Case I designed my CD case net in 2D Design, and then cut it out of a piece of A2 card using the laser cutter, I then tested to see if the CD case shut properly and found out that the fold areas were different sizes and did not shut evenly. I redesigned it to make it fit in place better. After this I printed out the panels that were to be stuck on the inside and outside of the CD case onto piece of A3 paper (school does not have A2 printer). The net was too big to fit all the panels together as one net for each side so I had to print three of the panels for each side connected and the other 4 panels separately. I found that this was too big to fit on the CD case net and that it I was to glue it all down, when I fold the CD case to open and close it, it would form bubbles in the folds. To improve this, I re-sized all of the panels separately in photo shop, printed them out and trimmed them to fit the CD case and stuck them down in singular panels. I found that without moving the designs, I would not be able to fit the panels on without having empty space of the net so I moved the designs in Photoshop to make them fit and printed them out once again, this worked well so I used this to make my final CD case. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • 29. Development of CD When designing the CD, I used the CD case design to start off with and then I deleted the band members, warped the text and put an eye without an iris/pupil in it, in the middle, after that I added the pupil and iris to another layer on top. I then got the band logo and put it in the eye with low opacity, making it look like a reflection. I messed around with the eye and warped and erased a bit of the font to make the font look like it is behind the eye, fading in. The hole for the CD should be where the pupil is in the design. I found that the pupil was too small to do this so I resized it in Photoshop to make it larger. In this project, the CD case will be made of card paper and will be four-folded instead of in the industry where it would be made using injection moulding. I will use a CD printer to print my design onto the CD in a good quality. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
  • 30. Modelling and Testing CD To test my design fit well and looked good, I printed my design onto paper and placed it on top of the CD. I found that the pupil of the eye was too small for the design and that if the band logo was just on the iris it would be cut out because the hole of the CD would be under it. Also my design was the wrong size because the CD’s radius was 60mm and my design’s radius was 40mm so to fix these problems I resized the CD design, I then resized the logo and the pupil. Once I finished testing the design, I printed it onto sticker paper and stuck it on to the CD.
  • 31. Development of T-Shirt In these design, I got a heart monitor image off the internet and found a wave line image, used the paint bucket tool to make them both white, pressed command T and ‘warp’ so that I could make them blend together, I then erased the continuation of the line under the wave so that it looks like the wave is the beat of the heart, I then gave it a blue glow effect so that it looks more realistically like a heart monitor. I added the text and added white dots with the glow effect on them too. I then changed the colour of the font for variety in shirts so people can choose between white and yellow text on their shirt. When designing this design, I warped the text of the CD Case design and the faces of the band members and removed the background, to add a psychedelic effect, I like that it looks like a psychedelic rock design. I dislike the quality of the design because of the warped faces. In these design I used the CD case design, in the second design, I got rid of the background, leaving it invisible and then I added a contour bevel to the text so that you can see it properly when it is printed on the white shirt. I have chosen this design (design on the right) because it is my favourite design as . This is the most simple of all the designs, as you can see, this design is just the name of the band. I used Photoshop to design this.
  • 32. Modelling and Testing T- Shirt Because of lack of equipment/machinery, I could not print the shirt myself, although I am aware of the process and how to print designs onto shirts. Instead of printing it myself, I asked a shirt printing company to print it for me and they sent me a picture of what it would look like. The only way I could test it is if I put a piece of A4 paper with my design printed on it, on top of the shirt in the position it would be in, which is exactly what I did. The company in HK, then were asked to sublimate the designs onto the shirt.
  • 33. Plan of Making T-Shirt No Yes No Yes No Yes START Print design onto sublimation paper at correct size (2 mins) Is the print the right size? Place printed sublimation paper onto T-shirt and stick down with heat tape. (2 mins) Is the design lined up correctly? Put product with sublimation paper into the oven, heat to 250F for 60 seconds, remove from oven and remove sublimation paper. (2 mins) Is the image printed to a professional standard FINISH
  • 34. Modelling and Testing Point Of Sale Display I tested the point of sale display by cutting it out on cardboard and seeing if everything fits and looks good. I found that everything fitted well but there was still some changes that need to be done. This photo shows that one of the sides was too small to look good next to the text saying “OUT NOW”. I wrote the measurements of what I need to cut off. Now I cut a bit off and realized that it still did not look appealing so I once again wrote the measurements of what I needed to cut off. I tapered this down the front on an angle, but I could still see the side panel and it didn’t look professional. This turned out to be my final design. I tapered it on a straight angle so it looked more streamline and professional from the front view. Final Design of Net
  • 35. Plan of Making Point of Sale Display Stand No Yes No Yes No Yes START Turn on laser cutter, place acrylic on cutting bed. Open 2D Design file on connected PC. (5 mins) (3 mins) Are the cutting/engraving lines in the right place? Will it fit on the acrylic? Print the design using settings: Cut = Speed 2.8%, Power = 100% Engrave = Speed 95%, Power = 15% ( (5 mins) Is it all accurately cut with no jagged edges Clean the acrylic using methylated spirits, (3 mins) Is the acrylic clean FINISH Glue all pieces together using tensol glue and wear a mask for safety. (60 mins)
  • 36. Manufacturing Diary- POS I first cut out the net of my point of sale display and engraved “OUT NOW” on it using the laser cutter. After that I cut out all the letters and other parts of the design out of a white acrylic sheet. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I then tested if it looked good on the yellow sheet of acrylic and found that it did so I glued the pieces to the yellow acrylic. I then bent the yellow acrylic where it needed to be bent. This was difficult because I didn’t make a jig. I also had to think really carefully about which direction to bend it in as it was quite confusing. If this was made in industry I would have to design and make a jig or something for the shape to bend around. This would make it a perfect 90 degree angle, which I found really hard to get. The front angle ended up being about 92 degrees, but it was too difficult to bend it back into place so I accepted it would have to be left this way.
  • 37. Manufacturing Diary Vinyl Sticker I first Designed a yellow sticker of a guitar and the band name, I then cut it out of vinyl sticker using a vinyl plotter, after that I cut out a black rectangle and stuck the design down on it. I did this because I had enough time left at the end and wanted to demonstrate the use of vinyl plotting. Also, I think these would sell at the concert. This took about 20 minutes to complete, so I think overall, the company would make some good money off this as it was already using existing CAD design s to replicate another sticker out of. 1 2 mm mm
  • 38. Development of Plectrum I used my initial ideas for a guitar plectrum on paper and then I chose my favourite and designed it in Photoshop, using a heart-beat monitor line and putting it horizontally across the pick. I then got a picture of a wave line and turned it white using the paint-bucket tool. I added a glow effect to the wave line to make it blend with the heart- beat monitor. I then added ??? font text of the initials of the band name. In industry, the plectrum will be made using celluloid and printed in large quantities but for this project I will use HIPS, as it is already coloured with pigment, it is flexible and can be cut/engraved using the laser cutter. I have added variety to the choice in plectrums by changing the colour of the text. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 This is the outline of the plectrum designed using 2D Design (CAD). I cut out the outline of the plectrum to test the size; which it was fine and easy to use on a guitar. I then added vinyl stickers which were designed in 2D and cut out on the vinyl plotter. Both processes were easy and allows the design to be mass produced with ease. The outline red = cut and the black line will be engraved. When I made this on the laser cutter, the engravement lines were too thin to see properly, I used the fill tool to fill the lines and make them bolder so they could be seen from a distance. 40mm 35mm
  • 39. Plan of Making Plectrum and Key-ring No Yes No Yes No Yes START Turn on laser cutter, place acrylic on cutting bed. Open 2D Design file on connected PC. (5 mins) (3 mins) Are the cutting/engraving lines in the right place? Will it fit on the acrylic? Print the design using settings: Cut = Speed 2.8%, Power = 100% Engrave = Speed 95%, Power = 15% ( (5 mins) Is it all accurately cut with no jagged edges Clean the acrylic using methylated spirits, (3 mins) Is the acrylic clean FINISH
  • 40. Plan of Making Mug No Yes No Yes No Yes START Print design onto sublimation paper at correct size (1 min) Is the print the right size? Place printed sublimation paper onto mug (1 min) Is the design lined up correctly? Put product with sublimation paper into the oven, heat to 400F for 45 seconds, remove from oven and remove sublimation paper. (2 mins) Is the image printed as desired? FINISH
  • 41. Final CAD and Photoshop Design Ideas for all products Above are all of my CAD drawings in 2D Design Tools. Final poster designs in Adobe Photoshop Final Mug design in Adobe Photoshop 80mm 210mm 135mm 2 1 0 m m 300mm 1 3 5 m m Final design of CD in Adobe Photoshop Final design of CD case in Adobe Photoshop Final shirt design These are my final designs that I had before printing and making my products. Most of my designs were designed using Adobe Photoshop and 2D design.
  • 43. Four Fold CD Case and PoS Inside Outside
  • 44. Materials List Product Material Length (mm) Width (mm) Depth (mm) Quantity T-Shirt Polyester paper, Sublimation paper n/a A4 n/a A4 n/a n/a x1 Poster Thin white art card 420mm 297mm n/a x2 Mug Ceramic Sublimation paper 95mm 80mm 250mm 210mm n/a n/a x1 Key-ring Acrylic HIPS 115mm 40mm 40mm 35mm 3mm 3mm x2 P.O.S Acrylic 325mm 150mm 3mm x1 Plectrum HIPS 40mm 35mm 3mm x2 CD Case Black card 135mm 135mm 7mm x1 CD Sticker Sticker paper 120mm 120mm 1mm x1
  • 45. Evaluation – Testing against specification All the products are: Aimed mostly at males who like rock music from ages 13-60. Not involve anything satanic or morbid such as photographs of dead people and pictures of past disasters. Able to be kept in a store for up to a year or more and help advertise the band. Designed to stay durable in a music store. Able to fit on the product advertising stands set for each product, and for the poster, on the wall. Portable so that when people buy the products, they can bring them back home easily. Made traditionally, using adhesives and other purchased components. They will be designed based on other rock bands’ designs such as Black Sabbath and Nirvana etc. using dark colours and dark imagery. Mostly not waterproof or fireproof. The ones that are, are environmentally friendly. Not considering a budget as most of the products are already in the school so there is no need to purchase many extra, expensive items. Mostly easy to recycle and easily disposed of. If the product was to be made in the industry they would be batch produced using things such as poster printers, laser cutters, vinyl plotters and dye sublimation press’.
  • 47. General Evaluation I believe that my designs are effective, meet their purposes, the design criteria and design specification. I have changed everything I could think of changing to make my designs more attractive and have thought through any problems that I could change and I have fixed them. I think that my products all function as they were intended to or if not, better. The posters are made from thicker art paper and can be easily stuck to walls using Blu-Tack, also they advertise the band whilst looking attractive the the audience; people who like the rock genre. I have been told by my peers that they liked the look of the posters because “they look like rock posters”. I think that the posters that I designed and printed work better than a lot of other posters because they are harder to tear, will last longer and do not fall off of walls as easily as other posters. I would say the posters are easy to use because all you need to do is stick them to a wall like a normal poster but with less bending of the paper so it would be easier. The only way that I could reduce the effect on the environment when printing the posters would be to use glossy poster paper instead of thin card or maybe put less colours in my design. The intended user would usually pay around $50-$150 for this product. After testing the posters I decided that if I were to make them in industry, I would prefer them to be of bigger size, however as the school that I attend does not have a printer that is big enough to print the size I would like, I could not change the sizes of them to make them bigger. The CD case functions well as it holds the CD in place, which is better than what I first planned because I did not think of putting in the circular foam board in the middle to hold the CD in place. The CD case looks attractive, has extra information about the band members and lists all their songs and does not have a single blank panel. At first I wanted to make a lyrics booklet for inside the CD case but I found that by the end of it I did not have enough to design and make it, and also with the foam piece in it, there would not be enough space for a booklet. My peers have told me that my CD case looks professionally made and designed but some people said that I should have kept the foam board black to blend with the pupil on the CD when it is in place. What I would change about my CD case if it were to be made in industry would be to make it a jewel case instead of fold CD case although that would effect the environment because it would not be recyclable. The user would usually pay from $30-$100 for this product. The CD I designed is suitable for its use as all it needs to do is fit in the CD case and show that it is the band’s CD. I have designed it to make it more psychedelic to suit the theme and I would say it is simple to use because it is a standard, traditional CD and most people know how to use a CD. The CD would obviously be included inside the CD case when bought and therefore would cost $30-$100. I was told that “the eye looks poorly designed” but that “the font looks attractive” by my peers. The printing of the product only has a slight impact on the environment as it uses ink, but there is nothing that can be done to make this more environmentally friendly. The point of sale display works functions to attract the audience's eyes to the bright coloring, making them look at the cd cases sitting inside the point of sale display. The point of sale display met the design criteria and specification and its purpose of advertising the band. The product is very easy to use because all you need to do is put a CD case in it so that it leans on the guitar at the back. I asked the band members if they liked the point of sale and Gabe and Campbell liked it but Jacob thought that it was not ‘Rock N Roll’ enough. He disliked the bright colour and the ‘childish look to it’. I would give the point of sale to the store instead of selling it to them because it is a promotional display. The product is impacting the environment as it is made of acrylic which is bad for the environment to produce. After testing and modelling the point of sale display, I changed the shape of one of the sides of the CD holder. The Key-fobs work to advertise the band and look attractive as they use bright colours and light attracting acrylic which makes the sides glow a bright neon colour. The key-fob met the design criteria and specification and is easy to use because you just need to clip it onto a key-ring to make it meet its purpose, although it is slightly more difficult to attach to the key-ring than most key-fobs because the acrylic is 5mm thick and the distance between the hole and the edge of the acrylic is about 1mm too big. If I were to make the key-fob in the industry, I would use a better quality material and also make another key-fob with the poster design on it, using stickers and engravements. The shirt was made from good quality cotton and used sublimation to print the design onto it. The design turned out to have higher contrast than I expected it to, although the design is still printed to a high quality standard. I think that the shirt would look attractive to its intended audience and will help to advertise the band with the large text in the foreground and the contrasting background. My peers have told me that they dislike the contrast of the image on the shirt but there is nothing I can do to change that as the school paid a company to print the shirt. I have the knowledge to print a shirt but the school does not have the resources. I could not make the shirt any more environmentally friendly because there are no recyclable materials that you can make shirts with. The audience would probably pay around $150 for this product. If I were to make this product in the industry I would turn the contrast down before I print it or just alter the opacity on Photoshop. I think that the mug functions as it should because it uses a white mug and a black and yellow design to contrast and stand out when someone is using the mug. I think that the mug uses a simple but effective design to advertise the band whilst looking attractive to the intended audience. Peers have told me that they would buy the mug if they were to see it in a shop and the band members had nothing to complain about when I asked them what they thought of the mug. I believe the mug would be worth $40-$50 if sold in a store. I could not make the mug anymore environmentally friendly but if I were to make the mug in industry I would want to have either a smaller design in one area of the mug or a more complex design all around the mug.