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Dr Paul King
Functional Groov
Intro to Functional Style
• Functional Basics
• Immutability & Persistent Data Structures
• Laziness & Strictness
• Gpars & Concurrency
• Type Safety
• Word Split (bonus material)
• More Info
• What is functional programming?
– Favour evaluation of composable
expressions over execution of commands
– Encourage particular idioms such as side-
effect free functions & immutability
• And why should I care?
– Declarative understandable code
– Reduction of errors
– Better patterns and approaches to design
– Improved reusability
– Leverage concurrency
What makes up functional style?
• Functions, Closures, Lambdas, Blocks as
first-class citizens
• Higher order functions
• Mutable vs Immutable data structures
• Recursion
• Lazy vs Eager evaluation
• Declarative vs Imperative style
• Advanced Techniques
– Memoization, Trampolines, Composition and Curry
• Compile-time safety
• Concurrency
def twice = { int num -> num + num }
assert twice(5) == 10
assert == 12
def twice10 = { 2 * 10 }
assert 20 == twice10()
def triple = { arg -> arg * 3 }
assert triple(5) == 15
def alsoTriple = { it * 3 }
assert alsoTriple(6) == 18
def quadruple = { arg = 2 -> twice(arg) * 2 }
assert quadruple(5) == 20
assert quadruple() == 8
// ...
// ...
def callWith5(Closure c) {
assert 15 == callWith5(triple)
def twiceMethod(int num) { num * 2 }
assert twiceMethod(2) == 4
def alsoTwice = this.&twiceMethod
assert alsoTwice(5) == 10
def alsoQuadruple = twice >> twice
assert alsoQuadruple(5) == 20
def forty = quadruple.curry(10)
assert forty() == 40
assert [10, 15, 20] == [twice, triple, quadruple].collect{ it(5) }
assert 45 == [alsoTwice, alsoTriple, alsoQuadruple].sum{ it(5) }
• Used for many things in Groovy:
• Iterators
• Callbacks
• Higher-order functions
• Specialized control structures
• Dynamic method definition
• Resource allocation
• Threads
• Continuation-like coding
def houston(Closure doit) {
(10..1).each { count ->
houston { println it }
new File('/x.txt').eachLine {
println it
3.times { println 'Hi' }
[0, 1, 2].each { number ->
println number
[0, 1, 2].each { println it}
def printit = { println it }
[0, 1, 2].each printit
Better Design Patterns: Builder
<li>world 1</li>
<li>world 2</li>
<li>world 3</li>
<li>world 4</li>
<li>world 5</li>
import groovy.xml.*
def page = new MarkupBuilder()
page.html {
head { title 'Hello' }
body {
ul {
for (count in 1..5) {
li "world $count"
} } } }
• Markup Builder
...Better File Manipulation
def out = new File('result.txt')
new File('..').eachFileRecurse { file ->
if ('.groovy')) {
file.eachLine { line, num ->
if (line.toLowerCase().contains('groovy'))
out << "File '$file' on line $numn$linen"
...DSL example...
show = { println it }
square_root = { Math.sqrt(it) }
def please(action) {
[the: { what ->
[of: { n -> action(what(n)) }]
please show the square_root of 100
// ==> 10.0
Inspiration for this example came from …
...DSL example
// Japanese DSL using GEP3 rules
Object.metaClass.を =
Object.metaClass.の =
{ clos -> clos(delegate) }
まず = { it }
表示する = { println it }
平方根 = { Math.sqrt(it) }
まず 100 の 平方根 を 表示する
// First, show the square root of 100
// => 10.0
// source:
interface Calc {
def execute(n, m)
class CalcByMult implements Calc {
def execute(n, m) { n * m }
class CalcByManyAdds implements Calc {
def execute(n, m) {
def result = 0
n.times {
result += m
return result
def sampleData = [
[3, 4, 12],
[5, -5, -25]
Calc[] multiplicationStrategies = [
new CalcByMult(),
new CalcByManyAdds()
sampleData.each {data ->
multiplicationStrategies.each {calc ->
assert data[2] == calc.execute(data[0], data[1])
def multiplicationStrategies = [
{ n, m -> n * m },
{ n, m ->
def total = 0; n.times{ total += m }; total },
{ n, m -> ([m] * n).sum() }
def sampleData = [
[3, 4, 12],
[5, -5, -25]
sampleData.each{ data ->
multiplicationStrategies.each{ calc ->
assert data[2] == calc(data[0], data[1])
Language features instead of Patterns
Strategy Pattern
with interfaces
with closures
• Intro to Functional Style
Functional Basics
• Immutability & Persistent Data Structures
• Laziness & Strictness
• GPars & Concurrency
• Type Safety
• Word Split (bonus material)
• More Info
Pure Functions, Closures, Side-effects
def x = 4
def increment = { arg -> arg + 1 }
assert 11 == increment (10)
assert x == 4
def incrementWithSideEffect = { arg -> x++; arg + 1 }
assert 11 == incrementWithSideEffect(10)
assert 101 == incrementWithSideEffect(100)
assert x == 6
Referential Transparency
def x, y, z, arg
def method = {
// ...
y = 3
arg = y
x = y + 1
z = y + 1 // z = x
assert x == z
def pythagorian(x, y) { Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) }
final int A = 4
final int B = 3
def c = pythagorian(A, B) // c = 5
assert c == 5
Show me the code
PrimesPalindromes.groovy, Composition.groovy, Memoize.groovy, FactorialTrampoline.groovy
Tail Recursion
def factorial(n, acc = 1) {
n <= 1 ? acc : factorial(n - 1, n * acc)
println factorial(1000G)
• Intro to Functional Style
• Functional Basics
Immutability & Persistent Data Structures
• Laziness & Strictness
• GPars & Concurrency
• Type Safety
• Word Split (bonus material)
• More Info
• An object’s value doesn’t change once created
• Examples
– Groovy has primitives & their wrapper classes,
Strings, null
– “constants” (final reference fields)
• With some caveats about what they point to
– Basic enum values
• With some caveats on complex enums
– Numerous (effectively) immutable classes
• java.awt.Color,, java.util.UUID, java.lang.Class,
java.util.Date, java.math.BigInteger, java.math.BigDecimal
– Your own carefully written classes
– Very careful use of aggregation/collection classes
– Special immutable aggregation/collection classes
Why Immutability?
• Simple
– Exactly one state
– Potentially easier to design, implement, use, reason
about & make secure
• Inherently referentially transparent
– Potential for optimisation
• Can be shared freely
– Including “constant” aggregations of immutables
– Including persistent structures of immutables
– Suitable for caching
– Can even cache “pure” expressions involving
immutables, e.g. 3 + 4, “string”.size(), fib(42)
– Inherently thread safe
Approaches to managing collection storage
• Mutable • Persistent
• Immutable
‘c’ ‘a’ ‘c’ ‘a’
Add ‘t’ Add ‘t’ Add ‘t’
‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’
‘c’ ‘a’
‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’
Approaches to managing collection storage
• Mutable • Persistent
• Immutable
‘c’ ‘a’ ‘c’ ‘a’
Add ‘t’ Add ‘t’ Add ‘t’
‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’
‘c’ ‘a’
‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’
Immutable practices
• Using mutating style
String invention = 'Mouse Trap'
List inventions = [invention]
invention = 'Better ' + invention
inventions << invention
assert inventions == ['Mouse Trap', 'Better Mouse Trap']
inventions.removeAll 'Mouse Trap'
assert inventions == ['Better Mouse Trap']
Immutable practices
• Using mutating style
– We could possibly get away with this code here but it
has some debatable code smells
• (1) add a reference to a mutable list
• (2) change string reference losing original
• (3),(4) mutate list
• (4) duplicate first invention because original lost
String invention = 'Mouse Trap'
List inventions = [invention] //(1)
invention = 'Better ' + invention //(2)
inventions << invention //(3)
assert inventions == ['Mouse Trap', 'Better Mouse Trap']
inventions.removeAll 'Mouse Trap' //(4)
assert inventions == ['Better Mouse Trap']
Approaches to managing collection storage
• Mutable • Persistent
• Immutable
‘c’ ‘a’ ‘c’ ‘a’
Add ‘t’ Add ‘t’ Add ‘t’
‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’
‘c’ ‘a’
‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’
Immutable practices
• Avoid using mutator methods
Avoid Prefer
list.sort() list.sort(false)
list.unique() list.unique(false)
list.reverse(true) list.reverse()
list.removeAll list.minus
String or List += or << use differently named variables
mutating java.util.Collections
void methods, e.g. shuffle, swap,
fill, copy, rotate
your own non mutating variants
Immutable practices
• Avoid using mutator methods
Avoid Prefer
list.sort() list.sort(false)
list.unique() list.unique(false)
list.reverse(true) list.reverse()
list.removeAll list.minus
String or List += or << use differently named variables
mutating java.util.Collections
void methods, e.g. shuffle, swap,
fill, copy, rotate
your own non mutating variants
public class Collections {
public static void shuffle(List<?> list) { /* ... */ }
/* ... */
Immutable practices
• Avoid using mutator methods
Avoid Prefer
list.sort() list.sort(false)
list.unique() list.unique(false)
list.reverse(true) list.reverse()
list.removeAll list.minus
String or List += or << use differently named variables
mutating java.util.Collections
void methods, e.g. shuffle, swap,
fill, copy, rotate
your own non mutating variants
static List myShuffle(List list) {
List result = new ArrayList(list)
Immutable practices
• Avoid using mutator methods
– But only marginal gains when using Java’s built-in
// Avoid
String invention = 'Mouse Trap'
List inventions = [invention]
invention = 'Better ' + invention
inventions << invention
assert inventions == ['Mouse Trap', 'Better Mouse Trap']
inventions.removeAll 'Mouse Trap'
assert inventions == ['Better Mouse Trap']
// Prefer
String firstInvention = 'Mouse Trap'
List initialInventions = [firstInvention]
String secondInvention = 'Better ' + firstInvention
List allInventions = initialInventions + secondInvention
assert allInventions == ['Mouse Trap', 'Better Mouse Trap']
List bestInventions = allInventions - firstInvention
assert bestInventions == ['Better Mouse Trap']
Immutability options - collections
• Built-in
• Google Collections
– Numerous improved immutable collection types
• Groovy run-time metaprogramming
List<String> animals = ImmutableList.of("cat", "dog", "horse")
animals << 'fish' // => java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
def animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'horse'].asImmutable()
animals << 'fish' // => java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
def animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'horse']
ArrayList.metaClass.leftShift = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException() }
animals << 'fish' // => java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
Approaches to managing collection storage
• Mutable • Persistent
• Immutable
‘c’ ‘a’ ‘c’ ‘a’
Add ‘t’ Add ‘t’ Add ‘t’
‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’
‘c’ ‘a’
‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’
Immutability – persistent collections
• Functional Java
– Or Functional Groovy, clj-ds, pcollections, totallylazy
def pets ="cat", "dog", "horse")
// buy a fish
def newPets = pets.cons("fish")
assert [3, 4] == [pets.length(), newPets.length()]
Immutability – persistent collections
• Functional Java
def pets ="cat", "dog", "horse")
def newPets = pets.cons("fish")
assert [3, 4] == [pets.length(), newPets.length()]
// sell the horse
def remaining = newPets.removeAll{ it == 'horse' }
Immutability – persistent collections
• Functional Java
def pets ="cat", "dog", "horse")
def newPets = pets.cons("fish")
assert [3, 4] == [pets.length(), newPets.length()]
def remaining = newPets.removeAll{ it == 'horse' }
assert [3, 4, 3] == [pets, newPets, remaining]*.length()
Immutability – persistent collections
• Functional Java
def pets ="cat", "dog", "horse")
def newPets = pets.cons("fish")
assert [3, 4] == [pets.length(), newPets.length()]
def remaining = newPets.removeAll{ it == 'horse' }
assert [3, 4, 3] == [pets, newPets, remaining]*.length()
Immutability – persistent collections
Immutability – persistent collections
• You will see the correct results but in general, different
operations may give very differing performance
characteristics from what you expect
– But don’t fret, smart people are working on smart structures to support a variety
of scenarios. You may even have several in your current NoSQL implementation
original modified
Reality check
• OK, do I have to write this myself?
– Might pay to try some simple ones. Take a look at Eric
Lippert’s blog on some C# implementations. Here is
the first part (Part 1: Kinds of Immutability):
– Also consider
• Part 2: Simple Immutable Stack, Part 3: Covariant Immutable
Stack, Part 4: Immutable Queue, Part 6: Simple Binary Tree
– There are probably plenty of implementations you can
already use
– See also: Purely Functional Data Structures by Chris
Okasak, Cambridge University Press (1999)
• It turns out you use trees for nearly everything! 
Reality check
• Functional Java persistent data structures
– Singly-linked list (
– Lazy singly-linked list (
– Nonempty list (
– Optional value (a container of length 0 or 1) (
– Immutable set using a red/black tree (
– Immutable multi-way tree (a.k.a. rose tree) (
– Immutable tree-map using a red/black tree (
– Products (tuples) of arity 1-8 (fj.P1..P8)
– Vectors of arity 2-8 (
– Pointed lists and trees ( and
– Type-safe, generic heterogeneous list (
– Immutable arrays (
– Disjoint union datatype (
– 2-3 finger trees supporting access to the ends in amortized O(1)
time (
Reality check
• OK, have we achieved something simpler?
– It depends. Understanding the insides of persistent
data structures can be very hard
• But as you move towards more complex systems and more
concurrent systems, not having to worry about which
threads are mutating what and when usually outweighs the
complexities of using persistent data structures
• Arguing for impure in Haskell:
– They still don’t solve all of the problems. For any
significant problem you will have multiple threads
working on the solution. In some sense we have just
moved the problem but at least we have separated
• You might combine with message passing (actors) or
dataflow or software transactional memory (STM)
Immutable Classes
• Some Rules
– Don’t provide mutators
– Ensure that no methods can
be overridden
• Easiest to make the class final
• Or use static factories & non-public
– Make all fields final
– Make all fields private
• Avoid even public immutable constants
– Ensure exclusive access to any mutable components
• Don’t leak internal references
• Defensive copying in and out
– Optionally provide equals and hashCode methods
– Optionally provide toString method
• Java Immutable Class
– As per Joshua Bloch
Effective Java
public final class Person {
private final String first;
private final String last;
public String getFirst() {
return first;
public String getLast() {
return last;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((first == null)
? 0 : first.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((last == null)
? 0 : last.hashCode());
return result;
public Person(String first, String last) {
this.first = first;
this.last = last;
// ...
// ...
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
Person other = (Person) obj;
if (first == null) {
if (other.first != null)
return false;
} else if (!first.equals(other.first))
return false;
if (last == null) {
if (other.last != null)
return false;
} else if (!last.equals(other.last))
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
return "Person(first:" + first
+ ", last:" + last + ")";
• Java Immutable Class
– As per Joshua Bloch
Effective Java
public final class Person {
private final String first;
private final String last;
public String getFirst() {
return first;
public String getLast() {
return last;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((first == null)
? 0 : first.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((last == null)
? 0 : last.hashCode());
return result;
public Person(String first, String last) {
this.first = first;
this.last = last;
// ...
// ...
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
Person other = (Person) obj;
if (first == null) {
if (other.first != null)
return false;
} else if (!first.equals(other.first))
return false;
if (last == null) {
if (other.last != null)
return false;
} else if (!last.equals(other.last))
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
return "Person(first:" + first
+ ", last:" + last + ")";
@Immutable class Person {
String first, last
• Intro to Functional Style
• Functional Basics
• Immutability & Persistent Data Structures
Laziness & Strictness
• GPars & Concurrency
• Type Safety
• Word Split (bonus material)
• More Info
totallylazy library
• Similar to Groovy’s collection
GDK methods …
• Except … lazy …
import static
import static com.googlecode.totallylazy.numbers.Numbers.*
assert range(6, 10) == [6,7,8,9,10]
assert range(6, 10, 2).forAll(even)
assert range(6, 10).reduce{ a, b -> a + b } == 40
assert range(6, 10).foldLeft(0, add) == 40
assert map(range(6, 10), { it + 100 }) == [106,107,108,109,110]
assert primes().take(10) == [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29]
assert range(1, 4).cycle().drop(2).take(8) == [3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2]
println range(6, 1_000_000_000_000).filter(even).drop(1).take(5)
// => 8,10,12,14,16 (a handful of millis later)
Immutability options - collections
• This script
• Produces this output (order will vary)
import static com.googlecode.totallylazy.Sequences.flatMapConcurrently
import static com.googlecode.totallylazy.numbers.Numbers.*
println flatMapConcurrently(range(6, 10)) {
println it // just for logging
even(it) ? [it, it+100] : []
GPars and TotallyLazy library
import static groovyx.gpars.GParsExecutorsPool.withPool
import static com.googlecode.totallylazy.Callables.asString
import static com.googlecode.totallylazy.Sequences.sequence
withPool { pool ->
assert ['5', '6'] == sequence(4, 5, 6)
.mapConcurrently(asString(), pool)
withPool {
assert ['5', '6'] == [4, 5, 6]
.collectParallel{ it.toString() }
<= Plain GPars equivalent
Groovy Streams
// Repeat an object indefinitely
Stream s = Stream.from { 1 }
assert s.take( 5 ).collect() == [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
// Use an Iterable
s = Stream.from 1..3
assert s.collect() == [ 1, 2, 3 ]
// Use an iterator
def iter = [ 1, 2, 3 ].iterator()
s = Stream.from iter
assert s.collect() == [ 1, 2, 3 ]
// Use a map of iterables
s = Stream.from x:1..2, y:3..4
assert s.collect() == [ [x:1,y:3],[x:1,y:4],[x:2,y:3],[x:2,y:4] ]
Groovy Streams
import static hr.helix.monadologie.MonadComprehension.foreach
def res = foreach {
a = takeFrom { [1, 2, 3] }
b = takeFrom { [4, 5] }
yield { a + b }
assert res == [5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8]
Functional Groovy
import static com.github.mperry.fg.Comprehension.foreach { println it }
def result = foreach {
num { }
yield { num + 1 }
assert result.toJList() == [2, 3]
Show me the code
• Intro to Functional Style
• Functional Basics
• Immutability & Persistent Data Structures
• Laziness & Strictness
GPars & Concurrency
• Type Safety
• Word Split (bonus material)
• More Info
Ralph Johnson: Parallel Programming
• Styles of parallel programming
– Threads and locks
• Nondeterministic, low-level, rumored humans can do this
– Asynchronous messages e.g. Actors –
no or limited shared memory
• Nondeterministic, ok for I/O but be careful with side-effects
– Sharing with deterministic restrictions
e.g. Fork-join
• Hopefully deterministic semantics, not designed for I/O
– Data parallelism
• Deterministic semantics, easy, efficient, not designed for I/O
Each approach has some caveats
• Library classes and DSL sugar providing
intuitive ways for Groovy developers to
handle tasks concurrently. Logical parts:
– Data Parallelism features use JSR-166y Parallel Arrays
to enable multi-threaded collection processing
– Asynchronous functions extend the Java 1.5 built-in
support for executor services to enable multi-threaded
closure processing
– Dataflow Concurrency supports natural shared-memory
concurrency model, using single-assignment variables
– Actors provide an implementation of Erlang/Scala-like
actors including "remote" actors on other machines
– Safe Agents provide a non-blocking mt-safe reference to
mutable state; inspired by "agents" in Clojure
Coordination approachesSource:ReGinA–GroovyinAction,2ndedition
Data Parallelism:
Fixed coordination
(for collections)
Actors Explicit coordination
Safe Agents Delegated coordination
Dataflow Implicit coordination
GPars: Choosing approachesFormoredetailssee:
Data Parallelism
Streamed Data
Dataflow tasks
Asynch fun’s
Stm, Agents
Special collections
Linear Recursive
Groovy Sequential Collection
def oneStarters = (1..30)
.collect { it ** 2 }
.findAll { it ==~ '1.*' }
assert oneStarters == [1, 16, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196]
assert oneStarters.max() == 196
assert oneStarters.sum() == 747
GPars Parallel Collections…
import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool
withPool {
def oneStarters = (1..30)
.collectParallel { it ** 2 }
.findAllParallel { it ==~ '1.*' }
assert oneStarters == [1, 16, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196]
assert oneStarters.maxParallel() == 196
assert oneStarters.sumParallel() == 747
…GPars Parallel Collections
• Suitable when
– Each iteration is independent, i.e. not:
fact[index] = index * fact[index - 1]
– Iteration logic doesn’t use non-thread safe code
– Size and indexing of iteration are important
import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool
withPool {
def oneStarters = (1..30)
.collectParallel { it ** 2 }
.findAllParallel { it ==~ '1.*' }
assert oneStarters == [1, 16, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196]
assert oneStarters.maxParallel() == 196
assert oneStarters.sumParallel() == 747
Parallel Collection Variations
• Apply some Groovy metaprogramming
import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool
withPool {
def oneStarters = (1..30).makeConcurrent()
.collect { it ** 2 }
.findAll { it ==~ '1.*' }
.findAll { it ==~ '...' }
assert oneStarters == [100, 121, 144, 169, 196]
import groovyx.gpars.ParallelEnhancer
def nums = 1..5
assert [1, 4, 9, 16, 25] == nums.collectParallel{ it * it }
GPars parallel methods for collections
Transparent Transitive? Parallel Lazy?
any { ... } anyParallel { ... } yes
collect { ... } yes collectParallel { ... }
count(filter) countParallel(filter)
each { ... } eachParallel { ... }
eachWithIndex { ... } eachWithIndexParallel { ... }
every { ... } everyParallel { ... } yes
find { ... } findParallel { ... }
findAll { ... } yes findAllParallel { ... }
findAny { ... } findAnyParallel { ... }
fold { ... } foldParallel { ... }
fold(seed) { ... } foldParallel(seed) { ... }
grep(filter) yes grepParallel(filter)
groupBy { ... } groupByParallel { ... }
max { ... } maxParallel { ... }
max() maxParallel()
min { ... } minParallel { ... }
min() minParallel()
split { ... } yes splitParallel { ... }
sum sumParallel // foldParallel +
Transitive means result is automatically transparent; Lazy means fails fast
GPars: Map-Reduce
import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool
withPool {
def oneStarters = (1..30).parallel
.map { it ** 2 }
.filter { it ==~ '1.*' }
assert oneStarters.collection ==
[1, 16, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196]
// aggregations/reductions
assert oneStarters.max() == 196
assert oneStarters.reduce { a, b -> a + b } == 747
assert oneStarters.sum() == 747
GPars parallel array methods
Method Return Type
combine(initValue) { ... } Map
filter { ... } Parallel array
collection Collection
groupBy { ... } Map
map { ... } Parallel array
max() T
max { ... } T
min() T
min { ... } T
reduce { ... } T
reduce(seed) { ... } T
size() int
sort { ... } Parallel array
sum() T
parallel // on a Collection Parallel array
Parallel Collections vs Map-Reduce
Fork Fork
Concurrency challenge…
• Suppose we have the following
calculation involving several functions:
• And we want to use our available cores …
// example adapted from Parallel Programming with .Net
def (f1, f2, f3, f4) = [{ sleep 1000; it }] * 3 +
[{ x, y -> x + y }]
def a = 5
def b = f1(a)
def c = f2(a)
def d = f3(c)
def f = f4(b, d)
assert f == 10
…Concurrency challenge…
• We can analyse the example’s task graph:
// example adapted from Parallel Programming with .Net
def (f1, f2, f3, f4) = [{ sleep 1000; it }] * 3 +
[{ x, y -> x + y }]
def a = 5
def b = f1(a)
def c = f2(a)
def d = f3(c)
def f = f4(b, d)
assert f == 10
…Concurrency challenge…
• Manually using asynchronous functions:
// example adapted from Parallel Programming with .Net
def (f1, f2, f3, f4) = [{ sleep 1000; it }] * 3 +
[{ x, y -> x + y }]
import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool
withPool(2) {
def a = 5
def futureB = f1.callAsync(a)
def c = f2(a)
def d = f3(c)
def f = f4(futureB.get(), d)
assert f == 10
…Concurrency challenge
• And with GPars Dataflows:
def (f1, f2, f3, f4) = [{ sleep 1000; it }] * 3 +
[{ x, y -> x + y }]
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflows
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task
new Dataflows().with {
task { a = 5 }
task { b = f1(a) }
task { c = f2(a) }
task { d = f3(c) }
task { f = f4(b, d) }
assert f == 10
…Concurrency challenge
• And with GPars Dataflows:
def (f1, f2, f3, f4) = [{ sleep 1000; it }] * 3 +
[{ x, y -> x + y }]
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflows
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task
new Dataflows().with {
task { f = f4(b, d) }
task { d = f3(c) }
task { c = f2(a) }
task { b = f1(a) }
task { a = 5 }
assert f == 10
GPars: Dataflows...
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataFlows
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataFlow.task
final flow = new DataFlows()
task { flow.result = flow.x + flow.y }
task { flow.x = 10 }
task { flow.y = 5 }
assert 15 == flow.result
new DataFlows().with {
task { result = x * y }
task { x = 10 }
task { y = 5 }
assert 50 == result
...GPars: Dataflows...
• Evaluating:
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataFlows
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataFlow.task
final flow = new DataFlows()
task { flow.a = 10 }
task { flow.b = 5 }
task { flow.x = flow.a - flow.b }
task { flow.y = flow.a + flow.b }
task { flow.result = flow.x * flow.y }
assert flow.result == 75
10 5
result = (a – b) * (a + b)
x y
Question: what happens if I change the order of the task statements here?
...GPars: Dataflows...
• Naive attempt for loops
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflows
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task
final flow = new Dataflows()
[10, 20].each { thisA ->
[4, 5].each { thisB ->
task { flow.a = thisA }
task { flow.b = thisB }
task { flow.x = flow.a - flow.b }
task { flow.y = flow.a + flow.b }
task { flow.result = flow.x * flow.y }
println flow.result
// => java.lang.IllegalStateException:
A DataflowVariable can only be assigned once.
task { flow.a = 10 }
task { flow.a = 20 }
Don’t do this!
...GPars: Dataflows...
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowStream
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.*
final streamA = new DataflowStream()
final streamB = new DataflowStream()
final streamX = new DataflowStream()
final streamY = new DataflowStream()
final results = new DataflowStream()
operator(inputs: [streamA, streamB],
outputs: [streamX, streamY]) {
a, b -> streamX << a - b; streamY << a + b
operator(inputs: [streamX, streamY],
outputs: [results]) { x, y -> results << x * y }
[[10, 20], [4, 5]].combinations().each{ thisA, thisB ->
task { streamA << thisA }
task { streamB << thisB }
4.times { println results.val }
...GPars: Dataflows
• Suitable when:
– Your algorithms can be expressed as mutually-
independent logical tasks
• Properties:
– Inherently safe and robust (no race conditions or
– Amenable to static analysis
– Deadlocks “typically” become repeatable
– “Beautiful” (declarative) code
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflows
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task
final flow = new Dataflows()
task { flow.x = flow.y }
task { flow.y = flow.x }
…GPars: Actors...
import static*
def votes = reactor {
it.endsWith('y') ? "You voted for $it" : "Sorry, please try again"
println votes.sendAndWait('Groovy')
println votes.sendAndWait('JRuby')
println votes.sendAndWait('Go')
def languages = ['Groovy', 'Dart', 'C++']
def booth = actor {
languages.each{ votes << it }
loop {
languages.size().times {
react { println it }
booth.join(); votes.stop(); votes.join()
You voted for Groovy
You voted for JRuby
Sorry, please try again
You voted for Groovy
Sorry, please try again
Sorry, please try again
Software Transactional Memory…
import org.multiverse.api.references.LongRef
import static groovyx.gpars.stm.GParsStm.atomic
import static org.multiverse.api.StmUtils.newLongRef
class Account {
private final LongRef balance
Account(long initial) {
balance = newLongRef(initial)
void setBalance(long newBalance) {
if (newBalance < 0) throw new RuntimeException("not enough money")
balance.set newBalance
long getBalance() {
// ...
…Software Transactional Memory
// ...
def from = new Account(20)
def to = new Account(20)
def amount = 10
def watcher = Thread.start {
15.times {
atomic { println "from: ${from.balance}, to: ${to.balance}" }
sleep 100
sleep 150
try {
atomic {
from.balance -= amount
to.balance += amount
sleep 500
println 'transfer success'
} catch(all) {
println all.message
atomic { println "from: $from.balance, to: $to.balance" }
• Intro to Functional Style
• Functional Basics
• Immutability & Persistent Data Structures
• Laziness & Strictness
• GPars & Concurrency
Type Safety
• Word Split (bonus material)
• More Info
Show me the code
JScience, SPrintfChecker, GenericStackTest
• Intro to Functional Style
• Functional Basics
• Immutability & Persistent Data Structures
• Laziness & Strictness
• GPars & Concurrency
• Type Safety
Word Split (bonus material)
• More Info
Word Split with Fortress
Guy Steele’s StrangeLoop keynote (from slide 52 onwards for several slides):
Word Split…
def swords = { s ->
def result = []
def word = ''
s.each{ ch ->
if (ch == ' ') {
if (word) result += word
word = ''
} else word += ch
if (word) result += word
assert swords("This is a sample") == ['This', 'is', 'a', 'sample']
assert swords("Here is a sesquipedalian string of words") ==
['Here', 'is', 'a', 'sesquipedalian', 'string', 'of', 'words']
Word Split…
def swords = { s ->
def result = []
def word = ''
s.each{ ch ->
if (ch == ' ') {
if (word) result += word
word = ''
} else word += ch
if (word) result += word
Word Split…
def swords = { s ->
def result = []
def word = ''
s.each{ ch ->
if (ch == ' ') {
if (word) result += word
word = ''
} else word += ch
if (word) result += word
…Word Split…
…Word Split…
Segment(left1, m1, right1) Segment(left2, m2, right2)
Segment(left1, m1 + [ ? ] + m2, right2)
…Word Split…
…Word Split…
class Util { static maybeWord(s) { s ? [s] : [] } }
import static Util.*
@Immutable class Chunk {
String s
public static final ZERO = new Chunk('')
def plus(Chunk other) { new Chunk(s + other.s) }
def plus(Segment other) {
new Segment(s + other.l, other.m, other.r) }
def flatten() { maybeWord(s) }
@Immutable class Segment {
String l; List m; String r
public static final ZERO = new Segment('', [], '')
def plus(Chunk other) { new Segment(l, m, r + other.s) }
def plus(Segment other) {
new Segment(l, m + maybeWord(r + other.l) + other.m, other.r) }
def flatten() { maybeWord(l) + m + maybeWord(r) }
…Word Split…
def processChar(ch) { ch == ' ' ?
new Segment('', [], '') :
new Chunk(ch) }
def swords(s) { s.inject(Chunk.ZERO) { result, ch ->
result + processChar(ch) } }
assert swords("Here is a sesquipedalian string of words").flatten()
== ['Here', 'is', 'a', 'sesquipedalian', 'string', 'of', 'words']
…Word Split…
…Word Split…
…Word Split…
def pwords(s) {
int n = (s.size() + THREADS - 1) / THREADS
def map = new ConcurrentHashMap()
(0..<THREADS).collect { i ->
Thread.start {
def (min, max) = [
[s.size(), i * n].min(), [s.size(), (i + 1) * n].min()
map[i] = swords(s[min..<max])
(0..<THREADS).collect { i -> map[i] }.sum().flatten()
…Word Split…
import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool
def partition(piece) {
piece.size() <= THRESHHOLD ? piece :
[piece[0..<THRESHHOLD]] + partition(piece.substring(THRESHHOLD))
def pwords = { input ->
withPool(THREADS) {
partition(input){ a, b -> a + b }.flatten()
…Guy Steele example in Groovy…
def words = { s ->
int n = (s.size() + THREADS - 1) / THREADS
def min = (0..<THREADS).collectEntries{ [it, [s.size(),it*n].min()] }
def max = (0..<THREADS).collectEntries{ [it, [s.size(),(it+1)*n].min()] }
def result = new DataFlows().with {
task { a = swords(s[min[0]..<max[0]]) }
task { b = swords(s[min[1]..<max[1]]) }
task { c = swords(s[min[2]..<max[2]]) }
task { d = swords(s[min[3]..<max[3]]) }
task { sum1 = a + b }
task { sum2 = c + d }
task { sum = sum1 + sum2 }
println 'Tasks ahoy!'
switch(result) {
case Chunk: return maybeWord(result.s)
case Segment: return result.with{ maybeWord(l) + m + maybeWord(r) }
DataFlow version: partially hard-coded to 4 partitions for easier reading
…Guy Steele example in Groovy…
println GParsPool.withPool(THREADS) {
def result = runForkJoin(0, input.size(), input){ first, last, s ->
def size = last - first
} else { // divide and conquer
def mid = first + ((last - first) >> 1)
forkOffChild(first, mid, s)
forkOffChild(mid, last, s)
switch(result) {
case Chunk: return maybeWord(result.s)
case Segment: return result.with{ maybeWord(l) + m + maybeWord(r) }
Fork/Join version
…Guy Steele example in Groovy
println GParsPool.withPool(THREADS) {
def ans = input.collectParallel{ processChar(it) }.sum()
switch(ans) {
case Chunk: return maybeWord(ans.s)
case Segment: return ans.with{ maybeWord(l) + m + maybeWord(r) }
Just leveraging the algorithm’s parallel nature
• Intro to Functional Style
• Functional Basics
• Immutability & Persistent Data Structures
• Laziness & Strictness
• GPars & Concurrency
• Type Safety
• Word Split (bonus material)
More Info
More Information: Groovy in Action

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functional groovy

  • 2. Topics Intro to Functional Style • Functional Basics • Immutability & Persistent Data Structures • Laziness & Strictness • Gpars & Concurrency • Type Safety • Word Split (bonus material) • More Info ©ASERT2006-2013
  • 3. Introduction • What is functional programming? – Favour evaluation of composable expressions over execution of commands – Encourage particular idioms such as side- effect free functions & immutability • And why should I care? – Declarative understandable code – Reduction of errors – Better patterns and approaches to design – Improved reusability – Leverage concurrency ©ASERT2006-2013
  • 4. What makes up functional style? • Functions, Closures, Lambdas, Blocks as first-class citizens • Higher order functions • Mutable vs Immutable data structures • Recursion • Lazy vs Eager evaluation • Declarative vs Imperative style • Advanced Techniques – Memoization, Trampolines, Composition and Curry • Compile-time safety • Concurrency
  • 5. Closures... ©ASERT2006-2013 def twice = { int num -> num + num } assert twice(5) == 10 assert == 12 def twice10 = { 2 * 10 } assert 20 == twice10() def triple = { arg -> arg * 3 } assert triple(5) == 15 def alsoTriple = { it * 3 } assert alsoTriple(6) == 18 def quadruple = { arg = 2 -> twice(arg) * 2 } assert quadruple(5) == 20 assert quadruple() == 8 // ...
  • 6. ...Closures... ©ASERT2006-2013 // ... def callWith5(Closure c) { c(5) } assert 15 == callWith5(triple) def twiceMethod(int num) { num * 2 } assert twiceMethod(2) == 4 def alsoTwice = this.&twiceMethod assert alsoTwice(5) == 10 def alsoQuadruple = twice >> twice assert alsoQuadruple(5) == 20 def forty = quadruple.curry(10) assert forty() == 40 assert [10, 15, 20] == [twice, triple, quadruple].collect{ it(5) } assert 45 == [alsoTwice, alsoTriple, alsoQuadruple].sum{ it(5) }
  • 7. ...Closures • Used for many things in Groovy: • Iterators • Callbacks • Higher-order functions • Specialized control structures • Dynamic method definition • Resource allocation • Threads • Continuation-like coding ©ASERT2006-2013 def houston(Closure doit) { (10..1).each { count -> doit(count) } } houston { println it } new File('/x.txt').eachLine { println it } 3.times { println 'Hi' } [0, 1, 2].each { number -> println number } [0, 1, 2].each { println it} def printit = { println it } [0, 1, 2].each printit
  • 8. ©ASERT2006-2013 Better Design Patterns: Builder <html> <head> <title>Hello</title> </head> <body> <ul> <li>world 1</li> <li>world 2</li> <li>world 3</li> <li>world 4</li> <li>world 5</li> </ul> </body> </html> import groovy.xml.* def page = new MarkupBuilder() page.html { head { title 'Hello' } body { ul { for (count in 1..5) { li "world $count" } } } } • Markup Builder
  • 9. ...Better File Manipulation ©ASERT2006-2013 def out = new File('result.txt') out.delete() new File('..').eachFileRecurse { file -> if ('.groovy')) { file.eachLine { line, num -> if (line.toLowerCase().contains('groovy')) out << "File '$file' on line $numn$linen" } } }
  • 10. ...DSL example... ©ASERT2006-2013 show = { println it } square_root = { Math.sqrt(it) } def please(action) { [the: { what -> [of: { n -> action(what(n)) }] }] } please show the square_root of 100 // ==> 10.0 Inspiration for this example came from …
  • 11. ...DSL example ©ASERT2006-2013 // Japanese DSL using GEP3 rules Object.metaClass.を = Object.metaClass.の = { clos -> clos(delegate) } まず = { it } 表示する = { println it } 平方根 = { Math.sqrt(it) } まず 100 の 平方根 を 表示する // First, show the square root of 100 // => 10.0 // source: //
  • 12. interface Calc { def execute(n, m) } class CalcByMult implements Calc { def execute(n, m) { n * m } } class CalcByManyAdds implements Calc { def execute(n, m) { def result = 0 n.times { result += m } return result } } def sampleData = [ [3, 4, 12], [5, -5, -25] ] Calc[] multiplicationStrategies = [ new CalcByMult(), new CalcByManyAdds() ] sampleData.each {data -> multiplicationStrategies.each {calc -> assert data[2] == calc.execute(data[0], data[1]) } } def multiplicationStrategies = [ { n, m -> n * m }, { n, m -> def total = 0; n.times{ total += m }; total }, { n, m -> ([m] * n).sum() } ] def sampleData = [ [3, 4, 12], [5, -5, -25] ] sampleData.each{ data -> multiplicationStrategies.each{ calc -> assert data[2] == calc(data[0], data[1]) } } Language features instead of Patterns (c)ASERT2006-2013 Strategy Pattern with interfaces with closures
  • 13. Topics • Intro to Functional Style Functional Basics • Immutability & Persistent Data Structures • Laziness & Strictness • GPars & Concurrency • Type Safety • Word Split (bonus material) • More Info ©ASERT2006-2013
  • 14. Pure Functions, Closures, Side-effects ©ASERT2006-2013 def x = 4 def increment = { arg -> arg + 1 } assert 11 == increment (10) assert x == 4 def incrementWithSideEffect = { arg -> x++; arg + 1 } assert 11 == incrementWithSideEffect(10) assert 101 == incrementWithSideEffect(100) assert x == 6
  • 15. Referential Transparency ©ASERT2006-2013 def x, y, z, arg def method = { // ... } y = 3 arg = y x = y + 1 method(arg) z = y + 1 // z = x assert x == z def pythagorian(x, y) { Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) } final int A = 4 final int B = 3 def c = pythagorian(A, B) // c = 5 assert c == 5
  • 16. Show me the code PrimesPalindromes.groovy, Composition.groovy, Memoize.groovy, FactorialTrampoline.groovy
  • 17. Tail Recursion • ©ASERT2006-2013 @TailRecursive def factorial(n, acc = 1) { n <= 1 ? acc : factorial(n - 1, n * acc) } println factorial(1000G)
  • 18. Topics • Intro to Functional Style • Functional Basics Immutability & Persistent Data Structures • Laziness & Strictness • GPars & Concurrency • Type Safety • Word Split (bonus material) • More Info ©ASERT2006-2013
  • 19. Immutability • An object’s value doesn’t change once created • Examples – Groovy has primitives & their wrapper classes, Strings, null – “constants” (final reference fields) • With some caveats about what they point to – Basic enum values • With some caveats on complex enums – Numerous (effectively) immutable classes • java.awt.Color,, java.util.UUID, java.lang.Class, java.util.Date, java.math.BigInteger, java.math.BigDecimal – Your own carefully written classes – Very careful use of aggregation/collection classes – Special immutable aggregation/collection classes
  • 20. Why Immutability? • Simple – Exactly one state – Potentially easier to design, implement, use, reason about & make secure • Inherently referentially transparent – Potential for optimisation • Can be shared freely – Including “constant” aggregations of immutables – Including persistent structures of immutables – Suitable for caching – Can even cache “pure” expressions involving immutables, e.g. 3 + 4, “string”.size(), fib(42) – Inherently thread safe
  • 21. Approaches to managing collection storage • Mutable • Persistent ©ASERT2006-2013 • Immutable ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘c’ ‘a’ Add ‘t’ Add ‘t’ Add ‘t’ ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’ ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’ X ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’ ‘c’ ‘a’
  • 22. Approaches to managing collection storage • Mutable • Persistent ©ASERT2006-2013 • Immutable ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘c’ ‘a’ Add ‘t’ Add ‘t’ Add ‘t’ ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’ ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’ X ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’ ‘c’ ‘a’
  • 23. Immutable practices • Using mutating style String invention = 'Mouse Trap' List inventions = [invention] invention = 'Better ' + invention inventions << invention assert inventions == ['Mouse Trap', 'Better Mouse Trap'] inventions.removeAll 'Mouse Trap' assert inventions == ['Better Mouse Trap']
  • 24. Immutable practices • Using mutating style – We could possibly get away with this code here but it has some debatable code smells • (1) add a reference to a mutable list • (2) change string reference losing original • (3),(4) mutate list • (4) duplicate first invention because original lost String invention = 'Mouse Trap' List inventions = [invention] //(1) invention = 'Better ' + invention //(2) inventions << invention //(3) assert inventions == ['Mouse Trap', 'Better Mouse Trap'] inventions.removeAll 'Mouse Trap' //(4) assert inventions == ['Better Mouse Trap']
  • 25. Approaches to managing collection storage • Mutable • Persistent ©ASERT2006-2013 • Immutable ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘c’ ‘a’ Add ‘t’ Add ‘t’ Add ‘t’ ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’ ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’ X ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’ ‘c’ ‘a’
  • 26. Immutable practices • Avoid using mutator methods Avoid Prefer list.sort() list.sort(false) list.unique() list.unique(false) list.reverse(true) list.reverse() list.addAll list.removeAll list.minus String or List += or << use differently named variables mutating java.util.Collections void methods, e.g. shuffle, swap, fill, copy, rotate your own non mutating variants
  • 27. Immutable practices • Avoid using mutator methods Avoid Prefer list.sort() list.sort(false) list.unique() list.unique(false) list.reverse(true) list.reverse() list.addAll list.removeAll list.minus String or List += or << use differently named variables mutating java.util.Collections void methods, e.g. shuffle, swap, fill, copy, rotate your own non mutating variants public class Collections { public static void shuffle(List<?> list) { /* ... */ } /* ... */ }
  • 28. Immutable practices • Avoid using mutator methods Avoid Prefer list.sort() list.sort(false) list.unique() list.unique(false) list.reverse(true) list.reverse() list.addAll list.removeAll list.minus String or List += or << use differently named variables mutating java.util.Collections void methods, e.g. shuffle, swap, fill, copy, rotate your own non mutating variants static List myShuffle(List list) { List result = new ArrayList(list) Collections.shuffle(result) result }
  • 29. Immutable practices • Avoid using mutator methods – But only marginal gains when using Java’s built-in collections // Avoid String invention = 'Mouse Trap' List inventions = [invention] invention = 'Better ' + invention inventions << invention assert inventions == ['Mouse Trap', 'Better Mouse Trap'] inventions.removeAll 'Mouse Trap' assert inventions == ['Better Mouse Trap'] // Prefer String firstInvention = 'Mouse Trap' List initialInventions = [firstInvention] String secondInvention = 'Better ' + firstInvention List allInventions = initialInventions + secondInvention assert allInventions == ['Mouse Trap', 'Better Mouse Trap'] List bestInventions = allInventions - firstInvention assert bestInventions == ['Better Mouse Trap']
  • 30. Immutability options - collections • Built-in • Google Collections – Numerous improved immutable collection types • Groovy run-time metaprogramming import* List<String> animals = ImmutableList.of("cat", "dog", "horse") animals << 'fish' // => java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException def animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'horse'].asImmutable() animals << 'fish' // => java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException def animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'horse'] ArrayList.metaClass.leftShift = { throw new UnsupportedOperationException() } animals << 'fish' // => java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
  • 31. Approaches to managing collection storage • Mutable • Persistent ©ASERT2006-2013 • Immutable ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘c’ ‘a’ Add ‘t’ Add ‘t’ Add ‘t’ ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’ ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’ X ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’ ‘c’ ‘a’
  • 32. Immutability – persistent collections • Functional Java – Or Functional Groovy, clj-ds, pcollections, totallylazy @Grab('org.functionaljava:functionaljava:3.1') def pets ="cat", "dog", "horse") // buy a fish def newPets = pets.cons("fish") assert [3, 4] == [pets.length(), newPets.length()] pets newPets head tail head tail head tail head tail fish cat dog horse
  • 33. Immutability – persistent collections • Functional Java @Grab('org.functionaljava:functionaljava:3.1') def pets ="cat", "dog", "horse") def newPets = pets.cons("fish") assert [3, 4] == [pets.length(), newPets.length()] // sell the horse def remaining = newPets.removeAll{ it == 'horse' } pets newPets head tail head tailhead tail head tail fish cat dog horse remaining ???
  • 34. Immutability – persistent collections • Functional Java @Grab('org.functionaljava:functionaljava:3.1') def pets ="cat", "dog", "horse") def newPets = pets.cons("fish") assert [3, 4] == [pets.length(), newPets.length()] def remaining = newPets.removeAll{ it == 'horse' } assert [3, 4, 3] == [pets, newPets, remaining]*.length() pets newPets head tail head tailhead tail head tail fish cat dog horse remaining ???
  • 35. Immutability – persistent collections • Functional Java @Grab('org.functionaljava:functionaljava:3.1') def pets ="cat", "dog", "horse") def newPets = pets.cons("fish") assert [3, 4] == [pets.length(), newPets.length()] def remaining = newPets.removeAll{ it == 'horse' } assert [3, 4, 3] == [pets, newPets, remaining]*.length() pets newPets head tail head tailhead tail head tail fish cat dog horse remaining head tail head tail head tail fish cat dog copy copy copy
  • 36. Immutability – persistent collections A B C D E F G H I K ??? J original
  • 37. Immutability – persistent collections • You will see the correct results but in general, different operations may give very differing performance characteristics from what you expect – But don’t fret, smart people are working on smart structures to support a variety of scenarios. You may even have several in your current NoSQL implementation A B C D E F G H I A* C* G* KJ original modified
  • 38. Reality check • OK, do I have to write this myself? – Might pay to try some simple ones. Take a look at Eric Lippert’s blog on some C# implementations. Here is the first part (Part 1: Kinds of Immutability): immutability-in-c-part-one-kinds-of-immutability.aspx – Also consider • Part 2: Simple Immutable Stack, Part 3: Covariant Immutable Stack, Part 4: Immutable Queue, Part 6: Simple Binary Tree – There are probably plenty of implementations you can already use – See also: Purely Functional Data Structures by Chris Okasak, Cambridge University Press (1999) • It turns out you use trees for nearly everything! 
  • 39. Reality check • Functional Java persistent data structures – Singly-linked list ( – Lazy singly-linked list ( – Nonempty list ( – Optional value (a container of length 0 or 1) ( – Immutable set using a red/black tree ( – Immutable multi-way tree (a.k.a. rose tree) ( – Immutable tree-map using a red/black tree ( – Products (tuples) of arity 1-8 (fj.P1..P8) – Vectors of arity 2-8 ( – Pointed lists and trees ( and – Type-safe, generic heterogeneous list ( – Immutable arrays ( – Disjoint union datatype ( – 2-3 finger trees supporting access to the ends in amortized O(1) time (
  • 40. Reality check • OK, have we achieved something simpler? – It depends. Understanding the insides of persistent data structures can be very hard • But as you move towards more complex systems and more concurrent systems, not having to worry about which threads are mutating what and when usually outweighs the complexities of using persistent data structures • Arguing for impure in Haskell: impure-world.pdf – They still don’t solve all of the problems. For any significant problem you will have multiple threads working on the solution. In some sense we have just moved the problem but at least we have separated concerns. • You might combine with message passing (actors) or dataflow or software transactional memory (STM)
  • 41. Immutable Classes • Some Rules – Don’t provide mutators – Ensure that no methods can be overridden • Easiest to make the class final • Or use static factories & non-public constructors – Make all fields final – Make all fields private • Avoid even public immutable constants – Ensure exclusive access to any mutable components • Don’t leak internal references • Defensive copying in and out – Optionally provide equals and hashCode methods – Optionally provide toString method
  • 42. @Immutable... • Java Immutable Class – As per Joshua Bloch Effective Java ©ASERT2006-2013 public final class Person { private final String first; private final String last; public String getFirst() { return first; } public String getLast() { return last; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((first == null) ? 0 : first.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((last == null) ? 0 : last.hashCode()); return result; } public Person(String first, String last) { this.first = first; this.last = last; } // ... // ... @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Person other = (Person) obj; if (first == null) { if (other.first != null) return false; } else if (!first.equals(other.first)) return false; if (last == null) { if (other.last != null) return false; } else if (!last.equals(other.last)) return false; return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "Person(first:" + first + ", last:" + last + ")"; } }
  • 43. ...@Immutable... • Java Immutable Class – As per Joshua Bloch Effective Java ©ASERT2006-2013 public final class Person { private final String first; private final String last; public String getFirst() { return first; } public String getLast() { return last; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((first == null) ? 0 : first.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((last == null) ? 0 : last.hashCode()); return result; } public Person(String first, String last) { this.first = first; this.last = last; } // ... // ... @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Person other = (Person) obj; if (first == null) { if (other.first != null) return false; } else if (!first.equals(other.first)) return false; if (last == null) { if (other.last != null) return false; } else if (!last.equals(other.last)) return false; return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "Person(first:" + first + ", last:" + last + ")"; } } boilerplate
  • 45. Topics • Intro to Functional Style • Functional Basics • Immutability & Persistent Data Structures Laziness & Strictness • GPars & Concurrency • Type Safety • Word Split (bonus material) • More Info ©ASERT2006-2013
  • 46. totallylazy library • Similar to Groovy’s collection GDK methods … • Except … lazy … @GrabResolver('') @Grab('com.googlecode.totallylazy:totallylazy:1113') import static import static com.googlecode.totallylazy.numbers.Numbers.* assert range(6, 10) == [6,7,8,9,10] assert range(6, 10, 2).forAll(even) assert range(6, 10).reduce{ a, b -> a + b } == 40 assert range(6, 10).foldLeft(0, add) == 40 assert map(range(6, 10), { it + 100 }) == [106,107,108,109,110] assert primes().take(10) == [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29] assert range(1, 4).cycle().drop(2).take(8) == [3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2] println range(6, 1_000_000_000_000).filter(even).drop(1).take(5) // => 8,10,12,14,16 (a handful of millis later)
  • 47. Immutability options - collections • This script • Produces this output (order will vary) @GrabResolver('') @Grab('com.googlecode.totallylazy:totallylazy:1113') import static com.googlecode.totallylazy.Sequences.flatMapConcurrently import static com.googlecode.totallylazy.numbers.Numbers.* println flatMapConcurrently(range(6, 10)) { println it // just for logging even(it) ? [it, it+100] : [] } //9 //7 //8 //6 //10 //6,106,8,108,10,110
  • 48. GPars and TotallyLazy library ©ASERT2006-2013 @GrabResolver('') @Grab('com.googlecode.totallylazy:totallylazy:1113') import static groovyx.gpars.GParsExecutorsPool.withPool import static com.googlecode.totallylazy.Callables.asString import static com.googlecode.totallylazy.Sequences.sequence withPool { pool -> assert ['5', '6'] == sequence(4, 5, 6) .drop(1) .mapConcurrently(asString(), pool) .toList() } withPool { assert ['5', '6'] == [4, 5, 6] .drop(1) .collectParallel{ it.toString() } } <= Plain GPars equivalent
  • 49. Groovy Streams • @Grab('com.bloidonia:groovy-stream:0.5.2') import // Repeat an object indefinitely Stream s = Stream.from { 1 } assert s.take( 5 ).collect() == [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] // Use an Iterable s = Stream.from 1..3 assert s.collect() == [ 1, 2, 3 ] // Use an iterator def iter = [ 1, 2, 3 ].iterator() s = Stream.from iter assert s.collect() == [ 1, 2, 3 ] // Use a map of iterables s = Stream.from x:1..2, y:3..4 assert s.collect() == [ [x:1,y:3],[x:1,y:4],[x:2,y:3],[x:2,y:4] ]
  • 50. Groovy Streams • import static hr.helix.monadologie.MonadComprehension.foreach def res = foreach { a = takeFrom { [1, 2, 3] } b = takeFrom { [4, 5] } yield { a + b } } assert res == [5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8]
  • 51. Functional Groovy • @GrabResolver('') @Grab('com.github.mperry:functionalgroovy-core:0.2-SNAPSHOT') @Grab('org.functionaljava:functionaljava:3.1') import static com.github.mperry.fg.Comprehension.foreach { println it } def result = foreach { num { } yield { num + 1 } } assert result.toJList() == [2, 3]
  • 52. Show me the code LazyMain.groovy
  • 53. Topics • Intro to Functional Style • Functional Basics • Immutability & Persistent Data Structures • Laziness & Strictness GPars & Concurrency • Type Safety • Word Split (bonus material) • More Info ©ASERT2006-2013
  • 54. Ralph Johnson: Parallel Programming • Styles of parallel programming – Threads and locks • Nondeterministic, low-level, rumored humans can do this – Asynchronous messages e.g. Actors – no or limited shared memory • Nondeterministic, ok for I/O but be careful with side-effects – Sharing with deterministic restrictions e.g. Fork-join • Hopefully deterministic semantics, not designed for I/O – Data parallelism • Deterministic semantics, easy, efficient, not designed for I/O ©ASERT2006-2013 Each approach has some caveats
  • 55. GPars • • Library classes and DSL sugar providing intuitive ways for Groovy developers to handle tasks concurrently. Logical parts: – Data Parallelism features use JSR-166y Parallel Arrays to enable multi-threaded collection processing – Asynchronous functions extend the Java 1.5 built-in support for executor services to enable multi-threaded closure processing – Dataflow Concurrency supports natural shared-memory concurrency model, using single-assignment variables – Actors provide an implementation of Erlang/Scala-like actors including "remote" actors on other machines – Safe Agents provide a non-blocking mt-safe reference to mutable state; inspired by "agents" in Clojure ©ASERT2006-2013
  • 56. Coordination approachesSource:ReGinA–GroovyinAction,2ndedition Data Parallelism: Fork/Join Map/Reduce Fixed coordination (for collections) Actors Explicit coordination Safe Agents Delegated coordination Dataflow Implicit coordination
  • 57. GPars: Choosing approachesFormoredetailssee: Parallel Collections Data Parallelism Task Parallelism Streamed Data Parallelism Fork/ Join Dataflow operators CSP Actors Dataflow tasks Actors Asynch fun’s CSP Fork/ Join Immutable Stm, Agents Special collections Synchronization Linear Recursive Linear Recursive Shared Data Irregular Regular
  • 58. Groovy Sequential Collection ©ASERT2006-2013 def oneStarters = (1..30) .collect { it ** 2 } .findAll { it ==~ '1.*' } assert oneStarters == [1, 16, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196] assert oneStarters.max() == 196 assert oneStarters.sum() == 747
  • 59. GPars Parallel Collections… ©ASERT2006-2013 import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool withPool { def oneStarters = (1..30) .collectParallel { it ** 2 } .findAllParallel { it ==~ '1.*' } assert oneStarters == [1, 16, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196] assert oneStarters.maxParallel() == 196 assert oneStarters.sumParallel() == 747 }
  • 60. …GPars Parallel Collections • Suitable when – Each iteration is independent, i.e. not: fact[index] = index * fact[index - 1] – Iteration logic doesn’t use non-thread safe code – Size and indexing of iteration are important ©ASERT2006-2013 import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool withPool { def oneStarters = (1..30) .collectParallel { it ** 2 } .findAllParallel { it ==~ '1.*' } assert oneStarters == [1, 16, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196] assert oneStarters.maxParallel() == 196 assert oneStarters.sumParallel() == 747 }
  • 61. Parallel Collection Variations • Apply some Groovy metaprogramming ©ASERT2006-2013 import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool withPool { def oneStarters = (1..30).makeConcurrent() .collect { it ** 2 } .findAll { it ==~ '1.*' } .findAll { it ==~ '...' } assert oneStarters == [100, 121, 144, 169, 196] } import groovyx.gpars.ParallelEnhancer def nums = 1..5 ParallelEnhancer.enhanceInstance(nums) assert [1, 4, 9, 16, 25] == nums.collectParallel{ it * it }
  • 62. GPars parallel methods for collections Transparent Transitive? Parallel Lazy? any { ... } anyParallel { ... } yes collect { ... } yes collectParallel { ... } count(filter) countParallel(filter) each { ... } eachParallel { ... } eachWithIndex { ... } eachWithIndexParallel { ... } every { ... } everyParallel { ... } yes find { ... } findParallel { ... } findAll { ... } yes findAllParallel { ... } findAny { ... } findAnyParallel { ... } fold { ... } foldParallel { ... } fold(seed) { ... } foldParallel(seed) { ... } grep(filter) yes grepParallel(filter) groupBy { ... } groupByParallel { ... } max { ... } maxParallel { ... } max() maxParallel() min { ... } minParallel { ... } min() minParallel() split { ... } yes splitParallel { ... } sum sumParallel // foldParallel + Transitive means result is automatically transparent; Lazy means fails fast FormoredetailsseeReGinAortheGParsdocumentation
  • 63. GPars: Map-Reduce ©ASERT2006-2013 import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool withPool { def oneStarters = (1..30).parallel .map { it ** 2 } .filter { it ==~ '1.*' } assert oneStarters.collection == [1, 16, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196] // aggregations/reductions assert oneStarters.max() == 196 assert oneStarters.reduce { a, b -> a + b } == 747 assert oneStarters.sum() == 747 }
  • 64. GPars parallel array methods Method Return Type combine(initValue) { ... } Map filter { ... } Parallel array collection Collection groupBy { ... } Map map { ... } Parallel array max() T max { ... } T min() T min { ... } T reduce { ... } T reduce(seed) { ... } T size() int sort { ... } Parallel array sum() T parallel // on a Collection Parallel array FormoredetailsseeReGinAortheGParsdocumentation
  • 65. Parallel Collections vs Map-Reduce Fork Fork JoinJoin Map Map Reduce Map Map Reduce Reduce Map Filter FilterMap
  • 66. Concurrency challenge… • Suppose we have the following calculation involving several functions: • And we want to use our available cores … ©ASERT2006-2013 // example adapted from Parallel Programming with .Net def (f1, f2, f3, f4) = [{ sleep 1000; it }] * 3 + [{ x, y -> x + y }] def a = 5 def b = f1(a) def c = f2(a) def d = f3(c) def f = f4(b, d) assert f == 10
  • 67. …Concurrency challenge… • We can analyse the example’s task graph: ©ASERT2006-2013 // example adapted from Parallel Programming with .Net def (f1, f2, f3, f4) = [{ sleep 1000; it }] * 3 + [{ x, y -> x + y }] def a = 5 def b = f1(a) def c = f2(a) def d = f3(c) def f = f4(b, d) assert f == 10 f2 f3 f1 f4 aa b c d f
  • 68. …Concurrency challenge… • Manually using asynchronous functions: ©ASERT2006-2013 // example adapted from Parallel Programming with .Net def (f1, f2, f3, f4) = [{ sleep 1000; it }] * 3 + [{ x, y -> x + y }] import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool withPool(2) { def a = 5 def futureB = f1.callAsync(a) def c = f2(a) def d = f3(c) def f = f4(futureB.get(), d) assert f == 10 } f2 f3 f1 f4 aa b c d f
  • 69. …Concurrency challenge • And with GPars Dataflows: ©ASERT2006-2013 def (f1, f2, f3, f4) = [{ sleep 1000; it }] * 3 + [{ x, y -> x + y }] import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflows import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task new Dataflows().with { task { a = 5 } task { b = f1(a) } task { c = f2(a) } task { d = f3(c) } task { f = f4(b, d) } assert f == 10 } f2 f3 f1 f4 aa b c d f
  • 70. …Concurrency challenge • And with GPars Dataflows: ©ASERT2006-2013 def (f1, f2, f3, f4) = [{ sleep 1000; it }] * 3 + [{ x, y -> x + y }] import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflows import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task new Dataflows().with { task { f = f4(b, d) } task { d = f3(c) } task { c = f2(a) } task { b = f1(a) } task { a = 5 } assert f == 10 } f2 f3 f1 f4 aa b c d f
  • 71. GPars: Dataflows... ©ASERT2006-2013 import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataFlows import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataFlow.task final flow = new DataFlows() task { flow.result = flow.x + flow.y } task { flow.x = 10 } task { flow.y = 5 } assert 15 == flow.result new DataFlows().with { task { result = x * y } task { x = 10 } task { y = 5 } assert 50 == result } 510 yx *
  • 72. ...GPars: Dataflows... • Evaluating: ©ASERT2006-2013 import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataFlows import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataFlow.task final flow = new DataFlows() task { flow.a = 10 } task { flow.b = 5 } task { flow.x = flow.a - flow.b } task { flow.y = flow.a + flow.b } task { flow.result = flow.x * flow.y } assert flow.result == 75 b 10 5 a +- * result = (a – b) * (a + b) x y Question: what happens if I change the order of the task statements here?
  • 73. ...GPars: Dataflows... • Naive attempt for loops ©ASERT2006-2013 import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflows import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task final flow = new Dataflows() [10, 20].each { thisA -> [4, 5].each { thisB -> task { flow.a = thisA } task { flow.b = thisB } task { flow.x = flow.a - flow.b } task { flow.y = flow.a + flow.b } task { flow.result = flow.x * flow.y } println flow.result } } // => java.lang.IllegalStateException: A DataflowVariable can only be assigned once. ... task { flow.a = 10 } ... task { flow.a = 20 } Don’t do this! X
  • 74. ...GPars: Dataflows... ©ASERT2006-2013 import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowStream import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.* final streamA = new DataflowStream() final streamB = new DataflowStream() final streamX = new DataflowStream() final streamY = new DataflowStream() final results = new DataflowStream() operator(inputs: [streamA, streamB], outputs: [streamX, streamY]) { a, b -> streamX << a - b; streamY << a + b } operator(inputs: [streamX, streamY], outputs: [results]) { x, y -> results << x * y } [[10, 20], [4, 5]].combinations().each{ thisA, thisB -> task { streamA << thisA } task { streamB << thisB } } 4.times { println results.val } b 10 10 20 20 4 5 4 5 a +- * 84 75 384 375
  • 75. ...GPars: Dataflows • Suitable when: – Your algorithms can be expressed as mutually- independent logical tasks • Properties: – Inherently safe and robust (no race conditions or livelocks) – Amenable to static analysis – Deadlocks “typically” become repeatable – “Beautiful” (declarative) code ©ASERT2006-2013 import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflows import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task final flow = new Dataflows() task { flow.x = flow.y } task { flow.y = flow.x }
  • 76. …GPars: Actors... ©ASERT2006-2013 import static* def votes = reactor { it.endsWith('y') ? "You voted for $it" : "Sorry, please try again" } println votes.sendAndWait('Groovy') println votes.sendAndWait('JRuby') println votes.sendAndWait('Go') def languages = ['Groovy', 'Dart', 'C++'] def booth = actor { languages.each{ votes << it } loop { languages.size().times { react { println it } } stop() } } booth.join(); votes.stop(); votes.join() You voted for Groovy You voted for JRuby Sorry, please try again You voted for Groovy Sorry, please try again Sorry, please try again
  • 77. Software Transactional Memory… ©ASERT2006-2013 @Grab('org.multiverse:multiverse-beta:0.7-RC-1') import org.multiverse.api.references.LongRef import static groovyx.gpars.stm.GParsStm.atomic import static org.multiverse.api.StmUtils.newLongRef class Account { private final LongRef balance Account(long initial) { balance = newLongRef(initial) } void setBalance(long newBalance) { if (newBalance < 0) throw new RuntimeException("not enough money") balance.set newBalance } long getBalance() { balance.get() } } // ...
  • 78. …Software Transactional Memory ©ASERT2006-2013 // ... def from = new Account(20) def to = new Account(20) def amount = 10 def watcher = Thread.start { 15.times { atomic { println "from: ${from.balance}, to: ${to.balance}" } sleep 100 } } sleep 150 try { atomic { from.balance -= amount to.balance += amount sleep 500 } println 'transfer success' } catch(all) { println all.message } atomic { println "from: $from.balance, to: $to.balance" } watcher.join()
  • 79. Topics • Intro to Functional Style • Functional Basics • Immutability & Persistent Data Structures • Laziness & Strictness • GPars & Concurrency Type Safety • Word Split (bonus material) • More Info ©ASERT2006-2013
  • 80. Show me the code JScience, SPrintfChecker, GenericStackTest
  • 81. Topics • Intro to Functional Style • Functional Basics • Immutability & Persistent Data Structures • Laziness & Strictness • GPars & Concurrency • Type Safety Word Split (bonus material) • More Info ©ASERT2006-2013
  • 82. Word Split with Fortress ©ASERT2006-2013 Guy Steele’s StrangeLoop keynote (from slide 52 onwards for several slides):
  • 83. Word Split… ©ASERT2006-2013 def swords = { s -> def result = [] def word = '' s.each{ ch -> if (ch == ' ') { if (word) result += word word = '' } else word += ch } if (word) result += word result } assert swords("This is a sample") == ['This', 'is', 'a', 'sample'] assert swords("Here is a sesquipedalian string of words") == ['Here', 'is', 'a', 'sesquipedalian', 'string', 'of', 'words']
  • 84. Word Split… ©ASERT2006-2013 def swords = { s -> def result = [] def word = '' s.each{ ch -> if (ch == ' ') { if (word) result += word word = '' } else word += ch } if (word) result += word result }
  • 85. Word Split… ©ASERT2006-2013 def swords = { s -> def result = [] def word = '' s.each{ ch -> if (ch == ' ') { if (word) result += word word = '' } else word += ch } if (word) result += word result }
  • 88. Segment(left1, m1, right1) Segment(left2, m2, right2) Segment(left1, m1 + [ ? ] + m2, right2) …Word Split… ©ASERT2006-2013
  • 89. …Word Split… ©ASERT2006-2013 class Util { static maybeWord(s) { s ? [s] : [] } } import static Util.* @Immutable class Chunk { String s public static final ZERO = new Chunk('') def plus(Chunk other) { new Chunk(s + other.s) } def plus(Segment other) { new Segment(s + other.l, other.m, other.r) } def flatten() { maybeWord(s) } } @Immutable class Segment { String l; List m; String r public static final ZERO = new Segment('', [], '') def plus(Chunk other) { new Segment(l, m, r + other.s) } def plus(Segment other) { new Segment(l, m + maybeWord(r + other.l) + other.m, other.r) } def flatten() { maybeWord(l) + m + maybeWord(r) } }
  • 90. …Word Split… ©ASERT2006-2013 def processChar(ch) { ch == ' ' ? new Segment('', [], '') : new Chunk(ch) } def swords(s) { s.inject(Chunk.ZERO) { result, ch -> result + processChar(ch) } } assert swords("Here is a sesquipedalian string of words").flatten() == ['Here', 'is', 'a', 'sesquipedalian', 'string', 'of', 'words']
  • 93. …Word Split… ©ASERT2006-2013 THREADS = 4 def pwords(s) { int n = (s.size() + THREADS - 1) / THREADS def map = new ConcurrentHashMap() (0..<THREADS).collect { i -> Thread.start { def (min, max) = [ [s.size(), i * n].min(), [s.size(), (i + 1) * n].min() ] map[i] = swords(s[min..<max]) } }*.join() (0..<THREADS).collect { i -> map[i] }.sum().flatten() }
  • 94. …Word Split… ©ASERT2006-2013 import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool THRESHHOLD = 10 def partition(piece) { piece.size() <= THRESHHOLD ? piece : [piece[0..<THRESHHOLD]] + partition(piece.substring(THRESHHOLD)) } def pwords = { input -> withPool(THREADS) { partition(input){ a, b -> a + b }.flatten() } }
  • 95. …Guy Steele example in Groovy… ©ASERT2006-2013 def words = { s -> int n = (s.size() + THREADS - 1) / THREADS def min = (0..<THREADS).collectEntries{ [it, [s.size(),it*n].min()] } def max = (0..<THREADS).collectEntries{ [it, [s.size(),(it+1)*n].min()] } def result = new DataFlows().with { task { a = swords(s[min[0]..<max[0]]) } task { b = swords(s[min[1]..<max[1]]) } task { c = swords(s[min[2]..<max[2]]) } task { d = swords(s[min[3]..<max[3]]) } task { sum1 = a + b } task { sum2 = c + d } task { sum = sum1 + sum2 } println 'Tasks ahoy!' sum } switch(result) { case Chunk: return maybeWord(result.s) case Segment: return result.with{ maybeWord(l) + m + maybeWord(r) } } } DataFlow version: partially hard-coded to 4 partitions for easier reading
  • 96. …Guy Steele example in Groovy… ©ASERT2006-2013 GRANULARITY_THRESHHOLD = 10 THREADS = 4 println GParsPool.withPool(THREADS) { def result = runForkJoin(0, input.size(), input){ first, last, s -> def size = last - first if (size <= GRANULARITY_THRESHHOLD) { swords(s[first..<last]) } else { // divide and conquer def mid = first + ((last - first) >> 1) forkOffChild(first, mid, s) forkOffChild(mid, last, s) childrenResults.sum() } } switch(result) { case Chunk: return maybeWord(result.s) case Segment: return result.with{ maybeWord(l) + m + maybeWord(r) } } } Fork/Join version
  • 97. …Guy Steele example in Groovy ©ASERT2006-2013 println GParsPool.withPool(THREADS) { def ans = input.collectParallel{ processChar(it) }.sum() switch(ans) { case Chunk: return maybeWord(ans.s) case Segment: return ans.with{ maybeWord(l) + m + maybeWord(r) } } } Just leveraging the algorithm’s parallel nature
  • 98. Topics • Intro to Functional Style • Functional Basics • Immutability & Persistent Data Structures • Laziness & Strictness • GPars & Concurrency • Type Safety • Word Split (bonus material) More Info ©ASERT2006-2013