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waterwise plants at Sunshine Coast garden centres
The following garden centres and nurseries offer a 10% discount on the plants
featured in this guide. Please present the guide to cashiers before making a purchase. This
offer can not be used in combination with other promotions.

629 Pratt Road, Gibsons                                    7820 Fawn Road, Halfmoon Bay
604-886-0924                                               604-885-2760

CASEY’S COUNTRY GARDENS                                    JURASSIC PLANTS NURSERY (by appointment
5612 Wharf Avenue, Sechelt                                 only)
604-885-3606                                               11269 Sunset Cove Road, Halfmoon Bay

                                                                                                     WATERWISE PLANT GUIDE
SUPPLY                                                     QUALITY FARM AND GARDEN SUPPLY
6037 Sechelt Inlet Road, Sechelt                           325 Pratt Road, Gibsons                   Beautiful plants for sustainable Sunshine Coast gardens
604-885-9070                                               604-886-7527

EDIBLE LANDSCAPES (by appointment only)                    WILSON CREEK NURSERY
1732 Pell Road, Roberts Creek                              1709 Ward Court, Wilson Creek
604-885-4505                                               604-885-7699

                   Printed and distributed by the Sunshine Coast Regional District.
                   For more information on water conservation, please call 604-885-6800
                   or go to

some gardening terms                                                                              Protecting our water supply for a growing population.
Fertile soil: Soil rich with organic matter and plant nutrients.                                  Most of us don’t worry about water conservation when we choose plants for our
                                                                                                  gardens. After all, the Sunshine Coast–despite its name–gets a lot of rain. But our
Full sun: At least six hours of direct sunlight per day from May through August.
                                                                                                  summers are dry and our ability to store water is limited. During seasonal dry spells,
Humus: Decayed plant material that contributes to soil fertility.                                 household water consumption soars as we irrigate thirsty lawns and plants. In 2006, for
                                                                                                  instance, the Chapman water treatment plant distributed 677,942 cubic metres of water
Mulch: A layer of material that covers the ground between plants. Mulch helps conserve soil       in July compared to 303,110 cubic metres in February. This high water demand drains
moisture while allowing water and oxygen to reach plant roots. It also discourages weeds and      reservoirs and draws on resources intended for drinking water and fire fighting.
protects plants from fluctuating soil temperatures. Plant-based mulches (commonly referred to as
organic mulches) include compost, well-rotted manures, and shredded bark, leaves, and coconut                                       conserving water in the garden
fibre. Rock, gravel, and pebbles also make great mulches.                                                                            To reduce water consumption in the garden, select
                                                                                                                                    plants that can survive dry summer conditions. They
                                                                                                                                    help conserve water for more important uses and
waterwise gardening resources                                                                                                       shelter water customers from expensive infrastructure
Bennett, Jennifer                                                                                                                   expansions. They also free-up time that would
Dry Land Gardening                                                                                                                  normally be spent watering less efficient plants.

Chatto, Beth
The Dry Garden                                                                                                                      cultivating sustainability
                                                                                                  The plants in this guide are adapted to seasonal dry spells, provided they are grown as
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation                                                           described in their preferred conditions. All of the plants are attractive and easy to grow,
Landscape Guide for Canadian Homes                                                                while most sustain birds and butterflies, and a number produce food crops.

Rubin, Carole
How to Get Your Lawn off Grass                                                                    growing knowledge
                                                                                                  There are many other water-thrifty plants suited to
Sunset Books                                                                                      the Sunshine Coast besides the ones listed in this
Waterwise Gardening                                                                               guide. Our local garden centres have experts that                                                          can help you pick the best plants for your site.                                                                                 To learn more about conserving water in the garden,
                                                                                                  see the resources listed on the previous page.

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perennials                                                                                                                                                     English lavender needs well-drained soil and a sunny place in the
                                                                                                                                                               garden. To promote new growth and limit unproductive woody stems,

                                                                                                                                  Daniel Mosqin/UBC
                                                                                                                                                               prune back stems in mid-spring to 10-15 cm. Grow English lavender en
Perennials invigorate landscapes with colour and texture year after year. Whether used in                                                                      masse or with other drought-tolerant edibles like sage, thyme, oregano,
exuberant abundance or reserved elegance, they always enhance gardens.                                                                                         and rosemary.

The Sunshine Coast’s mild climate allows us to grow perennials from all over the
                                                                                                                                                               FALSE SOLOMON’S SEAL               MAIANTHEMUM RACEMOSUM
world. Nevertheless, “the-right-plant-in-the-right-place” maxim should guide plant
selection. Exposed areas with full sun and sharp drainage need plants adapted to hot arid                                                                      Naturally occurring throughout much of BC, false Solomon’s seal grows

                                                                                                                                  Irmgard & Gerald Carter
                                                                                                                                                               in full or part shade and is drought-tolerant once established. It has
conditions. Woodland settings, on the other hand, call for shade-lovers that prefer cool,                                                                      smooth, tapered leaves and arching stems, which bear clusters of fragrant
moist environments. Choose perennials that match your site’s conditions and they will                                                                          white flowers in mid-spring and small red berries in late summer. Grow
thrive with little maintenance beyond supplemental watering for the first year and regular                                                                     false Solomon’s seal in humus-rich soil with ferns, vine maples, hostas,
                                                                                                                                                               or rhododendrons.
mulching afterwards.

                                                                                                                                                               LADY’S MANTLE           ALCHEMILLA MOLLIS
Divide perennials when they show signs of decreased productivity (such as weak centre
                                                                                                                                                               Lady’s mantle adapts to a variety of soil and light conditions but
growth). Plants can be divided in any season, but they generally respond best in early fall.
                                                                                                                                                               tolerates dry weather best when planted in fertile, well-drained soil
Lift plants from the ground and section them into small clumps with a sharp spade, cutting                                                                     and protected from strong summer sun. With time-is-money attitude, it

                                                                                                                             Candice Martins
into the old, woody growth at the centre. Replenish the planting area with fresh soil and                                                                      quickly establishes clumps 35 cm high and twice as wide. Sprays of tiny
                                                                                                                                                               chartreuse flowers bloom in May and June. Mulch lady’s mantle with
keep divisions cool and moist until they are replanted.
                                                                                                                                                               organic material each spring.

                                              CORSICAN HELLEBORE                                                                                               RUSSIAN SAGE

                                                                                                                             Carolyn Jones/Great Plant Picks
                                                                                    HELLEBORUS ARGUTIFOLIUS                                                                              PEROVSKIA ATRIPLICIFOLIA

                                              Corsican hellebore is an evergreen perennial that blooms in late winter                                          Found from Afghanistan to Tibet, Russian sage needs fast-draining soil
                                              and early spring. It grows up to 1 m high and wide and is suited to full                                         to make it through wet Sunshine Coast winters. It has fine grey foliage
                                              sun or part shade. Plant Corsican hellebore in well-drained soil with                                            and produces clouds of small purple-blue flowers in late summer. Cut
                            Candice Martins

                                              dwarf conifers, hebes, and summer-flowering perennials such as Russian                                            stems back hard in spring to keep plants from developing long bare
                                              sage and showy stonecrop. Cut faded blooms back at the base.                                                     stems. Grow Russian sage in hot, sunny locations and mulch it with rock,
                                                                                                                                                               gravel, or pebbles.

                                              CUSHION SPURGE              EUPHORBIA POLYCHROMA                                                                 THRIFT/SEA PINK              ARMERIA MARITIMA

                                              No shrinking violet, this bold plant adds bolts of bright green and yellow                                       This charming evergreen perennial survives dry, windy conditions thanks
                                              to gardens. It forms low rounded mounds 30 cm high and produces                                                  to its tough taproot. In spring, papery pink flowers top wiry stems that
                                              showy bracts (modified leaves that look like flowers) in April and May.                                            reach up to 45 cm. Don’t be discouraged by a lackluster performance the

                                                                                                                             Candice Martins
                            Candice Martins

                                              Set plants 45 cm apart in full sun and well-drained soil. Handle cushion                                         first season; like all perennials, thrifts need some time to settle in before
                                              spurge carefully, as its milky sap irritates the eyes and skin. Mulch plants                                     cranking out blooms. Great cutting flowers, thrifts thrive in full sun and
                                              with gravel, rock, or pebbles.                                                                                   well drained soil. Set plants 30 cm apart.

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                                                                                                                                                       Richie Steffen/Great Plant Picks
                                                                                                                                                                                          An adaptable shrub, this Sunshine Coast resident grows in full sun to full

shrubs                                                                                                                                                                                    shade. It has glossy evergreen leaves and produces pale pink flowers in
                                                                                                                                                                                          late spring, followed by edible berries in summer. Evergreen huckleberry
                                                                                                                                                                                          can grow more than 2 m high and wide but can be pruned for size. Plant
Shrubs are garden workhorses. They anchor seasonal plantings and soften buildings, driveways, and                                                                                         it in well-drained soil amended with humus. Apply a generous mulch of
retaining walls. Commonly used as hedging or screens, shrubs also provide privacy and establish                                                                                           organic material each spring.
boundaries. What’s more, they are a valuable wildlife resource, providing food and shelter for animals
such as birds and butterflies.                                                                                                                                                             GREY’S SENECIO            SENECIO GREYI

                                                                                                                                                                                          Perfect for exposed sites with sharp drainage, Grey’s senecio (also known

                                                                                                                                                                                          as Brachyglottis greyi) is an extremely drought-tolerant evergreen. Its
To create a dynamic element in the garden, choose shrubs with features that change with the seasons.
                                                                                                                                                                                          silvery leaves and bright yellow flowers are well-suited to colourful
For instance, select plants that produce flowers and berries or ones with leaves that turn a different                                                                                     groupings of California lilac, showy stonecrop, and Russian sage. Grey’s
colour in fall. Add layers of texture and year-round colour with a variety of evergreens.                                                                                                 senecio forms soft rounded mounds 1 m high and wide. To promote new
                                                                                                                                                                                          growth, cut back old stems by two-thirds in spring.

Some shrubs prefer dry, sunny locations while others grow best in soil that retains moisture and in
                                                                                                                                                                                          RED-FLOWERING CURRANT                  RIBES SANGUINEUM
a partly shaded place. Pick plants that suit your site’s conditions and amend your soil if necessary.
                                                                                                                                                                                          An important food source for humming birds, red-flowering currant
Help drought-tolerant shrubs establish healthy roots by watering them deeply during dry conditions
                                                                                                                                                                                          starts blooming in March when most other plants are hitting the snooze
for their first two years. In spring, add a mulch of organic material, rock, or pebbles to help keep plant                                                                                 button. This indigenous shrub isn’t fussy about light levels but prefers

                                                                                                                                                      Candice Martins
roots cool and moist through summer. Spring is also a good time to apply a slow-release fertilizer to                                                                                     well-drained soil. Growing up to 3 m high and 2 m wide in sun, red-
                                                                                                                                                                                          flowering currant is deciduous and has edible blue berries. Plant it with
                                                                                                                                                                                          evergreens, spring-flowering bulbs, and summer-flowering perennials.

                                                                    CALIFORNIA LILAC            CEANOTHUS ‘VICTORIA’                                                                      RUGOSA ROSES             ROSA RUGOSA CULTIVARS
                                 Richie Steffen/Great Plant Picks

                                                                    A very drought-tolerant evergreen, California lilac thrives in sheltered                                              Rugosa roses are as tough as they are pretty, thriving in hot sun and
                                                                    spots with hot sun and fast-draining soil. The cultivar ‘Victoria’ has a                                              sandy soil. There are many flower colours and scents to choose from,
                                                                    dense, rounded shape and grows 1 m wide and 2 m high in ten years. In                                                 with bloom times extending from spring to fall. Rugosa foliage resists

                                                                                                                                                    Candice Martins
                                                                    late spring it is covered with blue flowers that attract bees, hummingbirds,                                           disease, tolerates salt spray, and takes on gold hues in autumn. A favourite
                                                                    and butterflies. Tolerant of salt spray, California lilac is suited to seaside                                         of birds, bees, and butterflies, rugosa cultivars vary in height and spread
                                                                    gardens. It can be sheared for hedging or left unpruned.                                                              from 1-2 m and produce large orange-red hips.

                                                                    DAVID’S VIBURNUM            VIBURNUM DAVIDII                                                                          IRISH YEW        TAXUS BACCATA ‘FASTIGIATA’

                                                                    This low-mounding shrub has leathery evergreen leaves, pink flower                                                     Yews are the elegant beauties of garden parties, lending a sophisticated

                                                                    buds, white blooms, and blue berries. A lovely plant that grows in a                                                  air to seasonal revellers. Irish yew is a slow-growing columnar shrub that
                                                                    range of conditions, it does best in light shade and fertile, well-drained                                            eventually reaches 6 m but can be kept smaller with pruning. It is useful
                                Candice Martins

                                                                    soil. David’s viburnum commonly grows 1 m tall and wide but can get                                                   for hedging and does well in shade or sun but needs well-drained soil.
                                                                    twice as big over many years. It works well with deciduous trees, hardy                                               The fruit, leaves, and bark of yews are poisonous.
                                                                    geraniums, hostas, and spring-flowering bulbs.

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                                                                                                                                                                        GINKGO        GINKGO BILOBA ‘AUTUMN GOLD’

                                                                                                                                                                        Ginkgos have been around since the days of dinosaurs, proving they
                                                                                                                                                                        are as resilient as they are attractive. Their soft fluttery leaves contrast
Trees add scale to landscapes by breaking up large spaces and framing focal points. They define                                                                          beautifully with their strong pyramidal forms and rough bark. The

                                                                                                                                   Great Plant Picks
and compliment other features like entryways, paths, and sitting areas while enriching gardens with                                                                     cultivar ‘Autumn Gold’ grows 4 m tall in ten years (reaching 12 m at
form, texture, fragrance, and colour. Trees have practical value in the home landscape too, sheltering                                                                  maturity) and lives up to its name with exceptional fall foliage. Plant
                                                                                                                                                                        ginkgos in full or part sun and fertile, well-drained soil.
households from sun and wind, and filtering air-borne particles and noise. Numerous trees also
produce food crops, or serve as a link to the natural world by providing shelter and sustenance for
                                                                                                                                                                        HAZEL TREE          CORYLUS AVELLANA

                                                                                                                                  g.a. cooper/smithsonian institution
                                                                                                                                                                        While some plants nourish the soul with beauty, hazel trees feed the
                                                                                                                                                                        belly with tasty nuts packed full of protein and vitamins. Trees reach 6
Select landscape trees carefully. Choose ones suited to your site’s soil, light, and dimensions. Keep                                                                   m tall and almost as wide, requiring full sun and well-drained soil. They
in mind that roots can extend past a tree’s branches and that trees should not be planted close to                                                                      don’t compete well with weeds, so keep the nuisance plants at bay with
                                                                                                                                                                        a mulch of cardboard or bark. Encourage young plants to form a shrubby
underground structures (such as septic fields) and paved areas. Buy plants with healthy leaves or                                                                        growth habit by pruning back their previous year’s growth by half.
buds, undamaged bark and roots, and well-spaced branches.
                                                                                                                                                                        ORNAMENTAL PLUM PRUNUS CERASIFERA
Fall and early spring are the best times to plant trees, when weather is cool and rainy. Prepare a                                                                      Often mistaken for cherries, ornamental plums bloom earlier in spring
planting hole that is at least twice as wide as your tree’s root ball and as deep. Backfill the planting                                                                 and tough-out dry spells better than their famous cousins. With short
                                                                                                                                                                        trunks and rounded tops, they make great climbing trees for kids. Self-

                                                                                                                                  Candice Martins
hole with the original soil, amended if necessary. Tamp the soil firmly and water the tree. Apply a
                                                                                                                                                                        sufficient, ornamental plums do not need pruning beyond the removal of
layer of mulch to the soil surface, ensuring that the material does not touch the tree’s trunk. Water                                                                   damaged or rubbing branches. They ask only for a place in the sun and
drought-tolerant trees during dry spells until they establish (typically three years).                                                                                  well-drained soil. Small cultivars grow 5 m high.

                                                   CORNELIAN CHERRY              CORNUS MAS                                                                             PINE TREES        PINE SPECIES

                                                   Growing approximately 3 m high and wide, this pretty tree is perfect for                                             Old souls, pines are immensely adaptable. Sometimes overlooked for their
                                                   small spaces. It has scented flowers in early spring, tart red fruit by late                                          lack of blousy blooms, these dependable trees contribute architectural
                               Great Plant Picks

                                                   summer, and jewel-toned leaves in fall. Cornelian cherry grows in full                                               strength and attractive texture to landscapes. Grow them in ordinary soil

                                                                                                                                 Candice Martins
                                                   sun or part shade and prefers humus-rich, well-drained soil. It is a good                                            and full sun with spring-flowering groundcovers, ornamental grasses,
                                                   companion for rhododendrons, camellias, boxwood, spring-flowering                                                     and summer perennials. Selections vary in size, so check your local
                                                   bulbs, hardy geraniums, and summer-flowering perennials.                                                              garden centre for plants that suit your space.

                                                   FLOWERING CRABAPPLE                MALUS CULTIVARS                                                                   VINE MAPLE         ACER CIRCINATUM

                                                   Cheerful little trees, flowering crabapples provide months of interest with                                           Native to the Pacific Northwest, vine maples are great for small spaces
                                                   colourful flower buds, blooms, and fruit. ‘Adirondack’, ‘Snowdrift’, and                                              or for visually linking low-growing plants to sky-scraping conifers. They

                                                                                                                                 Candice Martins
                                                   ‘Strawberry Parfait’ are disease-resistant cultivars that grow 3 m in ten                                            produce showy fall colours when planted in sun but grow equally well in
                               Candice Martins

                                                   years and reach 6 m high and wide at maturity. Not particular about soil                                             shade. Provide vine maples with humus-rich soil and an organic mulch
                                                   types, they perform best in full sun. Remove leggy vertical shoots that                                              each spring. Trees grow approximately 5 m tall in ten years.
                                                   sprout from the tree’s base or from horizontal-growing branches.

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                                                                                                                                                                Hailing from Mexico, cosmos bloom in late summer and fall on the

annuals & bedding plants                                                                                                                                        Coast, providing late-season nectar for butterflies and humming birds.
                                                                                                                                                                Start seeds indoors in April or sow them outside in May. Cosmos grow
                                                                                                                                                                about 1 m tall and prefer full sun and soil amended with organic matter.
Annuals are plants that complete their life cycle in a single growing season. Many are well-suited to                                                           Do not fertilize or over-water cosmos, as they will produce fewer blooms.
waterwise gardens as they sprout with spring rains and set seed during dry summer weather. They                                                                 These flowers are easy to grow and lovely for cutting.
are also good plants for those who do not wish to spend time watering and fertilizing since excessive
moisture and nitrogen cause many of them to produce lush foliage but few flowers. Use hardy, self-                                                               FIELD POPPY/FLANDER’S POPPY                  PAPAVER RHOEAS

seeding annuals in naturalized areas or informal gardens where they can propagate freely. Tender                                                                Thin wiry stems support the field poppy’s crimson petals and dark

annuals should be started from seed indoors in April or purchased as young plants from garden                                                                   centre. Plants grow 60 cm tall and 30 cm wide and prefer full sun and
                                                                                                                                                                well-drained soil. They suit informal gardens, where they can be grown
centres in June.                                                                                                                                                en masse for spectacular colour from June to August. Sow seeds outside
                                                                                                                                                                in March or April.
Bedding plants are tender perennials, shrubs, and sub-shrubs from hot climes. They grow through
our summer months but must be over-wintered indoors or replaced the following year. Most are not
                                                                                                                                                                MOSS ROSE          PORTULACA GRANDIFLORA
suited to sustainable gardening as they often require supplemental water and nutrients to put on a
                                                                                                                                                                Moss rose has narrow fleshy leaves and grows about 15 cm high and

show by summer’s end. Some, however, are extremely drought-tolerant and provide a water-thrifty
                                                                                                                                                                30 cm wide during the Coast’s summer season. Plants are available in
splash of colour, especially when carried over to the next year. Don’t set bedding plants out early;                                                            a range of flower colours, from strong red and yellow to soft pink and
they will suffer pitiably through cold rain and likely require fresh recruits to take their place.                                                              white. Native to Brazil and Argentina, moss rose needs hot sandy soil
                                                                                                                                                                and full sun. Do not set plants out before the weather is warm, as they do
                                                                                                                                                                poorly in cold rainy conditions.

                                                      CALENDULA         CALENDULA OFFICINALIS                                                                   PETUNIA        PETUNIA X HYBRIDA

                                                      Calendula flowers emerge in May with daisy-like, edible petals. Purchase                                   These punchy plants have been hybridized to produce a range of blooms.

                                                      plants in late spring or start them from seed in March. Transplant                                        Some petunias are large with flamboyant ruffles, stripes, and speckles,
                                                      calendulas to a location with full sun or part shade and ordinary well-                                   while others are small and demure. Some are fragrant and some hold

                                                                                                                                   Candice Martins
                                                      drained soil. Seeds can be sown outside again in June to ensure plenty of                                 up well in rain, but all flower profusely through summer and fall. Grow
                                                      blooms for fall. Calendulas grow 60 cm tall and about half as wide. They                                  them in full sun and well-drained soil. Cut plants back halfway in mid-
                                                      make good cut flowers.                                                                                     summer to promote compact growth.

                                                      CALIFORNIA POPPY             ESCHSCHOLZIA CALIFORNICA                                                     ZONAL GERANIUM            PELARGONIUM X HORTORUM

                                                      Technically a perennial, this tough plant thrives on sandy sun-drenched                                   Geraniums are synonymous with summer. They grow well in containers,
                                                      soil. Sow seeds on flowering sites in spring, when abundant rainfall                                       in full sun and well-drained soil, happiest when their roots are a bit

                                                                                                                                   Candice Martins
                                                      allows plants to germinate and begin flowering. California poppies grow                                    restricted. Young plants purchased from garden centres bloom from May
                               Candice Martins

                                                      approximately 30 cm high and wide, with vibrant blooms appearing in                                       until frost and can be over-wintered indoors in a cool location. Zonal
                                                      late May. They readily self-seed and are suited to naturalized plantings.                                 geraniums are named for the dark green circles on their leaves.

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groundcovers & climbers                                                                                                                                              Plant a grapevine and you will have fruit for munching and wine-making,

                                                                                                                                  Daniel Mosquin/UBC
                                                                                                                                                                     leaves for dolmathes, and twigs for barbecue skewers. Provide vines with
                                                                                                                                                                     full sun and deeply cultivated soil that contains lots of compost and some
Low-growing groundcovers prevent soil erosion, steal space from weeds, and decorate gardens with                                                                     lime. Grapevines can be grown up the side of a house or kept low. Read
blooms, foliage, and berries. Many—including the ones featured here—also attract birds, bees, and                                                                    up on pruning techniques for maximum fruit production. Water plants
                                                                                                                                                                     deeply during dry conditions for their first year.

                                                                                                                                                                     KINNIKINNICK/BEARBERRY               ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI
Groundcovers are most effective when used in mass plantings. Space plants according to nursery
                                                                                                                                                                     Kinnikinnick is a low-growing evergreen shrub found in sunny sandy
tag instructions and mulch the planting area afterwards. Woody groundcovers like salal, cotoneaster,
                                                                                                                                                                     locations throughout much of the province. Its small pinkish flowers
and kinnikinnick need supplemental watering for their first two summers. Beach strawberry and                                                                         herald spring and attract hummingbirds, while its red berries add colour

                                                                                                                                  Candice Martins
stonecrop will not need extra watering if they are planted in fall or early spring when there is plenty of                                                           to winter landscapes. Kinnikinnick branches set root in soil, allowing
                                                                                                                                                                     plants to spread wide over time. Mulch kinnikinnick with crushed gravel
rain. Avoid planting invasive exotics such as English ivy and periwinkle, as they often invade natural
                                                                                                                                                                     or pebbles.
habitats and disrupt ecosystems.
                                                                                                                                                                     RAMBLING ROSES            ROSA ‘PAUL’S HIMALAYAN MUSK’
In contrast to groundcovers, climbers make great use of vertical space. Most are strong, heavy plants

                                                                                                                                  Richie Steffen/Great Plant Picks
                                                                                                                                                                     With their prolific blooms and free-spirited growth, rambling roses are
that require the support of solid structures. Help climbers that twine through or scramble over supports                                                             mainstays of cottage gardens. Cultivars like ‘Paul’s Himalayan Musk’
(as opposed to ones that attach to surfaces) get started by securing young plants with ties and by                                                                   are vigorous growers and drought-tolerant once established. They need
                                                                                                                                                                     full sun and strong support structures, such as a stone wall or a sturdy
training new shoots. Encourage horizontal growth (which produces flowers and fruit) by wrapping
                                                                                                                                                                     arbour. Plant ramblers in well-drained, humus-rich soil, and water them
plants around pillars, or by letting them spread across structures.                                                                                                  deeply during dry conditions for their first summer.

                                                  BEACH STRAWBERRY                FRAGARIA CHILOENSIS                                                                SALAL      GAULTHERIA SHALLON

                                                  As its name suggests, beach strawberry is adapted to sunny sites and                                               Salal is a shrubby, slow-growing evergreen that eventually forms metre-
                                                  sandy, fast-draining soil. It has glossy evergreen leaves and produces                                             high thickets. A true Coaster, it appears everywhere from exposed
                                                  white blossoms and small red berries. Beach strawberry grows up to 20                                              shorelines to darkened woods. Clusters of pinkish-white flowers bloom
                                Candice Martins

                                                                                                                                 Dave Ingram
                                                  cm tall and propagates by runners, which extend over the ground to form                                            May through June, with purple berries ripening over summer. Plant salal
                                                  new plants. Native to the Sunshine Coast, it grows well among ornamental                                           in fertile, well-drained soil. Water plants during dry weather until they
                                                  grasses, rugosa roses, potentilla shrubs, and California lilacs.                                                   are established and apply a mulch of organic material each spring.

                                                  BEARBERRY COTONEASTER                   COTONEASTER DAMMERI                                                        GOLDEN STONECROP               SEDUM ACRE ‘AUREUM’

                                                  Bearberry cotoneaster is an evergreen with white spring blooms and                                                 An extremely hardy plant, golden stonecrop shrugs off freezing
                                                  scarlet berries that last through winter. It hugs the ground, spreads about                                        temperatures and dry conditions. It grows 8 cm high and 30-45 cm wide,
                                                  2 m wide, and looks splendid spilling over retaining walls or splashing                                            producing star-shaped yellow flowers in June. Set golden stonecrop in

                                                                                                                                 Candice Martins
                                                  up against rocks. Grow it in full sun or part shade and well-drained soil.                                         full sun and well-drained soil along the edge of beds, in rock gardens,
                                Sten Porse

                                                  Its vibrant red fruit contrasts nicely with blue-leaved plants like Colorado                                       between pavers, or in containers.
                                                  spruce and blue oat grass.

11                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          12

ornamental grass, ferns & cycads

                                                                                                                                  Lisa King/Great Plant Picks
                                                                                                                                                                The seed heads of giant needle grass soar on stems over 2 m tall, creating
                                                                                                                                                                a dramatic statement in the garden. Native to Spain and Portugal, the
                                                                                                                                                                grass needs a hot, sunny location and fast-draining soil. Plant giant
Ornamental grasses provide year-round appeal with attractive foliage and seed heads. They rustle                                                                needle grass where it will be backlit by sun, or contrast it against the
and sway in the breeze and look beautiful when backlit by sun. Some produce fiery fall colours that                                                              dark bark of pines. Over-fertilization causes weak, floppy stems.
contrast against dark skies and sparkle with frost. Others have blue leaves that work well with the
warm-coloured foliage of plants like purple smokebush, or with the red fruit of kinnkinnick and
                                                                                                                                                                LITTLE BLUESTEM           SCHIZACHYRIUM SCOPARIUM
cotoneaster. In winter, ornamental grasses provide relief from bleak landscapes with tan foliage and
                                                                                                                                                                Little bluestem is a prairie grass adapted to full sun and well-drained soil.
seed heads that attract birds. Provide grasses with good drainage and water them during dry weather                                                             Excessive watering and fertilizing cause it to flop, ruining its upright

until they are established.                                                                                                                                     growth habit. Growing 1 m tall and half as wide, little bluestem has green
                                                                                                                                                                leaves that take on rusty hues in fall. It looks best in mass plantings that
                                                                                                                                                                sway in the breeze and capture the sun’s glow.
While ornamental grasses evoke prairie landscapes, ferns are always associated with lush environments.
Nevertheless, some ferns are remarkably drought tolerant. Such is the case with the sword fern, which
grows all over the Sunshine Coast. The secret to its water-wise ways is afternoon shade, humus-rich                                                             MOSQUITO GRASS/BLUE GRAMA                    BOUTELOUA GRACILIS
soil, and a protective mulch of organic material.                                                                                                               Mosquito grass is named for its nodding flower heads, which resemble
                                                                                                                                                                the pesky insect. It is native to North America and grows in sandy, fertile

You won’t see cycads on any other drought-tolerant plant list even though they handle dry spells well.                                                          soil and full sun. Mosquito grass blooms from June through fall and
                                                                                                                                                                forms clumps approximately 40 cm high and wide. Its leaves are finely-
That’s because the Jurassic-era plants are hard to find. Fortunately, they are available on the Sunshine                                                         textured and grey-green.

                                                 BLUE OAT GRASS            HELICTOTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS                                                          FEATHER REED GRASS               CALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFLORA ‘KARL
                                                 With its arching, oat-like seed heads and attractive blue-green foliage,
                                                 blue oat grass is an excellent grass for coastal gardens. Plant it in a sunny                                  Feather reed grass is an adaptable plant that can tolerate dry spells once
                                                 spot with well-drained soil and the company of heaths, heathers, and                                           established, though it may go dormant during prolonged drought. Voted
                               Candice Martins

                                                 pines, or summer-flowering perennials such as purple coneflower and                                              Perennial of the Year in 2001, the cultivar ‘Karl Foerster’ grows 1.5 m
                                                 goldenrod. Blue oat grass forms clumps 0.5 m high and wide. It should                                          tall and is prized for its dependable good looks. Grow it in humus-rich,
                                                 be cut back in late winter or early spring.                                                                    well-drained soil and full sun. Cut back plants in early spring.

                                                 CYCAD       CYCAS PANZIHUAENSIS                                                                                SWORD FERN           POLYSTICHUM MUNITUM

                                                 Bored with geraniums? Got lots of lavender? Then try growing a cycad.                                          This Northwest icon is well-adapted to our region’s seasonal downpours
                                                 An ancient plant that withstands frost and snow, it does best on a raised                                      and dry spells. An evergreen that can reach over a metre in height and
                                                 mound of sandy, fast-draining soil, where it is protected from excessive                                       width, it naturally occurs in moist woodland settings. Plant sword fern

                                                                                                                                 Candice Martins
                               Lori Pickering

                                                 rain. Cycads prefer full sun but will also grow in dappled shade. Long-                                        in well-drained, humus-rich soil and full to part shade, and mulch it
                                                 lived and slow-growing, they resemble ferns for the first 20 years, after                                       regularly with organic material. Tidy plants in spring by cutting the
                                                 which they look more like palms.                                                                               previous year’s leaves back at the base.

13                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        14

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Waterwise Plant Guide: Beautiful Plants for Sustainable Sunshine Coast Gardens - Canada

  • 1. waterwise plants at Sunshine Coast garden centres The following garden centres and nurseries offer a 10% discount on the plants featured in this guide. Please present the guide to cashiers before making a purchase. This offer can not be used in combination with other promotions. B & K SOILS & LANDSCAPE SUPPLY HALFMOON BAY NURSERY 629 Pratt Road, Gibsons 7820 Fawn Road, Halfmoon Bay 604-886-0924 604-885-2760 CASEY’S COUNTRY GARDENS JURASSIC PLANTS NURSERY (by appointment 5612 Wharf Avenue, Sechelt only) 604-885-3606 11269 Sunset Cove Road, Halfmoon Bay WATERWISE PLANT GUIDE 604-883-0079 DELUXE GARDEN CENTRE & LANDSCAPE SUPPLY QUALITY FARM AND GARDEN SUPPLY 6037 Sechelt Inlet Road, Sechelt 325 Pratt Road, Gibsons Beautiful plants for sustainable Sunshine Coast gardens 604-885-9070 604-886-7527 EDIBLE LANDSCAPES (by appointment only) WILSON CREEK NURSERY 1732 Pell Road, Roberts Creek 1709 Ward Court, Wilson Creek 604-885-4505 604-885-7699 Printed and distributed by the Sunshine Coast Regional District. For more information on water conservation, please call 604-885-6800 or go to DESIGN AND WRITING BY CANDICE MARTINS
  • 2. waterwise some gardening terms Protecting our water supply for a growing population. Fertile soil: Soil rich with organic matter and plant nutrients. Most of us don’t worry about water conservation when we choose plants for our gardens. After all, the Sunshine Coast–despite its name–gets a lot of rain. But our Full sun: At least six hours of direct sunlight per day from May through August. summers are dry and our ability to store water is limited. During seasonal dry spells, Humus: Decayed plant material that contributes to soil fertility. household water consumption soars as we irrigate thirsty lawns and plants. In 2006, for instance, the Chapman water treatment plant distributed 677,942 cubic metres of water Mulch: A layer of material that covers the ground between plants. Mulch helps conserve soil in July compared to 303,110 cubic metres in February. This high water demand drains moisture while allowing water and oxygen to reach plant roots. It also discourages weeds and reservoirs and draws on resources intended for drinking water and fire fighting. protects plants from fluctuating soil temperatures. Plant-based mulches (commonly referred to as organic mulches) include compost, well-rotted manures, and shredded bark, leaves, and coconut conserving water in the garden fibre. Rock, gravel, and pebbles also make great mulches. To reduce water consumption in the garden, select plants that can survive dry summer conditions. They help conserve water for more important uses and waterwise gardening resources shelter water customers from expensive infrastructure Bennett, Jennifer expansions. They also free-up time that would Dry Land Gardening normally be spent watering less efficient plants. Chatto, Beth The Dry Garden cultivating sustainability The plants in this guide are adapted to seasonal dry spells, provided they are grown as Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation described in their preferred conditions. All of the plants are attractive and easy to grow, Landscape Guide for Canadian Homes while most sustain birds and butterflies, and a number produce food crops. Rubin, Carole How to Get Your Lawn off Grass growing knowledge There are many other water-thrifty plants suited to Sunset Books the Sunshine Coast besides the ones listed in this Waterwise Gardening guide. Our local garden centres have experts that can help you pick the best plants for your site. To learn more about conserving water in the garden, see the resources listed on the previous page. 1 2
  • 3. ENGLISH LAVENDER LAVANDULA ANGUSTIFOLIA perennials English lavender needs well-drained soil and a sunny place in the garden. To promote new growth and limit unproductive woody stems, Daniel Mosqin/UBC prune back stems in mid-spring to 10-15 cm. Grow English lavender en Perennials invigorate landscapes with colour and texture year after year. Whether used in masse or with other drought-tolerant edibles like sage, thyme, oregano, exuberant abundance or reserved elegance, they always enhance gardens. and rosemary. The Sunshine Coast’s mild climate allows us to grow perennials from all over the FALSE SOLOMON’S SEAL MAIANTHEMUM RACEMOSUM world. Nevertheless, “the-right-plant-in-the-right-place” maxim should guide plant selection. Exposed areas with full sun and sharp drainage need plants adapted to hot arid Naturally occurring throughout much of BC, false Solomon’s seal grows Irmgard & Gerald Carter in full or part shade and is drought-tolerant once established. It has conditions. Woodland settings, on the other hand, call for shade-lovers that prefer cool, smooth, tapered leaves and arching stems, which bear clusters of fragrant moist environments. Choose perennials that match your site’s conditions and they will white flowers in mid-spring and small red berries in late summer. Grow thrive with little maintenance beyond supplemental watering for the first year and regular false Solomon’s seal in humus-rich soil with ferns, vine maples, hostas, or rhododendrons. mulching afterwards. LADY’S MANTLE ALCHEMILLA MOLLIS Divide perennials when they show signs of decreased productivity (such as weak centre Lady’s mantle adapts to a variety of soil and light conditions but growth). Plants can be divided in any season, but they generally respond best in early fall. tolerates dry weather best when planted in fertile, well-drained soil Lift plants from the ground and section them into small clumps with a sharp spade, cutting and protected from strong summer sun. With time-is-money attitude, it Candice Martins into the old, woody growth at the centre. Replenish the planting area with fresh soil and quickly establishes clumps 35 cm high and twice as wide. Sprays of tiny chartreuse flowers bloom in May and June. Mulch lady’s mantle with keep divisions cool and moist until they are replanted. organic material each spring. CORSICAN HELLEBORE RUSSIAN SAGE Carolyn Jones/Great Plant Picks HELLEBORUS ARGUTIFOLIUS PEROVSKIA ATRIPLICIFOLIA Corsican hellebore is an evergreen perennial that blooms in late winter Found from Afghanistan to Tibet, Russian sage needs fast-draining soil and early spring. It grows up to 1 m high and wide and is suited to full to make it through wet Sunshine Coast winters. It has fine grey foliage sun or part shade. Plant Corsican hellebore in well-drained soil with and produces clouds of small purple-blue flowers in late summer. Cut Candice Martins dwarf conifers, hebes, and summer-flowering perennials such as Russian stems back hard in spring to keep plants from developing long bare sage and showy stonecrop. Cut faded blooms back at the base. stems. Grow Russian sage in hot, sunny locations and mulch it with rock, gravel, or pebbles. CUSHION SPURGE EUPHORBIA POLYCHROMA THRIFT/SEA PINK ARMERIA MARITIMA No shrinking violet, this bold plant adds bolts of bright green and yellow This charming evergreen perennial survives dry, windy conditions thanks to gardens. It forms low rounded mounds 30 cm high and produces to its tough taproot. In spring, papery pink flowers top wiry stems that showy bracts (modified leaves that look like flowers) in April and May. reach up to 45 cm. Don’t be discouraged by a lackluster performance the Candice Martins Candice Martins Set plants 45 cm apart in full sun and well-drained soil. Handle cushion first season; like all perennials, thrifts need some time to settle in before spurge carefully, as its milky sap irritates the eyes and skin. Mulch plants cranking out blooms. Great cutting flowers, thrifts thrive in full sun and with gravel, rock, or pebbles. well drained soil. Set plants 30 cm apart. 3 4
  • 4. EVERGREEN HUCKLEBERRY VACCINIUM OVATUM Richie Steffen/Great Plant Picks An adaptable shrub, this Sunshine Coast resident grows in full sun to full shrubs shade. It has glossy evergreen leaves and produces pale pink flowers in late spring, followed by edible berries in summer. Evergreen huckleberry can grow more than 2 m high and wide but can be pruned for size. Plant Shrubs are garden workhorses. They anchor seasonal plantings and soften buildings, driveways, and it in well-drained soil amended with humus. Apply a generous mulch of retaining walls. Commonly used as hedging or screens, shrubs also provide privacy and establish organic material each spring. boundaries. What’s more, they are a valuable wildlife resource, providing food and shelter for animals such as birds and butterflies. GREY’S SENECIO SENECIO GREYI Perfect for exposed sites with sharp drainage, Grey’s senecio (also known as Brachyglottis greyi) is an extremely drought-tolerant evergreen. Its To create a dynamic element in the garden, choose shrubs with features that change with the seasons. silvery leaves and bright yellow flowers are well-suited to colourful For instance, select plants that produce flowers and berries or ones with leaves that turn a different groupings of California lilac, showy stonecrop, and Russian sage. Grey’s colour in fall. Add layers of texture and year-round colour with a variety of evergreens. senecio forms soft rounded mounds 1 m high and wide. To promote new growth, cut back old stems by two-thirds in spring. Some shrubs prefer dry, sunny locations while others grow best in soil that retains moisture and in RED-FLOWERING CURRANT RIBES SANGUINEUM a partly shaded place. Pick plants that suit your site’s conditions and amend your soil if necessary. An important food source for humming birds, red-flowering currant Help drought-tolerant shrubs establish healthy roots by watering them deeply during dry conditions starts blooming in March when most other plants are hitting the snooze for their first two years. In spring, add a mulch of organic material, rock, or pebbles to help keep plant button. This indigenous shrub isn’t fussy about light levels but prefers Candice Martins roots cool and moist through summer. Spring is also a good time to apply a slow-release fertilizer to well-drained soil. Growing up to 3 m high and 2 m wide in sun, red- flowering currant is deciduous and has edible blue berries. Plant it with shrubs. evergreens, spring-flowering bulbs, and summer-flowering perennials. CALIFORNIA LILAC CEANOTHUS ‘VICTORIA’ RUGOSA ROSES ROSA RUGOSA CULTIVARS Richie Steffen/Great Plant Picks A very drought-tolerant evergreen, California lilac thrives in sheltered Rugosa roses are as tough as they are pretty, thriving in hot sun and spots with hot sun and fast-draining soil. The cultivar ‘Victoria’ has a sandy soil. There are many flower colours and scents to choose from, dense, rounded shape and grows 1 m wide and 2 m high in ten years. In with bloom times extending from spring to fall. Rugosa foliage resists Candice Martins late spring it is covered with blue flowers that attract bees, hummingbirds, disease, tolerates salt spray, and takes on gold hues in autumn. A favourite and butterflies. Tolerant of salt spray, California lilac is suited to seaside of birds, bees, and butterflies, rugosa cultivars vary in height and spread gardens. It can be sheared for hedging or left unpruned. from 1-2 m and produce large orange-red hips. DAVID’S VIBURNUM VIBURNUM DAVIDII IRISH YEW TAXUS BACCATA ‘FASTIGIATA’ This low-mounding shrub has leathery evergreen leaves, pink flower Yews are the elegant beauties of garden parties, lending a sophisticated buds, white blooms, and blue berries. A lovely plant that grows in a air to seasonal revellers. Irish yew is a slow-growing columnar shrub that range of conditions, it does best in light shade and fertile, well-drained eventually reaches 6 m but can be kept smaller with pruning. It is useful Candice Martins soil. David’s viburnum commonly grows 1 m tall and wide but can get for hedging and does well in shade or sun but needs well-drained soil. twice as big over many years. It works well with deciduous trees, hardy The fruit, leaves, and bark of yews are poisonous. geraniums, hostas, and spring-flowering bulbs. 5 6
  • 5. trees GINKGO GINKGO BILOBA ‘AUTUMN GOLD’ Ginkgos have been around since the days of dinosaurs, proving they are as resilient as they are attractive. Their soft fluttery leaves contrast Trees add scale to landscapes by breaking up large spaces and framing focal points. They define beautifully with their strong pyramidal forms and rough bark. The Great Plant Picks and compliment other features like entryways, paths, and sitting areas while enriching gardens with cultivar ‘Autumn Gold’ grows 4 m tall in ten years (reaching 12 m at form, texture, fragrance, and colour. Trees have practical value in the home landscape too, sheltering maturity) and lives up to its name with exceptional fall foliage. Plant ginkgos in full or part sun and fertile, well-drained soil. households from sun and wind, and filtering air-borne particles and noise. Numerous trees also produce food crops, or serve as a link to the natural world by providing shelter and sustenance for HAZEL TREE CORYLUS AVELLANA g.a. cooper/smithsonian institution wildlife. While some plants nourish the soul with beauty, hazel trees feed the belly with tasty nuts packed full of protein and vitamins. Trees reach 6 Select landscape trees carefully. Choose ones suited to your site’s soil, light, and dimensions. Keep m tall and almost as wide, requiring full sun and well-drained soil. They in mind that roots can extend past a tree’s branches and that trees should not be planted close to don’t compete well with weeds, so keep the nuisance plants at bay with a mulch of cardboard or bark. Encourage young plants to form a shrubby underground structures (such as septic fields) and paved areas. Buy plants with healthy leaves or growth habit by pruning back their previous year’s growth by half. buds, undamaged bark and roots, and well-spaced branches. ORNAMENTAL PLUM PRUNUS CERASIFERA Fall and early spring are the best times to plant trees, when weather is cool and rainy. Prepare a Often mistaken for cherries, ornamental plums bloom earlier in spring planting hole that is at least twice as wide as your tree’s root ball and as deep. Backfill the planting and tough-out dry spells better than their famous cousins. With short trunks and rounded tops, they make great climbing trees for kids. Self- Candice Martins hole with the original soil, amended if necessary. Tamp the soil firmly and water the tree. Apply a sufficient, ornamental plums do not need pruning beyond the removal of layer of mulch to the soil surface, ensuring that the material does not touch the tree’s trunk. Water damaged or rubbing branches. They ask only for a place in the sun and drought-tolerant trees during dry spells until they establish (typically three years). well-drained soil. Small cultivars grow 5 m high. CORNELIAN CHERRY CORNUS MAS PINE TREES PINE SPECIES Growing approximately 3 m high and wide, this pretty tree is perfect for Old souls, pines are immensely adaptable. Sometimes overlooked for their small spaces. It has scented flowers in early spring, tart red fruit by late lack of blousy blooms, these dependable trees contribute architectural Great Plant Picks summer, and jewel-toned leaves in fall. Cornelian cherry grows in full strength and attractive texture to landscapes. Grow them in ordinary soil Candice Martins sun or part shade and prefers humus-rich, well-drained soil. It is a good and full sun with spring-flowering groundcovers, ornamental grasses, companion for rhododendrons, camellias, boxwood, spring-flowering and summer perennials. Selections vary in size, so check your local bulbs, hardy geraniums, and summer-flowering perennials. garden centre for plants that suit your space. FLOWERING CRABAPPLE MALUS CULTIVARS VINE MAPLE ACER CIRCINATUM Cheerful little trees, flowering crabapples provide months of interest with Native to the Pacific Northwest, vine maples are great for small spaces colourful flower buds, blooms, and fruit. ‘Adirondack’, ‘Snowdrift’, and or for visually linking low-growing plants to sky-scraping conifers. They Candice Martins ‘Strawberry Parfait’ are disease-resistant cultivars that grow 3 m in ten produce showy fall colours when planted in sun but grow equally well in Candice Martins years and reach 6 m high and wide at maturity. Not particular about soil shade. Provide vine maples with humus-rich soil and an organic mulch types, they perform best in full sun. Remove leggy vertical shoots that each spring. Trees grow approximately 5 m tall in ten years. sprout from the tree’s base or from horizontal-growing branches. 7 8
  • 6. COSMOS COSMOS BIPINNATUS Hailing from Mexico, cosmos bloom in late summer and fall on the annuals & bedding plants Coast, providing late-season nectar for butterflies and humming birds. Start seeds indoors in April or sow them outside in May. Cosmos grow about 1 m tall and prefer full sun and soil amended with organic matter. Annuals are plants that complete their life cycle in a single growing season. Many are well-suited to Do not fertilize or over-water cosmos, as they will produce fewer blooms. waterwise gardens as they sprout with spring rains and set seed during dry summer weather. They These flowers are easy to grow and lovely for cutting. are also good plants for those who do not wish to spend time watering and fertilizing since excessive moisture and nitrogen cause many of them to produce lush foliage but few flowers. Use hardy, self- FIELD POPPY/FLANDER’S POPPY PAPAVER RHOEAS seeding annuals in naturalized areas or informal gardens where they can propagate freely. Tender Thin wiry stems support the field poppy’s crimson petals and dark annuals should be started from seed indoors in April or purchased as young plants from garden centre. Plants grow 60 cm tall and 30 cm wide and prefer full sun and well-drained soil. They suit informal gardens, where they can be grown centres in June. en masse for spectacular colour from June to August. Sow seeds outside in March or April. Bedding plants are tender perennials, shrubs, and sub-shrubs from hot climes. They grow through our summer months but must be over-wintered indoors or replaced the following year. Most are not MOSS ROSE PORTULACA GRANDIFLORA suited to sustainable gardening as they often require supplemental water and nutrients to put on a Moss rose has narrow fleshy leaves and grows about 15 cm high and show by summer’s end. Some, however, are extremely drought-tolerant and provide a water-thrifty 30 cm wide during the Coast’s summer season. Plants are available in splash of colour, especially when carried over to the next year. Don’t set bedding plants out early; a range of flower colours, from strong red and yellow to soft pink and they will suffer pitiably through cold rain and likely require fresh recruits to take their place. white. Native to Brazil and Argentina, moss rose needs hot sandy soil and full sun. Do not set plants out before the weather is warm, as they do poorly in cold rainy conditions. CALENDULA CALENDULA OFFICINALIS PETUNIA PETUNIA X HYBRIDA Calendula flowers emerge in May with daisy-like, edible petals. Purchase These punchy plants have been hybridized to produce a range of blooms. plants in late spring or start them from seed in March. Transplant Some petunias are large with flamboyant ruffles, stripes, and speckles, calendulas to a location with full sun or part shade and ordinary well- while others are small and demure. Some are fragrant and some hold Candice Martins drained soil. Seeds can be sown outside again in June to ensure plenty of up well in rain, but all flower profusely through summer and fall. Grow blooms for fall. Calendulas grow 60 cm tall and about half as wide. They them in full sun and well-drained soil. Cut plants back halfway in mid- make good cut flowers. summer to promote compact growth. CALIFORNIA POPPY ESCHSCHOLZIA CALIFORNICA ZONAL GERANIUM PELARGONIUM X HORTORUM Technically a perennial, this tough plant thrives on sandy sun-drenched Geraniums are synonymous with summer. They grow well in containers, soil. Sow seeds on flowering sites in spring, when abundant rainfall in full sun and well-drained soil, happiest when their roots are a bit Candice Martins allows plants to germinate and begin flowering. California poppies grow restricted. Young plants purchased from garden centres bloom from May Candice Martins approximately 30 cm high and wide, with vibrant blooms appearing in until frost and can be over-wintered indoors in a cool location. Zonal late May. They readily self-seed and are suited to naturalized plantings. geraniums are named for the dark green circles on their leaves. 9 10
  • 7. GRAPEVINES VITIS VINIFERA CULTIVARS groundcovers & climbers Plant a grapevine and you will have fruit for munching and wine-making, Daniel Mosquin/UBC leaves for dolmathes, and twigs for barbecue skewers. Provide vines with full sun and deeply cultivated soil that contains lots of compost and some Low-growing groundcovers prevent soil erosion, steal space from weeds, and decorate gardens with lime. Grapevines can be grown up the side of a house or kept low. Read blooms, foliage, and berries. Many—including the ones featured here—also attract birds, bees, and up on pruning techniques for maximum fruit production. Water plants deeply during dry conditions for their first year. butterflies. KINNIKINNICK/BEARBERRY ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI Groundcovers are most effective when used in mass plantings. Space plants according to nursery Kinnikinnick is a low-growing evergreen shrub found in sunny sandy tag instructions and mulch the planting area afterwards. Woody groundcovers like salal, cotoneaster, locations throughout much of the province. Its small pinkish flowers and kinnikinnick need supplemental watering for their first two summers. Beach strawberry and herald spring and attract hummingbirds, while its red berries add colour Candice Martins stonecrop will not need extra watering if they are planted in fall or early spring when there is plenty of to winter landscapes. Kinnikinnick branches set root in soil, allowing plants to spread wide over time. Mulch kinnikinnick with crushed gravel rain. Avoid planting invasive exotics such as English ivy and periwinkle, as they often invade natural or pebbles. habitats and disrupt ecosystems. RAMBLING ROSES ROSA ‘PAUL’S HIMALAYAN MUSK’ In contrast to groundcovers, climbers make great use of vertical space. Most are strong, heavy plants Richie Steffen/Great Plant Picks With their prolific blooms and free-spirited growth, rambling roses are that require the support of solid structures. Help climbers that twine through or scramble over supports mainstays of cottage gardens. Cultivars like ‘Paul’s Himalayan Musk’ (as opposed to ones that attach to surfaces) get started by securing young plants with ties and by are vigorous growers and drought-tolerant once established. They need full sun and strong support structures, such as a stone wall or a sturdy training new shoots. Encourage horizontal growth (which produces flowers and fruit) by wrapping arbour. Plant ramblers in well-drained, humus-rich soil, and water them plants around pillars, or by letting them spread across structures. deeply during dry conditions for their first summer. BEACH STRAWBERRY FRAGARIA CHILOENSIS SALAL GAULTHERIA SHALLON As its name suggests, beach strawberry is adapted to sunny sites and Salal is a shrubby, slow-growing evergreen that eventually forms metre- sandy, fast-draining soil. It has glossy evergreen leaves and produces high thickets. A true Coaster, it appears everywhere from exposed white blossoms and small red berries. Beach strawberry grows up to 20 shorelines to darkened woods. Clusters of pinkish-white flowers bloom Candice Martins Dave Ingram cm tall and propagates by runners, which extend over the ground to form May through June, with purple berries ripening over summer. Plant salal new plants. Native to the Sunshine Coast, it grows well among ornamental in fertile, well-drained soil. Water plants during dry weather until they grasses, rugosa roses, potentilla shrubs, and California lilacs. are established and apply a mulch of organic material each spring. BEARBERRY COTONEASTER COTONEASTER DAMMERI GOLDEN STONECROP SEDUM ACRE ‘AUREUM’ Bearberry cotoneaster is an evergreen with white spring blooms and An extremely hardy plant, golden stonecrop shrugs off freezing scarlet berries that last through winter. It hugs the ground, spreads about temperatures and dry conditions. It grows 8 cm high and 30-45 cm wide, 2 m wide, and looks splendid spilling over retaining walls or splashing producing star-shaped yellow flowers in June. Set golden stonecrop in Candice Martins up against rocks. Grow it in full sun or part shade and well-drained soil. full sun and well-drained soil along the edge of beds, in rock gardens, Sten Porse Its vibrant red fruit contrasts nicely with blue-leaved plants like Colorado between pavers, or in containers. spruce and blue oat grass. 11 12
  • 8. GIANT NEEDLE GRASS STIPA GIGANTEA ornamental grass, ferns & cycads Lisa King/Great Plant Picks The seed heads of giant needle grass soar on stems over 2 m tall, creating a dramatic statement in the garden. Native to Spain and Portugal, the grass needs a hot, sunny location and fast-draining soil. Plant giant Ornamental grasses provide year-round appeal with attractive foliage and seed heads. They rustle needle grass where it will be backlit by sun, or contrast it against the and sway in the breeze and look beautiful when backlit by sun. Some produce fiery fall colours that dark bark of pines. Over-fertilization causes weak, floppy stems. contrast against dark skies and sparkle with frost. Others have blue leaves that work well with the warm-coloured foliage of plants like purple smokebush, or with the red fruit of kinnkinnick and LITTLE BLUESTEM SCHIZACHYRIUM SCOPARIUM cotoneaster. In winter, ornamental grasses provide relief from bleak landscapes with tan foliage and Little bluestem is a prairie grass adapted to full sun and well-drained soil. seed heads that attract birds. Provide grasses with good drainage and water them during dry weather Excessive watering and fertilizing cause it to flop, ruining its upright until they are established. growth habit. Growing 1 m tall and half as wide, little bluestem has green leaves that take on rusty hues in fall. It looks best in mass plantings that sway in the breeze and capture the sun’s glow. While ornamental grasses evoke prairie landscapes, ferns are always associated with lush environments. Nevertheless, some ferns are remarkably drought tolerant. Such is the case with the sword fern, which grows all over the Sunshine Coast. The secret to its water-wise ways is afternoon shade, humus-rich MOSQUITO GRASS/BLUE GRAMA BOUTELOUA GRACILIS soil, and a protective mulch of organic material. Mosquito grass is named for its nodding flower heads, which resemble the pesky insect. It is native to North America and grows in sandy, fertile You won’t see cycads on any other drought-tolerant plant list even though they handle dry spells well. soil and full sun. Mosquito grass blooms from June through fall and forms clumps approximately 40 cm high and wide. Its leaves are finely- That’s because the Jurassic-era plants are hard to find. Fortunately, they are available on the Sunshine textured and grey-green. Coast. BLUE OAT GRASS HELICTOTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS FEATHER REED GRASS CALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFLORA ‘KARL FOERSTER’ With its arching, oat-like seed heads and attractive blue-green foliage, blue oat grass is an excellent grass for coastal gardens. Plant it in a sunny Feather reed grass is an adaptable plant that can tolerate dry spells once spot with well-drained soil and the company of heaths, heathers, and established, though it may go dormant during prolonged drought. Voted Candice Martins pines, or summer-flowering perennials such as purple coneflower and Perennial of the Year in 2001, the cultivar ‘Karl Foerster’ grows 1.5 m goldenrod. Blue oat grass forms clumps 0.5 m high and wide. It should tall and is prized for its dependable good looks. Grow it in humus-rich, be cut back in late winter or early spring. well-drained soil and full sun. Cut back plants in early spring. CYCAD CYCAS PANZIHUAENSIS SWORD FERN POLYSTICHUM MUNITUM Bored with geraniums? Got lots of lavender? Then try growing a cycad. This Northwest icon is well-adapted to our region’s seasonal downpours An ancient plant that withstands frost and snow, it does best on a raised and dry spells. An evergreen that can reach over a metre in height and mound of sandy, fast-draining soil, where it is protected from excessive width, it naturally occurs in moist woodland settings. Plant sword fern Candice Martins Lori Pickering rain. Cycads prefer full sun but will also grow in dappled shade. Long- in well-drained, humus-rich soil and full to part shade, and mulch it lived and slow-growing, they resemble ferns for the first 20 years, after regularly with organic material. Tidy plants in spring by cutting the which they look more like palms. previous year’s leaves back at the base. 13 14