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European Technological Advancements
Europe wanted everything; the land, the respect, the money, the food; the list goes on, and if the
world's becoming connected, modern,or globalized is to be assigned to anyone, it would be to the
Portuguese and Spanish. In all of their advances, they did connect the histories of individual places
and places into one world history. Europe's technological advancements and desire trade fueled the
exploration that brought Columbus to the New World, or Da Gama around the Cape of Good Hope.
With the support of consumers, European countries involved in global trade were the most
successful in bringing the world together due to their desire to trade as well as the technological
advancements that got them across them across the Atlantic.
Both Spain ... Show more content on ...
Firearms were almost a symbol of power in countries where they were not available. Firearms were
traded for slaves in Africa and used against others. Other than aggression, the types of transportation
were more advanced in the European continent. In Africa, long–distance travel was conducted with
caravans. Meanwhile, Portugal was building caravels to send across the oceans, around continents,
returning with vast amounts of wealth. Europe, also having contact with Asia, was able to see
technological advancements from other cultures, giving them an edge that America and Africa
didn't. With this advantage they were able to control the connections between continents. It is also
taken into account that, although Asian countries are quite advanced, China and Japan, two leading
powers in Eastern Asia wanted to avoid assimilation and chose isolation, keeping them from
dominating a possible Pacific Trade. However, China did get involved in trade after Spain found
deposits of Silver in South and Central America. China used silver in multiple ways, and with a new
source of the element, they began to trade with other world powers, further connecting the world
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Ap World History Dbq
1: In the mid 15th century, European nations started to desire power, wealth, and resources. Because
of this, they formulated motives to find quicker routes to the far east to trade for valuable luxuries,
such as spices and silks. These products were in high demand Europe, and could sell at incredibly
high prices. They were named luxuries for a reason though, as they had to travel thousands of miles
through heated deserts and violent seas. Understandably, the merchants of Europe wanted to find an
easier way to Asia. However, due to prevailing winds on the west coast of Africa, a voyage down the
African coast would be a one way trip. This problem was later solved with the invention of Caravel,
a ship that could make the journey back home against
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Western European Explorations
The Western European expeditions of the 15th–18th centuries had a multitude of causes, religious
aims, desire for wealth, glory, and improvements in technology, it also caused a number of things,
such as colonial expansion and the Columbian exchange, use of slaves, and rise of capitalism and
mercantilism. It is often said that the European's chief motives for exploration were 'God, gold, and
glory'. The Europeans set out in a missionary zeal and attempted to convert as many people, like the
Native Americans, to Christianity as they could and drive Muslims out of other lands. Another thing
that propelled the Europeans was the search for gold and other riches in far off lands through sea
routes. They hoped to obtain spices like nutmeg, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, pepper, etc. and luxury
goods such as silk, gold, silver, jewels, ivory, porcelain, teas from Africa and the East ... Show more
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Consequently, all of the explorations spurred more colonial expansion efforts by the Western
European nations as they all competed for the better piece of land. One such colonial effort in
America resulted in the global transfer of plants, animals, disease, and food, the Columbian
Exchange. As a result of the deviation to the Native American population, creating a need for
laborers, and the growing desire for cash crops like sugar, cotton, and tobacco, slave trade saw a
sharp increase. This time period also saw the spread and intensification of capitalism, resulting from
the growth of town and city life and expansion of trade. Correspondingly, this acted as a catalyst in
the rise of mercantilism, in which rulers encouraged exports and discouraged imports, the trade with
colonies was expected to supply the home country with great wealth and new
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Age Of Exploration Positive Events
The Positive Events That Lead to the Age of Exploration The age of exploration all started when the
Europeans were eager to find an easier trade route to Asia. The Europeans main objective was to
increase trade profits. You might be wondering did they actually do all of this and your answer is
yes. What I will be covering is the age of exploration lead to more positive events than negative
effects. The Europeans wanted to explore for many different reasons. I will be explaining what
thesis reasons are and how they helped them. One of the biggest reasons was that they wanted to
find a new route to Asia. What happened is that the Turkish cut Europe off by reclaiming
Constantinople. The second reason was that they wanted to travel seeking to find gold, silver... Gold
and silver were no longer found in European mines. So they had to find a different source and at the
end they did. The third reason was to spread their religion. Monarchs who promoted the exploration
believed that they had to spread the Christian Religion around the world. Some other reasons where:
To increase their power
Have different opportunities for trade
Build a stronger European empire
All thesis reasons had a big impact on the positive events that happened through this voyage. ...
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The Europeans have two great advancements. First, they had caravels that helped them sail. Thesis
ships had an agile design. They also allowed the ship to steer head–on into the wind. The ships were
built to hold longer voyage and had an easy to handle sail the latten sail. Second, they had many
navigational instruments. That where devolved through the years. Thesis instruments gave more
accuracy. Some of the inventions were: the compass, the astrolabe, cross–staff, quadrant, back–staff
and more. If it were not for thesis inventions the Europeans would not have traveled the
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Christopher Columbus Research Paper
Columbus was an Italian explorer famed for discovering the "New World". Columbus set out on a
voyage on Aug 3rd, 1492 from Palos, Spain with three small ships including the Pinta, the Nina, and
the Santa Maria. Technology had quite a big impact on Columbus' voyage. If Columbus had the
technology that sailors have today then he would know where he was going. The technology in
Columbus' time was trivial compared to the technology sailors have today.
One item of technology that Columbus had on his voyage with three ships including the Pinta, the
Nina, and the Santa Maria was the quadrant. The quadrant was a metal plate in the shape of a fourth
of a circle. From the center hung a weight on a string the went across to the other edge of the circle.
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Another instrument that Christopher Columbus used on his long voyages was the sandglass to tell
what time of day it was. There was a designated person whose sole responsibility was to turn the
sandglass every half hour to measure the time until the watch changed. After midnight a different
tool was used to measure time. This device was called a nocturnal. A nocturnal told what time of
night it was by how the stars moved and aligned around the celestial pole. Christopher Columbus
also carried an Astrolabe which was somewhat similar to a quadrant, but slightly less accurate, in
telling the position, than its counterpart the quadrant. Another very important tool that Christopher
Columbus used on his voyage to the new world was the magnetic compass. The magnetic compass
was built with a magnetized metal needle that was put in a way that it could spin freely in a fully
complete 360 degree circle if need be. Christopher Columbus figured out which end was which by
the position of our lovely, warm hearted, giant sun, remembering that the sun rises in the East and
sets in the west. To find north at around noon in the day one would look down on the needle with the
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Imperial Exploration Unit: Colonial Exploration Of North...
Throughout the entire Colonial Exploration Unit, I learned a great deal about colonial expansion and
economy. One of the first things we learned was about the Vikings and their early exploration of
North America. Then we started discussing maps, more specifically longitude and latitude. We
learned how the Roman scholar, Claudius Ptolemaeus, also known as Ptolemy, was the first to
propose the idea of a grid system for the entire planet (Rosenburg). This was later known as lines of
longitude and latitude (Rosenburg). Shortly after we finished discussing maps, we started to talk
about a colonial economic system known as "mercantilism". In this system, kings try to increase
their countries exports while decreasing their imports ("Mercantilism"). ... Show more content on ...
In the project, we used Google Slides to create an interactive story about colonial exploration.
Manav and I worked together to create a story about Marco, the captain of the Spanish caravel, "The
Electra". We chose the ship to be a caravel since we learned that Prince Henry the Navigator
designed them to travel long distances ("Caravel"). With two or three masts and a rounded bottom,
caravels were fast, this made them the ideal ships to travel to the New World with ("Caravel"). In
addition to this, we also learned about navigation tools such as the magnetic compass. The magnetic
compass is used by navigators to determine the direction they're heading in ("Compass"). It was first
used by the Venetians in 1274 and consists of a magnetic needle and a compass card ("Compass").
The magnetic needle always points to the North Pole, and by using the North Pole as a reference
point, explorers were effortlessly able to determine the direction they are heading in
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Bartolomeu Dias Impact In The Age Of Exploration
"History cannot give us a program for the future, but it can give us a fuller understanding of
ourselves, and of our common humanity, so that we can better face the future" Robert Penn Warren.
What is the true meaning of history? History started even before we were born, it started since God
created the universe. History has been on this universe for now about billions of years. Many events
happened, such as Renaissance, The Golden Age, Age of the Dinosaurs, World War I and II, and
others. This essay will talk about important people who had made a great influence and impact in
The Age of Exploration Bartolomeu Dias was born on 1450 in Algarve, Kingdom of Portugal. He
was a Portuguese explorer who had led the first voyage to reach the southern tip of Africa and he
opened the doors for seafaring trade with India. Bartolomeu Dias was born to a noble Portuguese
family; therefore he had received a really good education. He had worked for the King of Portugal
in the royal warehouses for a while. He had made plans and preparations over 10 months for ...
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He developed a desire to learn about the Muslims, primarily in hopes of conquering them and
spreading Christianity. And he became aware of Africa's many resources, which he hoped to exploit
for Portugal's gain. Henry has the dubious distinction of being a founder of the Atlantic slave trade.
He sponsored Nuno Tristao's exploration of the African coast, and Antao Goncalves's hunting
expedition there in 1441. One of the captured guys was a chief. He negotiated his own return to
Africa, promising in exchange to provide the Portuguese people with more Africans. After some
years, Portugal was really involved in the slave trade. Prince Henry died on November 13, 1460. By
the time of his death, Portuguese explorers and traders had advanced as far as the, then Vasco de
Gama sailed around Africa to complete the expedition to
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European Exploration Research Paper
There were many reasons that prompted European exploration. These reasons include the spreading
of Christianity, gain wealth/land, and an advance in technology. The Christian population beloved
that the main goal in life should be to spread Christianity in every way possible, and finding new
land and new people could increase the amount of Christians. As they spread their religion they also
wanted to become rich. Lastly, as technology was advancing they were able to accomplish more.
These three things were known as "God, glory, and gold". The Italian merchants raised prices of
Asian goods, so many of the European merchants wanted to bypass them. These merchants needed
to solve the issue, so they sent out ships in effort to find a direct sea
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The Pros And Cons Of European Exploration
There were a few inventions that made the European exploration possible. One of the inventions
was the magnetic compass. This allowed the ships to navigate with nothing but water in sight.
Another one was the invention of the caravel. The caravel allowed the ships to sail against the wind.
The last invention was more detailed maps. These maps allowed sailors to plot their course for a
safer more accurate travel. These were some of the inventions that led the European exploration.
Portugal discovered the trade routes that allowed them to trade with Asia. The Portuguese sailors
sailed around the tip of Africa. They also sailed to the Cape of Good hope for supplies. The
Portuguese established a vast trade route. This route was
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The Collapse Of European Empires During The Age Of...
Collapse . During the age of exploration, European empires would primarily compete with the new
technologies arising along with the newfound techniques that enabled exploration and ventures to
colonies. European empires, especially the Portuguese, would need to look for improvements in
naval technology, navigation, and artillery. When Columbus returned from the newfound lands with
small samples of gold, those who had the advantage of overseas travel had high hopes that they, too,
would discover areas of gold and could quickly capitalize on these sources of wealth offered by the
New World. The most significant competition would be, who can reach these new lands first?
Empires with the best naval technology, navigation, and artillery
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The Discovery Of The New World
Ship Improvements
What were the events and improvements in ship design that lead to the discovery of the New World
and enabled the subsequent expansion in global trade? In this paper I will examine the changes and
improvements in European ship design that allowed for the first transatlantic voyage to the New
World. Though the Europeans were not the first to develop the concept of the ship, they were the
first to take this concept and use it to cross the Atlantic. Even before Columbus sailed across the
Atlantic to the New World, Europe had a long maritime history. Before the 15th and 16th century
European ship design had been relatively slow to advance from its initial stages. But during the 15th
and 16th century European ship design accelerated at break neck speeds to advance to the point of
enabling the Age of Exploration. Dr. Edwards states, "The major difference in father oceanic sailing
was the length of the voyages between landfalls. Longer voyages meant larger crews to man
watches through twenty–four hours, the need to carry larger stores of food, wood and water, and the
need for more spare equipment such as anchors and cables, sails, line for rigging, lumber, metal
work and gear for all kinds of repairs at sea or on distant shores where such things are unavailable"
(Edwards. 443). To accomplish this feat many improvements were required on earlier ship designs
that were used in maritime activities along the coast of Europe and in the Mediterranean. Though
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Technology, Technology Changed Society In The 1500's?
Society was exceptionally different in the 1500's compared to now. Complex ideas from intelligent
individuals and explorers lead us to modernity. Additionally, new technology directed society to new
changes in everyday life and impacted our world in many ways. Finally, reformers and explorers
who produced these ideas and technologies impacted our society greatly and mended it to
modernity. Abstract ideas, technology, and leaders in the 1500's modernized our world to be the way
it is today. Vast ideas generated by people transformed our society to be the way it is today. In the
1500's God was the center focus of life. Along with this, the pope had all the political power. Most
people did not know that the church only cared about its power and money and not about the
religion itself. A man named Martin Luther noticed what was happening in the church and decided
to act on this problem. Luther created the 95 theses and posted it outside of church doors on October
31, 1517. The 95 theses is a list of rules against the church, showing everyone the truth of the
church's ways. An example of one of the rules was, "Christians are to be taught that they buying of
indulgences is a matter of free choice, not commanded." Indulgences were tickets to heaven sold by
church officials. People would pay money to get a piece of paper "granting" them access to heaven.
According to Martin Luther's, 95 theses, the indulgences do not have to be bought to go to heaven.
Luther is showing that the
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What Were The Goals Of European Exploration
The three main goals of the explorations were to spread Christianity, gain wealth and get land.
Europeans believed that they had to fight Muslims, also to convert non–Christians.the main reason
for exploration social studies the desire for wealth. The European countries wanted a direct trade
route with Asia because the Muslims and Italy was getting the products from Asia and selling for a
higher price to the game their European countries. Explorers wanted to find new land to claim for
their country.
Spain and Portugal were rivals because they both wanted to find a direct sea route to Asia. They
were in a race to find the trading outposts first. The Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama found the
coast of Calicut in India. Meanwhile,
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Astrolabes During The Age Of Exploration
During the age of exploration there were many highly important inventions being made and also
being used. One of the inventions from this time period is the astrolabe. The astrolabe is an ancient
astronomical computer that was used mainly by navigators to solve problems in relation to not only
time, but also problems relating to the position of the sun and the stars ("Morrison"). Astrolabes
were historically used by astronomers, astrologers, and navigators. Astrolabes had many amazing
uses like finding the time of day or time of night, finding the time of a celestial event like a sunrise
or a sunset and could also be used as a reference of celestial positions and many more ("Morrison").
Astrolabes were also one of the most basic astronomy education tools in the late ... Show more
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During this time period many things were invented like the astrolabe, sextant, and caravel. The
caravel was invented by the portuguese, was much less heavy so it could travel up rivers, was
quicker for the longer journeys, and had a triangular sail instead of a rectangular sail. The astrolabe
was an instrument that, in its earlier time, was used for astronomy and astrology but ended up
mainly being used as a tool of navigation and to solve problems involving trigonometry, problems
relating to time, and the position of the sun and stars. The astrolabe was invented by Hipparchus
who lived from 190 BC – 120 BC and also made major contributions to trigonometry. Trigonometry
is a type of math that involves the relations between a triangle's angles and sides. The sextant, which
superseded the astrolabe, is a tool that measures the angle between two objects in order to find a
person's location in the world. As you can see each invention during this very important time period
is very important and each made their own major contribution to the world we live in
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Cask Of Amontillado Book Report
I have read the Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe. The book is set in a mysterious year of a
caravel in Italy. There is a man who wants revenge against another man for an insult, and that man is
Montresor and the other man is Fortunato. Fortunato fails to see the trap and makes himself an easy
target by being a drunk, not sharp, and egotistical. He is a drunk because he said and I quote "I
drink". He likes to drink wine as said in the book. He is Italian and there for a good judge of wine.
He also has a wine cellar for all his wine and accolahe. This is the evidence of Fortunato being a
drunk. He is not the smartest man because and I read He fall for my trap. He insulted a violent man
who's family motto is nobody attacks me without punishment.
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The Spice Trade
World Thought and Culture January 11,2013 The Spice Trade Book – The Sense of Eden. The spice
trade controlled the world's economy for thousands of years. The spices in Ancient Egypt, the
pyramids contained hieroglyphs demonstrating various uses of spices. Spice trade in the Bible,
Solomon's acquaintance, the Queen of Sheba brought camels laden with spices, around 1900 BC
Joseph's brothers sold him to a roving spice trade caravan. The Value of Spices: Spices were kept
under lock and key. They were used for dowries... They were left in wills... Spices and the crusades.
Before the age of exploration, spices changed hands many times on their way to Europe– Spices
changed hands as many as 100 times and would increase in value as ... Show more content on ...
Styx are real It takes 20 years for a tree to produce any spice. Pepper It is the oldest spice known to
man Was used as negotiable currency Pepper was nearly priceless, pockets of ship hands were sewn
shut In order to keep people from stealing it. Black, green and white. Only found on the island of
Sumatra "Dear as pepper" was a term of endearment. Sir Francis Drake's world voyage topped by
the Spice Islands, where he cleared 4700% profit on the Spices he brought back. In 1603 when the
first English colony anywhere was founded on the Bandanese Island o Run, 10 pounds of Nutmeg
bought for ½ penny sold for as much as 32,000 pennies. Christopher Columbus claimed that he had
found the "Garden of Eden". He threatened to cut out the tongues of his ship hands if they spoke of
the mistake he made (in his navigation). Did discover All Spice. The Barbers were Doctors; they had
the sharpest
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Getting to Know Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus, as we now know he accomplished a lot during his life. Although many are
disputed and questions have been raised as to why we celebrate Columbus Day. One could find the
when, how and where of Christopher Columbus an interesting subject for discourse. After all, we are
talking about the man who discovered the land we now call America. We will not even consider the
people, the Native Americans who lived here first as discovering America. Maybe it should be
taught just a tad differently and instead say that Columbus discovered American for Europe. In the
year 1451, Genoa, Italy, Christopher was born to Domenico and Susanna (Fontanarossa).
Christopher was the oldest of five brothers. Genoa was a seaport city located on the northwest coast
of Italy. Completing his education at an early age Christopher began sailing on trading trips. As the
years passed, Christopher moved to Spain, where he eventually changed his given name Cristoforo
Colombo to Cristóbal Colón since He began a map making company with his brother Bartholomew
in 1476. By 1479 Christopher had met and wedded Felipa Perestrello Moniz a daughter of a
Portuguese Island Governor. Felipa gave him a son Diego in 1480 shortly before she passed away.
In 1488 his second son Fernando was born to Beatriz Enriquez de Arana. Now that we are ready to
begin our own voyage of discovery about the man himself Christopher Columbus.
Northern Africa was controlled by the Turkish Empire in the late 1400's, which
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European Exploration Dbq Essay
While documents written by explorers may state that their voyages were done in the name of God,
religion was not the main motive for European exploration. Other motives included the European
economy and new developments in technology.
The European economy was the primary motive for European explorers to voyage and conquer the
In the words of David Arnold, gold, jewels, silks, carpets, spices, and porcelain suggested luxury,
wealth, skilled artisans and thriving craft industries, and it was this image of Africa and Asia's riches
that helped inspire the first European voyages of discovery (Arnold 11). Europe could essentially
see the wealth of the countries that manufactured the goods that Europe received and wanted the
same wealth ... Show more content on ...
In the course of the fifteenth century, the Portuguese developed the caravel, a small, light, three–
masted sailing ship. Though somewhat slower than the galley, the caravel held more cargo and was
highly maneuverable. When fitted with a cannon, it could dominate larger vessels, such as the round
ships commonly used in commerce (Buckler 501–502). With the caravel, the Portuguese had the
advantage over other ships in trade and were able to reach new parts of the world. The utilization of
cannons and their compatibility with ships also gave Europeans a distinct advantage at sea.
Although cannons posed serious technical difficulties for land warfare, they could be used at sea.
The mounting of cannon on ships and improved techniques of shipbuilding gave impetus to
European expansion (Buckler 501). The use of cannons eliminated many of the dangers that
explorers without cannons might have, such as pirates or warships of hostile countries. But the
technological advancements used in European exploration expanded far beyond weaponry.
Instruments such as the compass and the nocturnal were essential in voyages. In fact, Christopher
Columbus's successful thirty–three–day voyage to the Caribbean owed a great deal to his
seamanship and his knowledge and skillful use of instruments (Buckler 506). Even skilled sailors
like Columbus needed the advancements in technology to be fully
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The Rise Of Economic And Social Changes Between The 11th...
Europe experienced radical economic and social changes between the 11th and 14th centuries. The
medieval world was based on feudalism, a highly regulated and hierarchical form of society in
which everyone had their place and responsibilities. The manorial system, in which lords owned the
land worked by their vassals, or serfs, started to wane in the late Middle Ages with the development
of nation–states. Medieval cities, dominated by the guilds that brought economic stability, became
the centers of commerce.
Many people moved from the country to the city where they found more opportunities to make a
living. This demographic shift diluted the power of the feudal lords and forced them to make several
compromises. For example, many people who remained in the country negotiated long–term leases
for their own plots of land on which they could grow crops to sell or to feed their families. Medieval
farmers also increased their crop yields–and their profits–by adapting the horse collar, an improved
iron plow, and the three–field system of agriculture. Although many former feudal lords continued
to receive a percentage of the harvest, an emerging cash economy undermined feudalism in the
countryside and helped support a growing population throughout Europe.
Economic changes further stimulated the growth of commerce. The emergence of capitalism created
a largely urban middle class committed to expanding markets. National and international trade
interests grew as more people
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Early Modern Times Dbq
The Early Modern Times took place from the 1300s to the 1800s. It began with the Renaissance, a
time of creativity, rebirth and change in the way people viewed themselves & their world, and the
scientific revolution. It also consisted of the search for spices, trade, and the first global age. During
those times, developments, exploration, and trade became important and advantageous aspects in
constructing the early modern world. Developments had a critical impact on the emergence of
modern Europe. During the 1500s, thinkers applied the scientific method to the pursuit of
knowledge, encouraging many others to uncover many unknown features. The heliocentric model of
the world was just one important breakthrough that was introduced during ... Show more content on ...
Trade revolved around the idea of needing something one hemisphere did not have, that another did.
In Document 2, it is clear trade provided effective resources which carried out needs. The chart
expresses goods both, the western and eastern, hemispheres had. It shows that the Americas had
things like corn, pumpkin, and squash, while Europe and Asia had wheat, sugar and rice. It indicated
that trade was essential through showing that if the Western Hemisphere wanted to make pumpkin
pie it would need to trade with the Eastern Hemisphere to get sugar. Trade also affected foreign
relations. In some cases it helped and strengthened alliances, but in others it helped punish enemies.
In Document 6, Pope Innocent III granted Venice a special license to trade with Muslim peoples or
"the Saracens". "We...induced by the paternal affection we have for you, and commanding you..not
to aid the Saracens by selling or giving to them..iron, flax, pitch, pointed stakes, ropes, arms,
helmets, ships..". The special license restricted and punished Europe, Babylon and Persia. It made
Venice get permission and did not allow them to trade unless it was for resources they really needed.
Overall, trade became an important force and had many effects in the emergence of modern
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Treaty Of Tordesillas Essay
The Treaty of Tordesillas in the year 1494 has defined property boundaries between Spain and
Portugal along the meridian (so–called "Pontifical Meridian"), at a distance of 370 leagues to the
west of Cape Verde Islands. The territories to the east of it departed to Portugal and land to the west
to Spain. This conventional line crossed the east Latin America and became the first boundary of not
discovered yet Brazil.
Brazil was discovered April 22, 1500 Pedro Alvares Cabral on his way around Africa and named
this island as Santa Cruz (Terra da Vera Cruz). Conscious of the value of his discovery, Cabral had
sent to Lisbon one of the captains, Gaspar Lemos, with a message to the king, which has composed
by his secretary Peru Vash de Kamin'ya. ... Show more content on ...
In 1530, from Portugal started to arrive the first settlers, who brought with themselves livestock,
seedlings and seeds with the purpose to establish a colony there. In the north–east of the country
were established fortified settlement, the first of which was the San Vicente, which is located in the
coastal part of the modern State of São Paulo, established in 1532, and the capital of the of the
colony Salvador in Bahia State, founded in 1549. On the territory of Brazil's were created 14
hereditary feudal estates, and some of them is bigger than Portugal itself. The owners, the so–called
donatarios, that is, those who "accept the gift," were responsible for their security and development.
The system of these feudal estates significantly affected the borders and policies of modern Brazil.
An important contribution into development and progress of the colonies have brought the Jesuits,
who were engaged the defense and conversion of Indians to Christianity, as well as significant work
on lifting the moral level of the colonists. The Indians, who was converted to Christianity, settled in
the organized settlements "aldei» (aldeias) by the Jesuits, which were similar in structure to the
mission in Spanish America, or the Jesuit
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Until the 12th and 13th centuries, cross–cultural interactions were unprolonged and less in number
when compared to later centuries. However, the assimilation of much of the Eurasian landmass into
the Mongol empire as well as the later European exploration of the Americas contributed to the
creation of prolonged global connections in which the world's major continents were connected.
Two of the most notable developments include the caravel, which aided European explorers in their
conquest of the Americas, and the stirrup and composite bow, which the Mongols used to conquer
Eurasia and eventually led to the Pax Mongolica. These technological developments had major
effects on both societies.
The caravel's use in the 15th century accelerated ... Show more content on ...
6). This system contained many inequalities and eventually led to the independence struggles of the
early 1800's which overthrew the king's representatives and the peninsulares.
The Mongolian stirrup and composite bow aided the Central Asian steppe nomads to create the
world's largest land based empire at the time, which resulted from and in many cross–cultural
interactions. When Genghis Khan first started in the creation of his empire, he used his stirrup–
mounted archers in units of 10 squadrons and 1000 men to invade China, where he first learned of
Chinese war technologies like catapults, gunpowder, and the use of Chinese silk as protective
clothing. He then combined all the technologies he obtained with the use of the composite bow and
stirrup. These Mongol technologies helped horsemen to fire highly accurate shots due to the stability
the stirrup provided (Doc. 1). Genghis Khan also used brilliant tactics that allowed him to conquer
large areas quickly. After his rule, the Mongols continued using his tactics. For example, they flung
infected corpses into cities such as the Byzantine city of Kaffa. Using the technologies of the stirrup
and the composite bow allowed Genghis Khan and his successors to conquer and create an immense
empire. This empire eventually covered areas from China to Russia. While destruction, terror, and
intimidation were used to conquer people, Genghis Khan also
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Essay On Age Of Exploration
During the 15th and 16th century, countries such as Portugal set out to find out more about the
world in an era called the "Age of Exploration." The explorers set out on voyages mainly to find sea
trade routes to Asia. Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, and Ferdinand Magellan were the
explorers that made the most important breakthroughs. They used different boats, tools, and maps to
help them explore.
Although Vasco da Gama sailed around the southern tip of Africa in 1488 to find a trade route to
India, he was also looking for other Christian kings and spices. Da Gama was known as "captain–
major" to his crew–mates, and he was an ambassador for Prince Henry. When he landed in India, he
gave two letters to the king of Calicut. In a cultural misunderstanding, Vasco da Gama tried to give
gifts to the king that were laughed at because the poorest merchant would give gifts better than the
gift that da Gama gave. Although Vasco da Gama gave the wrong gift to the king, he still ... Show
more content on ...
The barca was bigger than the caravel and was used to travel overseas because it had a lot of space
for storage and went faster than the caravel; the caravel was smaller and more maneuverable than
the barca and was used to map the details of continents and explore up rivers. During explorations,
explorers used a cross staff or an astrolabe to find their latitude. A cross staff uses the North Star, the
Big Dipper, and the horizon to find the latitude of the ship. An astrolabe was more common than the
cross staff because sailors could use any star to find your latitude, even though it was less accurate.
The astrolabe could also use the North Star, Big Dipper, and horizon, but if the North Star wasn't in
the sky, the sailors could use any star. It was also more portable than the cross staff. The two ships
and the cross staff and astrolabe helped sailors to explore trade routes to Asia without getting
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Christopher Columbus And His Personal Life
Research Paper
Throughout the course of this paper, we will be talking about Christopher Columbus. The first
paragraph will be based on who Christopher Columbus is and his personal life. Next, will be based
on the basics, then the next four paragraphs will be discussing the four voyages, Columbus taken
part in, in the very last body paragraph it will be stating his legacy. Lastly, will come the conclusion.
As originally planned, this paragraph will be based on who Christopher Columbus is and his
personal life. Columbus was the eldest son of Domenico Colombo, a Genoese wool maker and
Susanna Fontanarossa, his wife. Together they had 4 sons and 1 daughter; Bartholomew Columbus,
Bianchinetta Columbus, Giacomo Columbus, Giovanni Pellegrino Columbus, and Cristoforo
Colombo (Christopher Columbus.) Christopher Columbus was an Italian born navigator who sailed
in the service of Spain. Columbus is commonly described as the "discoverer of the New World–
America." Columbus was born in 1451 but decease in 1506. In 1479 he met and married Filipa
Perestrelo e Moniz their son, Diego was born in 1480. Filipa died in 1485, and Columbus took his
mistress Beatriz Enriquez de Harana of Córdoba, as his wife, and eventually came his second son,
Ferdinand Columbus (born c. 1488).
As stated previously, this paragraph will be on the basics, which is basically answering who, what,
when, how, and etc. questions. First off, who did he sail for; King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of
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European Exploration Importance
I believe that the most useful item that was used during the age of European Exploration was the
caravel. This item was a triangular shaped sail used on a boat. It allowed the sailors to dial against
the wind. This not only made longer expeditions possible, but made other items more useful. One of
these items, the map, could only be useful if you had a ship to actually sail on. Another is the
compass. Without a ship the compass wouldn't be irrelevant because there would be no need way to
use it. In conclusion, the best item created during the age of European exploration was the caravel.
In 1488 Bartolomeu Dias, a Portuguese captain, was sent to travel around the southern tip of Africa.
He and his crew ran into a huge storm. Theyy battled it for days when finally they exited the back
end of it. They turned up all the way around the other side of the southern tip and returned home
victorious. Then, a while after, a man named Vasco de Gama traveled farther than anyone had ever
gone. He went around the horn and traded many goods with other merchants. He reached India and
once he returned home, he had 60 times his original wealth. Now routes had been established and
trade could commence between the two nations.
The rivalry between Spain and ... Show more content on ...
When the Muslims started to take away their power, the Portuguese retaliated. They destroyed
Muslim ships, and won over the land. The grew more powerful and reinforced themselves by
building a fort in East Asia. Then the Netherlands entered the trade business. They became very
powerful and had a large Navy. When England entered the running, they chased the, away. Then a
little later, the English regrew into a sizable power and they fought with France. When France gave
up and ran, the English were in the trade business. Finally, France set up a small trade business a
little ways away. They started small, but grew as the years
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Ap World History Dbq
1. If not for the caravel they wouldn't have been able to go down the African Coast and the voyages
to the Indies wouldn't have been possible. 2. Columbus' postulation that the world was not flat
because any educated person in that time new that the world was round. 3. His geographers
measured the distance and determined that it was too large and found the idea of going crazy. 4. The
treaty was negotiated because João II didn't like all the land the Spanish were getting; Ferdinand and
Isabella feared the Portuguese and was busy with the New World. This was different from the "papal
line" because this treaty divided the world into 2 hemispheres. The "papal line" was about 350 miles
west of the Cape Verde Islands and beyond that discovered
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Do You Know Any Names Of The Explorers That Sailed In The...
Do you actually know any names of the explorers that sailed during the late 1400s to the early
1500s? Do you know what the explorers used to navigate and how they made it to their planned
destination? European navigators relied on technology to help them explore the seas. Vasco Da
Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan used their handy maps, ships, and even helpful
tools to sail at sea. These explorers were mainly looking for a trade route to Asia. Vasco Da Gama
was known as a fearless sailor. He set sail in 1488 and went around the southern tip of Africa up to
India. Da Gama was mainly in search of Christians and spices. Vasco Da Gama was an ambassador
and he was called "Captain– Major." Christopher Columbus completed four voyages. His most
famous voyage was in 1492. He took a total of four ships of different sizes to the Watland Islands.
Columbus was searching for a trade route to Asia also. Columbus knew the world was round before
he even set sail from Europe. Columbus thought many things when looking at the islanders. He says
they were completely naked, short hair, poor, and handsomely formed. Christopher mainly wanted
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Ferdinand was still looking for a trade route to Asia. Between 1519 and 1520, he anchored to
Argentina. He was mainly looking for a sea route because trade routes were harder to get to. Since
his voyage, the Strait of Magellan was named after him. Most people knew the earth was round but
Magellan's voyage proved that it really was round. His goal was to convert people to Christians.
Magellan accomplished his goal and successfully converted many to Christians. Since Ferdinand
demanded people to become Christians and they yielded to such obedience, he burned some of the
villages and sent boats to fight. Magellan decapitated someone also, which means cutting off their
own head from their shoulders. Ferdinand suppressed his
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Analysis Of ' The First Circumnavigators '
Brent Sather Professor Halavais History 376 27 September 2017 Exploration of the World
Throughout Harry Kelsey's book, "The First Circumnavigators", as well as, Roger Crowley's book
"Conquerors", they both explain many misfortunes and hazards that the Spanish and Portuguese
explorers faced during the various expeditions that set sail on. Many misfortunes that happened on
the voyages included bad weather, scarce food, individual faults, as well as attacks and invasions.
One of the major misfortunes that Harry Kelsey describes is the difficulty of the changing weather.
For example, Magellan accounts on his voyage that, "On 6 April 1522, the Trinidad, after
undergoing extensive repairs and with fifty–four men aboard, left Tidore and ... Show more content
on ...
All of this was the cause of death for many and serious illness for others. In particular, many men
ate the great lizards–large shiny things–and only a few of them are still alive." The survival of the
crew was one of the biggest priorities. This was one of the biggest hazards that the crew had to deal
with. On Magellan's Voyage, "The next day was Easter Sunday, and Magellan ordered everyone to
go ashore and attend Mass. After this he invited the officers to dine with him on the flagship. None
of the conspirators accepted the invitation. Instead, they waited until nightfall, then quietly boarded
the San Antonio and put Captain Mesquita in chains. The ship's master, Juan de Elorriaga, was
fatally stabbed when he tried to intervene." These individual actions by traitors on the ship created
many unfortunate situations between the crew members that could have been avoided. During
another part of the Magellan Voyage, it was stated that, "Finally on 18 December, the vessels were
ready to sail. The Victoria left first, waiting outside the harbor. But a dragging anchor on the
Trinidad opened a seam in the hull, and water rushed in. Repairs were impossible without unloading
the ship." This was an individual action that could have been avoided. If the anchor was brought in
before the boat was launched, it would have saved them more time for travel, as well as more room
for the crew if they weren't piled in one boat having to come back later for
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What Was The Most Important During The Renaissance
The Renaissance originally started in Florence, Italy. The art during the Renaissance was changing
dramatically. During this time, a new style was being introduced called chiaroscuro, which created
the feeling of light within darkness. (, Section 4.03) The legacy of Renaissance art
still is around in many ways today. The most common way is in museums. One picture that is from
the Renaissance that is still popular today is the Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo de Vinci. The
painting exhibits a form of chiaroscuro and symbolizes the beauty of art in that era.
Florence was also an important city in the realm of literature during that time.
"Florence was very important during the Renaissance because it was a major center of Renaissance
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How Has Technology Shaped European Society
One prominent feature of European History has been its' technological innovations. Though an
individual invention becomes antiquated, technology continues to play a salient role in history, as it
spawns new ideas, social trends, and movements that live on beyond the tool's usefulness.
Technological innovations have reshaped European society by perpetuating ideas and movements
like overseas expansion, a higher standard of living, and urbanization. Up until the late 15th century,
the furthest any sailor had ventured was around the Mediterranean Sea and to its' neighboring
countries. No one dared to venture too far, as they had no clue where they were going nor how to get
back home. Though this changed with new navigational advancements like the
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Voyages Of Columbus : The Voyage Of Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus had three ships on his first voyage, the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.
Columbus sailed from Palos de la Frontera on 3 August, 1492. His flagship, the Santa Maria had 52
men aboard while his other two ships, the Nina and Pinta were each crewed by 18 men.
The Santa Maria was a nao, was a bit of a tub, and was not able to go near the coastline. But was
able to carry a lot of cargo, and it was able to stand up well in bad weather. The Niña, the Pinta were
caravels, with a shallower draft than a nao, did not have much cargo space, but were able to explore
shallow bays and the mouths of rivers. A carvel was square–rigged on its foremasts and mainmasts,
but used a lateen sail on the mizzen to help in tacking. A caravel had about twenty crew members,
who slept on the deck and would go below only if the weather was bad.
The crew were gathered by Martín Alonso Pinzón (captain of the Pinta). They were experienced
sea–men, and four of them had taken an offer from the Spanish throne for amnesty from prison if
they took the voyage. Many of these sailors were from the nearby towns of Lepe and Moguer.
Over several days, ships of Columbus's day would average a little less than 4 knots. Top speed for
the vessels was about 8 knots, and minimum speed was zero. These speeds were quite typical for
vessels of the period. So overall, 90 or 100 miles in a day would be typical, and 200 phenomenal. Of
the three ships on the first voyage, the Santa Maria was the slowest,
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Christopher Columbus Report
August – September It is August 3, 1492 and I am a crew member on Christopher Columbus's
voyage the Pinta. We set sail at 8 o'clock in the morning, the wind is strong and variable, and we are
heading for the Canary Islands. It is now August 6 and the Pinta has slipped a socket. Columbus left
the ship behind, for it was badly disabled. I have gotten of the ship and am now on the Nina with
Columbus. It is now August 24 and we are passing a fiery display of a volcanic eruption. I was very
scary but Columbus reassured us that he has seen this before and explaining the cause of the great
fire. It is now September 4, 1492 and we have packed the ship full of dried meat and , salted fish,
and fruit, for we fear we will not find land anytime soon. We will eat the fruit first, for it will spoil in
three weeks time. It is now september 6, and we have set our course for west, the way in which land
is supposed to be. It has been 20 days and we still haven't found land, I am beginning to think that
we will never get home. It is now September 25 and we see land. The crew is happy and climbing
the masts to see it. It is morning now and what we thought was land was just a patch of squall
clouds. It has been 2 days and we are starting to see flying fish. They have wings and everything, ...
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I dearly miss home but the fact that I want gold is keeping me alive and well. It is November 3 and
many canoe's have come to the ship asking for trade. It is now November 5 and at dawn we were
ordered to clean the ships hulls. They were in need of cleaning. It is now the 21 and Martin Pinzon
has sailed away with the Pinta without Columbus's command. It is now November 23 and the
Natives on board are nervous about the course we are taking. They say we are heading toward
heavily armed cannibals. Although that is what they had said about us when we came. On the 25 I
saw a mountain that had a waterfall, It was very
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The Importance Of English Settlement In America
In the early sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the English were interested and capable of settling
in the New World. Not only did the English have motive for settling, but at the time they also had
the resources to do so. There were many hardships in the path of them doing this, however the
English were persistent in making their lives in the New World work. For many European counties,
the New World seemed to be a place to expand their empires, gain riches, and spread their faith.
Starting with Christopher Columbus "discovering" the Caribbean in the name of Spain and starting a
settlement on Hispaniola, he then started the imperial competition for land. With gold having been
made a common use for all European currencies, the demand for it rose. After Spain had raided and
taken control on Tenochitlán and returned with many riches, it caught the English eye to start to try
and colonize. Spain and England soon became deadly rivals and begun to try to surpass one another
in the race for North America. Jamestown was the first successful colony for the English in 1607.
The start of one colony was the hunger to start more. Following the Renaissance (1300 A.D–1700
A.D), people were seeking ways to explore the mysteries of nature and navigate around the world.
Europeans were fast to laud over the exemplary feats accomplished by scientists, explorers, writers,
and philosophers. The strength of such praise encouraged many to become more interested in
discovering new lands and
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What Role Does Fortunato Play In The Cast Of The Amontillado
A costume is used to hide identity or make something different than what it is. Costume could hide
feelings or evil tendencies for people wearing them. In the story of "The Cast of the Amontillado"
there are two main roles played in the story, by Fortunato and Montresor. The costumes used in the
story, are used to describe how they play a role in the story. Fortunato is dressed as a clown in the
story to imply foolishness, and Montresor was dressed in black silk, because he had wealth and a
good family name. Fortunato wore the clown costume, because he really never had any money, and
the money he did have, he spent in om wine. On the other hand, Montresor was dressed in valuable
black silk because he did not drink it away. Also, Montresor
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Pirate Ship Research Paper
Types of Pirate Ships
By: Caleb J.
Carracks can carry 1,200 pounds and are one of the largest ships that pirates used. There are also
other kinds of ships that pirates use like Naval ships, Cargo ships, and Transportation ships.
First of all, Naval ships have lots of armor and cannons for protection, like an Ironclad with iron
frames for protection from cannons and other fire power from enemy ships. The Brig and
Panstership are both huge Naval ships. Also a fire ship was a ship filled with TNT that could be
lighted and used to destroy other ships. The Corvette was a lightly armed warship,also Cutters were
fast warships. The Sloop–of–War has 18 cannons. Another one, is the Penteconter was a 50 oar
warship, also a Brigantine was driven by oars.
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Christopher Columbus Essay
Christopher Columbus was an Italian navigator who sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean in search
for the all–water route to Asia, but instead achieved fame for making landfall in the Caribbean Sea.
Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy. His father was a weaver, and it is believed that Columbus
entered this trade as a young man. In the mid–1470s he made his first trading voyage to the island of
Khios, in the Aegean Sea. Settling in Lisbon, where his brother Bartholomew was working as a
cartographer, he was married in 1479 to the daughter of the governor of the island of Porto Santo. In
December, the Santa Maria was wrecked off the coast of Espanola.The Nina, with Columbus in
command, and the Pinta began the homeward voyage in January ... Show more content on ...
Columbus defeated the natives in battle in March 1495 and shipped a large number of them to Spain
to sell as slaves. Queen Isabella objected, however, and the survivors were returned. A royal
investigating commission arrived at Isabella in October 1495. Because this group was consistently
critical of his policies, Columbus established a new capital named Santo Domingo, and sailed for
Spain leaving Bartholomew in command. He reported directly to Ferdinand and Isabella, who
dismissed the critical charges. The sovereigns promised to subsidize a new fleet, but since
enthusiasm for the unproductive enterprise had waned, nearly two years elapsed before eight vessels
were sent out. Columbus set sail on his third voyage on May 30,1498. His first landing, made on
July 31, was the three–peaked island of Trinidad, named in honor of the Holy Trinity. He then
sighted what is now Venezuela. After cruising along the coast he sailed into the Gulf of Paria. At the
mouth of the Orinoco River he led a party ashore. In his logbook he wrote that he had found a "New
World," unknown as yet to Europeans. Columbus set sail again, encountering several additional
islands, including Margarita, and then laid a course for Espanola.3 Although Columbus obtained
royal support for a fourth voyage to continue his search for a westward passage to Asia, only four
worm–eaten caravels were put at his disposal and he was forbidden to stop at Espanola. The
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How Did Christopher Columbus Impact Society
Over thousands of years there have been many people who have modernized the world and shaped it
to be the way it is today. One of the people who has had a huge impact on this world is Christopher
Columbus. He was an Italian explorer and the founder of the new world. His goal was to find a
passage to India but instead found where the modern days bahamas are and opened the doors for
European exploration. Affected by this exploration was global population, global economy, political
reign, and advancements in technology. This new era is called the age of exploration.
During the age of exploration, the population of the earth dramatically increased in most places.
Although it increased globally, the population of African decreased. This was caused by the slave
trade going on between the Americas, Africa, and Europe. The Americas were in need of cheap
labor, but the Native Americans were sick and dying due to the diseases brought from Europe. So,
America sent slave ship to Africa to bargain with tribal leader for slaves. This caused most of the
strong generations of African ... Show more content on ...
The caravel was a ship that was able sail against the wind and in turn became a great ship for
explorers. The compass was a way for these explorers to navigate their way through open sea
without getting lost. The astrolabe was a device that let the explorers and other Europeans tell what
time of day it was or when the sun was going to set by measuring the stars. Along with many
advancements came an exchange of power. During the age of exploration, the Europeans gained a
lot of power over the indigenous people whose empires they overtook. They were able to do this so
easily because of the indigenous people's lack of advanced weapons and guns. Examples of this are
the European conquering the Aztecs and the Incas. The economy also changed greatly and even
made a new policy during this
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How Did Vasco Da Gama Influence The Arrival Of Europe
The 15th and 16th century was a magnificent time for Europe. New ships were being created, maps
were being updated, and new navigational tools were invented. All of this was able to happen due to
Vasco da Gama who was the first person to sail around the Cape of Good Hope, Christopher
Columbus who discovered the "New World," and Ferdinand Magellan who circumnavigated the
In order to sail for long periods of time, ships such as the stocky Barca were needed. The Barca had
a large build which helped sailors carry large amounts of food and water. Since the Barca was used
for long voyages, it couldn't sail too fast due to the amount of weight it carried. Ships such as the
Caravel were used for much more speedy voyages. The Caravel had triangular sails and a slim build
which enabled it to sail a lot faster than the Barca. The Caravel ... Show more content on ...
Initially, da Gama was looking for spices and Christians, but soon after coming upon the island of
Calicut, da Gama figured out that he had come upon a town with many riches. Da Gama instantly
took a liking to these islanders and portrayed the king of Portugal to be very powerful and rich.
After explaining this to the islanders, da Gama claimed the island in the king's name. Da Gama
claimed the island as the king's because he was worried that he would be beheaded if he didn't.
Vasco da Gama presented the king of calicut with many gifts, but was informed that all of these gifts
were equal to what a poor merchant could give. The king's reply made da Gama grow deeply
saddened and soon after, da Gama returned to Portugal. Along with not understanding the value of
gifts, da Gama wasn't very knowledgeable about the islander's cultural ways which made da Gama
and the islander's bond even more of a misfit. Overall, Vasco da Gama was able to find a sea route to
India which was very valuable because it enabled trade between India and
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Christopher Columbus And His Personal Life
Throughout the course of this paper, we will be talking about Christopher Columbus. The first
paragraph will be based on who Christopher Columbus is and his personal life. Next, will be based
on the basics, then the next four paragraphs will be discussing the four voyages, Columbus had took
part in, in the very last body paragraph it will be stating his legacy. As usual the conclusion will be a
summary of it all.
As originally planned, this paragraph will be based on who Christopher Columbus is and his
personal life. Columbus was the eldest son of Domenico Colombo, a Genoese wool maker and
merchant, and Susanna Fontanarossa, his wife together had 4 sons and 1 daughter; Bartholomew
Columbus · Bianchinetta Columbus · Giacomo Columbus · Giovanni Pellegrino Columbus.
Christopher Columbus is how you spell and pronounce it in English but his real name is Cristoforo
Colombo. Christopher Columbus was an Italian born navigator who sailed in the service of Spain.
Columbus is commonly described as the "discoverer of the New World–America." Columbus was
born Columbus had in 1451 but decease in 1506. In 1479 he met and married Filipa Perestrelo e
Moniz their son, Diego was born in 1480. Filipa died in 1485, and Columbus took as his mistress
Beatriz Enriquez de Harana of Córdoba, by whom he had his second son, Ferdinand (born c. 1488).
As stated previously, this paragraph will be on the basics, which is basically answering who, what,
when, how...etc. questions. First
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European Technological Advancements

  • 1. European Technological Advancements Europe wanted everything; the land, the respect, the money, the food; the list goes on, and if the world's becoming connected, modern,or globalized is to be assigned to anyone, it would be to the Portuguese and Spanish. In all of their advances, they did connect the histories of individual places and places into one world history. Europe's technological advancements and desire trade fueled the exploration that brought Columbus to the New World, or Da Gama around the Cape of Good Hope. With the support of consumers, European countries involved in global trade were the most successful in bringing the world together due to their desire to trade as well as the technological advancements that got them across them across the Atlantic. Both Spain ... Show more content on ... Firearms were almost a symbol of power in countries where they were not available. Firearms were traded for slaves in Africa and used against others. Other than aggression, the types of transportation were more advanced in the European continent. In Africa, long–distance travel was conducted with caravans. Meanwhile, Portugal was building caravels to send across the oceans, around continents, returning with vast amounts of wealth. Europe, also having contact with Asia, was able to see technological advancements from other cultures, giving them an edge that America and Africa didn't. With this advantage they were able to control the connections between continents. It is also taken into account that, although Asian countries are quite advanced, China and Japan, two leading powers in Eastern Asia wanted to avoid assimilation and chose isolation, keeping them from dominating a possible Pacific Trade. However, China did get involved in trade after Spain found deposits of Silver in South and Central America. China used silver in multiple ways, and with a new source of the element, they began to trade with other world powers, further connecting the world ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Ap World History Dbq 1: In the mid 15th century, European nations started to desire power, wealth, and resources. Because of this, they formulated motives to find quicker routes to the far east to trade for valuable luxuries, such as spices and silks. These products were in high demand Europe, and could sell at incredibly high prices. They were named luxuries for a reason though, as they had to travel thousands of miles through heated deserts and violent seas. Understandably, the merchants of Europe wanted to find an easier way to Asia. However, due to prevailing winds on the west coast of Africa, a voyage down the African coast would be a one way trip. This problem was later solved with the invention of Caravel, a ship that could make the journey back home against ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Western European Explorations The Western European expeditions of the 15th–18th centuries had a multitude of causes, religious aims, desire for wealth, glory, and improvements in technology, it also caused a number of things, such as colonial expansion and the Columbian exchange, use of slaves, and rise of capitalism and mercantilism. It is often said that the European's chief motives for exploration were 'God, gold, and glory'. The Europeans set out in a missionary zeal and attempted to convert as many people, like the Native Americans, to Christianity as they could and drive Muslims out of other lands. Another thing that propelled the Europeans was the search for gold and other riches in far off lands through sea routes. They hoped to obtain spices like nutmeg, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, pepper, etc. and luxury goods such as silk, gold, silver, jewels, ivory, porcelain, teas from Africa and the East ... Show more content on ... Consequently, all of the explorations spurred more colonial expansion efforts by the Western European nations as they all competed for the better piece of land. One such colonial effort in America resulted in the global transfer of plants, animals, disease, and food, the Columbian Exchange. As a result of the deviation to the Native American population, creating a need for laborers, and the growing desire for cash crops like sugar, cotton, and tobacco, slave trade saw a sharp increase. This time period also saw the spread and intensification of capitalism, resulting from the growth of town and city life and expansion of trade. Correspondingly, this acted as a catalyst in the rise of mercantilism, in which rulers encouraged exports and discouraged imports, the trade with colonies was expected to supply the home country with great wealth and new ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Age Of Exploration Positive Events The Positive Events That Lead to the Age of Exploration The age of exploration all started when the Europeans were eager to find an easier trade route to Asia. The Europeans main objective was to increase trade profits. You might be wondering did they actually do all of this and your answer is yes. What I will be covering is the age of exploration lead to more positive events than negative effects. The Europeans wanted to explore for many different reasons. I will be explaining what thesis reasons are and how they helped them. One of the biggest reasons was that they wanted to find a new route to Asia. What happened is that the Turkish cut Europe off by reclaiming Constantinople. The second reason was that they wanted to travel seeking to find gold, silver... Gold and silver were no longer found in European mines. So they had to find a different source and at the end they did. The third reason was to spread their religion. Monarchs who promoted the exploration believed that they had to spread the Christian Religion around the world. Some other reasons where: To increase their power Have different opportunities for trade Build a stronger European empire All thesis reasons had a big impact on the positive events that happened through this voyage. ... Show more content on ... The Europeans have two great advancements. First, they had caravels that helped them sail. Thesis ships had an agile design. They also allowed the ship to steer head–on into the wind. The ships were built to hold longer voyage and had an easy to handle sail the latten sail. Second, they had many navigational instruments. That where devolved through the years. Thesis instruments gave more accuracy. Some of the inventions were: the compass, the astrolabe, cross–staff, quadrant, back–staff and more. If it were not for thesis inventions the Europeans would not have traveled the ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Christopher Columbus Research Paper Columbus was an Italian explorer famed for discovering the "New World". Columbus set out on a voyage on Aug 3rd, 1492 from Palos, Spain with three small ships including the Pinta, the Nina, and the Santa Maria. Technology had quite a big impact on Columbus' voyage. If Columbus had the technology that sailors have today then he would know where he was going. The technology in Columbus' time was trivial compared to the technology sailors have today. One item of technology that Columbus had on his voyage with three ships including the Pinta, the Nina, and the Santa Maria was the quadrant. The quadrant was a metal plate in the shape of a fourth of a circle. From the center hung a weight on a string the went across to the other edge of the circle. ... Show more content on ... Another instrument that Christopher Columbus used on his long voyages was the sandglass to tell what time of day it was. There was a designated person whose sole responsibility was to turn the sandglass every half hour to measure the time until the watch changed. After midnight a different tool was used to measure time. This device was called a nocturnal. A nocturnal told what time of night it was by how the stars moved and aligned around the celestial pole. Christopher Columbus also carried an Astrolabe which was somewhat similar to a quadrant, but slightly less accurate, in telling the position, than its counterpart the quadrant. Another very important tool that Christopher Columbus used on his voyage to the new world was the magnetic compass. The magnetic compass was built with a magnetized metal needle that was put in a way that it could spin freely in a fully complete 360 degree circle if need be. Christopher Columbus figured out which end was which by the position of our lovely, warm hearted, giant sun, remembering that the sun rises in the East and sets in the west. To find north at around noon in the day one would look down on the needle with the ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Imperial Exploration Unit: Colonial Exploration Of North... Throughout the entire Colonial Exploration Unit, I learned a great deal about colonial expansion and economy. One of the first things we learned was about the Vikings and their early exploration of North America. Then we started discussing maps, more specifically longitude and latitude. We learned how the Roman scholar, Claudius Ptolemaeus, also known as Ptolemy, was the first to propose the idea of a grid system for the entire planet (Rosenburg). This was later known as lines of longitude and latitude (Rosenburg). Shortly after we finished discussing maps, we started to talk about a colonial economic system known as "mercantilism". In this system, kings try to increase their countries exports while decreasing their imports ("Mercantilism"). ... Show more content on ... In the project, we used Google Slides to create an interactive story about colonial exploration. Manav and I worked together to create a story about Marco, the captain of the Spanish caravel, "The Electra". We chose the ship to be a caravel since we learned that Prince Henry the Navigator designed them to travel long distances ("Caravel"). With two or three masts and a rounded bottom, caravels were fast, this made them the ideal ships to travel to the New World with ("Caravel"). In addition to this, we also learned about navigation tools such as the magnetic compass. The magnetic compass is used by navigators to determine the direction they're heading in ("Compass"). It was first used by the Venetians in 1274 and consists of a magnetic needle and a compass card ("Compass"). The magnetic needle always points to the North Pole, and by using the North Pole as a reference point, explorers were effortlessly able to determine the direction they are heading in ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Bartolomeu Dias Impact In The Age Of Exploration "History cannot give us a program for the future, but it can give us a fuller understanding of ourselves, and of our common humanity, so that we can better face the future" Robert Penn Warren. What is the true meaning of history? History started even before we were born, it started since God created the universe. History has been on this universe for now about billions of years. Many events happened, such as Renaissance, The Golden Age, Age of the Dinosaurs, World War I and II, and others. This essay will talk about important people who had made a great influence and impact in The Age of Exploration Bartolomeu Dias was born on 1450 in Algarve, Kingdom of Portugal. He was a Portuguese explorer who had led the first voyage to reach the southern tip of Africa and he opened the doors for seafaring trade with India. Bartolomeu Dias was born to a noble Portuguese family; therefore he had received a really good education. He had worked for the King of Portugal in the royal warehouses for a while. He had made plans and preparations over 10 months for ... Show more content on ... He developed a desire to learn about the Muslims, primarily in hopes of conquering them and spreading Christianity. And he became aware of Africa's many resources, which he hoped to exploit for Portugal's gain. Henry has the dubious distinction of being a founder of the Atlantic slave trade. He sponsored Nuno Tristao's exploration of the African coast, and Antao Goncalves's hunting expedition there in 1441. One of the captured guys was a chief. He negotiated his own return to Africa, promising in exchange to provide the Portuguese people with more Africans. After some years, Portugal was really involved in the slave trade. Prince Henry died on November 13, 1460. By the time of his death, Portuguese explorers and traders had advanced as far as the, then Vasco de Gama sailed around Africa to complete the expedition to ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. European Exploration Research Paper There were many reasons that prompted European exploration. These reasons include the spreading of Christianity, gain wealth/land, and an advance in technology. The Christian population beloved that the main goal in life should be to spread Christianity in every way possible, and finding new land and new people could increase the amount of Christians. As they spread their religion they also wanted to become rich. Lastly, as technology was advancing they were able to accomplish more. These three things were known as "God, glory, and gold". The Italian merchants raised prices of Asian goods, so many of the European merchants wanted to bypass them. These merchants needed to solve the issue, so they sent out ships in effort to find a direct sea ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Pros And Cons Of European Exploration There were a few inventions that made the European exploration possible. One of the inventions was the magnetic compass. This allowed the ships to navigate with nothing but water in sight. Another one was the invention of the caravel. The caravel allowed the ships to sail against the wind. The last invention was more detailed maps. These maps allowed sailors to plot their course for a safer more accurate travel. These were some of the inventions that led the European exploration. Portugal discovered the trade routes that allowed them to trade with Asia. The Portuguese sailors sailed around the tip of Africa. They also sailed to the Cape of Good hope for supplies. The Portuguese established a vast trade route. This route was ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The Collapse Of European Empires During The Age Of... Collapse . During the age of exploration, European empires would primarily compete with the new technologies arising along with the newfound techniques that enabled exploration and ventures to colonies. European empires, especially the Portuguese, would need to look for improvements in naval technology, navigation, and artillery. When Columbus returned from the newfound lands with small samples of gold, those who had the advantage of overseas travel had high hopes that they, too, would discover areas of gold and could quickly capitalize on these sources of wealth offered by the New World. The most significant competition would be, who can reach these new lands first? Empires with the best naval technology, navigation, and artillery ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. The Discovery Of The New World Ship Improvements What were the events and improvements in ship design that lead to the discovery of the New World and enabled the subsequent expansion in global trade? In this paper I will examine the changes and improvements in European ship design that allowed for the first transatlantic voyage to the New World. Though the Europeans were not the first to develop the concept of the ship, they were the first to take this concept and use it to cross the Atlantic. Even before Columbus sailed across the Atlantic to the New World, Europe had a long maritime history. Before the 15th and 16th century European ship design had been relatively slow to advance from its initial stages. But during the 15th and 16th century European ship design accelerated at break neck speeds to advance to the point of enabling the Age of Exploration. Dr. Edwards states, "The major difference in father oceanic sailing was the length of the voyages between landfalls. Longer voyages meant larger crews to man watches through twenty–four hours, the need to carry larger stores of food, wood and water, and the need for more spare equipment such as anchors and cables, sails, line for rigging, lumber, metal work and gear for all kinds of repairs at sea or on distant shores where such things are unavailable" (Edwards. 443). To accomplish this feat many improvements were required on earlier ship designs that were used in maritime activities along the coast of Europe and in the Mediterranean. Though ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Technology, Technology Changed Society In The 1500's? Society was exceptionally different in the 1500's compared to now. Complex ideas from intelligent individuals and explorers lead us to modernity. Additionally, new technology directed society to new changes in everyday life and impacted our world in many ways. Finally, reformers and explorers who produced these ideas and technologies impacted our society greatly and mended it to modernity. Abstract ideas, technology, and leaders in the 1500's modernized our world to be the way it is today. Vast ideas generated by people transformed our society to be the way it is today. In the 1500's God was the center focus of life. Along with this, the pope had all the political power. Most people did not know that the church only cared about its power and money and not about the religion itself. A man named Martin Luther noticed what was happening in the church and decided to act on this problem. Luther created the 95 theses and posted it outside of church doors on October 31, 1517. The 95 theses is a list of rules against the church, showing everyone the truth of the church's ways. An example of one of the rules was, "Christians are to be taught that they buying of indulgences is a matter of free choice, not commanded." Indulgences were tickets to heaven sold by church officials. People would pay money to get a piece of paper "granting" them access to heaven. According to Martin Luther's, 95 theses, the indulgences do not have to be bought to go to heaven. Luther is showing that the ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. What Were The Goals Of European Exploration The three main goals of the explorations were to spread Christianity, gain wealth and get land. Europeans believed that they had to fight Muslims, also to convert non–Christians.the main reason for exploration social studies the desire for wealth. The European countries wanted a direct trade route with Asia because the Muslims and Italy was getting the products from Asia and selling for a higher price to the game their European countries. Explorers wanted to find new land to claim for their country. Spain and Portugal were rivals because they both wanted to find a direct sea route to Asia. They were in a race to find the trading outposts first. The Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama found the coast of Calicut in India. Meanwhile, ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Astrolabes During The Age Of Exploration During the age of exploration there were many highly important inventions being made and also being used. One of the inventions from this time period is the astrolabe. The astrolabe is an ancient astronomical computer that was used mainly by navigators to solve problems in relation to not only time, but also problems relating to the position of the sun and the stars ("Morrison"). Astrolabes were historically used by astronomers, astrologers, and navigators. Astrolabes had many amazing uses like finding the time of day or time of night, finding the time of a celestial event like a sunrise or a sunset and could also be used as a reference of celestial positions and many more ("Morrison"). Astrolabes were also one of the most basic astronomy education tools in the late ... Show more content on ... During this time period many things were invented like the astrolabe, sextant, and caravel. The caravel was invented by the portuguese, was much less heavy so it could travel up rivers, was quicker for the longer journeys, and had a triangular sail instead of a rectangular sail. The astrolabe was an instrument that, in its earlier time, was used for astronomy and astrology but ended up mainly being used as a tool of navigation and to solve problems involving trigonometry, problems relating to time, and the position of the sun and stars. The astrolabe was invented by Hipparchus who lived from 190 BC – 120 BC and also made major contributions to trigonometry. Trigonometry is a type of math that involves the relations between a triangle's angles and sides. The sextant, which superseded the astrolabe, is a tool that measures the angle between two objects in order to find a person's location in the world. As you can see each invention during this very important time period is very important and each made their own major contribution to the world we live in ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Cask Of Amontillado Book Report I have read the Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe. The book is set in a mysterious year of a caravel in Italy. There is a man who wants revenge against another man for an insult, and that man is Montresor and the other man is Fortunato. Fortunato fails to see the trap and makes himself an easy target by being a drunk, not sharp, and egotistical. He is a drunk because he said and I quote "I drink". He likes to drink wine as said in the book. He is Italian and there for a good judge of wine. He also has a wine cellar for all his wine and accolahe. This is the evidence of Fortunato being a drunk. He is not the smartest man because and I read He fall for my trap. He insulted a violent man who's family motto is nobody attacks me without punishment. ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. The Spice Trade World Thought and Culture January 11,2013 The Spice Trade Book – The Sense of Eden. The spice trade controlled the world's economy for thousands of years. The spices in Ancient Egypt, the pyramids contained hieroglyphs demonstrating various uses of spices. Spice trade in the Bible, Solomon's acquaintance, the Queen of Sheba brought camels laden with spices, around 1900 BC Joseph's brothers sold him to a roving spice trade caravan. The Value of Spices: Spices were kept under lock and key. They were used for dowries... They were left in wills... Spices and the crusades. Before the age of exploration, spices changed hands many times on their way to Europe– Spices changed hands as many as 100 times and would increase in value as ... Show more content on ... Styx are real It takes 20 years for a tree to produce any spice. Pepper It is the oldest spice known to man Was used as negotiable currency Pepper was nearly priceless, pockets of ship hands were sewn shut In order to keep people from stealing it. Black, green and white. Only found on the island of Sumatra "Dear as pepper" was a term of endearment. Sir Francis Drake's world voyage topped by the Spice Islands, where he cleared 4700% profit on the Spices he brought back. In 1603 when the first English colony anywhere was founded on the Bandanese Island o Run, 10 pounds of Nutmeg bought for ½ penny sold for as much as 32,000 pennies. Christopher Columbus claimed that he had found the "Garden of Eden". He threatened to cut out the tongues of his ship hands if they spoke of the mistake he made (in his navigation). Did discover All Spice. The Barbers were Doctors; they had the sharpest ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Getting to Know Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus, as we now know he accomplished a lot during his life. Although many are disputed and questions have been raised as to why we celebrate Columbus Day. One could find the when, how and where of Christopher Columbus an interesting subject for discourse. After all, we are talking about the man who discovered the land we now call America. We will not even consider the people, the Native Americans who lived here first as discovering America. Maybe it should be taught just a tad differently and instead say that Columbus discovered American for Europe. In the year 1451, Genoa, Italy, Christopher was born to Domenico and Susanna (Fontanarossa). Christopher was the oldest of five brothers. Genoa was a seaport city located on the northwest coast of Italy. Completing his education at an early age Christopher began sailing on trading trips. As the years passed, Christopher moved to Spain, where he eventually changed his given name Cristoforo Colombo to Cristóbal Colón since He began a map making company with his brother Bartholomew in 1476. By 1479 Christopher had met and wedded Felipa Perestrello Moniz a daughter of a Portuguese Island Governor. Felipa gave him a son Diego in 1480 shortly before she passed away. In 1488 his second son Fernando was born to Beatriz Enriquez de Arana. Now that we are ready to begin our own voyage of discovery about the man himself Christopher Columbus. Northern Africa was controlled by the Turkish Empire in the late 1400's, which ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. European Exploration Dbq Essay While documents written by explorers may state that their voyages were done in the name of God, religion was not the main motive for European exploration. Other motives included the European economy and new developments in technology. The European economy was the primary motive for European explorers to voyage and conquer the unknowns. In the words of David Arnold, gold, jewels, silks, carpets, spices, and porcelain suggested luxury, wealth, skilled artisans and thriving craft industries, and it was this image of Africa and Asia's riches that helped inspire the first European voyages of discovery (Arnold 11). Europe could essentially see the wealth of the countries that manufactured the goods that Europe received and wanted the same wealth ... Show more content on ... In the course of the fifteenth century, the Portuguese developed the caravel, a small, light, three– masted sailing ship. Though somewhat slower than the galley, the caravel held more cargo and was highly maneuverable. When fitted with a cannon, it could dominate larger vessels, such as the round ships commonly used in commerce (Buckler 501–502). With the caravel, the Portuguese had the advantage over other ships in trade and were able to reach new parts of the world. The utilization of cannons and their compatibility with ships also gave Europeans a distinct advantage at sea. Although cannons posed serious technical difficulties for land warfare, they could be used at sea. The mounting of cannon on ships and improved techniques of shipbuilding gave impetus to European expansion (Buckler 501). The use of cannons eliminated many of the dangers that explorers without cannons might have, such as pirates or warships of hostile countries. But the technological advancements used in European exploration expanded far beyond weaponry. Instruments such as the compass and the nocturnal were essential in voyages. In fact, Christopher Columbus's successful thirty–three–day voyage to the Caribbean owed a great deal to his seamanship and his knowledge and skillful use of instruments (Buckler 506). Even skilled sailors like Columbus needed the advancements in technology to be fully ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Rise Of Economic And Social Changes Between The 11th... Commerce Europe experienced radical economic and social changes between the 11th and 14th centuries. The medieval world was based on feudalism, a highly regulated and hierarchical form of society in which everyone had their place and responsibilities. The manorial system, in which lords owned the land worked by their vassals, or serfs, started to wane in the late Middle Ages with the development of nation–states. Medieval cities, dominated by the guilds that brought economic stability, became the centers of commerce. Many people moved from the country to the city where they found more opportunities to make a living. This demographic shift diluted the power of the feudal lords and forced them to make several compromises. For example, many people who remained in the country negotiated long–term leases for their own plots of land on which they could grow crops to sell or to feed their families. Medieval farmers also increased their crop yields–and their profits–by adapting the horse collar, an improved iron plow, and the three–field system of agriculture. Although many former feudal lords continued to receive a percentage of the harvest, an emerging cash economy undermined feudalism in the countryside and helped support a growing population throughout Europe. Economic changes further stimulated the growth of commerce. The emergence of capitalism created a largely urban middle class committed to expanding markets. National and international trade interests grew as more people ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Early Modern Times Dbq The Early Modern Times took place from the 1300s to the 1800s. It began with the Renaissance, a time of creativity, rebirth and change in the way people viewed themselves & their world, and the scientific revolution. It also consisted of the search for spices, trade, and the first global age. During those times, developments, exploration, and trade became important and advantageous aspects in constructing the early modern world. Developments had a critical impact on the emergence of modern Europe. During the 1500s, thinkers applied the scientific method to the pursuit of knowledge, encouraging many others to uncover many unknown features. The heliocentric model of the world was just one important breakthrough that was introduced during ... Show more content on ... Trade revolved around the idea of needing something one hemisphere did not have, that another did. In Document 2, it is clear trade provided effective resources which carried out needs. The chart expresses goods both, the western and eastern, hemispheres had. It shows that the Americas had things like corn, pumpkin, and squash, while Europe and Asia had wheat, sugar and rice. It indicated that trade was essential through showing that if the Western Hemisphere wanted to make pumpkin pie it would need to trade with the Eastern Hemisphere to get sugar. Trade also affected foreign relations. In some cases it helped and strengthened alliances, but in others it helped punish enemies. In Document 6, Pope Innocent III granted Venice a special license to trade with Muslim peoples or "the Saracens". "We...induced by the paternal affection we have for you, and commanding you..not to aid the Saracens by selling or giving to them..iron, flax, pitch, pointed stakes, ropes, arms, helmets, ships..". The special license restricted and punished Europe, Babylon and Persia. It made Venice get permission and did not allow them to trade unless it was for resources they really needed. Overall, trade became an important force and had many effects in the emergence of modern ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Treaty Of Tordesillas Essay The Treaty of Tordesillas in the year 1494 has defined property boundaries between Spain and Portugal along the meridian (so–called "Pontifical Meridian"), at a distance of 370 leagues to the west of Cape Verde Islands. The territories to the east of it departed to Portugal and land to the west to Spain. This conventional line crossed the east Latin America and became the first boundary of not discovered yet Brazil. Brazil was discovered April 22, 1500 Pedro Alvares Cabral on his way around Africa and named this island as Santa Cruz (Terra da Vera Cruz). Conscious of the value of his discovery, Cabral had sent to Lisbon one of the captains, Gaspar Lemos, with a message to the king, which has composed by his secretary Peru Vash de Kamin'ya. ... Show more content on ... In 1530, from Portugal started to arrive the first settlers, who brought with themselves livestock, seedlings and seeds with the purpose to establish a colony there. In the north–east of the country were established fortified settlement, the first of which was the San Vicente, which is located in the coastal part of the modern State of São Paulo, established in 1532, and the capital of the of the colony Salvador in Bahia State, founded in 1549. On the territory of Brazil's were created 14 hereditary feudal estates, and some of them is bigger than Portugal itself. The owners, the so–called donatarios, that is, those who "accept the gift," were responsible for their security and development. The system of these feudal estates significantly affected the borders and policies of modern Brazil. An important contribution into development and progress of the colonies have brought the Jesuits, who were engaged the defense and conversion of Indians to Christianity, as well as significant work on lifting the moral level of the colonists. The Indians, who was converted to Christianity, settled in the organized settlements "aldei» (aldeias) by the Jesuits, which were similar in structure to the mission in Spanish America, or the Jesuit ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. DBQ-Mongols,Spanish,India Until the 12th and 13th centuries, cross–cultural interactions were unprolonged and less in number when compared to later centuries. However, the assimilation of much of the Eurasian landmass into the Mongol empire as well as the later European exploration of the Americas contributed to the creation of prolonged global connections in which the world's major continents were connected. Two of the most notable developments include the caravel, which aided European explorers in their conquest of the Americas, and the stirrup and composite bow, which the Mongols used to conquer Eurasia and eventually led to the Pax Mongolica. These technological developments had major effects on both societies. The caravel's use in the 15th century accelerated ... Show more content on ... 6). This system contained many inequalities and eventually led to the independence struggles of the early 1800's which overthrew the king's representatives and the peninsulares. The Mongolian stirrup and composite bow aided the Central Asian steppe nomads to create the world's largest land based empire at the time, which resulted from and in many cross–cultural interactions. When Genghis Khan first started in the creation of his empire, he used his stirrup– mounted archers in units of 10 squadrons and 1000 men to invade China, where he first learned of Chinese war technologies like catapults, gunpowder, and the use of Chinese silk as protective clothing. He then combined all the technologies he obtained with the use of the composite bow and stirrup. These Mongol technologies helped horsemen to fire highly accurate shots due to the stability the stirrup provided (Doc. 1). Genghis Khan also used brilliant tactics that allowed him to conquer large areas quickly. After his rule, the Mongols continued using his tactics. For example, they flung infected corpses into cities such as the Byzantine city of Kaffa. Using the technologies of the stirrup and the composite bow allowed Genghis Khan and his successors to conquer and create an immense empire. This empire eventually covered areas from China to Russia. While destruction, terror, and intimidation were used to conquer people, Genghis Khan also ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Essay On Age Of Exploration During the 15th and 16th century, countries such as Portugal set out to find out more about the world in an era called the "Age of Exploration." The explorers set out on voyages mainly to find sea trade routes to Asia. Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, and Ferdinand Magellan were the explorers that made the most important breakthroughs. They used different boats, tools, and maps to help them explore. Although Vasco da Gama sailed around the southern tip of Africa in 1488 to find a trade route to India, he was also looking for other Christian kings and spices. Da Gama was known as "captain– major" to his crew–mates, and he was an ambassador for Prince Henry. When he landed in India, he gave two letters to the king of Calicut. In a cultural misunderstanding, Vasco da Gama tried to give gifts to the king that were laughed at because the poorest merchant would give gifts better than the gift that da Gama gave. Although Vasco da Gama gave the wrong gift to the king, he still ... Show more content on ... The barca was bigger than the caravel and was used to travel overseas because it had a lot of space for storage and went faster than the caravel; the caravel was smaller and more maneuverable than the barca and was used to map the details of continents and explore up rivers. During explorations, explorers used a cross staff or an astrolabe to find their latitude. A cross staff uses the North Star, the Big Dipper, and the horizon to find the latitude of the ship. An astrolabe was more common than the cross staff because sailors could use any star to find your latitude, even though it was less accurate. The astrolabe could also use the North Star, Big Dipper, and horizon, but if the North Star wasn't in the sky, the sailors could use any star. It was also more portable than the cross staff. The two ships and the cross staff and astrolabe helped sailors to explore trade routes to Asia without getting ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Christopher Columbus And His Personal Life Research Paper Throughout the course of this paper, we will be talking about Christopher Columbus. The first paragraph will be based on who Christopher Columbus is and his personal life. Next, will be based on the basics, then the next four paragraphs will be discussing the four voyages, Columbus taken part in, in the very last body paragraph it will be stating his legacy. Lastly, will come the conclusion. As originally planned, this paragraph will be based on who Christopher Columbus is and his personal life. Columbus was the eldest son of Domenico Colombo, a Genoese wool maker and Susanna Fontanarossa, his wife. Together they had 4 sons and 1 daughter; Bartholomew Columbus, Bianchinetta Columbus, Giacomo Columbus, Giovanni Pellegrino Columbus, and Cristoforo Colombo (Christopher Columbus.) Christopher Columbus was an Italian born navigator who sailed in the service of Spain. Columbus is commonly described as the "discoverer of the New World– America." Columbus was born in 1451 but decease in 1506. In 1479 he met and married Filipa Perestrelo e Moniz their son, Diego was born in 1480. Filipa died in 1485, and Columbus took his mistress Beatriz Enriquez de Harana of Córdoba, as his wife, and eventually came his second son, Ferdinand Columbus (born c. 1488). As stated previously, this paragraph will be on the basics, which is basically answering who, what, when, how, and etc. questions. First off, who did he sail for; King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. European Exploration Importance I believe that the most useful item that was used during the age of European Exploration was the caravel. This item was a triangular shaped sail used on a boat. It allowed the sailors to dial against the wind. This not only made longer expeditions possible, but made other items more useful. One of these items, the map, could only be useful if you had a ship to actually sail on. Another is the compass. Without a ship the compass wouldn't be irrelevant because there would be no need way to use it. In conclusion, the best item created during the age of European exploration was the caravel. In 1488 Bartolomeu Dias, a Portuguese captain, was sent to travel around the southern tip of Africa. He and his crew ran into a huge storm. Theyy battled it for days when finally they exited the back end of it. They turned up all the way around the other side of the southern tip and returned home victorious. Then, a while after, a man named Vasco de Gama traveled farther than anyone had ever gone. He went around the horn and traded many goods with other merchants. He reached India and once he returned home, he had 60 times his original wealth. Now routes had been established and trade could commence between the two nations. The rivalry between Spain and ... Show more content on ... When the Muslims started to take away their power, the Portuguese retaliated. They destroyed Muslim ships, and won over the land. The grew more powerful and reinforced themselves by building a fort in East Asia. Then the Netherlands entered the trade business. They became very powerful and had a large Navy. When England entered the running, they chased the, away. Then a little later, the English regrew into a sizable power and they fought with France. When France gave up and ran, the English were in the trade business. Finally, France set up a small trade business a little ways away. They started small, but grew as the years ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Ap World History Dbq 1. If not for the caravel they wouldn't have been able to go down the African Coast and the voyages to the Indies wouldn't have been possible. 2. Columbus' postulation that the world was not flat because any educated person in that time new that the world was round. 3. His geographers measured the distance and determined that it was too large and found the idea of going crazy. 4. The treaty was negotiated because João II didn't like all the land the Spanish were getting; Ferdinand and Isabella feared the Portuguese and was busy with the New World. This was different from the "papal line" because this treaty divided the world into 2 hemispheres. The "papal line" was about 350 miles west of the Cape Verde Islands and beyond that discovered ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Do You Know Any Names Of The Explorers That Sailed In The... Do you actually know any names of the explorers that sailed during the late 1400s to the early 1500s? Do you know what the explorers used to navigate and how they made it to their planned destination? European navigators relied on technology to help them explore the seas. Vasco Da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan used their handy maps, ships, and even helpful tools to sail at sea. These explorers were mainly looking for a trade route to Asia. Vasco Da Gama was known as a fearless sailor. He set sail in 1488 and went around the southern tip of Africa up to India. Da Gama was mainly in search of Christians and spices. Vasco Da Gama was an ambassador and he was called "Captain– Major." Christopher Columbus completed four voyages. His most famous voyage was in 1492. He took a total of four ships of different sizes to the Watland Islands. Columbus was searching for a trade route to Asia also. Columbus knew the world was round before he even set sail from Europe. Columbus thought many things when looking at the islanders. He says they were completely naked, short hair, poor, and handsomely formed. Christopher mainly wanted ... Show more content on ... Ferdinand was still looking for a trade route to Asia. Between 1519 and 1520, he anchored to Argentina. He was mainly looking for a sea route because trade routes were harder to get to. Since his voyage, the Strait of Magellan was named after him. Most people knew the earth was round but Magellan's voyage proved that it really was round. His goal was to convert people to Christians. Magellan accomplished his goal and successfully converted many to Christians. Since Ferdinand demanded people to become Christians and they yielded to such obedience, he burned some of the villages and sent boats to fight. Magellan decapitated someone also, which means cutting off their own head from their shoulders. Ferdinand suppressed his ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Analysis Of ' The First Circumnavigators ' Brent Sather Professor Halavais History 376 27 September 2017 Exploration of the World Throughout Harry Kelsey's book, "The First Circumnavigators", as well as, Roger Crowley's book "Conquerors", they both explain many misfortunes and hazards that the Spanish and Portuguese explorers faced during the various expeditions that set sail on. Many misfortunes that happened on the voyages included bad weather, scarce food, individual faults, as well as attacks and invasions. One of the major misfortunes that Harry Kelsey describes is the difficulty of the changing weather. For example, Magellan accounts on his voyage that, "On 6 April 1522, the Trinidad, after undergoing extensive repairs and with fifty–four men aboard, left Tidore and ... Show more content on ... All of this was the cause of death for many and serious illness for others. In particular, many men ate the great lizards–large shiny things–and only a few of them are still alive." The survival of the crew was one of the biggest priorities. This was one of the biggest hazards that the crew had to deal with. On Magellan's Voyage, "The next day was Easter Sunday, and Magellan ordered everyone to go ashore and attend Mass. After this he invited the officers to dine with him on the flagship. None of the conspirators accepted the invitation. Instead, they waited until nightfall, then quietly boarded the San Antonio and put Captain Mesquita in chains. The ship's master, Juan de Elorriaga, was fatally stabbed when he tried to intervene." These individual actions by traitors on the ship created many unfortunate situations between the crew members that could have been avoided. During another part of the Magellan Voyage, it was stated that, "Finally on 18 December, the vessels were ready to sail. The Victoria left first, waiting outside the harbor. But a dragging anchor on the Trinidad opened a seam in the hull, and water rushed in. Repairs were impossible without unloading the ship." This was an individual action that could have been avoided. If the anchor was brought in before the boat was launched, it would have saved them more time for travel, as well as more room for the crew if they weren't piled in one boat having to come back later for ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. What Was The Most Important During The Renaissance The Renaissance originally started in Florence, Italy. The art during the Renaissance was changing dramatically. During this time, a new style was being introduced called chiaroscuro, which created the feeling of light within darkness. (, Section 4.03) The legacy of Renaissance art still is around in many ways today. The most common way is in museums. One picture that is from the Renaissance that is still popular today is the Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo de Vinci. The painting exhibits a form of chiaroscuro and symbolizes the beauty of art in that era. Florence was also an important city in the realm of literature during that time. "Florence was very important during the Renaissance because it was a major center of Renaissance ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. How Has Technology Shaped European Society One prominent feature of European History has been its' technological innovations. Though an individual invention becomes antiquated, technology continues to play a salient role in history, as it spawns new ideas, social trends, and movements that live on beyond the tool's usefulness. Technological innovations have reshaped European society by perpetuating ideas and movements like overseas expansion, a higher standard of living, and urbanization. Up until the late 15th century, the furthest any sailor had ventured was around the Mediterranean Sea and to its' neighboring countries. No one dared to venture too far, as they had no clue where they were going nor how to get back home. Though this changed with new navigational advancements like the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Voyages Of Columbus : The Voyage Of Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus had three ships on his first voyage, the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Columbus sailed from Palos de la Frontera on 3 August, 1492. His flagship, the Santa Maria had 52 men aboard while his other two ships, the Nina and Pinta were each crewed by 18 men. The Santa Maria was a nao, was a bit of a tub, and was not able to go near the coastline. But was able to carry a lot of cargo, and it was able to stand up well in bad weather. The Niña, the Pinta were caravels, with a shallower draft than a nao, did not have much cargo space, but were able to explore shallow bays and the mouths of rivers. A carvel was square–rigged on its foremasts and mainmasts, but used a lateen sail on the mizzen to help in tacking. A caravel had about twenty crew members, who slept on the deck and would go below only if the weather was bad. The crew were gathered by Martín Alonso Pinzón (captain of the Pinta). They were experienced sea–men, and four of them had taken an offer from the Spanish throne for amnesty from prison if they took the voyage. Many of these sailors were from the nearby towns of Lepe and Moguer. Over several days, ships of Columbus's day would average a little less than 4 knots. Top speed for the vessels was about 8 knots, and minimum speed was zero. These speeds were quite typical for vessels of the period. So overall, 90 or 100 miles in a day would be typical, and 200 phenomenal. Of the three ships on the first voyage, the Santa Maria was the slowest, ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Christopher Columbus Report August – September It is August 3, 1492 and I am a crew member on Christopher Columbus's voyage the Pinta. We set sail at 8 o'clock in the morning, the wind is strong and variable, and we are heading for the Canary Islands. It is now August 6 and the Pinta has slipped a socket. Columbus left the ship behind, for it was badly disabled. I have gotten of the ship and am now on the Nina with Columbus. It is now August 24 and we are passing a fiery display of a volcanic eruption. I was very scary but Columbus reassured us that he has seen this before and explaining the cause of the great fire. It is now September 4, 1492 and we have packed the ship full of dried meat and , salted fish, and fruit, for we fear we will not find land anytime soon. We will eat the fruit first, for it will spoil in three weeks time. It is now september 6, and we have set our course for west, the way in which land is supposed to be. It has been 20 days and we still haven't found land, I am beginning to think that we will never get home. It is now September 25 and we see land. The crew is happy and climbing the masts to see it. It is morning now and what we thought was land was just a patch of squall clouds. It has been 2 days and we are starting to see flying fish. They have wings and everything, ... Show more content on ... I dearly miss home but the fact that I want gold is keeping me alive and well. It is November 3 and many canoe's have come to the ship asking for trade. It is now November 5 and at dawn we were ordered to clean the ships hulls. They were in need of cleaning. It is now the 21 and Martin Pinzon has sailed away with the Pinta without Columbus's command. It is now November 23 and the Natives on board are nervous about the course we are taking. They say we are heading toward heavily armed cannibals. Although that is what they had said about us when we came. On the 25 I saw a mountain that had a waterfall, It was very ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Importance Of English Settlement In America In the early sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the English were interested and capable of settling in the New World. Not only did the English have motive for settling, but at the time they also had the resources to do so. There were many hardships in the path of them doing this, however the English were persistent in making their lives in the New World work. For many European counties, the New World seemed to be a place to expand their empires, gain riches, and spread their faith. Starting with Christopher Columbus "discovering" the Caribbean in the name of Spain and starting a settlement on Hispaniola, he then started the imperial competition for land. With gold having been made a common use for all European currencies, the demand for it rose. After Spain had raided and taken control on Tenochitlán and returned with many riches, it caught the English eye to start to try and colonize. Spain and England soon became deadly rivals and begun to try to surpass one another in the race for North America. Jamestown was the first successful colony for the English in 1607. The start of one colony was the hunger to start more. Following the Renaissance (1300 A.D–1700 A.D), people were seeking ways to explore the mysteries of nature and navigate around the world. Europeans were fast to laud over the exemplary feats accomplished by scientists, explorers, writers, and philosophers. The strength of such praise encouraged many to become more interested in discovering new lands and ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. What Role Does Fortunato Play In The Cast Of The Amontillado A costume is used to hide identity or make something different than what it is. Costume could hide feelings or evil tendencies for people wearing them. In the story of "The Cast of the Amontillado" there are two main roles played in the story, by Fortunato and Montresor. The costumes used in the story, are used to describe how they play a role in the story. Fortunato is dressed as a clown in the story to imply foolishness, and Montresor was dressed in black silk, because he had wealth and a good family name. Fortunato wore the clown costume, because he really never had any money, and the money he did have, he spent in om wine. On the other hand, Montresor was dressed in valuable black silk because he did not drink it away. Also, Montresor ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Pirate Ship Research Paper Types of Pirate Ships By: Caleb J. Carracks can carry 1,200 pounds and are one of the largest ships that pirates used. There are also other kinds of ships that pirates use like Naval ships, Cargo ships, and Transportation ships. First of all, Naval ships have lots of armor and cannons for protection, like an Ironclad with iron frames for protection from cannons and other fire power from enemy ships. The Brig and Panstership are both huge Naval ships. Also a fire ship was a ship filled with TNT that could be lighted and used to destroy other ships. The Corvette was a lightly armed warship,also Cutters were fast warships. The Sloop–of–War has 18 cannons. Another one, is the Penteconter was a 50 oar warship, also a Brigantine was driven by oars. ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Christopher Columbus Essay Christopher Columbus was an Italian navigator who sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean in search for the all–water route to Asia, but instead achieved fame for making landfall in the Caribbean Sea. Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy. His father was a weaver, and it is believed that Columbus entered this trade as a young man. In the mid–1470s he made his first trading voyage to the island of Khios, in the Aegean Sea. Settling in Lisbon, where his brother Bartholomew was working as a cartographer, he was married in 1479 to the daughter of the governor of the island of Porto Santo. In December, the Santa Maria was wrecked off the coast of Espanola.The Nina, with Columbus in command, and the Pinta began the homeward voyage in January ... Show more content on ... Columbus defeated the natives in battle in March 1495 and shipped a large number of them to Spain to sell as slaves. Queen Isabella objected, however, and the survivors were returned. A royal investigating commission arrived at Isabella in October 1495. Because this group was consistently critical of his policies, Columbus established a new capital named Santo Domingo, and sailed for Spain leaving Bartholomew in command. He reported directly to Ferdinand and Isabella, who dismissed the critical charges. The sovereigns promised to subsidize a new fleet, but since enthusiasm for the unproductive enterprise had waned, nearly two years elapsed before eight vessels were sent out. Columbus set sail on his third voyage on May 30,1498. His first landing, made on July 31, was the three–peaked island of Trinidad, named in honor of the Holy Trinity. He then sighted what is now Venezuela. After cruising along the coast he sailed into the Gulf of Paria. At the mouth of the Orinoco River he led a party ashore. In his logbook he wrote that he had found a "New World," unknown as yet to Europeans. Columbus set sail again, encountering several additional islands, including Margarita, and then laid a course for Espanola.3 Although Columbus obtained royal support for a fourth voyage to continue his search for a westward passage to Asia, only four worm–eaten caravels were put at his disposal and he was forbidden to stop at Espanola. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. How Did Christopher Columbus Impact Society Over thousands of years there have been many people who have modernized the world and shaped it to be the way it is today. One of the people who has had a huge impact on this world is Christopher Columbus. He was an Italian explorer and the founder of the new world. His goal was to find a passage to India but instead found where the modern days bahamas are and opened the doors for European exploration. Affected by this exploration was global population, global economy, political reign, and advancements in technology. This new era is called the age of exploration. During the age of exploration, the population of the earth dramatically increased in most places. Although it increased globally, the population of African decreased. This was caused by the slave trade going on between the Americas, Africa, and Europe. The Americas were in need of cheap labor, but the Native Americans were sick and dying due to the diseases brought from Europe. So, America sent slave ship to Africa to bargain with tribal leader for slaves. This caused most of the strong generations of African ... Show more content on ... The caravel was a ship that was able sail against the wind and in turn became a great ship for explorers. The compass was a way for these explorers to navigate their way through open sea without getting lost. The astrolabe was a device that let the explorers and other Europeans tell what time of day it was or when the sun was going to set by measuring the stars. Along with many advancements came an exchange of power. During the age of exploration, the Europeans gained a lot of power over the indigenous people whose empires they overtook. They were able to do this so easily because of the indigenous people's lack of advanced weapons and guns. Examples of this are the European conquering the Aztecs and the Incas. The economy also changed greatly and even made a new policy during this ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. How Did Vasco Da Gama Influence The Arrival Of Europe The 15th and 16th century was a magnificent time for Europe. New ships were being created, maps were being updated, and new navigational tools were invented. All of this was able to happen due to Vasco da Gama who was the first person to sail around the Cape of Good Hope, Christopher Columbus who discovered the "New World," and Ferdinand Magellan who circumnavigated the globe. In order to sail for long periods of time, ships such as the stocky Barca were needed. The Barca had a large build which helped sailors carry large amounts of food and water. Since the Barca was used for long voyages, it couldn't sail too fast due to the amount of weight it carried. Ships such as the Caravel were used for much more speedy voyages. The Caravel had triangular sails and a slim build which enabled it to sail a lot faster than the Barca. The Caravel ... Show more content on ... Initially, da Gama was looking for spices and Christians, but soon after coming upon the island of Calicut, da Gama figured out that he had come upon a town with many riches. Da Gama instantly took a liking to these islanders and portrayed the king of Portugal to be very powerful and rich. After explaining this to the islanders, da Gama claimed the island in the king's name. Da Gama claimed the island as the king's because he was worried that he would be beheaded if he didn't. Vasco da Gama presented the king of calicut with many gifts, but was informed that all of these gifts were equal to what a poor merchant could give. The king's reply made da Gama grow deeply saddened and soon after, da Gama returned to Portugal. Along with not understanding the value of gifts, da Gama wasn't very knowledgeable about the islander's cultural ways which made da Gama and the islander's bond even more of a misfit. Overall, Vasco da Gama was able to find a sea route to India which was very valuable because it enabled trade between India and ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Christopher Columbus And His Personal Life Throughout the course of this paper, we will be talking about Christopher Columbus. The first paragraph will be based on who Christopher Columbus is and his personal life. Next, will be based on the basics, then the next four paragraphs will be discussing the four voyages, Columbus had took part in, in the very last body paragraph it will be stating his legacy. As usual the conclusion will be a summary of it all. As originally planned, this paragraph will be based on who Christopher Columbus is and his personal life. Columbus was the eldest son of Domenico Colombo, a Genoese wool maker and merchant, and Susanna Fontanarossa, his wife together had 4 sons and 1 daughter; Bartholomew Columbus · Bianchinetta Columbus · Giacomo Columbus · Giovanni Pellegrino Columbus. Christopher Columbus is how you spell and pronounce it in English but his real name is Cristoforo Colombo. Christopher Columbus was an Italian born navigator who sailed in the service of Spain. Columbus is commonly described as the "discoverer of the New World–America." Columbus was born Columbus had in 1451 but decease in 1506. In 1479 he met and married Filipa Perestrelo e Moniz their son, Diego was born in 1480. Filipa died in 1485, and Columbus took as his mistress Beatriz Enriquez de Harana of Córdoba, by whom he had his second son, Ferdinand (born c. 1488). As stated previously, this paragraph will be on the basics, which is basically answering who, what, when, how...etc. questions. First ... Get more on ...