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Fluid and electrolyte management are paramount to
the care of the surgical patient. Changes in both fluid
volume and electrolyte composition occur
preoperatively, intraoperative, and post operatively,
as well as in response to trauma and sepsis.
50-60% of total body weight
 Who is having higher proportion of body weight as
water? And Why?
 Males or Females
 Lean or Obese
 Young or elderly
Muscle and solid organs have higher water content than
fat and bone.
Higher proportion of water in:
 Inorganic salts in solution dissociate
into ions of two kinds:
• Cations → electropositive (Na, K, Ca,
• Anions → electronegative (Cl, P, Hco3¯).
Importance of electrolytes :
• Electrolytes are important to maintain
normal body fluid distribution.
• Generation of action potential.
• Acid- base balance.
Normal Exchange of Fluid and Electrolytes.
Disturbances in Fluid Balance.
Volume Control.
Concentration Changes:
1-Hyponatreamia 2-Hypernatreamia
 Composition Changes:
1-Hyperkalemia 2-Hypokalemia
3-Hypermagnesemia 4-Hypomagnesemia
5-Hypercalcemia 6-Hypocalcemia
7-Hyperphosphatemia 8-Hypophosphatemia
 Normal person consumes 2500ml of H2O
 75% oral intake
 Rest from solid foods
 Daily water losses:
 1,5L in Urine
 250 ml in stool
 750 insensible losses:
 Skin 75%
 Lungs 25%
 Na+ 100mmol/day (in urine). i loss in pyrexia,
diarrhea, vomiting, high output fistulas. Urine
concentration is less effective in elderly patients
and dextrose infusions may cause hypernatremia.
• K+ 80mmol/day (in urine). i loss in pyrexia,
diarrhea, vomiting, high output fistulas.
Type of
mL/ 24 h
Na+ mEq/
k+ mEq/ L Cl- mEq/
mEq/ L
Stomach 2000-
60 -90 10 -30 100 -130 0
120 - 140 5 - 10 90 - 120 30 -40
Colon 60 30 40 0
Pancreas 800-600 135 - 145 5 - 10 70 -90 95 -115
bile 800-300 135 - 145 5 - 10 90 - 110 30 -40
 Extracellular volume deficit: most common in
surgical patients
 Acute:
 Cardiovascular
 Central nervous system
 Chronic:
 Decrease skin turgor
 Sunken eyes
 & CVS and CNS
System Volume deficit Volume excess
Generalized Weight loss
Decreased skin turgor
Weight gain
Peripheral edema
Cardiac Tachycardia
*Collapsed neck veins
*Increased cardiac
*Increased central
venous pressure
*Distended neck veins
Renal Oliguria
Azotemia Polyuria
GIT Ileus Bowel edema
Pulmonary Pulmonary edema
Any patient may be in need of preoperative fluid
resuscitation, but several groups are typically
affected. Remember to think of less obvious cases of
fluid depletion—there are typically more patients who
would benefit from fluid optimization than get it.
• Acute presentations with vomiting or diarrhoea,
including intestinal obstruction, biliary colic,
• Acute presentations where the patient has been
immobile or debilitated for a period before
presentation, causing reduced fluid intake, e.g.
pancreatitis, chest infections, acute-on-chronic
vascular insufficiency, prolonged sepsis with pyrexia.
• Elderly patients in whom reduced renal reserve
makes fluid balance control less effective.
• Drugs that impair renal responses to fluid changes,
e.g. diuretics.
• Patients with low body weight with overall lower
total body fluid volume in whom similar losses have a
greater effect.
• Children are more susceptible to fluid depletion and
may not show such obvious physical signs ”2”
The most important aspects of fluid optimization are
using the correct volumes at the correct rate.
Other than exceptional circumstances, isotonic
crystalloids are the fluid of choice to correct
• Isotonic (‘normal’) 0.9% saline—the most widely
used fluid. Provided there is adequate renal function,
isotonic saline prevents rapid cellular fluid shifts
during rehydration and excess Na+ is excreted via
the kidney. K+ should usually be added only if d K+
is present or likely (e.g. prolonged vomiting,
pancreatic or small bowel fistula).
• Dextrose (4%) saline (0.18%).
• Hartmann’s solution.
• Ringer’s lactate solution—technically, the closest fluid to
composition although theoretical advantages are of limited
practical value.
Fluids that should only be used in very specific
circumstances include hypertonic (1.8%) or hypotonic
(0.45%) saline since they risk causing significant fluid
shifts in and out of cells, which can cause cellular injury,
particularly to neurons. If there is a significant disorder of
sodium balance that may require non-isotonic fluid
optimization, the patient is likely to require optimization
in HDU.
Electrolyte content of intavenous
Intavenous infusion Na + CL- K+ HCO3- Ca2+(
Normal saline(0.9%
150 150 _ _ _
4% dextrose/ 0.18%
30 30 _ _ _
nd sodium lactate)
131 111 5 29 2
Normal plasma
134-144 95-105 3.5-5 22-30 2.2-2.6
Before giving fluid, it is important to assess the
volume of depletion. It is rarely possible to use
estimates of losses due to vomiting or diarrhoea as
these are wholly inaccurate. Useful calculations
include the following:
• Body weight on admission (provided a recent,
accurate body weight during normal health is known)
since acute weight loss is mostly water.
 Hematocrit on admission (provided a recent
hematocrit during normal health is known) since
the degree of haemoconcentration is due to fluid
 An approximate calculation is given by: Fluid depletion
(L) = ((PCV1 – PCV2)/PCV1) x 0.7 x weight in kg
PCV1 = normal haematocrit; PCV2 = current haematocrit
• Serum urea is raised disproportionately more than serum
creatinine in dehydration, renal disease, gastrointestinal (GI)
bleeds, and acute proteolysis.
• Signs of extracellular fluid depletion (lax skin tone, reduced
sweating, dry mucosae) are often misleading and can be
affected by age and underlying diseases, including pyrexia
and tachypnoea.
• Signs of intravascular volume depletion (hypotension,
tachycardia) may be unreliable and usually only occur with
loss of 10–15% of body water.
Once the volume of fluid required is assessed, it can be
given. There are some broad rules on how to give fluid
• Young, fi t patients with normal renal and cardiac function
can usually be given up to 15% of body fluid volume by rapid
infusion. A typical regimen might include: 1000mL 0.9%
saline over 2h, further 1000mL infusions of 0.9% saline over
4h each until corrected.
• Elderly patients and patients with renal or cardiac
impairment should have infusions more slowly to prevent
acute intravascular volume overload. A typical regimen might
include: 1000mL 0.9% saline over 4h, 500mL infusion of 0.9%
saline over 3–4h with regular review of vital signs, including
chest auscultation. Patients requiring more fluid volume more
rapidly than this should be monitored closely in critical care
during resuscitation.
Methods of assessing the progress of fluid optimization include the
• Skin turgor and mucosal hydration change slowly after
optimization and are unreliable guides.
• 1-hourly urine output measurement is a good guide to renal
blood flow, which indirectly relates to intravascular fluid volume and
cardiac output. It is an easy and reliable indicator of adequate blood
volume repletion. It is not a good indicator of total body water and
there may be significant intra- and extracellular depletion in the
presence of an acceptable urine output. A commonly used minimum
is 0.5mL/kg/h.
• Monitoring of serum urea is an approximate guide provided renal
function is adequate and there is no acute GI bleeding or
proteolysis. In the emergency situation, particularly where patients
require urgent surgery and require fluid optimization prior to
anaesthesia, more rapid fluid infusions may be required and it may
be appropriate for this to be monitored on HDU.
 Fluid management is aimed at making sure the
patient is neither fluid depleted nor fluid
overloaded. The principle is to replace whatever is
 Success can make the difference between a short,
uncomplicated postoperative course and the
patient ending up on ICU.”3”
This gives 3L of fluid, 200mmol Na, and 80mmol KCl
in 24h.
It is only suited to adult patients with no significant
It takes no account of patient age, size, cardiac
function, or fluid loss.
• 1L normal saline with 40mmol KCl over 8h.
• 1L normal saline with 40mmol KCl over 8 h.
• 1L 5% dextrose over 8h. ‘4’
 This adjusts fluid given to fluid lost, but needs the
nursing resources to run an hourly fluid balance
chart and infusion pumps.
 It is more suited to patients on HDU.
• 1mL/kg/h normal saline.
• 5% dextrose fluid challenges to maintain central
venous pressure (CVP) 8–12cmH2O or BP
• 10–40mmol KCl in 100mL 5% dextrose via central
line if K+ <3.0. ‘4’
 Useful in all ages and all body weights, except
extreme starvation.
• Fluid volume/24h. 100mL/kg for each kg 1–10kg;
50mL/kg for each kg 10–20kg; 20mL/kg for each kg
over 20kg.
• Electrolytes. Na+ 2mmol/kg/24h; K+
1mmol/kg/24h. ‘4’
Colloids (especially blood) produce a more lasting
expansion of intravascular volume than crystalloid
which rapidly enters the interstitial tissues.
• Gelofusine is succinylated gelatin (a bovine
collagen) which has a half-life of about 2h in plasma
and is associated with increased bleeding times in
post-operative patients.
Dextran is a glucose polymer mixture that has a
plasma half-life of about 2h; it has been associated
with anaphylactic reactions and profound
• HES preparations are derived from hydroxyethyl
starch; they have widely differing plasma half-lives
and effects on plasma expansion.
• Albumin is a naturally occurring plasma protein,
sterilized by ultrafiltration: 5% albumin is isotonic;
20% albumin is hypertonic.
Indications for use of albumin as a volume expander
are very limited.
• Blood, platelets, fresh frozen plasma (FFP), and
• The dry patient. May have been NBM several days
preoperatively and feels thirsty, complains of a dry
mouth, may be dehydrated because of diarrhoea or
vomiting, has a low JVP, dry mucous membranes, and
reduced skin turgor.
• The overfilled patient. Usually doesn’t feel thirsty,
has a raised JVP, normal skin turgor, and may have
dependent oedema and evidence of pulmonary
oedema on auscultation.
• The dry patient. May have falling BP, rising pulse
rate, low CVP that does not rise with fluid challenges,
weight is several kg below preoperative weight.
• The overfilled patient. Is not usually tachycardic and
has a high CVP that rises and plateaus with fluid
challenges. BP may fall with fluid challenges; weight is
several kg above preoperative weight.
In sick patients, ask the nurses to start an hourly fluid
balance chart. Add up all fluid loss (urine output,
wound, stoma, and fistula drainage) and subtract
from all IV, NG, and oral fluids given.
• The dry patient. Will usually be in several litres of
negative fluid balance, possibly over a few days, with
a urine output <1mL/kg/h.
• The overfi lled patient. Will be in several litres of
positive fl uid balance, possibly over a few days. Urine
output may be low because of heart failure or renal
• The dry patient. Has high Na, K, creatinine, and
urea, with the urea often disproportionately raised.
• The overfilled patient. May have low Na.
• The dry patient. Has no evidence of pulmonary
oedema or effusions.
• The overfilled patient. May have both pulmonary
oedema and effusions.
1-Decrease intake:
 Low Na diet
 Enteral feeds
2-Increase loss:
A-Gastrointestinal Losses:
 Vomiting
 Prolonged NGT suctioning
 Diarrhea
B-Renal Losses
 Diuretics
 Primary renal disease
Depletional hyponatreamiais often accompanied by
extracellular volume deficit
1-Due to excess extracellular water:
 Intentional: excessive oral intake
 Iatrogenic: Intravenous
2-Increase ADH:
 Increase reabsorption of water from the kidneys
 Antipsychotics
 Tricyclic antidepressants
 Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
Physical signs: usually absent .
Lap: hemodilution.
 Mannitol
 Hyperglycemia
 Plasma lipids
 Plasma proteins
 Central nervous system:
Headache, confusion, hyper-or hypoactive deep tendon reflexes, seizures,
coma, increased intracranial pressure.
Weakness, fatigue, muscle cramps/twitching
 Musculoskeletal:
Weakness, fatigue, muscle cramps/twitching.
 Gastrointestinal:
Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, watery diarrhea .
 Cardiovascular:
Hypertension and bradycardia if significant increases in intracranial
Lacrimation, salivation.
Exclude Hyperosmolar causes.
Depletion versus dilution.
Dehydration or over hydrated.
Normal volume >>evaluate ADH.
Na losses.
Urine Na <20 mEq/L = extrarenal.
Urine Na >20 mEq/L = Renal.
 Free water restriction
 If sever administration Na
 If neuralgic symptoms are present:
3% N.S
No more than 1 mEq/L per hour
Until reaches 130 mEq/L or neurological symptoms
 If asymptomatic:
0.5 mEq/L per hour maximum 12 mEq/L per day
 Wt x deficet x 0,6
 1. If pts are given an excessive amount of
0.9% saline solution i.v during the early
postoperative period.
 2. Hyperaldosteronism :
 A. primary (conn’s syndrome)
 B. secondry as in cases of liver cirrhosis.
 3. cushing’s syndrome
 1. slight puffiness of the face is the only early
 2. the only reliable clinical sign of total
sodium excess is odema .
 3. wt gain parallels accumulation of ECF .
 4. hypertension .
 Sodium restriction & careful use of diuretics.
 Average intake of potassium 50-100 mEq/d
 2% of totall body potassium is located within
extracellular compartment
 Normal range 3.5-5.0 mEq/L
1-Excessive potassium intake
 Oral
 Intravenous
 Blood transfusions
2-Increased release of potassium from cells
 Hemolysis
 Rhabdomolysis
 Crush injuries
 Gastrointestinal hemorrhage
 Acidosis
 Rapid increase of extracellular osmolality
 Impaired excretion by the kidneys
 Potassium sparing diuretics
 Angiotensin-Converting enzyme inhibitors
 Non steroidal anti inflammatories
 Renal insufficiency and renal failure
Nausea, Vomiting, Intestinal colic, Diarrhea
Weakness, Ascending paralysis to respiratory failure
ECG changes:
Cardiac arrhythmias and arrest
 Hyperkalaemia (K+ >5.0) is seen in the setting of
renal failure, tissue necrosis, and potassium-
sparing diuretics and supplements.
 Acute hyperkalemia (K+ >6.0) can cause life-
threatening ventricular arrhythmias. ECG changes
that herald myocardial dysfunction are flattened P
waves, wide QRS complexes, tenting of T waves,
and, in peri-arrest, a sine wave.
• Treat the patient with ECG changes as an
• Treat the underlying cause.
• Give 50mL of 10% dextrose containing with 10 U
insulin as an IV infusion over 10–20min, repeating as
necessary, monitoring BS after each infusion. If
inadequate response:
• Give 10mL calcium gluconate 10% IV over 2min;
repeat as necessary.
• Calcium resonium enema binds K+ and removes it
from the body.
• Dialysis should be urgently considered in patients
with refractory hyperkalemia despite these measures,
irrespective of renal function.
 More common in surgical patient
1- Inadequate intake:
 Dietary
 Potassium free IV fluids
 Total parenteral nutrition with inadequate
potassium replacement
2-Excessive renal excretion:
 Hyperaldosteronism
 Medications
3-Loss in gastrointestinal secreations:
 Vomiting
 High NGT output
4-Intracellular shift :
 Metabolic alkalosis
 Insulin therapy
5-Drugs induce magnesium depletion:
 Amphotericin
 Aminoglycosides
 Foscarnet
 Cisplatin
 ifosfamide
 ileus
 Constipation
 Weakness
 Fatigue
 Diminished tendon reflexes
 Paralysis
 Cardiac arrest
 ECG changes
 U waves
 T wave flattening
 ST segment changes
 Arrhythmias
 Hypokalemia (K+ <3.0) is common. It predisposes
patients to dysrhythmias. It is normally related to
diuretic therapy, insulin sliding scales, diarrhoea
and vomiting, steroids, and poor nutrition.
 Acute severe hypokalemia (K+ <2.5) may result in
life-threatening arrhythmias. It can be recognized
by small or inverted T waves, depressed ST
segments, prolonged PR interval, and U waves on
the ECG.
 K
 Wt x deficet /2 + requierment
 By role of 4
 In 40 minute, not to exceed 40 mmol.
• Educate the patient about which foods are rich in potassium
(bananas, prunes, apricots, tomatoes, orange juice) and ensure
• Change furosemide to spironolactone .
• Add oral potassium supplements up to 160mmol daily (1 tablet of
Sando K+ contains 20mmol of K+, 1 tablet of Slow K+, which is better
tolerated by most patients, contains 12.5mmol KCl).
• If a central line is in place, give 20mmol KCl in 50–100mL of 5%
dextrose over 20min to 1h.
• If it is necessary to use a peripheral line, place a maximum of 40mmol
of potassium in 1L 5% dextrose running at a maximum of 125mL/h.
• Monitor K+ daily and avoid discharging the patient home on a
combination of potassium supplements and potassium-sparing
Normal range 2.2 – 2.5 mmol/L.
Found in three form:
 Bound to protein
 Free ionize
 Free nonionize
Ionize Ca:
 necessary for blood coagulation &
affecting neuromotor activity.
 Fall with increase PH (decrease of
ionization & solubility in the urine
promote stone formation).
 Serum Ca controlled by the
parathyroid gland
 Patient with suspicious of Ca thyroid
serum calcium should be checked
 Carpopedal spasm, respiratory
depression, +ve chevostic sign are the
main feature of hypocalcaemia .
 Massive blood transfusion ( > 3 bind )
require Ca administration.
 The pH of arterial blood is maintained at 7.35–7.45.
 Normal functioning of the body’s complex enzyme systems depends on
this stability.
 Derrangements may be primarily due to respiratory or metabolic
 Compensatory mechanisms are also divided into metabolic and
 The true clinical picture is mixed.
Diagnosing acid–base abnormalities
 pH <7.35 is an acidaemia; pH >7.45 is an alkalaemia
• Look at the pH—is there an acidaemia or an alkalaemia?
• Look at the PaCO2—is there a change in keeping with the pH
derangement? If so, the derangement is a respiratory one.
• Look at the base defi cit (or anion gap).
• This will tell you if there is ametabolic derangement; if pH is normal, it is
fully compensated.
mixed metabolic and respiratory derangements are present.
 • The anion gap is the difference between measured cations
and measured anions (= K+ + Na+ – Cl– + HCO3 –).
 This is made up of metabolic acids: ketones, lactate, and
 The anion gap is normally 8–16mmol/L; an increase in anion
gap indicates a metabolic acidosis.
 Uncompensated: Low pH, normal CO2, low HCO3
 Compensated: normal or low pH, low CO2, low HCO3
 Metabolic acidosis due to increased metabolic acids (i anion gap)
• Lactic acid (global and/or regional hypoperfusion, hypoxia,
sepsis, hepatic failure as the liver normally metabolizes lactate).
• Uric acid (renal failure).
• Ketones (diabetic ketoacidosis, alcoholic and starvation
• Drugs/toxins (salicylates, sodium nitroprusside overdose).
Due to loss of bicarbonate or hyperchloraemia (normal anion gap)
• Renal tubular acidosis (loss of bicarbonate).
• Diarrhoea, high output ileostomy (loss of bicarbonate).
• Pancreatic fistulas (loss of bicarbonate).
• Hyperchloraemic acidosis (excessive saline administration).
• Uncompensated: ^ pH, <> pCO2, ^ HCO3–.
• Compensated: ^,<> pH, ^ pCO2, ^ HCO3–.
• Loss of H+ from gut (vomiting, NG tube suction).
• Renal loss of H+ (diuretics), i reabsorption of
HCO3– (hypochloraemia).
• Administration of base (NaHCO3, citrate in blood
 ‘1’ Carrasco LR, Chou JC. Perioperative management of patients
with renal disease. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. May
2006;18(2):203-12, vi
 ‘2’ Eagle KA, Berger PB, Calkins H, Chaitman BR, Ewy GA,
Fleischmann KE, et al. ACC/AHA guideline update for
perioperative cardiovascular evaluation for noncardiac surgery--
executive summary: a report of the American College of
Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice
Guidelines (Committee to Update the 1996 Guidelines on
Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Noncardiac Surgery). J
Am Coll Cardiol. Feb 6 2002;39(3):542-53
 ‘3’ Smetana GW, Macpherson DS. The case against routine
preoperative laboratory testing. Med Clin North Am. Jan
 ‘4’ Oxford Handbook of surgery fourth edition.
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Fluid and electrolytes

  • 1. Fluid and electrolyte management are paramount to the care of the surgical patient. Changes in both fluid volume and electrolyte composition occur preoperatively, intraoperative, and post operatively, as well as in response to trauma and sepsis.
  • 2. 50-60% of total body weight  Who is having higher proportion of body weight as water? And Why?  Males or Females  Lean or Obese  Young or elderly Muscle and solid organs have higher water content than fat and bone. Higher proportion of water in: Young Lean Males
  • 3.
  • 4. ELECRTOLYTES  Inorganic salts in solution dissociate into ions of two kinds: • Cations → electropositive (Na, K, Ca, Mg). • Anions → electronegative (Cl, P, Hco3¯). Importance of electrolytes : • Electrolytes are important to maintain normal body fluid distribution. • Generation of action potential. • Acid- base balance.
  • 5.
  • 6. Normal Exchange of Fluid and Electrolytes. Disturbances in Fluid Balance. Volume Control. Concentration Changes: 1-Hyponatreamia 2-Hypernatreamia  Composition Changes: 1-Hyperkalemia 2-Hypokalemia 3-Hypermagnesemia 4-Hypomagnesemia 5-Hypercalcemia 6-Hypocalcemia 7-Hyperphosphatemia 8-Hypophosphatemia
  • 7.
  • 8.  Normal person consumes 2500ml of H2O  75% oral intake  Rest from solid foods  Daily water losses:  1,5L in Urine  250 ml in stool  750 insensible losses:  Skin 75%  Lungs 25%
  • 9.  Na+ 100mmol/day (in urine). i loss in pyrexia, diarrhea, vomiting, high output fistulas. Urine concentration is less effective in elderly patients and dextrose infusions may cause hypernatremia. • K+ 80mmol/day (in urine). i loss in pyrexia, diarrhea, vomiting, high output fistulas.
  • 10. Type of Secretion Volume mL/ 24 h Na+ mEq/ L k+ mEq/ L Cl- mEq/ L Hco3- mEq/ L Stomach 2000- 1000 60 -90 10 -30 100 -130 0 Small intestine 3000- 2000 120 - 140 5 - 10 90 - 120 30 -40 Colon 60 30 40 0 Pancreas 800-600 135 - 145 5 - 10 70 -90 95 -115 bile 800-300 135 - 145 5 - 10 90 - 110 30 -40
  • 11.
  • 12.  Extracellular volume deficit: most common in surgical patients  Acute:  Cardiovascular  Central nervous system  Chronic:  Decrease skin turgor  Sunken eyes  & CVS and CNS
  • 13. System Volume deficit Volume excess Generalized Weight loss Decreased skin turgor Weight gain Peripheral edema Cardiac Tachycardia *Orthostasis/ hypotension *Collapsed neck veins *Increased cardiac output *Increased central venous pressure *Distended neck veins *Murmur Renal Oliguria Azotemia Polyuria GIT Ileus Bowel edema Pulmonary Pulmonary edema
  • 14.
  • 15. Any patient may be in need of preoperative fluid resuscitation, but several groups are typically affected. Remember to think of less obvious cases of fluid depletion—there are typically more patients who would benefit from fluid optimization than get it. • Acute presentations with vomiting or diarrhoea, including intestinal obstruction, biliary colic, gastroenteritis.”1” • Acute presentations where the patient has been immobile or debilitated for a period before presentation, causing reduced fluid intake, e.g. pancreatitis, chest infections, acute-on-chronic vascular insufficiency, prolonged sepsis with pyrexia.
  • 16. • Elderly patients in whom reduced renal reserve makes fluid balance control less effective. • Drugs that impair renal responses to fluid changes, e.g. diuretics. • Patients with low body weight with overall lower total body fluid volume in whom similar losses have a greater effect. • Children are more susceptible to fluid depletion and may not show such obvious physical signs ”2”
  • 17. The most important aspects of fluid optimization are using the correct volumes at the correct rate. Other than exceptional circumstances, isotonic crystalloids are the fluid of choice to correct imbalances. • Isotonic (‘normal’) 0.9% saline—the most widely used fluid. Provided there is adequate renal function, isotonic saline prevents rapid cellular fluid shifts during rehydration and excess Na+ is excreted via the kidney. K+ should usually be added only if d K+ is present or likely (e.g. prolonged vomiting, pancreatic or small bowel fistula).
  • 18. • Dextrose (4%) saline (0.18%). • Hartmann’s solution. • Ringer’s lactate solution—technically, the closest fluid to serum composition although theoretical advantages are of limited practical value. Fluids that should only be used in very specific circumstances include hypertonic (1.8%) or hypotonic (0.45%) saline since they risk causing significant fluid shifts in and out of cells, which can cause cellular injury, particularly to neurons. If there is a significant disorder of sodium balance that may require non-isotonic fluid optimization, the patient is likely to require optimization in HDU.
  • 19. Electrolyte content of intavenous fluids Intavenous infusion Na + CL- K+ HCO3- Ca2+( mmol) Normal saline(0.9% saline) 150 150 _ _ _ 4% dextrose/ 0.18% saline) 30 30 _ _ _ Hartmann’s(compou nd sodium lactate) 131 111 5 29 2 Normal plasma values 134-144 95-105 3.5-5 22-30 2.2-2.6
  • 20. Before giving fluid, it is important to assess the volume of depletion. It is rarely possible to use estimates of losses due to vomiting or diarrhoea as these are wholly inaccurate. Useful calculations include the following: • Body weight on admission (provided a recent, accurate body weight during normal health is known) since acute weight loss is mostly water.  Hematocrit on admission (provided a recent hematocrit during normal health is known) since the degree of haemoconcentration is due to fluid depletion.
  • 21.  An approximate calculation is given by: Fluid depletion (L) = ((PCV1 – PCV2)/PCV1) x 0.7 x weight in kg PCV1 = normal haematocrit; PCV2 = current haematocrit • Serum urea is raised disproportionately more than serum creatinine in dehydration, renal disease, gastrointestinal (GI) bleeds, and acute proteolysis. • Signs of extracellular fluid depletion (lax skin tone, reduced sweating, dry mucosae) are often misleading and can be affected by age and underlying diseases, including pyrexia and tachypnoea. • Signs of intravascular volume depletion (hypotension, tachycardia) may be unreliable and usually only occur with loss of 10–15% of body water.
  • 22. Once the volume of fluid required is assessed, it can be given. There are some broad rules on how to give fluid resuscitation. • Young, fi t patients with normal renal and cardiac function can usually be given up to 15% of body fluid volume by rapid infusion. A typical regimen might include: 1000mL 0.9% saline over 2h, further 1000mL infusions of 0.9% saline over 4h each until corrected. • Elderly patients and patients with renal or cardiac impairment should have infusions more slowly to prevent acute intravascular volume overload. A typical regimen might include: 1000mL 0.9% saline over 4h, 500mL infusion of 0.9% saline over 3–4h with regular review of vital signs, including chest auscultation. Patients requiring more fluid volume more rapidly than this should be monitored closely in critical care during resuscitation.
  • 23. Methods of assessing the progress of fluid optimization include the following: • Skin turgor and mucosal hydration change slowly after optimization and are unreliable guides. • 1-hourly urine output measurement is a good guide to renal blood flow, which indirectly relates to intravascular fluid volume and cardiac output. It is an easy and reliable indicator of adequate blood volume repletion. It is not a good indicator of total body water and there may be significant intra- and extracellular depletion in the presence of an acceptable urine output. A commonly used minimum is 0.5mL/kg/h. • Monitoring of serum urea is an approximate guide provided renal function is adequate and there is no acute GI bleeding or proteolysis. In the emergency situation, particularly where patients require urgent surgery and require fluid optimization prior to anaesthesia, more rapid fluid infusions may be required and it may be appropriate for this to be monitored on HDU.
  • 24.
  • 25.  Fluid management is aimed at making sure the patient is neither fluid depleted nor fluid overloaded. The principle is to replace whatever is lost.  Success can make the difference between a short, uncomplicated postoperative course and the patient ending up on ICU.”3”
  • 26.
  • 27. This gives 3L of fluid, 200mmol Na, and 80mmol KCl in 24h. It is only suited to adult patients with no significant comorbidity. It takes no account of patient age, size, cardiac function, or fluid loss. • 1L normal saline with 40mmol KCl over 8h. • 1L normal saline with 40mmol KCl over 8 h. • 1L 5% dextrose over 8h. ‘4’
  • 28.  This adjusts fluid given to fluid lost, but needs the nursing resources to run an hourly fluid balance chart and infusion pumps.  It is more suited to patients on HDU. • 1mL/kg/h normal saline. • 5% dextrose fluid challenges to maintain central venous pressure (CVP) 8–12cmH2O or BP >120mmHg. • 10–40mmol KCl in 100mL 5% dextrose via central line if K+ <3.0. ‘4’
  • 29.  Useful in all ages and all body weights, except extreme starvation. • Fluid volume/24h. 100mL/kg for each kg 1–10kg; 50mL/kg for each kg 10–20kg; 20mL/kg for each kg over 20kg. • Electrolytes. Na+ 2mmol/kg/24h; K+ 1mmol/kg/24h. ‘4’
  • 30. Colloids (especially blood) produce a more lasting expansion of intravascular volume than crystalloid which rapidly enters the interstitial tissues. • Gelofusine is succinylated gelatin (a bovine collagen) which has a half-life of about 2h in plasma and is associated with increased bleeding times in post-operative patients. Dextran is a glucose polymer mixture that has a plasma half-life of about 2h; it has been associated with anaphylactic reactions and profound coagulopathy.
  • 31. • HES preparations are derived from hydroxyethyl starch; they have widely differing plasma half-lives and effects on plasma expansion. • Albumin is a naturally occurring plasma protein, sterilized by ultrafiltration: 5% albumin is isotonic; 20% albumin is hypertonic. Indications for use of albumin as a volume expander are very limited. • Blood, platelets, fresh frozen plasma (FFP), and cryoprecipitate
  • 32.
  • 33. • The dry patient. May have been NBM several days preoperatively and feels thirsty, complains of a dry mouth, may be dehydrated because of diarrhoea or vomiting, has a low JVP, dry mucous membranes, and reduced skin turgor. • The overfilled patient. Usually doesn’t feel thirsty, has a raised JVP, normal skin turgor, and may have dependent oedema and evidence of pulmonary oedema on auscultation.
  • 34. • The dry patient. May have falling BP, rising pulse rate, low CVP that does not rise with fluid challenges, weight is several kg below preoperative weight. • The overfilled patient. Is not usually tachycardic and has a high CVP that rises and plateaus with fluid challenges. BP may fall with fluid challenges; weight is several kg above preoperative weight.
  • 35. In sick patients, ask the nurses to start an hourly fluid balance chart. Add up all fluid loss (urine output, wound, stoma, and fistula drainage) and subtract from all IV, NG, and oral fluids given. • The dry patient. Will usually be in several litres of negative fluid balance, possibly over a few days, with a urine output <1mL/kg/h. • The overfi lled patient. Will be in several litres of positive fl uid balance, possibly over a few days. Urine output may be low because of heart failure or renal dysfunction.
  • 36. • The dry patient. Has high Na, K, creatinine, and urea, with the urea often disproportionately raised. • The overfilled patient. May have low Na. • The dry patient. Has no evidence of pulmonary oedema or effusions. • The overfilled patient. May have both pulmonary oedema and effusions.
  • 37.
  • 38. 1-Decrease intake:  Low Na diet  Enteral feeds 2-Increase loss: A-Gastrointestinal Losses:  Vomiting  Prolonged NGT suctioning  Diarrhea B-Renal Losses  Diuretics  Primary renal disease Depletional hyponatreamiais often accompanied by extracellular volume deficit
  • 39. 1-Due to excess extracellular water:  Intentional: excessive oral intake  Iatrogenic: Intravenous 2-Increase ADH:  Increase reabsorption of water from the kidneys 3-Drugs:  Antipsychotics  Tricyclic antidepressants  Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors Physical signs: usually absent . Lap: hemodilution.
  • 41.  Central nervous system: Headache, confusion, hyper-or hypoactive deep tendon reflexes, seizures, coma, increased intracranial pressure. Weakness, fatigue, muscle cramps/twitching  Musculoskeletal: Weakness, fatigue, muscle cramps/twitching.  Gastrointestinal: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, watery diarrhea .  Cardiovascular: Hypertension and bradycardia if significant increases in intracranial pressure. Tissue: Lacrimation, salivation. Renal: Oliguria
  • 42.
  • 43. Exclude Hyperosmolar causes. Depletion versus dilution. Dehydration or over hydrated. Normal volume >>evaluate ADH. Na losses. Urine Na <20 mEq/L = extrarenal. Urine Na >20 mEq/L = Renal.
  • 44.  Free water restriction  If sever administration Na  If neuralgic symptoms are present: 3% N.S No more than 1 mEq/L per hour Until reaches 130 mEq/L or neurological symptoms improve  If asymptomatic: 0.5 mEq/L per hour maximum 12 mEq/L per day  Wt x deficet x 0,6
  • 45.  CAUSES:  1. If pts are given an excessive amount of 0.9% saline solution i.v during the early postoperative period.  2. Hyperaldosteronism :  A. primary (conn’s syndrome)  B. secondry as in cases of liver cirrhosis.  3. cushing’s syndrome
  • 46.  CLINICAL FEATURES :  1. slight puffiness of the face is the only early sign.  2. the only reliable clinical sign of total sodium excess is odema .  3. wt gain parallels accumulation of ECF .  4. hypertension .  TREATMENT :  Sodium restriction & careful use of diuretics.
  • 47.
  • 48.  Average intake of potassium 50-100 mEq/d  2% of totall body potassium is located within extracellular compartment  Normal range 3.5-5.0 mEq/L
  • 49. 1-Excessive potassium intake  Oral  Intravenous  Blood transfusions 2-Increased release of potassium from cells  Hemolysis  Rhabdomolysis  Crush injuries
  • 50.  Gastrointestinal hemorrhage  Acidosis  Rapid increase of extracellular osmolality  Impaired excretion by the kidneys  Potassium sparing diuretics  Angiotensin-Converting enzyme inhibitors  Non steroidal anti inflammatories  Renal insufficiency and renal failure
  • 51. 1-Gastrointestinal: Nausea, Vomiting, Intestinal colic, Diarrhea 2-Neuromuscular: Weakness, Ascending paralysis to respiratory failure 3-Cardiovascular: ECG changes: Cardiac arrhythmias and arrest
  • 52.  Hyperkalaemia (K+ >5.0) is seen in the setting of renal failure, tissue necrosis, and potassium- sparing diuretics and supplements.  Acute hyperkalemia (K+ >6.0) can cause life- threatening ventricular arrhythmias. ECG changes that herald myocardial dysfunction are flattened P waves, wide QRS complexes, tenting of T waves, and, in peri-arrest, a sine wave.
  • 53. • Treat the patient with ECG changes as an emergency. • Treat the underlying cause. • Give 50mL of 10% dextrose containing with 10 U insulin as an IV infusion over 10–20min, repeating as necessary, monitoring BS after each infusion. If inadequate response: • Give 10mL calcium gluconate 10% IV over 2min; repeat as necessary. • Calcium resonium enema binds K+ and removes it from the body. • Dialysis should be urgently considered in patients with refractory hyperkalemia despite these measures, irrespective of renal function.
  • 54.  More common in surgical patient 1- Inadequate intake:  Dietary  Potassium free IV fluids  Total parenteral nutrition with inadequate potassium replacement 2-Excessive renal excretion:  Hyperaldosteronism  Medications
  • 55. 3-Loss in gastrointestinal secreations:  Vomiting  High NGT output 4-Intracellular shift :  Metabolic alkalosis  Insulin therapy 5-Drugs induce magnesium depletion:  Amphotericin  Aminoglycosides  Foscarnet  Cisplatin  ifosfamide
  • 56. 1-Gastrointestinal:  ileus  Constipation 2-Neuromuscular:  Weakness  Fatigue  Diminished tendon reflexes  Paralysis
  • 57. 3-Cardiac:  Cardiac arrest  ECG changes  U waves  T wave flattening  ST segment changes  Arrhythmias
  • 58.  Hypokalemia (K+ <3.0) is common. It predisposes patients to dysrhythmias. It is normally related to diuretic therapy, insulin sliding scales, diarrhoea and vomiting, steroids, and poor nutrition.  Acute severe hypokalemia (K+ <2.5) may result in life-threatening arrhythmias. It can be recognized by small or inverted T waves, depressed ST segments, prolonged PR interval, and U waves on the ECG.
  • 59.  K  Wt x deficet /2 + requierment  By role of 4  In 40 minute, not to exceed 40 mmol.
  • 60. • Educate the patient about which foods are rich in potassium (bananas, prunes, apricots, tomatoes, orange juice) and ensure availability. • Change furosemide to spironolactone . • Add oral potassium supplements up to 160mmol daily (1 tablet of Sando K+ contains 20mmol of K+, 1 tablet of Slow K+, which is better tolerated by most patients, contains 12.5mmol KCl). • If a central line is in place, give 20mmol KCl in 50–100mL of 5% dextrose over 20min to 1h. • If it is necessary to use a peripheral line, place a maximum of 40mmol of potassium in 1L 5% dextrose running at a maximum of 125mL/h. • Monitor K+ daily and avoid discharging the patient home on a combination of potassium supplements and potassium-sparing diuretics.
  • 61. Calcium: Normal range 2.2 – 2.5 mmol/L. Found in three form:  Bound to protein  Free ionize  Free nonionize Ionize Ca:  necessary for blood coagulation & affecting neuromotor activity.  Fall with increase PH (decrease of ionization & solubility in the urine promote stone formation).
  • 62.  Serum Ca controlled by the parathyroid gland  Patient with suspicious of Ca thyroid serum calcium should be checked preoperatively.  Carpopedal spasm, respiratory depression, +ve chevostic sign are the main feature of hypocalcaemia .  Massive blood transfusion ( > 3 bind ) require Ca administration.
  • 63.  The pH of arterial blood is maintained at 7.35–7.45.  Normal functioning of the body’s complex enzyme systems depends on this stability.  Derrangements may be primarily due to respiratory or metabolic dysfunction  Compensatory mechanisms are also divided into metabolic and respiratory.  The true clinical picture is mixed. Diagnosing acid–base abnormalities  pH <7.35 is an acidaemia; pH >7.45 is an alkalaemia • Look at the pH—is there an acidaemia or an alkalaemia? • Look at the PaCO2—is there a change in keeping with the pH derangement? If so, the derangement is a respiratory one. • Look at the base defi cit (or anion gap). • This will tell you if there is ametabolic derangement; if pH is normal, it is fully compensated. mixed metabolic and respiratory derangements are present.
  • 64.  • The anion gap is the difference between measured cations and measured anions (= K+ + Na+ – Cl– + HCO3 –).  This is made up of metabolic acids: ketones, lactate, and phosphates.  The anion gap is normally 8–16mmol/L; an increase in anion gap indicates a metabolic acidosis.
  • 65.  Uncompensated: Low pH, normal CO2, low HCO3  Compensated: normal or low pH, low CO2, low HCO3  Metabolic acidosis due to increased metabolic acids (i anion gap) • Lactic acid (global and/or regional hypoperfusion, hypoxia, sepsis, hepatic failure as the liver normally metabolizes lactate). • Uric acid (renal failure). • Ketones (diabetic ketoacidosis, alcoholic and starvation ketoacidosis). • Drugs/toxins (salicylates, sodium nitroprusside overdose). Due to loss of bicarbonate or hyperchloraemia (normal anion gap) • Renal tubular acidosis (loss of bicarbonate). • Diarrhoea, high output ileostomy (loss of bicarbonate). • Pancreatic fistulas (loss of bicarbonate). • Hyperchloraemic acidosis (excessive saline administration).
  • 66. • Uncompensated: ^ pH, <> pCO2, ^ HCO3–. • Compensated: ^,<> pH, ^ pCO2, ^ HCO3–. • Loss of H+ from gut (vomiting, NG tube suction). • Renal loss of H+ (diuretics), i reabsorption of HCO3– (hypochloraemia). • Administration of base (NaHCO3, citrate in blood transfusions).
  • 67.  ‘1’ Carrasco LR, Chou JC. Perioperative management of patients with renal disease. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. May 2006;18(2):203-12, vi  ‘2’ Eagle KA, Berger PB, Calkins H, Chaitman BR, Ewy GA, Fleischmann KE, et al. ACC/AHA guideline update for perioperative cardiovascular evaluation for noncardiac surgery-- executive summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee to Update the 1996 Guidelines on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Noncardiac Surgery). J Am Coll Cardiol. Feb 6 2002;39(3):542-53  ‘3’ Smetana GW, Macpherson DS. The case against routine preoperative laboratory testing. Med Clin North Am. Jan 2003;87(1):7-40  ‘4’ Oxford Handbook of surgery fourth edition.