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1.) In what ways does your magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real magazines?
Image:  The image shows who the magazine is revolved around and who is featured in the magazine. In addition both images us affects which is done to make the magazine stand out from the text and background in order for the target audience to see the artist which may then lure them into buying the magazine  Prop:  Both artists are wearing a prop, my artist is wearing sunglasses which has connotations of “coolness” which from my research proves what artists are stereotypical viewed as. The other artist as uses a prop, which is a religious crucifix.  Colour scheme:  Both magazines use the same colour scheme throughout which makes the magazine seems more professional which will lead to the target audience having a positive view on the magazine. This may attract them to buy the magazine as psychologically them believe they will be receiving the same high quality and professionalism in the features of the magazine. In addition, this will lead to the magazine having it’s own individual identity which will separate them other magazine making it unique which will encourage the target audience to buy this magazine now and in the future.  Background Colour:  Both magazines use a background colour to make the text around it stand out more in order to catch the target audiences eye which will lead to them reading the text which may then lead the target audience into purchasing the magazine.  Masthead:  The masthead is the biggest text on the page which is used to clearly shows the name of the publication and to attract the audience to buy the magazine. In addition the magazine has an image of a microphone which has a reference to hip hop which reinforces to the target audience that this is a hip hop magazine.  Similarities:
Barcode/ Price:  The barcode must appear on any magazine so that the retailer is able to sell the magazine to the public.  The price must appear also appear on any magazine so that the potential costume knows how much the magazine is costs.  Camera shots: The camera shot of the artists are different as my magazine uses a close whereas the professional magazine uses a mid shot to show a large proportion of the artist. Footer:  In my magazine I use a convention called a footer located at the bottom of the page. I decided to use a footer as I wanted to give the audience a greater insight into what is in the magazine and the target audience are likely to find at least one thing that is appealing which may persuade them to buy the magazine. Header:  The professional magazine uses a convention called a header. I have not used a header for numerous reason one being I had many cover lines and I also used a footer which gave the target audience plenty of information on what features are inside the magazine. Therefore there was no reasons for me to include a header in my magazine. Another reason was because it would take up a lot of space on my magazine and I would therefore have to make my surrounding conventions such as my cover lines, masthead and image smaller which would make my magazine seem amateurish and less professional which would repeal the target audience from wanting to buy the magazine.  Pull quote:  The professional magazine uses a convention called a pull quote, this is a something that an artist has said somewhere in the interview. A pull quote particularly in the hip hop magazine genre usually has something that is really unorthodox, the reason it has been put on the front cover as it is the only thing the audience can see and by seeing something unconventional they will be enticed to buy the magazine in order to see why the artist has said this.  Issue/Website information:  The professional magazine has a issue date which is used in nearly all professional magazines in order to show the audience that it is a recent magazine which will encourage them to buy the magazine Differences:
Cover line:   My contents page along with the professional Q contents page both use cover lines. The example in both of these in the text ‘FEATURE’ These shows the target audience what topics are inside the magazine in order to persuade them to read them.  Contents title:  Both contents page have the title ‘Contents’ this is done to inform the reader that this is where he/she can go find topics that are in the magazine plus, it also provides the page numbers in order for them to find the topic.  Main Image:  Both contents pages use a image of a music artist  in order to attract the target audiences eye towards the page. The image of the artist is present of the contents page as conventionally it is of the artists which is the interview who is revolving.  I chose this convention for many reasons, one being the colour of the image differed greatly from the background colour and surrounding text which caused the image to stand out from the page and appear more visible. Furthermore, the main image is an important convention to have on the contents page because from my research I discovered that if a magazine has a well known it entices the reader to go to read. Logo:  Both magazines use a logo which is an abbreviation or symbol of the masthead. I used this because most music magazines have this so I wanted to try and use as many conventions as I could in order to make my contents page appear professional which would therefore lead to a larger percentage of my target audience wanting to buy my magazine.  Reviews:  Both magazines offer the target audience reviews on the latest artists and albums. I decided to use this convention as it would lead the target audience to believe they are getting the latest reviews of the hip hop genre, encouraging them to buy the magazine. Colour scheme:  Colour schemes are used in both magazines as it makes the page stand out and the surrounding text becomes more visible. I decided to use this convention as it found in most music magazines so I wanted to use as many traditional conventions as possible in order to make my magazine appear professional which would lure my target audience to purchase the magazine   Magazine Information:   Both magazines offer the reader a website to visit in order to get more information on hip hop. I decided to use this convention as it is present in most magazines so I wanted to make my magazines have the highest amount of professionalism possible as it would lead to more of my target audience wanting to purchase my magazine. Similarities:
Issue data:  One difference between these two magazines is that the Q contents page gives the reader the date and year in which the magazine was issued in. I decided not to use this feature as I found it to be irrelevant  and who not improve my contents page is any way. Furthermore, I would had to adjust my whole contents page in order for it to fit in which would be time consuming and damage the image of my contents page.  Barcode scanner:  My magazines offers the reader a barcode scanner to access the website of my magazine. The reason why I decided to use this convention as it is present in nearly all music magazines, so by using it I thought it would make my magazine to look professional. Differences:
Main Image:  Both of these double page spreads both share a main image. This is because the main image adds colour to the page, aids the surrounding text to stand out more and makes the page as a whole become more visually appealing. Pull quote:  Both Double page spreads have a pull quote this provides the audience with something the artist has said, usually it is something very controversial as it makes the target audience want to know why the artist has said that and therefore the pull quote will lead to the target audience wanting to buy the magazine. Text:  Both double page spreads have text of what has occurred in the interview which is important as this is one of the attracts of a magazine and major cause for the target audience to buy the magazine.  Similarities:
Colour:  These two double page spreads differ as with my double page spread it uses different colours for the text regarding the interview. I chose to do this as it brightens the text and makes it more eye catching and clearly differentiates the text spoke by the artist and the interviewer. The professional double page spread uses the small colour for the text about the interview which is in black. This makes the magazine seem dull and because it is one a light background it does the aid itself or the surrounding text and images in becoming more visible  Company publication name:  The professional magazine mentions the name of the publication whereas with my one it does not. The reason I did not mention the name of my magazine was because I believe it was more important to have it on the front cover rather than the double page spread as the audience would know the name of the magazine before they look inside. However, I believe this is something I should have used but, I could not even if I chose to as I did not have the space and to find space would result in decreasing the size of the text and main image which was lead the quality of the magazine being tarnished along with the look of professionalism  Differences:
Main Image:  My double page spread along with the professional one both have a main image. This was crucial to have as it would not seem right to not have an image of the artist I am discussing because when I looked at professional magazine, in there double page spread there was always an image of the artist they are discussing. Furthermore, the image makes the page become more noticeable as if there was only text this could to the target audience not wanting to buy the magazine as it would look more like a newspaper rather than a magazine about their hobbies and interests.  Text:  The text was clearly the most important thing to have as a double page spreads purpose is to discuss an artist or band. My double page spread along with the professional one use the same font and size throughout as this assist the professional look which will lure my target audience to buy my magazine. Furthermore the text is spilt into different sections just like the professional magazine, this makes the text easier for the reader to see and understand and also improves the presentation of the double page spread which is a major factor target audiences look at when buying a magazine which I acquire from my questionnaire and focus group research.  Title:  Both double page spreads use a title. This was important as it discussing who the text is about and also mentions which artist the magazine is choosing to talk about. This adds to the professional look of my double page spread as all the professional double page spread I analysed in my research had a title which shows that my magazine is using the conventions of real life magazines. Similarities:
Text wrap:  The professional double page spread uses a tool on In – Design to wrap the text around the image. I did not use this tool as I did not feel that it looked good and therefore decided not to do it Colour:  A difference between theses two double page spreads is that with mine I use a mixture of darker and  whereas with the other image it uses a light image. The reason why I used a darker colour for my image is because it makes it stand out from the light background colour which is cream. The  reason why I decided to use the colour black for my text is because it makes with the image and colour of the title which keeps to the colour scheme making the page look more professional. Furthermore , it makes the text and image stand out and appear more presentable which will lead to the target audience wanting to purchase my magazine. Differences:
2.) How does your media product represent particular social groups?   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Age: Age  is presented in my magazines as the image is of a artist ages of 16-19, this means that only young people who fit into this age category are eligible to read this magazine or listen to the hip hop. This therefore disregards and other aged audiences such as elderly or middle aged people are to read the magazine. Furthermore, another way which age is presented is that the hip hop artists are aged 28-35 year olds.  This leads to the stereotypical view that only people within this age can be hip hop artists, so by using a young hip hop artist it challenges the ideology and emphasises that anyone no matter what age can be hip hop artists.
Race: Race is presented in my music magazine as on my front cover I have a close up of a white artists. From my research on my chosen genre which is hip hop, I came to learn that hip hop was created by the African American black community and even in the present day it is seen as a predominantly black art form. However, there are some white hip hop artists and by using a white artist I am breaking the stereotypical view that only black people are hip hop artists. Which is presenting the people with white ethnicity to have the rights to listen and perform in hip hop as black people. Furthermore because I am not using a stereotypical black artist as many other professional magazines do, I am showing my target audience that this is a magazine for people of all colours therefore making it more appealing to the hip hop and other audiences leading to the public wanting to buy my magazine.
Gender: Gender is also represented as I use a male artist which is present on my front cover, contents page and double page spread. Although hip hop is a genre shared by both male and female hip hop artists it is stereotypically viewed to only inhabited by male artists. So by using a male artist I am contributing to the ideology that this is a genre whose artists are only male. Moreover, mise-en-scene is relevant when representing gender as the clothes used are hoodies which is mainly worn by males so therefore this is another indication that my magazine is targeted at male audiences. However, in my cover lines I do mention a few female hip hop artists which emphasises that my magazine is not biased against females and that is represented both male and female audiences.  Furthermore the colours used also represent this magazine add the sense that it is only for males as the colours used which are dark blue, black, red and green are masculine colours leading to my magazine to be aimed at male audiences.
Social class in presented  in my magazine through mise-en-scene by the clothes that my artist is wearing. Hoodies are stereotypical viewed to be for people of a low class such as C2, D and E, therefore this leads to the stereotypical ideology that this magazine and the hip hop genre itself is only for lower class individual. Another way the clothes represent social class is the hats my artist is wearing called a snap back. This is a very popular piece of clothing worn by hip hop artists and fans however, stereotypes have emerged with lead to this type of hat being associated with the lower and working class background and also hip hop. Therefore, this reflects the target audience, fans and artists of hip hop to be of a low social class.  Social Class:
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Why might Harris Publications might distribute my magazine: Harris publications might distribute my magazine as they have a publishers over 75 magazines titles who have been in the publishing business since the 1950’s. Harris publications is an American publication company as mentioned publishes magazines such as King, XXL and Scratch. These are very successful magazines which are attracts hundreds of millions of readers a year. As mentioned Harris publication as been publishing for 62 years. So from this it is clear they have a wide knowledge of how to attract their target audience to buy their magazine. Plus, as mentioned they own King, XXL and Scratch which are successfully hip hop magazines which is the same genre of my magazine so they will therefore know how to distribute it to the target audience.  Harris Publications already distributes hip hop music magazines so they would have the knowledge and expertises to lure a wide and varied audience to buy their magazines. Plus, even though Harris Publications is extremely good at targeting the hip hop target audience, it is also good at targeting other genres of music and other audiences as they had been previously publishing 20 years before the creation of hip hop therefore, this is clear evidence that Harris publications can lure and appeal other target audiences to buy there magazines.
Who would the audience be for your magazine? My magazine focuses on the genre of hip hop which has a wide and varied audience of different ages, social class, gender ethnicity and psychographic profile.  However, I needed to find the specific target audience for hip hop in order to make my magazine appeal to them so they will be purchased to buy it. To do this I conducted qualitative research in the form of a focus group and quantitative research in the form of a questionnaire.  Age: I discovered that my target audience for my magazine would be males aged 11 – 20. I reason why my the age my target audience would be in this is a popular genre for young teenagers as they are the main fans for this genre. However the reason why early adults in their 20’s would be my target audience is because some of the artists are there own age so they feel they can relate to them and their current lives and problems. Social Class There are many different social classes who listen to hip hop and buy hip hop magazines but, from my research I discovered that these people are within the lower and middle class. The reason why some of my audience would be in the located in low class is because some artist discuss there problems living in poverty and how they turn turned their life from ‘rags to riches’, this uses emotional manipulation to make the people within the lower class they to can turn their lives around so they listen to hip hop and buy their magazines in the hope of getting a better life. The demographics of my target audience would be located in Group E which are students or Group D which are semi skilled manual workers.
Gender: Any gender may like hip hop and hip hop magazines however, I needed to find the gender that mostly buys hip hop magazines so that I could target my magazine towards them so that they are lured to buy it. From my questionnaire I discovered that it is mainly males who buy hip hop magazines so when constructing my magazine I made sure that I used conventions that attracted the male audience so that they would be persuade to buy my magazine. Although males are target audience I also gathered information which was females also listen to hip hop and buy hip hop magazines. So although my magazine did primarily aim at the male audience I did add a few female conventions to ensure that my magazine appeals to the whole audience so that they too would be persuaded to buy the magazine along with the male audience. Ethnicity: Hip hop is presently one of the most popular and favoured music genres in the music industry which appeals to make people with different ethnicities however, from my research the main two ethnicities that listened to hip hop mostly were a audience who were either white or black. The reason why hip hop is popular with black people is because hip hop originated within the black community and hip hop is primarily based with black hip hop artists therefore they can feel they can relate to them. However, in recent years there has been an include in white hip hop artists and therefore, whites audiences have increased. So I therefore had to include conventions that appeal to both black and white audiences.
Psychographic profiling: Another way my target audience was identified is through their psychographic profile, this is targeting the audience directly through their needs and desires. After researching he age, gender, social class and ethnicity of my target audience it was fairly to find out what they wanted in a hip hop magazine as I was able to just ask them which made sure my results was correct and accurate.  To find out what my target audience wanted in a magazine I conducted primarily research in the form of a focus group where I asked various questions such as: ‘Why do you like hip hop? What conventions do you like about hip hop magazines? What conventions do you dislike about magazines?’ These questions gave me clear and specific answers which was easy to interpret so I therefore used there information so that my magazine would be more appealing towards the whole target audience. The four Cs:  I believe that my target audience can be classed as mainstreamers. Mainstreamers are audiences who are concerned with stability and security, they want to buy well recognised bands. This is an important aspect of my target audience as they will only want to buy renowned and well know magazines, this was important when I came to construct my own magazine as I would have to use the codes and conventions of other professional magazines to ensure that it appealed to mainstreamers so that they would then buy my magazine. However my target audience could also be classed as aspires. Aspires are audiences who are seeking to improve themselves and their lives. My evidence of this is from my research I discovered that people listen to hip hop as they wish to be like the artist and get everything else that follows such as fame, money and success. Therefore when constructing my magazine I wanted to some my target audience how successful my artist is in order to send out a message that they too can be like him, which is misleading them encouraging them to buy the magazine.
How did you attract your audience: After conducting all my research it was information that I then used my research findings in a way that would attract my target audience to buy my hip hop magazine. One way I attract my audience was by using cover lines that had masculine colours such as red, blue, green and black. As my target audience mainly consists of males I needed to use colours that males generally like, so by using the colours they liked which I found from my research this will lure they towards the magazine and could then persuade them to buy the magazine.
Another cover line that attracts my target audience is ‘Exclusive Interview: KANO’ The word exclusive creates the impression that this interview can only be found in this magazine and also that the magazine is so good the artist only wanted to talk to this magazine, this will encourage the target audience to buy this magazine as the contents can only be found here and no where else. Moreover, if the name of famous and well known artist in on the front cover this will immediately catch the target audience’s eye as they will be familiar with seeing his name a lot, therefore this cover line will then lead to the target audience taking an interest in my magazine and could possible lure them to purchase the magazine.  The masthead ‘VOICE’ also attracts my target audience because from my focus group I discovered that some people listen to hip hop because it creates a voice for their problems. So by me having the masthead ‘VOICE’ it makes the target audience feel that the magazine can relate to them, this technique is called emotional manipulation and will persuade the target audience to buy the magazine. In addition the cover line ‘Latest news on artists’ makes the target audience feel they are getting the most up-to-date news on their favourite artist, this will tempt will then tempt the target audience to buy my magazine.
Another way I attracted my target audience is by mentioning artists they like and know in my cover lines, which I found out from my focus group and questionnaire. If they see artists they like they will be encourage to take interest in my magazine and may lead to them buying my magazine. I also mentioned a few female artists in my cover lines just to make sure that I also target female audiences as they are also an important factor in terms of my audience. An additional way I attracted my target audience was by adding a footer. The reason why this would attract my target audience is because I am offering them additional things they can receive if they buy this magazine and it is fairly logical that one out these six possible topics will persuade them to take interest in this magazine and could potential lead them to buy the magazine.
Firstly I began constructing my magazine by putting a colour on my background. To do this I selected the background layer, selected the paint bucket tool and chose the colour I wanted.  I then edited my image by removing it from the background by using the filter extract tool. I then used the rubber tool to remove any tiny traces of the background. I then placed it within the middle of the page by using the move tool   I then made my masthead by using the text tool to write of text. For the image of the fist and microphone located inside the masthead I used the crop tool and linked the layers together and used the move tool to place it within the letter O. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I then added cover lines onto my front cover by using the text tool. I then used the move tool to position the text anywhere I wanted on the page. After I was satisfied where the cover line was located I used the paint bucket to add colour to my text.  I then added a main cover line. Again I achieved this by using the text tool and then moving it into the position I wanted by using the move tool. I then used the paint bucket to add colour to the text. I then added an outline to the main cover line by adding an effect and going to the stroke tool.  I then added a footer by the shape tool and selecting a rectangle. I then outline it on the bottom of the page and used the paint bucket tool to add the colour green to make it stand out from the surrounding texts and other colours. I then added writing to the rectangle but selecting the text tool. After I was pleased with the size and font of the text I added the colour white by using the paint bucket tool and added a black outline by using the stroke tool.
I then added a price and barcode. For the price I again used the text tool to type of the text and then used the paint bucket tool to add the colour. For the barcode I used one from the internet as there was no possible way for me to make my own.
Technologies used whilst constructing your magazine?
The internet was one of the most important and useful pieces of software in regards to constructing my magazine and searching for information about the hip hop genre. The internet was effective as it allowed me use search engines such as ‘Google’ to look at professional magazines and decided what codes and conventions to use and not use on my magazine. It also allowed me go onto websites such as slide share and blogger so that I could upload my coursework.  Through the internet I was able to obtain information of the history of hip hop and how it was created and by what community which aided me when I came to construct my magazine. It also allowed me to get images of hip hop artist, bands and magazines to put on my coursework.  Internet:
Microsoft word 2003 was another piece of software is used through my coursework. It was effective as it allowed me to write my coursework on the computer so that I could then upload on my account on blogger. Microsoft word was useful as it saved me the time and effort on writing it on a piece of paper and then scanning it through the scanner magazine and then uploading it onto blogger, so therefore it was a very time saving, time efficient, faster and easier alternative.  Microsoft office PowerPoint 2003: Microsoft office PowerPoint 2003 was also piece of softwareI used through my coursework. This piece of technology was effective as it allowed me to put images onto my coursework and to write text about the topic. Microsoft office PowerPoint is very similar to Microsoft word 2003 expect this allowed me to use images which looked more visually clear.  Microsoft word 2003:
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Computer: The ‘stone’ computer is a piece of hardware I used for all tasks in my coursework expect for the making drafts of my magazine. Which the computer I would be unable to use it’s software such as the Internet and Abode Photoshop CS3 and therefore could not make my magazine. Abode In Design CS3: Another piece of software is used was Abode In Design CS3 which was effective as it allowed me to construct my contents page and double page spreads. For me this was the most challenging piece of software as I had not used it every much and therefore only knew how to use a few out of it’s many tools.. However, eventually I did learn how to use this program which allowed my to create my contents and double page spreads.
Memory stick: This is the memory stick I used to transport files I had done onto other computers to upload them to my blog. Lumix Panasonic DMC – FS62 digital camera: This is the camera I used to take all of my original images to use on my front cover, contents page and double page spreads.
Slide share: I used slide share to convert my PowerPoint's onto my blog. This was effective as without this piece of software I would be unable to post PowerPoint's onto my blog could therefore not complete sessions of my coursework. Blogger: I used blogger in order to post my coursework onto the internet so that the examiner and mark my coursework. This was effective as without it I would be unable to present my coursework to him/her and could therefore not complete the course.
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product ? My skills and knowledge on the software and hardware have improved since the preliminary. When using Photoshop for the preliminary task I did know have to use a few tools but not as much as I now know, it I believe it is accurate to say that my knowledge of Photoshop and my skills of using it’s tools have improved .
A tool which I learnt whilst constructing my music magazine with the extract tool. This allowed me to easily and quickly remove a section of the image I wanted from the background by simply highlighting the outline of the image I wanted to be remove I believe it is evident that not only have I expanded on my knowledge of Photoshop but I have also developed my skills since the preliminary as I was able to find this tool myself and use it correctly for the first time which I believe shows that I generally have a good understanding of how to use Photoshop and it’s programs. This tool is very accurate and the tool corrects itself if you have made a mistake therefore eliminating any chances of  error to occur.  Extract tool:
Another tool I learnt how to use effectively and accurately was the artistic tool. I already knew how to use this tool as I used it on when constructing my college magazine for my preliminary and used it my music magazine however, I did not know you could use it on images. Above is an example of how I used it on my artist as his face and clothing has an affect which I achieved by using the artistic tool and clicking on poster edges  out of the many other different affects. I believe this shows my knowledge has improved as I am now able to use tools on a variety of thing which now include images, text and background.   Artist Tool:
Another tool I have learnt since my constructing my preliminary task is the adjustments tool. This tool allows you to selected an image, background or text of your choosing and to change it’s colour whilst since making it have a realistic effect. I never knew this tool existed when making my college magazine at the preliminary so for me to now discover it shows that I have experimented with different tools and therefore my skills and knowledge of Photoshop excelled. The images above show what the image of my artist have originally looked like before I used the adjustments tool to change the colour and appearance and I my opinion it makes the image become more noticeable and looks more visibly appealing Adjustments Tool:

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  • 1. 1.) In what ways does your magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real magazines?
  • 2. Image: The image shows who the magazine is revolved around and who is featured in the magazine. In addition both images us affects which is done to make the magazine stand out from the text and background in order for the target audience to see the artist which may then lure them into buying the magazine Prop: Both artists are wearing a prop, my artist is wearing sunglasses which has connotations of “coolness” which from my research proves what artists are stereotypical viewed as. The other artist as uses a prop, which is a religious crucifix. Colour scheme: Both magazines use the same colour scheme throughout which makes the magazine seems more professional which will lead to the target audience having a positive view on the magazine. This may attract them to buy the magazine as psychologically them believe they will be receiving the same high quality and professionalism in the features of the magazine. In addition, this will lead to the magazine having it’s own individual identity which will separate them other magazine making it unique which will encourage the target audience to buy this magazine now and in the future. Background Colour: Both magazines use a background colour to make the text around it stand out more in order to catch the target audiences eye which will lead to them reading the text which may then lead the target audience into purchasing the magazine. Masthead: The masthead is the biggest text on the page which is used to clearly shows the name of the publication and to attract the audience to buy the magazine. In addition the magazine has an image of a microphone which has a reference to hip hop which reinforces to the target audience that this is a hip hop magazine. Similarities:
  • 3. Barcode/ Price: The barcode must appear on any magazine so that the retailer is able to sell the magazine to the public. The price must appear also appear on any magazine so that the potential costume knows how much the magazine is costs. Camera shots: The camera shot of the artists are different as my magazine uses a close whereas the professional magazine uses a mid shot to show a large proportion of the artist. Footer: In my magazine I use a convention called a footer located at the bottom of the page. I decided to use a footer as I wanted to give the audience a greater insight into what is in the magazine and the target audience are likely to find at least one thing that is appealing which may persuade them to buy the magazine. Header: The professional magazine uses a convention called a header. I have not used a header for numerous reason one being I had many cover lines and I also used a footer which gave the target audience plenty of information on what features are inside the magazine. Therefore there was no reasons for me to include a header in my magazine. Another reason was because it would take up a lot of space on my magazine and I would therefore have to make my surrounding conventions such as my cover lines, masthead and image smaller which would make my magazine seem amateurish and less professional which would repeal the target audience from wanting to buy the magazine. Pull quote: The professional magazine uses a convention called a pull quote, this is a something that an artist has said somewhere in the interview. A pull quote particularly in the hip hop magazine genre usually has something that is really unorthodox, the reason it has been put on the front cover as it is the only thing the audience can see and by seeing something unconventional they will be enticed to buy the magazine in order to see why the artist has said this. Issue/Website information: The professional magazine has a issue date which is used in nearly all professional magazines in order to show the audience that it is a recent magazine which will encourage them to buy the magazine Differences:
  • 4. Cover line: My contents page along with the professional Q contents page both use cover lines. The example in both of these in the text ‘FEATURE’ These shows the target audience what topics are inside the magazine in order to persuade them to read them. Contents title: Both contents page have the title ‘Contents’ this is done to inform the reader that this is where he/she can go find topics that are in the magazine plus, it also provides the page numbers in order for them to find the topic. Main Image: Both contents pages use a image of a music artist in order to attract the target audiences eye towards the page. The image of the artist is present of the contents page as conventionally it is of the artists which is the interview who is revolving. I chose this convention for many reasons, one being the colour of the image differed greatly from the background colour and surrounding text which caused the image to stand out from the page and appear more visible. Furthermore, the main image is an important convention to have on the contents page because from my research I discovered that if a magazine has a well known it entices the reader to go to read. Logo: Both magazines use a logo which is an abbreviation or symbol of the masthead. I used this because most music magazines have this so I wanted to try and use as many conventions as I could in order to make my contents page appear professional which would therefore lead to a larger percentage of my target audience wanting to buy my magazine. Reviews: Both magazines offer the target audience reviews on the latest artists and albums. I decided to use this convention as it would lead the target audience to believe they are getting the latest reviews of the hip hop genre, encouraging them to buy the magazine. Colour scheme: Colour schemes are used in both magazines as it makes the page stand out and the surrounding text becomes more visible. I decided to use this convention as it found in most music magazines so I wanted to use as many traditional conventions as possible in order to make my magazine appear professional which would lure my target audience to purchase the magazine Magazine Information: Both magazines offer the reader a website to visit in order to get more information on hip hop. I decided to use this convention as it is present in most magazines so I wanted to make my magazines have the highest amount of professionalism possible as it would lead to more of my target audience wanting to purchase my magazine. Similarities:
  • 5. Issue data: One difference between these two magazines is that the Q contents page gives the reader the date and year in which the magazine was issued in. I decided not to use this feature as I found it to be irrelevant and who not improve my contents page is any way. Furthermore, I would had to adjust my whole contents page in order for it to fit in which would be time consuming and damage the image of my contents page. Barcode scanner: My magazines offers the reader a barcode scanner to access the website of my magazine. The reason why I decided to use this convention as it is present in nearly all music magazines, so by using it I thought it would make my magazine to look professional. Differences:
  • 6. Main Image: Both of these double page spreads both share a main image. This is because the main image adds colour to the page, aids the surrounding text to stand out more and makes the page as a whole become more visually appealing. Pull quote: Both Double page spreads have a pull quote this provides the audience with something the artist has said, usually it is something very controversial as it makes the target audience want to know why the artist has said that and therefore the pull quote will lead to the target audience wanting to buy the magazine. Text: Both double page spreads have text of what has occurred in the interview which is important as this is one of the attracts of a magazine and major cause for the target audience to buy the magazine. Similarities:
  • 7. Colour: These two double page spreads differ as with my double page spread it uses different colours for the text regarding the interview. I chose to do this as it brightens the text and makes it more eye catching and clearly differentiates the text spoke by the artist and the interviewer. The professional double page spread uses the small colour for the text about the interview which is in black. This makes the magazine seem dull and because it is one a light background it does the aid itself or the surrounding text and images in becoming more visible Company publication name: The professional magazine mentions the name of the publication whereas with my one it does not. The reason I did not mention the name of my magazine was because I believe it was more important to have it on the front cover rather than the double page spread as the audience would know the name of the magazine before they look inside. However, I believe this is something I should have used but, I could not even if I chose to as I did not have the space and to find space would result in decreasing the size of the text and main image which was lead the quality of the magazine being tarnished along with the look of professionalism Differences:
  • 8. Main Image: My double page spread along with the professional one both have a main image. This was crucial to have as it would not seem right to not have an image of the artist I am discussing because when I looked at professional magazine, in there double page spread there was always an image of the artist they are discussing. Furthermore, the image makes the page become more noticeable as if there was only text this could to the target audience not wanting to buy the magazine as it would look more like a newspaper rather than a magazine about their hobbies and interests. Text: The text was clearly the most important thing to have as a double page spreads purpose is to discuss an artist or band. My double page spread along with the professional one use the same font and size throughout as this assist the professional look which will lure my target audience to buy my magazine. Furthermore the text is spilt into different sections just like the professional magazine, this makes the text easier for the reader to see and understand and also improves the presentation of the double page spread which is a major factor target audiences look at when buying a magazine which I acquire from my questionnaire and focus group research. Title: Both double page spreads use a title. This was important as it discussing who the text is about and also mentions which artist the magazine is choosing to talk about. This adds to the professional look of my double page spread as all the professional double page spread I analysed in my research had a title which shows that my magazine is using the conventions of real life magazines. Similarities:
  • 9. Text wrap: The professional double page spread uses a tool on In – Design to wrap the text around the image. I did not use this tool as I did not feel that it looked good and therefore decided not to do it Colour: A difference between theses two double page spreads is that with mine I use a mixture of darker and whereas with the other image it uses a light image. The reason why I used a darker colour for my image is because it makes it stand out from the light background colour which is cream. The reason why I decided to use the colour black for my text is because it makes with the image and colour of the title which keeps to the colour scheme making the page look more professional. Furthermore , it makes the text and image stand out and appear more presentable which will lead to the target audience wanting to purchase my magazine. Differences:
  • 10.
  • 11. Age: Age is presented in my magazines as the image is of a artist ages of 16-19, this means that only young people who fit into this age category are eligible to read this magazine or listen to the hip hop. This therefore disregards and other aged audiences such as elderly or middle aged people are to read the magazine. Furthermore, another way which age is presented is that the hip hop artists are aged 28-35 year olds. This leads to the stereotypical view that only people within this age can be hip hop artists, so by using a young hip hop artist it challenges the ideology and emphasises that anyone no matter what age can be hip hop artists.
  • 12. Race: Race is presented in my music magazine as on my front cover I have a close up of a white artists. From my research on my chosen genre which is hip hop, I came to learn that hip hop was created by the African American black community and even in the present day it is seen as a predominantly black art form. However, there are some white hip hop artists and by using a white artist I am breaking the stereotypical view that only black people are hip hop artists. Which is presenting the people with white ethnicity to have the rights to listen and perform in hip hop as black people. Furthermore because I am not using a stereotypical black artist as many other professional magazines do, I am showing my target audience that this is a magazine for people of all colours therefore making it more appealing to the hip hop and other audiences leading to the public wanting to buy my magazine.
  • 13. Gender: Gender is also represented as I use a male artist which is present on my front cover, contents page and double page spread. Although hip hop is a genre shared by both male and female hip hop artists it is stereotypically viewed to only inhabited by male artists. So by using a male artist I am contributing to the ideology that this is a genre whose artists are only male. Moreover, mise-en-scene is relevant when representing gender as the clothes used are hoodies which is mainly worn by males so therefore this is another indication that my magazine is targeted at male audiences. However, in my cover lines I do mention a few female hip hop artists which emphasises that my magazine is not biased against females and that is represented both male and female audiences. Furthermore the colours used also represent this magazine add the sense that it is only for males as the colours used which are dark blue, black, red and green are masculine colours leading to my magazine to be aimed at male audiences.
  • 14. Social class in presented in my magazine through mise-en-scene by the clothes that my artist is wearing. Hoodies are stereotypical viewed to be for people of a low class such as C2, D and E, therefore this leads to the stereotypical ideology that this magazine and the hip hop genre itself is only for lower class individual. Another way the clothes represent social class is the hats my artist is wearing called a snap back. This is a very popular piece of clothing worn by hip hop artists and fans however, stereotypes have emerged with lead to this type of hat being associated with the lower and working class background and also hip hop. Therefore, this reflects the target audience, fans and artists of hip hop to be of a low social class. Social Class:
  • 15.
  • 16. Why might Harris Publications might distribute my magazine: Harris publications might distribute my magazine as they have a publishers over 75 magazines titles who have been in the publishing business since the 1950’s. Harris publications is an American publication company as mentioned publishes magazines such as King, XXL and Scratch. These are very successful magazines which are attracts hundreds of millions of readers a year. As mentioned Harris publication as been publishing for 62 years. So from this it is clear they have a wide knowledge of how to attract their target audience to buy their magazine. Plus, as mentioned they own King, XXL and Scratch which are successfully hip hop magazines which is the same genre of my magazine so they will therefore know how to distribute it to the target audience. Harris Publications already distributes hip hop music magazines so they would have the knowledge and expertises to lure a wide and varied audience to buy their magazines. Plus, even though Harris Publications is extremely good at targeting the hip hop target audience, it is also good at targeting other genres of music and other audiences as they had been previously publishing 20 years before the creation of hip hop therefore, this is clear evidence that Harris publications can lure and appeal other target audiences to buy there magazines.
  • 17. Who would the audience be for your magazine? My magazine focuses on the genre of hip hop which has a wide and varied audience of different ages, social class, gender ethnicity and psychographic profile. However, I needed to find the specific target audience for hip hop in order to make my magazine appeal to them so they will be purchased to buy it. To do this I conducted qualitative research in the form of a focus group and quantitative research in the form of a questionnaire. Age: I discovered that my target audience for my magazine would be males aged 11 – 20. I reason why my the age my target audience would be in this is a popular genre for young teenagers as they are the main fans for this genre. However the reason why early adults in their 20’s would be my target audience is because some of the artists are there own age so they feel they can relate to them and their current lives and problems. Social Class There are many different social classes who listen to hip hop and buy hip hop magazines but, from my research I discovered that these people are within the lower and middle class. The reason why some of my audience would be in the located in low class is because some artist discuss there problems living in poverty and how they turn turned their life from ‘rags to riches’, this uses emotional manipulation to make the people within the lower class they to can turn their lives around so they listen to hip hop and buy their magazines in the hope of getting a better life. The demographics of my target audience would be located in Group E which are students or Group D which are semi skilled manual workers.
  • 18. Gender: Any gender may like hip hop and hip hop magazines however, I needed to find the gender that mostly buys hip hop magazines so that I could target my magazine towards them so that they are lured to buy it. From my questionnaire I discovered that it is mainly males who buy hip hop magazines so when constructing my magazine I made sure that I used conventions that attracted the male audience so that they would be persuade to buy my magazine. Although males are target audience I also gathered information which was females also listen to hip hop and buy hip hop magazines. So although my magazine did primarily aim at the male audience I did add a few female conventions to ensure that my magazine appeals to the whole audience so that they too would be persuaded to buy the magazine along with the male audience. Ethnicity: Hip hop is presently one of the most popular and favoured music genres in the music industry which appeals to make people with different ethnicities however, from my research the main two ethnicities that listened to hip hop mostly were a audience who were either white or black. The reason why hip hop is popular with black people is because hip hop originated within the black community and hip hop is primarily based with black hip hop artists therefore they can feel they can relate to them. However, in recent years there has been an include in white hip hop artists and therefore, whites audiences have increased. So I therefore had to include conventions that appeal to both black and white audiences.
  • 19. Psychographic profiling: Another way my target audience was identified is through their psychographic profile, this is targeting the audience directly through their needs and desires. After researching he age, gender, social class and ethnicity of my target audience it was fairly to find out what they wanted in a hip hop magazine as I was able to just ask them which made sure my results was correct and accurate. To find out what my target audience wanted in a magazine I conducted primarily research in the form of a focus group where I asked various questions such as: ‘Why do you like hip hop? What conventions do you like about hip hop magazines? What conventions do you dislike about magazines?’ These questions gave me clear and specific answers which was easy to interpret so I therefore used there information so that my magazine would be more appealing towards the whole target audience. The four Cs: I believe that my target audience can be classed as mainstreamers. Mainstreamers are audiences who are concerned with stability and security, they want to buy well recognised bands. This is an important aspect of my target audience as they will only want to buy renowned and well know magazines, this was important when I came to construct my own magazine as I would have to use the codes and conventions of other professional magazines to ensure that it appealed to mainstreamers so that they would then buy my magazine. However my target audience could also be classed as aspires. Aspires are audiences who are seeking to improve themselves and their lives. My evidence of this is from my research I discovered that people listen to hip hop as they wish to be like the artist and get everything else that follows such as fame, money and success. Therefore when constructing my magazine I wanted to some my target audience how successful my artist is in order to send out a message that they too can be like him, which is misleading them encouraging them to buy the magazine.
  • 20. How did you attract your audience: After conducting all my research it was information that I then used my research findings in a way that would attract my target audience to buy my hip hop magazine. One way I attract my audience was by using cover lines that had masculine colours such as red, blue, green and black. As my target audience mainly consists of males I needed to use colours that males generally like, so by using the colours they liked which I found from my research this will lure they towards the magazine and could then persuade them to buy the magazine.
  • 21. Another cover line that attracts my target audience is ‘Exclusive Interview: KANO’ The word exclusive creates the impression that this interview can only be found in this magazine and also that the magazine is so good the artist only wanted to talk to this magazine, this will encourage the target audience to buy this magazine as the contents can only be found here and no where else. Moreover, if the name of famous and well known artist in on the front cover this will immediately catch the target audience’s eye as they will be familiar with seeing his name a lot, therefore this cover line will then lead to the target audience taking an interest in my magazine and could possible lure them to purchase the magazine. The masthead ‘VOICE’ also attracts my target audience because from my focus group I discovered that some people listen to hip hop because it creates a voice for their problems. So by me having the masthead ‘VOICE’ it makes the target audience feel that the magazine can relate to them, this technique is called emotional manipulation and will persuade the target audience to buy the magazine. In addition the cover line ‘Latest news on artists’ makes the target audience feel they are getting the most up-to-date news on their favourite artist, this will tempt will then tempt the target audience to buy my magazine.
  • 22. Another way I attracted my target audience is by mentioning artists they like and know in my cover lines, which I found out from my focus group and questionnaire. If they see artists they like they will be encourage to take interest in my magazine and may lead to them buying my magazine. I also mentioned a few female artists in my cover lines just to make sure that I also target female audiences as they are also an important factor in terms of my audience. An additional way I attracted my target audience was by adding a footer. The reason why this would attract my target audience is because I am offering them additional things they can receive if they buy this magazine and it is fairly logical that one out these six possible topics will persuade them to take interest in this magazine and could potential lead them to buy the magazine.
  • 23. Firstly I began constructing my magazine by putting a colour on my background. To do this I selected the background layer, selected the paint bucket tool and chose the colour I wanted. I then edited my image by removing it from the background by using the filter extract tool. I then used the rubber tool to remove any tiny traces of the background. I then placed it within the middle of the page by using the move tool I then made my masthead by using the text tool to write of text. For the image of the fist and microphone located inside the masthead I used the crop tool and linked the layers together and used the move tool to place it within the letter O. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
  • 24. I then added cover lines onto my front cover by using the text tool. I then used the move tool to position the text anywhere I wanted on the page. After I was satisfied where the cover line was located I used the paint bucket to add colour to my text. I then added a main cover line. Again I achieved this by using the text tool and then moving it into the position I wanted by using the move tool. I then used the paint bucket to add colour to the text. I then added an outline to the main cover line by adding an effect and going to the stroke tool. I then added a footer by the shape tool and selecting a rectangle. I then outline it on the bottom of the page and used the paint bucket tool to add the colour green to make it stand out from the surrounding texts and other colours. I then added writing to the rectangle but selecting the text tool. After I was pleased with the size and font of the text I added the colour white by using the paint bucket tool and added a black outline by using the stroke tool.
  • 25. I then added a price and barcode. For the price I again used the text tool to type of the text and then used the paint bucket tool to add the colour. For the barcode I used one from the internet as there was no possible way for me to make my own.
  • 26. Technologies used whilst constructing your magazine?
  • 27. The internet was one of the most important and useful pieces of software in regards to constructing my magazine and searching for information about the hip hop genre. The internet was effective as it allowed me use search engines such as ‘Google’ to look at professional magazines and decided what codes and conventions to use and not use on my magazine. It also allowed me go onto websites such as slide share and blogger so that I could upload my coursework. Through the internet I was able to obtain information of the history of hip hop and how it was created and by what community which aided me when I came to construct my magazine. It also allowed me to get images of hip hop artist, bands and magazines to put on my coursework. Internet:
  • 28. Microsoft word 2003 was another piece of software is used through my coursework. It was effective as it allowed me to write my coursework on the computer so that I could then upload on my account on blogger. Microsoft word was useful as it saved me the time and effort on writing it on a piece of paper and then scanning it through the scanner magazine and then uploading it onto blogger, so therefore it was a very time saving, time efficient, faster and easier alternative. Microsoft office PowerPoint 2003: Microsoft office PowerPoint 2003 was also piece of softwareI used through my coursework. This piece of technology was effective as it allowed me to put images onto my coursework and to write text about the topic. Microsoft office PowerPoint is very similar to Microsoft word 2003 expect this allowed me to use images which looked more visually clear. Microsoft word 2003:
  • 29.
  • 30. Computer: The ‘stone’ computer is a piece of hardware I used for all tasks in my coursework expect for the making drafts of my magazine. Which the computer I would be unable to use it’s software such as the Internet and Abode Photoshop CS3 and therefore could not make my magazine. Abode In Design CS3: Another piece of software is used was Abode In Design CS3 which was effective as it allowed me to construct my contents page and double page spreads. For me this was the most challenging piece of software as I had not used it every much and therefore only knew how to use a few out of it’s many tools.. However, eventually I did learn how to use this program which allowed my to create my contents and double page spreads.
  • 31. Memory stick: This is the memory stick I used to transport files I had done onto other computers to upload them to my blog. Lumix Panasonic DMC – FS62 digital camera: This is the camera I used to take all of my original images to use on my front cover, contents page and double page spreads.
  • 32. Slide share: I used slide share to convert my PowerPoint's onto my blog. This was effective as without this piece of software I would be unable to post PowerPoint's onto my blog could therefore not complete sessions of my coursework. Blogger: I used blogger in order to post my coursework onto the internet so that the examiner and mark my coursework. This was effective as without it I would be unable to present my coursework to him/her and could therefore not complete the course.
  • 33. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product ? My skills and knowledge on the software and hardware have improved since the preliminary. When using Photoshop for the preliminary task I did know have to use a few tools but not as much as I now know, it I believe it is accurate to say that my knowledge of Photoshop and my skills of using it’s tools have improved .
  • 34. A tool which I learnt whilst constructing my music magazine with the extract tool. This allowed me to easily and quickly remove a section of the image I wanted from the background by simply highlighting the outline of the image I wanted to be remove I believe it is evident that not only have I expanded on my knowledge of Photoshop but I have also developed my skills since the preliminary as I was able to find this tool myself and use it correctly for the first time which I believe shows that I generally have a good understanding of how to use Photoshop and it’s programs. This tool is very accurate and the tool corrects itself if you have made a mistake therefore eliminating any chances of error to occur. Extract tool:
  • 35. Another tool I learnt how to use effectively and accurately was the artistic tool. I already knew how to use this tool as I used it on when constructing my college magazine for my preliminary and used it my music magazine however, I did not know you could use it on images. Above is an example of how I used it on my artist as his face and clothing has an affect which I achieved by using the artistic tool and clicking on poster edges out of the many other different affects. I believe this shows my knowledge has improved as I am now able to use tools on a variety of thing which now include images, text and background. Artist Tool:
  • 36. Another tool I have learnt since my constructing my preliminary task is the adjustments tool. This tool allows you to selected an image, background or text of your choosing and to change it’s colour whilst since making it have a realistic effect. I never knew this tool existed when making my college magazine at the preliminary so for me to now discover it shows that I have experimented with different tools and therefore my skills and knowledge of Photoshop excelled. The images above show what the image of my artist have originally looked like before I used the adjustments tool to change the colour and appearance and I my opinion it makes the image become more noticeable and looks more visibly appealing Adjustments Tool: