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1. Basic Understanding– THE TEACHER
2. First Characteristic—POSITIVE EXPECTATIONS
3. Second Characteristic– CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT
4. Third Characteristics ---LESSON MASTERY
5. Future Understanding --- THE PROFESSIONAL
Why you need to
succeed on the First
Days of school?
Initial Answer
What you do on the first days of school
will determine your success or failure for
the rest of the school year. You will either
win or lose your class on the first days of
Based on what teacher does or
does not do, a teacher will
either have or not have an
effective classroom for the rest
of the year.
The Purpose of school is learning
Consider the following:
• People do not want surprises or disorganization
• Student want an environment that is safe, predictable,
and nurturing
• Effective teachers have classrooms that are caring,
thought- provoking , challenging and successful
• They have this because they begin with classroom
management procedures that create consistency
• Students like well- managed classes because no one
yells at them and learning takes place.
• Effective teachers spend the first two weeks teaching
student to be in control of their own learning.
Research shows that the first two
to three weeks of school are
critical in determining how well
the student will achieve for the
remainder of the year.
The first two or three weeks?
How about the first two or
three days? The first two or
three minutes? The first two
or three seconds?
Student achievement at the
end of the year is directly
related to the degree to which
the teacher establishes good
control of the classroom
procedures in the very first
week of the school year.
The effective teacher
establishes good control of the
class in the very first week of
Control does not involve
threats or intimidation
Control means that you know
• What you are doing
• Your classroom
• Your professional
Revised Answer
Why you need to
succeed on the First
Days of school?
Effective People
Know What They
Are Doing
People who do things right are
EFFICIENT. And people who
do things right over and over
again, consistently, are
The Effective
Teacher Affects
BE WARNED…. Be friendly,
caring, loving,
and sensitive
but do not be
their friend.
The student of today need you to
be an adult role model that they
can look to with admiration and
School is where people go to
acquire knowledge, learn skills
and develop values that will
make them productive citizens
and help them grow to their
fullest potentials as human
Four Stages of Teaching
• Fantasy
• Survival
• Mastery
• Impact
Stage 1- Fantasy
• A naïve belief of neophyte teachers is that they
are infallible. They believe that to be
successful teacher, all they need to do is to
relate and be a friend to their students. They
also believe that teaching means doing
activities, especially fun activities. They rarely
talk about standards, accountability or student
Learning Plan
Hey! What’s the Big Idea?
McWilliams, 2009
Grant Wiggins
Jay McTighe
Facets of
Firm Up
Add value)
W- How shall we help students know where they’re
headed and why they’re going there? Where is the
unit/lesson going? What is expected? In what ways
will students be evaluated?
H- How shall we hook and engage students’ interest
through thought-provoking experiences at the
beginning of each instructional episode?
E- What experiences shall we provide to help
students make their understandings real? How
shall we equip them for success throughout the
unit or course?
R- How shall we cause students to reflect, revisit,
revise, and rethink?
E- How shall students express their understandings
and engage in meaningful self-evaluation?
T- How shall we tailor (differentiate) our instruction
to address the unique strengths and needs of
every learner?
O- How shall we organize learning experiences so
that students move from teacher-guided and
concrete activities to independent applications that
emphasize growing conceptual understandings?
Ref. Brown, J. (2004). Making the Most of Understanding by Design. VA:ASCD.
Stage 2- Survival
• Teachers are in survival when they rely on
ineffective practices just to make through the
day. To them, teaching is a job, and they do it for
paycheck. Teachers in survival spend much time
whining about work condition and making
excuses. They find busywork for student to do,
copy notes from the chalkboard or show videos.
They exhibit no accountability. “I teach the stuff,
if they don’t want to learn it, it’s not my fault.” Or
“ I don’t see how this applies to me”. So they
come each day to put in time and baby sit.
Stage -3 Mastery
• Teachers who know how to achieve student success
employ effective practices. These teachers know how to
manage their classroom, they teach for mastery, and
they have high expectations for their students. Effective
teacher strive for mastery by reading professionally and
going to professional meetings. They teach to make a
difference and exhibit accountability. “ If the student are
not learning, I need to find another way or discuss the
problem with my peers to see if they have answers. I am
responsible; I am a problem solver, I am a collegial
member of learning community.”
Use Formative and
Summative Assessments
• Formative
(Assessment FOR
• Summative
(Assessment OF
Stage 4- Impact
• Effective teachers make a difference in the lives of their
student. These are the teachers whom students come
back years later to thank for affecting their lives. To
make an impact on your students, you need to use
effective teaching practices. Students learn only when
the teacher has an appreciable effect on student’s life.
When you reach this stage, you have gone beyon
mastery. You have arrived as a teacher.
Impact Stage
• When you reach the impact stage, you will return to
fantasy stage- and fulfill your fantasy or dream of making
a difference in the lives of your students. You’ll also
become a teacher leader and live a happier life with a
sense of pride and accomplishment knowing that you are
contributing to the profession..
Teachers who are efficient and effective are
capable of affecting the lives of students.
Reflect on the
definition of education
not teaching
people they don’t
currently know.
teaching people
behaviors they
don’t currently
• What is the difference
between a student
who is tardy and a
student who is not
• Between one who
studies for the test
and one who does
• Is it family, socio
background, sex, or
It is behavior or
• You change or affect the
attitude of a student, and you
suddenly have a student who
is not tardy, participate in
class, does the homework and
studies for the test.
• Establishes good control
the first week of school.
• Does things right,
• Affects and touches lives.
Final Answer
The effective teacher has positive
expectations for students success..
Why positive expectations
are important?
Your expectations of your students
will greatly influence their
achievement in your class and in their
Two Kinds of
Negative or low
Positive or High
Positive Expectations
• An optimistic belief that
whoever you teach or
whatever you do will
result in success or
achievement. If you
expect to be successful,
you are constantly alert
and aware of
opportunities to help you
be successful.
Negative Expectations
• A pessimistic belief that
whoever you teach or
whatever you do will not
work out or will fail. For
that matter why bother to
do anything or teach
anyone at all.
Examples of Positive
• What we achieve comes from
how we work together.
• I believe that every child can
learn and will achieve to his
fullest potential.
• I am a good teacher, and I am
proud that I am a professional
• I am always learning that is
why I enjoy going to
conferences, workshops, and
in- service meetings
Examples of Negative
• I am satisfied with how I
teach, as it is.
• This kids just don’t want
to learn.
• They can’t read, they
can’t spell: they can’t sit
still; they can’t behave.
• In- service meetings are
boring; conferences have
nothing to offer to me.
What is an effective
Three Characteristics of an
Effective Teacher
• Has positive Expectations for
students success
• Is an extremely good classroom
• Knows how to design lessons for
Positive expectations
• Positive expectations simply means that
the teacher believes in the learner and
the learner can learn
• Based on research whatever the teacher
expects from the learner is what the
learner will produce.
If you believe that a student is a low
level, below average, slow learner,
the student will perform as such
because these are the beliefs you
transmit to the student.
If you believe that a student is a
high-ability, above average,
capable learner, the student will
perform as such because these
are the expectations you
transmit to the student.
It is essential that teacher
exhibit positive expectations
toward all student.
Classroom Management
• It consists of practices and
procedures that a teacher uses to
maintain an environment in which
instruction and learning can occur.
Well-Ordered Environment +
positive academic
expectations= Effective
Lesson Mastery
• Mastery is the student’s
demonstration that a concept has
been comprehended or a skill can be
performed at a level of proficiency
determined by the teacher.
To teach for mastery, an
effective teacher must do two
• Know how to design
lessons in which a
student will learn a
concept or skill.
• Know how to evaluate
the learning to
determine if the
student has mastered
the concept or skill.
The Effective Teacher
• Exhibits positive expectations for
all students.
• Establishes good classroom
management technique.
• Designs lessons for student
(Read and Take Joy in being a Teacher)
The Good Lord was creating teachers. It was His sixth day of
“overtime’’ and He knew that this was a tremendous responsibility
for teachers would touch the lives of so many impressionable
young children. An angel appeared to Him and said, “You are
taking a long time to figure this one out.”
“Yes,” said the Lord, “but have you read the specs on this order?”
…must stand above all students, yet be on their level
…must be able to do 180 things not connected with the subject being
…must run on coffee and leftovers,
…must communicate vital knowledge to all students daily and be
right most of the time
The Creation of a Teacher
…must have more time for others than for herself/himself
…must have a smile that can endure through pay cuts, problematic children,
and worried parents
…must go on teaching when parents question every move and others are not
…must have 6 pair of hands.
“Six pair of hands, “said the angel, “that’s impossible”
“Well, said the Lord, “it is not the hands that are the problem. It is the three
pairs of eyes that are presenting the most difficulty!”
The angel looked incredulous, “Three pairs of eyes…on a standard model?”
The Lord nodded His head, “One pair can see a student for what he is and not
what others have labeled him as. Another pair of eyes is in the back of the
teacher’s head to see what should not be seen, but what must be known.
The eyes in the front are only to look at the child as he/she ‘acts out’ in
order to reflect, I understand and I still believe in you”, without so much as
saying a word to the child.” “Lord,” said the angel, “this is a very large
project and I think you should work on it tomorrow”.
The Creation of a Teacher
“I can’t, said the Lord, “for I have come very close to creating something much
like Myself. I have one that comes to work when he/she is sick…teachers a
class of children that do not want to learn… has a special place in his/her
heart for children who are not his/her own…understands the struggles of
those who have difficulty…never takes the students for granted…”
The angel looked closely at the model the Lord was creating. “It is too soft-
hearted, “said the angel. “Yes,” said the Lord, “but also tough, You can not
imagine what this teacher can endure or do, if necessary”. “Can this teacher
think?” asked the angel. “Not only think,” said the Lord,. “but reason and
compromise.” The angel cam closer to have a better look at the model and
ran his finger over the teacher’s cheek. “Well, Lord, “said the angel, your job
looks fine but there is a leak. I told you that you were putting too much into
this model. You can not imagine the stress that will be placed upon the
teacher.” The Lord moved in closer and lifted the drop of moisture from the
teacher’s cheek. It shone and glistened in the light. “It is not a leak,” He
said, “It is a tear.”
The Creation of a Teacher
“A tear? What is that?” asked the angel, “What is a tear
for?” The Lord replied with great thought, “It is for the joy
and pride of seeing a child accomplish even the
smallest task. It is for the loneliness of children who have
a hard time to fit in and it is for compassion for the
feelings of their parents. It comes from the pain of not
being able to reach some children and the
disappointment those children feel in themselves. It
comes often when a teacher has been with a class for a
year and must say good- bye to those students and get
ready to welcome a new class.”
“My,” said the angel, "The tear thing is a great idea…You
are a genius!”
The Lord looked somber, “I didn’t put it there.”
• 2010 SEC Dep. Ed (National Seminar)
• FAPE 2014 Summer Inset
• Slide Share
• UBD Grant Wiggins and Jay Mc Tighe
• The First Days of School (Harry Wong &
Rosemary T. Wong
Three Characteristics of an
Effective Teacher
• Has positive Expectations for
students success
• Is an extremely good classroom
• Knows how to design lessons for
The effective teacher is an
extremely good classroom
How to Have a Well-
Managed Classroom?
Initial Answer
It is the teacher- what the teacher knows
and can do- that makes the difference in
the classroom.
Likewise, you manage a
classroom; you don’t
discipline a classroom.
• Effective teacher
MANAGE their
classroom. Ineffective
their classroom.
The teacher is responsible for
organizing a well- managed
classroom where students can learn
in a task-oriented environment.
The most important thing a
teacher can provide in
classroom during the first
week of school is
What is Classroom
• Classroom management
refers to all of the things
that a teacher does to
organize students, space,
time and materials so that
student learning can take
place. 77
A well managed classroom has a
set of procedures and routines that
structure the classroom.
Too many teachers do not teach.
They do activities. And when problems arise
they discipline.
Many classroom are unmanaged.
As a result, little is accomplished in them
Characteristics of well –
managed classroom
1.Students are deeply involved with
their work, especially with
academic, teacher-led
2. Students know what is expected
of them and are generally
Characteristics of well –
managed classroom
3. There is relatively little wasted time ,
confusion, or disruption.
4. The climate of the classroom is
work-oriented but relaxed and
Revised Answer
Effective Teacher Ineffective Teacher
Students are working Teacher is working
Students know that assignments are
based on objectives
Teacher says “ Read Chapter 3 and
know the material”
Students know that tests are based
on objectives
I’ll give you test covering everything in
chapter 3
Teachers has procedures and
Teacher makes up rules and punishes
according to his or her mood
Teacher starts class immediately Teacher takes roll and dallies
Teacher has assignment posted Students ask assignment repeatedly
Teacher invested time in practicing
procedures until they become
Teacher tells but does not rehearse
Teacher knows how to bring class to
Teacher yells and flicks light switch
Teacher knows how to praise the
deed and encourage the student
Teacher uses generalized praise or
none at all.
The Effective
• Works on having a well-managed
• Trains students to know what they
are to do.
• Has students working on task.
• Has a classroom with little
confusion or wasted time.
How to Have a Well-
Managed Classroom?
Final Answer
Next session please….
Focus Question
How to have your
Teachers who are ready
maximize student learning and
minimize student misbehavior.
Why Effective Teachers Have
Minimum of Problems?
The effective
teacher has a
minimum of student
problem to handle.
The ineffective teacher
is constantly fighting
student misbehavior
The successful
teacher is ready
• The work is ready
• The room is ready
• The teacher is ready
Seating Arrangement or
Seating Assignments?
• The purpose of arranging
seats is to accomplish
classroom tasks.
Seating Arrangement
Seats are arranged to coincide
with the tasks you have designed
• Cooperative learning
• Listening to lectures
• Sitting to hear a story
• Class discussion and
• Small group activity
• Taking a test
• Individual research or
Seating Assignments
Seats are assigned to maximize learning and
classroom management and minimize
behavioral problems.
• By height or age
• In alphabetical order
• For peer group tutoring
• For paired problem solving
• Placing lower performing
and more challenging
students at the front of the
Reasons For A Seating Chart
• Facilitates roll taking
• Aids name memorization
• Separates potential problem
The Effective Teacher
• Assigns seating on the first day of school
• Has all the seats facing the teacher
• For the activities of the first day of
• Arranges the seats to expedite the tasks
at hand.
Discipline with a Plan
Effective teachers present their
rules clearly and provide
reasonable explanations of the
need for them.
The three most important student
behaviors that must be taught the
first days of school are:
1. Discipline
2. Procedures
3. Routines
Effective teachers introduce rules,
procedures, and routines on the very
first day of school and continue to teach
them the first week of school
Why You Should Have Rules?
To have safe and effective learning
• Rules are expectations of
appropriate student
• It is easier to maintain
good behavior than to
change inappropriate
behavior that has become
Clear rules provide consistency in the classroom
• You will have firm
confidence in your ability
to manage a class if you
have a clear idea of what
you expect from your
students and they know
that that is what you
expect from them
Basic Structure for a
Discipline Plan
• RULES: What expected behaviors are.
• CONSEQUENCE: What the student
chooses to accept if a rule is broken.
• REWARDS: What the student receives
for appropriate behavior
The Effective Teacher
• Has the discipline plan posted
• Posts a maximum of three or five
rules or responsibilities
• Explain the posted rules

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First days of school

  • 3. CONTENT 1. Basic Understanding– THE TEACHER 2. First Characteristic—POSITIVE EXPECTATIONS 3. Second Characteristic– CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 4. Third Characteristics ---LESSON MASTERY 5. Future Understanding --- THE PROFESSIONAL 3
  • 5. Why you need to succeed on the First Days of school? 5
  • 7. THE FIRST DAYS ARE CRITICAL What you do on the first days of school will determine your success or failure for the rest of the school year. You will either win or lose your class on the first days of school. 7
  • 8. THE FIRST DAYS OF SCHOOL CAN MAKE OR BREAK YOU Based on what teacher does or does not do, a teacher will either have or not have an effective classroom for the rest of the year. 8
  • 10. Consider the following: • People do not want surprises or disorganization • Student want an environment that is safe, predictable, and nurturing • Effective teachers have classrooms that are caring, thought- provoking , challenging and successful • They have this because they begin with classroom management procedures that create consistency • Students like well- managed classes because no one yells at them and learning takes place. • Effective teachers spend the first two weeks teaching student to be in control of their own learning. 10
  • 11. Research shows that the first two to three weeks of school are critical in determining how well the student will achieve for the remainder of the year. 11
  • 12. The first two or three weeks? How about the first two or three days? The first two or three minutes? The first two or three seconds? 12
  • 13. Student achievement at the end of the year is directly related to the degree to which the teacher establishes good control of the classroom procedures in the very first week of the school year. 13
  • 14. The effective teacher establishes good control of the class in the very first week of school. Control does not involve threats or intimidation 14
  • 15. Control means that you know • What you are doing • Your classroom procedures • Your professional responsibilities 15
  • 17. Why you need to succeed on the First Days of school? 17
  • 18. Effective People Know What They Are Doing 18
  • 19. People who do things right are EFFICIENT. And people who do things right over and over again, consistently, are EFFECTIVE Efficient DOING THINGS RIGHT Effective DOING THE RIGHT THING 19
  • 21. BE WARNED…. Be friendly, caring, loving, and sensitive but do not be their friend. DON’T BE A PAL 21
  • 22. The student of today need you to be an adult role model that they can look to with admiration and pride. 22
  • 23. School is where people go to acquire knowledge, learn skills and develop values that will make them productive citizens and help them grow to their fullest potentials as human beings. 23
  • 24. 24
  • 25. Four Stages of Teaching • Fantasy • Survival • Mastery • Impact 25
  • 26. Stage 1- Fantasy • A naïve belief of neophyte teachers is that they are infallible. They believe that to be successful teacher, all they need to do is to relate and be a friend to their students. They also believe that teaching means doing activities, especially fun activities. They rarely talk about standards, accountability or student performance. 26
  • 28. Hey! What’s the Big Idea? McWilliams, 2009 Grant Wiggins Jay McTighe Facets of Understanding 28
  • 30. W H E R E T O W- How shall we help students know where they’re headed and why they’re going there? Where is the unit/lesson going? What is expected? In what ways will students be evaluated? H- How shall we hook and engage students’ interest through thought-provoking experiences at the beginning of each instructional episode? 30
  • 31. W H E R E T O E- What experiences shall we provide to help students make their understandings real? How shall we equip them for success throughout the unit or course? R- How shall we cause students to reflect, revisit, revise, and rethink? E- How shall students express their understandings and engage in meaningful self-evaluation? 31
  • 32. W H E R E T O T- How shall we tailor (differentiate) our instruction to address the unique strengths and needs of every learner? O- How shall we organize learning experiences so that students move from teacher-guided and concrete activities to independent applications that emphasize growing conceptual understandings? Ref. Brown, J. (2004). Making the Most of Understanding by Design. VA:ASCD. 32
  • 33. Stage 2- Survival • Teachers are in survival when they rely on ineffective practices just to make through the day. To them, teaching is a job, and they do it for paycheck. Teachers in survival spend much time whining about work condition and making excuses. They find busywork for student to do, copy notes from the chalkboard or show videos. They exhibit no accountability. “I teach the stuff, if they don’t want to learn it, it’s not my fault.” Or “ I don’t see how this applies to me”. So they come each day to put in time and baby sit. 33
  • 34. Stage -3 Mastery • Teachers who know how to achieve student success employ effective practices. These teachers know how to manage their classroom, they teach for mastery, and they have high expectations for their students. Effective teacher strive for mastery by reading professionally and going to professional meetings. They teach to make a difference and exhibit accountability. “ If the student are not learning, I need to find another way or discuss the problem with my peers to see if they have answers. I am responsible; I am a problem solver, I am a collegial member of learning community.” 34
  • 35. Use Formative and Summative Assessments • Formative Assessment (Assessment FOR Learning) • Summative Assessment (Assessment OF Learning) 35
  • 36. Stage 4- Impact • Effective teachers make a difference in the lives of their student. These are the teachers whom students come back years later to thank for affecting their lives. To make an impact on your students, you need to use effective teaching practices. Students learn only when the teacher has an appreciable effect on student’s life. When you reach this stage, you have gone beyon mastery. You have arrived as a teacher. 36
  • 37. Impact Stage • When you reach the impact stage, you will return to fantasy stage- and fulfill your fantasy or dream of making a difference in the lives of your students. You’ll also become a teacher leader and live a happier life with a sense of pride and accomplishment knowing that you are contributing to the profession.. 37
  • 38. EFFECTIVE TEACHERS AFFECT LIVES Teachers who are efficient and effective are capable of affecting the lives of students. 38
  • 39. Reflect on the definition of education • EDUCATION is not teaching people they don’t currently know. • EDUCATION is teaching people behaviors they don’t currently practice. 39
  • 40. Consider • What is the difference between a student who is tardy and a student who is not tardy? • Between one who studies for the test and one who does not? • Is it family, socio economic background, sex, or age? 40
  • 41. It is behavior or attitude. • You change or affect the attitude of a student, and you suddenly have a student who is not tardy, participate in class, does the homework and studies for the test. 41
  • 42. THE EFFECTIVE TEACHER • Establishes good control the first week of school. • Does things right, consistently. • Affects and touches lives. 42
  • 45. The effective teacher has positive expectations for students success.. 45
  • 47. Your expectations of your students will greatly influence their achievement in your class and in their lives. 47
  • 48. Two Kinds of Expectations Negative or low expectations Positive or High Expectations 48
  • 49. Positive Expectations • An optimistic belief that whoever you teach or whatever you do will result in success or achievement. If you expect to be successful, you are constantly alert and aware of opportunities to help you be successful. Negative Expectations • A pessimistic belief that whoever you teach or whatever you do will not work out or will fail. For that matter why bother to do anything or teach anyone at all. 49
  • 50. Examples of Positive Expectations • What we achieve comes from how we work together. • I believe that every child can learn and will achieve to his fullest potential. • I am a good teacher, and I am proud that I am a professional educator • I am always learning that is why I enjoy going to conferences, workshops, and in- service meetings Examples of Negative Expectations • I am satisfied with how I teach, as it is. • This kids just don’t want to learn. • They can’t read, they can’t spell: they can’t sit still; they can’t behave. • In- service meetings are boring; conferences have nothing to offer to me. 50
  • 51. What is an effective teacher? 51
  • 52. Three Characteristics of an Effective Teacher • Has positive Expectations for students success • Is an extremely good classroom manager • Knows how to design lessons for mastery 52
  • 53. Positive expectations • Positive expectations simply means that the teacher believes in the learner and the learner can learn • Based on research whatever the teacher expects from the learner is what the learner will produce. 53
  • 54. If you believe that a student is a low level, below average, slow learner, the student will perform as such because these are the beliefs you transmit to the student. 54
  • 55. If you believe that a student is a high-ability, above average, capable learner, the student will perform as such because these are the expectations you transmit to the student. 55
  • 56. It is essential that teacher exhibit positive expectations toward all student. 56
  • 57. Classroom Management • It consists of practices and procedures that a teacher uses to maintain an environment in which instruction and learning can occur. 57
  • 58. Well-Ordered Environment + positive academic expectations= Effective classroom 58
  • 59. Lesson Mastery • Mastery is the student’s demonstration that a concept has been comprehended or a skill can be performed at a level of proficiency determined by the teacher. 59
  • 60. To teach for mastery, an effective teacher must do two things: • Know how to design lessons in which a student will learn a concept or skill. • Know how to evaluate the learning to determine if the student has mastered the concept or skill. 60
  • 61. The Effective Teacher • Exhibits positive expectations for all students. • Establishes good classroom management technique. • Designs lessons for student mastery. 61
  • 62. (Read and Take Joy in being a Teacher) THE CREATION OF A TEACHER Anonymous The Good Lord was creating teachers. It was His sixth day of “overtime’’ and He knew that this was a tremendous responsibility for teachers would touch the lives of so many impressionable young children. An angel appeared to Him and said, “You are taking a long time to figure this one out.” “Yes,” said the Lord, “but have you read the specs on this order?” TEACHER: …must stand above all students, yet be on their level …must be able to do 180 things not connected with the subject being taught …must run on coffee and leftovers, …must communicate vital knowledge to all students daily and be right most of the time 62
  • 63. The Creation of a Teacher …must have more time for others than for herself/himself …must have a smile that can endure through pay cuts, problematic children, and worried parents …must go on teaching when parents question every move and others are not supportive …must have 6 pair of hands. “Six pair of hands, “said the angel, “that’s impossible” “Well, said the Lord, “it is not the hands that are the problem. It is the three pairs of eyes that are presenting the most difficulty!” The angel looked incredulous, “Three pairs of eyes…on a standard model?” The Lord nodded His head, “One pair can see a student for what he is and not what others have labeled him as. Another pair of eyes is in the back of the teacher’s head to see what should not be seen, but what must be known. The eyes in the front are only to look at the child as he/she ‘acts out’ in order to reflect, I understand and I still believe in you”, without so much as saying a word to the child.” “Lord,” said the angel, “this is a very large project and I think you should work on it tomorrow”. 63
  • 64. The Creation of a Teacher “I can’t, said the Lord, “for I have come very close to creating something much like Myself. I have one that comes to work when he/she is sick…teachers a class of children that do not want to learn… has a special place in his/her heart for children who are not his/her own…understands the struggles of those who have difficulty…never takes the students for granted…” The angel looked closely at the model the Lord was creating. “It is too soft- hearted, “said the angel. “Yes,” said the Lord, “but also tough, You can not imagine what this teacher can endure or do, if necessary”. “Can this teacher think?” asked the angel. “Not only think,” said the Lord,. “but reason and compromise.” The angel cam closer to have a better look at the model and ran his finger over the teacher’s cheek. “Well, Lord, “said the angel, your job looks fine but there is a leak. I told you that you were putting too much into this model. You can not imagine the stress that will be placed upon the teacher.” The Lord moved in closer and lifted the drop of moisture from the teacher’s cheek. It shone and glistened in the light. “It is not a leak,” He said, “It is a tear.” 64
  • 65. The Creation of a Teacher “A tear? What is that?” asked the angel, “What is a tear for?” The Lord replied with great thought, “It is for the joy and pride of seeing a child accomplish even the smallest task. It is for the loneliness of children who have a hard time to fit in and it is for compassion for the feelings of their parents. It comes from the pain of not being able to reach some children and the disappointment those children feel in themselves. It comes often when a teacher has been with a class for a year and must say good- bye to those students and get ready to welcome a new class.” “My,” said the angel, "The tear thing is a great idea…You are a genius!” The Lord looked somber, “I didn’t put it there.” 65
  • 66. References • 2010 SEC Dep. Ed (National Seminar) • FAPE 2014 Summer Inset • Slide Share • UBD Grant Wiggins and Jay Mc Tighe • The First Days of School (Harry Wong & Rosemary T. Wong 66
  • 69. Three Characteristics of an Effective Teacher • Has positive Expectations for students success • Is an extremely good classroom manager • Knows how to design lessons for mastery 69
  • 70. The effective teacher is an extremely good classroom manager. 70
  • 71. How to Have a Well- Managed Classroom? 71
  • 73. It is the teacher- what the teacher knows and can do- that makes the difference in the classroom. 73
  • 74. Likewise, you manage a classroom; you don’t discipline a classroom. • Effective teacher MANAGE their classroom. Ineffective teachers DISCIPLINE their classroom. 74
  • 75. The teacher is responsible for organizing a well- managed classroom where students can learn in a task-oriented environment. 75
  • 76. The most important thing a teacher can provide in classroom during the first week of school is CONSISTENCY. 76
  • 77. What is Classroom Management? • Classroom management refers to all of the things that a teacher does to organize students, space, time and materials so that student learning can take place. 77
  • 78. A well managed classroom has a set of procedures and routines that structure the classroom. 78
  • 79. Too many teachers do not teach. They do activities. And when problems arise they discipline. Many classroom are unmanaged. As a result, little is accomplished in them 79
  • 80. Characteristics of well – managed classroom 1.Students are deeply involved with their work, especially with academic, teacher-led instruction. 2. Students know what is expected of them and are generally successful. 80
  • 81. Characteristics of well – managed classroom 3. There is relatively little wasted time , confusion, or disruption. 4. The climate of the classroom is work-oriented but relaxed and pleasant. 81
  • 83. Effective Teacher Ineffective Teacher Students are working Teacher is working Students know that assignments are based on objectives Teacher says “ Read Chapter 3 and know the material” Students know that tests are based on objectives I’ll give you test covering everything in chapter 3 Teachers has procedures and routines Teacher makes up rules and punishes according to his or her mood Teacher starts class immediately Teacher takes roll and dallies Teacher has assignment posted Students ask assignment repeatedly Teacher invested time in practicing procedures until they become routines Teacher tells but does not rehearse procedures Teacher knows how to bring class to attention Teacher yells and flicks light switch Teacher knows how to praise the deed and encourage the student Teacher uses generalized praise or none at all. 83
  • 84. The Effective Teacher • Works on having a well-managed classroom. • Trains students to know what they are to do. • Has students working on task. • Has a classroom with little confusion or wasted time. 84
  • 85. How to Have a Well- Managed Classroom? 85
  • 88. Focus Question How to have your classroom ready? 88
  • 89. Teachers who are ready maximize student learning and minimize student misbehavior. 89
  • 90. Why Effective Teachers Have Minimum of Problems? The effective teacher has a minimum of student misbehavior problem to handle. The ineffective teacher is constantly fighting student misbehavior problems. 90
  • 91. The successful teacher is ready • The work is ready • The room is ready • The teacher is ready 91
  • 92. Seating Arrangement or Seating Assignments? • The purpose of arranging seats is to accomplish classroom tasks. 92
  • 93. Seating Arrangement Seats are arranged to coincide with the tasks you have designed • Cooperative learning • Listening to lectures • Sitting to hear a story • Class discussion and interaction Examples • Small group activity • Taking a test • Individual research or deskwork 93
  • 94. Seating Assignments Seats are assigned to maximize learning and classroom management and minimize behavioral problems. • By height or age • In alphabetical order • For peer group tutoring Examples • For paired problem solving • Placing lower performing and more challenging students at the front of the room 94
  • 95. Reasons For A Seating Chart • Facilitates roll taking • Aids name memorization • Separates potential problem students 95
  • 96. The Effective Teacher • Assigns seating on the first day of school • Has all the seats facing the teacher • For the activities of the first day of school. • Arranges the seats to expedite the tasks at hand. 96
  • 97. Discipline with a Plan 97
  • 98. Effective teachers present their rules clearly and provide reasonable explanations of the need for them. 98
  • 99. The three most important student behaviors that must be taught the first days of school are: 1. Discipline 2. Procedures 3. Routines 99
  • 100. Effective teachers introduce rules, procedures, and routines on the very first day of school and continue to teach them the first week of school 100
  • 101. Why You Should Have Rules? To have safe and effective learning environment • Rules are expectations of appropriate student behavior • It is easier to maintain good behavior than to change inappropriate behavior that has become established. Clear rules provide consistency in the classroom • You will have firm confidence in your ability to manage a class if you have a clear idea of what you expect from your students and they know that that is what you expect from them 101
  • 102. Basic Structure for a Discipline Plan • RULES: What expected behaviors are. • CONSEQUENCE: What the student chooses to accept if a rule is broken. • REWARDS: What the student receives for appropriate behavior 102
  • 103. The Effective Teacher • Has the discipline plan posted • Posts a maximum of three or five rules or responsibilities • Explain the posted rules 103