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Dynamic working styles with mobility
                         Enterprise Domain Short Paper


and media            Enterprise
 domain               domain


Introduction                                 3

Enterprise domain                            4
Services and usage scenarios                 4
Service management                           5
Drivers and trends                           5
More cost-effective with extended mobility   6

Summary                                      6

Glossary                                     7

The Nokia vision, “Life Goes Mobile”,
is actually about much more than
having the mobile Internet in our hands.                                             Mobile
It describes a world in which mobile
communications are used in every
aspect of everyday life, private,
professional, or social and where users
can access content and services wherever
and whenever they need them.                                           Internet
                                                                      and media                 Enterprise
                                                                       domain                    domain

This vision sets new demands on
architecture, as the converging digital                                                  User
industry brings together parts of the
consumer electronics, communication,
information technology, media and                                                     Home
entertainment industries. As a response                                              domain
to these emerging demands, Nokia has
started work on the next step of its
architecture – a high-level description of   Figure 1. Domain model
the technologies used for implementing
services and products in various

Nokia’s new architecture work builds         Information Technology (IT) services
on the latest developments in the            have become an essential part of any
converging digital industry. The starting    company. At their best, IT services allow
point is the division of the business        employees to benefit from new
ecosystem into four ‘domains’                communication technologies in their
(illustrated in Figure 1). The user plays    daily lives. Yet, they are most effective
a different role in each of these domains    when every single employee is made
and uses different services accordingly –    mobile – when everyone is carrying a
for example, the services used at the        mobile device that enables them to
office are usually different from those       connect with each other, customers,
used at home. Likewise, the types of         company databases etc. as and when
companies operating in each domain           they choose. This allows business and
differ significantly.                         communications needs to be handled
                                             more quickly and with less effort.
As the digital industry converges,
Nokia sees definite growth opportunities      With this in mind, this paper looks at the
in all these domains, through extending      enterprise domain, giving an insight into
mobility. However, it must be                its main drivers.
remembered that each domain has its
own legacy business and technology
requirements, which cannot be ignored
when developing new technical and
business innovations.

Enterprise domain
The enterprise domain can be defined
according to the Figure 2, which                                                                      Customers                      Other stakeholders
                                                                                                      Suppliers                      • Investors/shareholders
illustrates various aspects of accessing                                                              Employees                      • Government
                                                                                                                                     • General public
and using enterprise services.
                                                   Corporate                                                                                                                                            Messaging

                                                   LAN/WLAN                                                          Application users                                                                  • E-mail, SMS, MMS
Access to enterprise IT services can take                                                                                                                                                               Information services
                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Web pages
place in a number of places, such as the                                                                                                                                                                • E-mail notifications
                                                                                                                            • Authentication

                                                   Cellular                                                                                                                                             • Call centers
home, the office or the airport for

                                                                                   Connection modes
                                                   • GSM                                                                       • Policies
                                                   • WCDMA                                                                                                                                              PIM
instance. The services can also be used

                                                                                                                                               • Application sw
                                                   • CDMA                                                                                                                                               • Contact and calendar

                                                                                                                                                • IT platforms
                                                                                                                                                • Middleware
                                                                                                              • Terminals

over a variety of devices and channels,

                                                                                                                • Clients
                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Physical/virtual
                                                                                                                                IT                                                                        meeting management
for example, Wireless Local Area                                                                                              Manager
                                                   Broadband                                                                                                                                            CRM
Network (WLAN) and fixed broadband                  Internet access
                                                   (ADSL, cable                                                                                                                                         Collaboration tools
access. The actual services can be                 modem...)                                                                                                                                            • Real time document
                                                                                                                                                                                                          sharing through
                                                                                                                               • Security
produced by the enterprise’s IT                                                                                             • Access control                                                              browsing and/or IM

department, or by some XSP or other                                                                                                                                                                     Virtual meeting tools

                                                   Dial up                                                                                                                                              • Web conferencing
service provider such as a mobile                                                                                           Service modes                                                               • Conference calls
operator. Although all devices should
allow access, they are usually optimized                                                              Secured                        Non secured
                                                                                                      • Internal users               • Public services/info
for certain tasks, for example, the mobile                                                            • Trusted 3rd parties
phone for voice calls, even if the PC can
handle Voice over IP.
                                             Figure 2. Enterprise Domain key aspects

Services and usage
scenarios                                          Messaging                      E-mail and PIM                                        Push e-mail with PIM integration
                                                   and PIM                        syncronization                                         including meeting invitations

From the extensive list of enterprise
                                                                                  Always-on secure
applications and services we can outline           Business
                                                                                  high speed packet
                                                                                                                                                                Offline operation
                                                   Applications                                                                                            with local database replica
three main use cases:
• Person-to-person communication                                               Voice conferencing
                                                   Voice and realtime                                                                                                                Rich Mobile Online
• Time and content management                                                     Voice & data
                                                   collaboration                                                                                                                        Collaboration
• Line of business and intranet
                                                                                           2004                                           2005                                                          2006

                                             Figure 3. Current and future uses of enterprise domain applications
Employees need to access various types
of enterprise applications, such as
corporate Personal Information
Management (PIM), communication
services such as Instant Messaging and       • Remote access to collaboration and
e-mail, corporate databases and                virtual meeting tools
business services and collaboration          • Remote access and off-line use of
tools, as well as intranet and Internet        corporate applications (CRM, CPR,
services. The following facilities are         SCM, etc.)
probably the most important ones:            • Efficient provisioning and management
• Voice (enhanced with corporate-PIM)          of applications and content in mobile
• Corporate e-mail access                      devices
• Browser access to corporate web and
  intranet pages                             The Figure 3 illustrates the currently
• Corporate PIM (calendar, address           prevailing services used in the enterprise
  book, etc.)                                domain, as well as near future trends.

Service management                           Drivers and trends                           • IT managers will look for simpler
                                                                                            system and security solutions with
Enterprise IT services and applications      Ultimately, the business community is          consistent architectures for
are often provided, operated and             looking for significantly improved              – Virtual Private Network (VPN) client
managed by enterprise IT departments         productivity, increased customer                 and server functionality, that allows
and managers. Other key providers of         satisfaction and increased profits from           secure access to enterprise resources
enterprise IT infrastructure are system      the new technology. In the enterprise            through several access channels and
integrators, database vendors, business      domain, accessibility and use of business        also supports roaming between
application vendors, connectivity            information is the main value. This              access channels and networks
providers, server and server platform        means that the key business driver is to       – Access control of enterprise services
vendors, and device vendors (for example     improve operational efficiency, quality           and applications, with related
Personal Computer (PC), Personal Digital     and customer satisfaction through:               security policy definitions and
Assistant (PDA), Smartphone).                • Shorter decision making cycles and             management
                                               enhanced efficiency, by providing the         – Identity management and Single
Large enterprises often own, operate and       right information wherever the user is         Sign-On (SSO) for enterprise
manage the company IT infrastructure,        • Enabling real time and accurate data           applications
although outsourcing of IT infrastructure      capture, storage and distribution, when      – Directory access for storage/retrieval
to local and global service providers is       and where the data or information              of user and user group service
becoming more common. For instance,            becomes available                              attributes, policies, tokens etc.
outsourcing of horizontal services such      • Enhancing connectivity and                   – Event logs and analyzing tools for
as mail servers using large data center        collaboration between employees                system performance, cost and
operators, is a continually growing trend.                                                    security management
This improves the cost-effectiveness of      In the enterprise domain, the following        – Enterprise application integration
these processes, as well as enhancing        trends will drive the architecture:              components (e.g. Gateways (GW) or
globalization and improving networks.        • IT and telecom convergence, with               Java™ components) for faster and
                                               general adoption of Internet protocol          more cost-effective deployment and
Small office/Home office (SoHo)                  and increased performance of mobile            integration to enterprise IT
enterprises use mostly services provided       devices. IP networks as a common               infrastructure
by Internet Service Providers (ISPs),          nominator, e.g. Voice over IP              • Proliferation of WLAN access points in
e-mail and a packaged Customer               • Distributed computing: security and          enterprises, hotels, airports, and in
Relationship Management (CRM) and              protection against spam and viruses etc.     other hot spots, as well as proliferation
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)           • IT outsourcing in large enterprises          of WLAN enabled devices, like laptops
applications. Web pages and e-mail             might move some decision making              and PDAs.
hosting is a standard offering of most         power from IT managers to system           • Innovative technologies that facilitate
ISPs today. Usually complemented by a          integrators                                  access to information regardless of
personal firewall and PC virus protection     • Proliferation of ASP business model          the connectivity (e.g. mesh networks,
service, this makes ISPs’ service offering     – SoHo companies will not deploy             offline work with synchronization
adequate for many SoHo companies,                their own servers, but will use            when online, etc).
which do not wish to invest in their             hosted services provided by operators
own servers, and often don’t have the            and ISPs                                 Mobility grows in importance as data
expertise to operate them.                     – Large enterprises will increasingly      and visual information are going mobile,
                                                 outsource operations and                 just like voice did a decade ago. The
                                                 management of their IT infrastructure    main architecture driver is that the
                                                 to global or local IT services           architecture must enable services with a
                                                 companies                                high Return On Investment (ROI).
                                               – Key enterprise application vendors       Additional important drivers include
                                                 offer their products as a packetized     strong demand for security as well as
                                                 service to SMEs                          manageability and usability, factors
                                                                                          which will determine how well it is
                                                                                          accepted by the management and users.

More cost-effective with                    The Nokia vision is that people create,       The main services in the enterprise
                                            share, and consume digital content using      domain are voice, e-mail, messaging,
extended mobility                           interoperable devices that share universal    PIM, vertical business applications and
                                            access i.e. are connected with each           both Intranet and Internet access.
Mobility can bring notable reductions to    other anytime, anywhere. This vision          Furthermore, ensuring end-to-end
a company’s IT costs and such basic         includes an architecture that supports        security is a mandatory requirement.
services as voice can benefit greatly from   connectivity on different domains.            The technologies needed by mobile
the full use of mobility. Most companies    The devices used may not be only the          enterprise services include WLAN, VoIP,
today have two infrastructures for          existing mobile phones – in theory,           Rich Call, Infrared, Bluetooth, IPSec
voice, a fixed and a mobile solution.        they could be any imaginable gadget           and TLS. Moreover, 3G and web services
Full voice mobility makes enterprise        that can handle digital information and       can also be employed to improve
communication more efficient, bringing       include a communication package.              service quantity and quality. Access to
all the convenient voice services that                                                    enterprise services is achieved with
users are familiar with through their       Due to the separation of the domains,         voice devices, PCs and laptops as well as
fixed line systems, as well as making the    one driver for architecture evolution is to   smartphones, naturally using the best
corporate address book available over       ensure interoperability between systems       device for each service.
the mobile.                                 and devices in all domains and across
                                            domains. To reduce fragmentation,             For companies, integrating mobility into
Switching to a single telephone system      Nokia promotes open architecture in all       daily operations is a challenge, yet once
based on one mobile infrastructure          domains.                                      in place, it becomes a vital competitive
brings substantial cost savings –                                                         advantage, bringing both direct and
financial benefits result from lower          The Nokia vision of increased mobility        indirect cost savings for the enterprise,
costs for subscriptions and service fees,   requires connections that transcend           speeding up processes and decision
reduced maintenance of fixed lines and       time and place. This applies to all four      making and improving customer service
less administration with one bill for       domains, and in the enterprise domain,        and satisfaction. The overall trend is
employees. In addition to these             Nokia wants to enable integrated              towards a mobile society, where people
recurring cost savings, enterprises also    mobility as a central success factor for      can use, for instance, on-line collaboration
save call related costs. Competitive        corporations. By adding mobility,             tools, contributing to the success of their
mobile-to-mobile tariffs in markets         productivity will increase and new            work more easily, regardless of their
with high mobile penetration reduce         business processes will be possible,          physical location or time.
the total mobile voice costs, because       allowing the whole environment to
of the large proportion of mobile-to-       benefit.
mobile calls, which typically have
lower tariffs than fixed to mobile calls.
In this way, enterprises can cut daily
voice communications expenditure by
up to 25%.

The enterprise benefits of reachability
and cost savings are the new revenue
opportunity for operators. Experience
from Scandinavia proves that fully
mobile enterprises bring up to 50%
higher ARPU than normal business
users. Mobile voice services for business
users are future proof and can be
enriched with presence information,
complemented with Push to talk over
Cellular or video telephony in WDCMA
networks. Furthermore, all mobile data
usage will grow along with the service

ARPU       Average Revenue Per User

ASP        Application Service Provider

CRM        Customer Relationship Management

CPR        Corporate Performance Management

ERP        Enterprise Resource Planning

IP         Internet Protocol

ISP        Internet Service Provider

IT         Information Technology

PIM        Personal Information Management,
           e.g. contacts, calendar, notes

PC         Personal Computer

PDA        Personal Digital Assistant

ROI        Return On Investment

SCM        Supply Chain Management

SME        Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

SoHo       Small office/Home office

SSO        Single Sign-On

VoIP       Voice over IP

VPN        Virtual Private Network

WLAN Wireless Local Area Network

XSP        (any) Service Provider

The contents of this document are copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved. A license is hereby granted to download and print a copy of this document for personal use only.
No other license to any other intellectual property rights is granted herein. Unless expressly permitted herein, reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of part or all of
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The content of this document is provided “as is”, without warranties of any kind with regards its accuracy or reliability, and specifically excluding all implied warranties,
for example of merchantability, fitness for purpose, title and non-infringement. In no event shall Nokia be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages, or any
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or withdraw it at any time without prior notice.

Nokia and Nokia Connecting People are registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation. Nokia product names are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Nokia.
Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners.

0904 Indivisual
                                 Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved. Nokia and Nokia Connecting People are registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation.
                                 Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners.
                                 Products are subject to change without notice.

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Technology Platforms

Phone: +358 (0) 7180 08000
FIN-00045 NOKIA GROUP, Finland

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Enterprise domain sisus 1709

  • 1. Dynamic working styles with mobility Enterprise Domain Short Paper Mobile domain Internet and media Enterprise domain domain User Home domain
  • 2. Contents Introduction 3 Enterprise domain 4 Services and usage scenarios 4 Service management 5 Drivers and trends 5 More cost-effective with extended mobility 6 Summary 6 Glossary 7 2
  • 3. Introduction The Nokia vision, “Life Goes Mobile”, is actually about much more than having the mobile Internet in our hands. Mobile domain It describes a world in which mobile communications are used in every aspect of everyday life, private, professional, or social and where users can access content and services wherever and whenever they need them. Internet and media Enterprise domain domain This vision sets new demands on architecture, as the converging digital User industry brings together parts of the consumer electronics, communication, information technology, media and Home entertainment industries. As a response domain to these emerging demands, Nokia has started work on the next step of its architecture – a high-level description of Figure 1. Domain model the technologies used for implementing services and products in various domains. Nokia’s new architecture work builds Information Technology (IT) services on the latest developments in the have become an essential part of any converging digital industry. The starting company. At their best, IT services allow point is the division of the business employees to benefit from new ecosystem into four ‘domains’ communication technologies in their (illustrated in Figure 1). The user plays daily lives. Yet, they are most effective a different role in each of these domains when every single employee is made and uses different services accordingly – mobile – when everyone is carrying a for example, the services used at the mobile device that enables them to office are usually different from those connect with each other, customers, used at home. Likewise, the types of company databases etc. as and when companies operating in each domain they choose. This allows business and differ significantly. communications needs to be handled more quickly and with less effort. As the digital industry converges, Nokia sees definite growth opportunities With this in mind, this paper looks at the in all these domains, through extending enterprise domain, giving an insight into mobility. However, it must be its main drivers. remembered that each domain has its own legacy business and technology requirements, which cannot be ignored when developing new technical and business innovations. 3
  • 4. Enterprise domain The enterprise domain can be defined according to the Figure 2, which Customers Other stakeholders Suppliers • Investors/shareholders illustrates various aspects of accessing Employees • Government • General public and using enterprise services. Corporate Messaging Enterprise LAN/WLAN Application users • E-mail, SMS, MMS Access to enterprise IT services can take Information services • Web pages place in a number of places, such as the • E-mail notifications • Authentication Services/applications Cellular • Call centers home, the office or the airport for Connection modes • GSM • Policies • WCDMA PIM instance. The services can also be used • Application sw • CDMA • Contact and calendar • IT platforms • Middleware • Terminals info Operators over a variety of devices and channels, • Clients • Physical/virtual IT meeting management for example, Wireless Local Area Manager Broadband CRM Network (WLAN) and fixed broadband Internet access (ADSL, cable Collaboration tools access. The actual services can be modem...) • Real time document sharing through • Security produced by the enterprise’s IT • Access control browsing and/or IM department, or by some XSP or other Virtual meeting tools xSP Dial up • Web conferencing tools service provider such as a mobile Service modes • Conference calls operator. Although all devices should allow access, they are usually optimized Secured Non secured • Internal users • Public services/info for certain tasks, for example, the mobile • Trusted 3rd parties phone for voice calls, even if the PC can handle Voice over IP. Figure 2. Enterprise Domain key aspects Services and usage scenarios Messaging E-mail and PIM Push e-mail with PIM integration and PIM syncronization including meeting invitations From the extensive list of enterprise Always-on secure applications and services we can outline Business high speed packet Offline operation Applications with local database replica connections three main use cases: • Person-to-person communication Voice conferencing Voice and realtime Rich Mobile Online • Time and content management Voice & data collaboration Collaboration multitasking • Line of business and intranet 2004 2005 2006 applications Figure 3. Current and future uses of enterprise domain applications Employees need to access various types of enterprise applications, such as corporate Personal Information Management (PIM), communication services such as Instant Messaging and • Remote access to collaboration and e-mail, corporate databases and virtual meeting tools business services and collaboration • Remote access and off-line use of tools, as well as intranet and Internet corporate applications (CRM, CPR, services. The following facilities are SCM, etc.) probably the most important ones: • Efficient provisioning and management • Voice (enhanced with corporate-PIM) of applications and content in mobile • Corporate e-mail access devices • Browser access to corporate web and intranet pages The Figure 3 illustrates the currently • Corporate PIM (calendar, address prevailing services used in the enterprise book, etc.) domain, as well as near future trends. 4
  • 5. Service management Drivers and trends • IT managers will look for simpler system and security solutions with Enterprise IT services and applications Ultimately, the business community is consistent architectures for are often provided, operated and looking for significantly improved – Virtual Private Network (VPN) client managed by enterprise IT departments productivity, increased customer and server functionality, that allows and managers. Other key providers of satisfaction and increased profits from secure access to enterprise resources enterprise IT infrastructure are system the new technology. In the enterprise through several access channels and integrators, database vendors, business domain, accessibility and use of business also supports roaming between application vendors, connectivity information is the main value. This access channels and networks providers, server and server platform means that the key business driver is to – Access control of enterprise services vendors, and device vendors (for example improve operational efficiency, quality and applications, with related Personal Computer (PC), Personal Digital and customer satisfaction through: security policy definitions and Assistant (PDA), Smartphone). • Shorter decision making cycles and management enhanced efficiency, by providing the – Identity management and Single Large enterprises often own, operate and right information wherever the user is Sign-On (SSO) for enterprise manage the company IT infrastructure, • Enabling real time and accurate data applications although outsourcing of IT infrastructure capture, storage and distribution, when – Directory access for storage/retrieval to local and global service providers is and where the data or information of user and user group service becoming more common. For instance, becomes available attributes, policies, tokens etc. outsourcing of horizontal services such • Enhancing connectivity and – Event logs and analyzing tools for as mail servers using large data center collaboration between employees system performance, cost and operators, is a continually growing trend. security management This improves the cost-effectiveness of In the enterprise domain, the following – Enterprise application integration these processes, as well as enhancing trends will drive the architecture: components (e.g. Gateways (GW) or globalization and improving networks. • IT and telecom convergence, with Java™ components) for faster and general adoption of Internet protocol more cost-effective deployment and Small office/Home office (SoHo) and increased performance of mobile integration to enterprise IT enterprises use mostly services provided devices. IP networks as a common infrastructure by Internet Service Providers (ISPs), nominator, e.g. Voice over IP • Proliferation of WLAN access points in e-mail and a packaged Customer • Distributed computing: security and enterprises, hotels, airports, and in Relationship Management (CRM) and protection against spam and viruses etc. other hot spots, as well as proliferation Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) • IT outsourcing in large enterprises of WLAN enabled devices, like laptops applications. Web pages and e-mail might move some decision making and PDAs. hosting is a standard offering of most power from IT managers to system • Innovative technologies that facilitate ISPs today. Usually complemented by a integrators access to information regardless of personal firewall and PC virus protection • Proliferation of ASP business model the connectivity (e.g. mesh networks, service, this makes ISPs’ service offering – SoHo companies will not deploy offline work with synchronization adequate for many SoHo companies, their own servers, but will use when online, etc). which do not wish to invest in their hosted services provided by operators own servers, and often don’t have the and ISPs Mobility grows in importance as data expertise to operate them. – Large enterprises will increasingly and visual information are going mobile, outsource operations and just like voice did a decade ago. The management of their IT infrastructure main architecture driver is that the to global or local IT services architecture must enable services with a companies high Return On Investment (ROI). – Key enterprise application vendors Additional important drivers include offer their products as a packetized strong demand for security as well as service to SMEs manageability and usability, factors which will determine how well it is accepted by the management and users. 5
  • 6. Summary More cost-effective with The Nokia vision is that people create, The main services in the enterprise share, and consume digital content using domain are voice, e-mail, messaging, extended mobility interoperable devices that share universal PIM, vertical business applications and access i.e. are connected with each both Intranet and Internet access. Mobility can bring notable reductions to other anytime, anywhere. This vision Furthermore, ensuring end-to-end a company’s IT costs and such basic includes an architecture that supports security is a mandatory requirement. services as voice can benefit greatly from connectivity on different domains. The technologies needed by mobile the full use of mobility. Most companies The devices used may not be only the enterprise services include WLAN, VoIP, today have two infrastructures for existing mobile phones – in theory, Rich Call, Infrared, Bluetooth, IPSec voice, a fixed and a mobile solution. they could be any imaginable gadget and TLS. Moreover, 3G and web services Full voice mobility makes enterprise that can handle digital information and can also be employed to improve communication more efficient, bringing include a communication package. service quantity and quality. Access to all the convenient voice services that enterprise services is achieved with users are familiar with through their Due to the separation of the domains, voice devices, PCs and laptops as well as fixed line systems, as well as making the one driver for architecture evolution is to smartphones, naturally using the best corporate address book available over ensure interoperability between systems device for each service. the mobile. and devices in all domains and across domains. To reduce fragmentation, For companies, integrating mobility into Switching to a single telephone system Nokia promotes open architecture in all daily operations is a challenge, yet once based on one mobile infrastructure domains. in place, it becomes a vital competitive brings substantial cost savings – advantage, bringing both direct and financial benefits result from lower The Nokia vision of increased mobility indirect cost savings for the enterprise, costs for subscriptions and service fees, requires connections that transcend speeding up processes and decision reduced maintenance of fixed lines and time and place. This applies to all four making and improving customer service less administration with one bill for domains, and in the enterprise domain, and satisfaction. The overall trend is employees. In addition to these Nokia wants to enable integrated towards a mobile society, where people recurring cost savings, enterprises also mobility as a central success factor for can use, for instance, on-line collaboration save call related costs. Competitive corporations. By adding mobility, tools, contributing to the success of their mobile-to-mobile tariffs in markets productivity will increase and new work more easily, regardless of their with high mobile penetration reduce business processes will be possible, physical location or time. the total mobile voice costs, because allowing the whole environment to of the large proportion of mobile-to- benefit. mobile calls, which typically have lower tariffs than fixed to mobile calls. In this way, enterprises can cut daily voice communications expenditure by up to 25%. The enterprise benefits of reachability and cost savings are the new revenue opportunity for operators. Experience from Scandinavia proves that fully mobile enterprises bring up to 50% higher ARPU than normal business users. Mobile voice services for business users are future proof and can be enriched with presence information, complemented with Push to talk over Cellular or video telephony in WDCMA networks. Furthermore, all mobile data usage will grow along with the service development. 6
  • 7. Glossary ARPU Average Revenue Per User ASP Application Service Provider CRM Customer Relationship Management CPR Corporate Performance Management ERP Enterprise Resource Planning IP Internet Protocol ISP Internet Service Provider IT Information Technology PIM Personal Information Management, e.g. contacts, calendar, notes PC Personal Computer PDA Personal Digital Assistant ROI Return On Investment SCM Supply Chain Management SME Small and Medium-sized Enterprises SoHo Small office/Home office SSO Single Sign-On VoIP Voice over IP VPN Virtual Private Network WLAN Wireless Local Area Network XSP (any) Service Provider The contents of this document are copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved. A license is hereby granted to download and print a copy of this document for personal use only. No other license to any other intellectual property rights is granted herein. Unless expressly permitted herein, reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of part or all of the contents in any form without the prior written permission of Nokia is prohibited. The content of this document is provided “as is”, without warranties of any kind with regards its accuracy or reliability, and specifically excluding all implied warranties, for example of merchantability, fitness for purpose, title and non-infringement. In no event shall Nokia be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever resulting form loss of use, data or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use of the document. Nokia reserves the right to revise the document or withdraw it at any time without prior notice. Nokia and Nokia Connecting People are registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation. Nokia product names are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Nokia. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners. 7
  • 8. 0904 Indivisual Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved. Nokia and Nokia Connecting People are registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners. Products are subject to change without notice. P.O. Box 100 Technology Platforms NOKIA CORPORATION Phone: +358 (0) 7180 08000 FIN-00045 NOKIA GROUP, Finland