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Managerial Psychology


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                             ® 浙江大学心理与行为科学学院 马剑虹教授
• 管理心理学:组织行为学
  ( Organizational Behavior )、工业与
  组织心理学( Industrial and
  Organizational Psychology, I/O
  Psychology )


      What is Organizational

• Organizations have existed for as long as
  people have to work together.
• Management : Man, property and
  technology. 管理的对象:人、财、物
一、组织行为学的目的 Why Study OB ?


              OB Research

       影响                           预测
    Influence                      Predict
  Organizational                Organizational
      events                       events
   5 Anchors of Organizational Behavior

  开放系统                                 Systematic
Open Systems   Organizational          Research
   Anchor        Behavior               Anchor
     Multiple Levels
      of Analysis
1 、开放的系统观 Open Systems Anchor of OB

          Feedback                  Feedback

                 Subsystem   Subsystem

 Inputs              Organization          Outputs

                 Subsystem    Subsystem
2 、多学科性 Multidisciplinary

• Understanding of OB needs knowledge
  from disciplines of:
• 传统的学科:心理学、人类学、政治科学

• 新兴学科:
• 通信、信息系统、市场学
3 、系统的研究 Systematic Research

  •   科学的方法: Scientific
  •   定性研究和定量研究方法
  •   纵向研究与横向研究
  •   实验研究、现场研究、访谈
4 、应变观 Contingency Anchor

• 反最优的理论
• 应变理论 : A particular action may
  has different consequences in
• It all depends
5 、多层次分析 Multiple Levels of Analysis

• 个体水平 Individual processes
• 团队水平 Team processes
• 组织水平 Organizational processes

• 管理的历史就是人类的历史;
• 自从有人类以来,就存在管理问题。但
  管理形成为一门科学只有 100 多年的历
  的工厂, 管理也随之发生变化。

• 组织行为学是经济发展与管理演化的结
一、 " 科学管理 "

• 19 世纪未至 20 世纪初
• 这个阶段的特点是管理真正形成为一门
• 主要代表人物:泰勒、法约尔、韦伯。
1 、泰勒( Frederick W. Taylor, 1856-1915 )
• 美国人,工程师,科学管理之父。
• 效率的概念 ---- 标准化、时间 -- 动作分析
 2 、法约尔 ( H e n ri F ayo l,
 1 841 - 1 925)

 3 、马克斯 . 韦伯( Max
 We b e r, 1 864- 1 920 )
 德国人 , 组织理论之父

• 心理技术学的名称最早由德国心理学家斯腾
  (L· W· Stern) 于是 1903 年提出,但最早进行
  心理技术学研究的是心理学家闵斯特伯格 (H
  · Munsterberg) ,他在 1912 年出版的专著
• 1924—1932 年,以哈佛大学著名心理学家
  梅约 (Elten Mayo) 为首的一批学者在美国西
       梅奥( G e o rg e Myao , 1 880 -
       1 949 )
          “ 在经营方法中 , 只要专业化的商业不考虑
      人性和社会动机 , 我们也许可以认为罢工和怠工是
      伴随工业出现的正常产物 .”       —— 艾尔顿
      · 梅奥
Hawthorne studies
• From 1924 to 1932, a series of experiments were done by
  Elten Mayo from Harvard university at the Hawthorne
  Works (a Western Electric manufacturing facility outside
• They were designed to see if workers at Hawthorne would
  become more productive in higher levels of light.
• In the experiments, light intensity of work place was
  altered to examine its effect on worker productivity

       Workplace lighting
       (Physical factors)
Relay assembly experiments
• In one of the studies, experimenters chose two women as
  test subjects and asked them to choose four other workers
  to join the test group. Together the women worked in a
  separate room over the course of five years (1927-1932)
  assembling telephone relays. Some of the variables were:
• changing the pay rules so that the group was paid for
  overall group production, not individual production
• giving two 5-minute breaks (after a discussion with them
  on the best length of time), and then changing to two 10-
  minute breaks (not their preference). Productivity
• providing food during the breaks
• shortening the day by 30 minutes (output went up);
  shortening it more (output per hour went up, but overall
  output decreased); returning to the first condition (where
  output peaked).
• Results: Changing a variable usually
  increased productivity, even if the
  variable was just a change back to the
  original condition.

• Conclusion: choosing one's own
  coworkers, working as a group, being
  treated as special, and having a
  sympathetic supervisor were the real
  reasons for the productivity increase.
Interviewing Program
• The workers were interviewed in
  attempt to validate the Hawthorne
  Studies. The participants were asked
  about supervisory practices and
  employee morale. The results proved
  that upward communication in an
  organization creates a positive attitude
  in the work environment. The workers
  feel pleased that their ideas are being
Bank wiring room experiments
• The purpose of the study was to find out how
  payment incentives would affect group productivity.
  The surprising result was that productivity actually
  decreased. Workers apparently had become
  suspicious that their productivity may have been
  boosted to justify firing some of the workers later on.
• The study was conducted by Mayo and W. Lloyd
  Warner between 1931 and 1932 on a group of
  fourteen men who put together telephone switching
  equipment. The researchers found that although the
  workers were paid according to individual
  productivity, productivity decreased because the men
  were afraid that the company would lower the base
informal groups
• Detailed observation between the men revealed
  the existence of informal groups or "cliques"
  within the formal groups. These cliques
  developed informal rules of behavior as well as
  mechanisms to enforce them. The cliques
  served to control group members and to
  manage bosses; when bosses asked questions,
  clique members gave the same responses, even
  if they were untrue. These results show that
  workers were more responsive to the social
  force of their peer groups than to the control and
  incentives of management.
• Braverman: What the studies really
  showed was that the workplace was not
  "a system of bureaucratic formal
  organization on the Weberian model.
• The experiments criticized the
  hypothesis of organization as merely
  material systems. The productivity of
  organization is it certainly depended on
  the mental states of workers: their
  beliefs, industrial relations, morale, etc.
第三节 经济发展与组织行为学



 1 、全球化
 2 、信息技术
 3 、工作队伍的改变 Changing Workforce
 4 、雇佣关系 Employment Relationship
 5 、工作场所的伦理与价值管 Workplace Values
 & Ethics
1 、全球化

Economic, social, and cultural connectivity with people in
other parts of the world
   经济全球化对组织的影响 :
  更大的有效性和知识资源 Greater efficiencies and
   knowledge sources
  关于发展中国家经济的伦理问题 Ethical issues about
   economies of developing countries
  新的组织结构和沟通 New organizational structures and
  更大的工作队伍多样性 Greater workforce diversity
  更大的竞争压力,对员工更大的要求 More competitive
   pressure, demands on employees
2 、信息技术

Blurs temporal and spatial boundaries between employees and

工作与权力关系的重设计 Re-designs jobs and power

知识管理的价值更大 Increases value of knowledge

支持远程工作 Supports telecommuting
支持虚拟团队 Supports virtual teams
3 、远程工作
                  ( Telecommuting )

通过计算际网络在远程或家里工作 An alternative work
arrangement where employees work at home or remote site, usually
with a computer connection to the office
增加产出和自主权,减少压力和成本 Tends to increase
productivity and empowerment, reduce stress and costs
缺乏社会认可、社会互动带来的问题 Problems with
lack of recognition, lack of social interaction
3 、工作队伍的改变
                   Changing Workforce
• Primary and secondary diversity -- but concerns
    about distinguishing people by ethnicity
•   Primary diversity represents personal characteristics
    that influence an individual’s socialization and self
    identity ---- gender, ethnicity, age, race, sexual
    orientation, and mental/physical qualities.
•   Secondary diversity are those features that we learn
    or have some control over throughout our lives, such
    as education, marital status, religion, and work
•   More women in workforce and professions
•   Different needs of Gen-X (1946-1964), Gen-Y (after
    1980) and baby-boomers (1965-1979)
•   Diversity has advantages, but firms need to adjust
5 、雇佣关系 Employment Relationship

就业力 Employability: replaces the implied
guarantee of lifelong employment in return
for loyaty.
  “New deal” employment relationship

  Continuously learn new skills

应变工作 Contingent work
  No contract for long-term employment

  Free agents, temporary-temporaries

  Minimum hours of work vary
Employability vs Job Security

    Job Security              Employability
• Lifetime job security   • Limited job security

• Jobs are permanent      • Jobs are temporary

• Company manages         • Career self-
  career                    management

• Low emphasis on skill   • High emphasis on skill
  development               development
6 、价值观与工作伦理
                Workplace Values & Ethics

Values are long-lasting beliefs about what is important in
a variety of situations
  Define right versus wrong --guide our decisions

  Values relate to individuals, companies, professions,
   societies, etc.
Importance values due to:
  Need to guide employee decisions and actions

  Globalization increases awareness of different values

  Increasing emphasis on applying ethical values

  Ethics -- study of moral principles or values
Values/Ethics at Tom’s of Maine

 Tom and Kate Chappell have built Tom’s of
Maine, the personal health care products firm,
around the idea that businesses need to be
compatible with the personal values of their
    Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility
 Organization’s moral obligation toward
  its stakeholders
 Shareholders, customers, suppliers,
  governments etc.
Triple bottom line philosophy
 Economic, Social & Environmental

1 、从机会驱动到管理驱动

2 、从劳动力的管理到知识管理与创

3 、从技术为本到以人为本

4 、从制度管理到文化管理:无为

5 、从粗放管理到精细管理

知识的管理活动( Any structured
activity that improves an organization’s
capacity to acquire, share, and use
knowledge for its survival and
success )
智力资本            Intellectual Capital

  人的资本            由人产出和拥有的知识 Knowledge
 Human Capital    that people possess and generate

                   Knowledge captured in systems
Structural Capital
                   and structures

   关系资本          建立在客户、供应商等的满意基础上
  Relationship   的价值 Values derived from satisfied
    Capital      customers, reliable suppliers, etc.

    知识获取               知识共享            知识利用
    Knowledge          Knowledge       Knowledge
    acquisition         sharing           use

• 移植 Grafting      • 沟通              • 明晰 Awareness
• 个体学习 Individual                    • 参与
  learning        • 实践性团体              Empowerment
                    Communities of
• 尝试                practice
组织记忆 Organizational Memory

• 智力自本的保存 The storage and preservation of
  intellectual capital
• 方式 Retain intellectual capital by:
    Keeping knowledgeable employees

    Transferring knowledge to others

    Transferring human capital to structural capital

• 组织不学习 Successful companies also unlearn :
  sometimes, it is appropriate for organizations to
  selectively forget certain knowledge.
第五章 需要与激励

    Motivation Through Recognition
• Julie Hans holds up the award coupons that
  Progress Energy employees give to one another as
  recognition for their good work and support.
  Recognition is one of the best ways to motivate
Challenges of Motivating Employees

• Layoffs, restructuring
  – Damaged trust, commitment
• Flatter organizations
  – Fewer supervisors to monitor performance
• Changing workforce
  – Younger employees have different needs
  – Diverse workforce
第一节 需要与激励的概念
• 需要:人对某种目标的渴求与欲望。
• 缺乏理论:机体的缺乏状态。

• 动机:是行为的直接原因,指推动人去从事某

• 激励:激发与鼓励,即激发人的动机,诱发人
动机 / 激励过程

• 人的某种需要从未满足状态转换到满足状

     心理              需要满足   新的
需要         动机   行动
     紧张              紧张减除   需要
第二节 需要理论
• Needs are deficiencies that energize or triger
  behaviors to satisfy those needs.
Needs Hierarchy
    Theory              一、需要层次理论
                        Needs Hierarchy Theory
 Actualization    • Maslow arranged five needs in a
                  • Satisfaction-progression process
 Belongingness    • People who experience self-
                    actualization desire more rather
    Safety          than less of this need
                  • Not much support for Maslow’s
 Physiological      theory
二、 ERG 理论
                        ERG Theory

Needs Hierarchy      ERG
    Theory          Theory
                                • Alderfer’s model has
 Actualization                    three sets of needs
                                • Adds frustration-
                                  regression process to
 Belongingness    Relatedness
                                  Maslow’s model
                                • Somewhat more
    Safety                        research support than
                   Existence      Maslow’s theory
               Innate Drives Theory

                       • Need to take/keep objects and
    Drive to Acquire     experiences
                       • Basis of hierarchy and status
种                      • Need to form relationships and
基    Drive to Bond       social commitments
                       • Basis of social identity
的                      • Need to satisfy curiosity and
内   Drive to Learn       resolve conflicting information
驱                      • Basis of self-actualization
                       • Need to protect ourselves
    Drive to Defend    • A reactive (not proactive) drive
                       • Basis of fight or flight
        Innate Drives and Motivation

• ---- Emotion Competence
• Emotional brain center (insular) relies
  on innate drives to assign emotional
  markers to incoming information
• Emotional markers influence rational
  thoughts and become the conscious
  sources of motivation ---- volition
          Learned Needs Theory

• Some needs are learned, not innate :
• McClelland's Achievement Motivation
• David McClelland proposed three
  secondary needs that he considered
  particular sources of motivation.
  – Achievement
  – Affiliation
  – Power
• 1 、 Need for achievement
  – Desire for challenging and somewhat risky
    goals, feedback, recognition
• Strong need for achievement people
  – Take responsibility for results of behavior
  – Willing to take calculated risks
  – Set moderate achievement goals
  – Prefer to set performance standards for
  – Prefer non-routine tasks to routine assignments
  – Welcome feedback about how well they are
• 2 、 Need   for affiliation
  – Desire to seek approval, conform, and avoid
  – Try to project a favorable self-image
• Strong Need for Affiliation people
  – Focuses on "establishing, maintaining, and
    restoring positive affective relations with others"
  – Want close, warm interpersonal relationships
  – Seek the approval of others, especially those
    about whom they care
  – Like other people, want other people to like
    them, and want to be in the company of others.
• 3 、 Need for power
  – Desire to control one’s environment
• Strong Need for Power people
  – Focuses on "controlling the means of
    influencing the behavior of another person”
  – Having strong effects on other people
  – Means of influence: anything available to
    the person to control the behavior of
  – Actively searches for means of influence
Personalized versus
         socialized power
• Personalized power: use the power to
  fulfill personal needs, e.g. to advance
  their career or other personal interest;
• Socialized power: use the power to help
  other, e.g. to improve society and
  increase organizational effectiveness.
           F·Herzberg’s Motivator – hygiene theory

• 使职工满意与不满意的因素是不相同的。
  导致不满意的因素                地位
发生频率的百分比                                                       成就

 50% 40    30     20   10       0    10     20       30   40    50 %
Herzberg’s Motivation/Hygiene Theory

                     • 1966: Published Work and the Nature
                       of Man
                     • Identified two distinct job factors
                        – Motivators/Satisfiers (Job Content
                          factors/Growth needs): Used to
                          increase employee motivation
Frederick Herzberg
                        – Hygiene factors / Dissatisfiers (Job
                          Context factors/Hygiene factors):
                          Needs that must be met before the
                          satisfiers can be addressed
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory
                           Company policy and
                           Supervision
                           Relationship with supervisor
                           Work conditions
                           Salary

• Hygiene factors          Relationship with peers
                           Personal life
  are necessary,           Relationship with subordinates
  but not                  Status
  sufficient, for          Security
  – Extrinsic factors;
    context of work
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory

• Motivators - the sources of satisfaction
  – Intrinsic factors; content of work
     •   Achievement
     •   Recognition
     •   Challenging or interesting work
     •   Responsibility
     •   Advancement
Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction

Two distinct continua: one for satisfaction and one for
                    Traditional view

Satisfaction                                 Dissatisfaction

                        Herzberg's view

   Satisfaction                               No satisfaction

   No dissatisfaction      Hygiene Factors    Dissatisfaction
Criticisms of Motivation-Hygiene Theory

• The reliability of Herzberg’s
  methodology is questioned
• No overall measure of satisfaction was
• The theory is inconsistent with previous
Implications of Needs Theories

Organizations need to support employees to
 achieve a balance of their innate needs
People have different needs at different
Offer employees a choice of rewards
Do not rely too heavily on financial rewards
          Expectancy Theory of Motivation

• 1964 年,美国心理学家弗鲁姆
  ( V·Vroom )在〈工作与激励 〉一书
• The strength of a tendency to act in a
  certain way depends on the strength of
  an expectation that the act will be
  followed by a given outcome and on the
  attractiveness of that outcome to the
            Expectancy Theory of Motivation

       期望 E-to-P         工具性 P-to-O           效价 Outcomes
       Expectancy        Expectancy            & Valences

                                          结果 Outcome 1
                                             + or -

                   绩效                     结果 Outcome 2
努力 Effort                                    + or -
                                          结果 Outcome 3
                                             + or -
• 期望值:员工认为其努力能使他們成功
• 工具性:员工认为绩效可以带來特定结
• 价值:每一种结果的重要性
• 激励公式:
   • 动机 = 效价 × 期望 (× 工具性 ?)
       • ( M = V×E×I )
          Increasing E-to-P Expectancy

培训 Train employees
选择能人 Select people with required
明确角色 Provide role clarification
提供资源 Provide sufficient resources
提供指导和反馈 Provide coaching and
      Increasing P-to-O Expectancy

 精确计量业绩 Measure
  performance accurately
 明确好坏绩效的后果 Describe
  outcomes of good and poor
 明确绩效与奖励的关系 Explain how
  rewards are linked to past
         Increasing Outcome Valences

 奖励的价值 Ensure that rewards are
 个体化奖励 Individualize rewards
 减少负面结果 Minimize countervalent
                     Goal Setting Theory

• E· Locke proposed the theory in 1968.
• Motivation roots in the goal-oriented
  action 。 an employee what needs to be done and
    Goals tell
      how much effort will need to be expended.
         Specific goals increase performance

         Difficult goals, when accepted, result in higher
          performance than do easy goals
         Feedback leads to higher performance than does
     Specific hard goals produce a higher level of output
      than does the generalized goal of “do your best.”
         The specificity of the goal itself acts as an internal
Effective Goal Setting
            具体 Specific

     有关 Relevant

挑战性 Challenging                             绩效
                          Task Effort
承诺 Commitment                           Performance

   参与 Participation

           反馈 Feedback
Goal Difficulty and Performance

Task Performance

                                       Area of

        Low          Moderate      Challenging     Impossible

                                Goal Difficulty
     Characteristics of Effective Feedback


 可信                                       相关
Credible        有效的反馈                    Relevant
            Effective Feedback

            Multisource (360-degree) Feedback


Co-worker             Evaluated                 Co-worker

     Subordinate                        Subordinate
                Reinforcement Theory

• Behavior that is followed by positive
  consequences will likely be repeated.
• 强化理论:个人的外在行为受到行为结果的
• 强化概念的发展:巴甫洛夫在条件反射研究
  退和得以巩固的一种措施;斯金纳 (Skinner)
Four types of reinforcement 强化类型

Both Positive and Negative reinforcements
increase the likelihood that the person will
repeat the behavior that led to it.
Positive reinforcement 正强化 : applying a
positive consequence to a behavior. 指通过出
Negative reinforcement 负强化— removing
or withholding an undesirable consequence.
 Both Punishment and Extinction reduce the
  possibility of behavior being repeated.
 Punishment 惩罚— administering an aversive
  consequence. 通过某种令人不愉快的结果而
 Extinction 消退 – withdrawing or failing to
  provide a reinforcing consequence. When this
  occurs, motivation is reduced and the
  behavior is extinguished, or eliminated. 当某
             Reinforcement Schedule

 • 强化程序通过时间和比率这两个维度进行组合

            ratio 比 率                time 时
Fixed      固定比率( Piece间     固定时间( annual
           rate )           salary )
variable   变动比率             变动时间( Exam,
           ( Performance    bonus )
           based )
          Organizational Justice

• Fairness and justice are closely related
  with work motivation ;
• Studies of Organizational Justice take
  two perspectives 组织公正研究主要方
• Distribution fairness 分配公正:是否公
  平地根据贡献分配收入 ---- Equity theory
• Procedure justice 程序公正:分配资源
                     Equity Theory

• Equity theory was proposed by
  Adams in 1967. The theory
  suggests that people compare the
  ratio of their own outcomes to        Adams 公平公式
  inputs against the outcome-to-input
  ratio of some comparison person.
• 人的工作动机不仅受所得的绝对报
• 提出运用 Adams 公平公式所进行
               Elements of Equity Theory

•收入 / 付出比率 Outcome/input ratio
 – inputs -- what employee contributes (e.g., skill)
 – outcomes -- what employee receives (e.g., pay)
•与他人比较 Comparison other
 – person/people against whom we compare our ratio
 – not easily identifiable
•公平评价 Equity evaluation
 – compare outcome/input ratio with the comparison
        Overreward vs Underreward Inequity

                                             自己 You
 奖励过渡                                   结果 Outcomes
                    结果 Outcomes
 Inequity             付出 Inputs          付出 Inputs

 奖励不足               结果 Outcomes
Underreward                             结果 Outcomes
                      付出 Inputs          付出 Inputs
              Consequences of Inequity

• Inequity causes dissatisfaction and
  leads to an attempt to restore balance to
  the relationship in the following ways:
Change inputs 改变付出
Change outcomes 改变收入
Change perceptions 改变知觉
Leave the field 离开
Act on the comparison other 影响他人
Change the comparison other 改变他人
                  Equity Sensitivity

• 友善 Benevolents
  – Tolerant of being underrewarded

• 公平敏感 Equity Sensitives
  – Want ratio to be equal to the comparison

• 优越 Entitleds
  – Prefer receiving proportionately more than
Organizational Justice Components

 分配原则                                   • 情绪 Emotions:
Distribution     分配公正知觉                 Anger
Principles       Distributive Justice   Stress
                    Perceptions         • 态度 Attitudes
                                        Org. Commitment
结构规则                                    Job Satisfaction
Structural                              • 行为 Behaviors
  Rules          程序公正知觉                 Task Performance
                 Procedural Justice     Org. Citizenship
 社会规则               Perceptions         Counterproducter
  Social                                behaviors
     Procedural Justice: Structural Rules

发表意见 Voice

无偏 Bias-Free
                            Listens to all

    知情                          申述
Knowledgeable                Appealable
• 又称交互作用公正( Interactive
  Justice ) : how the decision maker
  treats employees in the process.
• 尊敬( when be treated with respect )
• 诚信( Accountability ) : people
  believe that they are entitle to
  explanation about decisions, particularly
  when the results have potentially
  negative consequences for them.
九、 Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic
  Motivation( 内在激励与外在激励
• Behavior are driven by an internal or
  external engine?
• Intrinsic Motivation 内在激励: ?
• Extrinsic Motivation 外在激励: ?

• Hertzberg’s definition:
• Extrinsic factors----context of work
• Intrinsic factors----content of work
德西效应( Deci Effect )
• Interaction between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
• Deci Effect: Extrinsic rewards undermine intrinsic
  motivation ( 在内在激励强的情景下,加入外在激励会
  减少内在激励的作用 ):
• Evidenced by:
   – When offered a reward, intrinsic motivation was
     diminished (Grolnick and Ryan, 1987; Kohn, 1986;
     Sansone, 2000)
   – Removal of reward has shown to decrease
     subsequent efforts (Bandura, 1986)
• Why? Theoretic explanation?
Self perception theory 自我感知理论

• Bem’s (1967) self–perception theory: how does
  people make self perception?
• Individuals come to "know" their own . . . internal
  states partially by inferring them from observations
  of their own overt behavior and/or the
  circumstances in which this behavior occurs . . .
• If internal cues are weak, the person observes
  their own behavior and makes inferences about
  their attitudes based on their own behavior. We
  observe ourselves as another might observe us
  and draw conclusions about behavior.
Over-justification effect
• 外激强而内激弱的情境:行为归
  因 --- 外激推动。
• 外激弱而内激强的情境:行为归
  因 ---- 内激推动。                           Attribution
• 外激、内激都弱的情境:行为归因
  理由不足、无法归因而体验到心理                    Internal intention/force
                                 External Strong/ Strong/
  ( Insufficient justification ) rewards/ strong week
• 外激、内激都强的情境:因理由过 force                    Week/s Week/
  足、不知所措而无法归因,体验到                          trong      week
( Over-justification )
             Applications: Job Redesign

• 除了薪酬和奖励方案外,激励理论还可用于工作
• Job Redesign 工作设计: Assigning tasks to a
  job, including the interdependency of those tasks
  with other jobs 对工作的任务进行设计

• Constantly changing due to changing technology
  and psychological contracts (especially
  employability) 由于技术的发展和心理契约的变化,
1 、工作特征模型 Job Characteristics Model
  •    Hackman and Oldham proposed a model of job redesign 。

       核心工作特征               关键心理状态                       结果
        Core Job          Critical Psychological
      Characteristics              States

 技能多样性 Skill variety
                            意义                         工作动机
 任务完整性 Task identity    Meaningfulness              Work motivation
任务的意义 Task significance                               成长满意感
                                                   Growth satisfaction
                                 责任                     满意感
      自主性 Autonomy           Responsibility        General satisfaction
          工作反馈                 结果知识                Work effectiveness
      Feedback from job   Knowledge of results

                          Individual differences
                           Context Satisfaction
                            Knowledge & Skill
                          Growth need strength
激励潜在分数( MPS )
• 为了简要地表示工作特征━━心理状态━━个人和工
  ( MPS , Motive potential Score ),该分数与工作
• MPS =             ×A×F
•          3
• 式中, MPS= 激励潜在分数; SV =技能多样化; TI
  =任务完整性; TS =任务意义; A= 自主性; F= 反
2 、工作专业化
              Job Specialization

  优点 Advantages            缺点 Disadvantages
• 技能变换时间短 Less             • 工作厌倦 Job
  time changing              boredom
  activities               • 报酬不满意
• 培训成本低 Lower                Discontentment pay
  training costs           • 成本高 Higher costs
• 工作熟练快 Job                • 质量低 Lower quality
  mastered quickly         • 动机低 Lower
• 人—工作匹配好 Better             motivation
  person-job matching
3 、工作设计方法
              Job Design Strategies

• 工作轮换 Job rotation
  – Moving to different jobs
• 工作扩大化 Job enlargement
  – Adding more tasks to a job
• 工作丰富化 Job enrichment
  – Giving employees more autonomy over
    their job
            Job Rotation vs. Job Enlargement

工作轮换 Job Rotation
     Job 1               Job 2               Job 3
 Operate Camera      Operate Sound         Report Story

工作扩大化 Job Enlargement

    Job 1               Job 2                  Job 3

Operate Camera     Operate Camera        Operate Camera
Operate Sound      Operate Sound         Operate Sound
 Report Story       Report Story          Report Story
                      Job Enrichment

• 更多的责任、自主权 Given more responsibility for
  scheduling, coordinating, and planning one’s own work
• 1. 将工作任务按自然方式组合 Clustering tasks into
  natural groups
   – 将高度相关的几项任务组合到同一工作中 Stitching
     highly interdependent tasks into one job
   – e.g., video journalist, assembling entire product
• 2. 建立与客户的联系 Establishing client relationships
   – 直接向特定客户负责 Directly responsible for specific
   – 直接与这些客户沟通 Communicate directly with
     those clients
3 、授权 Empowerment
• Empowerment: the process of sharing
  power with employees, thereby
  enhancing their confidence in their
  ability to perform their jobs and their
  belief that they are influential
  contributors to the organization.
 Power sharing
 Job design                Empowerment
3 、授权 Empowerment
                自我决定          感到有自主权判断力 Employees
                  Self-       feel they have freedom and
              determination   discretion
  ment is a      意义           认为工作是重要的 Employees
psychologi-     Meaning       believe their work is important
cal concept
    by 4        胜任力           高的自我效能感 Employees
dimensions    Competence      have feelings of self-efficacy

                              功 Employees feel their actions
                              influence success
Creating Empowerment
• To create empowerment, management
  must create an environment in which
  everyone feels they have real influence
  over performance standards and
  business effectiveness with their areas
  of responsibility. 为培养(鼓励)授权,
Creating Empowerment
• 个体因素 Individual factors
  – 胜任力 Possess required competencies,
    able to perform the work
• 工作设计因素 Job design factors
  – 自主权 Autonomy, 任务整体性 task
    identity, 任务的意义 task significance, 工
    作反馈 job feedback
• 组织因素 Organizational factors
  – 资源 Resources, 学习 learning orientation,
    信任 trust
4 、自我指导         Self-Leadership

• Self-Leadership: The process of
  influencing oneself to establish the
  self-direction and self-motivation
  needed to perform a task. 影响自己开
• 理论基础 Includes concepts/practices
  – 目标设置 Goal setting
  – 社会学习理论 Social learning theory
  – 体育心理学 Sports psychology
             Elements of Self-Leadership

个人目标设置        思维模式 设计自然的奖励 自我监控                  自我强化
 Personal    Constructive Designing   Self-
Goal Setting   Thought     Natural               Reinforce-
               Patterns   Rewards                  ment

   • 个人目标设置 Personal goal setting
      – 员工自我设置目标 Employees set
        their own goals
      – 应用有效的目标设置理论 Apply
        effective goal setting practices
               Elements of Self-Leadership

                思维模式          Designing                  Self-
 Personal      Constructive                 Self-
                               Natural                 Reinforce-
Goal Setting    Thought       Rewards     Monitoring     ment

积极的自我对话 Positive self-talk
 关于思想与行动的自我对话 Talking to ourselves about
  our own thoughts/actions for the purpose of
  increasing our self-efficacy
心理想象 Mental imagery
 工作的心理实践 Mentally practicing a task

 可视化工作成就 Visualizing successful task
           Elements of Self-Leadership

             Constructive   Designing                  Self-
 Personal                                 Self-
               Thought       Natural                 Reinforce-
Goal Setting   Patterns     Rewards     Monitoring     ment

    探索提升工作动机的途径 Finding ways
    to make the job itself more motivating
      eg. altering the way the task is
                 Elements of Self-Leadership

             Constructive   Designing                  Self-
 Personal                                 Self-
               Thought       Natural                 Reinforce-
Goal Setting                            Monitoring
               Patterns     Rewards                    ment

       不断监控工作进程 Keeping track of your
       progress toward the self-set goal
         Looking for naturally-occurring
         Designing artificial feedback
    Elements of Self-Leadership

             Constructive   Designing                  Self-
 Personal                                 Self-
               Thought       Natural                 Reinforce-
Goal Setting   Patterns     Rewards     Monitoring     ment

 • 完成自己设定的目标后接受强
    化“ Taking” a reinforcer only after
    completing a self-set goal
      eg. Watching a movie after writing
       two more sections of a report
      eg. Starting a fun task after
       completing a task that you don’t like
第六章 团队动力学
         Te am D yn am ic s
                What are Teams?

• Groups of two or more people 两人以上
• Exist to fulfill a purpose 目的
• Interdependent -- interact and influence each
  other 相互依赖与作用
• Mutually accountable for achieving common
  goals 共同的责任
• Perceive themselves as a social entity 共同的
             Groups versus Teams

•All teams are groups
•Some groups are just people assembled
•Teams have task interdependence
whereas some groups do not (e.g., group
of employees enjoying lunch together)
         Classifications of teams

• Hypothesized vs real team 假设团队和实际
• Large vs small teams 大型团队和小型团队
• Formal vs informal teams 正式团队和非正
• Reference teams 参照团队:团队的标准,
• Virtual teams 虚拟团队:工作的空间 .
            Types of Teams and Groups

                 永久                  临时
               Permanent           Temporary

             生产 / 管理团队                  工作小组
 Formal      Production team        Task force
 Teams      Management team         Skunkwork

非正式团队                                 社团
 Informal                          Community
             Friendship group
  Groups                           of practice
• Skunwork: Cross-functional teams,
  usually separated from the main
  organization, that borrow people and
  resources and have relatively free rein
  to develop new products or services
• Community of practice: Groups bound
  together by shared expertise and
  passion for a particular activity or
Informal Groups 非正式团队   : Why

• Innate drive to bond 合群的本能
  – 满足社会交互作用需要 Fulfill need for
    social interaction
  – 社会身份 Social identity
• Goal accomplishment 实现目标
• Emotional support 情绪支持
              Why Rely on Teams

•Compared with individuals working alone,
teams tend to:
 – solve problems and identify opportunities
   more quickly 快速解决问题和把握机会
 – share information and 良好的合作 coordinate
   tasks better 信息共享
 – provide superior customer service due to
   more knowledge and expertise 基于更多知识
 – motivate employees to work toward the
   team’s goals 激励员工完成组织目标
                   Team Effectiveness Model
                             团队设计                 团队有效性
  Organizational and
                           Team Design         Team Effectiveness
  Team Environment
• 奖励 Reward systems     Task characteristics
                                               • 达成组织目标
                        •团队规模 Team size
• 沟通 Communication                             Achieve
 systems                                       organizational goals
                        Team composition
• 空间 Physical space                            • 满足需求 Satisfy
• 环境 Organizational                            member needs
 environment              Team Processes       • 维持 Maintain
• 结构 Organizational                            team
 structure          •发展 Team development         survival
• 领导 Organizational 规范 Team norms
 leadership         •角色 Team roles
                    •内聚力 Team cohesiveness
               Team’s Task and Size

• 任务特点 Task characteristics
  – 任务明确性 Better when tasks are clear,
    easy to implement
  – 结果、过程的共享程度 Share common
    inputs, processes, or outcomes
  – 任务的相互依赖性 Task interdependence
• 团队规模 Team size
  – Smaller teams are better
  – But large enough to accomplish task
         Levels of Task Interdependence

High                                   A
       Reciprocal                B          C

        系列式                  A          B           C

        Pooled                   A      B       C
Volvo’s All-Female
         Design Team

• Automobiles on the road today are
  designed mostly by men, so a group of
  female employees at Volvo Car
  Corporation have teamed up to design a
  new concept car.
                   Team Composition

1.动机 Motivation
  – To perform task
  – To work cooperatively the team
2. 胜任力 Competencies
  – Collectively possess skills and knowledge to perform
    the task
  – Individual competencies to work effectively with each
3.同质 / 异质 Homogeneous or heterogeneous,
  depending on task requirements
同质 / 异质团队
          Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous Teams

         同质团队                          异质团队
Homogeneous Teams             Heterogeneous Teams

•冲突: Less conflict            •More conflict

•团队形成: Faster team            •Longer team development
                              •Performs better on
•合作型任务: Performs              complex problems
better on cooperative tasks
                              •More creative
•合作: Better coordination
                              •Better representation
•成员满意感: High                  outside the team
satisfaction of team
 Stages of Team Development




                              Existing teams
Forming                       might regress      Adjourning
                              back to an
                              earlier stage of
团队规范 Team Norms
• Team Norm: Informal rules and expectations team
  establishes to regulate member behaviors 团队调整
• 群体规范作用:对于群体及其成员支柱作用、评价标
• 规范的发展 Norms develop through:
   – 明确陈述 Explicit statements
   – 团队历史关键事件 Critical events in team’s history
   – 团队初创期的经历 Initial team experiences
   – 成员带入团队的价值观念 Beliefs/values members
     bring to the team
High Performance Teams’ norms
• No Zingers. Zingers are put-downs or cheap shots directed at
  fellow team members. Zingers show a lack of respect for
  team members and can cause individual team members who
  receive zinger to mentally withdraw from team participation.
• Celebrate Success. High Performance Teams take time-outs
  to recognize small steps or progress towards objectives. This
  act of recognizing small victories is essential in the
  development of team confidence and commitment.
• No Rank/All Peers. High Performance Teams strive to
  achieve a state where leadership migrates from one team
  member to another to take advantage of the skills or abilities
  of different team members as the topic or situation changes.
  A critical success factor in the development of High
  Performance Teams is the concept that all team members are
  equal in decision making and that every team member is
  valued. It is the responsibility and obligation of every team
  member to identify the skills and talents of all other team
  members and to encourage each team member to employ
  those talents.
• Have Fun. Working on a High Performance
  Team can and should be fun. Humor and
  fun, so long as it is not at the expense of
  others, can help build energy and improve
  the teams ability to succeed. Time out
  needs to be taken for fun in the form of
  team building activities or new learning
  such as juggling, drawing, poetry or song
• Quality Reviews. The team needs to
  consciously set time aside to monitor the
  quality of its work and progress towards

• The influence of team norms takes the form of
  peer pressure when a member’s behavior
  deviates from the norm.
• 群体压力:当群体成员在信念上或行为上与群体规
  范不一致时所感            觉到的压力。这种压力可能是

• Conformity 从众行为: Under the pressure from
  peers, team member some times follows majority
  of the team members. 群体成员由于体验到压力
             Changing Team Norms

 Introduce norms when forming teams

 Select members with preferred norms

 Discuss counter-productive norms

 Reward behaviors representing desired

 Disband teams with dysfunctional norms
                     Team Cohesiveness

• 群体内聚力: Degree of attraction people feel
  toward the team and their motivation to remain
  members. 团队对其成员的吸引程度。
• Teams high in cohesiveness tend to believe the
  team will
   – Help them achieve personal goals
   – Fulfill their need for affiliation or status
   – Provide social support during times of crisis or trouble
• Cohesiveness is the “glue” that holds teams
  together and ensures they fulfill their obligations
        Influences on Team Cohesiveness

                                      Team Size
Challenges     Increasing
 团队成功                               成员交互作用
              Cohesiveness            Member
 Success                             Interaction
                 Difficult Entry
      Team Cohesiveness Outcomes

•Members of cohesive teams:
– Want to remain members
– Willing to share information
– Strong interpersonal bonds
– Resolve conflict effectively
– Better interpersonal relationships
Are cohesive teams better performers?

• YES & NO!
  – Cohesive teams tend to be better
    performers WHEN their norms support
    productivity and high performance
    • Highly cohesive teams with norms that do not
      support productivity, high performance, or
      company goals often perform worse than their
      less-cohesive counterparts!
             Cohesiveness and Performance

Team Norms
  Support          Moderately
                                       High task
 Company            high task
   Goals                              performance

Team Norms         Moderately
  Oppose                               Low task
                    low task
 Company                              performance

                  Low Team            High Team
                 Cohesiveness        Cohesiveness
The Trouble With Teams
• Some tasks are performed just as easily/effectively by
  one person as by a team!
• Teams are sometimes less efficient than individuals :
 Process losses – resources (including time and energy)
  expended toward team development and maintenance
  rather than the task ---- cost of developing and
  maintaining teams
 Companies don’t support best work environment for
  team dynamics
 Social loafing: a situation in which people exert less
  effort (and usually perform at a low level) when working
  in groups than when working alone ---- 三个和尚的故事
How to Minimize Social

• Make individual performance more
  – Form smaller teams
  – Specialize tasks
  – Measure individual performance

• Increase employee motivation
  – Increase job enrichment
  – Select motivated employees
• 1 、 Why group decision making 为什么群
 Representation of stakeholders 利益的代
 Utilization of knowledge and experiences
  of team members 知识与经验的整合:分布
  性决策, Delphi 法;
 Creative thinking 创新思想的激发:头脑风
 Multiple check 更多的评价:纠正失误
2 、 Dysfunctions in GDM
• 小集团意识( Groupthink )
• Some teams are at risk of becoming dysfunctional as
  a result of groupthink. It is a process by which a
  group can make bad or irrational decisions. In a
  groupthink situation, each member of the group
  attempts to conform his or her opinions to what they
  believe to be the consensus of the group.
 Irving Janis: "Groups experiencing groupthink do not
  consider all alternatives and they desire unanimity at
  the expense of quality decisions."
 不能很好评价多数人的观点,持不同意见者为了与多
 把群体意见一致看的必决策本身重要
7 symptoms of decision affected by groupthink

• Incomplete survey of alternatives
• Incomplete survey of objectives
• Failure to examine risks of preferred choice
• Failure to re-appraise initially rejected
• Poor information search
• Selective bias in processing information at
  hand (see also confirmation bias)
• Failure to work out contingency plans
•   Group Polarization (Stoner, 1961 ) (“risk shift” or
    “Group extremity shift”) - is the tendency to make a
    decision that is more extreme, either riskier or more
    caution, after discussion has occurred than the initial
    preferences of group members. 极端性转移 : 群体决策
•   Risky shift , the decision group becomes more radical
    and willing to take a risk. The decision makes as a group
    gamble more than an individual often would when
    making the same decision.
•   Cautious shift - the group shifts to being more
    conservative than solo individuals would usually be.
Explanations 理论解释
  responsibility is diffused as there is a degree of
  anonymity (a corporate veil) in the group. The group is
  responsible for decisions and risky decisions carry less
  of a burden for individuals.
• BROWN‘S TWO FACTOR VIEW (Social comparison
  theory / Persuasive arguments):
 When, in a group, individuals make social comparisons
  and adjust prior positions relative to the group majority
 Risk takers are more powerful and persuasive in a group
  situation / more extreme in group-favored direction seen
  as better ;
 Therefore, People are motivated to move farther toward
  the socially desirable end of the scale.
• The Risk As Value Hypothesis 文化的放大
  : Moderate risk is valued in our culture.
  Therefore, people want to shift toward risky
  decisions to gain status and approval from
  other group members.
• Discussion Produces A Commitment.
  – People become more committed to a viewpoint
    when they express that viewpoint publicly and
    therefore they become more extreme in their
• The effect of team leader 领导的假设
第十一章 群体沟通与冲突
   Communication and conflict

• The process by which information is
  transferred and understood between
  two or more people.
Four Functions of Communication

• The functions of communication:
  – Knowledge management
  – Decision making
  – Coordinating work activities
  – Fulfilling drive to bond
            Communication Process Model

  发送者 Sender             传送          接收者 Receiver
                       Message        接受
形成信息        编码                                  解码
 Form      Encode                              Decode
message    message                             message

                      噪音 Noise

反馈解码         接受                       编码       反馈信息
 Decode     Receive                  Encode      Form
feedback   feedback                 feedback   feedback
                      反馈 Transmit
            Hierarchy of Media Richness

   高 Rich

              超负荷区          Face-to-face
               Zone     Telephone
Media                   E-mail
              Newsletters         Oversimplified
   低 Lean
        明确                                模糊 Nonroutine/
                            情景            Ambiguous
            Communication Barriers

• 知觉 Perceptions

• 过滤 Filtering

• 语言 Language
  – Jargon
  – Ambiguity

• 信息超负荷 Information Overload
        Classification of Communication

• 1 、 Formal vs. informal communication 正式
 沟通与非正式沟通:正式沟通 ---- 新闻发言人;
• 2 、 Upward, downward, and parallel
  communication 上行沟通、下行沟通、平行沟通;
• 3 、 One way or two way communication    单
• 4 、 Oral vs. written communication   口头沟通
Internet and

•   网络给沟通提供了新的研究主题:
•   公示 ---- 正式
•   网络论坛 ---- 非正式
•   难以控制 ---- 透明度高
三、 Conflict 冲突

Definition: The process in which one party
perceives that its interests are being opposed or
negatively affected by another party.
               The Conflict Process

 冲突源         Perceptions      冲突显现       冲突结果
Sources of                    Manifest    Conflict
 Conflict     冲突情绪            Conflict   Outcomes

                  Escalation Cycle
           Task vs. Socio-emotional Conflict

•任务型冲突 Task-related conflict
– Conflict is aimed at issue, not parties
– Helps recognize problems, identify solutions,
  and understand the issues better
– Potentially healthy and valuable

•社会情绪型冲突 Socio-emotional conflict
– Conflict viewed as a personal attack
– Introduces perceptual biases
– Distorts information processing
                  Sources of Conflict (1)

  目标不相容              • 一方的目标被认为干涉了他人的目
 Incompatible          标 One party’s goals perceived to
    Goals              interfere with other’s goals

                     • 观念差异 Different values/beliefs
     差异              • 文化与代际差异 Explains cross-
Differentiation        cultural and generational conflict

                     • 冲突与相互关联的正相关 Conflict
                       increases with interdependence
      Task           • 相互干扰可能性 Higher risk that
Interdependence        parties interfere with each other
                 Sources of Conflict (2)

                   • Motivates competition for the
   Scarce            resource

                • Creates uncertainty, threatens
   规则模糊           goals
Ambiguous Rules • Without rules, people rely on

                   • Increases stereotyping
                   • Reduces motivation to
Communication        communicate
  Problems         • Escalates conflict when arrogant
                    Conflict Management Styles

          强制                               问题解决
          Forcing                          Problem-Solving



         回避 Avoiding                         屈从
Low                                                     High
                      合作 Cooperativeness
          Emphasizing Superordinate Goals

 强调共同目标
  Emphasizing common
  objectives rather than                   Task
  conflicting sub-goals
                                     Scarce Resources
 减少目标不相容性和差别
  Reduces goal                       Ambiguous Rules
  incompatibility and
  differentiation                     Communication
                 Reducing Differentiation

•消除价值观念差异的根源                                     Goals
Remove sources of different
values and beliefs                           Differentiation

•人员轮岗、调动 Move                               Interdependence
employees around to different
jobs, departments, and regions              Scarce Resources

•其他 Other ways to reduce                    Ambiguous Rules
 – Common dress code/status
 – Common work experiences
           Better Communication/Understanding

•通过沟通增加员工间的理解                                Goals
Employees understand and
appreciate each other’s views
through communication                         Task
 – 非正式聚会 Informal gatherings
                                        Scarce Resources
 – 正式对话 Formal dialogue
   sessions                             Ambiguous Rules

 – 团队建设活动 Teambuilding                   Communication
   activities                              Problems
                  Other Ways to Manage Conflict

•Reduce Task Interdependence                  Incompatible
减少任务的相互依存性                                       Goals
 – 划分共享资源 Dividing     shared
 – 任务合并 Combine tasks                             Task
 – 利用缓冲 Use buffers
•Increase Resources 增加资源                    Scarce Resources
 – 倍增资源 Duplicate    resources
•Clarify Rules and Procedures 明             Ambiguous Rules
 – 明确资源分布 Clarify    resource                Communication
 – 改变相互依存性 Change

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管心 Ftp

  • 1. Managerial Psychology 管理心理学 浙江大学心理与行为科学学院 浙江大学人力资源与战略发展研究中心 马剑虹 Tel: 13958159647 (H) 0571-8273337 (O) Email: ® 浙江大学心理与行为科学学院 马剑虹教授
  • 2. • 管理心理学:组织行为学 ( Organizational Behavior )、工业与 组织心理学( Industrial and Organizational Psychology, I/O Psychology ) 第一章 组织行为学绪论
  • 3. 第一节、什么是组织行为学 What is Organizational psychology • Organizations have existed for as long as people have to work together. • Management : Man, property and technology. 管理的对象:人、财、物
  • 4. 一、组织行为学的目的 Why Study OB ? 理解 Understand Organizational events 组织行为学研究 OB Research 影响 预测 Influence Predict Organizational Organizational events events
  • 5. 二、组织行为学的性质 5 Anchors of Organizational Behavior 多学科性 Multidisciplinary Anchor 系统观 开放系统 Systematic Open Systems Organizational Research Anchor Behavior Anchor Anchors 多层次分析 应变观 Multiple Levels Contingency of Analysis Anchor Anchor
  • 6. 1 、开放的系统观 Open Systems Anchor of OB Feedback Feedback Subsystem Subsystem Inputs Organization Outputs Subsystem Subsystem
  • 7. 2 、多学科性 Multidisciplinary Anchor • Understanding of OB needs knowledge from disciplines of: • 传统的学科:心理学、人类学、政治科学 、经济学、管理学、工业工程 • 新兴学科: • 通信、信息系统、市场学
  • 8. 3 、系统的研究 Systematic Research Anchor • 科学的方法: Scientific • 定性研究和定量研究方法 • 纵向研究与横向研究 • 实验研究、现场研究、访谈
  • 9. 4 、应变观 Contingency Anchor • 反最优的理论 • 应变理论 : A particular action may has different consequences in differentsituations. • It all depends
  • 10. 5 、多层次分析 Multiple Levels of Analysis Anchor • 个体水平 Individual processes • 团队水平 Team processes • 组织水平 Organizational processes
  • 11. 第二节、组织行为学的历史 • 管理的历史就是人类的历史; • 自从有人类以来,就存在管理问题。但 管理形成为一门科学只有 100 多年的历 史。企业从手工业的作坊转变为现代化 的工厂, 管理也随之发生变化。 • 组织行为学是经济发展与管理演化的结 果
  • 12. 一、 " 科学管理 " • 19 世纪未至 20 世纪初 • 这个阶段的特点是管理真正形成为一门 科学。 • 主要代表人物:泰勒、法约尔、韦伯。
  • 13. 1 、泰勒( Frederick W. Taylor, 1856-1915 ) • 美国人,工程师,科学管理之父。 • 效率的概念 ---- 标准化、时间 -- 动作分析 、计件工资、工作流程图等管理方法代替 了经验管理,对科学管理制度和方法的形 成起了极及重要的作用。 2 、法约尔 ( H e n ri F ayo l, 1 841 - 1 925) 法国人,现代经营管理之父 管理的职能 3 、马克斯 . 韦伯( Max We b e r, 1 864- 1 920 ) 德国人 , 组织理论之父
  • 14. 二、心理技术学 • 心理技术学的名称最早由德国心理学家斯腾 (L· W· Stern) 于是 1903 年提出,但最早进行 心理技术学研究的是心理学家闵斯特伯格 (H · Munsterberg) ,他在 1912 年出版的专著 《心理学与工业生产率》一书中阐述了用心 理测验选择合格工人、疲劳研究与劳动合理 化等问题。以后,心理技术学研究的基本方 向一直是解决人如何适应机器的问题,即管 理中的人—机关系问题。
  • 15. 三、霍桑实验与“人际关系学派” • 1924—1932 年,以哈佛大学著名心理学家 梅约 (Elten Mayo) 为首的一批学者在美国西 方电器公司所属的霍桑工厂进行的一系列实 验研究的总称称为霍桑实验。 梅奥( G e o rg e Myao , 1 880 - 1 949 ) 美国哈佛大学心理学家,原籍澳大利 亚的美国行为科学家 “ 在经营方法中 , 只要专业化的商业不考虑 人性和社会动机 , 我们也许可以认为罢工和怠工是 伴随工业出现的正常产物 .” —— 艾尔顿 · 梅奥
  • 16. Hawthorne studies • From 1924 to 1932, a series of experiments were done by Elten Mayo from Harvard university at the Hawthorne Works (a Western Electric manufacturing facility outside Chicago). • They were designed to see if workers at Hawthorne would become more productive in higher levels of light. • In the experiments, light intensity of work place was altered to examine its effect on worker productivity Workplace lighting Productivity (Physical factors)
  • 17. Relay assembly experiments • In one of the studies, experimenters chose two women as test subjects and asked them to choose four other workers to join the test group. Together the women worked in a separate room over the course of five years (1927-1932) assembling telephone relays. Some of the variables were: • changing the pay rules so that the group was paid for overall group production, not individual production • giving two 5-minute breaks (after a discussion with them on the best length of time), and then changing to two 10- minute breaks (not their preference). Productivity increased. • providing food during the breaks • shortening the day by 30 minutes (output went up); shortening it more (output per hour went up, but overall output decreased); returning to the first condition (where output peaked).
  • 18. • Results: Changing a variable usually increased productivity, even if the variable was just a change back to the original condition. • Conclusion: choosing one's own coworkers, working as a group, being treated as special, and having a sympathetic supervisor were the real reasons for the productivity increase.
  • 19. Interviewing Program • The workers were interviewed in attempt to validate the Hawthorne Studies. The participants were asked about supervisory practices and employee morale. The results proved that upward communication in an organization creates a positive attitude in the work environment. The workers feel pleased that their ideas are being heard.
  • 20. Bank wiring room experiments • The purpose of the study was to find out how payment incentives would affect group productivity. The surprising result was that productivity actually decreased. Workers apparently had become suspicious that their productivity may have been boosted to justify firing some of the workers later on. • The study was conducted by Mayo and W. Lloyd Warner between 1931 and 1932 on a group of fourteen men who put together telephone switching equipment. The researchers found that although the workers were paid according to individual productivity, productivity decreased because the men were afraid that the company would lower the base rate..
  • 21. informal groups • Detailed observation between the men revealed the existence of informal groups or "cliques" within the formal groups. These cliques developed informal rules of behavior as well as mechanisms to enforce them. The cliques served to control group members and to manage bosses; when bosses asked questions, clique members gave the same responses, even if they were untrue. These results show that workers were more responsive to the social force of their peer groups than to the control and incentives of management.
  • 22. Conclusions • Braverman: What the studies really showed was that the workplace was not "a system of bureaucratic formal organization on the Weberian model. • The experiments criticized the hypothesis of organization as merely material systems. The productivity of organization is it certainly depended on the mental states of workers: their beliefs, industrial relations, morale, etc.
  • 23. 第三节 经济发展与组织行为学 经济的发展为组织行为学提供了广泛的前景 一、经济与管理的发展趋势 1 、全球化 2 、信息技术 3 、工作队伍的改变 Changing Workforce 4 、雇佣关系 Employment Relationship 5 、工作场所的伦理与价值管 Workplace Values & Ethics
  • 24. 1 、全球化 与世界其它地方的人员形成经济、社会和文化的联系 Economic, social, and cultural connectivity with people in other parts of the world 经济全球化对组织的影响 :  更大的有效性和知识资源 Greater efficiencies and knowledge sources  关于发展中国家经济的伦理问题 Ethical issues about economies of developing countries  新的组织结构和沟通 New organizational structures and communication  更大的工作队伍多样性 Greater workforce diversity  更大的竞争压力,对员工更大的要求 More competitive pressure, demands on employees
  • 25. 2 、信息技术 员工和组织之间的时间和空间界限更模糊 Blurs temporal and spatial boundaries between employees and organizations 工作与权力关系的重设计 Re-designs jobs and power relationships 知识管理的价值更大 Increases value of knowledge management 支持远程工作 Supports telecommuting 支持虚拟团队 Supports virtual teams
  • 26. 3 、远程工作 ( Telecommuting ) 通过计算际网络在远程或家里工作 An alternative work arrangement where employees work at home or remote site, usually with a computer connection to the office 增加产出和自主权,减少压力和成本 Tends to increase productivity and empowerment, reduce stress and costs 缺乏社会认可、社会互动带来的问题 Problems with lack of recognition, lack of social interaction
  • 27. 3 、工作队伍的改变 Changing Workforce • Primary and secondary diversity -- but concerns about distinguishing people by ethnicity • Primary diversity represents personal characteristics that influence an individual’s socialization and self identity ---- gender, ethnicity, age, race, sexual orientation, and mental/physical qualities. • Secondary diversity are those features that we learn or have some control over throughout our lives, such as education, marital status, religion, and work experiences; • More women in workforce and professions • Different needs of Gen-X (1946-1964), Gen-Y (after 1980) and baby-boomers (1965-1979) • Diversity has advantages, but firms need to adjust
  • 28. 5 、雇佣关系 Employment Relationship 就业力 Employability: replaces the implied guarantee of lifelong employment in return for loyaty.  “New deal” employment relationship  Continuously learn new skills 应变工作 Contingent work  No contract for long-term employment  Free agents, temporary-temporaries  Minimum hours of work vary
  • 29. Employability vs Job Security Job Security Employability • Lifetime job security • Limited job security • Jobs are permanent • Jobs are temporary • Company manages • Career self- career management • Low emphasis on skill • High emphasis on skill development development
  • 30. 6 、价值观与工作伦理 Workplace Values & Ethics Values are long-lasting beliefs about what is important in a variety of situations  Define right versus wrong --guide our decisions  Values relate to individuals, companies, professions, societies, etc. Importance values due to:  Need to guide employee decisions and actions  Globalization increases awareness of different values  Increasing emphasis on applying ethical values  Ethics -- study of moral principles or values
  • 31. Values/Ethics at Tom’s of Maine Tom and Kate Chappell have built Tom’s of Maine, the personal health care products firm, around the idea that businesses need to be compatible with the personal values of their employees.
  • 32. 企业的社会责任 Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility  Organization’s moral obligation toward its stakeholders Stakeholders  Shareholders, customers, suppliers, governments etc. Triple bottom line philosophy  Economic, Social & Environmental
  • 33. 二、我国经济发展的挑战 1 、从机会驱动到管理驱动 2 、从劳动力的管理到知识管理与创 新 3 、从技术为本到以人为本 4 、从制度管理到文化管理:无为 5 、从粗放管理到精细管理
  • 34. 三、知识管理 以取得组织生存和发展能力为目的的 ,改进组织获取知识、分享知识、使用 知识的管理活动( Any structured activity that improves an organization’s capacity to acquire, share, and use knowledge for its survival and success )
  • 35. 智力资本 Intellectual Capital 人的资本 由人产出和拥有的知识 Knowledge Human Capital that people possess and generate 籍由系统和结构把握的知识 结构资本 Knowledge captured in systems Structural Capital and structures 关系资本 建立在客户、供应商等的满意基础上 Relationship 的价值 Values derived from satisfied Capital customers, reliable suppliers, etc.
  • 36. 知识管理过程 知识获取 知识共享 知识利用 Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge acquisition sharing use • 移植 Grafting • 沟通 • 明晰 Awareness Communication • 个体学习 Individual • 参与 learning • 实践性团体 Empowerment Communities of • 尝试 practice Experimentation
  • 37. 组织记忆 Organizational Memory • 智力自本的保存 The storage and preservation of intellectual capital • 方式 Retain intellectual capital by:  Keeping knowledgeable employees  Transferring knowledge to others  Transferring human capital to structural capital • 组织不学习 Successful companies also unlearn : sometimes, it is appropriate for organizations to selectively forget certain knowledge.
  • 38. 第五章 需要与激励 Motivation Through Recognition • Julie Hans holds up the award coupons that Progress Energy employees give to one another as recognition for their good work and support. Recognition is one of the best ways to motivate employees.
  • 39. Challenges of Motivating Employees • Layoffs, restructuring – Damaged trust, commitment • Flatter organizations – Fewer supervisors to monitor performance • Changing workforce – Younger employees have different needs – Diverse workforce
  • 40. 第一节 需要与激励的概念 • 需要:人对某种目标的渴求与欲望。 • 缺乏理论:机体的缺乏状态。 • 动机:是行为的直接原因,指推动人去从事某 种活动,指引活动去满足一定需要的意图、愿 望和信念等。 • 激励:激发与鼓励,即激发人的动机,诱发人 的内驱力,使人朝着期望目标前进的活动过程 。
  • 41. 动机 / 激励过程 • 人的某种需要从未满足状态转换到满足状 态,并产生新的需要的过程称为动机过程 。 心理 需要满足 新的 需要 动机 行动 紧张 紧张减除 需要
  • 42. 第二节 需要理论 • Needs are deficiencies that energize or triger behaviors to satisfy those needs. Needs Hierarchy Theory 一、需要层次理论 Needs Hierarchy Theory Self- Actualization • Maslow arranged five needs in a Esteem hierarchy • Satisfaction-progression process Belongingness • People who experience self- actualization desire more rather Safety than less of this need • Not much support for Maslow’s Physiological theory
  • 43. 二、 ERG 理论 ERG Theory Needs Hierarchy ERG Theory Theory • Alderfer’s model has Self- Actualization three sets of needs Growth • Adds frustration- Esteem regression process to Belongingness Relatedness Maslow’s model • Somewhat more Safety research support than Existence Maslow’s theory Physiological
  • 44. 三、内驱力理论 Innate Drives Theory • Need to take/keep objects and Drive to Acquire experiences • Basis of hierarchy and status 四 种 • Need to form relationships and 基 Drive to Bond social commitments • Basis of social identity 本 的 • Need to satisfy curiosity and 内 Drive to Learn resolve conflicting information 驱 • Basis of self-actualization 力 • Need to protect ourselves Drive to Defend • A reactive (not proactive) drive • Basis of fight or flight
  • 45. 内驱力与激励 Innate Drives and Motivation • ---- Emotion Competence • Emotional brain center (insular) relies on innate drives to assign emotional markers to incoming information • Emotional markers influence rational thoughts and become the conscious sources of motivation ---- volition
  • 46. 四、习得的需要理论 Learned Needs Theory • Some needs are learned, not innate : • McClelland's Achievement Motivation Theory • David McClelland proposed three secondary needs that he considered particular sources of motivation. – Achievement – Affiliation – Power
  • 47. • 1 、 Need for achievement – Desire for challenging and somewhat risky goals, feedback, recognition • Strong need for achievement people – Take responsibility for results of behavior – Willing to take calculated risks – Set moderate achievement goals – Prefer to set performance standards for themselves – Prefer non-routine tasks to routine assignments – Welcome feedback about how well they are doing
  • 48. • 2 、 Need for affiliation – Desire to seek approval, conform, and avoid conflict – Try to project a favorable self-image • Strong Need for Affiliation people – Focuses on "establishing, maintaining, and restoring positive affective relations with others" – Want close, warm interpersonal relationships – Seek the approval of others, especially those about whom they care – Like other people, want other people to like them, and want to be in the company of others.
  • 49. • 3 、 Need for power – Desire to control one’s environment • Strong Need for Power people – Focuses on "controlling the means of influencing the behavior of another person” – Having strong effects on other people – Means of influence: anything available to the person to control the behavior of another – Actively searches for means of influence
  • 50. Personalized versus socialized power • Personalized power: use the power to fulfill personal needs, e.g. to advance their career or other personal interest; • Socialized power: use the power to help other, e.g. to improve society and increase organizational effectiveness.
  • 51. 五、赫茨伯格双因素理论 F·Herzberg’s Motivator – hygiene theory • 使职工满意与不满意的因素是不相同的。 安全感 导致不满意的因素 地位 有激励作用的因素 与下属的关系 个人生活 与同事的关系 薪酬 工作条件 与上级的关系 监督 公司的政策 和管理 成长与发展 信任 责任 工作自身 认可 发生频率的百分比 成就 50% 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 %
  • 52. Herzberg’s Motivation/Hygiene Theory • 1966: Published Work and the Nature of Man • Identified two distinct job factors – Motivators/Satisfiers (Job Content factors/Growth needs): Used to increase employee motivation Frederick Herzberg – Hygiene factors / Dissatisfiers (Job Context factors/Hygiene factors): Needs that must be met before the satisfiers can be addressed
  • 53. Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory Dissatisfiers  Company policy and administration  Supervision  Relationship with supervisor  Work conditions  Salary • Hygiene factors  Relationship with peers  Personal life are necessary,  Relationship with subordinates but not  Status sufficient, for  Security satisfaction – Extrinsic factors; context of work
  • 54. Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory • Motivators - the sources of satisfaction – Intrinsic factors; content of work • Achievement • Recognition • Challenging or interesting work • Responsibility • Advancement
  • 55. Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Two distinct continua: one for satisfaction and one for dissatisfaction Traditional view Satisfaction Dissatisfaction Herzberg's view Satisfaction No satisfaction Motivators No dissatisfaction Hygiene Factors Dissatisfaction
  • 56. Criticisms of Motivation-Hygiene Theory • The reliability of Herzberg’s methodology is questioned • No overall measure of satisfaction was used • The theory is inconsistent with previous research
  • 57. Implications of Needs Theories Organizations need to support employees to achieve a balance of their innate needs People have different needs at different times Offer employees a choice of rewards Do not rely too heavily on financial rewards
  • 58. 六、期望理论 Expectancy Theory of Motivation • 1964 年,美国心理学家弗鲁姆 ( V·Vroom )在〈工作与激励 〉一书 中提出期望理论: • The strength of a tendency to act in a certain way depends on the strength of an expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual.
  • 59. 期望理论 Expectancy Theory of Motivation 期望 E-to-P 工具性 P-to-O 效价 Outcomes Expectancy Expectancy & Valences 结果 Outcome 1 + or - 绩效 结果 Outcome 2 努力 Effort + or - Performance 结果 Outcome 3 + or -
  • 60. • 期望值:员工认为其努力能使他們成功 地达到工作目标的可能性 • 工具性:员工认为绩效可以带來特定结 果的可能性 • 价值:每一种结果的重要性 • 激励公式: • 动机 = 效价 × 期望 (× 工具性 ?) • ( M = V×E×I )
  • 61. 增加期望 Increasing E-to-P Expectancy 培训 Train employees 选择能人 Select people with required competencies 明确角色 Provide role clarification 提供资源 Provide sufficient resources 提供指导和反馈 Provide coaching and feedback
  • 62. 增加工具性 Increasing P-to-O Expectancy  精确计量业绩 Measure performance accurately  明确好坏绩效的后果 Describe outcomes of good and poor performance  明确绩效与奖励的关系 Explain how rewards are linked to past performance
  • 63. 增加效价 Increasing Outcome Valences  奖励的价值 Ensure that rewards are valued  个体化奖励 Individualize rewards  减少负面结果 Minimize countervalent outcomes
  • 64. 七、目标设置理论 Goal Setting Theory • E· Locke proposed the theory in 1968. • Motivation roots in the goal-oriented action 。 an employee what needs to be done and  Goals tell how much effort will need to be expended.  Specific goals increase performance  Difficult goals, when accepted, result in higher performance than do easy goals  Feedback leads to higher performance than does non-feedback.  Specific hard goals produce a higher level of output than does the generalized goal of “do your best.”  The specificity of the goal itself acts as an internal stimulus.
  • 65. Effective Goal Setting 具体 Specific 有关 Relevant 挑战性 Challenging 绩效 努力 Task Task Effort 承诺 Commitment Performance 参与 Participation 反馈 Feedback
  • 66. Goal Difficulty and Performance High Task Performance Area of Optimal Goal Difficulty Low Moderate Challenging Impossible Goal Difficulty
  • 67. 有效的反馈 Characteristics of Effective Feedback 具体 Specific 可信 相关 Credible 有效的反馈 Relevant Effective Feedback 频繁 及时 Sufficiently Timely frequent
  • 68. 多角度反馈 Multisource (360-degree) Feedback Supervisor Project Customer leader Co-worker Evaluated Co-worker Employee Subordinate Subordinate Subordinate
  • 69. 强化理论 Reinforcement Theory • Behavior that is followed by positive consequences will likely be repeated. • 强化理论:个人的外在行为受到行为结果的 影响。 • 强化概念的发展:巴甫洛夫在条件反射研究 的基础上提出,“强化”是避免条件反射消 退和得以巩固的一种措施;斯金纳 (Skinner) 在操作条件反射研究的基础上提出“强化” 是增强某种行为、某种反应概率的手段,是 保持行为和塑造行为必不可少的关键因素。
  • 70. Four types of reinforcement 强化类型 Both Positive and Negative reinforcements increase the likelihood that the person will repeat the behavior that led to it. Positive reinforcement 正强化 : applying a positive consequence to a behavior. 指通过出 现积极的结果而使某种行为得到增强或增加; Negative reinforcement 负强化— removing or withholding an undesirable consequence. 通过终止或取消令人不愉快的结果而使某种行 为得到增强或增加。
  • 71.  Both Punishment and Extinction reduce the possibility of behavior being repeated.  Punishment 惩罚— administering an aversive consequence. 通过某种令人不愉快的结果而 使某种行为得到终止的手段;  Extinction 消退 – withdrawing or failing to provide a reinforcing consequence. When this occurs, motivation is reduced and the behavior is extinguished, or eliminated. 当某 种令人愉快的结果被取消后,会使已经形成的 行为产生的可能性逐渐减少。
  • 72. 强化程序 Reinforcement Schedule • 强化程序通过时间和比率这两个维度进行组合 ratio 比 率 time 时 Fixed 固定比率( Piece间 固定时间( annual rate ) salary ) variable 变动比率 变动时间( Exam, ( Performance bonus ) based )
  • 73. 八、组织公正 Organizational Justice • Fairness and justice are closely related with work motivation ; • Studies of Organizational Justice take two perspectives 组织公正研究主要方 向: • Distribution fairness 分配公正:是否公 平地根据贡献分配收入 ---- Equity theory ; • Procedure justice 程序公正:分配资源 的程序是否公正;
  • 74. 公平理论 Equity Theory • Equity theory was proposed by Adams in 1967. The theory suggests that people compare the ratio of their own outcomes to Adams 公平公式 inputs against the outcome-to-input ratio of some comparison person. • 人的工作动机不仅受所得的绝对报 酬的影响,而且受到相对报酬的影 响。 • 提出运用 Adams 公平公式所进行 的“收”与“支”个人历史比较与 社会比较是人产生不公平感的源泉
  • 75. 公平的概念 Elements of Equity Theory •收入 / 付出比率 Outcome/input ratio – inputs -- what employee contributes (e.g., skill) – outcomes -- what employee receives (e.g., pay) •与他人比较 Comparison other – person/people against whom we compare our ratio – not easily identifiable •公平评价 Equity evaluation – compare outcome/input ratio with the comparison other
  • 76. 奖励过渡与奖励不足 Overreward vs Underreward Inequity 他人 自己 You Comparison Other 奖励过渡 结果 Outcomes 结果 Outcomes Overreward Inequity 付出 Inputs 付出 Inputs 奖励不足 结果 Outcomes Underreward 结果 Outcomes Inequity 付出 Inputs 付出 Inputs
  • 77. 不公平的结果 Consequences of Inequity • Inequity causes dissatisfaction and leads to an attempt to restore balance to the relationship in the following ways: Change inputs 改变付出 Change outcomes 改变收入 Change perceptions 改变知觉 Leave the field 离开 Act on the comparison other 影响他人 Change the comparison other 改变他人
  • 78. 公平的敏感性 Equity Sensitivity • 友善 Benevolents – Tolerant of being underrewarded • 公平敏感 Equity Sensitives – Want ratio to be equal to the comparison other • 优越 Entitleds – Prefer receiving proportionately more than others
  • 79. Organizational Justice Components 分配原则 • 情绪 Emotions: Distribution 分配公正知觉 Anger Principles Distributive Justice Stress Perceptions • 态度 Attitudes Org. Commitment 结构规则 Job Satisfaction Structural • 行为 Behaviors Rules 程序公正知觉 Task Performance Procedural Justice Org. Citizenship 社会规则 Perceptions Counterproducter Social behaviors Rules
  • 80. 程序公正的结构规则 Procedural Justice: Structural Rules 一致的政策 发表意见 Voice Consistent 听取各方意见 无偏 Bias-Free Listens to all 知情 申述 Knowledgeable Appealable
  • 81. 社会规则 • 又称交互作用公正( Interactive Justice ) : how the decision maker treats employees in the process. • 尊敬( when be treated with respect ) • 诚信( Accountability ) : people believe that they are entitle to explanation about decisions, particularly when the results have potentially negative consequences for them.
  • 82. 九、 Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation( 内在激励与外在激励 ) • Behavior are driven by an internal or external engine? • Intrinsic Motivation 内在激励: ? • Extrinsic Motivation 外在激励: ? • Hertzberg’s definition: • Extrinsic factors----context of work • Intrinsic factors----content of work
  • 83. 德西效应( Deci Effect ) • Interaction between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. 外在激励与内在激励的交互作用; • Deci Effect: Extrinsic rewards undermine intrinsic motivation ( 在内在激励强的情景下,加入外在激励会 减少内在激励的作用 ): • Evidenced by: – When offered a reward, intrinsic motivation was diminished (Grolnick and Ryan, 1987; Kohn, 1986; Sansone, 2000) – Removal of reward has shown to decrease subsequent efforts (Bandura, 1986) • Why? Theoretic explanation?
  • 84. Self perception theory 自我感知理论 • Bem’s (1967) self–perception theory: how does people make self perception? • Individuals come to "know" their own . . . internal states partially by inferring them from observations of their own overt behavior and/or the circumstances in which this behavior occurs . . . • If internal cues are weak, the person observes their own behavior and makes inferences about their attitudes based on their own behavior. We observe ourselves as another might observe us and draw conclusions about behavior.
  • 85. Over-justification effect • 外激强而内激弱的情境:行为归 因 --- 外激推动。 • 外激弱而内激强的情境:行为归 因 ---- 内激推动。 Attribution • 外激、内激都弱的情境:行为归因 理由不足、无法归因而体验到心理 Internal intention/force 不平稳。调整对行为价值的主观评 External Strong/ Strong/ 价,通过强化内激来达到心理平衡 ( Insufficient justification ) rewards/ strong week • 外激、内激都强的情境:因理由过 force Week/s Week/ 足、不知所措而无法归因,体验到 trong week 心态失衡。他们常常会调整对行为 价值的主观评价,通过弱化内激来 达到心理平衡。 ( Over-justification )
  • 86. 十、激励理论与工作设计 Applications: Job Redesign • 除了薪酬和奖励方案外,激励理论还可用于工作 设计,以提高员工的工作积极性。 • Job Redesign 工作设计: Assigning tasks to a job, including the interdependency of those tasks with other jobs 对工作的任务进行设计 • Constantly changing due to changing technology and psychological contracts (especially employability) 由于技术的发展和心理契约的变化, 工作需要不断设计完善
  • 87. 1 、工作特征模型 Job Characteristics Model • Hackman and Oldham proposed a model of job redesign 。 核心工作特征 关键心理状态 结果 Core Job Critical Psychological Outcomes Characteristics States 技能多样性 Skill variety 意义 工作动机 任务完整性 Task identity Meaningfulness Work motivation 任务的意义 Task significance 成长满意感 Growth satisfaction 责任 满意感 自主性 Autonomy Responsibility General satisfaction 工作有效性 工作反馈 结果知识 Work effectiveness Feedback from job Knowledge of results 个体差异 Individual differences Context Satisfaction Knowledge & Skill Growth need strength
  • 88. 激励潜在分数( MPS ) • 为了简要地表示工作特征━━心理状态━━个人和工 作结果之间的关系,哈克曼和奥尔德姆进一步把模型 进行综合,形成一个连接三者的单维度指标,这个指 标被称为与个人成长需要相关的激励潜在分数 ( MPS , Motive potential Score ),该分数与工作 特征之间的关系可用下列公式来表示: SV+TI+TS • MPS = ×A×F • 3 • 式中, MPS= 激励潜在分数; SV =技能多样化; TI =任务完整性; TS =任务意义; A= 自主性; F= 反 馈
  • 89. 2 、工作专业化 Job Specialization 优点 Advantages 缺点 Disadvantages • 技能变换时间短 Less • 工作厌倦 Job time changing boredom activities • 报酬不满意 • 培训成本低 Lower Discontentment pay training costs • 成本高 Higher costs • 工作熟练快 Job • 质量低 Lower quality mastered quickly • 动机低 Lower • 人—工作匹配好 Better motivation person-job matching
  • 90. 3 、工作设计方法 Job Design Strategies • 工作轮换 Job rotation – Moving to different jobs • 工作扩大化 Job enlargement – Adding more tasks to a job • 工作丰富化 Job enrichment – Giving employees more autonomy over their job
  • 91. 工作轮换和工作扩大化 Job Rotation vs. Job Enlargement 工作轮换 Job Rotation Job 1 Job 2 Job 3 Operate Camera Operate Sound Report Story 工作扩大化 Job Enlargement Job 1 Job 2 Job 3 Operate Camera Operate Camera Operate Camera Operate Sound Operate Sound Operate Sound Report Story Report Story Report Story
  • 92. 工作丰富化 Job Enrichment • 更多的责任、自主权 Given more responsibility for scheduling, coordinating, and planning one’s own work • 1. 将工作任务按自然方式组合 Clustering tasks into natural groups – 将高度相关的几项任务组合到同一工作中 Stitching highly interdependent tasks into one job – e.g., video journalist, assembling entire product • 2. 建立与客户的联系 Establishing client relationships – 直接向特定客户负责 Directly responsible for specific clients – 直接与这些客户沟通 Communicate directly with those clients
  • 93. 3 、授权 Empowerment • Empowerment: the process of sharing power with employees, thereby enhancing their confidence in their ability to perform their jobs and their belief that they are influential contributors to the organization. Power sharing Individual Job design Empowerment Organizational
  • 94. 3 、授权 Empowerment 自我决定 感到有自主权判断力 Employees Self- feel they have freedom and determination discretion Empower- ment is a 意义 认为工作是重要的 Employees psychologi- Meaning believe their work is important cal concept represented by 4 胜任力 高的自我效能感 Employees dimensions Competence have feelings of self-efficacy 认为自己的行动能够决定结果成 影响力 功 Employees feel their actions Impact influence success
  • 95. Creating Empowerment • To create empowerment, management must create an environment in which everyone feels they have real influence over performance standards and business effectiveness with their areas of responsibility. 为培养(鼓励)授权, 管理部门应创造一种环境,使处于其中 的每个人感到他对自己职责范围内的绩 效标准和经营效果有真正的影响
  • 96. Creating Empowerment • 个体因素 Individual factors – 胜任力 Possess required competencies, able to perform the work • 工作设计因素 Job design factors – 自主权 Autonomy, 任务整体性 task identity, 任务的意义 task significance, 工 作反馈 job feedback • 组织因素 Organizational factors – 资源 Resources, 学习 learning orientation, 信任 trust
  • 97. 4 、自我指导 Self-Leadership • Self-Leadership: The process of influencing oneself to establish the self-direction and self-motivation needed to perform a task. 影响自己开 展自我指导和自我工作激励的过程 • 理论基础 Includes concepts/practices from: – 目标设置 Goal setting – 社会学习理论 Social learning theory – 体育心理学 Sports psychology
  • 98. 自我指导 Elements of Self-Leadership 建设性 个人目标设置 思维模式 设计自然的奖励 自我监控 自我强化 Personal Constructive Designing Self- Self- Goal Setting Thought Natural Reinforce- Monitoring Patterns Rewards ment • 个人目标设置 Personal goal setting – 员工自我设置目标 Employees set their own goals – 应用有效的目标设置理论 Apply effective goal setting practices
  • 99. 自我指导 Elements of Self-Leadership 建设性 思维模式 Designing Self- Personal Constructive Self- Natural Reinforce- Goal Setting Thought Rewards Monitoring ment Patterns 积极的自我对话 Positive self-talk  关于思想与行动的自我对话 Talking to ourselves about our own thoughts/actions for the purpose of increasing our self-efficacy 心理想象 Mental imagery  工作的心理实践 Mentally practicing a task  可视化工作成就 Visualizing successful task completion
  • 100. 自我指导 Elements of Self-Leadership Constructive Designing Self- Personal Self- Thought Natural Reinforce- Goal Setting Patterns Rewards Monitoring ment 探索提升工作动机的途径 Finding ways to make the job itself more motivating  eg. altering the way the task is accomplished
  • 101. 自我指导 Elements of Self-Leadership Constructive Designing Self- Personal Self- Thought Natural Reinforce- Goal Setting Monitoring Patterns Rewards ment 不断监控工作进程 Keeping track of your progress toward the self-set goal  Looking for naturally-occurring feedback  Designing artificial feedback
  • 102. 自我指导 Elements of Self-Leadership Constructive Designing Self- Personal Self- Thought Natural Reinforce- Goal Setting Patterns Rewards Monitoring ment • 完成自己设定的目标后接受强 化“ Taking” a reinforcer only after completing a self-set goal  eg. Watching a movie after writing two more sections of a report  eg. Starting a fun task after completing a task that you don’t like
  • 103.
  • 104. 第六章 团队动力学 Te am D yn am ic s 一、团队的概念 What are Teams? • Groups of two or more people 两人以上 • Exist to fulfill a purpose 目的 • Interdependent -- interact and influence each other 相互依赖与作用 • Mutually accountable for achieving common goals 共同的责任 • Perceive themselves as a social entity 共同的 社会实体感
  • 105. 群体与团队 Groups versus Teams •All teams are groups •Some groups are just people assembled together •Teams have task interdependence whereas some groups do not (e.g., group of employees enjoying lunch together) 基于任务的相互依赖
  • 106. 团队的分类 Classifications of teams • Hypothesized vs real team 假设团队和实际 团队:团队是否实际存在; • Large vs small teams 大型团队和小型团队 :团队规模的大小; • Formal vs informal teams 正式团队和非正 式团队:构成团队的原则和方式; • Reference teams 参照团队:团队的标准, 目标和规范会成为人们行动的指南,成为人 们要努力达到的标准; • Virtual teams 虚拟团队:工作的空间 .
  • 107. 团队的类型 Types of Teams and Groups 永久 临时 Permanent Temporary 生产 / 管理团队 工作小组 正式团队 Formal Production team Task force Teams Management team Skunkwork 非正式团队 社团 友谊团队 Informal Community Friendship group Groups of practice
  • 108. • Skunwork: Cross-functional teams, usually separated from the main organization, that borrow people and resources and have relatively free rein to develop new products or services • Community of practice: Groups bound together by shared expertise and passion for a particular activity or interest.
  • 109. Informal Groups 非正式团队 : Why Exist? • Innate drive to bond 合群的本能 – 满足社会交互作用需要 Fulfill need for social interaction – 社会身份 Social identity • Goal accomplishment 实现目标 • Emotional support 情绪支持
  • 110. 团队的作用 Why Rely on Teams •Compared with individuals working alone, teams tend to: – solve problems and identify opportunities more quickly 快速解决问题和把握机会 – share information and 良好的合作 coordinate tasks better 信息共享 – provide superior customer service due to more knowledge and expertise 基于更多知识 技能的优质客户服务 – motivate employees to work toward the team’s goals 激励员工完成组织目标
  • 111. 团队有效性模型 Team Effectiveness Model 组织与团队环境 团队设计 团队有效性 Organizational and Team Design Team Effectiveness Team Environment •任务特征 • 奖励 Reward systems Task characteristics • 达成组织目标 •团队规模 Team size • 沟通 Communication Achieve •团队组成 systems organizational goals Team composition • 空间 Physical space • 满足需求 Satisfy • 环境 Organizational member needs 团队过程 environment Team Processes • 维持 Maintain • 结构 Organizational team structure •发展 Team development survival • • 领导 Organizational 规范 Team norms leadership •角色 Team roles •内聚力 Team cohesiveness
  • 112. 团队任务与规模 Team’s Task and Size • 任务特点 Task characteristics – 任务明确性 Better when tasks are clear, easy to implement – 结果、过程的共享程度 Share common inputs, processes, or outcomes – 任务的相互依赖性 Task interdependence • 团队规模 Team size – Smaller teams are better – But large enough to accomplish task
  • 113. 任务相互依赖程度 Levels of Task Interdependence High A 循环式 Reciprocal B C 系列式 A B C Sequential Resource 汇总式 Pooled A B C Low
  • 114. Volvo’s All-Female Design Team • Automobiles on the road today are designed mostly by men, so a group of female employees at Volvo Car Corporation have teamed up to design a new concept car.
  • 115. 团队组合 Team Composition 1.动机 Motivation – To perform task – To work cooperatively the team 2. 胜任力 Competencies – Collectively possess skills and knowledge to perform the task – Individual competencies to work effectively with each other 3.同质 / 异质 Homogeneous or heterogeneous, depending on task requirements
  • 116. 同质 / 异质团队 Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous Teams 同质团队 异质团队 Homogeneous Teams Heterogeneous Teams •冲突: Less conflict •More conflict •团队形成: Faster team •Longer team development development •Performs better on •合作型任务: Performs complex problems better on cooperative tasks •More creative •合作: Better coordination •Better representation •成员满意感: High outside the team satisfaction of team members
  • 117. 团队发展阶段 Stages of Team Development Performing Norming Storming Existing teams Forming might regress Adjourning back to an earlier stage of development
  • 118. 团队规范 Team Norms • Team Norm: Informal rules and expectations team establishes to regulate member behaviors 团队调整 成员行为的非正式规则与期望 • 群体规范作用:对于群体及其成员支柱作用、评价标 准的作用、提供动力的作用和行为矫正功能。 • 规范的发展 Norms develop through: – 明确陈述 Explicit statements – 团队历史关键事件 Critical events in team’s history – 团队初创期的经历 Initial team experiences – 成员带入团队的价值观念 Beliefs/values members bring to the team
  • 119. High Performance Teams’ norms • No Zingers. Zingers are put-downs or cheap shots directed at fellow team members. Zingers show a lack of respect for team members and can cause individual team members who receive zinger to mentally withdraw from team participation. • Celebrate Success. High Performance Teams take time-outs to recognize small steps or progress towards objectives. This act of recognizing small victories is essential in the development of team confidence and commitment. • No Rank/All Peers. High Performance Teams strive to achieve a state where leadership migrates from one team member to another to take advantage of the skills or abilities of different team members as the topic or situation changes. A critical success factor in the development of High Performance Teams is the concept that all team members are equal in decision making and that every team member is valued. It is the responsibility and obligation of every team member to identify the skills and talents of all other team members and to encourage each team member to employ those talents.
  • 120. • Have Fun. Working on a High Performance Team can and should be fun. Humor and fun, so long as it is not at the expense of others, can help build energy and improve the teams ability to succeed. Time out needs to be taken for fun in the form of team building activities or new learning such as juggling, drawing, poetry or song writing. • Quality Reviews. The team needs to consciously set time aside to monitor the quality of its work and progress towards goals.
  • 121. 二、群体压力与从众 Conformity • The influence of team norms takes the form of peer pressure when a member’s behavior deviates from the norm. • 群体压力:当群体成员在信念上或行为上与群体规 范不一致时所感 觉到的压力。这种压力可能是 真实的群体压力,也可能是想象的。 • Conformity 从众行为: Under the pressure from peers, team member some times follows majority of the team members. 群体成员由于体验到压力 ,产生违背自己意愿的行为。
  • 122. 规范的改变 Changing Team Norms  Introduce norms when forming teams  Select members with preferred norms  Discuss counter-productive norms  Reward behaviors representing desired norms  Disband teams with dysfunctional norms
  • 123. 三、群体内聚力 Team Cohesiveness • 群体内聚力: Degree of attraction people feel toward the team and their motivation to remain members. 团队对其成员的吸引程度。 • Teams high in cohesiveness tend to believe the team will – Help them achieve personal goals – Fulfill their need for affiliation or status – Provide social support during times of crisis or trouble • Cohesiveness is the “glue” that holds teams together and ensures they fulfill their obligations
  • 124. 影响团队内聚力的因素 Influences on Team Cohesiveness 成员一致性 Member Similarity 外部挑战 团度规模 External Team Size Challenges Increasing Team 团队成功 成员交互作用 Cohesiveness Member Team Success Interaction Somewhat Difficult Entry
  • 125. 团队内聚力的结果 Team Cohesiveness Outcomes •Members of cohesive teams: – Want to remain members – Willing to share information – Strong interpersonal bonds – Resolve conflict effectively – Better interpersonal relationships
  • 126. Are cohesive teams better performers? • YES & NO! – Cohesive teams tend to be better performers WHEN their norms support productivity and high performance • Highly cohesive teams with norms that do not support productivity, high performance, or company goals often perform worse than their less-cohesive counterparts!
  • 127. 内聚力与绩效 Cohesiveness and Performance Team Norms Support Moderately High task Company high task Goals performance performance Team Norms Moderately Oppose Low task low task Company performance performance Goals Low Team High Team Cohesiveness Cohesiveness
  • 128. The Trouble With Teams • Some tasks are performed just as easily/effectively by one person as by a team! • Teams are sometimes less efficient than individuals :  Process losses – resources (including time and energy) expended toward team development and maintenance rather than the task ---- cost of developing and maintaining teams  Companies don’t support best work environment for team dynamics  Social loafing: a situation in which people exert less effort (and usually perform at a low level) when working in groups than when working alone ---- 三个和尚的故事
  • 129. How to Minimize Social Loafing • Make individual performance more visible – Form smaller teams – Specialize tasks – Measure individual performance • Increase employee motivation – Increase job enrichment – Select motivated employees
  • 130. 四、群体决策 • 1 、 Why group decision making 为什么群 体决策:群体决策是一种常用的决策方法:  Representation of stakeholders 利益的代 表:董事会、参与决策、监督作用;  Utilization of knowledge and experiences of team members 知识与经验的整合:分布 性决策, Delphi 法;  Creative thinking 创新思想的激发:头脑风 暴法;  Multiple check 更多的评价:纠正失误
  • 131. 2 、 Dysfunctions in GDM • 小集团意识( Groupthink ) • Some teams are at risk of becoming dysfunctional as a result of groupthink. It is a process by which a group can make bad or irrational decisions. In a groupthink situation, each member of the group attempts to conform his or her opinions to what they believe to be the consensus of the group.  Irving Janis: "Groups experiencing groupthink do not consider all alternatives and they desire unanimity at the expense of quality decisions."  不能很好评价多数人的观点,持不同意见者为了与多 数人保持一致而放弃自己的观点  把群体意见一致看的必决策本身重要
  • 132. 7 symptoms of decision affected by groupthink • Incomplete survey of alternatives • Incomplete survey of objectives • Failure to examine risks of preferred choice • Failure to re-appraise initially rejected alternatives • Poor information search • Selective bias in processing information at hand (see also confirmation bias) • Failure to work out contingency plans
  • 133. 群体决策中的问题 • Group Polarization (Stoner, 1961 ) (“risk shift” or “Group extremity shift”) - is the tendency to make a decision that is more extreme, either riskier or more caution, after discussion has occurred than the initial preferences of group members. 极端性转移 : 群体决策 比个体更加冒险或保守的倾向。 • Risky shift , the decision group becomes more radical and willing to take a risk. The decision makes as a group gamble more than an individual often would when making the same decision. • Cautious shift - the group shifts to being more conservative than solo individuals would usually be.
  • 134. Explanations 理论解释 • WALLACH AND KOGAN‘S NOTION OF RESPONSIBILITY DIFFUSION 责任分担: member responsibility is diffused as there is a degree of anonymity (a corporate veil) in the group. The group is responsible for decisions and risky decisions carry less of a burden for individuals. • BROWN‘S TWO FACTOR VIEW (Social comparison theory / Persuasive arguments):  When, in a group, individuals make social comparisons and adjust prior positions relative to the group majority view.  Risk takers are more powerful and persuasive in a group situation / more extreme in group-favored direction seen as better ;  Therefore, People are motivated to move farther toward the socially desirable end of the scale.
  • 135. • The Risk As Value Hypothesis 文化的放大 : Moderate risk is valued in our culture. Therefore, people want to shift toward risky decisions to gain status and approval from other group members. • Discussion Produces A Commitment. – People become more committed to a viewpoint when they express that viewpoint publicly and therefore they become more extreme in their judgments. • The effect of team leader 领导的假设
  • 136. 第十一章 群体沟通与冲突 Communication and conflict Communication • The process by which information is transferred and understood between two or more people.
  • 137. Four Functions of Communication • The functions of communication: – Knowledge management – Decision making – Coordinating work activities – Fulfilling drive to bond
  • 138. 一、沟通过程模型 Communication Process Model 发送者 Sender 传送 接收者 Receiver Transmit Message 接受 形成信息 编码 解码 Receive Form Encode Decode encoded message message message message 噪音 Noise 反馈解码 接受 编码 反馈信息 Decode Receive Encode Form feedback feedback feedback feedback 反馈 Transmit Feedback
  • 139. 媒体丰富性 Hierarchy of Media Richness 高 Rich 超负荷区 Face-to-face Overloaded Zone Telephone 媒体丰富性 Media E-mail Richness 过简化区 Newsletters Oversimplified Zone 低 Lean 明确 模糊 Nonroutine/ 情景 Ambiguous Routine/Clear Situation
  • 140. 沟通的障碍 Communication Barriers • 知觉 Perceptions • 过滤 Filtering • 语言 Language – Jargon – Ambiguity • 信息超负荷 Information Overload
  • 141. 二、沟通的分类 Classification of Communication • 1 、 Formal vs. informal communication 正式 沟通与非正式沟通:正式沟通 ---- 新闻发言人; • 2 、 Upward, downward, and parallel communication 上行沟通、下行沟通、平行沟通; • 3 、 One way or two way communication 单 向沟通与双向沟通; • 4 、 Oral vs. written communication 口头沟通 与书面沟通;
  • 142. Internet and communication • 网络给沟通提供了新的研究主题: • 公示 ---- 正式 • 网络论坛 ---- 非正式 • 难以控制 ---- 透明度高
  • 143. 三、 Conflict 冲突 Definition: The process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party.
  • 144. 冲突过程 The Conflict Process 冲突知觉 Conflict 冲突源 Perceptions 冲突显现 冲突结果 Sources of Manifest Conflict Conflict 冲突情绪 Conflict Outcomes Conflict Emotions Conflict Escalation Cycle
  • 145. 任务型冲突与社会情绪型冲突 Task vs. Socio-emotional Conflict •任务型冲突 Task-related conflict – Conflict is aimed at issue, not parties – Helps recognize problems, identify solutions, and understand the issues better – Potentially healthy and valuable •社会情绪型冲突 Socio-emotional conflict – Conflict viewed as a personal attack – Introduces perceptual biases – Distorts information processing
  • 146. 四、冲突的根源 Sources of Conflict (1) 目标不相容 • 一方的目标被认为干涉了他人的目 Incompatible 标 One party’s goals perceived to Goals interfere with other’s goals • 观念差异 Different values/beliefs 差异 • 文化与代际差异 Explains cross- Differentiation cultural and generational conflict • 冲突与相互关联的正相关 Conflict 任务的相互关联 increases with interdependence Task • 相互干扰可能性 Higher risk that Interdependence parties interfere with each other more
  • 147. 冲突的根源 Sources of Conflict (2) 稀缺的资源 • Motivates competition for the Scarce resource Resources • Creates uncertainty, threatens 规则模糊 goals Ambiguous Rules • Without rules, people rely on politics • Increases stereotyping 沟通问题 • Reduces motivation to Communication communicate Problems • Escalates conflict when arrogant
  • 148. 冲突管理风格 Conflict Management Styles High 强制 问题解决 Forcing Problem-Solving Assertiveness 折衷妥协 Compromising 武断 性 回避 Avoiding 屈从 Yielding Low High 合作 Cooperativeness
  • 149. 强调上级目标 Emphasizing Superordinate Goals Incompatible Goals  强调共同目标 Differentiation Emphasizing common objectives rather than Task Interdependence conflicting sub-goals Scarce Resources  减少目标不相容性和差别 Reduces goal Ambiguous Rules incompatibility and differentiation Communication Problems
  • 150. 减少差异 Reducing Differentiation Incompatible •消除价值观念差异的根源 Goals Remove sources of different values and beliefs Differentiation Task •人员轮岗、调动 Move Interdependence employees around to different jobs, departments, and regions Scarce Resources •其他 Other ways to reduce Ambiguous Rules differentiation: – Common dress code/status Communication – Common work experiences Problems
  • 151. 改善沟通、增进理解 Better Communication/Understanding Incompatible •通过沟通增加员工间的理解 Goals Employees understand and Differentiation appreciate each other’s views through communication Task Interdependence – 非正式聚会 Informal gatherings Scarce Resources – 正式对话 Formal dialogue sessions Ambiguous Rules – 团队建设活动 Teambuilding Communication activities Problems
  • 152. 其他的冲突管理方法 Other Ways to Manage Conflict •Reduce Task Interdependence Incompatible 减少任务的相互依存性 Goals – 划分共享资源 Dividing shared Differentiation resources – 任务合并 Combine tasks Task Interdependence – 利用缓冲 Use buffers •Increase Resources 增加资源 Scarce Resources – 倍增资源 Duplicate resources •Clarify Rules and Procedures 明 Ambiguous Rules 确角色和程序 – 明确资源分布 Clarify resource Communication Problems distribution – 改变相互依存性 Change interdependence

Editor's Notes

  1. Material pertinent to this discussion is found on pages 124-126. Motivation-Hygiene Theory was proposed by psychologist Frederick Herzberg after investigating the question, "What do people want from their jobs?" Factors affecting job attitudes were tabulated and classified. Herzberg concluded that the replies people gave when they felt good about their jobs were significantly different from the replies given when they felt bad.
  2. Material pertinent to this discussion is found on pages 124-126.
  3. Material pertinent to this illustration is found on pages 124-126. Herzberg ’ s data suggest that the opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction, as was traditionally believed. Removing dissatisfying characteristics from a job does not necessarily make the job satisfying. Herzberg proposed the existence of a dual continuum: The opposite of "Satisfaction" is "No Satisfaction" and the opposite of Dissatisfaction" is "No Dissatisfaction." Traditional view saw the continuum as Satisfaction to Dissatisfaction. Herzberg saw it otherwise. 1) People could have no dissatisfaction, but still not be satisfied 2) Conditions that eliminate dissatisfaction do not bring about satisfaction 3) Satisfaction is created after all dissatisfaction is eliminated.
  4. Material pertinent to this discussion is found on pages 124-126. People were asked what made them feel exceptionally good and bad about their jobs. When things are going well, people tend to take credit themselves. Contrarily, they blame failure on the external environment. Since raters had to make interpretations, it is possible that they contaminated the findings by interpreting one response in one manner while treating another similar response differently. The theory, to the degree that it is valid, provides an explanation of job satisfaction, rather than how to motivate. In other words, individuals may dislike parts of their jobs, yet still think the jobs are acceptable. The motivation-hygiene theory ignores situational variables.