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7 Military Core Values
This is a question that inevitably arises in the mind of every soldier who serves in the Armed Forces. Does a soldier need to follow authority and
live according to the military way of life to be successful in the Armed Forces? There are seven core values that soldiers are expected to embody,
which are loyalty, duty, respect, personal courage, selfless service, integrity and honor. Although job responsibilities vary by assignment, the core
values apply to every soldier, regardless of job or rank. Through this essay I will attempt to prove that military ethics are not absolute and that many
controversial issue lye inside the command itself and not the autonomous individual choosing. All of the military core values change depending on
every individual circumstance and what values they truly believe in. Therefore, the seven military more content...
Honor and integrity ca be viewed as both internal and external values. The military wants every soldier to leave according to how it views core values,
because according to the military these values are absolute. On the contrary to what anyone may think integrity and honor are both internal rewards and
not external. Integrity and honor is, doing what one thinks is right because doing otherwise would undermine one's sense of one's own self–worth. This
does not mean that a person or soldier shouldn't pursue a certain amount external rewards but if you're going to live by the seven core values then it is
necessary that you be true to thyself first. "It concludes that the desire to pursue a proper amount of external honor (which Aristotle referred to as
'magnanimity') may rightly be considered a virtue, and also that integrity is not the absolute which military personnel often believe it to be.
Furthermore, although a sense of honor is indeed a very powerful spur to the display of other virtues, such as courage
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Army Core Values
All organizations should have a form of biblical leadership within its structure. The United States Army sets the standard and is considered one of the
best organizations that produce quality leaders time after time. They do this by establishing, believing and living their essential core values. The core
values are set in stone and followed by every member of the organization, no matter the rank or status they have inside the organization. There are
seven core values that include: 1) Loyalty 2) Duty, 3) Respect 4) Selfless–Service 5) Honor 6) Integrity 7) Personal Courage. These seven values form
the acronym that spells LDRSHIP. This is by far been the successful sticking point of the Army for many years. Many organizations throughout
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These usually happen in the planning and execution stages of a development plan. You could have the best plan in the world, but without a leader
that knows the plan, can implement the plan, motivate the people, make changes as necessary and delegate responsibility accordingly you have
nothing but words on a piece of paper. The Army National Guard has a unique opportunity to take the best of the best and mold them with enhanced
principles that will create an unstoppable organization (Denny, 2014). Also, when the right person is in charge, the truth will follow which will lead
people based on the word of God (John, 16:13). God sent his son Jesus to take our sins and die on the cross so that we might see what a true leader
should be willing to do. The examples throughout the bible are teaching that leaders need to study and take note of in order to fill the gaps when they are
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Seven Army Values
There are many values to military branches, Army specifically has seven values. Those seven Army values (in order) are Loyalty , Duty , Respect ,
Selfless – Service , Honor , Integrity , and Personal Courage. A Value is the regard that something is held to deserve, the importance, worth, and
usefulness of something. I will be providing the "consumer "(reader) with this here essay with my opinion and current status on and about the
meaning of a value and the Army's values to clarify specific guidelines to follow these values. Not having your morals right can lead to a mishap or
serious consequences in military services. Moral – concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or "misconduct" of
human more content...
As stated in the first sentence" There are many values to military branches, Army specifically has seven values. Those seven Army values (in order)
are Loyalty , Duty , Respect , Selfless – Service , Honor , Integrity , and Personal Courage." In Basic Training we learn these values and are
challenged with the simulation of what they mean in war , at work , and without your everyday battle buddies. No matter if you do 4 for 30 years
in service you grow to learn that there are those who are like family and not following the orders of the army can put a sort of embarrassment on
yourself and those you've grown to know and call team / teammate. As I close with my views on values within the army / military services I will
include one more important fact to close with. No matter what is hurting or what goes on in your life there's always a teammate of yours you can
reach out to. Too many people just give up with their time in or they just don't care. As a whole we should pick up those who are falling and pick
them up to fight on. The sharpest sword can cut through thin air , if we aren't fighting for one another and are against ourselves based off of ones
performance the fight wont be in favor. Blood doesn't make us family , failure wont pull us apart , you fall 7 times , stand up 8 ; Loyalty makes you
family and time heals. As one disobeying can be limited, the process isn't always the same. I will
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The Army Is Value-Based Organizations
The Army is value–based organization, so "when persons join the military they become members of a moral tradition and consent to the moral vision
that animates that community" . This mean before the Army we could be individuals and determine what is right for us. But after joining the
military, the US Army's expectations is to have not a band of individuals but a Soldier, Unit, Army, who respects, obey and follow its moral standards
and commitments. Due to differing viewpoints (relativism and objectivism) of the individuals this is a significant challenge. Officers are responsible
for moral leadership of unit and have to overcome this challenge. As it was stated by Daniel M. Bell, "Moral leadership is not merely a matter of
teaching but of
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Analyzing Chamberlain's Seven Army Values
oshua L. Chamberlain was a greatly decorated and respected Union officer. During the battle of Gettysburg, Chamberlain had acquired the rank of
Brigadier General and had led the 20th Maine Regiment to counterattack the Confederates. Joshua not only had the daring ability to attack the
Confederates but he had also had the ability to persuade men that he'd been given to continue fighting. Throughout the battle of Gettysburg
Chamberlain had displayed some, if not all, of the seven army values. One of the most prominent values Joshua had displayed was respect. Early in the
morning, he had been approached by his right–hand man Buster Kilrain, who had informed Joshua that he was about to receive 120 veterans from the
Second Maine. However, these veterans had been accidentally signed up for three years in the service instead of two more content...
He had told the 150 men that he would not shoot them if they disobeyed him or refused to fight. The reason for this is because most of the people
that were in that group were actually from Maine similar to Chamberlain. He knew that in a way it would be against what loyalty means if he killed
them. He didn't want to shoot people that came from the same place as him and who decided to fight just like him. He stays loyal to his country, his
state, his brother and to his men that he had been commanding. I would also say that he carried out his duty to his country. Throughout his years of
service he acquired the rank of Lieutenant Colonel of the 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry Regiment. He also displayed selfless service, integrity and
personal courage. These values are all relatively similar in that they all have something to do with the way that one would carry themselves and their
beliefs. Judging from the way he treated the men he was in charge of showed us that he would've done anything in his power to defend them and fight
right next to
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Reflective Essay: The Seven Army Values
The end of my junior year, all the pressure and excitement of transitioning into senior year was weighing over almost everyone around me. Typical, I
suppose, for most everyone in high school. But I had something bigger weighing stress on my shoulders and that I spent five months preparing for. In
December of 2016 I joined the Pennsylvania Army National Guard, ever since that day, June 13th, 2017 had been looming over my head, because that
was my ship out date for Basic Combat Training (BCT). BCT is a rigorous ten–week journey that transforms civilians into soldiers while teaching
recruits the Army Values, resiliency, and tactical surviving skills. My experience in BCT was positive and motivating. Everyone was responsible for
not only themselves, but also for the team. Everything is focused around teamwork, no one in the Army reaches victory without the help of fellow
soldiers. With this in mind, resiliency begins to build within the minds of every soldier. Resiliency is the ability to bounce back after failure. As
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These values define what it means to serve in the United States Army, as well as being a responsible citizen. During my time spent in Fort Leonard
Wood, Missouri, I learned the importance of attention to detail. Every morning I woke up at 04:30 and made my bed and changed into the proper
uniform set for that day. The daily routine was taken one step at a time. We were taught that if you can accomplish your first task of making your
bed, then you can complete the following task, and so on. By the end of the process new soldiers hold their heads high and carry themselves with
confidence and pride. These are the marks BCT leaves on new recruits. Because of the experience I gained and the discipline I maintained, I have
transitioned into adulthood by taking responsibility for my
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7 Army Values
Army Values In the US Army, since the moment you decide to enlist, all soldiers are taught the 7 Army Values during the whole process of Initial
Entry Training, the importance to apply each one of them to your daily life and to live up to them. It is no coincidence that these core values are
broken down in the acronym LDRSHIP. Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage are the qualities the US
Army looks for their leaders to possess. Each one of the 7 Army Values plays an important role in our military leadership, therefore in my personal
opinion, there is not a value that should be considered more important than the others. All of the 7 Army Values have an impact on each other, and they
are all essential to the leader's more content...
Loyalty is important because trust is the bedrock of the US Army and it is important to have trust and be loyal to our brothers and sisters in arms
because the absence of trust and loyalty and trust in our soldiers and leaders can destroy the foundation of our units and affect how effective is the
accomplishment of our mission. Duty is important because that is what as soldiers we do every day, we accomplish all of our assigned tasks to
the best of our abilities. To perform your duties is the minimum that is expected from every soldier and it is exactly what an enlisted soldier
believes duty is. Respect is important because it is also fundamental to build trust between our soldiers and leaders. It is expected by every soldier, it
shows our professionalism and consideration for our soldiers and leaders no matter what rank they hold and it is considered one of the most basic
customs and courtesies shared in our society. Selfless Service is important because the US Army best works as a
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The Seven Army Values
There are seven Army Values that all human beings should believe in. There are three values I see as strengths, and as areas to improve in my
personal life. Those values are Respect, Selfless Service, and Honor. I will be writing about all three in this essay.
The first Army Value I see as a strength is Respect. I chose the ArmyValuerespect because that's something I would want someone to give me. In my
eyes, when you first met someone, your first impression or their first impression determines if you've gained their respect or if they have gained yours.
Respect is my strength because even though I might not respect you as a person, I honestly can say that I respect the things you do or how you get
things accomplished and etc.
The second
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Army Values
In the history of our great nation, the one constant factor that has separated us from the rest of the world has been the Core Values that we uphold as
a nation. The military service has to uphold these values at all times, as both our citizens and the citizens of countries worldwide look up to us to do
so. Charles W. Pickering states, "A healthy democracy requires a decent society; it requires that we are honorable, generous, tolerant and respectful"
(Pickering, Unknown). By not upholding the values of our society, the reputation of our military, and ultimately that of our country suffers. The way
that our Army abides by these Core Values is a set of standards known as the Army Values. The Army Values is the code by which all Soldiers
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The military is comprised of more than 65,000 immigrants across all branches. General Colin Powell, born of parents who migrated from Jamaica,
served honorably and with distinction in the Army. During his military career, General Powell had the reputation of an officer whose morals were
above reproach. While serving on his second tour of duty in Vietnam, General Powell received the Soldier's Medal for pulling several Soldiers from a
burning helicopter. He would eventually rise through the ranks to attain several positions of distinction within the U.S. government. General Powell
was Commander of U.S. Army Forces Command, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, National Security Advisor, and ultimately went on to become
the first African American Secretary of State under President George W. Bush. General Powell's entire career including life after the military is a true
example of Honorable
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Army Personal Values
The influence that leaders have on their Soldiers in an organization has to be viewed in multiple perspectives consisting of Personal Values for
instance integrity, commitment, and respect are all on my list of values and are aligned with our Army Values. In addition to these values, trust is the
most significant to me, at one time or another during my career one might have been more important to me than the other but still important all the
same. All Soldiers come into the Army with their own values and morals that they have learned from their parents or family members and it's
essential to build on it. In our class we watched a video of Retired Four Star General Colin Powell in regards to the Essences of Leadership. I was
drawn to
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The Seven Army Values Essay
An event that occurred in my life that will help me succeed at Colorado Christian University is the day I joined the U.S. Army. This event means
more than anything to me because it's something that not very many people do that I did and got the courage to do. So far the Army has taught me
many techniques and ways to be successful in everything you do. From personal courage, discipline, and integrity you learn that you can do anything
you want by just pushing yourself and finding deep within what it is your dreams and lifelong goals are. To begin with, college has always been one
of those things that I have wanted and just needed to do. I was unsure for the longest of how, what, or when it would happen but I more
Loyalty; to be loyal to what you do. Being loyal to my school work and being persistent in any assignment that I have. Duty means to put the
mission first; get whatever it is that you need done and keep moving forward in all tasks. Respect falls under everything that we do. You have to
have respect for yourself; for your peers; and for those that are trying to lead you and teach you. Selfless Service; putting others before yourself.
This one really means a lot to me in many ways but the most important is that every day we wake you have to have that thought of what it is were
going to do today to help others. And as for professors; teachers; preachers; firefighters, etc. Everyone waking to put others before themselves to help
people learn or to maybe just save a life that day. Every person has selfless service to be able to do whatever it is that they may do. Honor; to honor
those before you, with you, and after you. For all that they do. Honoring the man or woman that takes there time to better you. Integrity; being honest,
faithful, committed, and staying true to what it is you're fighting for. Lastly, Personal Courage; taking the initiative to do the unthinkable. To be able to
stand up in front of a group or a class and spread with others your thoughts,
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Duty: One Of The Army Values
Duty is one of the values outlined the Army values. In my opinion it is one of the most important of all of them. It is very important but without the
other values, Duty by itself cannot assist in accomplishing the mission. We still have the other values like leadership, respect, selfless service,
honesty, integrity, and personal courage. These all set up the framework for us to be able to accomplish or duty as soldiers. All of them work hand in
hand with each other. Duty is defined in Webster's dictionary as, "obligatory tasks, conduct, service or functions that arise from ones position." It is
one of the primary values in the Army today. Duty is the reason while we get up every day and prepare to and defend theUnited States of America with more content...
As an individual in the Army you have the duty of being a soldier but as a leader you have to be a soldier and a leader. Without being a soldier you
cannot accomplish your duty as a leader. Being a leader in the Army is a duty in itself. You could say that you have 2 duties. That is why these two
are closely related to each other. Another Army value that would go together with duty would be selfless service. Selfless service is the act of
putting once self before a particular group. The group that we as soldiers put ourselves before is the citizens of our country and other counties that
need our assistance such as Iraq and Afghanistan. It is the value that would instill duty in us as a soldier. Without selfless service, we would not be in
the Army performing our duties today. I don't think I need to state and example because is already something we doing by being in themilitary. The last
Army value that would relate to duty would be personal courage. Personal courage is the act of actually having the strength, physically and
mentally, to perform your duties as a soldier. I think it is the most important value next to duty. Without personal courage you would not be able to
pick up a weapon to defend this country which is our primary as soldiers. It facilitates our responsibilities as soldiers. Without it we would not have
the courage to be at our appointed place of duty. Duty is not just related to our Army values. It is also defined the Soldier's
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Army Core Values
All organizations should have a form of biblical leadership within its structure. The United States Army sets the standard and is considered one of the
best organizations that produce quality leaders time after time. They do this by establishing, believing and living their essential core values. The core
values are set in stone and followed by every member of the organization, no matter the rank or status they have inside the organization. There are
eight core values that include: 1) Loyalty 2) Loyalty 3) Duty, 4) Respect 5) Selfless–Service 6) Honor 7) Integrity 8) Personal Courage. These eight
values form the acronym that spells LDRSHIP. This is by far been the successful sticking point of the Army for many years. Many
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It must be understood that it will take time and a cultural change to implement new policies and procedures. Here in lies the problem as this type of
plan will take at least two phases to accomplish. The first phase would involve the organization as a whole understanding the changes that are going to
take place. The second phase would require leaders to understand and implement the change for the organization. The Army National Guard must be
willing to train their weekend warriors on the new cultural environment that would ensue after implementing the new plan. It will be hard to
accomplish this task along with their other Guard jobs and tasking's. Having key leaders train, mentor and coach the Soldier's will be the key to
ensuring the plan is carried out correctly and does not die before leaving the drawing
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7 army values
Army Values Army Values and the Leader LOYALTY Leaders who demonstrate loyalty: Bear true faith and allegiance in the correct order to the
Constitution, the Army, and the organization. Observe higher headquarters' priorities. Work within the system without manipulating it for personal
gain. DUTY Leaders who demonstrate devotion to duty: Fulfill obligations–professional, legal, and moral. Carry out mission requirements. Meet
professional standards. Set the example. Comply with policies and directives. Continually pursue excellence. RESPECT Leaders who demonstrate
respect: Treat people as they should be treated. Create a climate of fairness and equal opportunity. Are discreet and tactful when correcting or
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The nation's highest military award is The Medal of Honor. This award goes to Soldiers who make honor a matter of daily living– Soldiers who
develop the habit of being honorable, and solidify that habit with every value choice they make. Honor is a matter of carrying out, acting, and
living the values of respect, duty, loyalty, selfless service, integrity and personal courage in everything you do. Integrity Do what's right, legally
and morally. Integrity is a quality you develop by adhering to moral principles. It requires that you do and say nothing that deceives others. As your
integrity grows, so does the trust others place in you. The more choices you make based on integrity, the more this highly prized value will affect
your relationships with family and friends, and, finally, the fundamental acceptance of yourself. Personal Courage Face fear, danger or adversity
(physical or moral). Personal courage has long been associated with our Army. With physical courage, it is a matter of enduring physical duress and
at times risking personal safety. Facing moral fear or adversity may be a long, slow process of continuing forward on the right path, especially if
taking those actions is not popular with others. You can build your personal courage by daily standing up for and acting upon the things that you know
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Essay The 7 Army Values and Malingering
The seven Army values are the backbone of the United States Army. They are broken down to us in the acronym 'LDRSHIP'. Loyalty, "Bear true
faith and allegiance to the U.S. constitution, the Army, and other soldiers." Duty, "Fulfill your obligations." Respect, "Treat people as they should
be treated." Selfless Service, "Put the welfare of the nation, the Army and your subordinates above your own." Honor, "Live up to the army values."
Integrity, "Do what's right legally and morally." and Personal Courage "Face fear, danger or adversity (physical or moral)." These seven Army values
are taught to Soldiers in basic training and are reinforced through out a Soldier's military career. They are expected to be followed in a peace time, more content...
Loyalty is the first Army value. Soldiers are taught to be loyal to God, country, unit and self. Loyalty, essentially, is a two
–way street. A Soldier expects
the same loyalty from his country and unit as he or she has given. All Brigade Combat Teams who deploy to theaters, such as Iraq or Afghanistan,
leave from large airports. It is well documented that many civilians, who either went to the airport to show support for troops or civilians who are
just there waiting on flights, stand up to cheer and say their "thank you"s to passing Soldiers as they take that long flight to theater. This is a
common occurrence when Soldiers return from theater, also. This is a small gesture the general public has started to perform to enforce a Soldier's
sense of loyalty to country. All Soldiers wear the American flag on their right shoulder, but to see the general public applaud a Soldier for their efforts
at war makes a Soldier truly understand how great it is to be an American. Loyalty to a Soldier's unit is usually established through espirit de corps. This
is observed during wartime by truly believing in a unit's overall mission and making that unit's mission your goal. Whether the unit is an Infantry
company, a Quarter Master company or a Military Intelligence company, the mission is unique to that unit and each person within the unit is unique to
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Army Values Essay
THE SEVEN ARMY VALUES In the US army we are taught to live by the 7 army values. They are broken down to us in the acronym 'LDRSHIP'.
Loyalty "Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. constitution, the Army, and other soldiers." Duty "Fulfill your obligations." Respect "Treat
people as they should be treated." Selfless Service "Put the welfare of the nation, the Army and your subordinates above your own." Honor "Live
up to the army values." Integrity "Do what's right legally and morally." and Personal Courage "Face fear, danger or adversity (physical or moral)."
We are all drilled on these 7 army values from day one of basic training. First we commit them to memory. Then we learn to live by them. All 7 values
have an impact on more content...
My guess is not to great.How do you think it will go when you ask him to do you a favor such as hey can you clean my weapon so it is clean when
SFC Martin inspects them it dont get kicked back? he aint gonna do that for you because you were not loyal to him you have earned nothing in his
eyes by screwing him over on the humvee PMCS. Ya give a lil ya get a lil. Duty to me is accomplishing a task that needs to be done regardless the
motivation you have, how sick your feelin or how long of a ruck march you had this morning. Whether you love it or hate it the task is there to be
done. If one does not fulfill their duties on a regular basis, then those around them have to pick up the slack, and any sense of loyalty begins to
become tarnished duty and loyalty are intertwined in private first class Ansons eyes. like i said in the last paragraph when talking about loyalty in
order to attain loyalty there are duties that must be completed inorder to seem loyal to another soldier or friend. Everyone wants to be respected.
It's in our nature, but in order to obtain respect, first of all one has to respect oneself. Second, one has to show respect to others in order to gain
respect from them. If one doesn't show respect to someone, that person may often feel blown off and lose respect for you. Respect in my eyes is like
a math equation loyalty plus duty equals respect. respect is gained in conducting ones self in a way that others can stand
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Seven Core Values Of The US Army
The seven core values of the US Army represent a time–tested set of values that would contribute to success as a USMA cadet, as an Army officer,
and to life in general. The value that is the most meaningful to me is the quality of honor. Not only is it, by definition, living up to the other six core
values, I've tried to make it a central component of my personal ethos. I've attended the Dawson School for my entire K–12 academic career, and one
of the core tenets of Dawson student life is the honor code, which highlights the vital nature of honesty, integrity, and trust in our lives. In school life,
I've strode to fulfill this code by maintaining my own personal integrity and serving as a role model while serving as a class officer, a peer
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In the United States Army we are taught to live by the Seven Army Values. They are broken down to us in the acronym 'LDRSHIP' which is short
for Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage. We are all taught these 7 Army values repeatedly from day one
in the United States Army. First we memorize these values. Then we are trained to live by them. All of these 7 values coincide with each other, and
play an important roll in our Army lives. These 7 Army Values also play well into life outside the Army in our personal life. People sometimes do not
realize the importance these values have on the way we are viewed by the people who look up to the men and woman who are privileged enough to
represent more content...
Also improving their performance is a necessity to make a more stable unit. Respect is to "Treat people as they should be treated." Every soldier is
responsible for treating other people with dignity and respect. As Soldiers we pledge to treat others with respect and dignity while not expecting
anything in return. Respect allows us to appreciate what our Army leaders and Friends do for us. Respect is to have trust that people will fulfill their
duties and accomplish what is expected of them. Respecting ones self is an important factor of the Army value of respect. We, the United States Army
are one team and we each have something to contribute. What is respect? Respect has numerous forms. It can be self–awareness, character,
understanding, trust, honesty, and a positive attitude. Respect must be earned. If someone does not respect himself or herself then they are not able
to respect others. To gain respect you must treat others the way you would want to be treated, as you have heard many times before. If a unit lacks
respect it cannot have teamwork and sympathy for the well being of others. It creates devotion to the success of the team. Respect goes both ways up
and down the chain of command. A leader must respect his or her soldiers as their soldiers must appreciate the sacrifices and skills their superiors and
vice versa. by respecting the people around you with effort, and in time soldiers come to respect each other.
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Essay On Army Values
Being a professional soldier goes a long way. It means a person take pride in everything they do throughout life. It takes a lot of energy and time to
earn this title so upholding its standard is a must. A soldier abides by all his and her codes and creeds. Also, the soldier must follow the army set
values. There are seven values and all have a significant importance to our nation; loyalty, duty, respect, selfless–service, honor, integrity, and personal
courage. These seven values are all a soldier needs to be professional in the army. Following each of them and executing them will build your
character and define you as a soldier and a person. Army values are like everyday values too, but in the army and being held at such a higher value
they have to withhold them more then other people may have too. This means a soldier must have a strong loyalty to our country. They also have
one of America's largest duty upon them to make our nation to make it feel and be whole, if a soldier does not succeed with this duty stored upon
him or her then they are not doing the job assigned to him or her. Selfless services and personal courage are two very similar things that many people
do not have or think about. Soldiers have to have the courage to go out on the battlefield and deploy and fight and complete a duty they are given, they more content...
Some people may have a few of the seven army values, but no one has all seven like an army soldier, we have a professional job that not many
people think about, they think it's just about saving American. Soldiers have to be in top shape, in health and professionalism, soldiers has a whole
have to be more professional than some business men and that's just because not a few people are looking over us, over billions of Americans are
looking up at soldiers and are deciding if they want to join us and be as professional as us or just
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7 Military Core Values

  • 1. 7 Military Core Values This is a question that inevitably arises in the mind of every soldier who serves in the Armed Forces. Does a soldier need to follow authority and live according to the military way of life to be successful in the Armed Forces? There are seven core values that soldiers are expected to embody, which are loyalty, duty, respect, personal courage, selfless service, integrity and honor. Although job responsibilities vary by assignment, the core values apply to every soldier, regardless of job or rank. Through this essay I will attempt to prove that military ethics are not absolute and that many controversial issue lye inside the command itself and not the autonomous individual choosing. All of the military core values change depending on every individual circumstance and what values they truly believe in. Therefore, the seven military more content... Honor and integrity ca be viewed as both internal and external values. The military wants every soldier to leave according to how it views core values, because according to the military these values are absolute. On the contrary to what anyone may think integrity and honor are both internal rewards and not external. Integrity and honor is, doing what one thinks is right because doing otherwise would undermine one's sense of one's own self–worth. This does not mean that a person or soldier shouldn't pursue a certain amount external rewards but if you're going to live by the seven core values then it is necessary that you be true to thyself first. "It concludes that the desire to pursue a proper amount of external honor (which Aristotle referred to as 'magnanimity') may rightly be considered a virtue, and also that integrity is not the absolute which military personnel often believe it to be. Furthermore, although a sense of honor is indeed a very powerful spur to the display of other virtues, such as courage Get more content on
  • 2. Army Core Values All organizations should have a form of biblical leadership within its structure. The United States Army sets the standard and is considered one of the best organizations that produce quality leaders time after time. They do this by establishing, believing and living their essential core values. The core values are set in stone and followed by every member of the organization, no matter the rank or status they have inside the organization. There are seven core values that include: 1) Loyalty 2) Duty, 3) Respect 4) Selfless–Service 5) Honor 6) Integrity 7) Personal Courage. These seven values form the acronym that spells LDRSHIP. This is by far been the successful sticking point of the Army for many years. Many organizations throughout more content... These usually happen in the planning and execution stages of a development plan. You could have the best plan in the world, but without a leader that knows the plan, can implement the plan, motivate the people, make changes as necessary and delegate responsibility accordingly you have nothing but words on a piece of paper. The Army National Guard has a unique opportunity to take the best of the best and mold them with enhanced principles that will create an unstoppable organization (Denny, 2014). Also, when the right person is in charge, the truth will follow which will lead people based on the word of God (John, 16:13). God sent his son Jesus to take our sins and die on the cross so that we might see what a true leader should be willing to do. The examples throughout the bible are teaching that leaders need to study and take note of in order to fill the gaps when they are Get more content on
  • 3. Seven Army Values There are many values to military branches, Army specifically has seven values. Those seven Army values (in order) are Loyalty , Duty , Respect , Selfless – Service , Honor , Integrity , and Personal Courage. A Value is the regard that something is held to deserve, the importance, worth, and usefulness of something. I will be providing the "consumer "(reader) with this here essay with my opinion and current status on and about the meaning of a value and the Army's values to clarify specific guidelines to follow these values. Not having your morals right can lead to a mishap or serious consequences in military services. Moral – concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or "misconduct" of human more content... As stated in the first sentence" There are many values to military branches, Army specifically has seven values. Those seven Army values (in order) are Loyalty , Duty , Respect , Selfless – Service , Honor , Integrity , and Personal Courage." In Basic Training we learn these values and are challenged with the simulation of what they mean in war , at work , and without your everyday battle buddies. No matter if you do 4 for 30 years in service you grow to learn that there are those who are like family and not following the orders of the army can put a sort of embarrassment on yourself and those you've grown to know and call team / teammate. As I close with my views on values within the army / military services I will include one more important fact to close with. No matter what is hurting or what goes on in your life there's always a teammate of yours you can reach out to. Too many people just give up with their time in or they just don't care. As a whole we should pick up those who are falling and pick them up to fight on. The sharpest sword can cut through thin air , if we aren't fighting for one another and are against ourselves based off of ones performance the fight wont be in favor. Blood doesn't make us family , failure wont pull us apart , you fall 7 times , stand up 8 ; Loyalty makes you family and time heals. As one disobeying can be limited, the process isn't always the same. I will Get more content on
  • 4. The Army Is Value-Based Organizations The Army is value–based organization, so "when persons join the military they become members of a moral tradition and consent to the moral vision that animates that community" . This mean before the Army we could be individuals and determine what is right for us. But after joining the military, the US Army's expectations is to have not a band of individuals but a Soldier, Unit, Army, who respects, obey and follow its moral standards and commitments. Due to differing viewpoints (relativism and objectivism) of the individuals this is a significant challenge. Officers are responsible for moral leadership of unit and have to overcome this challenge. As it was stated by Daniel M. Bell, "Moral leadership is not merely a matter of teaching but of Get more content on
  • 5. Analyzing Chamberlain's Seven Army Values oshua L. Chamberlain was a greatly decorated and respected Union officer. During the battle of Gettysburg, Chamberlain had acquired the rank of Brigadier General and had led the 20th Maine Regiment to counterattack the Confederates. Joshua not only had the daring ability to attack the Confederates but he had also had the ability to persuade men that he'd been given to continue fighting. Throughout the battle of Gettysburg Chamberlain had displayed some, if not all, of the seven army values. One of the most prominent values Joshua had displayed was respect. Early in the morning, he had been approached by his right–hand man Buster Kilrain, who had informed Joshua that he was about to receive 120 veterans from the Second Maine. However, these veterans had been accidentally signed up for three years in the service instead of two more content... He had told the 150 men that he would not shoot them if they disobeyed him or refused to fight. The reason for this is because most of the people that were in that group were actually from Maine similar to Chamberlain. He knew that in a way it would be against what loyalty means if he killed them. He didn't want to shoot people that came from the same place as him and who decided to fight just like him. He stays loyal to his country, his state, his brother and to his men that he had been commanding. I would also say that he carried out his duty to his country. Throughout his years of service he acquired the rank of Lieutenant Colonel of the 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry Regiment. He also displayed selfless service, integrity and personal courage. These values are all relatively similar in that they all have something to do with the way that one would carry themselves and their beliefs. Judging from the way he treated the men he was in charge of showed us that he would've done anything in his power to defend them and fight right next to Get more content on
  • 6. Reflective Essay: The Seven Army Values The end of my junior year, all the pressure and excitement of transitioning into senior year was weighing over almost everyone around me. Typical, I suppose, for most everyone in high school. But I had something bigger weighing stress on my shoulders and that I spent five months preparing for. In December of 2016 I joined the Pennsylvania Army National Guard, ever since that day, June 13th, 2017 had been looming over my head, because that was my ship out date for Basic Combat Training (BCT). BCT is a rigorous ten–week journey that transforms civilians into soldiers while teaching recruits the Army Values, resiliency, and tactical surviving skills. My experience in BCT was positive and motivating. Everyone was responsible for not only themselves, but also for the team. Everything is focused around teamwork, no one in the Army reaches victory without the help of fellow soldiers. With this in mind, resiliency begins to build within the minds of every soldier. Resiliency is the ability to bounce back after failure. As more content... These values define what it means to serve in the United States Army, as well as being a responsible citizen. During my time spent in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, I learned the importance of attention to detail. Every morning I woke up at 04:30 and made my bed and changed into the proper uniform set for that day. The daily routine was taken one step at a time. We were taught that if you can accomplish your first task of making your bed, then you can complete the following task, and so on. By the end of the process new soldiers hold their heads high and carry themselves with confidence and pride. These are the marks BCT leaves on new recruits. Because of the experience I gained and the discipline I maintained, I have transitioned into adulthood by taking responsibility for my Get more content on
  • 7. 7 Army Values Army Values In the US Army, since the moment you decide to enlist, all soldiers are taught the 7 Army Values during the whole process of Initial Entry Training, the importance to apply each one of them to your daily life and to live up to them. It is no coincidence that these core values are broken down in the acronym LDRSHIP. Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage are the qualities the US Army looks for their leaders to possess. Each one of the 7 Army Values plays an important role in our military leadership, therefore in my personal opinion, there is not a value that should be considered more important than the others. All of the 7 Army Values have an impact on each other, and they are all essential to the leader's more content... Loyalty is important because trust is the bedrock of the US Army and it is important to have trust and be loyal to our brothers and sisters in arms because the absence of trust and loyalty and trust in our soldiers and leaders can destroy the foundation of our units and affect how effective is the accomplishment of our mission. Duty is important because that is what as soldiers we do every day, we accomplish all of our assigned tasks to the best of our abilities. To perform your duties is the minimum that is expected from every soldier and it is exactly what an enlisted soldier believes duty is. Respect is important because it is also fundamental to build trust between our soldiers and leaders. It is expected by every soldier, it shows our professionalism and consideration for our soldiers and leaders no matter what rank they hold and it is considered one of the most basic customs and courtesies shared in our society. Selfless Service is important because the US Army best works as a Get more content on
  • 8. The Seven Army Values There are seven Army Values that all human beings should believe in. There are three values I see as strengths, and as areas to improve in my personal life. Those values are Respect, Selfless Service, and Honor. I will be writing about all three in this essay. The first Army Value I see as a strength is Respect. I chose the ArmyValuerespect because that's something I would want someone to give me. In my eyes, when you first met someone, your first impression or their first impression determines if you've gained their respect or if they have gained yours. Respect is my strength because even though I might not respect you as a person, I honestly can say that I respect the things you do or how you get things accomplished and etc. The second Get more content on
  • 9. Army Values In the history of our great nation, the one constant factor that has separated us from the rest of the world has been the Core Values that we uphold as a nation. The military service has to uphold these values at all times, as both our citizens and the citizens of countries worldwide look up to us to do so. Charles W. Pickering states, "A healthy democracy requires a decent society; it requires that we are honorable, generous, tolerant and respectful" (Pickering, Unknown). By not upholding the values of our society, the reputation of our military, and ultimately that of our country suffers. The way that our Army abides by these Core Values is a set of standards known as the Army Values. The Army Values is the code by which all Soldiers more content... The military is comprised of more than 65,000 immigrants across all branches. General Colin Powell, born of parents who migrated from Jamaica, served honorably and with distinction in the Army. During his military career, General Powell had the reputation of an officer whose morals were above reproach. While serving on his second tour of duty in Vietnam, General Powell received the Soldier's Medal for pulling several Soldiers from a burning helicopter. He would eventually rise through the ranks to attain several positions of distinction within the U.S. government. General Powell was Commander of U.S. Army Forces Command, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, National Security Advisor, and ultimately went on to become the first African American Secretary of State under President George W. Bush. General Powell's entire career including life after the military is a true example of Honorable Get more content on
  • 10. Army Personal Values The influence that leaders have on their Soldiers in an organization has to be viewed in multiple perspectives consisting of Personal Values for instance integrity, commitment, and respect are all on my list of values and are aligned with our Army Values. In addition to these values, trust is the most significant to me, at one time or another during my career one might have been more important to me than the other but still important all the same. All Soldiers come into the Army with their own values and morals that they have learned from their parents or family members and it's essential to build on it. In our class we watched a video of Retired Four Star General Colin Powell in regards to the Essences of Leadership. I was drawn to Get more content on
  • 11. The Seven Army Values Essay An event that occurred in my life that will help me succeed at Colorado Christian University is the day I joined the U.S. Army. This event means more than anything to me because it's something that not very many people do that I did and got the courage to do. So far the Army has taught me many techniques and ways to be successful in everything you do. From personal courage, discipline, and integrity you learn that you can do anything you want by just pushing yourself and finding deep within what it is your dreams and lifelong goals are. To begin with, college has always been one of those things that I have wanted and just needed to do. I was unsure for the longest of how, what, or when it would happen but I more content... Loyalty; to be loyal to what you do. Being loyal to my school work and being persistent in any assignment that I have. Duty means to put the mission first; get whatever it is that you need done and keep moving forward in all tasks. Respect falls under everything that we do. You have to have respect for yourself; for your peers; and for those that are trying to lead you and teach you. Selfless Service; putting others before yourself. This one really means a lot to me in many ways but the most important is that every day we wake you have to have that thought of what it is were going to do today to help others. And as for professors; teachers; preachers; firefighters, etc. Everyone waking to put others before themselves to help people learn or to maybe just save a life that day. Every person has selfless service to be able to do whatever it is that they may do. Honor; to honor those before you, with you, and after you. For all that they do. Honoring the man or woman that takes there time to better you. Integrity; being honest, faithful, committed, and staying true to what it is you're fighting for. Lastly, Personal Courage; taking the initiative to do the unthinkable. To be able to stand up in front of a group or a class and spread with others your thoughts, Get more content on
  • 12. Duty: One Of The Army Values Duty is one of the values outlined the Army values. In my opinion it is one of the most important of all of them. It is very important but without the other values, Duty by itself cannot assist in accomplishing the mission. We still have the other values like leadership, respect, selfless service, honesty, integrity, and personal courage. These all set up the framework for us to be able to accomplish or duty as soldiers. All of them work hand in hand with each other. Duty is defined in Webster's dictionary as, "obligatory tasks, conduct, service or functions that arise from ones position." It is one of the primary values in the Army today. Duty is the reason while we get up every day and prepare to and defend theUnited States of America with more content... As an individual in the Army you have the duty of being a soldier but as a leader you have to be a soldier and a leader. Without being a soldier you cannot accomplish your duty as a leader. Being a leader in the Army is a duty in itself. You could say that you have 2 duties. That is why these two are closely related to each other. Another Army value that would go together with duty would be selfless service. Selfless service is the act of putting once self before a particular group. The group that we as soldiers put ourselves before is the citizens of our country and other counties that need our assistance such as Iraq and Afghanistan. It is the value that would instill duty in us as a soldier. Without selfless service, we would not be in the Army performing our duties today. I don't think I need to state and example because is already something we doing by being in themilitary. The last Army value that would relate to duty would be personal courage. Personal courage is the act of actually having the strength, physically and mentally, to perform your duties as a soldier. I think it is the most important value next to duty. Without personal courage you would not be able to pick up a weapon to defend this country which is our primary as soldiers. It facilitates our responsibilities as soldiers. Without it we would not have the courage to be at our appointed place of duty. Duty is not just related to our Army values. It is also defined the Soldier's Get more content on
  • 13. Army Core Values All organizations should have a form of biblical leadership within its structure. The United States Army sets the standard and is considered one of the best organizations that produce quality leaders time after time. They do this by establishing, believing and living their essential core values. The core values are set in stone and followed by every member of the organization, no matter the rank or status they have inside the organization. There are eight core values that include: 1) Loyalty 2) Loyalty 3) Duty, 4) Respect 5) Selfless–Service 6) Honor 7) Integrity 8) Personal Courage. These eight values form the acronym that spells LDRSHIP. This is by far been the successful sticking point of the Army for many years. Many more content... It must be understood that it will take time and a cultural change to implement new policies and procedures. Here in lies the problem as this type of plan will take at least two phases to accomplish. The first phase would involve the organization as a whole understanding the changes that are going to take place. The second phase would require leaders to understand and implement the change for the organization. The Army National Guard must be willing to train their weekend warriors on the new cultural environment that would ensue after implementing the new plan. It will be hard to accomplish this task along with their other Guard jobs and tasking's. Having key leaders train, mentor and coach the Soldier's will be the key to ensuring the plan is carried out correctly and does not die before leaving the drawing Get more content on
  • 14. 7 army values Army Values Army Values and the Leader LOYALTY Leaders who demonstrate loyalty: Bear true faith and allegiance in the correct order to the Constitution, the Army, and the organization. Observe higher headquarters' priorities. Work within the system without manipulating it for personal gain. DUTY Leaders who demonstrate devotion to duty: Fulfill obligations–professional, legal, and moral. Carry out mission requirements. Meet professional standards. Set the example. Comply with policies and directives. Continually pursue excellence. RESPECT Leaders who demonstrate respect: Treat people as they should be treated. Create a climate of fairness and equal opportunity. Are discreet and tactful when correcting or more content... The nation's highest military award is The Medal of Honor. This award goes to Soldiers who make honor a matter of daily living– Soldiers who develop the habit of being honorable, and solidify that habit with every value choice they make. Honor is a matter of carrying out, acting, and living the values of respect, duty, loyalty, selfless service, integrity and personal courage in everything you do. Integrity Do what's right, legally and morally. Integrity is a quality you develop by adhering to moral principles. It requires that you do and say nothing that deceives others. As your integrity grows, so does the trust others place in you. The more choices you make based on integrity, the more this highly prized value will affect your relationships with family and friends, and, finally, the fundamental acceptance of yourself. Personal Courage Face fear, danger or adversity (physical or moral). Personal courage has long been associated with our Army. With physical courage, it is a matter of enduring physical duress and at times risking personal safety. Facing moral fear or adversity may be a long, slow process of continuing forward on the right path, especially if taking those actions is not popular with others. You can build your personal courage by daily standing up for and acting upon the things that you know are Get more content on
  • 15. Essay The 7 Army Values and Malingering The seven Army values are the backbone of the United States Army. They are broken down to us in the acronym 'LDRSHIP'. Loyalty, "Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. constitution, the Army, and other soldiers." Duty, "Fulfill your obligations." Respect, "Treat people as they should be treated." Selfless Service, "Put the welfare of the nation, the Army and your subordinates above your own." Honor, "Live up to the army values." Integrity, "Do what's right legally and morally." and Personal Courage "Face fear, danger or adversity (physical or moral)." These seven Army values are taught to Soldiers in basic training and are reinforced through out a Soldier's military career. They are expected to be followed in a peace time, more content... Loyalty is the first Army value. Soldiers are taught to be loyal to God, country, unit and self. Loyalty, essentially, is a two –way street. A Soldier expects the same loyalty from his country and unit as he or she has given. All Brigade Combat Teams who deploy to theaters, such as Iraq or Afghanistan, leave from large airports. It is well documented that many civilians, who either went to the airport to show support for troops or civilians who are just there waiting on flights, stand up to cheer and say their "thank you"s to passing Soldiers as they take that long flight to theater. This is a common occurrence when Soldiers return from theater, also. This is a small gesture the general public has started to perform to enforce a Soldier's sense of loyalty to country. All Soldiers wear the American flag on their right shoulder, but to see the general public applaud a Soldier for their efforts at war makes a Soldier truly understand how great it is to be an American. Loyalty to a Soldier's unit is usually established through espirit de corps. This is observed during wartime by truly believing in a unit's overall mission and making that unit's mission your goal. Whether the unit is an Infantry company, a Quarter Master company or a Military Intelligence company, the mission is unique to that unit and each person within the unit is unique to that Get more content on
  • 16. Army Values Essay THE SEVEN ARMY VALUES In the US army we are taught to live by the 7 army values. They are broken down to us in the acronym 'LDRSHIP'. Loyalty "Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. constitution, the Army, and other soldiers." Duty "Fulfill your obligations." Respect "Treat people as they should be treated." Selfless Service "Put the welfare of the nation, the Army and your subordinates above your own." Honor "Live up to the army values." Integrity "Do what's right legally and morally." and Personal Courage "Face fear, danger or adversity (physical or moral)." We are all drilled on these 7 army values from day one of basic training. First we commit them to memory. Then we learn to live by them. All 7 values have an impact on more content... My guess is not to great.How do you think it will go when you ask him to do you a favor such as hey can you clean my weapon so it is clean when SFC Martin inspects them it dont get kicked back? he aint gonna do that for you because you were not loyal to him you have earned nothing in his eyes by screwing him over on the humvee PMCS. Ya give a lil ya get a lil. Duty to me is accomplishing a task that needs to be done regardless the motivation you have, how sick your feelin or how long of a ruck march you had this morning. Whether you love it or hate it the task is there to be done. If one does not fulfill their duties on a regular basis, then those around them have to pick up the slack, and any sense of loyalty begins to become tarnished duty and loyalty are intertwined in private first class Ansons eyes. like i said in the last paragraph when talking about loyalty in order to attain loyalty there are duties that must be completed inorder to seem loyal to another soldier or friend. Everyone wants to be respected. It's in our nature, but in order to obtain respect, first of all one has to respect oneself. Second, one has to show respect to others in order to gain respect from them. If one doesn't show respect to someone, that person may often feel blown off and lose respect for you. Respect in my eyes is like a math equation loyalty plus duty equals respect. respect is gained in conducting ones self in a way that others can stand Get more content on
  • 17. Seven Core Values Of The US Army The seven core values of the US Army represent a time–tested set of values that would contribute to success as a USMA cadet, as an Army officer, and to life in general. The value that is the most meaningful to me is the quality of honor. Not only is it, by definition, living up to the other six core values, I've tried to make it a central component of my personal ethos. I've attended the Dawson School for my entire K–12 academic career, and one of the core tenets of Dawson student life is the honor code, which highlights the vital nature of honesty, integrity, and trust in our lives. In school life, I've strode to fulfill this code by maintaining my own personal integrity and serving as a role model while serving as a class officer, a peer Get more content on
  • 18. THE SEVEN ARMY VALUES Essay In the United States Army we are taught to live by the Seven Army Values. They are broken down to us in the acronym 'LDRSHIP' which is short for Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage. We are all taught these 7 Army values repeatedly from day one in the United States Army. First we memorize these values. Then we are trained to live by them. All of these 7 values coincide with each other, and play an important roll in our Army lives. These 7 Army Values also play well into life outside the Army in our personal life. People sometimes do not realize the importance these values have on the way we are viewed by the people who look up to the men and woman who are privileged enough to represent more content... Also improving their performance is a necessity to make a more stable unit. Respect is to "Treat people as they should be treated." Every soldier is responsible for treating other people with dignity and respect. As Soldiers we pledge to treat others with respect and dignity while not expecting anything in return. Respect allows us to appreciate what our Army leaders and Friends do for us. Respect is to have trust that people will fulfill their duties and accomplish what is expected of them. Respecting ones self is an important factor of the Army value of respect. We, the United States Army are one team and we each have something to contribute. What is respect? Respect has numerous forms. It can be self–awareness, character, understanding, trust, honesty, and a positive attitude. Respect must be earned. If someone does not respect himself or herself then they are not able to respect others. To gain respect you must treat others the way you would want to be treated, as you have heard many times before. If a unit lacks respect it cannot have teamwork and sympathy for the well being of others. It creates devotion to the success of the team. Respect goes both ways up and down the chain of command. A leader must respect his or her soldiers as their soldiers must appreciate the sacrifices and skills their superiors and vice versa. by respecting the people around you with effort, and in time soldiers come to respect each other. Get more content on
  • 19. Essay On Army Values Being a professional soldier goes a long way. It means a person take pride in everything they do throughout life. It takes a lot of energy and time to earn this title so upholding its standard is a must. A soldier abides by all his and her codes and creeds. Also, the soldier must follow the army set values. There are seven values and all have a significant importance to our nation; loyalty, duty, respect, selfless–service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. These seven values are all a soldier needs to be professional in the army. Following each of them and executing them will build your character and define you as a soldier and a person. Army values are like everyday values too, but in the army and being held at such a higher value they have to withhold them more then other people may have too. This means a soldier must have a strong loyalty to our country. They also have one of America's largest duty upon them to make our nation to make it feel and be whole, if a soldier does not succeed with this duty stored upon him or her then they are not doing the job assigned to him or her. Selfless services and personal courage are two very similar things that many people do not have or think about. Soldiers have to have the courage to go out on the battlefield and deploy and fight and complete a duty they are given, they more content... Some people may have a few of the seven army values, but no one has all seven like an army soldier, we have a professional job that not many people think about, they think it's just about saving American. Soldiers have to be in top shape, in health and professionalism, soldiers has a whole have to be more professional than some business men and that's just because not a few people are looking over us, over billions of Americans are looking up at soldiers and are deciding if they want to join us and be as professional as us or just Get more content on