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FMP, Josh Eastham
Story Development
Story Development
Storyboard Layouts: page 1
Shot 1-5
Shot 6-9 Shot 10-12
Shot 12-14 Shot
Shot 17-20
Storyboard Layouts: page 2
Shot20-22 Shot 22-24 Shot 24- 27
Shot 27-29
Shot 30-36
Shots 36-40
Storyboard Layouts: page 3
Shot 40-45
Shot 45-47
Shot 50-55 Shot 55-57
Shot 58
• In terms of my ideas for sound I previously talked about using low frequencies to create unnatural
sensations in the audiences ears which can make them feel fearful and uneasy. This is a technique that
many horror films have used for years. My plan is do this in certain segments of my film that need to create
tension and fear in the audience in order to make these scenes more effective. In terms of music I want to
incorporate at least 5 tracks different tracks into my film that each have there own tone and feel to them.
The first track I want to have a mysterious and eerie tone to go along side the dream sequence. The second
track I want to be a mellow, high pitched, tense melody to illustrate that something is wrong and that the
character is in potential danger. The third I want to be a calm, piano based cinematic melody to represent
the “calm before the storm” style of the middle scenes of the film.
• I also want this to still be dark and foreshadowing for the films climax. The fourth I want to be a classic
horror jump scare build up as this track is supposed to take place when paranormal things start happening
and the characters nightmares start to become real. This track then cuts off and the fifth track a chase style
music piece kicks in as the monster begins to attack the main character. The reason why I want to
incorporate five tracks is because I believe that it the optimum number of tracks that I need to include in
my film in order to correctly set the tone and atmosphere of each scene that I want to portray. One thing I
have noticed from doing previous films is that in my opinion the music is the most effective way of setting
the tone and atmosphere. Therefore I want to make sure every track I choose feels to me like it fits
perfectly in that scene otherwise I won’t be happy with my film until I find the right one.
Equipment/ Props/
Costume needed
Locations needed
Phone with torch on My house: Garage
Casual Clothes My house: Bedroom
Backpack My house: Corridor
Computer My house: Kitchen
Knife My house: Exterior
Wardrobe My house: Living Room
Key My house: Hallway
Contingency Planning
Potential Issue Solution
Personal: Someone is ill and cannot attend the shoot. Make sure that I have cast more people then I need if I need a
backup if someone can’t come.
Personal: Someone is injured and cannot attend the shoot. As the head of the production it is my responsibility to make
sure that we are working in a safe and secure environment for
Personal: Someone has a problem with another member of the
crew which causes drama.
It should be my responsibility to make sure any personal issues
are left behind so that they would not effect the production.
Personal: Someone has to leave early to catch the train or bus. Shooting may have to finish earlier then expected which could
mean we get less done and it takes longer to complete the film.
Technical: camera runs out of battery This could delay things as we may have to wait until the battery
charges to continue filming. A simple solution to this would be
to make sure we have a spare battery and a charger so we
always have a fully charged battery ready to go.
Technical: Tripod is broken. Some scenes can be shot using freehand however a tripod is
defiantly required for some scenes. I will be borrowing one
from the college as they are better then the one I have at home
though if need be I could my own if required.
Logistical: My mum and sister are home making it difficult
for me to film at home.
I could ask some friends If I could film at there's. Some
scenes could be filmed with others in the house such as
the outside ones. I may have to change my concept and
script slightly so my film can take place in another location
if it is looking truly impossible.
Contingency Planning
Potential Issue Solution
Technical: SD card runs out of storage Remove footage onto computer and make sure we have a
spare SD card and create backups of the files.
Technical: Camera is broken and there are no spares. This could delay production a bit or at least decrease the
quality, however I have my own camera which isn’t as
good as the college cameras but would suffice if needed. I
also have friends with really good phone cameras which
could be used.
Technical: Audio quality is poor One thing I may consider doing is borrowing a shotgun mic
from the college as that would greatly increase the audio
Organisational: An actor turns up wearing different
clothes to the day before ruining continuity
Make sure I liaise with people closely to make sure they
are organised and they are wearing the same clothes each
day. If the worst comes to the worst we could reshoot
some scenes if possible but this is really not preferable.
Organisational: Someone forgets to bring a required
This might not actually be a big deal as it would probably
be possible to find an alternative. I could sort out some
sort of checklist for people to use to make sure that
everyone is organised correctly.
Organisational: Someone has forgotten that they have
commitments to the shoot and make other plans
I would do my best to get them to sort it out and make sure
they turn up, however an alternative would be to make
sure I have backup options for cast if it turns out someone
is unavailable.
Health and Safety
Potential Issue How will the issue be
Someone could fall over and/or injure themselves on set Make sure a risk assessment form has been filled in.
Alternatively make sure everyone is aware of the space
and risks around them.
Confined spaces could be an issue especially since we are
filming inside my house.
I will need to make sure that cast and crew are aware of the
dangers and that they are being careful so as not to brake or
damage anything
Because the weather is improving in England at this time of
year the sun Is out more meaning sunburn or sun stroke could
be a risk if too much time is spent in the sun.
Make sure everyone is drinking enough water especially if its
how and that people are wearing things like sunscreen.
If we end up filming outside we could be at risk of things like
cars or other vehicles on the road.
Make sure we are keeping an eye of traffic and that we are
clearly visible to it and that we can quickly move if necessary,
this is probably unlikely however as we will be filming near but
not on a non busy road.
Sometimes when filming in public places or abandoned areas
there could be a risk of toxic chemicals such as asbestos or
This will fortunately not be an issue when filming as we will be
filming in my house which certainly does not have asbestos or
One final health and safety issue could be the handling of
dangerous props such as a knife which will be used in the film
Make sure everyone is well aware of the dangers and they are
being careful and not messing about with it. It might even be a
better idea to use a fake prop knife instead of a real one.
Health and Safety
Potential Issue
How will the issue be
Time pressure Due to the time pressure that we have we may be rushing
to finish production and that may effect how thorough we
are when it comes to avoiding and risk assessing potential
hazards meaning we may miss a few and they may pose a
Stress due to time pressure Another adverse effect that time pressure can have is that
those working on the production, ma get tired and stressed
and it could have negative medical issues such as
headaches, heart palpitations and migraines
Medical Issues As the manager of the production I have to be aware of
any medical issues that some people may have such as
asthma, epilepsy etc.
Spatial awareness The camera operator needs to be very spatially aware as
in order to film properly they may not be looking were they
are going as they are concentrating on there shot. This
may lead to them tripping/ falling over and hurting
themselves, others or braking things.
Shots that are near water If we have any shots near water then that could be an
issue as it could be damaging to the equipment if it comes
into contact with the water. It could also pose a risk to
those using the equipment and people nearby if the water
comes into contact with the electricity.
Fire hazards. I need to make sure that the crew are aware of any
potential fire hazards as well as the procedures that must
be carried out if there is a fire. Similarly we need to take all
the necessary precautions that will minimise the risk of a
Location Information.
This is wear the wardrobe is
located that the main
character opens and releases
the creature from
In terms of the location I will be filming inside and around the
outside of my house. This is a extremely outdated photo taken from
Google maps that I am using to label were certain scenes take place.
Just around this corner is
were my bedroom
window is were some
scenes take place such as
the opening dream
sequence and a scene
were the ghost starts to
haunt the character
This is were the living room
and back door is located.
The main character find that
the back door has been
opened by the creature
setting off the alarm and
sending the police to his
house, they turn up just
after he has accidently killed
his best friend in the living
room mistaking him for the
Main Cast and set
In terms of the casting for my film it is mostly minimal. The main character will be played
by myself I will also be directing the film as well. This was a technique I employed when I
produced my short film for the video rotation we did before Christmas. The reason I found
this really useful as it allowed me to be able to truly realize the vision that I had in my
imagination of how I wanted the film to look in terms of both visual effects and shot types.
In terms of other cast members the voice of the therapist at the start of the film in the
opening dream sequence will be player by my Mum (Cait Temple). This role will only
consist of standing in front of a microphone plugged into my computer at home and
reading some lines I will have written for her. The reason for this is because this role is
merely designed to be a voice over role. In terms of the main characters friend that role
could either be played by Luke Simpson who has agreed to help me, or my other friend
Daniel Taylor who has also agreed to help me. It would depend on who was available at
the time and who would rather operate the camera then be on screen. This film will be
primarily filmed inside my house which may be difficult as I would have to do it when my
mum and sister are not at home. However if they are I could still manage to film some
scenes when they are at home such as the ones that are set outside or in my bedroom not
the downstairs area of my house. If I need a contingency I could ask some of my friends if I
could film in there house or I could take pictures of my house and then do the filming on a
green screen and then overlay the background onto the video. This would be a last resort
scenario though as I want my film to look as realistic as possible.
Script Shot List
Shot Type Description
1. External (outside) Front of the house
2. External house –establishing shot Surrounding area.
3. Internal house Shot of Josh dreaming.
4. Internal dream sequence Dream sequence swirling colors and
light, the character is standing In the
middle of this. Flickering on and off
screen to demonstrate confusion.
5. Internal, dream sequence, close-
An antique wardrobe appears in the
Josh’s dream.
6. Internal dream sequence, over
the shoulder shot.
Shot of Josh Slamming the door of
the wardrobe shut.
7. Close up shot, internal, bedroom Josh abruptly sits up in be and after
hearing banging noise gets up.
8. Behind shot, internal, bedroom Josh opens the door and walks out.
9. Long Shot from front then cut to
behind, internal, house
Shot of Josh walking through the
house to find the banging.
10. Internal, close up, garage door
from the inside.
Josh opens the garage door.
11. Internal, over shoulder shot
of Josh opening the wardrobe
Josh turns the key and opens the
12. Internal, close up, wardrobe
Shot reveal the interior of the
wardrobe showing there is
nothing in it but junk.
13. Internal, close up, Josh’s face. Shows a concerned and confused
facial expression.
14. Internal, close, up, Luke’s
Close-up of Luke's face as he says
15. Internal, close up, Josh’s face. Josh’s reaction to Luke making
him jump.
16. Internal, close, up, Luke’s
17. Internal, close up, Josh’s face. Conversation.
18. Internal, close, up, Luke’s
Conversation-Luke Looks at the
19. Internal, close up, Josh’s face. Conversation – END OF SCENE.
20. Internal, over the shoulder,
Luke is on the computer.
21. Internal, close up, Josh’s face with a troubled
22. Quick changing shots
between the two of them
23. Close up shot Computer turning off.
Shot List
24. Internal: Close up Shot of Josh pressing keys on
25. Internal over shoulder shot. Conversation.
26. Shots specific to gestures and
actions of the characters.
27. Close up shot of screen then
reaction shot of characters.
Creepy message appears on
28. Close up shot of characters. Characters exchange a look on
29. Medium The characters jump and look
around as they here the alarm.
30. Close up door Close up of Josh shutting the front
door which is slightly ajar.
31. Medium shot Luke walks out the room to go
check other doors.
32. Close up of phone ringing then
medium of Josh answering.
Josh answers the phone.
33. Over the shoulder Josh putting the phone down, the
looks up and briefly sees the
creature in the distance.
Shot List
34. Medium shot Luke runs back into the room.
35. Switching medium shots
between Luke and Josh
36. External establishing shot Establishing shot of the house
much like in the opening scene.
37. Internal close up shot The camera Is in the draw as it is
pulled open by Josh and he pulls
out several drawings.
38. Close up shot of Luke Luke is sat on the sofa in obvious
39. Long shot Josh Walks into the room with
the drawings in his hand.
40. Switching medium shots of
Josh and Luke.
41. Close up Luke puts the drawing down on
the table the camera lingers on
the shot for a second.
42. Medium Luke gets up and looks out the
43. Mediums shot Radio turns itself on.
44. Medium shot All the lights in the room turn off.
45. Medium shot The TV turns itself on and starts
flicking through channels by
Shot List
46. Close up As the light flickers from the TV
the drawing starts to move as if
it is coming to life.
47. Long shot of the room Josh and Luke are standing
apart as the lights from the TV
keeps flickering, suddenly on
the last flicker the monster
appears separating the two of
48. Quick close up Luke shouts run! And dives out
of the way.
49. Quick close up Josh dives the opposite way to
50. Long shot The monster follows Josh as he
runs down the corridor away
from it.
51. Overhead shot From the monsters point of
view baring down on Josh.
52. Close up shot Josh is feeling for a knife on the
53. Over the shoulder shot Josh stabs at the monster with
the knife.
54. Close up shot The monster disappears and is
replaced by Luke with a stab
wound exactly were Jo stabbed
the monster.
55. Close up shot Luke is dying.
56. Medium shot Police sirens and lights can be heard and seen
from the window in the background.
57. Close up shot Josh’s facial reaction to hearing the sirens.
58. Cut to black Roll end credits.
Movie Poster
Movie Poster
• Each creative decision that I have made has been because I think it is necessary for my
production in order for my to successfully portray my vision of what my film should be. I
haven't made any decisions just for the sake of it as I find once people start to do that the
film becomes too complicated and some things like unnecessary visual effects look to
obvious and out of place and sometimes contrast with the tone and atmosphere of the film
and brake the immersion. For example as I previously stated in slide 7 were I talked about the
sound I wanted in my film I talked about the number of tracks that I wanted, why I wanted
them and why I thought they fit for those specific segments of the film.
• In my story development slide I showed screenshots from my development document that
detailed certain creative decisions that I had made for my film that involved the story and
answered questions about certain decisions I had made and allowed me to talk about why I
had made these decisions and what I hoped to achieve with them.
• I had decided to have a go at making a film poster for my project and I made these basic
mockups on the previous 2 slides. Unfortunately I ran out of time to make a final version of
this poster for my film as due to having to sort several technical issues out with my film I
spent the time I needed to make the poster trying to fix said technical issues. However I
believe I have demonstrated my knowledge and ability in that I can make a poster by creating
the mockups shown in the previous slide I just didn’t get a chance to make a final version. It
was my original intension to do this and set it as the YouTube thumbnail for my final film
however what I didn’t realize is that YouTube won’t allow you to do this unless you have a
certain number of subscribers.

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FMP: 5. pre production

  • 4. Storyboard Layouts: page 1 Shot 1-5 Shot 6-9 Shot 10-12 Shot 12-14 Shot 14-17 Shot 17-20
  • 5. Storyboard Layouts: page 2 Shot20-22 Shot 22-24 Shot 24- 27 Shot 27-29 Shot 30-36 Shots 36-40
  • 6. Storyboard Layouts: page 3 Shot 40-45 Shot 45-47 Shot47-50 Shot 50-55 Shot 55-57 Shot 58
  • 7. Sound • In terms of my ideas for sound I previously talked about using low frequencies to create unnatural sensations in the audiences ears which can make them feel fearful and uneasy. This is a technique that many horror films have used for years. My plan is do this in certain segments of my film that need to create tension and fear in the audience in order to make these scenes more effective. In terms of music I want to incorporate at least 5 tracks different tracks into my film that each have there own tone and feel to them. The first track I want to have a mysterious and eerie tone to go along side the dream sequence. The second track I want to be a mellow, high pitched, tense melody to illustrate that something is wrong and that the character is in potential danger. The third I want to be a calm, piano based cinematic melody to represent the “calm before the storm” style of the middle scenes of the film. • I also want this to still be dark and foreshadowing for the films climax. The fourth I want to be a classic horror jump scare build up as this track is supposed to take place when paranormal things start happening and the characters nightmares start to become real. This track then cuts off and the fifth track a chase style music piece kicks in as the monster begins to attack the main character. The reason why I want to incorporate five tracks is because I believe that it the optimum number of tracks that I need to include in my film in order to correctly set the tone and atmosphere of each scene that I want to portray. One thing I have noticed from doing previous films is that in my opinion the music is the most effective way of setting the tone and atmosphere. Therefore I want to make sure every track I choose feels to me like it fits perfectly in that scene otherwise I won’t be happy with my film until I find the right one.
  • 8. Resources Equipment/ Props/ Costume needed Locations needed Phone with torch on My house: Garage Casual Clothes My house: Bedroom Backpack My house: Corridor Computer My house: Kitchen Knife My house: Exterior Wardrobe My house: Living Room Key My house: Hallway
  • 9. Contingency Planning Potential Issue Solution Personal: Someone is ill and cannot attend the shoot. Make sure that I have cast more people then I need if I need a backup if someone can’t come. Personal: Someone is injured and cannot attend the shoot. As the head of the production it is my responsibility to make sure that we are working in a safe and secure environment for everyone. Personal: Someone has a problem with another member of the crew which causes drama. It should be my responsibility to make sure any personal issues are left behind so that they would not effect the production. Personal: Someone has to leave early to catch the train or bus. Shooting may have to finish earlier then expected which could mean we get less done and it takes longer to complete the film. Technical: camera runs out of battery This could delay things as we may have to wait until the battery charges to continue filming. A simple solution to this would be to make sure we have a spare battery and a charger so we always have a fully charged battery ready to go. Technical: Tripod is broken. Some scenes can be shot using freehand however a tripod is defiantly required for some scenes. I will be borrowing one from the college as they are better then the one I have at home though if need be I could my own if required. Logistical: My mum and sister are home making it difficult for me to film at home. I could ask some friends If I could film at there's. Some scenes could be filmed with others in the house such as the outside ones. I may have to change my concept and script slightly so my film can take place in another location if it is looking truly impossible.
  • 10. Contingency Planning Potential Issue Solution Technical: SD card runs out of storage Remove footage onto computer and make sure we have a spare SD card and create backups of the files. Technical: Camera is broken and there are no spares. This could delay production a bit or at least decrease the quality, however I have my own camera which isn’t as good as the college cameras but would suffice if needed. I also have friends with really good phone cameras which could be used. Technical: Audio quality is poor One thing I may consider doing is borrowing a shotgun mic from the college as that would greatly increase the audio quality. Organisational: An actor turns up wearing different clothes to the day before ruining continuity Make sure I liaise with people closely to make sure they are organised and they are wearing the same clothes each day. If the worst comes to the worst we could reshoot some scenes if possible but this is really not preferable. Organisational: Someone forgets to bring a required prop This might not actually be a big deal as it would probably be possible to find an alternative. I could sort out some sort of checklist for people to use to make sure that everyone is organised correctly. Organisational: Someone has forgotten that they have commitments to the shoot and make other plans I would do my best to get them to sort it out and make sure they turn up, however an alternative would be to make sure I have backup options for cast if it turns out someone is unavailable.
  • 11. Health and Safety Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided? Someone could fall over and/or injure themselves on set Make sure a risk assessment form has been filled in. Alternatively make sure everyone is aware of the space and risks around them. Confined spaces could be an issue especially since we are filming inside my house. I will need to make sure that cast and crew are aware of the dangers and that they are being careful so as not to brake or damage anything Because the weather is improving in England at this time of year the sun Is out more meaning sunburn or sun stroke could be a risk if too much time is spent in the sun. Make sure everyone is drinking enough water especially if its how and that people are wearing things like sunscreen. If we end up filming outside we could be at risk of things like cars or other vehicles on the road. Make sure we are keeping an eye of traffic and that we are clearly visible to it and that we can quickly move if necessary, this is probably unlikely however as we will be filming near but not on a non busy road. Sometimes when filming in public places or abandoned areas there could be a risk of toxic chemicals such as asbestos or radiation This will fortunately not be an issue when filming as we will be filming in my house which certainly does not have asbestos or radiation One final health and safety issue could be the handling of dangerous props such as a knife which will be used in the film Make sure everyone is well aware of the dangers and they are being careful and not messing about with it. It might even be a better idea to use a fake prop knife instead of a real one.
  • 12. Health and Safety Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided? Time pressure Due to the time pressure that we have we may be rushing to finish production and that may effect how thorough we are when it comes to avoiding and risk assessing potential hazards meaning we may miss a few and they may pose a risk Stress due to time pressure Another adverse effect that time pressure can have is that those working on the production, ma get tired and stressed and it could have negative medical issues such as headaches, heart palpitations and migraines Medical Issues As the manager of the production I have to be aware of any medical issues that some people may have such as asthma, epilepsy etc. Spatial awareness The camera operator needs to be very spatially aware as in order to film properly they may not be looking were they are going as they are concentrating on there shot. This may lead to them tripping/ falling over and hurting themselves, others or braking things. Shots that are near water If we have any shots near water then that could be an issue as it could be damaging to the equipment if it comes into contact with the water. It could also pose a risk to those using the equipment and people nearby if the water comes into contact with the electricity. Fire hazards. I need to make sure that the crew are aware of any potential fire hazards as well as the procedures that must be carried out if there is a fire. Similarly we need to take all the necessary precautions that will minimise the risk of a
  • 13. Location Information. This is wear the wardrobe is located that the main character opens and releases the creature from In terms of the location I will be filming inside and around the outside of my house. This is a extremely outdated photo taken from Google maps that I am using to label were certain scenes take place. Just around this corner is were my bedroom window is were some scenes take place such as the opening dream sequence and a scene were the ghost starts to haunt the character This is were the living room and back door is located. The main character find that the back door has been opened by the creature setting off the alarm and sending the police to his house, they turn up just after he has accidently killed his best friend in the living room mistaking him for the creature.
  • 14. Main Cast and set In terms of the casting for my film it is mostly minimal. The main character will be played by myself I will also be directing the film as well. This was a technique I employed when I produced my short film for the video rotation we did before Christmas. The reason I found this really useful as it allowed me to be able to truly realize the vision that I had in my imagination of how I wanted the film to look in terms of both visual effects and shot types. In terms of other cast members the voice of the therapist at the start of the film in the opening dream sequence will be player by my Mum (Cait Temple). This role will only consist of standing in front of a microphone plugged into my computer at home and reading some lines I will have written for her. The reason for this is because this role is merely designed to be a voice over role. In terms of the main characters friend that role could either be played by Luke Simpson who has agreed to help me, or my other friend Daniel Taylor who has also agreed to help me. It would depend on who was available at the time and who would rather operate the camera then be on screen. This film will be primarily filmed inside my house which may be difficult as I would have to do it when my mum and sister are not at home. However if they are I could still manage to film some scenes when they are at home such as the ones that are set outside or in my bedroom not the downstairs area of my house. If I need a contingency I could ask some of my friends if I could film in there house or I could take pictures of my house and then do the filming on a green screen and then overlay the background onto the video. This would be a last resort scenario though as I want my film to look as realistic as possible.
  • 15. Script Shot List Shot Type Description 1. External (outside) Front of the house 2. External house –establishing shot Surrounding area. 3. Internal house Shot of Josh dreaming. 4. Internal dream sequence Dream sequence swirling colors and light, the character is standing In the middle of this. Flickering on and off screen to demonstrate confusion. 5. Internal, dream sequence, close- up An antique wardrobe appears in the Josh’s dream. 6. Internal dream sequence, over the shoulder shot. Shot of Josh Slamming the door of the wardrobe shut. 7. Close up shot, internal, bedroom Josh abruptly sits up in be and after hearing banging noise gets up. 8. Behind shot, internal, bedroom Josh opens the door and walks out. 9. Long Shot from front then cut to behind, internal, house Shot of Josh walking through the house to find the banging. 10. Internal, close up, garage door from the inside. Josh opens the garage door.
  • 16. 11. Internal, over shoulder shot of Josh opening the wardrobe Josh turns the key and opens the wardrobe 12. Internal, close up, wardrobe interior. Shot reveal the interior of the wardrobe showing there is nothing in it but junk. 13. Internal, close up, Josh’s face. Shows a concerned and confused facial expression. 14. Internal, close, up, Luke’s face. Close-up of Luke's face as he says “hey”. 15. Internal, close up, Josh’s face. Josh’s reaction to Luke making him jump. 16. Internal, close, up, Luke’s face. Conversation. 17. Internal, close up, Josh’s face. Conversation. 18. Internal, close, up, Luke’s face. Conversation-Luke Looks at the wardrobe. 19. Internal, close up, Josh’s face. Conversation – END OF SCENE. 20. Internal, over the shoulder, shot Luke is on the computer. 21. Internal, close up, Josh’s face with a troubled expression. 22. Quick changing shots between the two of them -Conversation. 23. Close up shot Computer turning off.
  • 17. Shot List 24. Internal: Close up Shot of Josh pressing keys on keyboard 25. Internal over shoulder shot. Conversation. 26. Shots specific to gestures and actions of the characters. Conversation. 27. Close up shot of screen then reaction shot of characters. Creepy message appears on screen. 28. Close up shot of characters. Characters exchange a look on uncertainty. 29. Medium The characters jump and look around as they here the alarm. 30. Close up door Close up of Josh shutting the front door which is slightly ajar. 31. Medium shot Luke walks out the room to go check other doors. 32. Close up of phone ringing then medium of Josh answering. Josh answers the phone. 33. Over the shoulder Josh putting the phone down, the looks up and briefly sees the creature in the distance.
  • 18. Shot List 34. Medium shot Luke runs back into the room. 35. Switching medium shots between Luke and Josh Conversation. 36. External establishing shot Establishing shot of the house much like in the opening scene. 37. Internal close up shot The camera Is in the draw as it is pulled open by Josh and he pulls out several drawings. 38. Close up shot of Luke Luke is sat on the sofa in obvious shock. 39. Long shot Josh Walks into the room with the drawings in his hand. 40. Switching medium shots of Josh and Luke. Conversation. 41. Close up Luke puts the drawing down on the table the camera lingers on the shot for a second. 42. Medium Luke gets up and looks out the windows. 43. Mediums shot Radio turns itself on. 44. Medium shot All the lights in the room turn off. 45. Medium shot The TV turns itself on and starts flicking through channels by itself.
  • 19. Shot List 46. Close up As the light flickers from the TV the drawing starts to move as if it is coming to life. 47. Long shot of the room Josh and Luke are standing apart as the lights from the TV keeps flickering, suddenly on the last flicker the monster appears separating the two of them. 48. Quick close up Luke shouts run! And dives out of the way. 49. Quick close up Josh dives the opposite way to Luke. 50. Long shot The monster follows Josh as he runs down the corridor away from it. 51. Overhead shot From the monsters point of view baring down on Josh. 52. Close up shot Josh is feeling for a knife on the counter. 53. Over the shoulder shot Josh stabs at the monster with the knife. 54. Close up shot The monster disappears and is replaced by Luke with a stab wound exactly were Jo stabbed the monster.
  • 20. 55. Close up shot Luke is dying. 56. Medium shot Police sirens and lights can be heard and seen from the window in the background. 57. Close up shot Josh’s facial reaction to hearing the sirens. 58. Cut to black Roll end credits.
  • 23. Rationale • Each creative decision that I have made has been because I think it is necessary for my production in order for my to successfully portray my vision of what my film should be. I haven't made any decisions just for the sake of it as I find once people start to do that the film becomes too complicated and some things like unnecessary visual effects look to obvious and out of place and sometimes contrast with the tone and atmosphere of the film and brake the immersion. For example as I previously stated in slide 7 were I talked about the sound I wanted in my film I talked about the number of tracks that I wanted, why I wanted them and why I thought they fit for those specific segments of the film. • In my story development slide I showed screenshots from my development document that detailed certain creative decisions that I had made for my film that involved the story and answered questions about certain decisions I had made and allowed me to talk about why I had made these decisions and what I hoped to achieve with them. • I had decided to have a go at making a film poster for my project and I made these basic mockups on the previous 2 slides. Unfortunately I ran out of time to make a final version of this poster for my film as due to having to sort several technical issues out with my film I spent the time I needed to make the poster trying to fix said technical issues. However I believe I have demonstrated my knowledge and ability in that I can make a poster by creating the mockups shown in the previous slide I just didn’t get a chance to make a final version. It was my original intension to do this and set it as the YouTube thumbnail for my final film however what I didn’t realize is that YouTube won’t allow you to do this unless you have a certain number of subscribers.