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Essay On World War 1 Imperialism
The Imperialism and Alliances between countries that Cause World War One World War One was a war in which the countries of the United States,
Austria–Hungary, Serbia, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey), Germany, and France all went to war to help defended their country in a battle that took the
world by storm. People could say and probably would say that Nationalism, Militarism, Assassination, and Imperialism is what mainly caused World
War One, and they're right, but in order to fully understand how it happened you need you read between the lines and realize how it actually
happened and my own opinion on it. First off World War One was caused when Franz Ferdinand and his wife were both assassinated on the streets of
their county by a man of cruelness... Show more content on ...
An example of my argument was seen and heard throughout the whole world and that was basically the spark that ignites World War 1 and it was
the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was man of wisdom who always was the bigger man
through the "Imperialistic" countries, he was a man who took care of his wife all the time he would never have time for somebody else because
his wife always came first, saldy on the anniversary of the "First Battle of Kosovo" (1389) but it was also Ferdinand and his wife's wedding
anniversary, making his dead even more tragic. During the time of his assassination Ferdinand was approached by a man whose name sounds even
more cruel everytime i say it, and this man was Gavrilo Princip, and as he approached Ferdinand he took a look at him and without having time to
think he shot Ferdinand's wife making him suffer from the tragedy that he just witnessed before actually killing Ferdinand, after the event the people
of Kosovo were all witnesses of the tragic event and alone in my opinion is what caused the outbreak of World War 1 because of the assassination
between people of other
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Comparing Wife Of Bath Tales And Pardoner's Tale
Pardoner's Tale & Wife of Bath Tale While "The Wife of Bath's Tale" talk about a knight's integrity, a lot points can be differentiated from the
theme of this tale to the theme of "Pardoner's tale" According to the story "Pardoner's Tale" and "Wife of Bath's tale" themes are different while
going through the story. In the Pardoner's Tale theme shows that "Greed is the root of all evils". Greedy in the people make lot of Bad things in the
world. "I preach, as you have heard me say before, And tell a hundred lying mockeries more"(pg 170, line 9) This story illustrates a particular moral
point developed in the late middle ages. This literary form was often used in sermons and other didactic literature. One
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The Roles Of Married Women In The 17th And 18th Century
The word "restoration" is represents the historical time period that occurred in England between the years of 1660 to 1700. This era was marked
when the monarchy was restored to England after ten years because of the rule of Parliament. During the 17th and 18th century women were placed
into three different roles: virgins, married, or widows. While each role was different so were the expectations and images. A marriedwoman during this
time would have strictly been at home taking care of the children, cleaning, and cooking meals. The husbands had the most control in the relationship.
To document the female roles during this time, there were poems, books, and plays that depicted these roles. The two plays that showed the married
women's role would be The Country Wife which was written by William Wycherley and the Beggar's Opera that was produced by John Gay. The
roles of married women are describe in Jane Collier's book, An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting, there is a section of which a man is
giving advice to his daughter about being a married woman. The father discusses the challenge of being a wife is how to live with a husband. Being a
wife means she would have to observe his behavior because there are several temper that men portray. The happiness of being a wife is to make sure
the husband is happy. The disadvantages include not having choice; the husband will do that for the wife. Modesty is taken away from the woman
because her husband now knows what
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How Does John Downe Use Ethos In My Dear Wife
Author John Downe, in a letter to his wife named "My Dear Wife", illustrates how moving to America would be very beneficial to their family.
Downe uses pathos, exemplification, and compare and contrast to try to convince his wife of how America is the perfect country for them. To begin
with, a rhetorical element that is evident in the passage is the use of pathos. Downe uses pathos to appeal to his wife's humanly survival urges. In lines
41–44 the author writes, " know that there was nothing but poverty before me, and to see you and the dear children want was what I could not
bear. I would rather cross the Atlantic ten times rather than hear my children cry for victuals once." In writing these lines we can see how the author's
tone is upset and somewhat guilty for leaving his family but he would do it countless times more if it meant providing for his family and making them
happy. Downe is surely a responsible man and seems like he would do anything in the name of his family.... Show more content on ...
The author signifies how America has innumerable resources and is a much better residence for their family. Downe writes in lines 5–13 "A Farmer
took me one day in his wagon into the country, from Hudson... I dined with him, and he would not have a farthing and told me I was welcome to
come to his house at any time; they had on the table pudding, pyes... and everything that a person could wish, and the servants set down at the same
table with their masters." By stating this author implies that the population living in America are nice people and their family will have no issue getting
to know the community. This is important especially thinking of his children growing up and the society they will be raised
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The Country Wife by William Wycherley
A Virtuous Woman In William Wycherley's The Country Wife, William Wycherley enlightens the audience to capture several different ironical
statements and questionable behaviors. The play fits perfectly into Greenwald's definition of a comedy of manners: "[Critics] assert that a comedy of
manners and the people who inhabit it represent the ostentatiously idle upper–class" ("Social Heirarchy" web). Wycherley also distinguishes several
oddities in his characters not typically used to describe the upper–class. For example, Mr. Pinchwife, a wealthy newlywed husband, is so afraid that he
is going to become a cuckold, that he does not allow his wife to leave the house (Wycherley act two). One of Wycherley's goals in writingThe Country
Wife ... Show more content on ...
When Mr. Pinchwife has his back turned to his wife, Mrs. Pinchwife leaves with Mr. Horner and returns with oranges and dried fruit. Mr. Pinchwife
does not trust his wife to be alone with another man for a few minutes. Wycherley cleverly depicts the fruit as symbols of Mr. and Mrs. Pinchwife's
marriage. Mrs. Pinchwife represents the oranges, full of life and juice. Mr. Pinchwife represents the dried fruit, unappealing and ill–willed (McNamara
web). Mr. Horner and Mr. Pinchwife are not the only characters whose lack of morals has an influence on Mrs. Pinchwife in The Country Wife. In
addition, "The Virtuous Gang" (Wycherley act five) is a continuation of the corruption and immorality in London. Ironic to the gang's name, Lady
Fidget, Mrs. Fidget, and Mrs. Squeamish are anything but virtuous. In public, the three women put on an ideal act, showing others that they are
perfect women. The women appear to have no problems and have high standards for themselves. They all are respectable members in society.
When they are alone with Mr. Horner, however, they continually seduce him (Jarnold web). Wycherley uses these characters to show how society
can influence Mrs. Pinchwife to label people as materials. In the fine china scene, Wycherley "implies [the] consumption of goods" ("Q & A" web).
In some societies, women can be seen as possessions. In The Country Wife, however, the roles are reversed. Lady Fidget sees Mr. Horner as fine china
labeling him as a
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Remember When By Alan Jackson
"Remember When"
Alan Jackson has been named one of the best songwriters in county music and most of the songs that he has written during his career are about his
personal experiences. He is "one of the greatest singers in country music that has written the best songs in the history of the genre" (The Boot Staff).
The song "Remember When" was written "during a difficult period in his marriage, which was when he and his wife got separated and then reconciled"
several months later (The Boot Staff). In the song "Remember When" by Alan Jackson, the lyrics, music video, and history reveal the events in his life
with his wife so they will remember as they grow old together.
In "Remember When", Alan Jackson reflects on his past with his wife on their life together. Throughout the song, he mentions when they first met,
getting married, separating, reconciling, and growing a family. The phrase "Remember When" is used to return to his memories (Lyrics007). He
describes that when they got married, they had to work to make their relationship work. In stanza 4, Alan Jackson states "the sound of little feet", this
was when they broke up and came back together months later because their kids had such an impact on them that they did not seek a divorce
(Lyrics007). In stanza 5, when he writes that "when thirty seemed old", they are old now and thought that thirty was old since they got married at a
young age (Lyrics007). Towards the conclusion of the song, they vow to stay together forever
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Outlook On Marriage During Restoration Times
Heather Murcin
Professor David Alff
English 317
5 March 2016
Outlook on Marriage in Restoration Times Marriage is the union of a man and a woman (or, in some jurisdictions, two people of the same sex) as
partners in a relationship. In Restorations times marriage was a bit more complicated. The way we think of marriage nowadays and the way the general
public thought of marriage in restoration times are different and in some ways, the same. Everyone's ideas on marriage are different, no doubt.
However, if you go back to restoration times there certainly is a general consensus on marriage. 'The Country Wife' by William Wycherley is a play in
the Restoration period that certainly develops many themes. The theme at the forefront of this ... Show more content on ...
Restoration comedy was certainly a type of theatre that catered to its specific audience. When the monarchy was restored in 1660, the aristocracy
was able to recover much of its infamy as well as its security. Subsequently, for them, much of their own import was taken away as well. With less
purpose and more social standing, the aristocracy began to languish and use their time on pursuits that were far less moralistic. Perhaps as a way to
compensate for this lack of morals, the aristocracy began to place more and more store in things such as outward appearances and quick wit.
For the aristocracy, sexual exploits of scandalous natures were revered while marriage was simply disdained. In these plays, women seem to be
eternally frustrated emotionally and sexually by their husbands, while men seem to be in a perpetual state of fear, trying to avoid becoming
cuckolded. The way these plays unfold seemingly always confuses the audience. The men that are rewarded in the end are crude and promiscuous,
while the women constantly fool their absurd and oblivious husbands all the while carrying on explicit sexual affairs. If the plays are supposed to send
a message, the message is cloudy at best making the aristocracy's newly returned security seem exceedingly unstable. The general opinion of marriage
was skepticism and a certain loss of faith in the institution. 'The Country Wife' is a perfect embodiment of the political and social turmoil
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Poem In The Devil And Tom Walker, By Washington Irving
The range of psychological approaches also took great part in the story. When the people are in dilemma, they try to solve the problems in
different ways as they are different fruits of different trees. The reason is people are treated in different spheres and in different societies, some of
them are free citizens of the free country, some of them slaves of the colonies. Some of them choose the difficult way to solve the problem, but
some of them choose the tricky way to get rid of it. Or people choose the tricky way without intention of doing it, maybe under pressure of other
people or maybe under the formed situation similar to the happened issue in the scene of presence of spectre bridegroom in the castle of
Katzenellenbegon family. Baron could not allow Starkenfaust to introduce himself and explain the reason of his visit. Unwillingly he masked under a
spectre figure, thinking as the best way of swaying away from the castle of Katzenellenbegon family. At the end of the story the force of free and true
love unmasked the spectre bridegroom.... Show more content on ...
We know that Washington Irving created many distinct characters in his works. Some of his characters see and try to find happiness and wealth in
different things. Irving gave a great depiction of an American Dream under the aim of becoming happy and immediately wealthy no matter how it
would be happened. If Irving in "Rip Van Winkle" created the character Rip who saw the happiness in life without his nagging wife, in "The Devil and
Tom Walker" he created the character Tom who saw the happiness in wealth which reduced to ash upon the Devil's taking his soul. Both characters,
Rip and Tom, somehow achieved the goals but at the end both of them were unhappy, because they chose the wrong ways to get the targets. This is the
issue to which Irving wanted to drag the reader's attention in his
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Carrying A Pregnant Woman Over Coals In China
From the beginning of recorded history, there has been a variety of traditions to help enter the baby into the family. Some traditions have a negative
effect, while some have a positive effect. Some countries have important traditions, that have a major effect on the people, and some countries do not
have very important ones. China, in this case, has a tradition that has been followed for plenty of years. This tradition is that the husband takes the
pregnant wife, and walks on coals before the pregnancy. People say that the act of this tradition was being done because of confidence for the women's
pregnancy.The `myth of this tradition is that if the husband walks the wife over the coals, the pregnancy will be successful. The practice of carrying a
pregnant woman over coals in China has a negative impact on the community because it leads to pain and suffering, causes financial losses for medical
services, and it results in negative limitations for the wife during her pregnancy. ... Show more content on ...
For example, there could be damage to the baby inside the woman's stomach (Kuznyak). This means that the mother would be suffering if there was
ever damages to her. Similarly, the woman can easily die because all it takes is the husband to slip, and she gets majorly burned, and dies (Carman).
Clearly, this would affect the birth, the baby, and the mother. Furthermore, there would be pain to the father's, because he could get extremely burned
from walking on the coals ("Bizarre"). Therefore, the father's feet are permanently damaged, causing pain and suffering to the father and
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Moral Virtue in William Wycherley’s The Country Wife Essays
The Country Wife – written by William Wycherley in 1675– is a Restoration comedy based upon the life of the aristocracy. Restoration comedy is a
style of drama that was made popular in the late seventeenth century. It refers to the period in England when King Charles II was returned as the
head of the English empire. Life under King Charles II was seen as hedonistic: people were motivated by pleasure. These moral virtues represented
the degradation of society, rampant with sexual explicitness and obscenity ("Charles II"). The definition of moral virtue can be quite ambiguous. For
the purpose of this essay I will define moral virtue as such: A set of accepted traits or qualities which are accepted as "right" or "good" in society. The
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Wycherley shows how jealousy can make people lose their moral standards and commit acts with little regard for others. Harcourt's jealousy causes
him to go to extremes. He disguises himself as a parson with the intent to deceive Sparkish into believing he has been married to Alethea. Wycherley
reveals Harcourt's real plan to marry himself to Alethea to the audience through the use of irony: "nobody else / shall marry you, by heavens; I'll die
first, for I'm I should die / after it" (IV.i.148–150). Harcourt is propelled by jealousy, resorting to deceit and manipulation while holding little regard for
others. Through Harcourt we witness jealousy's corruption of society, making people superficial and selfish. Society's moral standards and values
digress through deception and pretence. This deterioration is personified through Mr. and Mrs. Pinchwife. In The Country Wife, Mr. and Mrs. Pinchwife
exemplify the effect of deceit through trickery and disguise. In the play, Mr. Pinchwife disguises his wife's appearance in order to deceive. To
prevent Horner from trying to cuckold her, Mrs. Pinchwife is forced to dress like a man by her husband when travelling to the city. She agrees to this by
tricking her husband into believing that she is only going to view the sights, and when she has, she will return to the country: "I
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Stereotypes In The Country Husband
Aguilar 1 Aguilar, Kimberly English 28 Aksoy, Can December 8, 2014 Word Count 1,324 Comparative Paper When people rely on surface
appearances and false racial stereotypes, rather than in–depth knowledge of others at the level of the heart, mind and spirit, their ability to assess and
understand people accurately is compromised (James A. Fordes). In the Novel The Country Husband, A man name Francis Weed almost gets into
a plane crash and realizes he gets another shot at life. He begins to have marriage problems which makes him have an affair with the baby sitter
name Anne. At the end he realizes that he needs help and seeks for it. In the Movie Crazy stupid love, Cal Weaver realizes that his wife is having an
affair with one of her co workers and instead of trying to fix it he relieves his stress by having one night stands. Although the causes are very different
they both hide their appearances by repressing them . At the end they both realize that what they are doing will not fix anything which then leads them
to find a solution to their problem. The Country Husband written by John Cheever, it is about a guy named Francis Weed. Francis boards on a plane,
but while on the plane it almost gets into an accident. As soon as the... Show more content on ...
His kids were fighting and his wife Julia Weed was cooking. No one seemed to bother to know how his day was. Francis decides to go outside and
reflect on his life. Thats when he realized he could of died and was given a second chance to live ( A couple days after his
wife and him get into a fight and his marriage is going down hill. The day after they get a new teenage baby sitter Name Anne Machine. Francis
begins to develope feelings for her. He begins to romanticize her and then he begins to acts upon his actions. Since he is having an affair he beings
to become rebellious and insults a leader from Shady hill. He comes to his senses and realises he needs help and goes see a
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Symbolism In Rip Van Winkle
"Rip Van Winkle" published in May 1819 by Washington Irving who was an out of the box author whose work was mostly humorous and in that
time, it wasn't very accepting. This story shows how America was under the influence of King George and how this man lived most of his life
under the rule of King George and he goes out into the woods and wakes up twenty years in the future a free man. His wife is a whinnying woman
who just criticized him morning, noon, and evening and if it weren't for her he would live his live freely and happy. However, this story symbolizes
the Revolutionary War and his wife, Dame Van Winkle, represents King George the third andRip Van Winklerepresents the United States. When the
United States was trying to become a country, it was very underestimated by the bigger countries because it was only thirteen colonies and it was
considered laughable to other countries. In the story Rip represents the colonies by being very friendly, childish, and naive. For example, when Rip
is in the forest about to leave and this strange, nameless man starts calling his name and instead of running the other direction goes up to him and
tries to help. "If left to himself, he would have whistled life way, in perfect contentment; but his wife kept continually dining his ears about his
idleness, his carelessness, and ruin he was bring on family" Irving 32. He wants to be free from the tyranny of his wife, so he can live freely. The
United States wanted to be free from King
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American Sniper By Chris Kyle
Love, an intense feeling of deep affection. loving someone so much, willing to do anything to make that person or place. Perseverance,
Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. The movie of American Sniper was based off of a true story of
Chris Kyle. Chris Kyle Joined the Navy Seals leaving his wife and kids to protect his country. Throughout the movie it shows how being faithful and
perseverance plays a big role in the world we are living in. Based on the complexity and actions of the characters, imagery, symbolism and the angles
the camera took, the movie, " American Sniper" illuminates and emcopasses a theme of Love and Perseverance. First of all, the movie "American
Sniper" is a film about the... Show more content on ...
The other two nominations came from Best Writing, Adapted screenplay, and for Best Achievement In Film editing. The last one was for Best
Achievement in Sound Mixing. The American Sniper movie end up winning the oscar for Best Achievement in Sound Editing (trumbo). First off,
Love shows itself many times throughout the movie American Sniper through the complexity and actions of the varied characters. Some of
characters play a much bigger role in identify the theme than do others. Taya, Chris Kyle wife known for being a humble wife. Even Though She
didn't like the idea of Chris being at War killing enemies or enemies killing him. When Chris decided to go to war, she didn't divorce or leave him.
Several times, She told Chris not to go back to War, however Chris refused. Many wife in this situation will divorce or leave them but she never
did. While Chris was at War, she stayed faithful by not cheating on Chris and supporting him with his missions when he was at War. What kept
them from being divorced was Love. The main character Chris kyle also reveals how much love he had toward his Navy Seals Team by always
being there with them to help protect their country. In the move Chris was ask by his wife if he was ever thinks about who will be at the end of his
gun, and his response was, " I just wants to protect his Country". Chris has Kids that he have to take
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Honor In The Odysseus
In the Disney movie Mulan, a young heroine, Mulan, disguises herself as a man to fight for her country and restore honor to her family. She, similar
to Odysseus, must save her country from invaders, The Huns for Mulan and the suitors for Odysseus. Both protagonists face many trials that test their
loyalty and honor. And both prevail, becoming great, respected leaders of their people. Honor as well as loyalty are significant characteristics of a
respected person. The Odyssey, written by Homer in the eighth century BCE, is a common story with multiple retellings that focuses on the journey of
Odysseus and his son Telemachus. Odysseus is a war hero of the Trojan War, and the tale focuses on the conflicts he faces while journeying home. In
this story, Odysseus shows how honor and loyalty play a pivotal role in defining the success of a leader, and how the absence of these traits leads to
anarchy and turmoil within a ruler's domain.
The necessity of honor and loyalty in a ruler are seen during the Odysseus' absence in his kingdom of Ithaka. During the 16th year that Odysseus is
missing, suitors come from all over the land to win the hand of Odysseus' wife, Penelope, presuming Odysseus is dead. Because Odysseus is absent,
the country is having a turn for the worse with the arrival of the suitors. The suitors take over the royal residence, "[the suitors] use our house as if it
were a house to plunder" (Homer 9). Without a ruler governing the people, there lies no punishment for
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Social Unjust For Women's Rights
What many people might think when they hear about Islam would be the terrorist attacks, the strong believe of their religion, and also the social
unjust for women's rights in these Islamic countries, but is this true or just a misception that the news tries to make to stir up just to get the
population to watch their news. The main reason for my decision of picking this topic is simple throughout history, many wars and battles have been
fought over many misconceptions of religions and ethics practices. My main objective of this paper is to help prove that not everything we see or
hear from the news might be truly correct since new and social media in today's society tends to be biased. Since the main objective for these news
stations are just... Show more content on ...
Gives women the chance to inherit half as much as their male relatives or husband since the women and wives shared almost the type of responsibility
also the Quran help protect women rights by giving them the same religious equality just like the men, " If any do deeds of righteous be they male or
female and have faith, they will enter heaven, and not the least injustice will be done to them."
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John Downe Essay
John Downe In John Downe's letter to his wife, he strategically establishes and develops ethos as well as pathos to convince her to join him in the
United States with their children. Throughout the letter, Downe develops his credibility through his use of ethos which includes the repetition of "I."
"I have got a situation," "I dined with him," "I went into the market yesterday," all progress towards the establishment of his plausibility in his wife's
eyes. He provides his wife with examples of the many positive situations he, himself has endured while being in the country of America. Downe hopes
that his persuading words will convince her to emigrate with their children to America. "I know you will like America" is Downe's primary... Show
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He mentions that on the table there was "pudding, pyes, and fruit of all kind that was in season..." and "they do not think of locking the doors in
this country" to assure his wife of the safety and prosperity of this country. He then goes on to acknowledge, with emotional appeal, that all he
"wants now is to see you, and the dear children here, and then I shall be happy, and not before". This is Downe's development of pathos for the
purpose of persuading and influencing his wife to make her decision much easier about emigrating to America with the children. He hopes to
influence her decision by explaining how much better off they would be as a family, together in one country. Although he announces that he will
only be happy if his family comes to America to live with him, Downe concludes that he does not "repent of coming" and he "would rather cross the
Atlantic ten times than hear my children cry". By his mentioning that he does not regret one bit coming to America, Downe hopes to display for his
wife how great of a country America is. The pathos are purposefully placed there by Downe to show to his wife that although he has left his family, he
would do it all over again just to live in the convenient country of America– hoping this will stir some kind of desire in his wife's mind. Through his
emotional words, Downe demonstrates that the travel to America is nothing compared to what this country holds in store for
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Analysis Of The Story ' Cathedral ' By Raymond Carver Essay
Hannah Artille
November 22, 2016
When Three Stories Collide There are three short stories with characters who are very alike. In the short story "Cathedral" by Raymond Carver,
the protagonist, Bub, has an unwanted visitor. Similarly, in the story "Everyday use" by Alice Walker, the character Dee visits her mother and
sister, which turns into a very unpleasant encounter. Lastly, the main character, Hulga, in "Good Country People" by Flannery O'Connor, is
deceived by her visitor, a bible salesman, Manely Pointer. In all three of these short stories, the central characters share similar motives and
characteristics. The character Bub can be very selfish towards his wife and their visitor . Bub begins showing his selfishness when he has "nothing
to do but wait" before the blind man, Robert, arrives, and he blames innocent Robert for his miserable, uncomfortable mood (458). When talking to
his wife, Bub gets annoyed when she gives him "more detail than [he] cares to know" (457). Bub is "unhappy about the blind man's visit," even
though Robert's wife just died ("Cathedral"). Similarly to Bub, Dee only looks out for herself (Kane 2138). This is demonstrated when she takes "two
quilts handmade by her grandmother and earmarked for Maggie, [her sister], on her marriage" (2138). Dee does not just want to take the quilts from her
family. She wants the "churn top" and other items that she believes represents her culture (Walker 747). Additionally, Dee is self
–centered when
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William Wycherley’s The Country Wife Essay
William Wycherley's "The Country Wife"
"A Restoration comedy is like an eighteenth–century sitcom; it's entertaining" (MacKenzie, "Behn"). However, the similarities between the two genres
are more far–reaching than their equal entertainment value. For example, the cast of William Wycherley's Restoration comedy, "The Country Wife,"
consists of some central characters that are strikingly similar to those in the cast of the modern situation comedy, Seinfeld. Harry Horner from "The
Country Wife" and George Costanza from Seinfeld both fit the male "wit" character type. Likewise, Lady Fidget, one of Horner's lovers, and another
woman, who's one of Costanza's fleeting lovers, both fit the female "wit" character type. Through the ... Show more content on ...
"He starts a rumor going round to the effect that he has become a eunuch; ...wives, he trusts, will be intrigued" (2288). Horner's conclusion is logical
and clever, considering the fact that masks "were a widespread item of Restoration fashion[;]...they were worn both by 'virtuous' women and by
prostitutes, with the tantalizing effect of rendering those two human categories not quite distinguishable from one another" (2288). From this social
climate, he discerns that if he wears a metaphorical mask, or a unique social label, this mask might have a similar "tantalizing effect" on women; it
might make discerning female wits want to discover whether the man behind the mask is truly asexual or erotic.
However, after putting on his mask, Horner passively waits for Lady Fidget to present him with the opportunity to exchange pleasure; he does not
go out and actively seek the opportunity on his own. Instead, Sir Jaspar actively seeks out Horner, on Lady Fidget's behalf, and presents him to
her; however, she only relents to Horner's company after she asks: "[b]ut are you sure he loves play and has money?" (2309). Horner can't "play" or
negotiate an exchange of pleasure with Lady Fidget unless he first has money, so a male wit has to spend time to somehow get money, before he can
even try to obtain pleasure from a female wit. However, in order to negotiate with Horner, Lady Fidget, as the
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Tim Mcgraw's Song Everywhere
In the year 1997, Time McGraw releases the album Everywhere. It contains a duet with his wife Faith Hill, also a country singer. The song becomes
an instant hit with not only country fans, it also tops the Billboard's hot country chart. Mr. McGraw is telling his wife how falling in love with her
changed him. She being with him, loving him, has made him a better person. Throughout the years the song has been use as the first dance for many
married couples. They message that conveys is very strong and powerful. True love is out there, and when found it should be preserved and expressed.
Tim McGraw was born May 1, 1967 in Delhi, Louisiana, in the 1990s he became a country music sensation. "Tim grew up thinking that his mother's
husband, Horace
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Characterization of Women as Empowering Figures in The...
In The Country Wife, women are treated as mere objects and are viewed by the men of the play as being inferior. Sparkish views Alethea as an
object that should be flaunted around and is only interested in marrying her for her wealth. Sparkish revels in the idea that he be envied for his wife
because he believes that allowing more men to love her and envy him for owning her will increase her worth. In viewing her as something that gains
value, Sparkish likens her to a treasure at an auction, whose value goes up as the number of bidders rises. Mr. Pinchwife also does not view his wife as a
person because he refuses to let his wife go out and enjoy the sights and wonders of city life and instead keeps her confined to the house. Like Sparkish,
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iii. 100–105) While Sir Jasper believes that his wife is talking about obtaining a china vase from Horner, she is actually using the word china to
represent something sexual. In the china scene Lady Fidget is given symbolic power over men because she is the one who is in control of the situation
by having her husband deceived and Horner complying with her wishes. Lady Fidget makes use of her sexuality to obtain attention because as she says
earlier, "Indeed, as the world goes, I wonder there are no more jealous since wives are so neglected." (II.i.342–343) Lady Fidget is not receiving the
attention should would like from her husband and because of this she is taking matters into her own hands and making sure she obtains attention by
participating in liaisons with Horner. Lady Fidget's refusal to allow her husband's neglect affect her enjoyment of life demonstrates that she is an
independent woman who does not have to rely on her husband to achieve what she wants. As well as being characterized as clever, Lady Fidget is
also shown to be hypocritical because she constantly boasts of her honor and virtue in amongst people and yet in her private life she is anything but
honorable and virtuous due to the affair that she has with Horner. When Lady Fidget says, "'Tis not an injury to a husband, till it be an injury to our
honours, so
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Polygamy
TABLE OF CONTENT NO.TITLEPAGE NO. 1.Introduction 2 2.Advantages and Disadvantages 3– 6 3.Self–Reflection on the topic 7 4.Conclusion 8
5.References 9 6.Plagiarism report INTRODUCTION Polygamy is not a rare case in Malaysia. In fact it is widely practices nowadays, not only in
Malaysia but also every other country especially Muslim countries. However, this practice is now illegal in some countries or is still unofficial.
Polygamy is a practice of having more than one wife or husband at on time. In another word, it is an act of having multiple spouses for an individual
regardless male or female. There are two types of polygamy which is polygyny and polyandry. The most common polygamy... Show more content on ...
Provides a superior support system. When a man marries more than one wife, the family would become bigger with the combination of the two
families. Therefore, the family members will always have someone to talk to if they are in trouble. This will eliminates the possibility of depression
amid the family members commonly the children. 4.Assurances of financial stability. If only the husband that is working in the household, they would
not survive with the state of the economy nowadays. Hence, the wives and children can finds jobs availability and contribute in the household income.
5.An infinity amount of love. When you have a big family, there would be numerous people whom would loves and support you no matter what
happens. From a dad point a view, this mean that there would be more child love for you. 6.Prevents disloyalty. Before a person commits the act
polygamy, the husband typically, needs to get consents from his wife in order to proceed with his intention. It is better to inform your partner and come
to a conclusion together rather than went behind her back which would only cause a fight between the two. Besides that, this would also decrease the
percentage of adultery. At the same time avert the inclination of cheating towards the
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Diversity In Canada
Differences in Family Function in Canada and Saudi Arabia.
As long as multiculturalism is an official policy in Canada, there will be a lot of immigrants who come to Canada from different parts of the world,
including Muslim countries. Islam plays an important role in every part of people's lives in all Muslim countries, especially in Saudi Arabia which is
heartland of Islam and provides Islamic standards for all Muslim countries. People and families who come to Canada bring their own traditions and
habits. Every family as a small social institute creates a whole society. Originally family relationships in Canada and Saudi Arabia is quite different.
Differences in family function and family structure in Canada and Saudi Arabia are generally ... Show more content on ...
In Canadian society the wife is equal in rights with her husband and is independent. In Saudi Arabia the husband is always the main person in the
family; a wife should be obedient to her husband. Family and group approval is very important for Arab Muslim woman. According to Islam the
husband must give money to his wife; the husband is the care–taker; in contrast, in Canada there are no such obligations for husbands. Wife and
husband earn money by themselves and sometimes the wife might earn even more than her husband. Stay at home father and working mother is
not a shocking thing for Canadian society; however, in Saudi Arabia such family structure does not exist. In Arab culture the woman is always
under a man's guard: unmarried woman is under her father's wardship, a married woman is the ward of her husband, and a widowed woman is the
ward of her sons. Despite their own age, Saudi men usually prefer to marry a woman from eighteen to twenty two. The average age of marriage has
risen in Canada; childbirth in Canadian families is being delayed, too. The fertility rate in Canada is declining in long term vision, which is usual in
industrialized and urbanized societies. It is widespread to have a big family with many children in Arab culture. In Saudi Arabia wives should not be
treated harshly, just as in
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Jade of Peony
We have all been in a situation where we have immigrated to a new country for different reasons regarding, better future, or education. In the book
Jade of Peony, Wayson Choy describes a struggle of a Chinese immigrant family as they settle in Canada, through the perspective of three young
children; Liang, Jung, and Sekky. Each child describes his or her struggle, while settling in a new country. Thefamily struggles to keep their children
tied to their Chinese customs and traditions as they fit in this new country. The Chinese culture needs to be more open minded as it limits the future
generation's potential. Chinese culture limitations are seen through the relationship expectations, education, gender roles and jobs.
Similarly, the ... Show more content on ...
Liang the family's only daughter says, "because of her age, the wiry ancient lady was the one person Father could never permit for any of us to
defy" (Choy 147). The father of the family never, let his kids with any opportunity to disobey the olden ways the grandma had set with her rules
and regulations. He did not stop them from trying to be modern but also wanted them to be aware of their background and their cultural values.
Since, in the Chinese culture "the elder people in the family played an important role because they were considered as people who would guide the
family, during their dark times" ("Citizens Compendium"). Therefore, due to this reason the elderly people were given all the authority to order the
family, the way they wanted to. In addition, the children were assumed to give full respect to the elders. Hence, the children were not accepted to have
relationships beyond their culture. Thus, this limits the children to explore new relationships. The Chinese culture is very strict about the relationship
expectation of the family. The first wife of a husband was irreplaceable. Even if the husband remarried, the second wife would not be treated with the
same respect and honour as the first wife. In the novel, the elderly people were teaching the kids how Stepmother was an appropriate way to describe
the second wife: "' Stepmother' was a ranking much more respectable than 'family servant' honourable than
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Greed In The Fisherman And His Wife By The Grimm Brothers
Flaws such as greed become a sin when it starts to have an impact on others. Greed, rage, lust, anger, sloth, pride, envy and gluttony are the 7 deadly
sins and when taken to extremes, will affect others making them a sin. Ever wonder when flaws such as greed become a sin? Greed can be related to
stealing, however these flaws are known as deadly sins when they start to affect others. The Fairytale, "The Fisherman and His Wife," by The Grimm
Brothers that includes the deadly sin, greed. The authors warn us that those who are greedy will never be satisfied."Seven bloodied hopes" meaning
someone is always hoping for more and more, similarly to the fisherman's wife, who always wanted a new house. The fisherman went finishing one
day and caught a magic fish who was once a prince. He could grant wishes if he was thrown back into the ocean. The fisherman was happy to return
it until he told his wife about the fish when he got home. Since he and his wife lived in a small "pig sty" she was furious that he didn't ask for
anything, so she made him go back and ask ... Show more content on ...
Both the fisherman and his wife are affected by her actions because he is forced to go ask for more and more from the fish. "The fisherman and His
Wife" addresses a parallel idea to "PhaГ«thon" By Edith Hamilton. The author illustrates that trying to prove a point to others can have its
consequences. This is connected to the deadly sin greed again. When PhaГ«thon wanted to
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William Wycherley Essay
The restoration era of theatre was a unique period of time for iconic practitioners and actors to revitalise the love for drama after an 18 year ban
enforced by the reign of the Puritans, one of these practitioners being William Wycherley. Wycherley was born in Shrewsbury, United Kingdom, just
a year before the Puritans took thrown of the English Parliament in 1642. He grew up with his family as middle class citizens with an exceptional
property until he was 15 where Wycherleys parents figured it would be that his son would get his education outside of their home town and therefore
sent him off to France where he would grow up to become one of the most recognisable comedic writers of the late 17th century. He received his
education in Charente,... Show more content on ...
Social matters and characters with controversial personalities, or even personalities which reflected the audience were often portrayed throughout most
of his scripts using various techniques, one of these techniques being his use of one–liners. One–liners can be described as a witty remarks which are
abrupt and snappy to enhance the amusement of the play. Consequently, Wycherleys constant use of these short jokes brought popularity back to the
use of them and has been adapted to modern theatre which can be seen in comedy movies or sitcom television shows. The one–liners used in both The
Country Wife and The Plain Dealer are what brought both performances such high levels of success. The Country Wife and The Plain Dealer are
described to be Mr Williams highly regarded works which he had produced. The Country Wife included marvelous characters who did not change their
personalities or morals, if they were a horrible person, that's what they remained for the durations of the play without character development. The
Country Wife was published in 1675 and depicted the story of a man who has countless affairs with woman and a country girl becoming accustomed
with the town life and the 'captivating' men in London. The play's vile humour was soon banned from the theatre and was transformed into a more
appropriate film in later
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John Downe's Letter To The English Weaver Rhetorical Analysis
During the nineteenth century, European families rushed to the United States seeking a better life for themselves and their families. John Downe, an
English weaver, has done the same, however, he was forced to leave his family behind due to a lack of money to pay for the entire family to travel. In
convincing his wife to immigrate to the United States, Downe incorporates vivid description, dramatic tone shifts, and strong juxtaposition into his
method of persuasion.
The goal of Downe's first paragraph is to give a vivid description of America and provide a sense of blissfulness. He begins his letter with strong
anecdotal evidence creates a picture of how wonderful life truly is in America. The Englishman recounts how a farmer told him he was "welcome to
come to his house at any time". He describes how the selection of food the farmer had was "everything a person could wish". This story conveys the
feeling of warmth and compassion, and creates hope for a better future filled with happiness. Downe also creates a sense of bountifulness through his
description. When he describes the food ... Show more content on ...
and life in England. He discusses how "no [American] thinks himself your superior, and how there is "no improper or disgusting equality". Downe
makes a clear point that he believes the United States is a much more equal and opportunistic environment. The writer goes on to describe what has
become the American dream, that "this is a country where a man can stand as a man, and where he can enjoy the fruits of his own exertions, with
rational liberty to its fullest extent". He truly believes that the United States is the country of opportunity. Downe comments that "poverty is unknown
here. You see no beggars". In this last stitch effort to persuade his wife to immigrate, the writer is able to use the juxtaposition of these two countries
visibly and concisely to make them appear to be polar
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Family Justice Case Study
A demand of justice has been declared against the Afghanistan government by Joshua Boyle, a Canadian hostage, who wants justice and law against
the "murder" of his infant daughter, along with the rape of his wife, during a time when they were held hostage in October 2012. On Wednesday,
Boyle and his family that consists of his wife, and three young children, were freed by commandos in Pakistan. Boyle took time to explain the
situation that brought him and his family to the kidnapping. In a region controlled by Taliban in Afghanistan, Boyle and his American pregnant wife
were lending a helping hand to villagers in those Taliban controlled areas. The Taliban's note their existence in their areas and held them hostage.
During the conductivity, it was where Boyle saw the murder of his infant daughter and rape of his wife, which was committed by the Haqqani
leadership since Boyle refused to accept a deal proposed by the kidnappers. Boyle did not give much information towards what the deal was. ""I
certainly do not intend to allow a brutal and sacrilegious gang of criminal miscreants to dictate the future direction of my family not to weaken my
family's commitment to do the right thing no matter the cost." Boyle and his family were being moved across the border of Afghanistan by their
kidnappers and it was where they ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, it helped me realize as a traveler, you should know the dangers that could rise of entering a country that you are not familiar with.
Also, if you know the dangers of entering a territory you do not know, you should not risk your family/loved ones with yours or do not even take the
chance of facing of death. I hope the Boyle family gets vengeance and justice against the kidnappers, and they pay the price for the murder of their
daughter and rape of Boyle
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Polygamy In Australia
Polygamy is the practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time. Polyandry is a form of polygamy where a woman can
marry more than one man at the same time, and polygyny is another form of polygamy where a man is allowed to have more than one wife. Polygamy
is more known than polyandry. Polygamy is permitted in countries like Australia, Afghanistan, Iran, and Africa, and in other countries like the United
States, England, Spain, and Mexico it is not permitted. Many view Polygamy as a sexual desire and satisfaction to be with more than just one man or
woman, but for many cultural reasons, man and woman may have more than one wife or husband. As discussed in the video, the meaning of love &
polygamy, the positive outcomes of having more than one wife or husband is so they can be provided each other with help. ... Show more content on ...
For men, they help each other with bringing food and money home. As said "Polygyny is not so much about sex as it is about hoarding the
productive and reproductive labor" (2006, p. 3). It is about decreasing the jurisdiction of a man or woman. The possible negative outcomes I see in
polygamy is the possibilities of men and women feeling the need to be in competition of being the favorite wife or husband, and the fact of sharing
partners. As stated in the videos and the article about polygamy, I agree with the benefits of polygamy as the positive outcomes. Having more than
one wife or husband reduces the work or obligations needed to be provided at home. Though they are many positive factors of polygamy, I personally
do not agree with the term. If I were married, I would not like to share my
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What Are The Causes Of World War 1 Essay
World War 1 also known as the The Great War or War to End All Wars had a lot of reasons that were rooted to the main cause or causes of World
War 1. The main causes of World War 1 are militarism, mutual defense alliances, and the assassination of the Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand and
his wife. As World War 1 had lot's of causes, the cause that had the most impact on causing War World 1 was the the assassination of Austrian
archduke and his wife. The death of Austrian archduke and his wife was the most important cause of World War 1 because it is widely acknowledged
to have sparked the outbreak of World War 1. A guy named Princip fired into the car, shooting Franz Ferdinand and Sophie at point
–blank range. Then
Princip continued to kill himself. The assassination of Franz–Ferdinand and Sophie set off a huge out roar of bad things.Austria–Hungary and many
other countries... Show more content on ...
In the Naval Races, Germany and Britain were competing for who has finer weaponry; this being caused by nationalism since they both thought their
countries were superior to the others. These countries are being very blinded by them being superior to one another, they just continued competing and
making commodious military forces. Conclusively the assassination of the Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife caused this mess between
the nations. It was the cause of alliances, militarism and the assassination of Austrian archduke and his wife. Some may argue that the assassination
was not the start of World War 1 but considering the huge spark and arguments it started it justifies some of that. These nations all thought they were
superior to one another when they were arguing and that started the war when they started to declare war on each other which eventually leaded to a
full on
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Compare And Contrast Letters And I Want A Wife
Women and men have always been depicted as socially, physically, and overall different; men are superior and women inferior. In both "Letters" by
John and Abigail Adams and "I Want A Wife" by Judy Brady, women are belittled and thought of to be of very little importance.John makes it sound
like the county and its needs are more important than his wife Abigail. Brady talks about how a woman, a wife is thought of by their spouse or
husband; that they are easily replaceable. "It is very true, as you observe they have been duped by Dunmore. But this is a Common Case. All the
Colonies are duped, more or less, at one Time and another" (John 537).He is basically telling Abigail that the country will be ok no thanks to her that
she has no place. "...
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Hyperbole In The 1930's
In this letter, Downe employs a conversational and extremely personal tone, and appeals to his wife's instincts through the use of hyperbole, similes,
and examples of the many benefits he receives in order to persuade her to emigrate. He portrays America as a land of equality and convenience using
a common man's tone and vivid imagery. Downe also undermines the difficulties of emigration his wife may face in order to make her more agreeable
to the idea.
He opens by exchanging pleasantries with her, 'My dear wife' and then goes on to describe his current situation. I get the impression that he is very
excited and enthusiastic due to his child–like tone and fast pacing. 'A farmer took me one day...' Downe describes the kindness of people around...
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'that there is too many people... it is quite the reverse' Down uses hyperbole 'and will be for a thousand years...' in order to reassure his wife. There is
a change in mood in the second paragraph, since Downe is trying to justify his emigration, and he turns poetic in order to reinforce his love and deep
caring for his wife and children. 'My dear Sukey...You know very well...I would rather cross the Atlantic ten times.' Downe states that poverty and
deprivation forced him to go abroad in search of a living. It appears to me that Down is glorifying his travels in order to make his wife emphathise
with him and tempt her to come to America. He undermines the difficultes his wife may face during emigration. 'You will find a few...'
Downe then proceeds to portray America as a land of freedom, equality and unlimited opportunity using an inspirational tone. 'This is a country where a
man can stand...with rational liberty to its fullest extent.
Downe recreates some of his experiences in America in a joyful manner, and successfully conjures up an image of America as a country that has not
been tainted with crime, poverty, and discrimination. 'Poverty is unknown here.' A personal tone that shows his sense of longing and excitement is
maintained throughout the letter, especially the
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William Wycherley's The Country Wife
The Country Wife is a restoration comedy, which means there is lots of sexual language in it. William Wycherley is the playwright. In the play, he
expressed lots of Comedy of Manners. Nathan did a great job with expressing the sexual jokes. All the actors and actresses I didn't get a lot of them,
but I did for the most part it was okay put together. The costumes were a major factor in the entire production success. The costumes chosen for the
performance were appropriate, but not well conveyed in a lot of ways. The idea of them were great, they just were not conveyed as well as I believe
they could have been. When I think of restoration costumes, I imagine large puffy wigs, extensive puffy dresses and clothing, lots of extravagant hats,
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Tartuffe, By Touching On Tartuffe
In constructing this short essay, I will first start off by touching on Tartuffe and how the writing was purposefully catering to the aristocratic. I will
then shift to the analysis of The Country Wife. Finally, I will show the middle class society from The London Merchant breakdown. I will also be
using specifics from Tartuffe, The Country Wife and The London Merchant, to show the shift from an aristocratic to middleclass society effected the
drama. That being noted, I will begin with Tartuffe. The audience that MoliГЁre wrote Tartuffe was a worldly sector of the social elite in Paris in
Seventeenth Century. Its original audience was of course the royal court at Louis XIV 's palace in Versailles. Officially, that society continued to be
patriarchal. The society that had husbands and fathers exercising supreme authority over their dependents. The plot of Tartuffe concerns itself with an
incompetent head–of–household, who is Orgon, relinquishes his authority by allocating it to a counselor he has picked up off the streets. Reasoning
behind this is due to his extraordinary piousness. Tartuffe turns out to be a devout con–man, who, once he has attained control over the master 's
property, moves to remove him and his family from the premises. At that moment it should have become obvious to readers that the play creates within
itself something of a "contradiction." The question that has to be asked is; what happens when a sovereign power is somehow powerless of exercising
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Comparing A Stench of Kerosene and Country Lovers Essay
Comparing A Stench of Kerosene and Country Lovers Both A Stench of Kerosene and Country Lovers demonstrate cultural pressures in different parts
of the world. A Stench of Kerosene is set most probably in India. The main plot of the story, which involves Manak, hisMother, his second wife, his
first wife Guleri and his friend Bhavani, is that Guleri leaves Manak to visit her parents, and whilst there, Manak's mother introduces a second wife to
Manak, and she becomes pregnant, without Guleri knowing, and when she finds out, she commits suicide by burning herself with kerosene, and when
the baby finally ... Show more content on ...
Manak wants to make sure he is a good son to his parents. Throughout the story, his key traits are that he loved Guleri but was unable to show his
emotions to her, and as is also very respectful to his mother which is shown not only by not replying when she called him a woman, but also when she
introduced him to the second wife and even then respected her wishes. This shows the importance of culture in India.
Another story which expresses the cultural pressures people face is Country Lovers which is set n South Africaduring the time of apartheid. This
story involves Paulus, Njabulo, Thebedi and the baby. The main story is that Paulus, a white boy and Thebedi, a black girl become very close child
friends. Paulus then left and Thebedi met Njabulo, another black who fathers Thebedi's child, whose father is Paulus. Njabulo knows this but carries
on. Paulus comes back and kills the child, and then escapes from prison after Thebedi lied in court. The story begins with blacks and whites
integrating regardless of their cultural pressures and Apartheid, which was a very big issue. However, as they became older they became aware of the
culture and the fact that they could not socialise with the
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Women 's Rights Of Women
"The history of men's opposition to women's emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of emancipation itself" (Woolf). Nowadays, in
most societies, the role a woman chooses to take for herself is often a choice rather than a restriction. In Islamic societies, however, women seem to be
forced into certain roles and responsibilities. These restrictions often seem to elevate a man 's status and importance in society while degrading a woman
's status. Women's fight for their rights is not something new. As a matter of fact, they have been fighting for their rights around the world for
centuries. In some societies, they obtain fairly freedom, but unfortunately in other societies such as Muslim society, women are not as free as ... Show
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Some of the men had white, long outfit the way Arab men do in their own country, and couple of them had short sleeve and jeans, but the wives, not
only had black long veil to cover from head to toe, they covered their face with some black fabric. Our table was close to their table, one of the
women pulled up the fabric over her face to drink some water, and the waiter came along, I didn't understand the Arabic, but her husband said
something to her and immediately she covered her face again until the waiter left. When I saw this, I felt bad for those women, how come in a hot
summer day, the men can choose whatever they want to wear, but poor women cannot uncover their faces to eat or drink something without their
husband's permission. I believe that not every woman can, or have the courage to stand up for their rights, and in this situation, makes our duty more
serious and more important to fight for women's right, to speak up for those who do not have the voice, to advocate them, to defend their right to be
free to be as educated as men, to be as active citizen as men among their societies. The second important reason that we should defend women's rights
in the Islamic society is that, in some countries, women are being treated as part of men's properties. As we all know polygamy means a system of
marriage whereby one person has more than one spouse. However, polygamy
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Neighbor Rosicky Analysis
Prompt: How do Cather's descriptions of country life and city life help us understand her perspective on life in the West? Immigrants from all around
the world moved to America in the early 20th century in pursuit of a career, better living conditions, and overall improvement. No matter whether
immigrants settled in the city or country their hard work often resulted in happiness and profitability. One touching recount of an immigrant's travels
and pursuit of happiness is that of Anton Rosicky, in "Neighbor Rosicky" by Willa Cather. Cather argues that despite city
–life yielding success,
country–life is superior to city–life due to its tranquil tendencies and ability to mature an individual.
In this passage, Cather develops the tranquil ambience ... Show more content on ...
Rosicky and his wife Mary have just gotten into an altercation about his health. Mary approaches the argument with aggressivity, while Rosicky
simply remains calm and collected. Mary cares deeply for Rosicky and her passionate approach to the situation shows it. Following the altercation
Cather says "He was city–bred, and she was country–bred" (6). By contrasting two differing characters, Cather enhances the characteristics of each. The
characteristics that are brought out directly reflect the ambience of each individual's upbringing. Through the characterization of Rosicky as an
easygoing and approachable city–man, Rosicky also characterizes the city as easygoing and approachable. Despite the city developing Rosicky into a
respectable man, its lack of intensity may decrease motivation and overall profitability of other workers in the city. The man has not been hardened by
city–labor; whereas, his wife has been from rustic country labor. The characterization of Rosicky's wife as aggressive and forceful reflects the
pugnacious country environment where profit is earned through fatiguing physical labor. This intensity creates a drive within workers to pursue the
American Dream and find success in their work. Mary has embraced this intensity and found success in her work. Second, the phrase "He never raised
his voice
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How Does Wycherley Use Humour In The Country Wife
The Country Wife by William Wycherley
As was typical for Restauration theatre, The Country Wife is a comedy with bawdy language and humour. After the strict Puritan rule under Cromwell,
audiences craved humour and amusement which Wycherley delivers in his play. In it, the country is contrasted with the city. While the country seems
like a naГЇve and innocent place (seemingly personified in Mrs. Pinchwife), the city is a place of seduction and danger. It is a place to be feared as Mr.
Pichwife keeps pointing out to his wife: "Well, tomorrow night I shall be rid of you, and the next day before 'tis light she and I'll be rid of the Town
and my dreadful apprehensions. Come, be not melancholy, for thou shall go into the Country after tomorrow, Dearest"... Show more content on ...
Mrs. Pinchwife first says she "hate[s] London" (Wycherley 12) and wishes to be in the country again but later in the narrative falls prey to Mr. Horner
and wants to be married to him. The home and the marriage are thereby polluted by the effect the city has on its occupants. In one passage Mr.
Pinchwife describes the town women as follows: "[T]he naughty Town Women who only hate their Husbands and love every Man else, love Plays,
Visits, fine Coaches, fine Clothes, Fiddles, Balls, Treats, and so lead a wicked Town–life" (Wycherley 12). Mrs. Pinchwife later repeats this sentiment
of the London wife who leaves her husband for other men (Wycherley 67). In the play, the city has successfully polluted the ideals of marriage and of
wives. It is an unhomely place that destroys morals and promotes
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Neoclassical Comparison
The Neoclassical Period took place roughly around 1660 to 1798. The literature that came from this period is still read today. People like to read
things then try to relate it to themselves. Many are under the influence that the Neoclassical Period is closely related to our generation. When you take
an educated look at the comparisons you realize our time and the Neoclassical period are completely different.
In Neoclassical literature, people took romantic relationships very seriously. This is shown in She Stoops to Conquer by Oliver Goldsmith throughout
the work. The story revolves around the two relationships between Marlow with Miss Hardcastle and Hastings with Miss Neville. The pairs try very
hard to get the approval of the parents, because of how important relationships were. Another neoclassical work that portrays the point is The Country
Wife by William Wycherley. The Country Wife is about married women falling in love with single men, but the relationships they are in with their
husbands bring conflict between love and society's view on marriage during the time period. There is a confrontation between Lady Fidget and
Horner, where Lady Fidget gives into her passion to Horner. Before anything happens however, Lady Fidget makes Horner "promise to have a care
of [her] dear Honor"(47). Lady fidget is asking him not to tell anybody, which provides more evidence of how serious relationships were taken. Lady
Fidget knows if the town hears about her cheating
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The German Refugee Analysis
Oskar's Struggle: The life of a German immigrant during World War II In the story "The German Refugee," written by Bernard Malamud, Oskar, a
Jewish immigrant from Germany struggles to learn English and cope with the depression of his past. Many German immigrants, especially those that
were Jewish, had to struggle with similar problems like Oskar's. Unfortunately, Oskar kills himself at the end of the paper, leaving his American dream
unfulfilled and succumbing to the depression that followed him throughout the story. Oskar is a first–generation Immigrant from Germany, leaving his
wife in Germany to flee from the persecution of Hitler and the Nazis. Oskar is well educated, having been a German reporter and critic before he
emigrated to the U.S to give lectures at the Institute of Public Studies once a week. One trait that Oskar struggles with throughout the story and
unfortunately succumbs to at the end, is his depression. His depression is mainly due to leaving his wife that he loved in Germany and attempting
to learn English so that he does not get embarrassed at the lecture. Also, we learn early on in the story that Oskar has been struggling with
depression since his arrival in America, having attempted suicide in the first week he was here. Along with being depressed, Oskar is also very
lonely, will all of his friends and family back in Germany and his only friend in America being Martin Goldberg, his English tutor. Oskar struggles with
many of the same things that other Jewish immigrants from Germany would have. Oskar, like many of them, is fleeing for his life because Germany at
the time was under Nazi rule and Jews across Germany were being sent to concentration camps and being killed. Also, like many other immigrants from
other countries, Oskar has a hard time learning the English language. Immigrants like Oskar needed to learn the language in order to find their way
around the city, obtain a job, and buy things such as apartments and food. Without the language, the immigrants are isolated just like Oskar. However,
Oskar had some unique experiences unlike other immigrants that have come to this country. Oskar lives alone, nowhere near a German community,
preventing him from getting help and
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Essay On World War 1 Imperialism The Imperialism and Alliances between countries that Cause World War One World War One was a war in which the countries of the United States, Austria–Hungary, Serbia, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey), Germany, and France all went to war to help defended their country in a battle that took the world by storm. People could say and probably would say that Nationalism, Militarism, Assassination, and Imperialism is what mainly caused World War One, and they're right, but in order to fully understand how it happened you need you read between the lines and realize how it actually happened and my own opinion on it. First off World War One was caused when Franz Ferdinand and his wife were both assassinated on the streets of their county by a man of cruelness... Show more content on ... An example of my argument was seen and heard throughout the whole world and that was basically the spark that ignites World War 1 and it was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was man of wisdom who always was the bigger man through the "Imperialistic" countries, he was a man who took care of his wife all the time he would never have time for somebody else because his wife always came first, saldy on the anniversary of the "First Battle of Kosovo" (1389) but it was also Ferdinand and his wife's wedding anniversary, making his dead even more tragic. During the time of his assassination Ferdinand was approached by a man whose name sounds even more cruel everytime i say it, and this man was Gavrilo Princip, and as he approached Ferdinand he took a look at him and without having time to think he shot Ferdinand's wife making him suffer from the tragedy that he just witnessed before actually killing Ferdinand, after the event the people of Kosovo were all witnesses of the tragic event and alone in my opinion is what caused the outbreak of World War 1 because of the assassination between people of other ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Comparing Wife Of Bath Tales And Pardoner's Tale Pardoner's Tale & Wife of Bath Tale While "The Wife of Bath's Tale" talk about a knight's integrity, a lot points can be differentiated from the theme of this tale to the theme of "Pardoner's tale" According to the story "Pardoner's Tale" and "Wife of Bath's tale" themes are different while going through the story. In the Pardoner's Tale theme shows that "Greed is the root of all evils". Greedy in the people make lot of Bad things in the world. "I preach, as you have heard me say before, And tell a hundred lying mockeries more"(pg 170, line 9) This story illustrates a particular moral point developed in the late middle ages. This literary form was often used in sermons and other didactic literature. One ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Roles Of Married Women In The 17th And 18th Century The word "restoration" is represents the historical time period that occurred in England between the years of 1660 to 1700. This era was marked when the monarchy was restored to England after ten years because of the rule of Parliament. During the 17th and 18th century women were placed into three different roles: virgins, married, or widows. While each role was different so were the expectations and images. A marriedwoman during this time would have strictly been at home taking care of the children, cleaning, and cooking meals. The husbands had the most control in the relationship. To document the female roles during this time, there were poems, books, and plays that depicted these roles. The two plays that showed the married women's role would be The Country Wife which was written by William Wycherley and the Beggar's Opera that was produced by John Gay. The roles of married women are describe in Jane Collier's book, An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting, there is a section of which a man is giving advice to his daughter about being a married woman. The father discusses the challenge of being a wife is how to live with a husband. Being a wife means she would have to observe his behavior because there are several temper that men portray. The happiness of being a wife is to make sure the husband is happy. The disadvantages include not having choice; the husband will do that for the wife. Modesty is taken away from the woman because her husband now knows what ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Country Wife by William Wycherley A Virtuous Woman In William Wycherley's The Country Wife, William Wycherley enlightens the audience to capture several different ironical statements and questionable behaviors. The play fits perfectly into Greenwald's definition of a comedy of manners: "[Critics] assert that a comedy of manners and the people who inhabit it represent the ostentatiously idle upper–class" ("Social Heirarchy" web). Wycherley also distinguishes several oddities in his characters not typically used to describe the upper–class. For example, Mr. Pinchwife, a wealthy newlywed husband, is so afraid that he is going to become a cuckold, that he does not allow his wife to leave the house (Wycherley act two). One of Wycherley's goals in writingThe Country Wife ... Show more content on ... When Mr. Pinchwife has his back turned to his wife, Mrs. Pinchwife leaves with Mr. Horner and returns with oranges and dried fruit. Mr. Pinchwife does not trust his wife to be alone with another man for a few minutes. Wycherley cleverly depicts the fruit as symbols of Mr. and Mrs. Pinchwife's marriage. Mrs. Pinchwife represents the oranges, full of life and juice. Mr. Pinchwife represents the dried fruit, unappealing and ill–willed (McNamara web). Mr. Horner and Mr. Pinchwife are not the only characters whose lack of morals has an influence on Mrs. Pinchwife in The Country Wife. In addition, "The Virtuous Gang" (Wycherley act five) is a continuation of the corruption and immorality in London. Ironic to the gang's name, Lady Fidget, Mrs. Fidget, and Mrs. Squeamish are anything but virtuous. In public, the three women put on an ideal act, showing others that they are perfect women. The women appear to have no problems and have high standards for themselves. They all are respectable members in society. When they are alone with Mr. Horner, however, they continually seduce him (Jarnold web). Wycherley uses these characters to show how society can influence Mrs. Pinchwife to label people as materials. In the fine china scene, Wycherley "implies [the] consumption of goods" ("Q & A" web). In some societies, women can be seen as possessions. In The Country Wife, however, the roles are reversed. Lady Fidget sees Mr. Horner as fine china labeling him as a ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Remember When By Alan Jackson "Remember When" Alan Jackson has been named one of the best songwriters in county music and most of the songs that he has written during his career are about his personal experiences. He is "one of the greatest singers in country music that has written the best songs in the history of the genre" (The Boot Staff). The song "Remember When" was written "during a difficult period in his marriage, which was when he and his wife got separated and then reconciled" several months later (The Boot Staff). In the song "Remember When" by Alan Jackson, the lyrics, music video, and history reveal the events in his life with his wife so they will remember as they grow old together. In "Remember When", Alan Jackson reflects on his past with his wife on their life together. Throughout the song, he mentions when they first met, getting married, separating, reconciling, and growing a family. The phrase "Remember When" is used to return to his memories (Lyrics007). He describes that when they got married, they had to work to make their relationship work. In stanza 4, Alan Jackson states "the sound of little feet", this was when they broke up and came back together months later because their kids had such an impact on them that they did not seek a divorce (Lyrics007). In stanza 5, when he writes that "when thirty seemed old", they are old now and thought that thirty was old since they got married at a young age (Lyrics007). Towards the conclusion of the song, they vow to stay together forever ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Outlook On Marriage During Restoration Times Heather Murcin Professor David Alff English 317 5 March 2016 Outlook on Marriage in Restoration Times Marriage is the union of a man and a woman (or, in some jurisdictions, two people of the same sex) as partners in a relationship. In Restorations times marriage was a bit more complicated. The way we think of marriage nowadays and the way the general public thought of marriage in restoration times are different and in some ways, the same. Everyone's ideas on marriage are different, no doubt. However, if you go back to restoration times there certainly is a general consensus on marriage. 'The Country Wife' by William Wycherley is a play in the Restoration period that certainly develops many themes. The theme at the forefront of this ... Show more content on ... Restoration comedy was certainly a type of theatre that catered to its specific audience. When the monarchy was restored in 1660, the aristocracy was able to recover much of its infamy as well as its security. Subsequently, for them, much of their own import was taken away as well. With less purpose and more social standing, the aristocracy began to languish and use their time on pursuits that were far less moralistic. Perhaps as a way to compensate for this lack of morals, the aristocracy began to place more and more store in things such as outward appearances and quick wit. For the aristocracy, sexual exploits of scandalous natures were revered while marriage was simply disdained. In these plays, women seem to be eternally frustrated emotionally and sexually by their husbands, while men seem to be in a perpetual state of fear, trying to avoid becoming cuckolded. The way these plays unfold seemingly always confuses the audience. The men that are rewarded in the end are crude and promiscuous, while the women constantly fool their absurd and oblivious husbands all the while carrying on explicit sexual affairs. If the plays are supposed to send a message, the message is cloudy at best making the aristocracy's newly returned security seem exceedingly unstable. The general opinion of marriage was skepticism and a certain loss of faith in the institution. 'The Country Wife' is a perfect embodiment of the political and social turmoil ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Poem In The Devil And Tom Walker, By Washington Irving The range of psychological approaches also took great part in the story. When the people are in dilemma, they try to solve the problems in different ways as they are different fruits of different trees. The reason is people are treated in different spheres and in different societies, some of them are free citizens of the free country, some of them slaves of the colonies. Some of them choose the difficult way to solve the problem, but some of them choose the tricky way to get rid of it. Or people choose the tricky way without intention of doing it, maybe under pressure of other people or maybe under the formed situation similar to the happened issue in the scene of presence of spectre bridegroom in the castle of Katzenellenbegon family. Baron could not allow Starkenfaust to introduce himself and explain the reason of his visit. Unwillingly he masked under a spectre figure, thinking as the best way of swaying away from the castle of Katzenellenbegon family. At the end of the story the force of free and true love unmasked the spectre bridegroom.... Show more content on ... We know that Washington Irving created many distinct characters in his works. Some of his characters see and try to find happiness and wealth in different things. Irving gave a great depiction of an American Dream under the aim of becoming happy and immediately wealthy no matter how it would be happened. If Irving in "Rip Van Winkle" created the character Rip who saw the happiness in life without his nagging wife, in "The Devil and Tom Walker" he created the character Tom who saw the happiness in wealth which reduced to ash upon the Devil's taking his soul. Both characters, Rip and Tom, somehow achieved the goals but at the end both of them were unhappy, because they chose the wrong ways to get the targets. This is the issue to which Irving wanted to drag the reader's attention in his ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Carrying A Pregnant Woman Over Coals In China From the beginning of recorded history, there has been a variety of traditions to help enter the baby into the family. Some traditions have a negative effect, while some have a positive effect. Some countries have important traditions, that have a major effect on the people, and some countries do not have very important ones. China, in this case, has a tradition that has been followed for plenty of years. This tradition is that the husband takes the pregnant wife, and walks on coals before the pregnancy. People say that the act of this tradition was being done because of confidence for the women's pregnancy.The `myth of this tradition is that if the husband walks the wife over the coals, the pregnancy will be successful. The practice of carrying a pregnant woman over coals in China has a negative impact on the community because it leads to pain and suffering, causes financial losses for medical services, and it results in negative limitations for the wife during her pregnancy. ... Show more content on ... For example, there could be damage to the baby inside the woman's stomach (Kuznyak). This means that the mother would be suffering if there was ever damages to her. Similarly, the woman can easily die because all it takes is the husband to slip, and she gets majorly burned, and dies (Carman). Clearly, this would affect the birth, the baby, and the mother. Furthermore, there would be pain to the father's, because he could get extremely burned from walking on the coals ("Bizarre"). Therefore, the father's feet are permanently damaged, causing pain and suffering to the father and ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Moral Virtue in William Wycherley’s The Country Wife Essays The Country Wife – written by William Wycherley in 1675– is a Restoration comedy based upon the life of the aristocracy. Restoration comedy is a style of drama that was made popular in the late seventeenth century. It refers to the period in England when King Charles II was returned as the head of the English empire. Life under King Charles II was seen as hedonistic: people were motivated by pleasure. These moral virtues represented the degradation of society, rampant with sexual explicitness and obscenity ("Charles II"). The definition of moral virtue can be quite ambiguous. For the purpose of this essay I will define moral virtue as such: A set of accepted traits or qualities which are accepted as "right" or "good" in society. The ... Show more content on ... Wycherley shows how jealousy can make people lose their moral standards and commit acts with little regard for others. Harcourt's jealousy causes him to go to extremes. He disguises himself as a parson with the intent to deceive Sparkish into believing he has been married to Alethea. Wycherley reveals Harcourt's real plan to marry himself to Alethea to the audience through the use of irony: "nobody else / shall marry you, by heavens; I'll die first, for I'm I should die / after it" (IV.i.148–150). Harcourt is propelled by jealousy, resorting to deceit and manipulation while holding little regard for others. Through Harcourt we witness jealousy's corruption of society, making people superficial and selfish. Society's moral standards and values digress through deception and pretence. This deterioration is personified through Mr. and Mrs. Pinchwife. In The Country Wife, Mr. and Mrs. Pinchwife exemplify the effect of deceit through trickery and disguise. In the play, Mr. Pinchwife disguises his wife's appearance in order to deceive. To prevent Horner from trying to cuckold her, Mrs. Pinchwife is forced to dress like a man by her husband when travelling to the city. She agrees to this by tricking her husband into believing that she is only going to view the sights, and when she has, she will return to the country: "I ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Stereotypes In The Country Husband Aguilar 1 Aguilar, Kimberly English 28 Aksoy, Can December 8, 2014 Word Count 1,324 Comparative Paper When people rely on surface appearances and false racial stereotypes, rather than in–depth knowledge of others at the level of the heart, mind and spirit, their ability to assess and understand people accurately is compromised (James A. Fordes). In the Novel The Country Husband, A man name Francis Weed almost gets into a plane crash and realizes he gets another shot at life. He begins to have marriage problems which makes him have an affair with the baby sitter name Anne. At the end he realizes that he needs help and seeks for it. In the Movie Crazy stupid love, Cal Weaver realizes that his wife is having an affair with one of her co workers and instead of trying to fix it he relieves his stress by having one night stands. Although the causes are very different they both hide their appearances by repressing them . At the end they both realize that what they are doing will not fix anything which then leads them to find a solution to their problem. The Country Husband written by John Cheever, it is about a guy named Francis Weed. Francis boards on a plane, but while on the plane it almost gets into an accident. As soon as the... Show more content on ... His kids were fighting and his wife Julia Weed was cooking. No one seemed to bother to know how his day was. Francis decides to go outside and reflect on his life. Thats when he realized he could of died and was given a second chance to live ( A couple days after his wife and him get into a fight and his marriage is going down hill. The day after they get a new teenage baby sitter Name Anne Machine. Francis begins to develope feelings for her. He begins to romanticize her and then he begins to acts upon his actions. Since he is having an affair he beings to become rebellious and insults a leader from Shady hill. He comes to his senses and realises he needs help and goes see a ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Symbolism In Rip Van Winkle "Rip Van Winkle" published in May 1819 by Washington Irving who was an out of the box author whose work was mostly humorous and in that time, it wasn't very accepting. This story shows how America was under the influence of King George and how this man lived most of his life under the rule of King George and he goes out into the woods and wakes up twenty years in the future a free man. His wife is a whinnying woman who just criticized him morning, noon, and evening and if it weren't for her he would live his live freely and happy. However, this story symbolizes the Revolutionary War and his wife, Dame Van Winkle, represents King George the third andRip Van Winklerepresents the United States. When the United States was trying to become a country, it was very underestimated by the bigger countries because it was only thirteen colonies and it was considered laughable to other countries. In the story Rip represents the colonies by being very friendly, childish, and naive. For example, when Rip is in the forest about to leave and this strange, nameless man starts calling his name and instead of running the other direction goes up to him and tries to help. "If left to himself, he would have whistled life way, in perfect contentment; but his wife kept continually dining his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and ruin he was bring on family" Irving 32. He wants to be free from the tyranny of his wife, so he can live freely. The United States wanted to be free from King ... Get more on ...
  • 13. American Sniper By Chris Kyle Love, an intense feeling of deep affection. loving someone so much, willing to do anything to make that person or place. Perseverance, Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. The movie of American Sniper was based off of a true story of Chris Kyle. Chris Kyle Joined the Navy Seals leaving his wife and kids to protect his country. Throughout the movie it shows how being faithful and perseverance plays a big role in the world we are living in. Based on the complexity and actions of the characters, imagery, symbolism and the angles the camera took, the movie, " American Sniper" illuminates and emcopasses a theme of Love and Perseverance. First of all, the movie "American Sniper" is a film about the... Show more content on ... The other two nominations came from Best Writing, Adapted screenplay, and for Best Achievement In Film editing. The last one was for Best Achievement in Sound Mixing. The American Sniper movie end up winning the oscar for Best Achievement in Sound Editing (trumbo). First off, Love shows itself many times throughout the movie American Sniper through the complexity and actions of the varied characters. Some of characters play a much bigger role in identify the theme than do others. Taya, Chris Kyle wife known for being a humble wife. Even Though She didn't like the idea of Chris being at War killing enemies or enemies killing him. When Chris decided to go to war, she didn't divorce or leave him. Several times, She told Chris not to go back to War, however Chris refused. Many wife in this situation will divorce or leave them but she never did. While Chris was at War, she stayed faithful by not cheating on Chris and supporting him with his missions when he was at War. What kept them from being divorced was Love. The main character Chris kyle also reveals how much love he had toward his Navy Seals Team by always being there with them to help protect their country. In the move Chris was ask by his wife if he was ever thinks about who will be at the end of his gun, and his response was, " I just wants to protect his Country". Chris has Kids that he have to take ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Honor In The Odysseus In the Disney movie Mulan, a young heroine, Mulan, disguises herself as a man to fight for her country and restore honor to her family. She, similar to Odysseus, must save her country from invaders, The Huns for Mulan and the suitors for Odysseus. Both protagonists face many trials that test their loyalty and honor. And both prevail, becoming great, respected leaders of their people. Honor as well as loyalty are significant characteristics of a respected person. The Odyssey, written by Homer in the eighth century BCE, is a common story with multiple retellings that focuses on the journey of Odysseus and his son Telemachus. Odysseus is a war hero of the Trojan War, and the tale focuses on the conflicts he faces while journeying home. In this story, Odysseus shows how honor and loyalty play a pivotal role in defining the success of a leader, and how the absence of these traits leads to anarchy and turmoil within a ruler's domain. The necessity of honor and loyalty in a ruler are seen during the Odysseus' absence in his kingdom of Ithaka. During the 16th year that Odysseus is missing, suitors come from all over the land to win the hand of Odysseus' wife, Penelope, presuming Odysseus is dead. Because Odysseus is absent, the country is having a turn for the worse with the arrival of the suitors. The suitors take over the royal residence, "[the suitors] use our house as if it were a house to plunder" (Homer 9). Without a ruler governing the people, there lies no punishment for ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Social Unjust For Women's Rights What many people might think when they hear about Islam would be the terrorist attacks, the strong believe of their religion, and also the social unjust for women's rights in these Islamic countries, but is this true or just a misception that the news tries to make to stir up just to get the population to watch their news. The main reason for my decision of picking this topic is simple throughout history, many wars and battles have been fought over many misconceptions of religions and ethics practices. My main objective of this paper is to help prove that not everything we see or hear from the news might be truly correct since new and social media in today's society tends to be biased. Since the main objective for these news stations are just... Show more content on ... Gives women the chance to inherit half as much as their male relatives or husband since the women and wives shared almost the type of responsibility also the Quran help protect women rights by giving them the same religious equality just like the men, " If any do deeds of righteous be they male or female and have faith, they will enter heaven, and not the least injustice will be done to them." ... Get more on ...
  • 16. John Downe Essay John Downe In John Downe's letter to his wife, he strategically establishes and develops ethos as well as pathos to convince her to join him in the United States with their children. Throughout the letter, Downe develops his credibility through his use of ethos which includes the repetition of "I." "I have got a situation," "I dined with him," "I went into the market yesterday," all progress towards the establishment of his plausibility in his wife's eyes. He provides his wife with examples of the many positive situations he, himself has endured while being in the country of America. Downe hopes that his persuading words will convince her to emigrate with their children to America. "I know you will like America" is Downe's primary... Show more content on ... He mentions that on the table there was "pudding, pyes, and fruit of all kind that was in season..." and "they do not think of locking the doors in this country" to assure his wife of the safety and prosperity of this country. He then goes on to acknowledge, with emotional appeal, that all he "wants now is to see you, and the dear children here, and then I shall be happy, and not before". This is Downe's development of pathos for the purpose of persuading and influencing his wife to make her decision much easier about emigrating to America with the children. He hopes to influence her decision by explaining how much better off they would be as a family, together in one country. Although he announces that he will only be happy if his family comes to America to live with him, Downe concludes that he does not "repent of coming" and he "would rather cross the Atlantic ten times than hear my children cry". By his mentioning that he does not regret one bit coming to America, Downe hopes to display for his wife how great of a country America is. The pathos are purposefully placed there by Downe to show to his wife that although he has left his family, he would do it all over again just to live in the convenient country of America– hoping this will stir some kind of desire in his wife's mind. Through his emotional words, Downe demonstrates that the travel to America is nothing compared to what this country holds in store for ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Analysis Of The Story ' Cathedral ' By Raymond Carver Essay Hannah Artille November 22, 2016 Words: When Three Stories Collide There are three short stories with characters who are very alike. In the short story "Cathedral" by Raymond Carver, the protagonist, Bub, has an unwanted visitor. Similarly, in the story "Everyday use" by Alice Walker, the character Dee visits her mother and sister, which turns into a very unpleasant encounter. Lastly, the main character, Hulga, in "Good Country People" by Flannery O'Connor, is deceived by her visitor, a bible salesman, Manely Pointer. In all three of these short stories, the central characters share similar motives and characteristics. The character Bub can be very selfish towards his wife and their visitor . Bub begins showing his selfishness when he has "nothing to do but wait" before the blind man, Robert, arrives, and he blames innocent Robert for his miserable, uncomfortable mood (458). When talking to his wife, Bub gets annoyed when she gives him "more detail than [he] cares to know" (457). Bub is "unhappy about the blind man's visit," even though Robert's wife just died ("Cathedral"). Similarly to Bub, Dee only looks out for herself (Kane 2138). This is demonstrated when she takes "two quilts handmade by her grandmother and earmarked for Maggie, [her sister], on her marriage" (2138). Dee does not just want to take the quilts from her family. She wants the "churn top" and other items that she believes represents her culture (Walker 747). Additionally, Dee is self –centered when ... Get more on ...
  • 18. William Wycherley’s The Country Wife Essay William Wycherley's "The Country Wife" "A Restoration comedy is like an eighteenth–century sitcom; it's entertaining" (MacKenzie, "Behn"). However, the similarities between the two genres are more far–reaching than their equal entertainment value. For example, the cast of William Wycherley's Restoration comedy, "The Country Wife," consists of some central characters that are strikingly similar to those in the cast of the modern situation comedy, Seinfeld. Harry Horner from "The Country Wife" and George Costanza from Seinfeld both fit the male "wit" character type. Likewise, Lady Fidget, one of Horner's lovers, and another woman, who's one of Costanza's fleeting lovers, both fit the female "wit" character type. Through the ... Show more content on ... "He starts a rumor going round to the effect that he has become a eunuch; ...wives, he trusts, will be intrigued" (2288). Horner's conclusion is logical and clever, considering the fact that masks "were a widespread item of Restoration fashion[;]...they were worn both by 'virtuous' women and by prostitutes, with the tantalizing effect of rendering those two human categories not quite distinguishable from one another" (2288). From this social climate, he discerns that if he wears a metaphorical mask, or a unique social label, this mask might have a similar "tantalizing effect" on women; it might make discerning female wits want to discover whether the man behind the mask is truly asexual or erotic. However, after putting on his mask, Horner passively waits for Lady Fidget to present him with the opportunity to exchange pleasure; he does not go out and actively seek the opportunity on his own. Instead, Sir Jaspar actively seeks out Horner, on Lady Fidget's behalf, and presents him to her; however, she only relents to Horner's company after she asks: "[b]ut are you sure he loves play and has money?" (2309). Horner can't "play" or negotiate an exchange of pleasure with Lady Fidget unless he first has money, so a male wit has to spend time to somehow get money, before he can even try to obtain pleasure from a female wit. However, in order to negotiate with Horner, Lady Fidget, as the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Tim Mcgraw's Song Everywhere In the year 1997, Time McGraw releases the album Everywhere. It contains a duet with his wife Faith Hill, also a country singer. The song becomes an instant hit with not only country fans, it also tops the Billboard's hot country chart. Mr. McGraw is telling his wife how falling in love with her changed him. She being with him, loving him, has made him a better person. Throughout the years the song has been use as the first dance for many married couples. They message that conveys is very strong and powerful. True love is out there, and when found it should be preserved and expressed. Tim McGraw was born May 1, 1967 in Delhi, Louisiana, in the 1990s he became a country music sensation. "Tim grew up thinking that his mother's husband, Horace ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Characterization of Women as Empowering Figures in The... In The Country Wife, women are treated as mere objects and are viewed by the men of the play as being inferior. Sparkish views Alethea as an object that should be flaunted around and is only interested in marrying her for her wealth. Sparkish revels in the idea that he be envied for his wife because he believes that allowing more men to love her and envy him for owning her will increase her worth. In viewing her as something that gains value, Sparkish likens her to a treasure at an auction, whose value goes up as the number of bidders rises. Mr. Pinchwife also does not view his wife as a person because he refuses to let his wife go out and enjoy the sights and wonders of city life and instead keeps her confined to the house. Like Sparkish, ... Show more content on ... iii. 100–105) While Sir Jasper believes that his wife is talking about obtaining a china vase from Horner, she is actually using the word china to represent something sexual. In the china scene Lady Fidget is given symbolic power over men because she is the one who is in control of the situation by having her husband deceived and Horner complying with her wishes. Lady Fidget makes use of her sexuality to obtain attention because as she says earlier, "Indeed, as the world goes, I wonder there are no more jealous since wives are so neglected." (II.i.342–343) Lady Fidget is not receiving the attention should would like from her husband and because of this she is taking matters into her own hands and making sure she obtains attention by participating in liaisons with Horner. Lady Fidget's refusal to allow her husband's neglect affect her enjoyment of life demonstrates that she is an independent woman who does not have to rely on her husband to achieve what she wants. As well as being characterized as clever, Lady Fidget is also shown to be hypocritical because she constantly boasts of her honor and virtue in amongst people and yet in her private life she is anything but honorable and virtuous due to the affair that she has with Horner. When Lady Fidget says, "'Tis not an injury to a husband, till it be an injury to our honours, so ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Polygamy TABLE OF CONTENT NO.TITLEPAGE NO. 1.Introduction 2 2.Advantages and Disadvantages 3– 6 3.Self–Reflection on the topic 7 4.Conclusion 8 5.References 9 6.Plagiarism report INTRODUCTION Polygamy is not a rare case in Malaysia. In fact it is widely practices nowadays, not only in Malaysia but also every other country especially Muslim countries. However, this practice is now illegal in some countries or is still unofficial. Polygamy is a practice of having more than one wife or husband at on time. In another word, it is an act of having multiple spouses for an individual regardless male or female. There are two types of polygamy which is polygyny and polyandry. The most common polygamy... Show more content on ... Provides a superior support system. When a man marries more than one wife, the family would become bigger with the combination of the two families. Therefore, the family members will always have someone to talk to if they are in trouble. This will eliminates the possibility of depression amid the family members commonly the children. 4.Assurances of financial stability. If only the husband that is working in the household, they would not survive with the state of the economy nowadays. Hence, the wives and children can finds jobs availability and contribute in the household income. 5.An infinity amount of love. When you have a big family, there would be numerous people whom would loves and support you no matter what happens. From a dad point a view, this mean that there would be more child love for you. 6.Prevents disloyalty. Before a person commits the act polygamy, the husband typically, needs to get consents from his wife in order to proceed with his intention. It is better to inform your partner and come to a conclusion together rather than went behind her back which would only cause a fight between the two. Besides that, this would also decrease the percentage of adultery. At the same time avert the inclination of cheating towards the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Diversity In Canada Differences in Family Function in Canada and Saudi Arabia. As long as multiculturalism is an official policy in Canada, there will be a lot of immigrants who come to Canada from different parts of the world, including Muslim countries. Islam plays an important role in every part of people's lives in all Muslim countries, especially in Saudi Arabia which is heartland of Islam and provides Islamic standards for all Muslim countries. People and families who come to Canada bring their own traditions and habits. Every family as a small social institute creates a whole society. Originally family relationships in Canada and Saudi Arabia is quite different. Differences in family function and family structure in Canada and Saudi Arabia are generally ... Show more content on ... In Canadian society the wife is equal in rights with her husband and is independent. In Saudi Arabia the husband is always the main person in the family; a wife should be obedient to her husband. Family and group approval is very important for Arab Muslim woman. According to Islam the husband must give money to his wife; the husband is the care–taker; in contrast, in Canada there are no such obligations for husbands. Wife and husband earn money by themselves and sometimes the wife might earn even more than her husband. Stay at home father and working mother is not a shocking thing for Canadian society; however, in Saudi Arabia such family structure does not exist. In Arab culture the woman is always under a man's guard: unmarried woman is under her father's wardship, a married woman is the ward of her husband, and a widowed woman is the ward of her sons. Despite their own age, Saudi men usually prefer to marry a woman from eighteen to twenty two. The average age of marriage has risen in Canada; childbirth in Canadian families is being delayed, too. The fertility rate in Canada is declining in long term vision, which is usual in industrialized and urbanized societies. It is widespread to have a big family with many children in Arab culture. In Saudi Arabia wives should not be treated harshly, just as in ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Jade of Peony We have all been in a situation where we have immigrated to a new country for different reasons regarding, better future, or education. In the book Jade of Peony, Wayson Choy describes a struggle of a Chinese immigrant family as they settle in Canada, through the perspective of three young children; Liang, Jung, and Sekky. Each child describes his or her struggle, while settling in a new country. Thefamily struggles to keep their children tied to their Chinese customs and traditions as they fit in this new country. The Chinese culture needs to be more open minded as it limits the future generation's potential. Chinese culture limitations are seen through the relationship expectations, education, gender roles and jobs. Similarly, the ... Show more content on ... Liang the family's only daughter says, "because of her age, the wiry ancient lady was the one person Father could never permit for any of us to defy" (Choy 147). The father of the family never, let his kids with any opportunity to disobey the olden ways the grandma had set with her rules and regulations. He did not stop them from trying to be modern but also wanted them to be aware of their background and their cultural values. Since, in the Chinese culture "the elder people in the family played an important role because they were considered as people who would guide the family, during their dark times" ("Citizens Compendium"). Therefore, due to this reason the elderly people were given all the authority to order the family, the way they wanted to. In addition, the children were assumed to give full respect to the elders. Hence, the children were not accepted to have relationships beyond their culture. Thus, this limits the children to explore new relationships. The Chinese culture is very strict about the relationship expectation of the family. The first wife of a husband was irreplaceable. Even if the husband remarried, the second wife would not be treated with the same respect and honour as the first wife. In the novel, the elderly people were teaching the kids how Stepmother was an appropriate way to describe the second wife: "' Stepmother' was a ranking much more respectable than 'family servant' honourable than ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Greed In The Fisherman And His Wife By The Grimm Brothers Flaws such as greed become a sin when it starts to have an impact on others. Greed, rage, lust, anger, sloth, pride, envy and gluttony are the 7 deadly sins and when taken to extremes, will affect others making them a sin. Ever wonder when flaws such as greed become a sin? Greed can be related to stealing, however these flaws are known as deadly sins when they start to affect others. The Fairytale, "The Fisherman and His Wife," by The Grimm Brothers that includes the deadly sin, greed. The authors warn us that those who are greedy will never be satisfied."Seven bloodied hopes" meaning someone is always hoping for more and more, similarly to the fisherman's wife, who always wanted a new house. The fisherman went finishing one day and caught a magic fish who was once a prince. He could grant wishes if he was thrown back into the ocean. The fisherman was happy to return it until he told his wife about the fish when he got home. Since he and his wife lived in a small "pig sty" she was furious that he didn't ask for anything, so she made him go back and ask ... Show more content on ... Both the fisherman and his wife are affected by her actions because he is forced to go ask for more and more from the fish. "The fisherman and His Wife" addresses a parallel idea to "PhaГ«thon" By Edith Hamilton. The author illustrates that trying to prove a point to others can have its consequences. This is connected to the deadly sin greed again. When PhaГ«thon wanted to ... Get more on ...
  • 25. William Wycherley Essay The restoration era of theatre was a unique period of time for iconic practitioners and actors to revitalise the love for drama after an 18 year ban enforced by the reign of the Puritans, one of these practitioners being William Wycherley. Wycherley was born in Shrewsbury, United Kingdom, just a year before the Puritans took thrown of the English Parliament in 1642. He grew up with his family as middle class citizens with an exceptional property until he was 15 where Wycherleys parents figured it would be that his son would get his education outside of their home town and therefore sent him off to France where he would grow up to become one of the most recognisable comedic writers of the late 17th century. He received his education in Charente,... Show more content on ... Social matters and characters with controversial personalities, or even personalities which reflected the audience were often portrayed throughout most of his scripts using various techniques, one of these techniques being his use of one–liners. One–liners can be described as a witty remarks which are abrupt and snappy to enhance the amusement of the play. Consequently, Wycherleys constant use of these short jokes brought popularity back to the use of them and has been adapted to modern theatre which can be seen in comedy movies or sitcom television shows. The one–liners used in both The Country Wife and The Plain Dealer are what brought both performances such high levels of success. The Country Wife and The Plain Dealer are described to be Mr Williams highly regarded works which he had produced. The Country Wife included marvelous characters who did not change their personalities or morals, if they were a horrible person, that's what they remained for the durations of the play without character development. The Country Wife was published in 1675 and depicted the story of a man who has countless affairs with woman and a country girl becoming accustomed with the town life and the 'captivating' men in London. The play's vile humour was soon banned from the theatre and was transformed into a more appropriate film in later ... Get more on ...
  • 26. John Downe's Letter To The English Weaver Rhetorical Analysis During the nineteenth century, European families rushed to the United States seeking a better life for themselves and their families. John Downe, an English weaver, has done the same, however, he was forced to leave his family behind due to a lack of money to pay for the entire family to travel. In convincing his wife to immigrate to the United States, Downe incorporates vivid description, dramatic tone shifts, and strong juxtaposition into his method of persuasion. The goal of Downe's first paragraph is to give a vivid description of America and provide a sense of blissfulness. He begins his letter with strong anecdotal evidence creates a picture of how wonderful life truly is in America. The Englishman recounts how a farmer told him he was "welcome to come to his house at any time". He describes how the selection of food the farmer had was "everything a person could wish". This story conveys the feeling of warmth and compassion, and creates hope for a better future filled with happiness. Downe also creates a sense of bountifulness through his description. When he describes the food ... Show more content on ... and life in England. He discusses how "no [American] thinks himself your superior, and how there is "no improper or disgusting equality". Downe makes a clear point that he believes the United States is a much more equal and opportunistic environment. The writer goes on to describe what has become the American dream, that "this is a country where a man can stand as a man, and where he can enjoy the fruits of his own exertions, with rational liberty to its fullest extent". He truly believes that the United States is the country of opportunity. Downe comments that "poverty is unknown here. You see no beggars". In this last stitch effort to persuade his wife to immigrate, the writer is able to use the juxtaposition of these two countries visibly and concisely to make them appear to be polar ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Family Justice Case Study A demand of justice has been declared against the Afghanistan government by Joshua Boyle, a Canadian hostage, who wants justice and law against the "murder" of his infant daughter, along with the rape of his wife, during a time when they were held hostage in October 2012. On Wednesday, Boyle and his family that consists of his wife, and three young children, were freed by commandos in Pakistan. Boyle took time to explain the situation that brought him and his family to the kidnapping. In a region controlled by Taliban in Afghanistan, Boyle and his American pregnant wife were lending a helping hand to villagers in those Taliban controlled areas. The Taliban's note their existence in their areas and held them hostage. During the conductivity, it was where Boyle saw the murder of his infant daughter and rape of his wife, which was committed by the Haqqani leadership since Boyle refused to accept a deal proposed by the kidnappers. Boyle did not give much information towards what the deal was. ""I certainly do not intend to allow a brutal and sacrilegious gang of criminal miscreants to dictate the future direction of my family not to weaken my family's commitment to do the right thing no matter the cost." Boyle and his family were being moved across the border of Afghanistan by their kidnappers and it was where they ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, it helped me realize as a traveler, you should know the dangers that could rise of entering a country that you are not familiar with. Also, if you know the dangers of entering a territory you do not know, you should not risk your family/loved ones with yours or do not even take the chance of facing of death. I hope the Boyle family gets vengeance and justice against the kidnappers, and they pay the price for the murder of their daughter and rape of Boyle ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Polygamy In Australia Polygamy is the practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time. Polyandry is a form of polygamy where a woman can marry more than one man at the same time, and polygyny is another form of polygamy where a man is allowed to have more than one wife. Polygamy is more known than polyandry. Polygamy is permitted in countries like Australia, Afghanistan, Iran, and Africa, and in other countries like the United States, England, Spain, and Mexico it is not permitted. Many view Polygamy as a sexual desire and satisfaction to be with more than just one man or woman, but for many cultural reasons, man and woman may have more than one wife or husband. As discussed in the video, the meaning of love & polygamy, the positive outcomes of having more than one wife or husband is so they can be provided each other with help. ... Show more content on ... For men, they help each other with bringing food and money home. As said "Polygyny is not so much about sex as it is about hoarding the productive and reproductive labor" (2006, p. 3). It is about decreasing the jurisdiction of a man or woman. The possible negative outcomes I see in polygamy is the possibilities of men and women feeling the need to be in competition of being the favorite wife or husband, and the fact of sharing partners. As stated in the videos and the article about polygamy, I agree with the benefits of polygamy as the positive outcomes. Having more than one wife or husband reduces the work or obligations needed to be provided at home. Though they are many positive factors of polygamy, I personally do not agree with the term. If I were married, I would not like to share my ... Get more on ...
  • 29. What Are The Causes Of World War 1 Essay World War 1 also known as the The Great War or War to End All Wars had a lot of reasons that were rooted to the main cause or causes of World War 1. The main causes of World War 1 are militarism, mutual defense alliances, and the assassination of the Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. As World War 1 had lot's of causes, the cause that had the most impact on causing War World 1 was the the assassination of Austrian archduke and his wife. The death of Austrian archduke and his wife was the most important cause of World War 1 because it is widely acknowledged to have sparked the outbreak of World War 1. A guy named Princip fired into the car, shooting Franz Ferdinand and Sophie at point –blank range. Then Princip continued to kill himself. The assassination of Franz–Ferdinand and Sophie set off a huge out roar of bad things.Austria–Hungary and many other countries... Show more content on ... In the Naval Races, Germany and Britain were competing for who has finer weaponry; this being caused by nationalism since they both thought their countries were superior to the others. These countries are being very blinded by them being superior to one another, they just continued competing and making commodious military forces. Conclusively the assassination of the Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife caused this mess between the nations. It was the cause of alliances, militarism and the assassination of Austrian archduke and his wife. Some may argue that the assassination was not the start of World War 1 but considering the huge spark and arguments it started it justifies some of that. These nations all thought they were superior to one another when they were arguing and that started the war when they started to declare war on each other which eventually leaded to a full on ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Compare And Contrast Letters And I Want A Wife Women and men have always been depicted as socially, physically, and overall different; men are superior and women inferior. In both "Letters" by John and Abigail Adams and "I Want A Wife" by Judy Brady, women are belittled and thought of to be of very little importance.John makes it sound like the county and its needs are more important than his wife Abigail. Brady talks about how a woman, a wife is thought of by their spouse or husband; that they are easily replaceable. "It is very true, as you observe they have been duped by Dunmore. But this is a Common Case. All the Colonies are duped, more or less, at one Time and another" (John 537).He is basically telling Abigail that the country will be ok no thanks to her that she has no place. "... ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Hyperbole In The 1930's In this letter, Downe employs a conversational and extremely personal tone, and appeals to his wife's instincts through the use of hyperbole, similes, and examples of the many benefits he receives in order to persuade her to emigrate. He portrays America as a land of equality and convenience using a common man's tone and vivid imagery. Downe also undermines the difficulties of emigration his wife may face in order to make her more agreeable to the idea. He opens by exchanging pleasantries with her, 'My dear wife' and then goes on to describe his current situation. I get the impression that he is very excited and enthusiastic due to his child–like tone and fast pacing. 'A farmer took me one day...' Downe describes the kindness of people around... Show more content on ... 'that there is too many people... it is quite the reverse' Down uses hyperbole 'and will be for a thousand years...' in order to reassure his wife. There is a change in mood in the second paragraph, since Downe is trying to justify his emigration, and he turns poetic in order to reinforce his love and deep caring for his wife and children. 'My dear Sukey...You know very well...I would rather cross the Atlantic ten times.' Downe states that poverty and deprivation forced him to go abroad in search of a living. It appears to me that Down is glorifying his travels in order to make his wife emphathise with him and tempt her to come to America. He undermines the difficultes his wife may face during emigration. 'You will find a few...' Downe then proceeds to portray America as a land of freedom, equality and unlimited opportunity using an inspirational tone. 'This is a country where a man can stand...with rational liberty to its fullest extent. Downe recreates some of his experiences in America in a joyful manner, and successfully conjures up an image of America as a country that has not been tainted with crime, poverty, and discrimination. 'Poverty is unknown here.' A personal tone that shows his sense of longing and excitement is maintained throughout the letter, especially the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. William Wycherley's The Country Wife The Country Wife is a restoration comedy, which means there is lots of sexual language in it. William Wycherley is the playwright. In the play, he expressed lots of Comedy of Manners. Nathan did a great job with expressing the sexual jokes. All the actors and actresses I didn't get a lot of them, but I did for the most part it was okay put together. The costumes were a major factor in the entire production success. The costumes chosen for the performance were appropriate, but not well conveyed in a lot of ways. The idea of them were great, they just were not conveyed as well as I believe they could have been. When I think of restoration costumes, I imagine large puffy wigs, extensive puffy dresses and clothing, lots of extravagant hats, and ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Tartuffe, By Touching On Tartuffe In constructing this short essay, I will first start off by touching on Tartuffe and how the writing was purposefully catering to the aristocratic. I will then shift to the analysis of The Country Wife. Finally, I will show the middle class society from The London Merchant breakdown. I will also be using specifics from Tartuffe, The Country Wife and The London Merchant, to show the shift from an aristocratic to middleclass society effected the drama. That being noted, I will begin with Tartuffe. The audience that MoliГЁre wrote Tartuffe was a worldly sector of the social elite in Paris in Seventeenth Century. Its original audience was of course the royal court at Louis XIV 's palace in Versailles. Officially, that society continued to be patriarchal. The society that had husbands and fathers exercising supreme authority over their dependents. The plot of Tartuffe concerns itself with an incompetent head–of–household, who is Orgon, relinquishes his authority by allocating it to a counselor he has picked up off the streets. Reasoning behind this is due to his extraordinary piousness. Tartuffe turns out to be a devout con–man, who, once he has attained control over the master 's property, moves to remove him and his family from the premises. At that moment it should have become obvious to readers that the play creates within itself something of a "contradiction." The question that has to be asked is; what happens when a sovereign power is somehow powerless of exercising ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Comparing A Stench of Kerosene and Country Lovers Essay Comparing A Stench of Kerosene and Country Lovers Both A Stench of Kerosene and Country Lovers demonstrate cultural pressures in different parts of the world. A Stench of Kerosene is set most probably in India. The main plot of the story, which involves Manak, hisMother, his second wife, his first wife Guleri and his friend Bhavani, is that Guleri leaves Manak to visit her parents, and whilst there, Manak's mother introduces a second wife to Manak, and she becomes pregnant, without Guleri knowing, and when she finds out, she commits suicide by burning herself with kerosene, and when the baby finally ... Show more content on ... Manak wants to make sure he is a good son to his parents. Throughout the story, his key traits are that he loved Guleri but was unable to show his emotions to her, and as is also very respectful to his mother which is shown not only by not replying when she called him a woman, but also when she introduced him to the second wife and even then respected her wishes. This shows the importance of culture in India. Another story which expresses the cultural pressures people face is Country Lovers which is set n South Africaduring the time of apartheid. This story involves Paulus, Njabulo, Thebedi and the baby. The main story is that Paulus, a white boy and Thebedi, a black girl become very close child friends. Paulus then left and Thebedi met Njabulo, another black who fathers Thebedi's child, whose father is Paulus. Njabulo knows this but carries on. Paulus comes back and kills the child, and then escapes from prison after Thebedi lied in court. The story begins with blacks and whites integrating regardless of their cultural pressures and Apartheid, which was a very big issue. However, as they became older they became aware of the culture and the fact that they could not socialise with the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Women 's Rights Of Women "The history of men's opposition to women's emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of emancipation itself" (Woolf). Nowadays, in most societies, the role a woman chooses to take for herself is often a choice rather than a restriction. In Islamic societies, however, women seem to be forced into certain roles and responsibilities. These restrictions often seem to elevate a man 's status and importance in society while degrading a woman 's status. Women's fight for their rights is not something new. As a matter of fact, they have been fighting for their rights around the world for centuries. In some societies, they obtain fairly freedom, but unfortunately in other societies such as Muslim society, women are not as free as ... Show more content on ... Some of the men had white, long outfit the way Arab men do in their own country, and couple of them had short sleeve and jeans, but the wives, not only had black long veil to cover from head to toe, they covered their face with some black fabric. Our table was close to their table, one of the women pulled up the fabric over her face to drink some water, and the waiter came along, I didn't understand the Arabic, but her husband said something to her and immediately she covered her face again until the waiter left. When I saw this, I felt bad for those women, how come in a hot summer day, the men can choose whatever they want to wear, but poor women cannot uncover their faces to eat or drink something without their husband's permission. I believe that not every woman can, or have the courage to stand up for their rights, and in this situation, makes our duty more serious and more important to fight for women's right, to speak up for those who do not have the voice, to advocate them, to defend their right to be free to be as educated as men, to be as active citizen as men among their societies. The second important reason that we should defend women's rights in the Islamic society is that, in some countries, women are being treated as part of men's properties. As we all know polygamy means a system of marriage whereby one person has more than one spouse. However, polygamy ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Neighbor Rosicky Analysis Prompt: How do Cather's descriptions of country life and city life help us understand her perspective on life in the West? Immigrants from all around the world moved to America in the early 20th century in pursuit of a career, better living conditions, and overall improvement. No matter whether immigrants settled in the city or country their hard work often resulted in happiness and profitability. One touching recount of an immigrant's travels and pursuit of happiness is that of Anton Rosicky, in "Neighbor Rosicky" by Willa Cather. Cather argues that despite city –life yielding success, country–life is superior to city–life due to its tranquil tendencies and ability to mature an individual. In this passage, Cather develops the tranquil ambience ... Show more content on ... Rosicky and his wife Mary have just gotten into an altercation about his health. Mary approaches the argument with aggressivity, while Rosicky simply remains calm and collected. Mary cares deeply for Rosicky and her passionate approach to the situation shows it. Following the altercation Cather says "He was city–bred, and she was country–bred" (6). By contrasting two differing characters, Cather enhances the characteristics of each. The characteristics that are brought out directly reflect the ambience of each individual's upbringing. Through the characterization of Rosicky as an easygoing and approachable city–man, Rosicky also characterizes the city as easygoing and approachable. Despite the city developing Rosicky into a respectable man, its lack of intensity may decrease motivation and overall profitability of other workers in the city. The man has not been hardened by city–labor; whereas, his wife has been from rustic country labor. The characterization of Rosicky's wife as aggressive and forceful reflects the pugnacious country environment where profit is earned through fatiguing physical labor. This intensity creates a drive within workers to pursue the American Dream and find success in their work. Mary has embraced this intensity and found success in her work. Second, the phrase "He never raised his voice ... Get more on ...
  • 37. How Does Wycherley Use Humour In The Country Wife The Country Wife by William Wycherley As was typical for Restauration theatre, The Country Wife is a comedy with bawdy language and humour. After the strict Puritan rule under Cromwell, audiences craved humour and amusement which Wycherley delivers in his play. In it, the country is contrasted with the city. While the country seems like a naГЇve and innocent place (seemingly personified in Mrs. Pinchwife), the city is a place of seduction and danger. It is a place to be feared as Mr. Pichwife keeps pointing out to his wife: "Well, tomorrow night I shall be rid of you, and the next day before 'tis light she and I'll be rid of the Town and my dreadful apprehensions. Come, be not melancholy, for thou shall go into the Country after tomorrow, Dearest"... Show more content on ... Mrs. Pinchwife first says she "hate[s] London" (Wycherley 12) and wishes to be in the country again but later in the narrative falls prey to Mr. Horner and wants to be married to him. The home and the marriage are thereby polluted by the effect the city has on its occupants. In one passage Mr. Pinchwife describes the town women as follows: "[T]he naughty Town Women who only hate their Husbands and love every Man else, love Plays, Visits, fine Coaches, fine Clothes, Fiddles, Balls, Treats, and so lead a wicked Town–life" (Wycherley 12). Mrs. Pinchwife later repeats this sentiment of the London wife who leaves her husband for other men (Wycherley 67). In the play, the city has successfully polluted the ideals of marriage and of wives. It is an unhomely place that destroys morals and promotes ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Neoclassical Comparison The Neoclassical Period took place roughly around 1660 to 1798. The literature that came from this period is still read today. People like to read things then try to relate it to themselves. Many are under the influence that the Neoclassical Period is closely related to our generation. When you take an educated look at the comparisons you realize our time and the Neoclassical period are completely different. In Neoclassical literature, people took romantic relationships very seriously. This is shown in She Stoops to Conquer by Oliver Goldsmith throughout the work. The story revolves around the two relationships between Marlow with Miss Hardcastle and Hastings with Miss Neville. The pairs try very hard to get the approval of the parents, because of how important relationships were. Another neoclassical work that portrays the point is The Country Wife by William Wycherley. The Country Wife is about married women falling in love with single men, but the relationships they are in with their husbands bring conflict between love and society's view on marriage during the time period. There is a confrontation between Lady Fidget and Horner, where Lady Fidget gives into her passion to Horner. Before anything happens however, Lady Fidget makes Horner "promise to have a care of [her] dear Honor"(47). Lady fidget is asking him not to tell anybody, which provides more evidence of how serious relationships were taken. Lady Fidget knows if the town hears about her cheating ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The German Refugee Analysis Oskar's Struggle: The life of a German immigrant during World War II In the story "The German Refugee," written by Bernard Malamud, Oskar, a Jewish immigrant from Germany struggles to learn English and cope with the depression of his past. Many German immigrants, especially those that were Jewish, had to struggle with similar problems like Oskar's. Unfortunately, Oskar kills himself at the end of the paper, leaving his American dream unfulfilled and succumbing to the depression that followed him throughout the story. Oskar is a first–generation Immigrant from Germany, leaving his wife in Germany to flee from the persecution of Hitler and the Nazis. Oskar is well educated, having been a German reporter and critic before he emigrated to the U.S to give lectures at the Institute of Public Studies once a week. One trait that Oskar struggles with throughout the story and unfortunately succumbs to at the end, is his depression. His depression is mainly due to leaving his wife that he loved in Germany and attempting to learn English so that he does not get embarrassed at the lecture. Also, we learn early on in the story that Oskar has been struggling with depression since his arrival in America, having attempted suicide in the first week he was here. Along with being depressed, Oskar is also very lonely, will all of his friends and family back in Germany and his only friend in America being Martin Goldberg, his English tutor. Oskar struggles with many of the same things that other Jewish immigrants from Germany would have. Oskar, like many of them, is fleeing for his life because Germany at the time was under Nazi rule and Jews across Germany were being sent to concentration camps and being killed. Also, like many other immigrants from other countries, Oskar has a hard time learning the English language. Immigrants like Oskar needed to learn the language in order to find their way around the city, obtain a job, and buy things such as apartments and food. Without the language, the immigrants are isolated just like Oskar. However, Oskar had some unique experiences unlike other immigrants that have come to this country. Oskar lives alone, nowhere near a German community, preventing him from getting help and ... Get more on ...