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Waterwise                                                                                 An efficient garden design can
                                                                                          reduce water consumption and

                                                                                          still yield spectacular results.

                                                                                                               BY ETHNE CLARKE

       V E R Y W H E R E Y O U turn these    new lawns has been imposed, at least until         Given the need for water conservation,
       days, someone is talking about        the end of this year. In St. Petersburg,       today’s gardeners—no matter where they
       drought and water restrictions.       Florida, residents are permitted to water      live—must evaluate and devise appropri-
That’s not surprising when, according to     their gardens only once a week—on a spe-       ate design and planting strategies.
the Climate Monitoring Branch of the         cific day, during designated hours.
National Climatic Data Center in                 Other cities, including Albuquerque,       ADVANCE PLANNING
Asheville, North Carolina, slightly more     New Mexico, Las Vegas, Nevada. Santa           When I arrived in Austin, Texas, five
than 50 percent of the contiguous United     Rosa, California, and Austin, Texas are        years ago, I made the decision to be ac-
States by area suffered moderate to ex-      offering incentive programs for water-         tively waterwise. I was coming from
treme drought conditions last summer. In     wise landscaping, including a variety of       England, which you might think has all
                                                                                                                                         KAREN BUSSOLINI

Aurora, Colorado, where reservoirs are al-   rebates for elimination of lawns and/or        the water it needs. Some areas do, but I
most three-quarters empty, a complete        installation of low water use plants and       had gardened in Essex, the driest coun-
ban on planting annuals, vegetables, and     planting schemes.                              ty in England, where the renowned

48   the American Gardener
Richard Hansen and Friedrich Stahl, the
                                                                                                             published findings of research by these two
                                                                                                             German plantsmen conducted during the
                                                                                                             last half of the 20th century. The book lists
                                                                                                             plants for a comprehensive range of cul-
                                                                                                             tural habitats, from damp shade to dry
                                                                                                             shade; wetland, steppe and rock garden
                                                                                                             and so on. As the authors note in their in-
                                                                                                             troduction: “…many perennials have a
                                                                                                             wide tolerance and it may be possible to
                                                                                                             use species from two or more different
                                                                                                             habitats together in a single planting…the
                                                                                                             trick is to arrange small groups of associat-
                                                                                                             ed species within a unified background.”
                                                                                                                 This principle can be applied to a
                                                                                                             “water zoning” scheme recommended in
                                                                                                             an irrigation guide produced by the City
                                                                                                             of Albuquerque. In this plan, the “oasis
                                                                                                             zone” is the planting area immediately sur-
                                                                                                             rounding the house where the most water-
                                                                                                             dependant plants are located. Moving out
                                                                                                             into the landscape, the next planting area
                                                                                                             is the “transitional zone,” where plants
                                                                                                             that are moderately drought tolerant find
                                                                                                             a home. The final zone, at the garden
                                                                                                             perimeter, is “xeric,” for dependably
                                                                                                             drought-resistant plants.
                                                                                                                 This scheme can be adapted to any re-
                                                                                                             gion, and the one that I followed when
                                                                                                             designing my Texas garden. I wanted a
                                                                                                             mix of native and adapted exotic plants,
               Opposite: A side yard planting by Big Red Sun of Austin, Texas—a firm that specializes in     which meant that in addition to water-
               xerophytic designs—includes gaura, rose campion, salvias, and sedums. Above: In the           zoning, I also had to identify pre-existing
               author’s backyard in Austin, a steppingstone path is framed by creeping thyme, dianthus,      microclimates. I pinpointed areas of dry
               and silver-leaved herbs. Bearded irises add height.                                           shade and moist shade; areas where the
                                                                                                             soil was heavier and better suited to rose-
               British plantswoman Beth Chatto has           central Texas garden, and the basic tech-       growing; and free-draining, full-sun areas
               her nursery and display gardens.              niques of converting a water-thirsty,           where herbs and Mediterranean perenni-
                  When Chatto converted a large gravel-      chemically maintained lawn to a water-          als would be happiest.
               topped parking area to a dry garden, she      wise landscape are appropriate no matter
               set the standard for waterwise garden-        where you garden.                               SITE PREPARATION
               ing—at least in Europe. But her experi-                                                       Remove existing turf by solarization (see
               ence has much to teach us. One lesson I       START WITH A PLAN                               “Harnessing the Sun,” page 16) or the use
               learned was to alter my expectations of the   Waterwise success depends upon suiting          of translocating herbicides such as those
               flower-filled border. The Chatto dry gar-     plants to both the site and each other,         containing glyphosate. In arid climates,
               den has no supplemental watering systems      thereby creating self-sustaining plant com-     let drought do the work for you. Dig the
               and can consequentlylook pretty bedrag-       munities. Many waterwise programs pro-          site over by hand, or use a tiller if you
               gled by midsummer. But by selecting           mote the use of native plants, and provide      must. Remove any perennial weed roots
               plants for their mutual compatibility and     lists and cultural information to assist gar-   and incorporate well-rotted compost as
               xeric nature—their ability to survive pro-    deners in the selection. But the plant          deeply as you can: a three-inch blanket of
               longed periods of drought—and by fol-         palette can be extended to include adapt-       compost dug in to the top eight inches is
               lowing a program of judicious grooming        ed exotics, particularly perennials and         a good guide, but add more if possible,
               and cutting back, the garden comes            ephemerals, to add a layer of form, color,      especially on sandy soils. On heavy clay
               through its midsummer, drought-induced        and contrast to the garden picture.             soils, add gravel or decomposed granite

               dormancy, springing back into life with           One of the best guides I know to aid in     to the compost, which will improve the
               the first early autumn rains.                 the selection of drought-tolerant subjects      texture of the soil and help to prevent the
                  This routine has translated well to my     is Perennials and their Garden Habitats by      damaging cycle of baking and cracking.

                                                                                                                                 July / August 2 0 0 3   49
AHS Zone 9–5) and autumn-blooming
                                                                                                      C. hederifolium (Zones 7–9, 9–7) can
                                                                                                      form self-seeded ground-covering blan-
                                                                                                      kets of attractive heart-shaped foliage
                                                                                                      decorated with softly scented rose-pink
                                                                                                      flowers. The latter species does well in
                                                                                                      central Texas gardens.
                                                                                                         Plants with fleshy root systems seem
                                                                                                      best able to withstand arid conditions.
                                                                                                      Winter and spring rains help hellebores
                                                                                                      such as Helleborus niger (Zones 4–9, 9–1)
                                                                                                      and Lenten rose (H. ✕hybridus, Zones 6–9,
                                                                                                      9–6) establish a foothold in dry shade, en-
                                                                                                      abling them to survive summer drought.
                                                                                                         Another tough plant is lilyturf (Liri-
                                                                                                      ope muscari, Zones 6–10, 12–1), which
                                                                                                      makes dense clumps of straplike foliage
                                                                                                      with white to mauve flower spikes in
                                                                                                      early summer.

                                                                                                      FROM OASIS TO XERIC
                                                                                                      The central area of my back garden lies
                                                                                                      in full sun and is occupied by a square
A circle of drought-tolerant buffalo grass surrounds a terrace in the author’s back garden. At        terrace of native limestone slabs encir-
right, a metal trough that serves as a water garden sits amid a planting of drought-tolerant ferns.   cling a tranquil area of drought-resistant
                                                                                                      buffalo grass (Buchloe dactyloides, Zones
    I cannot recommend too strongly that           into the soil. Remember, deeply rooted             3–11, 12–2). The circle is circumscribed in
you make your own compost from yard                plants withstand dry spells better than            limestone blocks. A steppingstone path
waste. An annual top-dressing in spring,           plants that are shallowly rooted.                  leads from the house to the terrace.
lightly worked into the top few inches                                                                    The beds on either side of this path are
conditions the soil, introduces beneficial         MULCH                                              planted with a mix of creeping thyme and
organisms that assist root growth and              Covering bare soil around and between              dianthus cultivars, silver-leafed herbal
plant vigor, and encourages earthworm              plants with a blanket of organic material          plants like curry plant (Helichrysum
populations, which further condition the           conserves soil moisture, keeps root systems        italicum subsp. serotinum, Zones 7–11,
soil, enhancing its water-holding capacity.        cool, and suppresses weeds. My personal            12–1), Santolina pinnata subsp. neapoli-
                                                   favorite is coarsely ground wood chips be-         tana (Zones 9–11, 12–9), Artemisia
IRRIGATION                                         cause they do not form a tight mat, as             ‘Canescens’ (Zones 4–8, 8–1), and
Parts of a waterwise garden, particularly          some commercial shredded mulches do.               Mediterranean herbs such as rosemary,
the oasis zone, will need supplemental                In the Southwest, where plants are              Greek oregano, and marjoram.
watering from time to time. Soaker hoses           adapted to soils that contain little organ-            The flower spikes and strappy foliage
and rain barrels help make the most of             ic matter, mulches like pebbles or rock            from a collection of bearded iris cultivars
your irrigation efforts. A soaker hose is          grit make sense. Like their organic coun-          give height and contrast to the planting,
porous all along its length, emitting              terparts, inorganic mulches help prevent           which is otherwise a patchwork blanket of
water directly into the soil around the            weeds, moderate soil temperature, and re-          silver gray and dark green foliage. Al-
plants, so little evaporates.                      duce surface evaporation.                          though this is a full-sun area, the ground
   Position rain barrels under gutter                 Spread mulch in spring or fall when             covering plants supplement the mulch,
downspouts to use for emergency water-             the soil is moist, taking care not to pile it      and the beds are watered regularly to keep
ing during prolonged drought and peri-             up against the plants because this en-             their oasislike freshness; after all, this is the
ods of water restriction. Water on a still         courages rot.                                      entrance to the garden.
day in early evening or early in the morn-                                                                Nearby, in a shady corner against the
ing to give plants a chance to absorb the          TACKLING DRY SHADE                                 house foundations, the soil is cool. This
water: nothing makes less sense than wa-           Dry shade has always had the reputation            area does not drain quickly after rain and
tering at midday.                                  as the most challenging area for garden-           has been turned into an artificial “dry
   Rather than watering a little each day,         making. If you have dry shade, experi-             stream bed” by the addition of plenty of
                                                                                                                                                          ETHNE CLARKE

water thoroughly once or twice a week:             ment to find out what will survive there.          smooth river gravel and large smooth
this way water percolates deeply into the          Cyclamen species, including spring-                boulders—an attractive contrast to the
soil, encouraging the plants to root deeply        blooming C. coum (USDA Zone 5–9,                   buffalo grass circle. The stones make an ef-

50   the American Gardener
Regional Waterwise

                                                                                                  Midwest. Drought-tolerant prairie natives are a good place to start
                                                                                                  when planning a waterwise garden in the Midwest. In this garden, native
                                                                                                  big bluestem grasses and black-eyed Susans cohabit happily with non-
                                                                                                  natives such as Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ and feather reed grass.

                                                                                                                                                                            California. Natives and plants from the Mediterranean
                                                                                                                                                                            region are well adapted to California’s mild winters and dry
                                                                                                                                                                            summers. In this terraced garden, the dramatic form of a century
                                                                                                                                                                            plant provides a refreshing contrast to the fuzzier outlines of
                                                                                                                                                                            drought-tolerant herbs such as lavender, salvias, pinks, and
                                                                                                                                                                            California poppies.

                                                                                                  Pacific Northwest. Although we tend to think of the Northwest
                                                                                                  as perennially rainy, summers are dry in many parts because of “rain      Mid-Atlantic. With many areas of the East Coast under
                                                                                                  shadows” from the mountains. In this waterwise garden, Mediterranean      water restrictions last summer, gardeners who had established
                                                                                                  plants such as santolina, lavender, and lamb’s-ears mingle with Russian   drought-tolerant plantings were rewarded for their foresight. In
                                                                                                  sage. A thirstier rose benefits from spillover from the birdbath.         this Connecticut garden, low-growing sedums, pinks, juniper,
                                                                                                                                                                            and blue fescue soften the look of a rock outcrop.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    July / August 2 0 0 3   51
fective weed-smothering, moisture-re-          tenuis, Zones 3–8, 8–1) is doing the best.
taining mulch. It is slowly being colonized        Various salvias are the backbone of the
by a mix of ferns, including southern          transitional zone. This useful genus gives       Resources
maidenhair fern (Adiantum capillus-            scent, flowers, and in some cases, foliage       Many botanical gardens, public
veneris, Zones 8–11, 12–8), lady fern          interest, while the loose habit blends with      parks, and regional horticultural or-
(Athyrium filix-femina, Zones 4–9, 9–1),       neighboring plants, knitting the planting        ganizations promote ecologically
and its recently introduced sport, ‘Lady in    scheme together. Salvia darcyi (Zones            friendly gardening and can be good
Red’, which has soft apple-green foliage       5–9, 9–5)is a robust sage with lipstick pink     sources of educational material and
and ruby red stems. Japanese painted fern      flowers and pretty crinkled foliage, good        inspiration. And don’t forget to
(Athyrium nipponicum ‘Pictum’, Zones           in sun or part shade. S. madrensis (Zones        check the Internet to access count-
5–8, 8–1) makes a silvery splash in the        6–9, 9–5) grows to five feet given the           less information sites related to
shadows.                                       chance, with long spikes of bright yellow        xeriscaping and water conservation..
    Beyond these small formal areas near-      flowers. S. guaranitica ‘Black Knight’
est the house, the garden devolves into the    (Zones 7–10, 12–8) is medium height              Native Gardens for Dry Climates by
transitional water zone and a wilder mix       with dark violet-blue flowers and pleasing       Sally Wasowski with Andy Wasowski.
                                                                                                Clarkson Potter Publishers, New
                                                                                                York, 1995.

                                                                                                Natural by Design: Beauty and Balance
                                                                                                in Southwest Gardens by Judith
                                                                                                Phillips. Museum of New Mexico
                                                                                                Press, Santa Fe, 1995.

                                                                                                The Undaunted Garden: Planting for
                                                                                                Weather Resilient Beauty by Lauren
                                                                                                Springer. Fulcrum, Golden, Col-
                                                                                                orado, 1994.

                                                                                                Water-Wise Gardening: America's
                                                                                                Backyard Revolution by Thomas
                                                                                                Christopher. Simon and Schuster,
                                                                                                New York, 1994.

                                                                                                Xeriscape Handbook : A How-To Guide
                                                                                                to Natural, Resource-Wise Gardening
                                                                                                by Gayle Weinstein. Fulcrum Pub-
                                                                                                lishing, Golden, Colorado, 1998.
In the author’s front garden, a mix of native and adapted exotic plants coexist successfully
in dry heat and sun without requiring supplemental watering.

of plants chosen for their good foliage, as    anise-scented foliage. For a full rundown       like “waterwise” and “Mediterranean
limited water is not conducive to lavish       on salvias, pick up a copy of Betsy Cleb-       style” have come into use: They represent
flowering. A “short-short list” of the best    sch’s The New Book of Salvias.                  an effort to make water conserving land-
would include feather grasses (Stipa spp.),        This being a central Texas garden, I        scaping more appealing.
which are incredibly durable, and as grace-    have of course planted agaves, yuccas, and         It’s time to move on, stop agonizing
ful as their relative, the Mexican feather     other hardy succulents and cacti. Their         over what we call it, and simply garden. By
grass (Nasella tenuissima, Zones 7–11,         sculptural forms add another layer of in-       embracing water conserving practices and
12–7). Shrublike Jerusalem sage (Phlomis       terest and fill the gap between transition-     appropriate plant selection and placement,
fruticosa, Zones 8–9, 9–8) and Artemisia       al zones and the xeric fringe of the garden.    the reward is an appealing, efficient land-
‘Powis Castle’ (Zones 6–9, 9–6), along                                                         scape that accommodates water restric-
with some heritage roses—particularly the      JUST DO IT                                      tions with ease and grace.
hybrid Musks ‘Penelope’ and ‘George-           Xeriscape, despite all its trademarking
town Tea’—are true stalwarts even when         and commercial promotion, has come to           Ethne Clarke is author of many gardening
parched, as are bamboo muhly (Muhlen-          mean zero-scape to some gardeners, who          books, including Herb Garden Design, re-
                                                                                                                                             ETHNE CLARKE

bergia dumosa, Zones 8–12, 10–5) and sev-      understand a xeric landscape as an empty        cently re-released by Antique Collector’s
eral species of penstemon. Of these last,      wasteland of sun-baked gravel and hos-          Club. She has just been named garden editor
the Gulf Coast penstemon (Penstemon            tile cacti. This is part of the reason terms    of Traditional Home magazine.

52   the American Gardener

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Waterwise Gardening: An Efficient Garden Design Can Reduce Water Consumption and Still Yield Spectacular Results

  • 1. Waterwise An efficient garden design can reduce water consumption and Gardening still yield spectacular results. BY ETHNE CLARKE E V E R Y W H E R E Y O U turn these new lawns has been imposed, at least until Given the need for water conservation, days, someone is talking about the end of this year. In St. Petersburg, today’s gardeners—no matter where they drought and water restrictions. Florida, residents are permitted to water live—must evaluate and devise appropri- That’s not surprising when, according to their gardens only once a week—on a spe- ate design and planting strategies. the Climate Monitoring Branch of the cific day, during designated hours. National Climatic Data Center in Other cities, including Albuquerque, ADVANCE PLANNING Asheville, North Carolina, slightly more New Mexico, Las Vegas, Nevada. Santa When I arrived in Austin, Texas, five than 50 percent of the contiguous United Rosa, California, and Austin, Texas are years ago, I made the decision to be ac- States by area suffered moderate to ex- offering incentive programs for water- tively waterwise. I was coming from treme drought conditions last summer. In wise landscaping, including a variety of England, which you might think has all KAREN BUSSOLINI Aurora, Colorado, where reservoirs are al- rebates for elimination of lawns and/or the water it needs. Some areas do, but I most three-quarters empty, a complete installation of low water use plants and had gardened in Essex, the driest coun- ban on planting annuals, vegetables, and planting schemes. ty in England, where the renowned 48 the American Gardener
  • 2. Richard Hansen and Friedrich Stahl, the published findings of research by these two German plantsmen conducted during the last half of the 20th century. The book lists plants for a comprehensive range of cul- tural habitats, from damp shade to dry shade; wetland, steppe and rock garden and so on. As the authors note in their in- troduction: “…many perennials have a wide tolerance and it may be possible to use species from two or more different habitats together in a single planting…the trick is to arrange small groups of associat- ed species within a unified background.” This principle can be applied to a “water zoning” scheme recommended in an irrigation guide produced by the City of Albuquerque. In this plan, the “oasis zone” is the planting area immediately sur- rounding the house where the most water- dependant plants are located. Moving out into the landscape, the next planting area is the “transitional zone,” where plants that are moderately drought tolerant find a home. The final zone, at the garden perimeter, is “xeric,” for dependably drought-resistant plants. This scheme can be adapted to any re- gion, and the one that I followed when designing my Texas garden. I wanted a mix of native and adapted exotic plants, Opposite: A side yard planting by Big Red Sun of Austin, Texas—a firm that specializes in which meant that in addition to water- xerophytic designs—includes gaura, rose campion, salvias, and sedums. Above: In the zoning, I also had to identify pre-existing author’s backyard in Austin, a steppingstone path is framed by creeping thyme, dianthus, microclimates. I pinpointed areas of dry and silver-leaved herbs. Bearded irises add height. shade and moist shade; areas where the soil was heavier and better suited to rose- British plantswoman Beth Chatto has central Texas garden, and the basic tech- growing; and free-draining, full-sun areas her nursery and display gardens. niques of converting a water-thirsty, where herbs and Mediterranean perenni- When Chatto converted a large gravel- chemically maintained lawn to a water- als would be happiest. topped parking area to a dry garden, she wise landscape are appropriate no matter set the standard for waterwise garden- where you garden. SITE PREPARATION ing—at least in Europe. But her experi- Remove existing turf by solarization (see ence has much to teach us. One lesson I START WITH A PLAN “Harnessing the Sun,” page 16) or the use learned was to alter my expectations of the Waterwise success depends upon suiting of translocating herbicides such as those flower-filled border. The Chatto dry gar- plants to both the site and each other, containing glyphosate. In arid climates, den has no supplemental watering systems thereby creating self-sustaining plant com- let drought do the work for you. Dig the and can consequentlylook pretty bedrag- munities. Many waterwise programs pro- site over by hand, or use a tiller if you gled by midsummer. But by selecting mote the use of native plants, and provide must. Remove any perennial weed roots plants for their mutual compatibility and lists and cultural information to assist gar- and incorporate well-rotted compost as xeric nature—their ability to survive pro- deners in the selection. But the plant deeply as you can: a three-inch blanket of longed periods of drought—and by fol- palette can be extended to include adapt- compost dug in to the top eight inches is lowing a program of judicious grooming ed exotics, particularly perennials and a good guide, but add more if possible, and cutting back, the garden comes ephemerals, to add a layer of form, color, especially on sandy soils. On heavy clay through its midsummer, drought-induced and contrast to the garden picture. soils, add gravel or decomposed granite ETHNE CLARKE dormancy, springing back into life with One of the best guides I know to aid in to the compost, which will improve the the first early autumn rains. the selection of drought-tolerant subjects texture of the soil and help to prevent the This routine has translated well to my is Perennials and their Garden Habitats by damaging cycle of baking and cracking. July / August 2 0 0 3 49
  • 3. AHS Zone 9–5) and autumn-blooming C. hederifolium (Zones 7–9, 9–7) can form self-seeded ground-covering blan- kets of attractive heart-shaped foliage decorated with softly scented rose-pink flowers. The latter species does well in central Texas gardens. Plants with fleshy root systems seem best able to withstand arid conditions. Winter and spring rains help hellebores such as Helleborus niger (Zones 4–9, 9–1) and Lenten rose (H. ✕hybridus, Zones 6–9, 9–6) establish a foothold in dry shade, en- abling them to survive summer drought. Another tough plant is lilyturf (Liri- ope muscari, Zones 6–10, 12–1), which makes dense clumps of straplike foliage with white to mauve flower spikes in early summer. FROM OASIS TO XERIC The central area of my back garden lies in full sun and is occupied by a square A circle of drought-tolerant buffalo grass surrounds a terrace in the author’s back garden. At terrace of native limestone slabs encir- right, a metal trough that serves as a water garden sits amid a planting of drought-tolerant ferns. cling a tranquil area of drought-resistant buffalo grass (Buchloe dactyloides, Zones I cannot recommend too strongly that into the soil. Remember, deeply rooted 3–11, 12–2). The circle is circumscribed in you make your own compost from yard plants withstand dry spells better than limestone blocks. A steppingstone path waste. An annual top-dressing in spring, plants that are shallowly rooted. leads from the house to the terrace. lightly worked into the top few inches The beds on either side of this path are conditions the soil, introduces beneficial MULCH planted with a mix of creeping thyme and organisms that assist root growth and Covering bare soil around and between dianthus cultivars, silver-leafed herbal plant vigor, and encourages earthworm plants with a blanket of organic material plants like curry plant (Helichrysum populations, which further condition the conserves soil moisture, keeps root systems italicum subsp. serotinum, Zones 7–11, soil, enhancing its water-holding capacity. cool, and suppresses weeds. My personal 12–1), Santolina pinnata subsp. neapoli- favorite is coarsely ground wood chips be- tana (Zones 9–11, 12–9), Artemisia IRRIGATION cause they do not form a tight mat, as ‘Canescens’ (Zones 4–8, 8–1), and Parts of a waterwise garden, particularly some commercial shredded mulches do. Mediterranean herbs such as rosemary, the oasis zone, will need supplemental In the Southwest, where plants are Greek oregano, and marjoram. watering from time to time. Soaker hoses adapted to soils that contain little organ- The flower spikes and strappy foliage and rain barrels help make the most of ic matter, mulches like pebbles or rock from a collection of bearded iris cultivars your irrigation efforts. A soaker hose is grit make sense. Like their organic coun- give height and contrast to the planting, porous all along its length, emitting terparts, inorganic mulches help prevent which is otherwise a patchwork blanket of water directly into the soil around the weeds, moderate soil temperature, and re- silver gray and dark green foliage. Al- plants, so little evaporates. duce surface evaporation. though this is a full-sun area, the ground Position rain barrels under gutter Spread mulch in spring or fall when covering plants supplement the mulch, downspouts to use for emergency water- the soil is moist, taking care not to pile it and the beds are watered regularly to keep ing during prolonged drought and peri- up against the plants because this en- their oasislike freshness; after all, this is the ods of water restriction. Water on a still courages rot. entrance to the garden. day in early evening or early in the morn- Nearby, in a shady corner against the ing to give plants a chance to absorb the TACKLING DRY SHADE house foundations, the soil is cool. This water: nothing makes less sense than wa- Dry shade has always had the reputation area does not drain quickly after rain and tering at midday. as the most challenging area for garden- has been turned into an artificial “dry Rather than watering a little each day, making. If you have dry shade, experi- stream bed” by the addition of plenty of ETHNE CLARKE water thoroughly once or twice a week: ment to find out what will survive there. smooth river gravel and large smooth this way water percolates deeply into the Cyclamen species, including spring- boulders—an attractive contrast to the soil, encouraging the plants to root deeply blooming C. coum (USDA Zone 5–9, buffalo grass circle. The stones make an ef- 50 the American Gardener
  • 4. Regional Waterwise Gardens Midwest. Drought-tolerant prairie natives are a good place to start when planning a waterwise garden in the Midwest. In this garden, native big bluestem grasses and black-eyed Susans cohabit happily with non- natives such as Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ and feather reed grass. California. Natives and plants from the Mediterranean region are well adapted to California’s mild winters and dry summers. In this terraced garden, the dramatic form of a century plant provides a refreshing contrast to the fuzzier outlines of drought-tolerant herbs such as lavender, salvias, pinks, and California poppies. TOP LEFT AND RIGHT: DAVID CAVAGNARO; BOTTOM LEFT: LYNNE HARRISON; BOTTOM RIGHT: KAREN BUSSOLINI Pacific Northwest. Although we tend to think of the Northwest as perennially rainy, summers are dry in many parts because of “rain Mid-Atlantic. With many areas of the East Coast under shadows” from the mountains. In this waterwise garden, Mediterranean water restrictions last summer, gardeners who had established plants such as santolina, lavender, and lamb’s-ears mingle with Russian drought-tolerant plantings were rewarded for their foresight. In sage. A thirstier rose benefits from spillover from the birdbath. this Connecticut garden, low-growing sedums, pinks, juniper, and blue fescue soften the look of a rock outcrop. July / August 2 0 0 3 51
  • 5. fective weed-smothering, moisture-re- tenuis, Zones 3–8, 8–1) is doing the best. taining mulch. It is slowly being colonized Various salvias are the backbone of the by a mix of ferns, including southern transitional zone. This useful genus gives Resources maidenhair fern (Adiantum capillus- scent, flowers, and in some cases, foliage Many botanical gardens, public veneris, Zones 8–11, 12–8), lady fern interest, while the loose habit blends with parks, and regional horticultural or- (Athyrium filix-femina, Zones 4–9, 9–1), neighboring plants, knitting the planting ganizations promote ecologically and its recently introduced sport, ‘Lady in scheme together. Salvia darcyi (Zones friendly gardening and can be good Red’, which has soft apple-green foliage 5–9, 9–5)is a robust sage with lipstick pink sources of educational material and and ruby red stems. Japanese painted fern flowers and pretty crinkled foliage, good inspiration. And don’t forget to (Athyrium nipponicum ‘Pictum’, Zones in sun or part shade. S. madrensis (Zones check the Internet to access count- 5–8, 8–1) makes a silvery splash in the 6–9, 9–5) grows to five feet given the less information sites related to shadows. chance, with long spikes of bright yellow xeriscaping and water conservation.. Beyond these small formal areas near- flowers. S. guaranitica ‘Black Knight’ est the house, the garden devolves into the (Zones 7–10, 12–8) is medium height Native Gardens for Dry Climates by transitional water zone and a wilder mix with dark violet-blue flowers and pleasing Sally Wasowski with Andy Wasowski. Clarkson Potter Publishers, New York, 1995. Natural by Design: Beauty and Balance in Southwest Gardens by Judith Phillips. Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe, 1995. The Undaunted Garden: Planting for Weather Resilient Beauty by Lauren Springer. Fulcrum, Golden, Col- orado, 1994. Water-Wise Gardening: America's Backyard Revolution by Thomas Christopher. Simon and Schuster, New York, 1994. Xeriscape Handbook : A How-To Guide to Natural, Resource-Wise Gardening by Gayle Weinstein. Fulcrum Pub- lishing, Golden, Colorado, 1998. In the author’s front garden, a mix of native and adapted exotic plants coexist successfully in dry heat and sun without requiring supplemental watering. of plants chosen for their good foliage, as anise-scented foliage. For a full rundown like “waterwise” and “Mediterranean limited water is not conducive to lavish on salvias, pick up a copy of Betsy Cleb- style” have come into use: They represent flowering. A “short-short list” of the best sch’s The New Book of Salvias. an effort to make water conserving land- would include feather grasses (Stipa spp.), This being a central Texas garden, I scaping more appealing. which are incredibly durable, and as grace- have of course planted agaves, yuccas, and It’s time to move on, stop agonizing ful as their relative, the Mexican feather other hardy succulents and cacti. Their over what we call it, and simply garden. By grass (Nasella tenuissima, Zones 7–11, sculptural forms add another layer of in- embracing water conserving practices and 12–7). Shrublike Jerusalem sage (Phlomis terest and fill the gap between transition- appropriate plant selection and placement, fruticosa, Zones 8–9, 9–8) and Artemisia al zones and the xeric fringe of the garden. the reward is an appealing, efficient land- ‘Powis Castle’ (Zones 6–9, 9–6), along scape that accommodates water restric- with some heritage roses—particularly the JUST DO IT tions with ease and grace. hybrid Musks ‘Penelope’ and ‘George- Xeriscape, despite all its trademarking town Tea’—are true stalwarts even when and commercial promotion, has come to Ethne Clarke is author of many gardening parched, as are bamboo muhly (Muhlen- mean zero-scape to some gardeners, who books, including Herb Garden Design, re- ETHNE CLARKE bergia dumosa, Zones 8–12, 10–5) and sev- understand a xeric landscape as an empty cently re-released by Antique Collector’s eral species of penstemon. Of these last, wasteland of sun-baked gravel and hos- Club. She has just been named garden editor the Gulf Coast penstemon (Penstemon tile cacti. This is part of the reason terms of Traditional Home magazine. 52 the American Gardener