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Othello Analysis Essay examples
The tragedy of Othello, written by William Shakespeare, presents the main character Othello, as a
respectable, honorable, and dignified man, but because of his insecurities and good nature, he is
easily taken advantage of and manipulated by his peers and alleged friends. The dynamic of Othello's
character significantly changes throughout the play. The contrast is most pronounced from the
beginning of the play to its conclusion, switching from being calm and peaceful to acts of
uncontrolled venomous rage. Othello's motivation in the play appears to be his love and concern for
his wife Desdemona, which ironically, ends up being his downfall in the end. In the beginning of the
play Othello exhibits behaviors leading one to believe that more content...
The duke then sent Othello and some of his men to command a military patrol in Cyprus. Othello
takes Desdemona with him and in Cyprus he continued to be polite, respectful, and charming,
saying things like, "It gives me wonder great as my content to see you here before me" (II.i.83). He
says this to Desdemona reassuring his love and care for her.
By the middle of the play Othello's mood and demeanor seem to shift from being peaceful and
patient to very anxious, paranoid, and gullible. For example when Othello is talking to Iago and
Iago suggests that maybe his wife is not being faithful to him, it becomes Othello's obsession to get
down to the bottom of it and catch her. "I have been talking with your suitor here, a man that
languishes in your displeasure / Who is't you mean / Why, your lieutenant, Cassio. Good my lord"
(III.iii.41–43). In this dialog between Othello and Iago, with just two sentences Iago causes
Othello to lose trust in his wife and believe she is being unfaithful to him which grows stronger
and stronger each scene of the play. Because Iago is extremely cunning and manipulative, he is
able to control almost anyone he chooses and he is in control of Othello's emotions because he
knows the things Othello fears. Iago is pretending to be Othello's friend but secretively is going
behind his back and bringing him down. Iago convinces Othello that Cassio is having an affair with
Desdemona. "I humbly do beseech
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Presentation Analysis Essay examples
This memo examines the strengths and weaknesses of my presentation on March 19, 2010. In
addition, the memo discusses my goals for improvement in future presentations as well as a review
of Aly Sherali's presentation.
Presentation Strengths
My organization, voice, and passion were all strong points of my presentation. This allowed me to
effectively engage my audience and convey my content in an efficient and logical way.
Tim Koegel, author of The Exceptional Presenter, explains that there are two essential facets of
organizing a presentation: developing a structure that allows you to frame your objective and cover
your material smoothly, and looking organized to your audience (Koegel, 31–32). I structured my
slides more content...
Even if a presenter is the leading authority on a topic, being unprepared can signal the opposite to
the audience and cause them to disengage before the presentation even starts (Koegel, 45). I arrived
to the venue early, made sure my presentation was easily accessible, and checked to see if my slides
worked correctly on the computer. This allowed me to efficiently and confidently lead off my
presentation and ensure that I could capture the audience's attention.
The voice is a valuable tool to becoming an exceptional presenter (Koegel, 84). I used my voice as an
effective asset throughout my presentation. My volume was at an effective level throughout the
presentation and sounded confident. I also employed inflection in my voice on key points to
maintain audience attention. According to studies, eighty–four percent of the impact you have
comes from your voice, not your words. I was very careful to avoid monotone voice, which
significantly shortens the attention span of an audience (Koegel, 84). I also took great care to
eliminate any "verbal graffiti" as Koegel refers to it. Verbal graffiti is any non–essential "filler"
words that distract the audience and dilute your impact (Koegel, 87). I practiced my presentation
many times and was confident enough with the material that I did not fill my pauses with any filler
words. I stayed focused on my content, which helped my audience to do
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What is Google Analytics? Essay
What is Google Analytics?
Google Analytics is a free service from Google which provides a core set of statistics and analytical
tools for website administrators to perform the tasks of web analysts such as search engine
optimisation and marketing purposes. It uses an advanced technology that can gather vast amount of
data to help measure how the company's presence and online marketing is working.
This powerful software has the ability to track website metrics, like the number of visits and
visitors, number of specific pages viewed, bounce rate, and abandonment rate. One of its more
outstanding features is its ability to track certain website pages, referred to as "goal", which can
identify what visitor actions you want to more content...
In addition, visit depths and bounce rates are also analyzed by Google Analytics. Visit depths show
how many pages the user is requesting before leaving the site while bounce rates show what
percentage of users only view one page before leaving the website.
Aside from tracking goals, Google Analytics can track all different kinds of marketing initiatives
such as AdWords, other types of paid searches, social media, display advertising, email marketing,
and many other types of ad one can think of.
Google Analytics uses the Map Overlay report needed by any analyst in performing segmentation.
This involves deeper analysis into the data in order to understand how the segments or smaller
buckets of traffic are performed and ultimately impact the overall performance of the website. A
row of data shows all the values for a dimension, which is an attribute of a unique visitor or the
visits that they create like visitor's campaign name, country, browser version, speed of the ISP's
involved, average time spent, etc.
This Google service is available to anyone with a Google account. The registration process is so
easy that users do not need have their own hosting service, no need to update their DNS records
nor get on the phone to verify their identity. Google Analytics' basic setup involves the sign up
process by entering the string of code in the user's website page as well as any subsidiary pages the
user want to
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Examples Of Semiotic Analysis
1. Introduction and Background In this essay I will evaluate the various components used to
construct meaning in Figure 1 by means of a semiotic analysis. I will discuss the theory of certain
semiotic concepts and apply them to Figure 1 throughout the text. The image in Figure 1 delivers a
visual message and it is supported by illustrated text, three captions, and two logos. The knowledge
necessary to interpret the illustration is knowledge of writing and English (Barthes 1977: 153). This
analysis is applicable to an adult audience familiar with 'food'– and 'diet' ideologies, as well as
concepts of celebrity endorsement. 1.1 Context and Representation of Figure 1 The People for the
Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) were founded in 1980 more content...
The consumption of meat becomes a moral issue. If consuming meat is considered to be immoral,
then a vegetarian diet is the morally acceptable option. This logo challenges the morals of the
viewer and is used to illicit a guilty response (Bailey 2007: 44, 50). Connotatively6 this sign can
imply that, unlike animals, the reader does not have a 'heart' until he/she embraces a vegetarian diet.
This connotation contradicts the primary phrase in Figure 1; "All animals have the same parts".
Another connotation deliberately used by PETA, is the image of the blue silhouetted cow; its shape
is popularly associated with dairy and beef products within the consumer market. Through this the
reader immediately associates the symbol with food products and
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Website Analysis Essay
Website Analysis
Sometimes it seems like the computer game industry is dying, crushed to death by its own bulk.
Every year more and more gaming companies get gobbled up into huge conglomerates like
Electronic Arts, companies that mostly put out trash that is technically and visually impressive, but
devoid of concept and content. However, there are some small gaming companies that buck the
trend. While mostly just small groups of programmers and artists, some are huge unions of fans who,
irritated with the dropping quality of computer games, have decided to use the power of the internet
to get together and to produce games tailor–made to their personal preferences.
For the sake of comparison, Electronic Arts' more content...
The first level removed from EA Games is the small gaming company. Moonpod Games ( http:/
/, a company made up of a small but skilled group of game makers who
previously worked under different companies making other games (some well known, some more
obscure), is a good representative of this kind of game producer.
Just because Moonpod is a small business doesn't mean it doesn't know its web design. The site is
very well done and much more informative than even the EA site–– it has to be, since the company
doesn't have the money to make separate sites every time it comes up with a new game.
The organization of the website itself is fairly basic. A centrally–located news column makes
announcements about new features, patches, or game releases. A navigation bar on the left–hand
side allows easy access to the different parts of the website, and beautiful, eye–catching screenshots
on the right take one to a synopsis of the games from which they come (although the buttons on the
left do that as well). The contents of the center and right–hand portions change when one accesses a
part of the site specific to one of the games, changing to a synopsis of and system requirements for
the game in the center, and screenshots and related links on the right. All in all, it is a simple but
effective design.
Without the funds available to a company like EA Games, Moonpod can't use its site simply to
advertise its products. It must
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Job Evaluation Schemes Essay example
Factors/Explanation of a Job Evaluation Scheme: A job evaluation scheme is "a method to
determine the value of each job in relation to all jobs within the organization." A job evaluation
process is useful because sometimes job titles can be misleading– either unclear or unspecific– and
in large organizations it's impossible for those in HR to know each job in detail. The use of job
evaluation techniques depends on individual circumstances. Job evaluation is often used when:
establishing the relative value or size of jobs or roles, providing as objective as possible a basis for
placing jobs or roles within a grade structure, making certain that consistent decisions will be made
about grading jobs or roles, and certifying more content...
Job descriptions should, however, enable jobs to be assessed according to a common standard, and
the people responsible for the preparation of the job descriptions should be trained in the importance
of ensuring that these do not omit aspects of women's jobs nor over–emphasize those job
characteristics which are missing from jobs typically performed by women. Different job titles
should reflect differences in the work being done. Job evaluation schemes can also take the form of
analytical schemes. An analytical scheme in contrast to a non–analytical scheme has a completely
different rationale. An analytical scheme breaks a job down into different components based on
specific criteria. These criteria are awarded a points value based on a pre–determined weighted
value. They are then placed in ranking ordering. This rationale is different than the non–analytical
method because this method leaves little room for error. Analytical methods are the most effective
of the job evaluation schemes because so much time and effort is put into first breaking down the
jobs, and then deciding on a rating scale for each of the criteria. An example of an analytical scheme
is the point method. The point method focuses on breaking the jobs down into specific
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Analytical Essay
Discourses have powerful social effects and can empower some, while marginalizing others. In
the texts Lost Property and Muriel's Wedding the dominant discourse is relationship. The
audience is positioned to see Josh Tambling from Lost Property as having tough relationships as
he is the one who is expected to pull through. While Muriel Heslop from Muriel's Wedding is
portrayed as unreliable and selfish as the story is told. In the early stages of both texts it is obvious
that Josh and Muriel have different relationships, as Josh is respected and dependable while Muriel
is rejected and a failure. Josh is trustworthy towards his friends which make him respected in his
relationships. For instance, he shows his loyal and respectable more content...
Michael, Josh's older brother finally comes home, not by himself though, he ends up bringing his
girlfriend and with them their new born son. "Mum and Dad, this is Kelly," Michael says proudly,
"and this one your grandson, Stuart." (p266). On the other hand, Muriel's Wedding ends
unfortunately with Muriel's mother dying as she commits suicide from the pressure of her
depression. But not all is bad for Muriel as she returns to Sydney with her friend Rhonda, after she
is in a wheelchair from not recovering from her cancer. Although both texts end in a different way,
the audience is still positioned to see Josh and Muriel as people who have difficult relationships but
in the end rewarding. In conclusion, both Lost Property and Muriel's Wedding mobilize the
discourse of relationships. The reader is positioned to see Josh and Muriel as being pleasing people,
who would do everything for their friendships. Throughout both texts Josh and Muriel are
constructed as characters who display loyalty and respect towards their friends, supporting them
through the harsh periods in their
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Examples Of Genre Analysis
Literature review
Genre analysis, literally is to analyze a piece of genre which is "a staged,goal–oriented,purposeful
activity"in which speakers/writers engaged to express a certain meaning (Martin,1984,p.25). In other
words, people use language in various occasions, for some certain purposes, perceived to be a
meaningful and coherent whole which focus on communicative function: "language"in action or
"language in use" , can be called as a type of text or discourse. While genre analysis is treated as
discourse analysis more like a text analysis. Text is a record of communicative event while discourse
refers to the interpretation of the communicative event in context (Nunan,1993),which shows
discourse connects text with context. more content...
writer use hedges like"would,can,could etc." to tone down the manner of language: this
would...kindergarten education(Line11),especially in terms of giving the solution: It can
consider...premises(Line23).In order to facilitate constructing writer–reader relationship,rhetorical
question was used: Yet,should...will pay?(Line13). Also typical is the high frequency of using some
directives: Firstly,there should...kindergartens(Line17), which implicates the authority of this article.
Different coherence types represented in this text : At the beginning of this article there is a clear
reminder In response to...(Line 1) contributing to the logical coherence. Using of phrasal
connectives,e.g., "at the same time" and single–word connective"but" "yet" "and" all help the text
with logical coherence. But adversative coherence is not used much in this text, for the genre of this
text is to giving support to argue for the subsydise. However ,semantic coherence stands out in this
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Infographic Analysis
Now although I am a fan of superhero movies, I feel based on what we have learned that this
infographic would be an effective infographic. Because it falls with the three factors that I
referenced with the previous infographic. The superhero infographic refers to countless films, but
the holiday movie infographic compares two notable films as the top selling films since 1980.
The referenced films, which both star Jim Carrey, are How The Grinch Stole Christmas and A
Christmas Carol. Collected By: 1.The first factor that the graphic fulfills is
the appealing visuals. The color utilized by this infographic is key because of the theme of the
graphic, holiday movies. The graphic uses familiar imagery to the holidays in recognizing the
overall subject from the Christmas trees, Christmas ornaments and candy canes. The graphic color
and imagery is just as bold as the text utilized so the reader could decide what catches their eye
more. Could the color be more visual, sure, but unlike the previous graphic the more
The insight is there because the significance of holiday movies in Hollywood is mentioned. The
tutorial about infographics stated that insight is key to a good infographic, perhaps the insight could
have been more pronounced but in this case, it is established at the hub of the graphic. But the
utilized text that is featured in an infographic that is not excessive is a key for a good infographic.
3.The third factor, is the information conveyed clearly? The information is stated in the graphic and
unlike the previous graphic does not present the information in a cluttered fashion. The graphs clarity
stands out in this infographic than the superhero infographic because the information is not heavy to
fit the additional visualizations. Without good visuals, the message of the subject would not be
pronounced, it is a further selling point towards the overall
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Essay on Self-Analysis
Before taking this course my writing styles and habits were very different. I was the typical
procrastinator because I would wait until the night before a paper was due to start it. This did not
allow me enough time to properly proofread everything, which resulted in getting points deducted for
simple grammatical errors that could have been avoided if I would have had the time to proofread.
My writing styles have many strengths and weaknesses and I have been able to improve my writing
because of them. I have learned from my strengths and weaknesses how to become a better writer.
In my writing, I have many strengths, some that which I have developed through this course and
some that I already had. Before more content...
I can write a thesis that will give an overview about what main topic of the paper is and what other
elements will be addressed in the paper. From taking this course I have been able to improve
many of my weaknesses, but there are still some that I need to work on. Overall I am becoming
better at not procrastinating as much as I used to. This class has helped me to learn to take the
little steps along the way because then there will not be as much work to do towards the end.
This has also made me realize that the final product of my writing will turn out better because it
will have had more time to develop, which means that there would have been more opportunities
to proofread. I think by learning many styles of writing, such as paraphrasing, summarizing,
analyzing, and researching; it has enabled me to be able to write more broadly. By knowing how
to correctly use all of these kinds of writing styles, it will help me in the future for other classes
because I will have the knowledge that I need to write these types of papers. I still procrastinate
sometimes, but not as much as I used to. I will be able to improve on this as time goes along
because I will become more motivated by seeing the end result, which usually would be better
Overall I think that my most of my writing habits have improved and for the ones that have not I
know what they are and what I need to do to improve them. My strengths that I already had as
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Textual Analysis Examples
The two items I chose from the Speed museum were the two vases by Fulvio Bianconi and
Vicktor Emanuel as the modern pieces and the ancient Egyptian canopic jars. Upon first sight, my
first thought was that the purpose of these items is obliviously to hold and serve as containers for
other objects. Though they are different in size, it's clear they serve that same idea. Both items are
also shaped in sort of a rounded and spherical way; the edges are smoothed out and they all have a
nice organic flow to them. There is nothing geometric or jagged about any of the pieces. While
reading deeper into the description of the Egyptian jars, I found out that they were used to store the
deceased's organs during the process of mummification. These more content...
Though the vases themselves aren't geometric in shape, the design in the painting creates a bunch of
abstract squares and rectangles. The design on the other vase looks to be like a tree growing
upward. The black strokes seem to represent different size branches as those found on a tree or a
plant of some sort. Another noticeable difference is that the modern vases are European, one being
from Sweden and the other from Italy. The ancient jars, as previously stated, are Egyptian. The
sizes seem to differ between the modern and ancient containers as well. The modern vases appear
taller and leaner compared to the shorter and more rotund jars. This may be because the jars did
not have to be very tall in order to hold the organs; they were able to serve their purpose at a
smaller height and a wider circumference. The tall and slender shapes of the vases were probably
just a design or style choice the designer made to achieve his vision. The materials used to create
the pieces are worth noting as well. The vases were probably glass blown and then hand painted
while I couldn't really tell for sure what the jars were made of but it appeared to be some sort of
stone or clay. Either way, the Egyptians used organic and natural materials found in their
environment and carved and chiseled them by
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Journal Article Analysis Essay example
Journal Article Analysis tgkoontz University of Phoenix
A Week 3 assignment in the class, PHL/717 Constructing Meaning, required a philosophical analysis
of an article in the Journal of Psychology. The article investigated how the connection between
knowledge and learning influenced individuals to think about controversial everyday issues. The
analysis included identifying philosophical assumptions, explaining practical significance and
applicability, and relating assumptions and methodology to class readings.
Journal Article Analysis An article in the Journal of Psychology investigated how the connection
between knowledge and learning influenced individuals to think about controversial everyday issues. more content...
The scientific community has debated the methodology of the attainment of knowledge since
Aristotle. Social science, such as the study analyzed here, wants to develop a more engaged
relationship between knowledge and practice (Delanty & Strydom, 2003). Conceiving their study on
previous research done about the nature of knowledge and the nature of learning that influences
thinking, Schommer–Aikins and Hutter (2002) introduced an additional element of contemporary
controversial issues encountered in everyday life. Their research looked to populations outside of
academia to support their hypotheses. Generally, they were able to prove a relationship exists
between individual beliefs about knowledge and learning and the ability to demonstrate higher order
thinking. Education and critical thinking influence these beliefs (p. 16). The nature of knowledge
and learning beliefs influence thinking in everyday life.
Kuhn (1996) describes a paradigm as the accepted norm of a science. The standards, rules, and
scientific tradition one follows in a particular area of scientific study comprise the paradigm.
Research, such as the one described here, "is a cumulative enterprise, eminently successful in its
aim, the steady extension of the scope and precision of scientific knowledge" (p. 52). The study
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Beowulf Analytical Essay
"There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always
evil." – Ayn Rand. To fully understand the complex world and culture of the Anglo
–Saxons, one
must examine the only form of historical evidence available – texts. One particular great work from
this time period is often underrated and overshadowed in modern society by many other ancient
works such as Iliad or Oedipus Rex. The epic poem, Beowulf, was sung by multiple unknown
Anglo–Saxon poets four centuries before the Norman Conquest. The theme of good versus evil was
constantly reappearing throughout the storyline, the portrayal of evil and its downfall initially
shaped the poem's plot, and illustrates an alien presence; something more content...
Grendel's invasion of Herot symbolizes the destruction of peace and safety, and the imperfections
within the society. The twelve years Grendel had haunted Herot, "Herot stood empty, and stayed
deserted for years" (145–146) were also the twelve years Hrothgar and his kingdom suffered.
Nevertheless, when Beowulf finally eliminated Grendel, readers see a different side of Herot,
"Golden tapestries were lined along the walls, for a host of visitors to see and take pleasure in"
(995–996), the glory and grandeur was restored, all with the slaying of Grendel – an outcast of
society. The rigid and confined society of the Danes also shaped the way its people think and act,
but also influenced greatly on the writings. Given the fact that metaphors and kennings are common
in Old English literature; the representation of "evil" is also something not to be taken on a literal
level. "Edgetho had begun a bitter feud / Killing Hathlaf, a Wulfing warrior" (459–460), inter–tribal
feuds, therefore, are also a destroyer of peace. Grendel takes on a form that is left uncertain; its real
meaning hidden behind the metaphorical mask of a monster, is the never–ending battles between
tribal armies (namely, the Danes, Geats, Frisians, and the Swedes) that had disturbed the tranquility
people had longed for. It is almost a barrier of peacekeeping, hider of hope. Hence, it is represented
by Grendel, a great evil hated by many, whom
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Essay On Business Analytics
Application of Business Analytics
An increasing amount of businesses are exploring this new concept of analytics. In today's
tech–savvy era, the use of analytics can be seen as a necessity rather than a competitive advantage.
More companies are realizing the benefits that come with the use of analytics within the business
environment. Like anything else, there are both pros and cons that come with this approach.
However, the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Business analytics are the future of the business
world. This paper will describe a general overview of business analytics and its application to the
real world.
Definition of Business Analytics
Analytics can be a difficult term to explain. In simple terms, analytics converts more
It is through these three types of analytics, that business analytics can be distinguished from just
being the plain process of analytics. These three types of analytics help make this process useful in
the business environment. It requires "a clear relevancy to business, a resulting insight that will be
implementable, and performance and value measurement to ensure a successful result." Business
analytics includes a combination of all three types to generate new information used for business
organization decision–making. Descriptive analytics basically gives you a general idea of the data
you are looking at. Predictive analytics takes the next step and predicts what is likely to happen next.
Finally, prescriptive analytics figures out what is the best course of action. All three of these types of
analytics can be very useful when used in combination with one another. Business analytics can be
instrumental to a business' success when implemented properly. (Schniederjans et al., 2014).
Pros and Cons
The benefits in relation to business analytics far outweigh the negatives within any business. Despite
this, however, there still are drawbacks related to business analytics. The three major issues relating
to business analytics are ease of use, speed, and scalability. These three factors are the main priority
executives are looking for when it comes to data analytics in the business environment.
Unfortunately, many executives feel as if they are not
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Example Of A Analytical Essay

  • 1. Othello Analysis Essay examples The tragedy of Othello, written by William Shakespeare, presents the main character Othello, as a respectable, honorable, and dignified man, but because of his insecurities and good nature, he is easily taken advantage of and manipulated by his peers and alleged friends. The dynamic of Othello's character significantly changes throughout the play. The contrast is most pronounced from the beginning of the play to its conclusion, switching from being calm and peaceful to acts of uncontrolled venomous rage. Othello's motivation in the play appears to be his love and concern for his wife Desdemona, which ironically, ends up being his downfall in the end. In the beginning of the play Othello exhibits behaviors leading one to believe that more content... The duke then sent Othello and some of his men to command a military patrol in Cyprus. Othello takes Desdemona with him and in Cyprus he continued to be polite, respectful, and charming, saying things like, "It gives me wonder great as my content to see you here before me" (II.i.83). He says this to Desdemona reassuring his love and care for her. By the middle of the play Othello's mood and demeanor seem to shift from being peaceful and patient to very anxious, paranoid, and gullible. For example when Othello is talking to Iago and Iago suggests that maybe his wife is not being faithful to him, it becomes Othello's obsession to get down to the bottom of it and catch her. "I have been talking with your suitor here, a man that languishes in your displeasure / Who is't you mean / Why, your lieutenant, Cassio. Good my lord" (III.iii.41–43). In this dialog between Othello and Iago, with just two sentences Iago causes Othello to lose trust in his wife and believe she is being unfaithful to him which grows stronger and stronger each scene of the play. Because Iago is extremely cunning and manipulative, he is able to control almost anyone he chooses and he is in control of Othello's emotions because he knows the things Othello fears. Iago is pretending to be Othello's friend but secretively is going behind his back and bringing him down. Iago convinces Othello that Cassio is having an affair with Desdemona. "I humbly do beseech Get more content on
  • 2. Presentation Analysis Essay examples This memo examines the strengths and weaknesses of my presentation on March 19, 2010. In addition, the memo discusses my goals for improvement in future presentations as well as a review of Aly Sherali's presentation. Presentation Strengths My organization, voice, and passion were all strong points of my presentation. This allowed me to effectively engage my audience and convey my content in an efficient and logical way. Organization Tim Koegel, author of The Exceptional Presenter, explains that there are two essential facets of organizing a presentation: developing a structure that allows you to frame your objective and cover your material smoothly, and looking organized to your audience (Koegel, 31–32). I structured my slides more content... Even if a presenter is the leading authority on a topic, being unprepared can signal the opposite to the audience and cause them to disengage before the presentation even starts (Koegel, 45). I arrived to the venue early, made sure my presentation was easily accessible, and checked to see if my slides worked correctly on the computer. This allowed me to efficiently and confidently lead off my presentation and ensure that I could capture the audience's attention. Voice The voice is a valuable tool to becoming an exceptional presenter (Koegel, 84). I used my voice as an effective asset throughout my presentation. My volume was at an effective level throughout the presentation and sounded confident. I also employed inflection in my voice on key points to maintain audience attention. According to studies, eighty–four percent of the impact you have comes from your voice, not your words. I was very careful to avoid monotone voice, which significantly shortens the attention span of an audience (Koegel, 84). I also took great care to eliminate any "verbal graffiti" as Koegel refers to it. Verbal graffiti is any non–essential "filler" words that distract the audience and dilute your impact (Koegel, 87). I practiced my presentation many times and was confident enough with the material that I did not fill my pauses with any filler words. I stayed focused on my content, which helped my audience to do Get more content on
  • 3. What is Google Analytics? Essay What is Google Analytics? Google Analytics is a free service from Google which provides a core set of statistics and analytical tools for website administrators to perform the tasks of web analysts such as search engine optimisation and marketing purposes. It uses an advanced technology that can gather vast amount of data to help measure how the company's presence and online marketing is working. This powerful software has the ability to track website metrics, like the number of visits and visitors, number of specific pages viewed, bounce rate, and abandonment rate. One of its more outstanding features is its ability to track certain website pages, referred to as "goal", which can identify what visitor actions you want to more content... In addition, visit depths and bounce rates are also analyzed by Google Analytics. Visit depths show how many pages the user is requesting before leaving the site while bounce rates show what percentage of users only view one page before leaving the website. Aside from tracking goals, Google Analytics can track all different kinds of marketing initiatives such as AdWords, other types of paid searches, social media, display advertising, email marketing, and many other types of ad one can think of. Google Analytics uses the Map Overlay report needed by any analyst in performing segmentation. This involves deeper analysis into the data in order to understand how the segments or smaller buckets of traffic are performed and ultimately impact the overall performance of the website. A row of data shows all the values for a dimension, which is an attribute of a unique visitor or the visits that they create like visitor's campaign name, country, browser version, speed of the ISP's involved, average time spent, etc. This Google service is available to anyone with a Google account. The registration process is so easy that users do not need have their own hosting service, no need to update their DNS records nor get on the phone to verify their identity. Google Analytics' basic setup involves the sign up process by entering the string of code in the user's website page as well as any subsidiary pages the user want to Get more content on
  • 4. Examples Of Semiotic Analysis 1. Introduction and Background In this essay I will evaluate the various components used to construct meaning in Figure 1 by means of a semiotic analysis. I will discuss the theory of certain semiotic concepts and apply them to Figure 1 throughout the text. The image in Figure 1 delivers a visual message and it is supported by illustrated text, three captions, and two logos. The knowledge necessary to interpret the illustration is knowledge of writing and English (Barthes 1977: 153). This analysis is applicable to an adult audience familiar with 'food'– and 'diet' ideologies, as well as concepts of celebrity endorsement. 1.1 Context and Representation of Figure 1 The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) were founded in 1980 more content... The consumption of meat becomes a moral issue. If consuming meat is considered to be immoral, then a vegetarian diet is the morally acceptable option. This logo challenges the morals of the viewer and is used to illicit a guilty response (Bailey 2007: 44, 50). Connotatively6 this sign can imply that, unlike animals, the reader does not have a 'heart' until he/she embraces a vegetarian diet. This connotation contradicts the primary phrase in Figure 1; "All animals have the same parts". Another connotation deliberately used by PETA, is the image of the blue silhouetted cow; its shape is popularly associated with dairy and beef products within the consumer market. Through this the reader immediately associates the symbol with food products and Get more content on
  • 5. Website Analysis Essay Website Analysis Sometimes it seems like the computer game industry is dying, crushed to death by its own bulk. Every year more and more gaming companies get gobbled up into huge conglomerates like Electronic Arts, companies that mostly put out trash that is technically and visually impressive, but devoid of concept and content. However, there are some small gaming companies that buck the trend. While mostly just small groups of programmers and artists, some are huge unions of fans who, irritated with the dropping quality of computer games, have decided to use the power of the internet to get together and to produce games tailor–made to their personal preferences. For the sake of comparison, Electronic Arts' more content... The first level removed from EA Games is the small gaming company. Moonpod Games ( http:/ /, a company made up of a small but skilled group of game makers who previously worked under different companies making other games (some well known, some more obscure), is a good representative of this kind of game producer. Just because Moonpod is a small business doesn't mean it doesn't know its web design. The site is very well done and much more informative than even the EA site–– it has to be, since the company doesn't have the money to make separate sites every time it comes up with a new game. The organization of the website itself is fairly basic. A centrally–located news column makes announcements about new features, patches, or game releases. A navigation bar on the left–hand side allows easy access to the different parts of the website, and beautiful, eye–catching screenshots on the right take one to a synopsis of the games from which they come (although the buttons on the left do that as well). The contents of the center and right–hand portions change when one accesses a part of the site specific to one of the games, changing to a synopsis of and system requirements for the game in the center, and screenshots and related links on the right. All in all, it is a simple but effective design. Without the funds available to a company like EA Games, Moonpod can't use its site simply to advertise its products. It must Get more content on
  • 6. Job Evaluation Schemes Essay example Factors/Explanation of a Job Evaluation Scheme: A job evaluation scheme is "a method to determine the value of each job in relation to all jobs within the organization." A job evaluation process is useful because sometimes job titles can be misleading– either unclear or unspecific– and in large organizations it's impossible for those in HR to know each job in detail. The use of job evaluation techniques depends on individual circumstances. Job evaluation is often used when: establishing the relative value or size of jobs or roles, providing as objective as possible a basis for placing jobs or roles within a grade structure, making certain that consistent decisions will be made about grading jobs or roles, and certifying more content... Job descriptions should, however, enable jobs to be assessed according to a common standard, and the people responsible for the preparation of the job descriptions should be trained in the importance of ensuring that these do not omit aspects of women's jobs nor over–emphasize those job characteristics which are missing from jobs typically performed by women. Different job titles should reflect differences in the work being done. Job evaluation schemes can also take the form of analytical schemes. An analytical scheme in contrast to a non–analytical scheme has a completely different rationale. An analytical scheme breaks a job down into different components based on specific criteria. These criteria are awarded a points value based on a pre–determined weighted value. They are then placed in ranking ordering. This rationale is different than the non–analytical method because this method leaves little room for error. Analytical methods are the most effective of the job evaluation schemes because so much time and effort is put into first breaking down the jobs, and then deciding on a rating scale for each of the criteria. An example of an analytical scheme is the point method. The point method focuses on breaking the jobs down into specific Get more content on
  • 7. Analytical Essay Discourses have powerful social effects and can empower some, while marginalizing others. In the texts Lost Property and Muriel's Wedding the dominant discourse is relationship. The audience is positioned to see Josh Tambling from Lost Property as having tough relationships as he is the one who is expected to pull through. While Muriel Heslop from Muriel's Wedding is portrayed as unreliable and selfish as the story is told. In the early stages of both texts it is obvious that Josh and Muriel have different relationships, as Josh is respected and dependable while Muriel is rejected and a failure. Josh is trustworthy towards his friends which make him respected in his relationships. For instance, he shows his loyal and respectable more content... Michael, Josh's older brother finally comes home, not by himself though, he ends up bringing his girlfriend and with them their new born son. "Mum and Dad, this is Kelly," Michael says proudly, "and this one your grandson, Stuart." (p266). On the other hand, Muriel's Wedding ends unfortunately with Muriel's mother dying as she commits suicide from the pressure of her depression. But not all is bad for Muriel as she returns to Sydney with her friend Rhonda, after she is in a wheelchair from not recovering from her cancer. Although both texts end in a different way, the audience is still positioned to see Josh and Muriel as people who have difficult relationships but in the end rewarding. In conclusion, both Lost Property and Muriel's Wedding mobilize the discourse of relationships. The reader is positioned to see Josh and Muriel as being pleasing people, who would do everything for their friendships. Throughout both texts Josh and Muriel are constructed as characters who display loyalty and respect towards their friends, supporting them through the harsh periods in their Get more content on
  • 8. Examples Of Genre Analysis Literature review Genre analysis, literally is to analyze a piece of genre which is "a staged,goal–oriented,purposeful activity"in which speakers/writers engaged to express a certain meaning (Martin,1984,p.25). In other words, people use language in various occasions, for some certain purposes, perceived to be a meaningful and coherent whole which focus on communicative function: "language"in action or "language in use" , can be called as a type of text or discourse. While genre analysis is treated as discourse analysis more like a text analysis. Text is a record of communicative event while discourse refers to the interpretation of the communicative event in context (Nunan,1993),which shows discourse connects text with context. more content... writer use hedges like"would,can,could etc." to tone down the manner of language: this would...kindergarten education(Line11),especially in terms of giving the solution: It can consider...premises(Line23).In order to facilitate constructing writer–reader relationship,rhetorical question was used: Yet,should...will pay?(Line13). Also typical is the high frequency of using some directives: Firstly,there should...kindergartens(Line17), which implicates the authority of this article. Different coherence types represented in this text : At the beginning of this article there is a clear reminder In response to...(Line 1) contributing to the logical coherence. Using of phrasal connectives,e.g., "at the same time" and single–word connective"but" "yet" "and" all help the text with logical coherence. But adversative coherence is not used much in this text, for the genre of this text is to giving support to argue for the subsydise. However ,semantic coherence stands out in this Get more content on
  • 9. Infographic Analysis Now although I am a fan of superhero movies, I feel based on what we have learned that this infographic would be an effective infographic. Because it falls with the three factors that I referenced with the previous infographic. The superhero infographic refers to countless films, but the holiday movie infographic compares two notable films as the top selling films since 1980. The referenced films, which both star Jim Carrey, are How The Grinch Stole Christmas and A Christmas Carol. Collected By: 1.The first factor that the graphic fulfills is the appealing visuals. The color utilized by this infographic is key because of the theme of the graphic, holiday movies. The graphic uses familiar imagery to the holidays in recognizing the overall subject from the Christmas trees, Christmas ornaments and candy canes. The graphic color and imagery is just as bold as the text utilized so the reader could decide what catches their eye more. Could the color be more visual, sure, but unlike the previous graphic the more content... The insight is there because the significance of holiday movies in Hollywood is mentioned. The tutorial about infographics stated that insight is key to a good infographic, perhaps the insight could have been more pronounced but in this case, it is established at the hub of the graphic. But the utilized text that is featured in an infographic that is not excessive is a key for a good infographic. 3.The third factor, is the information conveyed clearly? The information is stated in the graphic and unlike the previous graphic does not present the information in a cluttered fashion. The graphs clarity stands out in this infographic than the superhero infographic because the information is not heavy to fit the additional visualizations. Without good visuals, the message of the subject would not be pronounced, it is a further selling point towards the overall Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Self-Analysis Self–Analysis Before taking this course my writing styles and habits were very different. I was the typical procrastinator because I would wait until the night before a paper was due to start it. This did not allow me enough time to properly proofread everything, which resulted in getting points deducted for simple grammatical errors that could have been avoided if I would have had the time to proofread. My writing styles have many strengths and weaknesses and I have been able to improve my writing because of them. I have learned from my strengths and weaknesses how to become a better writer. In my writing, I have many strengths, some that which I have developed through this course and some that I already had. Before more content... I can write a thesis that will give an overview about what main topic of the paper is and what other elements will be addressed in the paper. From taking this course I have been able to improve many of my weaknesses, but there are still some that I need to work on. Overall I am becoming better at not procrastinating as much as I used to. This class has helped me to learn to take the little steps along the way because then there will not be as much work to do towards the end. This has also made me realize that the final product of my writing will turn out better because it will have had more time to develop, which means that there would have been more opportunities to proofread. I think by learning many styles of writing, such as paraphrasing, summarizing, analyzing, and researching; it has enabled me to be able to write more broadly. By knowing how to correctly use all of these kinds of writing styles, it will help me in the future for other classes because I will have the knowledge that I need to write these types of papers. I still procrastinate sometimes, but not as much as I used to. I will be able to improve on this as time goes along because I will become more motivated by seeing the end result, which usually would be better grades. Overall I think that my most of my writing habits have improved and for the ones that have not I know what they are and what I need to do to improve them. My strengths that I already had as Get more content on
  • 11. Textual Analysis Examples The two items I chose from the Speed museum were the two vases by Fulvio Bianconi and Vicktor Emanuel as the modern pieces and the ancient Egyptian canopic jars. Upon first sight, my first thought was that the purpose of these items is obliviously to hold and serve as containers for other objects. Though they are different in size, it's clear they serve that same idea. Both items are also shaped in sort of a rounded and spherical way; the edges are smoothed out and they all have a nice organic flow to them. There is nothing geometric or jagged about any of the pieces. While reading deeper into the description of the Egyptian jars, I found out that they were used to store the deceased's organs during the process of mummification. These more content... Though the vases themselves aren't geometric in shape, the design in the painting creates a bunch of abstract squares and rectangles. The design on the other vase looks to be like a tree growing upward. The black strokes seem to represent different size branches as those found on a tree or a plant of some sort. Another noticeable difference is that the modern vases are European, one being from Sweden and the other from Italy. The ancient jars, as previously stated, are Egyptian. The sizes seem to differ between the modern and ancient containers as well. The modern vases appear taller and leaner compared to the shorter and more rotund jars. This may be because the jars did not have to be very tall in order to hold the organs; they were able to serve their purpose at a smaller height and a wider circumference. The tall and slender shapes of the vases were probably just a design or style choice the designer made to achieve his vision. The materials used to create the pieces are worth noting as well. The vases were probably glass blown and then hand painted while I couldn't really tell for sure what the jars were made of but it appeared to be some sort of stone or clay. Either way, the Egyptians used organic and natural materials found in their environment and carved and chiseled them by Get more content on
  • 12. Journal Article Analysis Essay example Journal Article Analysis tgkoontz University of Phoenix Abstract A Week 3 assignment in the class, PHL/717 Constructing Meaning, required a philosophical analysis of an article in the Journal of Psychology. The article investigated how the connection between knowledge and learning influenced individuals to think about controversial everyday issues. The analysis included identifying philosophical assumptions, explaining practical significance and applicability, and relating assumptions and methodology to class readings. Journal Article Analysis An article in the Journal of Psychology investigated how the connection between knowledge and learning influenced individuals to think about controversial everyday issues. more content... The scientific community has debated the methodology of the attainment of knowledge since Aristotle. Social science, such as the study analyzed here, wants to develop a more engaged relationship between knowledge and practice (Delanty & Strydom, 2003). Conceiving their study on previous research done about the nature of knowledge and the nature of learning that influences thinking, Schommer–Aikins and Hutter (2002) introduced an additional element of contemporary controversial issues encountered in everyday life. Their research looked to populations outside of academia to support their hypotheses. Generally, they were able to prove a relationship exists between individual beliefs about knowledge and learning and the ability to demonstrate higher order thinking. Education and critical thinking influence these beliefs (p. 16). The nature of knowledge and learning beliefs influence thinking in everyday life. Methodology Kuhn (1996) describes a paradigm as the accepted norm of a science. The standards, rules, and scientific tradition one follows in a particular area of scientific study comprise the paradigm. Research, such as the one described here, "is a cumulative enterprise, eminently successful in its aim, the steady extension of the scope and precision of scientific knowledge" (p. 52). The study provided Get more content on
  • 13. Beowulf Analytical Essay "There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil." – Ayn Rand. To fully understand the complex world and culture of the Anglo –Saxons, one must examine the only form of historical evidence available – texts. One particular great work from this time period is often underrated and overshadowed in modern society by many other ancient works such as Iliad or Oedipus Rex. The epic poem, Beowulf, was sung by multiple unknown Anglo–Saxon poets four centuries before the Norman Conquest. The theme of good versus evil was constantly reappearing throughout the storyline, the portrayal of evil and its downfall initially shaped the poem's plot, and illustrates an alien presence; something more content... Grendel's invasion of Herot symbolizes the destruction of peace and safety, and the imperfections within the society. The twelve years Grendel had haunted Herot, "Herot stood empty, and stayed deserted for years" (145–146) were also the twelve years Hrothgar and his kingdom suffered. Nevertheless, when Beowulf finally eliminated Grendel, readers see a different side of Herot, "Golden tapestries were lined along the walls, for a host of visitors to see and take pleasure in" (995–996), the glory and grandeur was restored, all with the slaying of Grendel – an outcast of society. The rigid and confined society of the Danes also shaped the way its people think and act, but also influenced greatly on the writings. Given the fact that metaphors and kennings are common in Old English literature; the representation of "evil" is also something not to be taken on a literal level. "Edgetho had begun a bitter feud / Killing Hathlaf, a Wulfing warrior" (459–460), inter–tribal feuds, therefore, are also a destroyer of peace. Grendel takes on a form that is left uncertain; its real meaning hidden behind the metaphorical mask of a monster, is the never–ending battles between tribal armies (namely, the Danes, Geats, Frisians, and the Swedes) that had disturbed the tranquility people had longed for. It is almost a barrier of peacekeeping, hider of hope. Hence, it is represented by Grendel, a great evil hated by many, whom Get more content on
  • 14. Essay On Business Analytics Application of Business Analytics An increasing amount of businesses are exploring this new concept of analytics. In today's tech–savvy era, the use of analytics can be seen as a necessity rather than a competitive advantage. More companies are realizing the benefits that come with the use of analytics within the business environment. Like anything else, there are both pros and cons that come with this approach. However, the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Business analytics are the future of the business world. This paper will describe a general overview of business analytics and its application to the real world. Definition of Business Analytics Analytics can be a difficult term to explain. In simple terms, analytics converts more content... It is through these three types of analytics, that business analytics can be distinguished from just being the plain process of analytics. These three types of analytics help make this process useful in the business environment. It requires "a clear relevancy to business, a resulting insight that will be implementable, and performance and value measurement to ensure a successful result." Business analytics includes a combination of all three types to generate new information used for business organization decision–making. Descriptive analytics basically gives you a general idea of the data you are looking at. Predictive analytics takes the next step and predicts what is likely to happen next. Finally, prescriptive analytics figures out what is the best course of action. All three of these types of analytics can be very useful when used in combination with one another. Business analytics can be instrumental to a business' success when implemented properly. (Schniederjans et al., 2014). Pros and Cons The benefits in relation to business analytics far outweigh the negatives within any business. Despite this, however, there still are drawbacks related to business analytics. The three major issues relating to business analytics are ease of use, speed, and scalability. These three factors are the main priority executives are looking for when it comes to data analytics in the business environment. Unfortunately, many executives feel as if they are not Get more content on