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                                                                                  Nasturtium drawing by Jean W. Ingles

                           One can imagine some concept of Companion Planting existing ever since the early days of
                           plant cultivation. Experienced in observing nature from their hunter/gathering days, early
                           farmers must have noticed how certain plants benefitted and supported each other when planted
                           together. In the same way, they found some plants did not grow well in close proximity. The
                           practice of Companion Planting developed alongside agriculture and was well entrenched by
                           medieval times and reached its peak in the cottage gardens of the Elizabethan era (the 16th – 17th
                           century). These smaller plots of land were owned and cultivated by peasants as sources of food
                           and medicinal herbs for their families. With no room to spare, these gardens were of necessity
                           crowded. Knowing how to maximize productivity was important. Herbs and flowers that
                           attracted pollinating bees and beneficial insects, repelled or discouraged harmful pests, and/or
                           enriched the soil and promoted strong growth were planted alongside vegetable, fruit, and berry
                           Eventually the lore of Companion Planting, passed on from one generation to the next, was
                           collected and written down and new generations of gardeners that didn’t have time or space to
                           make observations on their own carefully followed Herbals, books of folk remedies, and
                           Farmer’s Almanacs. Much of this knowledge and practice was set aside with the inexorable
                           march of farming towards giant agribusiness. But what is old is always new again: from the
                           back-to-the-land movement of the sixties, the permaculture communities of the seventies, and
                           continuing into organic gardening practices of today, Companion Planting is one of our best
                           allies to have a garden free from pesticides, insecticides, chemical fertilizers and full of healthy,
                           bountiful vegetables, fruits and herbs.
                           FRUIT SUPPORT: WHERE TO BEGIN?
                           The practice of Companion Planting will lead to greater yields and healthier plants in every part
                           of your garden. Vegetable gardens and annual flower beds are able to bear intensive planting
                           practices because crops are rotated and the soil is renewed each year. Consequently, tucking in
                           helpful companions here and there between your main plantings is a snap. This flexibility also
                           lends itself to experimenting and finding out what works in your own micro-environment.
                           Fruiting plants, however, will definitely benefit from the time spent on planning. Permanent
                           investments such as fruit and nut trees, berry and bramble bushes, grape and strawberry vines
                           need: careful soil preparation; proper siting and installation; attentive care as immature plants;
                           and protection as fruiting plants. On the next page are specific suggestions for companions to the
                           fruiting trees and plants available from Bowood Farms. Here are some general points about
                           Companion Planting to keep in mind when planning your fruiting garden:
                             • Flowering plants from the Umbelliferae family – herbs such as dill, cilantro, fennel, parsley
                                 and leaf celery – will attract ladybugs, lacewings, parasitic wasps, and predatory flies.
                                 These beneficial insects are attracted by the nectar and stay to feed on pests such as aphids,
                                 thrips, caterpillars, and the eggs of other insects. Members of the mint family and the onion
                                 family (chives, garlic chives, leeks, onions) are also good attractants for these beneficials.
                             • Bees and other pollinating beneficials will be attracted to these umbelliferae herbs; and
                                 mints and onions as well. Other bee plants are: alyssum, basil, bee balm, borage, coreopsis,
                                 cosmos, hyssop, lemon balm, marjoram, mints, summer savory, sunflowers, thyme, zinnias.
                             • All-around tonic plants for the fruiting garden are: borage, chamomile, geraniums, and
                                 lovage. Other essential companions are: nasturtium, garlic, leeks, onions, tansy, valerian.
                             • Tansy, rue, and nasturtium are mentioned most often as repellants to insect pests. Catnip              and chives join nasturtium especially to fight aphids. For plants susceptible to Japanese
                                 beetles (apple, peach, apricot, plum, cherry, grape, and red raspberry) catnip, garlic, white
                                 geraniums, rue, and tansy are repellants; datura, four o’clocks, and castor bean kill them!
    Companion Plants in Italics are currently being grown at the Heartland Harvest Garden, Powell Gardens*
Fruiting Plant                    Companion Plants Available at Bowood Farms                    Other Companion Plants/Comments
                                                                                                White Clover, Single/Wild Roses, Fra Dagmar
Apple/ Malus                                                                                    Hartopp Rose, Rosa. arkansana, Rosa.
                                  Chives, Anise Hyssop, Lemon Balm,
 ‘Granny Smith’                                                                                 setigera, Mullein
                                  Strawberries, White Rugosa Roses, Foxglove,
 ‘September Wonder’ Fuji                                                                        Leeks to improve growth; Chives to deter
                                  Garlic, Lavender, Leeks, Marigolds, Nasturtiums,
 ‘Starkspur Arkansas Black’                                                                     Apple Scab; Garlic, Lavender, Nasturtium and
                                  Onions, Peas, Sweet Woodruff
 Combo 4 on 1 Espalier                                                                          Southernwood to deter codling moth and
                                                                                                wooly aphids
Pear/ Pyrus pyrifolia                                                                           Apple/Curly/Citrus/Ginger Mints, Pennyroyal
                                  Chives, Bronze Fennel, Peppermint, Spearmint,
 ‘Shinseiki’                                                                                    Garlic, Lavender, Nasturtium and
                                  Mountain Mint, Bee Balm, Garlic, Lavender,
 ‘Barlett’                                                                                      Southernwood to fight codling moth and
                                  Nasturtiums, Onions
 Combo 4 on 1 Espalier                                                                          wooly aphids
                                  Garlic Chives, Roman Chamomile, Strawberries,
Peach/ Prunus persica                                                                           Chives, Garlic, Nasturtiums, Onions,
                                  Garlic, Dill, Borage, Marigolds, Perilla,
 ‘Carolina Belle’                                                                               Southernwood and Tansy to deter peach
                                  Asparagus, Basil, Grapes, Hyssop, Onions,
 ‘Bonfire’                                                                                      borers
                                  Petunias, Rue
Chinese Apricot/                                                                                Anise, White Clover, Buckwheat
Prunus armeniaca                  Dill, Fennel, Basil, Chives                                   Do not plant Brassica or Solanum family
  ‘Chinese’                                                                                     plants near Apricots
Plum/ Prunus domestica                                                                          White Clover attracts beneficials
                                  Same list as for Peach – especially Garlic
  ‘Italian Prune’                                                                               Garlic to control plum curculio
Cherry/ Prunus cerasus                                                                          Plant bee plants near to help with pollination;
  ‘Blackgold’ ‘Whitegold’         Garlic, Nasturtiums, Onions                                   Datura, Four O’Clocks, Castor Bean kill
  ‘North Star’                                                                                  Japanese beetles
                                                                                                Damask, Hybrid Tea, and David Austin Roses,
Grape/ Vitis labrusca                                                                           Tansy
                                  Blackberries, Chrysanthemums, Daisies,
  ‘Eastern Concord’ ‘Suffolk’                                                                   Chives to fight Aphids; Garlic accumulates
                                  Feverfew, Hyssop, Lavender, Mustard, Basil,
  ‘Mars’ ‘Lakemont’                                                                             sulfur to make a natural fungicide; Datura,
                                  Beans, Chives, Garlic, Geraniums, Nasturtiums,
Vitis vinifera                                                                                  Four O’Clocks, Castor Bean kill Japanese
                                  Oregano, Peas
  ‘Purpurea’                                                                                    beetles; Petunias and Geraniums as a trap crop
                                                                                                for Japanese beetles.
                                                                                                Borage strengthens resistance to insects and
Strawberry/ Fragaria
                                  Borage, Beans, Chrysanthemums, Lettuce,                       diseases and improves flavor; Onions help
                                  Marigolds, Onions, Peas, Spinach, Thyme                       fight disease; Do not plant Cabbage near
  ‘Ozark Beauty’
                                                                                                them; Allium family plants to deter rabbits
Raspberry/ Rubus                                                                                Tansy, Rue, Marigolds, White & Pastel
 ‘Canby Red’ ‘Heritage’                                                                         Zinnias, and White-flowered Geraniums will
 ‘Caroline’ ‘Fall Gold’                                                                         deter Japanese beetles; Berry plants in flower
 ‘Cumberland’                                                                                   attract bees so are helpful planted by the
Blackberry/ Rubus fruticosus      Dill, Fennel, Cilantro, Rue; Bee Balm and all bee             fruiting trees which flower at the same time;
 ‘Triple Crown’ ‘Chester’         plants                                                        Garlic accumulates sulfur to make a natural
Blueberry/ Vaccinium                                                                            fungicide for Raspberries; also to control plum
 ‘Blueray’ ‘Patriot’                                                                            curculio; Put up a wren nesting box to deter
 ‘Northblue’                                                                                    other birds in the Blueberry patch and plant
 ‘North Sky’ ‘Top Hat’                                                                          members of Allium family to deter rabbits
Tropical Fruiting Plants Available at Bowood Farms                         Companions for Tropical Fruiting Plants/Comments
Fig/ Ficus: ‘Brown Turkey’ ‘Peter’s Honey’ ‘Kadota’ ‘Mission’              Dill, Fennel, Caraway and all Umbelliferae family plants for
Pomegranate/ Granatum ‘Granatum Nana’ ‘Wonderful’                          pollination; All plants which attract beneficial insects to control
Lemon/ Citrus x ‘Improved Meyer’                                           mealy bugs, mites, and aphids; Rue is highly recommended as a
Lime/ Citrus aurantifolia ‘Bears Seedless’                                 companion for Figs

*Bowood Farms has found inspiration for this Gardening Tip Sheet from the Heartland Harvest Garden, Powell Gardens,
Kansas City, and the garden’s horticulturist, Alan Branhagan, who provided us with the list of Companion Plants currently
  being used in this 12-acre edible landscape. We encourage you to visit and become inspired!
                         This information may not be physically or electronically copied, printed or otherwise distributed
                                        without specific permission of Bowood Farms and Kathie Hoyer.
                                        Pollinizers and other Information
Fruiting Plant                      Recommended Pollinizers                                       Comments
Apple/ Malus
 ‘Granny Smith’                     ‘Red Delicious’ ‘Red Rome Beauty’ ‘Golden Delicious’          Pick in early-November
 ‘September Wonder’ Fuji            ‘Grand Gala’ ‘Granny Smith’                                   Pick in mid-September
 ‘Starkspur Arkansas Black’         ‘Red Delicious’ ‘Granny Smith’ ‘Jon-A-Red Jonathan’           Pick in October
 Combo 4 on 1 Espalier              Combo = ‘Gala’ ‘Red Fuji’ ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Red         ‘Gala’ late August, ‘Red Fuji’ late
                                    Delicious’ so they will cross-pollinate                       October, ‘Delicious’ late September
Pear/ Pyrus pyrifolia
 ‘Shinseiki’                        Partially self-fruitful in warmer climates                    Pick in late August
 ‘Barlett’                          Needs another pear for cross-pollination                      Pick in late August
 Combo 4 on 1 Espalier              Combo = ‘Comice’ ‘Anjou’ ‘Bartlett’ and ‘Red Bartlett’        ‘Comice’ early October, ‘Anjou’ late
                                    so they will cross-pollinate                                  September, ‘Bartlett’ &‘Red Bartlett’
                                                                                                  late August
Peach/ Prunus persica                                                                             Carolina Belle is dwarf, freestone,
  ‘Carolina Belle’                  Peaches are self-fruitful and don’t need another peach        white fruit, pick in mid-August,
  ‘Bonfire’                         tree to bear fruit                                            Bonfire is natural dwarf, small fruit
Chinese Apricot/
Prunus armeniaca                    Apricots are self-fruitful and don’t need another apricot     Semi-dwarf; medium-sized, sweet
  ‘Chinese’                         tree to bear fruit                                            fruit; very cold hardy
Plum/ Prunus domestica
                                    This European plum is self-fruitful                           Mid-to-late season, free-stone
  ‘Italian Prune’
Cherry/ Prunus cerasus                                                                            Semi-dwarf, dark-red/yellow sweet
  ‘Blackgold’ ‘Whitegold’           Unlike most sweet cherries, these are self-fruitful           cherries that ripen mid-June
  ‘North Star’                      All sour (pie) cherries are self-fruitful                     Tart cherry that ripens mid-June
                                                                                                  Regular pruning is essential for fruit
Grape/ Vitis labrusca
                                                                                                  production: remove all suckers from
  ‘Eastern Concord’ ‘Suffolk’       Grapes are self-pollinating and cross-pollination is not
                                                                                                  the base of leaves after the end of
  ‘Mars’ ‘Lakemont’                 essential. Some hybrids may have non-viable pollen so 2
                                                                                                  June; remove ends of canes 2 -3
Vitis vinifera                      or more varieties would be recommended
                                                                                                  leaves past the last fruit cluster;
                                                                                                  remove all non-producing canes
Strawberry/ Fragaria                Strawberries are self-pollinating. Cross-pollination          Guardian is June-bearing
  ‘Guardian’                        produces stronger plants so planting more than one plant      Ozark Beauty is ever-bearing – early
  ‘Ozark Beauty’                    is recommended                                                season until frost
                                                                                                  Ripening varies depending on cultivar
Raspberry/ Rubus
                                                                                                  so plant several varieties to have
 ‘Canby Red’ ‘Heritage’
                                    Raspberries are self-pollinating                              raspberries from June to September;
 ‘Caroline’ ‘Fall Gold’
                                                                                                  Raspberries need well-drained soil
                                                                                                  and space to expand
                                                                                                  These are thornless varieties – much
Blackberry/ Rubus fruticosus
                                    Blackberries are self-pollinating                             easier to pick and eat! Ripen in late
 ‘Triple Crown’ ‘Chester’
                                                                                                  July to early August
                                    Blueberries do not require cross pollination but bigger
Blueberry/ Vaccinium                berries and higher yield will result from cross pollination   Soil pH must be between 4.0 – 5.5;
 ‘Blueray’ ‘Patriot’ ‘Northblue’    so planting at least 2 different cultivars is recommended;    Keep well-watered and well-mulched
 ‘North Sky’ ‘Top Hat’              ‘Blueray’ is the premier pollinator for other highbush        to preserve moisture
Tropical Fruiting Plants Available at Bowood Farms                 Comments
Fig/ Ficus: ‘Brown Turkey’ ‘Peter’s Honey’ ‘Kadota’ ‘Mission’
Pomegranate/ Granatum ‘Granatum Nana’ ‘Wonderful’
                                                                   Figs, Pomegranates, and all Citrus are self-pollinating
Lemon/ Citrus x ‘Improved Meyer’
Lime/ Citrus aurantifolia ‘Bears Seedless’


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Companion Planting for Fruitful Garden - St. Louis, Missouri

  • 1. C OMPANIONS F OR A F RUITFUL G ARDEN Nasturtium drawing by Jean W. Ingles THE ANCIENT AND ANECDOTAL “SCIENCE” OF COMPANION PLANTING One can imagine some concept of Companion Planting existing ever since the early days of plant cultivation. Experienced in observing nature from their hunter/gathering days, early farmers must have noticed how certain plants benefitted and supported each other when planted together. In the same way, they found some plants did not grow well in close proximity. The practice of Companion Planting developed alongside agriculture and was well entrenched by medieval times and reached its peak in the cottage gardens of the Elizabethan era (the 16th – 17th century). These smaller plots of land were owned and cultivated by peasants as sources of food and medicinal herbs for their families. With no room to spare, these gardens were of necessity crowded. Knowing how to maximize productivity was important. Herbs and flowers that attracted pollinating bees and beneficial insects, repelled or discouraged harmful pests, and/or enriched the soil and promoted strong growth were planted alongside vegetable, fruit, and berry crops. Eventually the lore of Companion Planting, passed on from one generation to the next, was collected and written down and new generations of gardeners that didn’t have time or space to make observations on their own carefully followed Herbals, books of folk remedies, and Farmer’s Almanacs. Much of this knowledge and practice was set aside with the inexorable march of farming towards giant agribusiness. But what is old is always new again: from the back-to-the-land movement of the sixties, the permaculture communities of the seventies, and continuing into organic gardening practices of today, Companion Planting is one of our best allies to have a garden free from pesticides, insecticides, chemical fertilizers and full of healthy, bountiful vegetables, fruits and herbs. FRUIT SUPPORT: WHERE TO BEGIN? The practice of Companion Planting will lead to greater yields and healthier plants in every part of your garden. Vegetable gardens and annual flower beds are able to bear intensive planting practices because crops are rotated and the soil is renewed each year. Consequently, tucking in helpful companions here and there between your main plantings is a snap. This flexibility also lends itself to experimenting and finding out what works in your own micro-environment. Fruiting plants, however, will definitely benefit from the time spent on planning. Permanent investments such as fruit and nut trees, berry and bramble bushes, grape and strawberry vines need: careful soil preparation; proper siting and installation; attentive care as immature plants; and protection as fruiting plants. On the next page are specific suggestions for companions to the fruiting trees and plants available from Bowood Farms. Here are some general points about Companion Planting to keep in mind when planning your fruiting garden: • Flowering plants from the Umbelliferae family – herbs such as dill, cilantro, fennel, parsley and leaf celery – will attract ladybugs, lacewings, parasitic wasps, and predatory flies. These beneficial insects are attracted by the nectar and stay to feed on pests such as aphids, thrips, caterpillars, and the eggs of other insects. Members of the mint family and the onion family (chives, garlic chives, leeks, onions) are also good attractants for these beneficials. • Bees and other pollinating beneficials will be attracted to these umbelliferae herbs; and mints and onions as well. Other bee plants are: alyssum, basil, bee balm, borage, coreopsis, cosmos, hyssop, lemon balm, marjoram, mints, summer savory, sunflowers, thyme, zinnias. • All-around tonic plants for the fruiting garden are: borage, chamomile, geraniums, and lovage. Other essential companions are: nasturtium, garlic, leeks, onions, tansy, valerian. • Tansy, rue, and nasturtium are mentioned most often as repellants to insect pests. Catnip and chives join nasturtium especially to fight aphids. For plants susceptible to Japanese 314/454-6868 kh beetles (apple, peach, apricot, plum, cherry, grape, and red raspberry) catnip, garlic, white geraniums, rue, and tansy are repellants; datura, four o’clocks, and castor bean kill them!
  • 2. BOWOOD FARM’S BEST BETS: FRUITS & THEIR COMPANIONS FOR YOUR HOME GARDEN Companion Plants in Italics are currently being grown at the Heartland Harvest Garden, Powell Gardens* Fruiting Plant Companion Plants Available at Bowood Farms Other Companion Plants/Comments White Clover, Single/Wild Roses, Fra Dagmar Apple/ Malus Hartopp Rose, Rosa. arkansana, Rosa. Chives, Anise Hyssop, Lemon Balm, ‘Granny Smith’ setigera, Mullein Strawberries, White Rugosa Roses, Foxglove, ‘September Wonder’ Fuji Leeks to improve growth; Chives to deter Garlic, Lavender, Leeks, Marigolds, Nasturtiums, ‘Starkspur Arkansas Black’ Apple Scab; Garlic, Lavender, Nasturtium and Onions, Peas, Sweet Woodruff Combo 4 on 1 Espalier Southernwood to deter codling moth and wooly aphids Pear/ Pyrus pyrifolia Apple/Curly/Citrus/Ginger Mints, Pennyroyal Chives, Bronze Fennel, Peppermint, Spearmint, ‘Shinseiki’ Garlic, Lavender, Nasturtium and Mountain Mint, Bee Balm, Garlic, Lavender, ‘Barlett’ Southernwood to fight codling moth and Nasturtiums, Onions Combo 4 on 1 Espalier wooly aphids Garlic Chives, Roman Chamomile, Strawberries, Peach/ Prunus persica Chives, Garlic, Nasturtiums, Onions, Garlic, Dill, Borage, Marigolds, Perilla, ‘Carolina Belle’ Southernwood and Tansy to deter peach Asparagus, Basil, Grapes, Hyssop, Onions, ‘Bonfire’ borers Petunias, Rue Chinese Apricot/ Anise, White Clover, Buckwheat Prunus armeniaca Dill, Fennel, Basil, Chives Do not plant Brassica or Solanum family ‘Chinese’ plants near Apricots Plum/ Prunus domestica White Clover attracts beneficials Same list as for Peach – especially Garlic ‘Italian Prune’ Garlic to control plum curculio Cherry/ Prunus cerasus Plant bee plants near to help with pollination; ‘Blackgold’ ‘Whitegold’ Garlic, Nasturtiums, Onions Datura, Four O’Clocks, Castor Bean kill ‘North Star’ Japanese beetles Damask, Hybrid Tea, and David Austin Roses, Grape/ Vitis labrusca Tansy Blackberries, Chrysanthemums, Daisies, ‘Eastern Concord’ ‘Suffolk’ Chives to fight Aphids; Garlic accumulates Feverfew, Hyssop, Lavender, Mustard, Basil, ‘Mars’ ‘Lakemont’ sulfur to make a natural fungicide; Datura, Beans, Chives, Garlic, Geraniums, Nasturtiums, Vitis vinifera Four O’Clocks, Castor Bean kill Japanese Oregano, Peas ‘Purpurea’ beetles; Petunias and Geraniums as a trap crop for Japanese beetles. Borage strengthens resistance to insects and Strawberry/ Fragaria Borage, Beans, Chrysanthemums, Lettuce, diseases and improves flavor; Onions help ‘Guardian’ Marigolds, Onions, Peas, Spinach, Thyme fight disease; Do not plant Cabbage near ‘Ozark Beauty’ them; Allium family plants to deter rabbits Raspberry/ Rubus Tansy, Rue, Marigolds, White & Pastel ‘Canby Red’ ‘Heritage’ Zinnias, and White-flowered Geraniums will ‘Caroline’ ‘Fall Gold’ deter Japanese beetles; Berry plants in flower ‘Cumberland’ attract bees so are helpful planted by the Blackberry/ Rubus fruticosus Dill, Fennel, Cilantro, Rue; Bee Balm and all bee fruiting trees which flower at the same time; ‘Triple Crown’ ‘Chester’ plants Garlic accumulates sulfur to make a natural Blueberry/ Vaccinium fungicide for Raspberries; also to control plum ‘Blueray’ ‘Patriot’ curculio; Put up a wren nesting box to deter ‘Northblue’ other birds in the Blueberry patch and plant ‘North Sky’ ‘Top Hat’ members of Allium family to deter rabbits Tropical Fruiting Plants Available at Bowood Farms Companions for Tropical Fruiting Plants/Comments Fig/ Ficus: ‘Brown Turkey’ ‘Peter’s Honey’ ‘Kadota’ ‘Mission’ Dill, Fennel, Caraway and all Umbelliferae family plants for Pomegranate/ Granatum ‘Granatum Nana’ ‘Wonderful’ pollination; All plants which attract beneficial insects to control Lemon/ Citrus x ‘Improved Meyer’ mealy bugs, mites, and aphids; Rue is highly recommended as a Lime/ Citrus aurantifolia ‘Bears Seedless’ companion for Figs *Bowood Farms has found inspiration for this Gardening Tip Sheet from the Heartland Harvest Garden, Powell Gardens, Kansas City, and the garden’s horticulturist, Alan Branhagan, who provided us with the list of Companion Plants currently being used in this 12-acre edible landscape. We encourage you to visit and become inspired! This information may not be physically or electronically copied, printed or otherwise distributed 314/454-6868 without specific permission of Bowood Farms and Kathie Hoyer. kh
  • 3. BOWOOD FARM’S BEST BETS: FRUITS FOR YOUR HOME GARDEN Pollinizers and other Information Fruiting Plant Recommended Pollinizers Comments Apple/ Malus ‘Granny Smith’ ‘Red Delicious’ ‘Red Rome Beauty’ ‘Golden Delicious’ Pick in early-November ‘September Wonder’ Fuji ‘Grand Gala’ ‘Granny Smith’ Pick in mid-September ‘Starkspur Arkansas Black’ ‘Red Delicious’ ‘Granny Smith’ ‘Jon-A-Red Jonathan’ Pick in October Combo 4 on 1 Espalier Combo = ‘Gala’ ‘Red Fuji’ ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Red ‘Gala’ late August, ‘Red Fuji’ late Delicious’ so they will cross-pollinate October, ‘Delicious’ late September Pear/ Pyrus pyrifolia ‘Shinseiki’ Partially self-fruitful in warmer climates Pick in late August ‘Barlett’ Needs another pear for cross-pollination Pick in late August Combo 4 on 1 Espalier Combo = ‘Comice’ ‘Anjou’ ‘Bartlett’ and ‘Red Bartlett’ ‘Comice’ early October, ‘Anjou’ late so they will cross-pollinate September, ‘Bartlett’ &‘Red Bartlett’ late August Peach/ Prunus persica Carolina Belle is dwarf, freestone, ‘Carolina Belle’ Peaches are self-fruitful and don’t need another peach white fruit, pick in mid-August, ‘Bonfire’ tree to bear fruit Bonfire is natural dwarf, small fruit Chinese Apricot/ Prunus armeniaca Apricots are self-fruitful and don’t need another apricot Semi-dwarf; medium-sized, sweet ‘Chinese’ tree to bear fruit fruit; very cold hardy Plum/ Prunus domestica This European plum is self-fruitful Mid-to-late season, free-stone ‘Italian Prune’ Cherry/ Prunus cerasus Semi-dwarf, dark-red/yellow sweet ‘Blackgold’ ‘Whitegold’ Unlike most sweet cherries, these are self-fruitful cherries that ripen mid-June ‘North Star’ All sour (pie) cherries are self-fruitful Tart cherry that ripens mid-June Regular pruning is essential for fruit Grape/ Vitis labrusca production: remove all suckers from ‘Eastern Concord’ ‘Suffolk’ Grapes are self-pollinating and cross-pollination is not the base of leaves after the end of ‘Mars’ ‘Lakemont’ essential. Some hybrids may have non-viable pollen so 2 June; remove ends of canes 2 -3 Vitis vinifera or more varieties would be recommended leaves past the last fruit cluster; ‘Purpurea’ remove all non-producing canes Strawberry/ Fragaria Strawberries are self-pollinating. Cross-pollination Guardian is June-bearing ‘Guardian’ produces stronger plants so planting more than one plant Ozark Beauty is ever-bearing – early ‘Ozark Beauty’ is recommended season until frost Ripening varies depending on cultivar Raspberry/ Rubus so plant several varieties to have ‘Canby Red’ ‘Heritage’ Raspberries are self-pollinating raspberries from June to September; ‘Caroline’ ‘Fall Gold’ Raspberries need well-drained soil ‘Cumberland’ and space to expand These are thornless varieties – much Blackberry/ Rubus fruticosus Blackberries are self-pollinating easier to pick and eat! Ripen in late ‘Triple Crown’ ‘Chester’ July to early August Blueberries do not require cross pollination but bigger Blueberry/ Vaccinium berries and higher yield will result from cross pollination Soil pH must be between 4.0 – 5.5; ‘Blueray’ ‘Patriot’ ‘Northblue’ so planting at least 2 different cultivars is recommended; Keep well-watered and well-mulched ‘North Sky’ ‘Top Hat’ ‘Blueray’ is the premier pollinator for other highbush to preserve moisture blueberries Tropical Fruiting Plants Available at Bowood Farms Comments Fig/ Ficus: ‘Brown Turkey’ ‘Peter’s Honey’ ‘Kadota’ ‘Mission’ Pomegranate/ Granatum ‘Granatum Nana’ ‘Wonderful’ Figs, Pomegranates, and all Citrus are self-pollinating Lemon/ Citrus x ‘Improved Meyer’ Lime/ Citrus aurantifolia ‘Bears Seedless’ 314/454-6868 kh