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Does God Exist?
Does God exist? There is no evidence that any god exist, so I assume that there isn't one. I do not
believe in a heaven or a hell! Although, I wonder where did we come from? Where will we end up
after death? Will we rot underneath the soil? There are over twenty different religions with answers;
some similar, some different but overall, majority of them are bias. Bias, because none of them are
proven. In today's society, we humans have adapted through evolutions by using our surroundings
such like animals knowing our needs and wants with the use of reason instead of religion. There is
no set religion in this world to live by: nature acts on its own. The ambition that human–being strives
for has three main purposes reason, consideration, and courage. Each religion has their own stories
that are oral traditions passed down from generation to generation. Where are the facts? Humans
want to know the truth of the world we populate, and not supernatural details. Like science as well
as philosophy, humans study and practice to increase our knowledge on our world. There are many
religions based on race, creed, ethnicity, and other characteristics not considering that all humans
share the same moral rights. You may call me atheist. However, I believe in the truth as secular
humanism believes in reasoning.
The word humanism has a number of meanings, and because authors and speakers often don't clarify
which meaning they intend, those trying to explain humanism can easily become a
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Why God Does Not Exist
Objection 1. It seems God does not exist. The word God itself means the creator and ruler of the
universe and source of all moral authority. Thus, If God does exist, why does a God who is
identified as a loving, caretaker of his worshipers allow such devastations or natural disasters that no
conscious being have an impact on, for instance, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis,
mudslides and wildfires to occur? In addition, it is apparent from various scripture one of which is
the book of Genesis that God does have control over natural laws, "God created the whole universe
and the laws of nature"
Objection 2. Furthermore, If God indeed exist, since it is an utterly be immoral for a good and
loving creator to allow such an evil, immoral, and sinister acts as rape, massacres, bone cancer in
innocent children and diseases to be performed and occur in daily basis to happen to either a
believer or a non–believer person? Moreover, God designed laws of nature and one of them is
time. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you;
I appointed you a prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:5). This biblical verse indicates that God
possesses foreknowledge, meaning he is omniscient and sees everything from former actions acted
since your life line started and any sort of action will perform in the future. Thus, If God seemingly
possesses knowledge about everything, why God do not interfere or stop the natural devastation,
massacres and
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Does God Exist
Does God Exist The question of God's existence has lingered in the mind of man since the dawn
of religion. The simple fact that billions of people consider themselves to have some allegiance to
a deity means that this question deserves to be seriously considered. In this paper I will argue for
the sake that God does exist and the reasons why. I will include many of the arguments found in
our philosophy book and those covered in class as well as other subjects such as human suffering
and the reasons God chose to make the world as it is today, also including examples from life and
the movies we watched in class.
St. Thomas Aquinas had many arguments for the existence of God and one of those was the fifth way.
In the argument of the more content...
To exist in reality is greater than existing in the mind (idea). Therefore God, being that which nothing
greater can be conceived must exist in reality. All his premises support his conclusion, creating a
valid and sound argument proving that God must exist.
The atheist William Rowe uses an argument called the problem of evil that tries to prove the
nonexistence of God's however I can dismiss said argument. The problem of evil is the argument
that an all–powerful, all–knowing, and perfectly good God would not allow any–or certain kinds
of–evil or suffering to occur. The problem of evil contends that some known fact about evil is
evidence against the existence of God. This objection is typically raised against the Christian faith.
The Bible describes God as a god of love (1 John 4:16) and an all powerful god (Jeremiah 32:17).
The rationale behind this objection is, quite simply, if God is a loving god then he wouldn't want
mankind to suffer and if he is an all powerful god then he would have the means to stop suffering.
Therefore, the rationale follows, God cannot be both loving and all powerful and so the Christian
premise must be wrong. However, this is, in fact, an oversimplification of Christian theology. The
Bible itself acknowledges the existence of suffering and even suggests that suffering brings benefits:
In Romans 8:17 it is said that "We are heirs – heirs of God and co–heirs with Christ, if indeed we
share in his sufferings in order that we may also
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Does God Exist? Essay
Proof Of The Exsistence of God Either God exists or He doesn't. There is no middle ground. Any
attempt to remain neutral in relation to God's existence is automatically synonymous with unbelief.
The question for God's existence is really important. Does God exist? Theology, cosmological,
teleological and ontological arguments are all have ways to prove the existence of God. With all of
these great arguments how can one deny that there is a God. There is a God and with these reasons
I will prove that.
There are two types of theology discussed in chapter nine of Kessler "Voices of
Wisdom," revealed and natural theology. Revealed theology comes from such sources as the Bible
and according to St. Thomas more content...
Cosmological arguments were started at the time the questions of the universe were first asked. The
existence of motion to the existence of a first mover as the cause of movement, was argued by
Aristotle. This first mover he called God. The reason for this was that nothing caused God to move
yet God was responsible for the motion of all other things. Thisargument is based on presumptions in
other cosmological arguments. The first was that something could not cause itself, second something
cannot come from nothing, last there could not possibly be an infinite amount of cause and effects.
St. Thomas' view was of God is an infinite, all–good, all–knowing, all powerful, perfect being who
created the universe and now has sole command over it. This view is known as theism. St.
Thomas states that a first cause must be in order to have cause and effect now. For if we take
away the first cause there would be no effect following there for the universe would have never
been created which is impossible because we can prove the universe does exist. He also argues that
there are things in the universe that have the possibility of existing and not existing, we have seen
things that have existed and than destroyed, thus proving that there is the ability of being and not
being. There was a time when
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Does God Exist
Does God exist?
Does God exist? This seemingly simple question is in fact loaded with a myriad of twists and turns
that scientists and theologians have debated for years without reaching an accepted conclusion. Part
of the problem lies in the many definitions of God. Traditionally it is accepted that God is a supreme
being, infallible, perfect, and existing outside of the material world of humanity. It is this definition
that is generally used when debating God's existence. There have been several arguments made using
this definition both for and against the existence of God. "Arguments for the existence of God
typically include metaphysical, empirical, inductive, and subjective types. Arguments against
typically include empirical, more content...
He states,
Most people understand that sexual lust has to do with propagating genes. Copulation in nature
tends to lead to reproduction and so to more genetic copies. But in modern society, most
copulations involve contraception, designed precisely to avoid reproduction. Altruism probably
has origins like those of lust. In our prehistoric past, we would have lived in extended families,
surrounded by kin whose interests we might have wanted to promote because they shared our
genesВ… Just as people engaged in sex with contraception are not aware of being motivated by a
drive to have babies, it doesn't cross our mind that the reason for do–gooding is based in the fact that
our primitive ancestors lived in small groupsВ… that seems to me to be a highly plausible account
for where the desire for morality, the desire for goodness, comes from.
In addition, the moral argument, like the design argument, if valid, may indicate a higher being but
this being is not necessarily the perfect God presented in most religions. Just as there are numerous
arguments for the existence of God there are equally as many arguing against his existence. One of
these is the Sociological theory of religion. This theory states that religious gods are the unconscious
fabrication of society brought about in order to control individual thought and behavior. The major
criticism of this argument is the wide spread nature of
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Does God Exist Essay
God Does Exist!
P1: God is a maximally great being.
P2: If God is a maximally great being, then God is a necessary entity.
P3: If God exists necessarily, then God exists in all possible worlds.
P4: If God exists in all possible worlds, then God exists in our world.
P5: If God exists in our world, then God Exists.
C1: God Exists
My argument is a great argument. A maximally great being is defined as an entity who possesses
all favorable attributes such as love and morality. These attributes also include necessity. A
necessary entity is one that exists in all worlds and cannot be proven false, making it a favorable
attribute. A square, for example, necessarily exists. The square cannot exist in our world with only
three sides. Because it can't exist in our world with only three sides, it can't exist in all possible
worlds. Therefore, a necessary entity cannot be false, more content...
However, this is considered to be logically absurd. By asking if a maximally great being can make
a burrito so spicy, that even he can't eat it, is to imply that the definition of omnipotent is the
ability to do the logically impossible. In actuality, the definition of omnipotent is to have a very
great or almighty power, not to do what is logically impossible. It is similar to ask if God can
create a square with three sides. The three sided square does not exist in this world. If it cannot
exist in this world then it cannot exist in any possible world because the square with four sides is
necessarily existing. If it cannot exist in any possible world, then it's logically incomprehensible
and cannot be answered by anyone. You can't use a logical absurdity to disprove God'sexistence
because the argument has to follow order. If my argument about God's existence has to follow logic
and order, then so does a refutation trying to disprove God's
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Does God Really Exists? Essay
Does God Really Exists The idea of God has been one of the most debatable issues since the dawn
of humanity and with it guided as well as deluded most lives in the pursuit for the truth. The impacts
springing from the notion of God has from time memorial changed history, inspired more poetry and
music including philosophy more than anything else, imagined or real. Peter Kreft once concluded
that "The idea of God is either a fact, like sand, or a fantasy like Santa" (Lawhead, p. 334). Over the
cause of time, different arguments have surfaced within and without the philoshophical boundaries
in an attempt to either explain the reality of the non–existence of a God. A few of these claims include
the, cosmological argument, the teleological argument and the problem of evil. However, although
both arguments are insufficiently conclusive in their arguments about God, the cosmological
argument seems to speaker quite louder than the rest and thus forms the basis of this paper: it
generates the conclusion that God exists based on fundamental considerations about the cause of the
world and why there is something rather than nothing. To begin with, teleological argument posits
God's existence based on the appearance of design. The Cosmological and the teleological
arguments are both based on empirical or a posterior reasoning and have their roots deepened in
philosophy history. On the contrary, the problem of evils supports the argument that God does not
exist based on the presence
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Does God Exist? Essay
In my life on this planet I have come to question many things that many take on as blind faith. We
all know that someday we will 'physically' die, Yet, we continuously deny the forces working inside
ourselves which want to search out the true outcome of what may or may not come after death. It's
far easier for humanity to accept that they will go on to a safe haven and be forgiven for all, rather
than to question the existence of a super omnipotent being. Fortunately, there are some of us who
tend to question the why's and how's that come before us. We question the creation of humanity and
the religious teachings received from our parents, our church and our society. This paper examines
the many rational arguments for and against more content...
There is no idea behind the image therefore the image itself can't exist. St. Anselm's argument in my
opinion is reduced to just a statement because it really has no foundation. Kant also agrees with me
by stating that the argument is simply based on words and not reality. The ontological argument is
impressive to the average mind but to others it's deception is clear. With words like perfect,
necessary and existent that are built into it's definition, it seems impossible to be argued with. Even
if the theist could prove in some miraculous way this perfect being's existence, he still wouldn't be
able to link that "being" to being God.
TELEOLOGICAL ARGUMENTS The argument for God's existence from design has also stirred
controversy among philosophers and society. It is said that the complex order and design of the
universe is obviously the work of an intelligent architect. In Psalm 19 it's written "The heavens
declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his work ". Theists have used this well known
argument(teleological) for thousands of years as strong evidence for the existence of God. William
Paley continued the argument of Socrates, Plato, and Aquinas. He said that if one found a watch in
a field, one would automatically conclude that it was made by a watchmaker because of its obvious
design. The
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Does God Exist? Essay
Religion is something that virtually all humans have in common. In all corners of the world and in
all eras of history, people have wondered about the meaning of life, how to make the best of it, what
happens afterwards and if there is anyone or anything "out there." The world of philosophy consists
of so many unanswered questions. One such question is whether or not God exists. This is the very
question that has grasped the imagination of humanity since the birth of reason, and the same
question that has plagued scientists and philosophers without coming close to an accepted
conclusion. God is a word that means different things to different people. The definition for God,
according to most monotheistic religions is the creator and more content...
William Paley presented the watchmaker analogy in his Natural Theology (1802) "Suppose I found
a watch upon the ground, and it should be inquired how the watch happened to be in that place, I
should hardly think... that, for anything I knew, the watch might have always been there. Yet why
should not this answer serve for the watch as well as for a stone that happened to be lying on the
ground? For this reason, and for no other; namely, that, if the different parts had been differently
shaped from what they are, if a different size from what they are, or placed after any other manner,
or in any order that in which they are placed, either no motion at all would have been carried on in
the machine, or none which would have answered the use that is now served by it." Paley wrote
in response to Hume's objection to analogy between artefacts and worlds, choosing to use the
example of a watch as a reliable indication of divine design. Paley identifies two features of a
watch which demonstrate that it is designed. First, a watch performs a valuable purpose,
timekeeping, which a designer would find useful and secondly, the watch would be unable to
perform such a purpose if it's parts were any different or arranged differently. He strongly argued
that the world of nature showcases more
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Does God Exist?
Every culture has its God. Christianity and Islam have their own god; the Romans and Greeks
had their Pantheon. A lot of people believe in god have thought that there is more to life the
material world around us. It seems arises naturally the world over by believing in god. Does God
exist? I believe in God is exists by the philosophical argument: ontological argument, the first cause
argument, the argument form design, and the moral argument. Arguments relate to theexistence of
God are in different forms: some focus on history, some on personal experience, some on
philosophy, and some on science. These arguments are the purported proof of the existence of God.
If successfully, each argument supports a specific and certain conception of God.
Argument I: The design argument for the existence of God. The argument from design is the
teleological argument that focuses on the fact that the universe is ordered. The complex world and
order of nature must be designed by some mind. The mind is God. The key theme of design
argument is that God must exist though the way things work, and God as an intelligent designer
who makes the world be the way it is. God exists from the way things in nature are ordered and
their apparent purpose. Everything appears to have a purpose by happened randomly. Therefore,
God design and order the world by particular way. Anthropic Principle is one of the main elements
for the design argument. This principle considers the universe is
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Does God Exist? Essay
Does God exist?
The question of God's existence is a perplexing one, the only evidence we have of God is what we
are told from those who worship him, and unknowns can be debated logically if a higher being is in
It has been written that in the beginning there was man and there was woman, and God put the two
together to create a new race of beings. We are to assume then that God gave these beings asoul to
distinguish them from other beings, for example, plants. The soul is often argued to be a mystical
form that is immortal and can not be proven to be anything else.
Assuming this argument to be valid then God is a supreme being to have created humans. We have
several high beings that appear to stem from this one divine being, more content...
This leads to the argument for a heaven and a hell, an afterlife for the immortal soul to move onto.
Plato's cosmology dictates the Notion of Purity in the structure of the universe, going as far to say
that the Earth is round and beyond the stars and planets is a World of Being.
His reasoning is what is pure will rise above the earth, and what is non–pure will slip from it. People
of faith take this concept and say there must be a supreme being governing this process, thus God
must exist. It is Socrates metaphysics that leads us to two worlds, one of becoming, the other of
being. In the World of Becoming the body is most like the seen, and in the World of Being the
body is of the unseen, according to Socrates. In the World of Becoming humans are limited by
their body, whereas the World of Being consists of the mind and soul. Socrates believed to
achieve the World of Being one must die to free their soul, and he did this. Believing a true
philosopher is one who wants death he let it happen so that his soul could be free to learn the
truth of the portrait of an ideal form, free of limitations. People of faith would say that this is what
God ultimately did as well. God was a true philosopher who freed his soul. Unfortunately for the
philosophers who accomplish this, we never hear from them again. If there is a God, then he must
be a silent being that is diligent in his work. What we have are reasoning's on an
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God Does Not Exist Essay

  • 1. Does God Exist? Does God exist? There is no evidence that any god exist, so I assume that there isn't one. I do not believe in a heaven or a hell! Although, I wonder where did we come from? Where will we end up after death? Will we rot underneath the soil? There are over twenty different religions with answers; some similar, some different but overall, majority of them are bias. Bias, because none of them are proven. In today's society, we humans have adapted through evolutions by using our surroundings such like animals knowing our needs and wants with the use of reason instead of religion. There is no set religion in this world to live by: nature acts on its own. The ambition that human–being strives for has three main purposes reason, consideration, and courage. Each religion has their own stories that are oral traditions passed down from generation to generation. Where are the facts? Humans want to know the truth of the world we populate, and not supernatural details. Like science as well as philosophy, humans study and practice to increase our knowledge on our world. There are many religions based on race, creed, ethnicity, and other characteristics not considering that all humans share the same moral rights. You may call me atheist. However, I believe in the truth as secular humanism believes in reasoning. The word humanism has a number of meanings, and because authors and speakers often don't clarify which meaning they intend, those trying to explain humanism can easily become a Get more content on
  • 2. Why God Does Not Exist Objection 1. It seems God does not exist. The word God itself means the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority. Thus, If God does exist, why does a God who is identified as a loving, caretaker of his worshipers allow such devastations or natural disasters that no conscious being have an impact on, for instance, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis, mudslides and wildfires to occur? In addition, it is apparent from various scripture one of which is the book of Genesis that God does have control over natural laws, "God created the whole universe and the laws of nature" Objection 2. Furthermore, If God indeed exist, since it is an utterly be immoral for a good and loving creator to allow such an evil, immoral, and sinister acts as rape, massacres, bone cancer in innocent children and diseases to be performed and occur in daily basis to happen to either a believer or a non–believer person? Moreover, God designed laws of nature and one of them is time. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:5). This biblical verse indicates that God possesses foreknowledge, meaning he is omniscient and sees everything from former actions acted since your life line started and any sort of action will perform in the future. Thus, If God seemingly possesses knowledge about everything, why God do not interfere or stop the natural devastation, massacres and Get more content on
  • 3. Does God Exist Does God Exist The question of God's existence has lingered in the mind of man since the dawn of religion. The simple fact that billions of people consider themselves to have some allegiance to a deity means that this question deserves to be seriously considered. In this paper I will argue for the sake that God does exist and the reasons why. I will include many of the arguments found in our philosophy book and those covered in class as well as other subjects such as human suffering and the reasons God chose to make the world as it is today, also including examples from life and the movies we watched in class. St. Thomas Aquinas had many arguments for the existence of God and one of those was the fifth way. In the argument of the more content... To exist in reality is greater than existing in the mind (idea). Therefore God, being that which nothing greater can be conceived must exist in reality. All his premises support his conclusion, creating a valid and sound argument proving that God must exist. The atheist William Rowe uses an argument called the problem of evil that tries to prove the nonexistence of God's however I can dismiss said argument. The problem of evil is the argument that an all–powerful, all–knowing, and perfectly good God would not allow any–or certain kinds of–evil or suffering to occur. The problem of evil contends that some known fact about evil is evidence against the existence of God. This objection is typically raised against the Christian faith. The Bible describes God as a god of love (1 John 4:16) and an all powerful god (Jeremiah 32:17). The rationale behind this objection is, quite simply, if God is a loving god then he wouldn't want mankind to suffer and if he is an all powerful god then he would have the means to stop suffering. Therefore, the rationale follows, God cannot be both loving and all powerful and so the Christian premise must be wrong. However, this is, in fact, an oversimplification of Christian theology. The Bible itself acknowledges the existence of suffering and even suggests that suffering brings benefits: In Romans 8:17 it is said that "We are heirs – heirs of God and co–heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also Get more content on
  • 4. Does God Exist? Essay Proof Of The Exsistence of God Either God exists or He doesn't. There is no middle ground. Any attempt to remain neutral in relation to God's existence is automatically synonymous with unbelief. The question for God's existence is really important. Does God exist? Theology, cosmological, teleological and ontological arguments are all have ways to prove the existence of God. With all of these great arguments how can one deny that there is a God. There is a God and with these reasons I will prove that. There are two types of theology discussed in chapter nine of Kessler "Voices of Wisdom," revealed and natural theology. Revealed theology comes from such sources as the Bible and according to St. Thomas more content... Cosmological arguments were started at the time the questions of the universe were first asked. The existence of motion to the existence of a first mover as the cause of movement, was argued by Aristotle. This first mover he called God. The reason for this was that nothing caused God to move yet God was responsible for the motion of all other things. Thisargument is based on presumptions in other cosmological arguments. The first was that something could not cause itself, second something cannot come from nothing, last there could not possibly be an infinite amount of cause and effects. St. Thomas' view was of God is an infinite, all–good, all–knowing, all powerful, perfect being who created the universe and now has sole command over it. This view is known as theism. St. Thomas states that a first cause must be in order to have cause and effect now. For if we take away the first cause there would be no effect following there for the universe would have never been created which is impossible because we can prove the universe does exist. He also argues that there are things in the universe that have the possibility of existing and not existing, we have seen things that have existed and than destroyed, thus proving that there is the ability of being and not being. There was a time when Get more content on
  • 5. Does God Exist Does God exist? Does God exist? This seemingly simple question is in fact loaded with a myriad of twists and turns that scientists and theologians have debated for years without reaching an accepted conclusion. Part of the problem lies in the many definitions of God. Traditionally it is accepted that God is a supreme being, infallible, perfect, and existing outside of the material world of humanity. It is this definition that is generally used when debating God's existence. There have been several arguments made using this definition both for and against the existence of God. "Arguments for the existence of God typically include metaphysical, empirical, inductive, and subjective types. Arguments against typically include empirical, more content... He states, Most people understand that sexual lust has to do with propagating genes. Copulation in nature tends to lead to reproduction and so to more genetic copies. But in modern society, most copulations involve contraception, designed precisely to avoid reproduction. Altruism probably has origins like those of lust. In our prehistoric past, we would have lived in extended families, surrounded by kin whose interests we might have wanted to promote because they shared our genesВ… Just as people engaged in sex with contraception are not aware of being motivated by a drive to have babies, it doesn't cross our mind that the reason for do–gooding is based in the fact that our primitive ancestors lived in small groupsВ… that seems to me to be a highly plausible account for where the desire for morality, the desire for goodness, comes from. In addition, the moral argument, like the design argument, if valid, may indicate a higher being but this being is not necessarily the perfect God presented in most religions. Just as there are numerous arguments for the existence of God there are equally as many arguing against his existence. One of these is the Sociological theory of religion. This theory states that religious gods are the unconscious fabrication of society brought about in order to control individual thought and behavior. The major criticism of this argument is the wide spread nature of Get more content on
  • 6. Does God Exist Essay God Does Exist! P1: God is a maximally great being. P2: If God is a maximally great being, then God is a necessary entity. P3: If God exists necessarily, then God exists in all possible worlds. P4: If God exists in all possible worlds, then God exists in our world. P5: If God exists in our world, then God Exists. C1: God Exists My argument is a great argument. A maximally great being is defined as an entity who possesses all favorable attributes such as love and morality. These attributes also include necessity. A necessary entity is one that exists in all worlds and cannot be proven false, making it a favorable attribute. A square, for example, necessarily exists. The square cannot exist in our world with only three sides. Because it can't exist in our world with only three sides, it can't exist in all possible worlds. Therefore, a necessary entity cannot be false, more content... However, this is considered to be logically absurd. By asking if a maximally great being can make a burrito so spicy, that even he can't eat it, is to imply that the definition of omnipotent is the ability to do the logically impossible. In actuality, the definition of omnipotent is to have a very great or almighty power, not to do what is logically impossible. It is similar to ask if God can create a square with three sides. The three sided square does not exist in this world. If it cannot exist in this world then it cannot exist in any possible world because the square with four sides is necessarily existing. If it cannot exist in any possible world, then it's logically incomprehensible and cannot be answered by anyone. You can't use a logical absurdity to disprove God'sexistence because the argument has to follow order. If my argument about God's existence has to follow logic and order, then so does a refutation trying to disprove God's Get more content on
  • 7. Does God Really Exists? Essay Does God Really Exists The idea of God has been one of the most debatable issues since the dawn of humanity and with it guided as well as deluded most lives in the pursuit for the truth. The impacts springing from the notion of God has from time memorial changed history, inspired more poetry and music including philosophy more than anything else, imagined or real. Peter Kreft once concluded that "The idea of God is either a fact, like sand, or a fantasy like Santa" (Lawhead, p. 334). Over the cause of time, different arguments have surfaced within and without the philoshophical boundaries in an attempt to either explain the reality of the non–existence of a God. A few of these claims include the, cosmological argument, the teleological argument and the problem of evil. However, although both arguments are insufficiently conclusive in their arguments about God, the cosmological argument seems to speaker quite louder than the rest and thus forms the basis of this paper: it generates the conclusion that God exists based on fundamental considerations about the cause of the world and why there is something rather than nothing. To begin with, teleological argument posits God's existence based on the appearance of design. The Cosmological and the teleological arguments are both based on empirical or a posterior reasoning and have their roots deepened in philosophy history. On the contrary, the problem of evils supports the argument that God does not exist based on the presence Get more content on
  • 8. Does God Exist? Essay In my life on this planet I have come to question many things that many take on as blind faith. We all know that someday we will 'physically' die, Yet, we continuously deny the forces working inside ourselves which want to search out the true outcome of what may or may not come after death. It's far easier for humanity to accept that they will go on to a safe haven and be forgiven for all, rather than to question the existence of a super omnipotent being. Fortunately, there are some of us who tend to question the why's and how's that come before us. We question the creation of humanity and the religious teachings received from our parents, our church and our society. This paper examines the many rational arguments for and against more content... There is no idea behind the image therefore the image itself can't exist. St. Anselm's argument in my opinion is reduced to just a statement because it really has no foundation. Kant also agrees with me by stating that the argument is simply based on words and not reality. The ontological argument is impressive to the average mind but to others it's deception is clear. With words like perfect, necessary and existent that are built into it's definition, it seems impossible to be argued with. Even if the theist could prove in some miraculous way this perfect being's existence, he still wouldn't be able to link that "being" to being God. TELEOLOGICAL ARGUMENTS The argument for God's existence from design has also stirred controversy among philosophers and society. It is said that the complex order and design of the universe is obviously the work of an intelligent architect. In Psalm 19 it's written "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his work ". Theists have used this well known argument(teleological) for thousands of years as strong evidence for the existence of God. William Paley continued the argument of Socrates, Plato, and Aquinas. He said that if one found a watch in a field, one would automatically conclude that it was made by a watchmaker because of its obvious design. The Get more content on
  • 9. Does God Exist? Essay Religion is something that virtually all humans have in common. In all corners of the world and in all eras of history, people have wondered about the meaning of life, how to make the best of it, what happens afterwards and if there is anyone or anything "out there." The world of philosophy consists of so many unanswered questions. One such question is whether or not God exists. This is the very question that has grasped the imagination of humanity since the birth of reason, and the same question that has plagued scientists and philosophers without coming close to an accepted conclusion. God is a word that means different things to different people. The definition for God, according to most monotheistic religions is the creator and more content... William Paley presented the watchmaker analogy in his Natural Theology (1802) "Suppose I found a watch upon the ground, and it should be inquired how the watch happened to be in that place, I should hardly think... that, for anything I knew, the watch might have always been there. Yet why should not this answer serve for the watch as well as for a stone that happened to be lying on the ground? For this reason, and for no other; namely, that, if the different parts had been differently shaped from what they are, if a different size from what they are, or placed after any other manner, or in any order that in which they are placed, either no motion at all would have been carried on in the machine, or none which would have answered the use that is now served by it." Paley wrote in response to Hume's objection to analogy between artefacts and worlds, choosing to use the example of a watch as a reliable indication of divine design. Paley identifies two features of a watch which demonstrate that it is designed. First, a watch performs a valuable purpose, timekeeping, which a designer would find useful and secondly, the watch would be unable to perform such a purpose if it's parts were any different or arranged differently. He strongly argued that the world of nature showcases more Get more content on
  • 10. Does God Exist? Every culture has its God. Christianity and Islam have their own god; the Romans and Greeks had their Pantheon. A lot of people believe in god have thought that there is more to life the material world around us. It seems arises naturally the world over by believing in god. Does God exist? I believe in God is exists by the philosophical argument: ontological argument, the first cause argument, the argument form design, and the moral argument. Arguments relate to theexistence of God are in different forms: some focus on history, some on personal experience, some on philosophy, and some on science. These arguments are the purported proof of the existence of God. If successfully, each argument supports a specific and certain conception of God. Argument I: The design argument for the existence of God. The argument from design is the teleological argument that focuses on the fact that the universe is ordered. The complex world and order of nature must be designed by some mind. The mind is God. The key theme of design argument is that God must exist though the way things work, and God as an intelligent designer who makes the world be the way it is. God exists from the way things in nature are ordered and their apparent purpose. Everything appears to have a purpose by happened randomly. Therefore, God design and order the world by particular way. Anthropic Principle is one of the main elements for the design argument. This principle considers the universe is Get more content on
  • 11. Does God Exist? Essay Does God exist? The question of God's existence is a perplexing one, the only evidence we have of God is what we are told from those who worship him, and unknowns can be debated logically if a higher being is in control. It has been written that in the beginning there was man and there was woman, and God put the two together to create a new race of beings. We are to assume then that God gave these beings asoul to distinguish them from other beings, for example, plants. The soul is often argued to be a mystical form that is immortal and can not be proven to be anything else. Assuming this argument to be valid then God is a supreme being to have created humans. We have several high beings that appear to stem from this one divine being, more content... This leads to the argument for a heaven and a hell, an afterlife for the immortal soul to move onto. Plato's cosmology dictates the Notion of Purity in the structure of the universe, going as far to say that the Earth is round and beyond the stars and planets is a World of Being. His reasoning is what is pure will rise above the earth, and what is non–pure will slip from it. People of faith take this concept and say there must be a supreme being governing this process, thus God must exist. It is Socrates metaphysics that leads us to two worlds, one of becoming, the other of being. In the World of Becoming the body is most like the seen, and in the World of Being the body is of the unseen, according to Socrates. In the World of Becoming humans are limited by their body, whereas the World of Being consists of the mind and soul. Socrates believed to achieve the World of Being one must die to free their soul, and he did this. Believing a true philosopher is one who wants death he let it happen so that his soul could be free to learn the truth of the portrait of an ideal form, free of limitations. People of faith would say that this is what God ultimately did as well. God was a true philosopher who freed his soul. Unfortunately for the philosophers who accomplish this, we never hear from them again. If there is a God, then he must be a silent being that is diligent in his work. What we have are reasoning's on an Get more content on