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L3 Creative Media
Production & Technology
Year Two Evaluation Template
Project Overview
In this section you will outline the aim of the project/task and give an
overview of the activates you undertook to complete it.
What was the theme of your project and
what attracted you to it?
For the group part of this project, we created a social media platform based around travel. My group members
created an ident and an app layout design while I created a website layout design. I also created a short travel
video based in York while using the theme of time. I chose the theme of time as I felt I could go many different
routes with this.
We decided to go down the travel theme because from our audience research we discovered a lot of the target
audience were interested in travel. There were other options we could have chosen but we thought that this
would be a lesser expected route to take.
What research did you undertake and how
did it help develop your project?
Group section:
First, we started with audience research focusing on existing platforms. I chose to focus my attention
on the Instagram app. I went into detail about the app's features and how that links in with the apps
target audience and keeps up their appeal to that audience. I also went into detail on the app's
layout discussing each part of it and what makes that fitting for the target audience. I then looked
into the logo of the platform and discussed the colours and style of it and how that is appealing to the
audience. This gave me a better idea of what I could include in my layout idea for future reference. I
also did the same research for the Instagram website which gave me a more direct idea of what to
include on my website design.
We then conducted a target audience research survey and waited a few days before collecting the
results. I took the job of looking at the number of people who said each option. I created a list for
each question which allowed us to see all of the results in one place for each question we asked.
I then moved onto researching York, as this is the prime area for the target audience. I created a list
of things to do in the city center, this provided area information to do with the target audience and
where they are primarily from, along with aiding me later in the project when it came to researching
my individual work.
What research did you undertake and how
did it help develop your project?
Individual section:
I started by writing down my initial thoughts about time to give myself a starting point. I then created
a moodboard of images associated with this list. I then decided to try and link these words together
by grouping them where I could see similarities. This allowed me to think about the theme of time in
a slightly different way, like old buildings and historical events instead of a more standard association
like clocks. This allowed me to think about how I could connect travel and time together. I created a
mind-map for this and found my focus to be around historical locations like old buildings, landmarks,
museums etc, as well as more literal connections like travel taking time to do. This then allowed me
to move onto linking time, travel, and York together. For this I created a list with images and labels
showing the places in York city center that have some type of historical aspect. This aided me in
planning my video as I could now decide what places I would like to feature.
How did you develop and improve your ideas
throughout the project?
First Half
Our style sheet allowed us to visualise our ideas surrounding the colour scheme for Adam's app layout design and my website layout
design. We chose colours that we thought fit well with the theme of travel as travel involves being outside and seeing nature which is all
shades of green as well as green being used on navigation apps such as google maps. My layout ideas allowed me to pre plan where I
could possibly place everything as well as what features I could include. I drew out boxes and used arrows with labels to show what each
box represented. This helped to lead me to my final decision and final layout design.
Second Half
The way I conducted my theme research allowed me to dive deeper into that theme and find and area which would link in with my idea of a
travel video. I started with my initial thoughts about "time" and then created a moodboard so I could visualise this better. I then tried to group
together my initial thoughts to create links and then from there I was able to link my theme with travel and also York. My shot list and editing
outline allowed me to organise what I would need to film on my shoot days and how in what order I would edit my video afterwards to I
wouldn’t have to waste time thinking about it then. My contingency plan prepared me for any possible issues that may occur and how I can
deal with them, my risk assessment prepared me of the risks while filming and how I can prevent them from happening. Finally, my
production schedule allowed me to see how long I would have to film and edit so I could get it finished on time. During the editing process I
made a first version of the video to receive feedback. After my feedback I edited the video again taking away the transitions I had in place
and just going with a simple jump cut, I also added more to my introduction sequence by adding text which swipes onto the screen from
both sides clearly stating what the video is about, and finally I added map transitions which show the location of the places I am talking
What was the outcome of the project/task?
For the first half of the project, I created a social media website layout design. I
produced what would be a user's main feed using the research and planning we
conducted as a group. For the visual style of the website, I used the colour scheme
we had chosen. I included our logo in the top middle of the page, a search bar and
navigation bar on either side of it. I also included a trending box on the right-hand
side along with individual posts. I placed a scroller on the left-hand side as there
was a gap and I felt something was missing. My reasoning for all these came from
my findings in the research for social media platforms and websites.
For the second half of the project, I created a short video of a York travel guide.
The idea behind this was to create something that could be used on our platform
so I thought this would be most fitting. I included clips of the streets in York along
with the locations I had gathered in my research and planning. I then produced a
first version of my video which still needed a lot more work. After changing parts of
the video, I ended with my final version. This had 3 map transitions which zoom in
and out and move across to locations. I also have text which moves in from the
sides of the clip for the intro saying what the video is. The video also contains a
voice over which tells the viewer what the video is showing. I used parts of my
planning when making the video, such as the shot list, my editing plan, and voice
over script.
Personal Response
This section will explore your thoughts and feelings about the
experience. This will help gain a understand of how your personal
feelings may have impacted the final outcome.
How did you feel about the project before
you started?
I looked forward to starting this project as I enjoy doing group work however I was a bit confused at
first about how it would all work as well as what we actually had to do. I also liked the idea of splitting
off to do individual work based on the group work we produce. I knew I would be able to work in the
video sector for this which is my main subject area so I knew I would have fun with at least part of this
project. I was also excited to work in a group as I felt this would be a good time to improve teamwork
What do you think about your project development and
how did it help you to refine your idea?
First Half
Our style sheet allowed us to visualise our ideas surrounding the colour scheme for Adam's app layout
design and my website layout design. My layout ideas allowed me to pre plan where I could possibly place
everything as well as what features I could include. This led me to my final decision and final layout design.
Second Half
The way I conducted my theme research allowed me to dive deeper into that theme and find and area which would link in
with my idea of a travel video. My shot list and editing outline allowed me to organise what I would need to film on my
shoot days and how in what order I would edit my video afterwards to I wouldn’t have to waste time thinking about it then.
My contingency plan prepared me for any possible issues that may occur and how I can deal with them, my risk
assessment prepared me of the risks while filming and how I can prevent them from happening. Finally, my production
schedule allowed me to see how long I would have to film and edit so I could get it finished on time.
Did you collaborate on your project or engage
contributors, etc?
For the first half of this project, I worked in a group with two other people. We split our research and
planning between each of us, so we all had a part to play. We also split our final pieces between us, I
worked on a website design, Adam worked on the app design, and Millie worked on an ident. We also
discussed what we would be making for our personal work in the second half of the project so we
knew we wouldn't be making the same things and we could get other opinions on the ideas.
How did you feel when the project was
completed and why?
I felt quite happy with what I had created as I had developed my skills in the video sector by adding
transitions into my video that I had made myself which was different to my previous video projects.
Like previous projects I was glad to finish especially since I finished on time meaning I met all the
deadlines. I was also excited to have finished because now I can get started on the FMP.
Evaluating the project
In the previous sections, you have been commenting upon the project development. The
evaluation may include some similar information but it will also include critical comment.
An evaluation must include information about the good and bad points of the project and it
is important to be honest. Finally, you should make a judgment about the effectiveness of
the success of the project
What were the good points about the project/task and what did you
learn from them? [try and think of at least 3, more if possible]
I learnt how to create a map drone zooming transition using key frames which I had never done
I was able to practice my skills in the video sector as I haven't done any video work yet this year.
It allowed me to practice with voiceovers as I have only done this once before and I just used my
phone so this time I was able to use a microphone and experiment with voiceovers that way.
I was able to gain more experience with working in a group which I feel has improved my teamwork
What challenges did you face and how did you
respond to them? Try and think of at least 3...
During this project I faced challenges when it came to making my video:
When gathering my footage, I was unable on multiple occasions to get clips of the York city walls meaning I would
have a gap in my video. To solve this issue, I decided to gather footage of more of the streets in York and also of
the street performers that were out that day.
After recording the voiceover audio, I found myself doing it again multiple times to try and get a clear sound, when I
got that and put it in my video, I then had the issue of the voice over not being loud enough, so I had to increase
the volume in premier pro and decrease the volume of the music.
When I was making the map drone zooming transition, I had issues with the sizing of the map as it wouldn't fit the
full screen or even close to it, so I had to keep re-making the map to different sizes until it fit almost perfectly. This
meant I could successfully do the transition with ease.
What were the negative points about the
experience, and what could you have done to
improve them?
I found the group work section a little weird as we were splitting the work for each section, I felt like I
wasn't doing enough even when we were doing the same pieces of work. I also found it hard to wrap
my head around how it all worked at this point however I did make sense of it about halfway through.
I found the map transition work to be quite difficult and it took me a few tries before I got it right. This
was because the sizing off the map was wrong, and I didn’t realise how much that effected the
transition till near the end of making one for the first time. I then had to waste time getting the map to
be the correct size before I could tackle the transition again however getting it the correct size did
make the transition work in the end. The transitions were also too fast so I could have extended the
video a bit with more clips if I had filmed more which would have allowed me to extend the transition
How would you rate the final piece? [think along the lines of
poor, satisfactory, good or excellent...justify your rating]
I would rate my final piece as good. I think my website design turned out great and I managed to
do everything I wanted to do with it, and I think my video was good too however I believe there are still
a couple of things I could improve with it that would push it up to the excellent such as improving the
map transitions to make them slower and more visible and changing the voiceover narration to fit with
the tone of each section in the video as I used basically the same voice for each part.
What is your opinion of your final piece? What
elements do you think are successful and why?
I think my final pieces turned out good. I managed to do what I wanted to with both of them aswell as
appealing to my target audience to the best of my ability. The website had all the common features of
a social media platform aimed at my target age range as well as it being easy to navigate which is
what they also want. The travel video was fast paced and short, it was straight to the point with what it
was showing by the introduction and the voiceover narration, and some of the sections were things
that are super popular with that age group such as the shopping section and the night life section at
the end.
How well did your project apply the characteristics
and conventions of the medium you worked in?
For the website design I included many common features of a social media website such as the logo
at the top of the page along with a search bar and navigation bar which allows the users to easily find
things and move their way around the site. I included a standard design for posts which show the
username of the person posting, what they have posted, and then the caption area for that post along
with space to add a location tag. Trending sections are often used on social media platforms, so I
included a small version of that on the right-hand side of the page next to the main posts allowing
users to see which locations are trending at the moment. These are all features of a successful
website which is why I wanted to include them all in my own work.
I used common conventions of travel videos in my own work, these being having an introduction with
the name of the place they are talking about, I used "York, a guide to the city" to make this point clear,
I used a clear voiceover narration which these types of videos use to audibly explain what the video is
showing at each section, I included background music which changed to fit each section which makes
the video less boring to watch and when there is no narration you have the music to listen while you
view instead of just silence. Maps are another common feature in travel videos to show the viewer
were exactly a location it, I did this to show 4 of the main locations I was talking about, York Minster,
The Shambles, York Dungeon, and Jorvik Viking Centre.
How did you design apeal to your target
My target audience was 16–24-year-olds mainly based in York and the surrounding areas.
For the social media platform, it was based around that age groups interests. After our target audience
research a popular interest of that age group was traveling/photography so we made the platform and
our separate pieces of work surrounding that. Social media platforms that are aimed at this age range are
very simple and straight forward to use with clear navigation systems which is what I tried to convey in my
website design. I had a labeled search bar at the top of the page along with a navigation bar using well
known icons while still managing to put a unique twist on them, I added a trending tab as this is featured on
every social media platform along with a simple way to view posts of those you follow.
For the video I made sure I made the video short and fast paced as this is what that age group likes when it
comes to more informational videos like this. I also tried to make the history take on the video more
interesting by talking about the supernatural and also adding a classic shopping section into the video as
that is a huge interest of the age group. I based the video on things to do in York as that is the general area
for the target audience however, I took note of the fact that there are two universities in York with direct
access to the city center which hold a lot of international students who even though they are studying and
living here, don’t always know what the city has to offer or the history behind some of its locations. I also
used music which is calming but also suited to the target audience, I included this music to add something
extra to the video so it wouldn't just be silence after the voice over. One of the sections I included was about
the night life in York, this appeals to students of this age range as this is a common interest of theirs.
In this section, you will focus on the details of the project and make
sense of what happened in the project. You should demonstrate how
your decisions informed the project development and the success of the
In what ways was the overall project a
First Half
My research was successful as it aided the other members of my group as well as myself by giving knowledge on
the target audience, the city of York, and social media platform with both apps and websites. When it came to
making the website design my website layout ideas really helped me with choosing a design. I picked the one I
liked the most and then edited it as I went if it was needed.
Second Half
My research was successful as it allowed me to learn about my theme which meant I could find out how to connect it to
my video idea. I was also able to look into a similar video to what I would be making along with many audio videos that I
could potentially use as background music during production. My planning helped me with time management and
organisation as I was able to plan what shots I needed to get, the equipment I needed to use, how I would be editing the
video, plan the voice over, contingency plan so I was prepared if anything went wrong, and a risk assessment to make the
shoot safe. In the end my video hit my target of showing what there is to do in York with a main focus on history which links
to the theme of time as well as my use of timelapses and filming at both day and night time.
What elements did not go well and why?
On the video I think the transitions between each section in the video could have been done better. I used a
simple jump cut however I think it would have looked better if I had used similar looking clips so the cut
wouldn't seem as sudden as it is. On my website design I don't like the placement of the scroll wheel, I used it
to just fill the gap that was there, but I should have thought about it a bit more and moved the other features
around till I thought it would fit well. I think the sudden cut between the daytime sections to the
nighttime sections is a bit of a big jump, I feel it could have flowed into it more with maybe a timelapse of the
sun setting or clips of it gradually getting darker in each one.
How did your skills develop during the portfolio? [remember,
skills aren't just technical, remember things like organisation,
time management, communication, etc as well]
When making the video I was able to practice using keyframes to create transitions which I hadn't
looked into much before. I was also able to work on and improve my communication skills when
working on the group part of the project as I had to speak to my team and work with them. I was able
to work on my problem-solving skills a couple times during the project, when I had issues with my map
transition and was unable to film a certain location, I was able to come up with a solution. My time
management skills have definitely improved during this project as I was able to hit deadlines and
stook to my production schedule as I had planned even with me needed extra days to film because of
location closures.
What meaning and messages did you want to
convey and were you successful?
With the video I wanted to show what there is to do in York city center for both those who live there (main target
audience) and those who are studying their or live on the outskirts. I wanted to focus on the history side of things
as York is a highly historical city and I feel a lot of people don't pay much attention to that or only know some parts
of it. To show how much history is in the city, all of my locations were places with a historical factor to them which
was made clear with what I said in the voiceover narration. I didn’t want to bore the target audience with pure
history facts, so I kept it simple but still to the point and included some lesser obvious historical locations such as
the ghost related places.
What feedback did you get from your peers
and viewings?
"I loved the transitions with the map, they were so slick, the only thing I would say is that the transition
from the daytime to the night was a little abrupt, you could have some type of filler in there to make it
more smooth" - Alannah
"The video conveys the information on the many landmarks and things to do in York in a quick, easy to
digest fashion. Equally it does it with a modern, youthful tone with music choices and fast editing
hence the short runtime and the voice over is spoken well. You catered to your audience well. In terms
of anything to improve, perhaps have more pop-up graphics/text or a more detailed list of things to
do." - Lucas
"The zooming in on the maps is very quick so that could be a bit slower, the music gives the
impression it’s a calm city and I like how it changes to more upbeat when it gets to the night section,
the narration is really good however you could have changed the voice to fit with the different
sections" - Angela
"I really like the map transitions you did however I think they're a bit too fast, I also like the background
music you chose I think it suits well with the sections in the video" - Kinga
What would you do differently in the future
and why?
I would try to do more research on the style of video itself as I feel if I had done more, I would have had a better
understanding of this style of video and what is including in them in terms of the editing style, shot types etc. I
would also try do more research surrounding the website as I only looked into one website. Researching more
would have allowed me to see different layouts and features.
For the video I would try to create the map transition in a different way as I felt the way I did it looked really messy,
and it was definitely too fast. I also would have tried to match up clips when switching to the next section in the
video as this would have made the whole thing flow better and be more visually appealing.
For the website design I would have switch the scroll bar to the right-hand side and moving everything else
towards the left more as I feel it looks a bit weird the way it is now.
What knowledge have you gained that would help you in the
future to improve your project? Also, what knowledge from
academic literature and professionals has helped and why?
I have learnt that checking places are open in advance where possible is key to have a clear plan for
gathering footage in the video sector. Arriving at a location you planned on filming at, and it being
closed just wastes time and means you now have a gap you need to try and fill and think of a way to
do so as soon as possible. Checking in advance would prevent any time being wasted and would
allow you time to re plan what you can shoot. Also having backup locations decided during the
planning process would be beneficial for a situation like this as you already know where else you can
Action Plan
This section will identify what you would do differently in the future and
identify ways you could develop.
If you were making a similar project in the
future, what would you do differently?
If I were to make to a video like this again, I would try to be more creative with the shots that I get
whether that be just in general or to create transitions, as I believe this would make the video more
interesting and appealing to the target audience I had as this age group tends to like creativity in
videos. I would also try to speed the video up with an increased number of shots to allow for more
shots to be used with more and faster cuts. I would also change the way I did the map transition as
they were too fast and low quality so I would try to fix that and instead of showing each individual
location just show the location of the city or something along those lines.
How could you develop your skills for future projects? Please
identify the appropriate resources and courses. For example,
webpages, tutorials, books, short courses and qualifications.
I believe that tutorials and short courses will be the best way for me to develop my skills for future projects. I could
look at short and easy tutorials that I can follow and create my own experiements with. Short courses would be
benificial for me as I can find ones that will specifically show me knew skills in certain areas and possibly discover
things, I had no idea about. I could also watch more pre-existing products to help boost my creativity when it
comes to my own projects, I can see how things have been made professionally and try to use some of what they
did in my own work. I could also conduct my own experiments at home in my free time to give myself more practice
at skills I already have and new skills I have gained from tutorials and courses.
What personal attributes could you develop to
ensure you are working at a professional level?
To make sure I am working at a professional level I need to have good time management skills. I need to hit all
deadlines to keep on track to make sure things are finished on time. To do this I may need to take the initiative and
create a detailed schedule. I will also need to have good communication skills, this is with anyone involved in a
project or work, and also with my peers to get constructive feedback as I go. I also need to have good adaptibilty
so I can change based on the situation that’s at hand.

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L3 CMPT Y2 Evaluation Template.pptxL3 CMPT Y2 Evaluation Template.pptx
L3 CMPT Y2 Evaluation Template.pptx
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  • 1. L3 Creative Media Production & Technology Year Two Evaluation Template
  • 2. Project Overview In this section you will outline the aim of the project/task and give an overview of the activates you undertook to complete it.
  • 3. What was the theme of your project and what attracted you to it? For the group part of this project, we created a social media platform based around travel. My group members created an ident and an app layout design while I created a website layout design. I also created a short travel video based in York while using the theme of time. I chose the theme of time as I felt I could go many different routes with this. We decided to go down the travel theme because from our audience research we discovered a lot of the target audience were interested in travel. There were other options we could have chosen but we thought that this would be a lesser expected route to take.
  • 4. What research did you undertake and how did it help develop your project? Group section: First, we started with audience research focusing on existing platforms. I chose to focus my attention on the Instagram app. I went into detail about the app's features and how that links in with the apps target audience and keeps up their appeal to that audience. I also went into detail on the app's layout discussing each part of it and what makes that fitting for the target audience. I then looked into the logo of the platform and discussed the colours and style of it and how that is appealing to the audience. This gave me a better idea of what I could include in my layout idea for future reference. I also did the same research for the Instagram website which gave me a more direct idea of what to include on my website design. We then conducted a target audience research survey and waited a few days before collecting the results. I took the job of looking at the number of people who said each option. I created a list for each question which allowed us to see all of the results in one place for each question we asked. I then moved onto researching York, as this is the prime area for the target audience. I created a list of things to do in the city center, this provided area information to do with the target audience and where they are primarily from, along with aiding me later in the project when it came to researching my individual work.
  • 5. What research did you undertake and how did it help develop your project? Individual section: I started by writing down my initial thoughts about time to give myself a starting point. I then created a moodboard of images associated with this list. I then decided to try and link these words together by grouping them where I could see similarities. This allowed me to think about the theme of time in a slightly different way, like old buildings and historical events instead of a more standard association like clocks. This allowed me to think about how I could connect travel and time together. I created a mind-map for this and found my focus to be around historical locations like old buildings, landmarks, museums etc, as well as more literal connections like travel taking time to do. This then allowed me to move onto linking time, travel, and York together. For this I created a list with images and labels showing the places in York city center that have some type of historical aspect. This aided me in planning my video as I could now decide what places I would like to feature.
  • 6. How did you develop and improve your ideas throughout the project? First Half Our style sheet allowed us to visualise our ideas surrounding the colour scheme for Adam's app layout design and my website layout design. We chose colours that we thought fit well with the theme of travel as travel involves being outside and seeing nature which is all shades of green as well as green being used on navigation apps such as google maps. My layout ideas allowed me to pre plan where I could possibly place everything as well as what features I could include. I drew out boxes and used arrows with labels to show what each box represented. This helped to lead me to my final decision and final layout design. Second Half The way I conducted my theme research allowed me to dive deeper into that theme and find and area which would link in with my idea of a travel video. I started with my initial thoughts about "time" and then created a moodboard so I could visualise this better. I then tried to group together my initial thoughts to create links and then from there I was able to link my theme with travel and also York. My shot list and editing outline allowed me to organise what I would need to film on my shoot days and how in what order I would edit my video afterwards to I wouldn’t have to waste time thinking about it then. My contingency plan prepared me for any possible issues that may occur and how I can deal with them, my risk assessment prepared me of the risks while filming and how I can prevent them from happening. Finally, my production schedule allowed me to see how long I would have to film and edit so I could get it finished on time. During the editing process I made a first version of the video to receive feedback. After my feedback I edited the video again taking away the transitions I had in place and just going with a simple jump cut, I also added more to my introduction sequence by adding text which swipes onto the screen from both sides clearly stating what the video is about, and finally I added map transitions which show the location of the places I am talking about.
  • 7. What was the outcome of the project/task? For the first half of the project, I created a social media website layout design. I produced what would be a user's main feed using the research and planning we conducted as a group. For the visual style of the website, I used the colour scheme we had chosen. I included our logo in the top middle of the page, a search bar and navigation bar on either side of it. I also included a trending box on the right-hand side along with individual posts. I placed a scroller on the left-hand side as there was a gap and I felt something was missing. My reasoning for all these came from my findings in the research for social media platforms and websites. For the second half of the project, I created a short video of a York travel guide. The idea behind this was to create something that could be used on our platform so I thought this would be most fitting. I included clips of the streets in York along with the locations I had gathered in my research and planning. I then produced a first version of my video which still needed a lot more work. After changing parts of the video, I ended with my final version. This had 3 map transitions which zoom in and out and move across to locations. I also have text which moves in from the sides of the clip for the intro saying what the video is. The video also contains a voice over which tells the viewer what the video is showing. I used parts of my planning when making the video, such as the shot list, my editing plan, and voice over script.
  • 8. Personal Response This section will explore your thoughts and feelings about the experience. This will help gain a understand of how your personal feelings may have impacted the final outcome.
  • 9. How did you feel about the project before you started? I looked forward to starting this project as I enjoy doing group work however I was a bit confused at first about how it would all work as well as what we actually had to do. I also liked the idea of splitting off to do individual work based on the group work we produce. I knew I would be able to work in the video sector for this which is my main subject area so I knew I would have fun with at least part of this project. I was also excited to work in a group as I felt this would be a good time to improve teamwork skills.
  • 10. What do you think about your project development and how did it help you to refine your idea? First Half Our style sheet allowed us to visualise our ideas surrounding the colour scheme for Adam's app layout design and my website layout design. My layout ideas allowed me to pre plan where I could possibly place everything as well as what features I could include. This led me to my final decision and final layout design. Second Half The way I conducted my theme research allowed me to dive deeper into that theme and find and area which would link in with my idea of a travel video. My shot list and editing outline allowed me to organise what I would need to film on my shoot days and how in what order I would edit my video afterwards to I wouldn’t have to waste time thinking about it then. My contingency plan prepared me for any possible issues that may occur and how I can deal with them, my risk assessment prepared me of the risks while filming and how I can prevent them from happening. Finally, my production schedule allowed me to see how long I would have to film and edit so I could get it finished on time.
  • 11. Did you collaborate on your project or engage contributors, etc? For the first half of this project, I worked in a group with two other people. We split our research and planning between each of us, so we all had a part to play. We also split our final pieces between us, I worked on a website design, Adam worked on the app design, and Millie worked on an ident. We also discussed what we would be making for our personal work in the second half of the project so we knew we wouldn't be making the same things and we could get other opinions on the ideas.
  • 12. How did you feel when the project was completed and why? I felt quite happy with what I had created as I had developed my skills in the video sector by adding transitions into my video that I had made myself which was different to my previous video projects. Like previous projects I was glad to finish especially since I finished on time meaning I met all the deadlines. I was also excited to have finished because now I can get started on the FMP.
  • 13. Evaluating the project In the previous sections, you have been commenting upon the project development. The evaluation may include some similar information but it will also include critical comment. An evaluation must include information about the good and bad points of the project and it is important to be honest. Finally, you should make a judgment about the effectiveness of the success of the project
  • 14. What were the good points about the project/task and what did you learn from them? [try and think of at least 3, more if possible] I learnt how to create a map drone zooming transition using key frames which I had never done before. I was able to practice my skills in the video sector as I haven't done any video work yet this year. It allowed me to practice with voiceovers as I have only done this once before and I just used my phone so this time I was able to use a microphone and experiment with voiceovers that way. I was able to gain more experience with working in a group which I feel has improved my teamwork skills.
  • 15. What challenges did you face and how did you respond to them? Try and think of at least 3... During this project I faced challenges when it came to making my video: When gathering my footage, I was unable on multiple occasions to get clips of the York city walls meaning I would have a gap in my video. To solve this issue, I decided to gather footage of more of the streets in York and also of the street performers that were out that day. After recording the voiceover audio, I found myself doing it again multiple times to try and get a clear sound, when I got that and put it in my video, I then had the issue of the voice over not being loud enough, so I had to increase the volume in premier pro and decrease the volume of the music. When I was making the map drone zooming transition, I had issues with the sizing of the map as it wouldn't fit the full screen or even close to it, so I had to keep re-making the map to different sizes until it fit almost perfectly. This meant I could successfully do the transition with ease.
  • 16. What were the negative points about the experience, and what could you have done to improve them? I found the group work section a little weird as we were splitting the work for each section, I felt like I wasn't doing enough even when we were doing the same pieces of work. I also found it hard to wrap my head around how it all worked at this point however I did make sense of it about halfway through. I found the map transition work to be quite difficult and it took me a few tries before I got it right. This was because the sizing off the map was wrong, and I didn’t realise how much that effected the transition till near the end of making one for the first time. I then had to waste time getting the map to be the correct size before I could tackle the transition again however getting it the correct size did make the transition work in the end. The transitions were also too fast so I could have extended the video a bit with more clips if I had filmed more which would have allowed me to extend the transition out.
  • 17. How would you rate the final piece? [think along the lines of poor, satisfactory, good or excellent...justify your rating] I would rate my final piece as good. I think my website design turned out great and I managed to do everything I wanted to do with it, and I think my video was good too however I believe there are still a couple of things I could improve with it that would push it up to the excellent such as improving the map transitions to make them slower and more visible and changing the voiceover narration to fit with the tone of each section in the video as I used basically the same voice for each part.
  • 18. What is your opinion of your final piece? What elements do you think are successful and why? I think my final pieces turned out good. I managed to do what I wanted to with both of them aswell as appealing to my target audience to the best of my ability. The website had all the common features of a social media platform aimed at my target age range as well as it being easy to navigate which is what they also want. The travel video was fast paced and short, it was straight to the point with what it was showing by the introduction and the voiceover narration, and some of the sections were things that are super popular with that age group such as the shopping section and the night life section at the end.
  • 19. How well did your project apply the characteristics and conventions of the medium you worked in? For the website design I included many common features of a social media website such as the logo at the top of the page along with a search bar and navigation bar which allows the users to easily find things and move their way around the site. I included a standard design for posts which show the username of the person posting, what they have posted, and then the caption area for that post along with space to add a location tag. Trending sections are often used on social media platforms, so I included a small version of that on the right-hand side of the page next to the main posts allowing users to see which locations are trending at the moment. These are all features of a successful website which is why I wanted to include them all in my own work. I used common conventions of travel videos in my own work, these being having an introduction with the name of the place they are talking about, I used "York, a guide to the city" to make this point clear, I used a clear voiceover narration which these types of videos use to audibly explain what the video is showing at each section, I included background music which changed to fit each section which makes the video less boring to watch and when there is no narration you have the music to listen while you view instead of just silence. Maps are another common feature in travel videos to show the viewer were exactly a location it, I did this to show 4 of the main locations I was talking about, York Minster, The Shambles, York Dungeon, and Jorvik Viking Centre.
  • 20. How did you design apeal to your target audience? My target audience was 16–24-year-olds mainly based in York and the surrounding areas. For the social media platform, it was based around that age groups interests. After our target audience research a popular interest of that age group was traveling/photography so we made the platform and our separate pieces of work surrounding that. Social media platforms that are aimed at this age range are very simple and straight forward to use with clear navigation systems which is what I tried to convey in my website design. I had a labeled search bar at the top of the page along with a navigation bar using well known icons while still managing to put a unique twist on them, I added a trending tab as this is featured on every social media platform along with a simple way to view posts of those you follow. For the video I made sure I made the video short and fast paced as this is what that age group likes when it comes to more informational videos like this. I also tried to make the history take on the video more interesting by talking about the supernatural and also adding a classic shopping section into the video as that is a huge interest of the age group. I based the video on things to do in York as that is the general area for the target audience however, I took note of the fact that there are two universities in York with direct access to the city center which hold a lot of international students who even though they are studying and living here, don’t always know what the city has to offer or the history behind some of its locations. I also used music which is calming but also suited to the target audience, I included this music to add something extra to the video so it wouldn't just be silence after the voice over. One of the sections I included was about the night life in York, this appeals to students of this age range as this is a common interest of theirs.
  • 21. Analysis In this section, you will focus on the details of the project and make sense of what happened in the project. You should demonstrate how your decisions informed the project development and the success of the outcome.
  • 22. In what ways was the overall project a success? First Half My research was successful as it aided the other members of my group as well as myself by giving knowledge on the target audience, the city of York, and social media platform with both apps and websites. When it came to making the website design my website layout ideas really helped me with choosing a design. I picked the one I liked the most and then edited it as I went if it was needed. Second Half My research was successful as it allowed me to learn about my theme which meant I could find out how to connect it to my video idea. I was also able to look into a similar video to what I would be making along with many audio videos that I could potentially use as background music during production. My planning helped me with time management and organisation as I was able to plan what shots I needed to get, the equipment I needed to use, how I would be editing the video, plan the voice over, contingency plan so I was prepared if anything went wrong, and a risk assessment to make the shoot safe. In the end my video hit my target of showing what there is to do in York with a main focus on history which links to the theme of time as well as my use of timelapses and filming at both day and night time.
  • 23. What elements did not go well and why? On the video I think the transitions between each section in the video could have been done better. I used a simple jump cut however I think it would have looked better if I had used similar looking clips so the cut wouldn't seem as sudden as it is. On my website design I don't like the placement of the scroll wheel, I used it to just fill the gap that was there, but I should have thought about it a bit more and moved the other features around till I thought it would fit well. I think the sudden cut between the daytime sections to the nighttime sections is a bit of a big jump, I feel it could have flowed into it more with maybe a timelapse of the sun setting or clips of it gradually getting darker in each one.
  • 24. How did your skills develop during the portfolio? [remember, skills aren't just technical, remember things like organisation, time management, communication, etc as well] When making the video I was able to practice using keyframes to create transitions which I hadn't looked into much before. I was also able to work on and improve my communication skills when working on the group part of the project as I had to speak to my team and work with them. I was able to work on my problem-solving skills a couple times during the project, when I had issues with my map transition and was unable to film a certain location, I was able to come up with a solution. My time management skills have definitely improved during this project as I was able to hit deadlines and stook to my production schedule as I had planned even with me needed extra days to film because of location closures.
  • 25. What meaning and messages did you want to convey and were you successful? With the video I wanted to show what there is to do in York city center for both those who live there (main target audience) and those who are studying their or live on the outskirts. I wanted to focus on the history side of things as York is a highly historical city and I feel a lot of people don't pay much attention to that or only know some parts of it. To show how much history is in the city, all of my locations were places with a historical factor to them which was made clear with what I said in the voiceover narration. I didn’t want to bore the target audience with pure history facts, so I kept it simple but still to the point and included some lesser obvious historical locations such as the ghost related places.
  • 26. What feedback did you get from your peers and viewings? "I loved the transitions with the map, they were so slick, the only thing I would say is that the transition from the daytime to the night was a little abrupt, you could have some type of filler in there to make it more smooth" - Alannah "The video conveys the information on the many landmarks and things to do in York in a quick, easy to digest fashion. Equally it does it with a modern, youthful tone with music choices and fast editing hence the short runtime and the voice over is spoken well. You catered to your audience well. In terms of anything to improve, perhaps have more pop-up graphics/text or a more detailed list of things to do." - Lucas "The zooming in on the maps is very quick so that could be a bit slower, the music gives the impression it’s a calm city and I like how it changes to more upbeat when it gets to the night section, the narration is really good however you could have changed the voice to fit with the different sections" - Angela "I really like the map transitions you did however I think they're a bit too fast, I also like the background music you chose I think it suits well with the sections in the video" - Kinga
  • 27. What would you do differently in the future and why? I would try to do more research on the style of video itself as I feel if I had done more, I would have had a better understanding of this style of video and what is including in them in terms of the editing style, shot types etc. I would also try do more research surrounding the website as I only looked into one website. Researching more would have allowed me to see different layouts and features. For the video I would try to create the map transition in a different way as I felt the way I did it looked really messy, and it was definitely too fast. I also would have tried to match up clips when switching to the next section in the video as this would have made the whole thing flow better and be more visually appealing. For the website design I would have switch the scroll bar to the right-hand side and moving everything else towards the left more as I feel it looks a bit weird the way it is now.
  • 28. What knowledge have you gained that would help you in the future to improve your project? Also, what knowledge from academic literature and professionals has helped and why? I have learnt that checking places are open in advance where possible is key to have a clear plan for gathering footage in the video sector. Arriving at a location you planned on filming at, and it being closed just wastes time and means you now have a gap you need to try and fill and think of a way to do so as soon as possible. Checking in advance would prevent any time being wasted and would allow you time to re plan what you can shoot. Also having backup locations decided during the planning process would be beneficial for a situation like this as you already know where else you can go.
  • 29. Action Plan This section will identify what you would do differently in the future and identify ways you could develop.
  • 30. If you were making a similar project in the future, what would you do differently? If I were to make to a video like this again, I would try to be more creative with the shots that I get whether that be just in general or to create transitions, as I believe this would make the video more interesting and appealing to the target audience I had as this age group tends to like creativity in videos. I would also try to speed the video up with an increased number of shots to allow for more shots to be used with more and faster cuts. I would also change the way I did the map transition as they were too fast and low quality so I would try to fix that and instead of showing each individual location just show the location of the city or something along those lines.
  • 31. How could you develop your skills for future projects? Please identify the appropriate resources and courses. For example, webpages, tutorials, books, short courses and qualifications. I believe that tutorials and short courses will be the best way for me to develop my skills for future projects. I could look at short and easy tutorials that I can follow and create my own experiements with. Short courses would be benificial for me as I can find ones that will specifically show me knew skills in certain areas and possibly discover things, I had no idea about. I could also watch more pre-existing products to help boost my creativity when it comes to my own projects, I can see how things have been made professionally and try to use some of what they did in my own work. I could also conduct my own experiments at home in my free time to give myself more practice at skills I already have and new skills I have gained from tutorials and courses.
  • 32. What personal attributes could you develop to ensure you are working at a professional level? To make sure I am working at a professional level I need to have good time management skills. I need to hit all deadlines to keep on track to make sure things are finished on time. To do this I may need to take the initiative and create a detailed schedule. I will also need to have good communication skills, this is with anyone involved in a project or work, and also with my peers to get constructive feedback as I go. I also need to have good adaptibilty so I can change based on the situation that’s at hand.