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Dr Paul King @paulk_asert
Director, ASERT, Brisbane, Australia
Coding TicTacToe:
A coding style
** Coming
• Dynamic solution
• Options for increasing type safety
• Groovy challenge solution
• Other language implementations
• Interlude: solving tic tac toe
• Going beyond the challenge
Tic Tac Toe
• Players take it in turn to
place “marks” on the
• By convention, Player 1
uses “X” and starts
first; Player 2 uses “O”
• The game finishes once
one of the players has
three of their marks in a
• Also called noughts
and crosses (and other
names) with 4 x 4, 3D
and other variants
Challenge: Tic Tac Toe API
• move: given a board and position returns a
board with the current player at that position
– Can only be called on a board that is in-play; calling move on a
game board that is finished is a compile-time type error
• whoWon: given a finished board indicates if the
game was a draw or which player won
– Can only be called on a board that is finished; calling whoWon
on a game board that is in-play is a compile-time type error
• takeBack: takes either a finished board or a
board in-play that has had at least one move
and returns a board in-play
– It is a compile-time type error when used on an empty board
• playerAt: takes any board and position and
returns the (possible) player at the position
The main example for this talk is based on and inspired by:
But what’s this talk really about?
• Not really about solving/coding TicTacToe
• Looking at the Dynamic <-> Static typing
• Looking at the OO <-> functional style
• Looking at the pros and cons of different
programming styles
But what’s this talk really about?
• We all have the same goal
–Productively writing “bug-free”
maintainable code that “solves” some
real world users problem
–Types are one trick in my toolkit but I
also have tests, invariants
–Numerous ways to benefit from types
–Types are a burden on the programmer
–When writing DSLs, certain scripts,
certain test code, types may not justify
the burden
…DSL example...
class FluentApi {
def action, what
def the(what) { this.what = what; this }
def of(arg) { action(what(arg)) }
show = { arg -> println arg }
square_root = { Math.sqrt(it) }
please = { new FluentApi(action: it) }
please show the square_root of 100 // => 10.0
DSL usage
…DSL example...
please show the square_root of 100
Inspiration for this example came from …
...DSL example
// Japanese DSL using GEP3 rules
Object.metaClass.を =
Object.metaClass.の =
{ clos -> clos(delegate) }
まず = { it }
表示する = { println it }
平方根 = { Math.sqrt(it) }
まず 100 の 平方根 を 表示する
// First, show the square root of 100
// => 10.0
• Introduction
Dynamic solution
• Options for increasing type safety
• Groovy challenge solution
• Other language implementations
• Interlude: solving tic tac toe
• Going beyond the challenge
Show me the code
• Introduction
• Dynamic solution
Options for increasing type safety
• Groovy challenge solution
• Other language implementations
• Interlude: solving tic tac toe
• Going beyond the challenge
Java Typing limitations
long freezingC = 0 // 0 °C
long boilingF = 212 // 212 °F
long delta = boilingF - freezingC
long heavy = 100 // 100 kg
Using JScience
import ...
def main() {
Amount<Temperature> freezingC = valueOf(0L, CELSIUS)
def boilingF = valueOf(212L, FAHRENHEIT)
printDifference(boilingF, freezingC)
def heavy = valueOf(100L, KILO(GRAM))
printDifference(heavy, boilingF)
def <T> void printDifference(Amount<T> arg1, Amount<T> arg2) {
println arg1 - arg2
(180.00000000000006 ± 1.4E-14) °F
javax.measure.converter.ConversionException: °F is
not compatible with kg
Using JScience & @TypeChecked
def main() {
Amount<Temperature> freezingC = valueOf(0L, CELSIUS)
def boilingF = valueOf(212L, FAHRENHEIT)
printDifference(boilingF, freezingC)
def heavy = valueOf(100L, KILO(GRAM))
printDifference(heavy, boilingF)
def <T> void printDifference(Amount<T> arg1, Amount<T> arg2) {
println arg1 - arg2
[Static type checking] - Cannot call
<T>, org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount <T>) with arguments
[org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount <javax.measure.quantity.Mass>,
Mars Orbiter (artists impression)
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
import experimental.SprintfTypeCheckingVisitor
void main() {
sprintf('%s will turn %d on %tF', 'John', new Date(), 21)
[Static type checking] - Parameter types didn't match types
expected from the format String:
For placeholder 2 [%d] expected 'int' but was 'java.util.Date'
For placeholder 3 [%tF] expected 'java.util.Date' but was 'int'
sprintf has an Object varargs
parameter, hence not normally
amenable to further static checking
but for constant Strings we can do
better using a custom type checking
Show me the code
Type safe builder, phantom types, dependent types: Rocket, HList
import org.gcontracts.annotations.*
@Invariant({ speed >= 0 })
class Rocket {
@Requires({ !started })
@Ensures({ started })
def start() { /* ... */ }
@Requires({ started })
@Ensures({ old.speed < speed })
def accelerate() { /* ... */ }
/* ... */
def r = new Rocket()
• Introduction
• Dynamic solution
• Options for increasing type safety
Groovy challenge solution
• Other language implementations
• Interlude: solving tic tac toe
• Going beyond the challenge
Show me the code
• Introduction
• Dynamic solution
• Options for increasing type safety
• Groovy challenge solution
Other language implementations
• Interlude: solving tic tac toe
• Going beyond the challenge
Show me the code
Haskell, Scala
• Introduction
• Dynamic solution
• Options for increasing type safety
• Groovy challenge solution
• Other language implementations
Interlude: solving tic tac toe
• Going beyond the challenge
Interlude: Solving Tic Tac Toe
• Use a game tree to
map out all possible
• Solve the game tree
using brute force or
with various
Interlude: Tic Tac Toe game tree
Interlude: Tic Tac Toe game tree
• Brute force
• Minimax
– Reduced
lookahead, e.g.
2 layers/plies
• Alpha beta pruning
– Improved efficiency
• Iterative deepening
– Often used with
alpha beta pruning
• But for Tic Tac Toe only 100s of
end states and 10s of thousands
of paths to get there
• Introduction
• Dynamic solution
• Options for increasing type safety
• Groovy challenge solution
• Other language implementations
• Interlude: solving tic tac toe
Going beyond the challenge
Static Type Checking: Pluggable type system…
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
import checker.BoringNameEliminator
class Foo {
def method1() { 1 }
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
import checker.BoringNameEliminator
class Foo {
def method() { 1 }
[Static type checking] - Your method name is boring, I cannot allow it!
Groovy 2.1+
…Static Type Checking: Pluggable type system
package checker
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.*
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit
class BoringNameEliminator extends StaticTypeCheckingVisitor {
BoringNameEliminator(SourceUnit source, ClassNode cn,
TypeCheckerPluginFactory pluginFactory) {
super(source, cn, pluginFactory)
final message = "Your method name is boring, I cannot allow it!"
@Override void visitMethod(MethodNode node) {
if ("method".equals( || "bar".equals( {
addStaticTypeError(message, node)
Groovy 2.1+
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
import tictactoe.*
Import static tictactoe.Position.*
void main() {
package tictactoe
enum Position {
NW, N, NE, W, C, E, SW, S, SE
class Board {
static Board empty() { new Board() }
Board move(Position p) { this }
package tictactoe
import fj.*
import static fj.P.p
import static
import static
import static
import static tictactoe.GameResult.Draw
import static tictactoe.Player.Player1
import static tictactoe.Player.toSymbol
import static tictactoe.Position.*
final class Board extends BoardLike {
private final List<P2<Position, Player>> moves
private final TreeMap<Position, Player> m
private static final Ord<Position> positionOrder = Ord.comparableOrd()
private Board(final List<P2<Position, Player>> moves, final TreeMap<Position, Player> m) {
this.moves = moves
this.m = m
Player whoseTurn() { moves.head()._2().alternate() }
boolean isEmpty() { false }
List<Position> occupiedPositions() { m.keys() }
int nmoves() { m.size() }
Option<Player> playerAt(Position pos) { m.get(pos) }
TakenBack takeBack() {
moves.isEmpty() ?
TakenBack.isEmpty() :
TakenBack.isBoard(new Board(moves.tail(), m.delete(moves.head()._1())))
MoveResult moveTo(final Position pos) {
final Player wt = whoseTurn()
final Option<Player> j = m.get(pos)
final TreeMap<Position, Player> mm = m.set(pos, wt)
final Board bb = new Board(moves.cons(p(pos, wt)), mm)
final List<P3<Position, Position, Position>> wins =
p(NW, W, SW), p(N, C, S), p(NE, E, SE), p(NW, N, NE),
p(W, C, E), p(SW, S, SE), p(NW, C, SE), p(SW, C, NE)
final boolean isWin = wins.exists(new F<P3<Position, Position, Position>, Boolean>() {
public Boolean f(final P3<Position, Position, Position> abc) {
return list(abc._1(), abc._2(), abc._3()).mapMOption(mm.get()).exists(new F<List<Player>, Boolean>() {
public Boolean f(final List<Player> ps) {
return ps.allEqual(Equal.<Player> anyEqual())
final boolean isDraw = Position.positions().forall(new F<Position, Boolean>() {
Boolean f(final Position pos2) {
j.isSome() ?
MoveResult.positionAlreadyOccupied() :
isWin ?
MoveResult.gameOver(new FinishedBoard(bb, :
isDraw ?
MoveResult.gameOver(new FinishedBoard(bb, Draw)) :
// …
// …
String toString() {
toString(new F2<Option<Player>, Position, Character>() {
Character f(final Option<Player> pl, final Position _) {
pl.option(p(' '), toSymbol)
}) + "n[ " + whoseTurn().toString() + " to move ]"
static final class EmptyBoard extends BoardLike {
private EmptyBoard() {}
Board moveTo(final Position pos) {
new Board(list(p(pos, Player1)), TreeMap.<Position, Player> empty(positionOrder).set(pos, Player1))
private static final EmptyBoard e = new EmptyBoard()
static EmptyBoard empty() { e }
Player whoseTurn() { Player1 }
boolean isEmpty() { true }
List<Position> occupiedPositions() { nil() }
int nmoves() { 0 }
Option<Player> playerAt(Position pos) { none() }
static final class FinishedBoard extends BoardLike {
private final Board b
private final GameResult r
private FinishedBoard(final Board b, final GameResult r) {
this.b = b
this.r = r
Board takeBack() {
Bottom.<Board> error_("Broken invariant: board in-play with empty move list. This is a program bug"),
Function.<Board> identity()
Player whoseTurn() { b.whoseTurn() }
boolean isEmpty() { false }
List<Position> occupiedPositions() { b.occupiedPositions() }
int nmoves() { b.nmoves() }
Option<Player> playerAt(final Position pos) { b.playerAt(pos) }
GameResult result() { r }
String toString() {
b.toString() + "n[[" + r.toString() + " ]]"
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
import tictactoe.*
Import static tictactoe.Position.*
void main() {
package tictactoe
enum Position {
NW, N, NE, W, C, E, SW, S, SE
[Static type checking] - Attempt to call suboptimal
move SE not allowed [HINT: try NE]
Custom type checker which fails
compilation if programmer attempts
to code a suboptimal solution. Where
suboptimal means doesn’t agree with
what is returned by a minimax,
alpha-beta pruning, iterative
deepening solving engine.
Show me the code
More Information: Groovy in Action

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tictactoe groovy

  • 1. ©ASERT2006-2013 Dr Paul King @paulk_asert Director, ASERT, Brisbane, Australia http:/ Coding TicTacToe: A coding style challenge! ** Coming soon!
  • 2. Topics Introduction • Dynamic solution • Options for increasing type safety • Groovy challenge solution • Other language implementations • Interlude: solving tic tac toe • Going beyond the challenge ©ASERT2006-2013
  • 3. Tic Tac Toe • Players take it in turn to place “marks” on the board • By convention, Player 1 uses “X” and starts first; Player 2 uses “O” • The game finishes once one of the players has three of their marks in a row • Also called noughts and crosses (and other names) with 4 x 4, 3D and other variants
  • 4. Challenge: Tic Tac Toe API • move: given a board and position returns a board with the current player at that position – Can only be called on a board that is in-play; calling move on a game board that is finished is a compile-time type error • whoWon: given a finished board indicates if the game was a draw or which player won – Can only be called on a board that is finished; calling whoWon on a game board that is in-play is a compile-time type error • takeBack: takes either a finished board or a board in-play that has had at least one move and returns a board in-play – It is a compile-time type error when used on an empty board • playerAt: takes any board and position and returns the (possible) player at the position The main example for this talk is based on and inspired by:
  • 5. But what’s this talk really about? • Not really about solving/coding TicTacToe • Looking at the Dynamic <-> Static typing spectrum • Looking at the OO <-> functional style spectrum • Looking at the pros and cons of different programming styles
  • 6. But what’s this talk really about? • We all have the same goal –Productively writing “bug-free” maintainable code that “solves” some real world users problem –Types are one trick in my toolkit but I also have tests, invariants –Numerous ways to benefit from types –Types are a burden on the programmer –When writing DSLs, certain scripts, certain test code, types may not justify the burden
  • 7. …DSL example... ©ASERT2006-2012 class FluentApi { def action, what def the(what) { this.what = what; this } def of(arg) { action(what(arg)) } } show = { arg -> println arg } square_root = { Math.sqrt(it) } please = { new FluentApi(action: it) } please show the square_root of 100 // => 10.0 DSL usage
  • 8. …DSL example... ©ASERT2006-2012 please show the square_root of 100 please(show).the(square_root).of(100) Inspiration for this example came from …
  • 9. ...DSL example ©ASERT2006-2012 // Japanese DSL using GEP3 rules Object.metaClass.を = Object.metaClass.の = { clos -> clos(delegate) } まず = { it } 表示する = { println it } 平方根 = { Math.sqrt(it) } まず 100 の 平方根 を 表示する // First, show the square root of 100 // => 10.0 source: also:
  • 10. Topics • Introduction Dynamic solution • Options for increasing type safety • Groovy challenge solution • Other language implementations • Interlude: solving tic tac toe • Going beyond the challenge ©ASERT2006-2013
  • 11. Show me the code DynamicTTT.groovy
  • 12. Topics • Introduction • Dynamic solution Options for increasing type safety • Groovy challenge solution • Other language implementations • Interlude: solving tic tac toe • Going beyond the challenge ©ASERT2006-2013
  • 13. Java Typing limitations long freezingC = 0 // 0 °C long boilingF = 212 // 212 °F long delta = boilingF - freezingC long heavy = 100 // 100 kg
  • 14. Using JScience @GrabResolver('') @Grab('org.jscience:jscience:4.3.1') import ... //@TypeChecked def main() { Amount<Temperature> freezingC = valueOf(0L, CELSIUS) def boilingF = valueOf(212L, FAHRENHEIT) printDifference(boilingF, freezingC) def heavy = valueOf(100L, KILO(GRAM)) printDifference(heavy, boilingF) } def <T> void printDifference(Amount<T> arg1, Amount<T> arg2) { println arg1 - arg2 } (180.00000000000006 ± 1.4E-14) °F javax.measure.converter.ConversionException: °F is not compatible with kg
  • 15. Using JScience & @TypeChecked ... @TypeChecked def main() { Amount<Temperature> freezingC = valueOf(0L, CELSIUS) def boilingF = valueOf(212L, FAHRENHEIT) printDifference(boilingF, freezingC) def heavy = valueOf(100L, KILO(GRAM)) printDifference(heavy, boilingF) } def <T> void printDifference(Amount<T> arg1, Amount<T> arg2) { println arg1 - arg2 } [Static type checking] - Cannot call ConsoleScript46#printDifference(org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount <T>, org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount <T>) with arguments [org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount <javax.measure.quantity.Mass>, org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount <javax.measure.quantity.Temperature>]
  • 16. Mars Orbiter (artists impression)
  • 17. …Typing… import groovy.transform.TypeChecked import experimental.SprintfTypeCheckingVisitor @TypeChecked(visitor=SprintfTypeCheckingVisitor) void main() { sprintf('%s will turn %d on %tF', 'John', new Date(), 21) } [Static type checking] - Parameter types didn't match types expected from the format String: For placeholder 2 [%d] expected 'int' but was 'java.util.Date' For placeholder 3 [%tF] expected 'java.util.Date' but was 'int' sprintf has an Object varargs parameter, hence not normally amenable to further static checking but for constant Strings we can do better using a custom type checking plugin.
  • 18. Show me the code Type safe builder, phantom types, dependent types: Rocket, HList
  • 19. ©ASERT2006-2012 GContracts @Grab('org.gcontracts:gcontracts-core:1.2.10') import org.gcontracts.annotations.* @Invariant({ speed >= 0 }) class Rocket { @Requires({ !started }) @Ensures({ started }) def start() { /* ... */ } @Requires({ started }) @Ensures({ old.speed < speed }) def accelerate() { /* ... */ } /* ... */ } def r = new Rocket() r.start() r.accelerate()
  • 20. Topics • Introduction • Dynamic solution • Options for increasing type safety Groovy challenge solution • Other language implementations • Interlude: solving tic tac toe • Going beyond the challenge ©ASERT2006-2013
  • 21. Show me the code TicTacToe
  • 22. Topics • Introduction • Dynamic solution • Options for increasing type safety • Groovy challenge solution Other language implementations • Interlude: solving tic tac toe • Going beyond the challenge ©ASERT2006-2013
  • 23. Show me the code Haskell, Scala
  • 24. Topics • Introduction • Dynamic solution • Options for increasing type safety • Groovy challenge solution • Other language implementations Interlude: solving tic tac toe • Going beyond the challenge ©ASERT2006-2013
  • 25. Interlude: Solving Tic Tac Toe • Use a game tree to map out all possible moves • Solve the game tree using brute force or with various optimisation algorithms
  • 26. Interlude: Tic Tac Toe game tree Source:
  • 27. Interlude: Tic Tac Toe game tree • Brute force • Minimax – Reduced lookahead, e.g. 2 layers/plies • Alpha beta pruning – Improved efficiency • Iterative deepening – Often used with alpha beta pruning • But for Tic Tac Toe only 100s of end states and 10s of thousands of paths to get there Source:
  • 28. Topics • Introduction • Dynamic solution • Options for increasing type safety • Groovy challenge solution • Other language implementations • Interlude: solving tic tac toe Going beyond the challenge ©ASERT2006-2013
  • 29. Static Type Checking: Pluggable type system… import groovy.transform.TypeChecked import checker.BoringNameEliminator @TypeChecked(visitor=BoringNameEliminator) class Foo { def method1() { 1 } } import groovy.transform.TypeChecked import checker.BoringNameEliminator @TypeChecked(visitor=BoringNameEliminator) class Foo { def method() { 1 } } [Static type checking] - Your method name is boring, I cannot allow it! Groovy 2.1+
  • 30. …Static Type Checking: Pluggable type system package checker import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.* import org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit import* class BoringNameEliminator extends StaticTypeCheckingVisitor { BoringNameEliminator(SourceUnit source, ClassNode cn, TypeCheckerPluginFactory pluginFactory) { super(source, cn, pluginFactory) } final message = "Your method name is boring, I cannot allow it!" @Override void visitMethod(MethodNode node) { super.visitMethod(node) if ("method".equals( || "bar".equals( { addStaticTypeError(message, node) } } } Groovy 2.1+
  • 31. …Typing… import groovy.transform.TypeChecked import tictactoe.* Import static tictactoe.Position.* @TypeChecked(visitor=TicTacToeTypeVisitor) void main() { Board.empty().move(NW).move(C).move(W).move(SW).move(SE) } package tictactoe enum Position { NW, N, NE, W, C, E, SW, S, SE } class Board { static Board empty() { new Board() } Board move(Position p) { this } }
  • 32. …Typing… package tictactoe import fj.* import import import import static fj.P.p import static import static import static import static tictactoe.GameResult.Draw import static tictactoe.Player.Player1 import static tictactoe.Player.toSymbol import static tictactoe.Position.* final class Board extends BoardLike { private final List<P2<Position, Player>> moves private final TreeMap<Position, Player> m private static final Ord<Position> positionOrder = Ord.comparableOrd() private Board(final List<P2<Position, Player>> moves, final TreeMap<Position, Player> m) { this.moves = moves this.m = m } Player whoseTurn() { moves.head()._2().alternate() } boolean isEmpty() { false } List<Position> occupiedPositions() { m.keys() } int nmoves() { m.size() } Option<Player> playerAt(Position pos) { m.get(pos) } TakenBack takeBack() { moves.isEmpty() ? TakenBack.isEmpty() : TakenBack.isBoard(new Board(moves.tail(), m.delete(moves.head()._1()))) } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") MoveResult moveTo(final Position pos) { final Player wt = whoseTurn() final Option<Player> j = m.get(pos) final TreeMap<Position, Player> mm = m.set(pos, wt) final Board bb = new Board(moves.cons(p(pos, wt)), mm) final List<P3<Position, Position, Position>> wins = list( p(NW, W, SW), p(N, C, S), p(NE, E, SE), p(NW, N, NE), p(W, C, E), p(SW, S, SE), p(NW, C, SE), p(SW, C, NE) ) final boolean isWin = wins.exists(new F<P3<Position, Position, Position>, Boolean>() { public Boolean f(final P3<Position, Position, Position> abc) { return list(abc._1(), abc._2(), abc._3()).mapMOption(mm.get()).exists(new F<List<Player>, Boolean>() { public Boolean f(final List<Player> ps) { return ps.allEqual(Equal.<Player> anyEqual()) } }) } }) final boolean isDraw = Position.positions().forall(new F<Position, Boolean>() { Boolean f(final Position pos2) { mm.contains(pos2) } }) j.isSome() ? MoveResult.positionAlreadyOccupied() : isWin ? MoveResult.gameOver(new FinishedBoard(bb, : isDraw ? MoveResult.gameOver(new FinishedBoard(bb, Draw)) : MoveResult.keepPlaying(bb) } // … // … @Override String toString() { toString(new F2<Option<Player>, Position, Character>() { Character f(final Option<Player> pl, final Position _) { pl.option(p(' '), toSymbol) } }) + "n[ " + whoseTurn().toString() + " to move ]" } static final class EmptyBoard extends BoardLike { private EmptyBoard() {} @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Board moveTo(final Position pos) { new Board(list(p(pos, Player1)), TreeMap.<Position, Player> empty(positionOrder).set(pos, Player1)) } private static final EmptyBoard e = new EmptyBoard() static EmptyBoard empty() { e } Player whoseTurn() { Player1 } boolean isEmpty() { true } List<Position> occupiedPositions() { nil() } int nmoves() { 0 } Option<Player> playerAt(Position pos) { none() } } static final class FinishedBoard extends BoardLike { private final Board b private final GameResult r private FinishedBoard(final Board b, final GameResult r) { this.b = b this.r = r } Board takeBack() { b.takeBack().fold( Bottom.<Board> error_("Broken invariant: board in-play with empty move list. This is a program bug"), Function.<Board> identity() ) } Player whoseTurn() { b.whoseTurn() } boolean isEmpty() { false } List<Position> occupiedPositions() { b.occupiedPositions() } int nmoves() { b.nmoves() } Option<Player> playerAt(final Position pos) { b.playerAt(pos) } GameResult result() { r } @Override String toString() { b.toString() + "n[[" + r.toString() + " ]]" } } }
  • 33. …Typing import groovy.transform.TypeChecked import tictactoe.* Import static tictactoe.Position.* @TypeChecked(visitor=TicTacToeTypeVisitor) void main() { Board.empty().move(NW).move(C).move(W).move(SW).move(SE) } package tictactoe enum Position { NW, N, NE, W, C, E, SW, S, SE } [Static type checking] - Attempt to call suboptimal move SE not allowed [HINT: try NE] Custom type checker which fails compilation if programmer attempts to code a suboptimal solution. Where suboptimal means doesn’t agree with what is returned by a minimax, alpha-beta pruning, iterative deepening solving engine.
  • 34. Show me the code