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Farm Records
and Accounting
A Report in
Agricultural Extension 221:
Advanced Agribusiness

Dr. Cesar T. Villanueva

Ronel D. Caña
I. Introduction
 Farming is an enterprise;
 Farmer = Entrepreneur =
 farmer-entrepreneur has tasks such
  as monitoring farm income, making
  outside transactions and keeping track
  of the farm supplies;
 farmer must employ key tools and
  methods in order to keep track of and
  manage his business.
I. Introduction
 Farm records and accounting forms
  are key tools where the farmer may
  base his future decisions;
 A good farm record is also a tool used
  in assessing and mitigating farm
  business risks and opportunities;
 A little of farming + a little of business
  = farm record and accounting.
II. Importance of Farm Records
 Farm records are a management tool
  – they allow you to measure how
  efficiently you are using resources and
  to determine whether or not you are
  having income;
 Farm records are also essential for
  planning and decision making;
 Farm records is used in obtaining
 Farm records is used for income tax
III. Items Included in the Farm
Record Keeping System
 A business checking account to
  handle all business transactions.
 An income ledger to record all
  business income by calendar month.
 An expense ledger to record all
  business expenses by calendar
 An inventory that involves both the
  physical counting and valuation
III. Items Included in the Farm
Record Keeping System
 A depreciation schedule pro-rating the
  original costs of assets over more than
  one accounting period.
 A net worth statement or balance sheet
  summarizing assets and liabilities of the
 An income or profit and loss
  statement that lists receipts and
  expenses by type (and the result is net
  profit or net loss).
 Cash flow statement measures the flow
  of funds into the business and the flow
  out of the business over the accounting
IV. Farm Record Keeping
 the essential first step in organizing
  business transactions;
 simply a record of the money you
  spend and the money you earn;
 written on a set of ledger sheets,
  which contain several columns, to
  keep track of where money goes and
  from what source it is earned.
V. Farm Record Keeping
 two kinds of record keeping systems:
  ―single entry‖ and ―double entry‖;
 ―double-entry‖ method is a perfected
  system with built-in cross checks and
  automatic balancing;
 for the purpose of farming, ―single-
  entry‖ record keeping is advised;
 this will still provide you with the basic
  information you need to manage your
VI. Farm Accounting
 the process of measuring and
  recording all farm resources and all
  farm transactions with financial
  consequences in a systematic way;
 conduct of farm accounting may take
  a large part of the farmer‘s time and
 however this effort is compensated in
  account of the following reasons:
VI. Farm Accounting
 itpermits the farmer to find out the size
  of the income which is derived from the
 to know the total value of the farm
  business and to know which part is
  actually owned by the farmer and which
  by others;
 to detect loss or theft of cash or stock;
 to provide the necessary data for a
  correct income tax assessment;
 to claim expenses for work done by
VI. Farm Accounting
 normally farmers dislike paper work,
  as they are busy with their farm work;
 where to keep records may be a real
  problem for a farmer, as one cannot
  expect an office or a desk on the
  average farm;
 therefore, farm accounting should
  be kept very simple; it helps when all
  records can be kept in just one book
VII. Customary Business
Documents and Their Use
   Cash receipt
    ◦ when merchandise is bought and paid for
      in cash, the seller in a modern business
      will make out a cash receipt which is
      printed in duplicate. The original cash
      receipt is given to the buyer. The buyer
      should keep the receipt and later enter it
      in his Cash Book. The duplicate remains
      in the book of the seller; later on the seller
      will summarize the duplicates and enter
      them in his Cash Analysis Book.
VII. Customary Business
Documents and Their Use
   Invoice
    ◦ whenever merchandise is sold on credit
      an invoice is made out in the invoice
      book which is usually in triplicate. The
      original invoice is given to the buyer
      together with the merchandise. Where
      monthly statements are sent to the buyer,
      the duplicates will be sent to the buyer
      together with the statement. The triplicate
      remains in the book as a record.
VII. Customary Business
Documents and Their Use
   Statement
    ◦ the seller can summarize all invoices to a
      customer in a statement; this statement
      is then sent to the customer for payment.
      The statement gives the dates of the
      invoices, their numbers and the amounts
      which are due, under the heading DEBIT.
      If during that month any payment or
      merchandise or credit is received from
      that customer, it will be accounted for
      under the heading CREDIT. The
      difference between debit and credit is
      entered under the heading BALANCE.
VII. Customary Business
Documents and Their Use
   Purchase order
    ◦ a written request to a trading business to
      supply specified merchandise on credit; at
      the same time it warrants payment when the
      merchandise (with the invoice) is delivered;
      commonly called a ‗local purchase order‘ or
      LPO (in English speaking countries). A
      purchase order specifies the merchandise in
      number, kind, size, make, color, etc.. It needs
      the signature of the person who actually
      orders and that of the person who must
      approve the purchase.
VII. Customary Business
Documents and Their Use
   Cheque (check)
    ◦ A cheque is an order to a bank to make a
      payment in money. A cheque is the safest
      and easiest way of paying a debt or a
      purchase for a person having a bank
VII. Customary Business
Documents and Their Use
   Money Order
    ◦ money order is another kind of order to
      make a payment. It is a means of
      transmitting money to persons who have
      no current bank account. To obtain a
      money order, the amount to be
      transmitted plus a fee have to be paid to
      the Post Office (or any other service
      provider) or the bank. A money order form
      has to be completed (sender, payee,
      name of the office where the money order
      can be cashed).
VIII. Balance Sheet
   Measuring and Recording of Farm
    ◦ to obtain and maintain the most profitable
      use of the available farm resources;
    ◦ the resources of a farm business are
      nature, labor and capital:
      ‗capital‘ is commonly meant capital or
       production goods; not just money!
      ‗labor‘ is the resource provided by individual
       human beings with their free consent (it
       cannot be owned)
      ‗nature‘ and ‗capital‘ are either owned or
VIII. Balance Sheet
   Measuring and Recording of Farm
    ◦ when making a list of the resources, only
      those owned by the farmer are
    ◦ the rented resources are taken into
      account when the costs of production are
    ◦ It is important to know by what financial
      means the farmer is able to own his farm
    ◦ the farm resources are also called
VIII. Balance Sheet
   Measuring and Recording of Farm
    ◦ A general way of recording the facts about
      the available farm resources is the
      Balance Sheet (BS) – also known as the
      Net Worth Statement;
    ◦ it is a listing of all the possessions and
      debts of the farm business at a certain
    ◦ debts (= what is owed to others) are
      called ‗liabilities‘;
    ◦ possessions are called ‗assets‘
VIII. Balance Sheet
    Schematically, a Balance Sheet looks like:

                          Balance Sheet
Of ………………… (Name and
                                 On …………. (Date)
Assets                           Liabilities
How are the farm resources       Possessions = all farm resources
(possessions) financed:
a. by the farmer himself
b. by others = loans or debts
VIII. Balance Sheet
   The Balance Sheet
    ◦ its primary use is to establish the financial
      solvency of the business;
    ◦ represents a financial snapshot of the
      business at a specific point in time;
    ◦ the three components of the balance sheet
      are assets, or things owned; liabilities, or
      things owed; and the difference between
      these, the owner’s equity or net worth.
    ◦ separate property belonging to the farm
      business from property belonging to the
      farmer's household.
VIII. Balance Sheet
   The Balance Sheet
    ◦ The assets are listed in the following
      1) the most fixed assets, such as land;
      2) the more current assets;
      3) and finally the most liquid, such as cash in
       hand and money to be received.
    ◦ The total assets, also called Gross
      Capital, is the total value of all land,
      capital goods, stocks in store or in the
      field and money available in the business.
VIII. Balance Sheet
   The Balance Sheet
    ◦ Liabilities are also grouped into one of three
      categories. Current liabilities are those
      corresponding to current assets, like other
      debt payments within the calendar year;
    ◦ Intermediate liabilities relate to working
      assets, like farm equipment, and include the
      liabilities or balances due on intermediate
      assets with terms from one to ten years;
    ◦ Long-term liabilities include land and
      contracts on real property exceeding ten
      years in duration.
VIII. Balance Sheet
                                          Balance Sheet
All Organic G.M.O. Farm, San Ildefonso, Bul.       December 31, 2010
                    ASSETS                                         LIABILITIES
Fixed                                              Long Term

 Farmland (3.0 ha@P500,000)         1,500,000.00    Farm Real Estate                  350,000.00

 Buildings & Improvements             650,000.00 Building Depreciation                280,000.00
 Other facilities                     210,000.00 Total Fixed                          630,000.00
Total Fixed                         2,360,000.00
Intermediate                                      Machinery Depreciation               50,000.00
 Poultry-2,000 hds@P100               200,000.00 Vehicles Depreciation                 68,000.00
 Machinery & Equipment                800,000.00 Equipments Depreciation               42,000.00
 Vehicles                             400,000.00 Total Intermediate                   160,000.00
Total Intermediate                  1,400,000.00
Current                                             Accounts payable                  250,000.00
 Cash, savings account                700,000.00    Bank notes                         65,000.00
 Supplies                             150,000.00    Loans                             122,000.00
 Securities marketable                100,000.00    Accrued taxes                      76,000.00
 Cash value of insurance              200,000.00   Total Current                      513,000.00
 Accounts receivable                  350,000.00
Total Current                       1,500,000.00 Total Liabilities                   1,303,000.00

Total Assets                        5,260,000.00 Net Worth                           3,957,000.00

                                                   Total Liabilities and Net Worth   5,260,000.00
VIII. Balance Sheet
   Depreciation
    ◦ means loss of value;
    ◦ refers to capital goods or investments;
    ◦ due to the fact that capital goods (or
      production goods) do not last forever but
      wear out, deteriorate and finally become
    ◦ not only wear and tear, but also age may
      cause depreciation - something may
      become what is called obsolete, when it is
VIII. Balance Sheet
   Depreciation
    ◦ there are various methods of calculating
    ◦ most common method is the straight line
      method, in situations with no or little
    ◦ this method is commonly used in farm
    ◦ depreciation is calculated as if the value
      decreases by the same amount each
VIII. Balance Sheet
   Depreciation
    ◦ a capital good still has some value after it
      is worn out;
    ◦ this value is called residual, salvage, rest
      or scrap value;
    ◦ the scrap value has to be subtracted from
      the original or initial value of the capital
      good before one starts to calculate the
VIII. Balance Sheet
     Straight Line Depreciation Formula:

                    Purchase Value – Scrap
Annual Depreciation = Value
                        Useful life in years
VIII. Balance Sheet
   Inventory and Valuation of Resources
    ◦ valuation is the estimation of the value of
      each asset or item;
    ◦ inventory is a list of all possessions or
      assets item by item, at their present value;
    ◦ in making valuations, the value of farm
      produce can be based either on its cost of
      production or on its market value;
VIII. Balance Sheet
   Inventory of Resources
    ◦ Land:
       does not deteriorate under good
        husbandry practices and keeps the
        same value;
       may even become more valuable with
       value entered is the purchase price or
        the estimated price, based on the value
        of similar land in the area at the time.
VIII. Balance Sheet
   Inventory of Resources
    ◦ Buildings:
       stone or brick may last 25 to 40 years;
       depreciation is between 4% and 2.5%
        per year;
       wooden buildings depreciate at about
        10% per year.
VIII. Balance Sheet
   Inventory of Resources
    ◦ Machinery:
       Non-motorized machinery (ploughs,
        harrows and carts) depreciate at about
        10% per year;
       Motorized machinery (tractors,
        harvesters and diesel pumps)
        depreciate at 20% per year or more,
        depending on maintenance and number
        of hours which they are operated per
VIII. Balance Sheet
   Inventory of Resources
    ◦ Small tools:
       Includes hammers, pliers, shovels, buckets,
       with small purchase values and written off
        immediately at purchase (which means that
        their depreciation is 100%);
       on a large, modern farm there may be
        thousands of such small tools; some might
        be new and some nearly worn out;
       a suitable method is to calculate the new
        value of all small tools and to enter them on
        the Balance Sheet for half that value once
        and for all.
VIII. Balance Sheet
   Inventory of Resources
    ◦ Livestock:
       listed by kind, age and sex;
       each group of animals is valued by
        multiplying the number in that group by
        a fixed price;
       this fixed price would be the cost of
        breeding a representative animal of that
       a ‗standard value‘ may be applied for
        inventory/valuation purposes.
VIII. Balance Sheet
   Valuation of Resources
    ◦ There are many methods for valuing farm
      assets. Commonly used methods are as
VIII. Balance Sheet
   Valuation of Resources
    ◦ The market cost method:
       values assets at their purchase price;
       use this method for recently purchased
        assets that will be used in a relatively
        short time (i.e., feed, fuel, fertilizer, and
       must be used to value inventories for tax
VIII. Balance Sheet
   Valuation of Resources
    ◦ The net market price method:
       uses the market cost less transportation
        and marketing charges;
       It is the money the farm would have left
        after selling a product and can be used
        when liquidity estimates are needed;
       net market price could be used for
        livestock and farm produced crops.
VIII. Balance Sheet
   Valuation of Resources
    ◦ Farm production costs method:
       determined by the cost of producing a
        commodity on the farm;
       It is useful for farm produced
        commodities that in turn will be used in
        other farm enterprises;
VIII. Balance Sheet
   Valuation of Resources
    ◦ cost-minus-depreciation method:
       applies to investments that have a
        useful life longer than a year;
    ◦ capitalization method :
       uses the time value of money to
        estimate current asset value;
       based on an annual income stream that
        an asset can produce in its present use.
VIII. Balance Sheet
   Valuation of Resources
    ◦ replacement cost for equivalent
      function method :
       considers the changing function of some
        assets over time;
       replacement cost considered should be
        related to its current use.
IX. Cash Analysis Book
   Cash Book, Petty Cash and Diary
    ◦ cash book is what it says, namely a
      record of all changes in cash and a record
      of all cash transactions;
    ◦ each transaction starts with a new line in
      the cash book;
    ◦ farms use a petty cash book in which
      expenditures and receipts for cash in
      hand are recorded when they occur;
    ◦ once a week or once a month the totals
      are entered in the cash book.
IX. Cash Analysis Book
   Cash Book, Petty Cash and Diary;
    ◦ A diary is a book of events, transactions
      or observations recorded daily or at
      frequent intervals;
    ◦ Large farms which keep a complete set of
      accounting books may use a diary for non
      financial records, such as work performed
      by laborers, fertilizer applications on
      specified crops and fields, dates of sowing
      and harvesting, servicing, yields, feed
      given to animals, etc..
IX. Cash Analysis Book
   The design and use of the Cash Analysis
    ◦ it is not possible to calculate the Net Farm
      Income from the cash book as such;
    ◦ receipts and expenditures have to be
      sorted out, kind by kind.
    ◦ To be able to manage the farm in such a
      way that the most profitable use is made of
      the farm resources, the farmer must:
IX. Cash Analysis Book
   The design and use of the Cash Analysis
      distinguish
        receipts for farm produce from other receipts,
         such as sales of capital goods and loans;
        expenditures for production purposes from
         expenditures for other purposes, such as
         investments and repayments;
      calculate the costs and revenues of his separate
       farming activities (also called enterprises);
      compare the output and costs of each activity with
       the results of previous years and also with the
       results of other farms.
IX. Cash Analysis Book
   The design and use of the Cash Analysis
    ◦ it is not possible to calculate the Net Farm
      Income from the cash book as such;
    ◦ receipts and expenditures have to be
      sorted out, kind by kind.
    ◦ To be able to manage the farm in such a
      way that the most profitable use is made of
      the farm resources, the farmer must:
IX. Cash Analysis Book
   Cash Analysis Book
    ◦ an extension of the cash book;
    ◦ the Cash Analysis Book adds several
      columns to the total +receipts and total
      expenditures columns of the cash book;
    ◦ In these columns receipts and
      expenditures of one and the same kind are
      recorded a second time;
IX. Cash Analysis Book
   Different columns in the Cash Analysis
    ◦ columns in which the output and costs are
      entered for each activity (enterprise or
      operation) for which separate information
      is wanted; examples: maize, poultry, citrus,
      milk, cattle, woodlot;
    ◦ a column ‗other output‘ on the receipts side
      and a column ‗overhead costs‘ (or general
      costs) on the expenditures side, in which
      output and costs are entered which
      cannot be allocated to a specific
IX. Cash Analysis Book
   Different columns in the Cash Analysis
    ◦ a column for livestock sales on the
      receipts side and a column for purchases
      on the expenditures side;
    ◦ a column for non output receipts and a
      column for non cost expenditures on the
      expenditure side;
    ◦ a column for receipts from the
      household (private) and a column for
      expenditures for the household;
    ◦ other columns.
Cash Analysis Book - All Organic G.M.O. Farm, San Ildefonso, Bul., January – December 2010
    Date           Description               Total         Crops        Livestock                   Others      Private
1/6/10      Cash in Hand                         9,000                                                  9,000
1/19/10     1 Organic GMO Cow                   15,000                       15,000
1/30/10     1 Organic GMO Pig                    6,000                        6,000
6/1/10      Landprep rentals                    12,000                                   12,000
            Summary for the rest of
            the year:
            Crops sold                           5,000          5,000
            Animals sold                         3,000                        3,000
            Machine rentals                      4,500                                     4,500
            Other sources                        2,000                                                  2,000
             Total Receipts                    56,500       5,000      24,000            16,000        11,000             -
                                                         Crops     Vet.Serv./       Overhead
   Date             Description              Total                                                 Other Exp.   Private
                                                         Supp.      Purch.           costs
1/12/10      Fertilizer                         5,400       5,400
1/20/10      Veterinary services                2,000                   2,000
1/25/10      Wages                              5,000                                     5,000
1/31/10      Building Repair                   15,000                                                  15,000
7/25/10      Private drawing                    1,000                                                               1,000
             Summary for the rest of
             the year:
             Crop supplies                      4,000         4,000
             Fuel & Oil                         3,600                                     3,600
             Vet. Serv. & Supp.                 2,000                       2,000
             Wages                              8,000                                     8,000
             Private drawings                   2,000                                                               2,000
             House repair                       6,000                                                   6,000
             Cash Balance                       2,500                                                   2,500
             Total                             56,500         9,400         4,000        16,600        23,500       3,000
X. Income Statement / Profit
and Loss Statement
 the second important financial
 summary of receipts and expenses and
  the resulting profit or loss during an
  accounting period, usually a year;
 for purposes of estimating profit or
  loss, the accrual system presents a
  much better estimate of business
X. Income Statement
                                   INCOME STATEMENT
                        All Organic G.M.O. Farm, San Ildefonso, Bul.
                            January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010
FARM RECEIPTS                                          FARM OPERATING EXPENSES
Crop Products sold             41,000.00               Organic GMO Seeds              1,800.00

Organic GMO Cows sold          15,000.00               Feeds                         16,000.00

Machinery income               30,000.00               Labor                          5,000.00
Misc. income                    2,000.00               Repairs & Maintenance          3,500.00
Organic GMO Pigs sold          12,000.00               Property taxes                   900.00
Gross Farm Receipts        100,000.00 (1)              Insurance                        650.00
                                                       Supplies                       2,000.00
                                                       Chemicals                      3,000.00
                                                       Fuel (Gas, Diesel & Oil)       5,500.00

                                                       Waste disposal & Compost       1,200.00

                                                       Miscellaneous                    650.00
                                                       Interests                      2,100.00

                                            Total Farm Cash Operating Expenses 42,300.00 (2)

                                            Net Cash Operating Income (1-2)       57,700.00 (3)
X. Income Statement
                  Crop                              Accounts       Supplies &     Accounts
                 Prod’n.                            Receivable      Materials      Payable
Ending Inventory   300.00     1,500.00                  2,000.00         400.00              -
Beginning Inv.     250.00     2,000.00                  3,164.00         200.00              -
Net Adjustment      50.00       500.00                 -1,164.00         200.00              -     -414.00 (4)

                   Net Operating Profit (3 +/- 4)                                                57,286.00 (5)
                   Machinery & Equipments        Buildings & Improvements
Ending Inventory                     21,000.00                        60,000.00
Plus sales                              500.00
Sub-total (6)                        21,500.00                        60,000.00

Beginning Inv.                       22,650.00                        57,000.00
Plus purchases                          600.00
Sub-total (7)                        23,250.00                        57,000.00
Net Capital Adjustments (6-
                                     -1,750.00                         3,000.00                   1,250.00 (8)

                   Farm Profit or Loss (58)                                                         53,536 (9)
                   Net Non-Farm Income                                                           7,000.00 (10)

                   Total Farm & Non-Farm Income (9+10)                                           60,536.00(11)

                   Income & Security Taxes                                                       1,650.00 (12)
                   Net After-tax Income (11-12)                                                     58,886.00
X. Income Statement
   Profit and Loss Statement
    ◦ Receipts
      gross returns from the sales of farm products
       and the value of farm products used in the
      receipt section of the income statement assigns
       a value to gross farm production;
      to accurately state gross income, receipts must
       be adjusted for inventory changes;
      receipts should also be adjusted for purchases
       of livestock, feed, and supplies.
X. Income Statement
   Profit and Loss Statement
    ◦ Expenses
      the outlays for items paid for and used
       during the time period covered by the
       income statement ;
      include all the cash operating expenses as
       well as the fixed expenses incurred during
       the accounting period;
      cash operating costs are ―Farm Operating
       Expenses,‖ and fixed expenses are
       considered under ―Adjustments for Capital
X. Income Statement
   Profit and Loss Statement
    ◦ Inventory adjustments
       for prepaid operating expenses such as
        seed, chemicals, and insurance;
       necessary for capital assets such as
        machinery and building improvements;
       reflect purchases and sales that occurred
        during the year.
X. Income Statement
   Measures of Business Performance:
    ◦ Net cash operating income
       determined by subtracting the cash
        operating expenses from gross receipts;
       can be used to compare operating
        efficiencies across farms with different
        debt structure;
       its primary use is related to cash flow and
        to estimate cash returns when taxes are
        calculated on a cash basis.
X. Income Statement
   Measures of Business Performance:
    ◦ Net operating profit
       obtained by adjusting cash operating
        income for accounts receivable, payable,
        and inventory changes;
       the purpose for making these
        adjustments is to determine an accrued
        accounting of income produced during
        the period.
X. Income Statement
   Measures of Business Performance:
    ◦ Farm Profit or Loss
       results from adjusting net operating profit for
        ―Net Capital Adjustments‖;
       to compute net income on an accrued basis,
        adjustments must be made for capital
       the ―bottom line‖ profit or loss is the before-
        tax return to the operator‘s management,
        capital, risk, and unpaid family labor.;
       the trend of the receipts, expenses, and
        profit over time is valuable in analyzing the
        financial progress of the farm business.
XI. Enterprise Accounting
 can help you make decisions about
  particular components of your farm
 used to pinpoint sources of profit in the farm
  business and factors affecting profitability
 focus only on the most meaningful data;
 rule of thumb in collecting and recording
  enterprise data or farm records in general is
  to ask whether the information value in terms
  of improved decision making equals or
  exceeds the cost of data collection and
XI. Enterprise Accounting
   three enterprise classifications:
    ◦ Production Enterprises - these are crop and
      livestock enterprises that produce marketable

    ◦ Service Enterprises - include machinery and
      equipment services, an on-farm retail market, and
      the farm shop. These enterprises are internal to
      the farm business and provide services not
      directly marketed.

    ◦ Holding Enterprises - these are storage facilities,
      buildings, capital—enterprises that hold the inputs
      or farm-produced commodities until they are
      ready for use in a particular enterprise or are
      ready for sale.
XI. Enterprise Accounting
   factors to consider in evaluating crop and livestock
    enterprises :

   Livestock enterprises:
    ◦   Returns per hundred price of feed fed
    ◦   Feed costs per kg of meat or milk produced
    ◦   Feed efficiency, kg of feed per kg of product
    ◦   Total enterprise profits per head or per unit
    ◦   Other factors that might include such things as pigs weaned
        per litter, percent calf crop, kg of milk produced per cow, etc.

   Crop enterprises:
    ◦   Yield per hectare
    ◦   Returns above cash hectare
    ◦   Net enterprise profit per hectare
    ◦   Gross value of crop produced per hectare
    ◦   Machinery and power costs per hectare
    ◦   Fertilizer costs per hectare
XII. Cash Flow Statement
 know the flow of income and expenses
  during the accounting period to ensure you
  can meet your financial obligations on time;
 helps you assess your ability to pay bills on
 can be completed on an annual, semi-
  annual, quarterly, monthly, or bimonthly
  basis depending on the size and type of
 the larger the business and the more capital
  involved, the more important cash flow
  planning becomes.
XII. Cash Flow Statement
   Cash Flow is different from Income
    ◦ cash flow statement includes non-farm items
      such as non-farm income, living expenses,
      and income taxes;
    ◦ cash flow also more fully reflects breeding
      stock and machinery purchases and a more
      complete accounting of principal payments
      and loans;
    ◦ the cash flow can be defined as the sources
      and uses of funds or a flow-of-funds
    ◦ it summarizes all the transactions during a
XII. Cash Flow Statement
   Instructions for completing a cash flow statement:
    1. Complete the summary, column by column,
         starting with the column corresponding to the
         first period of the year.

    2. Total lines 1 through 12 to get Total Cash
       Available in the period. Place the result on line

    3. Total lines l4 through 40 to get Total Cash
       Required for the period. Place the result on line

    4. Subtract line 41 from line 13 and place the
       result on line 42. If the result is negative, place a
       minus sign in front of it or place the value in
XII. Cash Flow Statement
   Instructions for completing a cash flow statement:
    5. If line 42 is negative, show at least enough new
         borrowings (line 43) to cover the deficit.

    6. If line 42 is positive, show projected principal
       and interest payments on the operating loan(s)
       in lines 44 and 45.

    7. If line 42 is negative, subtract it from the amount
       of money borrowed (line 43) to get the ending
       cash balance (line 46). If line 42 is positive,
       subtract principal and interest payments (lines
       44 and 45) to get the ending cash balance.

    8. Increase the operating loan balance (line 47) by
       the amount of new borrowings during the
       period, or decrease it by the amount of principal
       payments, whichever is appropriate.
XII. Cash Flow Statement
   Instructions for completing a cash flow statement:
     9. Transfer the ending cash balance (line 46 for
         the period you have just completed) to the
         beginning cash balance (line l) for the next

    10.   Repeat steps l through 9 for each period of the

    11.   One column should be completed for the total
          year‘s operation. The figures in this column
          reflect your total cash flow for the year. Each
          figure in this column is the sum of the figures in
          the individual time periods for most of the lines.
          But, the figures in lines 1, 13, 42, 45, and 46 do
          not necessarily ―add across,‖ due to the transfer
          of cash balances from the end of one period to
          the beginning of the next. If the beginning and
          ending cash balances were all equal, these
XII. Cash Flow Statement
                                                   CASH FLOW STATEMENT
Use pencil – round to Pesos
Date Completed: December 31, 2010
   CASH INFLOW                            Period        Jan 1-15   Jan 16-31   …
   1. Beginning Cash Balance
   2. Crops
   5. Livestock
   8. Custom Work
   9. Agricultural Program Payments
   10. Patronage Dividends
   11. Other
   13. Total Cash Available (Add lines 1-12)
   14. Rents and leases
   15. Gas, Fuel, Oil
   16. Labor hired
   17. Machinery repair
   18. Machinery hire
   19. Fertilizer and Chemicals
   20. Seeds
   21. Feed Purchased
   22. Livestock expense (vet., breeding, etc.)
XII. Cash Flow Statement
23. Building and Fence Repair
24. Supplies
25. Utilities
26. Insurance (property, liability, etc)
27. Real estate taxes
28. Livestock purchased for resale
29. Other
33. Machinery purchase
35. Breeding livestock
36. Other
37. Family living expense
38. Income & security tax
39. Fixed loan payments – principal
40. Fixed loan payments
41. Total cash required (Add lines 14-40)
42. Cash available less cash required (13-14)
43. Money to be borrowed (if 41 is negative)
44. Debt payments (if 42 is negative)
45. Ending Cash Balance
XIII. Field Records
   Field records for crop production might
    include such items :
    ◦ field identification or description;
    ◦ parcel size;
    ◦ cropping history;
    ◦ crops grown, cultural practices used and
      yield information;
    ◦ current field activities;
    ◦ soil test data;
    ◦ labor hours by activity.
XIII. Field Records
   Livestock or poultry records also provide
    useful information. Poultry records should
    ◦ chicken purchases and dates;
    ◦ mortality rates;
    ◦ feed records, quantities purchased, and
      quantities fed;
    ◦ production records, eggs per day;
    ◦ cull or damaged eggs;
    ◦ rodent control activities;
    ◦ sale of pullets or hens.
That’s it! Thank

 Gletema, Bart. editor. Farm Accounting. Agromisa
     Foundation. Wageningen, The Netherlands, 2006
 Carkner, Richard W., Farm Business Records: An
    Introduction. Washington State University,
    Washington DC, USA, 2000

               RONEL DIMAYA CAÑA
                      Agriculturist II
               Provincial Agriculture Office
                City of Malolos, Bulacan

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  • 1. Farm Records and Accounting A Report in Agricultural Extension 221: Advanced Agribusiness Dr. Cesar T. Villanueva Professor Ronel D. Caña Student
  • 2. I. Introduction  Farming is an enterprise;  Farmer = Entrepreneur = Businessman;  farmer-entrepreneur has tasks such as monitoring farm income, making outside transactions and keeping track of the farm supplies;  farmer must employ key tools and methods in order to keep track of and manage his business.
  • 3. I. Introduction  Farm records and accounting forms are key tools where the farmer may base his future decisions;  A good farm record is also a tool used in assessing and mitigating farm business risks and opportunities;  A little of farming + a little of business = farm record and accounting.
  • 4. II. Importance of Farm Records  Farm records are a management tool – they allow you to measure how efficiently you are using resources and to determine whether or not you are having income;  Farm records are also essential for planning and decision making;  Farm records is used in obtaining credit;  Farm records is used for income tax
  • 5. III. Items Included in the Farm Record Keeping System  A business checking account to handle all business transactions.  An income ledger to record all business income by calendar month.  An expense ledger to record all business expenses by calendar month.  An inventory that involves both the physical counting and valuation assignment.
  • 6. III. Items Included in the Farm Record Keeping System  A depreciation schedule pro-rating the original costs of assets over more than one accounting period.  A net worth statement or balance sheet summarizing assets and liabilities of the farm.  An income or profit and loss statement that lists receipts and expenses by type (and the result is net profit or net loss).  Cash flow statement measures the flow of funds into the business and the flow out of the business over the accounting period.
  • 7. IV. Farm Record Keeping  the essential first step in organizing business transactions;  simply a record of the money you spend and the money you earn;  written on a set of ledger sheets, which contain several columns, to keep track of where money goes and from what source it is earned.
  • 8. V. Farm Record Keeping Systems  two kinds of record keeping systems: ―single entry‖ and ―double entry‖;  ―double-entry‖ method is a perfected system with built-in cross checks and automatic balancing;  for the purpose of farming, ―single- entry‖ record keeping is advised;  this will still provide you with the basic information you need to manage your farm.
  • 9. VI. Farm Accounting  the process of measuring and recording all farm resources and all farm transactions with financial consequences in a systematic way;  conduct of farm accounting may take a large part of the farmer‘s time and effort;  however this effort is compensated in account of the following reasons:
  • 10. VI. Farm Accounting  itpermits the farmer to find out the size of the income which is derived from the farm;  to know the total value of the farm business and to know which part is actually owned by the farmer and which by others;  to detect loss or theft of cash or stock;  to provide the necessary data for a correct income tax assessment;  to claim expenses for work done by
  • 11. VI. Farm Accounting  normally farmers dislike paper work, as they are busy with their farm work;  where to keep records may be a real problem for a farmer, as one cannot expect an office or a desk on the average farm;  therefore, farm accounting should be kept very simple; it helps when all records can be kept in just one book
  • 12. VII. Customary Business Documents and Their Use  Cash receipt ◦ when merchandise is bought and paid for in cash, the seller in a modern business will make out a cash receipt which is printed in duplicate. The original cash receipt is given to the buyer. The buyer should keep the receipt and later enter it in his Cash Book. The duplicate remains in the book of the seller; later on the seller will summarize the duplicates and enter them in his Cash Analysis Book.
  • 13. VII. Customary Business Documents and Their Use  Invoice ◦ whenever merchandise is sold on credit an invoice is made out in the invoice book which is usually in triplicate. The original invoice is given to the buyer together with the merchandise. Where monthly statements are sent to the buyer, the duplicates will be sent to the buyer together with the statement. The triplicate remains in the book as a record.
  • 14. VII. Customary Business Documents and Their Use  Statement ◦ the seller can summarize all invoices to a customer in a statement; this statement is then sent to the customer for payment. The statement gives the dates of the invoices, their numbers and the amounts which are due, under the heading DEBIT. If during that month any payment or merchandise or credit is received from that customer, it will be accounted for under the heading CREDIT. The difference between debit and credit is entered under the heading BALANCE.
  • 15. VII. Customary Business Documents and Their Use  Purchase order ◦ a written request to a trading business to supply specified merchandise on credit; at the same time it warrants payment when the merchandise (with the invoice) is delivered; commonly called a ‗local purchase order‘ or LPO (in English speaking countries). A purchase order specifies the merchandise in number, kind, size, make, color, etc.. It needs the signature of the person who actually orders and that of the person who must approve the purchase.
  • 16. VII. Customary Business Documents and Their Use  Cheque (check) ◦ A cheque is an order to a bank to make a payment in money. A cheque is the safest and easiest way of paying a debt or a purchase for a person having a bank account.
  • 17. VII. Customary Business Documents and Their Use  Money Order ◦ money order is another kind of order to make a payment. It is a means of transmitting money to persons who have no current bank account. To obtain a money order, the amount to be transmitted plus a fee have to be paid to the Post Office (or any other service provider) or the bank. A money order form has to be completed (sender, payee, name of the office where the money order can be cashed).
  • 18. VIII. Balance Sheet  Measuring and Recording of Farm Resources ◦ to obtain and maintain the most profitable use of the available farm resources; ◦ the resources of a farm business are nature, labor and capital:  ‗capital‘ is commonly meant capital or production goods; not just money!  ‗labor‘ is the resource provided by individual human beings with their free consent (it cannot be owned)  ‗nature‘ and ‗capital‘ are either owned or rented
  • 19. VIII. Balance Sheet  Measuring and Recording of Farm Resources ◦ when making a list of the resources, only those owned by the farmer are considered; ◦ the rented resources are taken into account when the costs of production are calculated; ◦ It is important to know by what financial means the farmer is able to own his farm resources; ◦ the farm resources are also called
  • 20. VIII. Balance Sheet  Measuring and Recording of Farm Resources ◦ A general way of recording the facts about the available farm resources is the Balance Sheet (BS) – also known as the Net Worth Statement; ◦ it is a listing of all the possessions and debts of the farm business at a certain date; ◦ debts (= what is owed to others) are called ‗liabilities‘; ◦ possessions are called ‗assets‘
  • 21. VIII. Balance Sheet  Schematically, a Balance Sheet looks like: Balance Sheet Of ………………… (Name and On …………. (Date) Place) Assets Liabilities How are the farm resources Possessions = all farm resources (possessions) financed: a. by the farmer himself b. by others = loans or debts
  • 22. VIII. Balance Sheet  The Balance Sheet ◦ its primary use is to establish the financial solvency of the business; ◦ represents a financial snapshot of the business at a specific point in time; ◦ the three components of the balance sheet are assets, or things owned; liabilities, or things owed; and the difference between these, the owner’s equity or net worth. ◦ separate property belonging to the farm business from property belonging to the farmer's household.
  • 23. VIII. Balance Sheet  The Balance Sheet ◦ The assets are listed in the following order:  1) the most fixed assets, such as land;  2) the more current assets;  3) and finally the most liquid, such as cash in hand and money to be received. ◦ The total assets, also called Gross Capital, is the total value of all land, capital goods, stocks in store or in the field and money available in the business.
  • 24. VIII. Balance Sheet  The Balance Sheet ◦ Liabilities are also grouped into one of three categories. Current liabilities are those corresponding to current assets, like other debt payments within the calendar year; ◦ Intermediate liabilities relate to working assets, like farm equipment, and include the liabilities or balances due on intermediate assets with terms from one to ten years; ◦ Long-term liabilities include land and contracts on real property exceeding ten years in duration.
  • 25. VIII. Balance Sheet Balance Sheet All Organic G.M.O. Farm, San Ildefonso, Bul. December 31, 2010 ASSETS LIABILITIES Fixed Long Term Farmland (3.0 ha@P500,000) 1,500,000.00 Farm Real Estate 350,000.00 Buildings & Improvements 650,000.00 Building Depreciation 280,000.00 Other facilities 210,000.00 Total Fixed 630,000.00 Total Fixed 2,360,000.00 Intermediate Intermediate Machinery Depreciation 50,000.00 Poultry-2,000 hds@P100 200,000.00 Vehicles Depreciation 68,000.00 Machinery & Equipment 800,000.00 Equipments Depreciation 42,000.00 Vehicles 400,000.00 Total Intermediate 160,000.00 Total Intermediate 1,400,000.00 Current Current Accounts payable 250,000.00 Cash, savings account 700,000.00 Bank notes 65,000.00 Supplies 150,000.00 Loans 122,000.00 Securities marketable 100,000.00 Accrued taxes 76,000.00 Cash value of insurance 200,000.00 Total Current 513,000.00 Accounts receivable 350,000.00 Total Current 1,500,000.00 Total Liabilities 1,303,000.00 Total Assets 5,260,000.00 Net Worth 3,957,000.00 Total Liabilities and Net Worth 5,260,000.00
  • 26. VIII. Balance Sheet  Depreciation ◦ means loss of value; ◦ refers to capital goods or investments; ◦ due to the fact that capital goods (or production goods) do not last forever but wear out, deteriorate and finally become useless; ◦ not only wear and tear, but also age may cause depreciation - something may become what is called obsolete, when it is outmoded.
  • 27. VIII. Balance Sheet  Depreciation ◦ there are various methods of calculating depreciation; ◦ most common method is the straight line method, in situations with no or little inflation.; ◦ this method is commonly used in farm accounting; ◦ depreciation is calculated as if the value decreases by the same amount each year.
  • 28. VIII. Balance Sheet  Depreciation ◦ a capital good still has some value after it is worn out; ◦ this value is called residual, salvage, rest or scrap value; ◦ the scrap value has to be subtracted from the original or initial value of the capital good before one starts to calculate the depreciation.
  • 29. VIII. Balance Sheet  Straight Line Depreciation Formula: Purchase Value – Scrap Annual Depreciation = Value Useful life in years
  • 30. VIII. Balance Sheet  Inventory and Valuation of Resources ◦ valuation is the estimation of the value of each asset or item; ◦ inventory is a list of all possessions or assets item by item, at their present value; ◦ in making valuations, the value of farm produce can be based either on its cost of production or on its market value;
  • 31. VIII. Balance Sheet  Inventory of Resources ◦ Land:  does not deteriorate under good husbandry practices and keeps the same value;  may even become more valuable with time;  value entered is the purchase price or the estimated price, based on the value of similar land in the area at the time.
  • 32. VIII. Balance Sheet  Inventory of Resources ◦ Buildings:  stone or brick may last 25 to 40 years;  depreciation is between 4% and 2.5% per year;  wooden buildings depreciate at about 10% per year.
  • 33. VIII. Balance Sheet  Inventory of Resources ◦ Machinery:  Non-motorized machinery (ploughs, harrows and carts) depreciate at about 10% per year;  Motorized machinery (tractors, harvesters and diesel pumps) depreciate at 20% per year or more, depending on maintenance and number of hours which they are operated per year.
  • 34. VIII. Balance Sheet  Inventory of Resources ◦ Small tools:  Includes hammers, pliers, shovels, buckets, etc.,  with small purchase values and written off immediately at purchase (which means that their depreciation is 100%);  on a large, modern farm there may be thousands of such small tools; some might be new and some nearly worn out;  a suitable method is to calculate the new value of all small tools and to enter them on the Balance Sheet for half that value once and for all.
  • 35. VIII. Balance Sheet  Inventory of Resources ◦ Livestock:  listed by kind, age and sex;  each group of animals is valued by multiplying the number in that group by a fixed price;  this fixed price would be the cost of breeding a representative animal of that group;  a ‗standard value‘ may be applied for inventory/valuation purposes.
  • 36. VIII. Balance Sheet  Valuation of Resources ◦ There are many methods for valuing farm assets. Commonly used methods are as follows:
  • 37. VIII. Balance Sheet  Valuation of Resources ◦ The market cost method:  values assets at their purchase price;  use this method for recently purchased assets that will be used in a relatively short time (i.e., feed, fuel, fertilizer, and seed);  must be used to value inventories for tax purposes.
  • 38. VIII. Balance Sheet  Valuation of Resources ◦ The net market price method:  uses the market cost less transportation and marketing charges;  It is the money the farm would have left after selling a product and can be used when liquidity estimates are needed;  net market price could be used for livestock and farm produced crops.
  • 39. VIII. Balance Sheet  Valuation of Resources ◦ Farm production costs method:  determined by the cost of producing a commodity on the farm;  It is useful for farm produced commodities that in turn will be used in other farm enterprises;
  • 40. VIII. Balance Sheet  Valuation of Resources ◦ cost-minus-depreciation method:  applies to investments that have a useful life longer than a year; ◦ capitalization method :  uses the time value of money to estimate current asset value;  based on an annual income stream that an asset can produce in its present use.
  • 41. VIII. Balance Sheet  Valuation of Resources ◦ replacement cost for equivalent function method :  considers the changing function of some assets over time;  replacement cost considered should be related to its current use.
  • 42. IX. Cash Analysis Book  Cash Book, Petty Cash and Diary ◦ cash book is what it says, namely a record of all changes in cash and a record of all cash transactions; ◦ each transaction starts with a new line in the cash book; ◦ farms use a petty cash book in which expenditures and receipts for cash in hand are recorded when they occur; ◦ once a week or once a month the totals are entered in the cash book.
  • 43. IX. Cash Analysis Book  Cash Book, Petty Cash and Diary; ◦ A diary is a book of events, transactions or observations recorded daily or at frequent intervals; ◦ Large farms which keep a complete set of accounting books may use a diary for non financial records, such as work performed by laborers, fertilizer applications on specified crops and fields, dates of sowing and harvesting, servicing, yields, feed given to animals, etc..
  • 44. IX. Cash Analysis Book  The design and use of the Cash Analysis Book ◦ it is not possible to calculate the Net Farm Income from the cash book as such; ◦ receipts and expenditures have to be sorted out, kind by kind. ◦ To be able to manage the farm in such a way that the most profitable use is made of the farm resources, the farmer must:
  • 45. IX. Cash Analysis Book  The design and use of the Cash Analysis Book  distinguish  receipts for farm produce from other receipts, such as sales of capital goods and loans;  expenditures for production purposes from expenditures for other purposes, such as investments and repayments;  calculate the costs and revenues of his separate farming activities (also called enterprises);  compare the output and costs of each activity with the results of previous years and also with the results of other farms.
  • 46. IX. Cash Analysis Book  The design and use of the Cash Analysis Book ◦ it is not possible to calculate the Net Farm Income from the cash book as such; ◦ receipts and expenditures have to be sorted out, kind by kind. ◦ To be able to manage the farm in such a way that the most profitable use is made of the farm resources, the farmer must:
  • 47. IX. Cash Analysis Book  Cash Analysis Book ◦ an extension of the cash book; ◦ the Cash Analysis Book adds several columns to the total +receipts and total expenditures columns of the cash book; ◦ In these columns receipts and expenditures of one and the same kind are recorded a second time;
  • 48. IX. Cash Analysis Book  Different columns in the Cash Analysis Book ◦ columns in which the output and costs are entered for each activity (enterprise or operation) for which separate information is wanted; examples: maize, poultry, citrus, milk, cattle, woodlot; ◦ a column ‗other output‘ on the receipts side and a column ‗overhead costs‘ (or general costs) on the expenditures side, in which output and costs are entered which cannot be allocated to a specific activity;
  • 49. IX. Cash Analysis Book  Different columns in the Cash Analysis Book ◦ a column for livestock sales on the receipts side and a column for purchases on the expenditures side; ◦ a column for non output receipts and a column for non cost expenditures on the expenditure side; ◦ a column for receipts from the household (private) and a column for expenditures for the household; ◦ other columns.
  • 50. Cash Analysis Book - All Organic G.M.O. Farm, San Ildefonso, Bul., January – December 2010 Receipts Machine Date Description Total Crops Livestock Others Private Rentals 1/6/10 Cash in Hand 9,000 9,000 1/19/10 1 Organic GMO Cow 15,000 15,000 1/30/10 1 Organic GMO Pig 6,000 6,000 6/1/10 Landprep rentals 12,000 12,000 Summary for the rest of the year: Crops sold 5,000 5,000 Animals sold 3,000 3,000 Machine rentals 4,500 4,500 Other sources 2,000 2,000 Total Receipts 56,500 5,000 24,000 16,000 11,000 - Expenditures Crops Vet.Serv./ Overhead Date Description Total Other Exp. Private Supp. Purch. costs 1/12/10 Fertilizer 5,400 5,400 1/20/10 Veterinary services 2,000 2,000 1/25/10 Wages 5,000 5,000 1/31/10 Building Repair 15,000 15,000 7/25/10 Private drawing 1,000 1,000 Summary for the rest of the year: Crop supplies 4,000 4,000 Fuel & Oil 3,600 3,600 Vet. Serv. & Supp. 2,000 2,000 Wages 8,000 8,000 Private drawings 2,000 2,000 House repair 6,000 6,000 Cash Balance 2,500 2,500 Total 56,500 9,400 4,000 16,600 23,500 3,000
  • 51. X. Income Statement / Profit and Loss Statement  the second important financial statement;  summary of receipts and expenses and the resulting profit or loss during an accounting period, usually a year;  for purposes of estimating profit or loss, the accrual system presents a much better estimate of business performance;
  • 52. X. Income Statement INCOME STATEMENT All Organic G.M.O. Farm, San Ildefonso, Bul. January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 FARM RECEIPTS FARM OPERATING EXPENSES Crop Products sold 41,000.00 Organic GMO Seeds 1,800.00 Organic GMO Cows sold 15,000.00 Feeds 16,000.00 Machinery income 30,000.00 Labor 5,000.00 Misc. income 2,000.00 Repairs & Maintenance 3,500.00 Organic GMO Pigs sold 12,000.00 Property taxes 900.00 Gross Farm Receipts 100,000.00 (1) Insurance 650.00 Supplies 2,000.00 Chemicals 3,000.00 Fuel (Gas, Diesel & Oil) 5,500.00 Waste disposal & Compost 1,200.00 Miscellaneous 650.00 Interests 2,100.00 Total Farm Cash Operating Expenses 42,300.00 (2) Net Cash Operating Income (1-2) 57,700.00 (3)
  • 53. X. Income Statement ADJUSTMENT FOR INVENTORY Crop Accounts Supplies & Accounts Livestock Prod’n. Receivable Materials Payable Ending Inventory 300.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 400.00 - Beginning Inv. 250.00 2,000.00 3,164.00 200.00 - Net Adjustment 50.00 500.00 -1,164.00 200.00 - -414.00 (4) Net Operating Profit (3 +/- 4) 57,286.00 (5) ADJUSTMENT FOR CAPITAL ITEMS Machinery & Equipments Buildings & Improvements Ending Inventory 21,000.00 60,000.00 Plus sales 500.00 Sub-total (6) 21,500.00 60,000.00 Beginning Inv. 22,650.00 57,000.00 Plus purchases 600.00 Sub-total (7) 23,250.00 57,000.00 Net Capital Adjustments (6- -1,750.00 3,000.00 1,250.00 (8) 7) Farm Profit or Loss (58) 53,536 (9) Net Non-Farm Income 7,000.00 (10) Total Farm & Non-Farm Income (9+10) 60,536.00(11) Income & Security Taxes 1,650.00 (12) Net After-tax Income (11-12) 58,886.00
  • 54. X. Income Statement  Profit and Loss Statement Components: ◦ Receipts  gross returns from the sales of farm products and the value of farm products used in the home;  receipt section of the income statement assigns a value to gross farm production;  to accurately state gross income, receipts must be adjusted for inventory changes;  receipts should also be adjusted for purchases of livestock, feed, and supplies.
  • 55. X. Income Statement  Profit and Loss Statement Components: ◦ Expenses  the outlays for items paid for and used during the time period covered by the income statement ;  include all the cash operating expenses as well as the fixed expenses incurred during the accounting period;  cash operating costs are ―Farm Operating Expenses,‖ and fixed expenses are considered under ―Adjustments for Capital Items.‖;
  • 56. X. Income Statement  Profit and Loss Statement Components: ◦ Inventory adjustments  for prepaid operating expenses such as seed, chemicals, and insurance;  necessary for capital assets such as machinery and building improvements;  reflect purchases and sales that occurred during the year.
  • 57. X. Income Statement  Measures of Business Performance: ◦ Net cash operating income  determined by subtracting the cash operating expenses from gross receipts;  can be used to compare operating efficiencies across farms with different debt structure;  its primary use is related to cash flow and to estimate cash returns when taxes are calculated on a cash basis.
  • 58. X. Income Statement  Measures of Business Performance: ◦ Net operating profit  obtained by adjusting cash operating income for accounts receivable, payable, and inventory changes;  the purpose for making these adjustments is to determine an accrued accounting of income produced during the period.
  • 59. X. Income Statement  Measures of Business Performance: ◦ Farm Profit or Loss  results from adjusting net operating profit for ―Net Capital Adjustments‖;  to compute net income on an accrued basis, adjustments must be made for capital assets;  the ―bottom line‖ profit or loss is the before- tax return to the operator‘s management, capital, risk, and unpaid family labor.;  the trend of the receipts, expenses, and profit over time is valuable in analyzing the financial progress of the farm business.
  • 60. XI. Enterprise Accounting  can help you make decisions about particular components of your farm business;  used to pinpoint sources of profit in the farm business and factors affecting profitability  focus only on the most meaningful data;  rule of thumb in collecting and recording enterprise data or farm records in general is to ask whether the information value in terms of improved decision making equals or exceeds the cost of data collection and analysis.
  • 61. XI. Enterprise Accounting  three enterprise classifications: ◦ Production Enterprises - these are crop and livestock enterprises that produce marketable commodities. ◦ Service Enterprises - include machinery and equipment services, an on-farm retail market, and the farm shop. These enterprises are internal to the farm business and provide services not directly marketed. ◦ Holding Enterprises - these are storage facilities, buildings, capital—enterprises that hold the inputs or farm-produced commodities until they are ready for use in a particular enterprise or are ready for sale.
  • 62. XI. Enterprise Accounting  factors to consider in evaluating crop and livestock enterprises :  Livestock enterprises: ◦ Returns per hundred price of feed fed ◦ Feed costs per kg of meat or milk produced ◦ Feed efficiency, kg of feed per kg of product ◦ Total enterprise profits per head or per unit ◦ Other factors that might include such things as pigs weaned per litter, percent calf crop, kg of milk produced per cow, etc.  Crop enterprises: ◦ Yield per hectare ◦ Returns above cash hectare ◦ Net enterprise profit per hectare ◦ Gross value of crop produced per hectare ◦ Machinery and power costs per hectare ◦ Fertilizer costs per hectare
  • 63. XII. Cash Flow Statement  know the flow of income and expenses during the accounting period to ensure you can meet your financial obligations on time;  helps you assess your ability to pay bills on time;  can be completed on an annual, semi- annual, quarterly, monthly, or bimonthly basis depending on the size and type of business;  the larger the business and the more capital involved, the more important cash flow planning becomes.
  • 64. XII. Cash Flow Statement  Cash Flow is different from Income Statements: ◦ cash flow statement includes non-farm items such as non-farm income, living expenses, and income taxes; ◦ cash flow also more fully reflects breeding stock and machinery purchases and a more complete accounting of principal payments and loans; ◦ the cash flow can be defined as the sources and uses of funds or a flow-of-funds statement; ◦ it summarizes all the transactions during a
  • 65. XII. Cash Flow Statement  Instructions for completing a cash flow statement: 1. Complete the summary, column by column, starting with the column corresponding to the first period of the year. 2. Total lines 1 through 12 to get Total Cash Available in the period. Place the result on line 13. 3. Total lines l4 through 40 to get Total Cash Required for the period. Place the result on line 41. 4. Subtract line 41 from line 13 and place the result on line 42. If the result is negative, place a minus sign in front of it or place the value in
  • 66. XII. Cash Flow Statement  Instructions for completing a cash flow statement: 5. If line 42 is negative, show at least enough new borrowings (line 43) to cover the deficit. 6. If line 42 is positive, show projected principal and interest payments on the operating loan(s) in lines 44 and 45. 7. If line 42 is negative, subtract it from the amount of money borrowed (line 43) to get the ending cash balance (line 46). If line 42 is positive, subtract principal and interest payments (lines 44 and 45) to get the ending cash balance. 8. Increase the operating loan balance (line 47) by the amount of new borrowings during the period, or decrease it by the amount of principal payments, whichever is appropriate.
  • 67. XII. Cash Flow Statement  Instructions for completing a cash flow statement: 9. Transfer the ending cash balance (line 46 for the period you have just completed) to the beginning cash balance (line l) for the next period. 10. Repeat steps l through 9 for each period of the year. 11. One column should be completed for the total year‘s operation. The figures in this column reflect your total cash flow for the year. Each figure in this column is the sum of the figures in the individual time periods for most of the lines. But, the figures in lines 1, 13, 42, 45, and 46 do not necessarily ―add across,‖ due to the transfer of cash balances from the end of one period to the beginning of the next. If the beginning and ending cash balances were all equal, these
  • 68. XII. Cash Flow Statement CASH FLOW STATEMENT Use pencil – round to Pesos Date Completed: December 31, 2010 CASH INFLOW Period Jan 1-15 Jan 16-31 … 1. Beginning Cash Balance 2. Crops 3. 4. 5. Livestock 6. 7. 8. Custom Work 9. Agricultural Program Payments 10. Patronage Dividends 11. Other 12. 13. Total Cash Available (Add lines 1-12) CASH OUTFLOW 14. Rents and leases 15. Gas, Fuel, Oil 16. Labor hired 17. Machinery repair 18. Machinery hire 19. Fertilizer and Chemicals 20. Seeds 21. Feed Purchased 22. Livestock expense (vet., breeding, etc.)
  • 69. XII. Cash Flow Statement 23. Building and Fence Repair 24. Supplies 25. Utilities 26. Insurance (property, liability, etc) 27. Real estate taxes 28. Livestock purchased for resale 29. Other 30. 31. 32. CAPITAL EXPENSE OUTFLOW 33. Machinery purchase 34. 35. Breeding livestock 36. Other 37. Family living expense 38. Income & security tax 39. Fixed loan payments – principal 40. Fixed loan payments 41. Total cash required (Add lines 14-40) 42. Cash available less cash required (13-14) 43. Money to be borrowed (if 41 is negative) 44. Debt payments (if 42 is negative) 45. Ending Cash Balance 46. OPERATING LOAN BALANCE
  • 70. XIII. Field Records  Field records for crop production might include such items : ◦ field identification or description; ◦ parcel size; ◦ cropping history; ◦ crops grown, cultural practices used and yield information; ◦ current field activities; ◦ soil test data; ◦ labor hours by activity.
  • 71. XIII. Field Records  Livestock or poultry records also provide useful information. Poultry records should include: ◦ chicken purchases and dates; ◦ mortality rates; ◦ feed records, quantities purchased, and quantities fed; ◦ production records, eggs per day; ◦ cull or damaged eggs; ◦ rodent control activities; ◦ sale of pullets or hens.
  • 72. That’s it! Thank you! References: Gletema, Bart. editor. Farm Accounting. Agromisa Foundation. Wageningen, The Netherlands, 2006 Carkner, Richard W., Farm Business Records: An Introduction. Washington State University, Washington DC, USA, 2000 RONEL DIMAYA CAÑA Agriculturist II Provincial Agriculture Office City of Malolos, Bulacan 791-0018/791-0008