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We Are MyNetworkA letter from the founders
Thank you for your interest in MyNetwork. When Drew and I started this company two years
ago, we were tired of watching our friends and peers struggle with basic networking skills.
LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are great – but we felt the emphasis had shifted too far
towards quantity over quality.
Then, sparked by the 48% recent grad underemployment rate, the stat that 75% of jobs are
landed through networking (Federal Bureau of Labor) and initiatives like the upcoming College
Scorecard, we found that a large majority of college students lack basic networking skills.
We’re here to change that.
The last thing students’ need is another social network. What they do need is a systematic
way to manage and foster their existing relationships. A tool to make their many connections
deeper and more meaningful, so they can leverage the opportunities you provide for them.
That’s MyNetwork. By making MyNetwork available to your students, you’re providing cutting
edge relationship management offerings and giving them the tool to help them with the skill
most directly correlated with landing employment - networking.
The challenges of maintaining and strengthening large networks is daunting, especially for
students who are new to professional networking. Not anymore. With our holistic suite of
powerful features, managing networks is a breeze, engagement is high and students will pick
up and run with it. You’ll see hirer job placement percentages, increased satisfaction, and even
free up time for your staff to focus on the many other initiatives you are working on.
People are your students #1 asset. Help them turbocharge their networks and you will help
them succeed. Make MyNetwork theirs today.
Drew Riley | Andy Fine
What Comes with MyNetwork?t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s
Welcome to MyNetwork 4
Daily Product Support 16
Rollout Guidebook 19
Administrator Dashboard 17
Optional Internship Program 20
A New Competitive Landscape 22
Contact Us 23
TimeSavings 21
The Network Visualizer 6
How it Works 5
MyClassroom 10
Rich Contact Profiles 7
MyDocDrafter 9
Group Mode 12
MyNotifications 12
The Dart Game 11
Contact Management 13
MyDashboard 8
IOS Mobile Application 14
Powerful Add Contact 15
Welcome To Mynetworksmarter networking to jumpstart careers
Network & Powerful
Reminders & Smart
Histories & Social
According to the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 75% of jobs are landed through networking.
Ironically, a large majority of students struggle to network effectively. MyNetwork takes the work out of
networking by bringing students important connections from their social networks and email accounts
together in one place.
With automatic recurring reminders, detailed relationship histories, comprehensive social feeds, and an
intelligent messaging system, your students are far more likely to actually leverage their network. The
upshot - more students land higher quality jobs and internships and your job placement percentage rises.
MyNetwork is a cutting-edge, relationship management tool built for career centers
to help students build stronger networks and capitalize on career opportunities.
How It Worksconsolidate and select important contacts
Students connect their
social networks and email
Rich contact profiles, smart reminders, an intelligent messaging system
and more help students easily stay in touch and build stronger relation-
ships with their important contacts.
Intelligent algorithms match
contact profiles across multiple
networks to create unified
MyNetwork profiles.
A speedy categorization process helps
students filter out less important con-
tacts to focus on the
contacts that matter
Organized based on contact importance, strength of relationship, and next reminder due date,
the visualizer is an immersive and engaging way for students to view their growing networks.
At a glance, visual indicators let users know when their contacts: have messaged them, recently
posted on social media, changed profile information and are due to get back in touch. The
visualizer looks different every day as new follow-ups become due. The student’s next move is
always the contacts immediately surrounding them in the center.
Updated Profile
Follow-up Due
New Social Post
New Message
from Contact
The Network Visualizersee their network in a whole new way
Rich Contact Profilesall you need to know, in one place
reoccurring reminders
At a glance students can see when
they need to get back in touch and
when they last spoke. Reminders
intelligently reset when an interaction
is logged.
detailed social feeds
All social posts are recorded in a
social feed tab within the profile. When
a student goes to get back in touch,
they can see any actions the person
has taken on the connected networks.
relationship history
All interactions over the connected
platforms are automatically added to the
relationship history tab. Students can
quickly see where the conversation left
off and reply on message threads.
to-do list
Students can add de-
upcoming meetings, or
specific reminders.
contact attributes
Type, importance, and
strength of relationship.
Adjustable with a click.
contact details
Pictures, job title, company,
location and other information
is automatically pulled from
connected social networks.
data and resources at their fingertips
Today’s Top Four
Populates each daywith new
connections or contacts not
yet categorized. Students
can quickly decide to track
or file away each contact.
collective social feed
Quickly see what important contacts
have been up to on social media. Com-
bines posts from LinkedIn, Twitter and
Facebook in one feed, but only for
the contacts the student is tracking.
recent activity
See recent actions taken in the system.
Useful if the student forgets who they
spoke with or wants to review what
they’ve done over the past few days.
Detailed Progress & Statistics
Tracks and reports on students
progress in a variety of areas. A grade
is calculated based on the past month
of data. Students can even compare to
other users, giving them a clear picture
of how they stack up against the crowd.
MyDocDrafterIntelligent Messaging System (IMS)
Tap&Type™ technology. Guide-
lines tell students what belongs
in each area. They tap in the area,
and when they beginning typing
the details disappear.
Sample Email
An example email for the
situation gets the wheels
turning and the student
thinking about what a well-
written email looks like.
A partially written email with the
generic pieces already written.
The student simply fills in the
appropriate information for each
specific section of the message,
with all the information they have
available in the profile right next to
the drafting pane.
Over 50 Smart Message
Styles for a variety of situations
including: Thank Yous, Requests,
Follow-Ups, Introductions,
General Outreach, Remarks and
Percent Changed Bar
Lets students know how many of
the smart components have been
completed. The system will not
allow any message to be sent until
all of these have been filled in.
The Brain
Window of quick
ideas for powerful
words and phrases.
Writing professional emails is often challenging and time-consuming. Not anymore. With
the IMS™, students can easily compose well-written, concise, professional emails in a frac-
tion of the time, making them far more likely to actually make the effort to stay in touch
with key contacts.
Quickly post email-style messages to students using MyNetwork. A red notification on the
header button let’s them know there is a new message. Unlike emails, these messages
won’t get buried under the other 100 emails students receive each day – the career center
is the only department that can post messages here. Also add permanent links to the
career center website and other resources you want students to have access to.
resources and links pane
messages pane
connect with students - post messages, resources and links
In one click, students can set contact type, importance, and a
recurring reminder to stay in touch. Less important contacts can be
‘filed away’ in the back of MyNetwork, allowing students to focus on
the contacts that matter most and not on the ones who don’t.
The Dart Gamequickly categorize important contacts
focus on who matters
recurring reminders
Intelligently paring back
over time to help students
maintain optimal communi-
cation levels with new contacts,
these take the thinking out of
when to follow up. This helps
students build depth of rela-
tionship before shifting back to
normal communication
frequency levels.
Timing detailed
Every tracked contact has a set desired
frequency of communication (set by
MyNetwork and customizable by the
student). When it’s time to get back in
touch, the student receives a reminder notification, the contact
their contact node. The reminders are intelligent, so if the
student contacts the person before the timer is up, the reminder
The Dartboard
Based on where the student
taps, the selected contact will
be assigned those attributes
and a follow-up time.
smart reminder automated timeline
24 hrs 3 days 1 week 1 week 2 weeks
3 weeks
An organized list of notifications that can be sorted by: follow-ups due, messages
received,profileupdates,actionitemsdueandnewcontactsfound. Upcomingnotifications
can also be viewed. An email digest with the notifications can be sent out weekly or daily.
Students can place contacts into
groups, or “circles” to organize
and keep track of important peo-
ple in their different professional
and social circles. A contact can
be in multiple groups allowing
the student to tag them for easy
Group Mode
all your interactions in one place
organize your professional circles
Quickly complete
the notifcation or
view the profile
Too busy? Hide the
notification and be
reminded again at
a later time.
Don’t want to take
action? Dismiss to
clear it out.
Intelligent algorithms find and merge
social profiles and email accounts
into a unified MyNetwork profile.
Students can quickly merge any
matches the system doesn’t catch.
Contact Managementconsoliate and select important contacts
Students can quickly select
the important contacts in their
network. Unselected people
are hidden in the back of
MyNetwork so that their noise
doesn’t overwhelm the user.
Statistics encourage students
to be selective about the
contacts they are adding in
order to reduce the amount
of reminders per week.
iOS Mobile Application
Our native iPhone App is a natural extension of the web app, providing all of
the key features on the web in a format optimized for an iPhone. The data
syncs seamlessly and specialized features unique to the iPhone further
enhance the experience.
take your network wherever you go
*Android coming early winter
Powerful Add Contact
a s t u d e n t c a n c o n v e r t a b u s i n e s s c a r d a n d c o n v e r s a t i o n i n t o a r i c h c o n t a c t
p r o f i l e . R e c u r r i n g r e m i n d e r s a r e s e t a n d t h e y h a v e a l l t h e i m p o r t a n t
i n f o r m a t i o n t h e y n e e d t o s t a r t b u i l d i n g a s t r o n g e r c o n n e c t i o n r i g h t a w a y.
turn business cards into rich profiles
in about 60 seconds...
scan business card
set recurring reminders
Record Voice memo
Add notes and
to-do items
1 2 3
add contact type and importance
add meeting place/
who introduced you
the MyNetwork team is here for anything you need
Daily Product Support
Training Session
My Network will conduct a live
training session for all staff. The
school administrator dashboard
is extremely intuitive and easy
to understand. Required training
is minimal and help pages are
Phone Support
Available during normal
business hours Monday- Friday.
Chat Support
	 - Students can chat with a support specialist
directly from any help page.
	 - Available Monday-Friday during normal
business hours.
Help Center
	 - A help center allows students to report issues, 	
	 make suggestions, view discussion boards and
	 access frequently asked questions.
Informational webinars
	 - Informational webinars offered periodically 	
	 throughout each semester.
Administrator Dashboard
Track adoption, retention, and a variety of reports on how students are using
the application. You can scan the data to see where students are struggling
or falling short of goals. Use that information to adjust your programming to
focus on the areas where your students are struggling the most, maximizing
the effectiveness of the help you offer.
School administrators can directly upload lists of eligible students and quickly
and seamlessly make adjustments as necessary. Adding details such as Class
Year and Major allows you to run more detailed reports.
- Grades
- Group Usage
- Goals Achieved
- Manual Actions Taken
- MyDocDrafter Usage
- Notifications Actioned
- Tracked Contacts Info
- General Usage Data
monitor usage, send messages, access data & repor ts
Administrator Dashboardmonitor usage, send messages, access data & repor ts
Post messages that won’t get buried under other emails because they’re
the only external messages students receive in the MyClassroom section.
Most direct and reliable way to communicate with your students in a way
you know they will read. Add information and links to the Career Center
page and other tools and resources you’d like your students to be aware of.
Rollout Guidebookeverything you need to get started
The guidebook is a step-by-step guide to engaging your students, generat-
ing signups, and retaining engagement on campus. In addition to the guide,
a digital copy of all the marketing materials is included.
Included is a detailed calendar displaying
recommendations for when to send out
certian materials and contact students.
Students tend to be afraid or intimidated by
the word “networking”.  Specific strategies
and materials are discussed and provided to
squash those tendencies.
We break down the science behind
students struggles with networking
and outline strategies to help them all
become networking pros.
MyNetwork provides all the materi-
als you will need to roll out on campus
complete with:
- Presentations
~ Direct Communications
- Social Media Strategies
- Signage/Papering
example career fair flyer
sophmore &
rollout progression
ma r k e t ing &
c o m u ni c at i o n s
o n - c a m p u s p o s i t i o n
$ 15 0 0 / in t e r n
1 0 0 % o f t h e f u n d s p a i d t o
s t u d e n t
fa l l s e m e s t e r
10-15 Hrs a week
Program details
MyNetwork will hire, train, manage and pay a student intern for an on-campus one-semester marketing and
communications internship. The student will be responsible for promoting the application and generate
signups and sustained usage across campus. The student will gain valuable experience and develop skills in
branding, marketing, communications, event planning, and public speaking. This program further alleviates
even more of the minimal effort required by the career center to rollout MyNetwork on campus.
Optional Internship Programcampus leader, signups, involvement
i n c r e a s e d s i g n u p sa n d
s t u d e n t e n g a g e m e n t
MyNetwork isn’t one more thing, it’s five less things your staff has to do.
Your career center has a lot on it’s plate. We all love one-on-one counseling, but
there’s just not enough time to help every student.
MyNetwork helps answer a number of the basic networking questions that they
would otherwise need personal assistance for. You’ll be able to focus your time
on more challenging questions and pressing initiatives that you have.
My Network can answer
students' questions like:
“what should I do with this business card?”
‘how often should I follow up?”
“what should I say to the recruiter?”
“how can I organize all the different contacts?”
and more.
- Telvin L. Babson ‘16- Telvin L. Babson ‘16
So you and your staff can
answer questions like:
“what industry should I work in?”
“what classes should I be taking?”
“How do I prepare for the interview?”
and the like.
-Jared W. Tulane ‘16-Jared W. Tulane ‘16
What Students
Are Saying
-Jack E. Bucknell ‘16-Jack E. Bucknell ‘16
Time Savingsfor you and your staff
-Christian C.
Bucknell ‘16
-Christian C.
Bucknell ‘16
On The Decline
Giving percentages are highly correlated to post graduation suc-
cess. Underemployed recent grads hardly ever give back, so
decreasing that percentage can increase young alumni giving.
Getting giving started the year after graduation is crucial to
develop alumni into lifelong givers.
The time to focus on helping your students capitalize on career opportunities is now.
Schools do a solid job putting students in front of potential employers but now they
need a tool to help convert meeting a contact into career opportunites. A job board
is not enough, but Mynetwork is an invaluable asset.
“will I be able to get a job when I graduate?’
This is one of the top questions 88% of prospec-
tive students are asking, according to a 2013 UCLA
HERI study.
A New Competitive Landscapeand how MyNetwork can give your students an edge
less than
8.7%of alumni
Increased Pressure
The current job market is chang-
ing, colleges are under increasing
pressure to justify the ROI of a
college education by placing stu-
dents in high quality jobs.
T H E T I M E I S N O W - for MyNetwork
Make MyNetwork available for your students today
520 Evans Street, Suite 7
Bethlehem, PA 18015
phone: 484-383-0638
Let us help you put a world of
opportunity in your students hands!
Let us help you put a world of
opportunity in your students hands!

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MyNetwork Program Overview

  • 1. P r o g r a m I n f o r m a t i o n
  • 2. We Are MyNetworkA letter from the founders Thank you for your interest in MyNetwork. When Drew and I started this company two years ago, we were tired of watching our friends and peers struggle with basic networking skills. LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are great – but we felt the emphasis had shifted too far towards quantity over quality. Then, sparked by the 48% recent grad underemployment rate, the stat that 75% of jobs are landed through networking (Federal Bureau of Labor) and initiatives like the upcoming College Scorecard, we found that a large majority of college students lack basic networking skills. We’re here to change that. The last thing students’ need is another social network. What they do need is a systematic way to manage and foster their existing relationships. A tool to make their many connections deeper and more meaningful, so they can leverage the opportunities you provide for them. That’s MyNetwork. By making MyNetwork available to your students, you’re providing cutting edge relationship management offerings and giving them the tool to help them with the skill most directly correlated with landing employment - networking. The challenges of maintaining and strengthening large networks is daunting, especially for students who are new to professional networking. Not anymore. With our holistic suite of powerful features, managing networks is a breeze, engagement is high and students will pick up and run with it. You’ll see hirer job placement percentages, increased satisfaction, and even free up time for your staff to focus on the many other initiatives you are working on. People are your students #1 asset. Help them turbocharge their networks and you will help them succeed. Make MyNetwork theirs today. Drew Riley | Andy Fine
  • 3. What Comes with MyNetwork?t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s Welcome to MyNetwork 4 Daily Product Support 16 Rollout Guidebook 19 Administrator Dashboard 17 Optional Internship Program 20 A New Competitive Landscape 22 Contact Us 23 TimeSavings 21 The Network Visualizer 6 How it Works 5 MyClassroom 10 Rich Contact Profiles 7 MyDocDrafter 9 Group Mode 12 MyNotifications 12 The Dart Game 11 Contact Management 13 MyDashboard 8 IOS Mobile Application 14 Powerful Add Contact 15 3
  • 4. Welcome To Mynetworksmarter networking to jumpstart careers Visualized Network & Powerful Integrations Recurring Reminders & Smart Messages Relationship Histories & Social Feeds According to the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 75% of jobs are landed through networking. Ironically, a large majority of students struggle to network effectively. MyNetwork takes the work out of networking by bringing students important connections from their social networks and email accounts together in one place. With automatic recurring reminders, detailed relationship histories, comprehensive social feeds, and an intelligent messaging system, your students are far more likely to actually leverage their network. The upshot - more students land higher quality jobs and internships and your job placement percentage rises. 4 MyNetwork is a cutting-edge, relationship management tool built for career centers to help students build stronger networks and capitalize on career opportunities.
  • 5. 5 How It Worksconsolidate and select important contacts CONNECT ACCOUNTS Students connect their social networks and email accounts. Rich contact profiles, smart reminders, an intelligent messaging system and more help students easily stay in touch and build stronger relation- ships with their important contacts. MERGE DUPLICATES Intelligent algorithms match contact profiles across multiple networks to create unified MyNetwork profiles. CLASSIFY RELATIONSHIPS A speedy categorization process helps students filter out less important con- tacts to focus on the contacts that matter most.
  • 6. Organized based on contact importance, strength of relationship, and next reminder due date, the visualizer is an immersive and engaging way for students to view their growing networks. At a glance, visual indicators let users know when their contacts: have messaged them, recently posted on social media, changed profile information and are due to get back in touch. The visualizer looks different every day as new follow-ups become due. The student’s next move is always the contacts immediately surrounding them in the center. Updated Profile Information Follow-up Due Uncategorized Contact New Social Post New Message from Contact The Network Visualizersee their network in a whole new way 6
  • 7. 7 Rich Contact Profilesall you need to know, in one place private notes reoccurring reminders At a glance students can see when they need to get back in touch and when they last spoke. Reminders intelligently reset when an interaction is logged. detailed social feeds All social posts are recorded in a social feed tab within the profile. When a student goes to get back in touch, they can see any actions the person has taken on the connected networks. relationship history All interactions over the connected platforms are automatically added to the relationship history tab. Students can quickly see where the conversation left off and reply on message threads. to-do list Students can add de- tailsforfollow-upitems, upcoming meetings, or specific reminders. contact attributes Type, importance, and strength of relationship. Adjustable with a click. contact details Pictures, job title, company, location and other information is automatically pulled from connected social networks.
  • 8. 8 data and resources at their fingertips Today’s Top Four Populates each daywith new connections or contacts not yet categorized. Students can quickly decide to track or file away each contact. collective social feed Quickly see what important contacts have been up to on social media. Com- bines posts from LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook in one feed, but only for the contacts the student is tracking. recent activity See recent actions taken in the system. Useful if the student forgets who they spoke with or wants to review what they’ve done over the past few days. Detailed Progress & Statistics Tracks and reports on students progress in a variety of areas. A grade is calculated based on the past month of data. Students can even compare to other users, giving them a clear picture of how they stack up against the crowd. MyDashboard
  • 9. MyDocDrafterIntelligent Messaging System (IMS) SmartComponents™ Tap&Type™ technology. Guide- lines tell students what belongs in each area. They tap in the area, and when they beginning typing the details disappear. 9 Sample Email An example email for the situation gets the wheels turning and the student thinking about what a well- written email looks like. SmartMessage™ A partially written email with the generic pieces already written. The student simply fills in the appropriate information for each specific section of the message, with all the information they have available in the profile right next to the drafting pane. Categories Over 50 Smart Message Styles for a variety of situations including: Thank Yous, Requests, Follow-Ups, Introductions, General Outreach, Remarks and Observations. Percent Changed Bar Lets students know how many of the smart components have been completed. The system will not allow any message to be sent until all of these have been filled in. The Brain Window of quick ideas for powerful words and phrases. Writing professional emails is often challenging and time-consuming. Not anymore. With the IMS™, students can easily compose well-written, concise, professional emails in a frac- tion of the time, making them far more likely to actually make the effort to stay in touch with key contacts.
  • 10. MyClassroom Quickly post email-style messages to students using MyNetwork. A red notification on the header button let’s them know there is a new message. Unlike emails, these messages won’t get buried under the other 100 emails students receive each day – the career center is the only department that can post messages here. Also add permanent links to the career center website and other resources you want students to have access to. 10 resources and links pane messages pane connect with students - post messages, resources and links
  • 11. In one click, students can set contact type, importance, and a recurring reminder to stay in touch. Less important contacts can be ‘filed away’ in the back of MyNetwork, allowing students to focus on the contacts that matter most and not on the ones who don’t. 11 The Dart Gamequickly categorize important contacts focus on who matters recurring reminders Intelligently paring back over time to help students maintain optimal communi- cation levels with new contacts, these take the thinking out of when to follow up. This helps students build depth of rela- tionship before shifting back to normal communication frequency levels. Timing detailed below. smartreminders™ Every tracked contact has a set desired frequency of communication (set by MyNetwork and customizable by the student). When it’s time to get back in touch, the student receives a reminder notification, the contact driftstowardsthecenterofthevisualizer,andaredaurasurrounds their contact node. The reminders are intelligent, so if the student contacts the person before the timer is up, the reminder automaticallyresetsandthestudentisn’tburdenedbyanotification. The Dartboard Based on where the student taps, the selected contact will be assigned those attributes and a follow-up time. smart reminder automated timeline 24 hrs 3 days 1 week 1 week 2 weeks initial meeting 3 weeks
  • 12. An organized list of notifications that can be sorted by: follow-ups due, messages received,profileupdates,actionitemsdueandnewcontactsfound. Upcomingnotifications can also be viewed. An email digest with the notifications can be sent out weekly or daily. GROUP MODE Students can place contacts into groups, or “circles” to organize and keep track of important peo- ple in their different professional and social circles. A contact can be in multiple groups allowing the student to tag them for easy locating. 12 MyNotifications Group Mode all your interactions in one place organize your professional circles action Quickly complete the notifcation or view the profile change. snooze Too busy? Hide the notification and be reminded again at a later time. dismiss Don’t want to take action? Dismiss to clear it out.
  • 13. MERGE CONTACT MANGER Intelligent algorithms find and merge social profiles and email accounts into a unified MyNetwork profile. Students can quickly merge any matches the system doesn’t catch. 13 Contact Managementconsoliate and select important contacts THE SELECTOR Students can quickly select the important contacts in their network. Unselected people are hidden in the back of MyNetwork so that their noise doesn’t overwhelm the user. Statistics encourage students to be selective about the contacts they are adding in order to reduce the amount of reminders per week.
  • 14. iOS Mobile Application Our native iPhone App is a natural extension of the web app, providing all of the key features on the web in a format optimized for an iPhone. The data syncs seamlessly and specialized features unique to the iPhone further enhance the experience. take your network wherever you go RICH PROFILES POWERFUL ADD CONTACT MYNOTIFICATIONS STUDENTS NEXT MOVE MYDASHBOARD 14 CALENDAR INTEGRATION *Android coming early winter
  • 15. Powerful Add Contact a s t u d e n t c a n c o n v e r t a b u s i n e s s c a r d a n d c o n v e r s a t i o n i n t o a r i c h c o n t a c t p r o f i l e . R e c u r r i n g r e m i n d e r s a r e s e t a n d t h e y h a v e a l l t h e i m p o r t a n t i n f o r m a t i o n t h e y n e e d t o s t a r t b u i l d i n g a s t r o n g e r c o n n e c t i o n r i g h t a w a y. turn business cards into rich profiles 15 in about 60 seconds... scan business card set recurring reminders Record Voice memo Add notes and to-do items 1 2 3 add contact type and importance add meeting place/ who introduced you
  • 16. the MyNetwork team is here for anything you need Daily Product Support 16 Training Session My Network will conduct a live training session for all staff. The school administrator dashboard is extremely intuitive and easy to understand. Required training is minimal and help pages are provided. Phone Support Available during normal business hours Monday- Friday. STAFFTRAINING & SUPPORTINCLUDES: STUDENT SUPPORT INCLUDES: Chat Support - Students can chat with a support specialist directly from any help page. - Available Monday-Friday during normal business hours. Help Center - A help center allows students to report issues, make suggestions, view discussion boards and access frequently asked questions. Informational webinars - Informational webinars offered periodically throughout each semester.
  • 17. Administrator Dashboard DATA AND REPORTS CSV UPLOAD Track adoption, retention, and a variety of reports on how students are using the application. You can scan the data to see where students are struggling or falling short of goals. Use that information to adjust your programming to focus on the areas where your students are struggling the most, maximizing the effectiveness of the help you offer. School administrators can directly upload lists of eligible students and quickly and seamlessly make adjustments as necessary. Adding details such as Class Year and Major allows you to run more detailed reports. - Grades - Group Usage - Goals Achieved - Manual Actions Taken - MyDocDrafter Usage - Notifications Actioned - Tracked Contacts Info - General Usage Data THE REPORTS INCLUDE: monitor usage, send messages, access data & repor ts 17
  • 18. Administrator Dashboardmonitor usage, send messages, access data & repor ts 18 Post messages that won’t get buried under other emails because they’re the only external messages students receive in the MyClassroom section. Most direct and reliable way to communicate with your students in a way you know they will read. Add information and links to the Career Center page and other tools and resources you’d like your students to be aware of. ADD MESSAGES AND LINKS
  • 19. 19 Rollout Guidebookeverything you need to get started The guidebook is a step-by-step guide to engaging your students, generat- ing signups, and retaining engagement on campus. In addition to the guide, a digital copy of all the marketing materials is included. CHRONOLOGY Included is a detailed calendar displaying recommendations for when to send out certian materials and contact students. VALUE OF NETWORKING Students tend to be afraid or intimidated by the word “networking”.  Specific strategies and materials are discussed and provided to squash those tendencies. DIFFICULTIES WITH NETWORKING We break down the science behind students struggles with networking and outline strategies to help them all become networking pros. ROLLOUT STRATEGY MyNetwork provides all the materi- als you will need to roll out on campus complete with: - Presentations ~ Direct Communications - Social Media Strategies - Signage/Papering example career fair flyer senior mailbox flyer sophmore & junior mailbox flyer freshman mailbox flyer rollout progression
  • 20. ma r k e t ing & c o m u ni c at i o n s o n - c a m p u s p o s i t i o n $ 15 0 0 / in t e r n 1 0 0 % o f t h e f u n d s p a i d t o s t u d e n t fa l l s e m e s t e r 10-15 Hrs a week Program details MyNetwork will hire, train, manage and pay a student intern for an on-campus one-semester marketing and communications internship. The student will be responsible for promoting the application and generate signups and sustained usage across campus. The student will gain valuable experience and develop skills in branding, marketing, communications, event planning, and public speaking. This program further alleviates even more of the minimal effort required by the career center to rollout MyNetwork on campus. 20 Optional Internship Programcampus leader, signups, involvement i n c r e a s e d s i g n u p sa n d s t u d e n t e n g a g e m e n t
  • 21. MyNetwork isn’t one more thing, it’s five less things your staff has to do. Your career center has a lot on it’s plate. We all love one-on-one counseling, but there’s just not enough time to help every student. MyNetwork helps answer a number of the basic networking questions that they would otherwise need personal assistance for. You’ll be able to focus your time on more challenging questions and pressing initiatives that you have. My Network can answer students' questions like: “what should I do with this business card?” ‘how often should I follow up?” “what should I say to the recruiter?” “how can I organize all the different contacts?” and more. - Telvin L. Babson ‘16- Telvin L. Babson ‘16 21 So you and your staff can answer questions like: “what industry should I work in?” “what classes should I be taking?” “How do I prepare for the interview?” and the like. -Jared W. Tulane ‘16-Jared W. Tulane ‘16 What Students Are Saying -Jack E. Bucknell ‘16-Jack E. Bucknell ‘16 Time Savingsfor you and your staff -Christian C. Bucknell ‘16 -Christian C. Bucknell ‘16
  • 22. 22 A LUMNI GIVING On The Decline Giving percentages are highly correlated to post graduation suc- cess. Underemployed recent grads hardly ever give back, so decreasing that percentage can increase young alumni giving. Getting giving started the year after graduation is crucial to develop alumni into lifelong givers. The time to focus on helping your students capitalize on career opportunities is now. Schools do a solid job putting students in front of potential employers but now they need a tool to help convert meeting a contact into career opportunites. A job board is not enough, but Mynetwork is an invaluable asset. U N D E R E M P L O Y M E N T “will I be able to get a job when I graduate?’ This is one of the top questions 88% of prospec- tive students are asking, according to a 2013 UCLA HERI study. A New Competitive Landscapeand how MyNetwork can give your students an edge 48%ofrecentgradsare UNDEREMPLOYED less than 8.7%of alumni GIVE Increased Pressure The current job market is chang- ing, colleges are under increasing pressure to justify the ROI of a college education by placing stu- dents in high quality jobs. CHAN GING JO B MARKE T T H E T I M E I S N O W - for MyNetwork
  • 23. Make MyNetwork available for your students today MYNETWORK LLC 520 Evans Street, Suite 7 Bethlehem, PA 18015 phone: 484-383-0638 email: CONTACT US my-network FOLLOW US OUR HEADQUARTERS Let us help you put a world of opportunity in your students hands! Let us help you put a world of opportunity in your students hands!