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• MCV >=130flならばほぼ100%が巨赤芽球性貧血
 ▫ MCV 115-129fl        50%
   MCV 80-100fl         <25%
   MCV <80fl            0% (混合性でない限り)
  (Am J Med 1994;96:239-46)

• PLT減少(<150000)は12%, WBC減少(<4000)は9%で合併
• LDHの異常高値も, (CK, ALT正常より血液由来と確認されれば)
     溶血性貧血, 巨赤芽球性貧血などの無効造血と言える
 ▫ LDH >=3000U/Lならば溶血性よりは巨赤芽球性貧血
  (Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2000;43:325-9)
巨赤芽球性貧血の原因, 頻度

• 原因別の頻度 (AFP 2009;79:203-8)
     原因                入院患者       外来患者        >75yr       患者
                       @NY*       @Finland†   @Finland‡   @US, Finland¶
     アルコール             26%        65%         15%         36%
     Vit B12, 葉酸欠乏     6%         9%          28%         21%
     薬剤性               37%        3%          2%          11%
     甲状腺機能低下           -          1%          12%         5%
     骨髄異形成             6%         1%          5%          5%
     肝疾患               6%         -           2%          6%
     Reticulocytosis   8%         -           -           7%
     その他               3%         21%         13%         7%
     不明                7%         -           22%         12%

     * Am J Med Sci 2000;319:343-52
     † J Stud Alcohol 1996;57:97-100
     ‡ Age Ageing 1996;25:310-2
     ¶ Med Clin North Am 1992;76:581-97
巨赤芽球性貧血を来す薬剤                             (AFP 2009;79:203-8)

• HIV治療薬; 逆転写酵素阻害薬
  ▫ Stavudine, Lamivudine(ゼフィックス®),

• 抗てんかん薬
  ▫ Valproic acid(デパケンR®), Phenytoin(アレビアチン®)

• Folate Antagonist; MTX
• 化学療法; Alkylating agents, Pyrimidine, Purine inhibitors

• ST合剤

• Biguanide; Metformin(メルビン®, グリコラン®, メデット®)

• 好中球過分葉: 5分葉が3つ以上, 6分葉以上が1つ以上で判断
 ▫ アルコール症患者での巨赤芽球性貧血の予測
                              Sn(%)       Sp(%)            LR(+)          LR(-)
              MCV >100fl      66[49-79]   68[56-77]        2.0[1.4-3.0]   0.5[0.3-0.8]
              MCV >110fl      27[15-43]   98[90-100]       11[2.5-46]     0.8[0.6-0.9]
              大型卵形RBC         90[76-97]   68[56-77]        2.8[2.0-3.9]   0.1[0.1-0.4]
              大型卵形RBC>3%      56[40-71]   96[89-99]        15[4.8-47]     0.5[0.3-0.7]
              好中球過分葉          78[57-85]   95[87-98]        16[5.9-41]     0.2[0.1-0.4]
              LDH >225IU/L    73[57-85]   45[34-57]        1.3[1.0-1.8]   0.6[0.4-1.0]
              葉酸値<2.1 ng/mL   42[27-58]   76[65-85]        1.8[1.0-3.0]   0.8[0.6-1.0]

 ▫ 過分葉を伴う大球性貧血の原因(West J Med 1974;121:179-84)
            葉酸欠乏              44%   VitB12欠乏          2%
            葉酸+鉄欠乏            13%   VitB12+鉄欠乏        2%
            葉酸+VitB12欠乏       6%    腎不全               11%
            葉酸+VitB12+鉄欠乏     2%    未測定               11%
                                    不明                9%
Vit B12欠乏, 葉酸欠乏       Vit B12欠乏の原因         葉酸欠乏の原因
                      胃からの内因子欠乏      76%   アルコール症          87%
                      熱帯スプルー         9%    栄養不良            9%
                      腸管切除           7%    それ以外            4%
                      空腸憩室           2%
                      吸収不良           1%
• Vit B12欠乏では,        ベジタリアン         1%
                                           Am J Med
 回盲部病変にも注意すべき         不明             5%    1994;96:239-4

• アルコールは葉酸吸収を低下させる
 ▫ アルコール依存患者では摂取不足も大きな要素
 ▫ 葉酸は加熱にて半分に低下
 ▫ フェニトイン, フェノバルビタール, 経口避妊薬でも吸収低下
 ▫ MTX, ST合剤, サルファでは体内での利用障害が生じる
 ▫ 空腸病変(クローン, リンパ腫, スプルー, 強皮症, DM, アミロイド)
Vit B12, 葉酸欠乏
• 血液検査
 ▫ Vit B12は200-400pg/mlがCut-off
 ▫ 葉酸は2-4ng/mLがCut-off
  だが, 病院食を1回でも摂取すると正常化
  また, 絶飲食患者では低下する
 ▫ 鉄欠乏性貧血の治療に伴い, 葉酸値も有意に上昇を示す.
  (Blood 1970;35:821-8)           Vit B12 Level    Sn(%)    Sp(%)
                                  < 100pg/mL       ―        90%
                                  < 200pg/mL       90-95%   60%
                                  200-300pg/mL     5-10%    ―
                                  > 300pg/mL       <1%      ―

                                  Arch Intern Med 1999;159:1289-98
Am J Clin Nutr 1987;46:387-402
      葉酸, Vit B12欠乏モデル
      • 葉酸欠乏
                  Normal      Negative Balance   Folate Depletion      Folate欠乏
Liver Folate
Plasma Folate
Erythron Folate
血清葉酸値             >5ng/mL     <3ng/mL            <3ng/mL               <3ng/mL         <3ng/mL
RBC内葉酸値           >200ng/mL   >200ng/mL          <160ng/mL             <120ng/mL       <100ng/mL
分葉                <3.5        <3.5               <3.5                  >3.5            >3.5
肝内葉酸値             >3mcg/g     >3mcg/g            <1.6mcg/g             <1.2mcg/g       <1mcg/g
RBC               正常          正常                 正常                    正常              巨赤芽球性貧血
Am J Clin Nutr 1987;46:387-402
        • Vit B12欠乏
                  Normal           Negative Balance   B12低下           B12欠乏
Liver B12
HoloTC II         >30pg/mL         <20pg/mL           <20pg/mL        <12pg/mL       <12pg/mL
TC II %           >5%              <5%                <2%             <1%            <1%
Holohap           >150pg/mL        >150pg/mL          <150pg/mL       <100pg/mL      <100pg/mL
過分葉               No               No                 No              Yes            Yes
TBBC %            >15%             >15%               >15%            <15%           <10%
Hap %             >20%             >20%               >20%            <20%           <10%
RBC中葉酸            >160ng/mL        >160               >160            <140           <140
RBC               正常               正常                 正常              正常             巨赤芽球性貧血
TC II             正常               正常                 正常              上昇             上昇
Methylmalonate    (-)              (-)                (-)             ?              (+)
        • HoloTC II; Holotranscobalamin II
          TC II %; Transcobalamin IIとCobalamin比
            Holohap; Holohaptocorrin
            TBBC %; Total B12 binding capacity of plasma with B12
            Hap %; Total haptocorrinとB12比

57歳男性, 18ヶ月前からの
両側下肢の痺れと                 痛                   N Engl J Med 2013;368:149-60.

• 身体所見では, 下肢の振動覚, 関節位置覚の低下あり.
• 整形学的には問題無し.
• アルコール摂取は無し. 糖尿病も無し.
• 血液検査では, Hb 14.2g/dL, MCV 96fl, Vit B12 205pg/mL

• この患者の痺れの原因として

  ▫ Methylmalonic acid 3600nmol/L (正常<400)
    Hemocysteine 49.1 µmol/L (正常<14)
Methylmalonic Acid,                                    Arch Intern Med 1999;159:1289-98

               • 両者の代謝にVit B12, 葉酸のどちらか, 双方が必要
                ▫ 欠乏により血中濃度が上昇する ⇒ Markerとなり得る
                ▫ が, 国内ではMethylmalonic Acidの測定は不可能…
                                                    代謝産物               Vit B12欠乏    葉酸欠乏
Methylmalonic Acid                                  MMA上昇              98%          12%
   Hydrolase                                        Homocysteine上昇     96%          91%
Methylmalonyl-CoA                                   MMA ↑, Hcy →       4%           2%
                                                    MMA→, Hcy ↑        1%           80%
                                                    MMA→, Hcy→         0.2%         7%

Folate         DNA Synthesisに使用        CNSのメチル化に使用

Methyltetrahydrofolate                 Methionine
     +         Methyl-Cbl,             Tetrahydrofolate
Homocysteine   Methionine Synthetase
with daily oral treatment (169 nmol per liter, vs.
                                                                                                               265 nmol per liter with parenteral treatment)      12
                                         300,000                                                               and vitamin B12 levels were significantly higher
                                                                                                               (1005 pg per milliliter vs. 325 pg per milliliter
                                                                                                               [741.5 vs. 239.8 pmol per liter]). A more recent
 Serum Methylmalonic Acid (nmol/liter)


                                          50,000                                                               491名のVit B12欠乏患者の
                                                                                                               trial with a similar design involving a proprie-
                                                                                                               tary oral vitamin B12 preparation also revealed
                                                                                                               significantly lower levelsMethylmalonic acid 
                                                                                                               Homocysteine, of methylmalonic acid
                                                                                                               in the oral-treatment group at the 3-month follow-
                                                                                                               up.30 In a randomized trial comparing oral with
                                                                                                                Ht<35%,  Ht≥38%.
                                                                                                               intramuscular vitamin B12 (1000-µg doses, daily
                                                                                                               Methylmalonic acid; 
                                                                                                               for 10 days, then weekly for 4 weeks, and month-
                                                                                                               ly thereafter), the two groups had similar im-
                                                                                                               provements in hematologic abnormalities and
                                            500                                                                vitamin B12 levels at 90 days.44 Case series of
                                                                                                               patients treated with oral vitamin B12 have
                                                                                                               yielded variable results; elevated levels of meth-
                                            100                                                                ylmalonic acid, homocysteine, or both were re-
                                                   0 10   50   100   150   200   250   300   350   400   450
                                                                                                               ported in about half of patients with malabsorp-
                                                                                                                                        N Engl J Med 2013;368:149-60.
                                                               Serum Total Homocysteine (µmol/liter)
                                                                                                               tion who were treated with twice-weekly oral
Figure 4. Serum Methylmalonic Acid and Total Homocysteine Concentrations
                                                                                                               doses of 1000 µg,45 whereas normal homocyste-
in 491 Episodes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency.                                                                     ine levels were reported in patients treated with
The data shown have been combined from studies performed over a period                                         1500 µg daily after gastrectomy.46 Data are lack-
of 25 years.4,6,22,24,26,35,37,38 Most of the patients with clinically confirmed                               ing from long-term studies to assess whether
vitamin B12 deficiency had documented pernicious anemia and a proven re-                                       oral treatment is effective when doses are ad-
sponse to vitamin B12 therapy. Open circles indicate episodes in patients                                      ministered less frequently than daily. Studies
with a hematocrit lower than 38%, and solid circles indicate episodes in
those with a hematocrit of 38% or higher. Patients without anemia had
                                                                                                               involving older adults, many of whom had
neurologic manifestations of vitamin B12 deficiency and similar values of                                      chronic atrophic gastritis, showed that 60% re-
methylmalonic acid and total homocysteine. The axis for serum methylmalo-                                      quired large oral doses (>500 µg daily) to correct
nic acid is plotted on a log scale. The dashed lines indicate values that are                                  elevated levels of methylmalonic acid.47,48
3 SD above the mean for healthy blood donors: 376 nmol per liter for meth-                                        Proponents of parenteral therapy state that
ylmalonic acid and 21.3 µmol per liter for total homocysteine. The level of
methylmalonic acid was greater than 500 nmol per liter in 98% of the pa-
                                                                                                               compliance and monitoring are better in patients
tients and greater than 1000 nmol per liter in 86%. Adapted from Stabler.7                                     who receive this form of therapy because they

• >65yrのランダム抽出された高齢患者1562名にて
 Vit B12, 葉酸欠乏を評価
 ▫ Vit B12欠乏; Vit B12 <150pmol/Lもしくは,
   Vit B12 150-200pmol/L + MMA>0.35mcmol/L, tHcy >15.0mcmol/L
 ▫ 葉酸欠乏; Folate <5nmol/Lもしくは,
   Folate 5-7nmol/L + tHcy >15mcmol/L
                                           Am J Clin Nutr 2003;77:1241-7

 ▫ Vit B12欠乏に当てはまるのは,
   65-74yrの男性で11%, 女性で9%
   >=75yrの男性で24%, 女性で17%
 ▫ 葉酸欠乏に当てはまるのは,
   65-74yrの男性で10%, 女性で8%
   >=75yrの男性で20%, 女性で16%

• 高齢者では10-20%はVit B12, 葉酸欠乏である.

Vit B12, 葉酸欠乏と神経障害
                                     Lancet Neurol 2006;5:949-60

• Vit B12欠乏患者の40%で神経障害を合併する
 ▫ Vit B12欠乏性神経障害の20%, 葉酸欠乏の25%が貧血(-)
 ▫ 逆に巨赤芽球貧血患者の1/3で神経障害(-)
 ▫ 末梢神経障害, 認知障害など様々な神経障害を呈する
                   神経障害       Vit B12欠乏        葉酸欠乏
                   正常         32%              35%
                   認知障害       26%              27%
                   情動障害       20%              56%
                   亜急性連合変性症   16%              0%
                   末梢神経障害     40%              18%
                   視神経萎縮      2%               0%

 ▫ 末梢神経障害∼中枢神経障害, 認知症, 精神疾患様々な症状をとり得る.

• 末梢神経障害は双方で認めるが機序は異なる
 ▫ Vit B12欠乏による振動覚低下, 下肢より上行性に出現する.
  Vit B12は中枢, 末梢神経のミエリン合成に重要であり,
 ▫ 葉酸欠乏患者での末梢神経障害はアルコールによるもの
 ▫ 舌の    痛はVit B12欠乏で65%, 葉酸欠乏患者の33%で認める
  (Br Med J 1969;3:436-9)

• Peak年齢は60-70yrであり, 大半が40-90yrで生じる
                                                                Altered mental status
                                                                Cognitive defects
                                                                “Megaloblastic madness”: depression,

Vit B12欠乏の症状, 症候     Optic atrophy, anosmia, loss of taste,      mania, irritability, paranoia,
                                                                 delusions, lability

                                                                Spinal cord
                                                                Spongy degeneration
                     Abnormalities in infants and children
                     Developmental delay or regression,
                      permanent disability
                     Does not smile
                     Feeding difficulties
                     Hypotonia, lethargy, coma
                     Hyperirritability, convulsions, tremors,   Paresthesias
                      myoclonus                                 Loss of proprioception: vibration,
                     Microcephaly                                position, ataxic gait, limb weakness;
                                                                 spasticity (hyperreflexia); positive
                     Choreoathetoid movements
                                                                 Romberg sign; Lhermitte’s sign;
                                                                 segmental cutaneous sensory level
                                                                Autonomic nervous system
                                                                Postural hypotension
                     Infertility                                Incontinence
                                                                Peripheral nervous system
                     Peripheral blood                           Cutaneous sensory loss
                     Macrocytic red cells, macroovalocytes      Hyporeflexia
                     Anisocytosis, fragmented forms             Symmetric weakness
                     Hypersegmented neutrophils, 1% with        Paresthesias
                      six lobes or 5% with 5 lobes
                     Leukopenia, possible immature white
                      cells                                     Bone marrow
                     Thrombocytopenia                           Hypercellular, increased erythroid
                     Pancytopenia                                precursors
                     Elevated lactate dehydrogenase level       Open, immature nuclear chromatin
                      (extremes possible)                       Dyssynchrony between maturation of
                     Elevated indirect bilirubin and             cytoplasm and nuclei
                      aspartate aminotransferase levels         Giant bands, metamyelocytes
                     Decreased haptoglobin level                Karyorrhexis, dysplasia
                     Elevated levels of methylmalonic acid,     Abnormal results on flow cytometry
                      homocysteine, or both                      and cytogenetic analysis

                   N Engl J Med 2013;368:149-60.
Vit B12欠乏の治療                          Family Practice 2006;23:279-85

• 悪性貧血, 胃切患者でもVit B12の吸収はある
 ▫ 内因子を必要としない吸収経路, 回腸からも吸収

• Cobalamin 2mg/day POと1mg IV*を比較
 (RCT, N=38, 内28名が吸収不良あり)(Blood 1998;92:1191-1198)
 ▫ 2mo, 4moでの血中Vit B12濃度は経口投与群で有意に高値

• Cobalamin 1mg/day POと1mg IV‡を比較
 (RCT, N=70, 内35名が吸収不良あり)(Clin Ther 2003;25:3124-34)
 ▫ 両群で有意なVit B12上昇を認めたが, 両群間では比較していない

                                           * 1mg IV 1,3,7,10,14,21,30,60,90D
• 日本の保険適応は1.5mg/dayまで                      ‡ 1mg IV 10日間 ⇒ 週1回 4wk ⇒ 月1回
• 6hr後;     骨髄反応の開始
• 48hr後;    骨髄中巨赤芽球性変化消失, LDH低下, K低下
• 1wk;      網状赤血球増加のピーク
• 1-2wk;    末梢のWBC過分葉の消失
• 8wk;      Hbの正常化
• 6mo;      神経学的異常の改善

               ⇒ 鉄欠乏の合併を考慮

Vit B12欠乏の原因
• 重度の吸収障害;                                • 摂取不良
 ▫ 悪性貧血(自己免疫性胃炎)                          ▫ (成人)ベジタリアン
 ▫ 胃全摘後                                   ▫ (乳児)母乳中のVit B12欠乏
 ▫ Gastric bypass, bariatric surgery      ▫ (小児)成人と同様
 ▫ 空腸切除
 ▫ 炎症性腸疾患, Tropical aprue                 • Nitrous oxide中毒
 ▫ Imerslund-Grasbeck syndrome            • Nitrous oxide麻酔
• 中等症の吸収障害;
 ▫ Protein-bound vit B12 malabsorption 
 ▫ 軽度の萎縮性胃炎
 ▫ メトフォルミン使用
 ▫ 制酸剤使用                                        N Engl J Med 2013;368:149-60.

Vit B12欠乏の検査のまとめ                                                                                                                               N Engl J Med 2013;368:149-60.
Table 2. Laboratory Testing in Vitamin B12 Deficiency.*

Test                                                                Sensitivity                                         Specificity                                        Comments
Measurement to detect deficiency
   Serum vitamin B12 <200 pg/ml or labo-        65–95% for proven clinical deficiency†; 50%         50–60% for clinical response†; 80% for de-          Current vitamin B12 assays are especially
         ratory cutoff level                       for detecting elevated level of methylma-           tecting elevated level of methylmalonic             problematic in patients with anti–intrinsic
                                                   lonic acid                                          acid                                                factor antibodies
   Serum vitamin B12 <350 pg/ml                                       90%                           25% for detecting elevated level of methyl-
                                                                                                       malonic acid
   Holotranscobalamin <20 to 45 pmol/           Insufficient data on sensitivity for clinical de-   Insufficient data on specificity for clinical de-   Levels of holotranscobalamin increase in re-
          liter‡                                   ficiency; 46–89% for detecting elevated             ficiency; 28–96% for detecting elevated             nal failure; superior to measurement of
                                                   level of methylmalonic acid                         level of methylmalonic acid                         total vitamin B12 in pregnancy, when the
                                                                                                                                                           total level decreases
   Serum methylmalonic acid >400 nmol/                    98% for clinical deficiency               Poor specificity for clinical response in patients Renal failure and volume depletion may in-
         liter§                                                                                        with modest elevation of level of methyl-          crease level of serum methylmalonic
                                                                                                       malonic acid (300–1000 nmol/liter)¶                acid, but rarely to >1000 nmol/liter
   Serum or plasma total homocysteine                     96% for clinical deficiency               Homocysteine level also increased in clinical
         >21 µmol/liter                                                                               folate deficiency and renal insufficiency
Test to determine cause of deficiency
   Pernicious anemia
       Anti–intrinsic factor antibodies                               50%                                                100%                           Must be tested >7 days after vitamin B12 in-
                                                                                                                                                          jection to prevent false positive result
       Anti–parietal-cell antibodies                                  80%                                              50–100%
   Atrophic body gastritis (antral sparing)**
       Fasting high serum gastrin level                               85%
          (>100 pmol/liter)
   Low level of serum pepsinogen I                                    90%
          (<30 µg/liter)
       Endoscopy with pentagastrin-fast                                                                                  100%                                         Rarely performed
   Malabsorption of vitamin B12††
       Vitamin B12 absorption test                                                                                                                      Schilling test no longer available
       Increase in serum holotranscobalamin                        Unknown                                             Unknown                          Promising preclinical data, but still experi-
           level after oral loading                                                                                                                        mental

Vit B12欠乏と皮膚色素沈着
• Vit B12欠乏患者では, 皮膚のHyperpigmentationを認めることがある
 ▫ 貧血に先立って(1yr程度)色素沈着を生じることもあり,
     Vit B12欠乏の初発症状としてもあり得る.
 ▫ 手足の皺, 関節の伸側で多いが, 顔面, 体幹に生じることもある.
     他には爪の縦方向に走る縞や, 歯肉の色素沈着, 白髪も認める.
 ▫ それらはVit B12補充にて6mo後には完全に消失
                 hair follicle might lead to cavities whereas in the skin a
 ▫               hyperpigmentation would be the result.
                 Department of Dermatology,                          Shiro NIIYAMA
                 Yokohama Rosai Hospital, 3211 Kozukue,               Hideki MUKAI
                 Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa,
                       Vit B12補充 6mo後
                 222-0036 Japan
                 1. Gilliam JN, Cox AJ. Epidermal changes in vitamin B12 deficiency.
                 Arch Dermatol 1973; 107: 231-6.
                 2. Marks VJ, Briggaman RA, Wheeler CE Jr.. Hyperpigmentation in
                 megaloblastic anemia. J Am Acad Dermatol 1985; 12: 914-7.
                 3. Mori K, Ando I, Kukita A. Generalized hyperpigmentation of the skin
                 due to vitamin B12 deficiency. J Dermatol 2001; 28: 282-5.
                 4. Commo S, Gaillard O, Bernard BA. Human hair greying is linked to
                 a specific depletion of hair follicle melanocytes affecting both the bulb
                 and the outer root sheath. Br J Dermatol 2004; 150: 435-43.
                 5. Noppakun N, Swasdikul D. Reversible hyperpigmentation of skin
                 and nails with white hair due to vitamin B12 deficiency. Arch Dermatol
                 1986; 122: 896-9.
                          EJD 2007;17:551-2

Vit B12欠乏と皮膚色素沈着
• 色素沈着の機序
 ▫ Vit B12欠乏はGlutathioneの低下を来す.
 ▫ また, Melaninの輸送が障害されるとの機序も報告されている.
to have megaloblastic anaemia, a low serum vitamin B12
                               TABLE II.-Urinary Ketogenic Steroid Excretion Before and          (15 ,tqg./ml.), and a defect in vitamin-B12 absorption
                                            After A.C.T.H. Administration
                                                          17-Ketogenic Steroids (mg./24 hours)
                                                                                                 (Table III). On treatment with vitamin 12 he had a
                                                                                                 haematological remission and the pigment disappeared.
                                 Case No.        Sex
                                                                                                 In 1957 he still had a defect of vitamin-B12 absorption,
                                                          Before A.C.T.H.     After A.C.T.H.
                                     2           F               2-6                8-6          a haemoglobin of 11 g., a serunim vitamin B12 in the
                                     3           M               4-4               14-5
    • Vit B12欠乏 + 色素沈着の成人患者(15), 小児患者(6名) III.-Case 15.
                                       TABLE     M
                                                                                                                                  Clinical and Haematological Data
                                                                                                                                                         Serum pg. Vit. B12
                                    12           M              8-1                11-2                                 Pigmen-   Hb (g./     Bone-     Vit. B12 Absorbed
                                    15           M              5-6                18-2                Date              tation   100 ml.)   marrow     (ppg./ Alone Pl.u
        ▫ 成人の年齢は16-50yr, 小児では1-10 mo.                                                            September, 1956        ++++        6-2      Megalo-
                                                                                                                                                           15   0-05
                                 In every case the pigmentation disappeared with the                                                          blastic
                              administration of vitamin B12' As might be expected,               November, 1957           -        110       Normo-       170   0-08    -

        ▫ Hgは2.9-14.3g/dL. 成人でHg>10g/dLであったのは4/15.
                              this occurred more rapidly in the infants than in the
                                              August, 1958
                              adults. In the infants the pigmentation frequently
                                              June, 1960
                                                                                                                         + ++
                                                                                                                                   10 0
                                                                                                                                                                       0 11
                              disappeared within three weeks. In the adults obvious                                                           blastic

        ▫ 平均Vit B12値は49pg/mL, ACTH負荷試験では副腎機能は正常. hyperpigmentation.
                              change was usually present within two weeks of starting
                              vitamin B12 therapy, but in many cases it took from
                                          normal range, and no                                                                                In 1958 he
                              6 to 12 weeks to restore the colour to normal.                     returned complaining of a recurrence of pigmentation.
                                 In the two cases where there was pigmentation of the            At this time he again had a megaloblastic bone-marrow,
        ▫ 色素沈着は手足の末端、IP関節から手指末端までが多い.
                              nails and nail beds a definite band between the distal
                              pigmented areas which had formed while the patient was
                                                                                                 with a serum vitamin B12 of 35 tttzg./ml. and a defective
                                                                                                 absorption. He was again treated with vitamin B12 by
                              vitamin-Bl2 deficient and the new proximal unpigmented             injection, when his haematological condition improved
           爪は白色のままであることが多い.   areas could be seen growing up with the nail (Fig. 3).             and the pigmentation disappeared. He was not seen
                                                                                                 subsequently until 1960, when he noticed the return of
                                 In Case 13 0.2 mg. of folic acid was given daily by
                              injection, but this produced no haematological or clinical         pigmentation. At this time he also had a megaloblastic
    • Vit B12投与により全例が色素沈着改善   response and the serum-vitamin-B12 level remained low.
                              On giving 15 mg. of folic acid daily by injection the
                                                                                                 marrow, a low serum vitamin B12, and a defect of
                                                                                                 vitamin-B12 absorption. Again he responded to paren-
                              marrow reverted to normoblastic and a decrease in                  teral vitamin-B12 therapy. He has not been seen since.
        ▫ 乳児例では改善が早く, 3wk以内に全例改善.
                              pigmentation was noted. This larger dose of folic acid
                              produced a temporary rise in serum-vitamin-B12 levels.
                              The decrease in pigmentation, however, was not
                              sustained, and it finally cleared only with the administra-           In each of the 21 cases included in this report the
           成人例では2wk以内に目に見える変化があり, 6-12wkで改善する.
                               tion of vitamin B12-1 ttg./day by injection.                      characteristic pigmentation of the hands and feet was

BMJ 1963;June 29:1713-5

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G 1 貧血3 巨赤芽球性

  • 2. 巨赤芽球性貧血 • MCV >=130flならばほぼ100%が巨赤芽球性貧血 ▫ MCV 115-129fl 50% MCV 80-100fl <25% MCV <80fl 0% (混合性でない限り) (Am J Med 1994;96:239-46) • PLT減少(<150000)は12%, WBC減少(<4000)は9%で合併 • LDHの異常高値も, (CK, ALT正常より血液由来と確認されれば) 溶血性貧血, 巨赤芽球性貧血などの無効造血と言える ▫ LDH >=3000U/Lならば溶血性よりは巨赤芽球性貧血 (Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2000;43:325-9)
  • 3. 巨赤芽球性貧血の原因, 頻度 • 原因別の頻度 (AFP 2009;79:203-8) 原因 入院患者 外来患者 >75yr  患者 @NY* @Finland† @Finland‡ @US, Finland¶ アルコール 26% 65% 15% 36% Vit B12, 葉酸欠乏 6% 9% 28% 21% 薬剤性 37% 3% 2% 11% 甲状腺機能低下 - 1% 12% 5% 骨髄異形成 6% 1% 5% 5% 肝疾患 6% - 2% 6% Reticulocytosis 8% - - 7% その他 3% 21% 13% 7% 不明 7% - 22% 12% * Am J Med Sci 2000;319:343-52 † J Stud Alcohol 1996;57:97-100 ‡ Age Ageing 1996;25:310-2 ¶ Med Clin North Am 1992;76:581-97
  • 4. 巨赤芽球性貧血を来す薬剤 (AFP 2009;79:203-8) • HIV治療薬; 逆転写酵素阻害薬 ▫ Stavudine, Lamivudine(ゼフィックス®), Zidovudine(レトロビル®) • 抗てんかん薬 ▫ Valproic acid(デパケンR®), Phenytoin(アレビアチン®) • Folate Antagonist; MTX • 化学療法; Alkylating agents, Pyrimidine, Purine inhibitors • ST合剤 • Biguanide; Metformin(メルビン®, グリコラン®, メデット®)
  • 5. 好中球過分葉 • 好中球過分葉: 5分葉が3つ以上, 6分葉以上が1つ以上で判断 ▫ アルコール症患者での巨赤芽球性貧血の予測 Sn(%) Sp(%) LR(+) LR(-) MCV >100fl 66[49-79] 68[56-77] 2.0[1.4-3.0] 0.5[0.3-0.8] MCV >110fl 27[15-43] 98[90-100] 11[2.5-46] 0.8[0.6-0.9] 大型卵形RBC 90[76-97] 68[56-77] 2.8[2.0-3.9] 0.1[0.1-0.4] 大型卵形RBC>3% 56[40-71] 96[89-99] 15[4.8-47] 0.5[0.3-0.7] 好中球過分葉 78[57-85] 95[87-98] 16[5.9-41] 0.2[0.1-0.4] LDH >225IU/L 73[57-85] 45[34-57] 1.3[1.0-1.8] 0.6[0.4-1.0] 葉酸値<2.1 ng/mL 42[27-58] 76[65-85] 1.8[1.0-3.0] 0.8[0.6-1.0] ▫ 過分葉を伴う大球性貧血の原因(West J Med 1974;121:179-84) 葉酸欠乏 44% VitB12欠乏 2% 葉酸+鉄欠乏 13% VitB12+鉄欠乏 2% 葉酸+VitB12欠乏 6% 腎不全 11% 葉酸+VitB12+鉄欠乏 2% 未測定 11% 不明 9%
  • 6. Vit B12欠乏, 葉酸欠乏 Vit B12欠乏の原因 葉酸欠乏の原因 胃からの内因子欠乏 76% アルコール症 87% 熱帯スプルー 9% 栄養不良 9% 腸管切除 7% それ以外 4% 空腸憩室 2% 吸収不良 1% • Vit B12欠乏では, ベジタリアン 1% Am J Med 回盲部病変にも注意すべき 不明 5% 1994;96:239-4 • アルコールは葉酸吸収を低下させる ▫ アルコール依存患者では摂取不足も大きな要素 ▫ 葉酸は加熱にて半分に低下 ▫ フェニトイン, フェノバルビタール, 経口避妊薬でも吸収低下 ▫ MTX, ST合剤, サルファでは体内での利用障害が生じる ▫ 空腸病変(クローン, リンパ腫, スプルー, 強皮症, DM, アミロイド) でも吸収障害あり
  • 7. Vit B12, 葉酸欠乏 • 血液検査 ▫ Vit B12は200-400pg/mlがCut-off ▫ 葉酸は2-4ng/mLがCut-off だが, 病院食を1回でも摂取すると正常化 また, 絶飲食患者では低下する ▫ 鉄欠乏性貧血の治療に伴い, 葉酸値も有意に上昇を示す. (Blood 1970;35:821-8) Vit B12 Level Sn(%) Sp(%) < 100pg/mL ― 90% < 200pg/mL 90-95% 60% 200-300pg/mL 5-10% ― > 300pg/mL <1% ― Arch Intern Med 1999;159:1289-98
  • 8. Am J Clin Nutr 1987;46:387-402 葉酸, Vit B12欠乏モデル • 葉酸欠乏 Normal Negative Balance Folate Depletion Folate欠乏 Liver Folate Plasma Folate Erythron Folate 血清葉酸値 >5ng/mL <3ng/mL <3ng/mL <3ng/mL <3ng/mL RBC内葉酸値 >200ng/mL >200ng/mL <160ng/mL <120ng/mL <100ng/mL 分葉 <3.5 <3.5 <3.5 >3.5 >3.5 肝内葉酸値 >3mcg/g >3mcg/g <1.6mcg/g <1.2mcg/g <1mcg/g RBC 正常 正常 正常 正常 巨赤芽球性貧血
  • 9. Am J Clin Nutr 1987;46:387-402 • Vit B12欠乏 Normal Negative Balance B12低下 B12欠乏 Liver B12 HoloTC II RBC+WBC B12 HoloTC II >30pg/mL <20pg/mL <20pg/mL <12pg/mL <12pg/mL TC II % >5% <5% <2% <1% <1% Holohap >150pg/mL >150pg/mL <150pg/mL <100pg/mL <100pg/mL 過分葉 No No No Yes Yes TBBC % >15% >15% >15% <15% <10% Hap % >20% >20% >20% <20% <10% RBC中葉酸 >160ng/mL >160 >160 <140 <140 RBC 正常 正常 正常 正常 巨赤芽球性貧血 TC II 正常 正常 正常 上昇 上昇 Methylmalonate (-) (-) (-) ? (+) • HoloTC II; Holotranscobalamin II TC II %; Transcobalamin IIとCobalamin比 Holohap; Holohaptocorrin TBBC %; Total B12 binding capacity of plasma with B12 Hap %; Total haptocorrinとB12比
  • 10. 10 57歳男性, 18ヶ月前からの 両側下肢の痺れと 痛 N Engl J Med 2013;368:149-60. • 身体所見では, 下肢の振動覚, 関節位置覚の低下あり. • 整形学的には問題無し. • アルコール摂取は無し. 糖尿病も無し. • 血液検査では, Hb 14.2g/dL, MCV 96fl, Vit B12 205pg/mL • この患者の痺れの原因として ビタミンB12欠乏の可能性はあるか? ▫ Methylmalonic acid 3600nmol/L (正常<400) Hemocysteine 49.1 µmol/L (正常<14)
  • 11. Methylmalonic Acid, Arch Intern Med 1999;159:1289-98 Homocysteine • 両者の代謝にVit B12, 葉酸のどちらか, 双方が必要 ▫ 欠乏により血中濃度が上昇する ⇒ Markerとなり得る ▫ が, 国内ではMethylmalonic Acidの測定は不可能… 代謝産物 Vit B12欠乏 葉酸欠乏 Methylmalonic Acid MMA上昇 98% 12% Hydrolase Homocysteine上昇 96% 91% Methylmalonyl-CoA MMA ↑, Hcy → 4% 2% MMA→, Hcy ↑ 1% 80% Ado-Cbl MMA→, Hcy→ 0.2% 7% Succinyl-CoA Folate DNA Synthesisに使用 CNSのメチル化に使用 Methyltetrahydrofolate Methionine + Methyl-Cbl, Tetrahydrofolate Homocysteine Methionine Synthetase
  • 12. with daily oral treatment (169 nmol per liter, vs. 265 nmol per liter with parenteral treatment) 12 300,000 and vitamin B12 levels were significantly higher (1005 pg per milliliter vs. 325 pg per milliliter [741.5 vs. 239.8 pmol per liter]). A more recent Serum Methylmalonic Acid (nmol/liter) 100,000 50,000 491名のVit B12欠乏患者の trial with a similar design involving a proprie- tary oral vitamin B12 preparation also revealed significantly lower levelsMethylmalonic acid  Homocysteine, of methylmalonic acid 10,000 in the oral-treatment group at the 3-month follow- up.30 In a randomized trial comparing oral with  Ht<35%,  Ht≥38%. 5,000 intramuscular vitamin B12 (1000-µg doses, daily Methylmalonic acid;  for 10 days, then weekly for 4 weeks, and month- ly thereafter), the two groups had similar im- 1,000  >500nmol/Lは感度98%, provements in hematologic abnormalities and 500 vitamin B12 levels at 90 days.44 Case series of  >1000nmol/Lは感度86% patients treated with oral vitamin B12 have yielded variable results; elevated levels of meth- 100 ylmalonic acid, homocysteine, or both were re- 0 10 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 ported in about half of patients with malabsorp- N Engl J Med 2013;368:149-60. Serum Total Homocysteine (µmol/liter) tion who were treated with twice-weekly oral Figure 4. Serum Methylmalonic Acid and Total Homocysteine Concentrations doses of 1000 µg,45 whereas normal homocyste- in 491 Episodes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency. ine levels were reported in patients treated with The data shown have been combined from studies performed over a period 1500 µg daily after gastrectomy.46 Data are lack- of 25 years.4,6,22,24,26,35,37,38 Most of the patients with clinically confirmed ing from long-term studies to assess whether vitamin B12 deficiency had documented pernicious anemia and a proven re- oral treatment is effective when doses are ad- sponse to vitamin B12 therapy. Open circles indicate episodes in patients ministered less frequently than daily. Studies with a hematocrit lower than 38%, and solid circles indicate episodes in those with a hematocrit of 38% or higher. Patients without anemia had involving older adults, many of whom had neurologic manifestations of vitamin B12 deficiency and similar values of chronic atrophic gastritis, showed that 60% re- methylmalonic acid and total homocysteine. The axis for serum methylmalo- quired large oral doses (>500 µg daily) to correct nic acid is plotted on a log scale. The dashed lines indicate values that are elevated levels of methylmalonic acid.47,48 3 SD above the mean for healthy blood donors: 376 nmol per liter for meth- Proponents of parenteral therapy state that ylmalonic acid and 21.3 µmol per liter for total homocysteine. The level of methylmalonic acid was greater than 500 nmol per liter in 98% of the pa- compliance and monitoring are better in patients tients and greater than 1000 nmol per liter in 86%. Adapted from Stabler.7 who receive this form of therapy because they
  • 13. 13 • >65yrのランダム抽出された高齢患者1562名にて Vit B12, 葉酸欠乏を評価 ▫ Vit B12欠乏; Vit B12 <150pmol/Lもしくは,  Vit B12 150-200pmol/L + MMA>0.35mcmol/L, tHcy >15.0mcmol/L ▫ 葉酸欠乏; Folate <5nmol/Lもしくは,  Folate 5-7nmol/L + tHcy >15mcmol/L Am J Clin Nutr 2003;77:1241-7 ▫ Vit B12欠乏に当てはまるのは,  65-74yrの男性で11%, 女性で9%  >=75yrの男性で24%, 女性で17% ▫ 葉酸欠乏に当てはまるのは,  65-74yrの男性で10%, 女性で8%  >=75yrの男性で20%, 女性で16% • 高齢者では10-20%はVit B12, 葉酸欠乏である.
  • 14. 14 Vit B12, 葉酸欠乏と神経障害 Lancet Neurol 2006;5:949-60 • Vit B12欠乏患者の40%で神経障害を合併する ▫ Vit B12欠乏性神経障害の20%, 葉酸欠乏の25%が貧血(-) ▫ 逆に巨赤芽球貧血患者の1/3で神経障害(-) ▫ 末梢神経障害, 認知障害など様々な神経障害を呈する 神経障害 Vit B12欠乏 葉酸欠乏 正常 32% 35% 認知障害 26% 27% 情動障害 20% 56% 亜急性連合変性症 16% 0% 末梢神経障害 40% 18% 視神経萎縮 2% 0% ▫ 末梢神経障害∼中枢神経障害, 認知症, 精神疾患様々な症状をとり得る.
  • 15. 15 • 末梢神経障害は双方で認めるが機序は異なる ▫ Vit B12欠乏による振動覚低下, 下肢より上行性に出現する. Vit B12は中枢, 末梢神経のミエリン合成に重要であり, 欠乏にて脱髄性の変化を来す. ▫ 葉酸欠乏患者での末梢神経障害はアルコールによるもの ▫ 舌の 痛はVit B12欠乏で65%, 葉酸欠乏患者の33%で認める (Br Med J 1969;3:436-9) • Peak年齢は60-70yrであり, 大半が40-90yrで生じる
  • 16. Brain 16 Altered mental status Cognitive defects “Megaloblastic madness”: depression, Vit B12欠乏の症状, 症候 Optic atrophy, anosmia, loss of taste, mania, irritability, paranoia, delusions, lability glossitis Spinal cord Myelopathy Spongy degeneration Abnormalities in infants and children Developmental delay or regression, permanent disability Does not smile Feeding difficulties Hypotonia, lethargy, coma Hyperirritability, convulsions, tremors, Paresthesias myoclonus Loss of proprioception: vibration, Microcephaly position, ataxic gait, limb weakness; spasticity (hyperreflexia); positive Choreoathetoid movements Romberg sign; Lhermitte’s sign; segmental cutaneous sensory level Autonomic nervous system Postural hypotension Infertility Incontinence Impotence Peripheral nervous system Peripheral blood Cutaneous sensory loss Macrocytic red cells, macroovalocytes Hyporeflexia Anisocytosis, fragmented forms Symmetric weakness Hypersegmented neutrophils, 1% with Paresthesias six lobes or 5% with 5 lobes Leukopenia, possible immature white cells Bone marrow Thrombocytopenia Hypercellular, increased erythroid Pancytopenia precursors Elevated lactate dehydrogenase level Open, immature nuclear chromatin (extremes possible) Dyssynchrony between maturation of Elevated indirect bilirubin and cytoplasm and nuclei aspartate aminotransferase levels Giant bands, metamyelocytes Decreased haptoglobin level Karyorrhexis, dysplasia Elevated levels of methylmalonic acid, Abnormal results on flow cytometry homocysteine, or both and cytogenetic analysis N Engl J Med 2013;368:149-60.
  • 17. Vit B12欠乏の治療 Family Practice 2006;23:279-85 • 悪性貧血, 胃切患者でもVit B12の吸収はある ▫ 内因子を必要としない吸収経路, 回腸からも吸収 (摂取量の約1%程度)(内因子を通しての吸収率は60%に達する) • Cobalamin 2mg/day POと1mg IV*を比較 (RCT, N=38, 内28名が吸収不良あり)(Blood 1998;92:1191-1198) ▫ 2mo, 4moでの血中Vit B12濃度は経口投与群で有意に高値 • Cobalamin 1mg/day POと1mg IV‡を比較 (RCT, N=70, 内35名が吸収不良あり)(Clin Ther 2003;25:3124-34) ▫ 両群で有意なVit B12上昇を認めたが, 両群間では比較していない * 1mg IV 1,3,7,10,14,21,30,60,90D • 日本の保険適応は1.5mg/dayまで ‡ 1mg IV 10日間 ⇒ 週1回 4wk ⇒ 月1回
  • 18. 治療への反応 • 6hr後; 骨髄反応の開始 • 48hr後; 骨髄中巨赤芽球性変化消失, LDH低下, K低下 • 1wk; 網状赤血球増加のピーク • 1-2wk; 末梢のWBC過分葉の消失 • 8wk; Hbの正常化 • 6mo; 神経学的異常の改善 治療が思ったように上手くゆかない場合 ⇒ 鉄欠乏の合併を考慮 治療開始時に鉄欠乏(-)でも起こり得る 治療失敗の最も多い原因とされる (自己免疫性胃炎や胃全摘では鉄の吸収も低下している!)
  • 19. 19 Vit B12欠乏の原因 • 重度の吸収障害; • 摂取不良 ▫ 悪性貧血(自己免疫性胃炎) ▫ (成人)ベジタリアン ▫ 胃全摘後 ▫ (乳児)母乳中のVit B12欠乏 ▫ Gastric bypass, bariatric surgery  ▫ (小児)成人と同様 ▫ 空腸切除 ▫ 炎症性腸疾患, Tropical aprue • Nitrous oxide中毒 ▫ Imerslund-Grasbeck syndrome  • Nitrous oxide麻酔 • 中等症の吸収障害; ▫ Protein-bound vit B12 malabsorption  ▫ 軽度の萎縮性胃炎 ▫ メトフォルミン使用 ▫ 制酸剤使用 N Engl J Med 2013;368:149-60.
  • 20. 20 Vit B12欠乏の検査のまとめ N Engl J Med 2013;368:149-60. Table 2. Laboratory Testing in Vitamin B12 Deficiency.* Test Sensitivity Specificity Comments Measurement to detect deficiency Serum vitamin B12 <200 pg/ml or labo- 65–95% for proven clinical deficiency†; 50% 50–60% for clinical response†; 80% for de- Current vitamin B12 assays are especially ratory cutoff level for detecting elevated level of methylma- tecting elevated level of methylmalonic problematic in patients with anti–intrinsic lonic acid acid factor antibodies Serum vitamin B12 <350 pg/ml 90% 25% for detecting elevated level of methyl- malonic acid Holotranscobalamin <20 to 45 pmol/ Insufficient data on sensitivity for clinical de- Insufficient data on specificity for clinical de- Levels of holotranscobalamin increase in re- liter‡ ficiency; 46–89% for detecting elevated ficiency; 28–96% for detecting elevated nal failure; superior to measurement of level of methylmalonic acid level of methylmalonic acid total vitamin B12 in pregnancy, when the total level decreases Serum methylmalonic acid >400 nmol/ 98% for clinical deficiency Poor specificity for clinical response in patients Renal failure and volume depletion may in- liter§ with modest elevation of level of methyl- crease level of serum methylmalonic malonic acid (300–1000 nmol/liter)¶ acid, but rarely to >1000 nmol/liter Serum or plasma total homocysteine 96% for clinical deficiency Homocysteine level also increased in clinical >21 µmol/liter folate deficiency and renal insufficiency Test to determine cause of deficiency Pernicious anemia Anti–intrinsic factor antibodies 50% 100% Must be tested >7 days after vitamin B12 in- jection to prevent false positive result Anti–parietal-cell antibodies 80% 50–100% Atrophic body gastritis (antral sparing)** Fasting high serum gastrin level 85% (>100 pmol/liter) Low level of serum pepsinogen I 90% (<30 µg/liter) Endoscopy with pentagastrin-fast 100% Rarely performed hypochlorhydria Malabsorption of vitamin B12†† Vitamin B12 absorption test Schilling test no longer available Increase in serum holotranscobalamin Unknown Unknown Promising preclinical data, but still experi- level after oral loading mental
  • 21. 21 Vit B12欠乏と皮膚色素沈着 • Vit B12欠乏患者では, 皮膚のHyperpigmentationを認めることがある ▫ 貧血に先立って(1yr程度)色素沈着を生じることもあり, Vit B12欠乏の初発症状としてもあり得る. ▫ 手足の皺, 関節の伸側で多いが, 顔面, 体幹に生じることもある. 他には爪の縦方向に走る縞や, 歯肉の色素沈着, 白髪も認める. ▫ それらはVit B12補充にて6mo後には完全に消失 hair follicle might lead to cavities whereas in the skin a ▫ hyperpigmentation would be the result. Department of Dermatology, Shiro NIIYAMA Yokohama Rosai Hospital, 3211 Kozukue, Hideki MUKAI Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Vit B12補充 6mo後 222-0036 Japan 1. Gilliam JN, Cox AJ. Epidermal changes in vitamin B12 deficiency. Arch Dermatol 1973; 107: 231-6. 2. Marks VJ, Briggaman RA, Wheeler CE Jr.. Hyperpigmentation in megaloblastic anemia. J Am Acad Dermatol 1985; 12: 914-7. 3. Mori K, Ando I, Kukita A. Generalized hyperpigmentation of the skin due to vitamin B12 deficiency. J Dermatol 2001; 28: 282-5. 4. Commo S, Gaillard O, Bernard BA. Human hair greying is linked to a specific depletion of hair follicle melanocytes affecting both the bulb and the outer root sheath. Br J Dermatol 2004; 150: 435-43. 5. Noppakun N, Swasdikul D. Reversible hyperpigmentation of skin and nails with white hair due to vitamin B12 deficiency. Arch Dermatol 1986; 122: 896-9. EJD 2007;17:551-2
  • 22. 22 Vit B12欠乏と皮膚色素沈着 • 色素沈着の機序 ▫ Vit B12欠乏はGlutathioneの低下を来す. Glutathioneの低下はtyrosinase上昇を来たし, tyrosinaseがHypermelanosisを引き起こす. ▫ また, Melaninの輸送が障害されるとの機序も報告されている.
  • 23. to have megaloblastic anaemia, a low serum vitamin B12 TABLE II.-Urinary Ketogenic Steroid Excretion Before and (15 ,tqg./ml.), and a defect in vitamin-B12 absorption After A.C.T.H. Administration 17-Ketogenic Steroids (mg./24 hours) (Table III). On treatment with vitamin 12 he had a haematological remission and the pigment disappeared. 23 Case No. Sex In 1957 he still had a defect of vitamin-B12 absorption, Before A.C.T.H. After A.C.T.H. 2 F 2-6 8-6 a haemoglobin of 11 g., a serunim vitamin B12 in the 3 M 4-4 14-5 • Vit B12欠乏 + 色素沈着の成人患者(15), 小児患者(6名) III.-Case 15. 5 6 8 10 TABLE M F M F 15-0 4-0 7-7 4-6 28-5 14-9 12-0 13-7 Clinical and Haematological Data Serum pg. Vit. B12 12 M 8-1 11-2 Pigmen- Hb (g./ Bone- Vit. B12 Absorbed 15 M 5-6 18-2 Date tation 100 ml.) marrow (ppg./ Alone Pl.u ▫ 成人の年齢は16-50yr, 小児では1-10 mo. September, 1956 ++++ 6-2 Megalo- ml.) 15 0-05 IF. 0-06 In every case the pigmentation disappeared with the blastic administration of vitamin B12' As might be expected, November, 1957 - 110 Normo- 170 0-08 - ▫ Hgは2.9-14.3g/dL. 成人でHg>10g/dLであったのは4/15. this occurred more rapidly in the infants than in the August, 1958 adults. In the infants the pigmentation frequently June, 1960 .. .. + ++ ++ 7-2 10 0 blastic Megalo- blastic Megalo- 35 62 0*11 0-07 0-10 0 11 disappeared within three weeks. In the adults obvious blastic ▫ 平均Vit B12値は49pg/mL, ACTH負荷試験では副腎機能は正常. hyperpigmentation. change was usually present within two weeks of starting vitamin B12 therapy, but in many cases it took from normal range, and no In 1958 he 6 to 12 weeks to restore the colour to normal. returned complaining of a recurrence of pigmentation. In the two cases where there was pigmentation of the At this time he again had a megaloblastic bone-marrow, ▫ 色素沈着は手足の末端、IP関節から手指末端までが多い. nails and nail beds a definite band between the distal pigmented areas which had formed while the patient was with a serum vitamin B12 of 35 tttzg./ml. and a defective absorption. He was again treated with vitamin B12 by vitamin-Bl2 deficient and the new proximal unpigmented injection, when his haematological condition improved 爪は白色のままであることが多い. areas could be seen growing up with the nail (Fig. 3). and the pigmentation disappeared. He was not seen subsequently until 1960, when he noticed the return of In Case 13 0.2 mg. of folic acid was given daily by injection, but this produced no haematological or clinical pigmentation. At this time he also had a megaloblastic • Vit B12投与により全例が色素沈着改善 response and the serum-vitamin-B12 level remained low. On giving 15 mg. of folic acid daily by injection the marrow, a low serum vitamin B12, and a defect of vitamin-B12 absorption. Again he responded to paren- marrow reverted to normoblastic and a decrease in teral vitamin-B12 therapy. He has not been seen since. ▫ 乳児例では改善が早く, 3wk以内に全例改善. pigmentation was noted. This larger dose of folic acid produced a temporary rise in serum-vitamin-B12 levels. Discussion The decrease in pigmentation, however, was not sustained, and it finally cleared only with the administra- In each of the 21 cases included in this report the 成人例では2wk以内に目に見える変化があり, 6-12wkで改善する. tion of vitamin B12-1 ttg./day by injection. characteristic pigmentation of the hands and feet was BMJ 1963;June 29:1713-5