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Extended Essay Ideas
Writing an essay on the topic of "Extended Essay Ideas" can be quite challenging, primarily due
to the broad scope of the subject matter. Firstly, determining a specific focus within the realm of
extended essay topics can be daunting, as there are countless potential avenues to explore.
Additionally, ensuring that the chosen topic is both relevant and engaging poses another hurdle,
as it requires thorough research and critical thinking to develop compelling ideas.
Moreover, crafting a coherent and structured essay on this topic necessitates the ability to
synthesize information from various sources and present it in a clear and concise manner. This
task demands analytical skills to evaluate different perspectives and arguments, as well as
creativity to offer original insights or propose innovative approaches to the chosen topic.
Furthermore, the process of writing an extended essay involves adhering to academic
conventions, including proper citation of sources and adherence to formatting guidelines, which
adds another layer of complexity to the task. Balancing the need for depth and breadth of
analysis while maintaining clarity and coherence throughout the essay requires careful planning
and meticulous attention to detail.
In conclusion, tackling the task of writing an essay on the topic of "Extended Essay Ideas" is
undeniably challenging, requiring a combination of research, critical thinking, analytical skills,
creativity, and attention to academic conventions. However, with dedication and perseverance, it
is possible to craft a compelling and insightful essay on this subject.
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Extended Essay Ideas Extended Essay Ideas
Analyzing the Success of Quentin Tarantino s Films
Quentin Tarantino s films have helped to redefine cinema. His postmodern approach,
creative writing, and extensive knowledge of films and music have helped Tarantino
to develop a unique style that has allowed him to stand out among his peers. In Pulp
Fiction (1994), Tarantino establishes several directorial trademarks that would come
to be used in his later works and can clearly be seen throughout the film. Furthermore,
Tarantino s use of mise en scene helps to strengthen and establish mood and setting.
Tarantino not only directed Pulp Fiction(1994), but he also co wrote the screenplay
and played a role within the film. During the course of a film s production, a
director is charged with guiding the actors in performance, determines the staging
of the action, supervises all aspects of shooting, and works with the producer,
writer, and designer before production and with the film and sound editors after
production to ensure consistency and excellence of the movie as well as the best
possible use of personnel, materials, and resources provided by the producer (Mast
Kawin, 2003, p. 681). Tarantino s hands on approach in making his films ensure
that he is involved in many, if not all, aspects of the production of his films. There
are also many others that contribute to the creation and production of a film
including an art director and production designer. An art director can be defined as a
person who designs a movie s sets and dГѓ cor (Mast Kawin, 2003, p. 678).
People To Dinner
Scene 1 If I could invite some famous people to a dinner party I would invite
George Washington, Albert Einstein, Michael Jackson, Lebron James, and Shia
LaBeouf. I would get a time machine and travel back in time. I would pick up
George Washington first, then Albert Einstein and then Michael Jackson. I would
ask them each if they would like come over for dinner in the future. After I picked
up all the people who had died already, I would go to get Lebron James. I would
travel to his house and invite him to come to dinner with the other three famous
people. I would do the same to Shia LaBeouf to invite him too.
Scene 2 Next, I would take everyone to dinner at a fancy buffet. There would be
foods like steak, pasta, crab, salmon, and caviar. It would be a really nice restaurant
with really good food. I would take some time and introduce everyone. I would tell
everyone what ... Show more content on ...
Explain how each scene follows general rules for elements of scene and give an
explanation of why you chose these personalities to attend your party.
Scene 1 provides exposition and introduces the characters. It also advances the plot
by picking up main characters from in the past and at their houses. Scene 2 gives
some more exposition by introducing the personalities to each other and advances
the plot since everyone goes to get food. Scene 3 describes the characters and lets
each of them talk about or show what they are famous for. Scene 3 also advances the
plot since Lebron James takes us to his to see him play basketball.
I chose George Washington to attend because he was the first president and I have
been learning about him in school. I picked Albert Einstein because he is a very
famous scientist. I chose Michael Jackson because he is a famous singer and
dancer. I asked Lebron James to come to the dinner party because he is one of the
best basketball players in the world. I also invited Shia LaBeouf because he s the
main character in one my favorite movies,
Taliban Downfall
Afghanistan is one of the poorest and most troubled countries in the world today
(Goodson 4). Over many years there have been many different leaders and tribes
ruling Afghanistan. The most recent regime was the Taliban. According to The 9/11
Encyclopedia, Taliban means students in Arabic and it was founded in 1994 by
Mohammed Mullah Omar. Omar had his own way of interpreting the Quran and that
led to many religious restrictions on the Afghan people. The Taliban took over power
in 1996 and ended in 2001 after the United Statesinvaded Afghanistan (Atkins). The
Taliban was harboring Osama bin Ladenwho organized an attack on the United States.
If the Taliban, along with al Qaeda, had not harbored Osama bin Laden and conducted
the attacks on September 11th 2001 then the United States may not have invaded
On September 11th 2001, Osama bin Laden organized a terrorists group, with the
aide of al Qaeda, to attack America in various locations all at once. During this
attack, the terrorists flew two airplanes into the World Trade Center, one into the
Pentagon, and crashed one in an empty field in Pennsylvania. The total loss of life
was 2,977 people. After this occurred President Bush was informed on the details
regarding the attacks. President Bush said The Taliban must... Show more content on ...
Many of them become displaced from their homes and have to seek refuge in another
country. When this happens it puts stress on the other countries to support the
refugees. Many of them stay and sometimes fall victim to the gunfire and rockets.
From the initial invasion to the end of 2001 it is estimated that 1,000 to 1,300
civilian deaths occurred. The Taliban have also targeted civilians that help the
coalition during operations in Afghanistan. Along with this 500,000 Afghans were
made refugees or displaced persons during the fighting (Doerr). In the end the war
disrupts the way of life for the people of
Essay on Opium (Papaver somniferum)
Opium (Papaver somniferum)
The opium poppy has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries all over the
world. The opium poppy plant belongs to the Papaveraceae family. The scientific
name of the opium poppy is Papaver somniferum L., and it is native to Turkey. The
plant has lobed leaves, milky sap and four to six petaled flowers with several
stamens surrounding the ovary. The two sepals drop off when the petals unfold.
The ovary then develops into a short, many seeded capsule that opens in dry
weather. The small seeds of the opium poppy plant are dispersed by wind. The plant
has five inch purple or white flowers on plants three to sixteen feet tall. It is and
annual plant which needs to be planted only once for several years of ... Show more
content on ...
There are manufactured alkaloid derivatives that include dihydromorphine,
dihydrocodeine and heroin. The alkaloids can be of two different types. One type
acts on the nervous system and are addictive to the human body. The other form is
not addicting and instead relax muscle groups.
Papaver Somniferum has been used since Greek times to relieve suffering and
euphoria. Records indicate that the opium poppy has been used since the time of
Mesopotamia (5000 to 4000 BC). The records refer to the poppy and its use as
opiates as medical tablets. Homer s writings indicate Greek usage of the substance at
least by 90OBC: Hippocrates made extensive use of medicinal herbs including opium
(see Britannica Online).
It is believed that the Romans probably learned of opium in the Mediterranean.
Opium spread to places all over the world. In China opium was reported as a problem
during the seventeenth century. Between World War I and H the cultivation of opium
grew in Central America in the mountains. Now the major producers and exporters of
opium are Turkey and India (Britannica Online).
Opium was definitely used in more recent times as well. Before the nineteenth
century there were few painkillers available. There were few alternatives to using
opiates to end suffering for dying people. Long ago opium was not considered
harmful and was available to everyone. Doctors advised taking opiates to relieve a
number of symptoms
Framing Muslim Women
These are just a few of the conditions imposed on Muslim women. What is
potentially even more harmful is Islam s obsession with (female) sexual morality. (Pg
no 62)
Peter Morey and Amina yaqin in their book Framing Muslims also have pointed out
the ways by which Muslims are being sterotyped.
Ahmed,Sidrah(2014) in his research paper tries to investigate the representation of
muslim women s rights and integration by swestern media.Spencer,R and Chesler,P
in their book remarked that in Islam the custom of Female genital mutilation,wife
beating,child and arranged marriage ,polygamy,purdah,easy divorce for men,female
sexual and domestic slavery,veiling,routine rape and gang rape and honor killing are
more common then all other religions of the ... Show more content on
Its there since the crusades but after 9/11 this stereotyping has increased. These
stereotypes and misconceptions about Islam are due to the media, prejudice, and
ignorance. Islam is considered as an extremist or terrorist religion.The reports against
Islam are due to ignorance and lack of knowledge.In contrast to what the media
portrays, Islam is a peaceful religion, which does not promote violence or terrorism.
Ridouani,D(2011) in a research publication outlined the ways in which Muslims and
Arabs are conceptualized by the western media with a drastic effect on its people.As
she points out
The main concern will focus on the analysis of the distorted images, fabricated views,
overgeneralization which typically characterize the Western representation of
Muslims with reference to some particular incidents chiefly the Gulf War, the
bombing of Oklahoma and the bombardment of Twin Towers.
She carried out research on different movies,articles,books and cartoons and then
concluded that
Hoodfar,H in her research article also tries to investigate that in West Muslim women
are always sterotyped and marginalized with veiling,although its not a reliougious
practice.She concludes it as a cultural practise which was coomon in many parts of
the world since centuries like Byzantia and Greeck.She called it a colonial
What Caused The Rwanda Genocide
On April 7th, 1994, one of the worst crimes against humanity was unleashed in
Rwanda and in the following hundred days, almost one million Tutsi and moderate
Hutus were heinously slaughtered. Scott Strauss, a professor at the University of
Wisconsin, describes the horrors that occurred, revealing that Over three months,
government forces with militia and civilian assistance massacred at least 800,000
people in one of the worst human rights violations of the 1900 s (Strauss 5). During
the genocide, the majority of the Tutsi population were killed by the hands of the
Hutus. Sadly, the Western world stood by, ignoring the atrocities being inflicted on
defenseless people. The Rwandan genocidewas an unimaginable event that took place
in a third... Show more content on ...
In October 1993, the United Nations deployed a peacekeeping force, called United
Nations Assistance Mission (UNAMIR), to Rwanda for the purpose of monitoring
the cease fire accord between the RFP and the Rwandan government. The
UNAMIR consisted of 2,500 soldiers from 23 countries, with Canadian General
Romeo Dallaire as the Commanding Officer. In December 1993, Dallaire received
a letter from a Hutu informant revealing plans of mass murder of the Tutsis by the
Hutus. Dallaire sent a cable to the United Nations warning of a potential genocide
risk, however, the cable was disregarded. On April 8th, 1994, two days after the
genocide began, Dallaire sent a message to the UN characterizing the killings as
mass extermination. Again, his message was disregarded. After the death of 10
Belgium soldiers, 2230 UNAMIR troops were withdrawn, leaving only 270
unarmed troops under the command of Dallaire and hundreds of thousand Tutsis at
the mercy of the Interahamwe. Chris McGreal, a senior writer for Guardian US
and witness to the genocide, recalls Helena Nwitizina, a Rwandan survivor stating,
We knew the UN was abandoning us. We cried for them not to leave. Some people
even begged for the Belgians to kill them because a bullet would be better than a
machete (McGreal 2). The Tutsis knew the UN could help, yet the UN decided to
abandon them. Fortunately, with the onset of the genocide, the RPF
The Historical Cataclysm Of The Cultural Revolution, By
From mid to late 1980s in mainland China, avant garde writers started their
experimental writing, which stands out to be a subversion of depiction of reality in
traditional narration. Yu Hua contributes to this new school by creating a bunch of
representative fictions, centering the issues of death and violence, which is
exemplified by 1986, in which the description of irrational violence as the center of
the story, from the view of common readers, are gruesome and gratuitous, but
arguably reveals the historical cataclysm of the Cultural Revolution , according to
critics, like Jing Wang (4). The essay will argue that irrational violence represents the
traumas resulted from the Cultural Revolution to individual citizens, but also the
continuity... Show more content on ...
When the madman appears firstly, almost nobody notices his strange behaviors. His
repeated screams of castration and nose cutting are like a reminder of unpleasant
memories, [are] buried amid the general clamor of voices (153). The daughter is
even more typical, because of her relationship with the madman and her resistance to
this other father , who in her mind would take away the only father she [has] ever
had (149). Different from curious crowd of onlookers, her family keep staying at
home during the madman s violent show till its ending, which might imply that they
all tend to dodge something, although the only related verbal communication is
between the step father and daughter that [f]rom now on, I don t want you to go out
unless you really have to (153). Distinct from normal family patterns, where family
members grieve over the death of others, witnessing the madman is taken away by the
cart, the daughter feels a sudden surge of relief and the mother couldn t help
chuckling (178), which implies their morbid mentality. The
A Brief Note On Copyright And Remix Culture
How to Not Follow Copyright Law:
An Exploratory Essay on Copyright and Remix Culture
As time goes by, the rate at which art changes increases at a seemly exponential
rate. Our culture has more ways than ever to publish and distribute the things we
make, and with the rise of the internet we can reach any audience with a Wi Fi
connection. This digital hyper connectivity has led many artists to create new
forms of art, some of which have gone on to start trends and cultures. One of these
cultures that has become a significant part of online media is Remix Culture. The
idea of taking someone else s art and making it your own is embraced and
cherished by some, and detested by others. As this genre of media has grown over
the years, the line between what is and isn t a remix has drastically blurred. Some
will spend hours upon hours making a song sound completely different from its
original counterpart, while others will simply chop it up and call it their own.
Though laws were once effective when dealing with copyright infringement, the rate
art has grown has significantly surpassed the rate at which these laws have changed.
People are beginning to monetize their remixes in various ways, creating much
controversy surrounding who should be getting paid, or if anyone should get paid at
all. As artists, it is important to know what these laws are exactly, so we can either
abide by them or find our own workarounds.
As soon as a work is created in a tangible, fixed form, it is
The Battle Between Good And Evil In C. S. Lewis Narnia
The Battle Between Good and Evil in Narnia
Who is Clive Staples Lewis, and what has he accomplished? Lewis was a widely
known and equally respected author in the literary world. During his youth, he
attended Oxford University; he became close friends with John Ronald Reuel
Tolkien, better known as J.R.R. Tolkien. Both Lewis and Tolkien explored the
fantasy realms within their literary works. Tolkien is known for his novels The Lord
of the Rings, and C.S. Lewis is known for novels such as The Chronicles of Narnia
and A Grief Observed, which he wrote after the death of his wife, Joy Davidsman (
Faith ).
One of Lewis s best known novels was The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe from
The Chronicles of Narnia. This novel told the story of four ... Show more content on ...
Her spell puts the entire world into an everlasting winter. During this time, the
whole world was put into sorrow under her rule. Some of the animals escaped such
dark times by joining the White Witch, but not everyone did. In chapter eleven, the
prolonged winter began to disappear. The true king of Narnia returned, and his life
broke her curse. The land started to be filled with life and joy again. The winter
began to disappear; Jadis was losing her grip on the world she once called hers.
The trees regained life, the flowers started to bloom, and the animals and streams
filled the forests with the sounds of jubilation. The world was alive once again.
Aslan s army rose up, and the Queen met her fate. The darkness of the world under
Jadis s rule transitioning into the liveliness under Aslan and the siblings is a major
turn point in the book. In the matter of moments, the good in the world overtook the
evil, and came to a positive
Color Blindness
Psychology college students attending the University of California, Los Angeles were
asked to complete this experiment as a course requirement. The sample size was
twenty one students. When conducting the experiment, we did not ask if the students
had any disabilities such as color blindness or blindness. Every student just went
through with the experiment without any questions being asked. All participants
were asked to be the experimenter and the subject of the study.
A within subject design was used, which means that every person who participated
was exposed to both conditions or treatments. In this case, the participant served as
the subject, but also as the person conducting the experiment. This caused ... Show
more content on ...
In this case the treatment was whether the ink of the color and the word differ,
such as the word blue in the ink color red. For both posters, each word began with
the same letter (e.g. boat and blue), color, order of the same letter and color,
number of syllables, and the number of letters per word were the same. Mistakes
made were not penalized, the participant was simply told that if they made a mistake
to fix it and move on. The participants not only served as subjects, but also
experimenters. Once they served both roles, they moved on to the next group. When
the response time was said, the participant was responsible for writing their own
time. The experimenter was responsible for stopping and starting the watch. Both
rooms were in a controlled setting, the lighting, temperature, and the amount of
people inside the room were controlled. Room N and I were clearly labelled.
The words that were used in the control group were, starting from the left column:
boat, yogurt, brain, rat, and goose. The words used are five English words and the
colors that were used were red, green, yellow, black, and blue. This study was
conducted at approximately 9:00 a.m on Wednesday April 5th. In order to record
the data of the whole class, every person said their own score out loud for both group
N and I and we took the
Who Is James Fenimore Cooper s The Last Of The
James Fenimore Cooper, writer of the book The Last of the Mohicans, wrote the
novel in 1826. The Last of Mohicans tells the story of English and Native Americans
working together towards a rescue mission. Hawkeye, a white man raised by Native
Americans, is a famous sharp shooter that works with Native Americans to help a
colonel rescue his daughters from a rogue tribe. The Last of the Mohicansstarts out
with two girls and two men. These girls names are Cora and Alice Munro,
daughters of Colonel Munro, they are assisted by Major Heyward, of the 60th
regiment appointed by the King at Fort William Henry, and Heyward s Huron
navigator, Magua. They are joined by a man named David Gamut, a man who
worships by singing Old Testaments psalms, they are traveling toward... Show more
content on ...
At this point, our main character Hawkeye comes into the book, with his Mohican
companions, Uncas and his father Chingachgook. Our main character runs into the
five while riding through the woods because the five said that they re navigator
was lost, immediately he recognizes Magua as a rogue Native American, and
Hawkeye injures him while Magua flees. The seven riders go to hide, but Gamut s
mare, that he is riding, has a colt by her side. The colt was making too much noise
while they were trying to hide, so Uncas and Chingachgook killed it and got rid of
it in the river. Further along into the book the seven arrive at Fort William Henry,
Colonel Munro weeps at the sight of his daughters, Cora and Alice, but a few days
after arriving Hawkeye was captured by the French. Eventually Hawkeye was
released and Colonel Munro went and surrendered to Montcalm, who is a French
General that is aligned with the Hurons. While the people of Fort William Henry
were leaving the fort they were escorted by the Hurons, that were aligned with
General Montcalm, were slaughtered by the them when they became irritated and
impatient with the people of Fort William Henry. While the people were being
An Underground Illegal Business
I have been through alot of bad things in my life but nothing is the same as waking
up at 8 in the morning to the foul taste of smoke in your mouth. It was like the
smell of cigarette smoke except as a taste. My eyes started to water but right as I
dried my eyes off I saw them taking her.
My mother was the women I saw them taking her and I knew who they were too.
Not literally the men under the mask but the people they were working for. They
were working for an underground illegal business. They were called the A.W.E.G.
(Advanced Warfare Elimination Group) I knew them as the people I was running
from. Very few even knew about their existence. Now I had to get out of the house.
As I got out of the front I saw a van drive away, I knew they had my mother in there.
I turned around and the house exploded. I felt so many things at once if you ve
ever seen a rag doll get thrown around I looked more than likely exactly like that.
Once I hit the ground all the pain I didn t feel kicked in. The force of the explosion
threw me into the ground at a high speed. Once I hit the ground it felt like jumping
out of a 5 story building and splating on concrete. I looked at my arms and they had
some first degree burns It felt like a sunburn on steroids. I also couldn t feel my leg
until I looked at it. A piece of rebar went all the way through my thigh. There was
nothing I had ever felt to describe it. Once I pulled it out I started walking to an old
friend s house. After limping around
The Worst Day Of My Life Essay
The worst day of my life was in the afternoon of September 16, 2011. I had to be
woken up to get ready for school, rode the bus for an hour and a half, and spent the
majority of my day wishing I was back at home. When my wish did come true, I
immediately regretted it. I loved being home, but once I made my way inside my
house and opened the door, I had the feeling that the rest of my day would be
anything but lovely. Upon stepping foot into my home, I realized that there was
an eerie vibe surrounding me. Typically my mother would be sitting on the sofa
waiting for me to arrive so she can give me a hug and ask me about my day. This
was not the case. I walked inside my house and was surrounded by nothing but a
piercing silence and anguish. Mom? I shouted, worried as to where she was. I
noticed that the light in her room was on, so I instinctively approached in that
direction. I made my way past the kitchen table and I then faintly heard her voice.
The closer I got, the more I could make out what she was saying. Yes, I understand.
She spoke to someone. I ll tell him. At this point I was just outside her door. I
noticed that she was sitting on her bed, her back away from me. Her head was
down and she was holding her phone to her ear. Her hand was trembling. Okay,
thank you for telling me. She murmured and hung up the phone. She put her face in
her hands and this was when I spoke. Mom? I asked her. Mom, what s going on? Are
you okay?
Coir Industry Essay
1.1Introduction To Coir Industry
The Coir Industry has been significantly Export Oriented and a valuable foreign
exchange earner. On an average about 20 per cent of the total Coir products
manufactured are exported from the country, mainly to West European countries,
United States of America (USA) and Canada. The products include fiber, yarn, mats,
matting, rugs and carpets, rope and rubberized coir. Unfortunately, the exports in the
recent past show a declining trend. Increased competition from other countries use of
substitutes traditional methods of production delay in executing orders are some of
the major reasons mentioned for reduced exports. Because of this, the manufacturers
have started to pay more attention to the ... Show more content on ...
Structure Of Coir Fibre The individual fibre cells are narrow and hollow, with thick
walls made of cellulose. They are pale when immature but later become hardened
and yellowed as a layer of lignin, is deposited on their walls. Mature brown coir
fibres contain more lignin and less cellulose than fibres such as flax and cotton
and so are stronger but less flexible. They are made up of small threads, each less
than 0.05 inch (1.3 mm) long and 10 to 20 micrometers in diameter. White fibre is
smoother and finer, but also weaker. The coir fibre is relatively waterproof and is
the only natural fibre resistant to damage by salt water. Green coconuts, harvested
after about six to twelve months on the plant, contain pliable white fibres. Brown
fibre is obtained by harvesting fully mature coconuts when the nutritious layer
surrounding the seed is ready to be processed into copra and desiccated coconut. The
fibrous layer of the fruit is then separated from the hard shell (manually) by driving
the fruit down onto a spike to split it (De husking). Machines are now available
which crush the whole fruit to give the loose fibres.
Types Of Coir Fibre
Brown Fibre The Fibrous husks are soaked in pits or in nets in a slow moving body
of water to swell and soften the fibres. The long bristle fibres are separated from the
shorter mattress fibres underneath the skin of the nut, a process known as
Determination Of Concentration Of Hydrochloric Acid
Determination of Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid and Phosphoric Acid in an
Unknown HCl H3PO4 Mixture through Use of Potentiometric Titrations
Andrea Byassee
8000 Utopia Parkway
Department of Chemistry
St. John s University
Jamaica, NY 11439 Report Prepared for:
Quantitative Chemical Analysis
Professor Neil Jespersen
Due Date: October 16, 2014
Submitted Date: October 20, 2014
The purpose of this experiment was to determine if soft drinks manufactured by Coca
Cola use phosphoric acid in their product formula. An analysis of their product
concentrations of HCl and H3PO4 was performed using the potentiometric titration
method, with a standardized 0.1002 M NaOH solution. The molarities of HCl and
H3PO4 were determined by plotting the titration data, the first derivative, and the
second derivative of this data. The results of our analysis of the three trials found
the molarities of HCl to be 0.1232 M, 0.1232 M, and 0.1230 M, with a mean of
0.1231 M and an average deviation of 0.8 parts per thousand. We are 95%
confident that for this set of data, the true mean lies within the range of 0.1228 and
0.1234 M. The molarities of H3PO4 were found to be 0.1709 M, 0.1706 M, and
0.1702 M, with a mean of 0.1706 M and an average deviation of 1 part per
thousand. We are 95% confident that for this set of data, the true mean lies within
the range of 0.1698 and 0.1714 M. These values compare well to literature values for
Compare And Contrast Grimm Brother Vs The Little
Most people grew up watching Disney movies such as The Little Mermaid.
However, many of the movies were originally written by the Grimm Brothers. Their
versions are darker and duller. Also, one does not expect a happy ending in every
story. While in the Disney movies it s bright, cheerful and full of happy endings. For
example, in Disney s The Little Mermaid, many things are different when compared
to the Grimm Brother s version. The key differences between Grimm Brother s
version and Disney s version of The Little Mermaid are the Mermaid s age, her deal
with the witch, and the ending of the story. These differences drastically changed the
story from a sad story to a fairy tale. First, in the Grimm Brother s version of The
Little Mermaid,
The For Intellectual Property Law Essay
Before college, when I heard about lawyers I only ever thought of one thing, the
bar exam, and how awful it must be to prepare and take such a test. Now, moving
steadily through the senior year of my undergraduate degree, my aspirations are
quite different than what they were before college. With my changing goals, being a
lawyer is now a profession that I wish to be a part of in the not too distant future.
Specifically, I am aspiring to work in Intellectual PropertyLaw. This form of law
deals with protecting tangible and intangible creations of clients. These tangible and
intangible creations range from inventions to symbols and often require being an
expert in specific fields, such as industries, the arts, or science (Wilson, 2016).
In order to assess a potential employee s attributes, a future employer will administer
pre employment screenings where the person s knowledge, skills, and abilities will
be assessed in order to determine their effectiveness for Intellectual Property Law.
In order to perform effectively being a lawyer specializing in Intellectual Property
Law, will require that I first graduate with a four year degree. The degree with
which one takes is not specific, in fact, law schools admit individuals with degrees
from almost every field of study (, 2016). The next step is
going through law school which typically takes three years. While at law school,
studying a curriculum specific to Intellectual Property Law would be beneficial,
Albert Bandura Social Cognitive Theory
Bandura s social cognitive theory highlighted the importance of observing and
modeling the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others. Albert Bandura
developed this theory which was influenced by social behavior theories. This is
because he believed that learning theories in vogue at that time and resulted in
incomplete explanations of the acquisition and performance of prosocial and deviant
behavior (Schunk, 2000). According to Nevid (2009), social cognitive theory
proposes that individuals do not simply respond to environmental influences, but
rather they actively seek and interpret information. Children observe the people
around them behaving in various ways as illustrated during the famous bobo doll
experiment (Bandura, 1961 as cited by McLeod, 2011). When children learn, they
have their own aim or motive such as solve a problem, finish their homework or
complete some experiments. With these aim to accomplish, they observe, judge and
react to their perceived progress. As what Schunk (2000) had cited Bandura (1986),
Kanfer ... Show more content on ...
First, usually children are likely to mimic or imitate those people it perceives as
similar to itself or when they think if they imitate the model, they can succeed in
accomplishing something. Then, the people around them will give respond or
feedback to the behavior they imitate with either reinforcement or punishment. If a
child imitates a model s behavior and the consequences are rewarding, the child is
likely to continue performing the behavior and vice versa. Children will also take
into account of what happens to other people when they decide whether or not to
copy someone s actions. Some applications of this social learning theory that teachers
can apply in the classroom learning and teaching are teacher as a role model for
students, choices of teaching materials, controlled drilling activity in classroom and
providence of reinforcement to
##a And Germania By TacitusAgricola And Germania
Tacitus wrote Agricola and Germania by Tacitus as a historical account for the
Roman Empire and its affairs around 98 AD. The first part of the book is a
personal tribute to his father in law Agricola whom he so dearly honored. Based on
the first sentences of his book, he is compelled to tell the story of a man who is
worthy to be written about and remembered. He mentions in the first part of his book
that a personal that men even felt that to tell their own life s story showed self
confidence rather than conceit . Tacitusacknowledges the continual risk of written
history about a person or the Roman Empires history as a whole. However, Tacitus,
...robbed by informers even of the interchange of speech. We would not have lost
our memories as well as our tongues had it been an easy to forget as to be silent .
With that same courage Tacitus begins to write the eulogy of his father in law
Agricola. He speaks on his historical family background and the personal
achievements he accomplished while still alive. Tacitus close relationship with his
father in law allows him to give not only an account of Agricola s conquered over
Britain but he is able to give a personal account about his character as well. Tacitus
admired his father in law because of his genuine and honest character, Agricola stood
out to him to be a noble man unlike the rest of the military commander in the Roman
Empire. Tacitus continues to praise Agricola for his noble character and mentioned
he ...succeeded
Drugs, Morphine, And Vicodin
Codeine, morphine, and vicodin are some prescription drugs that one may hear of
for treating pain. What some people do not know is that in the early 20th century,
these drugs were very harmful because they were being made into others much
worse. Many of these drugs come from the same types of places and plants and are
also made in a similar way. Cocaine, morphine, and heroinstarted to be produced just
as often as the first opioid based prescription drugs and the only difference is that
these were much more addictive and dangerous. The introduction of drugs in
America caused a serious problem in the early 20th century that spread like a
wildfire. As these drugs began to worsen, President Nixon formed the Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA) to combat these lethal drugs, as well as the
gangs and cartels distributing them.
In 1968, the Justice Department s Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs was
formed to try and combat the rise in illegal drugs. The agents in this department
were composed of previous agents from two separate departments, the Federal
Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) and the Bureau of Drug Abuse Control (BDAC). After
a few years, the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD) failed to even
decrease the illegal drug usage slightly. The president at the time, Richard Nixon,
proposed a new offer to combat the war on drugs. The proposition passed and
President Nixon stated, In order to decrease the illegal drug problems in America, we
have to first stop
The History Of Sytech And Gene Therapy
All you need to know about Gene therapy
Sytech Curing the future
The history of SyTech and Gene therapy
Gene therapy was introduced in 1985 by SyTech and has been the main priority of
the company ever since due to its promising future in science. One of the first human
gene therapy procedures involved injecting the correct ADA geneto a four year old
girl with the ADA deficiency. Due to the success of the procedure, the patient is now
living a healthy life. The success marked an important landmark in human history,
one that has the potential to change the future. What is gene therapy?
In short, gene therapy is a method in which DNA Is used to fix a genetic problem.
These problems can include missing or genes that don t work. The right genes are
delivered to the cell via harmless viruses for their provirus properties. The viruses
then insert the good copy of the gene into the patients DNA where the cells
machinery reads the information like a manual and makes RNA proteins so when
it divides, ideally, the problem will be fixed. There are two types f gene therapy:
Germline (targets egg/sperm cells; stops disease in its tracks) and somatic (targets
somatic cells; after the disease is active).The methods for gene therapy that are being
tested include:
Replacing the non working copy of a gene with a healthier one
Bringing new genes entirely for those that don t exist
Bring a new gene to fight/fix the disease.
Obstacles to overcome:
SyTech is one of the only companies
Saggin Pants Study Guide
Step 1: The mentor will intro duce the lesson by asking the mentees If and why
any have ever wore their pants sagging. After a brief discussion move to step 2.
Step 2: Read the following: Many researchers report that saggin originated in
prison. Several claim that saggin was never fashionable. Prisoner wore pants low
because they were not allowed to wear belts because of their possible use as an
instrument for hanging or as a weapon. Some say that prisoners who wore their
pants low when they were advertising themselves as homosexual. Dr. Jon Abdullah
Yasin a professor who is an expert on Hip Hop Culture claims Saggin has African
origins. 1 Many communities and schools are enacting laws and rules prohibiting
wearing saggin pants. Some state that if you spell saggin backwards you get niggas.
They claim that is what the greater community thinks of black boys wearing saggin
pants. One writer uses a timeline and dates the beginning of saggin pants to the 1980
s.... Show more content on ...
/KyOYFnZZTEo 8 minutes Step 4: the Mentor will open the class for discussion.
The mentor will highlight at the end of the discussion, ask, What impression
wearing sagging pants give to teachers and employers? Questions 1. Do you think
there should be laws to tell people how to dress? 2. Do you agree that because your
friends do it, you should do it too? 3. What is the difference between a fad and a
trend? (use dictionary) 4. Do you wear saggin pants? If yes, why? 5. A Black
college coed (female) stated, If you pull your pants up, stand with your head held
high you could change the world s perception of not only you but our people. Do
you agree or disagree with this statement? Write a letter to a friend or younger brother
discouraging him from wearing sagging
The Dehumanization Of People From Other Religions
The dehumanization of people from other religions is also an example of intolerance.
The treatment that Muslims received throughout the poem, is more intolerant than
tolerant, although there are a few times where the tolerance between the Christians
and Muslims can be seen. El Cid, takes from the Muslims without question. His
tactics for taking from them can be seen as inhuman as well as extremely violent. The
Muslims are also categorized with the cattle which demonstrates the level with which
the Christians thought of them as, He captured Moorish men and Moorish women,
and all the cattle being herded out (Pg.33). The intolerance is evident by this quote.
To put humans of another religionon the same level as animals is disrespectful and...
Show more content on ...
This generates the idea that the Christians created a negative depiction of the Muslim
people solely based on their religion and no other reasons. They only listen to the
voice of Christianity and all others are subordinate and need to be defeated. Religious
intolerance is not only depicted by El Cid. Hildegard also insinuates her intolerance
towards other religions as well. Hildegard s letter all show her reliance and praise on
God. Through her visions she is able to share his wisdom and knowledge of the
holy church. Her letter to Bernard of Clairvaux provides the beginning of her ideas
of intolerance. Bernard of Clairvaux was a leading supporter behind the Second
Crusade. The crusades are directly correlated to intolerance. Although, writing to him
does not necessarily suggest that she is intolerant towards other religions, the
statements that she says in her letter signify her support of the movement. In later
letters, she continues her appeal to the people she is writing too, that Christianity is
the religion that they must follow and she can help them with her visions. She
suggests to the people who seek her help, that God is the answer to all of their
problems. They can be saved through the power of God and she can help them
achieve the answers they are looking for since she has a connection with God.
Cyber Culture And Cyber Cultures
The 90s and 20s was the time when lots of people came up with inventions, issues,
government problems, political problems, technologies and many historical
events. There were like storm of ideas with the politics, communities, technologies,
and inventions. The 20s has been the new beginning for everyone to make their
work easier with some new technologies and getting introduced to a new cyber
world which also can be called as cyber cultures. The term cyber culture creates a
lot of acceptable technology courses. The virtual reality, and online communities
show that there is a necessity of cyber cultures in educational purpose, and
economic social cultures. To help these people who are in desperate need for these
cyber cultures a person named David Bell came up with new ideas to make a
theory which is similar to Google and Yahoo. He was also aiming in a greatest hit
in educational market. With the Introduction to cyber cultures bell found a lot of
new links which has been relating for his new theories which he is about to make
and expand more on technology field. (Marsching). As a result of the new cyber
cultures introduction by David Bell many students find it easy to finish their
educational work easier and all the people who are in with the social and economic
culture. After the introduction of the cyber cultures, many people were finding a
device which is similar to an Mp3 player so that they can carry wherever they go to
listen to music. The new device which is similar
Essay on Oil Export for a Unified Caspian Oil Conglomerate
Oil Export for a Unified Caspian Oil Conglomerate
Oil resources are the focal point of almost all international disputes in the present
century as every country needs oil to power its electrical grids, run its automobiles,
and operate its machinery. The vast majority of accessible oil lies in the extremely
unstable Middle East, whose countries form most of OPEC and have a viable
monopoly on oil production and pricing. The troubles caused by this situation thus
come to no surprise as high demand and monopolistic supply give omnipotent control
to the supplier.
The Caspian Sea region is seen by some as a possible answer to the problems of
OPEC control. The Caspian Sea and the surrounding states contain 10 billion ... Show
more content on ...
Russian and Kazakhstan occupy the northern half of the sea coastline and
Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Iran take up the southern section. Azerbaijan,
Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan all received independence from the Soviet Union in
1991 and have all recently begun to see the economic benefits of foreign investment
and oil
An Article On Nonverbal Communication
John Warren Stewig in an article published in the professional journal Language
Arts provides an excellent commentary on nonverbal communication. His article is
an exceptional example of academic writing that has been formatted as a primer or
tool to be used by other educators. Professor Stewig provides a breakout of how
much of a given message can be considered verbal and how much nonverbal. He
also introduces the term kinesics and divides kinesics into two categories: personal
and professional gestures. He closes his article by consulting the reader of their
obligation to improve a child s appreciation of the total range of message sending and
their effectiveness as communicators.
In his opening paragraph, Professor Stewig provides us with a vivid example of
nonverbal communication as he depicts two kindergarten children engaged in a short
discussion involving their new teacher. While one of the kindergartners was duly
impressed (Stewig 150) by the nice words spoken by their new teacher, the other
notices a particularly striking nonverbal cue of how her neck looks when she says
them (Stewig 150) as being contradictory to the complimentary verbal statement,
implying perhaps the teacher wasn t fully convinced on the truthfulness of her verbal
Professor Stewig, the author of many popular children s books, wrote this article for
fellow teachers and instructors. He provides them with many interesting teaching
lessons sprinkled throughout the article. His
Symbolism And Communication In Hills Like White
For some people, there isn t a lot of thought to difficult decisions that have to be
made. Some people are able to decide certain, crucial things, without feeling
pressure or any stress. However, there are some people who are very indecisive and
very hesitant to make difficult decisions. Hills Like White Elephants, by Ernest
Hemingwayis a story about a distant couple struggling to make a demanding,
challenging agreement about an operation that needs to be done. Identified only as
the girl/Jig and the American, the couple sit down at a bar and try a new drink,
something they do often, while the American subsequently brings up the operation. It
is clear that the operation is definitely what he wants, however the girl isn t sure and
is very indecisive about what she wants. In Hills Like White Elephants , Hemingway
utilizes symbolism and characterization to reveal the complexity of difficult decision
making and communicationto illustrate that in a relationship one must effectively
communicate in order to avoid unnecessary distance. Hemingway utilizes the
symbolism of white elephants to illustrate the difficulties of decision making and lack
of communication in a relationship. After primarily seeing the comparison in the hills
and white elephants, the girl changes her perspective. They re lovely hills , she said.
They don t really look like white elephants. I just meant the coloring of their skin
through the trees. Should we have another drink? Alright (Hemingway 2).
Taking a Look at Molecular Cuisine
Molecular cuisine, a relatively new style of cooking, is taking the world by
surprise and changing the way food is prepared, cooked and looked at. People are
asking a lot of questions such as Is it safe?, What kinds of chemicals are used?,
Who decided to start this whole thing?, How did it start, and when?, and What kind
of equipment do the cooks use? These are all very good questions and the answers
are out there, they just have to be found. Food and science have been combined to
create something extraordinary called molecular cuisine. The question that is
probably going through the reader s head by now is What is it? Well, molecular
cuisine is physics and chemistry applied food to create different flavours, textures
and to amaze the five senses. It is also another way of preparing food to provide
other ways of cookingand to create more possibilities for cooking food. There are
many other names for molecular cuisine such as molecular gastronomy, avant garde
cuisine, experimental cuisine, modern cuisine, and modernist cuisine. The now late
oxford physicist Nicholas Kurtiand French chemist HervГ© This came up with the
term molecular gastronomy for the new style of cooking/science they started
experimenting with back in the 1980 s. People are definitely interested in molecular
cuisine but don t know whether it is safe or not. Some of the chemicals that are used
in molecular cuisine come from natural origins. The material origin in typically plant,
History Of The Irish Famine
The United States had a huge impact on Ireland. It can be stated that it started off
with the Americas shipping potatoes up to Ireland. The Irish became dependent on
the spud as there were many available and the variation in meals you can prepare
with them. One can boil them, mash them, or stick them in a stew along with many
other delicacies. By 1845, 40 percent of the country s population routinely lived
almost entirely on potatoes.
Along came Ireland s great famine between 1845 and 1952. This famine not only
killed through starvation, but also with terrible illnesses and bone deterioration.
These diseases included, but were not limited to, typhus, scurvy, syphilis,
osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, and rickets. These people were not getting
How Is Diction Used In An Evening In Guanma
In the heart of the statuesque islands of The Bahamas is an island with a hill called
Como Hill , boot shaped and famous for it s rich folklore where humans have
animal attributes and fish walk on two feet.The book An Evening in Guanima by
Patricia Glinton is comprised of a collection of folk stories that illustrate magic
drums, tricksters, heroes and typical children which breaks the barriers of logic
presenting whimsical occurrences teaching life lessons. The book is composed of
thirteen stories that all end in a dramatic manner, leaving a lesson to be learnt.
Glinton s use of diction, characterization and foil, adage and foreshadowing, and
binary opposites in the stories Miss Annie and The Gaulin Wife, teaches the important
lesson... Show more content on ...
As he was not a man to ask the price of fish that had been given to him... Is an
example of adage present in Miss Annie . This phrase illustrates that the husband is
not a man to question his good fortune. He doesn t ponder on his sudden
serendipity, but takes advantage. However, Glinton foreshadows the second
husband s misfortune when she writes ...promised to look after her always. It was
a promise that was never broken. Annie s dead husband protects her even in his
death. An example of adage in The Gaulin Wife is, ... you guh pick til you pick
needle wit out eye. This phrase was spoken by the young suitor s grandmother who
not only foreshadows her grandson s upcoming misfortune, but refers to her grandson
s practice of playing with women s hearts callously. The young suitor takes advantage
of his winsomeness for personal gain and pampering. The use of adages in both
stories unequivocally illustrates traits in Bahamian men. Those who face hardships
frequently do not bother to cogitate over the reason for their luck, rather enjoy it
while it lasts. The second adage, however illustrates a different type of Bahamian
man. Those who are blessed, but do not appreciate what they have, instead take
advantage of it. The misfortune of both men illustrates the reason why Bahamian man
should ignore mistreating their wife. Glinton successfully uses adage to teach a
Essay On Gender Pay Gap
Women have been fighting for equal rights for 227 years, and at this point now we
ve reached a breaking point, said Patricia Arquette (Cavanaugh, L. V). Over the past
century, women in the United States have made progress in increasing their
employment experience and skills. But despite women s gains in experience,
education and skill, a 20 percent gender pay gap still exists.
According to the Institute for Women s Policy Research, women make up half of the
workforce today and 40 percent of women are either equal to their male counterparts
or the singular breadwinners in their household (Institute for Women s Policy
Research). And most Americans find women are better than menin key leadership
traits such as intelligence and competence for ... Show more content on ...
The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap (Spring 2016). (n.d.). Retrieved
September 12, 2016.
Companies can do their part in closing the wage gap among men and women by
changing their policies. For the wage gap to close sooner than 136 years from now,
everyone needs to work together. Companies need to conduct salary examinations to
monitor and address gender based pay differences. By changing the company policy
women will have access to their male colleagues salaries and can determine whether
the employer is being fair or not.
Companies can also do their part in closing the wage gap by improving their paid
sick days policies. Nearly 40 million workers in the United States do not have access
to paid sick days. The amount of part time workers who do not have paid sick days is
even higher at 73 percent. Because of the lack of paid sick leave, many workers in the
United States must go to work sick and if their children are sick they must either
send them to school sick or leave them at home alone because they fear that by
missing work they will be punished or even fired (Glynn, S. J.; Fisher, M.; and Baxter
How To Write An Essay On Alzheimer s Disease
How has Alzheimer s infected other and what treatment they have for that?
Alzheimer s disease is a neurodegenerative disease, which is not reversible.
Alzheimer s is a slow, fatal disease of the brain. Dr. Alois Alzheimer was the first
one who discovered Alzheimer s disease in 1906. Over many years time, the
plaques and tangles slowly destroy the hippocampus, and it becomes harder and
harder to remember memories. Alzheimer s disease will attack the memory first
which will make the person forgetful and not able to complete simple daily life
tasks. The specialist German nerves Alois describe the Alzheimer disease for the
first time as a diseases that affect the brain, and while infected by the disease there
are some blocks develop in the brain and lead to the... Show more content on ...
This damage will not able the brain cells to communicate with each other normally.
therefore the cells in the brain cannot communicate normally, thinking, behavior
and feelings can be affected. When cells in a particular region are damaged, that
region cannot carry out its functions normally. I think scientists do not know yet
what exactly causes Alzheimer s disease, but there are some possible factors that
could have lead to Alzheimer s disease such as age, genetic inheritance and
environmental factors, diet and public health. for example, age when people get
Alzheimer s disease at early age usually the cause is genetic mutation but when it
appear at older people that usually from a complex series of pathological events
that is in the brain. people think that if they have Alzheimer s disease is not a
normal part of aging. However, it is true that people are more likely to develop the
Alzheimer s disease while growing older. There are multiple treatments that help to
make the disease to slow down such as drugs, behavioral therapy, and lifestyle but
there is no cure for Alzheimer s
Alltel Essay
1. How would you describe the competitive strategy of the ALLTEL Pavilion? Given
the firm s strategy, what are the most important Key Performance Indicators (e.g.,
quantitative measures) for the Pavilion to track and manage if it is to achieve its goal
of continuous annual growth in operating income?
ALLTEL Pavilion is operated by SFX Entertainment in an outdoor atmosphere for its
customers. ALLTEL attempts to create a competitive advantage as the major outdoor
concert venue in the Triangle area of North Carolina consisting of Raleigh, Durham,
and Chapel Hill. The amphitheater has art like acoustics and video differentiating the
venue with trying to keep costs budgeted for each concert. The Key Performance
Indicators are based on ... Show more content on ...
B. How many tickets must ALLTEL Pavilion sell to earn $30,000 operating income
after taxes, assuming a 40 percent tax rate?
Is it reasonable to assume this level of operating income will be achieved? Briefly
explain. $30,000 / (1 0.40) = 4x($40.08 $3.05) + 1x($13.09 $3.05) $263,245 $30,000
/ (1 0.40) = x($158.16) $265,245 $30,000 = x($94.896) $157,947 $187,947 =
x($94.896) x = 1980.5577 tickets 1(1980.5577) = 1981 comp tickets 4(1980.5577)
= 7923 paying tickets in order to earn $30,000 Operating Income after taxes The
total number of 7923 paying tickets is reasonable to be achieved, although it is above
the number of 7000 tickets that the reserved seating can actually hold at ALLTEL
3. What should be the average ticket price (for all ticket types combined A through
D) for the KFBS concert if the fixed pay fee is $200,000 (rather than $160,635) and
the Pavilion expects to sell 7,000 tickets and wants to earn $30,000 operating income
after 40 percent in taxes?
After you estimate the average ticket price for all ticket types combined (which is
$22.12 for the situation depicted in Exhibit 2), estimate the price for each type of
seat (i.e., in Exhibit 2: A $36.29, B $22.22, C $11.31, D $4.92). [Hint: assume the
sales mix for A, B, C, and D seats remains the same as the mix in the Flash Report
(Exhibit 2).] $30,000 / (1 0.40) = 7000 ($13.09 $3.05)
Lithium Research Paper
Lithium is the third element on the periodic table and is known as the lightest metal,
and is half as dense as water. It is a part of the Alkali metals, meaning it is in the first
group on the periodic table. Lithium is normally not found in nature, due to the fact
that it has a very unstable nucleus. The name Lithium is derived from the Greek word
lithos, which means stone . This name was likely given to Lithium due to the fact that
it was discovered in the mineral petalite (LiAl(Si2O5)2) by Johann August Arfvedson
in 1817. It was later isolated through the form of electrolysis of lithium oxide by
William Thomas Brande. Lithium is made of two stable isotopes, with Lithium 6
containing 3 neutrons and accounting 7.59% of the natural abundance of lithium, and
Lithium 7 containing 4 neutrons and accounting for 92.41% of lithium s natural
abundance.... Show more content on ...
One typically thinks of batteries when they think of lithium, as they are heavily
involved in the process of making rechargeable, storage, and dry batteries. Lithium
alloys can also be formed when combined with elements such as copper,
aluminium, cadmium, and manganese in order to help create light parts for
aircraft. It is also added to glass in order to make it lighter and stronger as well.
Lithium is also used in the treatment of bipolar disorder, and because of this, has
become the inspiration for two songs, both named Lithium, by the bands Nirvana
and Evanescence. When mixed with hydroxide, Lithium hydroxide is used to
absorb the carbon dioxide found in space vehicles. Because it produces a bright red
flame when burned, Lithium is also added to fireworks in order to produce a red
spark. Unfortunately, lithium is also a key ingredient in the production of
Nursing Case Study Delia
This assignment will focus on a patient who was admitted to hospital and
diagnosed with constipation. Consent was obtained from the patient to use their
medical condition for the purpose of this assignment. To respect the patient s right
to confidentiality as governed by The Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of
Practice (2015), personal details will not be discussed and for anonymity to be
maintained they shall be referred to as Delia. All care given to Delia that shall be
analysed, was witnessed through observation to prevent bias. Delia is a 74 year old
lady, and was admitted to hospital for investigation and monitoring due to abdominal
pain and reduced bowel movements. Constipation is the most common bowel
management problem in older adults... Show more content on ...
Something that the nurse did not consider on admission was Delia s proximity to
the toilet from her allocated bed. Whether this was due to expectations of her not
to pass a stool, or due to the nature of the ward and expected length of stay, it should
still have possibly been considered, especially with Delia being older as she may
have felt embarrassed asking for help to go to the toilet. Rogers (2012) states that
constipation can often occur if patients delay the decision to open their bowels, for
instance if nursing staff give them a bed pan to use behind a curtain, for fear of
odour or noise causing embarrassment. They say the environment should also be
assessed for lack of privacy. It may have been more appropriate to offer Delia a
side room with her own toilet, especially as she declared she had made the decision
to stay house bound to be near to a toilet at home. Unfortunately, constipation can
sometimes be regarded as less important than other conditions (Mihaylov et al, 2008)
which should not be the case, as although rarely life threatening, it can lead to
discomfort and diminished quality of life (Belsey et al,
Pros And Cons Of Devolution
Lawmaker, Braulio Guerra, climbed the border between the United States and
Mexico to send a message to President Donald Trump . He says that the fence that s
there now is 20 feet high and is easy to climb, so he could easily get into the United
States. It s going to take l 15 million dollars just to build the wall between the U.S.
and Mexico. President Trump said he would make the Mexican government pay
for it, which they refused. Braulio Guerra message is that the wall is unnecessary
and is a waste of money . President Trump is mentioned in this article . Guerra is a
member of Mexican President Enrique PeГ±a Nieto s ruling political party. I feel
that we shouldn t build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. It is unnecessary and a
waste of
Homeostasis Of The Ph Levels
Homeostasis of the pH levels in the body is very important to the overall survival
rate of human. Secondary to the brain and heart, the arterial blood pH is one of the
most critical levels that must be maintained in order to avoid serious complications
including death. Four conditions that can be associated with an abnormal arterial
bloodpHlevel are respiratory acidosis, respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis, and
metabolic alkalosis. The body has natural compensatory mechanisms in place to
regulate the arterial blood pH balance, however if they fail to regulate the pH level
there are other treatment options available. Many factors can affect the acid base
balance such as gender, body size, environmental temperatures, lifestyle choices,
and age. The elderly is at a higher risk of acid base imbalances, especially the
arterial blood pH levels. The normal pH level for arterial blood is between 7.35
7.45, which is slightly alkaline. If a pH of 7 is considered neutral, then if the pH
level is greater than 7, it is more alkaline, and if it is less than 7, it is more acidic.
Since the pH range for arterial blood has such as small window, it is very important
for the other organs and fluids to fluctuate in their range in order to maintain
homeostasis. Arterial blood pH must remain within the range of 7.35 and 7.45 to
ensure that there is an adequate amount of oxygen in the blood and within the cells (
pH balance, n.d.). If the level drops under 7.35, this indicates acidosis
Nelson Mandela Analysis
The relationship that develops between Nelson Mandela and Francois Pienaar in
the movie Invictus suggests how crucial of a role they play as leaders to the people
of South Africa. Even though, Pienaar is white and Mandela is black, they both
work towards uniting a divided nation despite their differences. Regarding Nelson
Mandela, he uses his voice and presidential power to find a way in which he can
unite the whites and blacks of South Africa. When he discovers that sports,
particularly rugby, can be used as a method to unite the people of South Africa to
cheer for one team despite how divided its people may be, it signifies how
influential and wise of a leader he is to the people of South Africa. This is so
inspiring for me because he found an interest that both the whites and blacks of
South Africa have in common that will help bridge the gap between them despite
their troubled history with each other. Some characteristics of Mandela that indicate
how influential of a leader he became for the people of South Africa is because of
his transparence, empathy, courtesy, and humility. Mandela served as such a vital
figure as a leader in uniting South Africa through his devotion to the rugby team. He
understood how influential this team was to the entire nation, and he made every
effort to establish a close relationship with the team by frequently meeting and
speaking with the players and attending their games. Due to his valiant efforts, he
did everything he could to help inspire the team by investing so much time into
their success as a leader to the point where they felt that they would have failed the
entire nation had they not won the World Cup. Now, this surge of success among
the rugby team was ignited by the captain of the team himself, Francois Pienaar.
Francois Pienaar developed into a very crucial leader for not only the South African
rugby team, but for the people of South Africa. He not only led the rugby team to
success on the field, but due to his close relationship with Mandela he was able to
inspire and motivate his teammates towards winning the World Cup. For Pienaar,
winning the World Cup meant so much more to him than simply having the
opportunity to hold up a trophy, but rather to provoke
Theories Of Charles Darwin Theory Of Evolution
Jazaneek Hughes
Zoology 1st Hr
Mr. Young
9 December 2017
Theory of Evolution
Charles Darwin theory of evolution contains two parts. The first part Evolution
Occurs meaning organisms change over time in heritable physical or behavioral traits
and life on earth has changed as people change from ancestors in the past. Second part
Evolution Occurs by Natural Selection natural selection is the process in which
living things with beneficial traits produce more off spring than others which
results in changes that allow an organism to better adapt to its environment can
help it survive over time. All life on earth is connected and related to each other
and diversity of life came from modifications in populations in natural selectin.
Natural selection can also be described as survival of the fittest in which the fittest
is the ability to survive and reproduce. Most people believe that the species were
created at the same time and remained unchanged after. Darwins ideas of evolution
came before scientist knew about DNA it started on his voyage in 1831 when he
was 22 years old he went on a scientific trip on a ship called HMS Beagle. He was
the naturalist on the trip meaning he was supposed to observe and collect particles of
dirt, rocks, animals, plants, and fossils. He was interested by his the nature he spent 3
/5 years exploring nature on islands and contents. When Darwin returned he had
become famous as a naturalist because a former teacher published Darwins
Reflection Of Consumer Chemistry
INTRODUCTION: Nowadays, people here in this world are using science in their
everyday lives. When you fry a fish, there s a science. When you wash your clothes,
there s a science behind it. Everything is science. There are different branches of
science. Including Biology, Botany, Zoology, and many more. But one of the most
used in everyday life in the branches of science is the CHEMISTRY. It is a branch of
physical science that deals with composition, structure, properties and changes of
matter. Chemistry is the one who is responsible for photosynthesis (plants making
food for their own). But Consumer chemistry is the one that deals with humans in our
everyday lives. Consumer Chemistry is the branch of Chemistry that makes
consumable products. Consumer chemistry deals with food, cosmetics, fertilizers...
Show more content on ...
I ve learned mny topics in Consumer Chemistry but one of the mot important lesson
and the hardest (for me) is the Redox or Oxidation Reduction Reaction. Why is it the
hardest topic for me? Well, at first, while our teacher was discussing this, I thought
that this lesson is pretty easy because I understand all her lessons and I had no
problem absorbing the lessons. Butwhen the day after comes, I was already
confused on how to do the Redox. I tried to approach my classmates who are great
in Consumer Chemistry. But I always forget it after that and got confused again.
And I think, that s the reason I got a very low score on our summative test. After
that test, I promised to myself that I will strive hard for me to get a high score on
our periodical test. That s why I made this learning module, to help me and others
who are having a hrd time on
Amadeus Mozart Research Paper
The Magic Flute
пїјWolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born January 27, 1757 and died on December
5, 1791. He did not have a long life at all; nevertheless; he was a musical genius. He
was born into a musical family and started at the mere age of three playing the
keyboard. Mozart composed so many different works and genres and that is why
he s well known all over the world. Although he is considered a musical genius, he
started way too early. His childhood was rushed and he was forced to grow up. This
led to many problem such as him having trouble managing his money and was
constantly leading a life of fluctuating prosperity and poverty.
Mozart composing style was essentially operatic, even though Salzburg gave him no
opportunity to use his gift in ... Show more content on ...
Their range was so amazing and sounded as if it required a lot of practice. I admire
them for lasting the whole show with spotless vocals. You most definitely have to
have an acquired taste for the style of music that they were singing, but not to
appreciate it. Throughout the opera I had to constantly remind myself to keep a
positive outlook on the performance; nevertheless, I developed a great reverence for
opera singers by the end of the opera.
The title opera was The Magic Flute and the main character Tamino had a magic
flute as a prop. The prop wasn t a real flute though it was a pretend flute made out of
a wooden stick. I am mentioning this because it was so impressive how every time
the Tamino went to play the pretend flute the real flute player that was in the pit
played along in perfect timing. It was so amazing how the musicians stayed right in
time with
пїјthe actors and actresses. They were right on time for every scene, song, and
shuffle made by the actors! I also absolutely loved the costumes they were so cute
and they stood out. Each and every costume conveyed the character s role perfectly.
If the role was dark and mysterious the costumes to portrayed it
How The Three Elements Of The Fraud Triangle Were
1.Like fuel, air and heat come together to make fire, like the likelihood of fraud
increases when the three elements of the fraud triangle come together. Analyze how
the three elements of the fraud triangle are important and how all three elements were
present in Helen s case.
The three elements of the fraud triangle are Motivation or Pressure, Opportunity and
Rationalization. After reading the case, it was revealed that all of the three elements
are present the Helen s fraudulent activities.
Motivation: This is a reason for why the fraudsters commit frauds. It provides the
basis for the individual to commit the unethical act. It is found that most times
greed relates to the fraud motives. The perception of a need or pressure is a key
factor which caused the fraudsters to commit a fraud. In Helen s case, it was found
that Helen had family problems. Her husband was a substance abuser; her children
were suffering from health and behavioral issues. Helen had also unpaid medical bill.
These are the factors that motivated Helen to commit a fraud. Although, Juan was
aware about Helen s problems and that she needed extra money, but he did not take
any control measures to prevent Helen s motivation to commit a crime.
Opportunity: It is one of the elements of the fraud triangle. It may be defined as an
environment of favorable condition that allows the fraud to be committed (Tessier,
n.d.). In the Helen s case, it was found that she had this opportunity which helped her

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Extended Essay Ideas.pdf

  • 1. Extended Essay Ideas Writing an essay on the topic of "Extended Essay Ideas" can be quite challenging, primarily due to the broad scope of the subject matter. Firstly, determining a specific focus within the realm of extended essay topics can be daunting, as there are countless potential avenues to explore. Additionally, ensuring that the chosen topic is both relevant and engaging poses another hurdle, as it requires thorough research and critical thinking to develop compelling ideas. Moreover, crafting a coherent and structured essay on this topic necessitates the ability to synthesize information from various sources and present it in a clear and concise manner. This task demands analytical skills to evaluate different perspectives and arguments, as well as creativity to offer original insights or propose innovative approaches to the chosen topic. Furthermore, the process of writing an extended essay involves adhering to academic conventions, including proper citation of sources and adherence to formatting guidelines, which adds another layer of complexity to the task. Balancing the need for depth and breadth of analysis while maintaining clarity and coherence throughout the essay requires careful planning and meticulous attention to detail. In conclusion, tackling the task of writing an essay on the topic of "Extended Essay Ideas" is undeniably challenging, requiring a combination of research, critical thinking, analytical skills, creativity, and attention to academic conventions. However, with dedication and perseverance, it is possible to craft a compelling and insightful essay on this subject. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Extended Essay Ideas Extended Essay Ideas
  • 2. Analyzing the Success of Quentin Tarantino s Films Quentin Tarantino s films have helped to redefine cinema. His postmodern approach, creative writing, and extensive knowledge of films and music have helped Tarantino to develop a unique style that has allowed him to stand out among his peers. In Pulp Fiction (1994), Tarantino establishes several directorial trademarks that would come to be used in his later works and can clearly be seen throughout the film. Furthermore, Tarantino s use of mise en scene helps to strengthen and establish mood and setting. Tarantino not only directed Pulp Fiction(1994), but he also co wrote the screenplay and played a role within the film. During the course of a film s production, a director is charged with guiding the actors in performance, determines the staging of the action, supervises all aspects of shooting, and works with the producer, writer, and designer before production and with the film and sound editors after production to ensure consistency and excellence of the movie as well as the best possible use of personnel, materials, and resources provided by the producer (Mast Kawin, 2003, p. 681). Tarantino s hands on approach in making his films ensure that he is involved in many, if not all, aspects of the production of his films. There are also many others that contribute to the creation and production of a film including an art director and production designer. An art director can be defined as a person who designs a movie s sets and dГѓ cor (Mast Kawin, 2003, p. 678).
  • 3. People To Dinner Scene 1 If I could invite some famous people to a dinner party I would invite George Washington, Albert Einstein, Michael Jackson, Lebron James, and Shia LaBeouf. I would get a time machine and travel back in time. I would pick up George Washington first, then Albert Einstein and then Michael Jackson. I would ask them each if they would like come over for dinner in the future. After I picked up all the people who had died already, I would go to get Lebron James. I would travel to his house and invite him to come to dinner with the other three famous people. I would do the same to Shia LaBeouf to invite him too. Scene 2 Next, I would take everyone to dinner at a fancy buffet. There would be foods like steak, pasta, crab, salmon, and caviar. It would be a really nice restaurant with really good food. I would take some time and introduce everyone. I would tell everyone what ... Show more content on ... Explain how each scene follows general rules for elements of scene and give an explanation of why you chose these personalities to attend your party. Scene 1 provides exposition and introduces the characters. It also advances the plot by picking up main characters from in the past and at their houses. Scene 2 gives some more exposition by introducing the personalities to each other and advances the plot since everyone goes to get food. Scene 3 describes the characters and lets each of them talk about or show what they are famous for. Scene 3 also advances the plot since Lebron James takes us to his to see him play basketball. I chose George Washington to attend because he was the first president and I have been learning about him in school. I picked Albert Einstein because he is a very famous scientist. I chose Michael Jackson because he is a famous singer and dancer. I asked Lebron James to come to the dinner party because he is one of the best basketball players in the world. I also invited Shia LaBeouf because he s the main character in one my favorite movies,
  • 4. Taliban Downfall Afghanistan is one of the poorest and most troubled countries in the world today (Goodson 4). Over many years there have been many different leaders and tribes ruling Afghanistan. The most recent regime was the Taliban. According to The 9/11 Encyclopedia, Taliban means students in Arabic and it was founded in 1994 by Mohammed Mullah Omar. Omar had his own way of interpreting the Quran and that led to many religious restrictions on the Afghan people. The Taliban took over power in 1996 and ended in 2001 after the United Statesinvaded Afghanistan (Atkins). The Taliban was harboring Osama bin Ladenwho organized an attack on the United States. If the Taliban, along with al Qaeda, had not harbored Osama bin Laden and conducted the attacks on September 11th 2001 then the United States may not have invaded Afghanistan. On September 11th 2001, Osama bin Laden organized a terrorists group, with the aide of al Qaeda, to attack America in various locations all at once. During this attack, the terrorists flew two airplanes into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon, and crashed one in an empty field in Pennsylvania. The total loss of life was 2,977 people. After this occurred President Bush was informed on the details regarding the attacks. President Bush said The Taliban must... Show more content on ... Many of them become displaced from their homes and have to seek refuge in another country. When this happens it puts stress on the other countries to support the refugees. Many of them stay and sometimes fall victim to the gunfire and rockets. From the initial invasion to the end of 2001 it is estimated that 1,000 to 1,300 civilian deaths occurred. The Taliban have also targeted civilians that help the coalition during operations in Afghanistan. Along with this 500,000 Afghans were made refugees or displaced persons during the fighting (Doerr). In the end the war disrupts the way of life for the people of
  • 5. Essay on Opium (Papaver somniferum) Opium (Papaver somniferum) The opium poppy has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries all over the world. The opium poppy plant belongs to the Papaveraceae family. The scientific name of the opium poppy is Papaver somniferum L., and it is native to Turkey. The plant has lobed leaves, milky sap and four to six petaled flowers with several stamens surrounding the ovary. The two sepals drop off when the petals unfold. The ovary then develops into a short, many seeded capsule that opens in dry weather. The small seeds of the opium poppy plant are dispersed by wind. The plant has five inch purple or white flowers on plants three to sixteen feet tall. It is and annual plant which needs to be planted only once for several years of ... Show more content on ... There are manufactured alkaloid derivatives that include dihydromorphine, dihydrocodeine and heroin. The alkaloids can be of two different types. One type acts on the nervous system and are addictive to the human body. The other form is not addicting and instead relax muscle groups. Papaver Somniferum has been used since Greek times to relieve suffering and euphoria. Records indicate that the opium poppy has been used since the time of Mesopotamia (5000 to 4000 BC). The records refer to the poppy and its use as opiates as medical tablets. Homer s writings indicate Greek usage of the substance at least by 90OBC: Hippocrates made extensive use of medicinal herbs including opium (see Britannica Online). It is believed that the Romans probably learned of opium in the Mediterranean. Opium spread to places all over the world. In China opium was reported as a problem during the seventeenth century. Between World War I and H the cultivation of opium grew in Central America in the mountains. Now the major producers and exporters of opium are Turkey and India (Britannica Online). Opium was definitely used in more recent times as well. Before the nineteenth century there were few painkillers available. There were few alternatives to using opiates to end suffering for dying people. Long ago opium was not considered harmful and was available to everyone. Doctors advised taking opiates to relieve a number of symptoms
  • 6. Framing Muslim Women These are just a few of the conditions imposed on Muslim women. What is potentially even more harmful is Islam s obsession with (female) sexual morality. (Pg no 62) Peter Morey and Amina yaqin in their book Framing Muslims also have pointed out the ways by which Muslims are being sterotyped. Ahmed,Sidrah(2014) in his research paper tries to investigate the representation of muslim women s rights and integration by swestern media.Spencer,R and Chesler,P in their book remarked that in Islam the custom of Female genital mutilation,wife beating,child and arranged marriage ,polygamy,purdah,easy divorce for men,female sexual and domestic slavery,veiling,routine rape and gang rape and honor killing are more common then all other religions of the ... Show more content on ... Its there since the crusades but after 9/11 this stereotyping has increased. These stereotypes and misconceptions about Islam are due to the media, prejudice, and ignorance. Islam is considered as an extremist or terrorist religion.The reports against Islam are due to ignorance and lack of knowledge.In contrast to what the media portrays, Islam is a peaceful religion, which does not promote violence or terrorism. Ridouani,D(2011) in a research publication outlined the ways in which Muslims and Arabs are conceptualized by the western media with a drastic effect on its people.As she points out The main concern will focus on the analysis of the distorted images, fabricated views, overgeneralization which typically characterize the Western representation of Muslims with reference to some particular incidents chiefly the Gulf War, the bombing of Oklahoma and the bombardment of Twin Towers. She carried out research on different movies,articles,books and cartoons and then concluded that Hoodfar,H in her research article also tries to investigate that in West Muslim women are always sterotyped and marginalized with veiling,although its not a reliougious practice.She concludes it as a cultural practise which was coomon in many parts of the world since centuries like Byzantia and Greeck.She called it a colonial
  • 7. What Caused The Rwanda Genocide On April 7th, 1994, one of the worst crimes against humanity was unleashed in Rwanda and in the following hundred days, almost one million Tutsi and moderate Hutus were heinously slaughtered. Scott Strauss, a professor at the University of Wisconsin, describes the horrors that occurred, revealing that Over three months, government forces with militia and civilian assistance massacred at least 800,000 people in one of the worst human rights violations of the 1900 s (Strauss 5). During the genocide, the majority of the Tutsi population were killed by the hands of the Hutus. Sadly, the Western world stood by, ignoring the atrocities being inflicted on defenseless people. The Rwandan genocidewas an unimaginable event that took place in a third... Show more content on ... In October 1993, the United Nations deployed a peacekeeping force, called United Nations Assistance Mission (UNAMIR), to Rwanda for the purpose of monitoring the cease fire accord between the RFP and the Rwandan government. The UNAMIR consisted of 2,500 soldiers from 23 countries, with Canadian General Romeo Dallaire as the Commanding Officer. In December 1993, Dallaire received a letter from a Hutu informant revealing plans of mass murder of the Tutsis by the Hutus. Dallaire sent a cable to the United Nations warning of a potential genocide risk, however, the cable was disregarded. On April 8th, 1994, two days after the genocide began, Dallaire sent a message to the UN characterizing the killings as mass extermination. Again, his message was disregarded. After the death of 10 Belgium soldiers, 2230 UNAMIR troops were withdrawn, leaving only 270 unarmed troops under the command of Dallaire and hundreds of thousand Tutsis at the mercy of the Interahamwe. Chris McGreal, a senior writer for Guardian US and witness to the genocide, recalls Helena Nwitizina, a Rwandan survivor stating, We knew the UN was abandoning us. We cried for them not to leave. Some people even begged for the Belgians to kill them because a bullet would be better than a machete (McGreal 2). The Tutsis knew the UN could help, yet the UN decided to abandon them. Fortunately, with the onset of the genocide, the RPF
  • 8. The Historical Cataclysm Of The Cultural Revolution, By Yu... From mid to late 1980s in mainland China, avant garde writers started their experimental writing, which stands out to be a subversion of depiction of reality in traditional narration. Yu Hua contributes to this new school by creating a bunch of representative fictions, centering the issues of death and violence, which is exemplified by 1986, in which the description of irrational violence as the center of the story, from the view of common readers, are gruesome and gratuitous, but arguably reveals the historical cataclysm of the Cultural Revolution , according to critics, like Jing Wang (4). The essay will argue that irrational violence represents the traumas resulted from the Cultural Revolution to individual citizens, but also the continuity... Show more content on ... When the madman appears firstly, almost nobody notices his strange behaviors. His repeated screams of castration and nose cutting are like a reminder of unpleasant memories, [are] buried amid the general clamor of voices (153). The daughter is even more typical, because of her relationship with the madman and her resistance to this other father , who in her mind would take away the only father she [has] ever had (149). Different from curious crowd of onlookers, her family keep staying at home during the madman s violent show till its ending, which might imply that they all tend to dodge something, although the only related verbal communication is between the step father and daughter that [f]rom now on, I don t want you to go out unless you really have to (153). Distinct from normal family patterns, where family members grieve over the death of others, witnessing the madman is taken away by the cart, the daughter feels a sudden surge of relief and the mother couldn t help chuckling (178), which implies their morbid mentality. The
  • 9. A Brief Note On Copyright And Remix Culture How to Not Follow Copyright Law: An Exploratory Essay on Copyright and Remix Culture As time goes by, the rate at which art changes increases at a seemly exponential rate. Our culture has more ways than ever to publish and distribute the things we make, and with the rise of the internet we can reach any audience with a Wi Fi connection. This digital hyper connectivity has led many artists to create new forms of art, some of which have gone on to start trends and cultures. One of these cultures that has become a significant part of online media is Remix Culture. The idea of taking someone else s art and making it your own is embraced and cherished by some, and detested by others. As this genre of media has grown over the years, the line between what is and isn t a remix has drastically blurred. Some will spend hours upon hours making a song sound completely different from its original counterpart, while others will simply chop it up and call it their own. Though laws were once effective when dealing with copyright infringement, the rate art has grown has significantly surpassed the rate at which these laws have changed. People are beginning to monetize their remixes in various ways, creating much controversy surrounding who should be getting paid, or if anyone should get paid at all. As artists, it is important to know what these laws are exactly, so we can either abide by them or find our own workarounds. As soon as a work is created in a tangible, fixed form, it is
  • 10. The Battle Between Good And Evil In C. S. Lewis Narnia The Battle Between Good and Evil in Narnia Who is Clive Staples Lewis, and what has he accomplished? Lewis was a widely known and equally respected author in the literary world. During his youth, he attended Oxford University; he became close friends with John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, better known as J.R.R. Tolkien. Both Lewis and Tolkien explored the fantasy realms within their literary works. Tolkien is known for his novels The Lord of the Rings, and C.S. Lewis is known for novels such as The Chronicles of Narnia and A Grief Observed, which he wrote after the death of his wife, Joy Davidsman ( Faith ). One of Lewis s best known novels was The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe from The Chronicles of Narnia. This novel told the story of four ... Show more content on ... Her spell puts the entire world into an everlasting winter. During this time, the whole world was put into sorrow under her rule. Some of the animals escaped such dark times by joining the White Witch, but not everyone did. In chapter eleven, the prolonged winter began to disappear. The true king of Narnia returned, and his life broke her curse. The land started to be filled with life and joy again. The winter began to disappear; Jadis was losing her grip on the world she once called hers. The trees regained life, the flowers started to bloom, and the animals and streams filled the forests with the sounds of jubilation. The world was alive once again. Aslan s army rose up, and the Queen met her fate. The darkness of the world under Jadis s rule transitioning into the liveliness under Aslan and the siblings is a major turn point in the book. In the matter of moments, the good in the world overtook the evil, and came to a positive
  • 11. Color Blindness Method Participants Psychology college students attending the University of California, Los Angeles were asked to complete this experiment as a course requirement. The sample size was twenty one students. When conducting the experiment, we did not ask if the students had any disabilities such as color blindness or blindness. Every student just went through with the experiment without any questions being asked. All participants were asked to be the experimenter and the subject of the study. Design A within subject design was used, which means that every person who participated was exposed to both conditions or treatments. In this case, the participant served as the subject, but also as the person conducting the experiment. This caused ... Show more content on ... In this case the treatment was whether the ink of the color and the word differ, such as the word blue in the ink color red. For both posters, each word began with the same letter (e.g. boat and blue), color, order of the same letter and color, number of syllables, and the number of letters per word were the same. Mistakes made were not penalized, the participant was simply told that if they made a mistake to fix it and move on. The participants not only served as subjects, but also experimenters. Once they served both roles, they moved on to the next group. When the response time was said, the participant was responsible for writing their own time. The experimenter was responsible for stopping and starting the watch. Both rooms were in a controlled setting, the lighting, temperature, and the amount of people inside the room were controlled. Room N and I were clearly labelled. The words that were used in the control group were, starting from the left column: boat, yogurt, brain, rat, and goose. The words used are five English words and the colors that were used were red, green, yellow, black, and blue. This study was conducted at approximately 9:00 a.m on Wednesday April 5th. In order to record the data of the whole class, every person said their own score out loud for both group N and I and we took the
  • 12. Who Is James Fenimore Cooper s The Last Of The Mohicans James Fenimore Cooper, writer of the book The Last of the Mohicans, wrote the novel in 1826. The Last of Mohicans tells the story of English and Native Americans working together towards a rescue mission. Hawkeye, a white man raised by Native Americans, is a famous sharp shooter that works with Native Americans to help a colonel rescue his daughters from a rogue tribe. The Last of the Mohicansstarts out with two girls and two men. These girls names are Cora and Alice Munro, daughters of Colonel Munro, they are assisted by Major Heyward, of the 60th regiment appointed by the King at Fort William Henry, and Heyward s Huron navigator, Magua. They are joined by a man named David Gamut, a man who worships by singing Old Testaments psalms, they are traveling toward... Show more content on ... At this point, our main character Hawkeye comes into the book, with his Mohican companions, Uncas and his father Chingachgook. Our main character runs into the five while riding through the woods because the five said that they re navigator was lost, immediately he recognizes Magua as a rogue Native American, and Hawkeye injures him while Magua flees. The seven riders go to hide, but Gamut s mare, that he is riding, has a colt by her side. The colt was making too much noise while they were trying to hide, so Uncas and Chingachgook killed it and got rid of it in the river. Further along into the book the seven arrive at Fort William Henry, Colonel Munro weeps at the sight of his daughters, Cora and Alice, but a few days after arriving Hawkeye was captured by the French. Eventually Hawkeye was released and Colonel Munro went and surrendered to Montcalm, who is a French General that is aligned with the Hurons. While the people of Fort William Henry were leaving the fort they were escorted by the Hurons, that were aligned with General Montcalm, were slaughtered by the them when they became irritated and impatient with the people of Fort William Henry. While the people were being
  • 13. An Underground Illegal Business Running I have been through alot of bad things in my life but nothing is the same as waking up at 8 in the morning to the foul taste of smoke in your mouth. It was like the smell of cigarette smoke except as a taste. My eyes started to water but right as I dried my eyes off I saw them taking her. My mother was the women I saw them taking her and I knew who they were too. Not literally the men under the mask but the people they were working for. They were working for an underground illegal business. They were called the A.W.E.G. (Advanced Warfare Elimination Group) I knew them as the people I was running from. Very few even knew about their existence. Now I had to get out of the house. As I got out of the front I saw a van drive away, I knew they had my mother in there. I turned around and the house exploded. I felt so many things at once if you ve ever seen a rag doll get thrown around I looked more than likely exactly like that. Once I hit the ground all the pain I didn t feel kicked in. The force of the explosion threw me into the ground at a high speed. Once I hit the ground it felt like jumping out of a 5 story building and splating on concrete. I looked at my arms and they had some first degree burns It felt like a sunburn on steroids. I also couldn t feel my leg until I looked at it. A piece of rebar went all the way through my thigh. There was nothing I had ever felt to describe it. Once I pulled it out I started walking to an old friend s house. After limping around
  • 14. The Worst Day Of My Life Essay The worst day of my life was in the afternoon of September 16, 2011. I had to be woken up to get ready for school, rode the bus for an hour and a half, and spent the majority of my day wishing I was back at home. When my wish did come true, I immediately regretted it. I loved being home, but once I made my way inside my house and opened the door, I had the feeling that the rest of my day would be anything but lovely. Upon stepping foot into my home, I realized that there was an eerie vibe surrounding me. Typically my mother would be sitting on the sofa waiting for me to arrive so she can give me a hug and ask me about my day. This was not the case. I walked inside my house and was surrounded by nothing but a piercing silence and anguish. Mom? I shouted, worried as to where she was. I noticed that the light in her room was on, so I instinctively approached in that direction. I made my way past the kitchen table and I then faintly heard her voice. The closer I got, the more I could make out what she was saying. Yes, I understand. She spoke to someone. I ll tell him. At this point I was just outside her door. I noticed that she was sitting on her bed, her back away from me. Her head was down and she was holding her phone to her ear. Her hand was trembling. Okay, thank you for telling me. She murmured and hung up the phone. She put her face in her hands and this was when I spoke. Mom? I asked her. Mom, what s going on? Are you okay?
  • 15. Coir Industry Essay CHAPTER I 1.1Introduction To Coir Industry The Coir Industry has been significantly Export Oriented and a valuable foreign exchange earner. On an average about 20 per cent of the total Coir products manufactured are exported from the country, mainly to West European countries, United States of America (USA) and Canada. The products include fiber, yarn, mats, matting, rugs and carpets, rope and rubberized coir. Unfortunately, the exports in the recent past show a declining trend. Increased competition from other countries use of substitutes traditional methods of production delay in executing orders are some of the major reasons mentioned for reduced exports. Because of this, the manufacturers have started to pay more attention to the ... Show more content on ... Structure Of Coir Fibre The individual fibre cells are narrow and hollow, with thick walls made of cellulose. They are pale when immature but later become hardened and yellowed as a layer of lignin, is deposited on their walls. Mature brown coir fibres contain more lignin and less cellulose than fibres such as flax and cotton and so are stronger but less flexible. They are made up of small threads, each less than 0.05 inch (1.3 mm) long and 10 to 20 micrometers in diameter. White fibre is smoother and finer, but also weaker. The coir fibre is relatively waterproof and is the only natural fibre resistant to damage by salt water. Green coconuts, harvested after about six to twelve months on the plant, contain pliable white fibres. Brown fibre is obtained by harvesting fully mature coconuts when the nutritious layer surrounding the seed is ready to be processed into copra and desiccated coconut. The fibrous layer of the fruit is then separated from the hard shell (manually) by driving the fruit down onto a spike to split it (De husking). Machines are now available which crush the whole fruit to give the loose fibres. Types Of Coir Fibre Brown Fibre The Fibrous husks are soaked in pits or in nets in a slow moving body of water to swell and soften the fibres. The long bristle fibres are separated from the shorter mattress fibres underneath the skin of the nut, a process known as
  • 16. Determination Of Concentration Of Hydrochloric Acid And... Determination of Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid and Phosphoric Acid in an Unknown HCl H3PO4 Mixture through Use of Potentiometric Titrations Andrea Byassee 8000 Utopia Parkway Department of Chemistry St. John s University Jamaica, NY 11439 Report Prepared for: Quantitative Chemical Analysis Professor Neil Jespersen Due Date: October 16, 2014 Submitted Date: October 20, 2014 ABSTRACT The purpose of this experiment was to determine if soft drinks manufactured by Coca Cola use phosphoric acid in their product formula. An analysis of their product concentrations of HCl and H3PO4 was performed using the potentiometric titration method, with a standardized 0.1002 M NaOH solution. The molarities of HCl and H3PO4 were determined by plotting the titration data, the first derivative, and the second derivative of this data. The results of our analysis of the three trials found the molarities of HCl to be 0.1232 M, 0.1232 M, and 0.1230 M, with a mean of 0.1231 M and an average deviation of 0.8 parts per thousand. We are 95% confident that for this set of data, the true mean lies within the range of 0.1228 and 0.1234 M. The molarities of H3PO4 were found to be 0.1709 M, 0.1706 M, and 0.1702 M, with a mean of 0.1706 M and an average deviation of 1 part per thousand. We are 95% confident that for this set of data, the true mean lies within the range of 0.1698 and 0.1714 M. These values compare well to literature values for the
  • 17. Compare And Contrast Grimm Brother Vs The Little Mermaid Most people grew up watching Disney movies such as The Little Mermaid. However, many of the movies were originally written by the Grimm Brothers. Their versions are darker and duller. Also, one does not expect a happy ending in every story. While in the Disney movies it s bright, cheerful and full of happy endings. For example, in Disney s The Little Mermaid, many things are different when compared to the Grimm Brother s version. The key differences between Grimm Brother s version and Disney s version of The Little Mermaid are the Mermaid s age, her deal with the witch, and the ending of the story. These differences drastically changed the story from a sad story to a fairy tale. First, in the Grimm Brother s version of The Little Mermaid,
  • 18. The For Intellectual Property Law Essay Before college, when I heard about lawyers I only ever thought of one thing, the bar exam, and how awful it must be to prepare and take such a test. Now, moving steadily through the senior year of my undergraduate degree, my aspirations are quite different than what they were before college. With my changing goals, being a lawyer is now a profession that I wish to be a part of in the not too distant future. Specifically, I am aspiring to work in Intellectual PropertyLaw. This form of law deals with protecting tangible and intangible creations of clients. These tangible and intangible creations range from inventions to symbols and often require being an expert in specific fields, such as industries, the arts, or science (Wilson, 2016). In order to assess a potential employee s attributes, a future employer will administer pre employment screenings where the person s knowledge, skills, and abilities will be assessed in order to determine their effectiveness for Intellectual Property Law. In order to perform effectively being a lawyer specializing in Intellectual Property Law, will require that I first graduate with a four year degree. The degree with which one takes is not specific, in fact, law schools admit individuals with degrees from almost every field of study (, 2016). The next step is going through law school which typically takes three years. While at law school, studying a curriculum specific to Intellectual Property Law would be beneficial,
  • 19. Albert Bandura Social Cognitive Theory ALBERT BANDURA S SOCIAL COGNITIVE INTRODUCTION Bandura s social cognitive theory highlighted the importance of observing and modeling the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others. Albert Bandura developed this theory which was influenced by social behavior theories. This is because he believed that learning theories in vogue at that time and resulted in incomplete explanations of the acquisition and performance of prosocial and deviant behavior (Schunk, 2000). According to Nevid (2009), social cognitive theory proposes that individuals do not simply respond to environmental influences, but rather they actively seek and interpret information. Children observe the people around them behaving in various ways as illustrated during the famous bobo doll experiment (Bandura, 1961 as cited by McLeod, 2011). When children learn, they have their own aim or motive such as solve a problem, finish their homework or complete some experiments. With these aim to accomplish, they observe, judge and react to their perceived progress. As what Schunk (2000) had cited Bandura (1986), Kanfer ... Show more content on ... First, usually children are likely to mimic or imitate those people it perceives as similar to itself or when they think if they imitate the model, they can succeed in accomplishing something. Then, the people around them will give respond or feedback to the behavior they imitate with either reinforcement or punishment. If a child imitates a model s behavior and the consequences are rewarding, the child is likely to continue performing the behavior and vice versa. Children will also take into account of what happens to other people when they decide whether or not to copy someone s actions. Some applications of this social learning theory that teachers can apply in the classroom learning and teaching are teacher as a role model for students, choices of teaching materials, controlled drilling activity in classroom and providence of reinforcement to
  • 20. ##a And Germania By TacitusAgricola And Germania Tacitus wrote Agricola and Germania by Tacitus as a historical account for the Roman Empire and its affairs around 98 AD. The first part of the book is a personal tribute to his father in law Agricola whom he so dearly honored. Based on the first sentences of his book, he is compelled to tell the story of a man who is worthy to be written about and remembered. He mentions in the first part of his book that a personal that men even felt that to tell their own life s story showed self confidence rather than conceit . Tacitusacknowledges the continual risk of written history about a person or the Roman Empires history as a whole. However, Tacitus, ...robbed by informers even of the interchange of speech. We would not have lost our memories as well as our tongues had it been an easy to forget as to be silent . With that same courage Tacitus begins to write the eulogy of his father in law Agricola. He speaks on his historical family background and the personal achievements he accomplished while still alive. Tacitus close relationship with his father in law allows him to give not only an account of Agricola s conquered over Britain but he is able to give a personal account about his character as well. Tacitus admired his father in law because of his genuine and honest character, Agricola stood out to him to be a noble man unlike the rest of the military commander in the Roman Empire. Tacitus continues to praise Agricola for his noble character and mentioned he ...succeeded
  • 21. Drugs, Morphine, And Vicodin Codeine, morphine, and vicodin are some prescription drugs that one may hear of for treating pain. What some people do not know is that in the early 20th century, these drugs were very harmful because they were being made into others much worse. Many of these drugs come from the same types of places and plants and are also made in a similar way. Cocaine, morphine, and heroinstarted to be produced just as often as the first opioid based prescription drugs and the only difference is that these were much more addictive and dangerous. The introduction of drugs in America caused a serious problem in the early 20th century that spread like a wildfire. As these drugs began to worsen, President Nixon formed the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to combat these lethal drugs, as well as the gangs and cartels distributing them. In 1968, the Justice Department s Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs was formed to try and combat the rise in illegal drugs. The agents in this department were composed of previous agents from two separate departments, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) and the Bureau of Drug Abuse Control (BDAC). After a few years, the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD) failed to even decrease the illegal drug usage slightly. The president at the time, Richard Nixon, proposed a new offer to combat the war on drugs. The proposition passed and President Nixon stated, In order to decrease the illegal drug problems in America, we have to first stop
  • 22. The History Of Sytech And Gene Therapy All you need to know about Gene therapy Sytech Curing the future The history of SyTech and Gene therapy Gene therapy was introduced in 1985 by SyTech and has been the main priority of the company ever since due to its promising future in science. One of the first human gene therapy procedures involved injecting the correct ADA geneto a four year old girl with the ADA deficiency. Due to the success of the procedure, the patient is now living a healthy life. The success marked an important landmark in human history, one that has the potential to change the future. What is gene therapy? In short, gene therapy is a method in which DNA Is used to fix a genetic problem. These problems can include missing or genes that don t work. The right genes are delivered to the cell via harmless viruses for their provirus properties. The viruses then insert the good copy of the gene into the patients DNA where the cells machinery reads the information like a manual and makes RNA proteins so when it divides, ideally, the problem will be fixed. There are two types f gene therapy: Germline (targets egg/sperm cells; stops disease in its tracks) and somatic (targets somatic cells; after the disease is active).The methods for gene therapy that are being tested include: Replacing the non working copy of a gene with a healthier one Bringing new genes entirely for those that don t exist Bring a new gene to fight/fix the disease. Obstacles to overcome: SyTech is one of the only companies
  • 23. Saggin Pants Study Guide Step 1: The mentor will intro duce the lesson by asking the mentees If and why any have ever wore their pants sagging. After a brief discussion move to step 2. Step 2: Read the following: Many researchers report that saggin originated in prison. Several claim that saggin was never fashionable. Prisoner wore pants low because they were not allowed to wear belts because of their possible use as an instrument for hanging or as a weapon. Some say that prisoners who wore their pants low when they were advertising themselves as homosexual. Dr. Jon Abdullah Yasin a professor who is an expert on Hip Hop Culture claims Saggin has African origins. 1 Many communities and schools are enacting laws and rules prohibiting wearing saggin pants. Some state that if you spell saggin backwards you get niggas. They claim that is what the greater community thinks of black boys wearing saggin pants. One writer uses a timeline and dates the beginning of saggin pants to the 1980 s.... Show more content on ... Watch video A DOSE OF REALITY SAGGIN PANTS /KyOYFnZZTEo 8 minutes Step 4: the Mentor will open the class for discussion. The mentor will highlight at the end of the discussion, ask, What impression wearing sagging pants give to teachers and employers? Questions 1. Do you think there should be laws to tell people how to dress? 2. Do you agree that because your friends do it, you should do it too? 3. What is the difference between a fad and a trend? (use dictionary) 4. Do you wear saggin pants? If yes, why? 5. A Black college coed (female) stated, If you pull your pants up, stand with your head held high you could change the world s perception of not only you but our people. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write a letter to a friend or younger brother discouraging him from wearing sagging
  • 24. The Dehumanization Of People From Other Religions The dehumanization of people from other religions is also an example of intolerance. The treatment that Muslims received throughout the poem, is more intolerant than tolerant, although there are a few times where the tolerance between the Christians and Muslims can be seen. El Cid, takes from the Muslims without question. His tactics for taking from them can be seen as inhuman as well as extremely violent. The Muslims are also categorized with the cattle which demonstrates the level with which the Christians thought of them as, He captured Moorish men and Moorish women, and all the cattle being herded out (Pg.33). The intolerance is evident by this quote. To put humans of another religionon the same level as animals is disrespectful and... Show more content on ... This generates the idea that the Christians created a negative depiction of the Muslim people solely based on their religion and no other reasons. They only listen to the voice of Christianity and all others are subordinate and need to be defeated. Religious intolerance is not only depicted by El Cid. Hildegard also insinuates her intolerance towards other religions as well. Hildegard s letter all show her reliance and praise on God. Through her visions she is able to share his wisdom and knowledge of the holy church. Her letter to Bernard of Clairvaux provides the beginning of her ideas of intolerance. Bernard of Clairvaux was a leading supporter behind the Second Crusade. The crusades are directly correlated to intolerance. Although, writing to him does not necessarily suggest that she is intolerant towards other religions, the statements that she says in her letter signify her support of the movement. In later letters, she continues her appeal to the people she is writing too, that Christianity is the religion that they must follow and she can help them with her visions. She suggests to the people who seek her help, that God is the answer to all of their problems. They can be saved through the power of God and she can help them achieve the answers they are looking for since she has a connection with God.
  • 25. Cyber Culture And Cyber Cultures The 90s and 20s was the time when lots of people came up with inventions, issues, government problems, political problems, technologies and many historical events. There were like storm of ideas with the politics, communities, technologies, and inventions. The 20s has been the new beginning for everyone to make their work easier with some new technologies and getting introduced to a new cyber world which also can be called as cyber cultures. The term cyber culture creates a lot of acceptable technology courses. The virtual reality, and online communities show that there is a necessity of cyber cultures in educational purpose, and economic social cultures. To help these people who are in desperate need for these cyber cultures a person named David Bell came up with new ideas to make a theory which is similar to Google and Yahoo. He was also aiming in a greatest hit in educational market. With the Introduction to cyber cultures bell found a lot of new links which has been relating for his new theories which he is about to make and expand more on technology field. (Marsching). As a result of the new cyber cultures introduction by David Bell many students find it easy to finish their educational work easier and all the people who are in with the social and economic culture. After the introduction of the cyber cultures, many people were finding a device which is similar to an Mp3 player so that they can carry wherever they go to listen to music. The new device which is similar
  • 26. Essay on Oil Export for a Unified Caspian Oil Conglomerate Oil Export for a Unified Caspian Oil Conglomerate Introduction Oil resources are the focal point of almost all international disputes in the present century as every country needs oil to power its electrical grids, run its automobiles, and operate its machinery. The vast majority of accessible oil lies in the extremely unstable Middle East, whose countries form most of OPEC and have a viable monopoly on oil production and pricing. The troubles caused by this situation thus come to no surprise as high demand and monopolistic supply give omnipotent control to the supplier. The Caspian Sea region is seen by some as a possible answer to the problems of OPEC control. The Caspian Sea and the surrounding states contain 10 billion ... Show more content on ... Russian and Kazakhstan occupy the northern half of the sea coastline and Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Iran take up the southern section. Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan all received independence from the Soviet Union in 1991 and have all recently begun to see the economic benefits of foreign investment and oil
  • 27. An Article On Nonverbal Communication John Warren Stewig in an article published in the professional journal Language Arts provides an excellent commentary on nonverbal communication. His article is an exceptional example of academic writing that has been formatted as a primer or tool to be used by other educators. Professor Stewig provides a breakout of how much of a given message can be considered verbal and how much nonverbal. He also introduces the term kinesics and divides kinesics into two categories: personal and professional gestures. He closes his article by consulting the reader of their obligation to improve a child s appreciation of the total range of message sending and their effectiveness as communicators. In his opening paragraph, Professor Stewig provides us with a vivid example of nonverbal communication as he depicts two kindergarten children engaged in a short discussion involving their new teacher. While one of the kindergartners was duly impressed (Stewig 150) by the nice words spoken by their new teacher, the other notices a particularly striking nonverbal cue of how her neck looks when she says them (Stewig 150) as being contradictory to the complimentary verbal statement, implying perhaps the teacher wasn t fully convinced on the truthfulness of her verbal accolades. Professor Stewig, the author of many popular children s books, wrote this article for fellow teachers and instructors. He provides them with many interesting teaching lessons sprinkled throughout the article. His
  • 28. Symbolism And Communication In Hills Like White Elephants,... For some people, there isn t a lot of thought to difficult decisions that have to be made. Some people are able to decide certain, crucial things, without feeling pressure or any stress. However, there are some people who are very indecisive and very hesitant to make difficult decisions. Hills Like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemingwayis a story about a distant couple struggling to make a demanding, challenging agreement about an operation that needs to be done. Identified only as the girl/Jig and the American, the couple sit down at a bar and try a new drink, something they do often, while the American subsequently brings up the operation. It is clear that the operation is definitely what he wants, however the girl isn t sure and is very indecisive about what she wants. In Hills Like White Elephants , Hemingway utilizes symbolism and characterization to reveal the complexity of difficult decision making and communicationto illustrate that in a relationship one must effectively communicate in order to avoid unnecessary distance. Hemingway utilizes the symbolism of white elephants to illustrate the difficulties of decision making and lack of communication in a relationship. After primarily seeing the comparison in the hills and white elephants, the girl changes her perspective. They re lovely hills , she said. They don t really look like white elephants. I just meant the coloring of their skin through the trees. Should we have another drink? Alright (Hemingway 2).
  • 29. Taking a Look at Molecular Cuisine Molecular cuisine, a relatively new style of cooking, is taking the world by surprise and changing the way food is prepared, cooked and looked at. People are asking a lot of questions such as Is it safe?, What kinds of chemicals are used?, Who decided to start this whole thing?, How did it start, and when?, and What kind of equipment do the cooks use? These are all very good questions and the answers are out there, they just have to be found. Food and science have been combined to create something extraordinary called molecular cuisine. The question that is probably going through the reader s head by now is What is it? Well, molecular cuisine is physics and chemistry applied food to create different flavours, textures and to amaze the five senses. It is also another way of preparing food to provide other ways of cookingand to create more possibilities for cooking food. There are many other names for molecular cuisine such as molecular gastronomy, avant garde cuisine, experimental cuisine, modern cuisine, and modernist cuisine. The now late oxford physicist Nicholas Kurtiand French chemist HervГ© This came up with the term molecular gastronomy for the new style of cooking/science they started experimenting with back in the 1980 s. People are definitely interested in molecular cuisine but don t know whether it is safe or not. Some of the chemicals that are used in molecular cuisine come from natural origins. The material origin in typically plant,
  • 30. History Of The Irish Famine The United States had a huge impact on Ireland. It can be stated that it started off with the Americas shipping potatoes up to Ireland. The Irish became dependent on the spud as there were many available and the variation in meals you can prepare with them. One can boil them, mash them, or stick them in a stew along with many other delicacies. By 1845, 40 percent of the country s population routinely lived almost entirely on potatoes. Along came Ireland s great famine between 1845 and 1952. This famine not only killed through starvation, but also with terrible illnesses and bone deterioration. These diseases included, but were not limited to, typhus, scurvy, syphilis, osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, and rickets. These people were not getting
  • 31. How Is Diction Used In An Evening In Guanma In the heart of the statuesque islands of The Bahamas is an island with a hill called Como Hill , boot shaped and famous for it s rich folklore where humans have animal attributes and fish walk on two feet.The book An Evening in Guanima by Patricia Glinton is comprised of a collection of folk stories that illustrate magic drums, tricksters, heroes and typical children which breaks the barriers of logic presenting whimsical occurrences teaching life lessons. The book is composed of thirteen stories that all end in a dramatic manner, leaving a lesson to be learnt. Glinton s use of diction, characterization and foil, adage and foreshadowing, and binary opposites in the stories Miss Annie and The Gaulin Wife, teaches the important lesson... Show more content on ... As he was not a man to ask the price of fish that had been given to him... Is an example of adage present in Miss Annie . This phrase illustrates that the husband is not a man to question his good fortune. He doesn t ponder on his sudden serendipity, but takes advantage. However, Glinton foreshadows the second husband s misfortune when she writes ...promised to look after her always. It was a promise that was never broken. Annie s dead husband protects her even in his death. An example of adage in The Gaulin Wife is, ... you guh pick til you pick needle wit out eye. This phrase was spoken by the young suitor s grandmother who not only foreshadows her grandson s upcoming misfortune, but refers to her grandson s practice of playing with women s hearts callously. The young suitor takes advantage of his winsomeness for personal gain and pampering. The use of adages in both stories unequivocally illustrates traits in Bahamian men. Those who face hardships frequently do not bother to cogitate over the reason for their luck, rather enjoy it while it lasts. The second adage, however illustrates a different type of Bahamian man. Those who are blessed, but do not appreciate what they have, instead take advantage of it. The misfortune of both men illustrates the reason why Bahamian man should ignore mistreating their wife. Glinton successfully uses adage to teach a significant
  • 32. Essay On Gender Pay Gap Women have been fighting for equal rights for 227 years, and at this point now we ve reached a breaking point, said Patricia Arquette (Cavanaugh, L. V). Over the past century, women in the United States have made progress in increasing their employment experience and skills. But despite women s gains in experience, education and skill, a 20 percent gender pay gap still exists. According to the Institute for Women s Policy Research, women make up half of the workforce today and 40 percent of women are either equal to their male counterparts or the singular breadwinners in their household (Institute for Women s Policy Research). And most Americans find women are better than menin key leadership traits such as intelligence and competence for ... Show more content on ... The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap (Spring 2016). (n.d.). Retrieved September 12, 2016. Companies can do their part in closing the wage gap among men and women by changing their policies. For the wage gap to close sooner than 136 years from now, everyone needs to work together. Companies need to conduct salary examinations to monitor and address gender based pay differences. By changing the company policy women will have access to their male colleagues salaries and can determine whether the employer is being fair or not. Companies can also do their part in closing the wage gap by improving their paid sick days policies. Nearly 40 million workers in the United States do not have access to paid sick days. The amount of part time workers who do not have paid sick days is even higher at 73 percent. Because of the lack of paid sick leave, many workers in the United States must go to work sick and if their children are sick they must either send them to school sick or leave them at home alone because they fear that by missing work they will be punished or even fired (Glynn, S. J.; Fisher, M.; and Baxter
  • 33. How To Write An Essay On Alzheimer s Disease How has Alzheimer s infected other and what treatment they have for that? Alzheimer s disease is a neurodegenerative disease, which is not reversible. Alzheimer s is a slow, fatal disease of the brain. Dr. Alois Alzheimer was the first one who discovered Alzheimer s disease in 1906. Over many years time, the plaques and tangles slowly destroy the hippocampus, and it becomes harder and harder to remember memories. Alzheimer s disease will attack the memory first which will make the person forgetful and not able to complete simple daily life tasks. The specialist German nerves Alois describe the Alzheimer disease for the first time as a diseases that affect the brain, and while infected by the disease there are some blocks develop in the brain and lead to the... Show more content on ... This damage will not able the brain cells to communicate with each other normally. therefore the cells in the brain cannot communicate normally, thinking, behavior and feelings can be affected. When cells in a particular region are damaged, that region cannot carry out its functions normally. I think scientists do not know yet what exactly causes Alzheimer s disease, but there are some possible factors that could have lead to Alzheimer s disease such as age, genetic inheritance and environmental factors, diet and public health. for example, age when people get Alzheimer s disease at early age usually the cause is genetic mutation but when it appear at older people that usually from a complex series of pathological events that is in the brain. people think that if they have Alzheimer s disease is not a normal part of aging. However, it is true that people are more likely to develop the Alzheimer s disease while growing older. There are multiple treatments that help to make the disease to slow down such as drugs, behavioral therapy, and lifestyle but there is no cure for Alzheimer s
  • 34. Alltel Essay 1. How would you describe the competitive strategy of the ALLTEL Pavilion? Given the firm s strategy, what are the most important Key Performance Indicators (e.g., quantitative measures) for the Pavilion to track and manage if it is to achieve its goal of continuous annual growth in operating income? ALLTEL Pavilion is operated by SFX Entertainment in an outdoor atmosphere for its customers. ALLTEL attempts to create a competitive advantage as the major outdoor concert venue in the Triangle area of North Carolina consisting of Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill. The amphitheater has art like acoustics and video differentiating the venue with trying to keep costs budgeted for each concert. The Key Performance Indicators are based on ... Show more content on ... B. How many tickets must ALLTEL Pavilion sell to earn $30,000 operating income after taxes, assuming a 40 percent tax rate? Is it reasonable to assume this level of operating income will be achieved? Briefly explain. $30,000 / (1 0.40) = 4x($40.08 $3.05) + 1x($13.09 $3.05) $263,245 $30,000 / (1 0.40) = x($158.16) $265,245 $30,000 = x($94.896) $157,947 $187,947 = x($94.896) x = 1980.5577 tickets 1(1980.5577) = 1981 comp tickets 4(1980.5577) = 7923 paying tickets in order to earn $30,000 Operating Income after taxes The total number of 7923 paying tickets is reasonable to be achieved, although it is above the number of 7000 tickets that the reserved seating can actually hold at ALLTEL Pavilion. 3. What should be the average ticket price (for all ticket types combined A through D) for the KFBS concert if the fixed pay fee is $200,000 (rather than $160,635) and the Pavilion expects to sell 7,000 tickets and wants to earn $30,000 operating income after 40 percent in taxes? After you estimate the average ticket price for all ticket types combined (which is $22.12 for the situation depicted in Exhibit 2), estimate the price for each type of seat (i.e., in Exhibit 2: A $36.29, B $22.22, C $11.31, D $4.92). [Hint: assume the sales mix for A, B, C, and D seats remains the same as the mix in the Flash Report (Exhibit 2).] $30,000 / (1 0.40) = 7000 ($13.09 $3.05)
  • 35. Lithium Research Paper Lithium is the third element on the periodic table and is known as the lightest metal, and is half as dense as water. It is a part of the Alkali metals, meaning it is in the first group on the periodic table. Lithium is normally not found in nature, due to the fact that it has a very unstable nucleus. The name Lithium is derived from the Greek word lithos, which means stone . This name was likely given to Lithium due to the fact that it was discovered in the mineral petalite (LiAl(Si2O5)2) by Johann August Arfvedson in 1817. It was later isolated through the form of electrolysis of lithium oxide by William Thomas Brande. Lithium is made of two stable isotopes, with Lithium 6 containing 3 neutrons and accounting 7.59% of the natural abundance of lithium, and Lithium 7 containing 4 neutrons and accounting for 92.41% of lithium s natural abundance.... Show more content on ... One typically thinks of batteries when they think of lithium, as they are heavily involved in the process of making rechargeable, storage, and dry batteries. Lithium alloys can also be formed when combined with elements such as copper, aluminium, cadmium, and manganese in order to help create light parts for aircraft. It is also added to glass in order to make it lighter and stronger as well. Lithium is also used in the treatment of bipolar disorder, and because of this, has become the inspiration for two songs, both named Lithium, by the bands Nirvana and Evanescence. When mixed with hydroxide, Lithium hydroxide is used to absorb the carbon dioxide found in space vehicles. Because it produces a bright red flame when burned, Lithium is also added to fireworks in order to produce a red spark. Unfortunately, lithium is also a key ingredient in the production of
  • 36. Nursing Case Study Delia This assignment will focus on a patient who was admitted to hospital and diagnosed with constipation. Consent was obtained from the patient to use their medical condition for the purpose of this assignment. To respect the patient s right to confidentiality as governed by The Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Practice (2015), personal details will not be discussed and for anonymity to be maintained they shall be referred to as Delia. All care given to Delia that shall be analysed, was witnessed through observation to prevent bias. Delia is a 74 year old lady, and was admitted to hospital for investigation and monitoring due to abdominal pain and reduced bowel movements. Constipation is the most common bowel management problem in older adults... Show more content on ... Something that the nurse did not consider on admission was Delia s proximity to the toilet from her allocated bed. Whether this was due to expectations of her not to pass a stool, or due to the nature of the ward and expected length of stay, it should still have possibly been considered, especially with Delia being older as she may have felt embarrassed asking for help to go to the toilet. Rogers (2012) states that constipation can often occur if patients delay the decision to open their bowels, for instance if nursing staff give them a bed pan to use behind a curtain, for fear of odour or noise causing embarrassment. They say the environment should also be assessed for lack of privacy. It may have been more appropriate to offer Delia a side room with her own toilet, especially as she declared she had made the decision to stay house bound to be near to a toilet at home. Unfortunately, constipation can sometimes be regarded as less important than other conditions (Mihaylov et al, 2008) which should not be the case, as although rarely life threatening, it can lead to discomfort and diminished quality of life (Belsey et al,
  • 37. Pros And Cons Of Devolution Lawmaker, Braulio Guerra, climbed the border between the United States and Mexico to send a message to President Donald Trump . He says that the fence that s there now is 20 feet high and is easy to climb, so he could easily get into the United States. It s going to take l 15 million dollars just to build the wall between the U.S. and Mexico. President Trump said he would make the Mexican government pay for it, which they refused. Braulio Guerra message is that the wall is unnecessary and is a waste of money . President Trump is mentioned in this article . Guerra is a member of Mexican President Enrique PeГ±a Nieto s ruling political party. I feel that we shouldn t build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. It is unnecessary and a waste of
  • 38. Homeostasis Of The Ph Levels Homeostasis of the pH levels in the body is very important to the overall survival rate of human. Secondary to the brain and heart, the arterial blood pH is one of the most critical levels that must be maintained in order to avoid serious complications including death. Four conditions that can be associated with an abnormal arterial bloodpHlevel are respiratory acidosis, respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis, and metabolic alkalosis. The body has natural compensatory mechanisms in place to regulate the arterial blood pH balance, however if they fail to regulate the pH level there are other treatment options available. Many factors can affect the acid base balance such as gender, body size, environmental temperatures, lifestyle choices, and age. The elderly is at a higher risk of acid base imbalances, especially the arterial blood pH levels. The normal pH level for arterial blood is between 7.35 7.45, which is slightly alkaline. If a pH of 7 is considered neutral, then if the pH level is greater than 7, it is more alkaline, and if it is less than 7, it is more acidic. Since the pH range for arterial blood has such as small window, it is very important for the other organs and fluids to fluctuate in their range in order to maintain homeostasis. Arterial blood pH must remain within the range of 7.35 and 7.45 to ensure that there is an adequate amount of oxygen in the blood and within the cells ( pH balance, n.d.). If the level drops under 7.35, this indicates acidosis
  • 39. Nelson Mandela Analysis The relationship that develops between Nelson Mandela and Francois Pienaar in the movie Invictus suggests how crucial of a role they play as leaders to the people of South Africa. Even though, Pienaar is white and Mandela is black, they both work towards uniting a divided nation despite their differences. Regarding Nelson Mandela, he uses his voice and presidential power to find a way in which he can unite the whites and blacks of South Africa. When he discovers that sports, particularly rugby, can be used as a method to unite the people of South Africa to cheer for one team despite how divided its people may be, it signifies how influential and wise of a leader he is to the people of South Africa. This is so inspiring for me because he found an interest that both the whites and blacks of South Africa have in common that will help bridge the gap between them despite their troubled history with each other. Some characteristics of Mandela that indicate how influential of a leader he became for the people of South Africa is because of his transparence, empathy, courtesy, and humility. Mandela served as such a vital figure as a leader in uniting South Africa through his devotion to the rugby team. He understood how influential this team was to the entire nation, and he made every effort to establish a close relationship with the team by frequently meeting and speaking with the players and attending their games. Due to his valiant efforts, he did everything he could to help inspire the team by investing so much time into their success as a leader to the point where they felt that they would have failed the entire nation had they not won the World Cup. Now, this surge of success among the rugby team was ignited by the captain of the team himself, Francois Pienaar. Francois Pienaar developed into a very crucial leader for not only the South African rugby team, but for the people of South Africa. He not only led the rugby team to success on the field, but due to his close relationship with Mandela he was able to inspire and motivate his teammates towards winning the World Cup. For Pienaar, winning the World Cup meant so much more to him than simply having the opportunity to hold up a trophy, but rather to provoke
  • 40. Theories Of Charles Darwin Theory Of Evolution Jazaneek Hughes Zoology 1st Hr Mr. Young 9 December 2017 Theory of Evolution Charles Darwin theory of evolution contains two parts. The first part Evolution Occurs meaning organisms change over time in heritable physical or behavioral traits and life on earth has changed as people change from ancestors in the past. Second part Evolution Occurs by Natural Selection natural selection is the process in which living things with beneficial traits produce more off spring than others which results in changes that allow an organism to better adapt to its environment can help it survive over time. All life on earth is connected and related to each other and diversity of life came from modifications in populations in natural selectin. Natural selection can also be described as survival of the fittest in which the fittest is the ability to survive and reproduce. Most people believe that the species were created at the same time and remained unchanged after. Darwins ideas of evolution came before scientist knew about DNA it started on his voyage in 1831 when he was 22 years old he went on a scientific trip on a ship called HMS Beagle. He was the naturalist on the trip meaning he was supposed to observe and collect particles of dirt, rocks, animals, plants, and fossils. He was interested by his the nature he spent 3 /5 years exploring nature on islands and contents. When Darwin returned he had become famous as a naturalist because a former teacher published Darwins observations.
  • 41. Reflection Of Consumer Chemistry INTRODUCTION: Nowadays, people here in this world are using science in their everyday lives. When you fry a fish, there s a science. When you wash your clothes, there s a science behind it. Everything is science. There are different branches of science. Including Biology, Botany, Zoology, and many more. But one of the most used in everyday life in the branches of science is the CHEMISTRY. It is a branch of physical science that deals with composition, structure, properties and changes of matter. Chemistry is the one who is responsible for photosynthesis (plants making food for their own). But Consumer chemistry is the one that deals with humans in our everyday lives. Consumer Chemistry is the branch of Chemistry that makes consumable products. Consumer chemistry deals with food, cosmetics, fertilizers... Show more content on ... I ve learned mny topics in Consumer Chemistry but one of the mot important lesson and the hardest (for me) is the Redox or Oxidation Reduction Reaction. Why is it the hardest topic for me? Well, at first, while our teacher was discussing this, I thought that this lesson is pretty easy because I understand all her lessons and I had no problem absorbing the lessons. Butwhen the day after comes, I was already confused on how to do the Redox. I tried to approach my classmates who are great in Consumer Chemistry. But I always forget it after that and got confused again. And I think, that s the reason I got a very low score on our summative test. After that test, I promised to myself that I will strive hard for me to get a high score on our periodical test. That s why I made this learning module, to help me and others who are having a hrd time on
  • 42. Amadeus Mozart Research Paper The Magic Flute пїјWolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born January 27, 1757 and died on December 5, 1791. He did not have a long life at all; nevertheless; he was a musical genius. He was born into a musical family and started at the mere age of three playing the keyboard. Mozart composed so many different works and genres and that is why he s well known all over the world. Although he is considered a musical genius, he started way too early. His childhood was rushed and he was forced to grow up. This led to many problem such as him having trouble managing his money and was constantly leading a life of fluctuating prosperity and poverty. Mozart composing style was essentially operatic, even though Salzburg gave him no opportunity to use his gift in ... Show more content on ... Their range was so amazing and sounded as if it required a lot of practice. I admire them for lasting the whole show with spotless vocals. You most definitely have to have an acquired taste for the style of music that they were singing, but not to appreciate it. Throughout the opera I had to constantly remind myself to keep a positive outlook on the performance; nevertheless, I developed a great reverence for opera singers by the end of the opera. The title opera was The Magic Flute and the main character Tamino had a magic flute as a prop. The prop wasn t a real flute though it was a pretend flute made out of a wooden stick. I am mentioning this because it was so impressive how every time the Tamino went to play the pretend flute the real flute player that was in the pit played along in perfect timing. It was so amazing how the musicians stayed right in time with пїјthe actors and actresses. They were right on time for every scene, song, and shuffle made by the actors! I also absolutely loved the costumes they were so cute and they stood out. Each and every costume conveyed the character s role perfectly. If the role was dark and mysterious the costumes to portrayed it
  • 43. How The Three Elements Of The Fraud Triangle Were Present... 1.Like fuel, air and heat come together to make fire, like the likelihood of fraud increases when the three elements of the fraud triangle come together. Analyze how the three elements of the fraud triangle are important and how all three elements were present in Helen s case. The three elements of the fraud triangle are Motivation or Pressure, Opportunity and Rationalization. After reading the case, it was revealed that all of the three elements are present the Helen s fraudulent activities. Motivation: This is a reason for why the fraudsters commit frauds. It provides the basis for the individual to commit the unethical act. It is found that most times greed relates to the fraud motives. The perception of a need or pressure is a key factor which caused the fraudsters to commit a fraud. In Helen s case, it was found that Helen had family problems. Her husband was a substance abuser; her children were suffering from health and behavioral issues. Helen had also unpaid medical bill. These are the factors that motivated Helen to commit a fraud. Although, Juan was aware about Helen s problems and that she needed extra money, but he did not take any control measures to prevent Helen s motivation to commit a crime. Opportunity: It is one of the elements of the fraud triangle. It may be defined as an environment of favorable condition that allows the fraud to be committed (Tessier, n.d.). In the Helen s case, it was found that she had this opportunity which helped her to