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Media evaluation:

In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge conventions of
real life products?

At the beginning of our A2 Media Studies course we were briefed that for the contents of
our coursework we would be required to produce a five minute documentary extract, a
forty second radio trailer as well as a double page spread based on my group’s chosen
topic. After discussing possible topics we came to the conclusion that our chosen topic
would be the recession and its impact of young people.

I was then introduced to the documentary theory ‘documentary modes’ developed by
American critic and theorist Bill Nicholas. Nicholas believed that all documentaries fit
into a certain ‘mode,’ or can have different aspects of a mixture of documentary ‘modes’
which are poetic, expository, observational, participatory reflexive and performative.

Poetic mode aims to stress a specific mood or tone in order to persuade the audience to
lean towards the filmmaker’s subjective viewpoint of the subject. Expository mode uses
a narrative voice over also known as the ‘voice of God’ to reinforce the views of the
filmmaker in the documentary as it strengthens their argument of the subject,
something noteworthy about these two modes is that although they are clearly different
they work hand in hand together in order to support to view that the filmmaker is
attempting to emphasis in their documentary. Observational mode is what the public
would most associate documentary with as they are used heavily in wildlife
documentaries. This documentary mode uses the fly on the wall perspective as the
filmmaker cannot interactive with the characters and can only film their actions. This
documentary allows the characters to have a greater sense of power that all over
documentary modes. Reflexive mode demonstrates consciousness of the process of
reading documentary, and engages actively with the issues of realism and
representation, acknowledging the presence of the viewer and the modality judgements
they arrive at. Participatory mode is another popular documentary mode used in
numerous documentaries today and involves the filmmakers moving away from behind
the camera and becoming the subject of the documentary an example of this is Morgan
Spurlocks ‘Super-size me’ documentary. Performative documentaries stress subjective
emotional responses through personal, unconventional means in order for the audience
to create their own interpretation of the documentaries events and often
autobiographical in nature.

When applying these documentary modes to my own documentary I believe it
predominately mode my documentary uses throughout is the expository mode. The
reason why I decided to use the expository mode is because it is extremely popular in
professional documentaries on television and therefore by using a well-known
convention in our documentary will allow our documentary to mirror previous
professional documentaries that have used this convention and therefore will create
greater realism for our documentary prompting our target audience to watch our
documentary. The expository allowed the documentary to seem more factual as a result
of the statics as well as dates and figures we included. This documentary mode also
tends to be rhetorical throughout in terms of the way the narrative communicates to the
audience, in order to appeal to their emotions of the recession which overall it proved it
by very effective and allows our documentary to have a greater sense of professionalism
which we ultimately invite our target audience to watch our documentary. However,
although we predominately use the expository mode there is an element of poetic mode
within our documentary. My evidence for this is my documentary throughout aims
stress and provides a strong argument that ‘rising tuition fees are unfair.’

                             In order to ensure that my own documentary would be a
                             success, I began to research and critically analysis
                             professional documentaries. Some examples of
                             documentaries I analysed are Supersize me, Teenager
                             heroine epidemic and Panorama recession crisis.
                             I first documentary I analysed was a documentary that
                             revolves around renowned filmmaker and television
                             producer Morgan Spurlock consuming solely a McDonald’s
                             diet for 30 days. From watching his documentary I
                             discovered a wide variety of codes and conventions, I and
                             felt I could incorporate some of their conventions into my
                             own documentary.

                              From the two images present the similarity isSuper-Size Me Documentary:
Firstly the rules of thirds apply to both documentaries. The rule of
thirds is a principlethat an image should be imagined as divided
into nine equal parts by two equally-spaced horizontal lines and
two equally-spaced vertical lines, in order for the image to
proportioned equally on the page or in this case the
screen.Another similarity in codes and conventions between my
documentary and the real life documentary ‘Super-size me’ is that
both documentaries have their characters looking into ‘dead space’
this was crucial to have in our documentary as not only does it
create realism but it doesn’t make the documentary seem pre-                   My Documentary:
structured and rehearsed which would result in making our
documentary look fake and unrealistic.

Moreover, from the same images it is also clear at the persona
which they both aim to create. In Morgan Spurlock’s ‘Super-size me’
to individual to revealed to be a professor at a university, the
documentary helps to build this identity as prop use of glasses have
intelligence and sophisticated connation’s helping the audience
believe that this man is a university professor. I aimed to display
mise-en-scene in my documentary also and did so in many aspects.
Firstly the women’s prop, an ID card immediately makes it evident
that she is a professional in the college and helps reinforce and establish her position in
the documentary as a mentor for young people. The use of the prop which got its
inspiration for ‘Super-size me’ aids in making the women look specialized and
professional which in turn results in the documentary seeming to appear realistic and
believable. In addition, the women’s clothes also aid the documentary is appearing
genuine as similar to the gentlemen on ‘super-size me’ they are both clothes for a
working environment which have a sense of authority and expertise which helps
reinforce the idea that the individual being interviewed is a relevant and qualified to be
apart and give input and advice in our documentary. Furthermore, the setting also plays
a vital role in establishing the believability of the documentary as like the professional
documentary my documentary has books, folders and leaflets stationed around my
interviewee. This again assists in making the documentary seem realistic as the use of
books in the background aid the interviewee once again to seem professional and
qualified to be in this documentary which helps the documentary seem authentic which
will appeal to our target audience, enticing them to watch our documentary.
My Documentary:

                               I also decided to use an establishing shot of the college, I
                               decided to do this as it was a convention I found in all of
                               the documentaries I had critically analyzed and research
                               and seemed only logical to have a familiar convention in
                               my documentary so that the audience can relate this
                               documentary to previous documentaries they had
                               watched. The use of the establishing shot will also help set
                               the scene for my documentary and is useful as it helps
 My Documentary:
                               breaks the sections between my interviews and

                                 My documentary has a presenter, I found this a relevant
                                 convention to use because when I watched ‘Super-size
                                 me’ I found the presenter to be welcoming and friendly.
                                 I believed that if my documentary used the same
                                 approach it could improve my documentary
                                 significantly as the warm, hospitable approach will
                                 entice and invite my target audience to watch my
                                 documentary which will increase the number of rating
                                 my documentary achieves resulting in my documentary
                                 becoming a success.
However, one way in which my documentary challenges
codes and conventions are that in Morgan Spurlock’s ‘Super
–size me’ a hand held camera is used. I decided not use a
hand held camera in my documentary for various reasons
firstly, when I researched why hand held camera are used I
discovered that they are predominately used to make the audience see the events of the
documentary through the events of the main character. Or they can be used to reveal
the character’s feelings for example fear. Initially I thought of possible ways in which I
could use the hand held camera in my documentary but when reviewing my storyboard
and the way I wanted to shoot the documentary I decided it would not be relevant for
my documentary and therefore decided to leave it out as I thought it would neither
benefit or improve my documentary.

 My Documentary:

                                   The most obvious convention to use in my
                                   documentary is the interviews. Our interviews were
                                   spilt between young people and experienced
                                   professionals which is similar to the way ‘Super- size
                                   me’ filmed their documentaries as throughout it was a
                                   mix between McDonald enthusiast and experienced
                                   food expertise. Firstly, a for my research and watching
                                  documentaries in my own time it is clear that the
                                  mainstream of documentaries have interviews, I felt
                                  that this code and convention had to be used and
                                  should not be ignored as it may alienation our target
                                  audience because without interviews that
                                  documentary may seem amateurish and ill thought of.
                                  I decided to mirror ‘super-size me’ me interviewing
                                  two sets of groups, one group affected by the topic –
                               the recession and the other giving advice on how to
combat and resolve the problem. I decided to shoot the documentary in this way so that
so the target audience can get both sides of the subject. Nevertheless, on way it which
my documentary’s interviews challenge codes and conventions are that for all of the
students I interviewed they were all males. If given the opportunity to create another
documentary I would alter this as I believe there should be a mix of both male and
female students in order to display that this is a problem for all young people regularly
of their gender in order to seem not biased and focuses solely on one side of the
Another convention we used which once again used and developed media codes and
conventions was the use of found footage. I decided to use found footage because I
believed it to be a useful way of splitting my documentary away from my interviews and
presenter as using solely these two conventions could make my target audience feel
bored and they would therefore lose interest in my documentary. However, the use of
the found footage gives my target audience something new to look at and will maintain
my target audiences’ interest and attention on my documentary. My found footage was
used to give statics and illustrations of the recession; I believe the statics used through
my found footage will benefit my documentary as these will make my documentary
appear more professional and will therefore draw not only my target audience to watch
my documentary but also others who are interested in watching a professional, well
explorer topic which are affecting people across the UK.

Another convention I used and paid particular interest to when construction my
documentary was sound. From my research I discovered sound fell into certain
categories such as background music, presenter, voiceover, diegetic and non-diegetic. I
decided to use background music as from the documentaries (Super-size me and
Teenager Heroin addiction) I discovered that they both use background music. The
background can also benefit the documentary as the type of music used can portray the
style of the documentary, for example in ‘Teenager Heroin addiction’ the music was
heavy and fast paced in order to depict the sinister and evil aspects of drug use. For our
documentary we used soft music, we did this particularly in the opening of our
documentary as we wanted music that would be appealing to our target audience and
invite them to watch and continue to watch my documentary in addition, my evidence
that soft music will appeal to my target audience is through my questionnaire.

I also decided to use special effects in my documentary, I first decided to use special
effects because I discovered they were used heavily in super-size me and therefore I
wanted my documentary to be just as good as the documentary I am basing it on. I
numerous special effects in my documentary, some examples include a cross dissolve.
The cross dissolve allowed me to create a slight gap between interviews, the presenter
and voiceover which made sure that my documentary was not just a block of text
without any gaps which made sure boredom did not occur to the audience.
Magazine Double Page Spread:

                                       Thesecond piece of my coursework was to
                                       produce a double page spread magazine article
revolving around my topic- the recession. Once again I researched and critically
analysed magazines double page spread articles in order to gain an understanding of
them. From this I discovered a variety of codes and conventions which I planned to
instrument in my own documentary. The first convention I used in my doublepage
spread was the masthead. The masthead is a crucial part of not double page spreads but
many types of publications such as newspapers and leaflet. The masthead acts as a title
and also gives information on the topic it is based on.

Another code and convention I used was
the drop caption, I decided to use this as
it was on all of the double page spreads i
analysed and would aid in making my
double page spread seem more professional.

I decided to use a pull quote as once again
it was in all of the magazine articles I
analysed plus it is a way of getting the
attention of my target audience as it is
something that is affecting them which
therefore my appeal and attract them to reader my article.

We also used images all of students in a college
environment, I did this because of target audience are
predominately students and will be in a similar college
as this on and will therefore attract them to read about a
topic that is affecting them.
I also decided to display the time; date and
channel the documentary would be
broadcasted. I decided to use this convention
as without it our target audience would not
know when or where to watch our
documentary and it therefore crucial to the
success of our documentary.

Moreover, I used headlines, due to the
fact they were in every double page
spread I analysed. This was useful as it
gave who give the target audience
information on the topic our
documentary was about.

However, one way in which my magazine double page spread differs from other double
page spreads is the layout. Coventionally the layout would be a large image that reflects
the topic on the left hand side of the page and text on the right hand side on the page. I
chose to ignore this covention and have a greater mixture of text and images because I
felt using only one image would seem ameturish and rushed but using more that one
would show that I had put thoght and effort into it plus, this allowed me to have a
greater amount of text on both pages as this is a topic that must have great detail in it as
it is a wide and extensive topic.
Radio trailer:

Before contruction my radio trailer I watched a variety of
professional ones in order to gain an understaning of them
and filled out my findings on my ‘radio trail analysis’ grid.

Although my topic is a
serious one affecting
many people in the UK I
did not want to have a
grim voiceover as this
will be an unattractive
quality and may lead to
our target audience not
watching our documentary. Therefore I decided to use a calm, relaxed voiceover, as the
audience can recieve all of the information about my documentary and a more
composed voiceover will seem more appealing and make the radio trailer and the
documentary seem more professional prompting my target audience to watch the
documentary which will led to it becoming a success.

I also mentioned the time, date and channel of my documentary, due to that fact that
this is the most common convention used in radio trailers and would therefore only
seem logical to have it in our radio trailer. This is important to have in our radio trailer
as without it my target audience would not know when to watch our documentary.

Overall, i believe I used numerous codes and coventions of documentary, radio trail and
double page articles and although at times I also challenged them i still believe this not
only aided but improved my coursework pieces and will lead to them becoming a
success with my target audience.
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillarly texts?

Along with my television documentary I also produced a radio trailer along with a
double page spread magazine article. The finally two coursework units were contructed
to help sell and advertise my television documentary, and therefore it was crucial that
they blended and worked well together. Our target audience for my documentary is
males and females as the recession will ultimately affected everyone regardless of their
gender. In terms of age I am targeting an age range of 18-25 as this is the age who I feel
will be affected by the rising university tuition fees and rising youth unemployment due
to the recession. My target audience’s social class will be stationed on the C2/D border
line as these are the two classes who will feel the full force of the recession and the
affects that have followed. When discusing lifestyle we discovered through research that
young people have an interest in music, going to the gym and cinema. We decided to
incorprate some of this in our documentary in order to display the problems our target
audience are having in managing their fiances and being unable to do the things they
enjoy due to the recession.

My radio trailer consisted of our footage from our
documentary and both contain similar aspects such as
revealing facts, young peoples and experienced
professionals opinions, ways to resolve the recession
and the impact the recession has had on our society e.g.
rise in crime, unemployment and tuition fees, it is for
this reason that I believe they link and blend well together as they both convey the same
message throughout. In addition I also used the same background music and voiceover,
this will definitely create a strong relation between the two mediaproducts and help
create a musical slogan. Having the same background music and voiceover on both
media products will help my target audience remember my documentary due to the
beat they hear on my radio trailer.

I decided that my radio trailer should be on radio 4 as from my discussion with my
target audience through focus groups I discovered that it is a popular radio station with
them. My other evidence that radio 4 would be the ideal radio station to promote my
radio trailer is because on average radio 4 capture 10.83 million of our target audience
every week. Due to the popularity radio 4 has with our target audience I believe that
once our target audience listens to our radio trailer they will then be enticed to watch
our documentary on channel 4.

The magazines article on the uses the image of a student, I did this to show the audience
of someone they will expect to see and hear in the documentary. I felt this links the
documentary well with the magazine article as it directly shows something that the
audience will see when they watch it. However, I felt the magazine double page spread
         does not appeal to my target audience as much as my radio trailer as it was a lot harder
         to build a relationship between it and my documentary, something I would change if I
         had the opportunity to do it again.

         What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

         In order to gain feedback on all of my media products I conducted a small scale pilot
         study through the use of a questionnaire and get it to 20 individuals, and posed the
         following questions:

         Feedback for my documentary:

                                                                The results from this questions
                                                                show that a large percentage of
      Were The Sound Levels Consistent
                                                                the 20 individuals that took part
30%                                                             in this small scale study pilot felt
                                                                that the sound levels were
                                                          Yes   consistent. I paid particular
                                                          No    emphasis on this as it was an
                                                                important part of the
                                                                documentary. However the
                                                                remaining 30% felt it was not
                                                                consistent, this is useful
                                                                information to know and can aid
                                                                me if I had the opportunity to
         create another documentary.

                                                                From the results it is evident that
        Can You Hear All Of The Dialogue                          a large percentage agrees that
                                                                they can hear the sound dialogue
                    Clearly                                       clearly. I am satisfied with this
                                                 85%            result as it shows a large majority
                                                                are pleased with the sound which
                                                          No         I focused on heavily when
                                                                 constructing the documentary.
Does The Documentary Flow?               I am very pleased with the results of
                                                  this question as it evidently shows
                                                  that my documentary was a success
                                                  with my target audience which was
                                     Yes          the purpose of its creation.


       Are all Of The Interviews Relevant
       To The Topic Of TheDocumentary                  This question shows that a
 19%                                                   large proportion of the people
                                                       who completed my
                                                       questionnaire believed that my
                                                 Yes   interviews were relevant to the
                                                 No    documentary, this was very
                                                       important to get right because
                                                       if it were not my documentary
                                                       could have suffered and may
                                                       have led to it becoming a

           Does The Music Suit The

11%                                                    This was a crucial to achieve as
                                                 Yes   it is a key convention of
                                                 No    documentaries, from the
                                                       results it is evidence that my

documentary is successful in accomplishing this.

                                                                 This was the most vital
How Successful Would You Say The                                 question to get a positive result
       Documentary Is? 60% 20%                                   on due to the fact that this
                                                                 question determined whether
                                      10%           8%           my target audience felt my
                                                                 documentary was a success.
                                                                 From the results it is clear my
                                       Very Successful           documentary was a success
                                       Successful                and it did appeal to my target
                                       OK                        audience which was the
                                       Just About                purpose of its creation
                                       Not At All

                                                                   The editing was another
 How Successful Would You Say The                                  crucial convention to master
                                                                   and be performed correctly
            Editing Is? 89% 15%                          10%       in order for my
                                                                   documentary to have a
                                                    Successful     professional appearance.
                                                    Successful     From the results I feel I
                                                                   achieved this which
                                                                   strengths the previous
                                                                   evidence that my
                                                                   documentary was a success
Feedback for my radio trailer:

        Were The Sound Levels Consistent                            The sounds levels were a top
  31%                                                               priority to get correct as the
                                                                    audience can only hear the
                                                                    content on the radio which
                                                              No    was therefore extremely
                                                                    important to get it right in
                                                                    order to make our radio
                                                                    trailer a success, which from
                                                      69%           the questionnaire results
                                                                    evidently shows we did.

      How Successful Would You Say The                                When constructing the
                 Editing Is?                                          radio trailer I paid
                                           75%       15%       10%    particular concentration to
                                                          Very        the editing. I did this
                                                                      because from my research
                                                                      into radio trailers I
                                                          OK          discovered that the editing
                                                                      had to be strong in order
                                                                      for the radio trailer to be
                                                                      successful. From the
                                                                      results it is evident that
                                                                      my target audience
        believed my radio trailer’s editing to be strong which therefore shows that my radio
        trailer overall was strong and successful.

              Does The Radio Trailer Flow                                    From the results
                                                                             shown it is evident
15%                                                                          that a large
                                                                             majority of my
                                                                             target audience
                                                                     Yes     believed my radio
                                                                     No      trailer did flow and
                                                                             demonstrates that
it was a success. Although 15% of my target audience believed it did not flow this is only
  a small percentage and the 75% outweighs this small minority greatly. This shows that
  overall my target audience believed my radio trailer was successful in blending and
  flowing together.

                                                                 From the results shown it
 How Successful Would You Say The                                is evidently that in a
                                                                 certain degree my target
         Radio Trailer Is?                                       audience did believe my
                                                                 radio trailer to be
                                                                 successful however, it is
                                                                 evident that they believe
                                                                 there is room for
                                             Very Successful
                                                                 improvement. If given the
                                                                 opportunity to construct
                                             OK                  the radio trailer again I
                                             Just About          would put my emphasis
                                             Not At All          on the radio trailer in
                                                                 order to ensure a greater
  level of a successful rating from my target audience.

  Feedback for my magazine double page spread:

Did The Language Fit The Style Of                              When researching double
                                                               page spread articles I
      The Magazine Article                                     discovered that the language
                                       80%        15%          used is very important in
                                                               attempting the lure and
                                             5%                entice your target audience
                                          Very Successful
                                                               to watch your documentary.
                                          Successful           From the results I believe it
                                          OK                   is evident that my target
                                                               audience do find the
                                                               language used suitable which
                                                               will in turn attract them to
                                                               watch my documentary as
Does The Images Used Support The
       Style/Genre Of The Documentary                             ultimately make it a success.

                                                                   It was very important to
                                                                   stress the genre and the style
                                                      Yes    No    of the documentary in the
                                                                   magazine double page spread
                                                 95%      5%
                                                                   in order for my target
                                                                   audience to be appealed to
                                                                   watch the documentary and
                                                                   from the results it clearly
                                                                   shows that I achieved this.
                                                                   However, we did receive
        feedback in ways that we could have improved the use the double page spread through
        use of images which was ‘using experienced professionals not only young people’
        although young people are a main focus point of my documentary it also focuses on
        experienced professionals also therefore, if given the chance to attempt to reconstruct
        my double page spread I would add images experienced professionals to strengthen my
        magazine article and ensure of wider range of my target audience and others audiences
        watch my documentary.

            How Successful would you rate the                     From the results it is clear
75%                                                               that are large proportion of
                    magazine article
                                                                  my target audience believed
                                                                  my magazine double page
5%                                                                spread was successful in its
                                                Very successful   message to appeal them to
                                                Successful        watch the magazine.
                                                Not at all

          After Reading The Magazine Article
          Would You Watch The Documentary                         From the results it is evident
                                                                  that the majority of my target
                                                                  audience would watch my
                                                                  documentary after reading my
                                                 Yes     No
                                                                  double page spread this was
                                                                  the main purpose of the

creation of the double page spread and clearly demonstrates the it was a overwhelming
success. Although 2% of my target audience would not watch the documentary this is
useful information because I can use their criticism and make sure I do not make the
same mistake again if I have the opportunity to produce another double page spread.
Overall this 2% in a small minority and does not have much effect on the overall success
of my double page spread.

To conclude I believe all the results show that all three of my media products were
successful and I have also received constructive criticism which I can use to my benefit
if given a chance to produce any or all three of the media products again.

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research,
planning and evaluation stages?

Research and planning was critical in order form my construct a successful television
documentary as well as a radio trailer and double page spread. Although I would later
use media technologies I began simply using paper and plotting ideas for my
documentary. I did this through the use of mind maps and by creating a storyboard to
depict the events of my documentary. Once my topic was selected and how I would go
about depicting my documentary I began to research my topic. I first began about doing
this by using a variety of newspapers and article websites such as BBC, The Guardian,
The Daily telegraph, The Times and The Sunday Times through the use of the internet.
These websites were extremely beneficial for our research and planning into the
recession and it gave me facts, figures statics as wells as the public’s personal stories on
how the recession has affected them. This allowed me to strengthen my knowledge and
outlook on the recession and equipped me with a variety of information which I then
planned in incorporating in my documentary.

After gaining insightful knowledge on the recession I then turned my eye to television
channels in order to establish which television channel would be the most suitable to
broadcast my documentary. I then began going to various television channels and
looking on their documentary channels, I then began to look for any documentary
programmes that were similar or were is some way compatible to my topic – the
recession. The television channels I researched were BBC One, BBC 2, ITV, Channel 4
and BBC Three. I discovered that BBC three was the most suitable and most compatible
   television channel to broadcast my documentary, I came to this conclusion as all of
   the documentaries I found on their website and by watching BBC Three
   documentaries through YouTube and BBC iplayer that their documentaries focus on
   social issues in our society that are affecting young people, this is the exact genre of
our documentary and therefore I believe this makes it evident that BBC
Three was the most suitable choice.
All of the coursework that I or a member of my group had done was then to be
uploaded onto; this is where the group first started their journey
into researching and constructing documentaries, radio trailers and magazine articles
and shows the process we have all made from the beginning. This website was useful as
it allowed us all to work together, share ideas and strengthens each other’s

                                     When all our researching and planning
                                     was completed we then began to put our
theory into action by using all of the information we had collected to
actually produce the documentary. To film the footage for our documentary we used
a Canon HG20 High Definition Camera, this was a very useful and had integrate
design making it was easy to take shots as well as filming our characters. The
camera allowed us to zoom in and out which was useful when we wanted to frame a
shot or make the shot apply to the rule of thirds. We were also able to manipulate
the lighting, we did this because in some areas where we took our shots the lighting
              was very bleak and the camera allowed balancing the lighting which aided
              in our documentary to appear professional and well planned. Moreover, we
              also took photographs with this camera which allowed us to manipulate
              and edit them when producing the magazine double page spread. The
              camera was relatively light and easy to hold and we did this was taking
              shots for our magazine article however, when it came to filming our
              interviews and voxpops it was essential that we used a tripod. The tripod
allowed centring the camera in order to get a straight shot which from our research
suggest we key to get right, it also allowed us to use a variety of other shots such as
panning and zooming in and out without the camera moving or shaking. The only
negative aspect of using the tripod was that it was difficult to keep moving to different
locations to film different setting as at first it was difficult to fold up after using it and
               was fairly heavy.

             Moreover, as wells as using a camera and a tripod it was crucial that we
             used recording equipment for the sound, because from our research and
             general knowledge of documentaries it is essential to get the sound right
             otherwise the documentary will lack and will look amateurish and
unprofessional. The equipment we used was a directional microphone for our voxpops
and interviews to record the sound and used Sennheiser headphones to ensure that the
sound levels were correct and to ensure that no unwanted noise mixed in with our
                 interviews such as background noise or other students talking who
                 were no needed. Our environment
                 being a college was loud for most
of the time when filming therefore we came up with a solution which was using a quiet
empty classroom and conducting our interviews there.

When all of our filming was complete we used an Apple iMac to editing our footage to
form our documentary. At first we found the editing quite complex however, after
repetition and instruction by our teacher is some became easy and second nature. To
editing our footage we used Final Cut Express and used this programme constantly from
the beginning to end of our documentary. To begin to edit our footage we would have to
‘log and transfer’ the totality of our documentary footage and then watch and sort out
all of the footage that we wanted and did not want for our documentary.

We then renamed all of the footage that we wanted to use in our documentary so that
we did not become confused by the numerous amounts of footage and then went onto
begin to edit. Below is an example of our documentary of what it looked like during the
editing stage.

                                   A window to watch
  My group’s unedited footage
                                   our documentary

                                                              Timeline for
                                                                                 Editing tools
                                                 Visual footage

                                                                             Audio footage

Whilst using final cut express we all we given the opportunity to edit and become
familiar with its tools, throughout the editing process we used a variety of tools such as
transitions. We used this tool a lot through firstly because it was a major convention
used in documentaries which we discovered through ‘Super-size me’ ‘Teenager Heroin
addiction’ and various other documentaries we watched. Moreover, it was a useful way
of breaking up the interviews, voxpops, presenters and establishing shots which made
sure of audience would not get bored and encourage them to continue to
watch our documentary.

An additional tool we used frequently was the razor blade tool particularly for
our interviews and voxpops. For our interviews that we some points were not
                              valid or relevant to our documentary or were too long,
                              the razor tools allowed us to select the section of the
                              interview that we wanted to use and discard any
                              unwanted footage. This was a useful tool and allowed us
                              to adjust our clips easily with little effort.

                                The sound levels tool was another valuable tool we used
throughout the editing process, it was essential that the sound levels were correct and
this tool allowed us to pan, centre and balance the sounds levels to the frequency that
we wanted. This was a simple tool to use however, it was crucial that we used it so that
we could produce a high standard documentary.

Moreover, we also used the text tool often, we decided to use this tool because from
watching our model documentary ‘Super-size me’ we discovered that the professionals
or people of note or importance to the documentary were named visually. We decided
to adopt this to our documentary as it helped in making our documentary seem more
professional and raise a high level to our documentary.

To produce music for our documentary we decided to make it from scratch by using a
programme called ‘Garage band.’ We create simple background music for our
documentary by used it predominately for our radio trailer.

When using media technologies for our radio trailer Garage band was the main
programme we used for its construction. Garage band gave us a variety of sounds to mix
and play with until we were happy with the sound we produced. The music options we
were given were ‘cheerful, urban, electronic, guitar, piano, drums etc. The controls were
easy to use and once we were happy with the music we created we simply transferred it
into an mp3 file and added it to our radio trailetc.

Our magazine article required use to use two pieces of software which were Adobe
Photoshop CS6 and Adobe InDesign CS6. To begin to create our double page spread on
Adobe InDesign we open a double page spread and then began to import all the images
we wanted to use. After all of our images were selected we then used Microsoft Word
2010 to begin to attempt our text for our article. Once our text and images were
arranged and complete on the double page spread we then began to add codes and
conventionsof double page spreads which we had learnt from our research
such as masthead, pull quote, headlines, caption etc.
Once my double page spread was complete I then wanted to edit my images because
some of them had people in the background looking at the camera and or in other shots
I wanted to add an effect. For both circumstances I had to use a tool of Adobe Photoshop
CS6 known as the magnetic lasso. This was a useful tool that ensured that any areas of
the images that I wanted removed could be done so easily with minimal effort. From my
research editing the images correctly was an important convention that must be done
correctly, and when I look at my double page spread I feel I have achieved that.

To conclude, I feel my research, planning construction and feedback of my
documentary, radio trailer and double page spread was successful and I am happy and
proud with the coursework me and my colleagues produced and I believe it has be
accomplished to a high standard.

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Media evaluation

  • 1. Media evaluation: In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge conventions of real life products? At the beginning of our A2 Media Studies course we were briefed that for the contents of our coursework we would be required to produce a five minute documentary extract, a forty second radio trailer as well as a double page spread based on my group’s chosen topic. After discussing possible topics we came to the conclusion that our chosen topic would be the recession and its impact of young people. I was then introduced to the documentary theory ‘documentary modes’ developed by American critic and theorist Bill Nicholas. Nicholas believed that all documentaries fit into a certain ‘mode,’ or can have different aspects of a mixture of documentary ‘modes’ which are poetic, expository, observational, participatory reflexive and performative. Poetic mode aims to stress a specific mood or tone in order to persuade the audience to lean towards the filmmaker’s subjective viewpoint of the subject. Expository mode uses a narrative voice over also known as the ‘voice of God’ to reinforce the views of the filmmaker in the documentary as it strengthens their argument of the subject, something noteworthy about these two modes is that although they are clearly different they work hand in hand together in order to support to view that the filmmaker is attempting to emphasis in their documentary. Observational mode is what the public would most associate documentary with as they are used heavily in wildlife documentaries. This documentary mode uses the fly on the wall perspective as the filmmaker cannot interactive with the characters and can only film their actions. This documentary allows the characters to have a greater sense of power that all over documentary modes. Reflexive mode demonstrates consciousness of the process of reading documentary, and engages actively with the issues of realism and representation, acknowledging the presence of the viewer and the modality judgements they arrive at. Participatory mode is another popular documentary mode used in numerous documentaries today and involves the filmmakers moving away from behind the camera and becoming the subject of the documentary an example of this is Morgan Spurlocks ‘Super-size me’ documentary. Performative documentaries stress subjective emotional responses through personal, unconventional means in order for the audience to create their own interpretation of the documentaries events and often autobiographical in nature. When applying these documentary modes to my own documentary I believe it predominately mode my documentary uses throughout is the expository mode. The reason why I decided to use the expository mode is because it is extremely popular in professional documentaries on television and therefore by using a well-known convention in our documentary will allow our documentary to mirror previous professional documentaries that have used this convention and therefore will create greater realism for our documentary prompting our target audience to watch our
  • 2. documentary. The expository allowed the documentary to seem more factual as a result of the statics as well as dates and figures we included. This documentary mode also tends to be rhetorical throughout in terms of the way the narrative communicates to the audience, in order to appeal to their emotions of the recession which overall it proved it by very effective and allows our documentary to have a greater sense of professionalism which we ultimately invite our target audience to watch our documentary. However, although we predominately use the expository mode there is an element of poetic mode within our documentary. My evidence for this is my documentary throughout aims stress and provides a strong argument that ‘rising tuition fees are unfair.’ In order to ensure that my own documentary would be a success, I began to research and critically analysis professional documentaries. Some examples of documentaries I analysed are Supersize me, Teenager heroine epidemic and Panorama recession crisis. I first documentary I analysed was a documentary that revolves around renowned filmmaker and television producer Morgan Spurlock consuming solely a McDonald’s diet for 30 days. From watching his documentary I discovered a wide variety of codes and conventions, I and felt I could incorporate some of their conventions into my own documentary. From the two images present the similarity isSuper-Size Me Documentary: evident. Firstly the rules of thirds apply to both documentaries. The rule of thirds is a principlethat an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equally-spaced horizontal lines and two equally-spaced vertical lines, in order for the image to proportioned equally on the page or in this case the screen.Another similarity in codes and conventions between my documentary and the real life documentary ‘Super-size me’ is that both documentaries have their characters looking into ‘dead space’ this was crucial to have in our documentary as not only does it create realism but it doesn’t make the documentary seem pre- My Documentary: structured and rehearsed which would result in making our documentary look fake and unrealistic. Moreover, from the same images it is also clear at the persona which they both aim to create. In Morgan Spurlock’s ‘Super-size me’ to individual to revealed to be a professor at a university, the documentary helps to build this identity as prop use of glasses have intelligence and sophisticated connation’s helping the audience believe that this man is a university professor. I aimed to display mise-en-scene in my documentary also and did so in many aspects. Firstly the women’s prop, an ID card immediately makes it evident
  • 3. that she is a professional in the college and helps reinforce and establish her position in the documentary as a mentor for young people. The use of the prop which got its inspiration for ‘Super-size me’ aids in making the women look specialized and professional which in turn results in the documentary seeming to appear realistic and believable. In addition, the women’s clothes also aid the documentary is appearing genuine as similar to the gentlemen on ‘super-size me’ they are both clothes for a working environment which have a sense of authority and expertise which helps reinforce the idea that the individual being interviewed is a relevant and qualified to be apart and give input and advice in our documentary. Furthermore, the setting also plays a vital role in establishing the believability of the documentary as like the professional documentary my documentary has books, folders and leaflets stationed around my interviewee. This again assists in making the documentary seem realistic as the use of books in the background aid the interviewee once again to seem professional and qualified to be in this documentary which helps the documentary seem authentic which will appeal to our target audience, enticing them to watch our documentary. My Documentary: I also decided to use an establishing shot of the college, I decided to do this as it was a convention I found in all of the documentaries I had critically analyzed and research and seemed only logical to have a familiar convention in my documentary so that the audience can relate this documentary to previous documentaries they had watched. The use of the establishing shot will also help set the scene for my documentary and is useful as it helps My Documentary: breaks the sections between my interviews and voiceovers My documentary has a presenter, I found this a relevant convention to use because when I watched ‘Super-size me’ I found the presenter to be welcoming and friendly. I believed that if my documentary used the same approach it could improve my documentary significantly as the warm, hospitable approach will entice and invite my target audience to watch my documentary which will increase the number of rating my documentary achieves resulting in my documentary becoming a success.
  • 4. However, one way in which my documentary challenges codes and conventions are that in Morgan Spurlock’s ‘Super –size me’ a hand held camera is used. I decided not use a hand held camera in my documentary for various reasons firstly, when I researched why hand held camera are used I discovered that they are predominately used to make the audience see the events of the documentary through the events of the main character. Or they can be used to reveal the character’s feelings for example fear. Initially I thought of possible ways in which I could use the hand held camera in my documentary but when reviewing my storyboard and the way I wanted to shoot the documentary I decided it would not be relevant for my documentary and therefore decided to leave it out as I thought it would neither benefit or improve my documentary. My Documentary: The most obvious convention to use in my documentary is the interviews. Our interviews were spilt between young people and experienced professionals which is similar to the way ‘Super- size me’ filmed their documentaries as throughout it was a mix between McDonald enthusiast and experienced food expertise. Firstly, a for my research and watching documentaries in my own time it is clear that the mainstream of documentaries have interviews, I felt that this code and convention had to be used and should not be ignored as it may alienation our target audience because without interviews that documentary may seem amateurish and ill thought of. I decided to mirror ‘super-size me’ me interviewing two sets of groups, one group affected by the topic – the recession and the other giving advice on how to combat and resolve the problem. I decided to shoot the documentary in this way so that so the target audience can get both sides of the subject. Nevertheless, on way it which my documentary’s interviews challenge codes and conventions are that for all of the students I interviewed they were all males. If given the opportunity to create another documentary I would alter this as I believe there should be a mix of both male and female students in order to display that this is a problem for all young people regularly of their gender in order to seem not biased and focuses solely on one side of the argument.
  • 5. Another convention we used which once again used and developed media codes and conventions was the use of found footage. I decided to use found footage because I believed it to be a useful way of splitting my documentary away from my interviews and presenter as using solely these two conventions could make my target audience feel bored and they would therefore lose interest in my documentary. However, the use of the found footage gives my target audience something new to look at and will maintain my target audiences’ interest and attention on my documentary. My found footage was used to give statics and illustrations of the recession; I believe the statics used through my found footage will benefit my documentary as these will make my documentary appear more professional and will therefore draw not only my target audience to watch my documentary but also others who are interested in watching a professional, well explorer topic which are affecting people across the UK. Another convention I used and paid particular interest to when construction my documentary was sound. From my research I discovered sound fell into certain categories such as background music, presenter, voiceover, diegetic and non-diegetic. I decided to use background music as from the documentaries (Super-size me and Teenager Heroin addiction) I discovered that they both use background music. The background can also benefit the documentary as the type of music used can portray the style of the documentary, for example in ‘Teenager Heroin addiction’ the music was heavy and fast paced in order to depict the sinister and evil aspects of drug use. For our documentary we used soft music, we did this particularly in the opening of our documentary as we wanted music that would be appealing to our target audience and invite them to watch and continue to watch my documentary in addition, my evidence that soft music will appeal to my target audience is through my questionnaire. I also decided to use special effects in my documentary, I first decided to use special effects because I discovered they were used heavily in super-size me and therefore I wanted my documentary to be just as good as the documentary I am basing it on. I numerous special effects in my documentary, some examples include a cross dissolve. The cross dissolve allowed me to create a slight gap between interviews, the presenter and voiceover which made sure that my documentary was not just a block of text without any gaps which made sure boredom did not occur to the audience.
  • 6. Magazine Double Page Spread: Thesecond piece of my coursework was to produce a double page spread magazine article revolving around my topic- the recession. Once again I researched and critically analysed magazines double page spread articles in order to gain an understanding of them. From this I discovered a variety of codes and conventions which I planned to instrument in my own documentary. The first convention I used in my doublepage spread was the masthead. The masthead is a crucial part of not double page spreads but many types of publications such as newspapers and leaflet. The masthead acts as a title and also gives information on the topic it is based on. Another code and convention I used was the drop caption, I decided to use this as it was on all of the double page spreads i analysed and would aid in making my double page spread seem more professional. I decided to use a pull quote as once again it was in all of the magazine articles I analysed plus it is a way of getting the attention of my target audience as it is something that is affecting them which therefore my appeal and attract them to reader my article. We also used images all of students in a college environment, I did this because of target audience are predominately students and will be in a similar college as this on and will therefore attract them to read about a topic that is affecting them.
  • 7. I also decided to display the time; date and channel the documentary would be broadcasted. I decided to use this convention as without it our target audience would not know when or where to watch our documentary and it therefore crucial to the success of our documentary. Moreover, I used headlines, due to the fact they were in every double page spread I analysed. This was useful as it gave who give the target audience information on the topic our documentary was about. However, one way in which my magazine double page spread differs from other double page spreads is the layout. Coventionally the layout would be a large image that reflects the topic on the left hand side of the page and text on the right hand side on the page. I chose to ignore this covention and have a greater mixture of text and images because I felt using only one image would seem ameturish and rushed but using more that one would show that I had put thoght and effort into it plus, this allowed me to have a greater amount of text on both pages as this is a topic that must have great detail in it as it is a wide and extensive topic.
  • 8. Radio trailer: Before contruction my radio trailer I watched a variety of professional ones in order to gain an understaning of them and filled out my findings on my ‘radio trail analysis’ grid. Although my topic is a serious one affecting many people in the UK I did not want to have a grim voiceover as this will be an unattractive quality and may lead to our target audience not watching our documentary. Therefore I decided to use a calm, relaxed voiceover, as the audience can recieve all of the information about my documentary and a more composed voiceover will seem more appealing and make the radio trailer and the documentary seem more professional prompting my target audience to watch the documentary which will led to it becoming a success. I also mentioned the time, date and channel of my documentary, due to that fact that this is the most common convention used in radio trailers and would therefore only seem logical to have it in our radio trailer. This is important to have in our radio trailer as without it my target audience would not know when to watch our documentary. Overall, i believe I used numerous codes and coventions of documentary, radio trail and double page articles and although at times I also challenged them i still believe this not only aided but improved my coursework pieces and will lead to them becoming a success with my target audience.
  • 9. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillarly texts? Along with my television documentary I also produced a radio trailer along with a double page spread magazine article. The finally two coursework units were contructed to help sell and advertise my television documentary, and therefore it was crucial that they blended and worked well together. Our target audience for my documentary is males and females as the recession will ultimately affected everyone regardless of their gender. In terms of age I am targeting an age range of 18-25 as this is the age who I feel will be affected by the rising university tuition fees and rising youth unemployment due to the recession. My target audience’s social class will be stationed on the C2/D border line as these are the two classes who will feel the full force of the recession and the affects that have followed. When discusing lifestyle we discovered through research that young people have an interest in music, going to the gym and cinema. We decided to incorprate some of this in our documentary in order to display the problems our target audience are having in managing their fiances and being unable to do the things they enjoy due to the recession. My radio trailer consisted of our footage from our documentary and both contain similar aspects such as revealing facts, young peoples and experienced professionals opinions, ways to resolve the recession and the impact the recession has had on our society e.g. rise in crime, unemployment and tuition fees, it is for this reason that I believe they link and blend well together as they both convey the same message throughout. In addition I also used the same background music and voiceover, this will definitely create a strong relation between the two mediaproducts and help create a musical slogan. Having the same background music and voiceover on both media products will help my target audience remember my documentary due to the beat they hear on my radio trailer. I decided that my radio trailer should be on radio 4 as from my discussion with my target audience through focus groups I discovered that it is a popular radio station with them. My other evidence that radio 4 would be the ideal radio station to promote my radio trailer is because on average radio 4 capture 10.83 million of our target audience every week. Due to the popularity radio 4 has with our target audience I believe that once our target audience listens to our radio trailer they will then be enticed to watch our documentary on channel 4. The magazines article on the uses the image of a student, I did this to show the audience of someone they will expect to see and hear in the documentary. I felt this links the documentary well with the magazine article as it directly shows something that the
  • 10. audience will see when they watch it. However, I felt the magazine double page spread does not appeal to my target audience as much as my radio trailer as it was a lot harder to build a relationship between it and my documentary, something I would change if I had the opportunity to do it again. What have you learnt from your audience feedback? In order to gain feedback on all of my media products I conducted a small scale pilot study through the use of a questionnaire and get it to 20 individuals, and posed the following questions: Feedback for my documentary: The results from this questions show that a large percentage of Were The Sound Levels Consistent the 20 individuals that took part 30% in this small scale study pilot felt that the sound levels were Yes consistent. I paid particular No emphasis on this as it was an important part of the documentary. However the remaining 30% felt it was not 70% consistent, this is useful information to know and can aid me if I had the opportunity to create another documentary. From the results it is evident that Can You Hear All Of The Dialogue a large percentage agrees that they can hear the sound dialogue 15% Clearly clearly. I am satisfied with this 85% result as it shows a large majority Yes are pleased with the sound which No I focused on heavily when constructing the documentary.
  • 11. Does The Documentary Flow? I am very pleased with the results of this question as it evidently shows that my documentary was a success with my target audience which was Yes the purpose of its creation. No 100% Are all Of The Interviews Relevant To The Topic Of TheDocumentary This question shows that a 19% large proportion of the people who completed my questionnaire believed that my Yes interviews were relevant to the No documentary, this was very important to get right because if it were not my documentary could have suffered and may 81% have led to it becoming a failure Does The Music Suit The Documentary 11% This was a crucial to achieve as Yes it is a key convention of No documentaries, from the results it is evidence that my 89%
  • 12. documentary is successful in accomplishing this. This was the most vital How Successful Would You Say The question to get a positive result Documentary Is? 60% 20% on due to the fact that this question determined whether 10% 8% my target audience felt my documentary was a success. 2% From the results it is clear my Very Successful documentary was a success Successful and it did appeal to my target OK audience which was the Just About purpose of its creation Not At All The editing was another How Successful Would You Say The crucial convention to master and be performed correctly Editing Is? 89% 15% 10% in order for my documentary to have a Very Successful professional appearance. Successful From the results I feel I achieved this which OK strengths the previous evidence that my documentary was a success
  • 13. Feedback for my radio trailer: Were The Sound Levels Consistent The sounds levels were a top 31% priority to get correct as the audience can only hear the content on the radio which Yes No was therefore extremely important to get it right in order to make our radio trailer a success, which from 69% the questionnaire results evidently shows we did. How Successful Would You Say The When constructing the Editing Is? radio trailer I paid 75% 15% 10% particular concentration to Very the editing. I did this Successful Successful because from my research into radio trailers I OK discovered that the editing had to be strong in order for the radio trailer to be successful. From the results it is evident that my target audience believed my radio trailer’s editing to be strong which therefore shows that my radio trailer overall was strong and successful. Does The Radio Trailer Flow From the results shown it is evident 15% that a large majority of my target audience Yes believed my radio No trailer did flow and evidently demonstrates that 75%
  • 14. it was a success. Although 15% of my target audience believed it did not flow this is only a small percentage and the 75% outweighs this small minority greatly. This shows that overall my target audience believed my radio trailer was successful in blending and flowing together. From the results shown it How Successful Would You Say The is evidently that in a certain degree my target Radio Trailer Is? audience did believe my radio trailer to be successful however, it is evident that they believe there is room for Very Successful improvement. If given the Successful opportunity to construct OK the radio trailer again I Just About would put my emphasis Not At All on the radio trailer in order to ensure a greater level of a successful rating from my target audience. Feedback for my magazine double page spread: Did The Language Fit The Style Of When researching double page spread articles I The Magazine Article discovered that the language 80% 15% used is very important in attempting the lure and 5% entice your target audience Very Successful to watch your documentary. Successful From the results I believe it OK is evident that my target audience do find the language used suitable which will in turn attract them to watch my documentary as
  • 15. Does The Images Used Support The Style/Genre Of The Documentary ultimately make it a success. It was very important to stress the genre and the style Yes No of the documentary in the magazine double page spread 95% 5% in order for my target audience to be appealed to watch the documentary and from the results it clearly shows that I achieved this. However, we did receive feedback in ways that we could have improved the use the double page spread through use of images which was ‘using experienced professionals not only young people’ although young people are a main focus point of my documentary it also focuses on experienced professionals also therefore, if given the chance to attempt to reconstruct my double page spread I would add images experienced professionals to strengthen my magazine article and ensure of wider range of my target audience and others audiences watch my documentary. How Successful would you rate the From the results it is clear 75% that are large proportion of magazine article my target audience believed 20% my magazine double page 5% spread was successful in its Very successful message to appeal them to Successful watch the magazine. OK Not at all After Reading The Magazine Article Would You Watch The Documentary From the results it is evident that the majority of my target audience would watch my documentary after reading my Yes No double page spread this was the main purpose of the 98% 2%
  • 16. creation of the double page spread and clearly demonstrates the it was a overwhelming success. Although 2% of my target audience would not watch the documentary this is useful information because I can use their criticism and make sure I do not make the same mistake again if I have the opportunity to produce another double page spread. Overall this 2% in a small minority and does not have much effect on the overall success of my double page spread. To conclude I believe all the results show that all three of my media products were successful and I have also received constructive criticism which I can use to my benefit if given a chance to produce any or all three of the media products again. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Research and planning was critical in order form my construct a successful television documentary as well as a radio trailer and double page spread. Although I would later use media technologies I began simply using paper and plotting ideas for my documentary. I did this through the use of mind maps and by creating a storyboard to depict the events of my documentary. Once my topic was selected and how I would go about depicting my documentary I began to research my topic. I first began about doing this by using a variety of newspapers and article websites such as BBC, The Guardian, The Daily telegraph, The Times and The Sunday Times through the use of the internet. These websites were extremely beneficial for our research and planning into the recession and it gave me facts, figures statics as wells as the public’s personal stories on how the recession has affected them. This allowed me to strengthen my knowledge and outlook on the recession and equipped me with a variety of information which I then planned in incorporating in my documentary. After gaining insightful knowledge on the recession I then turned my eye to television channels in order to establish which television channel would be the most suitable to broadcast my documentary. I then began going to various television channels and looking on their documentary channels, I then began to look for any documentary programmes that were similar or were is some way compatible to my topic – the recession. The television channels I researched were BBC One, BBC 2, ITV, Channel 4 and BBC Three. I discovered that BBC three was the most suitable and most compatible television channel to broadcast my documentary, I came to this conclusion as all of the documentaries I found on their website and by watching BBC Three documentaries through YouTube and BBC iplayer that their documentaries focus on social issues in our society that are affecting young people, this is the exact genre of our documentary and therefore I believe this makes it evident that BBC Three was the most suitable choice.
  • 17. All of the coursework that I or a member of my group had done was then to be uploaded onto; this is where the group first started their journey into researching and constructing documentaries, radio trailers and magazine articles and shows the process we have all made from the beginning. This website was useful as it allowed us all to work together, share ideas and strengthens each other’s coursework. When all our researching and planning was completed we then began to put our theory into action by using all of the information we had collected to actually produce the documentary. To film the footage for our documentary we used a Canon HG20 High Definition Camera, this was a very useful and had integrate design making it was easy to take shots as well as filming our characters. The camera allowed us to zoom in and out which was useful when we wanted to frame a shot or make the shot apply to the rule of thirds. We were also able to manipulate the lighting, we did this because in some areas where we took our shots the lighting was very bleak and the camera allowed balancing the lighting which aided in our documentary to appear professional and well planned. Moreover, we also took photographs with this camera which allowed us to manipulate and edit them when producing the magazine double page spread. The camera was relatively light and easy to hold and we did this was taking shots for our magazine article however, when it came to filming our interviews and voxpops it was essential that we used a tripod. The tripod allowed centring the camera in order to get a straight shot which from our research suggest we key to get right, it also allowed us to use a variety of other shots such as panning and zooming in and out without the camera moving or shaking. The only negative aspect of using the tripod was that it was difficult to keep moving to different locations to film different setting as at first it was difficult to fold up after using it and was fairly heavy. Moreover, as wells as using a camera and a tripod it was crucial that we used recording equipment for the sound, because from our research and general knowledge of documentaries it is essential to get the sound right otherwise the documentary will lack and will look amateurish and unprofessional. The equipment we used was a directional microphone for our voxpops and interviews to record the sound and used Sennheiser headphones to ensure that the sound levels were correct and to ensure that no unwanted noise mixed in with our interviews such as background noise or other students talking who were no needed. Our environment being a college was loud for most
  • 18. of the time when filming therefore we came up with a solution which was using a quiet empty classroom and conducting our interviews there. When all of our filming was complete we used an Apple iMac to editing our footage to form our documentary. At first we found the editing quite complex however, after repetition and instruction by our teacher is some became easy and second nature. To editing our footage we used Final Cut Express and used this programme constantly from the beginning to end of our documentary. To begin to edit our footage we would have to ‘log and transfer’ the totality of our documentary footage and then watch and sort out all of the footage that we wanted and did not want for our documentary. We then renamed all of the footage that we wanted to use in our documentary so that we did not become confused by the numerous amounts of footage and then went onto begin to edit. Below is an example of our documentary of what it looked like during the editing stage. A window to watch My group’s unedited footage our documentary Timeline for documentary Editing tools Visual footage Audio footage Whilst using final cut express we all we given the opportunity to edit and become familiar with its tools, throughout the editing process we used a variety of tools such as transitions. We used this tool a lot through firstly because it was a major convention used in documentaries which we discovered through ‘Super-size me’ ‘Teenager Heroin addiction’ and various other documentaries we watched. Moreover, it was a useful way of breaking up the interviews, voxpops, presenters and establishing shots which made
  • 19. sure of audience would not get bored and encourage them to continue to watch our documentary. An additional tool we used frequently was the razor blade tool particularly for our interviews and voxpops. For our interviews that we some points were not valid or relevant to our documentary or were too long, the razor tools allowed us to select the section of the interview that we wanted to use and discard any unwanted footage. This was a useful tool and allowed us to adjust our clips easily with little effort. The sound levels tool was another valuable tool we used throughout the editing process, it was essential that the sound levels were correct and this tool allowed us to pan, centre and balance the sounds levels to the frequency that we wanted. This was a simple tool to use however, it was crucial that we used it so that we could produce a high standard documentary. Moreover, we also used the text tool often, we decided to use this tool because from watching our model documentary ‘Super-size me’ we discovered that the professionals or people of note or importance to the documentary were named visually. We decided to adopt this to our documentary as it helped in making our documentary seem more professional and raise a high level to our documentary. To produce music for our documentary we decided to make it from scratch by using a programme called ‘Garage band.’ We create simple background music for our documentary by used it predominately for our radio trailer. When using media technologies for our radio trailer Garage band was the main programme we used for its construction. Garage band gave us a variety of sounds to mix and play with until we were happy with the sound we produced. The music options we were given were ‘cheerful, urban, electronic, guitar, piano, drums etc. The controls were easy to use and once we were happy with the music we created we simply transferred it into an mp3 file and added it to our radio trailetc. Our magazine article required use to use two pieces of software which were Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Adobe InDesign CS6. To begin to create our double page spread on Adobe InDesign we open a double page spread and then began to import all the images we wanted to use. After all of our images were selected we then used Microsoft Word 2010 to begin to attempt our text for our article. Once our text and images were arranged and complete on the double page spread we then began to add codes and conventionsof double page spreads which we had learnt from our research such as masthead, pull quote, headlines, caption etc.
  • 20. Once my double page spread was complete I then wanted to edit my images because some of them had people in the background looking at the camera and or in other shots I wanted to add an effect. For both circumstances I had to use a tool of Adobe Photoshop CS6 known as the magnetic lasso. This was a useful tool that ensured that any areas of the images that I wanted removed could be done so easily with minimal effort. From my research editing the images correctly was an important convention that must be done correctly, and when I look at my double page spread I feel I have achieved that. To conclude, I feel my research, planning construction and feedback of my documentary, radio trailer and double page spread was successful and I am happy and proud with the coursework me and my colleagues produced and I believe it has be accomplished to a high standard.