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Essay On The Impact Of Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports
Impact of Performancing Drugs in Sports Out of the 21,849 drug tests during the 1968–2008
summer games there was 105 cases of positive drug tests ("Drugs and athletes"). Performance
Enhancing Drugs can either be Stimulants, Anabolic–androgenic steroids, human growth hormones,
and Erythropoientin ("Performance Enhancing"). PED's improve your overall athletic performance.
PED' are harmful and can even be fatal. Athletes use these substances to gain an unfair advantage to
become better than their opponent. Athletes who use PED's violate the spirit of competition and
makes it not fun to compete for players who respect the rules. Every year countless players take
PED's to give them an unfair boost that can harm them, it also does not show their true athleticism
on the field. ... Show more content on ...
For instance "Almost all athletes take some type of substance to improve their performance in the
sport they participate in ("")." When athletes use drugs or substances to increase your
performance it is unfair to the spirit of the sport. Strangely enough, "As there are people willing to
cheat, there will be drugs that are undetectable."("") There is a high demand for
drugs for athletes willing to cheat and make the field unfair. In fact, "Mcwire, a famous home run
hitter who was found taking a legal drug called andiostendire which changed how people looked at
him (Haley)." Mcwire, then proved that in order to be the best you must take PED's to help you get
there. Athletes who lack the performance to compete with others at their sport, take PED's to
enhance their performance over others. It takes lots of hard work and sweat to increase your
performance and some athletes are not willing to work for their awards, instead they take substances
to increase their performance. Players who use performance enhancing drugs are cheaters and it is
unfair to all the other players in that
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Research Paper On Drugs In Sports
Drugs Taking its Toll
Lebron James once stated, "but sports carried me away from being in a gang, or being associated
with drugs. Sports was my way out"(Pilon). The access to drugs in today's world is becoming easier
and easier. Studies show numerous athletes from other countries travel to the United States to buy
stimulants that are illegal in their countries, to be used in competitions(Scott). In addition, games are
supposed to be entertaining but how could they be when rules are broken and bad examples are
shown, all resulting in awful side–effects.
Lots of people are in the stands cheering for the players, but are they cheering for their effort in the
game or their ability to cheat? Taking performance–enhancing drugs will destroy ... Show more
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Sports is all about fun and talent, there should not be a reason to take the game to a degrading level,
show good sportsmanship by not cheating.It is good to show younger generations a proper example
to follow. Although these drugs are becoming easier to access does not mean they should be bought,
but it is a good idea to stay clear of them in case any symptoms begin to reveal themselves. It is
great to just show the world actual skill, than to do some pills and ruin the whole career and the
future that is
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Sports and Performance Enhancing Drugs Essay
Performance enhancing drugs in todays pro sports have become a big deal, because of health
stimulants and the benefits that such studies have on good development of the person and on fair
athletic games. Pediatricians or trainers can play a huge role in helping the athlete or player that is
using or taking performance enhancing drugs. By taking factual info about the true benefits and
medical problems of these drugs and giving information about healthy food and working out. Tries
to create a change in opinion of using through fearing tactics or by letting go known performance
enhancing drugs encourage the doctor to have a total idea of performance enhancing drugs, and
attempts for prevention. Athletes take on huge obstacles to win games. ... Show more content on ...
Steroids aren't bad for you, because they make you stronger faster and more athletic. Some of the
biggest sports (in order) that use sports enhancing drugs are 1. Baseball, 2. Track, 3. Football. Speed
is another big drug in sport due to my research. It's ability to keep you motivated and more hype is
causing players in the professional leagues to use it. When you use speed you just become more
skits and on the go, so it would allow you an advantage on the other people you are currently
playing. Again Football, Track, and Baseball are the most common sports who use a performance
enhancement drug. Enhancement drugs are a great and beneficial way to go when lifting, playing a
sport, etc. I know many players get caught when they use performance enhancement drugs and get
banned from games, because people consider that cheating, I honestly don't know why though drugs
are the best way to improve your ability one hundred percent. to some people drugs in sports are a
un beneficial way to go, but you don't have to listen to them its your life choose how you live it.
Protein is pretty much like a drug its kind of like steroids it helps your body become stronger and
faster, but everyone thinks protein is a great substance. I think its stupid that people are not allowed
to make their own decision like what has the world come to. I mean let the people make their own
decision, if they want to be faster let them, if they want to be stronger let
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Drug Testing In Sports
Drug Testing
"People take steroids because they BELIEVE they have no other way. Steroids are about comparing
yourself to other people but if you just become the best YOU, you will find out that you will never
need them"– Howard Berman. Drug testing is necessary for the survival of sports. Professional
athletes earn great amounts of money and with it comes major responsibilities. All of them represent
their country, their state, their city, their school, their family, their team, their friends and their fans.
BY doing drugs to improve their athletic performance, they let down all that people that believed in
them and the athlete himself. Those athletes ruin the fair play, their reputation, their health and all
the hope people had on them. They throw away the effort, time, and work, their competitors and
teammates put in the game. And the worst thing, the steal that moment of glory. The use of drugs to
improve an athletic performance is cheating and it could lead into death; therefore, sport
organizations should make drug tests harder and more often so there are not cheaters.
HISTORY ... Show more content on ...
And they will remind during the hole twenty–first century. Synthetic hormones were developed in
the 1930s and soon became popular in athletes or soldiers. Nazi doctors administered hormones to
soldiers to increase their strength. In the 1967 Tour the France the English cyclist Tom Simpson, due
to amphetamines, died. this created a new sense of urgency about the need for athletic drug testing.
In 1968, the International Olympic committee introduced drug testing for olympic athletes. in the
1970s, test were able to detect the presence of anabolic steroids. In the early 1990s professional
athletic associations began to ban steroids and test for them, most creating random drug–testing
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Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports Essay
The use of performance enhancing drugs in sports (doping) is done to improve athletic performance.
Doping in sports has become a highly controversial topic among professional sporting venues and in
the media. With the increased pressure to perform, high priced contracts, increased competition, and
advanced training methods today's athletes will try to gain an edge by any means necessary.
Performance enhancing drugs used by athletes today include Human Growth Hormone (HGH),
anabolic steroids, peptide hormones, amphetamines, insulin and stimulants. The reason athletes use
performance enhancing drugs is to increase the amount of testosterone produced in the body. The
increased testosterone in the body increases muscle strength by enabling new ... Show more content
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Eugene Robinson from the Washington post claims "Most fans watch see people unlike
themselves perform extraordinary physical feats. The superhuman quality of professional athletes is
precisely what Americans admire about them" (p.A25).
Supporters of the use of performance enhancing drugs in sports argue if athletes want to take drugs
to improve their performance, why should we determine what risky behavior they take part in unless
it directly interferes with our lives? They are not harming anyone else but themselves. They are
adults and are capable of making decisions about what they put in their own bodies. Keith Burgess–
Jackson, an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Texas at Arlington states
"...people should be able to use whatever substances they want when they compete. Those who don't
want to risk their lives or health should take up another line of work."
Supporters of PED's further argue justification by claiming that athletes use dietary supplements,
exercises, medical treatment etc. to enhance their performance. They argue that taking protein
powder, vitamin pills or spending exuberant amounts of time working out in a gym is also unnatural
and enhances performance, but we don't view that as cheating. "If something can be said to be
'natural', we tend to be okay with it. If it seems lab–made or
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Persuasive Essay On Drugs In Sports
Drugs are a rapid problem growing all over the place from the streets of Major cities to the locker
room of many Major league teams. Drugs come in all forms, shapes, and sizes Drugs are all over the
place. Almost everyone has taken some kind of drug before, maybe it was a prescription from your
doctor but they are still drugs. Did you know almost four percent of America, America are addicted
to pain relievers. This is a drug you can literally go into a regular store like Wal–Mart and buy, these
and they are really easy to become addicted to them too. The most common drug used by athletes
are called performance drugs, performance drugs are used by athletes to improve their performance
in many different sports. Athletes love using these drugs to get ahead of competition to put their
body on another level separating them from the rest. These drugs make them superior makes them
feel as if they are the best they can be with these drugs and they almost kind of appeal to their egos.
While Some drugs are used by certified doctors, Athletes use drugs to get ahead of competition
because Drugs are used to enhance performance, The drug problem is growing rapidly , and Many
athletes have be caught cheating. Therefore, athletes use performance drugs to get ahead of the
competition and make themselves better. Athletes are abusing ... Show more content on ...
The game around us is changing as we know it and we should either shut it down or hop on it. We
Drugs are a big deal when it comes to sports by frankly anything. Sports and drugs are going net to
net and we have to deal with it. Drugs are a common subject when we hear about athletes being
suspended from the game and have to pay money out of their own pockets. While Some drugs are
used by certified doctors, Athletes use drugs to get ahead of competition because Drugs are used to
enhance performance, The drug problem is growing rapidly , and Many athletes have be caught
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The Importance Of Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports
Is it okay to use performance enhancing drugs in sport? Some people would agree because they
would say that taking enhancing drugs improves athletes' performance which makes the sport more
interesting. The more interesting the sport, the more fans are gained. Most athletes say they dope
because everyone else is doing it and they need to do it if they still want to be the best. However, if
doping could be put to an end altogether then everyone would have an equal chance at being the best
and the winner would be the one who worked the hardest instead of who found the best drugs to use.
Doping has diminished the value of sportsmanship.
On the banned drug list, there are five different types, the most well known being steroids and
hormones. Although they are performance enhancing, they have been banned by the sports'
governing bodies. In some sports athletes use steroids to become bigger and stronger, but in other
sports such as swimming and cycling, they use performance enhancing drugs that are called
anabolic steroids. These are effective for a short period of time because they increase red blood cell
production. This allows the athletes' muscles to work more efficiently because they now have more
oxygen. This is how many athletes have been able to break old records with each race.
It is not okay to take performance enhancing drugs because sport is about fairness, health and talent.
Fairness is what makes the game interesting. The spirit of sportsmanship is to
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Should Performance Enhancing Drugs Be Allowed In Sports Essay
When starting my research on the use of performance–enhancing drugs in sports I thought that I
knew everything. Through this research, I have read a lot of information on if performance–
enhancing drugs could be allowed or not in sports. The research that I did was very informative for
me. I got to learn all the Pros and Cons of performance enhancing drugs. The research allowed me
to pick 6 people who made valid points for each side of the argument. "Should performance
enhancing drugs be allowed in sports," by Thomas H. Murray. Thomas Murray was President of the
Hastings Center from 1999 to 2012. He is also involved in the World Anti–Doping Agency and a
former member of the Sports Medicine Committee. Thomas Murray is against the use of
performance–enhancing drugs in sports. According to Thomas Murray, "performance–enhancing
drugs in sports can have the potential to cause a public health catastrophe." People should realize
"Steroids and stimulants have caused problems in the Olympics for decades"(Murray). With the use
performance enhancing drugs being so widespread the Tour de France nearly collapsed. It not only
is widespread in cycling, but also in baseball and many other sports. The argument is "that what one
athlete chooses to do can affect everyone in that competition" (Murray). Professional athletes are
role models for ... Show more content on ...
Becker. Gary Becker received his Princeton and his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago. He
was a professor at Columbia University and at the University of Chicago. He does not think that
performance–enhancing drugs should be allowed in sports. Gary Becker said "While the case for
banning various types of drugs and other enhancers are strong, the ability to control doping is
limited"(Becker). He means that banning all the different types of performance enhancing drugs is a
lot easier to do. He said it is a lot harder to control each substance because athletes find new ways to
use performance enhancing
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Sport Enhancement Drugs
Steroids in Sports: Exploratory Essay The sports world has changed drastically over the past 10
years. The use of steroids has risen within that amount of time and it has changed the view of sports
and the game itself. As a fan of all sports, it interests me why athletes feel like it's ok or acceptable
to take drugs to enhance their performance on the field of play. Athletes are always looking for ways
to improve their skills on and off the field. With the use of steroids, athletes everywhere, not just
"well–know" or "popular" athletes are putting their entire career on the line with steroid use. The use
of steroids and other substances to enhance sports performance has risen to an all–time high over the
last few years. Steroids are available to everyone, not just "athletes" since steroids are used for other
uses, for example in cattle, farmers are injecting their cattle, especially males, with steroids to make
them bigger and increase the amount of meat that you can get from one cow. Steroids are mainly
used for building muscle mass at a rapid pace and it allows people to work out longer or lift heavier
weights for a longer amount of time allowing the body to grow faster. Skepticism in baseball started
back in the summer of 1998 when Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa were chasing the all time home
runs total list. As the season continued on and the home run count was decreasing by every game, a
reporter found out that McGwire had a collection of a weird dietary supplement
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Drug Use In Professional Sports
For many years athletes have been using drugs to enhance and provide better performance for
themselves and for their team. Most drugs were introduced to players by fellow teammates and team
doctors. Expanding from professional sports to minor league sports, including college and high
school sports.The use of drugs isn't as prevalent in the Midwest as it is to the East and West coast.
The act to stop the drug process in sports isn't very effective because the expansion of drugs and the
simplicity of obtaining drugs common worldly trend not only for the younger crowd of society, but
also, the older crowd. Sports teams and leagues enforce the band of any drug that meets any of these
three criteria: improves athletic performance, harm athletes, and are against spirit of the sport. First
time used in 1889 by Pud Galvin, performance enhancing drugs were started by experimentations on
animal testicles: pigs, dogs, rabbits, cows, and sheep. The great epidemic of doping started after
WWII when soldiers turned to drugs for support because of wounds and weakness of the body. The
World Anti–Doping Association was created to stop the use of recreational drugs and performance
enhancing drugs,but a scientist by the name of Dr.Lawrence Golding rebelled against the program
after he testified in a senate hearing, claiming to be an expert on experimenting on ... Show more
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There hasbeen been an increase in drug testing because of the outstanding use of performance
enhancing drugs and recreational drugs. Before the opening of every season the NFL, NBA, NCAA,
NSA, MLB, PGA, PTL, and olympics drug test each and every athlete for the use of performance
enhancing drugs and recreational drugs. The Athletes that are and have used drugs for either
pleasure or for an enhancer are taking risks from not just their career, but health and family
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Legalization Of Performance-Enhancing Drugs In Sports
The life today, sports play a big factor in the media. The media always has society updated on social
media of the athletes latest statement or where abouts. A huge discussion among people today deals
with who is the G.O.A.T. This acronym means the greatest of all time, to a professional athlete this
acronym drives them to become the best they can be to leave a statement when they leave their
sport. Athletes are always trying to find ways to get bigger and stronger to be better than their
competitors or to better the team. There is one way for them to become bigger and stronger though,
that is performance and enhancing drugs. PED's are not legal in today's sports due to the fact that
people believe that this act is a form of cheating. In the past twenty years it has been up for major
discussion. The use of PEDs are somehow found in any sport you look into. Due to this athletes who
have been found with the influence of PEDs in their system instantly get a red flag above their head
and get a lot of trouble for their action. It leads to suspensions and it can take their past successes
stolen away from them. Could it be that the athlete is ... Show more content on ...
There is always downsides to allow drugs to be legalized. Sure there may be some health concerns
dealing with the use of PEDs, but there are people who know how to regulate the drug and keep
them safe healthy. These people can team up with highly educated doctors that will allow them to
find a way to secure the health of the user. Yet another question with this topic would be if they find
a safe way for athletes to use them would people see it as a form of cheating. Is there a difference
between an athlete cheating in a game or a student cheating on a big exam to help them pass the
class? Performance–Enhancing drugs is not a form of cheating and they should be legal only under
the circumstances of keeping the athlete health safe, and need to be regulated by sport
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The Role Of Performance-Enhancing Drugs In Sports
There is no defined number to how many people in the world love sports. Whether you play it,
watch it, or just simply hear about it, it's no surprise that over half of the human population finds at
least one sport appealing. From the era of the B.C.'s to our 21st century, sports have always been a
popular aspect of our daily curriculums. There's just something about the action and the winning
triumph moments that really gets the adrenaline pumping, for all athletes and fans alike. Victory is
important, but how can the actions of getting there affect the sporting world as a whole? As
technologies improve throughout the years, more and more athletes are cheating their way to
success by taking drugs or blood doping. Drug usage and doping have ... Show more content on ...
Many athletes use it to make sports interesting, or else who would want to watch? Some may say
that with all of the top level sports being surrounded by media and drama, it has become an
entertainment spectacle. Which athletes don't use some kind of enhancement drug these days? Even
in my eyes, with all of the strict rules, it almost makes taking gummy bear vitamins seem dangerous.
Some people even agree that more usage of PEDs could lead to safer regulation of these drugs that
can cause severe after effects. Even so, we should honor the ethics and honesty that goes into
playing sports. "The spirit of sport is the celebration of the human spirit, body, and mind, and is
characterized by committing values." (Savulescu, Foddy, & Clayton) The past naturalistic Athenian
vision of sports include finding the best and most skilled man through pure means. I believe that a
person's excellence in performance is a potential that can be brought out by training, and drugs that
augment our natural abilities pose opposition to this spirit and model of sports. Although it may
seem like the one who is blessed with the best genetics will always be victorious, but that is not the
case. According to the following, "The winner will be the person with a combination of the genetic
potential, training, psychology, wisdom, and judgment. Olympic performance would be the result of
human creativity and choice."
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Drugs And Sports : The Use Of Drugs In Sports
Drugs in sports, also known as doping, is very common around the world. The usage of drugs in
sport goes way back, about all the way back to where the concept of sports was invented, during the
1960's. Doping is a practice that has been going on since the time of "ancient Greek athletes, who
supposedly ate herbs, sesame seeds, dried figs, and mushrooms for this purpose" (Hoberman, 1992,
104).In ancient times, when the fittest of a nation were selected as athletes or combatants, they were
fed diets and given treatments considered beneficial. For instance, Scandinavian mythology says
Berserkers could drink a mixture called "butotens", to greatly increase their physical power at the
risk of insanity. One theory is that the mixture was prepared from the Amanita muscaria mushroom,
though this has been disputed. The German missionary and doctor Albert Schweitzer wrote of
Gabon in the early 19th century: "The people of the country can, having eaten certain leaves or
roots, toil vigorously all day without feeling hungry, thirsty or tired and all the time showing a
happiness and gaiety. In ancient Rome , where chariot racing had become a huge part of their
culture, athletes drank herbal infusions to strengthen them before chariot races.
Many athletes use drugs to make them stronger and faster to win the competition. One of the most
known news about it was when Michael Phelps used steroids in the 2008 Olympics. Even though all
the tests came negative, he still got caught and that is when doping was starting to be more of an
issue. Matthew Irby, a reporter for the Bleacher Report stated, "The drug that Phelps has allegedly
tested positive for is a rarely used and/or seen steroid, DDP. DDP stands for Delphinus Delphis
Ponticus." DDP builds endurance in an athlete by increasing the production of oxygen–rich red
blood cells. Similar to its sister drug EPO, DDP has been modified so that it targets specific areas of
endurance and recovery for swimmers. Given the advantage of taking the illegal steroid, a swimmer
could performer better during races and then recover quicker if another race was soon to come. After
this 2008 incident, Phelps was then tested sixteen times the 2016 olympics. Phelps was not at all
bothered by
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The Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports Today
Performance enhancers are very prominent in professional sports today. A lot of players are facing
suspensions and other penalties for using them. The sport that gets scrutinized the most for this is
Baseball. Many former users in the MLB (or formally the NABBP) have come out saying that they
were using these drugs while playing. Some of these players are Jorge Sosa, Antonio Bastardo, and
the famous Alex Rodriguez. Although these drugs have been prohibited, players are still finding
ways around the tests which is why in some other countries they are legal so that no one player can
have an unfair advantage. There have been many arguments and disputes about the origin of the
sport known as baseball. This has led many people to wonder where 'America's favorite pastime'
came from. Some people believe that the sport has taken shape from a primeval community game
called rounders. Other historical sources remark that Thomas Wilson condemned this game and a
few other sports. In England he was considered a conformist leader. These speculations have led to
curiosity to the game of stool ball. In this game, the batter would stand in front of a stool while a
different person pitched him the ball. If the batter's ball was caught in the field he would be out.
Also, if the ball hit the stool that was behind the batter, he would again be out.
According to (, the first modern rules
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Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports
From the very beginning when humans have engaged in competitive sports, they have tried to gain
every possible edge against their opponents. After all, the desire for any and every competitive
advantage is a completely understandable element of human nature. Not surprisingly, there are
records of the use of performance enhancing drugs going as far back as ancient times. Despite this
long and storied history of performance enhancing drugs in sports, doping is arguably the most
controversial and most talked–about issue in modern sports. It is an issue that cuts across all sports,
regardless of technology, popularity, or tradition. It affects the sports that are traditionally thought of
as "muscle–bound," such as football and bodybuilding. This ... Show more content on ...
This condition can cause growth failure (such as short stature) and hypoglycemia, the pathologic
state of lower than normal levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Treatment for this condition
usually involves the injection of human growth hormone and is generally able to effect dramatic
improvements in the patient's life, as the body ages, the body produces less growth hormone.the
benefits of human growth hormone as an ergogenic aid are not as unanimously accepted. Also
connects with Blood doping, In the human body, red blood cells make up the majority of all blood
cells. They are the vehicles by which oxygen is delivered to body tissue, and they also transport
carbon dioxide, a cellular waste, away from the tissue. The more red blood cells a body contains, the
less the body will get fatigued, since the muscle tissues are getting replenished with "fuel" oxygen at
a quicker rate. It's more for athletes that need to boost their endurance in their spot like runners,
swimmers, or cyclists. The benefits of greater red blood cells are scientifically proven, which
encourages endurance athletes to engage in blood–doping. Which is the process of boosting their red
blood cell level through artificial means. Growth hormone, like steroids, allowed him to increase his
muscle mass, but unlike steroids, it also strengthened
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The Use Of Performance Enhancing Drugs Within Sports
Legalization of Performance Enhancing Drugs within Sports Do you want to want to become the
peak athlete that you know your body is capable of? Well, this paper will not do that for you, but it
will tell you how, and it will tell you why it should be legal to do so. Doping in sports is one of the
most extensive debates within the realm of athletics. Whether it be injecting anabolic steroids,
consuming them, or blood doping, athletes will do drugs. Doping has no effect on the viewership of
the sport. Athletes can always find ways to cheat the system, and trying to prevent the use seems
impossible. The use of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) should be legalized, as long as it is
allowed under medical supervision. Performance enhancing drugs, or steroids, are defined as
substances used to improve physical performance. There are many types of steroidal performance
enhancers. The first of these performance enhancing drugs are anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids
are also known as androgen steroids, and they are used to increase the muscle mass and strength of a
person. A natural anabolic steroid is testosterone, which your body naturally produces. Some
athletes take straight testosterone which is another way to boost your athletic performance. This has
the same effect as anabolic steroids, but it is natural and can be found within the body. Anabolic
steroids are so effective and appealing to athletes, because they allow athletes to recover faster from
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Drugs In Sports Analysis
The article "drugs in sports: why the fuss?" was published in 2000 to inform public about why drug
related controversies exaggerated in sports. Author Lan Ritchie explains that in every Olympic year
sport is overwhelm with stories of banned substance use to enhance performance as drugs threaten
both the health of athletes and the integrity of sport. In my point of view, athletes who use banned
substance to enhance performance are cheaters because they ruin the values of sports.
As Lan Ritchie explain, using drugs to enhance performance might just make sense the problem of
drug use in sports knock over due to ideals and values of sports. He tried to explain that banned
substances are dangerous to the health of athletes but not more than some
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Drug Abuse In Sports Research Paper
Drug Abuse in Professional Sports Drug abuse, and its consequences, is a problem in all sports, even
among sports most decorated athletes. For instance, Alex Rodriguez was a professional baseball
player who played with the New York Yankees. He was a three time all star with 696 homeruns
under his belt. Towards the end of his career, MLB authorities found that he had been using
performance enhancing drugs after failing a drug test. Rodriguez was issued a one–year ban and a
ruined reputation. In a similar case, Lance Armstrong was an accomplished cycling in a familiar
situation to Rodriguez. Lance won the Tour de France from 1999–2005, making him one of the best
cyclist ever. However, in 2012 the great cyclist was caught up in a doping scandal
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Accepting Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports
Proponents of accepting performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) in sports argue that their harmful
health effects have been overstated, that health risks are an athlete's decision to make, that using
drugs is part of the evolution of sports much like improved training techniques and new
technologies, and that efforts to keep athletes from using PEDs are overzealous, unproductive,
unfairly administered, and bound to fail.
The spirit of sport is the celebration of the human spirit, the body and the mind. Doping is contrary
to the spirit of sport, erodes public confidence and jeopardises the health and well–being of athletes.
[Although some people believe] it helps you improve,athletes should be punished because it kills
you from the inside and can ... Show more content on ...
And, as we have shown with EPO, lifting the ban on EPO seems to eliminate an inequality
concerning access to have a high level of red blood cells, between rule–abiding non dopers.
Lifting the ban would allow them to research and aim at reducing harm provoked by actual
unsupervised drugs.
Tamburrini states: "With no prohibition, no athlete will be in a situation of competitive inferiority, as
all will have the opportunity to dope"
If the ban on performance–enhancing drugs is lifted, it might just as well increase the inequality
between rich and poor athletes in their opportunity to compete, as it may be very expensive to buy
these drugs even on a free and medically supervised market.
Many teenage athletes will then be in a situation of competitive inferiority if the ban were lifted for
adults but maintained for persons under the age of 18. As an example of the former we could take
EPO–a hormone that plays a significant role in the production of red blood cells that transfer oxygen
to the
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Should Performance Enhancing Drugs Be Allowed In Sports
Should the usage of performance–enhancing drugs be allowed in sports? "Doping" is the term used
when athletes use illegal or banned substances to increase their performance. Each year thousands of
athletes are banned from participated in events due to doping. Most athletes use some form of
anabolic steroids, which are natural and man made forms of testerone. Other athletes use drugs to
enhance the oxygen within their blood to increase their stamina. The idea of using drugs to enhance
athletic performance is not a new idea. It has been around for years, opium was used by Greeks
during ancient times. As were mushrooms and the rear hooves of mules. It's only lately that this
topic has become one for the moral and ethics behind sports.
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Performance Enhancing: The Drug Effects Of Doping In Sports
Performance Enhancing is just another way for athletes to find success in sports. The drug effects
many athletes in their daily life, which changes the way that they are viewed as role models.
Reasons for the judgement towards them could have many different views and Sportsmanship tops
them all. Their daily behavior on the sporting field causes people to judge their personal life based
on their sports ability. There are many different reasons that doping in sports should be illegal such
as it gives an athlete an unfair advantage over other athletes, it also disperse athletes as role models
and can have adverse health effects. Steroids give an unfair advantage to athletes that are not as
equally talented as others that have worked hard and used
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Speech On Drugs In Sports
Drugs In Sports In sports, many of the Olympic winners have been found in taking drugs to gain
advantage from other participants with would help them to perform better in their competition.
Drugs come in different form, e.g. pills, injection or powder. The participants who take drugs only
think that the drugs will only give them positive results, but they don't think what are the after
results and what happened if they got caught. Some athletes don't even know that they are taking
drugs because their trainer has been giving them supplements by telling them that they are vitamin
pills but for the people who actually are intentionally taking drugs, is it actually fair for the drugs to
be banned because they naturally don't have as much strength and power that the other participants
have naturally? "A drug is a medicine or other substance which has a psychological effect when
digested or otherwise introduced in the body (Dictionary)." There are many different types of drugs,
e.g. anabolic steroids, diuretics and stimulants (performance enhancing drugs). These drugs are not
the only ones used but these are one of the most common ones. Anabolic Steroids is used for
allowing muscle to grow quicker, work harder and recover faster form any ... Show more content on ...
I also think that there should also be some types of awareness campaigns so people would be able to
know what is going around the world because I think that many people don't know about what is
actually happening in the sports
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Drug Testing In Sports Essay
A dominant problem in sport today is the use of performance enhancing drugs (doping). The
temptation of doping is high because athletes are constantly judged on their performance. However
drug testing is costly; per person, a drug test costs around $700. New Zealand athletes are often
missing out on dreams they have worked a lifetime to fulfill, because of world wide, performance
enhancing drug use. Drug testing has an exorbitant cost. New Zealand's expenditure alone in
2015/16 amounted to $2.962 million. Are these tests even fair and worth the cost? Most athletes
consume some sort of dietary supplement that has no evident effect on performance enhancement,
for example, a simple multivitamin can test positive in a drug test from being on the same
production line as a prohibited substance. An unpublished survey revealed that 93% of elite New
Zealand athletes had ingested at least 3 dietary supplements in the 6 months previous, a risk when
drug testing is definite.The line between supplement use and an actual performance enhancing drugs
... Show more content on ...
So in conclusion, collaboration from organisations world wide is needed to fund research projects,
to advance the methods and technologies used in drug testing, to ensure that sport is a fair and safe
environment. New Zealand athletes publically exposing cheating are bullied by opposing athletes
and media. Programs are urgently needed to be put in place in countries that encourage performance
enhancing drug use, to educate young athletes of the danger of doping. Stricter regulations on health
and supplement industry, should be enforced on the multi–billion dollar companies, whereby they
have to prove the safety of their product. These issues need to be addressed by WADA (World Anti–
doping Agency) urgently. Overall these actions will minimise the disadvantages faced by New
Zealand and other honest
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Essay The Pros and Cons of Using Sports Enhancing Drugs
Drugs are good for you so you can get better at the sports you love and get stronger and get faster
and faster and faster "brah" you can get as big as you can you could look like a balloon animal like
really really big balloon animal thats why I think drugs should be good for you. People could use
steroids, cocaine, marijuana, heroin, meth, and a lot more of drugs to use. So the players get pumped
for the game. Its like their coffee in the morning to like wake up and get ready. The sports that have
the most used drugs is Football, Baseball, Basketball, Track, Golf, all of the sports you can think of.
Never had Athletes had more training aids. The downside is that never before have Athletes had
more opportunities to cheat mainly ... Show more content on ...
To them this makes it more exciting and fun to watch. Also people say that if we try to get rid of all
of the players using drugs, then there will be many fewer players playing in leagues like the NFL. I
am not saying that the drug using players should be banned but the league should try to do more to
get them to stop taking the drugs. Maybe by putting a big big ticket for every player and every time
they are caught taking drug enhancement in their body. The athletes may just be using the drugs
because someone told them to and as we all know athletes aren't the brightest crayons in the BOX.
Now these drugs might be making them better players but they are actually really horrible for their
health. drugs like steroids have horrible side effects that can cause liver damage reproductive system
issues growth issues and in some cases even give you cancer. Athletes should look into this and the
next time their coach tries to put a needle in their butt maybe they should stand up for themselves.
Did you know that there are many pro athletes participating in sports today that are getting away
with drug use. In fact it is estimated that 95% of players in the NFL use a performance enhancing
drug such as Steroids. These Pro Athletes are also getting paid a lot of money becauses they are
really well in their sport and why are they doing well. It may because they have a lot of talent and
put a lot of time into training but also a lot of it could be the use of a performance
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The Importance Of Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports
One of the biggest debates in sports in recent history is whether or not to allow performance
enhancing drugs in sports. What pops into many people's minds when they hear performancing
enhancing drugs is steroids, which is a PED, but there are many more performance enhancing
substances. There are many people that believe that performance enhancing drugs should remain
banned in sports and those who are caught using any banned substances should be disciplined
accordingly. However, some people think that it should be okay for athletes to use performance
enhancing drugs to have better athletes and, as the name states, enhance the athlete's performance. In
every professional sport, athletes are tested randomly for these performance enhancing drugs, as
well as other banned substances. Performance enhancing drugs have been a source of conflict in
sports for years, and I think they will continue to be an issue no matter how much people try to
crack down, and eliminate them. I personally agree that Performance enhancing drugs should
remain banned for many reasons. For one things they are not natural for the body; the body is not
meant to go to some of the limits that PEDs sometimes make people go. Some side effects that can
occur from using PEDs for males is shrinking of the testicles, impotence, breast tissue development,
and lower sperm production. Those are just some of many side effects that can happen to males who
decide to take PEDs. A few side effects that can occur in
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Drugs In Sports Research Paper
In this investigation I am going to research if drugs should be legally used in sport by elite athletes.
According to the book titled 'Doping and Drugs in Sport volume 364' "Drugs are usually called dope
in sport which means it enhances your performance on a regular basis". With my project I aim to
research the reasons why drugs are used in sport, the side–effects and if they should be legalized.
I will also be researching as to why do some athletes use drugs, a brief history of drugs, different
types of drugs, reasons for using performance enhancing drugs and finishing with a summary. I am
going to use secondary resources including the internet and books as well as an interview with a PE
teacher as a primary resource.
The definition of ... Show more content on ...
The table above shows different way for using the performance enhances drugs. These are listed
above. The caffeine, a drug used in sport, is commonly found in coffee and tea and it is a prohibited
substance often used by athletes. Amphetamines are stimulants and they act on the central nervous
system to delay fatigue and increase alertness. Cocaine is a drug used for recreational than for
performance enhancement. It produces feelings of wellbeing, which are usually followed by feelings
of anxiety and depression.
The following is a list of the types of drugs used in sport:
 Anabolic steroids
Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances that stimulate proteins that help build non–fat muscle
mass, helping an athlete become stronger and able to train and play for longer periods of time. The
anabolic steroids can be taken in both tablet and injection forms. There is a risk for using them and
can cause a liver cancer especially for males.
 Stimulants
Stimulants are used by athletes to boost their performance and energy levels. For example
amphetamines are a type of stimulant.
 Human Growth
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Performance Enhancing Drugs For Sports
Performance Enhancing Drugs
Sport records are becoming harder to break and seeing records are starting to become a thing of the
past.. Players aren't being able to hit these home runs or score long touchdown's. Injured players are
getting kicked off the team or even quit because they can't get to their peak performance that they
were at before they got injured. If more players were to use performance enhancing drugs they
would be able to compete to the performance of past players. A performance enhance drug is any
drug used by athletes to heighten their abilities in the performance of their sport. But could P.E.D
actually help that person get better in their sport?
Quite a few famous athletes have used performance enhancing drugs to improve there game.
Kenneth Jost states " Homerun hitter Mark 'McGwire ended his career in 2001 with 583 home runs,
a record that ranks seventh in baseball history" (7). Jost stated this to show what steroids a
enhancing drug can actually help someone achieve a great achievement in baseball history.
Unfortunately McGwire was not selected for the Hall of Fame. Jost states "Many Speculate that
sports writers failed to select Mcgwire due to his connection with baseball's steroid scandal" (7).
That quote talks about how some people react to players using performancing enhancing drugs.
Even though people may hate it, those enhancing drugs can help a player reach incredible heights.
Prohibitions against performance enhancing drugs should be
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Lack Of Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports
Did you know if one athlete on an Olympic team is found guilty of taking performance enhancing
drugs, the entire team may be disqualified and forced to return the medals they may have won?
People who want to win are taking "win at any cost" matters to a slightly better edge. Doping in
sports is ruining and going to keep ruining sports, because it causes coercion, can ruin athletes' lives,
and can keep players out of the hall of fame.
Doping in sports is going to cause coercion, which means athletes feel like they are forced to do
something. In this case, athletes feel like they need to take performance and enhancing drugs. "A
report by Sports Illustrated, they did a survey that concluded half of surveyed Olympic athletes,
saying they would ... Show more content on ...
Imagine that your favorite player used steroids, and will now not be able to be in the hall of fame.
Not only would your favorite player could be in the hall of fame, but other people's favorite player
would too. If we ban doping we don't have to see players be kept out of the hall of fame, because
they used PED's. People also would see coercion go away. Also if we permanently ban performance
enhancing drugs you don't have to worry about an athletes' health condition. Doping in sports should
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Sports: The Use Of Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports
To start this highly controversial topic I would like to start with the basics. The definition of
Performance–enhancing drugs. "Performance–enhancing substances, also known as performance–
enhancing drugs(PEDs), are substances that are used to improve any form of activity performance in
humans. A well–known example involves doping in sports were banned physical performance–
enhancing drugs are used by athletes and bodybuilders." (Wikimedia foundation) If the PEDs are
used in sports by athletes and bodybuilders alike. When did this all start? According to Larry D.
Bowers they are as ancient as the sports in which they are used. "The use of drugs to enhance
performance in sports has certainly occurred since the time of the original Olympic Games [from
776 to ... Show more content on ...
This was the major sting to the world of athletics. Not only to baseball but the US as a whole. The
well known Clemens was a MVP and a CY Young award winner practically destined for the hall of
fame. Soon after famous athletes like Barry Bonds and Lance Armstrong were also accused of using
PEDs. The strict enforcement is backed up by the risky side effects to doping. The side effects
include fever, reduced platelet counts, hypertension, vasoconstriction, gastrointestinal irritability,
impaired oxygen delivery to tissues, kidney damage and iron overload. (Technische Universität
München) Not only do these drugs pose threats to the athletes health but they help the athletes win,
and sometimes athletes would do anything to win, for the money or the fame. Like the antics of a
crack cocaine addict searching for a high, these athletes want the high of fame and fortune. This is
very dangerous because after a while an addict will go too far with drugs and overdose causing
death. Unlike crack cocaine the drug is not addictive but the fame and fortune is. re these drugs
worth the risk? Can there be separate leagues for athletic competition – one that allows PEDs and
one that does not?
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Sports Enhancing Drugs Is Great for sports: Personal...
Sports are full of entertainment and great players. Imagine if the players were boosted with skills
and performed like the monster on the movie Space Jam. This would be amazing if you never
watched space jam I highly recommended you do so. The movie was great; it had one of the worlds
best athletes in it Michal Jordan. He is known as one of the greatest basketball players ever to play
the game. Space jam can show how an extra boost can improve players' game play to the next level.
Athletes should be able to use sports enhancing drugs to boost performance for better play and fan
entertainment. Think of a world where athletes are stronger, faster and more physical then today
normal athletes. This would be great for fans that enjoy ... Show more content on ...
With all this evidence that great players use banned drugs. It should be allowed in the games to
create more great players. So many fans are let down when they hear that their favorite athlete
accomplished their goals by cheating. So why not change the rules to make the fans happy? We have
seen throughout history that sport enhancing drugs leave a dark shadow over the sports world, it
seems it will always be around sports, so why not make it part of the game. Allowing players to use
Sports enhancing drugs would be great. Players wouldn't have to lie about how they got where they
got. They could build better relationships with their fans. As a fan of sports it breaks my heart to
hear my favorite player cheated, it turns them into the bad guy.
In reality athletes are using sport enhancement drugs to gain an edge on performance, make more
money and gain quicker results in their profession. If athletes are found using sports enhancing
drugs they could be fined, stripped of metals, trophies and face suspension. But ultimately their
name is ruined because there're known for cheating. Mark McGwire admitted to using a sport
enhancing drug when he broke the single season home run record in 1998(Cons). There was so
much controversy over him cheating, it impacted him negatively. With the career he had, he was
supposed to make the hall of fame, but due to cheating he still hasn't got inducted. This should
change because he broke
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The Importance Of Drug Testing In Sports
Performance enhancing drug use has been a sizable problem in the past years and continues to be a
problem today. Implementing stronger and more effective drug testing is needed to stabilize the
fairness of sports and their respective organizations as well as helping sustain the health of the
athletes. Others argue that drug testing athletes is unethical and against the players individual rights.
However, drug testing is a proven method to medicate health problems for the athletes as well as
proven to keep competition in all sports competitive and fair. Drug testing on the surface seems
unjustified and replaceable but when researched it's proven to be ethical and extremely important.
To start, some performance enhancing drugs are classified as anabolic steroids. According to the
Mao Clinics Staff," Some athletes take a form of steroids – known as anabolic–androgen steroids or
just anabolic steroids – to increase their muscle mass and strength. The main anabolic steroid
hormone produced by your body's testosterone."(Mao Clinics Staff). Additionally, these steroids
have respective downfalls for those who choose to take them such as infertility, shrunken testicles,
acne, drug dependence, baldness, liver abnormalities, aggressive behaviors and increased risk of
infections such as HIV or hepatitis. Furthermore, this shows the importance that athletes stay away
from these anabolic steroids to sustain a healthy body. Although there are a multitude amount of
risks athletes still
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Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sport
Problem statement doping.
Performance enhancing drug is now a universal issue that is destroying international sports
competition around the world. For several years the IOC (International Olympic Committee) has
tried to prevent this problem from spreading with very little positive result. A large variety of actions
were taken so as to help to eradicate this issue. Actions like testing ,supportive medical treatment
and educational programs had very little effect on doping. On the other hand professional athletes
are now using unnoticeable and stronger form of doping strategies , while modern connection are
being developed for the spreading of performance enhancing drugs. Our youngsters often wants to
imitate these professional athletes as they ... Show more content on ...
Taking illegal substances is mainly in an objective to have an advantage . athletes may choose to
take substance to deal with several problems like stress , injuries , pain , pressure to succeed. With
the impact of large financial prospects , the pressure to succeed has become enormous. The will to
succeed has brought some athletes to take illegal substances to improve their performances.
According to the UK anti doping website "www UKad " the taking of illegal substances so
as to improve performance can be very harmful on an athlete's health as it may have short term and
long term effects . the campaign against the taking of illegal drug in sports started when a Danish
cyclist died during the Rome Olympic Games in 1960. The IOC settle a medical commission which
main objective was to find a method to fight the abuse of drugs in Olympic Sports. The Medical and
scientific commission role is to protect the clean athletes the protection of the health of the athletes
laying emphasis on the fight against injuries , illnesses and so supporting the health
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Should Performance Enhancing Drugs Be Allowed In Sports
Professional sports people who have previously tested positive to performance enhancing drugs
should not be able to compete at the Olympics. Performance enhancing drugs violates the spirit of
sport and subsequently causes detrimental outcomes for athletes. (Refer to Appendix 1.0)
Throughout this essay it will explore and examine current legal legislations within sporting. The
usage of performance enhancing drugs has overtime become a major issue within jeopardising the
health of athletes and become a major scandal in the news. Performance enhancing drugs are
defined as a substance taken by athletes such as anabolic steroids used by professional and amateurs
to enhance their performance. The world anti doping agency has a code of conduct that explores the
prohibited list of drugs to be used within sports. This document explores anti doping rules,
regulations ... Show more content on ...
He has argued that prize money in tennis should be reduced in order to fund more regular blood
testing and protect the sport's image.
An athlete that is culpable for drug use and abuse of the cycling is Lance Armstrong who led
ramification with the cycling industry. Lance Armstrong has been tested more than 600 times but
was never detected positive for drugs. It was reported that biased allegations were emplaced and
Armstrong was guiltily of illicit drugs, falsifying information and bribery. Despite the fact
Armstrong was stripped of his titles it was unfair for the other competitors who weren't using drugs,
as they were unable to celebrate the glory of winning.
David Robertson reiterates that the biggest problem concerning the association of drugs with sport is
the disorganization surrounding the testing policies, governing bodies and sport authorities and the
differentiating opinion on policy and sanction. The clear definition of procedures and to what extent
they are related to the use of testing in certain drugs. (Refer to Appendix
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Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports
Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports Athletes use performance enhancing drugs to boost their
game. The professionals who use these drugs are ruining the integrity of the game. Many people
don't understand why professional athletes would go to such extreme measures to be better when
they have already proven themselves. Athletes are just taking away from their natural ability by
using these dangerous drugs. The risk of using performance enhancing drugs is a lot greater than the
reward, because an athlete's reputation could be tarnished and their career ruined. Money is one of
the major reasons why players use them; if they perform at levels higher than what their natural
abilities could do they will be offered a large sum of money. ... Show more content on ...
He ran a 9.79, which at the time was a new world record. A few weeks later his medal was taken
away from him, because he tested positive for human growth hormones. Even though this was a
great feet in the history of track and field, nobody will be able to say he did it with natural talent and
athleticism. He would end up not being able to compete ever again. The senseless decision to take
performance enhancing drugs could ruin an athlete's entire career.
Many High School students have started to use these dangerous drugs; this is starting to become a
major problem because athletes are just cheating themselves and are not becoming better.
Professional athletes are setting very bad examples for high school students. Something every
student has to deal with no matter if you play a varsity sport or is just a normal student is the
pressure to do well and succeed. Some school districts have even been contemplating to add drug
testing to high school athletes. This will eventually stop people from cheating to become
professional athletes. Students also need to know what they are doing is wrong and could
dangerously affect their long term health and could possibly lead to death. One statistic that may not
seem extreme is that 2.3 percent of all high school students have used some type of performance
enhancing drug. This is a dangerous statistic that no one is really addressing. If a young student
wants to become pro they need to work hard and
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Performance Enhancing Drugs In College Sports
An issue that is causing problems in professional and college sports are performance enhancing
substances. Anabolic steroids such as androstenedione, human growth hormone, berythropoietin,
diuretics and, creatine using these substances are known as doping. The question is: "Do
performance enhancing drugs make the game better or make it unsafe?" Performance enhancing
drugs have multiple health risks. When any athletes use them younger athletes feel they have to take
them to make it in the big leagues.
Some athletes that have used performance enhancing drugs have not suffered the medical
consequences but have suffered in another way. One of the most famous player in all of baseball
Alex Rodriguez had won the American league most valuable ... Show more content on ...
For example, in 2010 the University of Waterloo had a major steroid bust. Eight players were caught
using performance enhancing substances and one of them was Matt Socholotiuk. Matt Socholotiuk
was a mixed martial art fighter until he wanted to become a professional football player. He took
some performance enhancing substances and in a few months he was capable of reaching the pro
level. When he was caught he was kicked out of Waterloo. Matt Socholotiuk made this statement to
TSN " The pressure of sports is so big that you're going to do whatever you can to get that
competitive edge." The effects of using these performance enhancing drugs can be deadly. Using
these might give you liver damage or decreased heart rate. Decreased heart rate can lead to strokes
or a heart attack. On of the most deadly effects of using these drugs is leukemia. Leukemia is a
blood cancer that kills someone approximately every nine minutes in America. In 2015, an estimated
amount of 56,630 people died because of blood diseases such as
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Performance-Enhancing Drugs In Professional Sports Analysis
"The athletic and personal record of professional cyclist Lance Armstrong has made him an icon in
modern–day sports. He won the tour de France a record seven consecutive times between 1999 and
2005" (Levinthal, C. 2014). Should sport authorities allow the use of performance–enhancing drugs
(PED) in all professional sport? It is not unfair that one person won the tour de France seven
consecutive times by doping? What about other participants?
Personally, I believe that sport authorities should not allow the use of performance–enhancing drugs
in professional sports. Not only the use of performance–enhancing drugs are harmful than useful,
but also they are used to take unfair advantage over other people like the case of cyclist Lance
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Effects Of Performance Enhancing Drug Usage In Sports
Performance Enhancing Drug Usage in Sports: Winning at any Cost Performance Enhancing Drugs
are frequently used by sporting professionals, though major sports organizations have prohibited
their usage as a result of the negative attributes and effects correlated with continuous intake of
these drugs. Many nations are concerned by the flourishing amount of incidents during the usage of
steroids advertised by the sports athletes. Professional athletes, such as baseball players, have been
in the spotlight, especially during their season and the Olympics. In season athletes are the ones that
use steroids the most to enhance their performance. Teenagers in high school also admit to have
used anabolic steroids at some point of their life. ... Show more content on ...
Almost every sport has had a steroid disaster, however the correlation between baseball and steroids
is greater known than any other sport. Barry Bonds is the most effective example, for those who
don't know, he broke the home run record of 73 home runs in a single season and was inducted into
the hall of fame. Barry Bonds took anabolic steroids, there is no question the court has documents
and tests stating that three types of performance enhancing substances were found in his tests.
(barry) Most people were concerned about how to view his all time record, whether or not any of his
achievements should remain, because knowingly or not he did this with chemical support. An athlete
on performance enhancing drugs broke one of the most honored records in baseball history, not only
offended some and troubled Barry Bonds' accomplishment but also tons of people's faith in baseball.
Baseball is making an attempt to fix the reputation left by Bonds and many other athletes, but this
legacy from the steroid era of baseball stands as testimony to some significant mistakes by both
athletes and policy makers in the MLB. Ben Johnson, track and field, was an amazing competitor in
the 1988 Olympics. He dashed across the track with a record breaking time of 9.79, soon after being
awarded he was found to have taken a supplement of stanozolol. He was stripped of his gold medal,
and taken out of the Olympics for good. Lastly, Cyclist Lance Armstrong, wasn't able to
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The Use Of Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports
The use of performance enhancing drugs to help athletes perform better is illegal and considered
cheating as this drug gives the athlete who may have been an average performer an edge over the
competition after the use of these drugs. This is unfair to the other players who are playing a fair
game. No matter at what level whether its high school, college or a professional, athletes should not
be using drugs to help or boost their performance in any way as it wrong and the athlete is basically
cheating his way to the top. No doubt that drugs/HGH may help the player's vitality and even reduce
injury time but the serious side effects of prolonged use is still unknown and is still cheating since
it's not legal as not every player is taking it to make it a fair game. ... Show more content on ...
And like Charles Barkley suggests in the video you have to be an idiot to be on drugs now as you
know you are more likely to be caught because of the more stringent drug tests that players are
subjected to. When big names get caught being on drugs it sends a wrong message to the younger
athletes as the stars they have been idolizing all long got that way by the use of drugs. In my
opinion, subjecting athletes to periodic drug testing is the right way as it will help send the message
that cheating your way to the top is not an option and will help reduce the number of cases of
younger athletes getting lured by the easy way to
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Performance Enhancing Drugs For Professional Sports
Alex Rodriguez, Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, and Barry Bonds. What do all of these legendary
baseball players have in common? They are some of the all–time homerun leaders in the history of
Major League Baseball. They also have another thing in common, which is how they all got onto the
career home runs list, through the use of performance enhancing drugs. The debate on whether or
not performance enhancing substances should be allowed in professional sports has been going on
for years, decades even. Many believe that using steroids and other performance enhancers should
automatically disqualify an athlete from ever being able to be a member of the Hall of Fame, in
sports in general, not just in Major League Baseball. However, there is an argument to be made to
make the use of performance enhancing drugs legal in all of professional sports. Performance
enhancing drugs should remain illegal in professional sports because they provide an unfair
advantage, they are extremely unethical, and they can also be dangerous to athletes.
One of the biggest reasons I believe performance enhancing drugs should be illegal in sports is due
to the obvious and completely unfair advantage they provide to athletes. One of the fundamental
pillars of success in professional sports is the fact that athletes have achieved what they have by
strictly working hard, using sheer God–given talent, instead of taking an obscene amount of pills
and substances. Furthermore, no matter how you put it, using
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Essay On The Impact Of Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports

  • 1. Essay On The Impact Of Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Impact of Performancing Drugs in Sports Out of the 21,849 drug tests during the 1968–2008 summer games there was 105 cases of positive drug tests ("Drugs and athletes"). Performance Enhancing Drugs can either be Stimulants, Anabolic–androgenic steroids, human growth hormones, and Erythropoientin ("Performance Enhancing"). PED's improve your overall athletic performance. PED' are harmful and can even be fatal. Athletes use these substances to gain an unfair advantage to become better than their opponent. Athletes who use PED's violate the spirit of competition and makes it not fun to compete for players who respect the rules. Every year countless players take PED's to give them an unfair boost that can harm them, it also does not show their true athleticism on the field. ... Show more content on ... For instance "Almost all athletes take some type of substance to improve their performance in the sport they participate in ("")." When athletes use drugs or substances to increase your performance it is unfair to the spirit of the sport. Strangely enough, "As there are people willing to cheat, there will be drugs that are undetectable."("") There is a high demand for drugs for athletes willing to cheat and make the field unfair. In fact, "Mcwire, a famous home run hitter who was found taking a legal drug called andiostendire which changed how people looked at him (Haley)." Mcwire, then proved that in order to be the best you must take PED's to help you get there. Athletes who lack the performance to compete with others at their sport, take PED's to enhance their performance over others. It takes lots of hard work and sweat to increase your performance and some athletes are not willing to work for their awards, instead they take substances to increase their performance. Players who use performance enhancing drugs are cheaters and it is unfair to all the other players in that ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Research Paper On Drugs In Sports Drugs Taking its Toll Lebron James once stated, "but sports carried me away from being in a gang, or being associated with drugs. Sports was my way out"(Pilon). The access to drugs in today's world is becoming easier and easier. Studies show numerous athletes from other countries travel to the United States to buy stimulants that are illegal in their countries, to be used in competitions(Scott). In addition, games are supposed to be entertaining but how could they be when rules are broken and bad examples are shown, all resulting in awful side–effects. Lots of people are in the stands cheering for the players, but are they cheering for their effort in the game or their ability to cheat? Taking performance–enhancing drugs will destroy ... Show more content on ... Sports is all about fun and talent, there should not be a reason to take the game to a degrading level, show good sportsmanship by not cheating.It is good to show younger generations a proper example to follow. Although these drugs are becoming easier to access does not mean they should be bought, but it is a good idea to stay clear of them in case any symptoms begin to reveal themselves. It is great to just show the world actual skill, than to do some pills and ruin the whole career and the future that is ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Sports and Performance Enhancing Drugs Essay Performance enhancing drugs in todays pro sports have become a big deal, because of health stimulants and the benefits that such studies have on good development of the person and on fair athletic games. Pediatricians or trainers can play a huge role in helping the athlete or player that is using or taking performance enhancing drugs. By taking factual info about the true benefits and medical problems of these drugs and giving information about healthy food and working out. Tries to create a change in opinion of using through fearing tactics or by letting go known performance enhancing drugs encourage the doctor to have a total idea of performance enhancing drugs, and attempts for prevention. Athletes take on huge obstacles to win games. ... Show more content on ... Steroids aren't bad for you, because they make you stronger faster and more athletic. Some of the biggest sports (in order) that use sports enhancing drugs are 1. Baseball, 2. Track, 3. Football. Speed is another big drug in sport due to my research. It's ability to keep you motivated and more hype is causing players in the professional leagues to use it. When you use speed you just become more skits and on the go, so it would allow you an advantage on the other people you are currently playing. Again Football, Track, and Baseball are the most common sports who use a performance enhancement drug. Enhancement drugs are a great and beneficial way to go when lifting, playing a sport, etc. I know many players get caught when they use performance enhancement drugs and get banned from games, because people consider that cheating, I honestly don't know why though drugs are the best way to improve your ability one hundred percent. to some people drugs in sports are a un beneficial way to go, but you don't have to listen to them its your life choose how you live it. Protein is pretty much like a drug its kind of like steroids it helps your body become stronger and faster, but everyone thinks protein is a great substance. I think its stupid that people are not allowed to make their own decision like what has the world come to. I mean let the people make their own decision, if they want to be faster let them, if they want to be stronger let ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Drug Testing In Sports Drug Testing "People take steroids because they BELIEVE they have no other way. Steroids are about comparing yourself to other people but if you just become the best YOU, you will find out that you will never need them"– Howard Berman. Drug testing is necessary for the survival of sports. Professional athletes earn great amounts of money and with it comes major responsibilities. All of them represent their country, their state, their city, their school, their family, their team, their friends and their fans. BY doing drugs to improve their athletic performance, they let down all that people that believed in them and the athlete himself. Those athletes ruin the fair play, their reputation, their health and all the hope people had on them. They throw away the effort, time, and work, their competitors and teammates put in the game. And the worst thing, the steal that moment of glory. The use of drugs to improve an athletic performance is cheating and it could lead into death; therefore, sport organizations should make drug tests harder and more often so there are not cheaters. HISTORY ... Show more content on ... And they will remind during the hole twenty–first century. Synthetic hormones were developed in the 1930s and soon became popular in athletes or soldiers. Nazi doctors administered hormones to soldiers to increase their strength. In the 1967 Tour the France the English cyclist Tom Simpson, due to amphetamines, died. this created a new sense of urgency about the need for athletic drug testing. In 1968, the International Olympic committee introduced drug testing for olympic athletes. in the 1970s, test were able to detect the presence of anabolic steroids. In the early 1990s professional athletic associations began to ban steroids and test for them, most creating random drug–testing ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports Essay The use of performance enhancing drugs in sports (doping) is done to improve athletic performance. Doping in sports has become a highly controversial topic among professional sporting venues and in the media. With the increased pressure to perform, high priced contracts, increased competition, and advanced training methods today's athletes will try to gain an edge by any means necessary. Performance enhancing drugs used by athletes today include Human Growth Hormone (HGH), anabolic steroids, peptide hormones, amphetamines, insulin and stimulants. The reason athletes use performance enhancing drugs is to increase the amount of testosterone produced in the body. The increased testosterone in the body increases muscle strength by enabling new ... Show more content on ... Eugene Robinson from the Washington post claims "Most fans watch see people unlike themselves perform extraordinary physical feats. The superhuman quality of professional athletes is precisely what Americans admire about them" (p.A25). Supporters of the use of performance enhancing drugs in sports argue if athletes want to take drugs to improve their performance, why should we determine what risky behavior they take part in unless it directly interferes with our lives? They are not harming anyone else but themselves. They are adults and are capable of making decisions about what they put in their own bodies. Keith Burgess– Jackson, an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Texas at Arlington states "...people should be able to use whatever substances they want when they compete. Those who don't want to risk their lives or health should take up another line of work." Supporters of PED's further argue justification by claiming that athletes use dietary supplements, exercises, medical treatment etc. to enhance their performance. They argue that taking protein powder, vitamin pills or spending exuberant amounts of time working out in a gym is also unnatural and enhances performance, but we don't view that as cheating. "If something can be said to be 'natural', we tend to be okay with it. If it seems lab–made or ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Persuasive Essay On Drugs In Sports Drugs are a rapid problem growing all over the place from the streets of Major cities to the locker room of many Major league teams. Drugs come in all forms, shapes, and sizes Drugs are all over the place. Almost everyone has taken some kind of drug before, maybe it was a prescription from your doctor but they are still drugs. Did you know almost four percent of America, America are addicted to pain relievers. This is a drug you can literally go into a regular store like Wal–Mart and buy, these and they are really easy to become addicted to them too. The most common drug used by athletes are called performance drugs, performance drugs are used by athletes to improve their performance in many different sports. Athletes love using these drugs to get ahead of competition to put their body on another level separating them from the rest. These drugs make them superior makes them feel as if they are the best they can be with these drugs and they almost kind of appeal to their egos. While Some drugs are used by certified doctors, Athletes use drugs to get ahead of competition because Drugs are used to enhance performance, The drug problem is growing rapidly , and Many athletes have be caught cheating. Therefore, athletes use performance drugs to get ahead of the competition and make themselves better. Athletes are abusing ... Show more content on ... The game around us is changing as we know it and we should either shut it down or hop on it. We Drugs are a big deal when it comes to sports by frankly anything. Sports and drugs are going net to net and we have to deal with it. Drugs are a common subject when we hear about athletes being suspended from the game and have to pay money out of their own pockets. While Some drugs are used by certified doctors, Athletes use drugs to get ahead of competition because Drugs are used to enhance performance, The drug problem is growing rapidly , and Many athletes have be caught ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Importance Of Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Is it okay to use performance enhancing drugs in sport? Some people would agree because they would say that taking enhancing drugs improves athletes' performance which makes the sport more interesting. The more interesting the sport, the more fans are gained. Most athletes say they dope because everyone else is doing it and they need to do it if they still want to be the best. However, if doping could be put to an end altogether then everyone would have an equal chance at being the best and the winner would be the one who worked the hardest instead of who found the best drugs to use. Doping has diminished the value of sportsmanship. On the banned drug list, there are five different types, the most well known being steroids and hormones. Although they are performance enhancing, they have been banned by the sports' governing bodies. In some sports athletes use steroids to become bigger and stronger, but in other sports such as swimming and cycling, they use performance enhancing drugs that are called anabolic steroids. These are effective for a short period of time because they increase red blood cell production. This allows the athletes' muscles to work more efficiently because they now have more oxygen. This is how many athletes have been able to break old records with each race. It is not okay to take performance enhancing drugs because sport is about fairness, health and talent. Fairness is what makes the game interesting. The spirit of sportsmanship is to ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Should Performance Enhancing Drugs Be Allowed In Sports Essay When starting my research on the use of performance–enhancing drugs in sports I thought that I knew everything. Through this research, I have read a lot of information on if performance– enhancing drugs could be allowed or not in sports. The research that I did was very informative for me. I got to learn all the Pros and Cons of performance enhancing drugs. The research allowed me to pick 6 people who made valid points for each side of the argument. "Should performance enhancing drugs be allowed in sports," by Thomas H. Murray. Thomas Murray was President of the Hastings Center from 1999 to 2012. He is also involved in the World Anti–Doping Agency and a former member of the Sports Medicine Committee. Thomas Murray is against the use of performance–enhancing drugs in sports. According to Thomas Murray, "performance–enhancing drugs in sports can have the potential to cause a public health catastrophe." People should realize "Steroids and stimulants have caused problems in the Olympics for decades"(Murray). With the use performance enhancing drugs being so widespread the Tour de France nearly collapsed. It not only is widespread in cycling, but also in baseball and many other sports. The argument is "that what one athlete chooses to do can affect everyone in that competition" (Murray). Professional athletes are role models for ... Show more content on ... Becker. Gary Becker received his Princeton and his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago. He was a professor at Columbia University and at the University of Chicago. He does not think that performance–enhancing drugs should be allowed in sports. Gary Becker said "While the case for banning various types of drugs and other enhancers are strong, the ability to control doping is limited"(Becker). He means that banning all the different types of performance enhancing drugs is a lot easier to do. He said it is a lot harder to control each substance because athletes find new ways to use performance enhancing ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Sport Enhancement Drugs Steroids in Sports: Exploratory Essay The sports world has changed drastically over the past 10 years. The use of steroids has risen within that amount of time and it has changed the view of sports and the game itself. As a fan of all sports, it interests me why athletes feel like it's ok or acceptable to take drugs to enhance their performance on the field of play. Athletes are always looking for ways to improve their skills on and off the field. With the use of steroids, athletes everywhere, not just "well–know" or "popular" athletes are putting their entire career on the line with steroid use. The use of steroids and other substances to enhance sports performance has risen to an all–time high over the last few years. Steroids are available to everyone, not just "athletes" since steroids are used for other uses, for example in cattle, farmers are injecting their cattle, especially males, with steroids to make them bigger and increase the amount of meat that you can get from one cow. Steroids are mainly used for building muscle mass at a rapid pace and it allows people to work out longer or lift heavier weights for a longer amount of time allowing the body to grow faster. Skepticism in baseball started back in the summer of 1998 when Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa were chasing the all time home runs total list. As the season continued on and the home run count was decreasing by every game, a reporter found out that McGwire had a collection of a weird dietary supplement ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Drug Use In Professional Sports For many years athletes have been using drugs to enhance and provide better performance for themselves and for their team. Most drugs were introduced to players by fellow teammates and team doctors. Expanding from professional sports to minor league sports, including college and high school sports.The use of drugs isn't as prevalent in the Midwest as it is to the East and West coast. The act to stop the drug process in sports isn't very effective because the expansion of drugs and the simplicity of obtaining drugs common worldly trend not only for the younger crowd of society, but also, the older crowd. Sports teams and leagues enforce the band of any drug that meets any of these three criteria: improves athletic performance, harm athletes, and are against spirit of the sport. First time used in 1889 by Pud Galvin, performance enhancing drugs were started by experimentations on animal testicles: pigs, dogs, rabbits, cows, and sheep. The great epidemic of doping started after WWII when soldiers turned to drugs for support because of wounds and weakness of the body. The World Anti–Doping Association was created to stop the use of recreational drugs and performance enhancing drugs,but a scientist by the name of Dr.Lawrence Golding rebelled against the program after he testified in a senate hearing, claiming to be an expert on experimenting on ... Show more content on ... There hasbeen been an increase in drug testing because of the outstanding use of performance enhancing drugs and recreational drugs. Before the opening of every season the NFL, NBA, NCAA, NSA, MLB, PGA, PTL, and olympics drug test each and every athlete for the use of performance enhancing drugs and recreational drugs. The Athletes that are and have used drugs for either pleasure or for an enhancer are taking risks from not just their career, but health and family ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Legalization Of Performance-Enhancing Drugs In Sports The life today, sports play a big factor in the media. The media always has society updated on social media of the athletes latest statement or where abouts. A huge discussion among people today deals with who is the G.O.A.T. This acronym means the greatest of all time, to a professional athlete this acronym drives them to become the best they can be to leave a statement when they leave their sport. Athletes are always trying to find ways to get bigger and stronger to be better than their competitors or to better the team. There is one way for them to become bigger and stronger though, that is performance and enhancing drugs. PED's are not legal in today's sports due to the fact that people believe that this act is a form of cheating. In the past twenty years it has been up for major discussion. The use of PEDs are somehow found in any sport you look into. Due to this athletes who have been found with the influence of PEDs in their system instantly get a red flag above their head and get a lot of trouble for their action. It leads to suspensions and it can take their past successes stolen away from them. Could it be that the athlete is ... Show more content on ... There is always downsides to allow drugs to be legalized. Sure there may be some health concerns dealing with the use of PEDs, but there are people who know how to regulate the drug and keep them safe healthy. These people can team up with highly educated doctors that will allow them to find a way to secure the health of the user. Yet another question with this topic would be if they find a safe way for athletes to use them would people see it as a form of cheating. Is there a difference between an athlete cheating in a game or a student cheating on a big exam to help them pass the class? Performance–Enhancing drugs is not a form of cheating and they should be legal only under the circumstances of keeping the athlete health safe, and need to be regulated by sport ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Role Of Performance-Enhancing Drugs In Sports There is no defined number to how many people in the world love sports. Whether you play it, watch it, or just simply hear about it, it's no surprise that over half of the human population finds at least one sport appealing. From the era of the B.C.'s to our 21st century, sports have always been a popular aspect of our daily curriculums. There's just something about the action and the winning triumph moments that really gets the adrenaline pumping, for all athletes and fans alike. Victory is important, but how can the actions of getting there affect the sporting world as a whole? As technologies improve throughout the years, more and more athletes are cheating their way to success by taking drugs or blood doping. Drug usage and doping have ... Show more content on ... Many athletes use it to make sports interesting, or else who would want to watch? Some may say that with all of the top level sports being surrounded by media and drama, it has become an entertainment spectacle. Which athletes don't use some kind of enhancement drug these days? Even in my eyes, with all of the strict rules, it almost makes taking gummy bear vitamins seem dangerous. Some people even agree that more usage of PEDs could lead to safer regulation of these drugs that can cause severe after effects. Even so, we should honor the ethics and honesty that goes into playing sports. "The spirit of sport is the celebration of the human spirit, body, and mind, and is characterized by committing values." (Savulescu, Foddy, & Clayton) The past naturalistic Athenian vision of sports include finding the best and most skilled man through pure means. I believe that a person's excellence in performance is a potential that can be brought out by training, and drugs that augment our natural abilities pose opposition to this spirit and model of sports. Although it may seem like the one who is blessed with the best genetics will always be victorious, but that is not the case. According to the following, "The winner will be the person with a combination of the genetic potential, training, psychology, wisdom, and judgment. Olympic performance would be the result of human creativity and choice." ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Drugs And Sports : The Use Of Drugs In Sports Drugs in sports, also known as doping, is very common around the world. The usage of drugs in sport goes way back, about all the way back to where the concept of sports was invented, during the 1960's. Doping is a practice that has been going on since the time of "ancient Greek athletes, who supposedly ate herbs, sesame seeds, dried figs, and mushrooms for this purpose" (Hoberman, 1992, 104).In ancient times, when the fittest of a nation were selected as athletes or combatants, they were fed diets and given treatments considered beneficial. For instance, Scandinavian mythology says Berserkers could drink a mixture called "butotens", to greatly increase their physical power at the risk of insanity. One theory is that the mixture was prepared from the Amanita muscaria mushroom, though this has been disputed. The German missionary and doctor Albert Schweitzer wrote of Gabon in the early 19th century: "The people of the country can, having eaten certain leaves or roots, toil vigorously all day without feeling hungry, thirsty or tired and all the time showing a happiness and gaiety. In ancient Rome , where chariot racing had become a huge part of their culture, athletes drank herbal infusions to strengthen them before chariot races. Many athletes use drugs to make them stronger and faster to win the competition. One of the most known news about it was when Michael Phelps used steroids in the 2008 Olympics. Even though all the tests came negative, he still got caught and that is when doping was starting to be more of an issue. Matthew Irby, a reporter for the Bleacher Report stated, "The drug that Phelps has allegedly tested positive for is a rarely used and/or seen steroid, DDP. DDP stands for Delphinus Delphis Ponticus." DDP builds endurance in an athlete by increasing the production of oxygen–rich red blood cells. Similar to its sister drug EPO, DDP has been modified so that it targets specific areas of endurance and recovery for swimmers. Given the advantage of taking the illegal steroid, a swimmer could performer better during races and then recover quicker if another race was soon to come. After this 2008 incident, Phelps was then tested sixteen times the 2016 olympics. Phelps was not at all bothered by ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports Today Performance enhancers are very prominent in professional sports today. A lot of players are facing suspensions and other penalties for using them. The sport that gets scrutinized the most for this is Baseball. Many former users in the MLB (or formally the NABBP) have come out saying that they were using these drugs while playing. Some of these players are Jorge Sosa, Antonio Bastardo, and the famous Alex Rodriguez. Although these drugs have been prohibited, players are still finding ways around the tests which is why in some other countries they are legal so that no one player can have an unfair advantage. There have been many arguments and disputes about the origin of the sport known as baseball. This has led many people to wonder where 'America's favorite pastime' came from. Some people believe that the sport has taken shape from a primeval community game called rounders. Other historical sources remark that Thomas Wilson condemned this game and a few other sports. In England he was considered a conformist leader. These speculations have led to curiosity to the game of stool ball. In this game, the batter would stand in front of a stool while a different person pitched him the ball. If the batter's ball was caught in the field he would be out. Also, if the ball hit the stool that was behind the batter, he would again be out. ( According to (, the first modern rules for ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports From the very beginning when humans have engaged in competitive sports, they have tried to gain every possible edge against their opponents. After all, the desire for any and every competitive advantage is a completely understandable element of human nature. Not surprisingly, there are records of the use of performance enhancing drugs going as far back as ancient times. Despite this long and storied history of performance enhancing drugs in sports, doping is arguably the most controversial and most talked–about issue in modern sports. It is an issue that cuts across all sports, regardless of technology, popularity, or tradition. It affects the sports that are traditionally thought of as "muscle–bound," such as football and bodybuilding. This ... Show more content on ... This condition can cause growth failure (such as short stature) and hypoglycemia, the pathologic state of lower than normal levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Treatment for this condition usually involves the injection of human growth hormone and is generally able to effect dramatic improvements in the patient's life, as the body ages, the body produces less growth hormone.the benefits of human growth hormone as an ergogenic aid are not as unanimously accepted. Also connects with Blood doping, In the human body, red blood cells make up the majority of all blood cells. They are the vehicles by which oxygen is delivered to body tissue, and they also transport carbon dioxide, a cellular waste, away from the tissue. The more red blood cells a body contains, the less the body will get fatigued, since the muscle tissues are getting replenished with "fuel" oxygen at a quicker rate. It's more for athletes that need to boost their endurance in their spot like runners, swimmers, or cyclists. The benefits of greater red blood cells are scientifically proven, which encourages endurance athletes to engage in blood–doping. Which is the process of boosting their red blood cell level through artificial means. Growth hormone, like steroids, allowed him to increase his muscle mass, but unlike steroids, it also strengthened ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Use Of Performance Enhancing Drugs Within Sports Legalization of Performance Enhancing Drugs within Sports Do you want to want to become the peak athlete that you know your body is capable of? Well, this paper will not do that for you, but it will tell you how, and it will tell you why it should be legal to do so. Doping in sports is one of the most extensive debates within the realm of athletics. Whether it be injecting anabolic steroids, consuming them, or blood doping, athletes will do drugs. Doping has no effect on the viewership of the sport. Athletes can always find ways to cheat the system, and trying to prevent the use seems impossible. The use of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) should be legalized, as long as it is allowed under medical supervision. Performance enhancing drugs, or steroids, are defined as substances used to improve physical performance. There are many types of steroidal performance enhancers. The first of these performance enhancing drugs are anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids are also known as androgen steroids, and they are used to increase the muscle mass and strength of a person. A natural anabolic steroid is testosterone, which your body naturally produces. Some athletes take straight testosterone which is another way to boost your athletic performance. This has the same effect as anabolic steroids, but it is natural and can be found within the body. Anabolic steroids are so effective and appealing to athletes, because they allow athletes to recover faster from a ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Drugs In Sports Analysis The article "drugs in sports: why the fuss?" was published in 2000 to inform public about why drug related controversies exaggerated in sports. Author Lan Ritchie explains that in every Olympic year sport is overwhelm with stories of banned substance use to enhance performance as drugs threaten both the health of athletes and the integrity of sport. In my point of view, athletes who use banned substance to enhance performance are cheaters because they ruin the values of sports. As Lan Ritchie explain, using drugs to enhance performance might just make sense the problem of drug use in sports knock over due to ideals and values of sports. He tried to explain that banned substances are dangerous to the health of athletes but not more than some ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Drug Abuse In Sports Research Paper Drug Abuse in Professional Sports Drug abuse, and its consequences, is a problem in all sports, even among sports most decorated athletes. For instance, Alex Rodriguez was a professional baseball player who played with the New York Yankees. He was a three time all star with 696 homeruns under his belt. Towards the end of his career, MLB authorities found that he had been using performance enhancing drugs after failing a drug test. Rodriguez was issued a one–year ban and a ruined reputation. In a similar case, Lance Armstrong was an accomplished cycling in a familiar situation to Rodriguez. Lance won the Tour de France from 1999–2005, making him one of the best cyclist ever. However, in 2012 the great cyclist was caught up in a doping scandal ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Accepting Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Proponents of accepting performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) in sports argue that their harmful health effects have been overstated, that health risks are an athlete's decision to make, that using drugs is part of the evolution of sports much like improved training techniques and new technologies, and that efforts to keep athletes from using PEDs are overzealous, unproductive, unfairly administered, and bound to fail. The spirit of sport is the celebration of the human spirit, the body and the mind. Doping is contrary to the spirit of sport, erodes public confidence and jeopardises the health and well–being of athletes. [Although some people believe] it helps you improve,athletes should be punished because it kills you from the inside and can ... Show more content on ... And, as we have shown with EPO, lifting the ban on EPO seems to eliminate an inequality concerning access to have a high level of red blood cells, between rule–abiding non dopers. Lifting the ban would allow them to research and aim at reducing harm provoked by actual unsupervised drugs. Tamburrini states: "With no prohibition, no athlete will be in a situation of competitive inferiority, as all will have the opportunity to dope" If the ban on performance–enhancing drugs is lifted, it might just as well increase the inequality between rich and poor athletes in their opportunity to compete, as it may be very expensive to buy these drugs even on a free and medically supervised market. Many teenage athletes will then be in a situation of competitive inferiority if the ban were lifted for adults but maintained for persons under the age of 18. As an example of the former we could take EPO–a hormone that plays a significant role in the production of red blood cells that transfer oxygen to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Should Performance Enhancing Drugs Be Allowed In Sports Should the usage of performance–enhancing drugs be allowed in sports? "Doping" is the term used when athletes use illegal or banned substances to increase their performance. Each year thousands of athletes are banned from participated in events due to doping. Most athletes use some form of anabolic steroids, which are natural and man made forms of testerone. Other athletes use drugs to enhance the oxygen within their blood to increase their stamina. The idea of using drugs to enhance athletic performance is not a new idea. It has been around for years, opium was used by Greeks during ancient times. As were mushrooms and the rear hooves of mules. It's only lately that this topic has become one for the moral and ethics behind sports. ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Performance Enhancing: The Drug Effects Of Doping In Sports Performance Enhancing is just another way for athletes to find success in sports. The drug effects many athletes in their daily life, which changes the way that they are viewed as role models. Reasons for the judgement towards them could have many different views and Sportsmanship tops them all. Their daily behavior on the sporting field causes people to judge their personal life based on their sports ability. There are many different reasons that doping in sports should be illegal such as it gives an athlete an unfair advantage over other athletes, it also disperse athletes as role models and can have adverse health effects. Steroids give an unfair advantage to athletes that are not as equally talented as others that have worked hard and used ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Speech On Drugs In Sports Drugs In Sports In sports, many of the Olympic winners have been found in taking drugs to gain advantage from other participants with would help them to perform better in their competition. Drugs come in different form, e.g. pills, injection or powder. The participants who take drugs only think that the drugs will only give them positive results, but they don't think what are the after results and what happened if they got caught. Some athletes don't even know that they are taking drugs because their trainer has been giving them supplements by telling them that they are vitamin pills but for the people who actually are intentionally taking drugs, is it actually fair for the drugs to be banned because they naturally don't have as much strength and power that the other participants have naturally? "A drug is a medicine or other substance which has a psychological effect when digested or otherwise introduced in the body (Dictionary)." There are many different types of drugs, e.g. anabolic steroids, diuretics and stimulants (performance enhancing drugs). These drugs are not the only ones used but these are one of the most common ones. Anabolic Steroids is used for allowing muscle to grow quicker, work harder and recover faster form any ... Show more content on ... I also think that there should also be some types of awareness campaigns so people would be able to know what is going around the world because I think that many people don't know about what is actually happening in the sports ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Drug Testing In Sports Essay A dominant problem in sport today is the use of performance enhancing drugs (doping). The temptation of doping is high because athletes are constantly judged on their performance. However drug testing is costly; per person, a drug test costs around $700. New Zealand athletes are often missing out on dreams they have worked a lifetime to fulfill, because of world wide, performance enhancing drug use. Drug testing has an exorbitant cost. New Zealand's expenditure alone in 2015/16 amounted to $2.962 million. Are these tests even fair and worth the cost? Most athletes consume some sort of dietary supplement that has no evident effect on performance enhancement, for example, a simple multivitamin can test positive in a drug test from being on the same production line as a prohibited substance. An unpublished survey revealed that 93% of elite New Zealand athletes had ingested at least 3 dietary supplements in the 6 months previous, a risk when drug testing is definite.The line between supplement use and an actual performance enhancing drugs ... Show more content on ... So in conclusion, collaboration from organisations world wide is needed to fund research projects, to advance the methods and technologies used in drug testing, to ensure that sport is a fair and safe environment. New Zealand athletes publically exposing cheating are bullied by opposing athletes and media. Programs are urgently needed to be put in place in countries that encourage performance enhancing drug use, to educate young athletes of the danger of doping. Stricter regulations on health and supplement industry, should be enforced on the multi–billion dollar companies, whereby they have to prove the safety of their product. These issues need to be addressed by WADA (World Anti– doping Agency) urgently. Overall these actions will minimise the disadvantages faced by New Zealand and other honest ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Essay The Pros and Cons of Using Sports Enhancing Drugs Drugs are good for you so you can get better at the sports you love and get stronger and get faster and faster and faster "brah" you can get as big as you can you could look like a balloon animal like really really big balloon animal thats why I think drugs should be good for you. People could use steroids, cocaine, marijuana, heroin, meth, and a lot more of drugs to use. So the players get pumped for the game. Its like their coffee in the morning to like wake up and get ready. The sports that have the most used drugs is Football, Baseball, Basketball, Track, Golf, all of the sports you can think of. Never had Athletes had more training aids. The downside is that never before have Athletes had more opportunities to cheat mainly ... Show more content on ... To them this makes it more exciting and fun to watch. Also people say that if we try to get rid of all of the players using drugs, then there will be many fewer players playing in leagues like the NFL. I am not saying that the drug using players should be banned but the league should try to do more to get them to stop taking the drugs. Maybe by putting a big big ticket for every player and every time they are caught taking drug enhancement in their body. The athletes may just be using the drugs because someone told them to and as we all know athletes aren't the brightest crayons in the BOX. Now these drugs might be making them better players but they are actually really horrible for their health. drugs like steroids have horrible side effects that can cause liver damage reproductive system issues growth issues and in some cases even give you cancer. Athletes should look into this and the next time their coach tries to put a needle in their butt maybe they should stand up for themselves. Did you know that there are many pro athletes participating in sports today that are getting away with drug use. In fact it is estimated that 95% of players in the NFL use a performance enhancing drug such as Steroids. These Pro Athletes are also getting paid a lot of money becauses they are really well in their sport and why are they doing well. It may because they have a lot of talent and put a lot of time into training but also a lot of it could be the use of a performance ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. The Importance Of Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports One of the biggest debates in sports in recent history is whether or not to allow performance enhancing drugs in sports. What pops into many people's minds when they hear performancing enhancing drugs is steroids, which is a PED, but there are many more performance enhancing substances. There are many people that believe that performance enhancing drugs should remain banned in sports and those who are caught using any banned substances should be disciplined accordingly. However, some people think that it should be okay for athletes to use performance enhancing drugs to have better athletes and, as the name states, enhance the athlete's performance. In every professional sport, athletes are tested randomly for these performance enhancing drugs, as well as other banned substances. Performance enhancing drugs have been a source of conflict in sports for years, and I think they will continue to be an issue no matter how much people try to crack down, and eliminate them. I personally agree that Performance enhancing drugs should remain banned for many reasons. For one things they are not natural for the body; the body is not meant to go to some of the limits that PEDs sometimes make people go. Some side effects that can occur from using PEDs for males is shrinking of the testicles, impotence, breast tissue development, and lower sperm production. Those are just some of many side effects that can happen to males who decide to take PEDs. A few side effects that can occur in ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Drugs In Sports Research Paper In this investigation I am going to research if drugs should be legally used in sport by elite athletes. According to the book titled 'Doping and Drugs in Sport volume 364' "Drugs are usually called dope in sport which means it enhances your performance on a regular basis". With my project I aim to research the reasons why drugs are used in sport, the side–effects and if they should be legalized. I will also be researching as to why do some athletes use drugs, a brief history of drugs, different types of drugs, reasons for using performance enhancing drugs and finishing with a summary. I am going to use secondary resources including the internet and books as well as an interview with a PE teacher as a primary resource. The definition of ... Show more content on ... The table above shows different way for using the performance enhances drugs. These are listed above. The caffeine, a drug used in sport, is commonly found in coffee and tea and it is a prohibited substance often used by athletes. Amphetamines are stimulants and they act on the central nervous system to delay fatigue and increase alertness. Cocaine is a drug used for recreational than for performance enhancement. It produces feelings of wellbeing, which are usually followed by feelings of anxiety and depression. The following is a list of the types of drugs used in sport:  Anabolic steroids Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances that stimulate proteins that help build non–fat muscle mass, helping an athlete become stronger and able to train and play for longer periods of time. The anabolic steroids can be taken in both tablet and injection forms. There is a risk for using them and can cause a liver cancer especially for males.  Stimulants Stimulants are used by athletes to boost their performance and energy levels. For example amphetamines are a type of stimulant.  Human Growth ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Performance Enhancing Drugs For Sports Performance Enhancing Drugs Sport records are becoming harder to break and seeing records are starting to become a thing of the past.. Players aren't being able to hit these home runs or score long touchdown's. Injured players are getting kicked off the team or even quit because they can't get to their peak performance that they were at before they got injured. If more players were to use performance enhancing drugs they would be able to compete to the performance of past players. A performance enhance drug is any drug used by athletes to heighten their abilities in the performance of their sport. But could P.E.D actually help that person get better in their sport? Quite a few famous athletes have used performance enhancing drugs to improve there game. Kenneth Jost states " Homerun hitter Mark 'McGwire ended his career in 2001 with 583 home runs, a record that ranks seventh in baseball history" (7). Jost stated this to show what steroids a enhancing drug can actually help someone achieve a great achievement in baseball history. Unfortunately McGwire was not selected for the Hall of Fame. Jost states "Many Speculate that sports writers failed to select Mcgwire due to his connection with baseball's steroid scandal" (7). That quote talks about how some people react to players using performancing enhancing drugs. Even though people may hate it, those enhancing drugs can help a player reach incredible heights. Prohibitions against performance enhancing drugs should be ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Lack Of Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Did you know if one athlete on an Olympic team is found guilty of taking performance enhancing drugs, the entire team may be disqualified and forced to return the medals they may have won? People who want to win are taking "win at any cost" matters to a slightly better edge. Doping in sports is ruining and going to keep ruining sports, because it causes coercion, can ruin athletes' lives, and can keep players out of the hall of fame. Doping in sports is going to cause coercion, which means athletes feel like they are forced to do something. In this case, athletes feel like they need to take performance and enhancing drugs. "A report by Sports Illustrated, they did a survey that concluded half of surveyed Olympic athletes, saying they would ... Show more content on ... Imagine that your favorite player used steroids, and will now not be able to be in the hall of fame. Not only would your favorite player could be in the hall of fame, but other people's favorite player would too. If we ban doping we don't have to see players be kept out of the hall of fame, because they used PED's. People also would see coercion go away. Also if we permanently ban performance enhancing drugs you don't have to worry about an athletes' health condition. Doping in sports should be ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Sports: The Use Of Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports To start this highly controversial topic I would like to start with the basics. The definition of Performance–enhancing drugs. "Performance–enhancing substances, also known as performance– enhancing drugs(PEDs), are substances that are used to improve any form of activity performance in humans. A well–known example involves doping in sports were banned physical performance– enhancing drugs are used by athletes and bodybuilders." (Wikimedia foundation) If the PEDs are used in sports by athletes and bodybuilders alike. When did this all start? According to Larry D. Bowers they are as ancient as the sports in which they are used. "The use of drugs to enhance performance in sports has certainly occurred since the time of the original Olympic Games [from 776 to ... Show more content on ... This was the major sting to the world of athletics. Not only to baseball but the US as a whole. The well known Clemens was a MVP and a CY Young award winner practically destined for the hall of fame. Soon after famous athletes like Barry Bonds and Lance Armstrong were also accused of using PEDs. The strict enforcement is backed up by the risky side effects to doping. The side effects include fever, reduced platelet counts, hypertension, vasoconstriction, gastrointestinal irritability, impaired oxygen delivery to tissues, kidney damage and iron overload. (Technische Universität München) Not only do these drugs pose threats to the athletes health but they help the athletes win, and sometimes athletes would do anything to win, for the money or the fame. Like the antics of a crack cocaine addict searching for a high, these athletes want the high of fame and fortune. This is very dangerous because after a while an addict will go too far with drugs and overdose causing death. Unlike crack cocaine the drug is not addictive but the fame and fortune is. re these drugs worth the risk? Can there be separate leagues for athletic competition – one that allows PEDs and one that does not? ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Sports Enhancing Drugs Is Great for sports: Personal... Sports are full of entertainment and great players. Imagine if the players were boosted with skills and performed like the monster on the movie Space Jam. This would be amazing if you never watched space jam I highly recommended you do so. The movie was great; it had one of the worlds best athletes in it Michal Jordan. He is known as one of the greatest basketball players ever to play the game. Space jam can show how an extra boost can improve players' game play to the next level. Athletes should be able to use sports enhancing drugs to boost performance for better play and fan entertainment. Think of a world where athletes are stronger, faster and more physical then today normal athletes. This would be great for fans that enjoy ... Show more content on ... With all this evidence that great players use banned drugs. It should be allowed in the games to create more great players. So many fans are let down when they hear that their favorite athlete accomplished their goals by cheating. So why not change the rules to make the fans happy? We have seen throughout history that sport enhancing drugs leave a dark shadow over the sports world, it seems it will always be around sports, so why not make it part of the game. Allowing players to use Sports enhancing drugs would be great. Players wouldn't have to lie about how they got where they got. They could build better relationships with their fans. As a fan of sports it breaks my heart to hear my favorite player cheated, it turns them into the bad guy. In reality athletes are using sport enhancement drugs to gain an edge on performance, make more money and gain quicker results in their profession. If athletes are found using sports enhancing drugs they could be fined, stripped of metals, trophies and face suspension. But ultimately their name is ruined because there're known for cheating. Mark McGwire admitted to using a sport enhancing drug when he broke the single season home run record in 1998(Cons). There was so much controversy over him cheating, it impacted him negatively. With the career he had, he was supposed to make the hall of fame, but due to cheating he still hasn't got inducted. This should change because he broke ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. The Importance Of Drug Testing In Sports Performance enhancing drug use has been a sizable problem in the past years and continues to be a problem today. Implementing stronger and more effective drug testing is needed to stabilize the fairness of sports and their respective organizations as well as helping sustain the health of the athletes. Others argue that drug testing athletes is unethical and against the players individual rights. However, drug testing is a proven method to medicate health problems for the athletes as well as proven to keep competition in all sports competitive and fair. Drug testing on the surface seems unjustified and replaceable but when researched it's proven to be ethical and extremely important. To start, some performance enhancing drugs are classified as anabolic steroids. According to the Mao Clinics Staff," Some athletes take a form of steroids – known as anabolic–androgen steroids or just anabolic steroids – to increase their muscle mass and strength. The main anabolic steroid hormone produced by your body's testosterone."(Mao Clinics Staff). Additionally, these steroids have respective downfalls for those who choose to take them such as infertility, shrunken testicles, acne, drug dependence, baldness, liver abnormalities, aggressive behaviors and increased risk of infections such as HIV or hepatitis. Furthermore, this shows the importance that athletes stay away from these anabolic steroids to sustain a healthy body. Although there are a multitude amount of risks athletes still ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sport Problem statement doping. Performance enhancing drug is now a universal issue that is destroying international sports competition around the world. For several years the IOC (International Olympic Committee) has tried to prevent this problem from spreading with very little positive result. A large variety of actions were taken so as to help to eradicate this issue. Actions like testing ,supportive medical treatment and educational programs had very little effect on doping. On the other hand professional athletes are now using unnoticeable and stronger form of doping strategies , while modern connection are being developed for the spreading of performance enhancing drugs. Our youngsters often wants to imitate these professional athletes as they ... Show more content on ... Taking illegal substances is mainly in an objective to have an advantage . athletes may choose to take substance to deal with several problems like stress , injuries , pain , pressure to succeed. With the impact of large financial prospects , the pressure to succeed has become enormous. The will to succeed has brought some athletes to take illegal substances to improve their performances. According to the UK anti doping website "www UKad " the taking of illegal substances so as to improve performance can be very harmful on an athlete's health as it may have short term and long term effects . the campaign against the taking of illegal drug in sports started when a Danish cyclist died during the Rome Olympic Games in 1960. The IOC settle a medical commission which main objective was to find a method to fight the abuse of drugs in Olympic Sports. The Medical and scientific commission role is to protect the clean athletes the protection of the health of the athletes laying emphasis on the fight against injuries , illnesses and so supporting the health ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Should Performance Enhancing Drugs Be Allowed In Sports Professional sports people who have previously tested positive to performance enhancing drugs should not be able to compete at the Olympics. Performance enhancing drugs violates the spirit of sport and subsequently causes detrimental outcomes for athletes. (Refer to Appendix 1.0) Throughout this essay it will explore and examine current legal legislations within sporting. The usage of performance enhancing drugs has overtime become a major issue within jeopardising the health of athletes and become a major scandal in the news. Performance enhancing drugs are defined as a substance taken by athletes such as anabolic steroids used by professional and amateurs to enhance their performance. The world anti doping agency has a code of conduct that explores the prohibited list of drugs to be used within sports. This document explores anti doping rules, regulations ... Show more content on ... He has argued that prize money in tennis should be reduced in order to fund more regular blood testing and protect the sport's image. An athlete that is culpable for drug use and abuse of the cycling is Lance Armstrong who led ramification with the cycling industry. Lance Armstrong has been tested more than 600 times but was never detected positive for drugs. It was reported that biased allegations were emplaced and Armstrong was guiltily of illicit drugs, falsifying information and bribery. Despite the fact Armstrong was stripped of his titles it was unfair for the other competitors who weren't using drugs, as they were unable to celebrate the glory of winning. David Robertson reiterates that the biggest problem concerning the association of drugs with sport is the disorganization surrounding the testing policies, governing bodies and sport authorities and the differentiating opinion on policy and sanction. The clear definition of procedures and to what extent they are related to the use of testing in certain drugs. (Refer to Appendix ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports Athletes use performance enhancing drugs to boost their game. The professionals who use these drugs are ruining the integrity of the game. Many people don't understand why professional athletes would go to such extreme measures to be better when they have already proven themselves. Athletes are just taking away from their natural ability by using these dangerous drugs. The risk of using performance enhancing drugs is a lot greater than the reward, because an athlete's reputation could be tarnished and their career ruined. Money is one of the major reasons why players use them; if they perform at levels higher than what their natural abilities could do they will be offered a large sum of money. ... Show more content on ... He ran a 9.79, which at the time was a new world record. A few weeks later his medal was taken away from him, because he tested positive for human growth hormones. Even though this was a great feet in the history of track and field, nobody will be able to say he did it with natural talent and athleticism. He would end up not being able to compete ever again. The senseless decision to take performance enhancing drugs could ruin an athlete's entire career. Many High School students have started to use these dangerous drugs; this is starting to become a major problem because athletes are just cheating themselves and are not becoming better. Professional athletes are setting very bad examples for high school students. Something every student has to deal with no matter if you play a varsity sport or is just a normal student is the pressure to do well and succeed. Some school districts have even been contemplating to add drug testing to high school athletes. This will eventually stop people from cheating to become professional athletes. Students also need to know what they are doing is wrong and could dangerously affect their long term health and could possibly lead to death. One statistic that may not seem extreme is that 2.3 percent of all high school students have used some type of performance enhancing drug. This is a dangerous statistic that no one is really addressing. If a young student wants to become pro they need to work hard and ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Performance Enhancing Drugs In College Sports An issue that is causing problems in professional and college sports are performance enhancing substances. Anabolic steroids such as androstenedione, human growth hormone, berythropoietin, diuretics and, creatine using these substances are known as doping. The question is: "Do performance enhancing drugs make the game better or make it unsafe?" Performance enhancing drugs have multiple health risks. When any athletes use them younger athletes feel they have to take them to make it in the big leagues. Some athletes that have used performance enhancing drugs have not suffered the medical consequences but have suffered in another way. One of the most famous player in all of baseball Alex Rodriguez had won the American league most valuable ... Show more content on ... For example, in 2010 the University of Waterloo had a major steroid bust. Eight players were caught using performance enhancing substances and one of them was Matt Socholotiuk. Matt Socholotiuk was a mixed martial art fighter until he wanted to become a professional football player. He took some performance enhancing substances and in a few months he was capable of reaching the pro level. When he was caught he was kicked out of Waterloo. Matt Socholotiuk made this statement to TSN " The pressure of sports is so big that you're going to do whatever you can to get that competitive edge." The effects of using these performance enhancing drugs can be deadly. Using these might give you liver damage or decreased heart rate. Decreased heart rate can lead to strokes or a heart attack. On of the most deadly effects of using these drugs is leukemia. Leukemia is a blood cancer that kills someone approximately every nine minutes in America. In 2015, an estimated amount of 56,630 people died because of blood diseases such as ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Performance-Enhancing Drugs In Professional Sports Analysis "The athletic and personal record of professional cyclist Lance Armstrong has made him an icon in modern–day sports. He won the tour de France a record seven consecutive times between 1999 and 2005" (Levinthal, C. 2014). Should sport authorities allow the use of performance–enhancing drugs (PED) in all professional sport? It is not unfair that one person won the tour de France seven consecutive times by doping? What about other participants? Personally, I believe that sport authorities should not allow the use of performance–enhancing drugs in professional sports. Not only the use of performance–enhancing drugs are harmful than useful, but also they are used to take unfair advantage over other people like the case of cyclist Lance Armstrong ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Effects Of Performance Enhancing Drug Usage In Sports Performance Enhancing Drug Usage in Sports: Winning at any Cost Performance Enhancing Drugs are frequently used by sporting professionals, though major sports organizations have prohibited their usage as a result of the negative attributes and effects correlated with continuous intake of these drugs. Many nations are concerned by the flourishing amount of incidents during the usage of steroids advertised by the sports athletes. Professional athletes, such as baseball players, have been in the spotlight, especially during their season and the Olympics. In season athletes are the ones that use steroids the most to enhance their performance. Teenagers in high school also admit to have used anabolic steroids at some point of their life. ... Show more content on ... Almost every sport has had a steroid disaster, however the correlation between baseball and steroids is greater known than any other sport. Barry Bonds is the most effective example, for those who don't know, he broke the home run record of 73 home runs in a single season and was inducted into the hall of fame. Barry Bonds took anabolic steroids, there is no question the court has documents and tests stating that three types of performance enhancing substances were found in his tests. (barry) Most people were concerned about how to view his all time record, whether or not any of his achievements should remain, because knowingly or not he did this with chemical support. An athlete on performance enhancing drugs broke one of the most honored records in baseball history, not only offended some and troubled Barry Bonds' accomplishment but also tons of people's faith in baseball. Baseball is making an attempt to fix the reputation left by Bonds and many other athletes, but this legacy from the steroid era of baseball stands as testimony to some significant mistakes by both athletes and policy makers in the MLB. Ben Johnson, track and field, was an amazing competitor in the 1988 Olympics. He dashed across the track with a record breaking time of 9.79, soon after being awarded he was found to have taken a supplement of stanozolol. He was stripped of his gold medal, and taken out of the Olympics for good. Lastly, Cyclist Lance Armstrong, wasn't able to ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. The Use Of Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports The use of performance enhancing drugs to help athletes perform better is illegal and considered cheating as this drug gives the athlete who may have been an average performer an edge over the competition after the use of these drugs. This is unfair to the other players who are playing a fair game. No matter at what level whether its high school, college or a professional, athletes should not be using drugs to help or boost their performance in any way as it wrong and the athlete is basically cheating his way to the top. No doubt that drugs/HGH may help the player's vitality and even reduce injury time but the serious side effects of prolonged use is still unknown and is still cheating since it's not legal as not every player is taking it to make it a fair game. ... Show more content on ... And like Charles Barkley suggests in the video you have to be an idiot to be on drugs now as you know you are more likely to be caught because of the more stringent drug tests that players are subjected to. When big names get caught being on drugs it sends a wrong message to the younger athletes as the stars they have been idolizing all long got that way by the use of drugs. In my opinion, subjecting athletes to periodic drug testing is the right way as it will help send the message that cheating your way to the top is not an option and will help reduce the number of cases of younger athletes getting lured by the easy way to ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Performance Enhancing Drugs For Professional Sports Alex Rodriguez, Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, and Barry Bonds. What do all of these legendary baseball players have in common? They are some of the all–time homerun leaders in the history of Major League Baseball. They also have another thing in common, which is how they all got onto the career home runs list, through the use of performance enhancing drugs. The debate on whether or not performance enhancing substances should be allowed in professional sports has been going on for years, decades even. Many believe that using steroids and other performance enhancers should automatically disqualify an athlete from ever being able to be a member of the Hall of Fame, in sports in general, not just in Major League Baseball. However, there is an argument to be made to make the use of performance enhancing drugs legal in all of professional sports. Performance enhancing drugs should remain illegal in professional sports because they provide an unfair advantage, they are extremely unethical, and they can also be dangerous to athletes. One of the biggest reasons I believe performance enhancing drugs should be illegal in sports is due to the obvious and completely unfair advantage they provide to athletes. One of the fundamental pillars of success in professional sports is the fact that athletes have achieved what they have by strictly working hard, using sheer God–given talent, instead of taking an obscene amount of pills and substances. Furthermore, no matter how you put it, using ... Get more on ...