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Case Study:SmokeFree
-To bring change (locally, nationally and globally). This
Campaign was aiming to bring change through trying
to persuade and help people to quit smoking and
therefore help the people people around them and
help to change their life.
-To change attitudes, the imagery or the gory organs
and blood coming out of the cigarette helps to change
the attitude of smoking being seen as cool, it helps
challenge that perspective and aims to make smoking
look disgusting.
-To raise awareness. The fact on the bottom of the
poster helps to raise awareness of how much even
just a few cigarettes can effect someone and
negatively impact on their life.
-To provide information, by having the links to
websites helps to provide information to those
wanting help to quite smoking.
-To campaign. The aim is to campaign against
smoking and show how negatively it can effect your
-To build relationships with subjects, it helps to tackle
any misconceptions about smoking and making it
more well known about how bad smoking can be for
your health.
To inform people on the dangers of smoking and what
effects it has on the body by using graphic images to
show the damage that smoking can do to your health.
As well as this it aims to try and put people off from
smoking by including the fact and graphic image.
2Creative Media Production 2012
(You may want to use more than one slide to discuss the
techniques used)
The poster uses a variety of techniques to draw the eye in and still provide
simple information that will stick with the viewer. By using the graphic image of
mutations of organs on the cigarette looks horrific and therefore would
hopefully turn people away from smoking if they could physically see what
smoking was doing to their organs. Another thing that this poster does is used
the simple fact in the centre of the image just below the cigarette to help catch
the eye especially by using the simple white font could suggest how simple it is
to quite smoking. As well as this by using a number within the quote makes it
more noticeable and realistic to a smoker as they could imagine smoking those
15 cigarettes. This poster also contains the smoke free logo and informs an
audience on what to search if they want to go smoke free and this is
strategically placed under the fact so the eyes naturally follow on to the words
‘search smoke free’ and this could encourage someone to search this and see
what they can do to quite smoking. By having the image take up the full poster
and the writing be secondary to the image I think makes it have more of an
impact as you can clearly see the graphic ‘mutation’ and it isn't hidden by lots
of bold type all over the poster it is kept simple and minimalistic to help put
across the simple message to quite smoking and what problems it can cause
people, especially by using a fact which shows how easy it for a mutation
caused by smoking could develop into cancer.
3Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: SmokeFree
Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects
using words and or graphics.
-Since the smoke free laws were introduced it encouraged people to change their towards smoking
-‘A YouGov survey commissioned by ASH in 2014, found that 82% of adults in Great Britain support
smokefree laws. This includes 54% of smokers. Only 8% of adults oppose the laws.’
-’In the year following the introduction of smokefree laws there was a 2.4% reduction in hospital
admissions for heart attacks in England. This resulted in 12,000 fewer admissions to hospitals and saved
the NHS £8.4 million in the first year alone.’
-’70% of people consider that creating smokefree environments has had a positive effect on the health of
people in England.’
-’2017 is the first year that all cigarettes sold in the UK will be in standardised packaging that feature
graphic images.’
-The NHS SmokeFree website now includes free quitting support which is encouraging people to quite
smoking for good as well as this the website includes the effects smoking has on you and the people
around you which is also encouraging people to quit smoking.
4Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: SmokeFree
Case Study: Amnesty International
-To bring change (local, national and global change.)
to help change how domestic abuse is seen and to try
and make it more well known to people how common
it is.
-To change attitudes, the campaign is trying to
change peoples attitudes towards domestic abuse
and make more people stand up against it.
-Raising awareness, it aims to raise awareness of
how common it is in todays society and all over the
world, it also helps to show how it can effect the
children's lives.
-To create or strengthen community ties, it helps to
build relationships with other who've experienced this
before and those who haven't.
-To provide information, the web address of amnesty
international helps to provide more information on this
-To campaign, it has the aim to campaign against
domestic abuse being a taboo topic.
-To build relationships with a subject. This campaigns
helps the issue to stop being seen as a taboo topic
and helps to make it easier for people to talk about it
and their experiences.
To show the effects of domestic abuse and try and
raise awareness for a subject that isn't regularly
talked about. Also by having the amnesty logo in the
corner shows its official and gives a web address to
find out more information on the topic.
5Creative Media Production 2012
(You may want to use more than one slide to discuss the
techniques used)
This poster is very effective at portraying a simple yet effective message by having a
very dark colour scheme with the focus being on the image of the boy who looks to
have been beaten up which is very eye catching and triggering and therefore gets a
reaction from people about the effects that domestic abuse has on families. Another
technique which has been used on this poster is the use of one clear white piece of
text which has an important message in relation to the image as it is suggesting that
his mother could be in the same position as the young boy. Also by using an image
of a young boy makes people more sympathetic towards the scenario as most
people may either know a young child or have relatives of the same age and
therefore makes it easier to relate to and makes an audience image what if it was
someone they new in that situation. The font used for the white text quite simplistic
yet bold and clear to read making the overall imagery appear quite stark and eye
catching. By having the amnesty logo in the bottom right corner also helps show that
its an international issue as well as giving a web address where people can report
these incidents and the eye naturally falls down to that point on the page once you
have read the main point on the poster within out the logo and website being to
overpowering and taking over the whole page it helps give keep with the simplistic
theme. Also all the text on this poster is keep quite short, simple and to the point
which is the whole idea of this campaign, with there main slogan being ‘Report
Abuse.’ which is set right about the web address making it eyes for the eyes naturally
look over these areas of the page.
6Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: Amnesty International
Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects
using words and or graphics.
-’As can be seen the number of cases recorded by the police has increased year on year from 2007/08. In
2014/15 the number of cases recorded reached 943,628 – this is a 43% increase on 2007/08.’
-’On 8 March 2016, the Home Office published its 2016-20 strategy for ending violence against women and
girls (VAWG). 27’
-’Domestic violence protection orders (DVPOs) were rolled out across England and Wales from March
-’A new criminal offence of coercive or controlling behaviour against an intimate partner or family member
came into force on 29 December 2015.’
-’In 2014/15 92,779 defendants were prosecuted, an increase of 19% on 2013/14 and a 38% increase on
-The government are also funding £40 million for specialist local support services and national helplines.
7Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: Amnesty International
Case Study: Voting
-To bring change(local and national) the aim
of this campaign to introduce more young
people to voting.
-To change attitudes, its to help try and
change the attitudes of the people that don’t
vote and trying to show hoe important it is to
-To raise awareness, it is also aiming to raise
awareness of how many people didn’t vote.
-To provide information, it helps to provide
information on how many young people didn’t
vote and tries to change that.
-To campaign to try and change people
approach to voting and their opinions on it.
-To change voting behaviour. The key aim and
purpose of this poster is to try and get more
people to vote and therefore is encouraging
people to change their voting behaviour.
The aim of this campaign was to encourage
young people to vote and have there say
during elections by including the statistics on
how many young people voted.
8Creative Media Production 2012
(You may want to use more than one slide to discuss the
techniques used)
This poster uses a variety of different techniques in comparison to the others
that I looked at as its more busy and colourful than the others I think this is an
effective way at promoting this campaign as the bright and bold colour scheme
helps draw in a younger audience and grab people attention. Also by having
‘act your age.’ and the illustration of the young girl in shoes too big while
holding the teddy bear suggests that the creators are trying to hint then young
pill need to grow up and start taking more responsibility for voting. By including
the statistics of how many young people voted helps show how little people get
involved in voting and this poster isn't try to push people to vote any specific
way its just trying to get young people to take part and vote for whatever they
agree with. Also by having the very bright but basic colour scheme catch a
passer by’s attention and the eyes are first draw towards the word vote and the
shoes stood on top of it and the eyes are naturally draw to the top of the page
where the 49% is strategically placed at the top of the page in a clear bold font
helped to draw attention towards it and simply state the facts of how many
young people take part in voting. Another technique used in this poster is
having all the links that would be helpful to young people wanting to vote and
get involved so that they can try and get the numbers up of how many young
people take part in voting. Using these 4 basic colours helps to keep the poster
look simple, but still eye catching and effective due to the 2 main colours being
quite bright and prominent.
9Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study:Voting
Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects
using words and or graphics.
-’The turnout among young people aged 18 to 24 in the EU referendum was almost double the level that
has been widely reported since polling day’
-’The number of 18 to 25-year-olds who cast their ballots is 58%, up from 52% in 2010 and 38% in 2005,
Sky News reveals.’
-’Some 89% of 16 and 17-year-olds registered to vote in the Scottish referendum last September.’
10Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: Voting
Case Study: Deaffest
-To change attitudes, the aim is to change attitudes
towards peoples opinions on deaf creators in the film
and music industry.
-Raising awareness, another purpose of the posters
and event which aims to raise awareness of the event
and of deaf filmmakers and musicians.
-To create access to media production for non-
traditional groups it helps to encourage more people
to get involved with the event for deaf people and
helps them get into the media production industry.
-To challenge dominant representations and agendas,
its helps to challenge the idea that you cant be a deaf
filmmaker or musician and helps them get into the
-To create or strengthen community ties. The event
helps to build relationships and contacts between
people who wouldn’t normally socialise together.
-To provide information about the event and how to
get involved.
The aim of deaf fest it to let non traditional groups to
create media and put events for people.
‘Deaffest supports and develops the talents of
emerging and established deaf filmmakers and artists
from the UK and around the world. The annual
festival showcases films and documentaries by
international filmmakers. Exhibitions, seminars,
workshops, parties and networking take place at the
festival and everyone is welcome to take part, sharing
their interest in films and the arts.’
11Creative Media Production 2012
(You may want to use more than one slide to discuss the
techniques used)
Deaffest uses a variety of techniques to help them campaign and create
access to media production for deaf people this can be seen in the black and
white poster which is very simplistic and basic but gets to the point as it has the
festivals name and dates as well as including what looks like sign language as
the main focus of this poster and this helps show the basics of the festival
without having lots of writing on the page and helps to quite the poster looking
very minimalistic, also on this poster there is the website link on there too so
that if people are interested they can find out more on the website. The
alternative poster is also very effective even though it’s a lot different in
comparison to the black and white one as it features a lot more colours and has
more hand drawn feel to it due to the font looking like someone has drawn it
onto the poster and the drawings looking very doodled but I think this is very
effective as it helps catch peoples attention with a lot of the focus being on the
centre of the page where the drawings and breakdown of what will be shown at
the festival is and this catches peoples attention but then once you read on you
learn that its Deaf festival and everything is produced by people that wouldn’t
traditionally be able to produce music and film. Another thing which is very
effective in this poster is the use of black for the key information when the rest
of the colours are quite light and pastel and has a massive contrast with the
dark bold black of all the writing but I think this is effective at making a more
attention grabbing poster as it uses the contrasting colours that you wouldn’t
usually put together. 12Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: Deaffest
Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects
using words and or graphics.
-Over the years Deafest has started to expand and now has a series of competitions including annual
Young Deaffest Film Awards, the biennial Film Awards Gala and the Ben Steiner Film Bursary.
-’Young Deaffest was first launched in 2007 with the aim of encouraging, enabling and inspiring young deaf
people to develop their skills.’
-In 2012 Nikki Stratton and Marilyn Willrich took on coordinating and funding Deaffest through their own
non-profit organisation called Zebra Access which helps give training to deaf people.
-Also in 2012 Deaffest got there first patron.
-Impacted many deaf peoples lives giving them the ability to get involved in film, music and art.
13Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study:Deaffest
Case Study: ALS Association
-To change attitudes towards the disease and
encourage people to get involved in raising money.
-Raising awareness of the disease as it isn't
commonly known and don’t know enough about it but
the purpose of this challenge was to change that.
-To create or strengthen community ties, the
challenge helped to bring communities together as
everyone got involved and was all across social
media so it helped to get people talking.
-To provide information, the challenge also helped to
give information about the charity as it gave
information about the disease and made it more
commonly known.
-To campaign to raise money for the charity which
supports people suffering from the disease.
-To infiltrate mainstream media. The challenge
infiltrated mainstream media as it got onto all forms of
social media and even made it onto TV in news as
celebrities started to get involved in the challenge.
To raise awareness and money for the ALS
association by creating a social media trend which
went viral and created a lot of publicity for them and
made more people aware of ALS.
14Creative Media Production 2012
(You may want to use more than one slide to discuss the
techniques used)
The ALS ice bucket challenge was very effective at raising awareness and
money for ASL but also infiltrating mainstream media due to the trend going
viral with even celebrities getting involved. In this poster the producers have
used the bright red colour of the bucket which helps show urgency and is more
gender neutral colour and therefore doesn’t eliminate anyone and make you
think that its targeted at a specific gender. Also by having the ALS association
logo on the front and centre helps show that its official gives the charity
publicity and raise awareness of it. By having the hash tag on the front of the
bucket too does suggest that they are targeting a younger audience who are
more involved in social media trends due to this going viral but making it into
main news. By making this popular amongst young people raises awareness of
ALS in a group of people who may have very little knowledge about it. The
simple look of this poster helps to show the simplicity of the challenge and how
simple it was to take part. As well as this the bold red colour helps to grab the
attention of people if this one on social media you would be unlikely to just
scroll past it due to the bright eye catching colour which makes you want to
read what its about. The bright colour not only is eye catching it also helps
make the white writing stand out off of the red and makes the hand within the
logo look more prominent. Also the layout of this poster is quite effective as it
first draws the eye to the centre and then you notice that the writing is on a
bucket of ice draws more attention to the challenge aspect of it.
15Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: ALS Association
Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects
using words and or graphics.
-’Not only has research funded by the stunt uncovered a gene variant associated with ALS, it has also
demonstrated the huge value of scientific collaboration.’
-’The ice bucket challenge raised more than $115m (£88m) for motor neurone disease in a single month.
Now, scientists funded with the proceeds have discovered a gene variant associated with the condition.’
-’The Ice Bucket Challenge, has brought in more than $220 million around the globe for the fight against
16Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: ALS Association

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  • 1. Social Action and Community Media Existing Product Research
  • 2. Case Study:SmokeFree Purpose: -To bring change (locally, nationally and globally). This Campaign was aiming to bring change through trying to persuade and help people to quit smoking and therefore help the people people around them and help to change their life. -To change attitudes, the imagery or the gory organs and blood coming out of the cigarette helps to change the attitude of smoking being seen as cool, it helps challenge that perspective and aims to make smoking look disgusting. -To raise awareness. The fact on the bottom of the poster helps to raise awareness of how much even just a few cigarettes can effect someone and negatively impact on their life. -To provide information, by having the links to websites helps to provide information to those wanting help to quite smoking. -To campaign. The aim is to campaign against smoking and show how negatively it can effect your health. -To build relationships with subjects, it helps to tackle any misconceptions about smoking and making it more well known about how bad smoking can be for your health. Aims: To inform people on the dangers of smoking and what effects it has on the body by using graphic images to show the damage that smoking can do to your health. As well as this it aims to try and put people off from smoking by including the fact and graphic image. 2Creative Media Production 2012
  • 3. Techniques: (You may want to use more than one slide to discuss the techniques used) The poster uses a variety of techniques to draw the eye in and still provide simple information that will stick with the viewer. By using the graphic image of mutations of organs on the cigarette looks horrific and therefore would hopefully turn people away from smoking if they could physically see what smoking was doing to their organs. Another thing that this poster does is used the simple fact in the centre of the image just below the cigarette to help catch the eye especially by using the simple white font could suggest how simple it is to quite smoking. As well as this by using a number within the quote makes it more noticeable and realistic to a smoker as they could imagine smoking those 15 cigarettes. This poster also contains the smoke free logo and informs an audience on what to search if they want to go smoke free and this is strategically placed under the fact so the eyes naturally follow on to the words ‘search smoke free’ and this could encourage someone to search this and see what they can do to quite smoking. By having the image take up the full poster and the writing be secondary to the image I think makes it have more of an impact as you can clearly see the graphic ‘mutation’ and it isn't hidden by lots of bold type all over the poster it is kept simple and minimalistic to help put across the simple message to quite smoking and what problems it can cause people, especially by using a fact which shows how easy it for a mutation caused by smoking could develop into cancer. 3Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: SmokeFree
  • 4. Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics. -Since the smoke free laws were introduced it encouraged people to change their towards smoking indoors. -‘A YouGov survey commissioned by ASH in 2014, found that 82% of adults in Great Britain support smokefree laws. This includes 54% of smokers. Only 8% of adults oppose the laws.’ -’In the year following the introduction of smokefree laws there was a 2.4% reduction in hospital admissions for heart attacks in England. This resulted in 12,000 fewer admissions to hospitals and saved the NHS £8.4 million in the first year alone.’ -’70% of people consider that creating smokefree environments has had a positive effect on the health of people in England.’ -’2017 is the first year that all cigarettes sold in the UK will be in standardised packaging that feature graphic images.’ -The NHS SmokeFree website now includes free quitting support which is encouraging people to quite smoking for good as well as this the website includes the effects smoking has on you and the people around you which is also encouraging people to quit smoking. 4Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: SmokeFree
  • 5. Case Study: Amnesty International Purpose: -To bring change (local, national and global change.) to help change how domestic abuse is seen and to try and make it more well known to people how common it is. -To change attitudes, the campaign is trying to change peoples attitudes towards domestic abuse and make more people stand up against it. -Raising awareness, it aims to raise awareness of how common it is in todays society and all over the world, it also helps to show how it can effect the children's lives. -To create or strengthen community ties, it helps to build relationships with other who've experienced this before and those who haven't. -To provide information, the web address of amnesty international helps to provide more information on this topic. -To campaign, it has the aim to campaign against domestic abuse being a taboo topic. -To build relationships with a subject. This campaigns helps the issue to stop being seen as a taboo topic and helps to make it easier for people to talk about it and their experiences. Aims: To show the effects of domestic abuse and try and raise awareness for a subject that isn't regularly talked about. Also by having the amnesty logo in the corner shows its official and gives a web address to find out more information on the topic. 5Creative Media Production 2012
  • 6. Techniques: (You may want to use more than one slide to discuss the techniques used) This poster is very effective at portraying a simple yet effective message by having a very dark colour scheme with the focus being on the image of the boy who looks to have been beaten up which is very eye catching and triggering and therefore gets a reaction from people about the effects that domestic abuse has on families. Another technique which has been used on this poster is the use of one clear white piece of text which has an important message in relation to the image as it is suggesting that his mother could be in the same position as the young boy. Also by using an image of a young boy makes people more sympathetic towards the scenario as most people may either know a young child or have relatives of the same age and therefore makes it easier to relate to and makes an audience image what if it was someone they new in that situation. The font used for the white text quite simplistic yet bold and clear to read making the overall imagery appear quite stark and eye catching. By having the amnesty logo in the bottom right corner also helps show that its an international issue as well as giving a web address where people can report these incidents and the eye naturally falls down to that point on the page once you have read the main point on the poster within out the logo and website being to overpowering and taking over the whole page it helps give keep with the simplistic theme. Also all the text on this poster is keep quite short, simple and to the point which is the whole idea of this campaign, with there main slogan being ‘Report Abuse.’ which is set right about the web address making it eyes for the eyes naturally look over these areas of the page. 6Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: Amnesty International
  • 7. Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics. -’As can be seen the number of cases recorded by the police has increased year on year from 2007/08. In 2014/15 the number of cases recorded reached 943,628 – this is a 43% increase on 2007/08.’ -’On 8 March 2016, the Home Office published its 2016-20 strategy for ending violence against women and girls (VAWG). 27’ -’Domestic violence protection orders (DVPOs) were rolled out across England and Wales from March 2014.’ -’A new criminal offence of coercive or controlling behaviour against an intimate partner or family member came into force on 29 December 2015.’ -’In 2014/15 92,779 defendants were prosecuted, an increase of 19% on 2013/14 and a 38% increase on 2008/09.’ -The government are also funding £40 million for specialist local support services and national helplines. 7Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: Amnesty International
  • 8. Case Study: Voting Purpose: -To bring change(local and national) the aim of this campaign to introduce more young people to voting. -To change attitudes, its to help try and change the attitudes of the people that don’t vote and trying to show hoe important it is to vote. -To raise awareness, it is also aiming to raise awareness of how many people didn’t vote. -To provide information, it helps to provide information on how many young people didn’t vote and tries to change that. -To campaign to try and change people approach to voting and their opinions on it. -To change voting behaviour. The key aim and purpose of this poster is to try and get more people to vote and therefore is encouraging people to change their voting behaviour. Aims: The aim of this campaign was to encourage young people to vote and have there say during elections by including the statistics on how many young people voted. 8Creative Media Production 2012
  • 9. Techniques: (You may want to use more than one slide to discuss the techniques used) This poster uses a variety of different techniques in comparison to the others that I looked at as its more busy and colourful than the others I think this is an effective way at promoting this campaign as the bright and bold colour scheme helps draw in a younger audience and grab people attention. Also by having ‘act your age.’ and the illustration of the young girl in shoes too big while holding the teddy bear suggests that the creators are trying to hint then young pill need to grow up and start taking more responsibility for voting. By including the statistics of how many young people voted helps show how little people get involved in voting and this poster isn't try to push people to vote any specific way its just trying to get young people to take part and vote for whatever they agree with. Also by having the very bright but basic colour scheme catch a passer by’s attention and the eyes are first draw towards the word vote and the shoes stood on top of it and the eyes are naturally draw to the top of the page where the 49% is strategically placed at the top of the page in a clear bold font helped to draw attention towards it and simply state the facts of how many young people take part in voting. Another technique used in this poster is having all the links that would be helpful to young people wanting to vote and get involved so that they can try and get the numbers up of how many young people take part in voting. Using these 4 basic colours helps to keep the poster look simple, but still eye catching and effective due to the 2 main colours being quite bright and prominent. 9Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study:Voting
  • 10. Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics. -’The turnout among young people aged 18 to 24 in the EU referendum was almost double the level that has been widely reported since polling day’ -’The number of 18 to 25-year-olds who cast their ballots is 58%, up from 52% in 2010 and 38% in 2005, Sky News reveals.’ -’Some 89% of 16 and 17-year-olds registered to vote in the Scottish referendum last September.’ 10Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: Voting
  • 11. Case Study: Deaffest Purpose: -To change attitudes, the aim is to change attitudes towards peoples opinions on deaf creators in the film and music industry. -Raising awareness, another purpose of the posters and event which aims to raise awareness of the event and of deaf filmmakers and musicians. -To create access to media production for non- traditional groups it helps to encourage more people to get involved with the event for deaf people and helps them get into the media production industry. -To challenge dominant representations and agendas, its helps to challenge the idea that you cant be a deaf filmmaker or musician and helps them get into the industry. -To create or strengthen community ties. The event helps to build relationships and contacts between people who wouldn’t normally socialise together. -To provide information about the event and how to get involved. Aims: The aim of deaf fest it to let non traditional groups to create media and put events for people. ‘Deaffest supports and develops the talents of emerging and established deaf filmmakers and artists from the UK and around the world. The annual festival showcases films and documentaries by international filmmakers. Exhibitions, seminars, workshops, parties and networking take place at the festival and everyone is welcome to take part, sharing their interest in films and the arts.’ 11Creative Media Production 2012
  • 12. Techniques: (You may want to use more than one slide to discuss the techniques used) Deaffest uses a variety of techniques to help them campaign and create access to media production for deaf people this can be seen in the black and white poster which is very simplistic and basic but gets to the point as it has the festivals name and dates as well as including what looks like sign language as the main focus of this poster and this helps show the basics of the festival without having lots of writing on the page and helps to quite the poster looking very minimalistic, also on this poster there is the website link on there too so that if people are interested they can find out more on the website. The alternative poster is also very effective even though it’s a lot different in comparison to the black and white one as it features a lot more colours and has more hand drawn feel to it due to the font looking like someone has drawn it onto the poster and the drawings looking very doodled but I think this is very effective as it helps catch peoples attention with a lot of the focus being on the centre of the page where the drawings and breakdown of what will be shown at the festival is and this catches peoples attention but then once you read on you learn that its Deaf festival and everything is produced by people that wouldn’t traditionally be able to produce music and film. Another thing which is very effective in this poster is the use of black for the key information when the rest of the colours are quite light and pastel and has a massive contrast with the dark bold black of all the writing but I think this is effective at making a more attention grabbing poster as it uses the contrasting colours that you wouldn’t usually put together. 12Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: Deaffest
  • 13. Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics. -Over the years Deafest has started to expand and now has a series of competitions including annual Young Deaffest Film Awards, the biennial Film Awards Gala and the Ben Steiner Film Bursary. -’Young Deaffest was first launched in 2007 with the aim of encouraging, enabling and inspiring young deaf people to develop their skills.’ -In 2012 Nikki Stratton and Marilyn Willrich took on coordinating and funding Deaffest through their own non-profit organisation called Zebra Access which helps give training to deaf people. -Also in 2012 Deaffest got there first patron. -Impacted many deaf peoples lives giving them the ability to get involved in film, music and art. 13Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study:Deaffest
  • 14. Case Study: ALS Association Purpose: -To change attitudes towards the disease and encourage people to get involved in raising money. -Raising awareness of the disease as it isn't commonly known and don’t know enough about it but the purpose of this challenge was to change that. -To create or strengthen community ties, the challenge helped to bring communities together as everyone got involved and was all across social media so it helped to get people talking. -To provide information, the challenge also helped to give information about the charity as it gave information about the disease and made it more commonly known. -To campaign to raise money for the charity which supports people suffering from the disease. -To infiltrate mainstream media. The challenge infiltrated mainstream media as it got onto all forms of social media and even made it onto TV in news as celebrities started to get involved in the challenge. Aims: To raise awareness and money for the ALS association by creating a social media trend which went viral and created a lot of publicity for them and made more people aware of ALS. 14Creative Media Production 2012
  • 15. Techniques: (You may want to use more than one slide to discuss the techniques used) The ALS ice bucket challenge was very effective at raising awareness and money for ASL but also infiltrating mainstream media due to the trend going viral with even celebrities getting involved. In this poster the producers have used the bright red colour of the bucket which helps show urgency and is more gender neutral colour and therefore doesn’t eliminate anyone and make you think that its targeted at a specific gender. Also by having the ALS association logo on the front and centre helps show that its official gives the charity publicity and raise awareness of it. By having the hash tag on the front of the bucket too does suggest that they are targeting a younger audience who are more involved in social media trends due to this going viral but making it into main news. By making this popular amongst young people raises awareness of ALS in a group of people who may have very little knowledge about it. The simple look of this poster helps to show the simplicity of the challenge and how simple it was to take part. As well as this the bold red colour helps to grab the attention of people if this one on social media you would be unlikely to just scroll past it due to the bright eye catching colour which makes you want to read what its about. The bright colour not only is eye catching it also helps make the white writing stand out off of the red and makes the hand within the logo look more prominent. Also the layout of this poster is quite effective as it first draws the eye to the centre and then you notice that the writing is on a bucket of ice draws more attention to the challenge aspect of it. 15Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: ALS Association
  • 16. Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics. -’Not only has research funded by the stunt uncovered a gene variant associated with ALS, it has also demonstrated the huge value of scientific collaboration.’ -’The ice bucket challenge raised more than $115m (£88m) for motor neurone disease in a single month. Now, scientists funded with the proceeds have discovered a gene variant associated with the condition.’ -’The Ice Bucket Challenge, has brought in more than $220 million around the globe for the fight against ALS.’ 16Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: ALS Association