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India Essays
I. Introduction India, country in southern Asia, south of Afghanistan and east of Pakistan. Including the portion of Jammu and Kashmir administered
by India but disputed by Pakistan, India has an area of 1,222,243 sq miles . The capital is New Delhi , and the largest city is Mumbai (formerly
II. Land and Resources India may be divided into four main regions. The Himalayas, the highest mountain system in the world, lie along India's
northern and eastern margins. (This region includes Jammu and Kashmir, a territory disputed between India, Pakistan, and China. India controls most
of the territory, but China has occupied the northeastern part of the state since 1962. Pakistan occupies the northwest portion of more
The seasons are classified as rainy and dry.
In addition to extensive cultivable land and valuable stands of timber, India has many mineral deposits. The plant life varies from sparse in the arid
areas bordering Pakistan to luxuriant in the southeastern part of the plains region. Arctic plants grow at high elevations, and the lower elevations
support subtropical plant life and are densely forested. India has a wide variety of animal life, from many types of large cats such as tigers, to
elephants and rhinoceroses, and several species of apes, antelope, and deer.
III. Population The exact origins of most Indian people are impossible to determine because of the large variety of races and cultures that have been
assimilated into the subcontinent. India ranks as the second most populous country in the world, trailing only China, with a population of about
966,783,171, some 73 percent of whom live in rural areas. The northern plains region is the most fertile and densely populated area. Hindus are
India's largest religious group. More than 1600 languages or dialects are spoken in India, and India's official language is Hindi. Since gaining its
independence from Great Britain in 1947, India has sought to develop a modern, comprehensive school system.
Indian culture is primarily Hindu–oriented. Many Hindu institutions, including the rigid caste system, still have
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Essay On Indian English Literature
Introduction to Indian writing in English, inclusive of fiction: Indian English Literature is defined as the contribution of Indian writers to the Literature
in English. With the consolidation of the British power in India, English, the language of rulers also began to exercise its influence on the intellectuals
of the country. To the educated people, English language is a gateway to western knowledge. English provided a window for the Indian intellectuals to
have a look at the wide world.
Indian English Literature is a literature which is a combination of Indian literature and Indian literature written in English. Indian writings in English
are a product of the historical encounter between the two cultures – Indian and the western– more content...
The first book with a title Travels of Dean Mahornet was written in English by Sake Dean Mahomet. It was published in 1793 in England. After
publication of this book the English Parliament felt to rectify and equalize some of the materialistic of the East India Com servants. The England
Parliament had approved the Charter Act. It made England responsible for the educational betterment of the natives. The English Education Act was
prompted by Thomas Babington Macaulay's ill–famed "minute" on Indian education. It made English the medium of Indian education system and
English literature a disciplinary subject in Indian educational institutions. Indian English Literature has matured from a sapling to a firmly rooted tree
that blooms with its entirety still awaiting its yet–to–come metamorphosis. Indians took countless events and spotlight notable personalities to bring
Indian writing in English to its contemporary fame. Indian literature in English and its transformation had happened in company with the consolidation
of British imperialism in India. The critics come to the agreement that Indian English literature dates back to at least the early 19th century. In its early
stages, the narration was influenced by the Western art form of the "novel". Early Indian writers made English by Indian words to communicate an
experience and understanding which was fundamentally and in essence of Indian. In the beginning acceptance of English language and literature by
upper–class Indians. First, there were the educational reforms called forth by both the Charter Act of 1813 and the 1835 English Education Act of
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Indian Youth and Social Media
In the 1950s and 1960s, United States, UAE, Switzerland were internationally pre–eminent in economy and technology. After 30 years the economic
landscape has changed considerably and indeed continues to change with amazing rapidity. Situation of strategic economic equality has come to exist
in the triad regions of North America, Western Europe and the Pacific Rim (includingIndia and China).
India is considered as a developing country having population of more than a billion, second highest in the world opened up the economy in the early
nineties following a major crisis that led by a foreign exchange crunch that dragged the economy close to defaulting on loans. The response was a slew
of domestic and external sector more content...
As Indian industry has become more globally competitive major India businesses anticipated much higher allocations for marketing and advertising
campaigns in order to persist within the globalized Indian economy. Some estimate that the advertising industry has been one of the fastest developing
industries in India as much as 25–30%. Another result of globalization has been a huge increase in salaries of senior managers, accountants, lawyers
and public relations personnel working for MNCs or their local competitors. For the IT–literate, job opportunities have been plenty, and there are also
openings to live and earn abroad.
Indian consumers associate India's headway with the accessibility of the latest automobile models and consumer goods. The local accessibility of
imported European cosmetics and fashions, imported drinks and confectioneries have all become meaningful to those who have enough disposable
income to buy such items. Industrialists with interests in ports, shipping, international warehousing and other presence of international trade and
commerce may also see globalization as favorable to their sectors of the economy.
Globalization makes the country increasingly interconnected.
It paid a greater access to developing countries like India faces new challenges like growing inequality across and within nations, volatility in financial
market and environmental
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2.2 English in India:
2.2.1 Pre–Independence Period:
English language was widely exposed to our country due to the British conquest. It was started to accept by the people when the British first came to
India after the incorporation of the East India Company in 1600, and gained roots especially by the educational policies of a Governor–general Lord
The growth of English in India is well explained by Timothy J. Scrase in the following words:
"Since the days of the British Raj, English remained the language of domination, status and privilege in India. The hegemonic colonial project in India
was to create and maintain a class of administrative officers, clerks and compliant civil servants to carry out the task of ruling the vast more
Britishers in India, and as a colonial subjects people had no other choice but to learn, to know and to speak English. In this way the language started
gaining roots in India.
Meanwhile two groups came in existence. One group was the 'Anglicists' advocated the revival of English and second was the 'Orientalists' who
advocated the revival of Sanskrit and Persian learning in India but the noted Hindu leaders like Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Christian missionaries like
William Carey advocated Westerneducation through the medium of English. and thus a controversy arose between these groups. It withheld the
smooth progress of English in India.
Then Lord Macaulay was appointed as the president of the committee in 1834. His main contention was that the study of English could be beneficial to
those Indians who were pursuing higher studies than Arabic and Sanskrit. He pointed out that there was already an effective demand for English. He
argued that:
"since indigenous languages were inadequate and chaotic, and indigenous arts and literature were petty futile things. Only 'Western' education with
English as the sole medium would deliver the
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Essay on Bollywood Movies
Bollywood movies are very popular for the "Romance" portrayed in their plot. Romance in Bollywood has evolved throughout the ages. But the one
thing, that has remained constant are the unofficial and official ban on any depiction that may suggest something which is not a part of the "Indian"
culture. Westernization was always shown as something negative and alien. Let's have a closer look at how Hindi cinema deals with this censorship
code that has been set up. Bollywood adopted a new way to recreate the same passion that usually a 'kiss' would generate; they substitute these by
song and dance routines. Songs are basically a description of the passionate seen with no suggestive visual imagery to aid it. It's left to the audiences' more content...
For example in Shree 420(1950), Maya the female antagonist is shown as rich, westernized women, with no moral values. She is shown to wear
explicitly revealing clothes and have short hair. She drinks alcohol and also smokes. Flirting with men and dancing while inappropriately clad
around them, are also the other negative qualities she embodies. However, Vidya is the female protagonist who is completely the opposite, she's
traditional and educated. Responsibilities that she holds are looking after her disabled father and running a school. Her hair is long and she is
always traditionally dressed in saris. The contrasting visual imagery of Vidya and Maya lets the audience make a judgment of who portrays the
negative character quite clearly. Do not fail to notice that this outward depiction of good and bad is only in terms of the women. Raj the male lead
of the movie Shree 420, goes through a phase of corruption and greed, however, he is ultimately forgiven and given the benefit of the doubt. This
leads me to my next point about how 'Women" are sacrificed in movies just to pass out a social message. The message clearly states that any act
which is not "culturally accepted" will have bad consequences. In the movie Kati Patang, you are taken through the story of Madhavi, who runs away
to be with her lover on the day of her wedding. From that very moment, she encounters a series of unfortunate events. A secondary character from
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Hindutva Essay
Hinduism Hindutva is a popular concept in India that represents Hindu ideology and promotes the hegemony of Hinduism in government, even at the
expense of others. Directly translated as "Hinduness", Hindutva was established as an official term made up by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar in 1923
(Falak). Opponents of Hindutva suggest that it is greatly similar to fascism in the sense that it oppresses the beliefs and liberties of minority groups. On
the other hand, the Sanatan Sanstha was founded by Jayant Balaji Athavale in 1990 and arranged the "Hindu Awakening" conferences about unification
for the sake of improving India (Falak). However, Sanatan Sanstha activists have been caught in the process of trying to bomb Indian cities. Many
Hindu political groups contradict their own peaceful words with violent actions, which is simply more content...
The caste system, often highly regarded by the elite of Hinduism, consists of four main divisions (Lee). There are Brahmins, the highest caste of
priests and scholars; Kshatriyas, warriors and kings; Vaishyas, merchants and landowners; and Shudras, servants and peasants. Technically, there is a
fifth category of social status, formerly known as the Untouchables, called Dalits. According to academic scholars like Dr. Ram Puniyani, Hindutva
mainly represents the response of higher caste Hindus to the uprising of the lower castes; additionally, it is the primary cause of Saffron terrorism in
India and Nepal (Falak). Divisive politics are progressively isolating classes from empathy which is counterproductive when attempting to create peace
for all people since it condones violence against the lower castes. These inequalities are also apparent beyond the realm of socioeconomic struggles and
cause discriminatory violence in the name of
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Language : Language And Language
Language in society is constantly being spoken in several different ways–whether that consists of speaking in different languages, or communicating
differently when speaking and writing. Furthermore, language is often described as words used to communicate amongst others around you. As you
become older, you quickly realize that language comes with much more than words. Many languages; if not all, have several different dialects–some to
the point where the words can't be recognized whatsoever. Consequently, it's not only important to recognize the innumerable different forms of
language varieties, but to understand what language varieties you command in different daily situations.
Foundation of My Language
Language and language identity has played significant role in my life. Growing up, I have gone through countless different experiences of how
language identity has influenced me regarding my form of communication. My parents were both born in the United States of America– both growing
up in Tacoma, Washington. Within the mist of growing older, I would replicate how my parents would speak and pronounce words. This ultimately
became my foundation for learning how to communicate with others–better yet, my guide to learning how to speak English. Though there is a plethora
of different native languages individuals can identify themselves with, English has been a very difficult conundrum to solve throughout my life. Many
people around the world can identify a native tongue to
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On August 8, 1942 in Bombay, India, Gandhi gave a speech to many individuals in order to call for a peaceful, yet determined, resistance for the
independance of India. Gandhi is speaking to influence the people of India to stand up and declare their independence from Great Britain. The
idea of a peaceful protest is a main point of Gandhi's speech. Gandhi was a very influential orator. A major aspect of Gandhi's speech is the use of
ethos and pathos. Although ethos and pathos are very apparent, a lot of his speech is driven by the effective use of logos. From the very beginning
of his speech, Gandhi explains and emphasizes his credibility through the use of ethos. Gandhi starts with the statement, " There are people who
ask me whether I am the same man that I was in 1920" (1). This statement was meant to emphasize that some people are starting to question his
credibility. Gandhi quickly follows up with the statement, " I have not changed in any fundamental respect" (1). By saying this, he quickly
reestablishes his credibility with the audience. This is very important for his audience because if they no longer think he is credible, then they are
more than likely not going to listen to what he has to say. Gandhi knows that he hasn't changed his ideals and he lets the audience know this. His
credibility, or ethos, is paramount to whether or not his speech will be successful. He is trying to convince a nation to declare its independence. His
use of ethos helps to convince the audience that his ideals are right and that they should do as he says. When a great orator, as Gandhi was, has the
ability to connect emotionally with an audience, they can influence almost any audience. Gandhi uses pathos in an incredible way throughout his
speech. He knows that the people of India are struggling greatly under the rule of the British. He knows that his audience is full of hatred for the
British. He addresses, and deals with these emotions very well. "I know the British Government will not be able to withhold freedom from us, when
we have made enough self–sacrifice. We must, therefore, purge ourselves of hatred" (2). With this statement, Gandhi explains to the people that hatred
is not the way to gain independence. The
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India 's Development And Growth Essay
Background: India is one of the most popular countries in the world. Geographically, India is located at the south of the Asian continent. India's
development and growth has been one of the most significant accomplishments in recent times. India neighboring countries include Pakistan, Nepal,
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Bhutan. The size of the population in India is 1,266,883,598 and the Territorial size of the country is 3, 287,
263 sq. km (The World Factbook, 2016). The prime minister of India is known as Narendra Modi who is the leader of the majority party in Lok
Sabha and is currently the head of the Council of ministers in India. India's political party that is in power right now is Bharatiya Janata Party. The
Bharatiya Janata Party, was first founded by Shyama Mukherjee in 1953 with the main purpose of safeguarding the Hindu interests in India (The
World Factbook, 2016). India is becoming more of an open market economy. While most emerging nations were have struggled mightily against the
strong U.S. dollar and falling commodity prices, India continues to lead. The view for India's long–term growth is positive due to the staggering young
population and corresponding low dependency ratio (World Factbook, 2016). For example healthy savings, investment rates, and increasing integration
play a role in the global economy. India being the 4th largest economy in the world, India has bought about a landmark agricultural revolution that has
changed the country
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The Language Of The Future
Essay 2 Step 3 "What's The Language Of The Future"
Language is essential in human migration, all over the world for each and everyone to be the quest for power in anywhere you find yourself you
must learn how to speak that particular country language you find yourself and be able to relate to anybody. For an example, if you migrate to the
United States and your first language is not an English language, you have to learn how to speak so that you will be the quest for power.
In migrating from one region to another language is very important and it might be a big barrier for each and everyone to relate to each other and it
has a big relationship with migration, for anyone to be very useful for his/herself when you migrate to a country more content...
but with my research that I did, I find out that For many centuries, French was the official language of culture, and a knowledge acquired study,
research, and learning. It was the language of diplomacy and arts. The Aristocrats in Imperial Russia spoke French, even amongst themselves,
according to Tolstoy and many others documented research. In fact, if you wanted to be educated, you had to learn how to speak French. Things have
changed a lot since the decline of French and the rise of the English. English is now the world 's lingua franca. But French remains an official language
in many international institutions, from The United Nation to The European Union, to the Olympics Committee (founded by a Frenchman), and
learning French still retains some superior status. French may be a beautiful language, but few of people would argue it 's the most useful, and almost
nobody will argue it 's the language of the future. According to "John McWhorter" in his write–up "spoke for many when he wrote an immediately viral
piece titled", "Let 's Stop Pretending That French Is an Important Language," attacking New York City 's bilingual education programs. Here 's the
thing: the data suggests that the French language just might be the language of the future.
French isn 't even mostly spoken by French people and hasn 't been for a long time now. I found out the french language is growing fast, and growing
in the fastest growing areas of the world, particularly sub–Saharan
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The Revitalization Of Endangered Languages
Did you know that linguists have estimated that around 50% of the world's estimated 6,000 endangered languages will become extinct within the next
century (Hale et al. 6)? Languages are classified as endangered when a population of fluent speakers begin to decrease with no expected growth.
Linguists go on expeditions in an attempt to revitalize these endangered languages. It is important for the revitalization of endangered languages
because they create diversity, express identity, hold history, create human knowledge and are interesting (Crystal 41). Levels of revitalization of
languages by linguists should be dependent on the willingness of the speakers to participate, the survival rate of various languages and the availability
of resources provided from outside the community; they can help revitalize languages through documentation, assist speakers in developing
community–based programs, and increase awareness once the project is finished. Collaboration from speakers is crucial in revitalizing a language
because the speakers make up its culture and language. When linguists travel to foreign areas for research in endangered languages, they are
considered outsiders the moment they step foot onto the land because "foreign visitors attract a great deal of attention as a result of the wealth, power,
and privilege they are felt to represent" (Dobrin 44). Speakers view this relationship as an outsider–insider conflict because "language documentation
projects mean something
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Report on English Week
Report On The English Week Programme In SMK Alam Shah English Week was an opportunity for students to show everyone their appreciation
and ability at English. In SMK Alam Shah, the English Week was carried out from 18 April until 22 April 2011. The programme was organized by
the English Language Society. With the slogan "I Love English", this programme was aimed to encourage all pupils to use English Language as a
medium of interaction with their friends and teachers. Various activities were arranged during the week and opened to all students. The activities were
carried out from 7.30 a.m. until the school sessions ended. The event kicked off on Monday, 18 April 2011, with the standard assembly in the Bestari
Hall. more content...
Meanwhile, the poem recitation activity was also held at the Bestari Hall to enable pupils to appreciate literature. Each participant was allowed to
recite the poem of their choice in 5 minutes. Ten students took part in this competition. The last day of English Week was more relaxing as students
were given a chance to watch the latest movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". Tickets were sold at RM1.00 per student. The money raised will
go to the English Language Society fund and will be used for other beneficial programmes in the future. After the morning break, all students and
teachers adjourned to the Bestari Hall to witness the closing ceremony of English Week. The audience was entertained by a drama performance which
was brilliantly executed by the fifth formers. The day ended with a prize–giving ceremony. The principal, Mr. Ariffin bin Sabtu, handed out story
books and hampers as gifts to the winners. SMK Alam Shah was immersed in an atmosphere of gaiety during English Week. The English Language
Society would like to congratulate the teachers and the committees in charged for putting a lot of time and effort to make this event a truly momentous
and successful one. We would also like to express our gratitude to those who have put their heart out into participating in various activities throughout
the week. It is hoped that this programme would encourage students to love learning English and ultimately build up their confidence level and
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Indian Cuisine
Indian Cuisine
Think of India and one of the first things that come to mind is its diversity. A large populous country divided into many states; each with its own
unique traditions and gastronomic fare. Indian cooking is one of the most popular cuisines across the globe. Not only is it popular among the large
Indian diaspora but also among the mainstream population of North America and Europe. For the uninitiated, Indian food may seem foreign, scary,
spicy and not for the faint of heart. This paper aims to explore many of the facets that make up Indian cuisine and hopefully allay any misconceptions or
fears that may exist. The chapters are categorized under the following sections: 1. The Evolution of Indian Cooking 2. more
Northern India North Indian cuisine is distinguished by a proportionally high use of dairy products. The tawa, or griddle, is used extensively for
baking flat breads like roti and paratha. A tandoor oven is also frequently used to cook main courses like chicken. Goat and lamb are favored
ingredients of many northern Indian recipes. The samosa, a common appetizer on all Indian restaurant menus, has its roots in northern India. The staple
food of most of north Indians are a variety of lentils, vegetables, and roti. Common north Indian foods such as kebabs and meat dishes originated with
the Muslim incursions into the country. The influence of Europeans is also apparent with the creation of new dishes like chicken tikka masala which is
actually a British invention during colonial times.
Eastern India
In the eastern part of India there is a large Oriental influence resulting from an influx of movement from Tibet and Nepal. All of these influences
helped form the dietary customs in eastern India. Popular food is this region is a unique blend of vegetarian meals prepared in the traditional Chinese
cooking style. Rice and fish are the staple foods because most of the towns and fishing villages are located on the coast.
Southern India
Southern Indian cuisine is distinguished by a greater emphasis on rice and the liberal use of coconut, coconut oil and curry leaves. Before Christianity
came to India in the early 52 AD, Kerala was strictly vegetarian as
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Learning A New Language Essay
Learning a New Language
My Family 's Path to Become Quad Lingual
Resolutions has not always been my thing. I rarely make one and even if I do it ends up being a to do lost for the first week of January. But this year is
going to be different due to two reasons. One, I am more excited than I have ever been and two, it involves my toddler son. When it comes to him I
never compromise. This year I have decided to learn a new language with him.
I speak English and Tamil at home. Hindi, which I am fluent in is feeling left out because my husband does not speak it. I want my son to have a
understanding knowledge of Hindi too. So this year I have resolved to include conversational Hindi and Spanish in my sons vocabulary. Language
learning comes easy early. Kids have more ability to learn languages way easier than adults. There are even studies that prove kids learn faster when it
comes to their linguistic skills. Noam Chomsky, linguistic professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology earned the Kyoto prize for his work on
this subject.
For my son to gain knowledge of these languages it is essential that we converse with him in both Hindi and Spanish at home. So I have decided to
study Spanish. Learning Spanish is not going to be a walk in the park. I need time, energy and patience, which is a really tall order since I am a
toddler's mom. But then again this may be the fun thing I was looking to do for a very long time. I am not going to get a language learning software or
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Cultural Diversity In India
Cultures change and cultural diversity is created, maintained and lost over time. Social learning and choosing, acquiring and assimilating and rejecting
information and knowledge is a necessary aspect of the formation of cultural repertoire.
Human culture is the inevitable result of the way our species acquires its behaviour. Expertise in exploiting our environment, values about what matters
in life are, among other things, what constitute culture.
We are very adept at transmitting cultural information to others, sometimes through frank teaching but also through the constant social interaction
characteristic of human life.
Cultural diversity inevitably develops in the course of cultural transmission. This happens when members of the same culture and sub–culture share a
large proportion of their information
The diversity in India is unique. Being a large country with large population. India presents endless varieties of physical features and cultural
patterns. It is the land of many languages it is only in India people professes all the major religions of the world. In short, India is "the epitome of the
world". The vast population is composed of people having diverse creeds, customs and colours.
Some of the important forms of diversity in India are:–
1. Diversity of Physical Features:
The unique feature about India is the extreme largest mountains covered with snow throughout the year. The Himalayas or the adobe of snow is the
source of the mighty
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Linguistic Stereotypes Essay
Linguistic Stereotypes
Language is a method in which individuals communicate in order to get their opinion across to the listening party. Language is the tool which ideas
can be conveyed in various ways. Typically, language is referred to verbal communication, however, it ranges to all methods of communication i.e. sign
Linguistic stereotypes are an existent form of discrimination. Since, languages are criticized and mocked due to the connection between language and
cultural character. Thus, language is significantly related to the identity of thespeakers. In addition, languages are vulnerable to criticism due to
differences in cultural behavior.
Firstly, according to '' identity is defined as more content...
Verbal languages vary in pronunciations. Since, Languages are described as being smooth and light, while on the other hand, languages known to being
rough and abrupt. The manner in which speakers pronounce and communicate using words, phrases and hand gesture also has a way in building the
personality of the language. Furthermore, whilst a speaker pronounces words and letters that are in the non–speaker opinion rigid and tough, an image
of a solid language is created in the observing non–speaker mind. Personally, listening to Hindi dialects, I myself seem to find it challenging to
pronounce specific words, and an image of complexity forms in my mind. During dialect comparison, we realize that pronunciation is vulnerable to
criticism and satire. Comedians during criticizing a specific group usually imitate the dialect to refer to their identity. Thus when they criticize the
language they mean it to the group and their specialized behavior.
Linguistic discrimination is an important issue; many have been discriminated and excluded from the public sphere due to their disability to practice
the standardized language. In the Arab world, when second language speakers try to talk Arabic, they seem to have difficulties with the pronunciations.
Consequently, this leads to limitations during the blending in procedures. The explanation
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The Indian Culture Essay examples
A culture where guests are treated as gods, family members live under the same household until death, and have the belief that gods and spirits play
the significant role in determining their life all refer to the same topic, the Indian culture; a rich and diverse culture which is very unique in many ways.
This culture includes the qualities of various other cultures and it results into a modern and acceptable tradition. Respecting elders, honouring heroes,
cherishing love, and following traditions make up the major components of the Indian culture and its followers. Many people believe that this
particular culture has a great impact on their everyday lives and are proud to be included in the significant customs. In the novel, Clear
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When her parents died, they left her with a burden of responsibilities that involved raising the children and taking on the role of a mother. Bim is left
to take care of her smallest and mentally challenged brother, Baba. When Baba was younger, the parents would constantly go to clubs and out for
drinks, leaving the responsibility of raising the unfortunate child to Bim. The two siblings established a special bond with each other and trusted each
other more and more each day. When the second oldest child, Raja fell ill because of tuberculosis, Bim was accountable of helping him regain back
his normal health. Upon these responsibilities was a very important one, Bim had to earn money for the family and she knew that it involved educating
herself to become a teacher, a job that was seemed appropriate for women.
"For all father cared, I could have grown up illiterate and cooked for my living, or swept. So I had to teach myself history, and teach myself to teach."
Since men of the house are the providers to the family, their death can have a huge impact on the family. This terrible incident challenged Bim and
the rest of the family members to live their life without coming to a point of bankruptcy. Bim's responsibility increased when her sister, Tara married
and moved out of the house, leaving Bim with the burden of taking care of her brothers' needs, daily chores, and paying for the rents and groceries.
Responsibility can affect us and our lives
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India Is A Melting Pot For Many Languages
The subcontinent of India is a melting pot for many different languages and dialects that are specific to certain areas of India. India is divided up into
several different language families. The most widely spoken of which are the Indo–Iranian and Dravidian languages, but smaller groups in India also
use many languages belonging to unrelated language families, such as Sino–Tibetan for example. India has twenty two official languages, but out of all
these languages Hindi is the most widely and universally used and expected language of India. Hindi is surprisingly apart of the same family as the
Romance and Germanic languages which also belong to the Indo–European language family that primarily stretched from western Europe all the way
till Iran and the Indian subcontinent as well. As one expert writing about the language states, "This means the languages most Indians speak are related
to be related to French, German, Russian, and Greek, despite the profound differences in culture and even physical appearance between Indians and
Europeans." (McWhorter 72)
The father language of India is called Sanskrit, which is the language that was used to construct the sacred texts of the Hindu religion as well. This
ancient language of Sanskrit eventually developed into several different modern languages that are all still very closely related as a result of all the
languages being developed from the same basic language of Sanskrit. A few examples of modern
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  • 1. India Essays India I. Introduction India, country in southern Asia, south of Afghanistan and east of Pakistan. Including the portion of Jammu and Kashmir administered by India but disputed by Pakistan, India has an area of 1,222,243 sq miles . The capital is New Delhi , and the largest city is Mumbai (formerly Bombay). II. Land and Resources India may be divided into four main regions. The Himalayas, the highest mountain system in the world, lie along India's northern and eastern margins. (This region includes Jammu and Kashmir, a territory disputed between India, Pakistan, and China. India controls most of the territory, but China has occupied the northeastern part of the state since 1962. Pakistan occupies the northwest portion of more content... The seasons are classified as rainy and dry. In addition to extensive cultivable land and valuable stands of timber, India has many mineral deposits. The plant life varies from sparse in the arid areas bordering Pakistan to luxuriant in the southeastern part of the plains region. Arctic plants grow at high elevations, and the lower elevations support subtropical plant life and are densely forested. India has a wide variety of animal life, from many types of large cats such as tigers, to elephants and rhinoceroses, and several species of apes, antelope, and deer. III. Population The exact origins of most Indian people are impossible to determine because of the large variety of races and cultures that have been assimilated into the subcontinent. India ranks as the second most populous country in the world, trailing only China, with a population of about 966,783,171, some 73 percent of whom live in rural areas. The northern plains region is the most fertile and densely populated area. Hindus are India's largest religious group. More than 1600 languages or dialects are spoken in India, and India's official language is Hindi. Since gaining its independence from Great Britain in 1947, India has sought to develop a modern, comprehensive school system. Indian culture is primarily Hindu–oriented. Many Hindu institutions, including the rigid caste system, still have Get more content on
  • 2. Essay On Indian English Literature Introduction to Indian writing in English, inclusive of fiction: Indian English Literature is defined as the contribution of Indian writers to the Literature in English. With the consolidation of the British power in India, English, the language of rulers also began to exercise its influence on the intellectuals of the country. To the educated people, English language is a gateway to western knowledge. English provided a window for the Indian intellectuals to have a look at the wide world. Indian English Literature is a literature which is a combination of Indian literature and Indian literature written in English. Indian writings in English are a product of the historical encounter between the two cultures – Indian and the western– more content... The first book with a title Travels of Dean Mahornet was written in English by Sake Dean Mahomet. It was published in 1793 in England. After publication of this book the English Parliament felt to rectify and equalize some of the materialistic of the East India Com servants. The England Parliament had approved the Charter Act. It made England responsible for the educational betterment of the natives. The English Education Act was prompted by Thomas Babington Macaulay's ill–famed "minute" on Indian education. It made English the medium of Indian education system and English literature a disciplinary subject in Indian educational institutions. Indian English Literature has matured from a sapling to a firmly rooted tree that blooms with its entirety still awaiting its yet–to–come metamorphosis. Indians took countless events and spotlight notable personalities to bring Indian writing in English to its contemporary fame. Indian literature in English and its transformation had happened in company with the consolidation of British imperialism in India. The critics come to the agreement that Indian English literature dates back to at least the early 19th century. In its early stages, the narration was influenced by the Western art form of the "novel". Early Indian writers made English by Indian words to communicate an experience and understanding which was fundamentally and in essence of Indian. In the beginning acceptance of English language and literature by upper–class Indians. First, there were the educational reforms called forth by both the Charter Act of 1813 and the 1835 English Education Act of William Get more content on
  • 3. Indian Youth and Social Media Introduction In the 1950s and 1960s, United States, UAE, Switzerland were internationally pre–eminent in economy and technology. After 30 years the economic landscape has changed considerably and indeed continues to change with amazing rapidity. Situation of strategic economic equality has come to exist in the triad regions of North America, Western Europe and the Pacific Rim (includingIndia and China). India is considered as a developing country having population of more than a billion, second highest in the world opened up the economy in the early nineties following a major crisis that led by a foreign exchange crunch that dragged the economy close to defaulting on loans. The response was a slew of domestic and external sector more content... As Indian industry has become more globally competitive major India businesses anticipated much higher allocations for marketing and advertising campaigns in order to persist within the globalized Indian economy. Some estimate that the advertising industry has been one of the fastest developing industries in India as much as 25–30%. Another result of globalization has been a huge increase in salaries of senior managers, accountants, lawyers and public relations personnel working for MNCs or their local competitors. For the IT–literate, job opportunities have been plenty, and there are also openings to live and earn abroad. Indian consumers associate India's headway with the accessibility of the latest automobile models and consumer goods. The local accessibility of imported European cosmetics and fashions, imported drinks and confectioneries have all become meaningful to those who have enough disposable income to buy such items. Industrialists with interests in ports, shipping, international warehousing and other presence of international trade and commerce may also see globalization as favorable to their sectors of the economy. Globalization makes the country increasingly interconnected. It paid a greater access to developing countries like India faces new challenges like growing inequality across and within nations, volatility in financial market and environmental Get more content on
  • 4. 2.2 English in India: 2.2.1 Pre–Independence Period: English language was widely exposed to our country due to the British conquest. It was started to accept by the people when the British first came to India after the incorporation of the East India Company in 1600, and gained roots especially by the educational policies of a Governor–general Lord Macaulay. The growth of English in India is well explained by Timothy J. Scrase in the following words: "Since the days of the British Raj, English remained the language of domination, status and privilege in India. The hegemonic colonial project in India was to create and maintain a class of administrative officers, clerks and compliant civil servants to carry out the task of ruling the vast more content... Britishers in India, and as a colonial subjects people had no other choice but to learn, to know and to speak English. In this way the language started gaining roots in India. Meanwhile two groups came in existence. One group was the 'Anglicists' advocated the revival of English and second was the 'Orientalists' who advocated the revival of Sanskrit and Persian learning in India but the noted Hindu leaders like Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Christian missionaries like William Carey advocated Westerneducation through the medium of English. and thus a controversy arose between these groups. It withheld the smooth progress of English in India. Then Lord Macaulay was appointed as the president of the committee in 1834. His main contention was that the study of English could be beneficial to those Indians who were pursuing higher studies than Arabic and Sanskrit. He pointed out that there was already an effective demand for English. He argued that: "since indigenous languages were inadequate and chaotic, and indigenous arts and literature were petty futile things. Only 'Western' education with English as the sole medium would deliver the Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Bollywood Movies Bollywood movies are very popular for the "Romance" portrayed in their plot. Romance in Bollywood has evolved throughout the ages. But the one thing, that has remained constant are the unofficial and official ban on any depiction that may suggest something which is not a part of the "Indian" culture. Westernization was always shown as something negative and alien. Let's have a closer look at how Hindi cinema deals with this censorship code that has been set up. Bollywood adopted a new way to recreate the same passion that usually a 'kiss' would generate; they substitute these by song and dance routines. Songs are basically a description of the passionate seen with no suggestive visual imagery to aid it. It's left to the audiences' more content... For example in Shree 420(1950), Maya the female antagonist is shown as rich, westernized women, with no moral values. She is shown to wear explicitly revealing clothes and have short hair. She drinks alcohol and also smokes. Flirting with men and dancing while inappropriately clad around them, are also the other negative qualities she embodies. However, Vidya is the female protagonist who is completely the opposite, she's traditional and educated. Responsibilities that she holds are looking after her disabled father and running a school. Her hair is long and she is always traditionally dressed in saris. The contrasting visual imagery of Vidya and Maya lets the audience make a judgment of who portrays the negative character quite clearly. Do not fail to notice that this outward depiction of good and bad is only in terms of the women. Raj the male lead of the movie Shree 420, goes through a phase of corruption and greed, however, he is ultimately forgiven and given the benefit of the doubt. This leads me to my next point about how 'Women" are sacrificed in movies just to pass out a social message. The message clearly states that any act which is not "culturally accepted" will have bad consequences. In the movie Kati Patang, you are taken through the story of Madhavi, who runs away to be with her lover on the day of her wedding. From that very moment, she encounters a series of unfortunate events. A secondary character from Get more content on
  • 6. Hindutva Essay Hinduism Hindutva is a popular concept in India that represents Hindu ideology and promotes the hegemony of Hinduism in government, even at the expense of others. Directly translated as "Hinduness", Hindutva was established as an official term made up by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar in 1923 (Falak). Opponents of Hindutva suggest that it is greatly similar to fascism in the sense that it oppresses the beliefs and liberties of minority groups. On the other hand, the Sanatan Sanstha was founded by Jayant Balaji Athavale in 1990 and arranged the "Hindu Awakening" conferences about unification for the sake of improving India (Falak). However, Sanatan Sanstha activists have been caught in the process of trying to bomb Indian cities. Many Hindu political groups contradict their own peaceful words with violent actions, which is simply more content... The caste system, often highly regarded by the elite of Hinduism, consists of four main divisions (Lee). There are Brahmins, the highest caste of priests and scholars; Kshatriyas, warriors and kings; Vaishyas, merchants and landowners; and Shudras, servants and peasants. Technically, there is a fifth category of social status, formerly known as the Untouchables, called Dalits. According to academic scholars like Dr. Ram Puniyani, Hindutva mainly represents the response of higher caste Hindus to the uprising of the lower castes; additionally, it is the primary cause of Saffron terrorism in India and Nepal (Falak). Divisive politics are progressively isolating classes from empathy which is counterproductive when attempting to create peace for all people since it condones violence against the lower castes. These inequalities are also apparent beyond the realm of socioeconomic struggles and cause discriminatory violence in the name of Get more content on
  • 7. Language : Language And Language Language in society is constantly being spoken in several different ways–whether that consists of speaking in different languages, or communicating differently when speaking and writing. Furthermore, language is often described as words used to communicate amongst others around you. As you become older, you quickly realize that language comes with much more than words. Many languages; if not all, have several different dialects–some to the point where the words can't be recognized whatsoever. Consequently, it's not only important to recognize the innumerable different forms of language varieties, but to understand what language varieties you command in different daily situations. Foundation of My Language Language and language identity has played significant role in my life. Growing up, I have gone through countless different experiences of how language identity has influenced me regarding my form of communication. My parents were both born in the United States of America– both growing up in Tacoma, Washington. Within the mist of growing older, I would replicate how my parents would speak and pronounce words. This ultimately became my foundation for learning how to communicate with others–better yet, my guide to learning how to speak English. Though there is a plethora of different native languages individuals can identify themselves with, English has been a very difficult conundrum to solve throughout my life. Many people around the world can identify a native tongue to Get more content on
  • 8. On August 8, 1942 in Bombay, India, Gandhi gave a speech to many individuals in order to call for a peaceful, yet determined, resistance for the independance of India. Gandhi is speaking to influence the people of India to stand up and declare their independence from Great Britain. The idea of a peaceful protest is a main point of Gandhi's speech. Gandhi was a very influential orator. A major aspect of Gandhi's speech is the use of ethos and pathos. Although ethos and pathos are very apparent, a lot of his speech is driven by the effective use of logos. From the very beginning of his speech, Gandhi explains and emphasizes his credibility through the use of ethos. Gandhi starts with the statement, " There are people who ask me whether I am the same man that I was in 1920" (1). This statement was meant to emphasize that some people are starting to question his credibility. Gandhi quickly follows up with the statement, " I have not changed in any fundamental respect" (1). By saying this, he quickly reestablishes his credibility with the audience. This is very important for his audience because if they no longer think he is credible, then they are more than likely not going to listen to what he has to say. Gandhi knows that he hasn't changed his ideals and he lets the audience know this. His credibility, or ethos, is paramount to whether or not his speech will be successful. He is trying to convince a nation to declare its independence. His use of ethos helps to convince the audience that his ideals are right and that they should do as he says. When a great orator, as Gandhi was, has the ability to connect emotionally with an audience, they can influence almost any audience. Gandhi uses pathos in an incredible way throughout his speech. He knows that the people of India are struggling greatly under the rule of the British. He knows that his audience is full of hatred for the British. He addresses, and deals with these emotions very well. "I know the British Government will not be able to withhold freedom from us, when we have made enough self–sacrifice. We must, therefore, purge ourselves of hatred" (2). With this statement, Gandhi explains to the people that hatred is not the way to gain independence. The Get more content on
  • 9. India 's Development And Growth Essay Background: India is one of the most popular countries in the world. Geographically, India is located at the south of the Asian continent. India's development and growth has been one of the most significant accomplishments in recent times. India neighboring countries include Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Bhutan. The size of the population in India is 1,266,883,598 and the Territorial size of the country is 3, 287, 263 sq. km (The World Factbook, 2016). The prime minister of India is known as Narendra Modi who is the leader of the majority party in Lok Sabha and is currently the head of the Council of ministers in India. India's political party that is in power right now is Bharatiya Janata Party. The Bharatiya Janata Party, was first founded by Shyama Mukherjee in 1953 with the main purpose of safeguarding the Hindu interests in India (The World Factbook, 2016). India is becoming more of an open market economy. While most emerging nations were have struggled mightily against the strong U.S. dollar and falling commodity prices, India continues to lead. The view for India's long–term growth is positive due to the staggering young population and corresponding low dependency ratio (World Factbook, 2016). For example healthy savings, investment rates, and increasing integration play a role in the global economy. India being the 4th largest economy in the world, India has bought about a landmark agricultural revolution that has changed the country Get more content on
  • 10. The Language Of The Future Essay 2 Step 3 "What's The Language Of The Future" Language is essential in human migration, all over the world for each and everyone to be the quest for power in anywhere you find yourself you must learn how to speak that particular country language you find yourself and be able to relate to anybody. For an example, if you migrate to the United States and your first language is not an English language, you have to learn how to speak so that you will be the quest for power. In migrating from one region to another language is very important and it might be a big barrier for each and everyone to relate to each other and it has a big relationship with migration, for anyone to be very useful for his/herself when you migrate to a country more content... but with my research that I did, I find out that For many centuries, French was the official language of culture, and a knowledge acquired study, research, and learning. It was the language of diplomacy and arts. The Aristocrats in Imperial Russia spoke French, even amongst themselves, according to Tolstoy and many others documented research. In fact, if you wanted to be educated, you had to learn how to speak French. Things have changed a lot since the decline of French and the rise of the English. English is now the world 's lingua franca. But French remains an official language in many international institutions, from The United Nation to The European Union, to the Olympics Committee (founded by a Frenchman), and learning French still retains some superior status. French may be a beautiful language, but few of people would argue it 's the most useful, and almost nobody will argue it 's the language of the future. According to "John McWhorter" in his write–up "spoke for many when he wrote an immediately viral piece titled", "Let 's Stop Pretending That French Is an Important Language," attacking New York City 's bilingual education programs. Here 's the thing: the data suggests that the French language just might be the language of the future. French isn 't even mostly spoken by French people and hasn 't been for a long time now. I found out the french language is growing fast, and growing in the fastest growing areas of the world, particularly sub–Saharan Get more content on
  • 11. The Revitalization Of Endangered Languages Did you know that linguists have estimated that around 50% of the world's estimated 6,000 endangered languages will become extinct within the next century (Hale et al. 6)? Languages are classified as endangered when a population of fluent speakers begin to decrease with no expected growth. Linguists go on expeditions in an attempt to revitalize these endangered languages. It is important for the revitalization of endangered languages because they create diversity, express identity, hold history, create human knowledge and are interesting (Crystal 41). Levels of revitalization of languages by linguists should be dependent on the willingness of the speakers to participate, the survival rate of various languages and the availability of resources provided from outside the community; they can help revitalize languages through documentation, assist speakers in developing community–based programs, and increase awareness once the project is finished. Collaboration from speakers is crucial in revitalizing a language because the speakers make up its culture and language. When linguists travel to foreign areas for research in endangered languages, they are considered outsiders the moment they step foot onto the land because "foreign visitors attract a great deal of attention as a result of the wealth, power, and privilege they are felt to represent" (Dobrin 44). Speakers view this relationship as an outsider–insider conflict because "language documentation projects mean something Get more content on
  • 12. Report on English Week Report On The English Week Programme In SMK Alam Shah English Week was an opportunity for students to show everyone their appreciation and ability at English. In SMK Alam Shah, the English Week was carried out from 18 April until 22 April 2011. The programme was organized by the English Language Society. With the slogan "I Love English", this programme was aimed to encourage all pupils to use English Language as a medium of interaction with their friends and teachers. Various activities were arranged during the week and opened to all students. The activities were carried out from 7.30 a.m. until the school sessions ended. The event kicked off on Monday, 18 April 2011, with the standard assembly in the Bestari Hall. more content... Meanwhile, the poem recitation activity was also held at the Bestari Hall to enable pupils to appreciate literature. Each participant was allowed to recite the poem of their choice in 5 minutes. Ten students took part in this competition. The last day of English Week was more relaxing as students were given a chance to watch the latest movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". Tickets were sold at RM1.00 per student. The money raised will go to the English Language Society fund and will be used for other beneficial programmes in the future. After the morning break, all students and teachers adjourned to the Bestari Hall to witness the closing ceremony of English Week. The audience was entertained by a drama performance which was brilliantly executed by the fifth formers. The day ended with a prize–giving ceremony. The principal, Mr. Ariffin bin Sabtu, handed out story books and hampers as gifts to the winners. SMK Alam Shah was immersed in an atmosphere of gaiety during English Week. The English Language Society would like to congratulate the teachers and the committees in charged for putting a lot of time and effort to make this event a truly momentous and successful one. We would also like to express our gratitude to those who have put their heart out into participating in various activities throughout the week. It is hoped that this programme would encourage students to love learning English and ultimately build up their confidence level and Get more content on
  • 13. Indian Cuisine Indian Cuisine Think of India and one of the first things that come to mind is its diversity. A large populous country divided into many states; each with its own unique traditions and gastronomic fare. Indian cooking is one of the most popular cuisines across the globe. Not only is it popular among the large Indian diaspora but also among the mainstream population of North America and Europe. For the uninitiated, Indian food may seem foreign, scary, spicy and not for the faint of heart. This paper aims to explore many of the facets that make up Indian cuisine and hopefully allay any misconceptions or fears that may exist. The chapters are categorized under the following sections: 1. The Evolution of Indian Cooking 2. more content... Northern India North Indian cuisine is distinguished by a proportionally high use of dairy products. The tawa, or griddle, is used extensively for baking flat breads like roti and paratha. A tandoor oven is also frequently used to cook main courses like chicken. Goat and lamb are favored ingredients of many northern Indian recipes. The samosa, a common appetizer on all Indian restaurant menus, has its roots in northern India. The staple food of most of north Indians are a variety of lentils, vegetables, and roti. Common north Indian foods such as kebabs and meat dishes originated with the Muslim incursions into the country. The influence of Europeans is also apparent with the creation of new dishes like chicken tikka masala which is actually a British invention during colonial times. Eastern India In the eastern part of India there is a large Oriental influence resulting from an influx of movement from Tibet and Nepal. All of these influences helped form the dietary customs in eastern India. Popular food is this region is a unique blend of vegetarian meals prepared in the traditional Chinese cooking style. Rice and fish are the staple foods because most of the towns and fishing villages are located on the coast. Southern India Southern Indian cuisine is distinguished by a greater emphasis on rice and the liberal use of coconut, coconut oil and curry leaves. Before Christianity came to India in the early 52 AD, Kerala was strictly vegetarian as
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  • 15. Learning A New Language Essay 9 Learning a New Language My Family 's Path to Become Quad Lingual Resolutions has not always been my thing. I rarely make one and even if I do it ends up being a to do lost for the first week of January. But this year is going to be different due to two reasons. One, I am more excited than I have ever been and two, it involves my toddler son. When it comes to him I never compromise. This year I have decided to learn a new language with him. I speak English and Tamil at home. Hindi, which I am fluent in is feeling left out because my husband does not speak it. I want my son to have a understanding knowledge of Hindi too. So this year I have resolved to include conversational Hindi and Spanish in my sons vocabulary. Language learning comes easy early. Kids have more ability to learn languages way easier than adults. There are even studies that prove kids learn faster when it comes to their linguistic skills. Noam Chomsky, linguistic professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology earned the Kyoto prize for his work on this subject. For my son to gain knowledge of these languages it is essential that we converse with him in both Hindi and Spanish at home. So I have decided to study Spanish. Learning Spanish is not going to be a walk in the park. I need time, energy and patience, which is a really tall order since I am a toddler's mom. But then again this may be the fun thing I was looking to do for a very long time. I am not going to get a language learning software or Get more content on
  • 16. Cultural Diversity In India CULTURAL DIVERSITY Cultures change and cultural diversity is created, maintained and lost over time. Social learning and choosing, acquiring and assimilating and rejecting information and knowledge is a necessary aspect of the formation of cultural repertoire. Human culture is the inevitable result of the way our species acquires its behaviour. Expertise in exploiting our environment, values about what matters in life are, among other things, what constitute culture. We are very adept at transmitting cultural information to others, sometimes through frank teaching but also through the constant social interaction characteristic of human life. Cultural diversity inevitably develops in the course of cultural transmission. This happens when members of the same culture and sub–culture share a large proportion of their information The diversity in India is unique. Being a large country with large population. India presents endless varieties of physical features and cultural patterns. It is the land of many languages it is only in India people professes all the major religions of the world. In short, India is "the epitome of the world". The vast population is composed of people having diverse creeds, customs and colours. Some of the important forms of diversity in India are:– 1. Diversity of Physical Features: The unique feature about India is the extreme largest mountains covered with snow throughout the year. The Himalayas or the adobe of snow is the source of the mighty Get more content on
  • 17. Linguistic Stereotypes Essay Linguistic Stereotypes Language is a method in which individuals communicate in order to get their opinion across to the listening party. Language is the tool which ideas can be conveyed in various ways. Typically, language is referred to verbal communication, however, it ranges to all methods of communication i.e. sign language. Linguistic stereotypes are an existent form of discrimination. Since, languages are criticized and mocked due to the connection between language and cultural character. Thus, language is significantly related to the identity of thespeakers. In addition, languages are vulnerable to criticism due to differences in cultural behavior. Firstly, according to '' identity is defined as more content... Verbal languages vary in pronunciations. Since, Languages are described as being smooth and light, while on the other hand, languages known to being rough and abrupt. The manner in which speakers pronounce and communicate using words, phrases and hand gesture also has a way in building the personality of the language. Furthermore, whilst a speaker pronounces words and letters that are in the non–speaker opinion rigid and tough, an image of a solid language is created in the observing non–speaker mind. Personally, listening to Hindi dialects, I myself seem to find it challenging to pronounce specific words, and an image of complexity forms in my mind. During dialect comparison, we realize that pronunciation is vulnerable to criticism and satire. Comedians during criticizing a specific group usually imitate the dialect to refer to their identity. Thus when they criticize the language they mean it to the group and their specialized behavior. Linguistic discrimination is an important issue; many have been discriminated and excluded from the public sphere due to their disability to practice the standardized language. In the Arab world, when second language speakers try to talk Arabic, they seem to have difficulties with the pronunciations. Consequently, this leads to limitations during the blending in procedures. The explanation Get more content on
  • 18. The Indian Culture Essay examples A culture where guests are treated as gods, family members live under the same household until death, and have the belief that gods and spirits play the significant role in determining their life all refer to the same topic, the Indian culture; a rich and diverse culture which is very unique in many ways. This culture includes the qualities of various other cultures and it results into a modern and acceptable tradition. Respecting elders, honouring heroes, cherishing love, and following traditions make up the major components of the Indian culture and its followers. Many people believe that this particular culture has a great impact on their everyday lives and are proud to be included in the significant customs. In the novel, Clear more content... When her parents died, they left her with a burden of responsibilities that involved raising the children and taking on the role of a mother. Bim is left to take care of her smallest and mentally challenged brother, Baba. When Baba was younger, the parents would constantly go to clubs and out for drinks, leaving the responsibility of raising the unfortunate child to Bim. The two siblings established a special bond with each other and trusted each other more and more each day. When the second oldest child, Raja fell ill because of tuberculosis, Bim was accountable of helping him regain back his normal health. Upon these responsibilities was a very important one, Bim had to earn money for the family and she knew that it involved educating herself to become a teacher, a job that was seemed appropriate for women. "For all father cared, I could have grown up illiterate and cooked for my living, or swept. So I had to teach myself history, and teach myself to teach." (155) Since men of the house are the providers to the family, their death can have a huge impact on the family. This terrible incident challenged Bim and the rest of the family members to live their life without coming to a point of bankruptcy. Bim's responsibility increased when her sister, Tara married and moved out of the house, leaving Bim with the burden of taking care of her brothers' needs, daily chores, and paying for the rents and groceries. Responsibility can affect us and our lives Get more content on
  • 19. India Is A Melting Pot For Many Languages I.Introduction The subcontinent of India is a melting pot for many different languages and dialects that are specific to certain areas of India. India is divided up into several different language families. The most widely spoken of which are the Indo–Iranian and Dravidian languages, but smaller groups in India also use many languages belonging to unrelated language families, such as Sino–Tibetan for example. India has twenty two official languages, but out of all these languages Hindi is the most widely and universally used and expected language of India. Hindi is surprisingly apart of the same family as the Romance and Germanic languages which also belong to the Indo–European language family that primarily stretched from western Europe all the way till Iran and the Indian subcontinent as well. As one expert writing about the language states, "This means the languages most Indians speak are related to be related to French, German, Russian, and Greek, despite the profound differences in culture and even physical appearance between Indians and Europeans." (McWhorter 72) The father language of India is called Sanskrit, which is the language that was used to construct the sacred texts of the Hindu religion as well. This ancient language of Sanskrit eventually developed into several different modern languages that are all still very closely related as a result of all the languages being developed from the same basic language of Sanskrit. A few examples of modern Get more content on