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Erving Goffman Stage Theory
In this essay, I will be explaining Erving Goffman's social concept called dramaturgy, primarily
focusing on the element of stage theory. I will also incorporate Peter Borger's social construction of
reality within the essay as it also relates to stage theory. I will be describing what these concepts
mean it my own words, based off experiences in my own life, research that I have done, as well as
using the information that we gathered in class. Then we will be looking at college students as a case
study group, where we will go into greater detail to better explain the stage theory concept and how
the behavior of college students is significantly dependent upon the stage and location they are in, as
well as how they are impacted deeply by society. Some of the information that I will be gathering
will come from a non–academic source, which gives a brief descriptive summary of college students
and why they make a perfect fit for this stage theory example. Lastly will be an analysis process of
the information that I gathered about the stage theory. This process also includes a summary of an
academic source that applies a variation of stranger theory and social construction of reality to a
similar case study.
The sociological concept called dramaturgy is very interesting and Erving Goffman's idea is worth
looking into on a deeper level to better understand it. I had previously heard about the stage theory
before this sociological theory class, but did not really have a grasp as
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The Dialectical Model Of Identity Formation
In Don's lecture, he discusses the dialectical model of Identity formation, which includes three
components or circles that interact. The subjective reality, the objective reality and Indigenous
objective reality. Subjective reality is the individual's identity that is comprised of someone's
thoughts and feelings. Objective reality is outside of the self, encompassing the culture in
mainstream society, such as institutions, history, capitalism and rules. The indigenous objective
reality is influenced by both mainstream society and Aboriginal culture. People's feelings and
behaviours are likely to mimic those of the urban people around them.
There are two process that occur, externalization and internalization. Externalization is the process
of taking a thought and projecting it to the objective reality. For example, an individual will
externalize their Indigenous culture to school by bringing traditions from home like dances and
teaching them to students. Externalizing can also happen from mainstream society to the Indigenous
culture by bringing what is learned at school to back to the family. Internalization is how the
individual's subjective reality is affected by the surrounding institutions through rules, norms, etc.
Therefore, they internalize the Indigenous culture through family traditions, and Internalize
mainstream society through the media, school rules, etc.
"Early Europeans thought that it was impossible for Indigenous peoples to participate in the modern
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Why Might Parents Allow Their Children To Read Gothic...
Why Might Parents Allow Their Children to read Gothic Literature? Some parents may approve of
their children reading Gothic Literature because it teaches them moral lessons that they may be able
to use later on in life. Gothic Literature is a combination of the age of Romanticism and Gothic
elements, all tied into one. When parents allow their children to read Gothic Literature, they are
opening their children's minds up and allowing them to go into the dark world and face many
challenges and experiences in hopes of overcoming and conquering their fears that they may have
once had. Some parents believe that it has a positive effect in children's minds. They believe that it
is used to entertain the mind and teaches children that things are not always what they seem to be.
These Gothic novels are said to allow children to escape their own lives, to ... Show more content on ...
Parents feel like they should break ground and be able to share these novels with their children
because they are able to learn from these novels. Karen Sanchez–Eppler refers to the passage from
the Gospel of Mark "employing childhood as a temporal marker" (8). Some parents believe that
their children should be open to the supernatural elements that these Gothic novels portray. They
believe that if they allow their children to read these novels and to set fear in their children's minds
that it will help them to overcome those fears and to conquer them overall. Children are able to
escape their own lives and live another world filled with supernatural elements and the unknown. In
"Childhood," psychoanalyst, Philippe Aries, explains essentialism and "the provocative assertion
that "in medieval society the idea of childhood did not exist...these accounts stress the complicated
relations, and often glaring contradictions, between any society's idea of childhood and the lived
experience of actual childhood"
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Tonya Narrative Therapy
The authors explore the film I Tonya (2017) from a systemic perspective, and analyze the main
family's behaviors through the lens of Narrative Therapy. The authors referred to multiple articles
that define Narrative therapy, and the use of tools such as externalization, deconstruction and
exceptions. The authors of this paper examine the characters within the film, and suggest methods
where therapeutic interventions could facilitate healing from public ridicule through empowerment.
Keywords: narrative therapy, family systems, externalization
Shunned by a Nation: Narrative Therapy to Heal Public Shame
Public shaming is new to the frontier of modern technology. The trauma experienced at the hands of
public scrutiny and ... Show more content on ...
Accordingly, the role of the therapist is to interpret how the client is comprehending their story and
the associated meaning. Once completed, the therapist would assist the client to re–author a more
helpful, rewarding, and open–ended story by emphasizing the understanding of the individual's
subjective experience (Phipps & Vorster, 2015). Tonya and her experience were constructed and
anchored in her family roots that manifested through years of emotional and physical abuse from her
mom, the media, and society while grieving the neglect and abandonment of her dad. The authors of
this paper believe it is imperative that Tonya and her mother work independently. Individual work
can create a boundary and space to heal from the history of
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The Social Construction Of Reality Summary
The Social Construction of Reality is a book written in 1966 by Peter L. Berger and Thomas
Luckmann. The social construction of reality suggests that as humans the way we present ourselves
is shaped by the interactions we have with other people, and shaped by our own experiences. For
example, when we are born, we are raised a certain way. The way we are raised is a dependency
from our cultural background, religious beliefs and morals. What we were raised to believe affects
how we look at others, how we present ourselves in front of others and how others look at us.
According to Berger and Luckmann "All human activity is subject to habilitualization" and how we
perceive reality today is due to our background and beliefs. The book is recognized ... Show more
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Berger and Luckmann claim that one must understand both the objective and subjective aspects of
reality, in order for us to understand the concept, we must view society as an "ongoing dialectical
process composed of the three moments of externalization, objectivation, and internalization". The
construction of culture and education are examples of externalization–which is the process where, as
human we create our own social world. Objectivation is the process in which the person becomes
attained by that creation of a specific status, which is "independent of us"– An example of this is
professional tittles, or educational background– ex. I am a Doctor; I am a police officer etc. In the
other hand, internalization is the process in which we are prone to accept our cultural norms and
values that were established by our immediate and most influential people, for example I was
exposed when growing up to speaking two languages which made me learn to speak both Spanish
and English at the same time. Berger and Luckmann explained another process that is important to
the continuation of social order. This process is called legitimation– which is just that, the adding of
legitimacy to an act. In other words, it is when an act becomes legitimate due to a strong attachment
to our "constructed social values and norms". The term reality maintenance was used to explain the
process of how social order, norms, roles etc. are passed down from generation to generation in
order to maintain the social construction created by
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Robert Flaherty's Moana
The earliest documented use of the term "documentary" (French: 'documentaire') was in the initial
travelogues written in the twentieth century. In the academic context, John Grierson, a nearly
Scottish documentary filmmaker who is often considered as the father of British and Canadian
documentary films, first used the term 'documentary' while reviewing Robert Flaherty's Moana
where he argued that documentary is the "creative treatment of actuality". This 'actuality' according
to Ivor Montagu is the raw material that the documentary filmmakers compose in the
cinematographic record of the visual aspects of reality. The reality emphasized here is often
subjective in nature because a film irrespective of fiction or non–fiction is only an externalization of
a director's point of view. It ... Show more content on ...
Each selection is an expression of his point of view, whether he is aware of it or not, whether he
acknowledges it or not. While Bill Nichols maintains that to represent the event is not clearly to
mean it, some scholars like Linda Williams criticize that documentary only generate ideologies and
consciousness that force audiences to believe something as 'true'. Fiske and Hartley point out that
audience's circumference of 'reality' determine how to accept a symbolic form as 'natural'as it
claims. On the other hand, Williams said "...truth figured by documentary cannot be a simple
unmasking or reflection. It is a careful construction, an intervention in the politics and the semiotics
of representation" (59–75). Whatever the debate may be, the credibility of presentation, wide range
of witness to testify subject and viewpoint, cross–examination to verify reliability have provided a
good platform for documentaries to speak for the 'content of
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Hellenic Vs Hebraic Story
Moreover, when taking about contemporary stories being more Hellenic or Hebraic, Auerbach
perfectly illustrates the key difference between them. Homer made the rhetorical tradition of the
poet in which he represents techniques of externalizing detail, is narrated in a leisurely time fashion,
and is explain in such deep detail that nothing can hidden. Most importantly, in order to seek answer
if contemporary stories are more Hellenic or Hellenic, Auerbach distinguish between both of them,
which helps readers to acknowledge stories in modern time. First of all, Auerbach points out several
key points in the upon Odysseus homecoming, and is viewed as the Hellenic tradition. He points out
the "slowing technique" also called the "retarding element"
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Case Study Of Zara Group
Zara Group study case
In this example can be seen how information and communication technologies (ICTs) influence on
knowledge management processes within organizations and its influence on innovation and co–
learning. The use of ICTs is increasing because nowadays the business environment is becoming
more dynamic and complex and new strategic resources are needed for taking competitive
advantages. (María Teresa GARCÍA–ÁLVAREZ, p.994)
The unit of analysis is the Zara Group, which belongs to the Spanish company Inditex. It is a very
global company which has been selected due to it does an intensive application of ICTs in its
processes, mainly manufacturing and distribution ones, as well as its logistical processes. Because of
this, it can stand out among its competitors. (María Teresa GARCÍA–ÁLVAREZ, p.998)
Zara group uses management systems based on electronic communication or automation processes,
which can mean positive effects on socialization, externalization, internalization and combination
processes of knowledge management. (María Teresa GARCÍA–ÁLVAREZ, p.994) ... Show more
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Socialization means transforming tacit knowledge on another form of tacit knowledge. In other
words, understanding tacit knowledge that is derived from interaction between people. Here, the
concept of co–learning is present. Externalization consists on changing from tacit to explicit
knowledge, it means to make it possible to learn by other people. Combination is related to
transform explicit to explicit knowledge. It is based on the structuring of different explicit
knowledge for creating new knowledge and eventually, internalization consists of moving from
explicit to tacit knowledge, to make it your own knowledge. (María Teresa GARCÍA–ÁLVAREZ,
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The 's Theory Of Energy Conversion
The first mode of knowledge conversion enables an organization to convert tacit knowledge through
facilitating interaction between individuals (Bashar Sarayreh 2012). Individuals in this case, can
gain tacit knowledge without necessarily having to communicate by means of language. Instead,
tacit knowledge can be converted into tacit knowledge through practice, imitation and observation.
An example of this form of knowledge conversion is demonstrated by apprentices who learn critical
skills just by working alongside their mentors. Evidently, therefore, experience is a key cornerstone
when it comes to an individual acquiring tacit knowledge. Nonaka's theory of energy conversion
suggests that it is enormously difficult for individuals to share their thinking processes without
keenly sharing their experiences (Bashar Sarayreh 2012). A common feature of this form of
conversion is emotional attachment to shared experiences. As a result of this, the spiral model calls
the process of creating tacit knowledge by sharing experiences, socialization. Conversion of explicit
knowledge to explicit knowledge on the other hand requires the incorporation of social processes in
order to combine various forms of explicit knowledge possessed by different individuals. Under this
arrangement, individuals share knowledge through meetings or telephone conversations.
Reconfiguration of existing information through acts such as adding or sorting information can
consequently lead to creation of newer
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Narrative Therapist: A Case Study
As a narrative therapist with this particular family the goal would be to be an empathic listener and
touch on the key facts they describe as part of their narrative to unravel and mend the dilemma that
brought them into therapy.
Therapist: First, thank you very much for coming in today to discuss what has been going on.
Therapist: Enrique why don't you begin by telling me why you think Sophia wanted everyone to
come into therapy?
Therapist: Sophia you are concerned about Enrique's anger. Why do you suppose Enrique's anger
has increased?
The first set of questions are open ended questions to inquire about what their thoughts and feelings
are about each other and the situation. There is also the two circular questions to touch on each ...
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The purpose of externalization is to separate the problem from the person (Gehart, 2014). The most
effect way of externalizing is to have a conversational dialogue that is curious (Capella, 2011).
Laying out the foundation of the problem in mapping is important so that each of the family
members can identify the pattern of the problem and that they are not the problem (Gehart, 2014).
Additionally, the use of scaffolding conversations can be used to focus the family on taking action or
being proactive in improvement (Gehart, 2014). This would be the beginning stages before defining
a new narrative for each family member that establishes growth and resilience.
Capella (2011). Narrative Skills. Practice Exercises for Developing Counseling Skills, Part 1:
Developing Curiosity. Retrieved from: http:/–therapy/view/work/1779344/
Gehart, D. (2014). Mastering competencies in family therapy: A practical approach to theories and
clinical case documentation. (2nd ed.). California State University,Northridge:
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The Black Cat, By Edgar Allan Poe
In Studies in Classic American Literature, D.H. Lawrence condemns Americans for dodging their
true selves by means of intellectualization and idealization. Both Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The
Black Cat" and Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown" feature allegorical representations
of characters deceiving themselves in order to deny the darker aspects of their inner selves. In Poe's
"The Black Cat," the narrator denies the darker aspects of his soul by abstracting his horrific actions
with spectral evidence in order to externalize the psychological effects of his guilt. In his allegorical
tale "Young Goodman Brown," Hawthorne criticizes the Puritan doctrine of grace in his depiction of
the self–deception Lawrence condemns; both ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, Lawrence expounds the ways in which Americans deceive themselves and sin against
"the Holy Ghost within" (Lawrence 79), through intellectualizing and idealizing abstractions of their
own experiences. Unlike the Americans who rebel against it, Lawrence encourages listening to the
"Holy Ghost [within] each isolate individual" (Lawrence 85), which prevents one from abstracting
new experiences. Furthermore, Lawrence suggests this guiding inner spirit urges, "not to be too
egoistic and willful in [one's] conscious self" (Lawrence 79). Both Hawthorne's goodman Brown
and Poe's narrator of "The Black Cat" justify their actions and experiences with the same egotism
and self–conceit Lawrence condemns.
In "Young Goodman Brown," Brown's curiosity about evil leads him to meet with the devil in hopes
he may know and understand the darker aspects of human nature. Like Poe, Hawthorne utilizes
allegory in his representation of young Brown's pursuit of knowledge for what lies beyond his
material world. Throughout the allegorical tale, Hawthorne reveals Brown's self–denial in his
externalization of evil in the form of the devil. With an almost comical lack of awareness, Brown
begins his errand believing his "excellent resolve for the future– [his plan to "cling to [Faith's] skirts
and follow her to Heaven]– justifies his present evil purpose" (Hawthorne 387). Even upon being
confronted with the darker aspects of his family history, Brown maintains
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Comparing Emile Durkheim 's The Division Of Labor
In comparing Emile Durkheim's The Division of Labor in Society and readings from the The Rules
of Sociological Method to Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann's The Social Construction of Reality
in addition to Harriet Martineaus' Morals and Manners, Morals of Slavery, and The Political
Nonexistence of Women, all of these authors investigate people as beings that are fundamentally
social that create the basis for society. Even though their perspectives have similar components
when it comes to fundamentally key ideas, they still tend to take different stances on viewing the
individuals involved in the process from micro and macro perspectives in order to understand the
correlation between the individual interacting with society's institutions ... Show more content on ...
This author has had a particular focus on women in politics and how slaves were included in this
social structure during this time period making an effort to convey that all men are born equal and
free as her views were very radical during this time. In comparison to Martineau, Emile Durkheim
emphasizes that the division of labor is a key attribute to the social structure of society as the general
population continues to grow, people will naturally become more disciplined in specialized
professions that will ultimately create institutions as all of these specializations will work together to
benefit society. However, Durkheim does agree with Martineau to the extent that power is diffused
throughout society and ultimately belongs to the government. As government holds the ultimate
authority, punishment will be defined as a reaction as to what has violated laws that have been
instituted in order to maintain standards of moral order. Additionally, Berger and Luckmann make it
clear that it is because people are social beings, people create a society the more we interact with
one another as "[man's] relationship to the surrounding environment is everywhere...structured by
his own biological constitution" that people attach what they know to be the physical world and
build structural concepts that constitute our society. (Berger and Luckmann, 47.) All address to some
degree, that the social structure of society exists because we have instituted some
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Berger And Radhakrishnan Summary
Maria Diaz
Introduction to Religion – PHR 120
Berger and Radhakrishnan on Religion Mindsets
In Berger and Radhakrishnan's books the multitude of religious experience one can encounter is
defined and explained through the hardships and cultural multiplicities of views that many Hindus'
go through to find absolute transcendence with God, gain a higher level of religious consciousness
and how externalization, objectivities, and internalization are used as forms in society to introduce
and establish religious construction. The inconsistency of religious isolation is in the very manner of
dehumanizing a large part of the social and cultural world that we live in today because of the roots
in the fundamental wish that humans have towards creating a reality and having a world that has ...
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One point that I have reached agreement with in Berger's, The Sacred Canopy: Elements of a
Sociological Theory of Religion, is how it is important for us to create a sacred reality for ourselves
and how religion, like it can alienate people, it can also de–alienate people and drive them towards
more knowledge and understanding about the world around them that allows for a creation of better
choices. Berger talks about the human instinct and how we spend so little time in the womb that we
never get to truly develop this instinct to help us survive in the world. He talks about this instinct not
being prevalent in our lives to be the main cause as to why man created religion. I believe Berger's
explanation of externalization as true because in our everyday lives we are always looking for ways
to mold and shape our environment as we see fit for ourselves and in this process we go through
what Berger describes as "objectivating." We as human beings learn from teachers about what we
should do to survive and how we repeat these actions over and over again in our everyday lives
through the process of externalization that
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Analysis Of Guiding Mirrors In Jane Eyre
Guiding Mirrors In the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, Bertha serves as a primary obstacle in
the novel, as her marriage to Rochester is a hindrance to Jane's emotional fulfillment and happiness.
Bertha is depicted as a violent and insane woman who is kept hidden in an attic throughout the
novel. Bertha's rage eventually leads her to burn Thornfield, in which Rochester loses an eye and
severely injures himself. Despite the portrayal of Bertha as an inherently monstrous figure, it almost
seems as though oppression by a male–dominated society has fueled the destructive rage she comes
to embody in the novel. This rage in Bertha is a manifestation of Jane's passion and independent
nature, which seems to serve as a guiding force for Jane on her journey towards autonomy. Through
the ominous characterization of Bertha coupled with the positive impact her actions have on Jane,
Brontë explores gender inequality in an Victorian era and seems to suggest that passionate and
independent women in male–dominated environments are deprived of their femininity and may even
be dehumanized. Bertha's presence acts as an obstacle for Rochester and Jane's marriage, and
therefore a hindrance to Jane's quest for emotional fulfillment. Brontë achieves an obstructive
characterization of Bertha by using animal imagery to describe her throughout the novel. In fact, one
of the very first descriptions of Bertha reveals she has a "savage face" with "lips swelled and dark"
and "bloodshot eyes" who
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Functionalist Theory And Conflict Theory
Emily Harris Sociology 409 Exam #2 Group A FUNCTIONALISM AND CONFLICT THEORY
Functionalisms reign was dominant through earl 1950s through late 1960s. August Comte, Herbert
Spencer, and Emile Durkheim played important roles in the development of the theory. Talcott
Parsons, another important writer of the functionalist theory, attempted to develop concepts that
would help organize our perception of reality. He also developed a fourfold classification scheme,
Adoption, Goal attainment, interagation, and latency. Adaptation refers to the idea that systems are
embedded in environments to which they much adapt in order to survive. Goal attainment is
described as the need in any system to define its primary goal and the methods used to obtain the
goal. Interagation refers to the need to coordinate the component parts of the system so that they
contribute to the maintenance of the whole. Latency is described as the structures that serve to
maintain and revitalize the motivation of individuals to perform their roles according to social
expectations (Farganis, 20111). Spencer compared society to the telegraph, with wires running to
and from the central nervous system and it nerves, as well as a social organism. He viewed
evolutionary schema based on social functions and survival of the fittest, relating to simple and
complex societies. Knigsley Davis and Wilbert E Moore developed Some Principles of Stratification
(1945) and described stratification as a functional necessity. They
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Examples Of Tacit Knowledge As Trauma
Good day, everybody! The topic of this presentation is 'Tacit Knowledge as Trauma' where we
would be discussing about tacit knowledge, experience and assemblages of communication
The focus would be on:
Tacit knowledge in communication technology and how is it a trauma,
Inverse of tacit knowledge in form of;
 trolling,
 fraud,
 noise,
 viruses
How Tacit Knowledge can be transformed into useful knowledge
Slide 2: Tacit Knowledge vs. Explicit Knowledge
Tacit knowledge collects all those things that we know how to do but perhaps do not know how to
explain (at least symbolically). The term "tacit knowledge" comes to us courtesy of Michael
Polyani, a chemical engineer turned philosopher of science. Tacit knowledge is messy, difficult to
study, regarded as being of negligible epistemic worth.
This concept can be understood in comparison to explicit knowledge, demonstrated in form of
Iceberg Model.
Slide 3: Tacit Knowledge as Trauma
In communication technology, tacit knowledge often becomes a trauma as the available information
cannot be transformed into explicit knowledge easily, for which skilled persons are required that
work on complex processes, such as socialization, externalization, internalization, and combination.
Since it is something which cannot be conveyed easily, its sharing is usually very limited. ... Show
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Often, people fail to communicate their knowledge that results in major issues. The relationship of
tacit knowledge with communication technology has legal place in constitutions of many countries.
Under s3 of the Fraud Act 2006 of United Kningdom, a person commits fraud if they dishonestly
fail to disclose to another person information which they have a legal duty to disclose and if they
intend, by failing to make the disclosure, to make a gain for themselves or another or to cause a loss
to another, or to put another at risk of
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The Theory Of Basic Anxiety
The theorist Karen Horney was the first person to develop the idea of basic anxiety. Having her own
personal struggles with being rejected of affection aided her thought of social development, yet
paving the way for new developmental theories of personality. The impact Horney had on the
discipline of psychology was enormous. Horney not only inspired women psychologists, but also
created a new place in the world where women had the right to their own ideas. Karen Horney was
born and raised in Germany. When Horney was a child she yearned for her parents love and
affection. She felt that her parents did not love her or one another, as they should. As throughout her
childhood and adolescents she saw the hostility and resentment between her parents. With Horney's
childhood loneliness and enlightening influences of Alfred Adler and Sigmund Freud, she began to
have interest in human personality and behavior. As an adult Horney attended the University of
Berlin in 1913, where she studied medicine and received her Ph. D. While at the University of
Berlin she fell in and out of love, and then one day she finally met her husband but seventeen years
later they separated.
Afterwards Horney moved to the United States of America, perusing to help patients as she did in
Germany. As in America, Horney saw the uprising of women's rights, which were starting to become
popular in America than other places around the world. Horney learned that there was a general
difference between her German
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Externalization Of Ladies In Promotions
Externalization of ladies in promotions are destructive to society goals since they shape what we
need to see in our sentimental accomplices and now even our material products. Men are by all
account not the only ones becoming tied up with these goals, ladies additionally fall into these
issues. "Men are not by any means the only ones who have received this unsafe state of mind
towards connections, closeness, and sex. Ladies can simply embrace a negative mental self–view
and state of mind, sustaining the negative generalizations about ladies, sexuality, closeness, and
relationships."10 the length of the media and partnerships keep on profiting off of these thoughts,
they will keep on trending in the public eye, and the negative impacts will proceed. Evisceration
needs to do with the attention on a particular piece of the body. This concentration in culture
separates the individual from their body. This can add to endeavouring towards an alternate
perspective of magnificence which society makes. There is no reference to different sorts of
excellence since all the concentration is put onto the picture of the body and none onto the identity
and different perspectives that make up a man. The media exhibit a mutilated adaptation of social
life in our nation. As indicated by media depictions: White guys make up 66% of the populace. The
ladies are less in number, maybe in light of the fact that less than 10% live past 35. The individuals
who do, similar to their more youthful ... Show more content on ...
Similarly, as steady with social perspectives of sexual orientation are delineations of ladies as sex
objects who are normally youthful, thin delightful, aloof, subordinate, and frequently clumsy and
moronic. Female characters dedicate their essential energies to enhancing their appearances and
dealing with homes and individuals. Since media infest our lives, the ways they distort sexes may
contort how we see ourselves and what we see as ordinary and attractive for men and
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Empirical Research For Treatment Of Intercultural Marriage
Empirical Research for treatment of Intercultural Marriage
According to Hsu (2001), intercultural marriage is "marriage formed by partners with relatively
diverse cultural backgrounds" (p.225). This is prominently seen through the film, in which Toula, a
Grecian–American marries Ian Miller, a Caucasian– American. This film depicts the conflict that
surrounds this union prior to marriage, such as planning the wedding, navigating the cultural
differences and gaining parental approval for the union. Although it is understandable that
intercultural marriage comes with far more difficulties than depicted.
Hsu (2001) discusses that intercultural marriage, as opposed to intramarriage, where partners are
from the same cultural background, often go to couple therapy because the merger of the two
individual's cultural beliefs and values is causing conflict. However, because an individual's culture
is embedded into their identity it is difficult to address cultural differences in a relationship.
Consequently, a majority of the research available on treating intercultural marriage relates to the
post–modern belief of social constructionism and narrative therapy.
According to Biever, Bobele and North (1998), "understandings that are created about client's
situations and the culture arise out of a mutual, collaborate construction of meaning" (p. 184). Social
constructionism provides a collaboration between the therapist and the client that allows the client to
assess different
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Externalization Case Study
externalizing T–score of 60 or above. Efforts were made to obtain approximately equal numbers of
males and females. This recruitment effort resulted in a total of 307 children. Cohort 3 was initially
recruited when infants were 6 months of age (in 1998) for their level of frustration, based on
laboratory observation and parent report, and were followed through the toddler period (see Calkins,
Dedmon, Gill, Lomax, & Johnson, 2002, for more information). Children from Cohort 3 whose
mothers completed the CBCL at two–years of age (N = 140) were then included in the larger study.
Of the entire sample (N = 447), 37% of children were identified as being at risk for future
externalizing problems. There were no significant demographic differences ... Show more content
on ...
Four participants were dropped from the current study due to developmental delays. In addition,
only participants with complete data for all variables of interest were included in the analyses.
Sixty–six percent of the sample was European American, twenty–eight percent African American,
and six percent other. Families were economically diverse based on Hollingshead (1975) scores at
the 10–year assessment, with a range from 17 to 66 (M = 44.93, SD = 11.90), and represented
families from each level of social strata typically captured by this scale. Hollingshead scores that
range from 40 to 54 reflect minor professional and technical occupations considered to be
representative of middle class. Procedures Participants and their mothers participated in an ongoing
longitudinal study when the children were 10 and 15 years of age. Families came to the university
for two laboratory visits, during which children and their mothers engaged in various tasks designed
to elicit emotional and behavioral responding and parent–child interactions. At each visit, children
and their mothers completed a packet of questionnaires. Families no longer living in the area were
asked to complete and return a packet of questionnaires mailed to their home. The current study
utilized child self–report questionnaires from the 15–year time point and maternal questionnaires
from the 10 and 15–year time point. Measures
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Essay on Narrative Therapy
This paper will look at the logic of narrative therapy by focusing on 5 major points. This paper will
begin by discussing how the narrative approach defines and perceives problems. It will address how
narrative therapy views the nature of the relationship between the client and the professional. This
paper will look at how problems are solved using the narrative approach. It will also focus on three
main techniques used in narrative therapy, which will include externalization, deconstruction and
re–authoring. This paper will also include a short narrative critique of the medical model. The Logic
of Narrative Therapy Narrative therapy is considered postmodern due to the fact that it uses a story
telling approach to ... Show more content on ...
According to Kelley (1996) this process is recommended by narrative therapists because it allows
the client to begin to see where the discourse emerged from. The therapist must first just listen to the
story and determine what the client sees as the existing problem (Kelley, 1996). Then the therapist
begins to ask questions with the intention of bringing forth the full meaning of the problem (Kelley,
1996). In deconstruction the therapist searches for answers as to who all is involved with the
problem, what past events lead up to the problem development, how the problem changed over time,
how the client has been fighting the problem thus far and how the problem is affecting the client's
life (Kelley, 1996).
Kelley (1996) reported that after the therapist has a full understanding of the problem the
deconstruction phase moves on to its second stage. The therapist and the client begin working
together to break down the prevailing story in order to map the influence the problem is having on
the client's life (Kelley, 1996). Mapping the effect of the problem is particularly important because it
lays the foundation of the new story line (Monk, Winslade, Crocket & Epston, 1997). According to
Monk, Winslade, Crocket & Epston (1997) typically when the effect of the problem is discussed
with the client they begin to feel as if their story has been heard. They
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Gothic Literature Children
Why Might Parents Allow Their Children to read Gothic Literature? According to some parents,
Gothic Literature provides a sense of escape for the child and allows the child to relate to their own
real–life problems that they may be facing in their own lives. However, when parents allow their
children to read Gothic Literature, they are opening their children's minds up and allowing them to
go into the dark world and face many unknown challenges and experiences, in hopes of overcoming
and conquering their fears that they may have once had. In these Gothic Literatures, there is often a
recurring theme that allows the child to put themselves in that character's place or shoes. In Gothic
novels, one or more characters are facing some type of hardship ... Show more content on ...
It allows the child to grow and become faced with hardships that later on in life, they are able to
overcome and gain a true understanding of life itself. In the "Importance of Externalization,"
Bettelheim states that "fantasy fills the huge gaps in a child's understanding which are due to the
immaturity of his thinking and his lack of pertinent information" (61). Gothic Literature teaches
children valuable, moral lessons that they are able to take with them throughout their life to help
them gain overall maturity. Children learn that in order to gain maturity, they must work hard in
order to achieve their goals and dreams in life. Allowing children to read these Gothic–themed
novels, will also help in aiding the child to develop both more mentally and psychologically through
the dark themes and unknown that it portrays. Bettelheim argues that if a parent shadows his/her
child from these mature ways, then the child suffers from an "arrest of development" ("Transcending
Infancy," 125). Gothic Literature is valued as a needed substance for parents to teach and allow their
children to grow into mature, young adults. Bettelheim states that "This is what maturity ought to
consist of: that one rules oneself wisely, and as a consequence lives happily" ("Transcending
Infancy," 128). The child learns that they must face struggles and hardships, in order to gain
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Berger's Views On The Dialectic Character Of Society
1. I think "the dialectic character" of society refers to the mentality that individuals have about the
reality of the way the society is functioning. Berger mentions how this character is blind, and how it
needs to be addressed so that individuals will observe actual reality (Berger 4). Due to a variety of
cultures within society, the dialectic reality is still being disputed. Man has his own thought process,
but people are told only to believe what society has shown us. Man created society, but society did
not create man. However, man is often viewed as a product of society because this is our everyday
reality. 2. According to Berger, the three steps that constitute the process of world building are
externalization, objectivation, and internalization. Externalization is man interacting with society
being an essential step so that he can develop. Objectivation is man continuing to shape society by
developing new things in it that help shape culture, for existence: language. Internalization is man
using the "structures of the objective world" to help form his own thoughts and opinions. These all
maintain a stable society with a similar reality. ... Show more content on ...
Nomos – "a meaningful order" (Berger 19). Nomos is society establishing order for individuals. This
brings the people closer together because they are required to know the rules that they must follow.
Anomy – "radical separation from the social world" (Berger 21). Anomy is a concern for most
individuals in society because they fear isolation. It is easier for people to belong to a group, since
being isolated can be difficult. This is why people rather conform to customs of society, even if it is
not necessarily
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The Relationship Connecting the Sociology of Religion and...
Berger provides insight into the study of the sociology of religion. Berger is particularly interested
in the social construction of religion as perpetuated by humankind and the dichotomies of the
secular and the religious. As a component of social reality, religion, according to Peter Berger, is a
"dialectical phenomenon" (3). Society is a dialectic phenomenon in that it is a human product, and
nothing but a human product, that yet continuously acts back upon its producer. Society is a product
of man. Religion emerges out of human beings as part of an ordered and meaningful social reality
and in turn, humans emerge out of this socially constructed world. Berger parses the dialectical
phenomenon into three concepts: externalization, ... Show more content on ...
The ordered structure of culture becomes the ordered structure of individual human consciousness.
The languages, values, meanings, and institutions of society become the languages, values,
meanings, and institutions of the individual person. Through internalization, humans become a
product of society. By the ordering of experience, humanity imposes nomos, or meaningful order,
upon the social world by both objective by institutions and subjective by consciousness constructs.
When this nomos is instinctually assumed either cosmologically or anthropologically "it is endowed
with a stability deriving from more powerful sources that the historical efforts of human beings"
(25). Humans have a need for and impose nomos on their existence or reality. Without nomos people
would perceive reality to be anomic; it would lack order and meaning; it would be utter chaos. A
central function of religion is to protect the individual from anomy; religion makes reality ordered
and understandable. Here religion enters the social world as a human enterprise by which a sacred
world is established. He begins by examining the role of religion in the construction of the social
world. Berger
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Case Study Of Zara's Influence On Knowledge Management
Zara Group study case
In this example can be seen how information and communication technologies (ICTs) influence on
knowledge management processes within organizations and its influence on innovation and co–
learning. The use of ICTs is increasing because nowadays the business environment is becoming
more dynamic and complex and new strategic resources are needed for taking competitive
advantages. (María Teresa GARCÍA–ÁLVAREZ, p.994)
The unit of analysis is the Zara Group, which belongs to the Spanish company Inditex. It is a very
global company which has been selected due to it does an intensive application of ICTs in its
processes, mainly manufacturing and distribution ones, as well as its logistical processes. Because of
this, it can stand ... Show more content on ...
The combined use of a series of ICTs has a positive effect on knowledge combination.
By periodical reports received from shop assistants over the Internet, with opinions, interests and
consumer preferences, and sent to the departments within the company, Zara adapts its outputs to
the real demand. Therefore, different sources of explicit knowledge are received for combining them
and creating new explicit knowledge. (María Teresa GARCÍA–ÁLVAREZ, p.1000)
4. The combined use of a series of ICTs has a positive effect on knowledge internalization.
Zara has developed E–Commerce which permits the sales of its outputs over the Internet and
moreover, it has a private Extranet where regulations can be found and to which suppliers have
access for finding the packing and labeling rules. (María Teresa GARCÍA–ÁLVAREZ, p.1000)
In addition it has a foundation with other companies to have a permanent connection between
University and business for promoting the exchange of technology and information. Thus it allows
Zara employees to internalize the knowledge got in the documents or software used and convert it
into their own knowledge. (María Teresa GARCÍA–ÁLVAREZ,
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Narrative Family Therapy Paper
According to Winek (2010) narrative family therapy has several interventions that are used.
Listening to the family and showing interested in getting to know the members of the family as
people and in making sure that the problem does not trick us into mistaking them for it (Metcalf,
2011). Questions are used as a way generate experience rather than to gather information. Asking
questions can lead to separating "person" from "problem", identifying preferred directions, and
creating alternative stories to support these directions. Externalization is a process of separating the
person from identifying with the problem. "The person is not the problem; the problem is the
problem." Externalizing conversations can lead clients in recognizing times
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High Spot Is A Substance Administration Stage
High spot is a substance administration stage that lets business clients make entryways, construct
learning bases, execute playbooks, convey preparing, and even track industry news. It handles all
the ways a current association needs to share data. High spot is intended for business clients so no IT
advancement is needed. Furthermore, it uses machine figuring out how to convey incredible list
items, propose related things, find new substance, and for the most part associate individuals to the
most significant data.
Highspot is the business ' most developed deals enablement stage, helping associations close the
circle crosswise over promoting, deals, and the client.
Utilizing Highspot, deals groups are associated with the most ... Show more content on ...
Content Genomics™ tracks the DNA of substance as it advances over an association and it is the
first utilization of machine figuring out how to advertising and deals content.
Highspot was established with the objective of tackling the Sales Enablement issue to make it less
demanding for deals reps to locate the substance they need and make them more powerful in
bringing deals to a close. We realized that a comprehensive arrangement would lay on 3 columns, all
incomprehensibly better than the substance frameworks of yester–year; (1) insightful and adaptable
substance administration stage that makes it simple for deals groups to locate the substance they
require, (2) effective and rich pitching and email frameworks that make it simple for salesmen to
connect with clients, and (3) powerful examination that empower deals and showcasing to gauge
what is working and to streamline execution. While every one of these columns speak to
incomprehensible changes over past arrangements, examination is the foundation that brings the
circle between deals to a close and showcasing and gives the information to deliberately enhance
deals viability. Just through precise execution investigation can an association learn, enhance and
We immediately acknowledged, be that as it may, that there was a gap in the embankment. The
greater part of substance that a business groups utilizes deals presentations, in particular–are
customized for a given prospect or tweaked for a
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What Is Tacit Knowledge Approach
The tacit knowledge approach highlights understanding the sorts of knowledge that individuals in an
organization have, moving people to transfer knowledge within an organization and managing key
individuals as knowledge creators and carriers. One of the significant capabilities of competition is
managing perceived intangible assets such as knowledge in organization. Besides managing this
intangible asset of enterprises, another vital issue is considered as diffusion of knowledge within the
organization. Knowledge resources can be divided into at least two different components depending
on the possibility of structuring and coding the knowledge. The possibility to code and the
externalization of knowledge is of essential importance to the diffusion of it according to some
researchers, while other again considers the codifying unnecessary or of minor importance.
Structured knowledge is often diffused by different systems for storing and sharing knowledge and
today there has been much scientific interest in the technology of these systems. The most important
feature of the tacit knowledge approach is the fundamental principle that knowledge is basically
individual in nature and is ... Show more content on ...
A market culture is a type of corporate culture that emphasizes competitiveness not only between
the organization and its market competitors but also between employees. The market model is the
most aggressive and capitalistic of the four common corporate culture models. Employees are
encouraged to set difficult goals and strive to achieve them. Employee performance is closely
monitored and often directly rewarded or punished. The emphasis on individual performance is
thought to lead to greater achievement for the individual employee and, as a result, greater success
for the organization. Critics of the market model, on the other hand, argue that the emphasis on
individual achievement can promote dishonesty and an unpleasant and thus unproductive work
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Buddy System Essay
34) "Buddy System"
Learners are buddies with another learner either slightly or more experienced. The two work
together regularly to a project which will go on display at a specific time (i.e. exhibition, science
fair.) Buddies also assist each other on homework or on checking up with each other that homework
has been completed. In the end, neither buddy can take the summative assessment until the other
buddy says the first buddy is ready. This technique improves learning because the buddies
encourage each other to succeed.
35) "Field Trips"
Field trips offer the opportunity for internalize material the be externalized, applied, and sometimes
evaluated. On a field trip, designed to apply learned skills, the learner is given opportunity to apply
by practice comprehension skills, conversational skills, and vocabulary skills.
Sample Field Trips: Natural Hispanic Cultural Center; Hispanic (Target Language) Markets; Target
language classrooms in other schools; a tour given in the target language (i.e. at the zoo.)
36) Guest Speakers/Guest Teachers ("Guest Teachers")
Including fellow teachers or guest speakers to teach on a specific topic regarding the target
language, or to teach on their own topic in the target language improves learning by providing
opportunity for learners to apply internalized material. Guest speakers/Guest teachers provide
variety in classroom lecture or instruction which increases learner interest level. Increasing interest
levels within the classroom
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Serial Offenders: A Case Study
Stephan & McMullin (1982) discovered a strong correlation between tolerance of sexual
nonconformity and city size during an individual's early learning and current city size (p. 414). Burk
& Burkhart (2003) also considered the significance of early learning and early attachment (p. 488).
They found that adult sexual offenders often report growing up in violent households, where
substance abuse and interpersonal conflict were common, sometimes being victims of physical or
sexual abuse as children themselves. Adult offenders generally develop delinquent behaviour as
adolescent, as one's first sexual offense generally occurs between age 10–12 (p. 489). Hunter et al.
(2010) explored the relationship between developmental variables (sexual abuse, ... Show more
content on ...
(2015) found personality pathology to be common single–victim and serial sexual homicide
offenders, although they had a higher prevalence in serial offenders. Serial offenders were also
proportionally much more likely to have narcissist, schizoid, and/or obsessive–compulsive traits,
than single–victim offenders (p. 72). Obsessive–compulsive disorder was also linked to self–
monitored suppression of deviant sexual thoughts (Johnston, Ward, & Hudson, 1997, p. 121). Stress
was found to rapidly increase the severity and frequency of sexually deviant thoughts, and
offending. Suppression alone was not sufficient to eliminate the intrusive thoughts, but must be
made automatic and combined with avoiding high risk situations to limit recidivism. The cognitive
process of supressing sexually deviant thoughts may also lead to the development of paraphilic
offending (p. 128). McGuire et al. (1964) investigated learning based on one's first "real" sexual
experience and one's memory of the incident can change over time and with recollection. The initial
experience provides material for the participant to fantasize and masturbate to. The pleasure
experienced by masturbating to the fantasy was found to be a stronger stimulus than the guilt felt
after, no matter how intense or how long it persists (p.
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Women's Role In The Bible Research Paper
Women played an important role in every aspect of our lives. Women are the moms, teachers, doctor
..etc. Many years ago women could not be a priest or a minister in churches, men were the only
people who were allowed to serve in such places. Women are only allowed to be an internal spiritual
or religious experience, but are often denied leadership roles or roles that foster any form of
externalization of their faith . As our guest speaker Nan said, they think women should stay in the
house with their children. They also believe their voices are not loud enough for everyone to
understand what they are saying. Some people would even interpret the Bible the way they choose
and say the Bible states, women should not be in leadership roles in the
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Abstract Behavioral Development Is A Crucial Part Of Human
Abstract Behavioral development is a crucial part of human development. It influences how people
interact with the atmosphere and others around them. Behavioral development is reliant on on many
environmental factors which include one's parents, siblings, peers, schooling and culture. According
to Jacqueline J. Goodnow, these parental factors are often dependent on the culture in which the
person was raised. The two parental factors that have a negative effect on a child's behavioral and
psychological development are the parents use of control and rejection. These parenting styles can
lead to a child internalizing and externalizing their problems. When a child internalizes their
problems, they become withdrawn, anxious and display ... Show more content on ...
Another similarity these cultures share is the value in masking their feelings. For both cultures, the
masking of their feelings creates a non–threatening, peaceful environment, but certain parenting
styles, found popular to these cultures, can lead to the internalization and externalization of negative
emotions for young children. Relations Between Parenting Styles and Temperament of a Child
Behavioral Coping Mechanisms Internalizing and externalizing behaviors have been related to both
parenting styles and child temperament (Zhou, et all, 2008). Externalizing behavior can be displayed
in forms of aggression, hyperactivity and rebellion. Internalizing behavior can be displayed in the
forms of anxiousness and depressive behavior (Liu, 2004). Both behavioral problems manifest in the
child's inward and outward behavior. There are negative life–long outcomes such as violence,
depression, anxiety, etc. that are associated with children who practice these behavioral coping
mechanisms. Parenting Styles Psychologist Diana Braumrind theorized that there are four patterns
of parenting styles (Uninvolved, Permissive, Authoritarian and Authoritative Parenting) based off of
two concepts: control and warmth (Kopko, 2007). Unlike Western cultures, who generally follow an
Authoritative parenting style, most Japanese and Chinese parents follow a more Authoritarian
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Externalization In Narrative Therapy
In Narrative therapy, the goal of externalization is to help the client distance themselves from their
problem and realize their problem does not have to be a part of their story anymore (Murdock,
2017). In the case study of Helen, this technique is successful because Helen is able to define and
distance herself from the feelings called Nagging Doubt. Eventually, she feels hopeful that she may
be able to change her future to include her new hopes and dreams without losing her current family
life (Pearson, n.d.).
Narrative therapy exists in a social constructivist worldview and emphasizes the individual's ability
to freely create his or her own identity. Power is seen as the ability to define truth and standards of
conduct and is often seen
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Behavior, Socioeconomic Status, And Parental Stress
Conduct Disorders (CD) are affecting at least 3.5% of children in the United States today (Perou, et
al., 2013). Parenting style, Socioeconomic Status, and parental stress contribute to the development
of CD in young children (Harvey and Metcalfe, 2013).
According to (Rolon–Arroyo, Arnold, & Hunt 2014), CD is characterized by behavior that violates
the rights of others which affects 10% of the youth. CD symptoms emerge during preschool years
and are often confused with typical development in young children. Researchers have conducted
studies with families that are experiencing behavioral issues in young children. often these behaviors
resembled normal development and it is unclear when to label these physical and aggressive
behavior in young children as early onset of CD. When symptoms of CD are present it is a sign that
other disorders are emerging, such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Attention
Hyperactive Deficit Disorder (ADHD). Researchers have gathered data and studies have been
conducted to help identify what are the contributing factors for the development of these disorders
in children. Data gathered in the last ten years found that ODD is the most common prevalent
childhood disorder (Pederson & Fite 2014). Researchers found that negative parenting affects the
behavior of children and can be identified as early as infancy. When early onset of CD is present, it
leads to other externalizing of negative behaviors and can lead to early onset of
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Spanking Should Be Harmful To Children Essay
Can spanking, be harmful to children? The ethics and cultural influences affect the use of spanking
as a punishment. Spanking is controversial because it can be viewed as corporal punishment that can
have a negative affect on children. Others believe that it is a moral act to use with no detrimental
effects. Spanking is sometimes considered corporal punishment and is used to alter an undesirable
behavior without physically injuring the child. There is a fine line between this corporal punishment
and abuse. Spanking can be defined as many things but if it doesn't injure the child, is used as
correction and used on the buttocks, it is not considered abuse. Spanking is used to depress an
undesired behavior, it works because the bad behavior stops quickly, however, the long–term effects
can be distressing. The use of physical punishment under a year and a ... Show more content on ...
Externalization is when a child acts out with physical aggression toward parents and others. In this
case, the factor of externalization could result in hostile behavior in school and other social
situations. Internalization is geared for more inward problems. A child that shows signs of
internalization would have social detachment, hardships with handling adverse emotions and self–
criticism. Children are reported to have shown greater externalization at age three when spanked at
age one; in return, externalization problems at age three along with spanking resulted in greater
internalization problems at age five. As a result, continues spanking at age one generates greater
internalization problems at age five. Internalization is shown to have effects on children at age five
who had been continuously spanked since age one however, being spanked at age one had no
internalizing affect when they were three. The impact on spanking children continuously eventually
results in greater internalization in later
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Violence And Externalization
Mrug and Windle (2010) explored violence by internalizing and externalizing problems among
adolescents. When an adolescent externalizing the problem, Mrug and Windle stated that the
aggression and delinquency he or she is feeling is related to witnessing violence or victimization in
the community, home and/or school. Likewise, it is stated that internalizing the problems such as
depression and anxiety are related to violence exposure at school, in the community, and/or at home.
The researchers used existing studies of violence exposure on a subsequent internalizing and
externalizing adolescent's problems in a community. The study also examines the independent and
interactive effects of violence. According to Mrug and Windle, adolescents may become sensitize or
desensitize to the impact of violence exposure in one setting compare to other settings. When
examining the potential effects of violence exposure, also examine the baseline for externalizing and
internalizing problems.
The study consists of 603 adolescents' boys and girls recruited from 5th grade classrooms in 17
Birmingham area schools including their primary caregivers/parents. This area had been chosen base
on the probabilities to achieve a sample that would represent all public school students in the
Birmingham metropolitan area. The selection is based ... Show more content on ...
Adolescents that have witness violence at school average were 70%. Also, Wave 1 identified 32% of
violence happen in the community and 12% at home. Unfortunate, there were 10% of adolescent
that were victimized in multiple setting; 6% were at school and home, 5% were at school and in the
community, and 3% were at home and community and the 2% were included in all three settings.
Wave 2 results included 21% for anxiety, 33% for depression, 17% for delinquency, and 9% for
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Externalization In Mire
From "Kumare" we have seen how a religion or a set of beliefs can be created and maintained from
scratch. The person, Kumare, produced a set of ritual practices that included meditation (blue–light
meditation) and yoga that he taught to his followers. He made himself into a clear symbol for his
little group. Form the film we learn that he made up or used previously created rituals to synthesis
his very own brand of religion. Using externalization, objectivation, and internalization as a basis
into the "Kumare" film, we see how his own religion was constructed socially by himself and more
importantly his disciples. Externalization is the continuing of the perception into the world, both in
the physical and mental sense. This is the process
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The Sacred Canopy Summary
In his book, The Sacred Canopy: Elements of a Sociological Theory of Religion, Peter L. Berger
details a sociological approach to viewing religion as a human necessity. Berger argues that humans
go through the process of "world–building" in order to create the human–specific order they lack
biologically. Berger's theory depends primarily on three key aspects: externalization, objectivation,
and internalization. Through these social and cognitive processes, humans create society, culture,
and ultimately religion. Looking at religion through Berger's sociological lens effectively identifies
how religions and their various beliefs have come to be accepted in our society. In my second visit
to the Islamic Center of San Antonio my aim was to hone in on the most deeply fixed aspects of
Islam in an effort to trace them back through Berger's three stages of world–building. For instance,
one of the most striking aspects of members of the Islamic Center of San Antonio is their strict
commitment to prayer. The members I spoke with emphasized the importance of sticking to the
Salah (daily prayers plus the Friday prayer) times. ... Show more content on ...
This strict adherence to the Salah schedule is the result of socialization, which Berger describes as
the process of learning to live within the constructs of society (Berger "Religion and World
Construction"). Socialization is completed after something is externalized, given objectivity, and
then internalized. Externalization is the continuous creation of both the physical and non–physical
aspects that make up society (Berger "Religion and World Construction"). Salah times are not much
different from most aspects of Islam in that they are believed to be taught to the people by the
Prophet Muhammad who learned from Allah
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Britt Harriss In Delmer Dave's Kings Go Forth
Monique is the obvious mulatta character in Delmer Dave's film Kings Go Forth, a French woman
born of Mrs. Blair and an unidentified black man. Nevertheless, the viewers discover another
mulatto character in passing: Britt Harris. Harris' blackness is hinted at throughout the film as he
simultaneously fulfills the role of the "King" provided to him in the title. Britt Harris passes as a
white king with the goal of conquering not only the Germans but the love of his paired mulatto
character, Monique Blair, yet he is a tragic king as Sam Loggins, a true white "King", is deemed the
victorious conqueror. From the beginning of the film, Britt Harris is portrayed as different from the
rest of the surrounding white army, putting emphasis on his blackness. Sam Loggins, his lieutenant,
recognizes his talent and intelligence and wonders how he is at such a low rank in the army. Later,
Harris' peers are surprised to see him play an amazing trumpet solo at a jazz café. And finally, Britt
Harris ends up dying to the hands ... Show more content on ...
Britt's internalization of his blackness and constant externalization of whiteness has forced him to
also externalize a desire for a white lover. When this dream with Monique is shattered upon the
realization of her father's race, Britt finds it impossible to marry into mixed blood; this is the same
blood that courses through his veins. Monique, now heartbroken over her ex–fiancé seeing her as
immoral, finds hope in another king, Sam Loggins. Sam Loggins presented himself as a white savior
willing to see past ethnicity, but this is only because he was not counted as a tragic character like
The success of Sam and the tragic failure of Britt alludes to a story of two kings going forth but only
one king coming out victorious against the enemy and with the lady, a king blessed with whiteness
and no
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Erving Goffman Stage Theory

  • 1. Erving Goffman Stage Theory In this essay, I will be explaining Erving Goffman's social concept called dramaturgy, primarily focusing on the element of stage theory. I will also incorporate Peter Borger's social construction of reality within the essay as it also relates to stage theory. I will be describing what these concepts mean it my own words, based off experiences in my own life, research that I have done, as well as using the information that we gathered in class. Then we will be looking at college students as a case study group, where we will go into greater detail to better explain the stage theory concept and how the behavior of college students is significantly dependent upon the stage and location they are in, as well as how they are impacted deeply by society. Some of the information that I will be gathering will come from a non–academic source, which gives a brief descriptive summary of college students and why they make a perfect fit for this stage theory example. Lastly will be an analysis process of the information that I gathered about the stage theory. This process also includes a summary of an academic source that applies a variation of stranger theory and social construction of reality to a similar case study. The sociological concept called dramaturgy is very interesting and Erving Goffman's idea is worth looking into on a deeper level to better understand it. I had previously heard about the stage theory before this sociological theory class, but did not really have a grasp as ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Dialectical Model Of Identity Formation In Don's lecture, he discusses the dialectical model of Identity formation, which includes three components or circles that interact. The subjective reality, the objective reality and Indigenous objective reality. Subjective reality is the individual's identity that is comprised of someone's thoughts and feelings. Objective reality is outside of the self, encompassing the culture in mainstream society, such as institutions, history, capitalism and rules. The indigenous objective reality is influenced by both mainstream society and Aboriginal culture. People's feelings and behaviours are likely to mimic those of the urban people around them. There are two process that occur, externalization and internalization. Externalization is the process of taking a thought and projecting it to the objective reality. For example, an individual will externalize their Indigenous culture to school by bringing traditions from home like dances and teaching them to students. Externalizing can also happen from mainstream society to the Indigenous culture by bringing what is learned at school to back to the family. Internalization is how the individual's subjective reality is affected by the surrounding institutions through rules, norms, etc. Therefore, they internalize the Indigenous culture through family traditions, and Internalize mainstream society through the media, school rules, etc. "Early Europeans thought that it was impossible for Indigenous peoples to participate in the modern world ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Why Might Parents Allow Their Children To Read Gothic... Why Might Parents Allow Their Children to read Gothic Literature? Some parents may approve of their children reading Gothic Literature because it teaches them moral lessons that they may be able to use later on in life. Gothic Literature is a combination of the age of Romanticism and Gothic elements, all tied into one. When parents allow their children to read Gothic Literature, they are opening their children's minds up and allowing them to go into the dark world and face many challenges and experiences in hopes of overcoming and conquering their fears that they may have once had. Some parents believe that it has a positive effect in children's minds. They believe that it is used to entertain the mind and teaches children that things are not always what they seem to be. These Gothic novels are said to allow children to escape their own lives, to ... Show more content on ... Parents feel like they should break ground and be able to share these novels with their children because they are able to learn from these novels. Karen Sanchez–Eppler refers to the passage from the Gospel of Mark "employing childhood as a temporal marker" (8). Some parents believe that their children should be open to the supernatural elements that these Gothic novels portray. They believe that if they allow their children to read these novels and to set fear in their children's minds that it will help them to overcome those fears and to conquer them overall. Children are able to escape their own lives and live another world filled with supernatural elements and the unknown. In "Childhood," psychoanalyst, Philippe Aries, explains essentialism and "the provocative assertion that "in medieval society the idea of childhood did not exist...these accounts stress the complicated relations, and often glaring contradictions, between any society's idea of childhood and the lived experience of actual childhood" ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Tonya Narrative Therapy The authors explore the film I Tonya (2017) from a systemic perspective, and analyze the main family's behaviors through the lens of Narrative Therapy. The authors referred to multiple articles that define Narrative therapy, and the use of tools such as externalization, deconstruction and exceptions. The authors of this paper examine the characters within the film, and suggest methods where therapeutic interventions could facilitate healing from public ridicule through empowerment. Keywords: narrative therapy, family systems, externalization Shunned by a Nation: Narrative Therapy to Heal Public Shame Introduction Public shaming is new to the frontier of modern technology. The trauma experienced at the hands of public scrutiny and ... Show more content on ... Accordingly, the role of the therapist is to interpret how the client is comprehending their story and the associated meaning. Once completed, the therapist would assist the client to re–author a more helpful, rewarding, and open–ended story by emphasizing the understanding of the individual's subjective experience (Phipps & Vorster, 2015). Tonya and her experience were constructed and anchored in her family roots that manifested through years of emotional and physical abuse from her mom, the media, and society while grieving the neglect and abandonment of her dad. The authors of this paper believe it is imperative that Tonya and her mother work independently. Individual work can create a boundary and space to heal from the history of ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Social Construction Of Reality Summary The Social Construction of Reality is a book written in 1966 by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann. The social construction of reality suggests that as humans the way we present ourselves is shaped by the interactions we have with other people, and shaped by our own experiences. For example, when we are born, we are raised a certain way. The way we are raised is a dependency from our cultural background, religious beliefs and morals. What we were raised to believe affects how we look at others, how we present ourselves in front of others and how others look at us. According to Berger and Luckmann "All human activity is subject to habilitualization" and how we perceive reality today is due to our background and beliefs. The book is recognized ... Show more content on ... Berger and Luckmann claim that one must understand both the objective and subjective aspects of reality, in order for us to understand the concept, we must view society as an "ongoing dialectical process composed of the three moments of externalization, objectivation, and internalization". The construction of culture and education are examples of externalization–which is the process where, as human we create our own social world. Objectivation is the process in which the person becomes attained by that creation of a specific status, which is "independent of us"– An example of this is professional tittles, or educational background– ex. I am a Doctor; I am a police officer etc. In the other hand, internalization is the process in which we are prone to accept our cultural norms and values that were established by our immediate and most influential people, for example I was exposed when growing up to speaking two languages which made me learn to speak both Spanish and English at the same time. Berger and Luckmann explained another process that is important to the continuation of social order. This process is called legitimation– which is just that, the adding of legitimacy to an act. In other words, it is when an act becomes legitimate due to a strong attachment to our "constructed social values and norms". The term reality maintenance was used to explain the process of how social order, norms, roles etc. are passed down from generation to generation in order to maintain the social construction created by ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Robert Flaherty's Moana The earliest documented use of the term "documentary" (French: 'documentaire') was in the initial travelogues written in the twentieth century. In the academic context, John Grierson, a nearly Scottish documentary filmmaker who is often considered as the father of British and Canadian documentary films, first used the term 'documentary' while reviewing Robert Flaherty's Moana where he argued that documentary is the "creative treatment of actuality". This 'actuality' according to Ivor Montagu is the raw material that the documentary filmmakers compose in the cinematographic record of the visual aspects of reality. The reality emphasized here is often subjective in nature because a film irrespective of fiction or non–fiction is only an externalization of a director's point of view. It ... Show more content on ... Each selection is an expression of his point of view, whether he is aware of it or not, whether he acknowledges it or not. While Bill Nichols maintains that to represent the event is not clearly to mean it, some scholars like Linda Williams criticize that documentary only generate ideologies and consciousness that force audiences to believe something as 'true'. Fiske and Hartley point out that audience's circumference of 'reality' determine how to accept a symbolic form as 'natural'as it claims. On the other hand, Williams said "...truth figured by documentary cannot be a simple unmasking or reflection. It is a careful construction, an intervention in the politics and the semiotics of representation" (59–75). Whatever the debate may be, the credibility of presentation, wide range of witness to testify subject and viewpoint, cross–examination to verify reliability have provided a good platform for documentaries to speak for the 'content of ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Hellenic Vs Hebraic Story Moreover, when taking about contemporary stories being more Hellenic or Hebraic, Auerbach perfectly illustrates the key difference between them. Homer made the rhetorical tradition of the poet in which he represents techniques of externalizing detail, is narrated in a leisurely time fashion, and is explain in such deep detail that nothing can hidden. Most importantly, in order to seek answer if contemporary stories are more Hellenic or Hellenic, Auerbach distinguish between both of them, which helps readers to acknowledge stories in modern time. First of all, Auerbach points out several key points in the upon Odysseus homecoming, and is viewed as the Hellenic tradition. He points out the "slowing technique" also called the "retarding element" ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Case Study Of Zara Group Zara Group study case In this example can be seen how information and communication technologies (ICTs) influence on knowledge management processes within organizations and its influence on innovation and co– learning. The use of ICTs is increasing because nowadays the business environment is becoming more dynamic and complex and new strategic resources are needed for taking competitive advantages. (María Teresa GARCÍA–ÁLVAREZ, p.994) The unit of analysis is the Zara Group, which belongs to the Spanish company Inditex. It is a very global company which has been selected due to it does an intensive application of ICTs in its processes, mainly manufacturing and distribution ones, as well as its logistical processes. Because of this, it can stand out among its competitors. (María Teresa GARCÍA–ÁLVAREZ, p.998) Zara group uses management systems based on electronic communication or automation processes, which can mean positive effects on socialization, externalization, internalization and combination processes of knowledge management. (María Teresa GARCÍA–ÁLVAREZ, p.994) ... Show more content on ... Socialization means transforming tacit knowledge on another form of tacit knowledge. In other words, understanding tacit knowledge that is derived from interaction between people. Here, the concept of co–learning is present. Externalization consists on changing from tacit to explicit knowledge, it means to make it possible to learn by other people. Combination is related to transform explicit to explicit knowledge. It is based on the structuring of different explicit knowledge for creating new knowledge and eventually, internalization consists of moving from explicit to tacit knowledge, to make it your own knowledge. (María Teresa GARCÍA–ÁLVAREZ, ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The 's Theory Of Energy Conversion The first mode of knowledge conversion enables an organization to convert tacit knowledge through facilitating interaction between individuals (Bashar Sarayreh 2012). Individuals in this case, can gain tacit knowledge without necessarily having to communicate by means of language. Instead, tacit knowledge can be converted into tacit knowledge through practice, imitation and observation. An example of this form of knowledge conversion is demonstrated by apprentices who learn critical skills just by working alongside their mentors. Evidently, therefore, experience is a key cornerstone when it comes to an individual acquiring tacit knowledge. Nonaka's theory of energy conversion suggests that it is enormously difficult for individuals to share their thinking processes without keenly sharing their experiences (Bashar Sarayreh 2012). A common feature of this form of conversion is emotional attachment to shared experiences. As a result of this, the spiral model calls the process of creating tacit knowledge by sharing experiences, socialization. Conversion of explicit knowledge to explicit knowledge on the other hand requires the incorporation of social processes in order to combine various forms of explicit knowledge possessed by different individuals. Under this arrangement, individuals share knowledge through meetings or telephone conversations. Reconfiguration of existing information through acts such as adding or sorting information can consequently lead to creation of newer ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Narrative Therapist: A Case Study As a narrative therapist with this particular family the goal would be to be an empathic listener and touch on the key facts they describe as part of their narrative to unravel and mend the dilemma that brought them into therapy. Therapist: First, thank you very much for coming in today to discuss what has been going on. Therapist: Enrique why don't you begin by telling me why you think Sophia wanted everyone to come into therapy? Therapist: Sophia you are concerned about Enrique's anger. Why do you suppose Enrique's anger has increased? The first set of questions are open ended questions to inquire about what their thoughts and feelings are about each other and the situation. There is also the two circular questions to touch on each ... Show more content on ... The purpose of externalization is to separate the problem from the person (Gehart, 2014). The most effect way of externalizing is to have a conversational dialogue that is curious (Capella, 2011). Laying out the foundation of the problem in mapping is important so that each of the family members can identify the pattern of the problem and that they are not the problem (Gehart, 2014). Additionally, the use of scaffolding conversations can be used to focus the family on taking action or being proactive in improvement (Gehart, 2014). This would be the beginning stages before defining a new narrative for each family member that establishes growth and resilience. References: Capella (2011). Narrative Skills. Practice Exercises for Developing Counseling Skills, Part 1: Developing Curiosity. Retrieved from: http:/–therapy/view/work/1779344/ Gehart, D. (2014). Mastering competencies in family therapy: A practical approach to theories and clinical case documentation. (2nd ed.). California State University,Northridge: ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. The Black Cat, By Edgar Allan Poe In Studies in Classic American Literature, D.H. Lawrence condemns Americans for dodging their true selves by means of intellectualization and idealization. Both Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Black Cat" and Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown" feature allegorical representations of characters deceiving themselves in order to deny the darker aspects of their inner selves. In Poe's "The Black Cat," the narrator denies the darker aspects of his soul by abstracting his horrific actions with spectral evidence in order to externalize the psychological effects of his guilt. In his allegorical tale "Young Goodman Brown," Hawthorne criticizes the Puritan doctrine of grace in his depiction of the self–deception Lawrence condemns; both ... Show more content on ... Moreover, Lawrence expounds the ways in which Americans deceive themselves and sin against "the Holy Ghost within" (Lawrence 79), through intellectualizing and idealizing abstractions of their own experiences. Unlike the Americans who rebel against it, Lawrence encourages listening to the "Holy Ghost [within] each isolate individual" (Lawrence 85), which prevents one from abstracting new experiences. Furthermore, Lawrence suggests this guiding inner spirit urges, "not to be too egoistic and willful in [one's] conscious self" (Lawrence 79). Both Hawthorne's goodman Brown and Poe's narrator of "The Black Cat" justify their actions and experiences with the same egotism and self–conceit Lawrence condemns. In "Young Goodman Brown," Brown's curiosity about evil leads him to meet with the devil in hopes he may know and understand the darker aspects of human nature. Like Poe, Hawthorne utilizes allegory in his representation of young Brown's pursuit of knowledge for what lies beyond his material world. Throughout the allegorical tale, Hawthorne reveals Brown's self–denial in his externalization of evil in the form of the devil. With an almost comical lack of awareness, Brown begins his errand believing his "excellent resolve for the future– [his plan to "cling to [Faith's] skirts and follow her to Heaven]– justifies his present evil purpose" (Hawthorne 387). Even upon being confronted with the darker aspects of his family history, Brown maintains ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Comparing Emile Durkheim 's The Division Of Labor In comparing Emile Durkheim's The Division of Labor in Society and readings from the The Rules of Sociological Method to Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann's The Social Construction of Reality in addition to Harriet Martineaus' Morals and Manners, Morals of Slavery, and The Political Nonexistence of Women, all of these authors investigate people as beings that are fundamentally social that create the basis for society. Even though their perspectives have similar components when it comes to fundamentally key ideas, they still tend to take different stances on viewing the individuals involved in the process from micro and macro perspectives in order to understand the correlation between the individual interacting with society's institutions ... Show more content on ... This author has had a particular focus on women in politics and how slaves were included in this social structure during this time period making an effort to convey that all men are born equal and free as her views were very radical during this time. In comparison to Martineau, Emile Durkheim emphasizes that the division of labor is a key attribute to the social structure of society as the general population continues to grow, people will naturally become more disciplined in specialized professions that will ultimately create institutions as all of these specializations will work together to benefit society. However, Durkheim does agree with Martineau to the extent that power is diffused throughout society and ultimately belongs to the government. As government holds the ultimate authority, punishment will be defined as a reaction as to what has violated laws that have been instituted in order to maintain standards of moral order. Additionally, Berger and Luckmann make it clear that it is because people are social beings, people create a society the more we interact with one another as "[man's] relationship to the surrounding environment is everywhere...structured by his own biological constitution" that people attach what they know to be the physical world and build structural concepts that constitute our society. (Berger and Luckmann, 47.) All address to some degree, that the social structure of society exists because we have instituted some ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Berger And Radhakrishnan Summary Maria Diaz Introduction to Religion – PHR 120 Berger and Radhakrishnan on Religion Mindsets In Berger and Radhakrishnan's books the multitude of religious experience one can encounter is defined and explained through the hardships and cultural multiplicities of views that many Hindus' go through to find absolute transcendence with God, gain a higher level of religious consciousness and how externalization, objectivities, and internalization are used as forms in society to introduce and establish religious construction. The inconsistency of religious isolation is in the very manner of dehumanizing a large part of the social and cultural world that we live in today because of the roots in the fundamental wish that humans have towards creating a reality and having a world that has ... Show more content on ... One point that I have reached agreement with in Berger's, The Sacred Canopy: Elements of a Sociological Theory of Religion, is how it is important for us to create a sacred reality for ourselves and how religion, like it can alienate people, it can also de–alienate people and drive them towards more knowledge and understanding about the world around them that allows for a creation of better choices. Berger talks about the human instinct and how we spend so little time in the womb that we never get to truly develop this instinct to help us survive in the world. He talks about this instinct not being prevalent in our lives to be the main cause as to why man created religion. I believe Berger's explanation of externalization as true because in our everyday lives we are always looking for ways to mold and shape our environment as we see fit for ourselves and in this process we go through what Berger describes as "objectivating." We as human beings learn from teachers about what we should do to survive and how we repeat these actions over and over again in our everyday lives through the process of externalization that ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Analysis Of Guiding Mirrors In Jane Eyre Guiding Mirrors In the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, Bertha serves as a primary obstacle in the novel, as her marriage to Rochester is a hindrance to Jane's emotional fulfillment and happiness. Bertha is depicted as a violent and insane woman who is kept hidden in an attic throughout the novel. Bertha's rage eventually leads her to burn Thornfield, in which Rochester loses an eye and severely injures himself. Despite the portrayal of Bertha as an inherently monstrous figure, it almost seems as though oppression by a male–dominated society has fueled the destructive rage she comes to embody in the novel. This rage in Bertha is a manifestation of Jane's passion and independent nature, which seems to serve as a guiding force for Jane on her journey towards autonomy. Through the ominous characterization of Bertha coupled with the positive impact her actions have on Jane, Brontë explores gender inequality in an Victorian era and seems to suggest that passionate and independent women in male–dominated environments are deprived of their femininity and may even be dehumanized. Bertha's presence acts as an obstacle for Rochester and Jane's marriage, and therefore a hindrance to Jane's quest for emotional fulfillment. Brontë achieves an obstructive characterization of Bertha by using animal imagery to describe her throughout the novel. In fact, one of the very first descriptions of Bertha reveals she has a "savage face" with "lips swelled and dark" and "bloodshot eyes" who ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Functionalist Theory And Conflict Theory Emily Harris Sociology 409 Exam #2 Group A FUNCTIONALISM AND CONFLICT THEORY Functionalisms reign was dominant through earl 1950s through late 1960s. August Comte, Herbert Spencer, and Emile Durkheim played important roles in the development of the theory. Talcott Parsons, another important writer of the functionalist theory, attempted to develop concepts that would help organize our perception of reality. He also developed a fourfold classification scheme, Adoption, Goal attainment, interagation, and latency. Adaptation refers to the idea that systems are embedded in environments to which they much adapt in order to survive. Goal attainment is described as the need in any system to define its primary goal and the methods used to obtain the goal. Interagation refers to the need to coordinate the component parts of the system so that they contribute to the maintenance of the whole. Latency is described as the structures that serve to maintain and revitalize the motivation of individuals to perform their roles according to social expectations (Farganis, 20111). Spencer compared society to the telegraph, with wires running to and from the central nervous system and it nerves, as well as a social organism. He viewed evolutionary schema based on social functions and survival of the fittest, relating to simple and complex societies. Knigsley Davis and Wilbert E Moore developed Some Principles of Stratification (1945) and described stratification as a functional necessity. They ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Examples Of Tacit Knowledge As Trauma Good day, everybody! The topic of this presentation is 'Tacit Knowledge as Trauma' where we would be discussing about tacit knowledge, experience and assemblages of communication technology. The focus would be on: Tacit knowledge in communication technology and how is it a trauma, Inverse of tacit knowledge in form of;  trolling,  fraud,  noise,  viruses How Tacit Knowledge can be transformed into useful knowledge Slide 2: Tacit Knowledge vs. Explicit Knowledge Tacit knowledge collects all those things that we know how to do but perhaps do not know how to explain (at least symbolically). The term "tacit knowledge" comes to us courtesy of Michael Polyani, a chemical engineer turned philosopher of science. Tacit knowledge is messy, difficult to study, regarded as being of negligible epistemic worth. This concept can be understood in comparison to explicit knowledge, demonstrated in form of Iceberg Model. Slide 3: Tacit Knowledge as Trauma In communication technology, tacit knowledge often becomes a trauma as the available information cannot be transformed into explicit knowledge easily, for which skilled persons are required that work on complex processes, such as socialization, externalization, internalization, and combination. Since it is something which cannot be conveyed easily, its sharing is usually very limited. ... Show more content on ... Often, people fail to communicate their knowledge that results in major issues. The relationship of tacit knowledge with communication technology has legal place in constitutions of many countries. Under s3 of the Fraud Act 2006 of United Kningdom, a person commits fraud if they dishonestly fail to disclose to another person information which they have a legal duty to disclose and if they intend, by failing to make the disclosure, to make a gain for themselves or another or to cause a loss to another, or to put another at risk of ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Theory Of Basic Anxiety The theorist Karen Horney was the first person to develop the idea of basic anxiety. Having her own personal struggles with being rejected of affection aided her thought of social development, yet paving the way for new developmental theories of personality. The impact Horney had on the discipline of psychology was enormous. Horney not only inspired women psychologists, but also created a new place in the world where women had the right to their own ideas. Karen Horney was born and raised in Germany. When Horney was a child she yearned for her parents love and affection. She felt that her parents did not love her or one another, as they should. As throughout her childhood and adolescents she saw the hostility and resentment between her parents. With Horney's childhood loneliness and enlightening influences of Alfred Adler and Sigmund Freud, she began to have interest in human personality and behavior. As an adult Horney attended the University of Berlin in 1913, where she studied medicine and received her Ph. D. While at the University of Berlin she fell in and out of love, and then one day she finally met her husband but seventeen years later they separated. Afterwards Horney moved to the United States of America, perusing to help patients as she did in Germany. As in America, Horney saw the uprising of women's rights, which were starting to become popular in America than other places around the world. Horney learned that there was a general difference between her German ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Externalization Of Ladies In Promotions Externalization of ladies in promotions are destructive to society goals since they shape what we need to see in our sentimental accomplices and now even our material products. Men are by all account not the only ones becoming tied up with these goals, ladies additionally fall into these issues. "Men are not by any means the only ones who have received this unsafe state of mind towards connections, closeness, and sex. Ladies can simply embrace a negative mental self–view and state of mind, sustaining the negative generalizations about ladies, sexuality, closeness, and relationships."10 the length of the media and partnerships keep on profiting off of these thoughts, they will keep on trending in the public eye, and the negative impacts will proceed. Evisceration needs to do with the attention on a particular piece of the body. This concentration in culture separates the individual from their body. This can add to endeavouring towards an alternate perspective of magnificence which society makes. There is no reference to different sorts of excellence since all the concentration is put onto the picture of the body and none onto the identity and different perspectives that make up a man. The media exhibit a mutilated adaptation of social life in our nation. As indicated by media depictions: White guys make up 66% of the populace. The ladies are less in number, maybe in light of the fact that less than 10% live past 35. The individuals who do, similar to their more youthful ... Show more content on ... Similarly, as steady with social perspectives of sexual orientation are delineations of ladies as sex objects who are normally youthful, thin delightful, aloof, subordinate, and frequently clumsy and moronic. Female characters dedicate their essential energies to enhancing their appearances and dealing with homes and individuals. Since media infest our lives, the ways they distort sexes may contort how we see ourselves and what we see as ordinary and attractive for men and ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Empirical Research For Treatment Of Intercultural Marriage Empirical Research for treatment of Intercultural Marriage According to Hsu (2001), intercultural marriage is "marriage formed by partners with relatively diverse cultural backgrounds" (p.225). This is prominently seen through the film, in which Toula, a Grecian–American marries Ian Miller, a Caucasian– American. This film depicts the conflict that surrounds this union prior to marriage, such as planning the wedding, navigating the cultural differences and gaining parental approval for the union. Although it is understandable that intercultural marriage comes with far more difficulties than depicted. Hsu (2001) discusses that intercultural marriage, as opposed to intramarriage, where partners are from the same cultural background, often go to couple therapy because the merger of the two individual's cultural beliefs and values is causing conflict. However, because an individual's culture is embedded into their identity it is difficult to address cultural differences in a relationship. Consequently, a majority of the research available on treating intercultural marriage relates to the post–modern belief of social constructionism and narrative therapy. According to Biever, Bobele and North (1998), "understandings that are created about client's situations and the culture arise out of a mutual, collaborate construction of meaning" (p. 184). Social constructionism provides a collaboration between the therapist and the client that allows the client to assess different ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Externalization Case Study externalizing T–score of 60 or above. Efforts were made to obtain approximately equal numbers of males and females. This recruitment effort resulted in a total of 307 children. Cohort 3 was initially recruited when infants were 6 months of age (in 1998) for their level of frustration, based on laboratory observation and parent report, and were followed through the toddler period (see Calkins, Dedmon, Gill, Lomax, & Johnson, 2002, for more information). Children from Cohort 3 whose mothers completed the CBCL at two–years of age (N = 140) were then included in the larger study. Of the entire sample (N = 447), 37% of children were identified as being at risk for future externalizing problems. There were no significant demographic differences ... Show more content on ... Four participants were dropped from the current study due to developmental delays. In addition, only participants with complete data for all variables of interest were included in the analyses. Sixty–six percent of the sample was European American, twenty–eight percent African American, and six percent other. Families were economically diverse based on Hollingshead (1975) scores at the 10–year assessment, with a range from 17 to 66 (M = 44.93, SD = 11.90), and represented families from each level of social strata typically captured by this scale. Hollingshead scores that range from 40 to 54 reflect minor professional and technical occupations considered to be representative of middle class. Procedures Participants and their mothers participated in an ongoing longitudinal study when the children were 10 and 15 years of age. Families came to the university for two laboratory visits, during which children and their mothers engaged in various tasks designed to elicit emotional and behavioral responding and parent–child interactions. At each visit, children and their mothers completed a packet of questionnaires. Families no longer living in the area were asked to complete and return a packet of questionnaires mailed to their home. The current study utilized child self–report questionnaires from the 15–year time point and maternal questionnaires from the 10 and 15–year time point. Measures ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Essay on Narrative Therapy Abstract This paper will look at the logic of narrative therapy by focusing on 5 major points. This paper will begin by discussing how the narrative approach defines and perceives problems. It will address how narrative therapy views the nature of the relationship between the client and the professional. This paper will look at how problems are solved using the narrative approach. It will also focus on three main techniques used in narrative therapy, which will include externalization, deconstruction and re–authoring. This paper will also include a short narrative critique of the medical model. The Logic of Narrative Therapy Narrative therapy is considered postmodern due to the fact that it uses a story telling approach to ... Show more content on ... According to Kelley (1996) this process is recommended by narrative therapists because it allows the client to begin to see where the discourse emerged from. The therapist must first just listen to the story and determine what the client sees as the existing problem (Kelley, 1996). Then the therapist begins to ask questions with the intention of bringing forth the full meaning of the problem (Kelley, 1996). In deconstruction the therapist searches for answers as to who all is involved with the problem, what past events lead up to the problem development, how the problem changed over time, how the client has been fighting the problem thus far and how the problem is affecting the client's life (Kelley, 1996). Kelley (1996) reported that after the therapist has a full understanding of the problem the deconstruction phase moves on to its second stage. The therapist and the client begin working together to break down the prevailing story in order to map the influence the problem is having on the client's life (Kelley, 1996). Mapping the effect of the problem is particularly important because it lays the foundation of the new story line (Monk, Winslade, Crocket & Epston, 1997). According to Monk, Winslade, Crocket & Epston (1997) typically when the effect of the problem is discussed with the client they begin to feel as if their story has been heard. They ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Gothic Literature Children Why Might Parents Allow Their Children to read Gothic Literature? According to some parents, Gothic Literature provides a sense of escape for the child and allows the child to relate to their own real–life problems that they may be facing in their own lives. However, when parents allow their children to read Gothic Literature, they are opening their children's minds up and allowing them to go into the dark world and face many unknown challenges and experiences, in hopes of overcoming and conquering their fears that they may have once had. In these Gothic Literatures, there is often a recurring theme that allows the child to put themselves in that character's place or shoes. In Gothic novels, one or more characters are facing some type of hardship ... Show more content on ... It allows the child to grow and become faced with hardships that later on in life, they are able to overcome and gain a true understanding of life itself. In the "Importance of Externalization," Bettelheim states that "fantasy fills the huge gaps in a child's understanding which are due to the immaturity of his thinking and his lack of pertinent information" (61). Gothic Literature teaches children valuable, moral lessons that they are able to take with them throughout their life to help them gain overall maturity. Children learn that in order to gain maturity, they must work hard in order to achieve their goals and dreams in life. Allowing children to read these Gothic–themed novels, will also help in aiding the child to develop both more mentally and psychologically through the dark themes and unknown that it portrays. Bettelheim argues that if a parent shadows his/her child from these mature ways, then the child suffers from an "arrest of development" ("Transcending Infancy," 125). Gothic Literature is valued as a needed substance for parents to teach and allow their children to grow into mature, young adults. Bettelheim states that "This is what maturity ought to consist of: that one rules oneself wisely, and as a consequence lives happily" ("Transcending Infancy," 128). The child learns that they must face struggles and hardships, in order to gain ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Berger's Views On The Dialectic Character Of Society 1. I think "the dialectic character" of society refers to the mentality that individuals have about the reality of the way the society is functioning. Berger mentions how this character is blind, and how it needs to be addressed so that individuals will observe actual reality (Berger 4). Due to a variety of cultures within society, the dialectic reality is still being disputed. Man has his own thought process, but people are told only to believe what society has shown us. Man created society, but society did not create man. However, man is often viewed as a product of society because this is our everyday reality. 2. According to Berger, the three steps that constitute the process of world building are externalization, objectivation, and internalization. Externalization is man interacting with society being an essential step so that he can develop. Objectivation is man continuing to shape society by developing new things in it that help shape culture, for existence: language. Internalization is man using the "structures of the objective world" to help form his own thoughts and opinions. These all maintain a stable society with a similar reality. ... Show more content on ... Nomos – "a meaningful order" (Berger 19). Nomos is society establishing order for individuals. This brings the people closer together because they are required to know the rules that they must follow. Anomy – "radical separation from the social world" (Berger 21). Anomy is a concern for most individuals in society because they fear isolation. It is easier for people to belong to a group, since being isolated can be difficult. This is why people rather conform to customs of society, even if it is not necessarily ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Relationship Connecting the Sociology of Religion and... Berger provides insight into the study of the sociology of religion. Berger is particularly interested in the social construction of religion as perpetuated by humankind and the dichotomies of the secular and the religious. As a component of social reality, religion, according to Peter Berger, is a "dialectical phenomenon" (3). Society is a dialectic phenomenon in that it is a human product, and nothing but a human product, that yet continuously acts back upon its producer. Society is a product of man. Religion emerges out of human beings as part of an ordered and meaningful social reality and in turn, humans emerge out of this socially constructed world. Berger parses the dialectical phenomenon into three concepts: externalization, ... Show more content on ... The ordered structure of culture becomes the ordered structure of individual human consciousness. The languages, values, meanings, and institutions of society become the languages, values, meanings, and institutions of the individual person. Through internalization, humans become a product of society. By the ordering of experience, humanity imposes nomos, or meaningful order, upon the social world by both objective by institutions and subjective by consciousness constructs. When this nomos is instinctually assumed either cosmologically or anthropologically "it is endowed with a stability deriving from more powerful sources that the historical efforts of human beings" (25). Humans have a need for and impose nomos on their existence or reality. Without nomos people would perceive reality to be anomic; it would lack order and meaning; it would be utter chaos. A central function of religion is to protect the individual from anomy; religion makes reality ordered and understandable. Here religion enters the social world as a human enterprise by which a sacred world is established. He begins by examining the role of religion in the construction of the social world. Berger ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Case Study Of Zara's Influence On Knowledge Management Zara Group study case In this example can be seen how information and communication technologies (ICTs) influence on knowledge management processes within organizations and its influence on innovation and co– learning. The use of ICTs is increasing because nowadays the business environment is becoming more dynamic and complex and new strategic resources are needed for taking competitive advantages. (María Teresa GARCÍA–ÁLVAREZ, p.994) The unit of analysis is the Zara Group, which belongs to the Spanish company Inditex. It is a very global company which has been selected due to it does an intensive application of ICTs in its processes, mainly manufacturing and distribution ones, as well as its logistical processes. Because of this, it can stand ... Show more content on ... The combined use of a series of ICTs has a positive effect on knowledge combination. By periodical reports received from shop assistants over the Internet, with opinions, interests and consumer preferences, and sent to the departments within the company, Zara adapts its outputs to the real demand. Therefore, different sources of explicit knowledge are received for combining them and creating new explicit knowledge. (María Teresa GARCÍA–ÁLVAREZ, p.1000) 4. The combined use of a series of ICTs has a positive effect on knowledge internalization. Zara has developed E–Commerce which permits the sales of its outputs over the Internet and moreover, it has a private Extranet where regulations can be found and to which suppliers have access for finding the packing and labeling rules. (María Teresa GARCÍA–ÁLVAREZ, p.1000) In addition it has a foundation with other companies to have a permanent connection between University and business for promoting the exchange of technology and information. Thus it allows Zara employees to internalize the knowledge got in the documents or software used and convert it into their own knowledge. (María Teresa GARCÍA–ÁLVAREZ, ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Narrative Family Therapy Paper According to Winek (2010) narrative family therapy has several interventions that are used. Listening to the family and showing interested in getting to know the members of the family as people and in making sure that the problem does not trick us into mistaking them for it (Metcalf, 2011). Questions are used as a way generate experience rather than to gather information. Asking questions can lead to separating "person" from "problem", identifying preferred directions, and creating alternative stories to support these directions. Externalization is a process of separating the person from identifying with the problem. "The person is not the problem; the problem is the problem." Externalizing conversations can lead clients in recognizing times ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. High Spot Is A Substance Administration Stage HIGH SPOT High spot is a substance administration stage that lets business clients make entryways, construct learning bases, execute playbooks, convey preparing, and even track industry news. It handles all the ways a current association needs to share data. High spot is intended for business clients so no IT advancement is needed. Furthermore, it uses machine figuring out how to convey incredible list items, propose related things, find new substance, and for the most part associate individuals to the most significant data. Highspot is the business ' most developed deals enablement stage, helping associations close the circle crosswise over promoting, deals, and the client. Utilizing Highspot, deals groups are associated with the most ... Show more content on ... Content Genomics™ tracks the DNA of substance as it advances over an association and it is the first utilization of machine figuring out how to advertising and deals content. Highspot was established with the objective of tackling the Sales Enablement issue to make it less demanding for deals reps to locate the substance they need and make them more powerful in bringing deals to a close. We realized that a comprehensive arrangement would lay on 3 columns, all incomprehensibly better than the substance frameworks of yester–year; (1) insightful and adaptable substance administration stage that makes it simple for deals groups to locate the substance they require, (2) effective and rich pitching and email frameworks that make it simple for salesmen to connect with clients, and (3) powerful examination that empower deals and showcasing to gauge what is working and to streamline execution. While every one of these columns speak to incomprehensible changes over past arrangements, examination is the foundation that brings the circle between deals to a close and showcasing and gives the information to deliberately enhance deals viability. Just through precise execution investigation can an association learn, enhance and upgrade. We immediately acknowledged, be that as it may, that there was a gap in the embankment. The greater part of substance that a business groups utilizes deals presentations, in particular–are customized for a given prospect or tweaked for a ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. What Is Tacit Knowledge Approach The tacit knowledge approach highlights understanding the sorts of knowledge that individuals in an organization have, moving people to transfer knowledge within an organization and managing key individuals as knowledge creators and carriers. One of the significant capabilities of competition is managing perceived intangible assets such as knowledge in organization. Besides managing this intangible asset of enterprises, another vital issue is considered as diffusion of knowledge within the organization. Knowledge resources can be divided into at least two different components depending on the possibility of structuring and coding the knowledge. The possibility to code and the externalization of knowledge is of essential importance to the diffusion of it according to some researchers, while other again considers the codifying unnecessary or of minor importance. Structured knowledge is often diffused by different systems for storing and sharing knowledge and today there has been much scientific interest in the technology of these systems. The most important feature of the tacit knowledge approach is the fundamental principle that knowledge is basically individual in nature and is ... Show more content on ... A market culture is a type of corporate culture that emphasizes competitiveness not only between the organization and its market competitors but also between employees. The market model is the most aggressive and capitalistic of the four common corporate culture models. Employees are encouraged to set difficult goals and strive to achieve them. Employee performance is closely monitored and often directly rewarded or punished. The emphasis on individual performance is thought to lead to greater achievement for the individual employee and, as a result, greater success for the organization. Critics of the market model, on the other hand, argue that the emphasis on individual achievement can promote dishonesty and an unpleasant and thus unproductive work ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Buddy System Essay 34) "Buddy System" Learners are buddies with another learner either slightly or more experienced. The two work together regularly to a project which will go on display at a specific time (i.e. exhibition, science fair.) Buddies also assist each other on homework or on checking up with each other that homework has been completed. In the end, neither buddy can take the summative assessment until the other buddy says the first buddy is ready. This technique improves learning because the buddies encourage each other to succeed. 35) "Field Trips" Field trips offer the opportunity for internalize material the be externalized, applied, and sometimes evaluated. On a field trip, designed to apply learned skills, the learner is given opportunity to apply by practice comprehension skills, conversational skills, and vocabulary skills. Sample Field Trips: Natural Hispanic Cultural Center; Hispanic (Target Language) Markets; Target language classrooms in other schools; a tour given in the target language (i.e. at the zoo.) 36) Guest Speakers/Guest Teachers ("Guest Teachers") Including fellow teachers or guest speakers to teach on a specific topic regarding the target language, or to teach on their own topic in the target language improves learning by providing opportunity for learners to apply internalized material. Guest speakers/Guest teachers provide variety in classroom lecture or instruction which increases learner interest level. Increasing interest levels within the classroom ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Serial Offenders: A Case Study Stephan & McMullin (1982) discovered a strong correlation between tolerance of sexual nonconformity and city size during an individual's early learning and current city size (p. 414). Burk & Burkhart (2003) also considered the significance of early learning and early attachment (p. 488). They found that adult sexual offenders often report growing up in violent households, where substance abuse and interpersonal conflict were common, sometimes being victims of physical or sexual abuse as children themselves. Adult offenders generally develop delinquent behaviour as adolescent, as one's first sexual offense generally occurs between age 10–12 (p. 489). Hunter et al. (2010) explored the relationship between developmental variables (sexual abuse, ... Show more content on ... (2015) found personality pathology to be common single–victim and serial sexual homicide offenders, although they had a higher prevalence in serial offenders. Serial offenders were also proportionally much more likely to have narcissist, schizoid, and/or obsessive–compulsive traits, than single–victim offenders (p. 72). Obsessive–compulsive disorder was also linked to self– monitored suppression of deviant sexual thoughts (Johnston, Ward, & Hudson, 1997, p. 121). Stress was found to rapidly increase the severity and frequency of sexually deviant thoughts, and offending. Suppression alone was not sufficient to eliminate the intrusive thoughts, but must be made automatic and combined with avoiding high risk situations to limit recidivism. The cognitive process of supressing sexually deviant thoughts may also lead to the development of paraphilic offending (p. 128). McGuire et al. (1964) investigated learning based on one's first "real" sexual experience and one's memory of the incident can change over time and with recollection. The initial experience provides material for the participant to fantasize and masturbate to. The pleasure experienced by masturbating to the fantasy was found to be a stronger stimulus than the guilt felt after, no matter how intense or how long it persists (p. ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Women's Role In The Bible Research Paper Women played an important role in every aspect of our lives. Women are the moms, teachers, doctor ..etc. Many years ago women could not be a priest or a minister in churches, men were the only people who were allowed to serve in such places. Women are only allowed to be an internal spiritual or religious experience, but are often denied leadership roles or roles that foster any form of externalization of their faith . As our guest speaker Nan said, they think women should stay in the house with their children. They also believe their voices are not loud enough for everyone to understand what they are saying. Some people would even interpret the Bible the way they choose and say the Bible states, women should not be in leadership roles in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Abstract Behavioral Development Is A Crucial Part Of Human Abstract Behavioral development is a crucial part of human development. It influences how people interact with the atmosphere and others around them. Behavioral development is reliant on on many environmental factors which include one's parents, siblings, peers, schooling and culture. According to Jacqueline J. Goodnow, these parental factors are often dependent on the culture in which the person was raised. The two parental factors that have a negative effect on a child's behavioral and psychological development are the parents use of control and rejection. These parenting styles can lead to a child internalizing and externalizing their problems. When a child internalizes their problems, they become withdrawn, anxious and display ... Show more content on ... Another similarity these cultures share is the value in masking their feelings. For both cultures, the masking of their feelings creates a non–threatening, peaceful environment, but certain parenting styles, found popular to these cultures, can lead to the internalization and externalization of negative emotions for young children. Relations Between Parenting Styles and Temperament of a Child Behavioral Coping Mechanisms Internalizing and externalizing behaviors have been related to both parenting styles and child temperament (Zhou, et all, 2008). Externalizing behavior can be displayed in forms of aggression, hyperactivity and rebellion. Internalizing behavior can be displayed in the forms of anxiousness and depressive behavior (Liu, 2004). Both behavioral problems manifest in the child's inward and outward behavior. There are negative life–long outcomes such as violence, depression, anxiety, etc. that are associated with children who practice these behavioral coping mechanisms. Parenting Styles Psychologist Diana Braumrind theorized that there are four patterns of parenting styles (Uninvolved, Permissive, Authoritarian and Authoritative Parenting) based off of two concepts: control and warmth (Kopko, 2007). Unlike Western cultures, who generally follow an Authoritative parenting style, most Japanese and Chinese parents follow a more Authoritarian parenting ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Externalization In Narrative Therapy In Narrative therapy, the goal of externalization is to help the client distance themselves from their problem and realize their problem does not have to be a part of their story anymore (Murdock, 2017). In the case study of Helen, this technique is successful because Helen is able to define and distance herself from the feelings called Nagging Doubt. Eventually, she feels hopeful that she may be able to change her future to include her new hopes and dreams without losing her current family life (Pearson, n.d.). Narrative therapy exists in a social constructivist worldview and emphasizes the individual's ability to freely create his or her own identity. Power is seen as the ability to define truth and standards of conduct and is often seen ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Behavior, Socioeconomic Status, And Parental Stress Conduct Disorders (CD) are affecting at least 3.5% of children in the United States today (Perou, et al., 2013). Parenting style, Socioeconomic Status, and parental stress contribute to the development of CD in young children (Harvey and Metcalfe, 2013). According to (Rolon–Arroyo, Arnold, & Hunt 2014), CD is characterized by behavior that violates the rights of others which affects 10% of the youth. CD symptoms emerge during preschool years and are often confused with typical development in young children. Researchers have conducted studies with families that are experiencing behavioral issues in young children. often these behaviors resembled normal development and it is unclear when to label these physical and aggressive behavior in young children as early onset of CD. When symptoms of CD are present it is a sign that other disorders are emerging, such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Attention Hyperactive Deficit Disorder (ADHD). Researchers have gathered data and studies have been conducted to help identify what are the contributing factors for the development of these disorders in children. Data gathered in the last ten years found that ODD is the most common prevalent childhood disorder (Pederson & Fite 2014). Researchers found that negative parenting affects the behavior of children and can be identified as early as infancy. When early onset of CD is present, it leads to other externalizing of negative behaviors and can lead to early onset of ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Spanking Should Be Harmful To Children Essay Can spanking, be harmful to children? The ethics and cultural influences affect the use of spanking as a punishment. Spanking is controversial because it can be viewed as corporal punishment that can have a negative affect on children. Others believe that it is a moral act to use with no detrimental effects. Spanking is sometimes considered corporal punishment and is used to alter an undesirable behavior without physically injuring the child. There is a fine line between this corporal punishment and abuse. Spanking can be defined as many things but if it doesn't injure the child, is used as correction and used on the buttocks, it is not considered abuse. Spanking is used to depress an undesired behavior, it works because the bad behavior stops quickly, however, the long–term effects can be distressing. The use of physical punishment under a year and a ... Show more content on ... Externalization is when a child acts out with physical aggression toward parents and others. In this case, the factor of externalization could result in hostile behavior in school and other social situations. Internalization is geared for more inward problems. A child that shows signs of internalization would have social detachment, hardships with handling adverse emotions and self– criticism. Children are reported to have shown greater externalization at age three when spanked at age one; in return, externalization problems at age three along with spanking resulted in greater internalization problems at age five. As a result, continues spanking at age one generates greater internalization problems at age five. Internalization is shown to have effects on children at age five who had been continuously spanked since age one however, being spanked at age one had no internalizing affect when they were three. The impact on spanking children continuously eventually results in greater internalization in later ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Violence And Externalization Mrug and Windle (2010) explored violence by internalizing and externalizing problems among adolescents. When an adolescent externalizing the problem, Mrug and Windle stated that the aggression and delinquency he or she is feeling is related to witnessing violence or victimization in the community, home and/or school. Likewise, it is stated that internalizing the problems such as depression and anxiety are related to violence exposure at school, in the community, and/or at home. The researchers used existing studies of violence exposure on a subsequent internalizing and externalizing adolescent's problems in a community. The study also examines the independent and interactive effects of violence. According to Mrug and Windle, adolescents may become sensitize or desensitize to the impact of violence exposure in one setting compare to other settings. When examining the potential effects of violence exposure, also examine the baseline for externalizing and internalizing problems. The study consists of 603 adolescents' boys and girls recruited from 5th grade classrooms in 17 Birmingham area schools including their primary caregivers/parents. This area had been chosen base on the probabilities to achieve a sample that would represent all public school students in the Birmingham metropolitan area. The selection is based ... Show more content on ... Adolescents that have witness violence at school average were 70%. Also, Wave 1 identified 32% of violence happen in the community and 12% at home. Unfortunate, there were 10% of adolescent that were victimized in multiple setting; 6% were at school and home, 5% were at school and in the community, and 3% were at home and community and the 2% were included in all three settings. Wave 2 results included 21% for anxiety, 33% for depression, 17% for delinquency, and 9% for ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Externalization In Mire From "Kumare" we have seen how a religion or a set of beliefs can be created and maintained from scratch. The person, Kumare, produced a set of ritual practices that included meditation (blue–light meditation) and yoga that he taught to his followers. He made himself into a clear symbol for his little group. Form the film we learn that he made up or used previously created rituals to synthesis his very own brand of religion. Using externalization, objectivation, and internalization as a basis into the "Kumare" film, we see how his own religion was constructed socially by himself and more importantly his disciples. Externalization is the continuing of the perception into the world, both in the physical and mental sense. This is the process ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Sacred Canopy Summary In his book, The Sacred Canopy: Elements of a Sociological Theory of Religion, Peter L. Berger details a sociological approach to viewing religion as a human necessity. Berger argues that humans go through the process of "world–building" in order to create the human–specific order they lack biologically. Berger's theory depends primarily on three key aspects: externalization, objectivation, and internalization. Through these social and cognitive processes, humans create society, culture, and ultimately religion. Looking at religion through Berger's sociological lens effectively identifies how religions and their various beliefs have come to be accepted in our society. In my second visit to the Islamic Center of San Antonio my aim was to hone in on the most deeply fixed aspects of Islam in an effort to trace them back through Berger's three stages of world–building. For instance, one of the most striking aspects of members of the Islamic Center of San Antonio is their strict commitment to prayer. The members I spoke with emphasized the importance of sticking to the Salah (daily prayers plus the Friday prayer) times. ... Show more content on ... This strict adherence to the Salah schedule is the result of socialization, which Berger describes as the process of learning to live within the constructs of society (Berger "Religion and World Construction"). Socialization is completed after something is externalized, given objectivity, and then internalized. Externalization is the continuous creation of both the physical and non–physical aspects that make up society (Berger "Religion and World Construction"). Salah times are not much different from most aspects of Islam in that they are believed to be taught to the people by the Prophet Muhammad who learned from Allah ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Britt Harriss In Delmer Dave's Kings Go Forth Monique is the obvious mulatta character in Delmer Dave's film Kings Go Forth, a French woman born of Mrs. Blair and an unidentified black man. Nevertheless, the viewers discover another mulatto character in passing: Britt Harris. Harris' blackness is hinted at throughout the film as he simultaneously fulfills the role of the "King" provided to him in the title. Britt Harris passes as a white king with the goal of conquering not only the Germans but the love of his paired mulatto character, Monique Blair, yet he is a tragic king as Sam Loggins, a true white "King", is deemed the victorious conqueror. From the beginning of the film, Britt Harris is portrayed as different from the rest of the surrounding white army, putting emphasis on his blackness. Sam Loggins, his lieutenant, recognizes his talent and intelligence and wonders how he is at such a low rank in the army. Later, Harris' peers are surprised to see him play an amazing trumpet solo at a jazz café. And finally, Britt Harris ends up dying to the hands ... Show more content on ... Britt's internalization of his blackness and constant externalization of whiteness has forced him to also externalize a desire for a white lover. When this dream with Monique is shattered upon the realization of her father's race, Britt finds it impossible to marry into mixed blood; this is the same blood that courses through his veins. Monique, now heartbroken over her ex–fiancé seeing her as immoral, finds hope in another king, Sam Loggins. Sam Loggins presented himself as a white savior willing to see past ethnicity, but this is only because he was not counted as a tragic character like Britt. The success of Sam and the tragic failure of Britt alludes to a story of two kings going forth but only one king coming out victorious against the enemy and with the lady, a king blessed with whiteness and no ... Get more on ...