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Protection, Support
and Movement
The integument is this the protective outer
covering of the animal body
It includes the skin and structures associated
with the skin (derivatives of the skin) such as
hair, nails, scales, feathers, and horns
Functions of the Integument
Protection from mechanical & chemical injury
Protection against invasion by microorganisms
Regulation of body temperature
Excretion of waste materials
Vitamin D production
Reception of environmental stimuli
Controls movement of nutrient and gases
Invertebrate Integument
Some singled-celled protozoa have only a plasma membrane
for external covering (Amoeba)
Other protozoa have a thick protein coat called pellicle outside
the plasma membrane (Paramecium)
Most multicellular invertebrates have a single-layered epidermis
covering the body (nematodes, annelids)
Others have added a secreted non-cellular cuticle over the
epidermis (crustaceans, arachnids, insects)
Additional protection
Old cuticles need to be shed periodically in a process called
molting to permit growth
Invertebrate Integument
Invertebrate Integument
Invertebrate Integument
Arthropods have a complex
integument that provides
protection and skeletal support
Single layered epidermis (hypodermis) which
a complex cuticle
Procuticle – layers of
chitin and protein
Epicuticle – moisture
proofing barrier
Invertebrate Integument
The arthropod cuticle may remain tough, but
flexible as in many small crustaceans and insect
larvae, or it may become hardened
Decapod crustaceans have a cuticle stiffened
by calcification (deposition of calcium
carbonate in the procuticle)
In insects, hardening occurs by sclerotization
where protein molecules bond together
producing the insoluble protein sclerotin
Other Examples of
Invertebrate Integument
Rotifers – cuticles are thin and elastic
Arthropods – cuticles are thick and rigid
Cnidarians – epidermis is only a few cell layers thick (Hydra),
contains mucous glands that secrete calcium carbonate shells
Platyhelminthes – covering is a tegument (functions for nutrient
ingestion and for protection)
Nematodes and annelids – have an epidermis that is one cell thick
and secretes a multilayered cuticle
Echinoderms – integument consists of a thin, ciliated epidermis & an
underlying connective tissue dermis that contains calcium carbonate
Other Examples of
Invertebrate Integument
Other Examples of
Invertebrate Integument
Other Examples of
Invertebrate Integument
Vertebrate Integument
Vertebrate Integument
Epidermis – thin outer
stratified epithelial
layer, derived from
Dermis – thick inner
layer, derived from
The epidermis gives rise to hair, feathers, and hooves (epidermal
Epidermis is stratified squamous epithelium
Cells in the basal part undergo frequent mitosis
As cells are displaced upward, cytoplasm is replaced by keratin
Keratin is a tough protein that is also light and
Reptile scales are composed of keratin
Birds have keratin in feathers, beaks, and claws
Mammals use keratin in hair, hooves, claws, and
The dermis is a dense
connective tissue
layer containing blood
vessels, collagenous
fibers, nerves,
pigment cells, fat
cells, and fibroblasts
Dermis serves to
support, nourish, and
cushion the epidermis
Scales of fishes are
bony dermal
structures that
evolved from the
armor of Paleozoic
In reptiles, dermal bone contributes to the armor
of crocodilians, the beaded skin of some lizards,
and portions of a turtle’s shell (carapace &
Dermal bone is found in the antlers of mammals.
Claws, beaks, nails, and horns are composed of a
combination of epidermal (keratinized) and
dermal components.
Examples of Vertebrate Integument
Agnathans (jawless fishes) – several types of glandular cells
may be present; multicellular slime glands produce large
amounts of slime that covers the body
Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes) – skin is multilayered
and with mucous and sensory cells; dermis has bones in
the form of denticles
Examples of Vertebrate Integument
Osteichthyes (bony fishes) – skin has scales; skin
is permeable and functions in gaseous exchange;
epidermis may also contain mucous cells; dermis
is richly supplied with capillary beds to facilitate
its use in respiration
Functions of Mucus:
Prevents bacterial and fungal infections
Reduces friction as the fish swims
Amphibians – stratified epidermis and a dermis
containing mucous, serous glands and with
Keratin: protects the skin against UV and physical
Mucus: helps prevent desiccation and facilitates
gaseous exchange
Poison glands: produce an unpleasant-tasting or
toxic fluid that acts as a predator deterrent
The Skin of Amphibians
• Consists of stratified epidermis and a dermis containing
mucous and serous gland plus pigmentation cells.
• Amphibians are transitional between aquatic and terrestrial
• Three problems associated with terrestrial environments are
: desiccation, the damaging effects of ultraviolet light, and
physical abrasion.
Reptiles – stratum corneum is very thick and
modified into keratinized scales
Resist abrasion
Inhibit dehydration
Acts as a “suit of armor” for protection
S k i n of reptiles
Epidermis thick, no glands
Modified into keratinized scales, scutes in snakes
&turtles ,beaks in turtles→rattles in snake→claws,
plaques & spiny crests
Inhibits dehydration, abrasion& protect like armor
Molting by diffusion of fluids
Birds – show many reptilian features
Epidermis: over most of the body is thin and only 2 or 3 cell layers
Outer keratinized layer is soft
Feathers are the most prominent parts of the epidermis
Dermis: with blood, lymphatic vessels, nerves, sensory bodies
Arrector plumose: dermal smooth muscle associated with feathers
(control the position of the feathers)
Aquatic birds – may also have fat deposits in the hypodermal layer
that store energy & help insulate the body
Mammalain Skin (Human Skin)
Notable features of mammalian skin are:
a highly stratified, cornified epidermis
a dermis with blood and lymphatic vessels, nerve
endings, small muscles, glands, hair follicles
a hypodermis composed of loose connective
tissue, adipose tissue and skeletal muscles – the
hypodermis attaches the skin to the underlying
In humans
• The skin regulates body temperature by opening and closing
sweat pores and perspiring or sweating.
• The skin screens out excessive harmful ultraviolet rays from the
• The skin also an important sense organ, containing sensory
receptors for heat, cold, touch, pressure, and pain.
• The skin of humans and other mammals contains several types
of glands.
• Sudoriferous glands
- are distributed over most of the human body surface.
- secrete sweat by a process called perspiration.
 Perspiration - helps to regulate body
temperature and maintain homeostasis.
In some animals, certain sweat glands also
produce pheromones.
 Pheromones - chemical that animal secretes
and that communicate with other members the
same species to elicit certain behavioral
• Sebaceous (oil) glands
- are simple glands connected to hair follicles in the
- they lubricate and protect by secreting sebum.
Sebum – is a permeability barrier, an emollient and
protective agent against microorganisms
- can also act as a pheromone.
• Mammalian skin color is either to pigment or
to anatomical structures that absorbs of
reflect the light.
• Some skin color is due to color of the blood in
superficial blood vessels reflected through the
• Other skin colors may camouflage the animal.
• In addition, color serve in social
communication, helping members of the same
species to identify each other, their sex,
reproductive status, or social rank.
• Hair – is composed of keratin-filled cells that develop
from the epidermis.
An arrector pili muscle attaches to the connective
tissue sheath of the a hair follicle surrounding the
bulb of the hair root.
• Nail – like hair, are modifications of the epidermis.
- are flat, horny plates on the dorsal surface of the
distal segments of the digits.
Baleen plates
Four cells types contribute movement:
1. Amoeboid cells
2. Flagellated cells
3. Ciliate cells
4. Muscles cells
With respect to support, organism have three kinds of
1. Fluid hydrostatic skeletons
2. Rigid exoskeletons
3. Rigid endoskeletons
Hydrostatic Skeletons
- is a core liquid surrounded by a tension resistant sheath of
longitudinal and/or circular muscles.
• Contracting muscle push against a hydrostatic skeleton, and
the transmitted force generates body movement.
• The hydrostatic skeleton of invertebrates is an excellent
example of adaptation of major body functions to this simple
but efficient principle of hydrodinamics – use of the internal
pressure of body fluids.
Hydrostatic Skeletons
- Also have locomotion functions because they provide sites for
muscle attachment and counterforces for muscle movements.
- also support and protect the body,
In arthropods, the epidermis of the body wall secretes a thick, hard
cuticle that water proofs the body. The cuticle also protects and
support the animal’s soft internal organ.
In crustaceans, the exoskeleton contains calcium carbonate crystals
that make it hard and inflexible – except at the joints.
Exoskeleton limit an animals growth.
Some arthropod joints (e.g., the wing
joints of flying beetles and the joints of fleas involved in jumping)
possess a highly elastic protein called “animal rubber,’’ or resilin.
Resilin stores energy on compression and then releases the energy
to produce movement
• The endoskeletons of sponges consist of mineral spicules and
fibers of spongin that keep the body from collapsing.
• Since adult sponges attach to the substrate, they have no need
for muscle attached to the endoskeleton.
• The endoskeletons of echinoderms consist of small, calcareous
plates called ossicles.
Mineralized Tissues and Invertebrates
• Hard, mineralized tissues are not unique to the vertebrates.
• In fact, over two-thirds of the living species of animals that
contain mineralized tissues are invertebrates.
• Most invertebrates have inorganic calcium carbonate crystals
embedded in a collagen matrix.
• Cartilage – is the supportive tissue that makes up the major
skeletal component of some gastropods, invertebrate chordates
(amphioxus), jawless fishes such as hagfishes and lampreys, and
sharks and rays.
- is lighter than bone, it gives these predatory fishes the speed
and agility to catch prey.
• It also provides buoyancy without the need for a swim bladder.
The Skeletal System of
This endoskeleton consist of two main types of supportive tissue:
cartilage and bone.
• Cartilage – provides site for muscle attachment, aids in
movement at joints, provides support,
• - it consist of cells(chondrocytes) , fibers, and cellular matrix.
Bone or Osseous Tissue
- that provides a point of attachment for muscles and transmits
the force of muscular contraction from one part of the body to
another during movement.
• Bone tissue is more rigid than the other connective tissues
because its homogeneous, organic ground substance also
contains inorganic salts.
• Mainly calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate.
• When an animal needs the calcium or phosphate stored
within bones, metabolic reactions (under endocrine control)
release the required amounts.
• Bone cells are in minute chambers called lacunae which are
arranged in concentric rings around osteonic canals (formerly
called Haversian systems).
The Skeleton of Fishes
• Both cartilaginous and bony endoskeletons first appeared in the
• Water has a buoyant effect on the fish body, the requirement for
skeletal support is not as demanding in these vertebrates as it is
in terrestrial vertebrates.
• Most jawed fishes have an axial skeleton that includes a
notochord, ribs, and cartilaginous or bony vertebrae.
• Muscle used in locomotion attach to the axial skeleton.
The Skeleton of Tetrapods
• Tetrapods must lift themselves to walk on land.
• The first amphibians needed support to replace the buoyancy of
• This added support resulted from the specializations of the
intervertebral disk that articulate with adjoining vertebrae.
• The intervertebral disk help to hold the vertebral column together
and also absorb shock and provide joint mobility.
• Bone replaced cartilage in the ribs, which became more rigid.
• Appendages became elongated for support on hard surface, and
changes in the shoulder enabled the neck to move more freely.
The Human Endoskeleton
The human endoskeleton has two
major parts:
Axial skeleton – is made up of the
skull, vertebral column, sternum, and
Appendicular skeleton – is composed
of the appendages, the pectoral
girdle, and the pelvic girdle.
Movement: Non muscular
movement and muscular system
• Movement is one of the things that differentiate a living thing
from a nonliving thing.
• All cells have capacity to move and changes shape due to their
Non muscular movement
Protozoan protists move by means of specific
non muscular structures (Pseudopodia, flagella
or cilia) that move the contractile proteins actin
and myosin.
1- Amoeboid movement
2-Ciliary movement
3-Flagellar movement
Amoeboid Movement
• The plasma membrane of an amoeba has adhesive properties
since new pseudopodia attach to the substrate as they form.
• The plasma membrane also seems to slide over the underlying
layer of cytoplasm when an amoeba moves.
• The plasma membrane may be “rolling” in a away that is
(roughly) analogous to a bulldozer track rolling over its
Ciliary and Flagellar Movement
Cilia – are shorter and more numerous.
Flagella – are long an generally occur singly or in pairs.
• Ciliary movements are coordinated.
• The epidermis of free-living flatworms and nemertines is
abundantly ciliated.
• Larger flatworms have retained ciliary creeping as the principal
means of locomotion, and the largest animals move by ciliary
creeping are the nemertines.
The basic physiological property of muscle tissue is contractility, the
ability to contract or shorten.
Muscle tissue has three other important properties:
1. Excitability ( or irritability ) the capacity to receive
and respond to a stimulus;
2. Extensibility , the ability to be stretched;
3. Elasticity, the ability to return to its original shape after being
stretched or contracted.
Animals may have one or more of the following types of muscle
tissue: smooth, cardiac, and skeletal. The contractile cells of these
tissue is called muscle fibers.
Smooth muscle – is called involuntary muscle
because higher brain centers do not control its
Single nucleus
Spindle shaped
Arranged in a parallel pattern to form sheets
Striated muscle fibers – with single nuclei are
common in invertebrates, but they occur in adult
vertebrates only in the heart, where they are called
cardiac muscle.
Skeletal muscle – a striated muscle, is a voluntary
muscle because the nervous system consciously
controls its contraction
A few functional differences among invertebrates muscle
indicate some of the differences from the vertebrate skeletal
In arthropods, at least two motor nerves innervate a
typical muscle fiber. One motor nerve fiber causes a fast
contraction and the other a slow contraction.
Another variation occurs in certain insect (bees, wasps, flies,
beetles) flight muscles.
These muscles are called asynchronous muscles
The Locomotion of Soft-Bodied Invertebrates
• Pedal locomotion – move by means of waves of activity in
the muscular system that applied to the substrate.
• Pedal locomotion can be easily seen by examining the
undersurface of a planarian or a snail while it
crawls along a glass plate
• Looping movement – arching movements are equivalent to
the contraction of longitudinal muscle
• .eg Leech
• Polychaete worms move by the alternate movement of multiple
limbs ( parapodia ).
• The water vascular system of echinoderms
provides a unique means of locomotion.
• Along each canal are reservoir ampullae and
tube feet.
Terrestrial Locomotion in Invertebrates:
• They required structural support, and those that move quickly
make use of rigid skeletal elements that interact with the ground.
• These elements include flexible joints, tendons, and muscles that
attach to a rigid cuticle and form limbs.
• The limbs are composed of a series of jointed elements that
become progressively less massive toward the tip.
• Each joint articulated to allow movement in only one plane.
• The limb plane at the basal joint with the body can also rotate
and this rotation is responsible for forward movement.
Terrestrial Locomotion in Invertebrates: Flight
• The physical properties of an arthropods cuticle are such
that true flight evolved for pterygote insects some 200
million years ago.
• The basic mechanism for flight has been modified.
• Present day insects exhibit a wide range of structural
adaptations and mechanism for flight.
Terrestrial Locomotion in Invertebrates:
Long legs increase the mechanical advantage of the leg extensor
Some insects (fleas, grasshoppers, leafhoppers) can jump.
• Tendons – which are tough, fibrous, bands or cords, attach
skeletal muscle to the skeleton.
• Myomeres segments – cause the lateral undulations of the
trunk and tail that produce fish locomotion.
Skeletal Muscle Contraction
• Each skeletal muscle has a pattern alternate dark and light
• This striation of whole fibers arises from the alternating dark
and light of many smaller, threadlike myofibrils in each muscle
- I band
- A band
Cross bridges
Control of Skeletal Muscle
Motor unit
- consist of one motor nerve fiber and all the muscle
fibers with which it communicates.
Neuromuscular junction
- a space separates the specialized end body of the
motor nerve fiber from the membrane of muscle fiber.
-released by the synaptic vesicles in the nerve ending
Terminal button
gated cation
T tubule
Surface membrane of muscle
Cross-bridge binding
Myosin cross bridge
Excitation-Contraction Coupling
In the resting state, muscle shortening does not
occur because thin tropomyosin strands on the
actin myofilaments lie in a position that prevents
the myosin heads from attaching to actin
Figure 12-11a, steps 1–2
Excitation-Contraction Coupling
Muscle fiber
Motor end plate
Axon terminal of
somatic motor neuron
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Z disk
Myosin thick filament
M line
Somatic motor neuron
releases ACh at neuro-
muscular junction.
Net entry of Na+ through ACh
receptor-channel initiates
a muscle action potential.
1 2
2 Action potential
DHP receptor
SR Foot Protein (Ca++ release channel)
Chemistry of Cross-Bridge Activity

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  • 2. Integument The integument is this the protective outer covering of the animal body It includes the skin and structures associated with the skin (derivatives of the skin) such as hair, nails, scales, feathers, and horns
  • 3. Functions of the Integument Protection from mechanical & chemical injury Protection against invasion by microorganisms Regulation of body temperature Excretion of waste materials Vitamin D production Reception of environmental stimuli Locomotion/movement Controls movement of nutrient and gases
  • 4. Invertebrate Integument Some singled-celled protozoa have only a plasma membrane for external covering (Amoeba) Other protozoa have a thick protein coat called pellicle outside the plasma membrane (Paramecium) Most multicellular invertebrates have a single-layered epidermis covering the body (nematodes, annelids) Others have added a secreted non-cellular cuticle over the epidermis (crustaceans, arachnids, insects) Additional protection Old cuticles need to be shed periodically in a process called molting to permit growth
  • 7. Invertebrate Integument Arthropods have a complex integument that provides protection and skeletal support Single layered epidermis (hypodermis) which secretes a complex cuticle Procuticle – layers of chitin and protein Epicuticle – moisture proofing barrier
  • 8. Invertebrate Integument The arthropod cuticle may remain tough, but flexible as in many small crustaceans and insect larvae, or it may become hardened Decapod crustaceans have a cuticle stiffened by calcification (deposition of calcium carbonate in the procuticle) In insects, hardening occurs by sclerotization where protein molecules bond together producing the insoluble protein sclerotin
  • 9.
  • 10. Other Examples of Invertebrate Integument Rotifers – cuticles are thin and elastic Arthropods – cuticles are thick and rigid Cnidarians – epidermis is only a few cell layers thick (Hydra), contains mucous glands that secrete calcium carbonate shells (corals) Platyhelminthes – covering is a tegument (functions for nutrient ingestion and for protection) Nematodes and annelids – have an epidermis that is one cell thick and secretes a multilayered cuticle Echinoderms – integument consists of a thin, ciliated epidermis & an underlying connective tissue dermis that contains calcium carbonate
  • 11. Other Examples of Invertebrate Integument Cnidarians Rotifers
  • 12. Other Examples of Invertebrate Integument Nematodes Platyhelmintes
  • 13. Other Examples of Invertebrate Integument Echinoderms Annelids
  • 14. Vertebrate Integument Vertebrate Integument includes: Epidermis – thin outer stratified epithelial layer, derived from ectoderm Dermis – thick inner layer, derived from mesoderm
  • 15. Epidermis The epidermis gives rise to hair, feathers, and hooves (epidermal derivatives) Epidermis is stratified squamous epithelium Cells in the basal part undergo frequent mitosis As cells are displaced upward, cytoplasm is replaced by keratin
  • 16. Epidermis Keratin is a tough protein that is also light and flexible Reptile scales are composed of keratin Birds have keratin in feathers, beaks, and claws Mammals use keratin in hair, hooves, claws, and nails
  • 17. Dermis The dermis is a dense connective tissue layer containing blood vessels, collagenous fibers, nerves, pigment cells, fat cells, and fibroblasts Dermis serves to support, nourish, and cushion the epidermis
  • 18. Dermis Scales of fishes are bony dermal structures that evolved from the armor of Paleozoic fishes
  • 19. Dermis In reptiles, dermal bone contributes to the armor of crocodilians, the beaded skin of some lizards, and portions of a turtle’s shell (carapace & plastron) Dermal bone is found in the antlers of mammals.
  • 20. Dermis Claws, beaks, nails, and horns are composed of a combination of epidermal (keratinized) and dermal components.
  • 21. Examples of Vertebrate Integument Agnathans (jawless fishes) – several types of glandular cells may be present; multicellular slime glands produce large amounts of slime that covers the body Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes) – skin is multilayered and with mucous and sensory cells; dermis has bones in the form of denticles
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  • 24. Examples of Vertebrate Integument Osteichthyes (bony fishes) – skin has scales; skin is permeable and functions in gaseous exchange; epidermis may also contain mucous cells; dermis is richly supplied with capillary beds to facilitate its use in respiration Functions of Mucus: Prevents bacterial and fungal infections Reduces friction as the fish swims
  • 25.
  • 26. Amphibians – stratified epidermis and a dermis containing mucous, serous glands and with pigmentation Keratin: protects the skin against UV and physical abrasions Mucus: helps prevent desiccation and facilitates gaseous exchange Poison glands: produce an unpleasant-tasting or toxic fluid that acts as a predator deterrent
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  • 29. The Skin of Amphibians • Consists of stratified epidermis and a dermis containing mucous and serous gland plus pigmentation cells. • Amphibians are transitional between aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates. • Three problems associated with terrestrial environments are : desiccation, the damaging effects of ultraviolet light, and physical abrasion.
  • 30. Reptiles – stratum corneum is very thick and modified into keratinized scales Functions: Resist abrasion Inhibit dehydration Acts as a “suit of armor” for protection
  • 31. S k i n of reptiles Epidermis thick, no glands Modified into keratinized scales, scutes in snakes &turtles ,beaks in turtles→rattles in snake→claws, plaques & spiny crests Inhibits dehydration, abrasion& protect like armor Molting by diffusion of fluids
  • 32.
  • 33. Birds – show many reptilian features Epidermis: over most of the body is thin and only 2 or 3 cell layers thick Outer keratinized layer is soft Feathers are the most prominent parts of the epidermis Dermis: with blood, lymphatic vessels, nerves, sensory bodies Arrector plumose: dermal smooth muscle associated with feathers (control the position of the feathers) Aquatic birds – may also have fat deposits in the hypodermal layer that store energy & help insulate the body
  • 34.
  • 35. Mammalain Skin (Human Skin) Notable features of mammalian skin are: a highly stratified, cornified epidermis a dermis with blood and lymphatic vessels, nerve endings, small muscles, glands, hair follicles a hypodermis composed of loose connective tissue, adipose tissue and skeletal muscles – the hypodermis attaches the skin to the underlying muscles
  • 36.
  • 37. In humans • The skin regulates body temperature by opening and closing sweat pores and perspiring or sweating. • The skin screens out excessive harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun • The skin also an important sense organ, containing sensory receptors for heat, cold, touch, pressure, and pain. • The skin of humans and other mammals contains several types of glands.
  • 38. • Sudoriferous glands - are distributed over most of the human body surface. - secrete sweat by a process called perspiration.  Perspiration - helps to regulate body temperature and maintain homeostasis. In some animals, certain sweat glands also produce pheromones.  Pheromones - chemical that animal secretes and that communicate with other members the same species to elicit certain behavioral responses.
  • 39. • Sebaceous (oil) glands - are simple glands connected to hair follicles in the dermis. - they lubricate and protect by secreting sebum. Sebum – is a permeability barrier, an emollient and protective agent against microorganisms - can also act as a pheromone.
  • 40. • Mammalian skin color is either to pigment or to anatomical structures that absorbs of reflect the light. • Some skin color is due to color of the blood in superficial blood vessels reflected through the epidermis. • Other skin colors may camouflage the animal. • In addition, color serve in social communication, helping members of the same species to identify each other, their sex, reproductive status, or social rank.
  • 41. • Hair – is composed of keratin-filled cells that develop from the epidermis. An arrector pili muscle attaches to the connective tissue sheath of the a hair follicle surrounding the bulb of the hair root. • Nail – like hair, are modifications of the epidermis. - are flat, horny plates on the dorsal surface of the distal segments of the digits. Horns Baleen plates
  • 43. Four cells types contribute movement: 1. Amoeboid cells 2. Flagellated cells 3. Ciliate cells 4. Muscles cells With respect to support, organism have three kinds of skeletons: 1. Fluid hydrostatic skeletons 2. Rigid exoskeletons 3. Rigid endoskeletons
  • 45. Hydrostatic Skeletons - is a core liquid surrounded by a tension resistant sheath of longitudinal and/or circular muscles. • Contracting muscle push against a hydrostatic skeleton, and the transmitted force generates body movement. • The hydrostatic skeleton of invertebrates is an excellent example of adaptation of major body functions to this simple but efficient principle of hydrodinamics – use of the internal pressure of body fluids.
  • 47. Exoskeletons - Also have locomotion functions because they provide sites for muscle attachment and counterforces for muscle movements. - also support and protect the body, In arthropods, the epidermis of the body wall secretes a thick, hard cuticle that water proofs the body. The cuticle also protects and support the animal’s soft internal organ. In crustaceans, the exoskeleton contains calcium carbonate crystals that make it hard and inflexible – except at the joints. Exoskeleton limit an animals growth. Some arthropod joints (e.g., the wing joints of flying beetles and the joints of fleas involved in jumping) possess a highly elastic protein called “animal rubber,’’ or resilin. Resilin stores energy on compression and then releases the energy to produce movement
  • 48. Endoskeletons • The endoskeletons of sponges consist of mineral spicules and fibers of spongin that keep the body from collapsing. • Since adult sponges attach to the substrate, they have no need for muscle attached to the endoskeleton. • The endoskeletons of echinoderms consist of small, calcareous plates called ossicles.
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  • 50. Mineralized Tissues and Invertebrates • Hard, mineralized tissues are not unique to the vertebrates. • In fact, over two-thirds of the living species of animals that contain mineralized tissues are invertebrates. • Most invertebrates have inorganic calcium carbonate crystals embedded in a collagen matrix. • Cartilage – is the supportive tissue that makes up the major skeletal component of some gastropods, invertebrate chordates (amphioxus), jawless fishes such as hagfishes and lampreys, and sharks and rays. - is lighter than bone, it gives these predatory fishes the speed and agility to catch prey. • It also provides buoyancy without the need for a swim bladder.
  • 51.
  • 52. The Skeletal System of Vertebrates
  • 53. This endoskeleton consist of two main types of supportive tissue: cartilage and bone. • Cartilage – provides site for muscle attachment, aids in movement at joints, provides support, • - it consist of cells(chondrocytes) , fibers, and cellular matrix.
  • 54.
  • 55. Bone or Osseous Tissue - that provides a point of attachment for muscles and transmits the force of muscular contraction from one part of the body to another during movement. • Bone tissue is more rigid than the other connective tissues because its homogeneous, organic ground substance also contains inorganic salts. • Mainly calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. • When an animal needs the calcium or phosphate stored within bones, metabolic reactions (under endocrine control) release the required amounts. • Bone cells are in minute chambers called lacunae which are arranged in concentric rings around osteonic canals (formerly called Haversian systems).
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  • 58. The Skeleton of Fishes • Both cartilaginous and bony endoskeletons first appeared in the vertebrates. • Water has a buoyant effect on the fish body, the requirement for skeletal support is not as demanding in these vertebrates as it is in terrestrial vertebrates. • Most jawed fishes have an axial skeleton that includes a notochord, ribs, and cartilaginous or bony vertebrae. • Muscle used in locomotion attach to the axial skeleton.
  • 59. The Skeleton of Tetrapods • Tetrapods must lift themselves to walk on land. • The first amphibians needed support to replace the buoyancy of water. • This added support resulted from the specializations of the intervertebral disk that articulate with adjoining vertebrae. • The intervertebral disk help to hold the vertebral column together and also absorb shock and provide joint mobility. • Bone replaced cartilage in the ribs, which became more rigid. • Appendages became elongated for support on hard surface, and changes in the shoulder enabled the neck to move more freely.
  • 60. The Human Endoskeleton The human endoskeleton has two major parts: Axial skeleton – is made up of the skull, vertebral column, sternum, and ribs. Appendicular skeleton – is composed of the appendages, the pectoral girdle, and the pelvic girdle.
  • 61. Movement: Non muscular movement and muscular system • Movement is one of the things that differentiate a living thing from a nonliving thing. • All cells have capacity to move and changes shape due to their cytoskeleton
  • 62. Non muscular movement Protozoan protists move by means of specific non muscular structures (Pseudopodia, flagella or cilia) that move the contractile proteins actin and myosin. Types: 1- Amoeboid movement 2-Ciliary movement 3-Flagellar movement
  • 63. Amoeboid Movement • The plasma membrane of an amoeba has adhesive properties since new pseudopodia attach to the substrate as they form. • The plasma membrane also seems to slide over the underlying layer of cytoplasm when an amoeba moves. • The plasma membrane may be “rolling” in a away that is (roughly) analogous to a bulldozer track rolling over its wheels.
  • 64.
  • 65. Ciliary and Flagellar Movement Cilia – are shorter and more numerous. Flagella – are long an generally occur singly or in pairs. • Ciliary movements are coordinated. • The epidermis of free-living flatworms and nemertines is abundantly ciliated. • Larger flatworms have retained ciliary creeping as the principal means of locomotion, and the largest animals move by ciliary creeping are the nemertines.
  • 66.
  • 67. AN INTRODUCTION TO ANIMAL MUSCLE The basic physiological property of muscle tissue is contractility, the ability to contract or shorten. Muscle tissue has three other important properties: 1. Excitability ( or irritability ) the capacity to receive and respond to a stimulus; 2. Extensibility , the ability to be stretched; 3. Elasticity, the ability to return to its original shape after being stretched or contracted. Animals may have one or more of the following types of muscle tissue: smooth, cardiac, and skeletal. The contractile cells of these tissue is called muscle fibers.
  • 68. Smooth muscle – is called involuntary muscle because higher brain centers do not control its contractions. Single nucleus Spindle shaped Arranged in a parallel pattern to form sheets Striated muscle fibers – with single nuclei are common in invertebrates, but they occur in adult vertebrates only in the heart, where they are called cardiac muscle. Skeletal muscle – a striated muscle, is a voluntary muscle because the nervous system consciously controls its contraction
  • 69.
  • 70. THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM OF INVERTEBRATES A few functional differences among invertebrates muscle indicate some of the differences from the vertebrate skeletal muscle. In arthropods, at least two motor nerves innervate a typical muscle fiber. One motor nerve fiber causes a fast contraction and the other a slow contraction. Another variation occurs in certain insect (bees, wasps, flies, beetles) flight muscles. These muscles are called asynchronous muscles
  • 71. THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM OF INVERTEBRATES The Locomotion of Soft-Bodied Invertebrates • Pedal locomotion – move by means of waves of activity in the muscular system that applied to the substrate. • Pedal locomotion can be easily seen by examining the undersurface of a planarian or a snail while it crawls along a glass plate
  • 72.
  • 73. • Looping movement – arching movements are equivalent to the contraction of longitudinal muscle • .eg Leech
  • 74. • Polychaete worms move by the alternate movement of multiple limbs ( parapodia ).
  • 75. • The water vascular system of echinoderms provides a unique means of locomotion. • Along each canal are reservoir ampullae and tube feet.
  • 76.
  • 77. Terrestrial Locomotion in Invertebrates: Walking • They required structural support, and those that move quickly make use of rigid skeletal elements that interact with the ground. • These elements include flexible joints, tendons, and muscles that attach to a rigid cuticle and form limbs. • The limbs are composed of a series of jointed elements that become progressively less massive toward the tip. • Each joint articulated to allow movement in only one plane. • The limb plane at the basal joint with the body can also rotate and this rotation is responsible for forward movement.
  • 78.
  • 79. Terrestrial Locomotion in Invertebrates: Flight • The physical properties of an arthropods cuticle are such that true flight evolved for pterygote insects some 200 million years ago. • The basic mechanism for flight has been modified. • Present day insects exhibit a wide range of structural adaptations and mechanism for flight.
  • 80. Terrestrial Locomotion in Invertebrates: Jumping Long legs increase the mechanical advantage of the leg extensor muscle. Some insects (fleas, grasshoppers, leafhoppers) can jump.
  • 82. • Tendons – which are tough, fibrous, bands or cords, attach skeletal muscle to the skeleton. • Myomeres segments – cause the lateral undulations of the trunk and tail that produce fish locomotion.
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  • 85. Skeletal Muscle Contraction • Each skeletal muscle has a pattern alternate dark and light bands. • This striation of whole fibers arises from the alternating dark and light of many smaller, threadlike myofibrils in each muscle fiber. Myosin Actin - I band - A band Sarcomere Cross bridges
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  • 92. Control of Skeletal Muscle Contraction Motor unit - consist of one motor nerve fiber and all the muscle fibers with which it communicates. Neuromuscular junction - a space separates the specialized end body of the motor nerve fiber from the membrane of muscle fiber. Acethylcholine -released by the synaptic vesicles in the nerve ending
  • 93.
  • 94. Terminal button Acetylcholine- gated cation channel Acetylcholine T tubule Surface membrane of muscle cell Tropomyosin Troponin Cross-bridge binding Myosin cross bridge Actin
  • 95.
  • 96. Excitation-Contraction Coupling In the resting state, muscle shortening does not occur because thin tropomyosin strands on the actin myofilaments lie in a position that prevents the myosin heads from attaching to actin
  • 97. Figure 12-11a, steps 1–2 Excitation-Contraction Coupling Muscle fiber Motor end plate ACh Axon terminal of somatic motor neuron Sarcoplasmic reticulum Actin Troponin Tropomyosin Myosin head Z disk Myosin thick filament M line T-tubule DHP receptor Ca2+ Somatic motor neuron releases ACh at neuro- muscular junction. Net entry of Na+ through ACh receptor-channel initiates a muscle action potential. Na+ K+ (a) potential 1 2 1 2 Action potential
  • 98. Ca2+ Ca2+ released (b) DHP receptor SR Foot Protein (Ca++ release channel)
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