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Emotional Intelligence In College Essay
For the time of transition, many college students face different emotional challenges that affect them in many ways, unless they realize the influential
aspect of emotional intelligence. It is more likely to success in college by applying the use and understanding of emotional management. The book
says: "Going to college is not only about enjoying success and accomplishments but also about persevering when things get difficult or go wrong". As a
definition Emotional Intelligence "is the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions". I will break it down by taking about the positive
and negative accomplishments, the effects or impacts of Emotional Intelligent in the life of collegians, and the cultural shock that most students face in
their journey. College level requires students to be prepared at all cost to face various challenges and learn how to overcome them before it affects their
future. College also instructs students to a higher level of responsibility and management at their work place, at their house, and everywhere they might
be in contact with people. As an International Students, I have had ups and downs throughout my journey in High School, and college, and I have
learned so much from my mistakes. My more content...
Unfortunately, many college students do not realize that every mistake or failure delivers an outstanding experience for the future. Life experience
strengthen students to make wise decision, to adapt to the new culture, and handling stress at all cost. I strongly believe that being smart will never
help you manage your stress, but wisdom embeds intelligent and the way of good management. From past experience, I am good at making hard
decision whenever things do not work as it should and also supporting others point of views and
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Emotional Intelligence Self Assessment Essay
After answering the Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, I received a score of 128.4 out of 150 points. On the feedback from each question I
noticed that I received higher scores on self–awareness, self–regulation, self–motivation, and social–skills. I also noticed that I received a low score on
some self–regulation and social–skills questions. I feel that in between self–regulation and social–skills I still have work to do. I am not so good at
managing my impulses when I am upset; I am currently working on it. On Lesson 4.5 I took into consideration, in my opinion the healthier way to
handle anger, the calming down when I feel angry or very upset about someone or a particular situation. It is very clear to me that I have difficulty with
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What is Emotional Intelligence: Emotional Intelligence, or EI, is defined as the ability or capacity to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of
one's self, and of others.пїЅ Arriving at the Emotional Quotient is the standard means of measuring the Emotional Intelligence of an individual. | The
importance of EQ in the workplace: In recent times behavioral scientists around the world have arrived at the conclusion that IQ alone is not the
primary factor that leads to better performing managers and workers. The role of EQ in determining the performance of individualпїЅs at the
workplace is now widely recognized and well understood. People with more emotional intelligence have been found to be better leaders and workers,
bettering more content...
You are a person who knows and expresses his/her feelings well, thinks independently and has a positive outlook toward life, all of which help you
achieve what you want to achieve. You know how to cope with stress thanks to which you are able to handle tasks that are stressful, anxiety–provoking
and even dangerous, without losing control. You are optimistic, cheerful and well–motivated, so, not only do you enjoy your life and your work, you
also promote positive feelings in those around you. | | Below is a break–up of the component scores that went towards making up your overall EQ
score. Analyzing your component scores can help you understand which parts of your emotional intelligence are strong or weak. |
| | | 1 . Stress Management: This component of EQ pertains to ability to deal with emotions in such a way that it works for us and not against us. Your
Stress Management EQ score is 64 out of 100, which is considered пїЅAbove average пїЅ. The factors that contribute towards Stress Management EQ
Stress Tolerance: It is the ability to effectively and constructively manage emotions.
Impulse Control: It is the ability to effectively and constructively control emotions.
A high score on the Stress Management factor does not imply that you have scored high on each of its sub–factors.
You are able to withstand and effectively cope with stress without losing control. You are
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Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman Essay
Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
In the book Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, the central thesis that he tries to point out is that emotional intelligence may be more important
than I.Q. in determining a person's well being and success in life. At first I didn't know what Goleman was talking about when he said emotional
intelligence, but after reading the book I have to say that I agree completely with Goleman. One reason for my acceptance of Goleman's theory is that
academic intelligence has little to do with emotional life. To me, emotions can be just as intelligent as your I.Q. In this essay I hope to provide
sufficient evidence to show why I agree with Goleman's thesis on emotional intelligence. more content...
Goleman states, "Emotional aptitude is a meta ability, determining how well we can use whatever other skills we have, including raw intellect." People
that have high emotional intelligence are more likely to be satisfied and effective in their lives. Others who have trouble with this cannot manage
themselves so their ability for successful work and clear thought are altered.
In contrast to this, you can say that I.Q. is better than emotional intelligence. Having a high I.Q. does offer a lot of benefits. Goleman states that people
with a high I.Q. are ambitious, productive, and uneasy with sexual and sensual experience. That high I.Q. people are the caricature of the intellectual,
adept in the realm of mind but inept in the personal world. And all of this is just for the men. Goleman states, "The profiles differ slightly for men and
women." High I.Q. women have intellectual confidence, are fluent in expressing their thoughts and have a wide range of intellectual and aesthetic
interests. Goleman also does point out that these are extremes and that everyone mixes I.Q. and emotional intelligence in varying degrees. But this
does give us an instructive look at what each of these dimensions adds to a person's qualities.
In the book, Emotional Intelligence, Goleman talks about two psychologists (Sternberg and Salovey) who have taken a wider view on intelligence and
give terms of what they think it takes to lead a successful life. They mention five
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Essay On Emotional Intelligence
1.1.Problem statement
2.Main discussion
2.1.Definition and background of Emotional Intelligence
Studies have shown that people with high Emotional Intelligence have greater mental health, job performance, and leadership skills although no causal
relationships have been revealed. Such findings are possible to be attributable to general intelligence and specific personality traits rather than
emotional intelligence as a construct. Emotional intelligence (EI) is the capacity of individuals to know their own and other people's emotions, to
differentiate between different feelings and tag them properly and to use emotional information to monitor thinking and behaviour. Emotional
intelligence also reveals abilities to connect intelligence, empathy and emotions to improve thought and understanding of interpersonal dynamics.
However, considerable disagreement exists regarding the definition of Emotional Intelligence, with regards to both terminology and operationalization.
There are three main models of Emotional Intelligence as follows:
1.Ability model
Salovey and Mayer's conception of EI aims to define EI within the boundaries of the standard criteria for a new intelligence. Subsequent to their
on–going research, their initial definition of EI was reviewed to "The ability to perceive emotion, integrate emotion to more content...
V. Petrides") proposed a theoretical distinction between the ability based model and a trait based model of EI and has been developing over many
years in numerous publications. In unqualified terms, trait EI refers to an individual's self–perceptions of their emotional abilities. This definition of EI
encompasses behavioural dispositions and self–perceived abilities and is measured by self–report, as opposite to the ability founded model which refers
to actual abilities. The conceptualization of EI as a personality trait leads to a construct that lies outside the classification of human cognitive
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Essay on Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
The premise of emotional intelligence in leadership is that emotional intelligence should be the premise of leadership. Before tasks, followers, goals
and styles can be defined or critiqued, the leader's emotional intelligence must first be assessed (Goleman, Boyatzis & McKee, 2002, pg 5). Emotional
intelligence then becomes the predictor of how effectively the leader will be able to lead in any given situation, set of tasks or followers. In this paper,
the author will compare this premise of emotional intelligence with the Leader–member exchange (LMX) theory and the situational approach to
leadership (Northouse, 2010). Also, the author will evaluate, in terms of resonance and dissonance, how appropriately an emotional
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Therefore, leadership effectiveness is directly proportional to that leader's emotional intelligence. The LMX contrasts with emotional intelligence in
that the LMX is founded on a different premise. The LMX is a leadership theory that describes both the two–way exchange between leaders and
followers, and the amount of influence one has on the other (Northhouse, 2010). As a theory, the LMX is less a model for leadership, and more a
description of a particular leadership dynamic that offers "insights that managers could use to improve their own leadership behavior" (Northouse,
2010, pg. 157). Central to the LMX are the in– and out–groups: a relational distinction based upon the follower's choice to either fulfill or exceed his or
her job expectations given the opportunity by the leader (Northouse, 2010). If the follower is exceptional beyond basic tasks, the theory posits, then
that individual is considered to be in the in–group. In the in–group, the leader is more likely to give administrative preference to that individual, and
will also allow that individual to influence the decisions the leader makes (Northouse, 2010). Conversely, members in the out–group are competent
subordinates, but do not expand the scope of their responsibilities beyond that which is clearly defined (Northouse, 2010). In comparison to emotional
intelligence, the LMX seems to be complementary in some respects, and conflicting in others. If the
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Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment Essay
Emotional intelligence, or EI, has begun to make head way in the nursing world in its tie to leadership. Nurses are people, so they experience emotion
just like every other person. Their work is stressful and trying, it provokes emotion due to the environment and situations at hand. The ability to
recognize one's own emotions, along with those that present in others is an important skill (Morrison, 2008). Being able to recognize emotions makes
it easier to manage our lives and our relationship with others. These are the aspects that make a person competent enough to say that they have
emotional intelligence. Supporters of emotional intelligence believe that EI may be more valuable in determining a good leader than
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I do not enjoy making others unhappy or uncomfortable, so I can gauge my emotion to make them at ease. The drive to develop a greater sense of my
internal state can help me to better develop my self–awareness. Self–regulation is an area I thrive in, as long as I am practicing self–awareness.
Self–regulation is the management of one's internal states, urges, and assets. Self–regulation can be broken down into trustworthiness, integrity,
comfort with ambiguity, and openness to change (Sadri, 2012). As mentioned before I am able to recognize the way that my mood affects other
people. This allows me to control my emotions and bring them to a level that is more suitable for the situation. In the past, I have struggled with
consistently being able to take full responsibility for my personal performance; yet, I have made it a priority to internalize the fact that I make
mistakes and I cannot blame those mistakes on another person. I value the ability to be an open and honest person, which is the kind of person who
does not try to blame other for their own shortcomings. In order to be emotional intelligent, you need to be open to the idea of working on yourself and
changing the aspects that are inappropriate (Faguy, 2012). This is needed in the nursing profession because the patients and environment are
fast–paced and ever–changing. A nurse has to be able to think on her feet. This is the broad spectrum that self–regulation requires from a person;
therefore, it
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Personal Reflection On Emotional Intelligence
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Rodha AlbakerINM407Reflective Essay
Emotional Intelligence– Personal Reflection
Introduction and Definition of EI
The topic of our group presentation was Emotional Intelligence (EI), a term that refers to the convergence of emotion and intelligence; that is, the
ability to recognise one 's own emotions and the emotions of others. According to Mayer and Geher (1996). There are physical cues (such as facial
expressions and posture) that are universally–accepted as universally representative of emotions, and thus, and inability to recognise emotions plays a
role in hindering self–awareness and self–insight. Once one is able to recognise emotions in him/herself and others, he or she can use this knowledge
to regulate one 's own emotions and motivate, plan, and achieve life goals. EI plays an important role within management and leadership, particularly
when it comes to maintaining job satisfaction among employees (Shooshtarian, Ameli and Aminilari, 2013). This is particularly important as
employees who report high levels of job satisfaction are also shown to perform better in their professional duties (Ferris et al., 2010).
Personal Goals and EI
I strive to be a good leader and reach the fullest of my potential; and through learning to understand both my own emotions and the emotions of others,
I can convey the empathy required to connect with other people and work towards greater goals. According to Semadar, Robins & Ferris,
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Emotional Intelligence ( Eq ) Essay
Once the emotions are created, are transferred to the front region of the brain where however cannot be stopped, the communication between two areas
of the brain is very tight and the goal is to produce an appropriate response to some situation.
However due to the intensity of some emotions, sometime the rational and logic thinking is inhibited.
Emotional intelligence requires effective communication between the rational and emotional centers of the brain.
When emotional intelligence was first discovered, it served as the missing link in a peculiar finding: people with the highest levels of intelligence (IQ)
outperform those with average IQs just 20 percent of the time, while people with average IQs outperform those with high IQs 70 percent of the time.
This unexpected result raised several questions marks about what was assumed to be the most important factor for success: IQ.
Scientists realized there must be another variable that explained success above and beyond one's IQ, and years of research and countless studies
pointed to emotional intelligence (EQ) as the critical factor.
Several research and examples are available in literature, where it was demonstrated that the most successful people in in the world are actually the one
with the highest Emotional Quotient.
In EQ there are three main aspects: Self–Awareness
Self–awareness is the ability to accurately perceive your own emotions in the moment and understand your reactions across situations.
Self–awareness includes
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Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EI) is having the ability to recognize, perceive, control, and evaluate one's emotions. EI is also the ability to see how one's
emotions affect others (Marquis & Huston, 2012; Mindtool, 1996–2015). In the healthcare landscape of today, effectiveleadership skills are critical to
an organization. High EI is a skill that effective leaders possess (Sadri, 2012). When a leader has a high EI, they have a clear understanding of their
strengths and weaknesses. Having the EI knowledge about themselves gives a leader the advantage to better address problems as they arise and to
handle future complications in the organization (Fletcher, 2012). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the results of my EI assessment including
strategies for developing my EI. The topic of how to work with others who do not demonstrate EI or who have different EI levels than myself will be
discussed as well.
My Emotional Intelligence Assessment
Today's healthcare leaders need to understand the value and the importance of providing an emotionally intelligent style of leadership. Staff will feel
empowered and supported when their leader possesses the skills of EI. This EI will be necessary for addressing and implementing necessary changes
in the delivery of today's healthcare (Delmatoff & Lazarus, 2014).
The Institute for Health and Human Potential (2015), Emotional Intelligence Quiz calculate my results as showing that I am a person with high EI.
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According Kasapi and Mihiotis, (2013, p. 15), the term emotional intelligence entails the flexibility to feel and understand alternative people in social
situations in order to detect the nuances of emotional reactions and utilize such data to influence others through emotional regulation and management.
Emotional intelligence can impact on effective personal by making an individual to fully understand himself or herself. This is so because when an
individual develops self–awareness, he or she will be able to control her emotions in any given situations. A person will also recognise how his or her
emotions and deeds can affect the individuals close to him or her. Therefore, this entails us that a person will be mindful when reacting to
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This entails us that through social awareness, a person will be able to realize the sentiments of other people and be able to sense their opinions.
Similarly, emotional intelligence can also improve the work routine of a person who has slight reasoning skills through the excellence of social
affiliations. Therefore, this entails that when work performance is not achieved through cognitive intelligence, it can be achieved through emotional
Intelligence by means of numerous equivalent mechanisms, like good relations with fellow workers, managers and support staff (Wisker and Poulis,
2015). Similarly, Tomer (2003), states that when a person is emotionally intelligent, he or she becomes more result–oriented when perusing his or her
duties and he or she may set the goals which are more challenging for himself or herself. They further seek for specific information concerning the way
their performance be improved within their working environment.
Additionally, emotional intelligence can make an impact on effective personal by making an individual to communicate clearly in relationships as
well as handling or resolving conflicts in a very effective way. Therefore, emotional intelligence is very helpful when handling relationships
(Bradberry and Greaves cited in Kasapi and Mihiotis, 2013). Similarly, a person with emotional intelligence will be able to handle the people who are
more problematic and will be able to resolve the differences that may occur in their working environment
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Emotional Intelligence And Self Awareness Essay
Emotional intelligence is conceptualized as a person's ability to overcome stress, communicate effectively, understand others, cope with challenges, and
solve conflicts by identifying, using, understanding, and managing their emotions positively (Gines, 2015). Emotional intelligence allows individuals
to understand others, without necessarily talking to them. This understanding is vital since it influences the way we relate with other people. Emotional
intelligence can be defined using four components which include self–awareness, self–management, social awareness, and relationship management
(Segal, Smith, & Shubin, 2016). The essay focuses on these four components and the skills that help in building emotional intelligence.
Components of Emotional Intelligence
Self–awareness involves the ability to understand and evaluate your own emotions through reflection, self–comparisons and feedback from others
(Steiner, 2014). Self–awareness aims at enhancing self–knowledge, behavioral, and emotional improvements, and accommodating weaknesses (Steiner,
2014). It allows individuals to understand how they think, behave, and respond to situations that they encounter. To achieve this, feedback from other
people is required. People who are self–aware are self–driven, resourceful, eager to learn, self–motivated, and problem–solvers. They also portray
independence of self–concept (Steiner, 2014). Self–awareness helps an individual to practice effective self–management.
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Emotional Intelligence Research Paper
The intention of this paper is to explain on the relevancy of 'Emotional Intelligence' in which of how it is connected in organizational behavior.
'Emotional Intelligence' (EQ) was first introduced to the public in 1995 by a physiologist named Dr. Daniel Goleman, even other sources were aware
that it may have discussed earlier to date as of 1985. According to Goleman, 'Emotional Intelligence' is a type of social intelligence that involves the
ability to monitor one's own and other's feeling and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and
actions. In the context of organizational behavior, the 'Emotional Intelligence' principles provide a new way to understand and assess people's
behaviors, management styles, attitudes, interpersonal skills, and potential. It plays an important consideration in human resources functions in
managing the planning, job profiling, recruitment activities, interview sessions, management development, customer relations and customer service,
and many other related to more content...
It was a hit, being one of the best international bestselling book. Later, Goleman developed the argument that non–cognitive skills can matter as much
as I.Q. for workplace success in Working with Emotional Intelligence (1998, Bantam Books). The author begins by describing that the intellectual
intelligence in entirely based on the neocortex, the most recently evolved parts of the brain. Emotional intelligence would depend much more on the
emotional centers of the lower brain, the more primitive sub–cortex. Intelligence is the potential for learning something, and technical skills learnt
depend on the academic intelligence. Emotional competencies stem from the emotional intelligence of each individual which later defined in
structured proposal for the principal emotional skills or
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Self-Assessment of Emotional Intelligence Essay
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is an important characteristic in becoming a good leader. "Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage oneself and one's
relationships in mature and constructive ways" (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009, p.137).Being a good leader entails more than just being smart; leaders need
to be able to connect to their employees emotionally and empathetically. Organizations today not only look for leaders with the skills, but leaders that
can emotionally connect to employees to obtain the organization's goal. "Leaders have always played a primordial emotional role. No doubt
humankind's original leaders–whether tribal chieftains or shamanesses–earned their place in large part because their leadership more
Emotional intelligence also entails me understanding strengths and weaknesses are when it comes to dealing with individuals and becoming an
effective leader. If I do not take the time to do this, I can get trapped in trivial issues and forget what is important and eventually forget my emotional
intelligence. This can hurt my work relationships and I will no longer enjoy my job.
Effective social skills are another aspect of emotional intelligence that I must acquire. Obtaining effective and efficient social skills will enable me
to build long lasting relationships within my personal and professional lives. Building strong relationships will lead to establishing trust. Trust is one
of the most significant aspects of emotional intelligence. When trust is absent, much time and exertion is spent on issues that are unproductive.
Productivity will also decline when an employee does not feel he or she can trust his or her leader. In addition, when an employee does not trust his or
her leader, he or she will be less creative and will not want to express his or her ideas. "The greater a leader's skill at transmitting emotions, the more
forcefully the emotions will spread. Such transmission does not depend on theatrics, of course, since people place close attention to a leader, even
subtle expressions of emotion can have great impact" (Goleman, et. al, 2002, para. 3). As
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The book, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, provides an alternative approach to how a person achieves success. This book does not focus on the
conventional determinant of success, such as formal education and training, experience, and intelligence level (IQ). Although all these components
contribute greatly to ones achievement of success, these factors are not the only factors to be considered in whether a person will be successful or not.
This book focuses on the concept that it refers to as emotional intelligence (EQ), which is one's ability to recognize and effectively understand his/her
emotions in a productive and rational manner.
The objective of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 is to educate people on suppressing their natural more content...
The author states, "Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this
awareness to manage your behavior and relationships" (p. 17). EQ lays the foundation for many skills, such as, time management, communication,
assertiveness, customer service, anger management, stress tolerance, and many other aspects of our life each day. Although our emotions will play an
eminent role in our daily life, improved EQ skills will teach us to better control our emotions and keep our emotions from controlling our actions or
behaviors. Additionally, we will learn how to better interact with others and build better and stronger relationships.
While emotional intelligence is vital to human behavior, it only accounts for a portion of a person as a whole. The author states, "IQ, personality,
and EQ are distinct qualities we all possess. Together, they determine how we think and act. It is impossible to predict one based upon another.
People may be intelligent but not emotionally intelligent, and people of all types of personalities can be high in EQ and/or IQ. Of the three, EQ is
the only quality that is flexible and able to change" (p. 19). There is no know
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Emotional Intelligence Paper
What is emotional intelligence? Why it is important to understand emotional intelligence in today's society? People can have a wide range of
emotions from being happy, confused, angry, sad, etc. As individuals', it's important to understand our own emotions as well as those around us at
home, work, and in social environments. If we are able to comprehend and control our emotions, it makes it easier for us to see others' perceptions of
ourselves. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize one's own and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label
them appropriately. Emotional information can be used to guide thinking and behavior. There are three important key points to emotional intelligences
which include; being able to have emotional awareness, having the capability to apply emotions to problem solving and thinking, and manage emotions
with yourself and others, such as making someone happy when sad (Psychology Today, 2015) more content...
There are five domains that make up EI. They are knowing your emotions, managing your emotions, motivating yourself, recognizing and
understanding others' emotions, and managing relationships (Emotional Intelligence, 2015). There are two types of levels within EI which are low EI
and high EI. Low EI are people who are frustrated, unhappy, on edge, angry, unsatisfied. High EI are types of people who are happy, successful,
cheerful, content with life and so forth. It's important to identify which type a person is as it can help better understand why they have certain feelings
or why they act a certain
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Emotional and Cognitive Intelligence
Cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence have both been widely examined with regard to their effect on individual workplace abilities. A
critical comparison of the two concepts will be the basis of this essay. Some theorists have hypothesised that the ease with which an employee can
process information and work towards solutions (our cognitive intelligence) is the key aspect in our ability to contribute to the workplace, particularly
in more complex environments (Viswesvaran & Ones, 2002). While others support the theory that our ability to use and adapt to emotion (our
emotional intelligence; EI) has the greatest affect on our organisational involvement (Cherniss, Extein, Goleman, & Weissberg, 2006). Through
exploration of more content...
It has been studied and elaborated upon so much, that what was initially a concise realm of specificity, has – particularly in the area of EI testing –
become convoluted by measures of social intelligence and emotional and social competencies (Cherniss, 2010), which while similar to EI do distinctly
deviate from the generally accepted Mayer et al. 2000 model of it. Some measures even include tests of cognitive intelligence, the concept with which
it is supposedly in direct contrast. This has led to criticism about whether or not measures of EI have construct validity (Cherniss, 2010).
From a theoretical standpoint the equivocality regarding an agreed definition of EI most specifically affects the theorists studying the concept. From an
organisational perspective the practical implications of uncertainty surround the measurement of the concept, as opposed to its definition. For example
if an organisation relies heavily on a team which is cohesive, cooperative and connected to one another the business may screen potential employees to
ensure they will suit the role using a measure of emotional intelligence. Here in lay the problem; if a construct cannot be clearly defined, how can a
test every truly have construct validity – how can the variables indicating an particular outcome ever be accurate, when we do not know exactly what
we are measuring? Moreover, a focus on EI within businesses and organisations could have significant drawbacks. Unavoidable though
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Essay on Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence has been coined by many theorists and had been the subject of much literature, controversy, and scrutiny. Emotional intelligence
is defined as "a set of competencies that distinguishes how people manage feelings and interactions with others. It is the ability to identify one's own
emotions, as well as those of one's co–workers or employees" (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, in Pierce & Newstrom (Eds.), 2008, p. 180). The author
will review the definition and attributes of a successful, emotionally intelligent, morally competent leader. Comparisons will be made between leaders
which demonstrate emotional intelligence to those which are void of moral intelligence. The conclusion is that leaders who act with more
It is this recognition of meaning, love, compassion, self–esteem, and connection that ties in with the theory of emotional intelligence or the ability to be
self aware. Not only do effective leader need to possess emotional intelligence they must also be resonant leaders. Resonant leaders are described by
Goleman, Boyatzis, and McKee (2008) as being attuned to people's feeling and help to move themselves and the group into a positive direction.
According to Kouzes and Posner (2007), true leaders "tap into people's hearts and minds, not merely their hands and wallets" (p.174). An emotionally
intelligent leader can make work more meaningful for their constituents by connecting with them on an emotional level which creates a more nurturing
and supportive work environment. (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2008). According to Dr. Deepak Chopra in his interview with
Knowledge@Wharton, "people resonate to people who connect to them emotionally." These are the deep, profound relationships that result in
organization effectiveness and success and each successful leader has captured some aspect of being emotionally intelligent and resonant. Examples
include Gary O'Hagen, Colleen Barrett, and Lynda Barness.
Effective Leaders
Gary O'Hagen Lennick and Kiel (2005) discus the morally and emotionally attached
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Essay on Emotional Inteligence
An increasing percent of the population begins to know the idea of emotional intelligence. This concept was firstly developed by two American
university professors, John Mayer and Peter Salovey (1990) and they concluded that, people with high emotional quotient are supposed to learn more
quickly due to their abilities. Another psycologist named Daniel Goleman (1995) extended the theory and also made it well–known. In his articles and
books, he argued that people with high emotional quotient do better than those with low emotional quotient. In this essay, it will be argued that high
emotional intelligence can influence work performance positively to a relatively high extent. Both benefits and limitations of a high level of EI in the more content...
Furthermore, they can distinguish their own emotional strengths and weaknesses, therefore in order to improve they can develop the strengths and
avoid the weaknesses during work. Emotional self–awareness was proved to be critical in financial planners' job (Goleman, 1998). For instance, the
communication between a financial planner and his customer can be delicate and complicated. The reason is that they deal with difficult problems like
money or even mortality when they talk about life insurance. Therefore it is very beneficial if financial planners know their own emotions and can also
manage them to react better to the customer's words.
Another relevant aspect of emotional intelligence is emotional self–control and it means one can avoid stresses and other troublesome feelings. This is
very helpful for those who work in stressful places or deal with unfriendly people. An example would be that the small business owners with a high
level of emotional control over both themselves and their lives' events are not so easy to become distressed or angry or to quit when facing difficult
situations (Rahim & Psenicka, 1996). Better performers among counsellors and psychotherapists are more likely to react calmly to patients' aggressive
behaviours (Boyatzis & Burrus, 1995). The store managers who can remain less affected by the job
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Emotional Intelligence In College Essay

  • 1. Emotional Intelligence In College Essay For the time of transition, many college students face different emotional challenges that affect them in many ways, unless they realize the influential aspect of emotional intelligence. It is more likely to success in college by applying the use and understanding of emotional management. The book says: "Going to college is not only about enjoying success and accomplishments but also about persevering when things get difficult or go wrong". As a definition Emotional Intelligence "is the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions". I will break it down by taking about the positive and negative accomplishments, the effects or impacts of Emotional Intelligent in the life of collegians, and the cultural shock that most students face in their journey. College level requires students to be prepared at all cost to face various challenges and learn how to overcome them before it affects their future. College also instructs students to a higher level of responsibility and management at their work place, at their house, and everywhere they might be in contact with people. As an International Students, I have had ups and downs throughout my journey in High School, and college, and I have learned so much from my mistakes. My more content... Unfortunately, many college students do not realize that every mistake or failure delivers an outstanding experience for the future. Life experience strengthen students to make wise decision, to adapt to the new culture, and handling stress at all cost. I strongly believe that being smart will never help you manage your stress, but wisdom embeds intelligent and the way of good management. From past experience, I am good at making hard decision whenever things do not work as it should and also supporting others point of views and Get more content on
  • 2. Emotional Intelligence Self Assessment Essay After answering the Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, I received a score of 128.4 out of 150 points. On the feedback from each question I noticed that I received higher scores on self–awareness, self–regulation, self–motivation, and social–skills. I also noticed that I received a low score on some self–regulation and social–skills questions. I feel that in between self–regulation and social–skills I still have work to do. I am not so good at managing my impulses when I am upset; I am currently working on it. On Lesson 4.5 I took into consideration, in my opinion the healthier way to handle anger, the calming down when I feel angry or very upset about someone or a particular situation. It is very clear to me that I have difficulty with conflict Get more content on
  • 3. What is Emotional Intelligence: Emotional Intelligence, or EI, is defined as the ability or capacity to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, and of others.пїЅ Arriving at the Emotional Quotient is the standard means of measuring the Emotional Intelligence of an individual. | The importance of EQ in the workplace: In recent times behavioral scientists around the world have arrived at the conclusion that IQ alone is not the primary factor that leads to better performing managers and workers. The role of EQ in determining the performance of individualпїЅs at the workplace is now widely recognized and well understood. People with more emotional intelligence have been found to be better leaders and workers, bettering more content... You are a person who knows and expresses his/her feelings well, thinks independently and has a positive outlook toward life, all of which help you achieve what you want to achieve. You know how to cope with stress thanks to which you are able to handle tasks that are stressful, anxiety–provoking and even dangerous, without losing control. You are optimistic, cheerful and well–motivated, so, not only do you enjoy your life and your work, you also promote positive feelings in those around you. | | Below is a break–up of the component scores that went towards making up your overall EQ score. Analyzing your component scores can help you understand which parts of your emotional intelligence are strong or weak. | | | | 1 . Stress Management: This component of EQ pertains to ability to deal with emotions in such a way that it works for us and not against us. Your Stress Management EQ score is 64 out of 100, which is considered пїЅAbove average пїЅ. The factors that contribute towards Stress Management EQ are: Stress Tolerance: It is the ability to effectively and constructively manage emotions. Impulse Control: It is the ability to effectively and constructively control emotions. A high score on the Stress Management factor does not imply that you have scored high on each of its sub–factors. You are able to withstand and effectively cope with stress without losing control. You are Get more content on
  • 4. Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman Essay Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman In the book Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, the central thesis that he tries to point out is that emotional intelligence may be more important than I.Q. in determining a person's well being and success in life. At first I didn't know what Goleman was talking about when he said emotional intelligence, but after reading the book I have to say that I agree completely with Goleman. One reason for my acceptance of Goleman's theory is that academic intelligence has little to do with emotional life. To me, emotions can be just as intelligent as your I.Q. In this essay I hope to provide sufficient evidence to show why I agree with Goleman's thesis on emotional intelligence. more content... Goleman states, "Emotional aptitude is a meta ability, determining how well we can use whatever other skills we have, including raw intellect." People that have high emotional intelligence are more likely to be satisfied and effective in their lives. Others who have trouble with this cannot manage themselves so their ability for successful work and clear thought are altered. In contrast to this, you can say that I.Q. is better than emotional intelligence. Having a high I.Q. does offer a lot of benefits. Goleman states that people with a high I.Q. are ambitious, productive, and uneasy with sexual and sensual experience. That high I.Q. people are the caricature of the intellectual, adept in the realm of mind but inept in the personal world. And all of this is just for the men. Goleman states, "The profiles differ slightly for men and women." High I.Q. women have intellectual confidence, are fluent in expressing their thoughts and have a wide range of intellectual and aesthetic interests. Goleman also does point out that these are extremes and that everyone mixes I.Q. and emotional intelligence in varying degrees. But this does give us an instructive look at what each of these dimensions adds to a person's qualities. In the book, Emotional Intelligence, Goleman talks about two psychologists (Sternberg and Salovey) who have taken a wider view on intelligence and give terms of what they think it takes to lead a successful life. They mention five Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On Emotional Intelligence 1.1.Problem statement 2.Main discussion 2.1.Definition and background of Emotional Intelligence Studies have shown that people with high Emotional Intelligence have greater mental health, job performance, and leadership skills although no causal relationships have been revealed. Such findings are possible to be attributable to general intelligence and specific personality traits rather than emotional intelligence as a construct. Emotional intelligence (EI) is the capacity of individuals to know their own and other people's emotions, to differentiate between different feelings and tag them properly and to use emotional information to monitor thinking and behaviour. Emotional intelligence also reveals abilities to connect intelligence, empathy and emotions to improve thought and understanding of interpersonal dynamics. However, considerable disagreement exists regarding the definition of Emotional Intelligence, with regards to both terminology and operationalization. There are three main models of Emotional Intelligence as follows: 1.Ability model Salovey and Mayer's conception of EI aims to define EI within the boundaries of the standard criteria for a new intelligence. Subsequent to their on–going research, their initial definition of EI was reviewed to "The ability to perceive emotion, integrate emotion to more content... V. Petrides") proposed a theoretical distinction between the ability based model and a trait based model of EI and has been developing over many years in numerous publications. In unqualified terms, trait EI refers to an individual's self–perceptions of their emotional abilities. This definition of EI encompasses behavioural dispositions and self–perceived abilities and is measured by self–report, as opposite to the ability founded model which refers to actual abilities. The conceptualization of EI as a personality trait leads to a construct that lies outside the classification of human cognitive Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Emotional Intelligence in Leadership The premise of emotional intelligence in leadership is that emotional intelligence should be the premise of leadership. Before tasks, followers, goals and styles can be defined or critiqued, the leader's emotional intelligence must first be assessed (Goleman, Boyatzis & McKee, 2002, pg 5). Emotional intelligence then becomes the predictor of how effectively the leader will be able to lead in any given situation, set of tasks or followers. In this paper, the author will compare this premise of emotional intelligence with the Leader–member exchange (LMX) theory and the situational approach to leadership (Northouse, 2010). Also, the author will evaluate, in terms of resonance and dissonance, how appropriately an emotional more content... Therefore, leadership effectiveness is directly proportional to that leader's emotional intelligence. The LMX contrasts with emotional intelligence in that the LMX is founded on a different premise. The LMX is a leadership theory that describes both the two–way exchange between leaders and followers, and the amount of influence one has on the other (Northhouse, 2010). As a theory, the LMX is less a model for leadership, and more a description of a particular leadership dynamic that offers "insights that managers could use to improve their own leadership behavior" (Northouse, 2010, pg. 157). Central to the LMX are the in– and out–groups: a relational distinction based upon the follower's choice to either fulfill or exceed his or her job expectations given the opportunity by the leader (Northouse, 2010). If the follower is exceptional beyond basic tasks, the theory posits, then that individual is considered to be in the in–group. In the in–group, the leader is more likely to give administrative preference to that individual, and will also allow that individual to influence the decisions the leader makes (Northouse, 2010). Conversely, members in the out–group are competent subordinates, but do not expand the scope of their responsibilities beyond that which is clearly defined (Northouse, 2010). In comparison to emotional intelligence, the LMX seems to be complementary in some respects, and conflicting in others. If the Get more content on
  • 7. Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment Essay Emotional intelligence, or EI, has begun to make head way in the nursing world in its tie to leadership. Nurses are people, so they experience emotion just like every other person. Their work is stressful and trying, it provokes emotion due to the environment and situations at hand. The ability to recognize one's own emotions, along with those that present in others is an important skill (Morrison, 2008). Being able to recognize emotions makes it easier to manage our lives and our relationship with others. These are the aspects that make a person competent enough to say that they have emotional intelligence. Supporters of emotional intelligence believe that EI may be more valuable in determining a good leader than more content... I do not enjoy making others unhappy or uncomfortable, so I can gauge my emotion to make them at ease. The drive to develop a greater sense of my internal state can help me to better develop my self–awareness. Self–regulation is an area I thrive in, as long as I am practicing self–awareness. Self–regulation is the management of one's internal states, urges, and assets. Self–regulation can be broken down into trustworthiness, integrity, comfort with ambiguity, and openness to change (Sadri, 2012). As mentioned before I am able to recognize the way that my mood affects other people. This allows me to control my emotions and bring them to a level that is more suitable for the situation. In the past, I have struggled with consistently being able to take full responsibility for my personal performance; yet, I have made it a priority to internalize the fact that I make mistakes and I cannot blame those mistakes on another person. I value the ability to be an open and honest person, which is the kind of person who does not try to blame other for their own shortcomings. In order to be emotional intelligent, you need to be open to the idea of working on yourself and changing the aspects that are inappropriate (Faguy, 2012). This is needed in the nursing profession because the patients and environment are fast–paced and ever–changing. A nurse has to be able to think on her feet. This is the broad spectrum that self–regulation requires from a person; therefore, it Get more content on
  • 8. Personal Reflection On Emotional Intelligence [Type text][Type text][Type text] Rodha AlbakerINM407Reflective Essay Emotional Intelligence– Personal Reflection Introduction and Definition of EI The topic of our group presentation was Emotional Intelligence (EI), a term that refers to the convergence of emotion and intelligence; that is, the ability to recognise one 's own emotions and the emotions of others. According to Mayer and Geher (1996). There are physical cues (such as facial expressions and posture) that are universally–accepted as universally representative of emotions, and thus, and inability to recognise emotions plays a role in hindering self–awareness and self–insight. Once one is able to recognise emotions in him/herself and others, he or she can use this knowledge to regulate one 's own emotions and motivate, plan, and achieve life goals. EI plays an important role within management and leadership, particularly when it comes to maintaining job satisfaction among employees (Shooshtarian, Ameli and Aminilari, 2013). This is particularly important as employees who report high levels of job satisfaction are also shown to perform better in their professional duties (Ferris et al., 2010). Personal Goals and EI I strive to be a good leader and reach the fullest of my potential; and through learning to understand both my own emotions and the emotions of others, I can convey the empathy required to connect with other people and work towards greater goals. According to Semadar, Robins & Ferris, Get more content on
  • 9. Emotional Intelligence ( Eq ) Essay Once the emotions are created, are transferred to the front region of the brain where however cannot be stopped, the communication between two areas of the brain is very tight and the goal is to produce an appropriate response to some situation. However due to the intensity of some emotions, sometime the rational and logic thinking is inhibited. Emotional intelligence requires effective communication between the rational and emotional centers of the brain. When emotional intelligence was first discovered, it served as the missing link in a peculiar finding: people with the highest levels of intelligence (IQ) outperform those with average IQs just 20 percent of the time, while people with average IQs outperform those with high IQs 70 percent of the time. This unexpected result raised several questions marks about what was assumed to be the most important factor for success: IQ. Scientists realized there must be another variable that explained success above and beyond one's IQ, and years of research and countless studies pointed to emotional intelligence (EQ) as the critical factor. Several research and examples are available in literature, where it was demonstrated that the most successful people in in the world are actually the one with the highest Emotional Quotient. In EQ there are three main aspects: Self–Awareness Self–awareness is the ability to accurately perceive your own emotions in the moment and understand your reactions across situations. Self–awareness includes Get more content on
  • 10. Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence (EI) is having the ability to recognize, perceive, control, and evaluate one's emotions. EI is also the ability to see how one's emotions affect others (Marquis & Huston, 2012; Mindtool, 1996–2015). In the healthcare landscape of today, effectiveleadership skills are critical to an organization. High EI is a skill that effective leaders possess (Sadri, 2012). When a leader has a high EI, they have a clear understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. Having the EI knowledge about themselves gives a leader the advantage to better address problems as they arise and to handle future complications in the organization (Fletcher, 2012). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the results of my EI assessment including strategies for developing my EI. The topic of how to work with others who do not demonstrate EI or who have different EI levels than myself will be discussed as well. My Emotional Intelligence Assessment Today's healthcare leaders need to understand the value and the importance of providing an emotionally intelligent style of leadership. Staff will feel empowered and supported when their leader possesses the skills of EI. This EI will be necessary for addressing and implementing necessary changes in the delivery of today's healthcare (Delmatoff & Lazarus, 2014). The Institute for Health and Human Potential (2015), Emotional Intelligence Quiz calculate my results as showing that I am a person with high EI. Get more content on
  • 11. According Kasapi and Mihiotis, (2013, p. 15), the term emotional intelligence entails the flexibility to feel and understand alternative people in social situations in order to detect the nuances of emotional reactions and utilize such data to influence others through emotional regulation and management. Emotional intelligence can impact on effective personal by making an individual to fully understand himself or herself. This is so because when an individual develops self–awareness, he or she will be able to control her emotions in any given situations. A person will also recognise how his or her emotions and deeds can affect the individuals close to him or her. Therefore, this entails us that a person will be mindful when reacting to more content... This entails us that through social awareness, a person will be able to realize the sentiments of other people and be able to sense their opinions. Similarly, emotional intelligence can also improve the work routine of a person who has slight reasoning skills through the excellence of social affiliations. Therefore, this entails that when work performance is not achieved through cognitive intelligence, it can be achieved through emotional Intelligence by means of numerous equivalent mechanisms, like good relations with fellow workers, managers and support staff (Wisker and Poulis, 2015). Similarly, Tomer (2003), states that when a person is emotionally intelligent, he or she becomes more result–oriented when perusing his or her duties and he or she may set the goals which are more challenging for himself or herself. They further seek for specific information concerning the way their performance be improved within their working environment. Additionally, emotional intelligence can make an impact on effective personal by making an individual to communicate clearly in relationships as well as handling or resolving conflicts in a very effective way. Therefore, emotional intelligence is very helpful when handling relationships (Bradberry and Greaves cited in Kasapi and Mihiotis, 2013). Similarly, a person with emotional intelligence will be able to handle the people who are more problematic and will be able to resolve the differences that may occur in their working environment Get more content on
  • 12. Emotional Intelligence And Self Awareness Essay Introduction Emotional intelligence is conceptualized as a person's ability to overcome stress, communicate effectively, understand others, cope with challenges, and solve conflicts by identifying, using, understanding, and managing their emotions positively (Gines, 2015). Emotional intelligence allows individuals to understand others, without necessarily talking to them. This understanding is vital since it influences the way we relate with other people. Emotional intelligence can be defined using four components which include self–awareness, self–management, social awareness, and relationship management (Segal, Smith, & Shubin, 2016). The essay focuses on these four components and the skills that help in building emotional intelligence. Components of Emotional Intelligence Self–awareness involves the ability to understand and evaluate your own emotions through reflection, self–comparisons and feedback from others (Steiner, 2014). Self–awareness aims at enhancing self–knowledge, behavioral, and emotional improvements, and accommodating weaknesses (Steiner, 2014). It allows individuals to understand how they think, behave, and respond to situations that they encounter. To achieve this, feedback from other people is required. People who are self–aware are self–driven, resourceful, eager to learn, self–motivated, and problem–solvers. They also portray independence of self–concept (Steiner, 2014). Self–awareness helps an individual to practice effective self–management. An Get more content on
  • 13. Emotional Intelligence Research Paper The intention of this paper is to explain on the relevancy of 'Emotional Intelligence' in which of how it is connected in organizational behavior. 'Emotional Intelligence' (EQ) was first introduced to the public in 1995 by a physiologist named Dr. Daniel Goleman, even other sources were aware that it may have discussed earlier to date as of 1985. According to Goleman, 'Emotional Intelligence' is a type of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one's own and other's feeling and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions. In the context of organizational behavior, the 'Emotional Intelligence' principles provide a new way to understand and assess people's behaviors, management styles, attitudes, interpersonal skills, and potential. It plays an important consideration in human resources functions in managing the planning, job profiling, recruitment activities, interview sessions, management development, customer relations and customer service, and many other related to more content... It was a hit, being one of the best international bestselling book. Later, Goleman developed the argument that non–cognitive skills can matter as much as I.Q. for workplace success in Working with Emotional Intelligence (1998, Bantam Books). The author begins by describing that the intellectual intelligence in entirely based on the neocortex, the most recently evolved parts of the brain. Emotional intelligence would depend much more on the emotional centers of the lower brain, the more primitive sub–cortex. Intelligence is the potential for learning something, and technical skills learnt depend on the academic intelligence. Emotional competencies stem from the emotional intelligence of each individual which later defined in structured proposal for the principal emotional skills or Get more content on
  • 14. Self-Assessment of Emotional Intelligence Essay Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence is an important characteristic in becoming a good leader. "Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage oneself and one's relationships in mature and constructive ways" (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009, p.137).Being a good leader entails more than just being smart; leaders need to be able to connect to their employees emotionally and empathetically. Organizations today not only look for leaders with the skills, but leaders that can emotionally connect to employees to obtain the organization's goal. "Leaders have always played a primordial emotional role. No doubt humankind's original leaders–whether tribal chieftains or shamanesses–earned their place in large part because their leadership more content... Emotional intelligence also entails me understanding strengths and weaknesses are when it comes to dealing with individuals and becoming an effective leader. If I do not take the time to do this, I can get trapped in trivial issues and forget what is important and eventually forget my emotional intelligence. This can hurt my work relationships and I will no longer enjoy my job. Effective social skills are another aspect of emotional intelligence that I must acquire. Obtaining effective and efficient social skills will enable me to build long lasting relationships within my personal and professional lives. Building strong relationships will lead to establishing trust. Trust is one of the most significant aspects of emotional intelligence. When trust is absent, much time and exertion is spent on issues that are unproductive. Productivity will also decline when an employee does not feel he or she can trust his or her leader. In addition, when an employee does not trust his or her leader, he or she will be less creative and will not want to express his or her ideas. "The greater a leader's skill at transmitting emotions, the more forcefully the emotions will spread. Such transmission does not depend on theatrics, of course, since people place close attention to a leader, even subtle expressions of emotion can have great impact" (Goleman, et. al, 2002, para. 3). As Get more content on
  • 15. The book, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, provides an alternative approach to how a person achieves success. This book does not focus on the conventional determinant of success, such as formal education and training, experience, and intelligence level (IQ). Although all these components contribute greatly to ones achievement of success, these factors are not the only factors to be considered in whether a person will be successful or not. This book focuses on the concept that it refers to as emotional intelligence (EQ), which is one's ability to recognize and effectively understand his/her emotions in a productive and rational manner. The objective of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 is to educate people on suppressing their natural more content... The author states, "Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships" (p. 17). EQ lays the foundation for many skills, such as, time management, communication, assertiveness, customer service, anger management, stress tolerance, and many other aspects of our life each day. Although our emotions will play an eminent role in our daily life, improved EQ skills will teach us to better control our emotions and keep our emotions from controlling our actions or behaviors. Additionally, we will learn how to better interact with others and build better and stronger relationships. While emotional intelligence is vital to human behavior, it only accounts for a portion of a person as a whole. The author states, "IQ, personality, and EQ are distinct qualities we all possess. Together, they determine how we think and act. It is impossible to predict one based upon another. People may be intelligent but not emotionally intelligent, and people of all types of personalities can be high in EQ and/or IQ. Of the three, EQ is the only quality that is flexible and able to change" (p. 19). There is no know Get more content on
  • 16. Emotional Intelligence Paper What is emotional intelligence? Why it is important to understand emotional intelligence in today's society? People can have a wide range of emotions from being happy, confused, angry, sad, etc. As individuals', it's important to understand our own emotions as well as those around us at home, work, and in social environments. If we are able to comprehend and control our emotions, it makes it easier for us to see others' perceptions of ourselves. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize one's own and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately. Emotional information can be used to guide thinking and behavior. There are three important key points to emotional intelligences which include; being able to have emotional awareness, having the capability to apply emotions to problem solving and thinking, and manage emotions with yourself and others, such as making someone happy when sad (Psychology Today, 2015) more content... There are five domains that make up EI. They are knowing your emotions, managing your emotions, motivating yourself, recognizing and understanding others' emotions, and managing relationships (Emotional Intelligence, 2015). There are two types of levels within EI which are low EI and high EI. Low EI are people who are frustrated, unhappy, on edge, angry, unsatisfied. High EI are types of people who are happy, successful, cheerful, content with life and so forth. It's important to identify which type a person is as it can help better understand why they have certain feelings or why they act a certain Get more content on
  • 17. Emotional and Cognitive Intelligence Cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence have both been widely examined with regard to their effect on individual workplace abilities. A critical comparison of the two concepts will be the basis of this essay. Some theorists have hypothesised that the ease with which an employee can process information and work towards solutions (our cognitive intelligence) is the key aspect in our ability to contribute to the workplace, particularly in more complex environments (Viswesvaran & Ones, 2002). While others support the theory that our ability to use and adapt to emotion (our emotional intelligence; EI) has the greatest affect on our organisational involvement (Cherniss, Extein, Goleman, & Weissberg, 2006). Through exploration of more content... It has been studied and elaborated upon so much, that what was initially a concise realm of specificity, has – particularly in the area of EI testing – become convoluted by measures of social intelligence and emotional and social competencies (Cherniss, 2010), which while similar to EI do distinctly deviate from the generally accepted Mayer et al. 2000 model of it. Some measures even include tests of cognitive intelligence, the concept with which it is supposedly in direct contrast. This has led to criticism about whether or not measures of EI have construct validity (Cherniss, 2010). From a theoretical standpoint the equivocality regarding an agreed definition of EI most specifically affects the theorists studying the concept. From an organisational perspective the practical implications of uncertainty surround the measurement of the concept, as opposed to its definition. For example if an organisation relies heavily on a team which is cohesive, cooperative and connected to one another the business may screen potential employees to ensure they will suit the role using a measure of emotional intelligence. Here in lay the problem; if a construct cannot be clearly defined, how can a test every truly have construct validity – how can the variables indicating an particular outcome ever be accurate, when we do not know exactly what we are measuring? Moreover, a focus on EI within businesses and organisations could have significant drawbacks. Unavoidable though Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on Emotional Intelligence Abstract Emotional intelligence has been coined by many theorists and had been the subject of much literature, controversy, and scrutiny. Emotional intelligence is defined as "a set of competencies that distinguishes how people manage feelings and interactions with others. It is the ability to identify one's own emotions, as well as those of one's co–workers or employees" (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, in Pierce & Newstrom (Eds.), 2008, p. 180). The author will review the definition and attributes of a successful, emotionally intelligent, morally competent leader. Comparisons will be made between leaders which demonstrate emotional intelligence to those which are void of moral intelligence. The conclusion is that leaders who act with more content... It is this recognition of meaning, love, compassion, self–esteem, and connection that ties in with the theory of emotional intelligence or the ability to be self aware. Not only do effective leader need to possess emotional intelligence they must also be resonant leaders. Resonant leaders are described by Goleman, Boyatzis, and McKee (2008) as being attuned to people's feeling and help to move themselves and the group into a positive direction. According to Kouzes and Posner (2007), true leaders "tap into people's hearts and minds, not merely their hands and wallets" (p.174). An emotionally intelligent leader can make work more meaningful for their constituents by connecting with them on an emotional level which creates a more nurturing and supportive work environment. (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2008). According to Dr. Deepak Chopra in his interview with Knowledge@Wharton, "people resonate to people who connect to them emotionally." These are the deep, profound relationships that result in organization effectiveness and success and each successful leader has captured some aspect of being emotionally intelligent and resonant. Examples include Gary O'Hagen, Colleen Barrett, and Lynda Barness. Effective Leaders Gary O'Hagen Lennick and Kiel (2005) discus the morally and emotionally attached Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Emotional Inteligence An increasing percent of the population begins to know the idea of emotional intelligence. This concept was firstly developed by two American university professors, John Mayer and Peter Salovey (1990) and they concluded that, people with high emotional quotient are supposed to learn more quickly due to their abilities. Another psycologist named Daniel Goleman (1995) extended the theory and also made it well–known. In his articles and books, he argued that people with high emotional quotient do better than those with low emotional quotient. In this essay, it will be argued that high emotional intelligence can influence work performance positively to a relatively high extent. Both benefits and limitations of a high level of EI in the more content... Furthermore, they can distinguish their own emotional strengths and weaknesses, therefore in order to improve they can develop the strengths and avoid the weaknesses during work. Emotional self–awareness was proved to be critical in financial planners' job (Goleman, 1998). For instance, the communication between a financial planner and his customer can be delicate and complicated. The reason is that they deal with difficult problems like money or even mortality when they talk about life insurance. Therefore it is very beneficial if financial planners know their own emotions and can also manage them to react better to the customer's words. Another relevant aspect of emotional intelligence is emotional self–control and it means one can avoid stresses and other troublesome feelings. This is very helpful for those who work in stressful places or deal with unfriendly people. An example would be that the small business owners with a high level of emotional control over both themselves and their lives' events are not so easy to become distressed or angry or to quit when facing difficult situations (Rahim & Psenicka, 1996). Better performers among counsellors and psychotherapists are more likely to react calmly to patients' aggressive behaviours (Boyatzis & Burrus, 1995). The store managers who can remain less affected by the job Get more content on