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Different Group of
Usually grow just below the surface of the
ground and produce a fleshy, leafy shoot
above ground. Bulbs usually consist of
layers, or clustered segments.
garlic, onion, leek, shallot, spring onion
and fennel.
Fennel is crunchy and slightly sweet, adding a refreshing contribution to the ever
popular Mediterranean cuisine. Most often associated with Italian cooking, be sure to add
this to your selection of fresh vegetables from the autumn through early spring when it is
readily available and at its best.
Fennel is composed of a white or pale green bulb from which closely
superimposed stalks are arranged. The stalks are topped with feathery green leaves near
which flowers grow and produce fennel seeds. The bulb, stalk, leaves and seeds are all
edible. Fennel belongs to the Umbellifereae family and is therefore closely related to
parsley, carrots, dill and coriander.
Spring onions, on the other hand, look similar to scallions, but you'll notice that
they have small onion bulbs at the base. These onions come from the varietals that
produce bulbs and are basically more mature versions of scallions. They are
planted as seedlings in the late fall and then harvested the next spring, thus the
word "spring" in the name.
Spring onions are sweeter and mellower than regular onions, but the greens are
more intense in flavor than scallions. The bulbs can be red or white, depending on
the varietal, and while they can be used in much the same way as regular bulb
onions, they are great grilled, roasted whole, or used like pearl onions.
Related to the onion (as opposed to being a younger version of it),
shallots grow in clusters at the leaf base. Most varieties are smaller
than onions, have finer layers and contain less water.
The flavour of a shallot is much milder and sweeter than that of an
onion, so if a recipe specifies shallots, substituting onions won't give
the same results. Their lower water content means they need to be
cooked more gently than onions.
The leek is a vegetable, a cultivar of Allium ampeloprasum, the broadleaf
wild leek. The edible part of the plant is a bundle of leaf sheaths that is
sometimes erroneously called a stem or stalk. The genus Allium also
contains the onion, garlic, shallot, scallion, chive, and Chinese onion.
Historically, many scientific names were used for leeks, but they are now
all treated as cultivars of A. ampeloprasum. The name 'leek' developed
from the Anglo-Saxon word leac. Two closely related vegetables,
elephant garlic and kurrat, are also cultivars of A. ampeloprasum,
although different in their uses as food.
The onion plant has been grown and selectively bred in cultivation for at least 7,000
years. It is a biennial plant, but is usually grown as an annual. Modern varieties
typically grow to a height of 15 to 45 cm (6 to 18 in). The leaves are yellowish- to
bluish green and grow alternately in a flattened, fan-shaped swathe. They are fleshy,
hollow, and cylindrical, with one flattened side. They are at their broadest about a
quarter of the way up, beyond which they taper towards a blunt tip. The base of each
leaf is a flattened, usually white sheath that grows out of a basal disc. From the
underside of the disc, a bundle of fibrous roots extends for a short way into the soil.
As the onion matures, food reserves begin to accumulate in the leaf bases and the
bulb of the onion swells.
Garlic (scientific name Allium sativum) is a species in the onion
genus, Allium. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek,
chive, and Chinese onion. With a history of several thousand
years of human consumption and use, garlic is native to Central
Asia and northeastern Iran, and has long been a common
seasoning worldwide. It was known to Ancient Egyptians, and has
been used both as a food flavoring and as a traditional medicine.
The “Flower vegetables” category includes plants of which the
flowers are used as food. Examples of flower vegetables are
cauliflower and artichoke.
The edible flowers of certain vegetables.
cauliflower, broccoli, gaai laan (Chinese sprouting broccoli),
broccoflower, broccolini, globe artichoke, choi sum and
courgette flower.
Cauliflower is one of several vegetables in the species Brassica oleracea in the genus
Brassica, which is in the family Brassicaceae. It is an annual plant that reproduces by
seed. Typically, only the head is eaten – the edible white flesh sometimes called
"curd" (similar appearance to cheese curd). The cauliflower head is composed of a
white inflorescence meristem. Cauliflower heads resemble those in broccoli, which
differs in having flower buds as the edible portion. Brassica oleracea also includes
broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, collard greens, and kale, collectively called "cole"
crops, though they are of different cultivar groups.
Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family whose large flowering head is
eaten as a vegetable. The word broccoli comes from the Italian plural of broccolo,
which means "the flowering crest of a cabbage", and is the diminutive form of
brocco, meaning "small nail" or "sprout". Broccoli is often boiled or steamed but
may be eaten raw. Broccoli is classified in the Italica cultivar group of the species
Brassica oleracea. Broccoli has large flower heads, usually green in color, arranged in
a tree-like structure branching out from a thick, edible stalk. The mass of flower
heads is surrounded by leaves. Broccoli resembles cauliflower, which is a different
cultivar group of the same species.
Gai lan (Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra) is the Chinese name for a
vegetable that is also known as Chinese broccoli or Chinese kale. It is a
leaf vegetable featuring thick, flat, glossy blue-green leaves with thick
stems, and flower heads similar to but much smaller than broccoli.
Broccoli and gai lan belong to the same species Brassica oleracea, but gai
lan is in the group alboglabra (from Latin albus "white" and glabrus
"hairless"). Its flavor is very similar to that of broccoli, but slightly more
bitter. It is also noticeably stronger.
The globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus) is a variety of a species
of thistle cultivated as a food. The edible portion of the plant consists of the
flower buds before the flowers come into bloom. The budding artichoke
flower-head is a cluster of many budding small flowers (an inflorescence)
together with many bracts, on an edible base. Once the buds bloom, the
structure changes to a coarse, barely edible form. Another variety of the same
species is the cardoon, a perennial plant native to the Mediterranean region.
Both wild forms and cultivated varieties (cultivars) exist.
Squash blossoms are the edible flowers of Cucurbita species,
particularly Cucurbita pepo, the species that produces zucchini
(courgette), marrow, spaghetti squash, and many other types of
squash. Squash blossoms may be stuffed, battered and fried, or
made into soup. The flowers have a subtle flavor, reminiscent of
young zucchinis, and can be eaten raw.
3 Fruits
Vegetable fruits are fleshy and contain seeds which are
sometimes eaten.
eggplant, capsicum, chilli, peppers, tomato, cucumber,
It is very common in southern European countries and is used in
many traditional recipes; Greek - moussaka, French - ratatouille,
Indian – baingan bharta, and Turkish - imam bayildi. It is actually a
fruit, and contains many fine seeds. It has a mild taste and is
typically cooked with stronger flavours such as garlic, tomatoes,
onions, herbs and spices.
Capsicums are seed pods. They can be red, green, yellow, orange, white, purple-
brown and lime green. Green and red come from the same plant, however yellow,
orange, white and purple are different varieties. Red, orange, yellow and green
capsicums are readily available. White, purple-brown and lime green capsicums
have a more limited supply. Capsicums are sweet and juicy with a mild spicy
flavour. Red capsicums, being riper, are sweeter than green capsicums. Shape also
varies with each variety, from the more commonly found blocky shape to a pointy
capsicum. Miniature varieties are sometimes available.
The chili pepper is the fruit of plants from the genus Capsicum, members of the
nightshade family, Solanaceae. They are widely used in many cuisines to add
spiciness to dishes. The substances that give chili peppers their intensity when
ingested or applied topically are capsaicin and related compounds known
as capsaicinoids.
Tomatoes are native to South America and were originally grown for their
decorative purposes.
The tomato is actually a fruit but is considered a vegetable because of its uses. They
They were affectionately known as pommes d’amour by the French, or apples of love.
love. Today consumption of fresh and processed tomatoes is second to potatoes. All
All New Zealand tomatoes are ripened on the vine which makes them tastier than
some imported varieties.
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely cultivated plant in the gourd family,
Cucurbitaceae. It is a creeping vine that bears cucumiform fruits that are used as
vegetables. There are three main varieties of cucumber: slicing, pickling, and
seedless. Within these varieties, several cultivars have been created. In North
America, the term "wild cucumber" refers to plants in the genera Echinocystis and
Marah, but these are not closely related. The cucumber is originally from South
Asia, but now grows on most continents. Many different types of cucumber are
traded on the global market.
The terms pumpkin and squash are often used interchangeably, however, the term
pumpkin generally describes winter squash that are hard-skinned, hard-fleshed,
mature fruit. There are many different varieties available and while they vary in
taste and texture, most can be used interchangeably in recipes. Flavour varies with
variety, growing conditions and season. Therefore buttercup squash grown at
Pukekohe may taste quite different to the same variety grown in Marlborough.
Similarly, pumpkins grown in the same area may taste different each season.
Okra is sometimes known as ladies fingers, bhindi and bamia. It is widely used in
southern American states, the West Indies, India, Asia and South America and is an
important part of Cajun cooking styles. It is probably best known as the key
ingredient of gumbo - a stew of okra, tomatoes, chilli and chicken or seafood. It
contains mucilaginous gum that acts as a natural thickening agent in soups, curries,
braises or stews. There are many varieties of okra; the most commonly found are
green and white. Green okra is shorter and slightly stubby when compared with
white okra, which is actually a light green colour. White okra is longer and more
slender than green okra; it also has quite pronounced ridges.
Commonly used fungi is mushroom. They are consumed as
staple diet all over the world. There are many types of edible
mushrooms with various shapes and colors. Mushrooms
are also used in preparation of sauce.
Agaricus bisporus is an edible basidiomycete mushroom native to
grasslands in Europe and North America. It has two color states while
immature—white and brown—both of which have various names. When
mature, it is known as portobello mushroom, often shortened to just
portobello (also spelled portabello or portabella ). Smaller sized
portobello mushrooms may be called portobellini or portabellini.
Cantharellus cibarius, commonly known as the chanterelle, or girolle, is a fungus. It
is probably the best known species of the genus Cantharellus, if not the entire
family of Cantharellaceae. It is orange or yellow, meaty and funnel-shaped. On the
lower surface, underneath the smooth cap, it has gill-like ridges that run almost all
the way down its stipe, which tapers down seamlessly from the cap. It emits a fruity
aroma, reminiscent of apricots and a mildly peppery taste (hence its German name,
Pfifferling) and is considered an excellent edible mushroom.
The shiitake is an edible mushroom native to East Asia, which
is cultivated and consumed in many Asian countries. It is
considered a medicinal mushroom in some forms of traditional
Pleurotus ostreatus, the oyster mushroom, is a common edible mushroom. It was
first cultivated in Germany as a subsistence measure during World War I and is now
grown commercially around the world for food. It is related to the similarly cultivated
king oyster mushroom. Oyster mushrooms can also be used industrially for
mycoremediation purposes. The oyster mushroom is one of the more commonly
sought wild mushrooms, though it can also be cultivated on straw and other media.
It has the bittersweet aroma of benzaldehyde (which is also characteristic of bitter
They are the leaves of the vegetable plant. They can be either
consumed directly or cooked. They can be used in salads for direct
consumption, in gravies, soups, and other foods. They have short
shelf life, say a couple of days.
For example, fenugreek, spinach, dill, curry leaves, cilantro,
parsley, mint, oregano, thyme, basil, and leeks of onion and garlic.
These vegetables may have pests on the back of their leaves.
Hence while selecting the fresh and good quality leafy vegetable,
the buyer needs to be careful. In addition, they must be cleansed
thoroughly before using to wash off any pesticides present on the
Coriander is native to regions spanning from southern Europe and northern Africa
to southwestern Asia. It is a soft plant growing to 50 cm (20 in) tall. The leaves are
variable in shape, broadly lobed at the base of the plant, and slender and feathery
higher on the flowering stems. The flowers are borne in small umbels, white or
very pale pink, asymmetrical, with the petals pointing away from the center of the
umbel longer (5–6 mm or 3⁄16–1⁄4 in) than those pointing toward it (only 1–3 mm or
1⁄16–1⁄8 in long). The fruit is a globular, dry schizocarp 3–5 mm (1⁄8–3⁄16 in) in
Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is an edible flowering plant in the family Amaranthaceae
native to central and western Asia. Its leaves are eaten as a vegetable. It is an annual
plant (rarely biennial) growing as tall as 30 cm (1 ft). Spinach may survive over winter in
temperate regions. The leaves are alternate, simple, ovate to triangular, and very variable
in size from about 2–30 cm (1–12 in) long and 1–15 cm (0.4–5.9 in) broad, with larger
leaves at the base of the plant and small leaves higher on the flowering stem. The
flowers are inconspicuous, yellow-green, 3–4 mm (0.1–0.2 in) in diameter, maturing into
a small, hard, dry, lumpy fruit cluster 5–10 mm (0.2–0.4 in) across containing several
Oregano — a vegetable that contains tannins, bitterness and
essential oil is a good tool in the treatment of diseases of the
gastrointestinal tract.
Mints are hardy, rapidly growing perennial plants native to Europe and Asia.
Peppermint, one of the most widely grown and used forms, is a hybrid of
spearmint. It is also a type of mint called water mint and has stronger
properties than either of its parent plants. Ancient Greeks and Romans
used mint leaves to relieve pain, and mint has been used in natural
medicine to alleviate indigestion for nearly as long. Modern scientific
studies have uncovered a variety of potential health benefits for mint.
Parsley is a popular culinary and medicinal herb recognized as one of
the functional food for its unique antioxidants, and disease preventing
properties. This small leafy herb is native to the Mediterranean region. It
is a biennial plant belonging to the Apiaceae family, of the
genus; Petroselinum. Its botanical name is Petroselinum crispum.
They are the roots of the plant. For example, Radish, beet root, turnip,
Malanga, and carrot. They can be consumed raw or cooked after cleaning
off the soil properly. Root vegetables must be preferably peeled before
They are used for preparing stews, side dishes and salads.
Originally the leaves were preferred eating, rather than the roots. In New
Zealand, usually it is the roots that are eaten, however, young beetroot
leaves are sometimes available. In some countries all parts of the beetroot
are regularly eaten. Beetroot is frequently consumed pickled. Baby
beetroot leaves may be found in salad mixes.
The carrot is a root vegetable, usually orange in colour, though purple, black, red,
white, and yellow cultivars exist. Carrots are a domesticated form of the wild carrot,
Daucus carota, native to Europe and southwestern Asia. The plant probably originated
in Persia and was originally cultivated for its leaves and seeds. The most commonly
eaten part of the plant is the taproot, although the greens are sometimes eaten as well.
The domestic carrot has been selectively bred for its greatly enlarged, more palatable,
less woody-textured taproot.
They are the useful stems of the plant and have high quantity of
mass. They can be cut, chopped, or diced. They can be consumed
raw or cooked. Their shelf life is longer than leafy vegetables but
shorter than bulb vegetables.
For example, Asparagus and lotus stem. The North Indians use lotus
stem in pickles.
Asparagus, or garden asparagus, folk name sparrow grass, scientific
name Asparagus officinalis, is a spring vegetable, a flowering perennial
plant species in the genus Asparagus. It was once classified in the lily
family, like the related Allium species, onions and garlic, but the Liliaceae
have been split and the onion-like plants are now in the family
Amaryllidaceae and asparagus in the Asparagaceae. Asparagus
officinalis is native to most of Europe, northern Africa and western Asia,
and is widely cultivated as a vegetable crop.
Celery (Apium graveolens) is a marshland plant in the family Apiaceae that
has been cultivated as a vegetable since antiquity. Celery has a long
fibrous stalk tapering into leaves. Depending on location and cultivar,
either its stalks, leaves, or hypocotyl are eaten and used in cooking.
Celery seed is also used as a spice; its extracts are used in medicines.
Tuber vegetables are the swollen part of the stem that grows
underground. Potatoes are used all over the world in a wide range
of cuisines. Fresh ginger and turmeric are used to prepare pickles
and pastes.
For example, Potato, Ginger, Turmeric, and artichoke are some of
the stems, which grow underground.
Potatoes are swollen underground stems, called tubers. Like most common
vegetables eaten today, potatoes came to New Zealand from Britain and by 1880
they were a staple part of the early settlers’ diet. There are 10-12 readily available
main varieties grown in New Zealand, however, there are many varieties that have
limited or localised supply. The differences in texture, flavour and shape make each
variety suitable to its own particular method of cooking. Potatoes remain the one of
the most popular vegetables in New Zealand and often challenge tomatoes for the
top spot in terms of household spend.
Taro commonly refers to the plant Colocasia esculenta, the most widely
cultivated species of several plants in the Araceae family which are used as
vegetables for their corms, leaves, and petioles. Thus, this article describes
the "dasheen" form of taro; another variety of taro is known as eddoe or
Colocasia antiquorum. Other species of taro include giant taro (Alocasia
macrorrhizos), swamp taro (Cyrtosperma merkusii), and arrowleaf elephant's
ear (Xanthosoma sagittifolium).
Thank you

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Different vegtables group final

  • 2. 1 Usually grow just below the surface of the ground and produce a fleshy, leafy shoot above ground. Bulbs usually consist of layers, or clustered segments. Examples: garlic, onion, leek, shallot, spring onion and fennel.
  • 3. Fennel is crunchy and slightly sweet, adding a refreshing contribution to the ever popular Mediterranean cuisine. Most often associated with Italian cooking, be sure to add this to your selection of fresh vegetables from the autumn through early spring when it is readily available and at its best. Fennel is composed of a white or pale green bulb from which closely superimposed stalks are arranged. The stalks are topped with feathery green leaves near which flowers grow and produce fennel seeds. The bulb, stalk, leaves and seeds are all edible. Fennel belongs to the Umbellifereae family and is therefore closely related to parsley, carrots, dill and coriander.
  • 4. Spring onions, on the other hand, look similar to scallions, but you'll notice that they have small onion bulbs at the base. These onions come from the varietals that produce bulbs and are basically more mature versions of scallions. They are planted as seedlings in the late fall and then harvested the next spring, thus the word "spring" in the name. Spring onions are sweeter and mellower than regular onions, but the greens are more intense in flavor than scallions. The bulbs can be red or white, depending on the varietal, and while they can be used in much the same way as regular bulb onions, they are great grilled, roasted whole, or used like pearl onions.
  • 5. Related to the onion (as opposed to being a younger version of it), shallots grow in clusters at the leaf base. Most varieties are smaller than onions, have finer layers and contain less water. The flavour of a shallot is much milder and sweeter than that of an onion, so if a recipe specifies shallots, substituting onions won't give the same results. Their lower water content means they need to be cooked more gently than onions.
  • 6. The leek is a vegetable, a cultivar of Allium ampeloprasum, the broadleaf wild leek. The edible part of the plant is a bundle of leaf sheaths that is sometimes erroneously called a stem or stalk. The genus Allium also contains the onion, garlic, shallot, scallion, chive, and Chinese onion. Historically, many scientific names were used for leeks, but they are now all treated as cultivars of A. ampeloprasum. The name 'leek' developed from the Anglo-Saxon word leac. Two closely related vegetables, elephant garlic and kurrat, are also cultivars of A. ampeloprasum, although different in their uses as food.
  • 7. The onion plant has been grown and selectively bred in cultivation for at least 7,000 years. It is a biennial plant, but is usually grown as an annual. Modern varieties typically grow to a height of 15 to 45 cm (6 to 18 in). The leaves are yellowish- to bluish green and grow alternately in a flattened, fan-shaped swathe. They are fleshy, hollow, and cylindrical, with one flattened side. They are at their broadest about a quarter of the way up, beyond which they taper towards a blunt tip. The base of each leaf is a flattened, usually white sheath that grows out of a basal disc. From the underside of the disc, a bundle of fibrous roots extends for a short way into the soil. As the onion matures, food reserves begin to accumulate in the leaf bases and the bulb of the onion swells.
  • 8. Garlic (scientific name Allium sativum) is a species in the onion genus, Allium. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, chive, and Chinese onion. With a history of several thousand years of human consumption and use, garlic is native to Central Asia and northeastern Iran, and has long been a common seasoning worldwide. It was known to Ancient Egyptians, and has been used both as a food flavoring and as a traditional medicine.
  • 9. 2 The “Flower vegetables” category includes plants of which the flowers are used as food. Examples of flower vegetables are cauliflower and artichoke. The edible flowers of certain vegetables. Examples: cauliflower, broccoli, gaai laan (Chinese sprouting broccoli), broccoflower, broccolini, globe artichoke, choi sum and courgette flower.
  • 10. Cauliflower is one of several vegetables in the species Brassica oleracea in the genus Brassica, which is in the family Brassicaceae. It is an annual plant that reproduces by seed. Typically, only the head is eaten – the edible white flesh sometimes called "curd" (similar appearance to cheese curd). The cauliflower head is composed of a white inflorescence meristem. Cauliflower heads resemble those in broccoli, which differs in having flower buds as the edible portion. Brassica oleracea also includes broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, collard greens, and kale, collectively called "cole" crops, though they are of different cultivar groups.
  • 11. Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family whose large flowering head is eaten as a vegetable. The word broccoli comes from the Italian plural of broccolo, which means "the flowering crest of a cabbage", and is the diminutive form of brocco, meaning "small nail" or "sprout". Broccoli is often boiled or steamed but may be eaten raw. Broccoli is classified in the Italica cultivar group of the species Brassica oleracea. Broccoli has large flower heads, usually green in color, arranged in a tree-like structure branching out from a thick, edible stalk. The mass of flower heads is surrounded by leaves. Broccoli resembles cauliflower, which is a different cultivar group of the same species.
  • 12. Gai lan (Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra) is the Chinese name for a vegetable that is also known as Chinese broccoli or Chinese kale. It is a leaf vegetable featuring thick, flat, glossy blue-green leaves with thick stems, and flower heads similar to but much smaller than broccoli. Broccoli and gai lan belong to the same species Brassica oleracea, but gai lan is in the group alboglabra (from Latin albus "white" and glabrus "hairless"). Its flavor is very similar to that of broccoli, but slightly more bitter. It is also noticeably stronger.
  • 13. The globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus) is a variety of a species of thistle cultivated as a food. The edible portion of the plant consists of the flower buds before the flowers come into bloom. The budding artichoke flower-head is a cluster of many budding small flowers (an inflorescence) together with many bracts, on an edible base. Once the buds bloom, the structure changes to a coarse, barely edible form. Another variety of the same species is the cardoon, a perennial plant native to the Mediterranean region. Both wild forms and cultivated varieties (cultivars) exist.
  • 14. Squash blossoms are the edible flowers of Cucurbita species, particularly Cucurbita pepo, the species that produces zucchini (courgette), marrow, spaghetti squash, and many other types of squash. Squash blossoms may be stuffed, battered and fried, or made into soup. The flowers have a subtle flavor, reminiscent of young zucchinis, and can be eaten raw.
  • 15. 3 Fruits Vegetable fruits are fleshy and contain seeds which are sometimes eaten. Examples: eggplant, capsicum, chilli, peppers, tomato, cucumber,
  • 16. It is very common in southern European countries and is used in many traditional recipes; Greek - moussaka, French - ratatouille, Indian – baingan bharta, and Turkish - imam bayildi. It is actually a fruit, and contains many fine seeds. It has a mild taste and is typically cooked with stronger flavours such as garlic, tomatoes, onions, herbs and spices.
  • 17. Capsicums are seed pods. They can be red, green, yellow, orange, white, purple- brown and lime green. Green and red come from the same plant, however yellow, orange, white and purple are different varieties. Red, orange, yellow and green capsicums are readily available. White, purple-brown and lime green capsicums have a more limited supply. Capsicums are sweet and juicy with a mild spicy flavour. Red capsicums, being riper, are sweeter than green capsicums. Shape also varies with each variety, from the more commonly found blocky shape to a pointy capsicum. Miniature varieties are sometimes available.
  • 18. The chili pepper is the fruit of plants from the genus Capsicum, members of the nightshade family, Solanaceae. They are widely used in many cuisines to add spiciness to dishes. The substances that give chili peppers their intensity when ingested or applied topically are capsaicin and related compounds known as capsaicinoids.
  • 19. Tomatoes are native to South America and were originally grown for their decorative purposes. The tomato is actually a fruit but is considered a vegetable because of its uses. They They were affectionately known as pommes d’amour by the French, or apples of love. love. Today consumption of fresh and processed tomatoes is second to potatoes. All All New Zealand tomatoes are ripened on the vine which makes them tastier than some imported varieties.
  • 20. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely cultivated plant in the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae. It is a creeping vine that bears cucumiform fruits that are used as vegetables. There are three main varieties of cucumber: slicing, pickling, and seedless. Within these varieties, several cultivars have been created. In North America, the term "wild cucumber" refers to plants in the genera Echinocystis and Marah, but these are not closely related. The cucumber is originally from South Asia, but now grows on most continents. Many different types of cucumber are traded on the global market.
  • 21. The terms pumpkin and squash are often used interchangeably, however, the term pumpkin generally describes winter squash that are hard-skinned, hard-fleshed, mature fruit. There are many different varieties available and while they vary in taste and texture, most can be used interchangeably in recipes. Flavour varies with variety, growing conditions and season. Therefore buttercup squash grown at Pukekohe may taste quite different to the same variety grown in Marlborough. Similarly, pumpkins grown in the same area may taste different each season.
  • 22. Okra is sometimes known as ladies fingers, bhindi and bamia. It is widely used in southern American states, the West Indies, India, Asia and South America and is an important part of Cajun cooking styles. It is probably best known as the key ingredient of gumbo - a stew of okra, tomatoes, chilli and chicken or seafood. It contains mucilaginous gum that acts as a natural thickening agent in soups, curries, braises or stews. There are many varieties of okra; the most commonly found are green and white. Green okra is shorter and slightly stubby when compared with white okra, which is actually a light green colour. White okra is longer and more slender than green okra; it also has quite pronounced ridges.
  • 23. Commonly used fungi is mushroom. They are consumed as staple diet all over the world. There are many types of edible mushrooms with various shapes and colors. Mushrooms are also used in preparation of sauce. 4
  • 24. Agaricus bisporus is an edible basidiomycete mushroom native to grasslands in Europe and North America. It has two color states while immature—white and brown—both of which have various names. When mature, it is known as portobello mushroom, often shortened to just portobello (also spelled portabello or portabella ). Smaller sized portobello mushrooms may be called portobellini or portabellini.
  • 25. Cantharellus cibarius, commonly known as the chanterelle, or girolle, is a fungus. It is probably the best known species of the genus Cantharellus, if not the entire family of Cantharellaceae. It is orange or yellow, meaty and funnel-shaped. On the lower surface, underneath the smooth cap, it has gill-like ridges that run almost all the way down its stipe, which tapers down seamlessly from the cap. It emits a fruity aroma, reminiscent of apricots and a mildly peppery taste (hence its German name, Pfifferling) and is considered an excellent edible mushroom.
  • 26. The shiitake is an edible mushroom native to East Asia, which is cultivated and consumed in many Asian countries. It is considered a medicinal mushroom in some forms of traditional medicine.
  • 27. Pleurotus ostreatus, the oyster mushroom, is a common edible mushroom. It was first cultivated in Germany as a subsistence measure during World War I and is now grown commercially around the world for food. It is related to the similarly cultivated king oyster mushroom. Oyster mushrooms can also be used industrially for mycoremediation purposes. The oyster mushroom is one of the more commonly sought wild mushrooms, though it can also be cultivated on straw and other media. It has the bittersweet aroma of benzaldehyde (which is also characteristic of bitter almonds).
  • 28. 5 They are the leaves of the vegetable plant. They can be either consumed directly or cooked. They can be used in salads for direct consumption, in gravies, soups, and other foods. They have short shelf life, say a couple of days. For example, fenugreek, spinach, dill, curry leaves, cilantro, parsley, mint, oregano, thyme, basil, and leeks of onion and garlic. These vegetables may have pests on the back of their leaves. Hence while selecting the fresh and good quality leafy vegetable, the buyer needs to be careful. In addition, they must be cleansed thoroughly before using to wash off any pesticides present on the leaves.
  • 29. Coriander Coriander is native to regions spanning from southern Europe and northern Africa to southwestern Asia. It is a soft plant growing to 50 cm (20 in) tall. The leaves are variable in shape, broadly lobed at the base of the plant, and slender and feathery higher on the flowering stems. The flowers are borne in small umbels, white or very pale pink, asymmetrical, with the petals pointing away from the center of the umbel longer (5–6 mm or 3⁄16–1⁄4 in) than those pointing toward it (only 1–3 mm or 1⁄16–1⁄8 in long). The fruit is a globular, dry schizocarp 3–5 mm (1⁄8–3⁄16 in) in diameter.
  • 30. Spinach Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is an edible flowering plant in the family Amaranthaceae native to central and western Asia. Its leaves are eaten as a vegetable. It is an annual plant (rarely biennial) growing as tall as 30 cm (1 ft). Spinach may survive over winter in temperate regions. The leaves are alternate, simple, ovate to triangular, and very variable in size from about 2–30 cm (1–12 in) long and 1–15 cm (0.4–5.9 in) broad, with larger leaves at the base of the plant and small leaves higher on the flowering stem. The flowers are inconspicuous, yellow-green, 3–4 mm (0.1–0.2 in) in diameter, maturing into a small, hard, dry, lumpy fruit cluster 5–10 mm (0.2–0.4 in) across containing several seeds.
  • 31. Oregano Oregano — a vegetable that contains tannins, bitterness and essential oil is a good tool in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • 32. Mint Mints are hardy, rapidly growing perennial plants native to Europe and Asia. Peppermint, one of the most widely grown and used forms, is a hybrid of spearmint. It is also a type of mint called water mint and has stronger properties than either of its parent plants. Ancient Greeks and Romans used mint leaves to relieve pain, and mint has been used in natural medicine to alleviate indigestion for nearly as long. Modern scientific studies have uncovered a variety of potential health benefits for mint.
  • 33. Parsley Parsley is a popular culinary and medicinal herb recognized as one of the functional food for its unique antioxidants, and disease preventing properties. This small leafy herb is native to the Mediterranean region. It is a biennial plant belonging to the Apiaceae family, of the genus; Petroselinum. Its botanical name is Petroselinum crispum.
  • 34. They are the roots of the plant. For example, Radish, beet root, turnip, Malanga, and carrot. They can be consumed raw or cooked after cleaning off the soil properly. Root vegetables must be preferably peeled before using. They are used for preparing stews, side dishes and salads. 6
  • 35. Beetroot Originally the leaves were preferred eating, rather than the roots. In New Zealand, usually it is the roots that are eaten, however, young beetroot leaves are sometimes available. In some countries all parts of the beetroot are regularly eaten. Beetroot is frequently consumed pickled. Baby beetroot leaves may be found in salad mixes.
  • 36. Carrot The carrot is a root vegetable, usually orange in colour, though purple, black, red, white, and yellow cultivars exist. Carrots are a domesticated form of the wild carrot, Daucus carota, native to Europe and southwestern Asia. The plant probably originated in Persia and was originally cultivated for its leaves and seeds. The most commonly eaten part of the plant is the taproot, although the greens are sometimes eaten as well. The domestic carrot has been selectively bred for its greatly enlarged, more palatable, less woody-textured taproot.
  • 37. 7 They are the useful stems of the plant and have high quantity of mass. They can be cut, chopped, or diced. They can be consumed raw or cooked. Their shelf life is longer than leafy vegetables but shorter than bulb vegetables. For example, Asparagus and lotus stem. The North Indians use lotus stem in pickles.
  • 38. Asparagus Asparagus, or garden asparagus, folk name sparrow grass, scientific name Asparagus officinalis, is a spring vegetable, a flowering perennial plant species in the genus Asparagus. It was once classified in the lily family, like the related Allium species, onions and garlic, but the Liliaceae have been split and the onion-like plants are now in the family Amaryllidaceae and asparagus in the Asparagaceae. Asparagus officinalis is native to most of Europe, northern Africa and western Asia, and is widely cultivated as a vegetable crop.
  • 39. Celery Celery (Apium graveolens) is a marshland plant in the family Apiaceae that has been cultivated as a vegetable since antiquity. Celery has a long fibrous stalk tapering into leaves. Depending on location and cultivar, either its stalks, leaves, or hypocotyl are eaten and used in cooking. Celery seed is also used as a spice; its extracts are used in medicines.
  • 40. 8 Tuber vegetables are the swollen part of the stem that grows underground. Potatoes are used all over the world in a wide range of cuisines. Fresh ginger and turmeric are used to prepare pickles and pastes. For example, Potato, Ginger, Turmeric, and artichoke are some of the stems, which grow underground.
  • 41. Potatoes Potatoes are swollen underground stems, called tubers. Like most common vegetables eaten today, potatoes came to New Zealand from Britain and by 1880 they were a staple part of the early settlers’ diet. There are 10-12 readily available main varieties grown in New Zealand, however, there are many varieties that have limited or localised supply. The differences in texture, flavour and shape make each variety suitable to its own particular method of cooking. Potatoes remain the one of the most popular vegetables in New Zealand and often challenge tomatoes for the top spot in terms of household spend.
  • 42. Taro Taro commonly refers to the plant Colocasia esculenta, the most widely cultivated species of several plants in the Araceae family which are used as vegetables for their corms, leaves, and petioles. Thus, this article describes the "dasheen" form of taro; another variety of taro is known as eddoe or Colocasia antiquorum. Other species of taro include giant taro (Alocasia macrorrhizos), swamp taro (Cyrtosperma merkusii), and arrowleaf elephant's ear (Xanthosoma sagittifolium).