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Essay about Sampling
Carrying out a survey of every single potential consumer (known as population) of a firm's product would be impractical, time–consuming and costly.
Businesses still, however, need to collect enough primary data to have a clear idea of the views of consumers. This can be done by taking a sample of
the population. This sample group should be made up of consumers that are representative of all potential buyers of the product. There are a number of
ways in which a sample can be chosen.
Random Sampling
This method gives each member of a group an equal chance of being chosen. In other words, the sample is selected at random, rather like picking
numbers out of a hat. Today computers more content...
So, if the business was interested in how 'class' affected consumers' demand for a food product, it might divide the population up into different class
groups, such as working class males, middle class females etc. A random sample could then be chosen from each of these groups by making sure that
they were the same proportions of the sample in each category as in population as a whole. So if the population had 10 per cent upper class males, so
would the sample.
Quota Sampling
This sampling method involves the population being segmented into a number of groups which share specific characteristics. These may be based
on the age and the sex of the population. Interviewers are then given targets for the number of people out of each segment who they must interview.
For example, and interviewer may be asked to interview 10 males between the ages of 18 and 25, or 15 females between the ages of 45 and 60. Once
the target is reached, no more people from that group are interviewed. The advantage of this sampling method is that it can be cheaper to operate than
many of the others. It is also useful where the proportions of the different groups within the population are known. However, results from quota
sampling are not statistically representative of the population and are not randomly chosen. They must therefore be treated with caution.
Cluster Sampling
This involves
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Resume Reflection
This was a mock resumГ© that I created in my 12th grade AP english class. The resumГ© was used as a practice for when we need to create them
for professional jobs later in life. We were asked to create a resumГ© in a standard format and include information about ourselves that would make a
potential hiring manager want to pick us. I highlighted all of my achievements and my academic successes, as well as including my interests and
contact information. This project helped me understand the proper way to write a resumГ©, and helped me learn how to focus on my strengths.
Before doing this project, I really didn't know how to format a resumГ©, nor did I fully know what went into it. This benefited me significantly, and
now I feel confident that I
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Reflection On Eportfolio
Welcome to my eportfolio, here you will find an in–depth analysis about my WOVE experiences in English250. By creating my eportfolio I have
learned my weaknesses and strengths within my written, oral, visual, and electronic communication modes. When you begin exploring my portfolio, I
will be sharing with you on how I have grown within the WOVE areas this semester.
Here is a brief overview of what you can find on my eportfolio. The menu section that is located at the top of the website can be easily used to
navigate my introductory, about me, WOVE, reflection, and closing pages. These pages can also be easily accessed on the contents which is located
at the top right side of each page. The WOVE page has a drop–down box menu that contains my written communication, and OVE communication
modes. Also, the reflection page has a drop–down box menu that contains my reflection on my written revision, reflection on OVE artifact, and Special
reflection about E. The closing page will contain my final closing reflection and my about me page, will personally tell you more about myself.
My composing techniques have slightly changed since I began this course, I learned the important aspects of using a rough draft. At the beginning of
this semester I would spend more time writing down my thoughts on a paper then organizing my thoughts within the rough draft. I learned that it is
ineffective for me to just write down my ideas on a paper with no purpose because I tend to jumble my words. By
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CRISPR-Cas9 Essay
Humans have been genetically engineering organisms for nearly 10,000 years using traditional methods of modification–among these methods include
selective breeding and crossbreeding. Though effective, these methods were unreliable and were only able to change certain traits. A lack of control
over our genetic material proved to be a clear hindrance to our species; when harnessed, advancements in other fields of knowledge would be
immeasurable. Once seen as an impossible task, scientists have been able to exploit genes and take control of them. CRISPR–Cas9 is a system that
allows scientists to cleave off sections of DNA and artificially modify them by inserting a mutation into the place of the old DNA. This is exceptionally
precise, more content...
During January of 2013, scientists based at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard were able to demonstrate fixed change in human and animal cells
using CRISPR–Cas9. This marked a turning point in genetic advancement–though CRISPR was far from mastered, its potential was beginning to show.
CRISPR could revolutionize humanity. By targeting and severing specific genes, genetic disorders such as Down syndrome or cystic fibrosis could be
eliminated. Diseases such as malaria could be driven to extinction, bringing about a new age of prosperity for the human race. Project Needlenose aims
to do exactly that. Using CRISPR, their team has been able to produce mosquitoes immune to the malaria–causing parasite, plasmodium. Furthermore,
the scientists will implement a controversial method of controlled inheritance known as the "gene drive". The gene drive forces a trait to become
dominant roughly 99.5% of the time. In such a large population of mosquitoes, the malaria–resistant genes would be spread quickly, giving no time for
the parasite to adapt. Using CRISPR to eliminate disease could be implemented amongst other species, driving diseases such as lyme disease or
dengue fever to extinction. Even in its infancy, CRISPR–Cas9 has already changed the way we live. CRISPR has been utilized in order to genetically
modify crops for decades, producing what we know as genetically–modified organisms, otherwise known as GMOs. Though many shun the usage of
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Summer Program Application Essay
The reason as to why I am applying for this summer program is because of the opportunity that it provides. Programs such as these gives the unique
opportunity to explore multiple different career paths. But, not only does it provide a learning opportunity, it also allows a cultural one. Being able
to travel and live in a foreign country at such a young age is one of the most memorable and amazing things that you can do. I believe that if accepted
into this program, that I will do my very best to prove myself dedicated as a student because I want to spend my life learning and preparing myself for
the real world as a careered woman. I have not yet solidified what I would like to be in the future, but as of this moment, I hope to possibly become more content...
I have always loved looking and participating in art classes, although I am not the best artist, and I enjoy learning about the history behind different
art techniques. But I think that international relations would be something that is absolutely amazing to learn about because through this I could
learn about the connections and effects that occur between so many different nations, and learn about how they interact with one another. I feel like
I could provide an interesting perspective to this program, for the main reason of having been apart of programs similar to this one during previous
summers. I work well with others, and I always try to keep an open mind as to avoid biases and to be more empathetic and understanding towards
others. I am very adaptive to my surroundings even if that means changing topics within a classroom discussion. Something else about me is that I am
what is known as an ambivert. This means that I sit in the scale between being and introvert and an extrovert. Although iI do tend to sway more
towards the introverted side, but only for the reason that I can get lost in my own thoughts or go for hours without taking a break from a book that I am
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The Truman Show Essay
The Truman Show
Utopia – A perfect world. Truman's world was an utopia. Everything, including the weather, was controlled in a huge Hollywood dome. Truman
grew up having no idea he was being watched every hour of the day, and that every step he took was being viewed by millions all over the globe. As
the show progressed, it became clear how much media influenced Truman's life, and also how Christof played a huge role in Truman's well–being.
First, the influence of media affects our lives in many ways. As The Truman Show ran 24/7, there were no commercials. Therefore, the show had to
generate an income by advertising products to the viewers. For example, when Truman's wife showed off her recent purchase, a Chef Pal,
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Everything in Seahaven was operated by machines and computers. These computers were basically controlled my Christof's orders. Early in his life,
Truman was traumatized by his father's death at sea. He grew up thinking it was his fault. Because of Christof's planning of the death, Truman was
always scared of water. The only way off of Seahaven was by boat, therefore Christof knew he would be able to keep Truman under his control.
Christof also did a good job of increasing his audience numbers. When viewers saw the heart–felt moment of Truman reuniting with his father years
later, the number of viewers increased. Christof made the scene stand out by changing camera angles and playing background music. In addition,
since Truman wanted to make his way to Fiji, Christof strategically planned different events in order to slow Truman down so he wouldn't leave the
island. An example of this is when Truman went to purchase a plane ticket, but the flights were all sold out for over a month. Also, when the bus he
was going to ride broke down. This proves that Christof manipulated Truman for his own purpose. Christof controlled everything in Truman's life from
the weather to who Truman was going to spend his life with. All these points prove how Truman was being used for Christof's benefit; to increase the
show's ratings and to gain an income.
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Why I Want To Pursue My Career
1)Please write a paragraph (or two) describing what you intend to study at the college level, or where your interests lie. In addition, what are your
specific career interests, if any, that you may have at this time?
I have been interested in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) for as long as I can remember. Inschool I received
many more opportunities to broaden my horizons. As soon as I found out about it, I joined the Robotics team. My experience being a part of this team
has been quite crucial to my decision about what I want to study in college. Robotics made me realize that Engineering is a very exciting field. The
countless problems and the time crunches are quite invigorating. I was the Programming Captain in my junior year and I am currently the Robot
Manager of the team. The courses I took throughout my high school career have also been crucial to my decision. more content...
Both of these skills often go hand–in–hand. For example, I was often asked to explain my thought process on difficult problems in class. Before the
AP Test students were given a free response question and asked to solve it. Afterwards we made a presentation to explain in detail everything
required to acquire a perfect score on that Free Response Question. First I started by solving the problem and then explaining my answers to my
partner. After I made sure that he understood, I used Google Slides to create a presentation. Each slide consisted of crucial definitions and tips to
ensure that the class understood my thought process. Also, throughout the year, I was able to help other students solve the questions assigned to us in
class. I would help the students around me and make sure that they understood how to the problem perfectly. 4)Were there any projects/essays you
completed in my class of which you were particularly proud? Explain/describe in
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My Schedule During The Week Essay
Well, my schedule during the week is usually focused at school or at home. My weeks are never smooth and I usually have a lot of homework because
I am taking 18 units. I specifically handle all my day to day things by the first study and do my homework before I go play a video game, sleep, or eat.
My days feel very structured and I usually tried to prepare and do all my homework at least 1 week ahead. That way I have a bit more time to study for
a test. Most of the time, I get a homework assignment out of nowhere, which always forces me to go with the flow. I organize my day to day by a to
do list, a pile, and by section. I always eat breakfast during 8:00 A.M. to 9 A.M., I eat lunch at 1 P.M. to 2 P.M. and I would eat my dinner usually at more content...
Those classes are usually the longest time–consuming in my week because they are about 3 hours long. On the Saturday and Sunday, most of my
time is to study for the exam or do homework because my class gives me a huge amount of homework. I usually play games for about 30 mins on
randomly on my schedule or when I have a random free time. I sleep about 4 to 5 hours a day in the week, but on the weekend, I sleep about 7 to 9
There are three examples from the text that I plan to use in my future or now to help me combat my time management in the day to day task. First is
to know how much time I am using for studying and increasing that time if needed. Second is to use a system to plan and set priorities. Lastly, it for
me to stay motivated to follow my plan and avoid procrastination. The three strategies I would use in the textbook would do the most important study
first, use a calendar planner and daily to–do list, and do the easier task first. I choose those three strategies for my time management because time is
the key to be successful. The most important to study first would help me seek a question that I might not know; therefore, I could ask for assistance
if I get stuck in my study. For me to use a calendar planner would help me schedule my time more efficiently. For me to use a daily to–do list will help
me knock off what I need to accomplish by the end of my day. Doing the easier task first is important because it
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My Video Editing Experience
A long time I decided to live the zombie life as a video editor and during that time I had to experience a lot of workflow to get good at it. In the
beginning of learning it was difficult and there were so many different programs to edit with, but during the time I did not know about which were
professional or not. For example, when I first started I used a program called Window Movie Maker, and without doubt it was not very useful since
there were only limited tools that the program holds; Since I did not know any better at the time I easily continued to work with the program for a
couple months, which was the most difficult start of my experience. For example, there were obstacles such as slow render, 15 effects or less, and
very rigid transitions from clips to clips. When it came to actual editing, I was amateurish as well, but that's normal for anyone that's new to a hobby
that they want to learn by experience; The way I synched the lyrics or beats to my clips were off at first, as well as the quality, which was poor. In
fact, I did not even know how to discover a source to download the type of footage I worked with at the time. After 3 or 4 months of editing, I
finally made my first friend that does the same hobby as me, and he then helped me locate high quality clips. My friend was from Germany and of
course I was from the United States, so we both helped each other grow as editors as time passed, even as it was difficult we had fun
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Sample Comprehensive Assessment
Comprehensive Assessment
Did the exhibition of your work to the public provide you with a worthwhile experience?
Yes, exhibiting my work to the public was a worthwhile experience because it allowed me to see my project through the eyes of new viewers, as well
as over–hearing some criticism of my work. Since I had worked on my project for quite a long time, I became desensitized to my photographs. I did
not see them as revolting anymore, but during the exhibition, I saw a few disgusted reactions. One in particular was an older woman, who after
glancing at my images, made a sour face and immediately moved on. Although I thought that was a funny reaction, it also reminded me that other
people react to my work in a different way than I do; I thought that my images were fascinating and beautiful, but she apparently did not. My intent was
not for my work to be solely revolting, but if more content...
The ALC program was originally my second choice, but after the first semester, I did not want to change programs anymore. Before I started this
program, I did not know what I wanted to do after CEGEP, but I found an interest for the arts that I did not know I had until my Universe of the
Arts classes. These classes not only taught me how to do research and write essay, but also that I could be passionate about doing this type of work.
Next year, I will be studying art history at Concordia, and I do not think that I would have considered this if I had not gone through the ALC
program, and I also do think that the theory classes that I took have prepared me for university and future academic research. For example, one of my
teachers, Dr. Meredith Browne, showed us that her doctor's thesis was written using the MLA format, therefore something that I learned how to do in
the ALC program could be used if I ever wanted to attempt a
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Analysis Of Colson Whitehead's 'The Loser Edit'
In Colson Whitehead's thought–provoking piece The Loser Edit, the author introduces the contrasting ideas of "loser edits" and "winner edits", names
given to the processes used by TV producers in order to make winners and losers make sense to the audience. Particularly in paragraphs seven through
twenty, Whitehead's usage of rhetorical strategies––namely rhetorical questions and syntax–– effectively establishes and develops his position on both
"edits". By using the aforestated rhetorical tools, Colson Whitehead competently creates a compelling essay. One of the rhetorical strategies used often
and effectively by the writer in order to develop his opinion on loser and winner edits is rhetorical questions. A prime example of more
We present pasted together parts of our lives to the public, parts of our lives that make us look like winners, likable people. Again, Whitehead helps
readers visualize this process through posing questions."'Should I wear glasses in my profile pic?'... 'Do you think it's working?' 'Did you get away
with it today?'... 'Why do you think they call it Survivor?'" (Whitehead 415). The rhetorical questions, again, help his audience to picture themselves
going through the same process as the producers, making an obvious winner out of themselves. Whitehead also alludes to a popular reality show,
Survivor, in which loser and winner edits are present every episode. This allusion helps readers to compare the processes they go through daily to
those of the producers. They string together parts of their lives just as parts of contestants' lives are strung together to form clear story arcs. Through
the use of rhetorical questions, Whitehead clearly engages his audience and has them reflect on their own tendency to "edit" events in their lives.
Another one of the rhetorical strategies used frequently by the author that effectively develops his opinion on loser and winner edits is syntax or
sentence variety. Throughout Whitehead's piece, he uses simple sentences and more complex sentences in succession, effectively keeping his writing
lively and impactful. A prime example of this is on the bottom of page 415, "Splice and snip. The contradictory
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What Are The Pros And Cons Of Gene Editing?
The ability to edit human embryos is relatively new to science. For this reason, the pros and cons of gene editing are being debated, and it's not yet
clear whether or not the potential good of modifying DNA outweighs the potential hazards. Assuming thorough testing, safe application, and
observations taken for generations, the potential good that could come from being able to edit human embryos would outweigh the potential hazards.
CRISPR/Cas9, a system of molecules used to change the DNA in adult human cells and animal embryos, is used to eradicate devastating genetic
diseases in humans before birth. CRISPR identifies the target DNA, which shows Cas9 the correct strands to slice ("CRISPR Treats Genetic
Disorder", 2016). This process more content...
As long as all aspects and possible outcomes are weighed, experiments are well thought out and calculated, and scientists are educated in the
possibilities of gene editing technology, then what cons outweigh potential pros from a scientific standpoint? But then, how can ethics be determined
when everyone in the world has diverse values? These experiments depend on the scientists performing them and how they weigh the pros and cons
of gene editing. In summary, there is no right answer to how far scientists can go with editing embryos; they are only limited by their values and the
general beliefs and restrictions in their countries. Gene editing will continue to be debated, and if a point of agreement is reached, then it will be clear
whether or not the pros really outweigh– the cons of modifying DNA in human
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Argumentative Essay On Our Changing Society
Manual Score:
Rubric | Checklist
Our Changing Society
Society is constantly developing and changing, and people disagree about the progress of this development. Do you believe that the world has changed
for the better, or for the worse?
In a multi–paragraph essay, support your answer to this question. Reinforce your position with specific details and examples from readings and your
own experience.
As you write, remember your essay will be scored based on how well you:
develop a multi–paragraph response to the assigned topic that clearly communicates your thesis to the audience.
support your thesis with meaningful reasons and sufficient details.
address the readers' concerns, more content...
Where people used to walk around in professional suits, and teens in polo shirts and slacks, you now see pants exposing underwear and showy
clothing. Fashion industry has designed a "perfect body" that everyone wants. This in turn gives a bad self–image on our teens and adolescents. Of
course, companies like Dove have started "real people" ads which feature thee "average" person. But that's only a few companies, we need all of them
to make a point. We can not stand for people walking about thinking that theey have to be a size 0 or super "buff".
Another issue of today's society is technology. Yes, it has brought upon great medical and security advancements, but it has also brought a new type
of terror. Cyberbullying is a major issue among today's people. Cyberbullying is where someone terrorizes and bullies someone else online, where
theey can have an anonymous presence and won't get persecuted. More thean one in every theree teens have been bullied online. In thee year 1950,
you wouldn't have to worry about people posting a picture of you online theat is embarrassing. You didn't have to worry about rumors spreading at
lightning speed through the
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If you are looking for free academic papers such as free essays, free term papers, free research papers, free dissertations, free book reports/book
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Planning a Party Essay
Planning a Party
The process of planning a party takes a lot of time and focus to get every detail covered. First of all, you must decide where you will have the party,
maybe a club house or your own home. When you have that decided then there are several other steps you must take in order for your party to be
You have decided on a location, and now it is time to make a list of the people who will be attending. Make a list of everyone you want to attend and
do not forget their family members who may come with them. You may want to allow everyone to bring a friend if they are single, or you suspect they
will come alone. Fill out your invitations and get them in the mail at least two weeks before your event. more content...
Be aware that sometimes the advice you get may not be what you want to hear, so you might want to warn the person up front that you are just
getting advice, and that you may or may not use it. I have found when planning a party, people I seek advice from often get the idea they are taking
over which can lead to big problems. It is always better to be very clear up front that you are only asking for advice, and not for them to plan the
party for you. Making a list for food, decorations, and games is going to be the most frustrating part of the party planning because this will make
or break your party. Keep in mind that you may not want to have so much food that you have a lot of waste. If you are planning to fill everyone up
then it is a good idea to use foods that are filling, like starches. You may want to have a sit down dinner or just hors d'oeuvre; whatever you decide
try to plan so you do not have a lot of waste. R.S.V.P is very important for this area of the party, so try to emphasize this in your invitations.
After people have eaten they are ready for some fun. You must keep your party flowing so no one will get board. Games can be uncomfortable for
some people, so make sure the games are not embarrassing. Board games are good, and charades are always a favorite for the more outgoing type.
Some people will not play games; just sitting and talking is a very normal part of a party. Do not get worried that they
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College Essay On Film Editing
Editing is one of the most important parts of filmmaking. Film Editing is one of my favorite things to do. But let's get to the point. I have recently
graduated from a recognized film school and I just created a short film that goes viral. I am anxious for a TV/ film production company to see my
produced video. Or if that doesn't work you make ads to get your name out there for local job openings, or recruitments. Well no one's interested in an
award winning filmmaker! A production company with standards is not going to consider a student who just graduated from afilm school. A degree in
law, master's or engineering degree all are bait for finding a job easily. Sure I may know how to block a scene, move a dolly, edit, correct colors and mix
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Reflective Essay On English 101
Proficient writing is an essential skill in all aspects of academic and professional achievement. English 101, Introduction to Composition and Rhetoric,
provided the framework to good writing, teaching me composition and rhetoric fundamentals, polishing up my grammar and style, and expressing a
clear message. English 102, Composition, Rhetoric, and Research, continued to build on the skills I learned in English 101, focusing on the subject
matter research process and employing various rhetorical and literary devices to better express a clear message to the reader. The course also
improved my critical thinking capacity, allowing me to culturally evaluate my target audience, present logically flowing arguments using appropriate
language and structure, and critically reviewing my writing projects for content and expression. Every writer inherently knows there's always room
to improve and I hold fast to this mindset in all academic, professional, and personal writing projects. English 102 has both challenged and inspired
me to grow into a much better writer than before I began the class, providing the necessary skills to be not just a good writer, but a great writer.
Most of my English 102 writing projects are rhetorical arguments, intended to persuade the reader in one direction or another. Reflecting on the many
skills I honed in English 102, my predetermined use of rhetorical strategies (ethos, logos, pathos), developing a concise thesis statement, and clearly
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Sampling Methods Essay
Sampling is the framework on which any form of research is carried out. A suitable sample that meets the inclusion and exclusion criteria of a research
design must be chosen from a given population to carry out studies. In this essay comparison is made between stratified random sampling and
convenience sampling. The population on which the researcher is interested in carrying out his or her research may be too large, therefore a suitable
sample which can represent the population in correct proportion must be chosen. Restraints such as limitation of time, resources and many other factors
necessitate the selection of a sample for research purpose so that better quality data is obtained from it and that the researcher can make statement about more content...
The methodological strength and weaknesses of this two sampling methods is discussed in terms of identifying the samples for research, the
representativeness it possesses to the general population, the methods and the outcome. Stratified random sampling is a probability sampling where the
selection of sampling unit is left to a random process, all units in the sample has an equal and non–zero chance of being selected on a probability
ground or chance and not on the choice or judgement of the researcher (Sim,J and Wright,C. 2000,). Convenience sampling is an example of non
probability sampling where the selection of the units is not by chance, rather it is dependent on the researcher's judgement, the researcher decides the
samples to be included in the study which may be subject to availability, time, individual preferences etc. The probability of selection of a particular
sampling unit may or may not be known. Stratified random sampling is commonly done in quantitative researches. When the samples reflect the
characteristics of the target population in the same proportion; assumptions can be made on generalizing the data acquired from these samples provided
it has been done correctly, since it is statistically representative (Sim,J and wright,C.,2000) but sampling error
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Essay About Sampling

  • 1. Essay about Sampling Sampling Carrying out a survey of every single potential consumer (known as population) of a firm's product would be impractical, time–consuming and costly. Businesses still, however, need to collect enough primary data to have a clear idea of the views of consumers. This can be done by taking a sample of the population. This sample group should be made up of consumers that are representative of all potential buyers of the product. There are a number of ways in which a sample can be chosen. Random Sampling This method gives each member of a group an equal chance of being chosen. In other words, the sample is selected at random, rather like picking numbers out of a hat. Today computers more content... So, if the business was interested in how 'class' affected consumers' demand for a food product, it might divide the population up into different class groups, such as working class males, middle class females etc. A random sample could then be chosen from each of these groups by making sure that they were the same proportions of the sample in each category as in population as a whole. So if the population had 10 per cent upper class males, so would the sample. Quota Sampling This sampling method involves the population being segmented into a number of groups which share specific characteristics. These may be based on the age and the sex of the population. Interviewers are then given targets for the number of people out of each segment who they must interview. For example, and interviewer may be asked to interview 10 males between the ages of 18 and 25, or 15 females between the ages of 45 and 60. Once the target is reached, no more people from that group are interviewed. The advantage of this sampling method is that it can be cheaper to operate than many of the others. It is also useful where the proportions of the different groups within the population are known. However, results from quota sampling are not statistically representative of the population and are not randomly chosen. They must therefore be treated with caution. Cluster Sampling
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  • 3. Resume Reflection This was a mock resumГ© that I created in my 12th grade AP english class. The resumГ© was used as a practice for when we need to create them for professional jobs later in life. We were asked to create a resumГ© in a standard format and include information about ourselves that would make a potential hiring manager want to pick us. I highlighted all of my achievements and my academic successes, as well as including my interests and contact information. This project helped me understand the proper way to write a resumГ©, and helped me learn how to focus on my strengths. Before doing this project, I really didn't know how to format a resumГ©, nor did I fully know what went into it. This benefited me significantly, and now I feel confident that I Get more content on
  • 4. Reflection On Eportfolio Welcome to my eportfolio, here you will find an in–depth analysis about my WOVE experiences in English250. By creating my eportfolio I have learned my weaknesses and strengths within my written, oral, visual, and electronic communication modes. When you begin exploring my portfolio, I will be sharing with you on how I have grown within the WOVE areas this semester. Here is a brief overview of what you can find on my eportfolio. The menu section that is located at the top of the website can be easily used to navigate my introductory, about me, WOVE, reflection, and closing pages. These pages can also be easily accessed on the contents which is located at the top right side of each page. The WOVE page has a drop–down box menu that contains my written communication, and OVE communication modes. Also, the reflection page has a drop–down box menu that contains my reflection on my written revision, reflection on OVE artifact, and Special reflection about E. The closing page will contain my final closing reflection and my about me page, will personally tell you more about myself. My composing techniques have slightly changed since I began this course, I learned the important aspects of using a rough draft. At the beginning of this semester I would spend more time writing down my thoughts on a paper then organizing my thoughts within the rough draft. I learned that it is ineffective for me to just write down my ideas on a paper with no purpose because I tend to jumble my words. By Get more content on
  • 5. CRISPR-Cas9 Essay Humans have been genetically engineering organisms for nearly 10,000 years using traditional methods of modification–among these methods include selective breeding and crossbreeding. Though effective, these methods were unreliable and were only able to change certain traits. A lack of control over our genetic material proved to be a clear hindrance to our species; when harnessed, advancements in other fields of knowledge would be immeasurable. Once seen as an impossible task, scientists have been able to exploit genes and take control of them. CRISPR–Cas9 is a system that allows scientists to cleave off sections of DNA and artificially modify them by inserting a mutation into the place of the old DNA. This is exceptionally precise, more content... During January of 2013, scientists based at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard were able to demonstrate fixed change in human and animal cells using CRISPR–Cas9. This marked a turning point in genetic advancement–though CRISPR was far from mastered, its potential was beginning to show. CRISPR could revolutionize humanity. By targeting and severing specific genes, genetic disorders such as Down syndrome or cystic fibrosis could be eliminated. Diseases such as malaria could be driven to extinction, bringing about a new age of prosperity for the human race. Project Needlenose aims to do exactly that. Using CRISPR, their team has been able to produce mosquitoes immune to the malaria–causing parasite, plasmodium. Furthermore, the scientists will implement a controversial method of controlled inheritance known as the "gene drive". The gene drive forces a trait to become dominant roughly 99.5% of the time. In such a large population of mosquitoes, the malaria–resistant genes would be spread quickly, giving no time for the parasite to adapt. Using CRISPR to eliminate disease could be implemented amongst other species, driving diseases such as lyme disease or dengue fever to extinction. Even in its infancy, CRISPR–Cas9 has already changed the way we live. CRISPR has been utilized in order to genetically modify crops for decades, producing what we know as genetically–modified organisms, otherwise known as GMOs. Though many shun the usage of Get more content on
  • 6. Summer Program Application Essay The reason as to why I am applying for this summer program is because of the opportunity that it provides. Programs such as these gives the unique opportunity to explore multiple different career paths. But, not only does it provide a learning opportunity, it also allows a cultural one. Being able to travel and live in a foreign country at such a young age is one of the most memorable and amazing things that you can do. I believe that if accepted into this program, that I will do my very best to prove myself dedicated as a student because I want to spend my life learning and preparing myself for the real world as a careered woman. I have not yet solidified what I would like to be in the future, but as of this moment, I hope to possibly become more content... I have always loved looking and participating in art classes, although I am not the best artist, and I enjoy learning about the history behind different art techniques. But I think that international relations would be something that is absolutely amazing to learn about because through this I could learn about the connections and effects that occur between so many different nations, and learn about how they interact with one another. I feel like I could provide an interesting perspective to this program, for the main reason of having been apart of programs similar to this one during previous summers. I work well with others, and I always try to keep an open mind as to avoid biases and to be more empathetic and understanding towards others. I am very adaptive to my surroundings even if that means changing topics within a classroom discussion. Something else about me is that I am what is known as an ambivert. This means that I sit in the scale between being and introvert and an extrovert. Although iI do tend to sway more towards the introverted side, but only for the reason that I can get lost in my own thoughts or go for hours without taking a break from a book that I am Get more content on
  • 7. The Truman Show Essay The Truman Show Utopia – A perfect world. Truman's world was an utopia. Everything, including the weather, was controlled in a huge Hollywood dome. Truman grew up having no idea he was being watched every hour of the day, and that every step he took was being viewed by millions all over the globe. As the show progressed, it became clear how much media influenced Truman's life, and also how Christof played a huge role in Truman's well–being. First, the influence of media affects our lives in many ways. As The Truman Show ran 24/7, there were no commercials. Therefore, the show had to generate an income by advertising products to the viewers. For example, when Truman's wife showed off her recent purchase, a Chef Pal, more content... Everything in Seahaven was operated by machines and computers. These computers were basically controlled my Christof's orders. Early in his life, Truman was traumatized by his father's death at sea. He grew up thinking it was his fault. Because of Christof's planning of the death, Truman was always scared of water. The only way off of Seahaven was by boat, therefore Christof knew he would be able to keep Truman under his control. Christof also did a good job of increasing his audience numbers. When viewers saw the heart–felt moment of Truman reuniting with his father years later, the number of viewers increased. Christof made the scene stand out by changing camera angles and playing background music. In addition, since Truman wanted to make his way to Fiji, Christof strategically planned different events in order to slow Truman down so he wouldn't leave the island. An example of this is when Truman went to purchase a plane ticket, but the flights were all sold out for over a month. Also, when the bus he was going to ride broke down. This proves that Christof manipulated Truman for his own purpose. Christof controlled everything in Truman's life from the weather to who Truman was going to spend his life with. All these points prove how Truman was being used for Christof's benefit; to increase the show's ratings and to gain an income. The Get more content on
  • 8. Why I Want To Pursue My Career 1)Please write a paragraph (or two) describing what you intend to study at the college level, or where your interests lie. In addition, what are your specific career interests, if any, that you may have at this time? I have been interested in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) for as long as I can remember. Inschool I received many more opportunities to broaden my horizons. As soon as I found out about it, I joined the Robotics team. My experience being a part of this team has been quite crucial to my decision about what I want to study in college. Robotics made me realize that Engineering is a very exciting field. The countless problems and the time crunches are quite invigorating. I was the Programming Captain in my junior year and I am currently the Robot Manager of the team. The courses I took throughout my high school career have also been crucial to my decision. more content... Both of these skills often go hand–in–hand. For example, I was often asked to explain my thought process on difficult problems in class. Before the AP Test students were given a free response question and asked to solve it. Afterwards we made a presentation to explain in detail everything required to acquire a perfect score on that Free Response Question. First I started by solving the problem and then explaining my answers to my partner. After I made sure that he understood, I used Google Slides to create a presentation. Each slide consisted of crucial definitions and tips to ensure that the class understood my thought process. Also, throughout the year, I was able to help other students solve the questions assigned to us in class. I would help the students around me and make sure that they understood how to the problem perfectly. 4)Were there any projects/essays you completed in my class of which you were particularly proud? Explain/describe in Get more content on
  • 9. My Schedule During The Week Essay Well, my schedule during the week is usually focused at school or at home. My weeks are never smooth and I usually have a lot of homework because I am taking 18 units. I specifically handle all my day to day things by the first study and do my homework before I go play a video game, sleep, or eat. My days feel very structured and I usually tried to prepare and do all my homework at least 1 week ahead. That way I have a bit more time to study for a test. Most of the time, I get a homework assignment out of nowhere, which always forces me to go with the flow. I organize my day to day by a to do list, a pile, and by section. I always eat breakfast during 8:00 A.M. to 9 A.M., I eat lunch at 1 P.M. to 2 P.M. and I would eat my dinner usually at more content... Those classes are usually the longest time–consuming in my week because they are about 3 hours long. On the Saturday and Sunday, most of my time is to study for the exam or do homework because my class gives me a huge amount of homework. I usually play games for about 30 mins on randomly on my schedule or when I have a random free time. I sleep about 4 to 5 hours a day in the week, but on the weekend, I sleep about 7 to 9 hours. There are three examples from the text that I plan to use in my future or now to help me combat my time management in the day to day task. First is to know how much time I am using for studying and increasing that time if needed. Second is to use a system to plan and set priorities. Lastly, it for me to stay motivated to follow my plan and avoid procrastination. The three strategies I would use in the textbook would do the most important study first, use a calendar planner and daily to–do list, and do the easier task first. I choose those three strategies for my time management because time is the key to be successful. The most important to study first would help me seek a question that I might not know; therefore, I could ask for assistance if I get stuck in my study. For me to use a calendar planner would help me schedule my time more efficiently. For me to use a daily to–do list will help me knock off what I need to accomplish by the end of my day. Doing the easier task first is important because it Get more content on
  • 10. My Video Editing Experience A long time I decided to live the zombie life as a video editor and during that time I had to experience a lot of workflow to get good at it. In the beginning of learning it was difficult and there were so many different programs to edit with, but during the time I did not know about which were professional or not. For example, when I first started I used a program called Window Movie Maker, and without doubt it was not very useful since there were only limited tools that the program holds; Since I did not know any better at the time I easily continued to work with the program for a couple months, which was the most difficult start of my experience. For example, there were obstacles such as slow render, 15 effects or less, and very rigid transitions from clips to clips. When it came to actual editing, I was amateurish as well, but that's normal for anyone that's new to a hobby that they want to learn by experience; The way I synched the lyrics or beats to my clips were off at first, as well as the quality, which was poor. In fact, I did not even know how to discover a source to download the type of footage I worked with at the time. After 3 or 4 months of editing, I finally made my first friend that does the same hobby as me, and he then helped me locate high quality clips. My friend was from Germany and of course I was from the United States, so we both helped each other grow as editors as time passed, even as it was difficult we had fun Get more content on
  • 11. Sample Comprehensive Assessment Comprehensive Assessment Did the exhibition of your work to the public provide you with a worthwhile experience? Yes, exhibiting my work to the public was a worthwhile experience because it allowed me to see my project through the eyes of new viewers, as well as over–hearing some criticism of my work. Since I had worked on my project for quite a long time, I became desensitized to my photographs. I did not see them as revolting anymore, but during the exhibition, I saw a few disgusted reactions. One in particular was an older woman, who after glancing at my images, made a sour face and immediately moved on. Although I thought that was a funny reaction, it also reminded me that other people react to my work in a different way than I do; I thought that my images were fascinating and beautiful, but she apparently did not. My intent was not for my work to be solely revolting, but if more content... The ALC program was originally my second choice, but after the first semester, I did not want to change programs anymore. Before I started this program, I did not know what I wanted to do after CEGEP, but I found an interest for the arts that I did not know I had until my Universe of the Arts classes. These classes not only taught me how to do research and write essay, but also that I could be passionate about doing this type of work. Next year, I will be studying art history at Concordia, and I do not think that I would have considered this if I had not gone through the ALC program, and I also do think that the theory classes that I took have prepared me for university and future academic research. For example, one of my teachers, Dr. Meredith Browne, showed us that her doctor's thesis was written using the MLA format, therefore something that I learned how to do in the ALC program could be used if I ever wanted to attempt a Get more content on
  • 12. Analysis Of Colson Whitehead's 'The Loser Edit' In Colson Whitehead's thought–provoking piece The Loser Edit, the author introduces the contrasting ideas of "loser edits" and "winner edits", names given to the processes used by TV producers in order to make winners and losers make sense to the audience. Particularly in paragraphs seven through twenty, Whitehead's usage of rhetorical strategies––namely rhetorical questions and syntax–– effectively establishes and develops his position on both "edits". By using the aforestated rhetorical tools, Colson Whitehead competently creates a compelling essay. One of the rhetorical strategies used often and effectively by the writer in order to develop his opinion on loser and winner edits is rhetorical questions. A prime example of more content... We present pasted together parts of our lives to the public, parts of our lives that make us look like winners, likable people. Again, Whitehead helps readers visualize this process through posing questions."'Should I wear glasses in my profile pic?'... 'Do you think it's working?' 'Did you get away with it today?'... 'Why do you think they call it Survivor?'" (Whitehead 415). The rhetorical questions, again, help his audience to picture themselves going through the same process as the producers, making an obvious winner out of themselves. Whitehead also alludes to a popular reality show, Survivor, in which loser and winner edits are present every episode. This allusion helps readers to compare the processes they go through daily to those of the producers. They string together parts of their lives just as parts of contestants' lives are strung together to form clear story arcs. Through the use of rhetorical questions, Whitehead clearly engages his audience and has them reflect on their own tendency to "edit" events in their lives. Another one of the rhetorical strategies used frequently by the author that effectively develops his opinion on loser and winner edits is syntax or sentence variety. Throughout Whitehead's piece, he uses simple sentences and more complex sentences in succession, effectively keeping his writing lively and impactful. A prime example of this is on the bottom of page 415, "Splice and snip. The contradictory Get more content on
  • 13. What Are The Pros And Cons Of Gene Editing? The ability to edit human embryos is relatively new to science. For this reason, the pros and cons of gene editing are being debated, and it's not yet clear whether or not the potential good of modifying DNA outweighs the potential hazards. Assuming thorough testing, safe application, and observations taken for generations, the potential good that could come from being able to edit human embryos would outweigh the potential hazards. CRISPR/Cas9, a system of molecules used to change the DNA in adult human cells and animal embryos, is used to eradicate devastating genetic diseases in humans before birth. CRISPR identifies the target DNA, which shows Cas9 the correct strands to slice ("CRISPR Treats Genetic Disorder", 2016). This process more content... As long as all aspects and possible outcomes are weighed, experiments are well thought out and calculated, and scientists are educated in the possibilities of gene editing technology, then what cons outweigh potential pros from a scientific standpoint? But then, how can ethics be determined when everyone in the world has diverse values? These experiments depend on the scientists performing them and how they weigh the pros and cons of gene editing. In summary, there is no right answer to how far scientists can go with editing embryos; they are only limited by their values and the general beliefs and restrictions in their countries. Gene editing will continue to be debated, and if a point of agreement is reached, then it will be clear whether or not the pros really outweigh– the cons of modifying DNA in human Get more content on
  • 14. Argumentative Essay On Our Changing Society Manual Score: Prompt Rubric | Checklist Our Changing Society Society is constantly developing and changing, and people disagree about the progress of this development. Do you believe that the world has changed for the better, or for the worse? In a multi–paragraph essay, support your answer to this question. Reinforce your position with specific details and examples from readings and your own experience. As you write, remember your essay will be scored based on how well you: develop a multi–paragraph response to the assigned topic that clearly communicates your thesis to the audience. support your thesis with meaningful reasons and sufficient details. address the readers' concerns, more content... Where people used to walk around in professional suits, and teens in polo shirts and slacks, you now see pants exposing underwear and showy clothing. Fashion industry has designed a "perfect body" that everyone wants. This in turn gives a bad self–image on our teens and adolescents. Of course, companies like Dove have started "real people" ads which feature thee "average" person. But that's only a few companies, we need all of them to make a point. We can not stand for people walking about thinking that theey have to be a size 0 or super "buff". Another issue of today's society is technology. Yes, it has brought upon great medical and security advancements, but it has also brought a new type of terror. Cyberbullying is a major issue among today's people. Cyberbullying is where someone terrorizes and bullies someone else online, where
  • 15. theey can have an anonymous presence and won't get persecuted. More thean one in every theree teens have been bullied online. In thee year 1950, you wouldn't have to worry about people posting a picture of you online theat is embarrassing. You didn't have to worry about rumors spreading at lightning speed through the Get more content on
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  • 17. Planning a Party Essay Planning a Party The process of planning a party takes a lot of time and focus to get every detail covered. First of all, you must decide where you will have the party, maybe a club house or your own home. When you have that decided then there are several other steps you must take in order for your party to be successful. You have decided on a location, and now it is time to make a list of the people who will be attending. Make a list of everyone you want to attend and do not forget their family members who may come with them. You may want to allow everyone to bring a friend if they are single, or you suspect they will come alone. Fill out your invitations and get them in the mail at least two weeks before your event. more content... Be aware that sometimes the advice you get may not be what you want to hear, so you might want to warn the person up front that you are just getting advice, and that you may or may not use it. I have found when planning a party, people I seek advice from often get the idea they are taking over which can lead to big problems. It is always better to be very clear up front that you are only asking for advice, and not for them to plan the party for you. Making a list for food, decorations, and games is going to be the most frustrating part of the party planning because this will make or break your party. Keep in mind that you may not want to have so much food that you have a lot of waste. If you are planning to fill everyone up then it is a good idea to use foods that are filling, like starches. You may want to have a sit down dinner or just hors d'oeuvre; whatever you decide try to plan so you do not have a lot of waste. R.S.V.P is very important for this area of the party, so try to emphasize this in your invitations. After people have eaten they are ready for some fun. You must keep your party flowing so no one will get board. Games can be uncomfortable for some people, so make sure the games are not embarrassing. Board games are good, and charades are always a favorite for the more outgoing type. Some people will not play games; just sitting and talking is a very normal part of a party. Do not get worried that they Get more content on
  • 18. College Essay On Film Editing Editing is one of the most important parts of filmmaking. Film Editing is one of my favorite things to do. But let's get to the point. I have recently graduated from a recognized film school and I just created a short film that goes viral. I am anxious for a TV/ film production company to see my produced video. Or if that doesn't work you make ads to get your name out there for local job openings, or recruitments. Well no one's interested in an award winning filmmaker! A production company with standards is not going to consider a student who just graduated from afilm school. A degree in law, master's or engineering degree all are bait for finding a job easily. Sure I may know how to block a scene, move a dolly, edit, correct colors and mix Get more content on
  • 19. Reflective Essay On English 101 Proficient writing is an essential skill in all aspects of academic and professional achievement. English 101, Introduction to Composition and Rhetoric, provided the framework to good writing, teaching me composition and rhetoric fundamentals, polishing up my grammar and style, and expressing a clear message. English 102, Composition, Rhetoric, and Research, continued to build on the skills I learned in English 101, focusing on the subject matter research process and employing various rhetorical and literary devices to better express a clear message to the reader. The course also improved my critical thinking capacity, allowing me to culturally evaluate my target audience, present logically flowing arguments using appropriate language and structure, and critically reviewing my writing projects for content and expression. Every writer inherently knows there's always room to improve and I hold fast to this mindset in all academic, professional, and personal writing projects. English 102 has both challenged and inspired me to grow into a much better writer than before I began the class, providing the necessary skills to be not just a good writer, but a great writer. Most of my English 102 writing projects are rhetorical arguments, intended to persuade the reader in one direction or another. Reflecting on the many skills I honed in English 102, my predetermined use of rhetorical strategies (ethos, logos, pathos), developing a concise thesis statement, and clearly defining Get more content on
  • 20. Sampling Methods Essay Sampling is the framework on which any form of research is carried out. A suitable sample that meets the inclusion and exclusion criteria of a research design must be chosen from a given population to carry out studies. In this essay comparison is made between stratified random sampling and convenience sampling. The population on which the researcher is interested in carrying out his or her research may be too large, therefore a suitable sample which can represent the population in correct proportion must be chosen. Restraints such as limitation of time, resources and many other factors necessitate the selection of a sample for research purpose so that better quality data is obtained from it and that the researcher can make statement about more content... The methodological strength and weaknesses of this two sampling methods is discussed in terms of identifying the samples for research, the representativeness it possesses to the general population, the methods and the outcome. Stratified random sampling is a probability sampling where the selection of sampling unit is left to a random process, all units in the sample has an equal and non–zero chance of being selected on a probability ground or chance and not on the choice or judgement of the researcher (Sim,J and Wright,C. 2000,). Convenience sampling is an example of non probability sampling where the selection of the units is not by chance, rather it is dependent on the researcher's judgement, the researcher decides the samples to be included in the study which may be subject to availability, time, individual preferences etc. The probability of selection of a particular sampling unit may or may not be known. Stratified random sampling is commonly done in quantitative researches. When the samples reflect the characteristics of the target population in the same proportion; assumptions can be made on generalizing the data acquired from these samples provided it has been done correctly, since it is statistically representative (Sim,J and wright,C.,2000) but sampling error Get more content on