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Written Report
Prepared by: Ang Kar Yong Updated on: 3rd March 2013
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my supervisor, Ms. Sylvia, for the valuable advice and support she has given me in the writing of
this report. I would also like to thank her for her encouragement and guidance.
ABSTRACT This study was to investigate which aspects of written communication should take priority, and to provide the appropriate
recommendations to improve on National University of Singapore (NUS) students' written communication skills. It was requested by NUS on 8th
February 2013. The investigation was done by Eka Training Group, supported by Centre for English more content...
Listening skills Written communication skills Intercultural skills
Oral communication skills Interpersonal skills
What do you see as the most common barriers to effective communication in your workplace?
100 105 73
Figure 1. Common barriers to effective communication
The major finding of the investigation was that a majority of the respondents believe that email writing skills are very important in their job. Referring
to Figure 2. 96.7% of all the respondents perceive email writing to be important or very important; 88.2% of all respondents perceive report writing to
be important or very important; and 80.2% of all respondents perceive proposal writing to be important or very important.
Not at all
Somewhat important
Very important
How important is each of the following skills in your job? 150.0
0 Email Letter Report Proposal
Figure 2. Types of writing skills and its importance
In addition, many of the respondents state that they commonly and frequently write emails in response to enquiries/requests, information sharing with
their colleagues/staffs and to request for information. Referring to Figure 3. 50.3% of all respondents indicate they write emails in response to
enquiries/requests more than 10 times per month; 48.5% of all respondents indicate they write emails to share
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Lewis Structure
Drawing a Lewis Structure
Lewis structure is the structure of a molecule in which dots are used to show the electron position around the atoms that make up the molecule.
In order to produce the Lewis structure of a molecule, there are certain steps one needs to follow (they are five (5) in number). Basically what I will
do is to use the molecule methane (CH4) as example to show you how to draw the Lewis structure of any molecule.
First Step
In order to produce the Lewis structure of methane, the first step is to count and determine the total valence electron present in methane (or any
molecule of interest). Methane is made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms (CH4). The valence of carbon is 4 and that of hydrogen is 1. Since we have more content...
Checking the octet rule means counting the number of pair electrons around carbon to know if they are up to eight. If yes, it means that we have our
final Lewis structure. If no, it takes is to step five. Looking at the second figure above, the octet rule is satisfied. This means that the final Lewis
structure of methane is:
Fifth Step
If octet rule is not satisfied, and more electrons remain to be shared, move one electron per bond per atom to make another bond. An example is given
below for CO2 molecule:
Isomer Questions
Isomers in organic chemistry are compounds that have the same molecular formula but with different structural formulas.
(1) Pentane is isomer. Its molecular formula is: C5H12. Other compounds that have this same molecular formula are: 2–methylbutane and
2,2–dimethylpropane. These three compounds have different structural formulas (see below):
(2) 2–methylbutane is an isomer. See above, it is an isomer of Pentane.
(3) 2,3–dimethylbutane is an isomer of hexane. Their molecular formula is: C6H14. Their structural formulas are shown below:
CH3(CH2)4CH3 for hexane and CH3CH(CH3)CH(CH3)CH3 for 2,3–dimethylbutane.
(4) 2,2–dimethylpropane is an isomer of pentane. See above.
(5) 1–hexene is also an isomer. For further information consult the following site:
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Personal Narrative Thesis Statement
This weeks' review is all about revisions, both large scale and small scale revisions to help us complete our final essay, the home stretch in this
course. I have revised my essay at least ten times over the past few weeks. Being a professional for the past 20+ years summarizing what is said in
something more than a bullet point or short email has proven to be difficult. What was I trying to communicate in my earlier versions is very close to
where I am today but the route I am taking to get to this conclusions is much different thank I had anticipated . My ideas were all over the map and
didn't make any sense, in the beginning, the reverse outline helped tremendously. I have a decent thesis statement. I'm finding it difficult to have solid
topic sentences, and bringing everything together has also been a more content...
The reverse outline did help me focus on the key points of my thesis statement yet the body of some of the paragraphs are lacking something. I am
going to read it backward tonight. This is a completely alien concept to me and one I would never think of doing. Getting input from an outside source
and trying something different and new in my review process will hopefully get me more focused on my topic sentences and make the rest of the essay
easier to
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Examples Of Prescriptive Grammar
Grammar is a set of language rules and system. There are various types of grammar. Descriptive grammar is the rules that English speakers follow.
Whereas, prescriptive grammar is the textbook rules in order to write and speak correctly. For example, the sentence I didn't go nowhere. is correct in
descriptive grammar but incorrect in prescriptive grammar. "The part of the grammar that concerns the structure of phrases and sentences is called
syntax. Rules of grammar determine how morphemes and words can combine to express a specific meaning" (Fromkin, & Rodman, 1998).
Grammaticality is based on specific patterns determined by the syntactic rules. The rules are acquired or constructed unconsciously as children
(Fromkin, & Rodman, 1998) more content...
In other word, Do support doesn't occur in negative statements and questions if the affirmative statement already has an auxiliary verb such as be/do
/have or can/could/may/might/must/shall/should/will/would. Examples are as follows.
+ You are living here. (pronoun/ auxiliary/ verb/ adverb)
Q Are you living here?
_ Aren't you living here? / Are you not living here?
Are in the first affirmative statement is an auxiliary verb. Therefore, do support doesn't occur in questions and negative statements. Although be/do
/have usually function as auxiliaries, they can also work as main verbs in sentences (Teschner, & Evans, 1993). When be functions as a main verb it
never allows Do support. However, both do and have require Do support when working as a main verb. A wh–word can function either as the subject in
its wh/co question or the object in it (Teschner, & Evans, 1993). If wh–words are objects, the words move to the front of the sentence, which is called
wh–fronting. Whereas, wh–words are subjects, the wh–movement doesn't occur because someone as a subject already appears at the front.
Who did he call? (who functions as an object)
Who called him? (who functions as a
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Essay about the human brain
In this paper one will learn the different parts of the brain and their functions. Although the brain isn't the largest organ of the human body it is the most
complex and controlling organ. It is amazing how complicated the brain is. The brain controls every action within and out of your body. The brain has
main areas that contain different areas that have specific functions. For instance the basal ganglia holds the lentiform and the caudate.
The brain isn't just "THE BRAIN" it is actually a group of many parts. They help to inform the brain on the things going on with the human body. The
brain is split in to two main parts, the left and the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere has about the same areas as the right hemisphere. The only more content...
The corpus callosum is a bundle of nerves that connects the two hemispheres. The area that passes and processes information concerning touch, pain,
temperature, and pressure on skin is the thalamus. The limbic system controls your behavior and emotions. It is involved in emotions such as fear,
rage, pleasure, and sorrow. In the prefrontal area of the frontal lobe emotional traits are controlled. In the temporal lobe expressed behavior is
controlled. The parietal lobe discriminates sensory. The occipital lobe is where visual interpretation takes place. Pons is a crossroad for nerves going
up to the cortex, to the cerebellum and then down the spinal cord. The cortex is the outer gray area where thinking takes place. The olfactory cortex
receives senses from the nose that it then sorts out. The area that identifies what we see by working out movements, colors, and shapes is the visual
cortex. The area that receives taste senses is called gustatory cortex. The area responsible for analyzing data, performing memory functions, learning
new information, forming thoughts, and making decisions is the cerebral cortex. The motor cortex is involved in muscle movement. The cerebellum is
vital when carrying out complicated, skilled movements. It is much like a mini brain.
If before you read this paper you thought the brain was a "one man machine" I'm sure your opinion has changed after reading his paper. It is amazing
how god has created the brain to have so many areas
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Challenges That I Face As Writer Essay
As a writer there are many elements of writing that I struggle with, especially when composing an essay. When writing an essay, there are usually
many skills that need to be used in order to be successful with the writing assignment. Many times in writing I struggle with explaining and fully
developing the supporting details and ideas in my essay. I would also like to improve on incorporating clear topic sentences and concluding sentences,
connecting my paragraphs ideas back to my thesis. Lastly, improvement can be made in my writing by avoiding awkward or wordy sentences. Writers
face numerous challenges in their writing but strive to overcome or improve these challenges with each piece they write. Writers often face certain more content...
I am looking to improve on this challenge as a writer by focusing on explaining my quotes and explanations in a more supportive way that relates
back to the thesis. Writing can be improved upon endlessly by minimizing your challenges as a writer. In writing an essay I also struggle with
incorporating clear topic sentences and connecting my paragraphs ideas back to my thesis statement. This struggle is based on last years'
experience with writing essays. This struggle can be improved upon by concentrating on what exactly my thesis is stating and building my
sentences to relate and explain the thesis further. Improving on this will allow my writing ability to increase and help me become a more
successful writer. When composing an essay, or journal entry, or just plain writing, I struggle as a writer with avoiding awkward or wordy phases in
my written work. This struggle is yet again based on last year's experience and feedback from my English class. Improvement with this struggle can
be made by the following strategies: reading over my paper more carefully, avoiding the use of words that sound intelligent but don't flow with the
paper, and editing my paper with peers. Recognizing this struggle and following these strategies would improve my writing. Writers develop strategies
that help them to overcome or improve upon their struggles and challenges in their writing. As a
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Essay On Business Structure
When brainstorming to start a business, it is essential to research the most efficient way to start a company and all the liabilities that can happen.
Business can become successful with the right person in place and a unique idea. When making a company, it is crucial to determine the structure,
which organization to start with and the liability that is involved. When taking a closer look at five different company structures Sole Proprietorship,
General Partnership, Limited Partnership, S/C Corporation, and Limited Liability. Which have not honored the contract and are at risk for legal
actions. The various liabilities between each owner will be discussed. Which will analyze ways to limit liability and display my future
more content...
Now, A partnership is formed between two individuals and the agreement should be in a contract form or writing. The next two types that are
discussed are general partnership and limited partnership. Silverbrand (2008) stated Partnerships are the primary form of business which larger
companies begin (p.167). Partnerships are simple to start, no required registration only within certain states, and can end quite rapidly. A general
partnership is where each partner is equal to liability or any litigation consequences. In a limited partnership, the liability is limited equal to the amount
the limited partners at first invested. In fact, sometimes limited partners do not make business decisions but, own stock within the company. Basically,
an LLC, with its hybrid nature, "provides owners...with the limited liability protection of a corporation, but without the potential for double taxation"
(Jordan & Clark, 1197). The income created from a general partnership of a business is taxed as income earned by the person working for a different
company. When starting a partnership it is best to discuss the amount of liability that each partner is responsible for. Which, will help when looking at
the type of litigation described.
The most recognized companies are Corporations and LLC's. According to Sonderquist (2000) Corporations are similar to limited partnerships
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My Family Structure
I grew up in a nuclear family. There are four people in my family, consists of my father, mother, my sister and me. My father is 62 years old. He's
working as a insurance agent. My mother is 10 years younger than my father. She used to work as a store manager before she gave birth to me. She
quitted her job in order to take care of me and my sister because she believes that the mother daughter bond can grow stronger day by day by
spending time with us. My sisters and I are four years apart. She is currently studying in Tsun Jin Independent School. Even though we fought a lot
growing, got mad at each other, but she is still my one and only sister and that's all that matters. I think is normal for siblings to fight despite the age more content...
I am also aware of my role as a student, studying and doing the best I can to score in my exams so that in the future I may provide a higher living
standard to my family. For my sister, apart from also being a student like myself, she basically carries the role of the helper at home. Unlike myself,
she spends a lot of time at home with mom while I'm out doing assignments and juggling college life. By spending a lot of time at home, she spends
more time with my mom, helping her with house chores. With all these roles, comes rules as well, my parents have always given my sister and I
curfews. It is understandable because of all the crime rates shooting sky high these days, our parents just wants us to be safe. Another important rule
set by my parents is that all family members must have dinner together. This is so that all of us can have our bonding time as a family. Communication
is the knot that ties it all and it is no doubt the most important thing needed in any kind of relationship. For my family, the communication methods that
we practice are pretty much very decent. My parents, after years and years of being together, they can understand each other very well. They can
understand each other without even saying a word, just a face expression would do. My parents communicate differently as compared to when they
communicate with my sister and myself. This is because of the hieratical
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My experience throughout English 101 Essay
My Experience throughout English 101
As writers, many students write to the expectations of their professors and not to their fullest potential. Throughout English 101 I had been writing
only to please my professor or to fill the basic requirement to pass English. I always felt that my writing ability was never enough for my professors
throughout the previous years. They always wanted clear and concise essays, which for some reason was unreachable by me. However, starting college
and taking English 101 helped me with my weaknesses and changed my technique of writing essays. My experience in English 101 taught me to write
to my fullest potential and to write what I felt; rather then writing what was required.
In more content...
Also, by revising my essays I felt that I had the chance of writing with a broader sense.
Another weakness that I had coming into English 101 was my way of reading. I remember having to read an essay or book 3 or 4 times before I
could ever sit down and write about it. I was looking and at the words all wrong. However, my professor introduced a technique of reading critically.
"A critical analysis, on the other hand, takes a viewpoint and attempts to its validity;" (Trimble, 95) In Trimble's quote he is trying say that a critical
analysis helps a reader understand what the author is really trying to point out. This was the same approach that was taught to me by my professor.
This type of analysis helped me understand better what the author was trying to convey and it also helped me explain it better in my essays.
Additionally, another weakness that I had when coming into English 101 was that I was a selfish writer. Like Trimble said, "His natural tendency as a
writer is to think primarily of himself– hence to write primarily for himself." (Trimble, 4) I was a writer who only cared about impressing one type of
audience my professor and not writing to prove a point or expand my knowledge to several other audiences. However, after writing several
unsatisfying essays I had come to realize that my style of writing was too narrow and boring. In this realization of writing I discovered that what
matters the most is pleasing your audience (many not one), and
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Digital Tools Controversy
This controversy will have significant impact on students and teacher stakeholder in school. People are arguing about whether digital tools are effective
in students' writing. Some people argue digital tools have an impact on their writing and other people argue digital tools have no impact on students'
writing. There are some positive and negative impacts using digital tools. Digital tools help students fix their mistakes before students put their paper
up online. Digital tools are tools that help improve people's writing such as Google Docs which students can get feedback from teacher: "Teachers and
other students can provide feedback on a document: You simply highlight a word or sentence and insert a comment " (Sweeney sec.7). Google docs more content...
Anya Kamenetz's purpose is to support both digital tools and handwriting have positive and negative effects. Kamenetz explains both digital tools
and handwriting are effective, "Writing for the page will continue to have its place, but writing for the web will be students' first language and it's up
to teachers to help them learn how to do it well" (sec.6). She explains both digital tools and handwriting are important for students. Her point is that
people still use handwriting to write a diary, on calendar and notes. "Students put their paper online make them work harder to fix their mistakes
before put up online" (Kamenetz). Digital tools can make students work harder and motivate them about writing: "First, the good. Writing on the web
is public or potentially public. This in itself seems to encourage students to work harder and be more excited about their written work" (Kamenetz
sec.2). Digital tools help the student to work harder because student's paper will be put online; it will cause the student not to make mistakes, and be
more careful about writing a paper. Her tone is informative and advising students, which is more effective by not using digital tools or use digital tools
to help to write. "The survey also highlighted some common concerns about digital tools' effects on written
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Essay on Capital Structure
The relationship between capital structure and firm value has been discussed frequently in the literature by different researcher accordingly, in both
theoretical and empirical studies. It has also been discussed that whether the firm has any optimal capital structure that has been adopted by an
individual firm, or whether the proportions of debt usage is completely irrelevant to the individual firm value.
A firm can choose a mix of three modes of financing i.e. issuing shares, borrowing from the market and use of retained earnings. The ratio of this mix
of funds purely depends on the firm and known as optimal capital structure of the firm. This leads to the different capital structure theories. These
theories explain more content...
Limited research work exists on this area, like Booth et al (2001) studied 10 developing countries including Pakistan. However, this study was
confined only to top 100 index companies. Second study by Shah and Hijazi (2004) was an improvement on the first one as it included all
non–financial firms listed on KSE for the period 1997–2001. However, the second study too was basic in nature in terms of its use of pooled
regression model avoiding the fixed effects and random effects models. The purpose of this study is to extend the work of Shah and Hijazi (2004) by
extending the sample period i.e 2001–2006 and including more firms in sample as convenient random selection of samples, using relevant models of
panel data and using more explanatory variables.
This study will further lead to the dynamics of KSE listed firms. Investor trends towards highly leveraged firms and determination whether the optimum
capital structure effects the decision of investor resulting change in the balance sheet of a company.
Objective of the Study
The objective of this study is to check whether the changes in structure of capital has impact on the overall value of the firms, and specifically in
leverage ratio of firms listed in Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE).
Literature Review
This section starts with the theory of irrelevancy of capital structure. Following subsections give the overview of theories that suggest that the capital
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Methodology of Research Essay examples
Methodology of Research
The method that I will be using to research my area of sociology will be a
structured questionnaire, it will be structured so that the candidates stick to the
questions that they are asked and do not write about irrelevant matters. I will first of
all produce a pilot questionnaire and send it round to a test group of people, and
hopefully see whether or not I am able to obtain the relevant information that I need
for my research with the questions that I have asked my targeted group of people. If
the questionnaire provides me with my needed information, I will the produce more
and send them out to a larger sample of people and obtain more content...
Also using a questionnaire is a quick way to
obtain information and can cover a wide area of matters with just a few questions,
whereas if I had used an interview as my method it would of taken a much longer
amount of time and I might of not been able to get the answers that I needed out of
my candidates. Another bonus of using a questionnaire, would be that once I have
received all of the information I will be able to put my findings into the relevant
tables, and then I will be able to compare my findings to the secondary data that I
have gathered with and will be able to do this with ease.
Because I am establishing the role of women within working class households and the
effect that their roles have had on their families way of life. I need to be able to define
what I class as a working class household; which in my view is a family with either a
mum or a dad or both that goes out to work and then comes home to look after that
home and the family. Therefore I have asked questions to determine who in the
household goes out to work and the sort of jobs that they do around the home. By
asking these questions I feel that I will be able to differentiate between upper, lower
and middle class households and therefore gather the information that I
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Reflection Assignment 3
Following Johns Model of Structured Reflection
For this reflective piece I am going to write about a situation I encountered whilst on my community placement with the district nurse. To write the
essay I will be following "Johns model of structured reflection" as a basis to structure my reflection around.
Johns Model of Structured Reflection (Johns 1998)
1.Write a description of the experience. Ask yourself:
* 'What are the significant issues I need to pay attention to? '
Whilst on my community placement for one of my initial spokes, I arranged to spend the morning with the district nurse on her rounds, to gain an
insight into her role within the community and find out first hand exactly what her job more content...
3.Personal: ask your self:
– 'How did I feel in this situation? '
– 'What internal factors were influencing me? '
During the whole situation from the moment we pulled up out side the house I was very nervous and wanting to give a good impression only made
this worse. Once we had entered the house and met Tom I calmed down a little. I was surprised at my own reaction of distaste when I entered the
house and encounter a grumpy drunk so early in the morning; I had no prior knowledge of his situation (Claire later informed me that his wife had
recently divorced him and he was having difficulties coping).
When Claire asked me to do the drops I declined, at the time I was annoyed with myself for missing the opportunity to practice my clinical skills.
4.Ethics: ask yourself:
– 'Did my actions match with my beliefs? '
– 'What factors made me act in incongruent ways? '
In refection my actions did not match the beliefs I held about myself before coming on community. From my time on my ward placements I thought I
had built up a good professional attitude and could work my way around difficult situations. What I was not prepared for was how much; the lack of
familiar surroundings would affect my actions and how nervous I felt about giving a good impression to Claire and the patients.
The main factors that made me act in such a way were, nervousness, lack of confidence and
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Personal Narrative: I Found Myself
It was almost 3 years ago that I found myself in a rather strange dilemma. I was bored with blogging and all the gimmicks that you had to do in order
to be good at it. This concept did not work for me. I wanted something that inspired creativity in me and in others. So I started experimenting with
posting cartoons, pop culture artwork, internet memes, and videos. Not only was I having fun, I was learning to curate content. Another door that was
opened was partnering with artists who were animators, cartoonists, and illustrators. My friend Tim Engstrom created a custom artwork for the header
and the sidebar. It wasn't long before my clients, friends, and family were reading the blog. What I learned was that this project was more than
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How My Writing Has Improved
After this semester of English 102, at Bristol Community College I feel that I have gained the skill to articulate what I want to convey to the
reader in many ways. I don't just look at grammatical error, but instead I look for ways to make my sentences more effective and concise.
Nevertheless, I hope that this strategy will continue to help me improve my writing even further on in the future. My strong points as a reader
have also definitely improved after reading the poems and stories we experienced this semester. Writing has been an important form of expression
for me. I find myself to be very soft spoken and speaking verbally is usually difficult for me because I can't always seem to find the right words to
say. I feel that I am more expressive and have more control over what I want to say. While this semester progressed toward its end, I have learned
new writing skills and gradually learned how to engage with audiences. This skill was very useful in meeting my course goals in English 102. I
believe that I have grown at organization and careful stream my thoughts as well. Before I would just begin writing my papers without any plans or
organization, along with no definite idea of where I would be going with the assignments, but throughout this course I've learned that you should base
your paper around your thesis statement. Another skill I took from this class was to value my classmate's responses, from their reactions made me
much more aware that my main ideas
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Project Proposal Essay
Project Proposal INTRODUCTION
Topic and Purpose
This proposal identifies the need for a document, which will propose and develop reasons why a for–profit transportation service for Kent should be
perused. This service should be considered because of the recent parking and commuting problems both on and off campus.
There have been many reasons why on–campus parking has become difficult in recent years. Increased student enrollment at Kent State University has
posed many problems. The parking lots cannot facilitate the growing need for vehicle parking. Campus officials have undertaken construction projects
to curb the parking problem, but these renovations have closed lots in the near term. Also, the increased enrollment more content...
The demand for student bus transportation has far exceeded the supply. Also, vandalism and automotive theft has nearly doubled since 1997. DUI
convictions have quadrupled in the city of Kent since last year. The need for public transportation is quite clear.
Because of this evident crisis in transportation, a solution must be in order.
This proposal will outline and validate the impending document generally. First the general nature of the document will be discussed; then the ensuing
proposal will be outlined.
The proposed document must be constructed to demonstrate the need for a new for–profit transportation service. It will present a business plan, and
then go into detail about characteristics specific to this service.
Information about competitive transportation services will be gathered. Questionnaires will be distributed to students and faculty of Kent State
University in order to gather customer insight. Also, a financial consulting firm will be hired to provide professional assistance. Document Outline
The proposed document will include the following specific sections. This outline is tentative and may be adjusted in accord with new developments.
Description of Business Entity and General Operations Type of BusinessType of Legal Entity Type of Facilities Organizational Structure
Type of Service the Business will provide
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Legal Structure of a Business Orgnanisation
Business organisations are the different legal forms a business can adopt. The key distinction is that some businesses provide limited liability for any
debts the business incurs. Others have unlimited liability – which obviously doesn't
[IMAGE]Unincorporated Incorporated
Up Arrow Callout: Sole–trader
Up Arrow Callout: Partnership
Up Arrow Callout: Private Limited Company (ltd)
Up Arrow Callout: Public Limited Company (plc)
What is a Sole–trader? (Builder/local shops/hairdresser)
Sole–traders are individuals who own and operate their own businesses. Although there may well be other employees (usually no more than 5) the more content...
The most common examples of a partnership are doctor's surgeries, veterinarians, accountants, solicitors and dentists.
As stated earlier, most partners in a partnership face unlimited liability for their debts. The only exception is in a Limited Partnership. This is where a
partnership may wish to raise additional finance, but does not wish to take on any new active partners.
To overcome this problem, the partnership may take on as many Sleeping (or Silent) Partners as they wish – these people will provide finance for the
business to use, but will not have any input into how the business is run. In other words, they have purely put the money into the business as an
investment. These Sleeping Partners face limited liability for the debts of the partnership. A partnership, just like a sole trader, is an unincorporated
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Partnership?
Advantages Disadvantages
(1) Additional Skills to strengthen the business (1) Share profits
(2) More capital to help business (2) Loss of control
(3) Debts are shared equally (3) Unlimited liability
There are two types of companies,
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Family and Household Essay
Family and Household
The word family comes from the Latin word familia which means household. This seems to be fitting since they both seem synonymous. In the
dictionary the definition of family is a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head or a group of persons of common
ancestry. The definition of household is those who dwell under the same roof and compose a family or a social unit comprised of those living together
in the same dwelling. Even the definitions are very similar, yet they have come to mean two very different things in our modern day world. As time
evolves so does the clarity of what makes up a family and the function of family and household more content...
In the Dada tribe they live by a patri–local custom of always living with the husbands family. Although this custom sometimes causes problems
between the woman and their in–laws it is still a practice that they maintain because having the men move away would threaten the economics of their
community and their well–being (Abrams & Bishop 1994: "Family and Household").
In the Asante tribe they are also patri–local, in the sense that the new wives must move and live with their husbands family but in their customs all
inheritance is through the mother and they also practice polygamy so the fathers are often not involved with the complete well–being of their children.
Because of this many mothers set up their own individual household and create work for themselves in order to earn something to give to their children
(Abrams & Bishop 1994:"Family and Household").
Both of the above examples provide examples of how family means different things but mostly because their culture has different needs than that of
The term household and how it relates to each culture is a little harder to define. In America household usually means the nuclear family and where
they reside. Household is very independent and for the most part, does not
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Essay on Effective Writing Is Important
Effective Writing is Important
I have become to notice, through my coursework, that writing well is a tool that everyone can benefit from. Good writers will tell of many an occasion
in which their talent has earned them advancement; an advancement that comes to play not only in the job market but also for personal gratification.
Fortunately, writing is a skill that can be both taught and practiced to a point at which virtual perfection is reached. The many facets of writing can
seem quite overwhelming to the novice. The aspect of writing that most people are unaware of is the fact that it is actually broken down into just a few
basic principles. Because of the many benefits that proper voice, structure, and thesis development bring more content...
Voice is the key to getting the reader involved in anessay. Without it, the reader becomes passive and the essay can not be comprehended. Most essays
have the essential material, so the manner in which the material is presented can make a difference. When voice is properly executed in an essay, the
reader can interact with the writing and make the necessary connections. The best sportswriters in the country are experts in using voice. How else
can one become involved in the action? Without voice, a play by play description can become a tedious mass of words. Voice is a logical facet of
writing which, when properly executed, leads the path to effective writing.
Effective structure is a necessity in essay writing. Without it, a capable piece of writing can become a nebulous maze of imperfection. Structure acts
as a road map for the reader. When the reader can follow the essay's structure, the essay as a whole becomes easier to comprehend. The reader can
follow the essay logically and therefore does not have to fill in his own gaps.
When a reader can read without stumbling across deformities, he is at bliss and proper structure can lead to this bliss.
Finally, the actual development of the thesis is a key to effective writing. Again, the reader is always the primary focus and the writing must adhere to
his needs. The thesis statement provides a basis for the essay; a basis for the reader. Once
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15 Year Veteran
Creating a module for officers training for 15 year veterans in the force discussing the effective ways to write a police report in terms of a 15–year
veteran in a level that logically can understand to help support the issue of veterans writing police report below standards.
Challenges for a 15–year veteran on the force is learning how to write effectively a police report with slower learning abilities. Language knowing
how different new terms of initials for a shorter way to phrase things in a police report could be difficult to process. The language concerning, spelling
and grammar are going to be challenging considering they might not have a large vocabulary as someone just graduating college. The effective
learning tactics of writing
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Organizational Structure
Task 01 1) Discuss different organization structures and identify the type of organizational structure that do you thinks suitable for your selected
Organizational structure Organizational structure is the way in witch an organization's activities (job tasks) are divided, organized and coordinated.
Organizational structure is the way in which and work, authority resources of an organization have been divided among members.
Types of organizational structure в–Є Entrepreneurial structure в–Є Bureaucratic structure в–Є Matrix structure
Entrepreneurial structure
Most organizations start life as an entrepreneurial structure in more content...
A useful example is retail banking or the work of building societies. Here the operations have to be standardized, not only in all branches of the same
bank but also between competing banks, so that customers find the system easy to deal with. The work of bank clerks and, in a different way, bank
managers requires knowledge, skill and accuracy, but it must be carried out strictly in accordance with the rules and there is little scope for
individuality apart from one's manner in talking with customers and manual dexterity in counting banknote. Bureaucracy provides scope for economies
of scale and extensive specialization at the expense of flexibility and product innovation. Their predictability provides a secure environment for the
employee and a clear line of safe career progression.
Chief Executive
The matrix structure
As the entrepreneurial and bureaucratic structures have such obvious drawbacks, a third general mode has been evolved and used IV some situations:
the matrix. The method is simply to overlay a second set of hierarchical connections over a first, but at right–angles to it. This was first developed in the
American aerospace industry because of government demands for a single project manager who would be responsible for the progress of each
government contract and to whom government officials could channel all their queries and instruction. Companies
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  • 1. Written Report A REPORT ON WRITTEN COMMUNICATION SKILLS OF NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE STUDENTS Prepared by: Ang Kar Yong Updated on: 3rd March 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my supervisor, Ms. Sylvia, for the valuable advice and support she has given me in the writing of this report. I would also like to thank her for her encouragement and guidance. ABSTRACT This study was to investigate which aspects of written communication should take priority, and to provide the appropriate recommendations to improve on National University of Singapore (NUS) students' written communication skills. It was requested by NUS on 8th February 2013. The investigation was done by Eka Training Group, supported by Centre for English more content... Listening skills Written communication skills Intercultural skills Oral communication skills Interpersonal skills What do you see as the most common barriers to effective communication in your workplace? 49 89 100 105 73 Figure 1. Common barriers to effective communication 2
  • 2. The major finding of the investigation was that a majority of the respondents believe that email writing skills are very important in their job. Referring to Figure 2. 96.7% of all the respondents perceive email writing to be important or very important; 88.2% of all respondents perceive report writing to be important or very important; and 80.2% of all respondents perceive proposal writing to be important or very important. Not at all Somewhat important Important Very important N/A How important is each of the following skills in your job? 150.0 112.5 75.0 37.5 0 Email Letter Report Proposal Figure 2. Types of writing skills and its importance 3 In addition, many of the respondents state that they commonly and frequently write emails in response to enquiries/requests, information sharing with their colleagues/staffs and to request for information. Referring to Figure 3. 50.3% of all respondents indicate they write emails in response to enquiries/requests more than 10 times per month; 48.5% of all respondents indicate they write emails to share Get more content on
  • 3. Lewis Structure Drawing a Lewis Structure Lewis structure is the structure of a molecule in which dots are used to show the electron position around the atoms that make up the molecule. In order to produce the Lewis structure of a molecule, there are certain steps one needs to follow (they are five (5) in number). Basically what I will do is to use the molecule methane (CH4) as example to show you how to draw the Lewis structure of any molecule. First Step In order to produce the Lewis structure of methane, the first step is to count and determine the total valence electron present in methane (or any molecule of interest). Methane is made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms (CH4). The valence of carbon is 4 and that of hydrogen is 1. Since we have more content... Checking the octet rule means counting the number of pair electrons around carbon to know if they are up to eight. If yes, it means that we have our final Lewis structure. If no, it takes is to step five. Looking at the second figure above, the octet rule is satisfied. This means that the final Lewis structure of methane is: Fifth Step If octet rule is not satisfied, and more electrons remain to be shared, move one electron per bond per atom to make another bond. An example is given below for CO2 molecule: (Source: Isomer Questions Isomers in organic chemistry are compounds that have the same molecular formula but with different structural formulas. (1) Pentane is isomer. Its molecular formula is: C5H12. Other compounds that have this same molecular formula are: 2–methylbutane and 2,2–dimethylpropane. These three compounds have different structural formulas (see below): (2) 2–methylbutane is an isomer. See above, it is an isomer of Pentane. (3) 2,3–dimethylbutane is an isomer of hexane. Their molecular formula is: C6H14. Their structural formulas are shown below: CH3(CH2)4CH3 for hexane and CH3CH(CH3)CH(CH3)CH3 for 2,3–dimethylbutane. (4) 2,2–dimethylpropane is an isomer of pentane. See above.
  • 4. (5) 1–hexene is also an isomer. For further information consult the following site: | | Get more content on
  • 5. Personal Narrative Thesis Statement This weeks' review is all about revisions, both large scale and small scale revisions to help us complete our final essay, the home stretch in this course. I have revised my essay at least ten times over the past few weeks. Being a professional for the past 20+ years summarizing what is said in something more than a bullet point or short email has proven to be difficult. What was I trying to communicate in my earlier versions is very close to where I am today but the route I am taking to get to this conclusions is much different thank I had anticipated . My ideas were all over the map and didn't make any sense, in the beginning, the reverse outline helped tremendously. I have a decent thesis statement. I'm finding it difficult to have solid topic sentences, and bringing everything together has also been a more content... The reverse outline did help me focus on the key points of my thesis statement yet the body of some of the paragraphs are lacking something. I am going to read it backward tonight. This is a completely alien concept to me and one I would never think of doing. Getting input from an outside source and trying something different and new in my review process will hopefully get me more focused on my topic sentences and make the rest of the essay easier to Get more content on
  • 6. Examples Of Prescriptive Grammar Grammar is a set of language rules and system. There are various types of grammar. Descriptive grammar is the rules that English speakers follow. Whereas, prescriptive grammar is the textbook rules in order to write and speak correctly. For example, the sentence I didn't go nowhere. is correct in descriptive grammar but incorrect in prescriptive grammar. "The part of the grammar that concerns the structure of phrases and sentences is called syntax. Rules of grammar determine how morphemes and words can combine to express a specific meaning" (Fromkin, & Rodman, 1998). Grammaticality is based on specific patterns determined by the syntactic rules. The rules are acquired or constructed unconsciously as children (Fromkin, & Rodman, 1998) more content... In other word, Do support doesn't occur in negative statements and questions if the affirmative statement already has an auxiliary verb such as be/do /have or can/could/may/might/must/shall/should/will/would. Examples are as follows. + You are living here. (pronoun/ auxiliary/ verb/ adverb) Q Are you living here? _ Aren't you living here? / Are you not living here? Are in the first affirmative statement is an auxiliary verb. Therefore, do support doesn't occur in questions and negative statements. Although be/do /have usually function as auxiliaries, they can also work as main verbs in sentences (Teschner, & Evans, 1993). When be functions as a main verb it never allows Do support. However, both do and have require Do support when working as a main verb. A wh–word can function either as the subject in its wh/co question or the object in it (Teschner, & Evans, 1993). If wh–words are objects, the words move to the front of the sentence, which is called wh–fronting. Whereas, wh–words are subjects, the wh–movement doesn't occur because someone as a subject already appears at the front. Compare: Who did he call? (who functions as an object) Who called him? (who functions as a Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about the human brain In this paper one will learn the different parts of the brain and their functions. Although the brain isn't the largest organ of the human body it is the most complex and controlling organ. It is amazing how complicated the brain is. The brain controls every action within and out of your body. The brain has main areas that contain different areas that have specific functions. For instance the basal ganglia holds the lentiform and the caudate. The brain isn't just "THE BRAIN" it is actually a group of many parts. They help to inform the brain on the things going on with the human body. The brain is split in to two main parts, the left and the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere has about the same areas as the right hemisphere. The only more content... The corpus callosum is a bundle of nerves that connects the two hemispheres. The area that passes and processes information concerning touch, pain, temperature, and pressure on skin is the thalamus. The limbic system controls your behavior and emotions. It is involved in emotions such as fear, rage, pleasure, and sorrow. In the prefrontal area of the frontal lobe emotional traits are controlled. In the temporal lobe expressed behavior is controlled. The parietal lobe discriminates sensory. The occipital lobe is where visual interpretation takes place. Pons is a crossroad for nerves going up to the cortex, to the cerebellum and then down the spinal cord. The cortex is the outer gray area where thinking takes place. The olfactory cortex receives senses from the nose that it then sorts out. The area that identifies what we see by working out movements, colors, and shapes is the visual cortex. The area that receives taste senses is called gustatory cortex. The area responsible for analyzing data, performing memory functions, learning new information, forming thoughts, and making decisions is the cerebral cortex. The motor cortex is involved in muscle movement. The cerebellum is vital when carrying out complicated, skilled movements. It is much like a mini brain. If before you read this paper you thought the brain was a "one man machine" I'm sure your opinion has changed after reading his paper. It is amazing how god has created the brain to have so many areas Get more content on
  • 8. Challenges That I Face As Writer Essay As a writer there are many elements of writing that I struggle with, especially when composing an essay. When writing an essay, there are usually many skills that need to be used in order to be successful with the writing assignment. Many times in writing I struggle with explaining and fully developing the supporting details and ideas in my essay. I would also like to improve on incorporating clear topic sentences and concluding sentences, connecting my paragraphs ideas back to my thesis. Lastly, improvement can be made in my writing by avoiding awkward or wordy sentences. Writers face numerous challenges in their writing but strive to overcome or improve these challenges with each piece they write. Writers often face certain more content... I am looking to improve on this challenge as a writer by focusing on explaining my quotes and explanations in a more supportive way that relates back to the thesis. Writing can be improved upon endlessly by minimizing your challenges as a writer. In writing an essay I also struggle with incorporating clear topic sentences and connecting my paragraphs ideas back to my thesis statement. This struggle is based on last years' experience with writing essays. This struggle can be improved upon by concentrating on what exactly my thesis is stating and building my sentences to relate and explain the thesis further. Improving on this will allow my writing ability to increase and help me become a more successful writer. When composing an essay, or journal entry, or just plain writing, I struggle as a writer with avoiding awkward or wordy phases in my written work. This struggle is yet again based on last year's experience and feedback from my English class. Improvement with this struggle can be made by the following strategies: reading over my paper more carefully, avoiding the use of words that sound intelligent but don't flow with the paper, and editing my paper with peers. Recognizing this struggle and following these strategies would improve my writing. Writers develop strategies that help them to overcome or improve upon their struggles and challenges in their writing. As a Get more content on
  • 9. Essay On Business Structure When brainstorming to start a business, it is essential to research the most efficient way to start a company and all the liabilities that can happen. Business can become successful with the right person in place and a unique idea. When making a company, it is crucial to determine the structure, which organization to start with and the liability that is involved. When taking a closer look at five different company structures Sole Proprietorship, General Partnership, Limited Partnership, S/C Corporation, and Limited Liability. Which have not honored the contract and are at risk for legal actions. The various liabilities between each owner will be discussed. Which will analyze ways to limit liability and display my future more content... Now, A partnership is formed between two individuals and the agreement should be in a contract form or writing. The next two types that are discussed are general partnership and limited partnership. Silverbrand (2008) stated Partnerships are the primary form of business which larger companies begin (p.167). Partnerships are simple to start, no required registration only within certain states, and can end quite rapidly. A general partnership is where each partner is equal to liability or any litigation consequences. In a limited partnership, the liability is limited equal to the amount the limited partners at first invested. In fact, sometimes limited partners do not make business decisions but, own stock within the company. Basically, an LLC, with its hybrid nature, "provides owners...with the limited liability protection of a corporation, but without the potential for double taxation" (Jordan & Clark, 1197). The income created from a general partnership of a business is taxed as income earned by the person working for a different company. When starting a partnership it is best to discuss the amount of liability that each partner is responsible for. Which, will help when looking at the type of litigation described. The most recognized companies are Corporations and LLC's. According to Sonderquist (2000) Corporations are similar to limited partnerships Get more content on
  • 10. My Family Structure I grew up in a nuclear family. There are four people in my family, consists of my father, mother, my sister and me. My father is 62 years old. He's working as a insurance agent. My mother is 10 years younger than my father. She used to work as a store manager before she gave birth to me. She quitted her job in order to take care of me and my sister because she believes that the mother daughter bond can grow stronger day by day by spending time with us. My sisters and I are four years apart. She is currently studying in Tsun Jin Independent School. Even though we fought a lot growing, got mad at each other, but she is still my one and only sister and that's all that matters. I think is normal for siblings to fight despite the age more content... I am also aware of my role as a student, studying and doing the best I can to score in my exams so that in the future I may provide a higher living standard to my family. For my sister, apart from also being a student like myself, she basically carries the role of the helper at home. Unlike myself, she spends a lot of time at home with mom while I'm out doing assignments and juggling college life. By spending a lot of time at home, she spends more time with my mom, helping her with house chores. With all these roles, comes rules as well, my parents have always given my sister and I curfews. It is understandable because of all the crime rates shooting sky high these days, our parents just wants us to be safe. Another important rule set by my parents is that all family members must have dinner together. This is so that all of us can have our bonding time as a family. Communication is the knot that ties it all and it is no doubt the most important thing needed in any kind of relationship. For my family, the communication methods that we practice are pretty much very decent. My parents, after years and years of being together, they can understand each other very well. They can understand each other without even saying a word, just a face expression would do. My parents communicate differently as compared to when they communicate with my sister and myself. This is because of the hieratical Get more content on
  • 11. My experience throughout English 101 Essay My Experience throughout English 101 As writers, many students write to the expectations of their professors and not to their fullest potential. Throughout English 101 I had been writing only to please my professor or to fill the basic requirement to pass English. I always felt that my writing ability was never enough for my professors throughout the previous years. They always wanted clear and concise essays, which for some reason was unreachable by me. However, starting college and taking English 101 helped me with my weaknesses and changed my technique of writing essays. My experience in English 101 taught me to write to my fullest potential and to write what I felt; rather then writing what was required. In more content... Also, by revising my essays I felt that I had the chance of writing with a broader sense. Another weakness that I had coming into English 101 was my way of reading. I remember having to read an essay or book 3 or 4 times before I could ever sit down and write about it. I was looking and at the words all wrong. However, my professor introduced a technique of reading critically. "A critical analysis, on the other hand, takes a viewpoint and attempts to its validity;" (Trimble, 95) In Trimble's quote he is trying say that a critical analysis helps a reader understand what the author is really trying to point out. This was the same approach that was taught to me by my professor. This type of analysis helped me understand better what the author was trying to convey and it also helped me explain it better in my essays. Additionally, another weakness that I had when coming into English 101 was that I was a selfish writer. Like Trimble said, "His natural tendency as a writer is to think primarily of himself– hence to write primarily for himself." (Trimble, 4) I was a writer who only cared about impressing one type of audience my professor and not writing to prove a point or expand my knowledge to several other audiences. However, after writing several unsatisfying essays I had come to realize that my style of writing was too narrow and boring. In this realization of writing I discovered that what matters the most is pleasing your audience (many not one), and Get more content on
  • 12. Digital Tools Controversy This controversy will have significant impact on students and teacher stakeholder in school. People are arguing about whether digital tools are effective in students' writing. Some people argue digital tools have an impact on their writing and other people argue digital tools have no impact on students' writing. There are some positive and negative impacts using digital tools. Digital tools help students fix their mistakes before students put their paper up online. Digital tools are tools that help improve people's writing such as Google Docs which students can get feedback from teacher: "Teachers and other students can provide feedback on a document: You simply highlight a word or sentence and insert a comment " (Sweeney sec.7). Google docs more content... Anya Kamenetz's purpose is to support both digital tools and handwriting have positive and negative effects. Kamenetz explains both digital tools and handwriting are effective, "Writing for the page will continue to have its place, but writing for the web will be students' first language and it's up to teachers to help them learn how to do it well" (sec.6). She explains both digital tools and handwriting are important for students. Her point is that people still use handwriting to write a diary, on calendar and notes. "Students put their paper online make them work harder to fix their mistakes before put up online" (Kamenetz). Digital tools can make students work harder and motivate them about writing: "First, the good. Writing on the web is public or potentially public. This in itself seems to encourage students to work harder and be more excited about their written work" (Kamenetz sec.2). Digital tools help the student to work harder because student's paper will be put online; it will cause the student not to make mistakes, and be more careful about writing a paper. Her tone is informative and advising students, which is more effective by not using digital tools or use digital tools to help to write. "The survey also highlighted some common concerns about digital tools' effects on written Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Capital Structure Introduction The relationship between capital structure and firm value has been discussed frequently in the literature by different researcher accordingly, in both theoretical and empirical studies. It has also been discussed that whether the firm has any optimal capital structure that has been adopted by an individual firm, or whether the proportions of debt usage is completely irrelevant to the individual firm value. A firm can choose a mix of three modes of financing i.e. issuing shares, borrowing from the market and use of retained earnings. The ratio of this mix of funds purely depends on the firm and known as optimal capital structure of the firm. This leads to the different capital structure theories. These theories explain more content... Limited research work exists on this area, like Booth et al (2001) studied 10 developing countries including Pakistan. However, this study was confined only to top 100 index companies. Second study by Shah and Hijazi (2004) was an improvement on the first one as it included all non–financial firms listed on KSE for the period 1997–2001. However, the second study too was basic in nature in terms of its use of pooled regression model avoiding the fixed effects and random effects models. The purpose of this study is to extend the work of Shah and Hijazi (2004) by extending the sample period i.e 2001–2006 and including more firms in sample as convenient random selection of samples, using relevant models of panel data and using more explanatory variables. This study will further lead to the dynamics of KSE listed firms. Investor trends towards highly leveraged firms and determination whether the optimum capital structure effects the decision of investor resulting change in the balance sheet of a company. Objective of the Study The objective of this study is to check whether the changes in structure of capital has impact on the overall value of the firms, and specifically in leverage ratio of firms listed in Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE). Literature Review This section starts with the theory of irrelevancy of capital structure. Following subsections give the overview of theories that suggest that the capital Get more content on
  • 14. Methodology of Research Essay examples Methodology of Research The method that I will be using to research my area of sociology will be a structured questionnaire, it will be structured so that the candidates stick to the questions that they are asked and do not write about irrelevant matters. I will first of all produce a pilot questionnaire and send it round to a test group of people, and hopefully see whether or not I am able to obtain the relevant information that I need for my research with the questions that I have asked my targeted group of people. If the questionnaire provides me with my needed information, I will the produce more and send them out to a larger sample of people and obtain more content... Also using a questionnaire is a quick way to obtain information and can cover a wide area of matters with just a few questions, whereas if I had used an interview as my method it would of taken a much longer amount of time and I might of not been able to get the answers that I needed out of my candidates. Another bonus of using a questionnaire, would be that once I have
  • 15. received all of the information I will be able to put my findings into the relevant tables, and then I will be able to compare my findings to the secondary data that I have gathered with and will be able to do this with ease. Because I am establishing the role of women within working class households and the effect that their roles have had on their families way of life. I need to be able to define what I class as a working class household; which in my view is a family with either a mum or a dad or both that goes out to work and then comes home to look after that home and the family. Therefore I have asked questions to determine who in the household goes out to work and the sort of jobs that they do around the home. By asking these questions I feel that I will be able to differentiate between upper, lower and middle class households and therefore gather the information that I Get more content on
  • 16. Reflection Assignment 3 Following Johns Model of Structured Reflection For this reflective piece I am going to write about a situation I encountered whilst on my community placement with the district nurse. To write the essay I will be following "Johns model of structured reflection" as a basis to structure my reflection around. Johns Model of Structured Reflection (Johns 1998) 1.Write a description of the experience. Ask yourself: * 'What are the significant issues I need to pay attention to? ' Whilst on my community placement for one of my initial spokes, I arranged to spend the morning with the district nurse on her rounds, to gain an insight into her role within the community and find out first hand exactly what her job more content... 3.Personal: ask your self: – 'How did I feel in this situation? ' – 'What internal factors were influencing me? ' During the whole situation from the moment we pulled up out side the house I was very nervous and wanting to give a good impression only made this worse. Once we had entered the house and met Tom I calmed down a little. I was surprised at my own reaction of distaste when I entered the house and encounter a grumpy drunk so early in the morning; I had no prior knowledge of his situation (Claire later informed me that his wife had recently divorced him and he was having difficulties coping). When Claire asked me to do the drops I declined, at the time I was annoyed with myself for missing the opportunity to practice my clinical skills.
  • 17. 4.Ethics: ask yourself: – 'Did my actions match with my beliefs? ' – 'What factors made me act in incongruent ways? ' In refection my actions did not match the beliefs I held about myself before coming on community. From my time on my ward placements I thought I had built up a good professional attitude and could work my way around difficult situations. What I was not prepared for was how much; the lack of familiar surroundings would affect my actions and how nervous I felt about giving a good impression to Claire and the patients. The main factors that made me act in such a way were, nervousness, lack of confidence and Get more content on
  • 18. Personal Narrative: I Found Myself It was almost 3 years ago that I found myself in a rather strange dilemma. I was bored with blogging and all the gimmicks that you had to do in order to be good at it. This concept did not work for me. I wanted something that inspired creativity in me and in others. So I started experimenting with posting cartoons, pop culture artwork, internet memes, and videos. Not only was I having fun, I was learning to curate content. Another door that was opened was partnering with artists who were animators, cartoonists, and illustrators. My friend Tim Engstrom created a custom artwork for the header and the sidebar. It wasn't long before my clients, friends, and family were reading the blog. What I learned was that this project was more than inspiration, Get more content on
  • 19. How My Writing Has Improved After this semester of English 102, at Bristol Community College I feel that I have gained the skill to articulate what I want to convey to the reader in many ways. I don't just look at grammatical error, but instead I look for ways to make my sentences more effective and concise. Nevertheless, I hope that this strategy will continue to help me improve my writing even further on in the future. My strong points as a reader have also definitely improved after reading the poems and stories we experienced this semester. Writing has been an important form of expression for me. I find myself to be very soft spoken and speaking verbally is usually difficult for me because I can't always seem to find the right words to say. I feel that I am more expressive and have more control over what I want to say. While this semester progressed toward its end, I have learned new writing skills and gradually learned how to engage with audiences. This skill was very useful in meeting my course goals in English 102. I believe that I have grown at organization and careful stream my thoughts as well. Before I would just begin writing my papers without any plans or organization, along with no definite idea of where I would be going with the assignments, but throughout this course I've learned that you should base your paper around your thesis statement. Another skill I took from this class was to value my classmate's responses, from their reactions made me much more aware that my main ideas Get more content on
  • 20. Project Proposal Essay Project Proposal INTRODUCTION Topic and Purpose This proposal identifies the need for a document, which will propose and develop reasons why a for–profit transportation service for Kent should be perused. This service should be considered because of the recent parking and commuting problems both on and off campus. There have been many reasons why on–campus parking has become difficult in recent years. Increased student enrollment at Kent State University has posed many problems. The parking lots cannot facilitate the growing need for vehicle parking. Campus officials have undertaken construction projects to curb the parking problem, but these renovations have closed lots in the near term. Also, the increased enrollment more content... The demand for student bus transportation has far exceeded the supply. Also, vandalism and automotive theft has nearly doubled since 1997. DUI convictions have quadrupled in the city of Kent since last year. The need for public transportation is quite clear. Because of this evident crisis in transportation, a solution must be in order. Scope This proposal will outline and validate the impending document generally. First the general nature of the document will be discussed; then the ensuing proposal will be outlined. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSAL Proposal The proposed document must be constructed to demonstrate the need for a new for–profit transportation service. It will present a business plan, and then go into detail about characteristics specific to this service.
  • 21. Methodology Information about competitive transportation services will be gathered. Questionnaires will be distributed to students and faculty of Kent State University in order to gather customer insight. Also, a financial consulting firm will be hired to provide professional assistance. Document Outline The proposed document will include the following specific sections. This outline is tentative and may be adjusted in accord with new developments. Description of Business Entity and General Operations Type of BusinessType of Legal Entity Type of Facilities Organizational Structure Type of Service the Business will provide Get more content on
  • 22. Legal Structure of a Business Orgnanisation Business organisations are the different legal forms a business can adopt. The key distinction is that some businesses provide limited liability for any debts the business incurs. Others have unlimited liability – which obviously doesn't [IMAGE]Unincorporated Incorporated Up Arrow Callout: Sole–trader Up Arrow Callout: Partnership Up Arrow Callout: Private Limited Company (ltd) Up Arrow Callout: Public Limited Company (plc) What is a Sole–trader? (Builder/local shops/hairdresser) Sole–traders are individuals who own and operate their own businesses. Although there may well be other employees (usually no more than 5) the more content... The most common examples of a partnership are doctor's surgeries, veterinarians, accountants, solicitors and dentists. As stated earlier, most partners in a partnership face unlimited liability for their debts. The only exception is in a Limited Partnership. This is where a partnership may wish to raise additional finance, but does not wish to take on any new active partners. To overcome this problem, the partnership may take on as many Sleeping (or Silent) Partners as they wish – these people will provide finance for the business to use, but will not have any input into how the business is run. In other words, they have purely put the money into the business as an investment. These Sleeping Partners face limited liability for the debts of the partnership. A partnership, just like a sole trader, is an unincorporated
  • 23. business. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Partnership? Advantages Disadvantages (1) Additional Skills to strengthen the business (1) Share profits (2) More capital to help business (2) Loss of control (3) Debts are shared equally (3) Unlimited liability There are two types of companies, Get more content on
  • 24. Family and Household Essay Family and Household The word family comes from the Latin word familia which means household. This seems to be fitting since they both seem synonymous. In the dictionary the definition of family is a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head or a group of persons of common ancestry. The definition of household is those who dwell under the same roof and compose a family or a social unit comprised of those living together in the same dwelling. Even the definitions are very similar, yet they have come to mean two very different things in our modern day world. As time evolves so does the clarity of what makes up a family and the function of family and household more content... In the Dada tribe they live by a patri–local custom of always living with the husbands family. Although this custom sometimes causes problems between the woman and their in–laws it is still a practice that they maintain because having the men move away would threaten the economics of their community and their well–being (Abrams & Bishop 1994: "Family and Household"). In the Asante tribe they are also patri–local, in the sense that the new wives must move and live with their husbands family but in their customs all inheritance is through the mother and they also practice polygamy so the fathers are often not involved with the complete well–being of their children. Because of this many mothers set up their own individual household and create work for themselves in order to earn something to give to their children (Abrams & Bishop 1994:"Family and Household"). Both of the above examples provide examples of how family means different things but mostly because their culture has different needs than that of another. The term household and how it relates to each culture is a little harder to define. In America household usually means the nuclear family and where they reside. Household is very independent and for the most part, does not Get more content on
  • 25. Essay on Effective Writing Is Important Effective Writing is Important I have become to notice, through my coursework, that writing well is a tool that everyone can benefit from. Good writers will tell of many an occasion in which their talent has earned them advancement; an advancement that comes to play not only in the job market but also for personal gratification. Fortunately, writing is a skill that can be both taught and practiced to a point at which virtual perfection is reached. The many facets of writing can seem quite overwhelming to the novice. The aspect of writing that most people are unaware of is the fact that it is actually broken down into just a few basic principles. Because of the many benefits that proper voice, structure, and thesis development bring more content... Voice is the key to getting the reader involved in anessay. Without it, the reader becomes passive and the essay can not be comprehended. Most essays have the essential material, so the manner in which the material is presented can make a difference. When voice is properly executed in an essay, the reader can interact with the writing and make the necessary connections. The best sportswriters in the country are experts in using voice. How else can one become involved in the action? Without voice, a play by play description can become a tedious mass of words. Voice is a logical facet of writing which, when properly executed, leads the path to effective writing. Effective structure is a necessity in essay writing. Without it, a capable piece of writing can become a nebulous maze of imperfection. Structure acts as a road map for the reader. When the reader can follow the essay's structure, the essay as a whole becomes easier to comprehend. The reader can follow the essay logically and therefore does not have to fill in his own gaps. When a reader can read without stumbling across deformities, he is at bliss and proper structure can lead to this bliss. Finally, the actual development of the thesis is a key to effective writing. Again, the reader is always the primary focus and the writing must adhere to his needs. The thesis statement provides a basis for the essay; a basis for the reader. Once Get more content on
  • 26. 15 Year Veteran Creating a module for officers training for 15 year veterans in the force discussing the effective ways to write a police report in terms of a 15–year veteran in a level that logically can understand to help support the issue of veterans writing police report below standards. Challenges for a 15–year veteran on the force is learning how to write effectively a police report with slower learning abilities. Language knowing how different new terms of initials for a shorter way to phrase things in a police report could be difficult to process. The language concerning, spelling and grammar are going to be challenging considering they might not have a large vocabulary as someone just graduating college. The effective learning tactics of writing Get more content on
  • 27. Organizational Structure Task 01 1) Discuss different organization structures and identify the type of organizational structure that do you thinks suitable for your selected organization? Organizational structure Organizational structure is the way in witch an organization's activities (job tasks) are divided, organized and coordinated. Organizational structure is the way in which and work, authority resources of an organization have been divided among members. Types of organizational structure в–Є Entrepreneurial structure в–Є Bureaucratic structure в–Є Matrix structure Entrepreneurial structure Most organizations start life as an entrepreneurial structure in more content... A useful example is retail banking or the work of building societies. Here the operations have to be standardized, not only in all branches of the same bank but also between competing banks, so that customers find the system easy to deal with. The work of bank clerks and, in a different way, bank managers requires knowledge, skill and accuracy, but it must be carried out strictly in accordance with the rules and there is little scope for individuality apart from one's manner in talking with customers and manual dexterity in counting banknote. Bureaucracy provides scope for economies of scale and extensive specialization at the expense of flexibility and product innovation. Their predictability provides a secure environment for the employee and a clear line of safe career progression. Chief Executive The matrix structure As the entrepreneurial and bureaucratic structures have such obvious drawbacks, a third general mode has been evolved and used IV some situations: the matrix. The method is simply to overlay a second set of hierarchical connections over a first, but at right–angles to it. This was first developed in the American aerospace industry because of government demands for a single project manager who would be responsible for the progress of each government contract and to whom government officials could channel all their queries and instruction. Companies
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