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Make your testing Groovy
Dr Paul King
Groovy Lead for Object Computing Inc.
Why test with Groovy?
Why test with Groovy?
• Wrong first question!
• … but great second question? 
• Consider first the task at hand and
the organization and people fit!
“People Fit” / “Organization Fit”
• People
– Developers (familiarity with languages)
– Testers (tools language familiarity)
– Responsibility to create/run/maintain
– BAs/SMEs (ability to read technical tests)
– Consider both development and maintenance
– Expected feedback from tests (JUnit/Reports)
• Organization
– Maturity level
– Degree of automation
– Tools in use
– Need for adaptability
Why Test With Groovy?
• Advantages
– Easy to learn
– Particularly good for Java shops
– Easy to plug and play different testing tools
– Good community & tools for professional agile
• Disadvantages
– Requires JVM
– Less advantages if your developers using
Python, .Net, PHP
– Maybe your testers already know Ruby
Scripting/Dynamic Languages
• Advantages
– Lend themselves to succinct code/DSLs
– Powerful
– Increased Refactoring
– Increased Reuse
– Less prone to Brittleness
– Flexibility for tool integration
– Open APIs provide extensibility
• Disadvantages
– Can be too low level
– Sometimes less tool support
Test Characteristics…
• Coverage/Traceability
– Requirement coverage/traceability
– Code coverage: line, branch, path, state
– Transactional Tracing
• Purpose
– Unit, Integration, System, Customer
• Manageability
– Removing duplication
– Managing lifecycle: shared setUp/tearDown
(@Before @After)
…Test Characteristics
• Handling test data
– Data-driven, databases, Spreadsheets, tables,
keywords, random, model-driven
– Large Test Volumes
– Speed of feedback, performance testing
• Tool evolution, longevity, cost,
support, documentation
– Open Source/Commercial, Critical
• Combinability
Key Testing Practices…
• Use testing DSL’s
• Look to move up the testing stack
– It used to be all about the driver
– Now the driver is hidden in the
framework or tool stack
• Apply good testing practices
– Pareto analysis, bug clusters, mutation
testing, test early, all pairs/equivalence
partitions/orthogonal array testing, risk-based
test selection, coding for testability, use CI,
boundary value analysis, defensive
…Key Testing Practices
• Plug and play testing tools
– Run different drivers with different runners
and different tools
• Complement automated tests with
• Expand testing scope
– Test environment readiness, test
Groovy and Testing Tool Spectrum*
* Tools/libraries/frameworks don't always neatly fall into one category – still useful conceptually
What is Groovy?
“Groovy is like a super version of Java.
It leverages Java features but
adds productivity features and
provides great flexibility and
Groovy = Java – boiler plate code
+ closures (1st class FP)
+ extensible type system
+ runtime & compile-time
+ flexible grammar (DSLs)
+ scripting & GDK library
Groovy starter
System.out.println("Hello, World!"); // supports Java syntax
println 'Hello, World!' // but can remove some syntax
String name = 'Guillaume' // Explicit typing/awareness
println "$name, I'll get the car." // Gstring (interpolation)
def longer = """${name}, the car
is in the next row.""" // multi-line, implicit type
assert 0.5 == 1/2 // BigDecimal equals()
assert 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 // and arithmetic
def printSize(obj) { // implicit/duck typing
print obj?.size() // safe dereferencing
def pets = ['ant', 'bee', 'cat'] // literal list syntax
pets.each { pet -> // closure support
assert pet < 'dog' // overloading '<' on String
} // or: for (pet in pets)...
Target audience
• Testing for developers
– Organising tests
– Running tests
– Data generation
– Mocking
– What can be tested
– Code coverage
• Testing beyond developers
– Structuring
– Better reporting
– Data-driven
– Domain specific language (DSL)
– Test coverage
Testing Frameworks
• None
• JUnit 3
• JUnit 4
• JUnit 5
• TestNG
• Spock
Testing Frameworks
• None ???
• JUnit 3
• JUnit 4
• JUnit 5
• TestNG
• Spock
Testing Frameworks
• None ???
– Groovy deems testing so important
that it comes with built-in testing:
– Built-in asserts, mocks
– Built-in JUnit 3 GroovyTestCase and utilities
– Built-in runners for tests
– Bundled JUnit 4
• JUnit 3
• JUnit 4
• JUnit 5
• TestNG
• Spock
Built-in assertions
import static Converter.celsius
assert 20 == celsius(68)
assert 35 == celsius(95)
assert -17 == celsius(0).toInteger()
assert 0 == celsius(32)
class Converter {
static celsius (fahrenheit) {
(fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9
Built-in assertions
• But what about errors?
• Groovy’s power Assert mechanism gives
a friendly description of what went wrong
Built-in assertions
• But what about errors?
• Groovy’s power Assert mechanism gives
a friendly description of what went wrong
GroovyTestCase (extends JUnit 3)
import org.junit.Assert
import static Converter.celsius
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
class SimpleGroovyTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testShouldConvert() {
assert Converter.celsius(68) == 20
assert Converter.celsius(212) == 100, "Should convert boiling"
assertEquals("Should convert freezing", 0.0, celsius(32.0))
assertEquals("Should convert nearly freezing", 0.0, celsius(32.1), 0.1)
import org.junit.Test
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import static Converter.celsius
class SimpleJUnit4Test {
void shouldConvert() {
assert celsius(68) == 20
assert celsius(212) == 100, "Should convert boiling"
assertEquals("Should convert freezing", 0.0, celsius(32.0))
assertEquals("Also for nearly freezing", 0.0, celsius(32.1), 0.1)
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.junit.platform.runner.JUnitPlatform
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import static Converter.celsius
class ConverterJUnit5Tests {
void freezing() {
assert celsius(32) == 0
void boiling() {
assert celsius(212) == 100
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.junit.platform.runner.JUnitPlatform
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import static Converter.celsius
class ConverterJUnit5Tests {
void freezing() {
assert celsius(32) == 0
void boiling() {
assert celsius(212) == 100
Spock - BDD style
import spock.lang.Specification
class GivenWhenThenSpec extends Specification {
def "test adding a new item to a set"() {
def items = [4, 6, 3, 2] as Set
items << 1
items.size() == 5
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters
import static Converter.celsius
class DataDrivenJUnitTest {
private c, f, scenario
@Parameters static scenarios() {[
[0, 32, 'Freezing'],
[20, 68, 'Garden party conditions'],
[35, 95, 'Beach conditions'],
[100, 212, 'Boiling']
DataDrivenJUnitTest(c, f, scenario)
this.c = c
this.f = f
this.scenario = scenario
@Test void convert() {
def actual = celsius(f)
def msg = "$scenario: ${f}°F should convert into ${c}°C"
assert c == actual, msg
import spock.lang.*
import static Converter.celsius
class SpockDataDriven extends Specification {
def "test temperature scenarios"() {
celsius(tempF) == tempC
scenario | tempF || tempC
'Freezing' | 32 || 0
'Garden party conditions' | 68 || 20
'Beach conditions' | 95 || 35
'Boiling' | 212 || 100
Spock - Celsius
import spock.lang.*
import static Converter.celsius
class SpockDataDriven extends Specification {
def "Scenario #scenario: #tempFºF should convert to #tempCºC"() {
celsius(tempF) == tempC
scenario | tempF || tempC
'Freezing' | 32 || 0
'Garden party conditions' | 68 || 20
'Beach conditions' | 95 || 34
'Boiling' | 212 || 100
Spock - Celsius
import spock.lang.*
import static Converter.celsius
class SpockDataDriven extends Specification {
def "Scenario #scenario: #tempFºF should convert to #tempCºC"() {
celsius(tempF) == tempC
scenario | tempF || tempC
'Freezing' | 32 || 0
'Garden party conditions' | 68 || 20
'Beach conditions' | 95 || 34
'Boiling' | 212 || 100
Spock - Mocks
import spock.lang.Specification
class SpockMock extends Specification {
def "buy ticket for a movie theater"() {
def purchase = new Purchase("Lord of the Rings", 2)
MovieTheater theater = Mock()
theater.hasSeatsAvailable("Lord of the Rings", 2) >> true
1 * theater.purchaseTicket("Lord of the Rings", 2)
Spock - Mocks
import spock.lang.Specification
class SpockMock extends Specification {
def "buy ticket for a movie theater"() {
def purchase = new Purchase("Lord of the Rings", 2)
MovieTheater theater = Mock()
theater.hasSeatsAvailable("Lord of the Rings", 2) >> true
1 * theater.purchaseTicket("Lord of the Rings", 2)
Spock - Mocks
import spock.lang.Specification
class SpockMockWildcards extends Specification {
def "cannot buy a ticket when the movie is sold out"() {
def purchase = new Purchase("Lord of the rings", 2)
MovieTheater theater = Mock()
theater.hasSeatsAvailable(_, _) >> false
0 * theater.purchaseTicket(_, _)
Spock - Mocks
import spock.lang.Specification
class SpockMockClosureChecks extends Specification {
def "on couples night tickets are sold in pairs"() {
def purchase = new Purchase("Lord of the Rings", 2)
MovieTheater theater = Mock()
theater.hasSeatsAvailable("Lord of the Rings", 2) >> true
1 * theater.purchaseTicket(_, { it % 2 == 0 })
Assertion frameworks
• None
• JUnit 3 assertions
• Hamcrest
• Google truth
assertThat(googleColors).containsNoneOf(PINK, BLACK, WHITE, ORANGE)
assert ![PINK, BLACK, WHITE, ORANGE].any {
color -> color in googleColors }
Property-based testing
• Agile testing game (TDD)
– Minimum test code to steer design of minimal
production code with desired business functionality
but 100% code coverage
– “Grey box” testing
– Rarely used with functional programming
Property-based testing
• Agile testing game (TDD)
– Minimum test code to steer design of minimal
production code with desired business functionality
but 100% code coverage
– “Grey box” testing
– Rarely used with functional programming
– Instead validate certain properties
Property-based testing
import static*
import static java.lang.Math.round
import static Converter.celsius
def gen = integers(-40, 240)
def liquidC = 0..100
def liquidF = 32..212
100.times {
int f =
int c = round(celsius(f))
assert c <= f
assert c in liquidC == f in liquidF
Property-based testing with Spock
Property-based testing: spock genesis
import spock.genesis.transform.Iterations
import spock.lang.Specification
import static Converter.celsius
import static java.lang.Math.round
import static spock.genesis.Gen.integer
class ConverterSpec extends Specification {
def liquidC = 0..100
def liquidF = 32..212
def "test phase maintained"() {
int tempF = integer(-40..240).iterator().next()
int tempC = round(celsius(tempF))
tempC <= tempF
tempC in liquidC == tempF in liquidF
Property-based testing: spock genesis
import spock.genesis.transform.Iterations
import spock.lang.Specification
import static Converter.celsius
import static java.lang.Math.round
import static spock.genesis.Gen.integer
class ConverterSpec extends Specification {
def liquidC = 0..100
def liquidF = 32..212
def "test phase maintained"() {
int tempF = integer(-40..240).iterator().next()
int tempC = round(celsius(tempF))
tempC <= tempF
tempC in liquidC == tempF in liquidF
def "test order maintained"() {
int tempF1 = integer(-273..999).iterator().next()
int tempF2 = integer(-273..999).iterator().next()
int tempC1 = round(celsius(tempF1))
int tempC2 = round(celsius(tempF2))
(tempF1 <=> tempF2) == (tempC1 <=> tempC2)
Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
All Combinations
All Combinations Case Study
All Pairs
All Pairs Case Study
• Library classes and DSL allowing
you to handle tasks concurrently:
– Data Parallelism map, filter, reduce functionality
in parallel with parallel array support
– Asynchronous functions extend the Java
executor services to enable multi-threaded
closure processing
– Dataflow Concurrency supports natural
shared-memory concurrency model, using
single-assignment variables
– Actors provide Erlang/Scala-like actors
including "remote" actors on other machines
– Safe Agents provide a non-blocking mt-safe
reference to mutable state; like "agents" in Clojure
Case Study with GPars
Constraint/Logic Programming
• Description
– Style of programming where relations between
variables are stated in the form of constraints
– First made popular by logic programming languages
such as Prolog but the style is now also used outside
logic programming specific languages
– Constraints differ from the common primitives of
other programming languages in that they do not
specify one or more steps to execute but rather the
properties of a solution to be found
– Popular libraries used with Groovy supporting
constraint programming include Gecode/J, Choco
and tuProlog
– We'll look at Choco as an example
Case Study with Constraint Programming
• You have been asked to set up some test
cases representing the Simpsons’ weekly
blogging habits
• After some careful study you observe the
following strange behavior
– They never blog on the same day
– Marge blogs only on a Saturday or Sunday
– Maggie blogs only on a Tuesday or Thursday
– Lisa blogs only on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday
– Bart blogs only on the day after Lisa
– Homer only blogs if noone else blogged the previous
day and doesn't allow anyone to blog the next day
Case Study with Constraint Programming
Case Study with Constraint Programming
Case Study with Constraint Programming
Case Study with ModelJUnit
Case Study with ModelJUnit
Case Study with ModelJUnit
Case Study with ModelJUnit
Case Study with ModelJUnit
Testing DSLs
• Low-level DSL
• Higher-level DSL
post blog from Bart with title "Bart rulz!" and category School and content "Cowabunga Dude!"
More Information: Groovy in Action

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Make Your Testing Groovy

  • 1. ©ASERT2006-2016 Make your testing Groovy Dr Paul King Groovy Lead for Object Computing Inc. @paulk_asert http:/
  • 3. Why test with Groovy? • Wrong first question! • … but great second question?  • Consider first the task at hand and the organization and people fit! ©ASERT2006-2016
  • 4. “People Fit” / “Organization Fit” • People – Developers (familiarity with languages) – Testers (tools language familiarity) – Responsibility to create/run/maintain – BAs/SMEs (ability to read technical tests) – Consider both development and maintenance – Expected feedback from tests (JUnit/Reports) • Organization – Maturity level – Degree of automation – Tools in use – Need for adaptability ©ASERT2006-2016
  • 5. Why Test With Groovy? • Advantages – Easy to learn – Particularly good for Java shops – Easy to plug and play different testing tools – Good community & tools for professional agile • Disadvantages – Requires JVM – Less advantages if your developers using Python, .Net, PHP – Maybe your testers already know Ruby ©ASERT2006-2016
  • 6. Scripting/Dynamic Languages • Advantages – Lend themselves to succinct code/DSLs – Powerful – Increased Refactoring – Increased Reuse – Less prone to Brittleness – Flexibility for tool integration – Open APIs provide extensibility • Disadvantages – Can be too low level – Sometimes less tool support ©ASERT2006-2016
  • 7. Test Characteristics… • Coverage/Traceability – Requirement coverage/traceability – Code coverage: line, branch, path, state – Transactional Tracing • Purpose – Unit, Integration, System, Customer • Manageability – Removing duplication – Managing lifecycle: shared setUp/tearDown (@Before @After) ©ASERT2006-2016
  • 8. …Test Characteristics • Handling test data – Data-driven, databases, Spreadsheets, tables, keywords, random, model-driven – Large Test Volumes – Speed of feedback, performance testing • Tool evolution, longevity, cost, support, documentation – Open Source/Commercial, Critical mass/popularity • Combinability ©ASERT2006-2016
  • 9. Key Testing Practices… • Use testing DSL’s • Look to move up the testing stack – It used to be all about the driver – Now the driver is hidden in the framework or tool stack • Apply good testing practices – Pareto analysis, bug clusters, mutation testing, test early, all pairs/equivalence partitions/orthogonal array testing, risk-based test selection, coding for testability, use CI, boundary value analysis, defensive programming ©ASERT2006-2016
  • 10. …Key Testing Practices • Plug and play testing tools – Run different drivers with different runners and different tools • Complement automated tests with exploration • Expand testing scope – Test environment readiness, test deployments ©ASERT2006-2016
  • 11. Groovy and Testing Tool Spectrum* ©ASERT2006-2016 * Tools/libraries/frameworks don't always neatly fall into one category – still useful conceptually
  • 12. ©ASERT2006-2016 What is Groovy? “Groovy is like a super version of Java. It leverages Java features but adds productivity features and provides great flexibility and extensibility.” Groovy = Java – boiler plate code + closures (1st class FP) + extensible type system + runtime & compile-time metaprogramming + flexible grammar (DSLs) + scripting & GDK library
  • 13. Groovy starter ©ASERT2006-2016 System.out.println("Hello, World!"); // supports Java syntax println 'Hello, World!' // but can remove some syntax String name = 'Guillaume' // Explicit typing/awareness println "$name, I'll get the car." // Gstring (interpolation) def longer = """${name}, the car is in the next row.""" // multi-line, implicit type assert 0.5 == 1/2 // BigDecimal equals() assert 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 // and arithmetic def printSize(obj) { // implicit/duck typing print obj?.size() // safe dereferencing } def pets = ['ant', 'bee', 'cat'] // literal list syntax pets.each { pet -> // closure support assert pet < 'dog' // overloading '<' on String } // or: for (pet in pets)...
  • 14. Target audience • Testing for developers – Organising tests – Running tests – Data generation – Mocking – What can be tested – Code coverage • Testing beyond developers – Structuring – Better reporting – Data-driven – Domain specific language (DSL) – Test coverage
  • 15. Testing Frameworks • None • JUnit 3 • JUnit 4 • JUnit 5 • TestNG • Spock
  • 16. Testing Frameworks • None ??? • JUnit 3 • JUnit 4 • JUnit 5 • TestNG • Spock
  • 17. Testing Frameworks • None ??? – Groovy deems testing so important that it comes with built-in testing: – Built-in asserts, mocks – Built-in JUnit 3 GroovyTestCase and utilities – Built-in runners for tests – Bundled JUnit 4 • JUnit 3 • JUnit 4 • JUnit 5 • TestNG • Spock
  • 18. Built-in assertions ©ASERT2006-2016 import static Converter.celsius assert 20 == celsius(68) assert 35 == celsius(95) assert -17 == celsius(0).toInteger() assert 0 == celsius(32) class Converter { static celsius (fahrenheit) { (fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9 } }
  • 19. Built-in assertions • But what about errors? • Groovy’s power Assert mechanism gives a friendly description of what went wrong ©ASERT2006-2016
  • 20. Built-in assertions • But what about errors? • Groovy’s power Assert mechanism gives a friendly description of what went wrong ©ASERT2006-2016
  • 21. GroovyTestCase (extends JUnit 3) ©ASERT2006-2016 import org.junit.Assert import static Converter.celsius import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals class SimpleGroovyTest extends GroovyTestCase { void testShouldConvert() { assert Converter.celsius(68) == 20 assert Converter.celsius(212) == 100, "Should convert boiling" assertEquals("Should convert freezing", 0.0, celsius(32.0)) assertEquals("Should convert nearly freezing", 0.0, celsius(32.1), 0.1) } }
  • 22. JUnit4 ©ASERT2006-2016 import org.junit.Test import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import static Converter.celsius class SimpleJUnit4Test { @Test void shouldConvert() { assert celsius(68) == 20 assert celsius(212) == 100, "Should convert boiling" assertEquals("Should convert freezing", 0.0, celsius(32.0)) assertEquals("Also for nearly freezing", 0.0, celsius(32.1), 0.1) } }
  • 23. JUnit5 ©ASERT2006-2016 @Grab('org.junit.platform:junit-platform-runner:1.0.0-M2') @Grab('org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.0.0-M2') import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import org.junit.platform.runner.JUnitPlatform import org.junit.runner.RunWith import static Converter.celsius @RunWith(JUnitPlatform) class ConverterJUnit5Tests { @Test void freezing() { assert celsius(32) == 0 } @Test void boiling() { assert celsius(212) == 100 } }
  • 24. JUnit5 ©ASERT2006-2016 @Grab('org.junit.platform:junit-platform-runner:1.0.0-M2') @Grab('org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.0.0-M2') import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import org.junit.platform.runner.JUnitPlatform import org.junit.runner.RunWith import static Converter.celsius @RunWith(JUnitPlatform) class ConverterJUnit5Tests { @Test void freezing() { assert celsius(32) == 0 } @Test void boiling() { assert celsius(212) == 100 } }
  • 25. Spock - BDD style ©ASERT2006-2016 @Grab('org.spockframework:spock-core:1.0-groovy-2.4') import spock.lang.Specification class GivenWhenThenSpec extends Specification { def "test adding a new item to a set"() { given: def items = [4, 6, 3, 2] as Set when: items << 1 then: items.size() == 5 } }
  • 26. Parameterized ©ASERT2006-2016 import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.Parameterized import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters import static Converter.celsius @RunWith(Parameterized) class DataDrivenJUnitTest { private c, f, scenario @Parameters static scenarios() {[ [0, 32, 'Freezing'], [20, 68, 'Garden party conditions'], [35, 95, 'Beach conditions'], [100, 212, 'Boiling'] ]*.toArray()} DataDrivenJUnitTest(c, f, scenario) this.c = c this.f = f this.scenario = scenario } @Test void convert() { def actual = celsius(f) def msg = "$scenario: ${f}°F should convert into ${c}°C" assert c == actual, msg } }
  • 27. Spock ©ASERT2006-2016 @Grab('org.spockframework:spock-core:1.0-groovy-2.4') import spock.lang.* import static Converter.celsius class SpockDataDriven extends Specification { def "test temperature scenarios"() { expect: celsius(tempF) == tempC where: scenario | tempF || tempC 'Freezing' | 32 || 0 'Garden party conditions' | 68 || 20 'Beach conditions' | 95 || 35 'Boiling' | 212 || 100 } }
  • 28. Spock - Celsius ©ASERT2006-2016 @Grab('org.spockframework:spock-core:1.0-groovy-2.4') import spock.lang.* import static Converter.celsius class SpockDataDriven extends Specification { @Unroll def "Scenario #scenario: #tempFºF should convert to #tempCºC"() { expect: celsius(tempF) == tempC where: scenario | tempF || tempC 'Freezing' | 32 || 0 'Garden party conditions' | 68 || 20 'Beach conditions' | 95 || 34 'Boiling' | 212 || 100 } }
  • 29. Spock - Celsius ©ASERT2006-2016 @Grab('org.spockframework:spock-core:1.0-groovy-2.4') import spock.lang.* import static Converter.celsius class SpockDataDriven extends Specification { @Unroll def "Scenario #scenario: #tempFºF should convert to #tempCºC"() { expect: celsius(tempF) == tempC where: scenario | tempF || tempC 'Freezing' | 32 || 0 'Garden party conditions' | 68 || 20 'Beach conditions' | 95 || 34 'Boiling' | 212 || 100 } }
  • 30. Spock - Mocks ©ASERT2006-2016 @Grab('org.spockframework:spock-core:1.0-groovy-2.4') import spock.lang.Specification class SpockMock extends Specification { def "buy ticket for a movie theater"() { given: def purchase = new Purchase("Lord of the Rings", 2) MovieTheater theater = Mock() theater.hasSeatsAvailable("Lord of the Rings", 2) >> true when: purchase.fill(theater) then: purchase.completed 1 * theater.purchaseTicket("Lord of the Rings", 2) } }
  • 31. Spock - Mocks ©ASERT2006-2016 @Grab('org.spockframework:spock-core:1.0-groovy-2.4') import spock.lang.Specification class SpockMock extends Specification { def "buy ticket for a movie theater"() { given: def purchase = new Purchase("Lord of the Rings", 2) MovieTheater theater = Mock() theater.hasSeatsAvailable("Lord of the Rings", 2) >> true when: purchase.fill(theater) then: purchase.completed 1 * theater.purchaseTicket("Lord of the Rings", 2) } }
  • 32. Spock - Mocks ©ASERT2006-2016 @Grab('org.spockframework:spock-core:1.0-groovy-2.4') import spock.lang.Specification class SpockMockWildcards extends Specification { def "cannot buy a ticket when the movie is sold out"() { given: def purchase = new Purchase("Lord of the rings", 2) MovieTheater theater = Mock() when: theater.hasSeatsAvailable(_, _) >> false purchase.fill(theater) then: !purchase.completed 0 * theater.purchaseTicket(_, _) } }
  • 33. Spock - Mocks ©ASERT2006-2016 @Grab('org.spockframework:spock-core:1.0-groovy-2.4') import spock.lang.Specification class SpockMockClosureChecks extends Specification { def "on couples night tickets are sold in pairs"() { given: def purchase = new Purchase("Lord of the Rings", 2) MovieTheater theater = Mock() theater.hasSeatsAvailable("Lord of the Rings", 2) >> true when: purchase.fill(theater) then: 1 * theater.purchaseTicket(_, { it % 2 == 0 }) } }
  • 34. Assertion frameworks • None • JUnit 3 assertions • Hamcrest • FEST • Google truth assertThat(googleColors).containsNoneOf(PINK, BLACK, WHITE, ORANGE) assert ![PINK, BLACK, WHITE, ORANGE].any { color -> color in googleColors }
  • 35. Property-based testing • Agile testing game (TDD) – Minimum test code to steer design of minimal production code with desired business functionality but 100% code coverage – “Grey box” testing – Rarely used with functional programming ©ASERT2006-2016
  • 36. Property-based testing • Agile testing game (TDD) – Minimum test code to steer design of minimal production code with desired business functionality but 100% code coverage – “Grey box” testing – Rarely used with functional programming – Instead validate certain properties ©ASERT2006-2016
  • 37. Property-based testing ©ASERT2006-2016 @Grab('') import static* import static java.lang.Math.round import static Converter.celsius def gen = integers(-40, 240) def liquidC = 0..100 def liquidF = 32..212 100.times { int f = int c = round(celsius(f)) assert c <= f assert c in liquidC == f in liquidF }
  • 38. Property-based testing with Spock ©ASERT2006-2016
  • 39. Property-based testing: spock genesis ©ASERT2006-2016 @Grab('com.nagternal:spock-genesis:0.6.0') @GrabExclude('org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all') import spock.genesis.transform.Iterations import spock.lang.Specification import static Converter.celsius import static java.lang.Math.round import static spock.genesis.Gen.integer class ConverterSpec extends Specification { def liquidC = 0..100 def liquidF = 32..212 @Iterations(100) def "test phase maintained"() { given: int tempF = integer(-40..240).iterator().next() when: int tempC = round(celsius(tempF)) then: tempC <= tempF tempC in liquidC == tempF in liquidF } …
  • 40. Property-based testing: spock genesis ©ASERT2006-2016 @Grab('com.nagternal:spock-genesis:0.6.0') @GrabExclude('org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all') import spock.genesis.transform.Iterations import spock.lang.Specification import static Converter.celsius import static java.lang.Math.round import static spock.genesis.Gen.integer class ConverterSpec extends Specification { def liquidC = 0..100 def liquidF = 32..212 @Iterations(100) def "test phase maintained"() { given: int tempF = integer(-40..240).iterator().next() when: int tempC = round(celsius(tempF)) then: tempC <= tempF tempC in liquidC == tempF in liquidF } … … @Iterations(100) def "test order maintained"() { given: int tempF1 = integer(-273..999).iterator().next() int tempF2 = integer(-273..999).iterator().next() when: int tempC1 = round(celsius(tempF1)) int tempC2 = round(celsius(tempF2)) then: (tempF1 <=> tempF2) == (tempC1 <=> tempC2) } }
  • 57. All Pairs Case Study
  • 58. GPars • Library classes and DSL allowing you to handle tasks concurrently: – Data Parallelism map, filter, reduce functionality in parallel with parallel array support – Asynchronous functions extend the Java executor services to enable multi-threaded closure processing – Dataflow Concurrency supports natural shared-memory concurrency model, using single-assignment variables – Actors provide Erlang/Scala-like actors including "remote" actors on other machines – Safe Agents provide a non-blocking mt-safe reference to mutable state; like "agents" in Clojure 8
  • 60. Constraint/Logic Programming • Description – Style of programming where relations between variables are stated in the form of constraints – First made popular by logic programming languages such as Prolog but the style is now also used outside logic programming specific languages – Constraints differ from the common primitives of other programming languages in that they do not specify one or more steps to execute but rather the properties of a solution to be found – Popular libraries used with Groovy supporting constraint programming include Gecode/J, Choco and tuProlog – We'll look at Choco as an example
  • 61. Case Study with Constraint Programming • You have been asked to set up some test cases representing the Simpsons’ weekly blogging habits • After some careful study you observe the following strange behavior – They never blog on the same day – Marge blogs only on a Saturday or Sunday – Maggie blogs only on a Tuesday or Thursday – Lisa blogs only on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday – Bart blogs only on the day after Lisa – Homer only blogs if noone else blogged the previous day and doesn't allow anyone to blog the next day
  • 62. Case Study with Constraint Programming
  • 63. Case Study with Constraint Programming
  • 64. Case Study with Constraint Programming
  • 68. Case Study with ModelJUnit
  • 69. Case Study with ModelJUnit
  • 70. Case Study with ModelJUnit
  • 71. Case Study with ModelJUnit
  • 72. Case Study with ModelJUnit
  • 73. Testing DSLs • Low-level DSL • Higher-level DSL post blog from Bart with title "Bart rulz!" and category School and content "Cowabunga Dude!"