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Literature Review On Women With Disabilities
Women with Disabilities: Literature Review
"Do not see my disability as a problem. Recognize that my disability is an attribute. Do not see my
disability as a deficit. It is you who see me as deviant and helpless. Do not try to fix me because I
am not broken" (Kunc, 1995). In 1993, a 13–year–old girl named Tracy Latimer was murdered by
her father because he believed that he was being merciful to her, due to her having Cerebral Palsy.
Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon occurrence for individuals with developmental disabilities.
In 1995, Norman Kunc was deeply moved by Tracy's story and it inspired him to write the Credo for
Support that dramatically affected the rights of individuals with disabilities. However, there are still
many challenges that these people face. This is especially true for women. Women with
developmental disabilities face inequality and discrimination issues that can cause lifelong
consequences, such as in their ability to find and maintain employment, keep basic human rights,
and prevent various forms of abuse.
Obtaining employment is a right that many believe is foundational to humanity. However, despite
many laws banning discrimination against individuals with disabilities, it does still occur frequently.
Women with disabilities are affected even more so than men with the same disability. According to
Smith (2007), "Women with a non–severe disability have an employment rate of 68.4% and men
with a non–severe disability have an employment rate of
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Historical And Legal Issues Of Developmental Disabilities...
This chapter on "Historical and Legal Issues in Developmental Disabilities" by James R. Thompson
and Michael L. Wehmeyer talked about how people perceived people with intellectual and
developmental disabilities over the past few centuries. Intellectual and developmental disabilities
have been around for a while and many people have been scrutinized for having disabilities. Early
on people with disabilities were treated unfairly or mistreated by other community members. It was
not until the late 19th, 20th, and 21st century where people started to help people with disabilities to
attempt making a difference. There were many key themes throughout the chapter that I found very
interesting, including the way people with disabilities were treated in the early years. People with
disabilities were segregated from the rest of the community due to them being different in the
middle ages to the 18th century. It came to my attention that people did not have respect for people
with disabilities. No one cared to get to know them or help them. It was normal for people to call
people with disabilities names, or refer to them as "idiots". Countless numbers of people with
disabilities or who had mental illnesses were institutionalized. Even though there was many
neglectful people in the world, there was also a number of people who started to address the
situation and make a difference. Although civilians still needed to work on their terminology
referring to people with disabilities.
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Essay on LD 201 Supporting People with LD
Understand the context of supporting an individual with learning disabilities
(LD 201)
Level 2
Credits 4
Guided learning hours 35
Assessment document K/601/5315
This Assessment belongs to the following qualifications:
Award in supporting individuals with learning disabilities
Certificate in supporting individuals with learning disabilities
Award in supporting individuals with learning disabilities
Certificate in supporting individuals with learning disabilities
Diploma in health and social care (Adults) for England
Diploma in health and social care (Adults) for Wales & Northern Ireland ... Show more content on ...
2 Mental Capacity Act 2005
Provides a framework to empower and protect vulnerable people who are not able to make their own
decisions. It makes it clear who can take decisions, in which situations, and how they should go
about this.
3 Valuing People Now
Improves the lives for people with learning disabilities and to help them become valued members of
society. This helps people know their rights re rights, independence, choices and inclusion in
everyday life.
4 Care Standards Act 2000
To reform the law relating to the inspection and regulation of various care services. This also
includes the protection of vulnerable adults.
2. What is meant by 'Learning Disability'? (2 marks)
It is a disorder that affects a person's ability to either interpret what they see and hear or their ability
to link information from different parts of the brain.
3. Complete the following table with five examples of the possible causes of a learning disability. (5
1 Genetic disorder
2 When mother is expectant she suffers an accident that affects the foetus developing normally.
3 Baby being born premature and the brain is not developed enough to perform correctly.
4 Early childhood illness such as meningitis
5 Mother suffers and illness such as German Measles during pregnancy
4. What is the approximate
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Explain How You Can Support And Maintain An Environment To...
Assessment 21382/01
Task 1
Answer the following questions and exercises:
1. Detail five (5) ways that you can support and encourage the independence and self determination
of a person with a disability. * Assist people to maintain their dignity by maintaining existing valued
social roles and by finding ways for them to gain more valued roles. * Respect the individual's right
to self–esteem and self–determination. It's not just the right of able–bodied people, say something
positive; catch them doing something positive. * Assist people in developing new skills and
competencies by providing emotional and practical support. * Ensure they actively ... Show more
content on ...
5. How could you support a person to make more choices/decisions within their current
environment? * By giving them more information and the experience of the range of choices and
options that are available to them. Do not pressure the person being supported about what is their
decision and give them time to think and decide.
6. Explain how the Federal Disability Services Act (1986) looks at the rights of people with a
disability and assists them to achieve positive outcomes. * Federal Disability Services Act (1986)
explains the right of the people with disabilities to be treated as equal, respect for their human worth
no matter what culture, race, sex, whatever the origin, type and degree of disability have the same
fundamental rights as other members of Australian society. People with disabilities have the same
right as other members of Australian society to services which will support their attaining an
acceptable quality of life. * In assisting them to achieve positive outcome the services focus on the
achievement of the positive outcomes for people with disabilities, such as increased independence,
employment opportunities and integration into the community.
7. What would happen in an organisation to a worker when there has been a serious
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The Intersection Of Inclusion, School Culture, And Social...
LEADERSHIP Educating students with disabilities has evolved immensely throughout history.
Initially, students with disabilities were isolated and institutionalized. Society 's perception was that
it was not necessary or beneficial to invest time or resources into this group of people (Spaulding &
Pratt, 2015; Dybwad, 1990; Winzer, 1998). Direct advocacy and litigations caused changes in
federal legislation (Griffith, 2015; Lloyd & Lloyd, 2015). Due to the civil rights movement, stu–
dents with disabilities became part of the public educational system. Our current system has evolved
to the level that educators work as teams to create individual learning plans for students ... Show
more content on ...
Theoharis (2007) defines social justice leadership whereby principals "make issues of race, class,
gender, disability, sexual orientation, and other historically and currently marginalized con–ditions
in the US central to their advocacy, leadership practice, and vision" (p. 223). Leaders with a social
justice orientation create a strategic plan that seeks to inform and educate stake–holders about
inclusion. These leaders work to transform a school culture that embraces inclusion to support
students with disabilities (Cohen, 2015). Hence, inclusion can substantially affect school culture.
School leaders must find a way to infuse inclusion into school culture for stu–dents with disabilities
to be successful. According to Coulston and Smith (2013), school culture and inclusion rely on each
other to create the greatest impact on students. School leaders must have a positive attitude
regarding inclusion for it to work. The attitude of school leaders is critical in shaping school cultures
that embrace inclusive practices to meet the social, academic, and emotional needs of all students
(Pe–terson & Deal, 2016). Attitudes of all stakeholders are developed based on the sup–port they re–
ceive in an inclusion program. Avramidis and Norwich
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Teaching Self-Advocacy
Teaching Self– Advocacy
When a child has a learning disability it can be overwhelming for the child, because they could be
unaware that they have one or even when they find out that they do, some life style changes need to
be made. Throughout the learning experience of having an learning disabilities the special education
department can teach children of all ages how to become self–advocates for themselves and be able
to communicate not only with their parents, but with other peers and teachers too.
Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies
"By equipping (students) with a repertoire of strategies for learning...teachers can provide (them)
with the tools for a lifetime of successful learning", (Sturomski, July 1997).
Students with ... Show more content on ...
Social and Study Skills
Part of a child's process in learning how to self–advocate for them–selves is by learning how to
develop strong social skills and also being able to use a study skills program. Part of having a
learning disability to figuring out and understand what the student's disability is and what strategies
work best for the student in a school environment. Once the child is aware of their learning
disability the special education teachers will help develop the child's social skills in a regular and
outside of classroom setting. A key component of learning how to develop social skills is by
practicing communication. The student should practice asking questions to teachers and peers.
Another great way to practice social skills if by role playing, this way the student can anticipate in
different situations what the outcome will be, and also raise their confidence.
Students who practice their communication skills can also get help in a program after or during
school called study skills. Students with learning disabilities can benefit from this program by
getting help in writing skills, test–taking, proofreading strategies, time management, and life skills.
With these benefits of the study skills program children can also get help in using their
"accommodations that are unique to the individual and develop from a cooperative relationship
between an instructor and the student"
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The Theory Of Self Advocacy
100% accuracy during five trial periods which is connected with his Postsecondary goal that after
his graduation from high school, Bobby will independently use public transportation in the
community. Teachers can monitor the student's progress on the goal by gathering information on a
form that requires minimal time and effort to complete without sacrificing accuracy. The data survey
form can contain student's performance during this event, frequency of needed reminders, and
supports that have been given to help the student with this specific skill. By utilizing a self–
monitoring checklist, the student can take an active role in observing progress towards achievement
of the goal.
The concept of self–advocacy also can be expressed in the student's selection of short term and long
term goals which not only pertain to course selection and steps needed to achieve success in those
courses but also how courses go hand–in–hand with the selection of his/her postsecondary
environment (2 or 4–year college, vocational setting, military, or straight into employment) and
career. Student's input is very important because in order for the student to demonstrate optimal
internal motivation (student achieving satisfaction from the action), the student must have vested
interest in achieving the goal.
In order to pursue an activity and possible internal or external reward, the student must value the
skill that will be accomplished by the action. They break the motivation intertwined
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How The Personalised Technology Can Be Used And Adapted As...
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how the personalised technology can be used and
adapted as a tool to be benefit the safety and quality of the life of the people with learning
disabilities who are having complex and multiple needs. The supported public by the national
charity, who are with learning disabilities, and their families, concentrates on the introduction of the
personalised technology of its services that provides training and work opportunities for people with
significant physical and learning disabilities. 1.1 ORGANISATIONAL BACKGROUND The
Charity is based in old workshops where carpentry, paintwork, gardening and IT skills are taught to
them and help them in getting employed. Supported employment gives a ... Show more content on ...
people with learning disabilities fell from 8.8 (2012–13) to 7.1 (2013–14) according to the survey
report published by the local government authorities (Department of Health, 2014). But, there are
many disabled adults who want to work and make good, reliable employees if given the right
opportunities and support (Emerson, et al., 2010). By 2025 the Government has fixed the target of at
least 47% of the people with moderate severe learning disabilities On 18 July 2002, the UK based
newspaper, the Daily Mirror, published a front page article that showed a horrific and disturbing
photograph of a four year old Indian girl from a rural village, tied to building with a rope around her
neck. The article read: "three days later, the helpless child was head...her crime was being mentally
subnormal [sic] and female" (Light, 2005). Just six months before the start of the European Year of
Disabled People, this article helped to highlight the plight of disabled people and their treatment as
second class citizens in some areas of the world. Such scenes would not be captured in New York or
London, or even, one would hope in some small town or village in the United States (US) or the
United Kingdom (UK), but the simple reality is that disabled
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Analysis Of Mice And Men By John Steinbeck
Srinivasa Mudumba
English 9R
May 13, 2015
Part one: I want to find out how important it is to take care of those in need? I am interested in this
because there are a lot of people in the world that have disabilities and they need help. In mice and
men, Lennie has trouble understanding the outside world and he takes time to process things in his
brain. Lennie doesn't know his strength and he can get into trouble easily. For example, when Curly
wants to fight with Lennie, Lennie accidentally breaks his right arm. At the end of the story, Lennie
hugs a puppy but accidentally kills it. Also, he kills Curly's wife by snapping her neck. People with
problems, how can they take care of themselves? In mice and men, George takes care of Lennie by
thinking he is a part of him. But in the real world, how important is it to care someone who has
certain types of problems?
Part 2: In the United States, there are tons of health hospital and facilities, there all know a little bit
off something about how important it to care someone with disabilities. There are websites like the
national council on disability or the NCD, The United States centers for disease control and
prevention or CDC, and health care. There are also resources like gale, which can hold a lot of
information about this particular topic. There are a lot of great information out in the world, some
are in book that exist somewhere in the world.
Part 3: The Disabilities act was approved in the 1990; many social
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The Concept Of Autonomy Of People With Learning...
The concept of autonomy of people with learning disabilities through the eyes of their parents.
Discourse analysis UP770218 Abstract: The following report is about parents' choice to promote or
discourage their children's decisions. A written script was provided from Moodle for analysis. A
discourse analysis was used to study the extracts. Micro rhetorical devices were found as well as
emotions and feelings. The transcribed words of the participants were carefully investigated. The
dilemma in front of every parent who have a child with learning disability. They either have to trust
their youngster decision– making ability and self– advocacy or trust someone else to represent their
child's best interest. The results from this study suggest that most parents choose to trust someone
else other than their child in order to "protect" them of the risky environment. However, this
overprotective approach takes away the chance of the youngster to live independently Word count:
1505 Introduction Social perception of people with learning disabilities is often negative even
among professionals. A study in 1996 investigated the Approaches of nurses towards people with
learning disabilities (Slevin E & Sines D, 1996). The results suggested that non– graduate nurses
had worse attitude toward patients with learning disabilities than graduate. They also found that
nurses with high contact with such patients tend to have better attitude in comparison to nurses who
have low contact. A
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Understanding Services for Developmental Disabilities
As a parent, learning that your child has developmental disabilities can be a life altering moment in
time and can cause a devastating chain reaction of events. These events have the potential to change
family priorities and structure, hurt relationships, deplete financial savings and stability, and
emotionally drain everyone intimately involved with you and your child. How do you find human
services programs, agencies, or advocates, whose primary job is to help you provide everything your
child needs? It certainly can be an overwhelming barrier, but it's the first step in giving you, your
child, and your family a plan of action, goals, success, good mental health and bringing everyone
back together.
What are Developmental ... Show more content on ...
Arise, Inc. – ARISE is a consumer–controlled, non–profit Independent Living Center (ILC) that
promotes full inclusion of people with disabilities in the community. They are dedicated to removing
barriers, sustaining needs, strengthening skills, and enriching the lives of people with disabilities in
Central New York. As a local ILC, not only are they run by and for people with disabilities, they
also offer services to people of all ages who have all types of disabilities. Each year, ARISE serves
more than 3,000 people from branch offices located in three Central New York counties: Madison,
Onondaga, and Oswego. (–us/)
AHRC of New York City – AHRC of NYC, a family run organization, is dedicated to enhancing the
lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. The variety of
services offered by the organization is unsurpassed. They offer individuals a wide range of
programs, services and supports tailored to meet specific needs. Membership is in the thousands an
they are mostly persons with intellectual & developmental disabilities, their families, friends and
professionals in the field – AHRC of NYC is one of the largest consumer–based nonprofit
organizations in the city.
The ARC of the United States – The ARC was created in 1950, by families working vigilantly to
create services for children and adults
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Child Development Essay
The Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities (FCBDD) provides services to eligible
individuals with developmental disabilities. FCBDD provides the early intervention home based
services to assist the individuals in their early developmental years with the hope to address all
barriers so that the individual can have a healthy, "normal" life.
As the individual approaches school age, the student can enroll in the FCBDD Early Childhood
Education and Family Center. FCBDD supports and hosts the Child Development Council of
Franklin County Head Start programs at Early Childhood and the Northeast Center. These pre–
school programs assist the participants in gaining/developing skills that will allow them to be
mainstreamed in their ... Show more content on ...
The transition process is consistent with the Ohio Employment First Initiative that promotes
competitive integrated employment for all individuals with disabilities whenever possible. The
Employment First Initiative is a collaborative effort that includes the Ohio Department of
Developmental Disabilities (DODD), OOD and the County Boards of DD.
When the student graduates or ends their school years, they can receive Career Planning which may
include Job Development, Career Discovery, Benefits Analysis, Worksite Accessibility, Situation
Observations, Career Exploration and an Assistive Technology Assessment if they are on the Path to
Employment. Once they are placed competitively, they can select Individual Employment Supports
that will provide Job Coaching, Follow Along Services to assist them in keeping their jobs and
Career Advancement Services.
If the student is not interested in work, they may receive Adult Days Services and Vocational
Habilitation services that will link/connect them with their community.
If the graduating student is interested in furthering their education they may be supported by OOD at
the college of their choice. FCBDD also collaborates with the Ohio State Nisonger Center for their
TOPS Program. The TOPS Programs provides
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Striving towards Equal Right for the Disabled in Brunei
According to World Health Organization (WHO) disabled people have low health condition, poor
academic achievements, less economic opportunities and high level of poverty (2011). The Brunei
government is strongly committed to ensure that people with disabilities have equal rights in the
country (Mahmud, 2013). There are three improvements that need to be considered: Financial
support, improving awareness for the public and improving the infrastructure.
Financial capabilities are major factors to provide sufficient resources and comfortable place for the
disabled people. Expenses such as labour, salaries, medical, rent and transportation cost. SMARTER
(one of the autism facilities in Brunei run privately) is currently having a financial crisis in their
organization. Although SMARTER has received about half a million dollars of donation it is still not
sufficient to cater the $45,000 expenses per month (Amanda, 2014). The half a million of donation
obtained can only support SMARTER for 11 months maximum according to the monthly expenses
they stated. SMARTER relies on its own shop and donation from others such as banks and the
government. As stated the monthly expenses incurred by the company is $45,000 and to rely solely
through donations and a small shop will not solve the problem. Since the organization is a social
corporate company, which means that the company is not aiming for profits but to help the society, a
question will arise from this. Will it be better off managed
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Challenges Integrating Students With Disabilities
Colleges and universities continue to face challenges integrating students with disabilities into the
campus milieu, despite social, legislative, and technological policies designed to provide equal
opportunities in higher education. Education about the rights and necessary supports to further
inclusion of students with disabilities in campus programs and activities is key for student affairs
practitioners. Over the past 25 years since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990, the number of students with disabilities enrolled in postsecondary education has more than
doubled (National Center for Education Statistics [NCES], 2000; 2012) and about 11% of all
students in postsecondary educational institutions in the U.S. are students who report having
disabilities (NCES, 2012). Higher educational attainment is linked to increased likelihood of
employment and higher incomes (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014); a higher level of education
for people with disabilities improves the chances for them to sustain themselves financially with
dignity and greater participation as citizens. The call to inclusion for academic institutions is to
make programs and services accessible to all students, which may include making physical
adjustments to facilities, providing accessible information technology, and incorporating the concept
of universal design in programming and activities.
This chapter is designed to assist student affairs professionals in providing full and
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The Disabled With The Utmost Kindness And Compassion
In today's society, people with disabilities are being ignored. Most others in good health don't
consider what life must be like for them. The treatment of these people has become an issue in this
county, and there are steps that need to be taken in order to resolve it. Treating the disabled with the
utmost kindness and compassion is an important undertaking which needs to endeavored upon. As
disabilities in our society are increasing, understanding both the situations the people are in and their
perspectives on them is of significance. A person is defined as disabled when they have a physical or
mental impairment which has a substantial effect on their ability to perform everyday activities.
These long term impairments include physical disabilities, mental disabilities, and sensory
disabilities. This can mean that they have mobility impairments, learning disabilities, mental
illnesses, visual impairments, or hearing impairments. In schools, students with disabilities are
called EC students, which stands for Exceptional Children. A person's disability could be present
from birth, or they could occur during the person's lifetime.
Statistics show that mental and physical disabilities are a worldwide problem. Within the United
States alone, about 25 million adults suffer from serious psychological distress. It has been
estimated that half of all Americans will have a diagnosable psychiatric condition at some point in
their lives. In most situations, people who are born with
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The Disabled And Mentally Disabled Youth Transitioning For...
Many physically and mentally disabled youth transitioning to adults experience improper health
care, usually as a result of socio economic status and/or misdiagnosis by medical professionals. As
these children grow to adulthood, the in depth healthcare they received before dwindles, if not
already, cuts off completely. The highest rates of this phenomenon are among the disabled children
of minorities. Predominantly due to the high rate of individuals having no insurance coverage, along
with other socio economic reasons such as low income, gender, and housing demographics. Other
disparities in individuals' health are the improper treatment by healthcare providers and the
healthcare system. These inequalities leave many young people with disabilities stranded without
their fundamental needs for proper care. Disability affects approximately 56.7 million or nearly 1 in
5 (18.7%) people alone in the United States (Brault). These numbers include anyone with a long–
term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory (e.g. blindness or deafness) disabilities. On Dec. 3,
2014 the Disability Inclusions Act was passed to make sure those with a disability have equal access
to participate in activities as all able bodied individuals do. The Disability Act was also an attempt to
promote healthy lifestyles through nutrition and routine exercise. Another National Act passed to
help protect the disabled community is the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a national
law that
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Human Service Personal Interview
Arc of the Ozarks is a local human service organization providing help to people in the local
communities with physical and mental disabilities. The main local offices for the Arc can be found
in Springfield, Joplin, and Monett, Missouri. Interviewing someone from the Arc could have been
done over the phone, by e–mail, and an in–person interview. The in–person interview seemed to be
more appropriate because it would allow me to interact with the people who work for the
organization and possibly see interaction with clients. Interviewing one in person also helps to show
the kind of dedication put into the work provided by the organization. The interview consisted of 11
questions prepared in advance to help provide insight into the types ... Show more content on ...
Many times people hired do not end up staying, leaving the organization understaffed and out the
expense of the classes the employees received. People looking for help in the care of a loved one
may contact the Department of Mental Health first and then contact the Arc of the Ozarks regional
offices in Springfield or Joplin, Missouri. The success of the Arc in providing help to those in need
can be seen by the steady growth in the number of clients supported and the growth of the
organization itself, combined with the increasing numbers of staff. The Arc is definitely an
organization meeting the goals it has put in place for itself but still has potential to grow even
further. The information gathered by the interview has led me to the conclusion that I could
definitely see myself enjoying a career with the Arc of the Ozarks. The in–person interview allowed
me to have a chance to see the staff interacting with some of the clients. I also had a chance to see
the dedication people of the Arc have in helping people in the community with mental and physical
disabilities to achieve living independent lives. The most important thing I noticed in the interview
was the sense of accomplishment and pride the staff had when working with clients. The
organization has taken steps to help people in the community to live independent lives successfully
without discrimination against anyone. The goals of the Arc will
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A Transitional House For The Disabled
(A transitional house for the disabled)
Mary Noel–Morris
Table of Contents
I. Title Page 1
II. Table of Contents 2
III. Summary of Proposal 3
IV. Problem Statement 3 – 4
V. Goals and Objectives 5
VI. Project Activities 10
VII. Evaluation 11
VIII. Budget Summary 12
IX. Program Budget 15
X. The Group Process 17
Summary of Proposal
In the 19th Century, The Government of Canada opened the first institution in 1876, for people with
developmental disability just outside of Orillia. The facility had 2,600 residents by the year, 1968.
The number of institutions and the residents were growing continually in the ... Show more content
on ...
These individual may want their own freedom to do whatever they want to do especially drinking or
taking drugs. If they are on their own out there, they'll probably stop taking their prescribed
In reality, there are lots of families that are in crisis and when support or help are needed, there's no
choice within the community. People with disabilities and their families should not be forced to
select an institution, if they are disabled. They should have the choice to be treated in the comfort of
their own home.
There are many barriers that makes it hard to solve the problem and it is all because of insufficient
funding for programs. In Ontario, the average hourly rate for non–medical home support, which
includes companionship and personal assistance, is $20 to $30. The clients that require nursing visits
or therapy cost about $50 – $60.
Another problem is when some individuals with or without disability do not qualify for Social
Security or In–home care Services. When this occurs, those people would have to remain in the
nursing home because there is no one who can help care for them.
We believe what we are proposing is going to make a difference because:
1. There's a need for programs for people with disabilities who do not need to be in an institution
and these programs had not been established.
2. It will expand on In–home Care Services.
3. This program will help
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Individuals with Disabilities Essay
The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle has been quoted as saying,"You can judge a nation by the
way it treats its most vulnerable citizens." In fact, there are numerous quotes that convey similar
sentiments. Why is it then that during times of financial uncertainty services and programs necessary
to promote and maintain the health and welfare of individuals with developmental disabilities (DD)
as well as other vulnerable populations are among the first to face budget cuts or to be eliminated
Historically, society has relied heavily on institutions to care for individuals with disabilities. The
idea that individuals with disabilities could not –– and should not –– be cared for in their
communities perpetuated the stigma ... Show more content on ...
The members of this movement acknowledged that each person with a disability is entitled to the
same legal rights and responsibilities guaranteed to any citizen of the United States according to the
Constitution, Bill of Rights, Federal, State, and Local Statutes.
From 1997 to 2008, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports a 17.1 % increase in the
occurrence of any DD among children between ages of 3–17. They also report, during 2006–2008,
an estimated 1 in 6 children in the U.S. were reported to have some level of developmental disability
(CDC, 2011). In a 2011 briefing report issued by the United States Aging and Disabilities Services
Administration (ADSA), it was noted that the Washington State Division of Developmental
Disabilities (DDD) provides some form of paid service to 63% of 38,000 Washington residents with
a qualifying DD. The remaining 37% of qualifying DD residents continue to be clients, but receive
no paid services because they have been discontinued due to budget cuts. The report also predicts
that over the next decade Washington State residents with a DD will increase to approximately 51,
000 (ADSA, 2011).
Upon closer examination, the move to institutionalization appears to be a form of secondary
prevention that is woven into an even more pressing social problem. However archaic the act of
institutionalizing a person due to their developmental
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Implementing Integrated Community Planning And Coordination
Objective 3: To facilitate integrated community planning and coordination which engages and
involves people with disabilities and their families, disability service providers and community
Focus Area: 11 Health Modified First Aid Course
MetroAccess Officers from Kingston and Bayside Councils identified that First Aid courses for
people with a disability were not available. Contact was made with Surf Life Saving Club (SLSC) to
conduct a modified course to cater for the needs of people with a disability. Once the SLSC
confirmed their involvement, Central Bayside Community Adult Options and Marriott Services
received the following email;
To service providers,
The MetroAccess Officers from Kingston and Bayside Councils are working with Surf Lifesaving
Club Victoria to run a trial first aid workshop for people with disabilities. We would like to invite 2–
3 people from Marriott RTI to be involved. We have also extended an invitation to Central Bayside
Community Adult Options to be a part of the workshop.
The trainer is available on any day during the week beginning 27th April. The course goes for 3
hours – 10am to 2pm. Lunch will be provided.
We will use this opportunity to modify the workshop to make the content more suitable for people
with disabilities (especially those who have an ID) for future training.
Can you please let me know ASAP if you're interested, which days suits the participants best and
their names?
The feedback from the
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The Effects Of Children With Learning Disabilities On...
Life in a family that has a child with a learning disability is often both complex and challenging.
There are generally many practical as well as emotional issues involved. Many things have to be
considered such as educational, medical, and financial decisions. There are many issues that may
arise from having a child with a learning disability such as "family stress, parenting discrepancies,
negative reactions from extended family members, difficulty in interacting with the school, and
mixed effects upon siblings" (Dyson, 2010). In this essay I will discuss the main points of Dyson's
article, "Unanticipated effects of children with learning disabilities on their families," things I
learned from the article, potential challenges and ... Show more content on ...
The article describes the results of these other studies as being inconsistent. This is because the other
studies state that there are higher levels of stress in families with children having disabilities than
those that do not. A study conducted by Dyson found that "despite higher degrees of stress, families
of children with developmental disabilities experienced the same level of family cohesion,
maintenance of the family system, and emphasis on personal growth as families of nondisabled
children" (Dyson, 2010). These studies regarding how disabilities affect the family have conflicting
results therefore Dyson wanted to know if similar results would be found in a study conducted with
families that have learning disabled children. The study that was conducted tested the hypotheses
that having a child that is learning disabled will have a negative effect on family life and on siblings
in particular. The study was conducted through the use of focus groups which conducted in depth
group interviews and consisted of ten families represented by eleven parents. The results of the
study concluded that parents suffered guilt, family stress, as well as martial tension. There were also
parents blaming each other as well as issues in regards to parenting styles. In regards to extended
family support many parents felt that other
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Developmental Disabilities Essay
Developmental Disabilities
Amy Giles
Axia College of University of Phoenix
HHS 325– Health and Human Service in the U.S.
David Sainio
December 10, 2006
Developmental Disabilities Living with disabilities on a daily basis can be more difficult then some
realize. Many people who are born with developmental disabilities start their education and therapy
at a very young age and there are also those people who have been diagnosed with a disability
sometime during their lifetime. But what is there for them to do once they have graduated from high
school or are told they are too old to continue in a regular school or they are simply told they aren't
accepted in the "normal" community? In all reality there really ... Show more content on ...
But the issue is that not everything in these policies or standards is being acted upon. On a more
personal level my only sister is 23 years old and she is down–syndrome. She graduated from high
school almost 2 years ago and both myself and my mother are having an extremely hard time
finding some sort of service or even a facility that can help my sister continue to learn independence
as well as continue some type of education. We have tried everything from the local community
college, which turned her down because she isn't able to read at an 8th grade level, to the El Paso
Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center, who wouldn't help her because she didn't need to be
institutionalized. So the problem here is that regardless of the governments regulations purposes and
policies, there still isn't enough being done to help people with developmental disabilities lead a
somewhat normal life or to continue an education so that they are able to fit into the "normal"
community, as well as not sit at home for the rest of their life with no social interaction. In my
personal situation, it would have helped out tremendously if after my sister graduated from high
school, we were given some sort of an idea of what she could do from then on. One thing is for sure
my sister will never be put in an institution, she will always have someone to live with and take care
of her, but at the same time
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Discrimination Against the Disabled Essay
It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, it's what's on the inside that counts, but our
society today lacks to understand that. In today's time different is not accepted, people that are
different are discriminated, looked down upon and usually picked on. People with disabilities are
seen as different creatures by most people, the disabled don't choose to be the way they are, but still
our society alienates them. There are different types of disabilities, some type of disabilities are;
mental disability, physical disability, learning disability and socializing disability. These disabilities
are seen as weakness in our society that hence contribute to the stereotype that leads to the
discrimination against the disabled.
There ... Show more content on ...
It is human nature to despise those that are different than normal. Everyone has a different
perception of normal and when someone cuts that boundary it results in discrimination. Some
people also tend to dislike the disabled due to their own weaknesses, to hide their own failures they
will look down upon the handicap to make themselves feel better. Some people's self–esteem is so
tiny that they have to find someone "lower than them" to feel superior. Also society perceives the
disabled as useless, powerless and inefficient human beings, which also contributes to the ideology
that leads to the discrimination against the disabled. Psychological and cultural influences also result
in discrimination against the disabled. Hence, we can conclude that the fact that the disabled are
"different" is what leads to the discrimination against them.
Direct discrimination occurs when a person with a disability is treated less favourably than a person
who does not have a disability.
This occurs if a person is discriminated against in the following areas; employment, education and
training, provision of facilities, access to public premises, etc...
Indirect discrimination will occur where a person imposes a requirement, condition or practice that
has the effect of disadvantaging people with a protected attribute, and that is not reasonable.
An advertisement for a job as a cleaner requires an applicant to speak and read English
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American Higher Education Of The Deaf And Dumb At Columbia...
Since the establishment of the division for the deaf and dumb at Columbia University in 1864.
American Higher education has been influenced and responsive to changes in federal civil rights
protections for students with disabilities while facing both internal and external pressures on how to
deal with persons with disabilities. The establishment of students with disabilities in an American
higher education context found its start with the admission of students with sensory disabilities,
primarily deaf and blind students. Changes because of the world wars poured federal funding into
programs to assist veterans with acquired disabilities return to the workforce. The rise of the
disability rights movement resulted in the passage of federal protects that mandate the creation of
disability support services and bared institutional discrimination at all institutions. These changes
saw students with disabilities and the services to support them move from marginalized, and often
experimental, into the mainstream of student affairs and higher education.
First Research Essay for American Higher Education
Many historical studies of American higher education cover the development of academia as well
the development of the institutions themselves. Further, in recent years historical scholars have
introduced the development of previously underserved student communities in higher education
such as Women
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Developmental Disabilities : A Developmental Disability
Did you know that an estimated 4.6 million Americans have a developmental disability? That is
almost five percent of the country's population, not including the hundreds of people that go
untreated, or who have never been diagnosed. The term "developmental disabilities" refers to a
group of conditions that cause impairment in physical, learning, language, or behavioral
development. Typically manifesting during the primary development period (between ages 2 and
17), these conditions usually last throughout the entirety of a person's lifetime. In an effort to
counteract the potentially detrimental effects that living with a developmental disability may have
on a person, there are many development disability services that assist children, ... Show more
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For some, choosing to employ at an organization that focuses on creating these support systems is a
dream come true. But the jobs are not always a walk in the park. The demands of working with
developmentally disabled people are large, both emotionally and mentally. Individuals who want to
work with disabled individuals will need to have a certain type of training and experience
beforehand. The specific type of education that is needed depends on the place where the individual
is seeking employment. Working with young children calls for more care and a higher level of
education. Public facilities are also pickier about the type of education that you have, while private
institutions are the least selective about their employees' backgrounds.
In order to work in a school with mentally disabled children, special training as a special education
teacher is a must. This program requires you to obtain a bachelor's degree in a related field like
special education, psychology, or human development. Many colleges and universities across the
United States offer programs in special education at the undergraduate, master 's, and doctoral
degree levels. After obtaining the bachelor's degree, the next step is to complete a teaching program
that involves watching, and then teaching classes under observation.
Special education is a big priority in schools. The need for highly qualified teachers with a special
education background is in high demand. Due to the numerous
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Self Advocacy In Education
Accommodations. Students with learning disabilities are one of the fastest growing disabilities
populations entering into a university (Walker & Test, 2011). As this number increases, more focus
is being placed on ensuring these students are successful. Self–determination skills have played a
major part in the success of students with disabilities (Walker & Test, 2011). A component of self–
determination is self–advocacy, which is defined by students taking care of their personal business
on their own (Walker & Test, 2011). A part of self–advocacy is education students on their
responsibilities and rights, and also teaching them how to request accommodations and
modifications (Walker & Test, 2011). Self–advocacy is important for college age ... Show more
content on ...
In order to evaluate and develop rehabilitation approaches for adolescents, one should consider
utilizing the perspectives of youth (Kramer, Barth, Livingston, O'Neil, Smith, Vallier and Wolfe,
2013). Utilizing youth, with disabilities, in the creation and implementation phases of new
interventions could possible ensure other youth find the interventions pleasant and functional
(Kramer et. al, 2014). With this study, youth with LD assisted in the development of programs that
focuses on shifting youth recuperation from distinct impairment to social causes of disability
(Kramer et. al, 2014). Project TEAM (Teens making Environment and Activity Modifications) is the
name of the new training (Kramer et. al, 2014). Project TEAM consisted of six youth with
disabilities, a researcher and advocate. Project TEAM used a behavioral technique called the "Game
Plan" to allow youth with disabilities to determine environmental barriers, identify solutions, and
request accommodations. A youth panel, consisting of students with disabilities, was created to
assist Project TEAM and the researcher on the curriculum (Kramer et. al, 2014). With the researcher
giving the youth panel space and opportunity to share their voice, the researcher was able to
maintain valuable information regarding their perception of their disability (Kramer et. al, 2014).
Members of the youth panel contributions assisted Project TEAM. The youth panel participants
designed tools to collect data, retrieved data, and analyzed data (Kramer et. al, 2014). With the
ability to be involved in all phases of the research process allowed students with disabilities the
opportunity to influence other researchers in the field of rehabilitation and any potential Project
TEAM member (Kramer et. al, 2014). Environmental and social influences surrounding a disability
can be influenced in the future by new approaches created by Project TEAM (Kramer et. al,
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Unit 22 Level 3 Health and Social Care
Unit 22...
Understanding the Context of Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities.
1.1 Identify Legislation and policies that are designed to promote the human rights, inclusion, equal
life chances and citizenship of individuals with learning disabilities. Human Rights Stereotyping
labelling Discrimination Anti Discrimination Oppression Anti Oppression
Valuing people
Mental Capacity Act
Human Rights Act 2000. No Secrets – Guidance published by the Department of Health, builds
upon the governments respects for human rights and highlights the need to protect vulnerable adults
through effective multi–agency work. National Care Standards Commission, now the Commission
for Social Care ... Show more content on ...
After birth or (post–natally) causes can occur because of illness, injury or environmental conditions,
for example: Meningitis.....Brain injury......Malnutrition.
2.3 Describe the medical and social models of disabilities.
The medical model of disability views disabilities as a problem that belongs to the disabled person.
It is not seen as a problem that needs the concern of anyone else apart from the disabled individual
affected, for example if a wheelchair user is unable to get into a building because there are steps
then, the wheelchair is seen as the problem not the steps, according to the medical model.
The social model suggests that it is the steps that are the issue not the wheelchair, as it is the steps
which are disabling the person access, which is seen as a barrier. This model suggests that it is
society disabling people through designing everything to meet the needs of the majority of people,
who are not disabled. The social model believe that there is a great deal that society can do to reduce
and ultimately remove, some of the barriers. This task is the responsibility of society rather then the
person, as far as is reasonably practical – which by if it is a big organisation and it is financially
possible and financially beneficial, then it would make sense to adapt and make provisions for
disabled people to have access for example, wider doors,
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Argumentative Essay On Multiple Disabilities
Everyone desires to live a normal life, without others examining them differently for a disability that
they cannot control. Many disabled people are experiencing completely normal lives, when several
others are not functioning normal because of a physical or mental disease. People in our world,
including the media, do not seem to focus on the disabled people who are living a normal life and
are properly functioning. They would rather keep attention on the ones who are stuck in a
wheelchair for the rest of their life, and believe that their life is nearly over. Whether someone is
disabled or not, they all have the same potential in life, and can all achieve the same goals as
someone who is healthy. Mairs, Anaya, and my cousin, Tyler, prove that even though people do look
at others differently because of a disability, everyone can still live a normal life.
Nancy Mairs is a woman who lived with an incurable disease known as Multiple Sclerosis, however,
with the assistance of a cane and wheelchair, she was functioning her life almost identically to she
was before. In Mairs' essay "Disability," she described how she has been examining the media to
find similar representations of herself. Mairs found only one example of a woman with Multiple
Sclerosis on television, which the main focus of that individual was on how terrible their life was,
and how they have no hope to live a normal life. Mairs views this representation as a problem, and
believes that "physical disability looms pretty large in one's life. But it doesn't devour one wholly"
(Mairs 13). Mairs continues to explain how she was fairly similar to all the women her age, and how
she engaged in the same activities women her age do. Nancy Mairs is a perfect example of a woman
who was continuing to live her life normally, even with the drawback of a severe disease.
In the essay "Mental Illness on Television," Rosie Anaya extended off of Mairs' opinions on the
media and how they portray the disabled. Anaya pointed out that Mairs' essay was released in the
year 1987, and since then there has been a widely noticeable acceptance of disabled people within
the media. Nowadays, we observe physically disabled people in a wide variety of media, from
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I am Sam Movie Review Essay examples
"I am Sam" Movie Review
1. Movie Title I Am Sam
2. Year of Production 2001 (Theatrical) ? 2002 (Home Video)
3. Feature Length 134 Minutes
4. Director Jessie Nelson
5. Producers and Studio Director/Producer Jessie Nelson, Executive Producer David Scott Rubin &
Producers Edward Zwick, Marshall Herskovitz, Richard Solomon. New Line Home Entertainment
6. Major Character Cast Sam Dawson played by Sean Penn Rita Harrison played by Michelle
Pfeiffer Lucy Diamond Dawson played by Dakota Fanning
7. Brief Synopsis Mentally disabled Sam Dawson is a single father fighting to keep custody of his
daughter Lucy with the help of his pro–bono lawyer, Rita Harrison.
11. ... Show more content on ...
The legalities that play out through the movie show the social service system as best–interest but
cold and inflexible with no other options. The movie did not address that there are government
programs that help specifically with DD parents and even the same parents that are raising DD
children. The Division of Developmental Disabilities is a federal department operated independently
by each state with multiple support options anywhere in the US. The movie tells a great story, and
the work the actors put into their roles is even more impressive after watching the documentary on
Sean Penn?s Becoming Sam and watching the professional actors working with mentally disabled
people in the film.
12. References
Newline Cinema ? i am sam
Mental Illness: the decision to have kids –
pagenumber=1 Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD) –
The British Film Institute ? Treatment of disabled people in moving image media.
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Self Advocacy Paper
A third journal article, Successful Strategies for Promoting Self–Advocacy Among Students with
Learning Disabilities (2002), analyzed various strategies used to help students learn to advocate for
themselves. According to Pocock et al. (2002) "self–advocacy typically focuses on the knowledge of
rights and responsibilities, effective communication and negotiation skills, identifying and
requesting accommodations and modifications, and instruction on participating or directing an IEP
meeting" (p. 210). There are many skills that self–advocacy encompasses and with these skills,
students with learning disabilities can apply them to all areas of their lives. Programs that deliver
explicit instruction of these skills allow students to not only learn the ... Show more content on ...
In order for students to find success in the future and be able to describe needs and accommodations
to employers, students with learning disabilities must acquire the appropriate skills (Weimer, 1994).
This 'invisible issue' has led to an analysis of what skills are implemented in younger grades to help
students with learning disabilities navigate the world. In a Californian middle school, students in
grades sixth through eighth were assessed in their abilities to self–advocate (Weimer, 1994).
Although the school administrators and some educators were certain that the students had the skills,
they were actually unskilled at asking for accommodations without being prompted to do so when
they were in alternate settings such as the general education class (Weimer, 1994). At birth, parents
become a child's advocate and when they go to school, that role shifts to the teacher, although at
what point are children given the opportunity to advocate for themselves? This is exactly what
Weimer and And wanted to
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Unit 245
Unit 245 – Understand the context of supporting individuals with learning disabilities.
1.1 a) Human Rights act 1998
b) Equality act 2010
c) Disability discrimination act 1995
d) Mental Capacity act 2005
1.2 a) Improved the standards of care given to individuals with a learning disability, it gave
individuals the right to life, right to privacy and the right not to be subjected to degrading or
inhuman treatment.
b) Protects the rights of individuals and promotes equality for all, gives the right for all people to be
treated the same regardless of race, age, sex or disability.
c) Made it unlawful for employers to discriminate against people based on a disability, it gave
individuals a greater chance ... Show more content on ...
4.1 Included and recognized as part of society as an equal.
4.2 The act of pleading or arguing in favour of something, such as a cause, idea or policy. Active
support. Advocacy is the act of speaking on the behalf of or in support of another person, place, or
4.3 Citizen Advocacy – A one to one partnership between two people. The Citizen Advocate is a
volunteer who usually forms a long term relationship with their partner and takes a personal interest
in ensuring that their partner's interests are effectively represented. The relationship is based on
trust, commitment and loyalty. There is an element of emotional support and friendship as well as a
social element, which may involve introducing the partner to new experiences and/or activities.
Self Advocacy – People speaking out for themselves to express their own needs and representing
their own interests. Often people with some form of disability may have received some support in
achieving self–advocacy – this is a model employed by People First – a group run by people with
learning disabilities for people with learning disabilities.
Group Advocacy – Where people come together to represent shared interests or goals and works by
offering mutual support, skill development and a common call for change with the intention of
developing or changing services.
Peer Advocacy – Support from advocates who themselves have experience of using particular
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Analysis Of The Book ' Tragedy Of Triumph ' By John...
Throughout chapters ten through sixteen of the nonfiction novel From Tragedy to Triumph, John
Tartaglio and Andrew Chapin assert that Tartaglio's disability does not define him as a person. The
two main objectives of the authors are to use humor to display how, despite what some may initially
think, Tartaglio is more than his disability. Tartaglio and Chapin attempt to appeal to a younger
audience, specifically readers who are between the ages of thirteen and twenty, by emphasizing the
transition from high school to college and Tartaglio's feelings of independence and a growing sense
of maturity and self–responsibility. The pair is attempting to target readers who are currently
experiencing a transition from childhood to adulthood.
Tartaglio and Chapin use humor to capture the attention of readers and to emphasize how Tartaglio
is more than his disability. His disability does not define who he is as a person or what he is able to
accomplish. Tartaglio affirms that "I was not 'disabled' in my eyes, and I did not want anyone else to
treat me like a charity case" (92). He did not want to be the center of attention; Tartaglio strived to
live the life of a "normal" freshman in college. This proved to be difficult, when the truth about what
happened to Tartaglio spread like wildfire. However, Tartaglio approaches this situation with a sense
of humor that highlights how his spirit would refuse to be let down by rumors. He even provides a
laugh–out–loud anecdote of a college girl
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Why Should People With Disability In Theatre
Why should people with disabilities be included in theatre?
Disability theatre can give multiple opportunities to people with disabilities. It is not just about
combating exclusion, but also to increase one's creativity, making new friends, discover new talents
and build one's confidence and self–esteem. Enhancing such skills will give people with disabilities
the opportunity to increase their independence and self–advocacy.
... Theatre promotes inclusion
The inclusion for artists with disability in theatre shows equality between artists with and without
disability. Drama can give people with disabilities a social life as through drama activities they have
the opportunity to make new friends and make social interactions. An ex–drama student says that
being included in theatre as a child gave her a safe place away from bullying at school. This safe
place helped her make real friends who accept her as she is. When the persons with disability feel
that they are being included and accepted by the people around them, they will start accepting their
own disability.
During drama activities especially when working with mixed–ability students, one should consider
working within an open space and creating a circle. One should start the ... Show more content on ...
Here is where the importance of eye contact comes in. It was easy when saying the name of the
person, as when one hears his name he immediately turns his head and looks. However, it got a little
more difficult when we could not say the name as only by eye contact one could communicate and
know that the other person is ready to catch the ball. For people with autism such exercises
encourages short seconds of eye contact with another person. I feel that this exercise also shows the
importance of being ready to receive a message when someone is trying to communicate something
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Extracurricular Activities And Children With Intellectual...
In the article entitled Extracurricular activities and the development of social skills in children with
intellectual and specific learning disabilities the authors begin to explain why children with
intellectual and specific learning disabilities social skills are absent. According to Brooks, Floyd,
Robins, and Chan, "participation in social activities is positively related to children's social
adjustment, but little is known about the benefits of activity participation for children with
intellectual and specific disabilities" (2015, p. 678). Children typically become aware of how to
interact with other children through Albert Bandura's social learning theory. Bandura's theory is a
behavioral worldview that emphasizes that people learn by ... Show more content on ...
680). The Second hypothesis states that "given their greater need for improving social competence,
we predicted that participation in out–of–school activities would have a greater impact on predicting
social competence for children with intellectual disability or a specific learning disability than for an
age–matched typically developing comparison group" (Brooks, Floyd, Robins, and Chan, 2015, p.
680). Families living in the southeastern USA in rural and urban communities were taken from
public schools for testing. The sample consisted of 117 students, 75 boys and 42 girls, between the
ages of eight and eleven years old. The mean age of the sample was 9.44 and the standard deviation
was 1.05. The students were categorized into three different groups, the learning disability,
intellectual disability, and the typically developing students. The learning disability group contains
53 students who are enrolled in services for specific learning disability and school Individual
Education Programs. The intellectual disability group contained 40 students who's IQ scores were
between 40 and 70. The typically developing group consisted of 24 students who show no signs of
intellectual disability, psycho–emotional disorder, specific learning disabilities or physical disorder.
Children with siblings who have disorders and children enrolled in higher education courses were
excluded from the study. The families who were involved in this study
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E214 TMA01 Essay
E214 TMA01
This essay highlights and discusses models of disability reflected in two separate articles
(Appendices A and B). I will identify the models of disability they represent. Both have been
recently featured in the Guardian newspaper and are stories on disabled people.
Appendix A was reported some years ago but continues to evoke opinion and has featured again
recently due to a similar case. 'Ashley' is a profoundly disabled girl, who at six years old has a
mental age of 3 months. Her parents decided on controversial treatment for her, as her condition
would not improve. Ashley has undergone surgery to remove her uterus and breasts, and for three
years she received hormone treatment to keep her weight and height low. It ... Show more content
on ...
This Rights model, more specifically Ashley's human rights is very present in the article. It could be
argued that she doesn't need or require the treatment to medically improve her life. The Equal and
Human Rights Commission (2008) suggest that human rights are the freedoms that we are all
entitled to as a result of our shared humanity. I understand that she is unable to speak and is unlikely
to have the mental capacity to make that decision but does that automatically transfer that decision
to her parents? The United Nations Convention on the Rights for a Child (1989) plays an important
part of the Rights model for this text as I feel it both supports and opposes the parent's actions.
Article 23 concentrates on children's disability by stating that 'Children who have any kind of
disability have the right to special care and support, as well as all the rights in the Convention, so
that they can live full and independent lives.' This could support Ashley's parent's' motives.
However, Article 3 states 'The best interests of children must be the primary concern in making
decisions that may affect them. All adults should do what is best for children. When adults make
decisions, they should think about how their decisions will affect children.' In this case are the
parents doing what's best for Ashley or themselves? This is a good example where the Rights model
can get itself in a twist! The
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Essay about Disability Rights
Disability Rights Movement
In 1817, the American School for Deaf was founded in Hartford Connecticut. This was the first
school for disabled children in the Western Hemisphere. Although this was not the beginning of the
Disability Rights Movement, it was a start to society, making it possible for people to realize that
there were those with disabilities out there in the world and something had to be done. The
Disability Rights Movement fought for equal access, opportunity, consideration, and basic human
respect along with dignity for those born blind, deaf, or anyone with other forms of physical or
mental disability. The purpose of social movements is to provide social change regarding a specific
issue in which a particular group of ... Show more content on ...
People with disabilities were also forced to enter institutions and asylums. Society hid people with
disabilities from a mean, fearful, and biased world. This continued until the Civil War and World
War I when our veterans returned in a disabled state expecting the US government to provide some
sort of help or rehabilitation in exchange for their service in the nation. Although President
Roosevelt was the first president with a disability to take office was a great advocate for the
rehabilitation of people with disabilities, the nation was still operated under the assumption that
being disabled was and abnormal condition and needed to be medically cured. In the 1940's and
1950's, World War II veterans started placing pressure on the government for rehabilitation for their
disabilities. The veterans made it more visible to a country filled with thankful citizens who were
concerned about the well–being of the men who sacrificed their lives for their country. By the
1960's, the civil rights movement began to take place and disabled citizens saw this as an
opportunity to join forces along with the minority groups to demand equal treatment, equal access,
and equal opportunity for people with disabilities. The Disability Rights Movement just like the
others faced negative attitudes and stereotypes. In the 1970's, disability rights activists lobbied
congress and marched on Washington to include civil rights language for people with disabilities
into the 1972 Rehabilitation
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The Birth Of A Child Is A Miracle
People say that the birth of a child is a miracle. When parents find out they are expecting a child it is
arguably one of the most exciting events in a person's life. Parents spend the pregnancy deciding on
names, decorating the room, and all of the other things that involve preparing to bring a child into
the world. Most parents wish that their baby is born happy and healthy. What happens when the
doctor informs you that your precious child has a disability? Having a child with a disability
completely changes the dynamics of the family and the way in which they raise their child along
with any other children they may have. Parents, siblings, and the child with the disability must all
learn how to cope and adapt with the challenges and rewards that come with having a disability.
While their child may not have been born perfectly healthy, there are ways in which the family can
raise a child and live a happy, fulfilling life.
There are many different childhood disabilities that range from physical disabilities to mental health
disabilities. The most common disabilities recognized in childhood are autism, ADHD, cerebral
palsy, down syndrome, epilepsy, spina bifida, dyslexia, and depression (Scribner, 2014). Most of
these disabilities recognized in childhood are lifelong disabilities that have a huge impact on the
child's learning and development. Between 2001 and 2011, the prevalence of childhood disability
increased by 15.6%. While the percentage of physical disables
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My Study For People With Disabilities
Module 6 Project Today, people with disabilities must include their voices across their states. In the
article Strategies to Incorporate the Voices of People with Significant Disabilities in UCEDD
Information Gathering and Operations it addressed research–based information on people with
diverse abilities. People with disabilities have the right to active participation in their voice in
policies that affect them. This research is current because it allows people with significant
disabilities to present their research in a public forum. People with disabilities get to know and work
closely in their research. Also, people with significant disabilities may have the opportunity to attend
a conference and present their research and work in a public forum. In evaluating the credibility of
this article, it provides information on evaluating bibliographic citation and reference list that
evaluate the credibility of the author. The research questions are significant to my study for people
with significant disabilities because it brings to the forefront how people with significant disabilities
communicate their concerns. The main steps in this research process are to uncover the concerns and
voices of people with disabilities. It is important to help disabled people with developmental
disabilities to become independent, productive, and included in all facets of community life. The DD
Act requires UCEDDs to develop 5–year plans and goals that are based on data driven strategic
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Mental Disabilities : Struggling With Loss And Grief
Doka, K. J. Individuals with intellectual disabilities: Struggling with loss and grief. In RESCARE
NZ. Retrieved from In his
article Dr. Doka addresses the reasons that persons with ID need counseling, and how to better
support them during times of grieving. He explains there are several reasons for improved bonding
in the disabled community. These include a longer lifespan, and better community activities in group
homes. He points out that everyone experiences loss, but an ID person may also be subjected to
secondary losses to include a change in residence, friends, and neighbors. The author next delves
into grief reactions in disabled individuals. He states that each grief reaction is unique based on the
intellectual level of the individual along with the type of relationship said person has with the person
lost. These reactions include physical, mental, behavioral, and religious aspects. Explaining that this
population may often have their grief "disenfranchised" he goes on to give several examples. One of
these examples explains that many feel that disabled individuals are unable to recognize attachment,
or have an understanding of grief. In the next section of his article Dr. Doka addresses how to
counsel people with intellectual disabilities. He stresses that early intervention, group support, and
equal opportunity for involvement are important components of this process. The article wraps up
... Get more on ...

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Literature Review On Women With Disabilities

  • 1. Literature Review On Women With Disabilities Women with Disabilities: Literature Review "Do not see my disability as a problem. Recognize that my disability is an attribute. Do not see my disability as a deficit. It is you who see me as deviant and helpless. Do not try to fix me because I am not broken" (Kunc, 1995). In 1993, a 13–year–old girl named Tracy Latimer was murdered by her father because he believed that he was being merciful to her, due to her having Cerebral Palsy. Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon occurrence for individuals with developmental disabilities. In 1995, Norman Kunc was deeply moved by Tracy's story and it inspired him to write the Credo for Support that dramatically affected the rights of individuals with disabilities. However, there are still many challenges that these people face. This is especially true for women. Women with developmental disabilities face inequality and discrimination issues that can cause lifelong consequences, such as in their ability to find and maintain employment, keep basic human rights, and prevent various forms of abuse. Obtaining employment is a right that many believe is foundational to humanity. However, despite many laws banning discrimination against individuals with disabilities, it does still occur frequently. Women with disabilities are affected even more so than men with the same disability. According to Smith (2007), "Women with a non–severe disability have an employment rate of 68.4% and men with a non–severe disability have an employment rate of ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Historical And Legal Issues Of Developmental Disabilities... This chapter on "Historical and Legal Issues in Developmental Disabilities" by James R. Thompson and Michael L. Wehmeyer talked about how people perceived people with intellectual and developmental disabilities over the past few centuries. Intellectual and developmental disabilities have been around for a while and many people have been scrutinized for having disabilities. Early on people with disabilities were treated unfairly or mistreated by other community members. It was not until the late 19th, 20th, and 21st century where people started to help people with disabilities to attempt making a difference. There were many key themes throughout the chapter that I found very interesting, including the way people with disabilities were treated in the early years. People with disabilities were segregated from the rest of the community due to them being different in the middle ages to the 18th century. It came to my attention that people did not have respect for people with disabilities. No one cared to get to know them or help them. It was normal for people to call people with disabilities names, or refer to them as "idiots". Countless numbers of people with disabilities or who had mental illnesses were institutionalized. Even though there was many neglectful people in the world, there was also a number of people who started to address the situation and make a difference. Although civilians still needed to work on their terminology referring to people with disabilities. ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Essay on LD 201 Supporting People with LD Understand the context of supporting an individual with learning disabilities 4200–209 4222–245 (LD 201) Level 2 Credits 4 Guided learning hours 35 Assessment document K/601/5315 This Assessment belongs to the following qualifications: Qual: Unit: Award in supporting individuals with learning disabilities 4200–21 209 Certificate in supporting individuals with learning disabilities 4200–22 209 Award in supporting individuals with learning disabilities 4200–31 209 Certificate in supporting individuals with learning disabilities 4200–32 209 Diploma in health and social care (Adults) for England 4222–21 245 Diploma in health and social care (Adults) for Wales & Northern Ireland ... Show more content on ... 2 Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • 6. Provides a framework to empower and protect vulnerable people who are not able to make their own decisions. It makes it clear who can take decisions, in which situations, and how they should go about this. 3 Valuing People Now Improves the lives for people with learning disabilities and to help them become valued members of society. This helps people know their rights re rights, independence, choices and inclusion in everyday life. 4 Care Standards Act 2000 To reform the law relating to the inspection and regulation of various care services. This also includes the protection of vulnerable adults. 2. What is meant by 'Learning Disability'? (2 marks) It is a disorder that affects a person's ability to either interpret what they see and hear or their ability to link information from different parts of the brain. 3. Complete the following table with five examples of the possible causes of a learning disability. (5 marks) 1 Genetic disorder 2 When mother is expectant she suffers an accident that affects the foetus developing normally. 3 Baby being born premature and the brain is not developed enough to perform correctly. 4 Early childhood illness such as meningitis 5 Mother suffers and illness such as German Measles during pregnancy 4. What is the approximate ... Get more on ...
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  • 8. Explain How You Can Support And Maintain An Environment To... MAINTAIN AN ENVIRONMENT TO EMPOWER PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Assessment 21382/01 Task 1 Answer the following questions and exercises: 1. Detail five (5) ways that you can support and encourage the independence and self determination of a person with a disability. * Assist people to maintain their dignity by maintaining existing valued social roles and by finding ways for them to gain more valued roles. * Respect the individual's right to self–esteem and self–determination. It's not just the right of able–bodied people, say something positive; catch them doing something positive. * Assist people in developing new skills and competencies by providing emotional and practical support. * Ensure they actively ... Show more content on ... 5. How could you support a person to make more choices/decisions within their current environment? * By giving them more information and the experience of the range of choices and options that are available to them. Do not pressure the person being supported about what is their decision and give them time to think and decide. 6. Explain how the Federal Disability Services Act (1986) looks at the rights of people with a disability and assists them to achieve positive outcomes. * Federal Disability Services Act (1986) explains the right of the people with disabilities to be treated as equal, respect for their human worth no matter what culture, race, sex, whatever the origin, type and degree of disability have the same fundamental rights as other members of Australian society. People with disabilities have the same right as other members of Australian society to services which will support their attaining an acceptable quality of life. * In assisting them to achieve positive outcome the services focus on the achievement of the positive outcomes for people with disabilities, such as increased independence, employment opportunities and integration into the community. 7. What would happen in an organisation to a worker when there has been a serious ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. The Intersection Of Inclusion, School Culture, And Social... THE INTERSECTION OF INCLUSION, SCHOOL CULTURE, AND SOCIAL JUS–TICE LEADERSHIP Educating students with disabilities has evolved immensely throughout history. Initially, students with disabilities were isolated and institutionalized. Society 's perception was that it was not necessary or beneficial to invest time or resources into this group of people (Spaulding & Pratt, 2015; Dybwad, 1990; Winzer, 1998). Direct advocacy and litigations caused changes in federal legislation (Griffith, 2015; Lloyd & Lloyd, 2015). Due to the civil rights movement, stu– dents with disabilities became part of the public educational system. Our current system has evolved to the level that educators work as teams to create individual learning plans for students ... Show more content on ... Theoharis (2007) defines social justice leadership whereby principals "make issues of race, class, gender, disability, sexual orientation, and other historically and currently marginalized con–ditions in the US central to their advocacy, leadership practice, and vision" (p. 223). Leaders with a social justice orientation create a strategic plan that seeks to inform and educate stake–holders about inclusion. These leaders work to transform a school culture that embraces inclusion to support students with disabilities (Cohen, 2015). Hence, inclusion can substantially affect school culture. School leaders must find a way to infuse inclusion into school culture for stu–dents with disabilities to be successful. According to Coulston and Smith (2013), school culture and inclusion rely on each other to create the greatest impact on students. School leaders must have a positive attitude regarding inclusion for it to work. The attitude of school leaders is critical in shaping school cultures that embrace inclusive practices to meet the social, academic, and emotional needs of all students (Pe–terson & Deal, 2016). Attitudes of all stakeholders are developed based on the sup–port they re– ceive in an inclusion program. Avramidis and Norwich ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Teaching Self-Advocacy Teaching Self– Advocacy When a child has a learning disability it can be overwhelming for the child, because they could be unaware that they have one or even when they find out that they do, some life style changes need to be made. Throughout the learning experience of having an learning disabilities the special education department can teach children of all ages how to become self–advocates for themselves and be able to communicate not only with their parents, but with other peers and teachers too. Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies "By equipping (students) with a repertoire of strategies for learning...teachers can provide (them) with the tools for a lifetime of successful learning", (Sturomski, July 1997). Students with ... Show more content on ... Social and Study Skills Part of a child's process in learning how to self–advocate for them–selves is by learning how to develop strong social skills and also being able to use a study skills program. Part of having a learning disability to figuring out and understand what the student's disability is and what strategies work best for the student in a school environment. Once the child is aware of their learning disability the special education teachers will help develop the child's social skills in a regular and outside of classroom setting. A key component of learning how to develop social skills is by practicing communication. The student should practice asking questions to teachers and peers. Another great way to practice social skills if by role playing, this way the student can anticipate in different situations what the outcome will be, and also raise their confidence. Students who practice their communication skills can also get help in a program after or during school called study skills. Students with learning disabilities can benefit from this program by getting help in writing skills, test–taking, proofreading strategies, time management, and life skills. With these benefits of the study skills program children can also get help in using their "accommodations that are unique to the individual and develop from a cooperative relationship between an instructor and the student" ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. The Theory Of Self Advocacy 100% accuracy during five trial periods which is connected with his Postsecondary goal that after his graduation from high school, Bobby will independently use public transportation in the community. Teachers can monitor the student's progress on the goal by gathering information on a form that requires minimal time and effort to complete without sacrificing accuracy. The data survey form can contain student's performance during this event, frequency of needed reminders, and supports that have been given to help the student with this specific skill. By utilizing a self– monitoring checklist, the student can take an active role in observing progress towards achievement of the goal. The concept of self–advocacy also can be expressed in the student's selection of short term and long term goals which not only pertain to course selection and steps needed to achieve success in those courses but also how courses go hand–in–hand with the selection of his/her postsecondary environment (2 or 4–year college, vocational setting, military, or straight into employment) and career. Student's input is very important because in order for the student to demonstrate optimal internal motivation (student achieving satisfaction from the action), the student must have vested interest in achieving the goal. In order to pursue an activity and possible internal or external reward, the student must value the skill that will be accomplished by the action. They break the motivation intertwined ... Get more on ...
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  • 16. How The Personalised Technology Can Be Used And Adapted As... The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how the personalised technology can be used and adapted as a tool to be benefit the safety and quality of the life of the people with learning disabilities who are having complex and multiple needs. The supported public by the national charity, who are with learning disabilities, and their families, concentrates on the introduction of the personalised technology of its services that provides training and work opportunities for people with significant physical and learning disabilities. 1.1 ORGANISATIONAL BACKGROUND The Charity is based in old workshops where carpentry, paintwork, gardening and IT skills are taught to them and help them in getting employed. Supported employment gives a ... Show more content on ... 2. EMPLOYMENT OF PEOPLE WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES Employment levels for people with learning disabilities fell from 8.8 (2012–13) to 7.1 (2013–14) according to the survey report published by the local government authorities (Department of Health, 2014). But, there are many disabled adults who want to work and make good, reliable employees if given the right opportunities and support (Emerson, et al., 2010). By 2025 the Government has fixed the target of at least 47% of the people with moderate severe learning disabilities On 18 July 2002, the UK based newspaper, the Daily Mirror, published a front page article that showed a horrific and disturbing photograph of a four year old Indian girl from a rural village, tied to building with a rope around her neck. The article read: "three days later, the helpless child was head...her crime was being mentally subnormal [sic] and female" (Light, 2005). Just six months before the start of the European Year of Disabled People, this article helped to highlight the plight of disabled people and their treatment as second class citizens in some areas of the world. Such scenes would not be captured in New York or London, or even, one would hope in some small town or village in the United States (US) or the United Kingdom (UK), but the simple reality is that disabled ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Analysis Of Mice And Men By John Steinbeck Srinivasa Mudumba Mrs.Hastings English 9R May 13, 2015 Part one: I want to find out how important it is to take care of those in need? I am interested in this because there are a lot of people in the world that have disabilities and they need help. In mice and men, Lennie has trouble understanding the outside world and he takes time to process things in his brain. Lennie doesn't know his strength and he can get into trouble easily. For example, when Curly wants to fight with Lennie, Lennie accidentally breaks his right arm. At the end of the story, Lennie hugs a puppy but accidentally kills it. Also, he kills Curly's wife by snapping her neck. People with problems, how can they take care of themselves? In mice and men, George takes care of Lennie by thinking he is a part of him. But in the real world, how important is it to care someone who has certain types of problems? Part 2: In the United States, there are tons of health hospital and facilities, there all know a little bit off something about how important it to care someone with disabilities. There are websites like the national council on disability or the NCD, The United States centers for disease control and prevention or CDC, and health care. There are also resources like gale, which can hold a lot of information about this particular topic. There are a lot of great information out in the world, some are in book that exist somewhere in the world. Part 3: The Disabilities act was approved in the 1990; many social ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. The Concept Of Autonomy Of People With Learning... The concept of autonomy of people with learning disabilities through the eyes of their parents. Discourse analysis UP770218 Abstract: The following report is about parents' choice to promote or discourage their children's decisions. A written script was provided from Moodle for analysis. A discourse analysis was used to study the extracts. Micro rhetorical devices were found as well as emotions and feelings. The transcribed words of the participants were carefully investigated. The dilemma in front of every parent who have a child with learning disability. They either have to trust their youngster decision– making ability and self– advocacy or trust someone else to represent their child's best interest. The results from this study suggest that most parents choose to trust someone else other than their child in order to "protect" them of the risky environment. However, this overprotective approach takes away the chance of the youngster to live independently Word count: 1505 Introduction Social perception of people with learning disabilities is often negative even among professionals. A study in 1996 investigated the Approaches of nurses towards people with learning disabilities (Slevin E & Sines D, 1996). The results suggested that non– graduate nurses had worse attitude toward patients with learning disabilities than graduate. They also found that nurses with high contact with such patients tend to have better attitude in comparison to nurses who have low contact. A ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Understanding Services for Developmental Disabilities As a parent, learning that your child has developmental disabilities can be a life altering moment in time and can cause a devastating chain reaction of events. These events have the potential to change family priorities and structure, hurt relationships, deplete financial savings and stability, and emotionally drain everyone intimately involved with you and your child. How do you find human services programs, agencies, or advocates, whose primary job is to help you provide everything your child needs? It certainly can be an overwhelming barrier, but it's the first step in giving you, your child, and your family a plan of action, goals, success, good mental health and bringing everyone back together. What are Developmental ... Show more content on ... Arise, Inc. – ARISE is a consumer–controlled, non–profit Independent Living Center (ILC) that promotes full inclusion of people with disabilities in the community. They are dedicated to removing barriers, sustaining needs, strengthening skills, and enriching the lives of people with disabilities in Central New York. As a local ILC, not only are they run by and for people with disabilities, they also offer services to people of all ages who have all types of disabilities. Each year, ARISE serves more than 3,000 people from branch offices located in three Central New York counties: Madison, Onondaga, and Oswego. (–us/) AHRC of New York City – AHRC of NYC, a family run organization, is dedicated to enhancing the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. The variety of services offered by the organization is unsurpassed. They offer individuals a wide range of programs, services and supports tailored to meet specific needs. Membership is in the thousands an they are mostly persons with intellectual & developmental disabilities, their families, friends and professionals in the field – AHRC of NYC is one of the largest consumer–based nonprofit organizations in the city. The ARC of the United States – The ARC was created in 1950, by families working vigilantly to create services for children and adults ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Child Development Essay The Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities (FCBDD) provides services to eligible individuals with developmental disabilities. FCBDD provides the early intervention home based services to assist the individuals in their early developmental years with the hope to address all barriers so that the individual can have a healthy, "normal" life. As the individual approaches school age, the student can enroll in the FCBDD Early Childhood Education and Family Center. FCBDD supports and hosts the Child Development Council of Franklin County Head Start programs at Early Childhood and the Northeast Center. These pre– school programs assist the participants in gaining/developing skills that will allow them to be mainstreamed in their ... Show more content on ... The transition process is consistent with the Ohio Employment First Initiative that promotes competitive integrated employment for all individuals with disabilities whenever possible. The Employment First Initiative is a collaborative effort that includes the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD), OOD and the County Boards of DD. When the student graduates or ends their school years, they can receive Career Planning which may include Job Development, Career Discovery, Benefits Analysis, Worksite Accessibility, Situation Observations, Career Exploration and an Assistive Technology Assessment if they are on the Path to Employment. Once they are placed competitively, they can select Individual Employment Supports that will provide Job Coaching, Follow Along Services to assist them in keeping their jobs and Career Advancement Services. If the student is not interested in work, they may receive Adult Days Services and Vocational Habilitation services that will link/connect them with their community. If the graduating student is interested in furthering their education they may be supported by OOD at the college of their choice. FCBDD also collaborates with the Ohio State Nisonger Center for their TOPS Program. The TOPS Programs provides ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Striving towards Equal Right for the Disabled in Brunei According to World Health Organization (WHO) disabled people have low health condition, poor academic achievements, less economic opportunities and high level of poverty (2011). The Brunei government is strongly committed to ensure that people with disabilities have equal rights in the country (Mahmud, 2013). There are three improvements that need to be considered: Financial support, improving awareness for the public and improving the infrastructure. Financial capabilities are major factors to provide sufficient resources and comfortable place for the disabled people. Expenses such as labour, salaries, medical, rent and transportation cost. SMARTER (one of the autism facilities in Brunei run privately) is currently having a financial crisis in their organization. Although SMARTER has received about half a million dollars of donation it is still not sufficient to cater the $45,000 expenses per month (Amanda, 2014). The half a million of donation obtained can only support SMARTER for 11 months maximum according to the monthly expenses they stated. SMARTER relies on its own shop and donation from others such as banks and the government. As stated the monthly expenses incurred by the company is $45,000 and to rely solely through donations and a small shop will not solve the problem. Since the organization is a social corporate company, which means that the company is not aiming for profits but to help the society, a question will arise from this. Will it be better off managed ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Challenges Integrating Students With Disabilities Colleges and universities continue to face challenges integrating students with disabilities into the campus milieu, despite social, legislative, and technological policies designed to provide equal opportunities in higher education. Education about the rights and necessary supports to further inclusion of students with disabilities in campus programs and activities is key for student affairs practitioners. Over the past 25 years since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the number of students with disabilities enrolled in postsecondary education has more than doubled (National Center for Education Statistics [NCES], 2000; 2012) and about 11% of all students in postsecondary educational institutions in the U.S. are students who report having disabilities (NCES, 2012). Higher educational attainment is linked to increased likelihood of employment and higher incomes (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014); a higher level of education for people with disabilities improves the chances for them to sustain themselves financially with dignity and greater participation as citizens. The call to inclusion for academic institutions is to make programs and services accessible to all students, which may include making physical adjustments to facilities, providing accessible information technology, and incorporating the concept of universal design in programming and activities. This chapter is designed to assist student affairs professionals in providing full and ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. The Disabled With The Utmost Kindness And Compassion In today's society, people with disabilities are being ignored. Most others in good health don't consider what life must be like for them. The treatment of these people has become an issue in this county, and there are steps that need to be taken in order to resolve it. Treating the disabled with the utmost kindness and compassion is an important undertaking which needs to endeavored upon. As disabilities in our society are increasing, understanding both the situations the people are in and their perspectives on them is of significance. A person is defined as disabled when they have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial effect on their ability to perform everyday activities. These long term impairments include physical disabilities, mental disabilities, and sensory disabilities. This can mean that they have mobility impairments, learning disabilities, mental illnesses, visual impairments, or hearing impairments. In schools, students with disabilities are called EC students, which stands for Exceptional Children. A person's disability could be present from birth, or they could occur during the person's lifetime. Statistics show that mental and physical disabilities are a worldwide problem. Within the United States alone, about 25 million adults suffer from serious psychological distress. It has been estimated that half of all Americans will have a diagnosable psychiatric condition at some point in their lives. In most situations, people who are born with ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. The Disabled And Mentally Disabled Youth Transitioning For... Many physically and mentally disabled youth transitioning to adults experience improper health care, usually as a result of socio economic status and/or misdiagnosis by medical professionals. As these children grow to adulthood, the in depth healthcare they received before dwindles, if not already, cuts off completely. The highest rates of this phenomenon are among the disabled children of minorities. Predominantly due to the high rate of individuals having no insurance coverage, along with other socio economic reasons such as low income, gender, and housing demographics. Other disparities in individuals' health are the improper treatment by healthcare providers and the healthcare system. These inequalities leave many young people with disabilities stranded without their fundamental needs for proper care. Disability affects approximately 56.7 million or nearly 1 in 5 (18.7%) people alone in the United States (Brault). These numbers include anyone with a long– term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory (e.g. blindness or deafness) disabilities. On Dec. 3, 2014 the Disability Inclusions Act was passed to make sure those with a disability have equal access to participate in activities as all able bodied individuals do. The Disability Act was also an attempt to promote healthy lifestyles through nutrition and routine exercise. Another National Act passed to help protect the disabled community is the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a national law that ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Human Service Personal Interview Arc of the Ozarks is a local human service organization providing help to people in the local communities with physical and mental disabilities. The main local offices for the Arc can be found in Springfield, Joplin, and Monett, Missouri. Interviewing someone from the Arc could have been done over the phone, by e–mail, and an in–person interview. The in–person interview seemed to be more appropriate because it would allow me to interact with the people who work for the organization and possibly see interaction with clients. Interviewing one in person also helps to show the kind of dedication put into the work provided by the organization. The interview consisted of 11 questions prepared in advance to help provide insight into the types ... Show more content on ... Many times people hired do not end up staying, leaving the organization understaffed and out the expense of the classes the employees received. People looking for help in the care of a loved one may contact the Department of Mental Health first and then contact the Arc of the Ozarks regional offices in Springfield or Joplin, Missouri. The success of the Arc in providing help to those in need can be seen by the steady growth in the number of clients supported and the growth of the organization itself, combined with the increasing numbers of staff. The Arc is definitely an organization meeting the goals it has put in place for itself but still has potential to grow even further. The information gathered by the interview has led me to the conclusion that I could definitely see myself enjoying a career with the Arc of the Ozarks. The in–person interview allowed me to have a chance to see the staff interacting with some of the clients. I also had a chance to see the dedication people of the Arc have in helping people in the community with mental and physical disabilities to achieve living independent lives. The most important thing I noticed in the interview was the sense of accomplishment and pride the staff had when working with clients. The organization has taken steps to help people in the community to live independent lives successfully without discrimination against anyone. The goals of the Arc will ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. A Transitional House For The Disabled Proposal for TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT (A transitional house for the disabled) By: Mary Noel–Morris Table of Contents I. Title Page 1 II. Table of Contents 2 III. Summary of Proposal 3 IV. Problem Statement 3 – 4 V. Goals and Objectives 5 VI. Project Activities 10 VII. Evaluation 11 VIII. Budget Summary 12 IX. Program Budget 15 X. The Group Process 17 Summary of Proposal In the 19th Century, The Government of Canada opened the first institution in 1876, for people with developmental disability just outside of Orillia. The facility had 2,600 residents by the year, 1968. The number of institutions and the residents were growing continually in the ... Show more content on ... These individual may want their own freedom to do whatever they want to do especially drinking or taking drugs. If they are on their own out there, they'll probably stop taking their prescribed medications. In reality, there are lots of families that are in crisis and when support or help are needed, there's no choice within the community. People with disabilities and their families should not be forced to select an institution, if they are disabled. They should have the choice to be treated in the comfort of their own home. There are many barriers that makes it hard to solve the problem and it is all because of insufficient
  • 37. funding for programs. In Ontario, the average hourly rate for non–medical home support, which includes companionship and personal assistance, is $20 to $30. The clients that require nursing visits or therapy cost about $50 – $60. Another problem is when some individuals with or without disability do not qualify for Social Security or In–home care Services. When this occurs, those people would have to remain in the nursing home because there is no one who can help care for them. We believe what we are proposing is going to make a difference because: 1. There's a need for programs for people with disabilities who do not need to be in an institution and these programs had not been established. 2. It will expand on In–home Care Services. 3. This program will help ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Individuals with Disabilities Essay The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle has been quoted as saying,"You can judge a nation by the way it treats its most vulnerable citizens." In fact, there are numerous quotes that convey similar sentiments. Why is it then that during times of financial uncertainty services and programs necessary to promote and maintain the health and welfare of individuals with developmental disabilities (DD) as well as other vulnerable populations are among the first to face budget cuts or to be eliminated altogether? Historically, society has relied heavily on institutions to care for individuals with disabilities. The idea that individuals with disabilities could not –– and should not –– be cared for in their communities perpetuated the stigma ... Show more content on ... The members of this movement acknowledged that each person with a disability is entitled to the same legal rights and responsibilities guaranteed to any citizen of the United States according to the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Federal, State, and Local Statutes. From 1997 to 2008, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports a 17.1 % increase in the occurrence of any DD among children between ages of 3–17. They also report, during 2006–2008, an estimated 1 in 6 children in the U.S. were reported to have some level of developmental disability (CDC, 2011). In a 2011 briefing report issued by the United States Aging and Disabilities Services Administration (ADSA), it was noted that the Washington State Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) provides some form of paid service to 63% of 38,000 Washington residents with a qualifying DD. The remaining 37% of qualifying DD residents continue to be clients, but receive no paid services because they have been discontinued due to budget cuts. The report also predicts that over the next decade Washington State residents with a DD will increase to approximately 51, 000 (ADSA, 2011). Upon closer examination, the move to institutionalization appears to be a form of secondary prevention that is woven into an even more pressing social problem. However archaic the act of institutionalizing a person due to their developmental ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Implementing Integrated Community Planning And Coordination Objective 3: To facilitate integrated community planning and coordination which engages and involves people with disabilities and their families, disability service providers and community organisations. Focus Area: 11 Health Modified First Aid Course Overview MetroAccess Officers from Kingston and Bayside Councils identified that First Aid courses for people with a disability were not available. Contact was made with Surf Life Saving Club (SLSC) to conduct a modified course to cater for the needs of people with a disability. Once the SLSC confirmed their involvement, Central Bayside Community Adult Options and Marriott Services received the following email; To service providers, The MetroAccess Officers from Kingston and Bayside Councils are working with Surf Lifesaving Club Victoria to run a trial first aid workshop for people with disabilities. We would like to invite 2– 3 people from Marriott RTI to be involved. We have also extended an invitation to Central Bayside Community Adult Options to be a part of the workshop. The trainer is available on any day during the week beginning 27th April. The course goes for 3 hours – 10am to 2pm. Lunch will be provided. We will use this opportunity to modify the workshop to make the content more suitable for people with disabilities (especially those who have an ID) for future training. Can you please let me know ASAP if you're interested, which days suits the participants best and their names? The feedback from the ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Effects Of Children With Learning Disabilities On... Life in a family that has a child with a learning disability is often both complex and challenging. There are generally many practical as well as emotional issues involved. Many things have to be considered such as educational, medical, and financial decisions. There are many issues that may arise from having a child with a learning disability such as "family stress, parenting discrepancies, negative reactions from extended family members, difficulty in interacting with the school, and mixed effects upon siblings" (Dyson, 2010). In this essay I will discuss the main points of Dyson's article, "Unanticipated effects of children with learning disabilities on their families," things I learned from the article, potential challenges and ... Show more content on ... The article describes the results of these other studies as being inconsistent. This is because the other studies state that there are higher levels of stress in families with children having disabilities than those that do not. A study conducted by Dyson found that "despite higher degrees of stress, families of children with developmental disabilities experienced the same level of family cohesion, maintenance of the family system, and emphasis on personal growth as families of nondisabled children" (Dyson, 2010). These studies regarding how disabilities affect the family have conflicting results therefore Dyson wanted to know if similar results would be found in a study conducted with families that have learning disabled children. The study that was conducted tested the hypotheses that having a child that is learning disabled will have a negative effect on family life and on siblings in particular. The study was conducted through the use of focus groups which conducted in depth group interviews and consisted of ten families represented by eleven parents. The results of the study concluded that parents suffered guilt, family stress, as well as martial tension. There were also parents blaming each other as well as issues in regards to parenting styles. In regards to extended family support many parents felt that other ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Developmental Disabilities Essay Developmental Disabilities Amy Giles Axia College of University of Phoenix HHS 325– Health and Human Service in the U.S. David Sainio December 10, 2006 Developmental Disabilities Living with disabilities on a daily basis can be more difficult then some realize. Many people who are born with developmental disabilities start their education and therapy at a very young age and there are also those people who have been diagnosed with a disability sometime during their lifetime. But what is there for them to do once they have graduated from high school or are told they are too old to continue in a regular school or they are simply told they aren't accepted in the "normal" community? In all reality there really ... Show more content on ... But the issue is that not everything in these policies or standards is being acted upon. On a more personal level my only sister is 23 years old and she is down–syndrome. She graduated from high school almost 2 years ago and both myself and my mother are having an extremely hard time finding some sort of service or even a facility that can help my sister continue to learn independence as well as continue some type of education. We have tried everything from the local community college, which turned her down because she isn't able to read at an 8th grade level, to the El Paso Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center, who wouldn't help her because she didn't need to be institutionalized. So the problem here is that regardless of the governments regulations purposes and policies, there still isn't enough being done to help people with developmental disabilities lead a somewhat normal life or to continue an education so that they are able to fit into the "normal" community, as well as not sit at home for the rest of their life with no social interaction. In my personal situation, it would have helped out tremendously if after my sister graduated from high school, we were given some sort of an idea of what she could do from then on. One thing is for sure my sister will never be put in an institution, she will always have someone to live with and take care of her, but at the same time ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Discrimination Against the Disabled Essay It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, it's what's on the inside that counts, but our society today lacks to understand that. In today's time different is not accepted, people that are different are discriminated, looked down upon and usually picked on. People with disabilities are seen as different creatures by most people, the disabled don't choose to be the way they are, but still our society alienates them. There are different types of disabilities, some type of disabilities are; mental disability, physical disability, learning disability and socializing disability. These disabilities are seen as weakness in our society that hence contribute to the stereotype that leads to the discrimination against the disabled. There ... Show more content on ... It is human nature to despise those that are different than normal. Everyone has a different perception of normal and when someone cuts that boundary it results in discrimination. Some people also tend to dislike the disabled due to their own weaknesses, to hide their own failures they will look down upon the handicap to make themselves feel better. Some people's self–esteem is so tiny that they have to find someone "lower than them" to feel superior. Also society perceives the disabled as useless, powerless and inefficient human beings, which also contributes to the ideology that leads to the discrimination against the disabled. Psychological and cultural influences also result in discrimination against the disabled. Hence, we can conclude that the fact that the disabled are "different" is what leads to the discrimination against them. Direct discrimination occurs when a person with a disability is treated less favourably than a person who does not have a disability. This occurs if a person is discriminated against in the following areas; employment, education and training, provision of facilities, access to public premises, etc... Indirect discrimination will occur where a person imposes a requirement, condition or practice that has the effect of disadvantaging people with a protected attribute, and that is not reasonable. An advertisement for a job as a cleaner requires an applicant to speak and read English ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. American Higher Education Of The Deaf And Dumb At Columbia... Abstract Since the establishment of the division for the deaf and dumb at Columbia University in 1864. American Higher education has been influenced and responsive to changes in federal civil rights protections for students with disabilities while facing both internal and external pressures on how to deal with persons with disabilities. The establishment of students with disabilities in an American higher education context found its start with the admission of students with sensory disabilities, primarily deaf and blind students. Changes because of the world wars poured federal funding into programs to assist veterans with acquired disabilities return to the workforce. The rise of the disability rights movement resulted in the passage of federal protects that mandate the creation of disability support services and bared institutional discrimination at all institutions. These changes saw students with disabilities and the services to support them move from marginalized, and often experimental, into the mainstream of student affairs and higher education. First Research Essay for American Higher Education Many historical studies of American higher education cover the development of academia as well the development of the institutions themselves. Further, in recent years historical scholars have introduced the development of previously underserved student communities in higher education such as Women ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Developmental Disabilities : A Developmental Disability Did you know that an estimated 4.6 million Americans have a developmental disability? That is almost five percent of the country's population, not including the hundreds of people that go untreated, or who have never been diagnosed. The term "developmental disabilities" refers to a group of conditions that cause impairment in physical, learning, language, or behavioral development. Typically manifesting during the primary development period (between ages 2 and 17), these conditions usually last throughout the entirety of a person's lifetime. In an effort to counteract the potentially detrimental effects that living with a developmental disability may have on a person, there are many development disability services that assist children, ... Show more content on ... For some, choosing to employ at an organization that focuses on creating these support systems is a dream come true. But the jobs are not always a walk in the park. The demands of working with developmentally disabled people are large, both emotionally and mentally. Individuals who want to work with disabled individuals will need to have a certain type of training and experience beforehand. The specific type of education that is needed depends on the place where the individual is seeking employment. Working with young children calls for more care and a higher level of education. Public facilities are also pickier about the type of education that you have, while private institutions are the least selective about their employees' backgrounds. In order to work in a school with mentally disabled children, special training as a special education teacher is a must. This program requires you to obtain a bachelor's degree in a related field like special education, psychology, or human development. Many colleges and universities across the United States offer programs in special education at the undergraduate, master 's, and doctoral degree levels. After obtaining the bachelor's degree, the next step is to complete a teaching program that involves watching, and then teaching classes under observation. Special education is a big priority in schools. The need for highly qualified teachers with a special education background is in high demand. Due to the numerous ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Self Advocacy In Education Accommodations. Students with learning disabilities are one of the fastest growing disabilities populations entering into a university (Walker & Test, 2011). As this number increases, more focus is being placed on ensuring these students are successful. Self–determination skills have played a major part in the success of students with disabilities (Walker & Test, 2011). A component of self– determination is self–advocacy, which is defined by students taking care of their personal business on their own (Walker & Test, 2011). A part of self–advocacy is education students on their responsibilities and rights, and also teaching them how to request accommodations and modifications (Walker & Test, 2011). Self–advocacy is important for college age ... Show more content on ... In order to evaluate and develop rehabilitation approaches for adolescents, one should consider utilizing the perspectives of youth (Kramer, Barth, Livingston, O'Neil, Smith, Vallier and Wolfe, 2013). Utilizing youth, with disabilities, in the creation and implementation phases of new interventions could possible ensure other youth find the interventions pleasant and functional (Kramer et. al, 2014). With this study, youth with LD assisted in the development of programs that focuses on shifting youth recuperation from distinct impairment to social causes of disability (Kramer et. al, 2014). Project TEAM (Teens making Environment and Activity Modifications) is the name of the new training (Kramer et. al, 2014). Project TEAM consisted of six youth with disabilities, a researcher and advocate. Project TEAM used a behavioral technique called the "Game Plan" to allow youth with disabilities to determine environmental barriers, identify solutions, and request accommodations. A youth panel, consisting of students with disabilities, was created to assist Project TEAM and the researcher on the curriculum (Kramer et. al, 2014). With the researcher giving the youth panel space and opportunity to share their voice, the researcher was able to maintain valuable information regarding their perception of their disability (Kramer et. al, 2014). Members of the youth panel contributions assisted Project TEAM. The youth panel participants designed tools to collect data, retrieved data, and analyzed data (Kramer et. al, 2014). With the ability to be involved in all phases of the research process allowed students with disabilities the opportunity to influence other researchers in the field of rehabilitation and any potential Project TEAM member (Kramer et. al, 2014). Environmental and social influences surrounding a disability can be influenced in the future by new approaches created by Project TEAM (Kramer et. al, ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Unit 22 Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 22... Understanding the Context of Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities. 1.1 Identify Legislation and policies that are designed to promote the human rights, inclusion, equal life chances and citizenship of individuals with learning disabilities. Human Rights Stereotyping labelling Discrimination Anti Discrimination Oppression Anti Oppression Valuing people Mental Capacity Act Human Rights Act 2000. No Secrets – Guidance published by the Department of Health, builds upon the governments respects for human rights and highlights the need to protect vulnerable adults through effective multi–agency work. National Care Standards Commission, now the Commission for Social Care ... Show more content on ... After birth or (post–natally) causes can occur because of illness, injury or environmental conditions, for example: Meningitis.....Brain injury......Malnutrition. 2.3 Describe the medical and social models of disabilities. The medical model of disability views disabilities as a problem that belongs to the disabled person. It is not seen as a problem that needs the concern of anyone else apart from the disabled individual affected, for example if a wheelchair user is unable to get into a building because there are steps then, the wheelchair is seen as the problem not the steps, according to the medical model. The social model suggests that it is the steps that are the issue not the wheelchair, as it is the steps which are disabling the person access, which is seen as a barrier. This model suggests that it is society disabling people through designing everything to meet the needs of the majority of people, who are not disabled. The social model believe that there is a great deal that society can do to reduce and ultimately remove, some of the barriers. This task is the responsibility of society rather then the person, as far as is reasonably practical – which by if it is a big organisation and it is financially possible and financially beneficial, then it would make sense to adapt and make provisions for disabled people to have access for example, wider doors, ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Argumentative Essay On Multiple Disabilities Disability Everyone desires to live a normal life, without others examining them differently for a disability that they cannot control. Many disabled people are experiencing completely normal lives, when several others are not functioning normal because of a physical or mental disease. People in our world, including the media, do not seem to focus on the disabled people who are living a normal life and are properly functioning. They would rather keep attention on the ones who are stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of their life, and believe that their life is nearly over. Whether someone is disabled or not, they all have the same potential in life, and can all achieve the same goals as someone who is healthy. Mairs, Anaya, and my cousin, Tyler, prove that even though people do look at others differently because of a disability, everyone can still live a normal life. Nancy Mairs is a woman who lived with an incurable disease known as Multiple Sclerosis, however, with the assistance of a cane and wheelchair, she was functioning her life almost identically to she was before. In Mairs' essay "Disability," she described how she has been examining the media to find similar representations of herself. Mairs found only one example of a woman with Multiple Sclerosis on television, which the main focus of that individual was on how terrible their life was, and how they have no hope to live a normal life. Mairs views this representation as a problem, and believes that "physical disability looms pretty large in one's life. But it doesn't devour one wholly" (Mairs 13). Mairs continues to explain how she was fairly similar to all the women her age, and how she engaged in the same activities women her age do. Nancy Mairs is a perfect example of a woman who was continuing to live her life normally, even with the drawback of a severe disease. In the essay "Mental Illness on Television," Rosie Anaya extended off of Mairs' opinions on the media and how they portray the disabled. Anaya pointed out that Mairs' essay was released in the year 1987, and since then there has been a widely noticeable acceptance of disabled people within the media. Nowadays, we observe physically disabled people in a wide variety of media, from ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. I am Sam Movie Review Essay examples "I am Sam" Movie Review 1. Movie Title I Am Sam 2. Year of Production 2001 (Theatrical) ? 2002 (Home Video) 3. Feature Length 134 Minutes 4. Director Jessie Nelson 5. Producers and Studio Director/Producer Jessie Nelson, Executive Producer David Scott Rubin & Producers Edward Zwick, Marshall Herskovitz, Richard Solomon. New Line Home Entertainment 6. Major Character Cast Sam Dawson played by Sean Penn Rita Harrison played by Michelle Pfeiffer Lucy Diamond Dawson played by Dakota Fanning 7. Brief Synopsis Mentally disabled Sam Dawson is a single father fighting to keep custody of his daughter Lucy with the help of his pro–bono lawyer, Rita Harrison. 11. ... Show more content on ... The legalities that play out through the movie show the social service system as best–interest but cold and inflexible with no other options. The movie did not address that there are government programs that help specifically with DD parents and even the same parents that are raising DD children. The Division of Developmental Disabilities is a federal department operated independently by each state with multiple support options anywhere in the US. The movie tells a great story, and the work the actors put into their roles is even more impressive after watching the documentary on Sean Penn?s Becoming Sam and watching the professional actors working with mentally disabled people in the film. 12. References Newline Cinema ? i am sam WebMD Mental Illness: the decision to have kids –
  • 60. pagenumber=1 Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – The British Film Institute ? Treatment of disabled people in moving image media. ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Self Advocacy Paper A third journal article, Successful Strategies for Promoting Self–Advocacy Among Students with Learning Disabilities (2002), analyzed various strategies used to help students learn to advocate for themselves. According to Pocock et al. (2002) "self–advocacy typically focuses on the knowledge of rights and responsibilities, effective communication and negotiation skills, identifying and requesting accommodations and modifications, and instruction on participating or directing an IEP meeting" (p. 210). There are many skills that self–advocacy encompasses and with these skills, students with learning disabilities can apply them to all areas of their lives. Programs that deliver explicit instruction of these skills allow students to not only learn the ... Show more content on ... In order for students to find success in the future and be able to describe needs and accommodations to employers, students with learning disabilities must acquire the appropriate skills (Weimer, 1994). This 'invisible issue' has led to an analysis of what skills are implemented in younger grades to help students with learning disabilities navigate the world. In a Californian middle school, students in grades sixth through eighth were assessed in their abilities to self–advocate (Weimer, 1994). Although the school administrators and some educators were certain that the students had the skills, they were actually unskilled at asking for accommodations without being prompted to do so when they were in alternate settings such as the general education class (Weimer, 1994). At birth, parents become a child's advocate and when they go to school, that role shifts to the teacher, although at what point are children given the opportunity to advocate for themselves? This is exactly what Weimer and And wanted to ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Unit 245 Unit 245 – Understand the context of supporting individuals with learning disabilities. 1.1 a) Human Rights act 1998 b) Equality act 2010 c) Disability discrimination act 1995 d) Mental Capacity act 2005 1.2 a) Improved the standards of care given to individuals with a learning disability, it gave individuals the right to life, right to privacy and the right not to be subjected to degrading or inhuman treatment. b) Protects the rights of individuals and promotes equality for all, gives the right for all people to be treated the same regardless of race, age, sex or disability. c) Made it unlawful for employers to discriminate against people based on a disability, it gave individuals a greater chance ... Show more content on ... 4.1 Included and recognized as part of society as an equal. 4.2 The act of pleading or arguing in favour of something, such as a cause, idea or policy. Active support. Advocacy is the act of speaking on the behalf of or in support of another person, place, or thing. 4.3 Citizen Advocacy – A one to one partnership between two people. The Citizen Advocate is a volunteer who usually forms a long term relationship with their partner and takes a personal interest in ensuring that their partner's interests are effectively represented. The relationship is based on trust, commitment and loyalty. There is an element of emotional support and friendship as well as a social element, which may involve introducing the partner to new experiences and/or activities. Self Advocacy – People speaking out for themselves to express their own needs and representing their own interests. Often people with some form of disability may have received some support in achieving self–advocacy – this is a model employed by People First – a group run by people with learning disabilities for people with learning disabilities. Group Advocacy – Where people come together to represent shared interests or goals and works by offering mutual support, skill development and a common call for change with the intention of
  • 65. developing or changing services. Peer Advocacy – Support from advocates who themselves have experience of using particular ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Analysis Of The Book ' Tragedy Of Triumph ' By John... Throughout chapters ten through sixteen of the nonfiction novel From Tragedy to Triumph, John Tartaglio and Andrew Chapin assert that Tartaglio's disability does not define him as a person. The two main objectives of the authors are to use humor to display how, despite what some may initially think, Tartaglio is more than his disability. Tartaglio and Chapin attempt to appeal to a younger audience, specifically readers who are between the ages of thirteen and twenty, by emphasizing the transition from high school to college and Tartaglio's feelings of independence and a growing sense of maturity and self–responsibility. The pair is attempting to target readers who are currently experiencing a transition from childhood to adulthood. Tartaglio and Chapin use humor to capture the attention of readers and to emphasize how Tartaglio is more than his disability. His disability does not define who he is as a person or what he is able to accomplish. Tartaglio affirms that "I was not 'disabled' in my eyes, and I did not want anyone else to treat me like a charity case" (92). He did not want to be the center of attention; Tartaglio strived to live the life of a "normal" freshman in college. This proved to be difficult, when the truth about what happened to Tartaglio spread like wildfire. However, Tartaglio approaches this situation with a sense of humor that highlights how his spirit would refuse to be let down by rumors. He even provides a laugh–out–loud anecdote of a college girl ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Why Should People With Disability In Theatre Why should people with disabilities be included in theatre? Disability theatre can give multiple opportunities to people with disabilities. It is not just about combating exclusion, but also to increase one's creativity, making new friends, discover new talents and build one's confidence and self–esteem. Enhancing such skills will give people with disabilities the opportunity to increase their independence and self–advocacy. ... Theatre promotes inclusion The inclusion for artists with disability in theatre shows equality between artists with and without disability. Drama can give people with disabilities a social life as through drama activities they have the opportunity to make new friends and make social interactions. An ex–drama student says that being included in theatre as a child gave her a safe place away from bullying at school. This safe place helped her make real friends who accept her as she is. When the persons with disability feel that they are being included and accepted by the people around them, they will start accepting their own disability. During drama activities especially when working with mixed–ability students, one should consider working within an open space and creating a circle. One should start the ... Show more content on ... Here is where the importance of eye contact comes in. It was easy when saying the name of the person, as when one hears his name he immediately turns his head and looks. However, it got a little more difficult when we could not say the name as only by eye contact one could communicate and know that the other person is ready to catch the ball. For people with autism such exercises encourages short seconds of eye contact with another person. I feel that this exercise also shows the importance of being ready to receive a message when someone is trying to communicate something with ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Extracurricular Activities And Children With Intellectual... In the article entitled Extracurricular activities and the development of social skills in children with intellectual and specific learning disabilities the authors begin to explain why children with intellectual and specific learning disabilities social skills are absent. According to Brooks, Floyd, Robins, and Chan, "participation in social activities is positively related to children's social adjustment, but little is known about the benefits of activity participation for children with intellectual and specific disabilities" (2015, p. 678). Children typically become aware of how to interact with other children through Albert Bandura's social learning theory. Bandura's theory is a behavioral worldview that emphasizes that people learn by ... Show more content on ... 680). The Second hypothesis states that "given their greater need for improving social competence, we predicted that participation in out–of–school activities would have a greater impact on predicting social competence for children with intellectual disability or a specific learning disability than for an age–matched typically developing comparison group" (Brooks, Floyd, Robins, and Chan, 2015, p. 680). Families living in the southeastern USA in rural and urban communities were taken from public schools for testing. The sample consisted of 117 students, 75 boys and 42 girls, between the ages of eight and eleven years old. The mean age of the sample was 9.44 and the standard deviation was 1.05. The students were categorized into three different groups, the learning disability, intellectual disability, and the typically developing students. The learning disability group contains 53 students who are enrolled in services for specific learning disability and school Individual Education Programs. The intellectual disability group contained 40 students who's IQ scores were between 40 and 70. The typically developing group consisted of 24 students who show no signs of intellectual disability, psycho–emotional disorder, specific learning disabilities or physical disorder. Children with siblings who have disorders and children enrolled in higher education courses were excluded from the study. The families who were involved in this study ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. E214 TMA01 Essay E214 TMA01 This essay highlights and discusses models of disability reflected in two separate articles (Appendices A and B). I will identify the models of disability they represent. Both have been recently featured in the Guardian newspaper and are stories on disabled people. Appendix A was reported some years ago but continues to evoke opinion and has featured again recently due to a similar case. 'Ashley' is a profoundly disabled girl, who at six years old has a mental age of 3 months. Her parents decided on controversial treatment for her, as her condition would not improve. Ashley has undergone surgery to remove her uterus and breasts, and for three years she received hormone treatment to keep her weight and height low. It ... Show more content on ... This Rights model, more specifically Ashley's human rights is very present in the article. It could be argued that she doesn't need or require the treatment to medically improve her life. The Equal and Human Rights Commission (2008) suggest that human rights are the freedoms that we are all entitled to as a result of our shared humanity. I understand that she is unable to speak and is unlikely to have the mental capacity to make that decision but does that automatically transfer that decision to her parents? The United Nations Convention on the Rights for a Child (1989) plays an important part of the Rights model for this text as I feel it both supports and opposes the parent's actions. Article 23 concentrates on children's disability by stating that 'Children who have any kind of disability have the right to special care and support, as well as all the rights in the Convention, so that they can live full and independent lives.' This could support Ashley's parent's' motives. However, Article 3 states 'The best interests of children must be the primary concern in making decisions that may affect them. All adults should do what is best for children. When adults make decisions, they should think about how their decisions will affect children.' In this case are the parents doing what's best for Ashley or themselves? This is a good example where the Rights model can get itself in a twist! The ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Essay about Disability Rights Disability Rights Movement In 1817, the American School for Deaf was founded in Hartford Connecticut. This was the first school for disabled children in the Western Hemisphere. Although this was not the beginning of the Disability Rights Movement, it was a start to society, making it possible for people to realize that there were those with disabilities out there in the world and something had to be done. The Disability Rights Movement fought for equal access, opportunity, consideration, and basic human respect along with dignity for those born blind, deaf, or anyone with other forms of physical or mental disability. The purpose of social movements is to provide social change regarding a specific issue in which a particular group of ... Show more content on ... People with disabilities were also forced to enter institutions and asylums. Society hid people with disabilities from a mean, fearful, and biased world. This continued until the Civil War and World War I when our veterans returned in a disabled state expecting the US government to provide some sort of help or rehabilitation in exchange for their service in the nation. Although President Roosevelt was the first president with a disability to take office was a great advocate for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities, the nation was still operated under the assumption that being disabled was and abnormal condition and needed to be medically cured. In the 1940's and 1950's, World War II veterans started placing pressure on the government for rehabilitation for their disabilities. The veterans made it more visible to a country filled with thankful citizens who were concerned about the well–being of the men who sacrificed their lives for their country. By the 1960's, the civil rights movement began to take place and disabled citizens saw this as an opportunity to join forces along with the minority groups to demand equal treatment, equal access, and equal opportunity for people with disabilities. The Disability Rights Movement just like the others faced negative attitudes and stereotypes. In the 1970's, disability rights activists lobbied congress and marched on Washington to include civil rights language for people with disabilities into the 1972 Rehabilitation ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Birth Of A Child Is A Miracle People say that the birth of a child is a miracle. When parents find out they are expecting a child it is arguably one of the most exciting events in a person's life. Parents spend the pregnancy deciding on names, decorating the room, and all of the other things that involve preparing to bring a child into the world. Most parents wish that their baby is born happy and healthy. What happens when the doctor informs you that your precious child has a disability? Having a child with a disability completely changes the dynamics of the family and the way in which they raise their child along with any other children they may have. Parents, siblings, and the child with the disability must all learn how to cope and adapt with the challenges and rewards that come with having a disability. While their child may not have been born perfectly healthy, there are ways in which the family can raise a child and live a happy, fulfilling life. There are many different childhood disabilities that range from physical disabilities to mental health disabilities. The most common disabilities recognized in childhood are autism, ADHD, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, epilepsy, spina bifida, dyslexia, and depression (Scribner, 2014). Most of these disabilities recognized in childhood are lifelong disabilities that have a huge impact on the child's learning and development. Between 2001 and 2011, the prevalence of childhood disability increased by 15.6%. While the percentage of physical disables ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. My Study For People With Disabilities Module 6 Project Today, people with disabilities must include their voices across their states. In the article Strategies to Incorporate the Voices of People with Significant Disabilities in UCEDD Information Gathering and Operations it addressed research–based information on people with diverse abilities. People with disabilities have the right to active participation in their voice in policies that affect them. This research is current because it allows people with significant disabilities to present their research in a public forum. People with disabilities get to know and work closely in their research. Also, people with significant disabilities may have the opportunity to attend a conference and present their research and work in a public forum. In evaluating the credibility of this article, it provides information on evaluating bibliographic citation and reference list that evaluate the credibility of the author. The research questions are significant to my study for people with significant disabilities because it brings to the forefront how people with significant disabilities communicate their concerns. The main steps in this research process are to uncover the concerns and voices of people with disabilities. It is important to help disabled people with developmental disabilities to become independent, productive, and included in all facets of community life. The DD Act requires UCEDDs to develop 5–year plans and goals that are based on data driven strategic ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Mental Disabilities : Struggling With Loss And Grief Doka, K. J. Individuals with intellectual disabilities: Struggling with loss and grief. In RESCARE NZ. Retrieved from In his article Dr. Doka addresses the reasons that persons with ID need counseling, and how to better support them during times of grieving. He explains there are several reasons for improved bonding in the disabled community. These include a longer lifespan, and better community activities in group homes. He points out that everyone experiences loss, but an ID person may also be subjected to secondary losses to include a change in residence, friends, and neighbors. The author next delves into grief reactions in disabled individuals. He states that each grief reaction is unique based on the intellectual level of the individual along with the type of relationship said person has with the person lost. These reactions include physical, mental, behavioral, and religious aspects. Explaining that this population may often have their grief "disenfranchised" he goes on to give several examples. One of these examples explains that many feel that disabled individuals are unable to recognize attachment, or have an understanding of grief. In the next section of his article Dr. Doka addresses how to counsel people with intellectual disabilities. He stresses that early intervention, group support, and equal opportunity for involvement are important components of this process. The article wraps up ... Get more on ...