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Approach To The
Diagnosis of Anemia
   Gerald A. Soff M.D.
Red Blood Cells (RBCs)
• Nutrient Factors
  – Iron
  – Folic acid
  – B12
• Life Cycle and Breakdown
  – Finite life span 120 ± 20 days
  – Removal of RBCs performed by the
    reticuloendothelial (RE) system
Generally, Two Different Systems
   Have Been Used To Classify
• The Morphologic System;
  – (1) Microcytic (MCV < 80), Hypochromic (MCH < 30)
  – (2) Macrocytic (MCV >100), Normochromic (MCH 30–34)
  – (3) Normocytic (MCV 80–100), Normochromic.
• Red Cell Kinetics
  – Hypoproliferative (Decreased Production) vs.
  – Increased Destruction or Blood Loss
Normal Blood Smear

         Central Pallor normally
         approximately 1/3 of cell
Reticulocyte Stain
• Precipitated ribosomal RNA in young red cells.
• Normally Approximately 1-2% of total red cells.
• ~50-100,000/ul absolute count
• If reticulocytes are not elevated, (in setting of anemia), then it
  is low, i.e. hypoproductive.
• Elevated reticulocyte index indicates response to hemolysis
  or blood loss.
Reticulocyte Index
• Reticulocyte “Count” as a percent of red cells. Only
  obtained when ordered. (Similar, but distinguished from
• Reticulocyte Index = (Retic %)*(Pt. Hgb/Nl Hgb)
• (In severe anemia, reticulocytes are released prematurely,
  so further divide retic. index by 2.)
• Absolute reticulocyte number=
    – (red cell number) X (reticulocyte percent)
    – (Normal; approximately 50,000-100,000/ul)
• If reticulocytes are not elevated, (in setting of anemia),
  then it is low, i.e. hypoproductive.
• Elevated reticulocyte index indicates response to
  hemolysis or blood loss.
Microcytic/Hypochromic Red Cells
             • Processes which affect
               Hemoglobin Synthesis;
                – Reduced Globin chain
                  synthesis (Thalassemias)
                – Iron deficiency
                – Some Myeloproliferative/
                  Myelodysplastic Syndromes
                  (Deficiencies in porphyrin
                  and heme synthesis)
                – Some anemia of chronic
Hemoglobin Synthesis
             • Key Components
             • Globin chain (protein)
             • Heme/porphyrin ring
             • Iron
Iron Deficiency
• Nutritional deficiency rare after childhood.
   – May be seen in adolescent females,
     especially with onset on menses.
• Essential to identify putative source of blood
  loss, i.e. Gyn, GI.
• Rare for iron deficiency from hematuria or
• Decreased iron absorption seen with chronic
  acid neutralization in stomach from PPIs, due to
  reduced oxidation of ferrous to ferric form.
Iron Deficiency
Pale conjunctiva,
pale palm creases       Koilonychia
Hemoglobinopathies and
    (Decreased Production of Globin Chains)
•  -Thalassemia; Decreased Production of -
  globin chains
• -Thalassemia; Decreased Production of -
  globin chains.
• Results in decreased hemoglobin synthesis
  and a microcytic/hypochromic anemia
• Severity of disease is depending upon the
  number of mutant genes.
Production of Globin Chains
          • Hemoglobin is a
            Globin Tetramer
          • Hemoglobin can
            consist of two alpha
            chains and 2 beta
            class chains of globin.
          • 2 2; Hgb A
          • 2 2; Hgb A2
          • 2 2; Hgb F
Globin Chain Switching During
Geographic Distribution of
Beta-Thalassemia (Homozygous)
-Thalassemia Syndromes

Normal     Trait
           +         Mild       Mild    Hgb H,    Hydrops
          Asymp-                        Inter-    Fetalis
                    Thalassemia minor   mediate
-Thalassemia Syndromes
 Normally four genes for -Globin, two on each of
  chromosome 16.
   – +; One normal/one mutant on chromosome.
   – 0; Both mutant genes on one chromosome.
      (Mostly in Asians)
 If two genes mutant, Thalassemia minor
   – Hemoglobin electrophoresis normal.
 If three genes mutant; Hemoglobin H Disease
   – Hgb H; 4 Tetramer
 If all four genes mutant; Hydrops Fetalis;
   – Hgb Barts; 4 Tetramer

• Two types of mutant alleles;
• 0; Absence of expression. Typically a
  mutation in coding region of gene (On
  chromosome 11)
• +; reduced expression of globin gene.
  Typically promoter mutation.
-Thalassemia Syndromes
Allele Heterozygous         Homozygous
 0     Thalassemia Minor;   Thalassemia Major;
       Hgb A2 >3.5%,        Absent Hgb A
       MCV <75
                            Hgb A + F = 100%
 +;    Thalassemia Minor;   Thalassemia Major or
       Hgb A2 >3.5%,        intermediate;
       MCV <75              Hgb F; 70 - 80%
                            Hgb A2; >3.5 - 5% (variable)
                            Hgb A; 10 - 20%
Hydrops Fetalis
Differentiation of Microcytic
In iron deficiency, red cell number, Hemoglobin, and MCV
are all proportionally reduced.
In Thalassemia, the MCV is disproportionately low, and red
cell number is “spared.”

                  Iron Deficiency   Thalassemia     Normal

Red Cell Number         3.8             5.8       4.5-6.5 (Male)
    (109/ml)                                      3.9-5.6 (Fem.)

    MCV fl              67              60            80-99
   Hgb (g/dl)           7.5             10        13.5-17.5 (M)
                                                  11.5-15.5 (F)
- vs -Thalassemia

• Since only the -chain is synthesized of the -class
  of globin chains, the ratio of Hgb A, A2, and F is not
  altered in -Thalassemia.
• In -Thalassemia, Hgb A2 ( 2 2 ) and Hgb F ( 2 2)
  levels as % of total Hgb are increased due to
  selective loss of -globin.
• Hemoglobin electrophoresis can distinguish between
    - and -Thalassemia. (best for quantitation by
  column chromatography).
Thalassemia Syndromes

• Depending on genetic severity;
• Chronic anemia, high out-put cardiac states
• Hepatosplenomegaly due to extramedullary
• Transfusion-Dependent (Thalassemia major)
   – Need for iron chelation.
• Due to increased marrow turnover, need for folic acid
Anemia Of Chronic Disease-
      Chronic Inflammatory Block

• Anemia due to decreased red cell production,
  related to relatively insufficient levels of
  erythropoietin, for the degree of anemia.
• Seen in chronic inflammatory diseases
  (Connective Tissue Disease), chronic infection,
• Classic in chronic renal insufficiency (often
  before dialysis requirement).
Anemia of Chronic Disease
 Prussian Blue (Iron) Stain
                       In bone
                      marrow, absent
                      red cell
                      precursor iron,
                      with adequate
                      storage iron.
                       Can’t make
                      diagnosis in
                      absence of
Distinguishing Between Iron Deficiency
 And The Anemia Of Chronic Disease
                       Iron deficiency    Anemia of Chronic
     Serum Iron            Decreased         Decreased
  Serum Transferrin        Increased         Decreased
 Serum Iron Binding        Increased         Decreased
   Serum Ferritin          Decreased      Normal or Increased
 Bone Marrow Iron           Absent             Present
    Stores Absent
 Cannot definitively diagnose Anemia of Chronic Disease in
absence of adequate iron stores.
Macrocytic Anemia/Megaloblastic
Macrocytic Red   Hypersegmented
    Cells             PMN
Macrocytic Anemias
 Macrocytic anemias may arise from abnormal
  DNA synthesis, producing megaloblastic
  changes in the bone marrow.
 The major causes include deficiencies in vitamin
  B12 and folate.
 Alcoholism, (even in the absence of folate or B12 deficiency),
  apparently from a direct effect of ethanol on the bone marrow.
 Hypothyroidism, (unknown mechanisms), mild macrocytic
 Myelodysplasia, abnormal maturation of red cell precursors often
  produces macrocytosis.
Incidence of Various
          Macrocytic Anemias
          Alcohol abuse                       36 %
  Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency            21 %
            Drug intake                       11 %
     Accelerated erythropoiesis                7%
           Liver disease                       6%
          Myelodysplasia                       5%
         Hypothyroidism                        2%
           Unexplained                        12%

Colon-Otero G, et al. Med Clin North Am. 1992; 76:581-597.
Megaloblastic Anemia
 All cell lines affected.
 Macrocytic Anemia (MCV > 100).
 Coexisting iron deficiency, thalassemia,
  inflammation, may prevent macrocytosis.
 Hypersegmented PMN (any 6 lobe, >5% 5
 Role of folate and vitamin B12 in DNA synthesis.
   – Additional role for B12 responsible for neurological and
     other manifestations.
Subacute Combined Degeneration of
 Spinal Cord in Pernicious Anemia
Atrophic Glossitis

         • “Hunter's
         • B12 or folic acid
Vitamin B12 Absorption

         Gastric acid separates B12 from food.
         Parietal cells produce Intrinsic Factor: Binds
         B12:IF complex absorbed in terminal ileum
The Schilling Urinary Excretion
   Test of Vitamin B12 Absorption

Subjects            B12 Given Alone   B12 Given with
                                      Intrinsic Factor

Normal              18 (9-36)         -
Pernicious anemia   0.5 (0-1.2)       13 (6-31)
Malabsorption       3.6 (0-19)        3.3 (0-10)*
Pernicious Anemia Due to Autoimmune
Reaction to Intrinsic Factor/Parietal Cells
                              Immunofluorescence for
          Pernicious Anemia
                              anti-parietal cell antibodies
          Atrophy, loss of
Normal    parietal cells,
Stomach   gastric glands
Megaloblastic Erythroid Precursors
 Normal            Megaloblastic
Normocytic/Normochromic Anemias
• Intrinsic bone marrow disease
• (1) Hypoplasia, (aplastic anemia or pure red cell aplasia)
• (2) Infiltration by abnormal tissue, as in multiple myeloma, leukemia,
  fibrosis, or metastatic malignancy
• (3) Myelodysplastic disorders, in which abnormal maturation occurs.

• Diminished Erythropoietin (Anemia of
  Chronic Inflammatory Block or Anemia of
  Chronic Disease)
Hemolytic Anemia
• Premature destruction of red blood
  – Red cells normally circulate approximately
    100 to 120 days.
• Intravascular vs. extravascular
• May be immune or non-immune
Hemolytic Anemia, Laboratory Findings

• Reticulocyte index is >3% and the
  absolute reticulocyte count is
• Immature erythrocytes prematurely leave
  bone marrow. The indirect bilirubin is
  elevated and accounts for >80% of the
  total bilirubin.
• The serum LDH level is increased.
• Serum haptoglobin is diminished.
Causes of Hemolysis
                (by Site of Abnormality)
• Intrinsic to the red cell              Extrinsic to the red cell
• Abnormal hemoglobins                   Immunologic
                                            –   Warm antibody
   – Sickle cell anemia
                                            –   Cold antibody
   – Hemoglobin C, E, etc.                  –   Drugs
• Enzyme defects                         Mechanical
   – Glucose-6-phosphate                    –   March hemoglobinuria
     dehydrogenase deficiency               –   Traumatic cardiac hemolytic anemia
   – Pyruvate kinase deficiency, etc.       –   Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia

• Membrane abnormalities                 Infectious
   – Hereditary spherocytosis,              –   Malaria
     elliptocytosis                         –   Clostridium perfringens infection

   – Acanthocytosis                      Chemicals
   – Paroxysmal nocturnal                Hypersplenism
• Decreased surface-to-volume
• Loss of cellular membrane
  – Inherited membrane defect
  – Acquired via warm (IgG)
Hereditary Spherocytosis

• Due to Abnormality of red cell cytoskeleton
   – Most mutations in Ankryn, Band 3 (Also Spectrin,
     Band 4.2)
• Common autosomal Dominant
   – Approx 1/5000 (Not just Northern Europeans)
• Clinically; Anemia, Jaundice, splenomegaly
• Osmotic Fragility Test
• Management; Splenectomy
Glucose 6-Phosphate
Dehydrogenase Deficiency
          • Enzyme defect in hexose-
            monophosphate shunt
          • Normally responsible for
            generation of reducing agents
            in cells (Reduced glutathione).
          • RBC sensitive to oxidant
            stress, drugs, infections,
            malaria, etc.
          • Heinz bodies; denatured
            (oxidized) hemoglobin, usually
            seen on reticulocyte stain.
          • X-Linked inheritance;
             – Mediterranean (Severe)
             – African (Mild)
             – Asian (Varied)
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
• WARM TYPE (Usually IgG)           • COLD TYPE (Usually IgM)
• Idiopathic                        • Idiopathic
• Secondary                         • Secondary
   – Connective Tissue Diseases        –   Mycoplasma pneumonia
     (SLE)                             –   Infectious mononucleosis
   – Chronic lymphocytic leukemia      –   lymphoma
   – lymphoma                          –   paroxysmal cold
   – ulcerative colitis                    hemoglobinuria
   – drugs (methyldopa)
Warm (IgG) Autoimmune
  Hemolytic Anemia      Cold (IgM) Agglutinin Disease
Coombs Test

        C’    C’ C’     C’   C’

        C’    C’   C’   C’
Urine Hemosiderin
(Detection of Episodic Hemolysis)
Leukoerythrobloastic Smear:
        Marrow Infiltration;
• Nucleated rbc, immature wbc, teardrops rbc.
• Malignancy, infection, granulomas, fibrosis
   •   Marrow invasion with abnormal cells (carcinoma, advanced
       myeloproliferative disease, fibrosis, etc.)
   •   Immature red and white cells (promyelocytes, myelocytes,
       metayelocytes, teardrop cells.

Nucleated rbc

Teardrop Cells
 Most prominently in thalassemias, marrow
  infiltration by fibrosis or malignancy.
   – From distortion of the erythrocytes as they
      travel through the vasculature of an abnormal
      bone marrow or spleen.
Approach To Anemia
• Have a system, based on rates of production/destruction and
   – Morphology
      • (1) Microcytic/Hypochromic
      • (2) Macrocytic
      • (3) Normocytic/Normochromic.
   – Red Cell Kinetics
      • Hypoproliferative (Decreased Production) vs.
      • Increased Destruction or Blood Loss
• Do not treat anemia with empiric iron therapy.
Burr Cells (Echinocytes)
•   Blunt, fairly symmetrical projections.
•   Prominent in renal failure from any cause
     – (may also occur with liver diseases, especially when uremia
•   (Can develop as a storage artifact)
Spur Cells (Acanthocytes)
•   Several irregularly sharp projections of unequal length.
•   Most of the cells are also small and lack central pallor.
•   Prominent in liver disease, usually alcoholic cirrhosis, with an
    increase in the cholesterol:phospholipid ratio in the red cell
    membrane, leading to hemolysis.
Bite Cells (Degmacyte)
•   A semicircular defect in their edge that resembles a bite mark.
•   Oxidative destruction/precipitation of hemoglobin, often in
    patients with a deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate
    dehydrogenase (G6PD) or unstable hemoglobins.
Heinz-Body Preparation
• Fragments of Denatured Hemoglobin,
  usually bound to red cell membrane.
Red Cell Agglutination
•   Red Cells coated with antibodies
     – Typically IgM, but can be IgG
•   Extensive clumping typically develops with high levels of IgM, which are
    present in Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia or in cold-agglutinin
    hemolytic anemia from such causes as infectious mononucleosis and
    Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection.
Hypersegmented Neutrophil
• Young red cells on standard peripheral
Normal Red Cells
Macrocytic Red Cells
Wow! We’re done!

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approach to the diagnosis of anemia

  • 1. Approach To The Diagnosis of Anemia Gerald A. Soff M.D.
  • 2.
  • 3. Red Blood Cells (RBCs) • Nutrient Factors – Iron – Folic acid – B12 • Life Cycle and Breakdown – Finite life span 120 ± 20 days – Removal of RBCs performed by the reticuloendothelial (RE) system
  • 4. Generally, Two Different Systems Have Been Used To Classify Anemia. • The Morphologic System; – (1) Microcytic (MCV < 80), Hypochromic (MCH < 30) – (2) Macrocytic (MCV >100), Normochromic (MCH 30–34) – (3) Normocytic (MCV 80–100), Normochromic. • Red Cell Kinetics – Hypoproliferative (Decreased Production) vs. – Increased Destruction or Blood Loss
  • 5. Normal Blood Smear Central Pallor normally approximately 1/3 of cell diameter.
  • 6. Reticulocyte Stain • Precipitated ribosomal RNA in young red cells. • Normally Approximately 1-2% of total red cells. • ~50-100,000/ul absolute count • If reticulocytes are not elevated, (in setting of anemia), then it is low, i.e. hypoproductive. • Elevated reticulocyte index indicates response to hemolysis or blood loss.
  • 7. Reticulocyte Index • Reticulocyte “Count” as a percent of red cells. Only obtained when ordered. (Similar, but distinguished from polychromatophilia.) • Reticulocyte Index = (Retic %)*(Pt. Hgb/Nl Hgb) • (In severe anemia, reticulocytes are released prematurely, so further divide retic. index by 2.) • Absolute reticulocyte number= – (red cell number) X (reticulocyte percent) – (Normal; approximately 50,000-100,000/ul) • If reticulocytes are not elevated, (in setting of anemia), then it is low, i.e. hypoproductive. • Elevated reticulocyte index indicates response to hemolysis or blood loss.
  • 8. Microcytic/Hypochromic Red Cells • Processes which affect Hemoglobin Synthesis; – Reduced Globin chain synthesis (Thalassemias) – Iron deficiency – Some Myeloproliferative/ Myelodysplastic Syndromes (Deficiencies in porphyrin and heme synthesis) – Some anemia of chronic disease
  • 9. Hemoglobin Synthesis • Key Components • Globin chain (protein) • Heme/porphyrin ring • Iron
  • 10. Iron Deficiency • Nutritional deficiency rare after childhood. – May be seen in adolescent females, especially with onset on menses. • Essential to identify putative source of blood loss, i.e. Gyn, GI. • Rare for iron deficiency from hematuria or hemoptysis. • Decreased iron absorption seen with chronic acid neutralization in stomach from PPIs, due to reduced oxidation of ferrous to ferric form.
  • 11. Iron Deficiency Pale conjunctiva, pale palm creases Koilonychia
  • 12. Hemoglobinopathies and Thalassemia
  • 13. Thalassemia; (Decreased Production of Globin Chains) • -Thalassemia; Decreased Production of - globin chains • -Thalassemia; Decreased Production of - globin chains. • Results in decreased hemoglobin synthesis and a microcytic/hypochromic anemia • Severity of disease is depending upon the number of mutant genes.
  • 14. Production of Globin Chains • Hemoglobin is a Globin Tetramer • Hemoglobin can consist of two alpha chains and 2 beta class chains of globin. • 2 2; Hgb A • 2 2; Hgb A2 • 2 2; Hgb F
  • 15. Globin Chain Switching During Development
  • 18. -Thalassemia Syndromes Normal  Trait + Mild Mild Hgb H, Hydrops Asymp- Inter- Fetalis tomatic Thalassemia minor mediate
  • 19. -Thalassemia Syndromes  Normally four genes for -Globin, two on each of chromosome 16. – +; One normal/one mutant on chromosome. – 0; Both mutant genes on one chromosome. (Mostly in Asians)  If two genes mutant, Thalassemia minor – Hemoglobin electrophoresis normal.  If three genes mutant; Hemoglobin H Disease – Hgb H; 4 Tetramer  If all four genes mutant; Hydrops Fetalis; – Hgb Barts; 4 Tetramer
  • 20. -Thalassemia • Two types of mutant alleles; • 0; Absence of expression. Typically a mutation in coding region of gene (On chromosome 11) • +; reduced expression of globin gene. Typically promoter mutation.
  • 21. -Thalassemia Syndromes Allele Heterozygous Homozygous 0 Thalassemia Minor; Thalassemia Major; Hgb A2 >3.5%, Absent Hgb A MCV <75 Hgb A + F = 100% +; Thalassemia Minor; Thalassemia Major or Hgb A2 >3.5%, intermediate; MCV <75 Hgb F; 70 - 80% Hgb A2; >3.5 - 5% (variable) Hgb A; 10 - 20%
  • 23. Differentiation of Microcytic Anemia In iron deficiency, red cell number, Hemoglobin, and MCV are all proportionally reduced. In Thalassemia, the MCV is disproportionately low, and red cell number is “spared.” Iron Deficiency Thalassemia Normal Red Cell Number 3.8 5.8 4.5-6.5 (Male) (109/ml) 3.9-5.6 (Fem.) MCV fl 67 60 80-99 Hgb (g/dl) 7.5 10 13.5-17.5 (M) 11.5-15.5 (F)
  • 24. - vs -Thalassemia • Since only the -chain is synthesized of the -class of globin chains, the ratio of Hgb A, A2, and F is not altered in -Thalassemia. • In -Thalassemia, Hgb A2 ( 2 2 ) and Hgb F ( 2 2) levels as % of total Hgb are increased due to selective loss of -globin. • Hemoglobin electrophoresis can distinguish between - and -Thalassemia. (best for quantitation by column chromatography).
  • 25. Thalassemia Syndromes • Depending on genetic severity; • Chronic anemia, high out-put cardiac states • Hepatosplenomegaly due to extramedullary hematopoiesis. • Transfusion-Dependent (Thalassemia major) – Need for iron chelation. • Due to increased marrow turnover, need for folic acid replacement.
  • 26. Anemia Of Chronic Disease- Chronic Inflammatory Block • Anemia due to decreased red cell production, related to relatively insufficient levels of erythropoietin, for the degree of anemia. • Seen in chronic inflammatory diseases (Connective Tissue Disease), chronic infection, etc. • Classic in chronic renal insufficiency (often before dialysis requirement).
  • 27. Anemia of Chronic Disease Prussian Blue (Iron) Stain  In bone marrow, absent red cell precursor iron, with adequate storage iron.  Can’t make diagnosis in absence of iron.
  • 28. Distinguishing Between Iron Deficiency And The Anemia Of Chronic Disease Iron deficiency Anemia of Chronic Disease Serum Iron Decreased Decreased Serum Transferrin Increased Decreased Serum Iron Binding Increased Decreased Capacity Serum Ferritin Decreased Normal or Increased Bone Marrow Iron Absent Present Stores Absent  Cannot definitively diagnose Anemia of Chronic Disease in absence of adequate iron stores.
  • 30. Macrocytic Red Hypersegmented Cells PMN
  • 31. Macrocytic Anemias  Macrocytic anemias may arise from abnormal DNA synthesis, producing megaloblastic changes in the bone marrow.  The major causes include deficiencies in vitamin B12 and folate.  Alcoholism, (even in the absence of folate or B12 deficiency), apparently from a direct effect of ethanol on the bone marrow.  Hypothyroidism, (unknown mechanisms), mild macrocytic anemia.  Myelodysplasia, abnormal maturation of red cell precursors often produces macrocytosis.
  • 32. Incidence of Various Macrocytic Anemias Alcohol abuse 36 % Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency 21 % Drug intake 11 % Accelerated erythropoiesis 7% Liver disease 6% Myelodysplasia 5% Hypothyroidism 2% Unexplained 12% Colon-Otero G, et al. Med Clin North Am. 1992; 76:581-597.
  • 33. Megaloblastic Anemia  All cell lines affected.  Macrocytic Anemia (MCV > 100).  Coexisting iron deficiency, thalassemia, inflammation, may prevent macrocytosis.  Hypersegmented PMN (any 6 lobe, >5% 5 lobed).  Role of folate and vitamin B12 in DNA synthesis. – Additional role for B12 responsible for neurological and other manifestations.
  • 34. Subacute Combined Degeneration of Spinal Cord in Pernicious Anemia
  • 35. Atrophic Glossitis • “Hunter's glossitis” • B12 or folic acid deficiency.
  • 36. Vitamin B12 Absorption  Gastric acid separates B12 from food.  Parietal cells produce Intrinsic Factor: Binds B12  B12:IF complex absorbed in terminal ileum
  • 37. The Schilling Urinary Excretion Test of Vitamin B12 Absorption Subjects B12 Given Alone B12 Given with Intrinsic Factor Normal 18 (9-36) - Pernicious anemia 0.5 (0-1.2) 13 (6-31) Malabsorption 3.6 (0-19) 3.3 (0-10)*
  • 38. Pernicious Anemia Due to Autoimmune Reaction to Intrinsic Factor/Parietal Cells Immunofluorescence for Pernicious Anemia anti-parietal cell antibodies Atrophy, loss of Normal parietal cells, Stomach gastric glands
  • 39. Megaloblastic Erythroid Precursors Normal Megaloblastic
  • 40. Normocytic/Normochromic Anemias • Intrinsic bone marrow disease • (1) Hypoplasia, (aplastic anemia or pure red cell aplasia) • (2) Infiltration by abnormal tissue, as in multiple myeloma, leukemia, fibrosis, or metastatic malignancy • (3) Myelodysplastic disorders, in which abnormal maturation occurs. • Diminished Erythropoietin (Anemia of Chronic Inflammatory Block or Anemia of Chronic Disease)
  • 41. Hemolytic Anemia • Premature destruction of red blood cells – Red cells normally circulate approximately 100 to 120 days. • Intravascular vs. extravascular hemolysis. • May be immune or non-immune mediated.
  • 42. Hemolytic Anemia, Laboratory Findings • Reticulocyte index is >3% and the absolute reticulocyte count is >100,000/mm3. • Immature erythrocytes prematurely leave bone marrow. The indirect bilirubin is elevated and accounts for >80% of the total bilirubin. • The serum LDH level is increased. • Serum haptoglobin is diminished.
  • 43. Causes of Hemolysis (by Site of Abnormality) • Intrinsic to the red cell  Extrinsic to the red cell • Abnormal hemoglobins  Immunologic – Warm antibody – Sickle cell anemia – Cold antibody – Hemoglobin C, E, etc. – Drugs • Enzyme defects  Mechanical – Glucose-6-phosphate – March hemoglobinuria dehydrogenase deficiency – Traumatic cardiac hemolytic anemia – Pyruvate kinase deficiency, etc. – Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia • Membrane abnormalities  Infectious – Hereditary spherocytosis, – Malaria elliptocytosis – Clostridium perfringens infection – Acanthocytosis  Chemicals – Paroxysmal nocturnal  Hypersplenism hemoglobinuria
  • 44. Spherocytes • Decreased surface-to-volume ratio • Loss of cellular membrane – Inherited membrane defect – Acquired via warm (IgG) autoantibodies
  • 45. Hereditary Spherocytosis • Due to Abnormality of red cell cytoskeleton – Most mutations in Ankryn, Band 3 (Also Spectrin, Band 4.2) • Common autosomal Dominant – Approx 1/5000 (Not just Northern Europeans) • Clinically; Anemia, Jaundice, splenomegaly • Osmotic Fragility Test • Management; Splenectomy
  • 46. Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency • Enzyme defect in hexose- monophosphate shunt pathway. • Normally responsible for generation of reducing agents in cells (Reduced glutathione). • RBC sensitive to oxidant stress, drugs, infections, malaria, etc. • Heinz bodies; denatured (oxidized) hemoglobin, usually seen on reticulocyte stain. • X-Linked inheritance; – Mediterranean (Severe) – African (Mild) – Asian (Varied)
  • 47. Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia • WARM TYPE (Usually IgG) • COLD TYPE (Usually IgM) • Idiopathic • Idiopathic • Secondary • Secondary – Connective Tissue Diseases – Mycoplasma pneumonia (SLE) – Infectious mononucleosis – Chronic lymphocytic leukemia – lymphoma – lymphoma – paroxysmal cold – ulcerative colitis hemoglobinuria – drugs (methyldopa)
  • 48. Warm (IgG) Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia Cold (IgM) Agglutinin Disease
  • 49. Coombs Test C’ C’ C’ C’ C’ C’ C’ C’ C’
  • 50. Urine Hemosiderin (Detection of Episodic Hemolysis)
  • 51. Leukoerythrobloastic Smear: Marrow Infiltration; • Nucleated rbc, immature wbc, teardrops rbc. • Malignancy, infection, granulomas, fibrosis
  • 52. Leukoerythroblastosis/ Myelophthisic • Marrow invasion with abnormal cells (carcinoma, advanced myeloproliferative disease, fibrosis, etc.) • Immature red and white cells (promyelocytes, myelocytes, metayelocytes, teardrop cells. Nucleated rbc Myelocyte
  • 53. Teardrop Cells  Most prominently in thalassemias, marrow infiltration by fibrosis or malignancy. – From distortion of the erythrocytes as they travel through the vasculature of an abnormal bone marrow or spleen.
  • 54. Approach To Anemia • Have a system, based on rates of production/destruction and morphology – Morphology • (1) Microcytic/Hypochromic • (2) Macrocytic • (3) Normocytic/Normochromic. – Red Cell Kinetics • Hypoproliferative (Decreased Production) vs. • Increased Destruction or Blood Loss • LOOK AT YOUR PATIENTS’ SMEARS. • Do not treat anemia with empiric iron therapy.
  • 55.
  • 56. Burr Cells (Echinocytes) • Blunt, fairly symmetrical projections. • Prominent in renal failure from any cause – (may also occur with liver diseases, especially when uremia coexists.) • (Can develop as a storage artifact)
  • 57. Spur Cells (Acanthocytes) • Several irregularly sharp projections of unequal length. • Most of the cells are also small and lack central pallor. • Prominent in liver disease, usually alcoholic cirrhosis, with an increase in the cholesterol:phospholipid ratio in the red cell membrane, leading to hemolysis.
  • 58. Bite Cells (Degmacyte) • A semicircular defect in their edge that resembles a bite mark. • Oxidative destruction/precipitation of hemoglobin, often in patients with a deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) or unstable hemoglobins.
  • 59. Heinz-Body Preparation • Fragments of Denatured Hemoglobin, usually bound to red cell membrane.
  • 60. Red Cell Agglutination • Red Cells coated with antibodies – Typically IgM, but can be IgG • Extensive clumping typically develops with high levels of IgM, which are present in Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia or in cold-agglutinin hemolytic anemia from such causes as infectious mononucleosis and Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection.
  • 62. Polychromatophilia • Young red cells on standard peripheral smear.