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A Step Onward Geogacy Chapter 3.5
“Such a quaint little house.” “Ms. Sutterman?” “ That’s Mrs.  Mallory -Sutterman.” “What do you want Mildred? ”
[object Object]
“Hardly, but since you brought up the subject of finances, I want to discuss this tacky little house.  You seem to like it, I can’t imagine why. I’m willing to sell it to you. I’ll give you a good price, $300,000 should cover it.” “ You’re trying to sell me my own home? Darren, tell me I misheard  Ms. Sutterman .”   “ If you don’t want it, than I could sell it to a developer. Either way, I need you out by the end of the week.“
“ Darren , could you please remind  Ms. Sutterman  that the downtown condo she is currently residing in as well as the vacation home she loves to visit is under the ownership of the Mallory foundation. Oh, and now that I think of it the rent is past due.” “ As the legal representative of the Mallory Foundation all properties and businesses under the foundation belong solely to the foundation chair until the terms of the will is satisfied and it appears the rent is due.”
“ Fine! If you want to play it legal I can wait. Just remember I gave you a chance. Don’t come crying to me when you’re precious childhood home is nothing but a pile of tacky rubble.”
“Good luck finding a wife,  Son .”
“ Who the hell does she think she is!” “ Possibly the person who will own everything you have ever held dear within a matter of months?” “ Jackass” “ Just stating fact, Nimrod.”
L egacy House…. “ Can I help you Miss?” “ Excuse me, but this is the Higarashi household?” “ Grace!”
“Oh no Bayl!” “I t’s a pleasure to meet you Grace. Please Come in, mind your step.”
“ Bayl has told us so much about you. Is it true your stock profit is 15%?  That is impressive for a young lady your age. Tell me do you use an investment firm?”
“ Urr, I use ‘Llama and son investing’. Umm, is Bayl alright?” “ Oh! Silly me I forgot all about the boy. Breccia could you please?”
“ Hey you! Wake up your baby’s mama is here.” **Slash**
“ Plumbob! It’s not a dream! “ If you faint again I swear I’m going to drag you to the toilet and drown you!”
“ I knew you would be mad! What am I going to do?” “ No, I’m not mad. Please don’t cry. I’m happy, Really.” “ Liar, you keep freaking out. Your mad.”
“ Grace, I was surprised. I still am.  Things are going faster then I assumed they would. I’m going to have to change my whole life around and I’m overwhelmed.” “ This is your way of comforting me! It’s not working!” “ I didn’t mean-- that is to say-- I’m making a mess of this.” “ Darn straight you are!”
“ Grace, ever since you agreed to go out with me, I was making plans. Plans for our future.  I had every intention from the very beginning of asking you to be my wife. But, I knew if I pushed our relationship too fast, there would be a chance I would loose you. It might be sooner then I expected but, I want to be this baby’s father and I want to be your husband.” “ Are you asking me to marry you?”
“ Grace Fitzhugh, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” “ Oh my! Yes!”
“ That’s my baby boy, always thinking ahead. He had the ring ready and everything.” “ Actually the ring belonged to my mother. I was going to lock him in the basement until he agreed to marry her.” “ Good thinking, My Love!”
Meanwhile upstairs... “ Ms. Citrine it is with the greatest honor I give you a membership card to our secret tinkering society. We are in awe of your skill and passion toward the art of tinkering. Is there a message you would like to convey to the society?” “ uh oh! Bloc fall dow.”
S hortly after the Tinkering Icon rushed off to spread those sacred words. Little Citrine maxed out her mechanical skill and all was good
Hey there guys, you called me? Man, you guys look pissed. What happened? “ Ladies would you like to  enlighten the nitwit or shall I?” “ That rackin' frackin‘ no good!”  “Bubbled headed ninny!” “Grrrrr!” String her up!” “How dare she treat us this way!”  “ I demand hot pokers!.” What did I do! *Cry!*
“ What did you do!? We have been up for 2 days straight. We are tired, hungry & extremely frustrated and do you know why?” Urr..watching a  Woohoo in Sim City  Marathon? “ NO, we missed it because of you! We were searching the whole town for Cal & Trini.  2 whole days, no sleep, no food. We were worried sick and what do we find out? They were found mere hours after you came crying to us. When exactly were you planning to tell us? Hmmmm?”
I ’m so sorry! Please forgive me! I was so happy to have them back I forgot to tell you guys. I’m very very very sorry! “ All in favor of a simself revolt against the Creator, say Aye.” No wait! I, I  umm, I found a studio for your Kitty Channel thingy. Please don’t hurt me!
“ This place is a dump.” You shouldn’t judge it yet, Jamie.  The inside is really nice. “ Looks more like a gang hangout, than a studio.” *Shifty eyes* That’s just silly, Doc.
'O oo spacious.” I told you it was nicer inside. Lots of room for your…whatever you plan to do.
So, what do you think? “ It needs a lot of work. Some walls need to be knocked out, the flooring is too drab, the windows need to be replaced and the grey color needs to go. This is going to cost a lot of simloans and the repairs will take forever. I don’t have the time or the manpower to get it done. “ Di, what do you think that is? Paint?”
“ Oh my. It looks like blood. Ms. Cat Cat, what do you think? “ Looks like blood to me. Hmm, I believe it is gnome blood. Only a few days old. You know this whole place reeks of gnome blood. Am I right, Creator?” I, I umm, well you see.… *sigh* Yeah. “ We’ll take it!” “ There are times you disturb me, Ms. Cat Cat.”
Quick birthday picture at the Legacy House... “ I can have your cake, right Trini?” “ Brover share.” “ Nut bunnies!”
Birthday outing at the park...
“ Why do you not go and play with your cousins, Citrine dear.” “ I don’t want to get in their way.” “ Nonsense, they have all come to help celebrate your birthday.”
“ But, what if they don’t like me?” “ You are a sweet & playful child. What is there not to like? Besides, they are family. If there is ever someone you can count on it is family.”
“ This is a conspiracy!” “ How are we going to get the kite down?”
“ I’ll get it.” “ How? It’s too high.” “ That’s not high at all. I can get up there easy.” “ You’re going to get stuck Dani.” “ Wanna bet?”
“ Stop being stupid. Get down.” “ You’re the one being stupid, Cal. I can get up there with no problem.” “ Be careful Dani.”
“ Look out below!” “ Awesome! Thanks Dani.” “ You’re amazing Dani!”
“Why is Dani in the tree?” “ She climbed up to get my kite.” “ Cool. Why isn’t she coming down?” “ Hey Dani, you should come down now.” “ I’ll come down in a sec. I like the view.”
“ Are you stuck Dani?” “ Me get stuck in a tree? Of course not! I’m not a baby. I can get down any time I want.” “ Then come down.” “ I don’t wanna.”
“ Fine whatever, anyone want to play tag?” “ Wait, don’t leave me up here!” “ I knew she was stuck!” “ Go get Auntie!”
“ Auntie Auntie, Dani climbed up a tree to get Hayden’s kite and Cal told her not to be stupid, but she climbed up anyway and now she can’t get down! You gotta come quick!” “ Danielle is where!?”
“ Don’t drop me!” “ Relax Kid, you're fine.” “ Wooo! Dani is saved!”
“ Are you alright, Danielle? Are you injured?” “ I’m fine Auntie, I had everything under control. Stop fussing.” “ That was quite reckless, young lady. Please reframe from climbing trees. You are a lady and lady’s do not do such. Now, thank Mr. Mallory for his kindness”
“ Thanks for helping me down, Mister. But, I really didn’t need any. I could have jumped down anytime. I had everything under control. I was enjoying the view. But, my baby cousins got scared. They wouldn’t let me stay up there.” “ How inconsiderate of them.” “ Yeah I know, right.”
“ I must apologize for Danielle. She is a free spirit and feels herself invulnerable at times.” “ Not a problem, I’m use to it. She reminds me of a certain ungrateful princess I saved once.” “ You seem to have forgotten the event, Sir. You interfered with a situation I had well under control.” “ Is there an echo out here? I’m sure I just heard that same thing a few moments ago.”
“ Are you mocking me?” “ Just pointing out the family resemblance.” “ Must you always be so difficult?”
“ Me? I was only teasing. You jumped to conclusions first.” “ If you would act more like a gentleman, you would receive a ladylike response. But, I see you are beyond basic manners.”
“ Auntie Beryl, is this guy bothering you?” “ I am perfectly alright, dear. Mr. Mallory and I are having an adult discussion.” “ Are you sure? Grandpa taught me the Pinky Pinch of Fury.” “ I am sure, but thank you for checking on me.”
“ I’m watching you Mister. One wrong move and I’m going for you’re pinky.” “ Than I better keep my pinkies to myself then.” “ Humph. You better!”
“ I must apologize for Calcite. He means well, but it seem I must speak with him on the proper way to converse with others. I, I also must apologize to you, Sir. I am ashamed at my behavior. I seem to forget my own manners when in your company. I have been terribly rude and there is no excuse. Please accept my apology.” “ I don’t believe I will.” “ Pardon?”
“ I vote we pretend it never happened and since it never happen there is no need to apologize. Better yet, hello there, my name is Grayson Mallory. My friends call me Gray. What’s your name?” “ But, you already know my name.” “ We’re starting over princess, play along.” “ Urr, It is a pleasure to meet you? My name is Beryl Higarashi.”
“ Beryl is a lovely name. It’s very elegant, regal even, like a princess.” “ You are being silly.” “ Say, would you like to join me for lunch tomorrow?” “ What game are you playing?”
“ Now now, we are starting over remember. Cafe’ Verona shouldn’t be too crowded this time of year. What do you say, 1:00pm? “ I do not think it would be proper—“ “ Ok ok, 2:30pm after the lunch rush. I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t be late.” “ But, I cannot—“
“I' ll see you tomorrow, princess.” “ But I...”
“Ahh, what a beautiful Autumn afternoon. Not a dark cloud to be seen and the temperature is perfect. You couldn't ask for a better afternoon.”
*  Explosion!!! *
“Do you hear that, Dad? Sounds weird.”  “Must be a truck driving by.” “I guess so. But, it doesn't really sound like a truck, more like a massive metal objects being haul down from the sky.” “Ha ha, that's just silly. It's a truck. Don't worry about it.”
* Zooooooom!!! More Explosions!!!! *
“Sounds like it's getting closer, Dad.” “Well, of course it does. It has to drive by doesn't it?”
* Lots of smoke & cute little birds!
“Wow! Look at those cute birds!”
“What are the odds of a satellite landing here?” “That was awesome!!!” “Daddy? Do you think , that is if it's ok, I can have that? ..... After they are done with it.” “Well, no harm in asking.”
“You are a tease!” “What are you talking about?” (That little bit was for Nerd. =p )
Legacy House.... Yes, this is the old house from chapters 1 & 2. After the last PC meltdown I gave up trying to recreate the legacy house so, I reloaded this baby and made a few changes. Yeah, I am Lazy xD
First floor overview with the basic dinner room, kitchen, living room, nursery and what not.
Second floor with bedrooms. I am thinking of making a third floor with a music room and library. That is of course, if I don't get lazy again.
Life has calmed down a bit at the Legacy home. Lucy corners any and all Sims for free makeovers to keep herself in practice. I have promised, which I know I will regret, to open up another salon for her.
“Doesn't that look nice?” “Thank you so much, grandma.” “You are very welcome. Now, let's try for neon green dreadlocks. “Err....” YOU WILL NOT, LUCY!!
Chert's birthday was a quite affair with a few family members. He's a cute little thing with a 5/6/7/7/2 personality. Yes, he's another meanie, but at this point I would be more shocked if he was nice. Like I am with Citrine. I still don't know where those 7 nice points came from.
“So, if I willing participate in this experiment I can go free?”
“Let me out! I'm begging you!” “I've learned my lesson! I'll never do crime again! I swear! “Sigh”
“This is a simple test, but I need a lot of data. As payment for your help you can go free.” “Seems simple enough. This is one of though lies training machines right? I used one of these in my own criminal training. This is going to be easy.” “Fine fine. Chert, be a good boy and press the buttons.”
“Yay! Me press, me press!” “Wait a minute! You can't have him working the controls!!
“My grandson is perfectly capable of working the Sim endurance machine. I taught him myself.” “Sim what!?” “Don't worry, he is a professional.”
“PUSH BUTTON Hehehehe!!!” “AAAAAHHHHHHEEEEEEE!!!!!” “Very good, Chert. Now, push the button again.” “NOOOOOO”
Bayl, Beryl & currently Grace's home.....
Bayl & Beryl's Residence..... “Who could be at the door at this hour? The Sun is not  fully up yet. It better not be a Plumbob Witness.”
“Err, good morning. What bring you here so early? Umm, why are you looking at me that way?”
“Can you keep it down. Grace is sleeping.” “So, sorry to bother you, little bro. Say hi to Grace for me. Oh and we'll have Beryl back before Lunch.” “Put me down. Have you people gone insane? Bayl, tell them to put me down!” “Stop squirming, Geez!”
“Out of mild curiosity, since you chose not to answer my numerous inquiries, why was I carried from my home and trap me in a dark room?”
“How good it is to see you, sister dear. It has been far too long since we have last see each other.” “I was here not but two days ago for little Chert's birthday.” “But, you ran off so quickly after.” “I stayed for most of the day.”
“But, we didn't get a chance to talk.” “We spoke to each other for over an hour.” “Will you stop contradicting me, Plumbob I swear!”
“We did indeed have a conversation, but I did notice you failed to mention some rather important information. So, I am giving you the chance to share it with us.” “Have you been drinking father's Mighty Fury Juice, agian? You are not making much sense.”
“I only had one glass and there is no use trying to change the subject. We know you have been keeping important information about your dealings with a certain someone and inquiring mind must know.” “I'm so excited!!” “I, um, I know not what you speak of.” “Really? Min, show her the evidence.”
“It didn't take much time at all to gather this incriminating evidence with the combined forces of mine and Maria's wide social network.”
“Looky there! I do believe that is our Beryl and who might that other person be? Do you know him, Sister dear? You seem to be on quite friendly terms with this gentleman.
“Err, well you see, he is, he's a friend. Yes, a friend.” “Oh I don't doubt he is your  FRIEND  at all. What I want to know is why you chose to keep this  FRIEND  a secret?”
“Alright! I admit it! I have been having an inappropriate relationship with a man for the last few weeks. I, I have acted like a wanton! I feel so ashamed.” “Going on dates with a guy isn't something to feel ashamed about.” “Woah woah! How inappropriate are we talking about here!?”
“From what we have seen on the videos you have nothing to be ashamed of?” “Videos? As in more than one!?” “We only have your best interests in mind, Sweetheart. All we want to know is that you are happy. Keeping us in the dark only made us worry.” “Just, how much videos did you take?”
“Is someone down here? Why are the light off....” “Hissssss!” “Turn OFF THE LIGHT!” “I'm blind! I can't see!”
“I think I should go back upstairs, now.” “MY EYES, THEY BURN!!!”
“I apologize for not telling everyone sooner. To be honest, I have had a few concerns that I might be, well I maybe, that is to say. I think I might be in Love with Mr. Mallory.” “Why are you concerned? That is great news. From what we've seen on the videos, he's an awesome, funny guy. Don't worry so much about falling for him. You know if he hurt you we will string him up and let Dad practice his Might Fury stuff on him.” “About these “videos” where are they? So, I can destroy them.”
Across town... “ Mademoiselle doesn't need any creams or lotions for her skins. It is perfect as a newborn babe.” “ Err thanks, but I was talking about getting the Cream Alfredo Pasta to eat not put on my skin.” “ Excuse me, Ms. Suttermen?”
“Who are you? Can't you see I am in the middle of lunch? Who randomly walks up to a person while they are eating?” “I apologize, Ms. Suttermen. But, I have been sent by my employer to discuss a business matter with you.” “Fine, spit it out. So, I can enjoy my lunch in peace.” “It's rather sensitive business, Ma'am. If your friend could...”
*Sigh*  “Luigi, I'm thirsty. Go fetch some white wine and none of that house stuff. It must be the best this place has to offer.” “Anything for  Mademoiselle. I would die for you.” “ Yes, yes. Off with you.”
“I do apologize again Ms. Suttermen.” “Just get on with it.” “My employer is very interested in some property that we hear you will soon inherit. He is willing to spend top dollar for the property.” “Aren't they all *yawn” “How does 25 million simloans sound as a starting bid?”
“Very interesting indeed, Mr. ?” “Madlocker, Carl Madlocker.” “Well, Mr. Madlocker tell me more of your employer's offer.”
“Aren't you a looker tonight. Is that a new dress?” “This old frock? I've had it for years.” “You look good in it all the same. Actually, I don't think I've seen anything not look good on you.” “Stop Gray, you are making me blush.” “And that's a bad thing?”
“The music has started. Such a lovely song.” “We can't let it go to waste. We should dance.”
'Would you dance if I asked you to dance?  Would you run and never look back  Would you cry if you saw me crying  Would you save my soul tonight?'
'Would you tremble if I touched your lips?  Would you laugh oh please tell me these  Now would you die for the one you love?  Hold me in your arms tonight?'
'I can be you hero baby  I can kiss away the pain  I will stand by you forever  You can take my breath away'
'Would you swear that you'll always be mine?  Would you lie would you run away  Am I in to deep?  Have I lost my mind?  I don't care you're here tonight'
'I can be you hero baby  I can kiss away the pain  I will stand by you forever  You can take my breath away' 'I just want to hold you  Am I in too deep?  Have I lost my mind?  Well I don't care you're here tonight' Enrique Iglesias
“Sorry, the song was compelling and I got carried away there.” “Then we should request the song again, hehe.” “Bold little vixen.” “Me? Bold? You kissed me first, Mr. Mallory.” “Ahh, but you kissed back, Princess.” “Hehe, touche' “
“Woah, there. Steady now. You really can't hold your liqueur.” “I am not intoxicated, Sir. But, I am having a wonderful time!” “Four glasses of wine can make any night wonderful. Let's get you home.” “Oh no, not yet. I wanted to tell you something tonight and I am not going home until I do.”
“I wanted to say, while I still have the courage to do so, I need you to understand that I do not left people into my life so easily. You know about Mr. Cowpetti. He was my best friend, yet he, well already know what he did. Because of that I have been very guarded, but I feel... Oh, how can I say this? I am very fond of you Gray and I this past month has been, well, magical. I never thought I could be so happy with another person. I want, well, I love you Grayson and I truly hope you feel the same or I'll be rather embarrassed” “Geez Princess, I was supposed to do the one with the grand confession. I had a speech and everything.”
“Then we can start over. Pretend I haven't said anything yet.”  “That's a bit hard to do, Princess. A man can't forget a love confession from the most beautiful woman in the world, now can he?” “Oh! But, I wanted to hear your speech.” *haha*  “For you I will try anything.”
“Ms. Higarashi, you are the most joyfully contrary woman I have ever met. Will you merry me?” “Oh! I did not except-- Oh yes! Yes I will!”
“I love you, Princess.” “I love you Mr. Mallory.” xD
*Ring Ring* Yawn, Who the hell is calling. Somebody better be dead, is all I'm saying.
“Gentry speaking and this better be important.” “ Turn on the news, channel 6.” “Basalt? Why--” “ We have a problem. Turn on the news.”
“ Good evening, Claudia Long here with SNN Late Night News. Today's top story an aged satellite crash lands in Mallory Park.”
“What started off as a beautiful day at a popular local park ending in tragedy when an old satellite got knocked out of it's orbit by what scientist believe as a  small piece of an asteroid and landed on Bert Whitlan a veterinarian who specialized in birds. His Friends claimed he liked to visit the park on weekend to see the rare and beautiful Pulu birds which are native to the reign.
“Please don't tell me...” “Sorry, but that's our satellite or was rather. I don't think I need to explain what this means for the surveillance system.”
“ The satellite is currently in the possession of the local police at HHPA Headquarters until it can be transferred to an analysis facility.” “That is not good news. If someone looks hard enough they can discover the surveillance system and any lingering data that could very well lead to us.”
“ I can't believe this! The system was finally working again and now this happened. How am I going to find out what she's up to now! Basalt, what do we need to rebuilt the system? I need the surveillance working.” “ Shouldn't we be concerned about the satellite that crashed leading the authorities straight to us?” “ I can take care of that later. A new system is my priority right now. What do you need to get it working again?”   “ A new satellite would be Ideal. You have one of those hanging around, Gentry?”
“ Ironically, the satellite smack down has delayed the launch of another. The Lucky Kitty Channel, the new entertainment network created by famed Simself Circe Hiragi, is forced to reschedule the launch of their first or three network satellites. The new launch date has yet to be released. “
“I don't, but a certain Simself appears to have a few. How difficult would it be to hot wire another satellite.” “ You mean, the Lucky Kitty Satellite? I see. I can do it in a few days. All I need is time to create a Trojan program and then find a way to get to the satellite it's self. We can have the new system up and running on the same signal as the Lucky Kitty Channel.” “Excellent. Get that program made and I'll handle the rest.” “ As good as done.”
“This may turn out to be fun.”
“The contract has been drawn up and needs only your signature Sir.” “Well done, Mr. Madlocker. Your speed is commendable.” “Thank you, Sir.”
“And thank you, Ms. Sutterman for agreeing to come so early this morning to handle this business.” “Not at all, Mr. Gnomington. Honestly I am still surprised you have an interest in the park and that shabby little house. It needs so much work to bring it to  livable  standards.”  “Ho ho ho, I'm a developer Madam, all properties have potential”
“ Money Market” “ Minions” “ No, Mon-ye Mar-ket” “ Min- ions” Sigh  “ I got to this one too late.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you so much for reading. I hope to see you all next time for Chapter 3.6.... when I get around to posting it. xD

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A Step Onward Geogacy chapter 3.5

  • 1. A Step Onward Geogacy Chapter 3.5
  • 2.  
  • 3.  
  • 5. “Such a quaint little house.” “Ms. Sutterman?” “ That’s Mrs. Mallory -Sutterman.” “What do you want Mildred? ”
  • 6.
  • 7. “Hardly, but since you brought up the subject of finances, I want to discuss this tacky little house. You seem to like it, I can’t imagine why. I’m willing to sell it to you. I’ll give you a good price, $300,000 should cover it.” “ You’re trying to sell me my own home? Darren, tell me I misheard Ms. Sutterman .” “ If you don’t want it, than I could sell it to a developer. Either way, I need you out by the end of the week.“
  • 8. “ Darren , could you please remind Ms. Sutterman that the downtown condo she is currently residing in as well as the vacation home she loves to visit is under the ownership of the Mallory foundation. Oh, and now that I think of it the rent is past due.” “ As the legal representative of the Mallory Foundation all properties and businesses under the foundation belong solely to the foundation chair until the terms of the will is satisfied and it appears the rent is due.”
  • 9. “ Fine! If you want to play it legal I can wait. Just remember I gave you a chance. Don’t come crying to me when you’re precious childhood home is nothing but a pile of tacky rubble.”
  • 10. “Good luck finding a wife, Son .”
  • 11. “ Who the hell does she think she is!” “ Possibly the person who will own everything you have ever held dear within a matter of months?” “ Jackass” “ Just stating fact, Nimrod.”
  • 12. L egacy House…. “ Can I help you Miss?” “ Excuse me, but this is the Higarashi household?” “ Grace!”
  • 13. “Oh no Bayl!” “I t’s a pleasure to meet you Grace. Please Come in, mind your step.”
  • 14. “ Bayl has told us so much about you. Is it true your stock profit is 15%? That is impressive for a young lady your age. Tell me do you use an investment firm?”
  • 15. “ Urr, I use ‘Llama and son investing’. Umm, is Bayl alright?” “ Oh! Silly me I forgot all about the boy. Breccia could you please?”
  • 16. “ Hey you! Wake up your baby’s mama is here.” **Slash**
  • 17. “ Plumbob! It’s not a dream! “ If you faint again I swear I’m going to drag you to the toilet and drown you!”
  • 18. “ I knew you would be mad! What am I going to do?” “ No, I’m not mad. Please don’t cry. I’m happy, Really.” “ Liar, you keep freaking out. Your mad.”
  • 19. “ Grace, I was surprised. I still am. Things are going faster then I assumed they would. I’m going to have to change my whole life around and I’m overwhelmed.” “ This is your way of comforting me! It’s not working!” “ I didn’t mean-- that is to say-- I’m making a mess of this.” “ Darn straight you are!”
  • 20. “ Grace, ever since you agreed to go out with me, I was making plans. Plans for our future. I had every intention from the very beginning of asking you to be my wife. But, I knew if I pushed our relationship too fast, there would be a chance I would loose you. It might be sooner then I expected but, I want to be this baby’s father and I want to be your husband.” “ Are you asking me to marry you?”
  • 21. “ Grace Fitzhugh, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” “ Oh my! Yes!”
  • 22. “ That’s my baby boy, always thinking ahead. He had the ring ready and everything.” “ Actually the ring belonged to my mother. I was going to lock him in the basement until he agreed to marry her.” “ Good thinking, My Love!”
  • 23. Meanwhile upstairs... “ Ms. Citrine it is with the greatest honor I give you a membership card to our secret tinkering society. We are in awe of your skill and passion toward the art of tinkering. Is there a message you would like to convey to the society?” “ uh oh! Bloc fall dow.”
  • 24. S hortly after the Tinkering Icon rushed off to spread those sacred words. Little Citrine maxed out her mechanical skill and all was good
  • 25. Hey there guys, you called me? Man, you guys look pissed. What happened? “ Ladies would you like to enlighten the nitwit or shall I?” “ That rackin' frackin‘ no good!” “Bubbled headed ninny!” “Grrrrr!” String her up!” “How dare she treat us this way!” “ I demand hot pokers!.” What did I do! *Cry!*
  • 26. “ What did you do!? We have been up for 2 days straight. We are tired, hungry & extremely frustrated and do you know why?” Urr..watching a Woohoo in Sim City Marathon? “ NO, we missed it because of you! We were searching the whole town for Cal & Trini. 2 whole days, no sleep, no food. We were worried sick and what do we find out? They were found mere hours after you came crying to us. When exactly were you planning to tell us? Hmmmm?”
  • 27. I ’m so sorry! Please forgive me! I was so happy to have them back I forgot to tell you guys. I’m very very very sorry! “ All in favor of a simself revolt against the Creator, say Aye.” No wait! I, I umm, I found a studio for your Kitty Channel thingy. Please don’t hurt me!
  • 28. “ This place is a dump.” You shouldn’t judge it yet, Jamie. The inside is really nice. “ Looks more like a gang hangout, than a studio.” *Shifty eyes* That’s just silly, Doc.
  • 29. 'O oo spacious.” I told you it was nicer inside. Lots of room for your…whatever you plan to do.
  • 30. So, what do you think? “ It needs a lot of work. Some walls need to be knocked out, the flooring is too drab, the windows need to be replaced and the grey color needs to go. This is going to cost a lot of simloans and the repairs will take forever. I don’t have the time or the manpower to get it done. “ Di, what do you think that is? Paint?”
  • 31. “ Oh my. It looks like blood. Ms. Cat Cat, what do you think? “ Looks like blood to me. Hmm, I believe it is gnome blood. Only a few days old. You know this whole place reeks of gnome blood. Am I right, Creator?” I, I umm, well you see.… *sigh* Yeah. “ We’ll take it!” “ There are times you disturb me, Ms. Cat Cat.”
  • 32. Quick birthday picture at the Legacy House... “ I can have your cake, right Trini?” “ Brover share.” “ Nut bunnies!”
  • 33. Birthday outing at the park...
  • 34. “ Why do you not go and play with your cousins, Citrine dear.” “ I don’t want to get in their way.” “ Nonsense, they have all come to help celebrate your birthday.”
  • 35. “ But, what if they don’t like me?” “ You are a sweet & playful child. What is there not to like? Besides, they are family. If there is ever someone you can count on it is family.”
  • 36. “ This is a conspiracy!” “ How are we going to get the kite down?”
  • 37. “ I’ll get it.” “ How? It’s too high.” “ That’s not high at all. I can get up there easy.” “ You’re going to get stuck Dani.” “ Wanna bet?”
  • 38. “ Stop being stupid. Get down.” “ You’re the one being stupid, Cal. I can get up there with no problem.” “ Be careful Dani.”
  • 39. “ Look out below!” “ Awesome! Thanks Dani.” “ You’re amazing Dani!”
  • 40. “Why is Dani in the tree?” “ She climbed up to get my kite.” “ Cool. Why isn’t she coming down?” “ Hey Dani, you should come down now.” “ I’ll come down in a sec. I like the view.”
  • 41. “ Are you stuck Dani?” “ Me get stuck in a tree? Of course not! I’m not a baby. I can get down any time I want.” “ Then come down.” “ I don’t wanna.”
  • 42. “ Fine whatever, anyone want to play tag?” “ Wait, don’t leave me up here!” “ I knew she was stuck!” “ Go get Auntie!”
  • 43. “ Auntie Auntie, Dani climbed up a tree to get Hayden’s kite and Cal told her not to be stupid, but she climbed up anyway and now she can’t get down! You gotta come quick!” “ Danielle is where!?”
  • 44. “ Don’t drop me!” “ Relax Kid, you're fine.” “ Wooo! Dani is saved!”
  • 45. “ Are you alright, Danielle? Are you injured?” “ I’m fine Auntie, I had everything under control. Stop fussing.” “ That was quite reckless, young lady. Please reframe from climbing trees. You are a lady and lady’s do not do such. Now, thank Mr. Mallory for his kindness”
  • 46. “ Thanks for helping me down, Mister. But, I really didn’t need any. I could have jumped down anytime. I had everything under control. I was enjoying the view. But, my baby cousins got scared. They wouldn’t let me stay up there.” “ How inconsiderate of them.” “ Yeah I know, right.”
  • 47. “ I must apologize for Danielle. She is a free spirit and feels herself invulnerable at times.” “ Not a problem, I’m use to it. She reminds me of a certain ungrateful princess I saved once.” “ You seem to have forgotten the event, Sir. You interfered with a situation I had well under control.” “ Is there an echo out here? I’m sure I just heard that same thing a few moments ago.”
  • 48. “ Are you mocking me?” “ Just pointing out the family resemblance.” “ Must you always be so difficult?”
  • 49. “ Me? I was only teasing. You jumped to conclusions first.” “ If you would act more like a gentleman, you would receive a ladylike response. But, I see you are beyond basic manners.”
  • 50. “ Auntie Beryl, is this guy bothering you?” “ I am perfectly alright, dear. Mr. Mallory and I are having an adult discussion.” “ Are you sure? Grandpa taught me the Pinky Pinch of Fury.” “ I am sure, but thank you for checking on me.”
  • 51. “ I’m watching you Mister. One wrong move and I’m going for you’re pinky.” “ Than I better keep my pinkies to myself then.” “ Humph. You better!”
  • 52. “ I must apologize for Calcite. He means well, but it seem I must speak with him on the proper way to converse with others. I, I also must apologize to you, Sir. I am ashamed at my behavior. I seem to forget my own manners when in your company. I have been terribly rude and there is no excuse. Please accept my apology.” “ I don’t believe I will.” “ Pardon?”
  • 53. “ I vote we pretend it never happened and since it never happen there is no need to apologize. Better yet, hello there, my name is Grayson Mallory. My friends call me Gray. What’s your name?” “ But, you already know my name.” “ We’re starting over princess, play along.” “ Urr, It is a pleasure to meet you? My name is Beryl Higarashi.”
  • 54. “ Beryl is a lovely name. It’s very elegant, regal even, like a princess.” “ You are being silly.” “ Say, would you like to join me for lunch tomorrow?” “ What game are you playing?”
  • 55. “ Now now, we are starting over remember. Cafe’ Verona shouldn’t be too crowded this time of year. What do you say, 1:00pm? “ I do not think it would be proper—“ “ Ok ok, 2:30pm after the lunch rush. I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t be late.” “ But, I cannot—“
  • 56. “I' ll see you tomorrow, princess.” “ But I...”
  • 57. “Ahh, what a beautiful Autumn afternoon. Not a dark cloud to be seen and the temperature is perfect. You couldn't ask for a better afternoon.”
  • 59. “Do you hear that, Dad? Sounds weird.” “Must be a truck driving by.” “I guess so. But, it doesn't really sound like a truck, more like a massive metal objects being haul down from the sky.” “Ha ha, that's just silly. It's a truck. Don't worry about it.”
  • 60. * Zooooooom!!! More Explosions!!!! *
  • 61. “Sounds like it's getting closer, Dad.” “Well, of course it does. It has to drive by doesn't it?”
  • 62. * Lots of smoke & cute little birds!
  • 63. “Wow! Look at those cute birds!”
  • 64. “What are the odds of a satellite landing here?” “That was awesome!!!” “Daddy? Do you think , that is if it's ok, I can have that? ..... After they are done with it.” “Well, no harm in asking.”
  • 65. “You are a tease!” “What are you talking about?” (That little bit was for Nerd. =p )
  • 66. Legacy House.... Yes, this is the old house from chapters 1 & 2. After the last PC meltdown I gave up trying to recreate the legacy house so, I reloaded this baby and made a few changes. Yeah, I am Lazy xD
  • 67. First floor overview with the basic dinner room, kitchen, living room, nursery and what not.
  • 68. Second floor with bedrooms. I am thinking of making a third floor with a music room and library. That is of course, if I don't get lazy again.
  • 69. Life has calmed down a bit at the Legacy home. Lucy corners any and all Sims for free makeovers to keep herself in practice. I have promised, which I know I will regret, to open up another salon for her.
  • 70. “Doesn't that look nice?” “Thank you so much, grandma.” “You are very welcome. Now, let's try for neon green dreadlocks. “Err....” YOU WILL NOT, LUCY!!
  • 71. Chert's birthday was a quite affair with a few family members. He's a cute little thing with a 5/6/7/7/2 personality. Yes, he's another meanie, but at this point I would be more shocked if he was nice. Like I am with Citrine. I still don't know where those 7 nice points came from.
  • 72. “So, if I willing participate in this experiment I can go free?”
  • 73. “Let me out! I'm begging you!” “I've learned my lesson! I'll never do crime again! I swear! “Sigh”
  • 74. “This is a simple test, but I need a lot of data. As payment for your help you can go free.” “Seems simple enough. This is one of though lies training machines right? I used one of these in my own criminal training. This is going to be easy.” “Fine fine. Chert, be a good boy and press the buttons.”
  • 75. “Yay! Me press, me press!” “Wait a minute! You can't have him working the controls!!
  • 76. “My grandson is perfectly capable of working the Sim endurance machine. I taught him myself.” “Sim what!?” “Don't worry, he is a professional.”
  • 77. “PUSH BUTTON Hehehehe!!!” “AAAAAHHHHHHEEEEEEE!!!!!” “Very good, Chert. Now, push the button again.” “NOOOOOO”
  • 78. Bayl, Beryl & currently Grace's home.....
  • 79. Bayl & Beryl's Residence..... “Who could be at the door at this hour? The Sun is not fully up yet. It better not be a Plumbob Witness.”
  • 80. “Err, good morning. What bring you here so early? Umm, why are you looking at me that way?”
  • 81. “Can you keep it down. Grace is sleeping.” “So, sorry to bother you, little bro. Say hi to Grace for me. Oh and we'll have Beryl back before Lunch.” “Put me down. Have you people gone insane? Bayl, tell them to put me down!” “Stop squirming, Geez!”
  • 82. “Out of mild curiosity, since you chose not to answer my numerous inquiries, why was I carried from my home and trap me in a dark room?”
  • 83. “How good it is to see you, sister dear. It has been far too long since we have last see each other.” “I was here not but two days ago for little Chert's birthday.” “But, you ran off so quickly after.” “I stayed for most of the day.”
  • 84. “But, we didn't get a chance to talk.” “We spoke to each other for over an hour.” “Will you stop contradicting me, Plumbob I swear!”
  • 85. “We did indeed have a conversation, but I did notice you failed to mention some rather important information. So, I am giving you the chance to share it with us.” “Have you been drinking father's Mighty Fury Juice, agian? You are not making much sense.”
  • 86. “I only had one glass and there is no use trying to change the subject. We know you have been keeping important information about your dealings with a certain someone and inquiring mind must know.” “I'm so excited!!” “I, um, I know not what you speak of.” “Really? Min, show her the evidence.”
  • 87. “It didn't take much time at all to gather this incriminating evidence with the combined forces of mine and Maria's wide social network.”
  • 88. “Looky there! I do believe that is our Beryl and who might that other person be? Do you know him, Sister dear? You seem to be on quite friendly terms with this gentleman.
  • 89. “Err, well you see, he is, he's a friend. Yes, a friend.” “Oh I don't doubt he is your FRIEND at all. What I want to know is why you chose to keep this FRIEND a secret?”
  • 90. “Alright! I admit it! I have been having an inappropriate relationship with a man for the last few weeks. I, I have acted like a wanton! I feel so ashamed.” “Going on dates with a guy isn't something to feel ashamed about.” “Woah woah! How inappropriate are we talking about here!?”
  • 91. “From what we have seen on the videos you have nothing to be ashamed of?” “Videos? As in more than one!?” “We only have your best interests in mind, Sweetheart. All we want to know is that you are happy. Keeping us in the dark only made us worry.” “Just, how much videos did you take?”
  • 92. “Is someone down here? Why are the light off....” “Hissssss!” “Turn OFF THE LIGHT!” “I'm blind! I can't see!”
  • 93. “I think I should go back upstairs, now.” “MY EYES, THEY BURN!!!”
  • 94. “I apologize for not telling everyone sooner. To be honest, I have had a few concerns that I might be, well I maybe, that is to say. I think I might be in Love with Mr. Mallory.” “Why are you concerned? That is great news. From what we've seen on the videos, he's an awesome, funny guy. Don't worry so much about falling for him. You know if he hurt you we will string him up and let Dad practice his Might Fury stuff on him.” “About these “videos” where are they? So, I can destroy them.”
  • 95. Across town... “ Mademoiselle doesn't need any creams or lotions for her skins. It is perfect as a newborn babe.” “ Err thanks, but I was talking about getting the Cream Alfredo Pasta to eat not put on my skin.” “ Excuse me, Ms. Suttermen?”
  • 96. “Who are you? Can't you see I am in the middle of lunch? Who randomly walks up to a person while they are eating?” “I apologize, Ms. Suttermen. But, I have been sent by my employer to discuss a business matter with you.” “Fine, spit it out. So, I can enjoy my lunch in peace.” “It's rather sensitive business, Ma'am. If your friend could...”
  • 97. *Sigh* “Luigi, I'm thirsty. Go fetch some white wine and none of that house stuff. It must be the best this place has to offer.” “Anything for Mademoiselle. I would die for you.” “ Yes, yes. Off with you.”
  • 98. “I do apologize again Ms. Suttermen.” “Just get on with it.” “My employer is very interested in some property that we hear you will soon inherit. He is willing to spend top dollar for the property.” “Aren't they all *yawn” “How does 25 million simloans sound as a starting bid?”
  • 99. “Very interesting indeed, Mr. ?” “Madlocker, Carl Madlocker.” “Well, Mr. Madlocker tell me more of your employer's offer.”
  • 100. “Aren't you a looker tonight. Is that a new dress?” “This old frock? I've had it for years.” “You look good in it all the same. Actually, I don't think I've seen anything not look good on you.” “Stop Gray, you are making me blush.” “And that's a bad thing?”
  • 101. “The music has started. Such a lovely song.” “We can't let it go to waste. We should dance.”
  • 102. 'Would you dance if I asked you to dance? Would you run and never look back Would you cry if you saw me crying Would you save my soul tonight?'
  • 103. 'Would you tremble if I touched your lips? Would you laugh oh please tell me these Now would you die for the one you love? Hold me in your arms tonight?'
  • 104. 'I can be you hero baby I can kiss away the pain I will stand by you forever You can take my breath away'
  • 105. 'Would you swear that you'll always be mine? Would you lie would you run away Am I in to deep? Have I lost my mind? I don't care you're here tonight'
  • 106. 'I can be you hero baby I can kiss away the pain I will stand by you forever You can take my breath away' 'I just want to hold you Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind? Well I don't care you're here tonight' Enrique Iglesias
  • 107. “Sorry, the song was compelling and I got carried away there.” “Then we should request the song again, hehe.” “Bold little vixen.” “Me? Bold? You kissed me first, Mr. Mallory.” “Ahh, but you kissed back, Princess.” “Hehe, touche' “
  • 108. “Woah, there. Steady now. You really can't hold your liqueur.” “I am not intoxicated, Sir. But, I am having a wonderful time!” “Four glasses of wine can make any night wonderful. Let's get you home.” “Oh no, not yet. I wanted to tell you something tonight and I am not going home until I do.”
  • 109. “I wanted to say, while I still have the courage to do so, I need you to understand that I do not left people into my life so easily. You know about Mr. Cowpetti. He was my best friend, yet he, well already know what he did. Because of that I have been very guarded, but I feel... Oh, how can I say this? I am very fond of you Gray and I this past month has been, well, magical. I never thought I could be so happy with another person. I want, well, I love you Grayson and I truly hope you feel the same or I'll be rather embarrassed” “Geez Princess, I was supposed to do the one with the grand confession. I had a speech and everything.”
  • 110. “Then we can start over. Pretend I haven't said anything yet.” “That's a bit hard to do, Princess. A man can't forget a love confession from the most beautiful woman in the world, now can he?” “Oh! But, I wanted to hear your speech.” *haha* “For you I will try anything.”
  • 111. “Ms. Higarashi, you are the most joyfully contrary woman I have ever met. Will you merry me?” “Oh! I did not except-- Oh yes! Yes I will!”
  • 112. “I love you, Princess.” “I love you Mr. Mallory.” xD
  • 113. *Ring Ring* Yawn, Who the hell is calling. Somebody better be dead, is all I'm saying.
  • 114. “Gentry speaking and this better be important.” “ Turn on the news, channel 6.” “Basalt? Why--” “ We have a problem. Turn on the news.”
  • 115. “ Good evening, Claudia Long here with SNN Late Night News. Today's top story an aged satellite crash lands in Mallory Park.”
  • 116. “What started off as a beautiful day at a popular local park ending in tragedy when an old satellite got knocked out of it's orbit by what scientist believe as a small piece of an asteroid and landed on Bert Whitlan a veterinarian who specialized in birds. His Friends claimed he liked to visit the park on weekend to see the rare and beautiful Pulu birds which are native to the reign.
  • 117. “Please don't tell me...” “Sorry, but that's our satellite or was rather. I don't think I need to explain what this means for the surveillance system.”
  • 118. “ The satellite is currently in the possession of the local police at HHPA Headquarters until it can be transferred to an analysis facility.” “That is not good news. If someone looks hard enough they can discover the surveillance system and any lingering data that could very well lead to us.”
  • 119. “ I can't believe this! The system was finally working again and now this happened. How am I going to find out what she's up to now! Basalt, what do we need to rebuilt the system? I need the surveillance working.” “ Shouldn't we be concerned about the satellite that crashed leading the authorities straight to us?” “ I can take care of that later. A new system is my priority right now. What do you need to get it working again?” “ A new satellite would be Ideal. You have one of those hanging around, Gentry?”
  • 120. “ Ironically, the satellite smack down has delayed the launch of another. The Lucky Kitty Channel, the new entertainment network created by famed Simself Circe Hiragi, is forced to reschedule the launch of their first or three network satellites. The new launch date has yet to be released. “
  • 121. “I don't, but a certain Simself appears to have a few. How difficult would it be to hot wire another satellite.” “ You mean, the Lucky Kitty Satellite? I see. I can do it in a few days. All I need is time to create a Trojan program and then find a way to get to the satellite it's self. We can have the new system up and running on the same signal as the Lucky Kitty Channel.” “Excellent. Get that program made and I'll handle the rest.” “ As good as done.”
  • 122. “This may turn out to be fun.”
  • 123. “The contract has been drawn up and needs only your signature Sir.” “Well done, Mr. Madlocker. Your speed is commendable.” “Thank you, Sir.”
  • 124. “And thank you, Ms. Sutterman for agreeing to come so early this morning to handle this business.” “Not at all, Mr. Gnomington. Honestly I am still surprised you have an interest in the park and that shabby little house. It needs so much work to bring it to livable standards.” “Ho ho ho, I'm a developer Madam, all properties have potential”
  • 125. “ Money Market” “ Minions” “ No, Mon-ye Mar-ket” “ Min- ions” Sigh “ I got to this one too late.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you so much for reading. I hope to see you all next time for Chapter 3.6.... when I get around to posting it. xD