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Authors: Mark WING1
, Richard WOOLF2
Affiliation: 1
Creative Strategist. Founder Interrelated Ltd, London, England –
Architect. Founder McDaniel Woolf, London, England –
Two residents of southwest London living either side of the River Thames, Richard Woolf (architect) and
Mark Wing (creative strategist) continue to drive an initiative to convert the community’s ‘need’ for a
footbridge into a ‘desire’ to see it realised. Described in their initial paper which Mark delivered at Footbridge
2014 in London, the aim is to build a cycle and pedestrian bridge within the London Borough of Richmond
upon Thames to connect two sides of the River Thames, separated by only 100m of water, namely;
- On the east side (Surrey station) is Ham Lands – inaccessible, with leisure walks, nature reserves,
heritage sites, polo grounds and sailing clubs, but with poor access to transport links.
- On the west side (Middlesex station) is Strawberry Hill and Twickenham – densely populated, served
well by major transport systems, with busy roads and places for education and work, but limited access
to outdoor amenity space.
Keywords: Twickenham; Ham; Pedestrian; Cycle; Footbridge; Active; Travel; Radnor; Thames;
1. Introduction
At Footbridge 2014 Mark Wing presented the white paper “Genesis of a footbridge from a community
perspective”, which explored a dream for a cycle and pedestrian bridge across the Thames in southwest
London. In 20I7, this initial concept was expanded in a further paper for the conference in Berlin with ‘Our
Story Continues’ explaining how the Radnor Bridge would support the growing demand for active travel
infrastructure. It would bring connectivity to the isolated community of Ham, to the west of the bridge and
provide much needed access to amenity space and cycle routes into central London for those living to the
east. Improving links to public space, transportation and the wider commercial and cultural context of London
is at the heart of this third paper, developing not just the physical nature of the landscape and bridge
structure, but also the experience it will provide for future generations.
The communities on both sides of the Thames would have access to open green spaces and cycle
networks. In this way it will connect many parts of the ‘system’ that is the London Borough of Richmond-
Upon-Thames; the only London borough to straddle the river Thames.
When Richard and Mark first started on their journey in 2010 they took inspiration from Ralph Waldo
Emerson the C19th
philosopher, who said; "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm". Over ten
years, this simple fragment of wisdom has guided their ongoing campaigning, helping them to communicate
the genesis of the Radnor Bridge still further into an experience.
In 2020 the initiative continues to gather momentum as Mark and Richard discover more about the political
complexities of engaging with the formal and informal consents and opinions needed to make their vision a
reality. They are constantly seeking to ensure their initiative is being taken seriously, even in financially
insecure post-Covid-19 times where new thinking on sustainable futures and transportation is being
considered. It’s clear the Radnor Bridge is gaining substantial support.
This third paper focuses on how Mark and Richard have continued to promote the genesis of a footbridge by
engaging physically and virtually. They have increased the debating volume online and through hosted round
table meetings with councilors, lobbying at council transport strategy committee meetings, exhibiting at local
community events and gaining interest in their proposals within national and regional press. Through an
increased social media presence and the creation of promotional videos to communicate the experience of
the bridge, the initiative is slowly becoming a reality.
Fig. 1. Map showing connectivity between Twickenham to the west and Ham to the east
Photography - Map Data: Google 2015 - Modified to illustrate proposed bridge
Fig. 2. Aerial view of proposed bridge with Ham to the top (east) and Twickenham to the bottom (west)
Photography - Map Data: Google 2015 - Modified to illustrate proposed bridge
2. Part of a system
Mark and Richard’s vision is to;…
- Connect two communities
- Protect and enhance existing and future biodiversity
- Improve accessibility to areas of natural and urban opportunity
- Stimulate and improve social and economic development
- Support an established landscape strategy, providing improved access to space and amenity
- Help shift the local value proposition beyond the global image of Twickenham as just a sports venue
- Shift political focus away from only ‘playing’ with the town centres to actually linking them
- Deliver a vision of exciting, beautiful pure engineering within the landscape
- Create a legacy for the enjoyment of generations to come
2.1 Big picture planning
Feasibility studies
In 2013 LBRuT (London Borough of Richmond upon Thames) who manage the land required to construct
the Radnor Bridge published its Mini-Holland strategy, a proposal to enhance cycling within the borough. It
failed to capture the imagination of the London Assembly and their £100m pound investment. In 2018 the
Council commissioned global infrastructure consultants WSP to carry out a feasibility study on possible
bridge locations in the borough. In this they explored in some detail the idea of a bridge to connect
Twickenham and Ham. You can find this feasibility study here;
2.1.1 Engaging communities
June 2019 saw Mark and Richard established a pop-up presence with both communities either side of the
bridge, being the Ham Fair in the west and Twickenham Church Street Goes Green to the east. In
anticipation of these two events the Radnor Bridge team produced 'Our New Thames Bridge' booklets – an
eight page leaflet that communicated in detail a future Radnor Bridge, communicating what had been done
over the recent past and what needed to be done to take the next step.
Both events proved to be good opportunities to meet members of the public and to gather comments and
learn how keen people were to see the new bridge happen. The feedback was mainly positive, although
there were strong expressions of concern from those who opposed any change or intrusion into their private
realms. Following these community events there has been a discernible increase in debate, as people
shared and discuss the Radnor Bridge concept online and also face-to-face.
Fig. 2. Radnor Bridge pop-up stands at local summer events 2019
2.1.2 A local government report with a positive outcome
At the end of 2018 (and running in to the beginning of 2019) the local council invited the public to share its
thoughts on the feasibility study it had commissioned. There were just under a thousand responses with 80%
positive to the concept of a cycle and pedestrian link. Two bridges had been identified as being the most
viable; The Radnor Bridge linking east west and an alternative at Orleans Gardens linking north south.
In 2020 Richard contacted his local MP, Sarah Olney, who reacted positively to the initiative and in turn
lobbied Councillor Alex Ehmann, who responded with a favourable email. Mark also had success with his
MP Munira Wilson, who was supportive of the concept, but was unsure where funding might come from.
2.1.3 Next steps 2020 and beyond
Currently Mark and Richard have petitioned local government to commission a thorough technical and
financial study on the two potential sites for the foot and cycle bridge, giving a workable proposal and
engage supporters and stakeholders. They believe this would provide factual analysis of need over personal
prejudice. The Radnor Bridge team continues to communicate with council members and infrastructure
groups, such as the Transport and Air Quality Committee, to keep the debate going and encourage the
second stage consultation and report.
2.2 Much needed Active Travel infrastructure
The Radnor Bridge will provide much needed connectivity in west London, reduce reliance on the car,
release pressure on road use and provide viable alternative travel. A cycle and pedestrian bridge complies
with the Council's strategy of encouraging healthy, sustainable means of transport. It provides access to rail
links for residents of Ham, who currently have no train station nearby.
The UK Government post COVID-19 are developing “shovel-ready”[2] infrastructure projects that it can
implemented quickly. A recent initiative highlighted the importance for local Government to make new
transport links part of the election manifestos being prepared in 2022.
To this end the Radnor Bridge team have recently released a video
This video helps to communicate how the bridge will be part of the system; by supporting much needed
improvement to the active travel infrastructure in Richmond Borough, while opening up the area for leisure.
Fig. 3. Still from the Radnor Bridge video (
© Robert Green of Slamm Productions, Twickenham 2020
2.3 Much needed improvements to Ham Lands
2.3.1 Biodiversity
One of the concerns the Radnor Bridge team hear from local environmental groups (such as SWLEN - South
West London Environment Network) is of the potential disruption and disturbance to habitats and biodiversity
by those drawn to travel along paths through Ham Lands, a Local Nature Reserve and Site of Metropolitan
Importance for Nature Conservation, in order to reach the new bridge.
In response Mark and Richard have always maintained that this is something that can be controlled if
managed carefully. Although they accept this is not an area of their own personal expertise, they have cited
the land management in Richmond Park and along the Crane River as great examples of improved access
to open land whilst also protecting and enhancing biodiversity.
2.3.2 Managing semi-urban rural lands
Perhaps the job of improving and maintaining "the quality of the semi-improved meadow grassland, scrub,
pond and wetland habitats" means that Ham Lands can't be left without effective investment in its land
management. This is something that the Friends of Ham Lands at HUG (Ham United Group) have also
identified; "Left to itself, as a wilderness, it would soon deteriorate as rampant and invasive species crowd
out the more sensitive plants, block pathways, and colonize the more open scrub and grassland."[1]
Over the years, Ham Lands have become degraded, with the Great River Avenue becoming overgrown. This
is an important vista line from the memorial in Radnor Gardens to the Star & Garter on Richmond Hill
(identified in the Arcadian Thames Landscape Strategy) and will be the main access route to the bridge.
Investing in the Radnor Bridge could bring with it much needed cash to support the management of Ham
Lands. Developing an effective pathway across the Lands, for access to the bridge, should provide us all
with an opportunity to seriously think about how the land can be better managed to support the movement of
people while effectively sustaining its wonderful bio-diversity.
The lands should not be the private back garden for a few local people. It should be managed to support the
natural environment so that it can be enjoyed by all of the borough.
2.3.3 Safety
Safe use of the bridge and its associated pathways will be an important. Light pollution is a concern, as is the
perception of Ham Lands as a "no-go area" at night. Sustainable lighting should be part of a strategic "dark
corridor" approach and will require careful consideration to ensure that the bat population that feed above
the Thames at night will be unaffected. Lighting design has moved on a long way in recent years, with an
understanding of the importance of dark skies and solutions should provide a sensitive response.
2.4 Supporting the needs of several communities
2.4.1 An asset for the wider borough
The Radnor Bridge will provide improved connectivity for several communities, not just within the borough,
but also those visiting to tour the historic landscape and others commuting from further destinations. It will be
a strategic link across the river Thames, located at the center of the borough and provide advantages to
many people within Greater London.
2.4.2 Supporting education
Three schools and a University will benefit enormously – Radnor House School and St Catherine's School,
the German School in Ham, and St Mary's University in Strawberry Hill – There are many parents from both
sides of the river who have written, saying how they want their children's commute to be shorter and safer.
By simply crossing the river at Radnor Gardens many of their concerns will be addressed and a lot of
commuters will be taken off the roads.
2.4.3 Supporting business
Transport and connection generates commercial activity. We can only guess at the advantages a new bridge
crossing will provide, whether it’s simple access to the shops and services currently out of reach, or the
ability to make use of redundant workplace opportunities currently out of reach.
2.4.4 Supporting tourism and leisure pursuits
If fresh air is your thing then Radnor Bridge will square the circle; connecting Ham House to Strawberry Hill
House and then on to York House, Orleans Gallery and Marble Hill House, before returning to Ham via
Hammertons Ferry. And if you want to learn how to sail then Thames Young Mariners, located in Ham
Lands, will be an easier place to reach.
2.5 Local council: Transport and Air Quality Committee presentation
The Radnor team attended Richmond Councils' Transport and Air Quality Committee meeting in October
2019. Their "Active Travel Strategy" was drawing to a conclusion. They reminded the elected representatives
of the importance of including footbridge provision within their report. The key issues presented were:
- Having run a consultation attracting a thousand responses with most being overwhelmingly positive, why
was there no mention within the draft Active Travel Strategy of a new footbridge ?
- Responding to high levels of cycling demand and the barrier to connectivity the Thames represents, did
the committee accept that the Active Travel Strategy describes a number of issues that Radnor Bridge
could help deliver?
- The Strategy should have included a commitment to carry out the second phase feasibility on bridge
options previously supported by the public at consultation.
3. An exciting experience. Engineering in the landscape
The Radnor Bridge team proposes that contemporary steel fabrication technology should be considered as
the preferred construction technique for the bridge.
The objective is to span the river in an elegant form with a steel composite structure without the need for
support piers within the Thames. A steel composite solution would be preferable to an intrusive cable stay or
steel tied arch fabrications which tend to add visual clutter. Mark and Richard have always been keen to
deliver a simple modern bridge, to be engineering in a landscape, as visually unobtrusive as possible.
The bifurcated structure separating cyclist from pedestrians will provide bridge users with different methods
and speeds of travel a safe and segregated experience of crossing the Thames. Each user will be able to
engage with the experience of crossing and experience the land and riverscape according to their specific
needs of commuting or leisure pursuits. The bridge is more than a method of transfer, it becomes an
“experience” of water, land and sky.
In their original paper, delivered at Footbridge 2014, Mark and Richard said the Radnor Bridge would be an
initiative of local need that comes to be of a regional or national importance. The Radnor Bridge promises a
inspiring legacy for future generations living in west London. It is a strategic solution to a divided transpontine
borough and will deliver a much needed modern solution to sustainable transport infrastructure. A small
minority have argued in the media that the Radnor Bridge is a “bridge too far”. These tend to be a small
minority of people who do not welcome change. The majority of local support for Radnor Bridge understands
that this is not a bridge too far, but is in-fact a much needed solution that they fully support.
3.1 Delivering what people want
In 2014 the team claimed that The Radnor Bridge would be; innovative, sustainable, elegant and economic.
3.1.1 Innovative
Radnor Bridge will be innovative – transforming local transportation options while improving the right to
access of valuable amenity space. The bridge will feature split-level cycle and pedestrian paths, allowing
segregated access across the Thames by pedestrians and cyclists, both enjoying uninterrupted views of the
surrounding Arcadian Thames.
Fig. 4. Not intended as a proposed design, more a vison of experience. The Radnor Bridge team have
created illustrations to help people imagine the bridge and perhaps understand better what is meant by
“a bifurcated structure” supported by a steel composite structure.
3.1.2 Sustainable
Radnor Bridge will be sustainable – a permanent structure to facilitate walking and cycling in preference to
car journeys creating a new active transport route of national importance.
3.1.3 Elegant
Radnor Bridge will be elegant – using low key, engineered materials to deliver a low profile design solution
which opens visas within the landscape in the tradition of Arcadian Thames.
3.1.4 Economic
Radnor Bridge will be economic – good for socio and economic development over the years to come, an
exemplar of a new community driven grass roots initiative.
4. Discussion and Conclusions
4.1.1 Ushering in a new age
In July 2019, Richmond Council declared a climate emergency. As part of this declaration, the Council
resolves to be recognised as the greenest London borough and to become carbon neutral by 2030. The
Council adopted a new ambitious Local Implementation Plan featuring the headline target for 75% of trips to
be by sustainable modes (walking, cycling and public transport) by 2041, from a baseline of 61%.[3]
It has now been suggested that parties seeking representation in the 2022 Council elections should include
plans for a “TwicknHamBridge” in their manifestos.
STOP PRESS: On the day of finalisation of this paper, 18 June 2020, London Borough of Richmond upon
Thames Councillor Alex Ehmann announced on Twitter “Delighted this evening to announce Richmond
tabled and ambitious bid to Government for £20m to enable delivery of a new cycling & walking bridge
between Twickenham and Ham. We had a week to turn it around, but knowing we had such support from
residents for it, pushed us on.”
It looks like the time has come for the theoretical experience of the Radnor Bridge to become a reality.
5. Acknowledgements and References
5.1 Acknowledgements
5.2 References
[1] Friends of Ham Lands 2020, Friends of Ham Lands, viewed 18 June 2020,
[2] Financial Times 2020, UK government issues urgent call for ‘shovel-ready’ projects, viewed 14 June
[3] London Borough of Richmond upon Thames 2019, Climate emergency declared in Richmond upon
Thames. Release, viewed 11 July 2019,
The following are some of the references which we have reviewed, but not quoted, in our paper:
Thames Landscape Strategy Review of the 1994 Report: Stakeholder Consultation Paper. November 2009 /
March 2010. The Thames Landscape Strategy [ Hampton to Kew ].
Local Development Framework [ LDF ] Core Strategy. London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. Spatial
Strategy Summary [ selected ]. Open spaces, biodiversity and the historic environment will be protected and
enhanced. Draft October 2010.
WSP / London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge Feasibility Report,
70038727, October 2018

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Footbridge2020 wing woolf

  • 1. FOOTBRIDGE 2020: RADNOR BRIDGE, PART OF A SYSTEM: THE CONTEXT AS AN EXPERIENCE page 1 RADNOR BRIDGE PART OF A SYSTEM: THE CONTEXT AS AN EXPERIENCE Authors: Mark WING1 , Richard WOOLF2 Affiliation: 1 Creative Strategist. Founder Interrelated Ltd, London, England – 2 Architect. Founder McDaniel Woolf, London, England – Summary Two residents of southwest London living either side of the River Thames, Richard Woolf (architect) and Mark Wing (creative strategist) continue to drive an initiative to convert the community’s ‘need’ for a footbridge into a ‘desire’ to see it realised. Described in their initial paper which Mark delivered at Footbridge 2014 in London, the aim is to build a cycle and pedestrian bridge within the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames to connect two sides of the River Thames, separated by only 100m of water, namely; - On the east side (Surrey station) is Ham Lands – inaccessible, with leisure walks, nature reserves, heritage sites, polo grounds and sailing clubs, but with poor access to transport links. - On the west side (Middlesex station) is Strawberry Hill and Twickenham – densely populated, served well by major transport systems, with busy roads and places for education and work, but limited access to outdoor amenity space. Keywords: Twickenham; Ham; Pedestrian; Cycle; Footbridge; Active; Travel; Radnor; Thames; Experience. 1. Introduction At Footbridge 2014 Mark Wing presented the white paper “Genesis of a footbridge from a community perspective”, which explored a dream for a cycle and pedestrian bridge across the Thames in southwest London. In 20I7, this initial concept was expanded in a further paper for the conference in Berlin with ‘Our Story Continues’ explaining how the Radnor Bridge would support the growing demand for active travel infrastructure. It would bring connectivity to the isolated community of Ham, to the west of the bridge and provide much needed access to amenity space and cycle routes into central London for those living to the east. Improving links to public space, transportation and the wider commercial and cultural context of London is at the heart of this third paper, developing not just the physical nature of the landscape and bridge structure, but also the experience it will provide for future generations. The communities on both sides of the Thames would have access to open green spaces and cycle networks. In this way it will connect many parts of the ‘system’ that is the London Borough of Richmond- Upon-Thames; the only London borough to straddle the river Thames. When Richard and Mark first started on their journey in 2010 they took inspiration from Ralph Waldo Emerson the C19th philosopher, who said; "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm". Over ten years, this simple fragment of wisdom has guided their ongoing campaigning, helping them to communicate the genesis of the Radnor Bridge still further into an experience. In 2020 the initiative continues to gather momentum as Mark and Richard discover more about the political complexities of engaging with the formal and informal consents and opinions needed to make their vision a reality. They are constantly seeking to ensure their initiative is being taken seriously, even in financially insecure post-Covid-19 times where new thinking on sustainable futures and transportation is being considered. It’s clear the Radnor Bridge is gaining substantial support.
  • 2. FOOTBRIDGE 2020: RADNOR BRIDGE, PART OF A SYSTEM: THE CONTEXT AS AN EXPERIENCE page 2 This third paper focuses on how Mark and Richard have continued to promote the genesis of a footbridge by engaging physically and virtually. They have increased the debating volume online and through hosted round table meetings with councilors, lobbying at council transport strategy committee meetings, exhibiting at local community events and gaining interest in their proposals within national and regional press. Through an increased social media presence and the creation of promotional videos to communicate the experience of the bridge, the initiative is slowly becoming a reality. Fig. 1. Map showing connectivity between Twickenham to the west and Ham to the east Photography - Map Data: Google 2015 - Modified to illustrate proposed bridge Fig. 2. Aerial view of proposed bridge with Ham to the top (east) and Twickenham to the bottom (west) Photography - Map Data: Google 2015 - Modified to illustrate proposed bridge
  • 3. FOOTBRIDGE 2020: RADNOR BRIDGE, PART OF A SYSTEM: THE CONTEXT AS AN EXPERIENCE page 3 2. Part of a system Mark and Richard’s vision is to;… - Connect two communities - Protect and enhance existing and future biodiversity - Improve accessibility to areas of natural and urban opportunity - Stimulate and improve social and economic development - Support an established landscape strategy, providing improved access to space and amenity - Help shift the local value proposition beyond the global image of Twickenham as just a sports venue - Shift political focus away from only ‘playing’ with the town centres to actually linking them - Deliver a vision of exciting, beautiful pure engineering within the landscape - Create a legacy for the enjoyment of generations to come 2.1 Big picture planning Feasibility studies In 2013 LBRuT (London Borough of Richmond upon Thames) who manage the land required to construct the Radnor Bridge published its Mini-Holland strategy, a proposal to enhance cycling within the borough. It failed to capture the imagination of the London Assembly and their £100m pound investment. In 2018 the Council commissioned global infrastructure consultants WSP to carry out a feasibility study on possible bridge locations in the borough. In this they explored in some detail the idea of a bridge to connect Twickenham and Ham. You can find this feasibility study here; 2.1.1 Engaging communities June 2019 saw Mark and Richard established a pop-up presence with both communities either side of the bridge, being the Ham Fair in the west and Twickenham Church Street Goes Green to the east. In anticipation of these two events the Radnor Bridge team produced 'Our New Thames Bridge' booklets – an eight page leaflet that communicated in detail a future Radnor Bridge, communicating what had been done over the recent past and what needed to be done to take the next step. Both events proved to be good opportunities to meet members of the public and to gather comments and learn how keen people were to see the new bridge happen. The feedback was mainly positive, although there were strong expressions of concern from those who opposed any change or intrusion into their private realms. Following these community events there has been a discernible increase in debate, as people shared and discuss the Radnor Bridge concept online and also face-to-face. Fig. 2. Radnor Bridge pop-up stands at local summer events 2019
  • 4. FOOTBRIDGE 2020: RADNOR BRIDGE, PART OF A SYSTEM: THE CONTEXT AS AN EXPERIENCE page 4 2.1.2 A local government report with a positive outcome At the end of 2018 (and running in to the beginning of 2019) the local council invited the public to share its thoughts on the feasibility study it had commissioned. There were just under a thousand responses with 80% positive to the concept of a cycle and pedestrian link. Two bridges had been identified as being the most viable; The Radnor Bridge linking east west and an alternative at Orleans Gardens linking north south. In 2020 Richard contacted his local MP, Sarah Olney, who reacted positively to the initiative and in turn lobbied Councillor Alex Ehmann, who responded with a favourable email. Mark also had success with his MP Munira Wilson, who was supportive of the concept, but was unsure where funding might come from. 2.1.3 Next steps 2020 and beyond Currently Mark and Richard have petitioned local government to commission a thorough technical and financial study on the two potential sites for the foot and cycle bridge, giving a workable proposal and engage supporters and stakeholders. They believe this would provide factual analysis of need over personal prejudice. The Radnor Bridge team continues to communicate with council members and infrastructure groups, such as the Transport and Air Quality Committee, to keep the debate going and encourage the second stage consultation and report. 2.2 Much needed Active Travel infrastructure The Radnor Bridge will provide much needed connectivity in west London, reduce reliance on the car, release pressure on road use and provide viable alternative travel. A cycle and pedestrian bridge complies with the Council's strategy of encouraging healthy, sustainable means of transport. It provides access to rail links for residents of Ham, who currently have no train station nearby. The UK Government post COVID-19 are developing “shovel-ready”[2] infrastructure projects that it can implemented quickly. A recent initiative highlighted the importance for local Government to make new transport links part of the election manifestos being prepared in 2022. To this end the Radnor Bridge team have recently released a video This video helps to communicate how the bridge will be part of the system; by supporting much needed improvement to the active travel infrastructure in Richmond Borough, while opening up the area for leisure. Fig. 3. Still from the Radnor Bridge video ( © Robert Green of Slamm Productions, Twickenham 2020
  • 5. FOOTBRIDGE 2020: RADNOR BRIDGE, PART OF A SYSTEM: THE CONTEXT AS AN EXPERIENCE page 5 2.3 Much needed improvements to Ham Lands 2.3.1 Biodiversity One of the concerns the Radnor Bridge team hear from local environmental groups (such as SWLEN - South West London Environment Network) is of the potential disruption and disturbance to habitats and biodiversity by those drawn to travel along paths through Ham Lands, a Local Nature Reserve and Site of Metropolitan Importance for Nature Conservation, in order to reach the new bridge. In response Mark and Richard have always maintained that this is something that can be controlled if managed carefully. Although they accept this is not an area of their own personal expertise, they have cited the land management in Richmond Park and along the Crane River as great examples of improved access to open land whilst also protecting and enhancing biodiversity. 2.3.2 Managing semi-urban rural lands Perhaps the job of improving and maintaining "the quality of the semi-improved meadow grassland, scrub, pond and wetland habitats" means that Ham Lands can't be left without effective investment in its land management. This is something that the Friends of Ham Lands at HUG (Ham United Group) have also identified; "Left to itself, as a wilderness, it would soon deteriorate as rampant and invasive species crowd out the more sensitive plants, block pathways, and colonize the more open scrub and grassland."[1] Over the years, Ham Lands have become degraded, with the Great River Avenue becoming overgrown. This is an important vista line from the memorial in Radnor Gardens to the Star & Garter on Richmond Hill (identified in the Arcadian Thames Landscape Strategy) and will be the main access route to the bridge. Investing in the Radnor Bridge could bring with it much needed cash to support the management of Ham Lands. Developing an effective pathway across the Lands, for access to the bridge, should provide us all with an opportunity to seriously think about how the land can be better managed to support the movement of people while effectively sustaining its wonderful bio-diversity. The lands should not be the private back garden for a few local people. It should be managed to support the natural environment so that it can be enjoyed by all of the borough. 2.3.3 Safety Safe use of the bridge and its associated pathways will be an important. Light pollution is a concern, as is the perception of Ham Lands as a "no-go area" at night. Sustainable lighting should be part of a strategic "dark corridor" approach and will require careful consideration to ensure that the bat population that feed above the Thames at night will be unaffected. Lighting design has moved on a long way in recent years, with an understanding of the importance of dark skies and solutions should provide a sensitive response. 2.4 Supporting the needs of several communities 2.4.1 An asset for the wider borough The Radnor Bridge will provide improved connectivity for several communities, not just within the borough, but also those visiting to tour the historic landscape and others commuting from further destinations. It will be a strategic link across the river Thames, located at the center of the borough and provide advantages to many people within Greater London. 2.4.2 Supporting education Three schools and a University will benefit enormously – Radnor House School and St Catherine's School, the German School in Ham, and St Mary's University in Strawberry Hill – There are many parents from both sides of the river who have written, saying how they want their children's commute to be shorter and safer. By simply crossing the river at Radnor Gardens many of their concerns will be addressed and a lot of commuters will be taken off the roads.
  • 6. FOOTBRIDGE 2020: RADNOR BRIDGE, PART OF A SYSTEM: THE CONTEXT AS AN EXPERIENCE page 6 2.4.3 Supporting business Transport and connection generates commercial activity. We can only guess at the advantages a new bridge crossing will provide, whether it’s simple access to the shops and services currently out of reach, or the ability to make use of redundant workplace opportunities currently out of reach. 2.4.4 Supporting tourism and leisure pursuits If fresh air is your thing then Radnor Bridge will square the circle; connecting Ham House to Strawberry Hill House and then on to York House, Orleans Gallery and Marble Hill House, before returning to Ham via Hammertons Ferry. And if you want to learn how to sail then Thames Young Mariners, located in Ham Lands, will be an easier place to reach. 2.5 Local council: Transport and Air Quality Committee presentation The Radnor team attended Richmond Councils' Transport and Air Quality Committee meeting in October 2019. Their "Active Travel Strategy" was drawing to a conclusion. They reminded the elected representatives of the importance of including footbridge provision within their report. The key issues presented were: - Having run a consultation attracting a thousand responses with most being overwhelmingly positive, why was there no mention within the draft Active Travel Strategy of a new footbridge ? - Responding to high levels of cycling demand and the barrier to connectivity the Thames represents, did the committee accept that the Active Travel Strategy describes a number of issues that Radnor Bridge could help deliver? - The Strategy should have included a commitment to carry out the second phase feasibility on bridge options previously supported by the public at consultation. 3. An exciting experience. Engineering in the landscape The Radnor Bridge team proposes that contemporary steel fabrication technology should be considered as the preferred construction technique for the bridge. The objective is to span the river in an elegant form with a steel composite structure without the need for support piers within the Thames. A steel composite solution would be preferable to an intrusive cable stay or steel tied arch fabrications which tend to add visual clutter. Mark and Richard have always been keen to deliver a simple modern bridge, to be engineering in a landscape, as visually unobtrusive as possible. The bifurcated structure separating cyclist from pedestrians will provide bridge users with different methods and speeds of travel a safe and segregated experience of crossing the Thames. Each user will be able to engage with the experience of crossing and experience the land and riverscape according to their specific needs of commuting or leisure pursuits. The bridge is more than a method of transfer, it becomes an “experience” of water, land and sky. In their original paper, delivered at Footbridge 2014, Mark and Richard said the Radnor Bridge would be an initiative of local need that comes to be of a regional or national importance. The Radnor Bridge promises a inspiring legacy for future generations living in west London. It is a strategic solution to a divided transpontine borough and will deliver a much needed modern solution to sustainable transport infrastructure. A small minority have argued in the media that the Radnor Bridge is a “bridge too far”. These tend to be a small minority of people who do not welcome change. The majority of local support for Radnor Bridge understands that this is not a bridge too far, but is in-fact a much needed solution that they fully support. 3.1 Delivering what people want In 2014 the team claimed that The Radnor Bridge would be; innovative, sustainable, elegant and economic. 3.1.1 Innovative Radnor Bridge will be innovative – transforming local transportation options while improving the right to access of valuable amenity space. The bridge will feature split-level cycle and pedestrian paths, allowing segregated access across the Thames by pedestrians and cyclists, both enjoying uninterrupted views of the surrounding Arcadian Thames.
  • 7. FOOTBRIDGE 2020: RADNOR BRIDGE, PART OF A SYSTEM: THE CONTEXT AS AN EXPERIENCE page 7 Fig. 4. Not intended as a proposed design, more a vison of experience. The Radnor Bridge team have created illustrations to help people imagine the bridge and perhaps understand better what is meant by “a bifurcated structure” supported by a steel composite structure. 3.1.2 Sustainable Radnor Bridge will be sustainable – a permanent structure to facilitate walking and cycling in preference to car journeys creating a new active transport route of national importance. 3.1.3 Elegant Radnor Bridge will be elegant – using low key, engineered materials to deliver a low profile design solution which opens visas within the landscape in the tradition of Arcadian Thames. 3.1.4 Economic Radnor Bridge will be economic – good for socio and economic development over the years to come, an exemplar of a new community driven grass roots initiative. 4. Discussion and Conclusions 4.1.1 Ushering in a new age In July 2019, Richmond Council declared a climate emergency. As part of this declaration, the Council resolves to be recognised as the greenest London borough and to become carbon neutral by 2030. The Council adopted a new ambitious Local Implementation Plan featuring the headline target for 75% of trips to be by sustainable modes (walking, cycling and public transport) by 2041, from a baseline of 61%.[3] It has now been suggested that parties seeking representation in the 2022 Council elections should include plans for a “TwicknHamBridge” in their manifestos. STOP PRESS: On the day of finalisation of this paper, 18 June 2020, London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Councillor Alex Ehmann announced on Twitter “Delighted this evening to announce Richmond tabled and ambitious bid to Government for £20m to enable delivery of a new cycling & walking bridge between Twickenham and Ham. We had a week to turn it around, but knowing we had such support from residents for it, pushed us on.” It looks like the time has come for the theoretical experience of the Radnor Bridge to become a reality.
  • 8. FOOTBRIDGE 2020: RADNOR BRIDGE, PART OF A SYSTEM: THE CONTEXT AS AN EXPERIENCE page 8 5. Acknowledgements and References 5.1 Acknowledgements 5.2 References [1] Friends of Ham Lands 2020, Friends of Ham Lands, viewed 18 June 2020, [2] Financial Times 2020, UK government issues urgent call for ‘shovel-ready’ projects, viewed 14 June 2020. [3] London Borough of Richmond upon Thames 2019, Climate emergency declared in Richmond upon Thames. Release, viewed 11 July 2019, The following are some of the references which we have reviewed, but not quoted, in our paper: Thames Landscape Strategy Review of the 1994 Report: Stakeholder Consultation Paper. November 2009 / March 2010. The Thames Landscape Strategy [ Hampton to Kew ]. Local Development Framework [ LDF ] Core Strategy. London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. Spatial Strategy Summary [ selected ]. Open spaces, biodiversity and the historic environment will be protected and enhanced. Draft October 2010. WSP / London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge Feasibility Report, 70038727, October 2018