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Facial Nerve
1. Introduction
2. Embryology
3. Nuclei of origin
4. Course & Relations
5. Branches of facial nerve
6. Functional components
7. Ganglia associated with facial nerve
8. Blood supply
10.Variations of nerve
11.Testing of facial nerve
12.Identification of facial nerve
13.Complications of facial dissection
14.Facial nerve lesions
15.Acquired & Congenital anomalies
 The Facial nerve is the seventh of twelve paired cranial nerves, it is a mixed nerve
with motor and sensory roots.
 It emerges from the brain stem between the pons and the medulla, controls the
muscles of facial expression
 It functions in the conveyance of taste sensations from the anterior two thirds of the
tongue and oral cavity
 It also supplies preganglionic parasympathetic fibres to several head and neck ganglia
end of the 5th week Facial motor nucleus, nervus intermedius and greater
superficial petrsoal nerve
6th Week posterior auricular branch, branch of digastric
Early 7th week geniculate ganglion is well-defined
Early 8th week temporofacial and cervicofacial divisions present
Late 8th week 5 major peripheral subdivisions present
Course of facial nerve…………….
Facial nucleus
Abducens nucleus
Superior salivatory nucleus –
Tractus solitaries
Spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve
Functional Components …..
Anterior WallPost Wall
4.Marginal mandibular
Branches of Distribution
Facial canal
A. Nerve to stapedius
B. Chorda tympani
In face
A. Temporal
B. Zygomatic
C. Buccal
D. Marginal mandibular
E. Cervical
A. Posterior auricular
B. Nerve to stylohyoid
C. Nerve to digastric
(posterior belly)
Patterns of branching of Facial Nerve
Classified by Davis et al (1956)
Geniculate ganglion
Submandibular ganglion
Pterygopalatine ganglion
Geniculate Ganglion
located-first bend of the facial nerve,in relation to
the medial wall of the middle ear
the taste fibres present in the nerve-peripheral
processes of psuedounipolar neurons present in
the geniculate ganglion
It receives fibers from the motor, sensory, and
parasympathetic components of the facial nerve
and sends fibers that will innervate the lacrimal
glands, submandibular glands, sublingual glands,
tongue, palate, pharynx, external auditory meatus,
stapedius, posterior belly of the digastric muscle,
stylohyoid muscle, and muscles of facial expression.
Submandibular Ganglion
• lies in the hyoglossus muscle just above the
deep part of the submandibular salivary gland
• Parasympathetic peripheral ganglion
• Relays secretomotor fibres to the submandibular
and sublingual glands
• Functionally - facial nerve(chorda tympani)
• Topographically-lingual nerve
Pterygopalatine Ganglion
Largest parasympathtic peripheral ganglion
It's largely innervated by the greater petrosal
nerve (a branch of the facial nerve); and its
axons project to the lacrimal glands and nasal
Facial Nerve blood supply
Anterior inferior cerebellar artery – at the cerebellopontine
Labyrinthine artery (branch of anterior inferior cerebellar
artery) – within internal acoustic meatus
Superficial petrosal artery (branch of middle meningeal
artery) – geniculate ganglion and nearby parts
Stylomastoid artery
(branch of posterior auricular artery) – mastoid segment
Posterior auricular artery supplies the facial nerve at & distal
to stylomastoid foramen
Venous drainage parallels the arterial blood supply
 Damage to facial nerve is possible in severe maxillofacial
surgeries with basilar skull fractures anywhere in the area
of course of the nerve and would result in ipsilateral
paralysis of the muscles of facial expression
 Of concern to the surgeon is the close proximity of the
main trunk of facial nerve where it exits the stylomastoid
foramen and mandibular condyle
Applied Surgical anatomy of Facial Nerve in
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Surgical landmarks for identifying location of main
trunk of the facial nerve and the temporal-facial
division during temporomandibular joint arlhroplastic
Note the variability at the point where the upper trunk
of the facial
- nerve crosses the zygomatic trunk deep to the
temporoparietal fascia. The nerve can cross point from 8
to 35 mm anterior lo the bony auditory canal.
Consequently, the plane of dissection must be deep to
the temporoparietal fascia as the tissues are retracted
anteriorly to gain access to the joint capsule.
Note that the inferior extent of the incision is the soft tissue attachment of the lobule of the ear and also
that the superior arm of the incision can be extended into the temporal hairline at a 45-degree angle if
greater anterior retraction of the surgical flap is necessary.
Locating the frontal branch
The line of Pitanguy
• SMAS is a fibromuscular layer,seperated from underlying parotid
fascia but is continous inferiorly with platysma
• SMAS invests sup mimetic muscles below zyg arch,as
temporaparietal fascia invests frontalis muscles above the arch.
• VII nerve runs deep to platysma and smas
• Refernce anatomical plane
The mean horizontal distance of the zygomatic branch from
the midpoint between the tragus and the lateral palpebral
commissure was 2.5 cm.
Cutaneos reference point for zygomatic branch
Sur Radiol Anat
Skin reference point for the zygomatic branch of the facial nerve
innervating the orbicularis oculi
A.Chatellier et l.
Buccal branch mainly consisted of 2-3 ramifications in 87.5% of the specimens, while marginal mandibular
branch was double or single in 95.9% of the specimens. The buccal branch coursed within the distance
between 10.7 mm above and 9.3 mm below the parotid duct, and innervated mimetic muscles of midface.
The marginal mandibular branch coursed within the distance between 13.4 mm above and 4.8 mm below
the lower border of mandible, crossed superiorly the facial artery and innervated mimetic muscles of lower
Zhonghua Zheng Xing Wai Ke Za Zhi. 2007
[Anatomy of buccal and marginal mandibular
branches of facial nerve and its clinical significance].
[Article in Chinese]
Liu AT1, Jiang H, Zhao YZ, Yu DZ, Dang RS, Zhang
YF, Zhang JL.
Locating the Marginal Mandibular Branch
The branch of the facial nerve most at risk for injury during
parotidectomy is the marginal mandibular branch.
the facial artery can be used as an important landmark in locating the marginal mandibular nerve during surgical
Cervical Branch
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Sep;126(3):875-9. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e3181e3b374.
Locating the cervical motor branch of the facial nerve: anatomy and clinical application.
Chowdhry S1, Yoder EM, Cooperman RD, Yoder VR, Wilhelmi BJ.
Schematic drawing of the location of the
branching point of the cervical motor
branch of the facial nerve. Notice the
mastoid-mentum line and the
perpendicular line about the angle of the
mandible to aid in locating the branching
located at approximately 1 cm below a
perpendicular line
from the angle of the mandible to a line
from the mentum to the mastoid process
with the neck extended and the head turned
to the contralateral
Surgical Land Marks to identify facial nerve during Parotid Surgery
1. The posterior belly of digastric muscle (PBDM)
2. The tragal pointer (TP)
3. The junction between the bony and cartilaginous
external auditory meatus (EAM)
4. Tympanomastoid suture (TMS)
Paul M. Rea, Gerry McGarry, John Shaw-Dunn, The precision of four commonly used surgical
landmarks for locating the facial nerve in anterograde parotidectomy in humans, Annals of
Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger, Volume 192, Issue 1, 20 February 2010, Pages 27-32
shortest distance between main trunk of the facial nerve
and the tragal pointer (TP)/ conley’s point
•As the tragal cartilage is dissected free from the parotid fascia, it takes
pointed shape in its medial aspect, which is called the “pointer”.
•It is regarded as the most important landmark.
Shortest distance between main trunk of the facial
nerve and the posterior belly of digastricmuscle
5.5  2.1mm
shortest distance between main trunk of the facial
nerve and the tympanomastoid suture (TMS)
2.50.4 mm
shortest distance between main trunk of the facial nerve and
the junction between the bony and cartilaginous auditory canal
(EAM); VII=facial nerve, MP=mastoid process,
Disorders of Facial Nerve
1. Supra nuclear type:
a) Paralysis of lower part of face (opposite side)
b) Partial paralysis of upper part of face
c) Normal taste and saliva secretion
d) Stapedius not paralysed
Facial Nerve Lesions
2. Nuclear type:
a) Paralysis of facial muscle (same side)
b) Paralysis of lateral rectus
c) Internal strabismus
3. Peripheral lesion
a) At internal acoustic meatus
i. Paralysis of secretomotor fibers
ii. Hyper acusis
iii. Loss of corneal reflex
iv. Taste fibers unaffected
v. Facial expression and movements paralysed
b) Injury distal to geniculate ganglion
i. Complete motor paralysis (same side)
ii. No hyper acusis
iii. Loss of corneal reflex
iv. Taste fibers affected
v. Facial expression and movements paralysed
vi. Pronounced reaction of degeneration
c) Injury at stylomastoid foramen
• Condition known as Bell’s Palsy
Background of BELL’S PALSY
First described more than a century
ago by Sir Charles Bell
Yet much controversy still surrounds
its etiology and management
Bell palsy is certainly the most
common cause of facial paralysis
Demographics of Bells palsy
Race: slightly higher in persons of Japanese descent.
Sex: No difference exists
Age: highest in persons aged 15-45 years.
Bell palsy is less common in those younger than 15 years and in
those older than 60 years.
Pathophysiology of Bells palsy
Main cause of Bell's palsy is latent herpes viruses (herpes
simplex virus type 1 and herpes zoster virus), which are
reactivated from cranial nerve ganglia
Polymerase chain reaction techniques have isolated herpes
virus DNA from the facial nerve during acute palsy
Other hypothesis of etiology :
I. Rheumatic hypothesis
II. Cold hypothesis
III. Ischemic hypothesis
IV. Immunological hypothesis
V. Trauma
Bell's phenomenon is the upward diversion of the eye
ball on attempted closure of the lid and inability to
close the .
I.Unilateral involvement
II.Inability to smile, close eye or raise eyebrow
III.Whistling impossible
IV.Drooping of corner of the mouth
V.Inability to close eyelid (Bell’s sign)
VI.Inability to wrinkle forehead
VII.Loss of blinking reflex
VIII.Slurred speech
IX.Mask like appearance of face
X.Loss/ alteration of taste
Features of Bell’s Palsy
House-Brackmann grading system
Grade I - Normal
Grade II - Mild dysfunction, slight weakness on close inspection,
normal symmetry at rest
Grade III - Moderate dysfunction, obvious but not disfiguring
difference between sides, eye can be completely closed with effort
Grade IV - Moderately severe, normal tone at rest, obvious weakness
or asymmetry with movement, incomplete closure of eye
Grade V - Severe dysfunction, only barely perceptible motion,
asymmetry at rest
Grade VI - No movement
Diagnosis of Bells palsy
In 1959 , Travener outlined the minimum diagnostic criteria for
bells palsy
Paralysis or paresis of all muscle groups of one side of the face
Sudden onset
Absence of signs of CNS disease
Absence of signs of Ear disease
Management of Bells palsy
It focuses on protecting the cornea from drying and
abrasion due to problems with lid closure and the tearing
Lubricating drops should be applied hourly during the day
and a simple eye ointment should be used at night.
Eye care
Treatment consists of Infra-red radiation on affected
side of the face at 2 ft (60cm) ,followed by interrupted
galvanism on affected side
Treatment was given daily at first few weeks & later thrice
All patients are instructed to massage the face daily
There is general agreement that 70-80% of these patients
recover completely,while the reminder develop various
sequelae within one to three months
Sit relaxed in
front of a
Gently raise
eyebrows, you can
help the movement
with your fingers.
Draw your
together, frown.
Wrinkle up your
Hold pencil or
lollipop stick
between lips.
Curl up top lip. Turn down bottom Blow out cheeks.
Corticosteroid is the best treatment
Combination of predinisone & acyclovir
1mg/kg body wt predinisone & Acyclovir200-400mg orally 5
Fagan recommended following regimen of prednisone
60mg x 3days
40mg x 3days
20mg x 3 days
10mg x 3 days
5 mg x 3 days
Management (medical)
Surgical treatment
Facial nerve decompression
Completely paralysis
Appropriate time for surgery is 2-3 weeks after paralysis
 Facial paralysis
 Ear pain
 Vesicles
 Sensorineural
hearing loss
 Vertigo
Herpes zoster oticus
Ramsay Hunt syndrome
Acute and chronic otitis media
Otitis media is an infection in the middle ear, which can
spread to the facial nerve and inflame it, causing
compression of the nerve in its canal.
Moebius syndrome (congenital facial diplegia)
 Abnormal VI ,VII,XII Nerve nuclei
 Facial Nerve absent / smaller
 Congenital Extra ocular muscle & facial palsy
Congenital Facial nerve palsy
Cardiofacial Syndrome
Unilateral facial paralysis involving only the lower lip
and congenital heart disease
 The facial paralysis in these patients involves only
those muscles concerned with pulling the lower
lip downwards and outwards
 These are the
mentalis, depressor labii inferioris and depressor
anguli oris muscles
All are supplied by the mandibular marginal branch of the
facial nerve.
Lesions of this nerve have been recognized in adults
and children for many years
The paralysis is only recognizable when the patient
talks, smiles or cries
Treacher collins syndrome
(mandibulo facial dysostosis)
There is a set of typical symptoms within Treacher Collins
The OMENS classification was developed as a comprehensive
and stage-based approach to differentiate the diseases.
O; orbital asymmetry
M; mandibular hypoplasia
E; auricular deformity
N; nerve development and
S; soft-tissue disease
Facial Nerve involvement in
Treacher collins syndrome
N0: No facial nerve involvement
N1: Upper facial nerve involvement (temporal or
zygomatic branches)
N2: Lower facial nerve involvement (buccal, mandibular or
N3: All branches affected
Goldenhars syndrome
(oculoauriculo vertebral dysplasia)
It is a wide spectrum of congenital anomalies that involves
structures arising from the first and second branchial arches.
Features of hemi facial microsomia, anotia, vertebral
anomalies, congenital facial nerve palsy.
• To determine site of facial nerve injury
• Relies on knowledge of facial nerve branches
Testing of facial nerve function
• Greater superficial petrosal nerve:
Test: Schirmer test
• Wetting reduced to less than 25%- positive
• Indicates site of lesion –above the geniculate
Testing of facial nerve function
•Nerve to stapedius:
–Stapedius reflex
Test: Audiometrical evaluation
Impedence audiometry can record the presence or
absence of stapedius muscle contraction to sound stimuli
70 to 100 db above hearing threshold
An absence reflex or a reflex less than half the amplitude is
due to a lesion proximal to stapedius nerve
•Chorda tympani nerve:
Test: Testing taste
–applying galvanic current &noting a metallic taste on the
normal side of the tongue &sensation of electric shock on the
affected side.
Testing of Peripheral Branches of Facial Nerve
 Testing the temporal branches of the facial nerve
Patient is asked to frown and wrinkle his or her forehead.
 Testing the Zygomatic branches of the facial nerve
The patient is asked to close their eyes tightly.
 Testing the buccal branches of the facial nerve
 Puff up cheeks (buccinator)
 Smile and show teeth (orbicularis oris)
 Tap with finger over each cheek to
detect ease of air expulsion on the
affected side
pulling the lower lip downwards and outwards
 Testing the marginal mandibular branche of the facial
 Testing the cervical branches of the facial nerve
Contract the platysma.
Surgery of the face is not for the occasional operator. A precise
knowledge of the course of the facial nerve and its branches in
relation to anatomical landmarks is required. No less important is
an understanding of their relationship to the fascial planes of the
head and neck.
Fonseca & Walker : Maxillo FacialTrauma 2nd Edition
Vol 1 & 2
Grays Anatomy : 39th Edition
Netters : Colour Atlas of Anatomy
International journal of Oral & maxillofacial Surgery

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Facial nerve

  • 2. 1. Introduction 2. Embryology 3. Nuclei of origin 4. Course & Relations 5. Branches of facial nerve 6. Functional components 7. Ganglia associated with facial nerve 8. Blood supply Contents
  • 3. 10.Variations of nerve 11.Testing of facial nerve 12.Identification of facial nerve 13.Complications of facial dissection 14.Facial nerve lesions 15.Acquired & Congenital anomalies
  • 4.  The Facial nerve is the seventh of twelve paired cranial nerves, it is a mixed nerve with motor and sensory roots.  It emerges from the brain stem between the pons and the medulla, controls the muscles of facial expression  It functions in the conveyance of taste sensations from the anterior two thirds of the tongue and oral cavity  It also supplies preganglionic parasympathetic fibres to several head and neck ganglia Introduction
  • 6.
  • 7. end of the 5th week Facial motor nucleus, nervus intermedius and greater superficial petrsoal nerve 6th Week posterior auricular branch, branch of digastric Early 7th week geniculate ganglion is well-defined Early 8th week temporofacial and cervicofacial divisions present Late 8th week 5 major peripheral subdivisions present
  • 8. Course of facial nerve…………….
  • 9.
  • 10. Facial nucleus Abducens nucleus Superior salivatory nucleus – parasympathetic Tractus solitaries Spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve ?
  • 12.
  • 14.
  • 16. Branches of Distribution Facial canal A. Nerve to stapedius B. Chorda tympani In face A. Temporal B. Zygomatic C. Buccal D. Marginal mandibular E. Cervical Stylomastoid foramen A. Posterior auricular B. Nerve to stylohyoid C. Nerve to digastric (posterior belly)
  • 17. Patterns of branching of Facial Nerve Classified by Davis et al (1956)
  • 19. Geniculate Ganglion located-first bend of the facial nerve,in relation to the medial wall of the middle ear the taste fibres present in the nerve-peripheral processes of psuedounipolar neurons present in the geniculate ganglion It receives fibers from the motor, sensory, and parasympathetic components of the facial nerve and sends fibers that will innervate the lacrimal glands, submandibular glands, sublingual glands, tongue, palate, pharynx, external auditory meatus, stapedius, posterior belly of the digastric muscle, stylohyoid muscle, and muscles of facial expression.
  • 20. Submandibular Ganglion • lies in the hyoglossus muscle just above the deep part of the submandibular salivary gland • Parasympathetic peripheral ganglion • Relays secretomotor fibres to the submandibular and sublingual glands • Functionally - facial nerve(chorda tympani) • Topographically-lingual nerve
  • 21. Pterygopalatine Ganglion Largest parasympathtic peripheral ganglion It's largely innervated by the greater petrosal nerve (a branch of the facial nerve); and its axons project to the lacrimal glands and nasal mucosa
  • 22. Facial Nerve blood supply Anterior inferior cerebellar artery – at the cerebellopontine angle Labyrinthine artery (branch of anterior inferior cerebellar artery) – within internal acoustic meatus Superficial petrosal artery (branch of middle meningeal artery) – geniculate ganglion and nearby parts Stylomastoid artery (branch of posterior auricular artery) – mastoid segment Posterior auricular artery supplies the facial nerve at & distal to stylomastoid foramen Venous drainage parallels the arterial blood supply
  • 23.  Damage to facial nerve is possible in severe maxillofacial surgeries with basilar skull fractures anywhere in the area of course of the nerve and would result in ipsilateral paralysis of the muscles of facial expression  Of concern to the surgeon is the close proximity of the main trunk of facial nerve where it exits the stylomastoid foramen and mandibular condyle Applied Surgical anatomy of Facial Nerve in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
  • 24. Surgical landmarks for identifying location of main trunk of the facial nerve and the temporal-facial division during temporomandibular joint arlhroplastic dissection. Note the variability at the point where the upper trunk of the facial - nerve crosses the zygomatic trunk deep to the temporoparietal fascia. The nerve can cross point from 8 to 35 mm anterior lo the bony auditory canal. Consequently, the plane of dissection must be deep to the temporoparietal fascia as the tissues are retracted anteriorly to gain access to the joint capsule.
  • 25. Note that the inferior extent of the incision is the soft tissue attachment of the lobule of the ear and also that the superior arm of the incision can be extended into the temporal hairline at a 45-degree angle if greater anterior retraction of the surgical flap is necessary.
  • 26. Locating the frontal branch The line of Pitanguy
  • 27. • SMAS is a fibromuscular layer,seperated from underlying parotid fascia but is continous inferiorly with platysma • SMAS invests sup mimetic muscles below zyg arch,as temporaparietal fascia invests frontalis muscles above the arch. • VII nerve runs deep to platysma and smas • Refernce anatomical plane SMAS
  • 28.
  • 29. The mean horizontal distance of the zygomatic branch from the midpoint between the tragus and the lateral palpebral commissure was 2.5 cm. Cutaneos reference point for zygomatic branch Sur Radiol Anat Skin reference point for the zygomatic branch of the facial nerve innervating the orbicularis oculi A.Chatellier et l. 2012
  • 30. Buccal Buccal branch mainly consisted of 2-3 ramifications in 87.5% of the specimens, while marginal mandibular branch was double or single in 95.9% of the specimens. The buccal branch coursed within the distance between 10.7 mm above and 9.3 mm below the parotid duct, and innervated mimetic muscles of midface. The marginal mandibular branch coursed within the distance between 13.4 mm above and 4.8 mm below the lower border of mandible, crossed superiorly the facial artery and innervated mimetic muscles of lower lip. Zhonghua Zheng Xing Wai Ke Za Zhi. 2007 Sep;23(5):434-7. [Anatomy of buccal and marginal mandibular branches of facial nerve and its clinical significance]. [Article in Chinese] Liu AT1, Jiang H, Zhao YZ, Yu DZ, Dang RS, Zhang YF, Zhang JL.
  • 31. Locating the Marginal Mandibular Branch The branch of the facial nerve most at risk for injury during parotidectomy is the marginal mandibular branch. the facial artery can be used as an important landmark in locating the marginal mandibular nerve during surgical procedures
  • 32. Cervical Branch Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Sep;126(3):875-9. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e3181e3b374. Locating the cervical motor branch of the facial nerve: anatomy and clinical application. Chowdhry S1, Yoder EM, Cooperman RD, Yoder VR, Wilhelmi BJ. Schematic drawing of the location of the branching point of the cervical motor branch of the facial nerve. Notice the mastoid-mentum line and the perpendicular line about the angle of the mandible to aid in locating the branching point. located at approximately 1 cm below a perpendicular line from the angle of the mandible to a line drawn from the mentum to the mastoid process with the neck extended and the head turned to the contralateral side.
  • 33. Surgical Land Marks to identify facial nerve during Parotid Surgery 1. The posterior belly of digastric muscle (PBDM) 2. The tragal pointer (TP) 3. The junction between the bony and cartilaginous external auditory meatus (EAM) 4. Tympanomastoid suture (TMS) Paul M. Rea, Gerry McGarry, John Shaw-Dunn, The precision of four commonly used surgical landmarks for locating the facial nerve in anterograde parotidectomy in humans, Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger, Volume 192, Issue 1, 20 February 2010, Pages 27-32
  • 34. shortest distance between main trunk of the facial nerve and the tragal pointer (TP)/ conley’s point 6.91.8mm •As the tragal cartilage is dissected free from the parotid fascia, it takes pointed shape in its medial aspect, which is called the “pointer”. •It is regarded as the most important landmark.
  • 35. Shortest distance between main trunk of the facial nerve and the posterior belly of digastricmuscle (PBDM) 5.5  2.1mm
  • 36. shortest distance between main trunk of the facial nerve and the tympanomastoid suture (TMS) 2.50.4 mm
  • 37. shortest distance between main trunk of the facial nerve and the junction between the bony and cartilaginous auditory canal (EAM); VII=facial nerve, MP=mastoid process, 10.91.7mm
  • 38. Disorders of Facial Nerve 1. Supra nuclear type: Features: a) Paralysis of lower part of face (opposite side) b) Partial paralysis of upper part of face c) Normal taste and saliva secretion d) Stapedius not paralysed Facial Nerve Lesions
  • 39. 2. Nuclear type: Features: a) Paralysis of facial muscle (same side) b) Paralysis of lateral rectus c) Internal strabismus
  • 40. 3. Peripheral lesion a) At internal acoustic meatus Features: i. Paralysis of secretomotor fibers ii. Hyper acusis iii. Loss of corneal reflex iv. Taste fibers unaffected v. Facial expression and movements paralysed
  • 41. b) Injury distal to geniculate ganglion Features: i. Complete motor paralysis (same side) ii. No hyper acusis iii. Loss of corneal reflex iv. Taste fibers affected v. Facial expression and movements paralysed vi. Pronounced reaction of degeneration
  • 42. c) Injury at stylomastoid foramen • Condition known as Bell’s Palsy
  • 43. Background of BELL’S PALSY First described more than a century ago by Sir Charles Bell Yet much controversy still surrounds its etiology and management Bell palsy is certainly the most common cause of facial paralysis worldwide
  • 44. Demographics of Bells palsy Race: slightly higher in persons of Japanese descent. Sex: No difference exists Age: highest in persons aged 15-45 years. Bell palsy is less common in those younger than 15 years and in those older than 60 years.
  • 45. Pathophysiology of Bells palsy Main cause of Bell's palsy is latent herpes viruses (herpes simplex virus type 1 and herpes zoster virus), which are reactivated from cranial nerve ganglia Polymerase chain reaction techniques have isolated herpes virus DNA from the facial nerve during acute palsy Other hypothesis of etiology : I. Rheumatic hypothesis II. Cold hypothesis III. Ischemic hypothesis IV. Immunological hypothesis V. Trauma
  • 46. Bell's phenomenon is the upward diversion of the eye ball on attempted closure of the lid and inability to close the .
  • 47. I.Unilateral involvement II.Inability to smile, close eye or raise eyebrow III.Whistling impossible IV.Drooping of corner of the mouth V.Inability to close eyelid (Bell’s sign) VI.Inability to wrinkle forehead VII.Loss of blinking reflex VIII.Slurred speech IX.Mask like appearance of face X.Loss/ alteration of taste Features of Bell’s Palsy
  • 48. House-Brackmann grading system Grade I - Normal Grade II - Mild dysfunction, slight weakness on close inspection, normal symmetry at rest Grade III - Moderate dysfunction, obvious but not disfiguring difference between sides, eye can be completely closed with effort Grade IV - Moderately severe, normal tone at rest, obvious weakness or asymmetry with movement, incomplete closure of eye Grade V - Severe dysfunction, only barely perceptible motion, asymmetry at rest Grade VI - No movement
  • 49. Diagnosis of Bells palsy In 1959 , Travener outlined the minimum diagnostic criteria for bells palsy Paralysis or paresis of all muscle groups of one side of the face Sudden onset Absence of signs of CNS disease Absence of signs of Ear disease
  • 50. Management of Bells palsy It focuses on protecting the cornea from drying and abrasion due to problems with lid closure and the tearing mechanism. Lubricating drops should be applied hourly during the day and a simple eye ointment should be used at night. Eye care
  • 51. Treatment consists of Infra-red radiation on affected side of the face at 2 ft (60cm) ,followed by interrupted galvanism on affected side Treatment was given daily at first few weeks & later thrice weekly. All patients are instructed to massage the face daily There is general agreement that 70-80% of these patients recover completely,while the reminder develop various sequelae within one to three months
  • 52. Sit relaxed in front of a mirror. Gently raise eyebrows, you can help the movement with your fingers. Draw your eyebrows together, frown. Wrinkle up your nose. Hold pencil or lollipop stick between lips. Curl up top lip. Turn down bottom Blow out cheeks. Physiotherapy
  • 53. Corticosteroid is the best treatment Combination of predinisone & acyclovir 1mg/kg body wt predinisone & Acyclovir200-400mg orally 5 times Fagan recommended following regimen of prednisone 60mg x 3days 40mg x 3days 20mg x 3 days 10mg x 3 days 5 mg x 3 days Management (medical)
  • 54. Surgical treatment Facial nerve decompression Indication: Completely paralysis Appropriate time for surgery is 2-3 weeks after paralysis
  • 55. Symptoms:  Facial paralysis  Ear pain  Vesicles  Sensorineural hearing loss  Vertigo Herpes zoster oticus Ramsay Hunt syndrome
  • 56. Acute and chronic otitis media Otitis media is an infection in the middle ear, which can spread to the facial nerve and inflame it, causing compression of the nerve in its canal.
  • 57. Moebius syndrome (congenital facial diplegia)  Abnormal VI ,VII,XII Nerve nuclei  Facial Nerve absent / smaller  Congenital Extra ocular muscle & facial palsy Congenital Facial nerve palsy
  • 58. Cardiofacial Syndrome Unilateral facial paralysis involving only the lower lip and congenital heart disease  The facial paralysis in these patients involves only those muscles concerned with pulling the lower lip downwards and outwards  These are the mentalis, depressor labii inferioris and depressor anguli oris muscles
  • 59. All are supplied by the mandibular marginal branch of the facial nerve. Lesions of this nerve have been recognized in adults and children for many years The paralysis is only recognizable when the patient talks, smiles or cries
  • 60. Treacher collins syndrome (mandibulo facial dysostosis) There is a set of typical symptoms within Treacher Collins Syndrome The OMENS classification was developed as a comprehensive and stage-based approach to differentiate the diseases. O; orbital asymmetry M; mandibular hypoplasia E; auricular deformity N; nerve development and S; soft-tissue disease
  • 61. Facial Nerve involvement in Treacher collins syndrome N0: No facial nerve involvement N1: Upper facial nerve involvement (temporal or zygomatic branches) N2: Lower facial nerve involvement (buccal, mandibular or cervical) N3: All branches affected
  • 62. Goldenhars syndrome (oculoauriculo vertebral dysplasia) It is a wide spectrum of congenital anomalies that involves structures arising from the first and second branchial arches. Features of hemi facial microsomia, anotia, vertebral anomalies, congenital facial nerve palsy.
  • 63. • To determine site of facial nerve injury • Relies on knowledge of facial nerve branches Testing of facial nerve function
  • 64. Branches: • Greater superficial petrosal nerve: –Lacrimation Test: Schirmer test • Wetting reduced to less than 25%- positive • Indicates site of lesion –above the geniculate ganglion Testing of facial nerve function
  • 65. •Nerve to stapedius: –Stapedius reflex Test: Audiometrical evaluation Impedence audiometry can record the presence or absence of stapedius muscle contraction to sound stimuli 70 to 100 db above hearing threshold An absence reflex or a reflex less than half the amplitude is due to a lesion proximal to stapedius nerve
  • 66. •Chorda tympani nerve: –Taste Test: Testing taste –applying galvanic current &noting a metallic taste on the normal side of the tongue &sensation of electric shock on the affected side.
  • 67. Testing of Peripheral Branches of Facial Nerve  Testing the temporal branches of the facial nerve Patient is asked to frown and wrinkle his or her forehead.  Testing the Zygomatic branches of the facial nerve The patient is asked to close their eyes tightly.
  • 68.  Testing the buccal branches of the facial nerve  Puff up cheeks (buccinator)  Smile and show teeth (orbicularis oris)  Tap with finger over each cheek to detect ease of air expulsion on the affected side
  • 69. pulling the lower lip downwards and outwards  Testing the marginal mandibular branche of the facial nerve
  • 70.  Testing the cervical branches of the facial nerve Contract the platysma.
  • 71. Conclusion Surgery of the face is not for the occasional operator. A precise knowledge of the course of the facial nerve and its branches in relation to anatomical landmarks is required. No less important is an understanding of their relationship to the fascial planes of the head and neck.
  • 72. References Fonseca & Walker : Maxillo FacialTrauma 2nd Edition Vol 1 & 2 Grays Anatomy : 39th Edition Netters : Colour Atlas of Anatomy International journal of Oral & maxillofacial Surgery

Editor's Notes

  1. Develops from 2nd brachial arch. The first identifiable Facial Nerve tissue is seen at the third week of gestation- facioacoustic primordium or crest
  2. During the fourth week, the chorda tympani can be distinguished from the main branch. The chorda tympani courses ventrally into the first branchial arch and terminates near a branch of the trigeminal nerve that eventually becomes the lingual nerve. The main trunk courses into the mesenchyme, approaching the epibranchial placode.
  3. knowledge of the key intratemporal and extratemporal landmarks and the course of facial nerve is essential for accurate physical diagnosis and safe and effective surgical intervention in the head and neck.
  4. The motor face area is situated on the precentral and postcentral gyri. The facial motor nerves are represented on the homunculus diagram below with the forehead uppermost and the eyelids, midface, nose, and lips sequentially located more inferiorly. Discharges from the facial motor area are carried through fascicles of the corticobulbar tract to the internal capsule, then through the upper midbrain to the lower brainstem, where they synapse in the facial nerve nucleus. The pontine facial nerve nucleus is divided into an upper and a lower half, bilaterally.
  5. The facial motor nucleus is located in the lower third of the pons, beneath the fourth ventricle. The neurons leaving the nucleus pass around the abducens nucleus as they emerge from the brainstem.
  6. Facial + vestibulocochlear nerve - internal auditory meatus
  7. It is at first directed lateralward between the cochlea and vestibule toward the medial wall of the tympanic cavity; it then bends suddenly backward and arches downward behind the tympanic cavity – enters the facial canal – exits via stylomastoid foramen. The point where it changes its direction is named the geniculum
  8. After exiting the stylomastoid foramen, which is situated posterolateral to stylomastoid process, the nerve enters the substance of parotid gland where it divides into its upper and lower divisions just posterior to the mandible
  9. In the classic article by Al-Kayat and Brantley (1980), the distance from the lowest point of the external bony auditory canal to the bifurcation was found to be 1.5 cm to 2.8 cm (mean, 2.3 cm) distance from the postglenoid tubercle to the bifurcation was 2.4 cm to 3.5 cm (mean, 3.0 cm). The most variable measurement was the point at which the upper trunk crosses the zygomatic arch. It ranged from 8 mm to 35 mm anterior to the most anterior portion of the bony external auditory canal (mean, 2 .0 cm).
  10. . A line was drawn from the tragus to the lateral canthus. A second line was drawn from the inferior aspect of the ear lobe to the forehead through a point that bisects the first line. This second line closely parallels the path of the frontal branch. The short line shows the distance of frontal branch to lateral eyebrow – 15 mm
  11. Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System)
  12. emerging from the inferior border of the parotid gland- running along the angle and inferior border of the mandible.- When below the angle and body of the mandible, its maximum distance was found to be 1.6 and 1.4 cm, respectively. Therefore, in order to avoid damage to the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve, the submandibular incision should be planned 1.6 cm or more below the lower border and angle of the mandible. The marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve was found superficial to the facial artery and (anterior) facial vein in all the cases (100%).