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Pet Peeve
I have many pet peeve when I communicate with others. My biggest pet peeve when it comes to
communicating with others is when a person uses a lot of slang words when they are trying to
tell me something. .I know most slang words, but every day it seem to be more slang words made
every day. Slang words are used a lot in today's world .It is most properly used when people are
communicating. It really peeve me when people use a lot of slang when they communicate, because
it sometimes make it hard to understand them. The conversation would be a lot simpler without
using slang words. For an example, some slang words use in the south of the United States someone
up north might not never heard of or might be used differently. Most professional sitting
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Two Pet Peeves
While I was cutting out a rusted section of my vehicle, a cloth sheet hanging over the vehicle's
panel would consistently fall and block my sight. I was angry at the sheet. Then I thought,
maybe if I would've secured the sheet better I wouldn't have this problem. When I understood the
cause of the problem I was no longer angry at the sheet. The cause was my own stupidity. In a
situation that tends to annoy me, I find it is best to try to understand the problem. In this essay, I
will write about my two greatest pet peeves and what I will learn about them. My two pet peeves
are when insects fly in my ear, and when I bang my head against hard objects. It is very difficult
for me to function while there is an insect buzzing around my head. I am not annoyed by the
sound of the insect, but of its presence. I wonder why they tend to wander near our faces.
According to an article at "," many Insects are attracted to what we naturally
produce and possess. The CO2 we produce through our respiratory system attracts flies and gnats
while they are airborne. Insects fly near our noses because they are attracted to the CO2 that is
released from our nostrils (1). In Debbie Hadley's article "How Do Ticks Get on You," she wrote,
CO2 also attracts more content...
As stated in an article at "," our forehead is where the Frontal Lobe is located. The
Frontal Lobe is where all our thinking, planning, and decision–making takes place. The Frontal Lobe
also takes part in Controlling our emotions, and behavior. Therefore, if the frontal lobe is shaken up,
it won't function right and can cause emotions to express abnormally. Head Injuries have long–term
and short–term effects, no matter if they are mild or severe, they can cause memory loss,
Behavioral disorders, Headaches, and difficulty in functioning (1). Getting hit in the head is never
good. Our brain can make us or break
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Why Did I Choose My Pet Peeve?
I choose "my pet peeve" because I thought it was the best choice for my express how I am and
what my personality is like. I Also thought it would be the best opinion to show to the class what
kind of things grind my gears. I didn't choose the "The Bag "because I didn't really have any sort of
ideas or couldn't think of anything to bring to class. I didn't choose "what I do well, and what I do
not so well "because there's not one specific thing that I'm good at and something I'm really bad
at. I think I did well when it came explaining my kind of pet peeve and why it irritates me. I also
thought I did well when it came to speaking in front of the class and I think everyone was able to
hear my clearly. I also felt that I was very engaged
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Biggest Pet Peeve
My biggest pet peeve is when someone sneezes while I'm walking behind them and they do not
cover their sneeze respectively. When someone sneezes and does not properly cover it up drives
me insane! This is my biggest, because it is just utterly disrespectful and disgusting to let
someone come so close to walking through a trail of mucus and germs. I feel that if a person
sneezes and don't cover it up you might as well sneeze directly into their face. Furthermore, it
makes me feel that I should immediately be put into isolation and treated for a deadly disease. I
think that it is very rude to sneeze while someone is walking behind you and it is not covered. It
makes me feel like a walking germ similar to the globs of mucus that is show on the
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Pet Peeve Essay On Miscommunication
By now I think I've made it quite apparent that one of my biggest pet peeves is miscommunication. I
pride myself on being a first–rate communicator. I may not be perfect at it, but I try really, really,
REALLY hard to choose my words carefully– both in speaking and in writing. So, when something
I've said or written gets misconstrued, it makes me CRAZY! To make matters worse, sometimes the
more I try to explain myself, the more confusing the situation seems to become because people, in
general, do not always know how to LISTEN. I include myself in that category. Being a good
listener is definitely a skill one must continually practice. When these situations happen, it makes me
want to run off to some secluded place, never again having
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Pet Peeve Essay
I'm easily annoyed by unpunctuality. It is as "a pet peeve" for me. It really makes my anger
when I am not prepared to wait, for things happening. One clear example of it was when I went to
Disney for the first time. I planned the night before that we were going to leave at 9:00 AM, so
we could be on the park early and enjoy as much time as we could. However, that morning my
brother and my sister were not ready at 9. We left the hotel at 11:00 AM, and I was as mad as wet
cat. I was waiting for them more than 2 hours because I was ready at 8:00AM. We arrived at the
park at noon and we had booked a reservation to have lunch with Mike Mouse at 1:00PM. We went
straight to the restaurant, but when we arrived the waiter said that even thought we
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Pet Peeves Research Paper
I have chosen to write about my pet peeves. I would like you to know, I don't ever vent about my
life, normally I am actually the therapist of my group of friends, meaning that they usually tell me
what's wrong with them. Considering that, this is a list that is long in the making. I mustn't hold
this in any longer. By the way, If I use the words "you or your" I am not talking to you directly, I'm
just talking to a general audience. So, without further ado, my list begins. NUMBER ONE: I loathe
it when I have a slushie and I drink all the juice and all I have left is the ice because the ice takes
FOREVER to melt and by the time it has melted, I have just given up and thrown it away. There
goes five dollars! NUMBER TWO: One of my worst pet peeves is if I can hear someone's music more content...
NUMBER THREE: People, please don't meander down the hallways. When I'm trying to get back
upstairs after allied arts, the rush hour traffic in Manhattan mover faster than the kids in our
grade walking down the hall. NUMBER FOUR: If you're lingering in a doorway or the hall,
please keep walking. People are trying to get to their classes, they don't need you stagnant, in
their way having a conversation with your friends about which guy is more attractive.
Furthermore, please don't stop right in front of me when I'm walking. I might run you over on
"accident". NUMBER FIVE: If I say something and you think it might be funny to respond with
"what? I didn't hear you" repeatedly to make me repeat myself, I might yell at you. That's not
even funny. I just want to know, what kind of person is entertained by that? And depending on
the amount of times you make me repeat myself, I might think it funny to "not hear you" when
you ask for a favor or what notes you were supposed to take while you took your ten minute
bathroom break. NUMBER SIX: If you ever come to my ice cream shop, It would be nice if you
actually got Ice cream and didn't park your car in the middle of the lot for hours
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Pet Peeve Research Paper
Most people in the world talk about others no matter the case. People talk about each other in the
case of religion, race, gender, etc. The biggest pet peeve is people who are judgmental.I will
never forget the time that I heard the most disrespectful and judgmental thing in that school when
I was in the fifth grade. In this memory I had a friend that had his family moving to the states
from Iraq because of his father. I remember the first day I saw this kid. It was in September on a
warm and windy Tuesday. This particular Tuesday was not like any other Tuesday because of the
new student and the way the room felt when he walked in. I usually sat in the back left of the
classroom because I was not that type of child that would sit in the front
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Essay On Pet Peeves
Everyone has a pet peeve no matter how weird it can possibly be. Someone could have a pet
peeve of dirty dishes or people who wear beanies. Maybe even of country music. No matter what
people dislike, I'm sure some people will be able to accept it and eventually deal with it.
However, the Earth doesn't revolve around those people, so they too need to get over their
ridiculous peeves and just deal with it. I have pet peeves I guess I should get over, but maybe
people should also take heed to them and be aware that I dislike what bothers me. As in, I can't
stand it when people correct me, or don't listen to me, and just say awful things about what I truly
love and am passionate about. I feel that I'm a hypocrite for correcting people who get things wrong.
It doesn't really even matter what it is, but when someone corrects me it more content...
When I was younger, my grandma had a friend that was a teacher and whenever I would read aloud
to her, she would often correct me. Now since I'm older, I think that when someone corrects me–and
it's usually with adults–I'm not doing a good enough job and that's what frustrates me. Sometimes I
correct my friends just to mess with them or play around, or maybe even help them, but very
rarely I correct them with a negative attitude, As in, "That's not how you say it idiot", or "You're
so stupid for pronouncing it wrong" because a lot of my friends know I'm a grammar nazi (more like
a grammar hitler). All I really want to do is a good job so I can be appreciated and not feel like I'm
doing nothing. Another pet peeve I have is when I want to tell a person something and they won't
listen at all to what I have to
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What Is Your Pet Peeve Analysis
"What is your pet peeve?" The answer to this question is seemingly simple. For some, it may be
the deafening sound of nails on a chalkboard. For others, it could be the one stray mark left
unerased on the otherwise impeccable white board. For me, however, this question was left
largely unanswered for a long while. "What do I hate?" I would sit for what seemed to be hours
contemplating my answer. At last, I would come to some relative conclusion, telling myself with
hopeful surety that I had at least found a topic worthy of a concise, one page discourse. The
heading and title would pass with great ease, bestowing on me a false sense of confidence for the
rest of the essay. I fought my way through draft after draft of different ideas until finally
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Pet Peeve Research Paper
Introduction: How often do many of you see a little old woman slowly walking down the aisle at
the grocery store and a young adult almost run her over trying to pass her? How often do you see
a young teen telling an adult about their future plans to be a policeman and the adult tells them
that they should strive to be a doctor, instead of a policeman? How many of you have been
working on a group project, and one of the group members don't do their part? (Attention Getter)
Today I will be talking about my worst pet peeves (Reveal Topic), which are rude, pessimistic, and
unreliable people. (Thesis)
My first pet peeve is rude people who don't show empathy to others. (MP1) I just hate when
people don't speak and walk straight pass someone who looks as though they are having a bad
day. I feel that the least these people can do is speak, even if they choose not to stop and see what's
going on with the person. I also hate when a nonthreatening homeless person tries to talk to someone
and they reply by putting their heads in the air as though the person is beneath them. My mom and
grandparents have always taught me to be nice to everyone, because you more content...
(MP2) Just the other day at work, a man asked me what my future plans were. I told him I was
going to major in accounting at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and would later run for
mayor. He replied to my statement by saying, "Whatever you do don't come back here, because
there is nothing here". Although he had just heard me tell him about my dream of becoming
mayor of Selma, he still made this reply. If I was more impressionable like many other people
around my age, he could have very well shot down my plans to complete my dream of returning to
Selma and becoming mayor. Pessimistic people like this man I met at the library are dream killers
who never support the plans of others. This man really reinforced my dislike towards pessimistic
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Top 10 Assume Pet Peeves
Reviewing the samples resumes was tedious, because while there was differences between the
resumes, majority of the resumes read the same. I can conclude that I do not want to be a job
recruiter because after the fifth resume, I was about done. Though there weren't spelling errors
that I noticed, there was a lot of grammar errors. According to the Recruiters' Top 10 Resume Pet
Peeves, by Norma Gaffin, pet peeve number 1 was spelling errors, typos and poor grammar.
Reading the resumes made sure that I go back and double check mine, because a person's resume
is basically an advertisement of a person's qualities. Many job recruiters receive numerous resumes
every day, and in order for someone to compete, the persons resume needs to stand out. Basically,
job seekers send in a resume that highlights the products or skills that they are trying to sell to the
recruiter. If the product is the same as everyone else, job recruiters would not want to buy in your more content...
In addition, some of the resumes were not simple, clear and straight to the point. According to Top
10 Pet Peeves, number 8 pet peeve, was long paragraphs. Juan Doe resume, is an example of such
pet peeve. Instead of formatting his resume in a concise, clear, order with bullet points, he wrote
long paragraphs about his positions, qualities and education. Another example, is John Doe from
49th ave, who used different font sizes throughout his resume. Formatting like these can turn off a
recruiter from continuing reading a someone's resume. Some resumes that stood out to me, were
concise, lack spelling or grammar errors, and were straight to the point. There wasn't irrelevant
information such as hobbies include cooking, reading, etc. According to the text, a good resume
should be focused towards the job description, and should have keywords that highlights the skills
needed for the
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What Is The Biggest Pet Peeve Essay
One of my biggest pet peeves is that I have a big fear of very high heights. Heights is one of the
only fears I have, I would love to, to go skydiving one day but my fear of heights would hold me
back. One time at this park that I used to hang at, Par Kour was a fun hobby everyone used to do
back in the 6th grade, everyone used to climb up small buildings, playground ceilings, restroom
roofs and park pavilions. Me, myself was never goodlike my friends were back then, the things
that they used to flip over and climbs things I could never imagine doing. So, one day I decided to
do it with them, we were running around, hopping over things, flipping around until we made it to
the park restroom on the other side of park. They managed to get up onto
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Pet Peeves Research Paper
Paragraph 1
Although spending a lot of time on the road, I see a lot of stupid behavior. I could list at least 15
driving pet peeves. I will limit myself to three. One thing really bothers me. When driving, people
forget to turn off the turn signal. It is so distracting that I hate to drive for miles behind someone a
flashing turn signal. Second, people sometimes flash their headlights. It is so irritating that I don't
understand why people get impatient. Third, while driving, people listen to their music so loudly, that
they don't focus on the road. It is really annoying. People should know everything about driving
before applying for a driver's license.
Paragraph 2
One of my biggest pet peeves is irritating cell phone users. Many people
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Biggest Pet Peeves
One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone talks/chews/drinks with their mouth open. Not only
does it make for a disgusting sight, but also an unappealing chomping sound. That is why I believe
rule number 98, "Drink not nor talk with your mouth full", in the The Rules of Civility & Behavior
in Company and Conservation is very valuable today. Drinking with one's mouth full is very
graphic, and can leave nasty substances in or on the rim of the glass; which is not a sight that
people need to see. However, talking with one's mouth full is not only, disgusting, but very
disrespectful. When one talks with a mouth full of food, things are bound to come out of their mouth
that are chewed, and mushy. The last thing that one wants at a family dinner
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Pet Peeves
Running heading: Organizational Change Process Presentation
Cornelius Bowman
LDR 531
Dr. C
This paper focuses on the various strategies of organization change based on the leaders' pet
peeves. It has researched articles from various authors. One of such author is Kowaski, Robin M. in
his book, "Complaining, Teasing and other Annoying Behaviors". The paper has gone further to
provide the recommendations on how these organizations changes are carried out. The paper has
reviewed the case scenario of a C.E.O who wants to bring about change, but is concerned by the
large size of the employees and a company's long history without change. In the first section of the
discussion, the paper highlights data more content...
Long working hours have both disadvantage and advantages (Kuriger, 2004). The advantage being
the extra working hours can be used to create employment. However, if this is not the case and the
same workers are overworked then it becomes a drawback to both the workers and the
organization. Employees will want to work the extra hours so as to earn more pay and some it is
due to job insecurity. Some organizations will not pay the extra hours arguing that its part of the job
description, but this poses a threat to the employee's health and safety. This is brought about by
exhaustion hence reduced concentration at work. The work performance will reduce and the
organization will stand to lose. To deal with this, the company may decide to create a policy where
overtime working is voluntary depending on the individual capacity of the employees. The company
might also decide to employ more workers, and then divide them in such a way that some are
assigned those shifts that would have otherwise been overtime (Poole, 2000).
It would be true to say that when things are well back home, then at work all will be fine. The
employee will tend to do their job according to the way they run things back at home. When a
woman is experiencing domestic violence, she will tend to be in a low mood, which in turn affects
her working performance. As much as the company ought to respect its employees' privacy, it cannot
just stand and
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Biggest Pet Peeves
I am almost positive that everyone at some point in their life has been looked at wrongly for
something that they didn't do or wasn't their fault. For me, that would be for bumping into a walker
in the hallways at school. This situation however was not my fault it was the other person's fault for
not paying attention. One of my biggest pet peeves is the people that walk the hallways at Belleville
West High School. One reason why it is one of my biggest pet peeves is because of the rudeness
apparently associated with the walking of the halls. People think it is completely sociably
acceptable to get in someone's face if they bump into them because they were texting or off in the
"la la" land of stupidity. I honestly believe these people need
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Essay On Pet Peeve
Pet Peeves, the meaning is short and simple. "Something" that a particular person finds especially
annoying. Everyone has one pet peeve that seems to stand out from all the others. There are many
little things that bother me in life, but the most bothering is my sister. My sister's name is
Georgia and she is 11 years old. Many of you might know her, seen her on my snapchat stories, or
instagram photos. One of the many pet peeves about her is thinking she is better than me. Doesn't
matter what it is about, whether it's sports, school, or likes on instagram, she will have to argue
with me saying she is better. She is usually right in our arguments, which makes my blood boil.
What also makes my blood boil is that she is liked more by my grandma than me. She tries to
deny it, but it is obvious my grandma has favorites. I love my sister with all my heart, but she is a
pill. Georgia is always judging me. She judges me on what I look like in the morning, what I get
on my math tests, and even singing in the shower. My sister has to be my biggest pet peeve in my
life, but if I didn't have my sister, I don't know where I would be now. Even though she is four
years younger than me, I go to her with all my problems. She judges me, but if she knows I am
upset she will comfort me with her jokes and stories. Georgia is my sister, pain in my behind, best
friend, and my therapist all in one.
One time, my family and I went to cousin's house in Saratoga. Keep in mind I was in 7th grade,
meaning Georgia was in 3rd grade. I more content...
She keeps me on my toes and keeps me sane. Even though Georgia pushes my buttons almost
every day, I still love her. I encourage you to find a Georgia in your life. She will drive you nuts, but
she will always be there for you. She'll make you laugh when you're having a bad day, and put you in
your place when it is
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Pet Peeve Research Paper
My pet peeve is bad drivers: the people who drive with no care of anyone else on the road. There
are many types of bad drivers, including slow drivers, fast drivers, and those who cannot follow
simple traffic instructions. There are also drivers who cannot stay in their lanes or turn too tightly at
a light, almost hitting others in the process. Another predicament that frustrates me is when people
do not put on their blinker until the last second. On the way to school, there is a Starbucks attached
to a bunch of buildings, but the turn to get into the parking lot is on a road that has a speed limit of
fifty–five miles per hour. The people that decide to turn there though, never turn their blinkers on
until a couple meters before the turn, or not at more content...
These drivers not only annoy me, but they also endanger other people. Fast drivers decide to push
up right on my bumper, when I am going as fast as I can, making it hard to brake, for the fear of a
car going into the back of my small car. It is always funny how when someone is late, the person
they end up driving behind is the old lady with no care in the world about whether she gets to the
store by next year. Driving should not be stressful, but because of all the bad drivers, it becomes a
task that requires fast reflexes and develops patience. I love driving, but it would be so much better
with the exclusion of bad
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Pet Peeves: A Short Story
As I look out into the class, my stomach immediately drops. Every single one of them was staring
at me. Like drones with heavy eyes, waiting for this to be over. Quickly, my eyes dart back down
to the note card I am holding in my shaking hand. The few notes I had written were sloppy and I
can barely read them. I hadn't had much time to prepare which only added to my already high stress
level when it comes to public speaking. I opened my mouth to begin my speech, but I struggled to
find my voice. Closing my mouth, embarrassed, I quietly attempted to clear my voice and start
again. Although this time sound did escape my mouth, it was a jumbled mess. I hadn't even made it
through two sentences and I had already used "like", "um" and "and" about 20 times each.
The rest of my speech went equally as horribly and to say I was relieved when it was over would
be a major understatement. Shamefully, walking back to my seat I started to beat myself up about
everything that I had done wrong. From the moment the bell rang for class to start and Mrs.
Pearlman had told us today was the day for impromptu speeches I had been nervous. We were only
given 10 minutes to prepare for a five minute speech on our biggest pet peeves. I had known that we
would have to do this eventually, but of course I convinced myself to think that the more
I suspect the combination of adrenaline and determination gave me the confidence necessary to
deliver the speech I pictured in my mind. For once, when I stepped down from the podium, a
smile came to my lips. Happily, I looked at Mrs. Pearlman and she gave me a small nod telling me
that I had finally done it. Everything had clicked into place and I had finally got a handle on
public speaking. To be fair, my speech was nowhere near perfect and there was still plenty of room
for improvement but I had just taken one giant leap toward my goal of mastery in this
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Essay On Pet Peeves

  • 1. Pet Peeve I have many pet peeve when I communicate with others. My biggest pet peeve when it comes to communicating with others is when a person uses a lot of slang words when they are trying to tell me something. .I know most slang words, but every day it seem to be more slang words made every day. Slang words are used a lot in today's world .It is most properly used when people are communicating. It really peeve me when people use a lot of slang when they communicate, because it sometimes make it hard to understand them. The conversation would be a lot simpler without using slang words. For an example, some slang words use in the south of the United States someone up north might not never heard of or might be used differently. Most professional sitting Get more content on
  • 2. Two Pet Peeves While I was cutting out a rusted section of my vehicle, a cloth sheet hanging over the vehicle's panel would consistently fall and block my sight. I was angry at the sheet. Then I thought, maybe if I would've secured the sheet better I wouldn't have this problem. When I understood the cause of the problem I was no longer angry at the sheet. The cause was my own stupidity. In a situation that tends to annoy me, I find it is best to try to understand the problem. In this essay, I will write about my two greatest pet peeves and what I will learn about them. My two pet peeves are when insects fly in my ear, and when I bang my head against hard objects. It is very difficult for me to function while there is an insect buzzing around my head. I am not annoyed by the sound of the insect, but of its presence. I wonder why they tend to wander near our faces. According to an article at "," many Insects are attracted to what we naturally produce and possess. The CO2 we produce through our respiratory system attracts flies and gnats while they are airborne. Insects fly near our noses because they are attracted to the CO2 that is released from our nostrils (1). In Debbie Hadley's article "How Do Ticks Get on You," she wrote, CO2 also attracts more content... As stated in an article at "," our forehead is where the Frontal Lobe is located. The Frontal Lobe is where all our thinking, planning, and decision–making takes place. The Frontal Lobe also takes part in Controlling our emotions, and behavior. Therefore, if the frontal lobe is shaken up, it won't function right and can cause emotions to express abnormally. Head Injuries have long–term and short–term effects, no matter if they are mild or severe, they can cause memory loss, Behavioral disorders, Headaches, and difficulty in functioning (1). Getting hit in the head is never good. Our brain can make us or break Get more content on
  • 3. Why Did I Choose My Pet Peeve? I choose "my pet peeve" because I thought it was the best choice for my express how I am and what my personality is like. I Also thought it would be the best opinion to show to the class what kind of things grind my gears. I didn't choose the "The Bag "because I didn't really have any sort of ideas or couldn't think of anything to bring to class. I didn't choose "what I do well, and what I do not so well "because there's not one specific thing that I'm good at and something I'm really bad at. I think I did well when it came explaining my kind of pet peeve and why it irritates me. I also thought I did well when it came to speaking in front of the class and I think everyone was able to hear my clearly. I also felt that I was very engaged Get more content on
  • 4. Biggest Pet Peeve My biggest pet peeve is when someone sneezes while I'm walking behind them and they do not cover their sneeze respectively. When someone sneezes and does not properly cover it up drives me insane! This is my biggest, because it is just utterly disrespectful and disgusting to let someone come so close to walking through a trail of mucus and germs. I feel that if a person sneezes and don't cover it up you might as well sneeze directly into their face. Furthermore, it makes me feel that I should immediately be put into isolation and treated for a deadly disease. I think that it is very rude to sneeze while someone is walking behind you and it is not covered. It makes me feel like a walking germ similar to the globs of mucus that is show on the Get more content on
  • 5. Pet Peeve Essay On Miscommunication By now I think I've made it quite apparent that one of my biggest pet peeves is miscommunication. I pride myself on being a first–rate communicator. I may not be perfect at it, but I try really, really, REALLY hard to choose my words carefully– both in speaking and in writing. So, when something I've said or written gets misconstrued, it makes me CRAZY! To make matters worse, sometimes the more I try to explain myself, the more confusing the situation seems to become because people, in general, do not always know how to LISTEN. I include myself in that category. Being a good listener is definitely a skill one must continually practice. When these situations happen, it makes me want to run off to some secluded place, never again having Get more content on
  • 6. Pet Peeve Essay I'm easily annoyed by unpunctuality. It is as "a pet peeve" for me. It really makes my anger when I am not prepared to wait, for things happening. One clear example of it was when I went to Disney for the first time. I planned the night before that we were going to leave at 9:00 AM, so we could be on the park early and enjoy as much time as we could. However, that morning my brother and my sister were not ready at 9. We left the hotel at 11:00 AM, and I was as mad as wet cat. I was waiting for them more than 2 hours because I was ready at 8:00AM. We arrived at the park at noon and we had booked a reservation to have lunch with Mike Mouse at 1:00PM. We went straight to the restaurant, but when we arrived the waiter said that even thought we Get more content on
  • 7. Pet Peeves Research Paper I have chosen to write about my pet peeves. I would like you to know, I don't ever vent about my life, normally I am actually the therapist of my group of friends, meaning that they usually tell me what's wrong with them. Considering that, this is a list that is long in the making. I mustn't hold this in any longer. By the way, If I use the words "you or your" I am not talking to you directly, I'm just talking to a general audience. So, without further ado, my list begins. NUMBER ONE: I loathe it when I have a slushie and I drink all the juice and all I have left is the ice because the ice takes FOREVER to melt and by the time it has melted, I have just given up and thrown it away. There goes five dollars! NUMBER TWO: One of my worst pet peeves is if I can hear someone's music more content... NUMBER THREE: People, please don't meander down the hallways. When I'm trying to get back upstairs after allied arts, the rush hour traffic in Manhattan mover faster than the kids in our grade walking down the hall. NUMBER FOUR: If you're lingering in a doorway or the hall, please keep walking. People are trying to get to their classes, they don't need you stagnant, in their way having a conversation with your friends about which guy is more attractive. Furthermore, please don't stop right in front of me when I'm walking. I might run you over on "accident". NUMBER FIVE: If I say something and you think it might be funny to respond with "what? I didn't hear you" repeatedly to make me repeat myself, I might yell at you. That's not even funny. I just want to know, what kind of person is entertained by that? And depending on the amount of times you make me repeat myself, I might think it funny to "not hear you" when you ask for a favor or what notes you were supposed to take while you took your ten minute bathroom break. NUMBER SIX: If you ever come to my ice cream shop, It would be nice if you actually got Ice cream and didn't park your car in the middle of the lot for hours Get more content on
  • 8. Pet Peeve Research Paper Most people in the world talk about others no matter the case. People talk about each other in the case of religion, race, gender, etc. The biggest pet peeve is people who are judgmental.I will never forget the time that I heard the most disrespectful and judgmental thing in that school when I was in the fifth grade. In this memory I had a friend that had his family moving to the states from Iraq because of his father. I remember the first day I saw this kid. It was in September on a warm and windy Tuesday. This particular Tuesday was not like any other Tuesday because of the new student and the way the room felt when he walked in. I usually sat in the back left of the classroom because I was not that type of child that would sit in the front Get more content on
  • 9. Essay On Pet Peeves Everyone has a pet peeve no matter how weird it can possibly be. Someone could have a pet peeve of dirty dishes or people who wear beanies. Maybe even of country music. No matter what people dislike, I'm sure some people will be able to accept it and eventually deal with it. However, the Earth doesn't revolve around those people, so they too need to get over their ridiculous peeves and just deal with it. I have pet peeves I guess I should get over, but maybe people should also take heed to them and be aware that I dislike what bothers me. As in, I can't stand it when people correct me, or don't listen to me, and just say awful things about what I truly love and am passionate about. I feel that I'm a hypocrite for correcting people who get things wrong. It doesn't really even matter what it is, but when someone corrects me it more content... When I was younger, my grandma had a friend that was a teacher and whenever I would read aloud to her, she would often correct me. Now since I'm older, I think that when someone corrects me–and it's usually with adults–I'm not doing a good enough job and that's what frustrates me. Sometimes I correct my friends just to mess with them or play around, or maybe even help them, but very rarely I correct them with a negative attitude, As in, "That's not how you say it idiot", or "You're so stupid for pronouncing it wrong" because a lot of my friends know I'm a grammar nazi (more like a grammar hitler). All I really want to do is a good job so I can be appreciated and not feel like I'm doing nothing. Another pet peeve I have is when I want to tell a person something and they won't listen at all to what I have to Get more content on
  • 10. What Is Your Pet Peeve Analysis "What is your pet peeve?" The answer to this question is seemingly simple. For some, it may be the deafening sound of nails on a chalkboard. For others, it could be the one stray mark left unerased on the otherwise impeccable white board. For me, however, this question was left largely unanswered for a long while. "What do I hate?" I would sit for what seemed to be hours contemplating my answer. At last, I would come to some relative conclusion, telling myself with hopeful surety that I had at least found a topic worthy of a concise, one page discourse. The heading and title would pass with great ease, bestowing on me a false sense of confidence for the rest of the essay. I fought my way through draft after draft of different ideas until finally Get more content on
  • 11. Pet Peeve Research Paper Introduction: How often do many of you see a little old woman slowly walking down the aisle at the grocery store and a young adult almost run her over trying to pass her? How often do you see a young teen telling an adult about their future plans to be a policeman and the adult tells them that they should strive to be a doctor, instead of a policeman? How many of you have been working on a group project, and one of the group members don't do their part? (Attention Getter) Today I will be talking about my worst pet peeves (Reveal Topic), which are rude, pessimistic, and unreliable people. (Thesis) My first pet peeve is rude people who don't show empathy to others. (MP1) I just hate when people don't speak and walk straight pass someone who looks as though they are having a bad day. I feel that the least these people can do is speak, even if they choose not to stop and see what's going on with the person. I also hate when a nonthreatening homeless person tries to talk to someone and they reply by putting their heads in the air as though the person is beneath them. My mom and grandparents have always taught me to be nice to everyone, because you more content... (MP2) Just the other day at work, a man asked me what my future plans were. I told him I was going to major in accounting at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and would later run for mayor. He replied to my statement by saying, "Whatever you do don't come back here, because there is nothing here". Although he had just heard me tell him about my dream of becoming mayor of Selma, he still made this reply. If I was more impressionable like many other people around my age, he could have very well shot down my plans to complete my dream of returning to Selma and becoming mayor. Pessimistic people like this man I met at the library are dream killers who never support the plans of others. This man really reinforced my dislike towards pessimistic Get more content on
  • 12. Top 10 Assume Pet Peeves Reviewing the samples resumes was tedious, because while there was differences between the resumes, majority of the resumes read the same. I can conclude that I do not want to be a job recruiter because after the fifth resume, I was about done. Though there weren't spelling errors that I noticed, there was a lot of grammar errors. According to the Recruiters' Top 10 Resume Pet Peeves, by Norma Gaffin, pet peeve number 1 was spelling errors, typos and poor grammar. Reading the resumes made sure that I go back and double check mine, because a person's resume is basically an advertisement of a person's qualities. Many job recruiters receive numerous resumes every day, and in order for someone to compete, the persons resume needs to stand out. Basically, job seekers send in a resume that highlights the products or skills that they are trying to sell to the recruiter. If the product is the same as everyone else, job recruiters would not want to buy in your more content... In addition, some of the resumes were not simple, clear and straight to the point. According to Top 10 Pet Peeves, number 8 pet peeve, was long paragraphs. Juan Doe resume, is an example of such pet peeve. Instead of formatting his resume in a concise, clear, order with bullet points, he wrote long paragraphs about his positions, qualities and education. Another example, is John Doe from 49th ave, who used different font sizes throughout his resume. Formatting like these can turn off a recruiter from continuing reading a someone's resume. Some resumes that stood out to me, were concise, lack spelling or grammar errors, and were straight to the point. There wasn't irrelevant information such as hobbies include cooking, reading, etc. According to the text, a good resume should be focused towards the job description, and should have keywords that highlights the skills needed for the Get more content on
  • 13. What Is The Biggest Pet Peeve Essay One of my biggest pet peeves is that I have a big fear of very high heights. Heights is one of the only fears I have, I would love to, to go skydiving one day but my fear of heights would hold me back. One time at this park that I used to hang at, Par Kour was a fun hobby everyone used to do back in the 6th grade, everyone used to climb up small buildings, playground ceilings, restroom roofs and park pavilions. Me, myself was never goodlike my friends were back then, the things that they used to flip over and climbs things I could never imagine doing. So, one day I decided to do it with them, we were running around, hopping over things, flipping around until we made it to the park restroom on the other side of park. They managed to get up onto Get more content on
  • 14. Pet Peeves Research Paper Paragraph 1 Although spending a lot of time on the road, I see a lot of stupid behavior. I could list at least 15 driving pet peeves. I will limit myself to three. One thing really bothers me. When driving, people forget to turn off the turn signal. It is so distracting that I hate to drive for miles behind someone a flashing turn signal. Second, people sometimes flash their headlights. It is so irritating that I don't understand why people get impatient. Third, while driving, people listen to their music so loudly, that they don't focus on the road. It is really annoying. People should know everything about driving before applying for a driver's license. Paragraph 2 One of my biggest pet peeves is irritating cell phone users. Many people Get more content on
  • 15. Biggest Pet Peeves One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone talks/chews/drinks with their mouth open. Not only does it make for a disgusting sight, but also an unappealing chomping sound. That is why I believe rule number 98, "Drink not nor talk with your mouth full", in the The Rules of Civility & Behavior in Company and Conservation is very valuable today. Drinking with one's mouth full is very graphic, and can leave nasty substances in or on the rim of the glass; which is not a sight that people need to see. However, talking with one's mouth full is not only, disgusting, but very disrespectful. When one talks with a mouth full of food, things are bound to come out of their mouth that are chewed, and mushy. The last thing that one wants at a family dinner Get more content on
  • 16. Pet Peeves Running heading: Organizational Change Process Presentation Cornelius Bowman LDR 531 Dr. C Introduction This paper focuses on the various strategies of organization change based on the leaders' pet peeves. It has researched articles from various authors. One of such author is Kowaski, Robin M. in his book, "Complaining, Teasing and other Annoying Behaviors". The paper has gone further to provide the recommendations on how these organizations changes are carried out. The paper has reviewed the case scenario of a C.E.O who wants to bring about change, but is concerned by the large size of the employees and a company's long history without change. In the first section of the discussion, the paper highlights data more content... Long working hours have both disadvantage and advantages (Kuriger, 2004). The advantage being the extra working hours can be used to create employment. However, if this is not the case and the same workers are overworked then it becomes a drawback to both the workers and the organization. Employees will want to work the extra hours so as to earn more pay and some it is due to job insecurity. Some organizations will not pay the extra hours arguing that its part of the job description, but this poses a threat to the employee's health and safety. This is brought about by exhaustion hence reduced concentration at work. The work performance will reduce and the organization will stand to lose. To deal with this, the company may decide to create a policy where overtime working is voluntary depending on the individual capacity of the employees. The company might also decide to employ more workers, and then divide them in such a way that some are assigned those shifts that would have otherwise been overtime (Poole, 2000). It would be true to say that when things are well back home, then at work all will be fine. The employee will tend to do their job according to the way they run things back at home. When a woman is experiencing domestic violence, she will tend to be in a low mood, which in turn affects her working performance. As much as the company ought to respect its employees' privacy, it cannot just stand and Get more content on
  • 17. Biggest Pet Peeves I am almost positive that everyone at some point in their life has been looked at wrongly for something that they didn't do or wasn't their fault. For me, that would be for bumping into a walker in the hallways at school. This situation however was not my fault it was the other person's fault for not paying attention. One of my biggest pet peeves is the people that walk the hallways at Belleville West High School. One reason why it is one of my biggest pet peeves is because of the rudeness apparently associated with the walking of the halls. People think it is completely sociably acceptable to get in someone's face if they bump into them because they were texting or off in the "la la" land of stupidity. I honestly believe these people need Get more content on
  • 18. Essay On Pet Peeve Pet Peeves, the meaning is short and simple. "Something" that a particular person finds especially annoying. Everyone has one pet peeve that seems to stand out from all the others. There are many little things that bother me in life, but the most bothering is my sister. My sister's name is Georgia and she is 11 years old. Many of you might know her, seen her on my snapchat stories, or instagram photos. One of the many pet peeves about her is thinking she is better than me. Doesn't matter what it is about, whether it's sports, school, or likes on instagram, she will have to argue with me saying she is better. She is usually right in our arguments, which makes my blood boil. What also makes my blood boil is that she is liked more by my grandma than me. She tries to deny it, but it is obvious my grandma has favorites. I love my sister with all my heart, but she is a pill. Georgia is always judging me. She judges me on what I look like in the morning, what I get on my math tests, and even singing in the shower. My sister has to be my biggest pet peeve in my life, but if I didn't have my sister, I don't know where I would be now. Even though she is four years younger than me, I go to her with all my problems. She judges me, but if she knows I am upset she will comfort me with her jokes and stories. Georgia is my sister, pain in my behind, best friend, and my therapist all in one. One time, my family and I went to cousin's house in Saratoga. Keep in mind I was in 7th grade, meaning Georgia was in 3rd grade. I more content... She keeps me on my toes and keeps me sane. Even though Georgia pushes my buttons almost every day, I still love her. I encourage you to find a Georgia in your life. She will drive you nuts, but she will always be there for you. She'll make you laugh when you're having a bad day, and put you in your place when it is Get more content on
  • 19. Pet Peeve Research Paper My pet peeve is bad drivers: the people who drive with no care of anyone else on the road. There are many types of bad drivers, including slow drivers, fast drivers, and those who cannot follow simple traffic instructions. There are also drivers who cannot stay in their lanes or turn too tightly at a light, almost hitting others in the process. Another predicament that frustrates me is when people do not put on their blinker until the last second. On the way to school, there is a Starbucks attached to a bunch of buildings, but the turn to get into the parking lot is on a road that has a speed limit of fifty–five miles per hour. The people that decide to turn there though, never turn their blinkers on until a couple meters before the turn, or not at more content... These drivers not only annoy me, but they also endanger other people. Fast drivers decide to push up right on my bumper, when I am going as fast as I can, making it hard to brake, for the fear of a car going into the back of my small car. It is always funny how when someone is late, the person they end up driving behind is the old lady with no care in the world about whether she gets to the store by next year. Driving should not be stressful, but because of all the bad drivers, it becomes a task that requires fast reflexes and develops patience. I love driving, but it would be so much better with the exclusion of bad Get more content on
  • 20. Pet Peeves: A Short Story As I look out into the class, my stomach immediately drops. Every single one of them was staring at me. Like drones with heavy eyes, waiting for this to be over. Quickly, my eyes dart back down to the note card I am holding in my shaking hand. The few notes I had written were sloppy and I can barely read them. I hadn't had much time to prepare which only added to my already high stress level when it comes to public speaking. I opened my mouth to begin my speech, but I struggled to find my voice. Closing my mouth, embarrassed, I quietly attempted to clear my voice and start again. Although this time sound did escape my mouth, it was a jumbled mess. I hadn't even made it through two sentences and I had already used "like", "um" and "and" about 20 times each. The rest of my speech went equally as horribly and to say I was relieved when it was over would be a major understatement. Shamefully, walking back to my seat I started to beat myself up about everything that I had done wrong. From the moment the bell rang for class to start and Mrs. Pearlman had told us today was the day for impromptu speeches I had been nervous. We were only given 10 minutes to prepare for a five minute speech on our biggest pet peeves. I had known that we would have to do this eventually, but of course I convinced myself to think that the more content... I suspect the combination of adrenaline and determination gave me the confidence necessary to deliver the speech I pictured in my mind. For once, when I stepped down from the podium, a smile came to my lips. Happily, I looked at Mrs. Pearlman and she gave me a small nod telling me that I had finally done it. Everything had clicked into place and I had finally got a handle on public speaking. To be fair, my speech was nowhere near perfect and there was still plenty of room for improvement but I had just taken one giant leap toward my goal of mastery in this Get more content on