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Essay on Compare and Contrast
Regina Brown
Mrs. Joarder
Eng. 100
April 5, 2013
Cleaning with Barry and Britt
The act of being habitually and carefully neat and clean can make for an interesting topic in a
comparison and contrast essay. Dave Barry compares the differences of how women and men clean
in his compare and contrast essay, Batting Clean– Up and Striking out. In Suzanne Britt's compare
and contrast essay, Neat People vs. Sloppy People she compares the differences of personalities
between Sloppy people and neat people. Both essays compare cleanliness in one way or another
however they both have differences regarding their use of humor, examples, and points made in their
Batting Clean–Up and Striking out and Neat People vs. Sloppy People both more
The way Barry and Britt support their points in their compare and contrast essays differ. In Batting
Clean–Up and Striking Out, Barry uses lots of personal stories and factual happenings to explain his
opinions. For example, to explain how men are worse at cleaning Barry specifically refers to a
volcano eruption that happened in Pompei because the men, who were in control of the cleaning,
did not notice ashes piling up around and in their houses. In addition, when describing how men
are better with sports than woman he refers to a personal story; specifically a story about a dinner
party that he attended where the men were glued to the World Series and the women were still
chatting amongst themselves. These forms of examples are personal stories that offer validity. On
the other hand, in Britt's Neat people vs. Sloppy people she uses more dreamt up incidences to
explain her opinions. For example when explaining how neat people are "viscous with their mail"
she explains, " All ads, catalogs, pleas for charitable contributions, church bulletins, and
money–saving coupons go straight into the trash can without being opened...No sentimental
salvaging of birthday cards or the last letter a dying relative ever wrote. Into the trash it goes" (256).
As seen in this example, Britt uses lots of lists and possible incidents that could exist to support her
points, but do these incidences
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Compare And Contrast Tone
Comparing and contrasting the two songs "Pretty hurts" by BeyoncГ© and "Beautiful" by Christina
Aguilera has its similarities and differences, along with different perspectives of the audiences. With
different tones, moods, and purposes these songs have a huge impact on society for defining the
word "Beauty." In both songs they target two different audiences. One audience has difficult with
insecurities (Pretty Hurts) while the other audience doesn't believe they are beautiful (Beautiful).
The purpose in both songs have the same meaning they both want young ladies or males to feel
better about themselves and not allowing anyone to judge them. They also should try and stop
changing their appearance to impress society. The tone of the song
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Compare and Contrast Essay
Compare and Contrast Essay By definition; love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for
another person. Love can be interrupted in many ways. Were we ever taught love or is it just a
natural feeling towards a person? Some say you'll know the meaning of love when you fall in love,
yet some don't believe in love at all.
The sculpture "LOVE" created by Robert Indiana and the sculpture "The Kiss" made by Auguste
Rodin both share some of the same meanings behind the art work (Indianapolis Museum of Art)
(Rodin's The Kiss Sculpture). A major similarity between the two is love; which attracts and speaks
to people all around the world. Although they are spoken in different ways, they both have the idea
of making love. Whether it more content...
This piece is also an abstract form of art and more modern the color is red and has a feeling of
happiness and joy and you have the urge to feel love just by seeing it so large and up front.
"LOVE" has always been placed out in the open demanding attention from a lot of people to see.
"The Kiss" is more of a classic form of art and has been placed in more private areas. Although it has
a distressing grey color "The Kiss" has more depth; the feeling of intimacy is strong and makes a
There are both similarities and differences in "The Kiss" and "LOVE". The emotion and meaning
behind both are incredible, it shows and understands the meanings of love, lust, joy, and intimacy.
Love can either be spelt out or expressed by action and is what both pieces show. Love can be
interrupted in many ways, but there always has to be a kiss in love.
Works Cited
1.) "Love | Indianapolis Museum of Art." Love | Indianapolis Museum of Art. N.p., n.d. Web. 05
Nov. 2012. <–robert–indiana>. 2.)
Mr. Peterson. "Kiss vs Love." Scottsdale. 8 Oct. 1012. Lecture. 3.) "Rodin's The Kiss Sculpture."
Rodin's The Kiss Sculpture. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2012.
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Compare And Contrast
In the poems ВЁCasey at the BatВЁ and the story ВЁDavid and GoliathВЁ, Casey and David
have very distinct similarities and differences. The first similarity is that both David and Casey
like to win. From line 47 in the story ВЁDavid and GoliathВЁ and on line 23 for the story
ВЁCasey at the batВЁ.Both of them were extremely confident they would win at the fight/game,
David was confident because he knew he had God on his side because God helped him before,
and Casey was confident because he had pride and all the parents cheered for him. Another
reason why David and Casey are similar are because both of them are brave. On line 7 and 8 in the
story ВЁCasey at the badВЁ and on line 40 for ВЁDavid and the Goliath.ВЁBoth of them were their
only hope to win the
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Compare and Contrast
Compare and Contrast Economic Market Systems In differentiating between market structures one
has to compare and contrast public goods, private goods, common resources, and natural
monopolies. All of these are major factors that need to be considered. Public goods are those goods
in which all of society benefit from and are equally shared among everyone within. These types of
goods can be consumed simultaneously by several individuals without diminishing the value of
consumption to any individual. The act of public goods being consumed by several individuals and
not allow its value to diminish is known as non–rivalry. When shown graphically, non–rivalry shows
that when each of the individuals within society shows a demand for a more content...
Its also not just about the past it is also about looking towards a positive future. In person–centred
therapy there are three core prinables whice are empathy, unconditanal positive regards and
congruence. Psychodynamic therapy takes as its roots the work of Freud (who most have heard
of) melanie klien (who developed the work with children) and Jung (who was a pupil of Freud yet
broke away to devolope his own theories)* In psychodynamic therapy the thory belives that our past
effects our present it works on the assumption that all of us have a suc–consious mind so things that
have happened in our past that creates feelings that we are uncomfortable with and find to painful to
feel so without our awareness we as human beings put in our own defence mecamisam so we
sub–consiously denie these feelings, this thory belivs that these defences have gone wrong and are
causing the client more harm then good during therapy we can identifie these true feeling and
investigate them to see them for what they really are and then they become less painful to deal
with. Transference is a big part of pyscodynamic theories. When we first meet somebody we can
usally decide sub–consiously if we are going to see that person again and continue a relationship
with them. Most people we meet in
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Compare and Contrast
The Compare/ Contrast Essay First, let's explain compare and contrast: When we compare, we
show our readers a subject's similarities. When we contrast, we show our readers a subject's
differences. Compare and Contrast essays are learning–process essays. You learn about your subject
as you gather and organize information. This type of essay takes a bit of organization, and it's this
organizational process, this gathering of facts, that helps you learn as you go. You will create lists
of qualities or traits that each of your subjects has, and as you do this, you will discover insights to
your subject that, at first glance, you may not have realized were there. It's like buying a new shirt.
The moment you spread it out on your bed, more content...
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Outline Form for Compare Contrast Essays Thesis Statement
__________________________________________________ Quality #1 for paragraph #2 Specific
_______________________________________________________ Comparative/Contrasting
Qualities for paragraph #2 Specific
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Basketball vs. Soccer Essay
Comparison and Contrast Essay Basketball and soccer are two of the most played and enjoyable
sports in the world. They both have professional leagues that attract millions of audience. People
can watch both of them on television, but also play them for recreation and health. Basketball
and soccer games are interesting, good for the body, and healthy, but they are also different in
many ways. In both Soccer and Basketball the game is played with teams. Soccer has eleven
players on the field at one for each team, whereas in basketball you only have five on the court for
each team. (1) There are only five positions for a basketball games that includes two guards, two
forwards, and one center.(1) On the other hand, soccer has more content...
Another aspect between these two sports is equipment. The first difference is the field these two
sports play in. Soccer is played on a natural or artificial grass that is 120 yards long and 80 yards
wide. (1) Basketball is played on a wooden floor 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. (1) These two
sports are played with a ball; however, the ball is different in each sport. Soccer regularly uses a
thickly padded, smooth leather ball with black and white spots on it; basketball typically uses an
orange leather ball. (2) Soccer and basketball require different equipment for athletes to compete.
These two sports are similar in many ways. People love basketball and soccer because it contains
competitiveness. Both of these sports motivate people to stay healthy and fit. (2) Also both
sports have one objective and that is to score more points than the opposing team to win games.
(1)Every league has playoffs for the best teams to compete against each other. Competing in the
playoffs will show the best team and the best team is rewarded with a championship trophy. In
conclusion, soccer and basketball are good sports to play. Some might say basketball is only for
tall people; however people of all heights can enjoy it if they put in the extra effort in any sport.
Also some might say soccer leads to many injuries; nevertheless our technology is so advanced that
it can help
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Compare and Contrast Essay
Dogs and Cats
Compare and Contrast Essay
Marielena Mendoza
ENG 121 English Compositions I
Instructor: Michael Gavino
November 7, 2011
Dogs and Cats
A study done by The American Animal Hospital Association say; that if people were stranded on a
desert island, they would prefer the company of their pet. Dogs and cats play a huge role in our
lives, weather it's a family pet or a human service pet. They have made their way into our homes
and our hearts with their quirky and fun loving personalities. Dogs and cats have been around for
thousands of years providing our ancestors with love more content...
They are messy, clumsy and will poop where ever nature calls if they are left in the house too long.
Dogs claim their territory by urinating on everything; it's a good thing they are trainable. They will
chew on just about anything that fits in their mouth; it takes love and patience to raise a dog. But on a
good note some dogs learn to fetch your slippers when ask for them. The dog is not known for
being independent because they can not be left alone for long periods of time. They require
walking and being let out to relieve themselves a few times a day. When alone they seem sad and
do not play with their toys; unless they are chewing on something. Their lack of complexity allows
the dog to enjoy the out doors like running, pick–nicks, car rides and swimming. They are not moody
and are ready for anything. Dogs on top of being potty trained and fetching slippers they can be
trained to have human service jobs such as; police, military, fire department, rescue force, Seeing
Eye dog, explosive and drug dogs. Dogs have evolved from being wild and harming us to being our
protectors and now aid us and rescue us.
People and cats have certainly had a chequered relationship. Revered by ancient Egyptians then
reviled in the middle ages as witches' familiars, cats until recently had occupied a cozy, if often
unnoticed place in our households, (Gaille Perry, Urban Animal Management Conference
Proceedings 1999). Cats from early history were originally
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Compare and Contrast Essay
Compare and Contrast
"Young Goodman Brown" and "The Lottery"
By: Melissa A. Reeves
Professor Andrew Smith
ENGL 102–B46 LUO
Thesis Statement
The stories "The Lottery" and "Young Goodman Brown" both appear to show that human behavior
and judgment can be flawed, even if the person's intentions appear good to them. There is a level of
fear and underlying evil in Puritan settings in both stories.
I. Introduction/Statement of Thesis
II. Themes and Author's Purpose A. The Lottery i. Just because something has always been done,
does not make it right or just; following the crowd can be dangerously wrong and evil. ii. The author
shows through symbolism and storytelling that people can be easily more content...
The theme of the story "The Lottery" is blind acceptance of something just because it is considered
tradition. In Jackson's "The Lottery", symbols are utilized to help show the theme. The name of the
story, "The Lottery", itself is a symbol. The term lottery can be viewed, by most, as a good thing, a
hope in winning, but winning the lottery takes on a very different, very dark meaning in
Jackson's story. Also, the names of the characters are symbols as well. For example, Graves is a
name that would portray death and Summers is a bright and cheerful name. Also, the name Old
Man Warner would show tradition. Next, is the use of the black box and the black dot on the
paper. The color black is showing darkness, evil, and death. The tradition of the black box is a
symbol, in the fact that it is worn and faded, but still used by the villagers. Shirley Jackson
conveys the theme very clearly through the use of symbols. In the end, the villagers are shown to
be evil and murderous just because of tradition. The villagers do not seem to have a problem with
murdering others within the lottery because it is what they have always done and no one is going to
declare that what they are doing is wrong. This shows the reader that following blindly can have
dangerous consequences. The theme of "Young BrownGoodman" is that the main character is
basing his beliefs and faith on what others in his life believe or have faith in. The theme of "Young
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Good Topic For Compare And Contrast Essay

  • 1. Essay on Compare and Contrast Regina Brown Mrs. Joarder Eng. 100 April 5, 2013 Cleaning with Barry and Britt The act of being habitually and carefully neat and clean can make for an interesting topic in a comparison and contrast essay. Dave Barry compares the differences of how women and men clean in his compare and contrast essay, Batting Clean– Up and Striking out. In Suzanne Britt's compare and contrast essay, Neat People vs. Sloppy People she compares the differences of personalities between Sloppy people and neat people. Both essays compare cleanliness in one way or another however they both have differences regarding their use of humor, examples, and points made in their thesis. Batting Clean–Up and Striking out and Neat People vs. Sloppy People both more content... The way Barry and Britt support their points in their compare and contrast essays differ. In Batting Clean–Up and Striking Out, Barry uses lots of personal stories and factual happenings to explain his opinions. For example, to explain how men are worse at cleaning Barry specifically refers to a volcano eruption that happened in Pompei because the men, who were in control of the cleaning, did not notice ashes piling up around and in their houses. In addition, when describing how men are better with sports than woman he refers to a personal story; specifically a story about a dinner party that he attended where the men were glued to the World Series and the women were still chatting amongst themselves. These forms of examples are personal stories that offer validity. On the other hand, in Britt's Neat people vs. Sloppy people she uses more dreamt up incidences to explain her opinions. For example when explaining how neat people are "viscous with their mail" she explains, " All ads, catalogs, pleas for charitable contributions, church bulletins, and money–saving coupons go straight into the trash can without being opened...No sentimental salvaging of birthday cards or the last letter a dying relative ever wrote. Into the trash it goes" (256). As seen in this example, Britt uses lots of lists and possible incidents that could exist to support her points, but do these incidences Get more content on
  • 2. Compare And Contrast Tone Comparing and contrasting the two songs "Pretty hurts" by BeyoncГ© and "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera has its similarities and differences, along with different perspectives of the audiences. With different tones, moods, and purposes these songs have a huge impact on society for defining the word "Beauty." In both songs they target two different audiences. One audience has difficult with insecurities (Pretty Hurts) while the other audience doesn't believe they are beautiful (Beautiful). The purpose in both songs have the same meaning they both want young ladies or males to feel better about themselves and not allowing anyone to judge them. They also should try and stop changing their appearance to impress society. The tone of the song Get more content on
  • 3. Compare and Contrast Essay Compare and Contrast Essay By definition; love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. Love can be interrupted in many ways. Were we ever taught love or is it just a natural feeling towards a person? Some say you'll know the meaning of love when you fall in love, yet some don't believe in love at all. The sculpture "LOVE" created by Robert Indiana and the sculpture "The Kiss" made by Auguste Rodin both share some of the same meanings behind the art work (Indianapolis Museum of Art) (Rodin's The Kiss Sculpture). A major similarity between the two is love; which attracts and speaks to people all around the world. Although they are spoken in different ways, they both have the idea of making love. Whether it more content... This piece is also an abstract form of art and more modern the color is red and has a feeling of happiness and joy and you have the urge to feel love just by seeing it so large and up front. "LOVE" has always been placed out in the open demanding attention from a lot of people to see. "The Kiss" is more of a classic form of art and has been placed in more private areas. Although it has a distressing grey color "The Kiss" has more depth; the feeling of intimacy is strong and makes a statement. There are both similarities and differences in "The Kiss" and "LOVE". The emotion and meaning behind both are incredible, it shows and understands the meanings of love, lust, joy, and intimacy. Love can either be spelt out or expressed by action and is what both pieces show. Love can be interrupted in many ways, but there always has to be a kiss in love. Works Cited 1.) "Love | Indianapolis Museum of Art." Love | Indianapolis Museum of Art. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2012. <–robert–indiana>. 2.) Mr. Peterson. "Kiss vs Love." Scottsdale. 8 Oct. 1012. Lecture. 3.) "Rodin's The Kiss Sculpture." Rodin's The Kiss Sculpture. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2012. Get more content on
  • 4. Compare And Contrast In the poems ВЁCasey at the BatВЁ and the story ВЁDavid and GoliathВЁ, Casey and David have very distinct similarities and differences. The first similarity is that both David and Casey like to win. From line 47 in the story ВЁDavid and GoliathВЁ and on line 23 for the story ВЁCasey at the batВЁ.Both of them were extremely confident they would win at the fight/game, David was confident because he knew he had God on his side because God helped him before, and Casey was confident because he had pride and all the parents cheered for him. Another reason why David and Casey are similar are because both of them are brave. On line 7 and 8 in the story ВЁCasey at the badВЁ and on line 40 for ВЁDavid and the Goliath.ВЁBoth of them were their only hope to win the Get more content on
  • 5. Compare and Contrast Compare and Contrast Economic Market Systems In differentiating between market structures one has to compare and contrast public goods, private goods, common resources, and natural monopolies. All of these are major factors that need to be considered. Public goods are those goods in which all of society benefit from and are equally shared among everyone within. These types of goods can be consumed simultaneously by several individuals without diminishing the value of consumption to any individual. The act of public goods being consumed by several individuals and not allow its value to diminish is known as non–rivalry. When shown graphically, non–rivalry shows that when each of the individuals within society shows a demand for a more content... Its also not just about the past it is also about looking towards a positive future. In person–centred therapy there are three core prinables whice are empathy, unconditanal positive regards and congruence. Psychodynamic therapy takes as its roots the work of Freud (who most have heard of) melanie klien (who developed the work with children) and Jung (who was a pupil of Freud yet broke away to devolope his own theories)* In psychodynamic therapy the thory belives that our past effects our present it works on the assumption that all of us have a suc–consious mind so things that have happened in our past that creates feelings that we are uncomfortable with and find to painful to feel so without our awareness we as human beings put in our own defence mecamisam so we sub–consiously denie these feelings, this thory belivs that these defences have gone wrong and are causing the client more harm then good during therapy we can identifie these true feeling and investigate them to see them for what they really are and then they become less painful to deal with. Transference is a big part of pyscodynamic theories. When we first meet somebody we can usally decide sub–consiously if we are going to see that person again and continue a relationship with them. Most people we meet in Get more content on
  • 6. Compare and Contrast The Compare/ Contrast Essay First, let's explain compare and contrast: When we compare, we show our readers a subject's similarities. When we contrast, we show our readers a subject's differences. Compare and Contrast essays are learning–process essays. You learn about your subject as you gather and organize information. This type of essay takes a bit of organization, and it's this organizational process, this gathering of facts, that helps you learn as you go. You will create lists of qualities or traits that each of your subjects has, and as you do this, you will discover insights to your subject that, at first glance, you may not have realized were there. It's like buying a new shirt. The moment you spread it out on your bed, more content... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Outline Form for Compare Contrast Essays Thesis Statement ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Quality #1 for paragraph #2 Specific support_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Comparative/Contrasting Qualities for paragraph #2 Specific Get more content on
  • 7. Basketball vs. Soccer Essay Comparison and Contrast Essay Basketball and soccer are two of the most played and enjoyable sports in the world. They both have professional leagues that attract millions of audience. People can watch both of them on television, but also play them for recreation and health. Basketball and soccer games are interesting, good for the body, and healthy, but they are also different in many ways. In both Soccer and Basketball the game is played with teams. Soccer has eleven players on the field at one for each team, whereas in basketball you only have five on the court for each team. (1) There are only five positions for a basketball games that includes two guards, two forwards, and one center.(1) On the other hand, soccer has more content... Another aspect between these two sports is equipment. The first difference is the field these two sports play in. Soccer is played on a natural or artificial grass that is 120 yards long and 80 yards wide. (1) Basketball is played on a wooden floor 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. (1) These two sports are played with a ball; however, the ball is different in each sport. Soccer regularly uses a thickly padded, smooth leather ball with black and white spots on it; basketball typically uses an orange leather ball. (2) Soccer and basketball require different equipment for athletes to compete. These two sports are similar in many ways. People love basketball and soccer because it contains competitiveness. Both of these sports motivate people to stay healthy and fit. (2) Also both sports have one objective and that is to score more points than the opposing team to win games. (1)Every league has playoffs for the best teams to compete against each other. Competing in the playoffs will show the best team and the best team is rewarded with a championship trophy. In conclusion, soccer and basketball are good sports to play. Some might say basketball is only for tall people; however people of all heights can enjoy it if they put in the extra effort in any sport. Also some might say soccer leads to many injuries; nevertheless our technology is so advanced that it can help Get more content on
  • 8. Compare and Contrast Essay Dogs and Cats Compare and Contrast Essay Marielena Mendoza ENG 121 English Compositions I Instructor: Michael Gavino November 7, 2011 I.Introduction II.Dog A.Traits B.Independence C.Complexity III.Cat A.Traits B.Independence C.Complexity V.Conclusion Dogs and Cats A study done by The American Animal Hospital Association say; that if people were stranded on a desert island, they would prefer the company of their pet. Dogs and cats play a huge role in our lives, weather it's a family pet or a human service pet. They have made their way into our homes and our hearts with their quirky and fun loving personalities. Dogs and cats have been around for thousands of years providing our ancestors with love more content... They are messy, clumsy and will poop where ever nature calls if they are left in the house too long. Dogs claim their territory by urinating on everything; it's a good thing they are trainable. They will chew on just about anything that fits in their mouth; it takes love and patience to raise a dog. But on a good note some dogs learn to fetch your slippers when ask for them. The dog is not known for being independent because they can not be left alone for long periods of time. They require walking and being let out to relieve themselves a few times a day. When alone they seem sad and do not play with their toys; unless they are chewing on something. Their lack of complexity allows the dog to enjoy the out doors like running, pick–nicks, car rides and swimming. They are not moody and are ready for anything. Dogs on top of being potty trained and fetching slippers they can be trained to have human service jobs such as; police, military, fire department, rescue force, Seeing Eye dog, explosive and drug dogs. Dogs have evolved from being wild and harming us to being our protectors and now aid us and rescue us. People and cats have certainly had a chequered relationship. Revered by ancient Egyptians then reviled in the middle ages as witches' familiars, cats until recently had occupied a cozy, if often
  • 9. unnoticed place in our households, (Gaille Perry, Urban Animal Management Conference Proceedings 1999). Cats from early history were originally Get more content on
  • 10. Compare and Contrast Essay Compare and Contrast "Young Goodman Brown" and "The Lottery" By: Melissa A. Reeves Professor Andrew Smith ENGL 102–B46 LUO Thesis Statement The stories "The Lottery" and "Young Goodman Brown" both appear to show that human behavior and judgment can be flawed, even if the person's intentions appear good to them. There is a level of fear and underlying evil in Puritan settings in both stories. I. Introduction/Statement of Thesis II. Themes and Author's Purpose A. The Lottery i. Just because something has always been done, does not make it right or just; following the crowd can be dangerously wrong and evil. ii. The author shows through symbolism and storytelling that people can be easily more content... The theme of the story "The Lottery" is blind acceptance of something just because it is considered tradition. In Jackson's "The Lottery", symbols are utilized to help show the theme. The name of the story, "The Lottery", itself is a symbol. The term lottery can be viewed, by most, as a good thing, a hope in winning, but winning the lottery takes on a very different, very dark meaning in Jackson's story. Also, the names of the characters are symbols as well. For example, Graves is a name that would portray death and Summers is a bright and cheerful name. Also, the name Old Man Warner would show tradition. Next, is the use of the black box and the black dot on the paper. The color black is showing darkness, evil, and death. The tradition of the black box is a symbol, in the fact that it is worn and faded, but still used by the villagers. Shirley Jackson conveys the theme very clearly through the use of symbols. In the end, the villagers are shown to be evil and murderous just because of tradition. The villagers do not seem to have a problem with murdering others within the lottery because it is what they have always done and no one is going to declare that what they are doing is wrong. This shows the reader that following blindly can have dangerous consequences. The theme of "Young BrownGoodman" is that the main character is basing his beliefs and faith on what others in his life believe or have faith in. The theme of "Young Goodman Get more content on