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Three Entry Points for Engagement

                                   Human beings now spend 3 billion hours every week playing online video games.
                                   This is a staggering expenditure of time and energy on an activity that has often
                                   been considered frivolous and escapist. So it’s worth asking why.

                                   Why are people staring at screens for 3 billion hours, clicking on cartoon pictures,
                                   when they could be cooking, jogging or hanging out with spouses and kids? In
                                   her book Reality is Broken, the futurist and video game designer Jane McGonigal
                                   offers a surprising answer: we don’t play video games because they’re “fun. We   ”
                                   play video games because they allow us to fulfill our human potential in a way that
                                   reality sometimes doesn’t. For an increasing number of people, life is better in video
                                   games than it is in reality. It’s easier to win, easier to unlock achievements, easier to
                                   overcome obstacles, easier to bounce back after failure. In the virtual reality of the
                                   game world, we are better problem-solvers, more creative, more successful, more
                                   fully alive. “Games make us happy because they are hard work that we choose
                                   for ourselves, McGonigal writes, “and it turns out that almost nothing makes us
                                   happier than good, hard work.     ”

                                   The psychology of gaming is deep, and it helps explain the recent success of Procter
                                   & Gamble in the social-gaming space. In mid-June, P&G, a company that has
                                   spent 100 years marketing Bounty paper towels to housewives, launched a brand
                                   integration with Restaurant City. The game gave users the chance to unlock two
                                   special tools to clean their virtual bistros: One, a roll of Bounty paper towels that
                                   enabled quicker cleanups, and, two, a Bounty janitor who could clean 30 percent
                                   faster than the game’s standard mop-and-bucket bearer. By the end of the month,
                                   2.5 million players had earned the paper towels and one million had unlocked the
                                   speedy janitor. It worked because Bounty wasn’t running a blinking neon banner
                                   ad on the middle of the screen, begging for clicks. Instead, the brand was offering
                                   players a chance to be creative in a heightened virtual world, while also driving sales
                                   in the real world. It was giving gamers some good, hard work.

                                   Entering the Modern Playground
AND NICOLA SMITH                   Gaming used to be something that you did by appointment. You sat in front of a
                                   TV. You held a controller. You pressed the “on” button of your console and you
                                   played. Then you shut off the console, walked away and did something else. But,
                                   today, gaming is both more casual and more ubiquitous. It is an activity that has
                                   escaped the confines of the TV room, spreading to the kitchen, the back porch, the
                                   schoolroom, even the office. And while hardcore gamers are still devoted to their
                                   Xboxes, Wiis and Playstations, the fastest-growing group of gamers is made up
                                   of people who have never picked up an Xbox controller in their lives, but they do
                                   have Facebook accounts. They have iPads and smartphones. They carry around their
                                   gaming platforms in their pockets 24/7. And their seemingly insatiable hunger for
                                   “casual” games is disrupting the entire space.
   We don’t play video games
   because they’re “fun.” We       Gaming is the new social space—the fully interactive playground that Facebook
   play video games because        alone can’t offer. It’s a place of incredible flux and energy, a place where old college
                                   roommates are reconnecting by tending virtual crops in FarmVille, a grandmother
   they allow us to fulfill our    is catching up with her granddaughter by typing in the chat window of Facebook’s
   human potential in a way that   Scrabble app and a lonely kid in the suburbs is gathering a global posse to mount
   reality sometimes doesn’t.      a raid in World of Warcraft. “Gamers are virtuosos at weaving a tight social fabric,  ”
                                   McGonigal has said. “There’s a lot of research that shows that we like people better
                                   after we play a game with them. When people play a game online with friends, the
                                   game functions as extension of their social life. When they play with strangers, they
                                   develop new networks; games become an interactive community.

                                   This is the challenge for brands: How do you stake a claim on this wild frontier? How
                                   do you find an entry point into an ever-shifting market where as many as 100 million
                                   Americans spend upwards of ten hours a week?

                                                                                         THE NEW GAMING MINDSET | 2
Entry Point 1: Getting in the Game

                               Here’s how not to do it: Slap up a static billboard that sits in the background of a
                               racing game or a first-person shooter. These types of in-game ads often step over the
                               line between subtle and obtrusive. The more obvious the ad, the more it pulls the
                               gamer out of the experience, generating frustration and resentment. And, anyway,

                               why go with a digital billboard when you can offer consumers real interaction?

                               A good example from the PC/console market: This summer, Ford debuted their
                               2012 Focus model as a download for Sims 3 players. The new model tallied 200,000
                               downloads, part of 8 million virtual Ford vehicles that have been downloaded by
                               Sims users in the past few years. “The overall goal is not to get players to think, ‘Oh,
                               I have to go directly to my dealership now,’ as you might expect consumers to do
                               with a lease deal, Brian McClary, Ford’s social and emerging media specialist, told
                               Marketing Daily. “It’s about broadening favorability and awareness.  ”

                               There’s evidence that a campaign like this can have impact. In 2009, a study in the
                               International Journal of Advertising found that driving virtual car brands made
                               gamers think better of the real-world versions of those cars. The Gran Turismo
                               racing series has been credited with single-handedly propelling the popularity of
                               several Japanese car models and, like Ford has done with Sims 3, automakers often

                               use Gran Turismo as a virtual brand proving ground, unveiling new models and
                               prototypes within the game world.

                               This sort of integration works in the mobile space as well. When Universal Pictures
                               sought to promote their movie Hop, they worked with the mobile game Doodle
                               Jump to build a bonus level that included the main character from the film. And
of American teens play video   Twentieth Century Fox recently partnered with mobile monolith Angry Birds on a
                               special version of the game that tied into the movie studio’s new animated flick, Rio.
games, according to a 2008     The Rio app debuted at number one in the iTunes store in March and reached 10
Pew poll.                      million downloads in less than ten days.

                                                                                    THE NEW GAMING MINDSET | 3
Entry Point 2: Follow the Party

    Brands have a tendency to want to create their own gaming spaces to help control
    the message. It began with clunky Atari games in the mid-1980s—a Space Invaders
    knock-off from Coke, a bizarre Tooth Protector game from Johnson and Johnson.

    Today, it’s Apple Jacks’ “Race to the Bowl” iPhone game in which you steer a little
    cartoon car around a track and collect cereal pieces as you go. General Mills’ “Honey
    Defender” promotes Honey Nut Cheerios through a series of mini-games and a
    create-your-own-comic utility. McDonald’s has created a massive interactive site for
    kids, McWorld, which offers mini-games and the ability to unlock new games and
    levels with purchase codes from McDonald’s food.

    The site’s creator told The New York Times that “companies are realizing that,
    when going online, the best strategy is to forgo immediate sales in order to build
    lasting emotional relationships with children. Marriott recently released a social
    game, more as a recruitment tool, where people can create their own My Marriott

    But why spend so much time and energy trying to build your own game from
    scratch? Why not just go to where the gamers already are? Why not go to Facebook?
    Facebook’s massive, near-ubiquitous social platform has propelled social games
    into the mainstream. Its most popular game, FarmVille, created by Zynga, boasts 68
    million users—part of a community of 148 million people who play Zynga games
    each month. Brands as dissimilar as Stouffer’s, Farmers Insurance and NASCAR
    have plunged into the social-gaming space.

    To be effective, though, brands have had to abide by the new rules of online-game
    advertising. Don’t lecture. Don’t clog screens. Instead, engage. Do what Bounty did
    and hook into the deep psychology that explains why 180 million Americans now
    consider themselves gamers and why 61 percent of senior executives at American
    companies play video games on a daily basis, during breaks at work, according to a
    survey published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.

    Here’s the right way to enter the Facebook space: When the animated children’s film
    Megamind came to FarmVille, users could visit their space to get free FarmVille

    decorative items and a special “Mega-Grow” formula that allowed for instant crop
    growth. Some brands have even used this virtual space to spur retail sales. 7-11’s
    presence on FarmVille allowed users to unlock special features using UPCs from
    special in-store purchases.

    Last year, Green Giant Fresh Produce put a sticker on select pieces of its produce
    that could be redeemed online for FarmVille currency. In all, $100,000 worth of
    currency was redeemed in five weeks. “This isn’t about showcasing, it’s about
    engagement, Peter Wexler, of transactional advertising platform TrialPay, explained
    during a presentation at the Social Gaming Summit.

    Even consoles—not the games, but the consoles themselves—are beginning to
    offer opportunities for brands to develop interactive tools. In June, Xbox unveiled
    a new form of interactive TV advertising made possible by their Kinect system. See
    an ad you like? Simply shout the words “Xbox tweet” and the system will promote
    the ad on your Twitter feed, spreading it across your social network. Want more
    information about a product? Speak the phrase “Xbox more” to receive an email
    about it. Microsoft told Advertising Age that the idea is to make ads “part of the
    platform. This unprecedented level of interactivity allows brands to create more
    subtle, sophisticated ads, opening up new opportunities to connect with consumers
    and slip through the filter.

                                                       THE NEW GAMING MINDSET | 4
Entry Point 3: Real-World Rewards

                                 Here’s where Jane McGonigal’s vision, which she calls “Gamification, becomes
                                 increasingly relevant. Her goal is to harness the power of games to change the world
                                 for the better. McGonigal literally wants to make a game that could win the Nobel
                                 Peace Prize—a game to fix hunger, poverty, global warming, obesity. So she is trying
                                 to figure out how to motivate gamers to take actions in the real world. McGonigal’s
                                 innovative, socially progressive games tend to superimpose reward systems on top
                                 of everyday actions; they “gamify” life. For instance, in a McGonigal game called
                                 World Without Oil, she sent a fictional news feed about an oil crisis to 1,700 players,
                                 asking them to imagine how they would live their lives if the items in the fictional
                                 news feed (skyrocketing gas prices, exploding oil pipelines) were true. After tracking
                                 the 1,700 players for three years, McGonigal found that the game had transformed
                                 their views about oil usage. A video game had actually changed gamers’ real-world

                                 Taking a cue from McGonigal and other Gamification evangelists, young
                                 entrepreneurs are beginning to explore ways to gamify real-world behaviors and help
                                 brands connect with consumers. Facebook built the social layer on top of the world.
                                 Now a number of companies are vying to build the game layer on top of the world.

                                 For instance, the mobile start-up Kiip, which launched in April 2011, gives companies
                                 a way to reward gamers in the real world for achieving certain tasks in the game
                                 world. Algorithms ensure that even beginning gamers are awarded gifts so that
                                 they don’t lose motivation. The rewards are targeted according to the game’s genre
                                 and the demographics of the players – a game that attracts women might offer
                                 eyeshadow, while a shooting game might offer its male players t-shirts or DVDs—
                                 which has helped keep the redemption rate of prizes at more than 50 percent. Another
                                 young start-up,, lets advertisers offer rewards to gamers included in’s
                                 network of 5.7 million customers. Brands are usually tied to a game theme. A tool
                                 that allows you to gather more game coins might be sponsored by a restaurant’s
                                 value menu. If a player chooses the tool, brands can send coupons or other rewards
                                 to the player’s inbox. Recycle Bank has a reward system. The more you recycle, the
                                 more points you earn, a great tatic to acheive more than one goal. One of the oldest
                                 examples of gaming for social good is FreeRice. People answer SAT-like vocabulary
                                 questions, and for each correct answer the organization donates ten grains of rice.

                                 This is not only a smart business model; it’s psychologically astute. A recent study of
                                 children’s gaming habits in the Review of General Psychology confirmed what had
                                 always been assumed: part of the appeal of gaming is the competition. More than
                                 four out of five boys and 61 percent of girls in the study said so. “In gaming, when
                                 you level up and attain top scores, the moment when you hit that achievement is
                                 actually a very powerful one where you feel like you’ve accomplished something
                                 significant, says Kiip’s 20-year-old CEO, Brian Wong. “So instead of putting a banner
                                 ad there, which would be a major buzzkill, we decided, what if a brand was there to
                                 provide you with actual, tangible rewards?”

                                 In other words, the value for brands in this model isn’t in capturing people’s attention,
                                 but their bliss. Imagine running a marathon with your iPhone attached to your
                                 armband and your Nike+ app running. Once you hit the finish line, you get a coupon
                                 for $30 off new running sneakers. Imagine winning an upgrade to first class by
                                 solving puzzles on your phone as you wait to board.

                                 Seth Priebatsch’s Google-backed start-up SCVNGR is another company that builds
                                 a game layer on top of the world, but in a way that’s significantly different. In the

                                 SCVNGR model, businesses offer location-based challenges that earn users points
                                 good for coupons and free merchandise. For instance, you might use a mobile app
                                 to answer questions about menu items at a restaurant or trivia about the company.
                                 Users can even design their own SCVNGR challenges to earn more points. In a trial
                                 for Buffalo Wild Wings late last year, SCVNGR users created 9,950 new challenges for
                                 the chain, which had provided users with only eight.
Another young start-up,   “The last decade was the decade where the social framework was built, Priebatsch
lets advertiser sponsor mobile   told The New York Times. “The next decade will be the decade of games.
in-game rewards in its network
of 5.7 million.

                                                                                      THE NEW GAMING MINDSET | 5
Conclusion: Soon We Will All Be Gamers

    There used to be a hard line between games and life. Not anymore. As young
    visionaries like Priebatsch and Wong are showing us, the line is becoming
    increasingly permeable. Game mechanics are seeping into more and more realms
    of human experience. Angry Birds is cocktail chatter. Wii Bowling is the talk of Bingo
    night. For brands that may never have considered extending their presence into
    gaming—mortgage lenders, health food makers, retirement communities – there is
    a whole new world of opportunity. “It’s inevitable, a gaming journalist named Rob
    Fahey said in 2008. “Soon we will all be gamers. ”

    •Entry Point 1: Getting in the Game
     The gaming environment isn’t the place for traditional ads. The channel demands
     creative executions that integrate with, instead of disrupting the game. There’s no
     place for banners or billboards. Wallpaper doesn’t play here.

    •Entry Point 2: Follow the Party
     For brands with a limited budget, there’s no option but to join the party. Why spend
     precious resources aggregating your own community of gamers when finding
     ways to engage with these communities can yield the same result? An invitation
     to the party isn’t required, but there’s no point being there unless a brand finds
     a compelling way to build engagement in a brand relevant way with the right

    •Entry Point 3: Real-World Rewards
     As we enter the era of Gamification, it’s not just hardcore gamers brands can
     target. Moreover, the rewards are no longer virtual ones. Not only are there
     psychological needs brands must fulfill if they want to play in this space, there
     must be a higher purpose to play. And, perhaps most fertile, is the opportunity
     brands now have to serve as a bridge to link the better side of human nature by
     driving action in the real world.

                                                        THE NEW GAMING MINDSET | 6
The Players Brand Marketers Need to Watch

Roblox: A kind of MMOG for kids, this network boasts more than 4 million unique
monthly visitors, with an average session of 20+ minutes. It offers traditional in-game
advertising, as well as contests and branded viral campaigns.

FarmVille (and all things Zynga): Zynga’s collection of uber-popular Facebook games—
FarmVille, CityVille, and FrontierVille among them—attracting 266 million monthly
active users (most of them females over 30). Connects real-world purchases with
game progress.

Electronic Arts: Longtime console gaming brand and new owners of causal game
company PopCap, which is famous for the Bejeweled and Plants vs. Zombies mobile
games; digital sales to pass $1 billion this year alone.

OnLive: The streaming Netflix of the video game industry has over 100 games
available and has tentative plans to fully integrate this online, PC-style gaming
network into Facebook.

Rovio: The mobile game maker behind Angry Birds with downloads reaching more
than 300 million people globally forecasts 100 million downloads in China by the end
of 2011.

ShuffleBrain: A game design studio that develops compelling games and encourages
people to stay socially connected and also had a hand in helping design Bejeweled 2,
The Sims and Rock Band, among others.

NUads: Interactive television ad model developed for users of the motion- and voice-
detecting Kinect system for Microsoft’s Xbox. But can Microsoft create an engaged
experience between people and television commercials? Set to launch in Spring 2012.

SCVNGR: A social location-based mobile gaming platform. Encourages users to
interact with businesses, hundreds of companies, institutions and organizations for
discounts and freebies.

Kontagent: Through researching user behavior, Kontagent has become the leading
socia-gaming analytics provider. It tracks more than 150 million monthly active

Kiip: A mobile gaming rewards system allowing brands to reach an engaged audience
and more than 15 million users to win real-life prizes through in-gaming achievements.

Exent: This subscription-based service for mobile games in the Android marketplace
has over 1 million users and plans to have a 200+ game selection by the end of the

Wooga: Wooga is the second-largest social game developer on Facebook and is known
best for Diamond Dash, which is currently the tenth most popular game on Facebook,
attracting over 10 million users per month.

Overwolf: Allows game developers and publishers to overlay social media
functionality of top online games. This overlay allows users to utilize Facebook,
YouTube, Twitter, Skype, Meebo and MSN along with web-browsing, all while playing
the game. This is part of a larger trend of social functionality integration that is
happening across the gaming world.

DreamBox Learning: An edutainment company that was bought by Netflix CEO Reed
Hastings last year and can now boast that its DreamBox Learning K-3 Math game has
been proven effective in helping students achieve math proficiency, thanks in part to a
recent study by SRI.

                                                                   THE NEW GAMING MINDSET | 7
An Inside Network study found that the gender breakdown of FrontierVille
players was 68% to 32%, women-to-men, and that the two largest age
groups were 26-35 (26%) and 36-45 (23%). In a study released in February
by mobile app analytics firm Flurry, researchers found that mobile and social
gamers earn between $50,000 and $80,000 yearly, make 50% more than
the average American and are twice as likely to have a bachelor’s degree. A
2008 study from researchers at USC and the University of Delaware found
that females are more hardcore in their online gaming, playing MMOGs for four
more hours a week than their male counterparts. The PlayStation Network has
77 million users and Xbox LIVE claims 35 million. The average player of social
games is a 43-year-old woman. Source: PopCap Games. Nearly 43% of all video
game players are female. Source: The Electronic Software Association. In the past 2
years, the number of female users has risen for both the Xbox 360 (up to 21%
from 17% in 2009) and the PlayStation 3 (up to 16% from 12% in 2009).
Source: Interpret. Nearly 40% of Xbox LIVE users are female. Source: Xbox. The
average gamer today is 37; 29% of video and computer game players are over
the age of 50, an increase from 9 percent in 1999. Source: The Electronic Software
Association. Family-friendly video game titles continue to top charts. Last year,
Wii Fit Plus was the sixth best-selling video game in the country and Just Dance
2 came in seventh; “Life-simulation” game Sims 3 and its various add-ons and
expansion packs have dominated the PC best-seller lists for the past 2 years.
Source: NPD. 36% of gamers 65 and older say they play games every day or
almost every day, compared to 20% of both the 30-49 and 18-29 age ranges.
Source: Pew Research. 97% of American teens say they play video games. Source:
Pew Research. The top three best-selling video games of 2010 all hit that 18-34
male demo: Call of Duty: Black Ops, Madden and Halo: Reach. Source: NPD. 70%
of Xbox LIVE users are between 18 and 34. Source: Xbox.

                                                                THE NEW GAMING MINDSET | 8
About the Authors
                                                Jeff Hilimire, President and Chief Digital Officer
                                                With a compelling vision of the future of marketing, Jeff oversees
                                                the company’s operations and ensures that its clients remain at the
                                                forefront of new digital technologies, developing innovative
                                                strategies for consumer engagement across emerging channels and
                                                traditional media. He also leads the agency’s fast-growing Digital
                                                Innovation Group, which guides clients in exploring new platforms
                                                and crafting campaigns that achieve business goals and facilitate
                                                authentic conversations between brands and their customers.

                                                Nicola Smith, Vice President, Innovation
                                                Since her childhood in Johannesburg, South Africa, Nicola has
                                                always been fascinated by the imaginative ideas and theories that
                                                emerge from the sci-fi genre, and as Engauge’s VP of Innovation, she
                                                continues her lifelong passion for the pursuit of “the next big thing”
                                                by bringing her insightful knowledge of emerging technologies, user
                                                behavior and overall digital trends to our internal teams and clients
                                                alike. Her focus on strategic thinking in relation to the applications
                                                of trends and technologies helps clients better navigate the ever-
                                                changing marketing landscape and create impactful, engaging

Greg Davis                    One of the nation’s largest independent advertising agencies, Engauge leverages
Executive Vice President,     creativity and technology to connect brands and people. The agency’s client roster
Business Development          includes Nationwide Insurance, Ainsworth Pet Nutrition, Coca-Cola, Best Buy For
email:     Business, Chick-fil-A, Brown-Forman, Food Lion, The State of Georgia, Donatos, NGK
mobile: 914.645.4381          Spark Plugs and more. Engauge, which has offices in Atlanta, Austin, Columbus,
                              Orlando and Pittsburgh, is a portfolio company of Halyard Capital.

                              Image Credits:

                              p1: The World According to Marty,
                              p2: Toca Boca,
                              p3: Vancouver Film School,
                              p4: Toca Boca,
                              p5: Johan Larsson,
                              p6: Robert Scoble,
                              p7: Dan Taylor,
                              p9: Ginny,

                                                                                    THE NEW GAMING MINDSET | 9

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Gaming branding matrix

  • 1. THE GAMING AND BRANDING MATRIX Three Entry Points for Engagement ENGAUGE.COM
  • 2. THE GAMING AND BRANDING MATRIX Introduction Human beings now spend 3 billion hours every week playing online video games. This is a staggering expenditure of time and energy on an activity that has often been considered frivolous and escapist. So it’s worth asking why. Why are people staring at screens for 3 billion hours, clicking on cartoon pictures, when they could be cooking, jogging or hanging out with spouses and kids? In her book Reality is Broken, the futurist and video game designer Jane McGonigal offers a surprising answer: we don’t play video games because they’re “fun. We ” play video games because they allow us to fulfill our human potential in a way that reality sometimes doesn’t. For an increasing number of people, life is better in video games than it is in reality. It’s easier to win, easier to unlock achievements, easier to overcome obstacles, easier to bounce back after failure. In the virtual reality of the game world, we are better problem-solvers, more creative, more successful, more fully alive. “Games make us happy because they are hard work that we choose for ourselves, McGonigal writes, “and it turns out that almost nothing makes us ” happier than good, hard work. ” The psychology of gaming is deep, and it helps explain the recent success of Procter & Gamble in the social-gaming space. In mid-June, P&G, a company that has spent 100 years marketing Bounty paper towels to housewives, launched a brand integration with Restaurant City. The game gave users the chance to unlock two special tools to clean their virtual bistros: One, a roll of Bounty paper towels that enabled quicker cleanups, and, two, a Bounty janitor who could clean 30 percent faster than the game’s standard mop-and-bucket bearer. By the end of the month, 2.5 million players had earned the paper towels and one million had unlocked the speedy janitor. It worked because Bounty wasn’t running a blinking neon banner ad on the middle of the screen, begging for clicks. Instead, the brand was offering players a chance to be creative in a heightened virtual world, while also driving sales in the real world. It was giving gamers some good, hard work. Entering the Modern Playground BY JEFF HILIMIRE AND NICOLA SMITH Gaming used to be something that you did by appointment. You sat in front of a TV. You held a controller. You pressed the “on” button of your console and you played. Then you shut off the console, walked away and did something else. But, today, gaming is both more casual and more ubiquitous. It is an activity that has escaped the confines of the TV room, spreading to the kitchen, the back porch, the schoolroom, even the office. And while hardcore gamers are still devoted to their Xboxes, Wiis and Playstations, the fastest-growing group of gamers is made up of people who have never picked up an Xbox controller in their lives, but they do have Facebook accounts. They have iPads and smartphones. They carry around their gaming platforms in their pockets 24/7. And their seemingly insatiable hunger for “casual” games is disrupting the entire space. We don’t play video games because they’re “fun.” We Gaming is the new social space—the fully interactive playground that Facebook play video games because alone can’t offer. It’s a place of incredible flux and energy, a place where old college roommates are reconnecting by tending virtual crops in FarmVille, a grandmother they allow us to fulfill our is catching up with her granddaughter by typing in the chat window of Facebook’s human potential in a way that Scrabble app and a lonely kid in the suburbs is gathering a global posse to mount reality sometimes doesn’t. a raid in World of Warcraft. “Gamers are virtuosos at weaving a tight social fabric, ” McGonigal has said. “There’s a lot of research that shows that we like people better after we play a game with them. When people play a game online with friends, the ” game functions as extension of their social life. When they play with strangers, they develop new networks; games become an interactive community. This is the challenge for brands: How do you stake a claim on this wild frontier? How do you find an entry point into an ever-shifting market where as many as 100 million Americans spend upwards of ten hours a week? THE NEW GAMING MINDSET | 2
  • 3. Entry Point 1: Getting in the Game Here’s how not to do it: Slap up a static billboard that sits in the background of a racing game or a first-person shooter. These types of in-game ads often step over the line between subtle and obtrusive. The more obvious the ad, the more it pulls the gamer out of the experience, generating frustration and resentment. And, anyway, 1 why go with a digital billboard when you can offer consumers real interaction? A good example from the PC/console market: This summer, Ford debuted their 2012 Focus model as a download for Sims 3 players. The new model tallied 200,000 downloads, part of 8 million virtual Ford vehicles that have been downloaded by Sims users in the past few years. “The overall goal is not to get players to think, ‘Oh, I have to go directly to my dealership now,’ as you might expect consumers to do with a lease deal, Brian McClary, Ford’s social and emerging media specialist, told ” Marketing Daily. “It’s about broadening favorability and awareness. ” There’s evidence that a campaign like this can have impact. In 2009, a study in the International Journal of Advertising found that driving virtual car brands made gamers think better of the real-world versions of those cars. The Gran Turismo racing series has been credited with single-handedly propelling the popularity of several Japanese car models and, like Ford has done with Sims 3, automakers often 97% use Gran Turismo as a virtual brand proving ground, unveiling new models and prototypes within the game world. This sort of integration works in the mobile space as well. When Universal Pictures sought to promote their movie Hop, they worked with the mobile game Doodle Jump to build a bonus level that included the main character from the film. And of American teens play video Twentieth Century Fox recently partnered with mobile monolith Angry Birds on a special version of the game that tied into the movie studio’s new animated flick, Rio. games, according to a 2008 The Rio app debuted at number one in the iTunes store in March and reached 10 Pew poll. million downloads in less than ten days. THE NEW GAMING MINDSET | 3
  • 4. Entry Point 2: Follow the Party Brands have a tendency to want to create their own gaming spaces to help control the message. It began with clunky Atari games in the mid-1980s—a Space Invaders knock-off from Coke, a bizarre Tooth Protector game from Johnson and Johnson. Today, it’s Apple Jacks’ “Race to the Bowl” iPhone game in which you steer a little cartoon car around a track and collect cereal pieces as you go. General Mills’ “Honey Defender” promotes Honey Nut Cheerios through a series of mini-games and a create-your-own-comic utility. McDonald’s has created a massive interactive site for kids, McWorld, which offers mini-games and the ability to unlock new games and levels with purchase codes from McDonald’s food. The site’s creator told The New York Times that “companies are realizing that, when going online, the best strategy is to forgo immediate sales in order to build lasting emotional relationships with children. Marriott recently released a social ” game, more as a recruitment tool, where people can create their own My Marriott restaurant. But why spend so much time and energy trying to build your own game from scratch? Why not just go to where the gamers already are? Why not go to Facebook? Facebook’s massive, near-ubiquitous social platform has propelled social games into the mainstream. Its most popular game, FarmVille, created by Zynga, boasts 68 million users—part of a community of 148 million people who play Zynga games each month. Brands as dissimilar as Stouffer’s, Farmers Insurance and NASCAR have plunged into the social-gaming space. To be effective, though, brands have had to abide by the new rules of online-game advertising. Don’t lecture. Don’t clog screens. Instead, engage. Do what Bounty did and hook into the deep psychology that explains why 180 million Americans now consider themselves gamers and why 61 percent of senior executives at American companies play video games on a daily basis, during breaks at work, according to a survey published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. Here’s the right way to enter the Facebook space: When the animated children’s film Megamind came to FarmVille, users could visit their space to get free FarmVille 2 decorative items and a special “Mega-Grow” formula that allowed for instant crop growth. Some brands have even used this virtual space to spur retail sales. 7-11’s presence on FarmVille allowed users to unlock special features using UPCs from special in-store purchases. Last year, Green Giant Fresh Produce put a sticker on select pieces of its produce that could be redeemed online for FarmVille currency. In all, $100,000 worth of currency was redeemed in five weeks. “This isn’t about showcasing, it’s about engagement, Peter Wexler, of transactional advertising platform TrialPay, explained ” during a presentation at the Social Gaming Summit. Even consoles—not the games, but the consoles themselves—are beginning to offer opportunities for brands to develop interactive tools. In June, Xbox unveiled a new form of interactive TV advertising made possible by their Kinect system. See an ad you like? Simply shout the words “Xbox tweet” and the system will promote the ad on your Twitter feed, spreading it across your social network. Want more information about a product? Speak the phrase “Xbox more” to receive an email about it. Microsoft told Advertising Age that the idea is to make ads “part of the platform. This unprecedented level of interactivity allows brands to create more ” subtle, sophisticated ads, opening up new opportunities to connect with consumers and slip through the filter. THE NEW GAMING MINDSET | 4
  • 5. Entry Point 3: Real-World Rewards Here’s where Jane McGonigal’s vision, which she calls “Gamification, becomes ” increasingly relevant. Her goal is to harness the power of games to change the world for the better. McGonigal literally wants to make a game that could win the Nobel Peace Prize—a game to fix hunger, poverty, global warming, obesity. So she is trying to figure out how to motivate gamers to take actions in the real world. McGonigal’s innovative, socially progressive games tend to superimpose reward systems on top of everyday actions; they “gamify” life. For instance, in a McGonigal game called World Without Oil, she sent a fictional news feed about an oil crisis to 1,700 players, asking them to imagine how they would live their lives if the items in the fictional news feed (skyrocketing gas prices, exploding oil pipelines) were true. After tracking the 1,700 players for three years, McGonigal found that the game had transformed their views about oil usage. A video game had actually changed gamers’ real-world habits. Taking a cue from McGonigal and other Gamification evangelists, young entrepreneurs are beginning to explore ways to gamify real-world behaviors and help brands connect with consumers. Facebook built the social layer on top of the world. Now a number of companies are vying to build the game layer on top of the world. For instance, the mobile start-up Kiip, which launched in April 2011, gives companies a way to reward gamers in the real world for achieving certain tasks in the game world. Algorithms ensure that even beginning gamers are awarded gifts so that they don’t lose motivation. The rewards are targeted according to the game’s genre and the demographics of the players – a game that attracts women might offer eyeshadow, while a shooting game might offer its male players t-shirts or DVDs— which has helped keep the redemption rate of prizes at more than 50 percent. Another young start-up,, lets advertisers offer rewards to gamers included in’s network of 5.7 million customers. Brands are usually tied to a game theme. A tool that allows you to gather more game coins might be sponsored by a restaurant’s value menu. If a player chooses the tool, brands can send coupons or other rewards to the player’s inbox. Recycle Bank has a reward system. The more you recycle, the more points you earn, a great tatic to acheive more than one goal. One of the oldest examples of gaming for social good is FreeRice. People answer SAT-like vocabulary questions, and for each correct answer the organization donates ten grains of rice. 3 This is not only a smart business model; it’s psychologically astute. A recent study of children’s gaming habits in the Review of General Psychology confirmed what had always been assumed: part of the appeal of gaming is the competition. More than four out of five boys and 61 percent of girls in the study said so. “In gaming, when you level up and attain top scores, the moment when you hit that achievement is actually a very powerful one where you feel like you’ve accomplished something significant, says Kiip’s 20-year-old CEO, Brian Wong. “So instead of putting a banner ” ad there, which would be a major buzzkill, we decided, what if a brand was there to provide you with actual, tangible rewards?” In other words, the value for brands in this model isn’t in capturing people’s attention, but their bliss. Imagine running a marathon with your iPhone attached to your armband and your Nike+ app running. Once you hit the finish line, you get a coupon for $30 off new running sneakers. Imagine winning an upgrade to first class by solving puzzles on your phone as you wait to board. Seth Priebatsch’s Google-backed start-up SCVNGR is another company that builds a game layer on top of the world, but in a way that’s significantly different. In the 5.7million SCVNGR model, businesses offer location-based challenges that earn users points good for coupons and free merchandise. For instance, you might use a mobile app to answer questions about menu items at a restaurant or trivia about the company. Users can even design their own SCVNGR challenges to earn more points. In a trial for Buffalo Wild Wings late last year, SCVNGR users created 9,950 new challenges for the chain, which had provided users with only eight. Another young start-up, “The last decade was the decade where the social framework was built, Priebatsch ” lets advertiser sponsor mobile told The New York Times. “The next decade will be the decade of games. ” in-game rewards in its network of 5.7 million. THE NEW GAMING MINDSET | 5
  • 6. Conclusion: Soon We Will All Be Gamers There used to be a hard line between games and life. Not anymore. As young visionaries like Priebatsch and Wong are showing us, the line is becoming increasingly permeable. Game mechanics are seeping into more and more realms of human experience. Angry Birds is cocktail chatter. Wii Bowling is the talk of Bingo night. For brands that may never have considered extending their presence into gaming—mortgage lenders, health food makers, retirement communities – there is a whole new world of opportunity. “It’s inevitable, a gaming journalist named Rob ” Fahey said in 2008. “Soon we will all be gamers. ” 4 •Entry Point 1: Getting in the Game The gaming environment isn’t the place for traditional ads. The channel demands creative executions that integrate with, instead of disrupting the game. There’s no place for banners or billboards. Wallpaper doesn’t play here. •Entry Point 2: Follow the Party For brands with a limited budget, there’s no option but to join the party. Why spend precious resources aggregating your own community of gamers when finding ways to engage with these communities can yield the same result? An invitation to the party isn’t required, but there’s no point being there unless a brand finds a compelling way to build engagement in a brand relevant way with the right audience. •Entry Point 3: Real-World Rewards As we enter the era of Gamification, it’s not just hardcore gamers brands can target. Moreover, the rewards are no longer virtual ones. Not only are there psychological needs brands must fulfill if they want to play in this space, there must be a higher purpose to play. And, perhaps most fertile, is the opportunity brands now have to serve as a bridge to link the better side of human nature by driving action in the real world. THE NEW GAMING MINDSET | 6
  • 7. The Players Brand Marketers Need to Watch Roblox: A kind of MMOG for kids, this network boasts more than 4 million unique monthly visitors, with an average session of 20+ minutes. It offers traditional in-game advertising, as well as contests and branded viral campaigns. FarmVille (and all things Zynga): Zynga’s collection of uber-popular Facebook games— FarmVille, CityVille, and FrontierVille among them—attracting 266 million monthly active users (most of them females over 30). Connects real-world purchases with game progress. Electronic Arts: Longtime console gaming brand and new owners of causal game company PopCap, which is famous for the Bejeweled and Plants vs. Zombies mobile games; digital sales to pass $1 billion this year alone. OnLive: The streaming Netflix of the video game industry has over 100 games available and has tentative plans to fully integrate this online, PC-style gaming network into Facebook. Rovio: The mobile game maker behind Angry Birds with downloads reaching more than 300 million people globally forecasts 100 million downloads in China by the end of 2011. ShuffleBrain: A game design studio that develops compelling games and encourages people to stay socially connected and also had a hand in helping design Bejeweled 2, The Sims and Rock Band, among others. NUads: Interactive television ad model developed for users of the motion- and voice- detecting Kinect system for Microsoft’s Xbox. But can Microsoft create an engaged experience between people and television commercials? Set to launch in Spring 2012. SCVNGR: A social location-based mobile gaming platform. Encourages users to interact with businesses, hundreds of companies, institutions and organizations for discounts and freebies. Kontagent: Through researching user behavior, Kontagent has become the leading socia-gaming analytics provider. It tracks more than 150 million monthly active consumers. Kiip: A mobile gaming rewards system allowing brands to reach an engaged audience and more than 15 million users to win real-life prizes through in-gaming achievements. Exent: This subscription-based service for mobile games in the Android marketplace has over 1 million users and plans to have a 200+ game selection by the end of the year. Wooga: Wooga is the second-largest social game developer on Facebook and is known best for Diamond Dash, which is currently the tenth most popular game on Facebook, attracting over 10 million users per month. Overwolf: Allows game developers and publishers to overlay social media functionality of top online games. This overlay allows users to utilize Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Skype, Meebo and MSN along with web-browsing, all while playing the game. This is part of a larger trend of social functionality integration that is happening across the gaming world. DreamBox Learning: An edutainment company that was bought by Netflix CEO Reed Hastings last year and can now boast that its DreamBox Learning K-3 Math game has been proven effective in helping students achieve math proficiency, thanks in part to a recent study by SRI. THE NEW GAMING MINDSET | 7
  • 8. An Inside Network study found that the gender breakdown of FrontierVille players was 68% to 32%, women-to-men, and that the two largest age groups were 26-35 (26%) and 36-45 (23%). In a study released in February by mobile app analytics firm Flurry, researchers found that mobile and social gamers earn between $50,000 and $80,000 yearly, make 50% more than the average American and are twice as likely to have a bachelor’s degree. A 2008 study from researchers at USC and the University of Delaware found that females are more hardcore in their online gaming, playing MMOGs for four more hours a week than their male counterparts. The PlayStation Network has 77 million users and Xbox LIVE claims 35 million. The average player of social games is a 43-year-old woman. Source: PopCap Games. Nearly 43% of all video game players are female. Source: The Electronic Software Association. In the past 2 years, the number of female users has risen for both the Xbox 360 (up to 21% from 17% in 2009) and the PlayStation 3 (up to 16% from 12% in 2009). Source: Interpret. Nearly 40% of Xbox LIVE users are female. Source: Xbox. The average gamer today is 37; 29% of video and computer game players are over the age of 50, an increase from 9 percent in 1999. Source: The Electronic Software Association. Family-friendly video game titles continue to top charts. Last year, Wii Fit Plus was the sixth best-selling video game in the country and Just Dance 2 came in seventh; “Life-simulation” game Sims 3 and its various add-ons and expansion packs have dominated the PC best-seller lists for the past 2 years. Source: NPD. 36% of gamers 65 and older say they play games every day or almost every day, compared to 20% of both the 30-49 and 18-29 age ranges. Source: Pew Research. 97% of American teens say they play video games. Source: Pew Research. The top three best-selling video games of 2010 all hit that 18-34 male demo: Call of Duty: Black Ops, Madden and Halo: Reach. Source: NPD. 70% of Xbox LIVE users are between 18 and 34. Source: Xbox. THE NEW GAMING MINDSET | 8
  • 9. About the Authors Jeff Hilimire, President and Chief Digital Officer With a compelling vision of the future of marketing, Jeff oversees the company’s operations and ensures that its clients remain at the forefront of new digital technologies, developing innovative strategies for consumer engagement across emerging channels and traditional media. He also leads the agency’s fast-growing Digital Innovation Group, which guides clients in exploring new platforms and crafting campaigns that achieve business goals and facilitate authentic conversations between brands and their customers. Nicola Smith, Vice President, Innovation Since her childhood in Johannesburg, South Africa, Nicola has always been fascinated by the imaginative ideas and theories that emerge from the sci-fi genre, and as Engauge’s VP of Innovation, she continues her lifelong passion for the pursuit of “the next big thing” by bringing her insightful knowledge of emerging technologies, user behavior and overall digital trends to our internal teams and clients alike. Her focus on strategic thinking in relation to the applications of trends and technologies helps clients better navigate the ever- changing marketing landscape and create impactful, engaging campaigns. FOR NEW BUSINESS INQUIRIES: About Engauge Greg Davis One of the nation’s largest independent advertising agencies, Engauge leverages Executive Vice President, creativity and technology to connect brands and people. The agency’s client roster Business Development includes Nationwide Insurance, Ainsworth Pet Nutrition, Coca-Cola, Best Buy For email: Business, Chick-fil-A, Brown-Forman, Food Lion, The State of Georgia, Donatos, NGK mobile: 914.645.4381 Spark Plugs and more. Engauge, which has offices in Atlanta, Austin, Columbus, Orlando and Pittsburgh, is a portfolio company of Halyard Capital. Image Credits: p1: The World According to Marty, p2: Toca Boca, p3: Vancouver Film School, p4: Toca Boca, p5: Johan Larsson, p6: Robert Scoble, p7: Dan Taylor, p9: Ginny, THE NEW GAMING MINDSET | 9