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Presented by:
Zulkifli Mohd
Persidangan Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan
Dinamik 2023
St Giles The Gardens Hotel
20 – 21 September 2023
Cont ent s
Leadership Landscape 2023
What Is a Leader?
What is Leadership, Really?
Leadership vs Management
Are Leaders Born or Made?
Does Leadership Matter
5 Levels of Leadership
What Good Leaders Do
How Can I Become a Good Leader?
Leadership in 2023 & Beyond
Leadership Landscape 2023
• Retaining & developing future leaders
outranks economic and business concerns
• People - the driver of success across all
business and economic challenges.
• Past year, 54% of companies saw their
turnover rate increase
• Ineffective leaders –no. 1 factor would want
to leave their company within the year
• 32% would want to leave their company
within the year because leaders lack
interpersonal skills
• Organizations need to evaluate their
leadership culture
• Only 40% of CEOs report that their company
has high-quality leaders (vs 48% two years
Top CEO Concerns 2023
Leadership Landscape 2023: Employee Engagement (Southeast Asia)
• Engaged employee provides significantly more discretionary effort—“doing whatever it takes” to
complete work tasks—ultimately having a positive impact on business results.
• Actively Disengaged employees feel disconnected from their jobs & tend to be unsatisfied at work. Their
poor attitudes and emotions spread through the company, which can result in their own poor performance
and poor performance of others.
Leadership Landscape 2023: Job Market (Southeast Asia)
Good time to find a job
• 3rd highest regional % of
employees who say now is a
good time find a new job
Watching for or actively
seeking new job
• 3rd highest regional % of
employees watching for or
actively seeking a new job
• Difficult to define in a single way → there are
more than 850 definitions of leadership.
• Leadership means different things to different
people, different cultures, and in different
What is Leadership
“Leadership is hard to define and good
leadership even harder, but if you can
get people to follow you to the ends of
the earth, you are a great leader.”
Indra Nooyi, former Chairman & CEO, PepsiCo
What is a Leader?
Who is a Leader
a person who has a compelling vision
of a better future, a drive and a
commitment to achieve that vision, and
the ability to make it happen…
A LEADER is ….
Leadership is all about seeing and creating a brighter and better future.
• by painting a vivid picture of what could be
and showing a clear roadmap to get there
to inspire and excite the people about the
future possibilities.
• By challenging and coaching people to
become the best version of themselves,
HOW? ….
Who is a Leader
and inspires them to do things they never
thought possible.
HOW? ….
“My job is not to be easy on people. My job is to take
these great people we have and to push them and
make them even better”.
Steve Jobs
Who is A Leader
A leader:
• Takes the lead, and leads by example, to inspire
others to follow him.
• Has a compelling vision for the future that
inspires passion and enthusiasm in followers.
• Excites, energizes and rally the troops towards a
better future.
• Inspires people to do things they never thought
they could.
A leader must
have the ability
to influence a
group of people
towards the
achievement of
a common goal
What is a Leader?
What is Leadership… Really?
Title & Position
Systems & Processes
Status Quo
Doing it Yourself
What is NOT Leadership
Leadership is
Title or Position.
It is about
Action and
I We
Ego Humility
Title & Position Action, Example & Result
Hierarchy Relationship
Self-Interest Stakeholder Wellbeing
Short Term Exciting Future
Authority Impact & Influence
Charisma Inspire with Vision
Telling Listening
Directing Communicating
Systems &Processes Purpose of Work
Demeaning others Respect
Knowing Learning
Status Quo Openness to Change
Control Guiding & Coaching
Doing it Yourself Delegate
Micro-management Empower
Rigid Agile
What is Leadership
What is Leadership, Anyway?
Leadership is the act of influencing
others to work towards a shared
What is Leadership
• “the challenge of taking people and organizations to places
they have never been before, of doing something that has
never been done before, and of moving beyond the ordinary to
the extraordinary.“ ~ Kouzes & Posner
• Leadership is not about who you are, but about what you do.
• Great leaders never accomplish extraordinary things alone.
"A leader is one who
knows the way,
goes the way, and
shows the way.“
John C. Maxwell
Direction & Vision
"Leadership is not about titles,
positions, or flowcharts. It is
about one life influencing
John C. Maxwell
Leadership is the art of getting
someone else to do something
you want done because he wants
to do it.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Voluntary Action
“Effective Leadership is not about
making speeches or being liked:
leadership is defined by results not
Peter Drucker
“Good business leaders
create a vision,
articulate the vision,
passionately own the vision, and
relentlessly drive it to completion.”
Jack Welch
• “The task of the leader is to get his people from where they
are to where they have not been.” ~ Henry Kissinger, former U.S.
Secretary of State
• “Management is about persuading people to do things they do
not want to do, while leadership is about inspiring people to
do things they never thought they could.” ~ Steve Jobs
• “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest
things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” ~
President Ronald Reagan
More on Leadership
• The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are
to where they have not been. ~ Henry Kissinger
• Leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never
thought they could. ~ Steve Jobs
• “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest
things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” ~
Ronald Reagan
More on Leadership
Leadership vs Management
Leadership Management
Purpose • Dealing with change • Dealing with complexity
• Thinking
• Change and innovation
• “Doing the right things”
• Doing
• Execution and implementation
• “Doing things right”
Main Processes/
• Formulating visions
• Aligning people
• Motivating and inspiring
• Influencing
• Planning projects
• Organizing people
• Monitoring progress and performance
• Problem-solving
• Future
• Long-term
• Present
• Short-term
Daily Work
• High-level
• Strategic
• Ground-level
• Tactical
Seeks to Achieve
• Change
• Newness
• Effectiveness
• Movement
• Order
• Consistency
• Efficiency
• Stability
Managers are necessary; Leaders are essential
Leadership vs Management
HBS Online
Is Managing the same as Leading?
▪ Policy & Procedure
▪ Power & Control
▪ Have Subordinates
▪ Work Focused
▪ Authoritarian Style
▪ Reactive
▪ Plans detail
▪ Maintain status quo
▪ Counting Value
▪ Vision & Strategy
▪ Influence & Inspire
▪ Have Followers
▪ PeopleFocused
▪ Charismatic Style
▪ Proactive
▪ Sets Direction
▪ Raising Expectations
▪ Creating Value
▪ Explain Vision
▪ Mobilize
▪ Motivate
▪ Accomplish
Leading People Managing People
Leadership vs Management
Leadership vs Management
• Leaders have people follow them, while managers have
people who work for them.
• Leaders lead people. Managers manage tasks, systems &
Are Leaders Born or Made?
Some are born
great, some achieve
greatness, and some
have greatness
thrust upon them.
William Shakespeare
• Some individuals are born with leadership
• Some learn to become great leaders.
• Most of the successful leaders develop and
enhance their skills in their life. It means
even a person with leadership qualities
need to refine their skills before reaching
their full potential.
Are Leaders Born or Made?
Only 10% of people are natural leaders
Gallup, 2015
7% of leadership success is related with intellect, while
93% of success is related with trust, integrity,
authenticity, honesty, creativity, presence
and resilience
UCLA Research, Cooper and Sawaf, 1996
Are Leaders Born or Made?
25%-40% of Fortune 500 CEOs use
executive coaches to teach them leadership skills.
McDermott + Bull, 2020
Leadership is a trainable, transferable skill,
rather than it being an exclusively inborn
Are Leaders Born or Made?
Effective leaders are made, not
born. They learn from trial and
error, and from experience.
Colin Powell
Leadership is a trainable, transferable skill, rather
than it being an exclusively inborn ability.
Employees who have undergone leadership training have
• a 28% boost in critical leadership abilities
• a 20% improvement in work performance
• a 25% increase in learning abilities .
DDI’s Global Leadership Forecast 2018
Public sector managers who underwent executive
coaching after leadership training, for instance, displayed
an 88% increase in productivity
A Review in Context. The Leadership Quarterly, 11 (4), Day, 2000
Are Leaders Born or Made?
Does Leadership Matter?
Only Three Things Happen Naturally in an Organization!!!
Everything else…requires Leadership!
Under Performance
3 Things Happen Without Leadership
Does Leadership Matter?
Peter Drucker
Leadership capabilities
and effectiveness are
important or very
important to their
Deloitte, 2023
Effective leadership is vital to organizational
• Act more decisively
• Navigate through complexity with greater
• Anticipate and reacting to business
challenges with ease.
Does Leadership Matter?
Globally, an average of USD366 billion is spent on
leadership training and leadership development each
The global Corporate Leadership Training market size
was valued at USD70 billion in 2022.
360 Research Reports
Global Leadership Development Budget 2023
Does Leadership Matter?
Effective leadership
EXCITES people to
5 Levels of Leadership
5 Levels of Leadership: Where do you Stand?
Leadership is Action, not Position
of what you have done
for them
of what you have done
for the organization
they want to
they have to
of who you are and
what you represent
Employees do not see the leaders as someone they can
trust. Difficult to attract volunteers.
Position does not automatically result in influence
Leaders begin to connect, build & grow relationships with
their people which lead to positive influence, gain trust &
Leaders produce results, build influence and credibility. People
follow them because they trust the leaders know what they’re
doing and will lead them in the right direction.
They are servant leaders who teach, mentor, build, and multiply other
leaders. They invest resources to improve the leadership skills of others.
The rarest type of leader. People follow them because of who they are, what they
represent and the quality of their leadership. Level 5 leaders achieve their success
through others' success.
Leading from the position of authority
Leading in a way that build relationships
Leading in a way that get things done
Leading to reproduce
Leading in a way that you invest your
life into
What Good Leaders Do?
What Good Leaders Do…
➢ Empowering
➢ Equipping
➢ Engaging
Define the path
Align the resources
Connect through 3 E’s
Leadership Roles
Clarity of purpose &
Paint a vivid picture of what the future looks like
Communicate the vision intensely to excite, energize, and mobilize the team.
Establish strategies, clarify goals & expectations
Align the resources and
Enlist the support of stakeholders.
Align resources– people, process, structure, systems, etc. – and make changes to
pave the path to support the strategy execution
Inspire and energize
Provide autonomy, decentralize decision making, delegate & get out of the way.
Build capability
Provide the necessary resources and tools, training, and support to accomplish their
assigned tasks.
Build relationship &
Foster open communication, listen and encourage sharing of ideas, and concerns.
Celebrate successes and milestones. Recognize and reward.
Putting plans into action
Execute the plan
Provide ongoing performance and coaching
Define the Path
Align the
Connect with
People thru 3 E’s
What Leaders Do…
6 E’s of Leadership
“People work better when they
know what the goal is and why.”
Elon Musk
Purpose & Meaning
6 E’s of Leadership: Some Stats…
want leaders to be
visionary & forward
feel empowered to
work with minimal
Gallup 2023
41% less employee
59% less absenteeism
Gallup 2023
Visioning Ability
How Can I Become a
Good Leader?
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership
James M. Kouzes, Barry Posner
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership
▪ Discover your personal values and beliefs.
▪ Set the example by aligning actions with shared values. Stand
up for your beliefs.
Model the Way
Inspired a Shared Vision
2. ▪ Envision the future by imagining exciting possibilities.
▪ Enlist others in a common vision by appealing to shared
“To gain and sustain the moral authority to lead, it’s essential to Model the Way.”
(Kouzes & Posner, 2007)
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership
▪ Search for opportunities by seizing the initiative and by
looking outward for innovative ways to improve.
▪ Experiment and take risks by constantly generating small
wins and learning from experience.
Challenge the Process
Enable Others To Act
4. ▪ Foster collaboration by building trust and facilitating
▪ Strengthen others by increasing self- determination and
developing competence.
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership
Encourage the Heart
▪ Recognize contributions by showing appreciation for
individual excellence.
▪ Celebrate the values and victories by creating a spirit of
▪ Leadership is a relationship
▪ Inspire, energise and mobilize others to struggle for shared aspirations - with mutual
respect and confidence
Characteristics of Leaders
Top 4 Characteristics of Admired
majority belief
▪ Honest
▪ Forward-Looking
▪ Competent
▪ Inspiring
1. They motivate and engage employees with a compelling
mission and vision.
2. They have the assertiveness to drive outcomes and the ability
to overcome adversity and resistance.
3. They create a culture of clear accountability.
4. They build relationships that create trust, open dialogue, and
full transparency.
5. They make decisions based on productivity, not politics.
Great Leaders: Abilities
Leadership in 2023 &
McKinsey & Co’s The State of Organizations 2023
Most Important Elements of Leadership 2023
1. Role modeling: (focusing on building respect and considering the ethical
consequences of decisions) - 46%
2. Inspiring others: (presenting a compelling vision of the future and inspiring
optimism about its implementation) - 37%:
3. Developing people: spending time teaching, mentoring, and listening to
individual needs and concerns - 35%
4. Setting expectations: defining responsibilities clearly and rewarding
achievement of targets - 32%
5. Fostering team discussions: building a team atmosphere in which everyone is
encouraged to participate in decision making – 28%
6. Communicating efficiently: communicating in a convincing and charismatic way -
Leader and
Design and Change
Recruiting 05
Future of Work
60% of HR leaders
prioritizing 53% of HR leaders
46% of HR leaders
prioritizing 42% of HR leaders
47% of HR leaders
New imperative: The Human-Centric Leader
+ =
+ Human Leadership
Act with purpose and
enable true self-expression
for themselves and
their teams.
Show genuine care,
respect and concern for
employee well-being.
Enable flexibilityand
support that fit the unique
needs of team members.
Top 5 Priorities for HR Leaders in 2023
Gartner forHR
Five Skills Leaders Need for the Future
Gardner 2023
Future Talent
Critical Leadership Competencies for 2023 and Beyond
1. Role modeling
2. Inspiring others
3. Developing people
4. Setting expectations
5. Fostering team
6. Communicating
1. Authenticity
2. Empathy
3. Adaptivity
New Leadership Paradigm: Human Centric Leader
1. Talent Management
2. Strategic Thinking
3. Change Management
4. Decision Making
5. Influencing Others
Critical Competencies for 2023 and Beyond
• Leadership is based on trust & team basics
• Leaders plays the role of coaches and mentors
• Create a culture of openness, trust, fair play
and transparency
• Empower people
• Take the lead
• Walk the talk
Way Forward…
“The challenge of leadership is
to be strong, but not rude;
be kind, but not weak;
be bold, but not a bully;
be thoughtful, but not lazy;
be humble, but not timid;
be proud, but not arrogant;
have humor, but not folly”.
Jim Roth
Changing the Rules
of the GAME
Leadership needs
to focus on
and be
Lead, Follow, or
Get Out
of the Way!
Effective Leadership 2023
Effective Leadership 2023

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Senior Project and Engineering Leader Jim Smith.pdf

Effective Leadership 2023

  • 1. Presented by: Zulkifli Mohd MOVING TOWARDS EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP Persidangan Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan Dinamik 2023 St Giles The Gardens Hotel 20 – 21 September 2023
  • 2. Cont ent s Leadership Landscape 2023 Leadership What Is a Leader? What is Leadership, Really? Leadership vs Management Are Leaders Born or Made? Does Leadership Matter 5 Levels of Leadership What Good Leaders Do How Can I Become a Good Leader? Leadership in 2023 & Beyond
  • 3. Leadership Landscape 2023 • Retaining & developing future leaders outranks economic and business concerns • People - the driver of success across all business and economic challenges. • Past year, 54% of companies saw their turnover rate increase • Ineffective leaders –no. 1 factor would want to leave their company within the year • 32% would want to leave their company within the year because leaders lack interpersonal skills • Organizations need to evaluate their leadership culture • Only 40% of CEOs report that their company has high-quality leaders (vs 48% two years ago) Top CEO Concerns 2023
  • 4. Leadership Landscape 2023: Employee Engagement (Southeast Asia) • Engaged employee provides significantly more discretionary effort—“doing whatever it takes” to complete work tasks—ultimately having a positive impact on business results. • Actively Disengaged employees feel disconnected from their jobs & tend to be unsatisfied at work. Their poor attitudes and emotions spread through the company, which can result in their own poor performance and poor performance of others.
  • 5. Leadership Landscape 2023: Job Market (Southeast Asia) JOB CLIMATE Good time to find a job • 3rd highest regional % of employees who say now is a good time find a new job INTENT TO LEAVE Watching for or actively seeking new job • 3rd highest regional % of employees watching for or actively seeking a new job
  • 6.
  • 8. • Difficult to define in a single way → there are more than 850 definitions of leadership. • Leadership means different things to different people, different cultures, and in different situations. What is Leadership
  • 9. “Leadership is hard to define and good leadership even harder, but if you can get people to follow you to the ends of the earth, you are a great leader.” Indra Nooyi, former Chairman & CEO, PepsiCo
  • 10. What is a Leader?
  • 11. Who is a Leader a person who has a compelling vision of a better future, a drive and a commitment to achieve that vision, and the ability to make it happen… A LEADER is …. Leadership is all about seeing and creating a brighter and better future.
  • 12. • by painting a vivid picture of what could be and showing a clear roadmap to get there to inspire and excite the people about the future possibilities. • By challenging and coaching people to become the best version of themselves, and HOW? …. Who is a Leader
  • 13. and inspires them to do things they never thought possible. HOW? …. “My job is not to be easy on people. My job is to take these great people we have and to push them and make them even better”. Steve Jobs Who is A Leader
  • 14. A leader: • Takes the lead, and leads by example, to inspire others to follow him. • Has a compelling vision for the future that inspires passion and enthusiasm in followers. • Excites, energizes and rally the troops towards a better future. • Inspires people to do things they never thought they could. A leader must have the ability to influence a group of people towards the achievement of a common goal What is a Leader?
  • 16. I Ego Title & Position Hierarchy Self-Interest Short-Term Authority Charisma Telling Directing Systems & Processes Knowing Status Quo Control Doing it Yourself Micro-management Rigid What is NOT Leadership NOT Leadership Leadership is NOT Title or Position. It is about Action and Example
  • 17. I We Ego Humility Title & Position Action, Example & Result Hierarchy Relationship Self-Interest Stakeholder Wellbeing Short Term Exciting Future Authority Impact & Influence Charisma Inspire with Vision Telling Listening Directing Communicating Systems &Processes Purpose of Work Demeaning others Respect Knowing Learning Status Quo Openness to Change Control Guiding & Coaching Doing it Yourself Delegate Micro-management Empower Rigid Agile What is Leadership IS Leadership
  • 18. What is Leadership, Anyway? Leadership is the act of influencing others to work towards a shared purpose. Vision Followership Influence + + = LEADERSHIP
  • 19. What is Leadership • “the challenge of taking people and organizations to places they have never been before, of doing something that has never been done before, and of moving beyond the ordinary to the extraordinary.“ ~ Kouzes & Posner • Leadership is not about who you are, but about what you do. • Great leaders never accomplish extraordinary things alone.
  • 20. "A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.“ John C. Maxwell Direction & Vision
  • 21. "Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another." John C. Maxwell influence
  • 22. Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. Dwight D. Eisenhower Voluntary Action
  • 23. “Effective Leadership is not about making speeches or being liked: leadership is defined by results not attributes” Peter Drucker
  • 24. “Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.” Jack Welch Vision
  • 25. • “The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been.” ~ Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State • “Management is about persuading people to do things they do not want to do, while leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could.” ~ Steve Jobs • “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” ~ President Ronald Reagan More on Leadership
  • 26. • The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been. ~ Henry Kissinger • Leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could. ~ Steve Jobs • “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” ~ Ronald Reagan More on Leadership
  • 28. Leadership Management Purpose • Dealing with change • Dealing with complexity Focus • Thinking • Change and innovation • “Doing the right things” • Doing • Execution and implementation • “Doing things right” Main Processes/ Skills • Formulating visions • Aligning people • Motivating and inspiring • Influencing • Planning projects • Organizing people • Monitoring progress and performance • Problem-solving Orientation • Future • Long-term • Present • Short-term Daily Work • High-level • Strategic • Ground-level • Tactical Seeks to Achieve • Change • Newness • Effectiveness • Movement • Order • Consistency • Efficiency • Stability Managers are necessary; Leaders are essential Leadership vs Management HBS Online
  • 29. Is Managing the same as Leading? ▪ Policy & Procedure ▪ Power & Control ▪ Have Subordinates ▪ Work Focused ▪ Authoritarian Style ▪ Reactive ▪ Plans detail ▪ Maintain status quo ▪ Counting Value ▪ Vision & Strategy ▪ Influence & Inspire ▪ Have Followers ▪ PeopleFocused ▪ Charismatic Style ▪ Proactive ▪ Sets Direction ▪ Raising Expectations ▪ Creating Value ▪ Explain Vision ▪ Mobilize Resources ▪ Motivate Others ▪ Accomplish Goals Leading People Managing People Leadership vs Management
  • 30. Leadership vs Management • Leaders have people follow them, while managers have people who work for them. • Leaders lead people. Managers manage tasks, systems & processes.
  • 31. Are Leaders Born or Made?
  • 32. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. William Shakespeare • Some individuals are born with leadership qualities • Some learn to become great leaders. • Most of the successful leaders develop and enhance their skills in their life. It means even a person with leadership qualities need to refine their skills before reaching their full potential. Are Leaders Born or Made?
  • 33. Only 10% of people are natural leaders Gallup, 2015 7% of leadership success is related with intellect, while 93% of success is related with trust, integrity, authenticity, honesty, creativity, presence and resilience UCLA Research, Cooper and Sawaf, 1996 Are Leaders Born or Made?
  • 34. 25%-40% of Fortune 500 CEOs use executive coaches to teach them leadership skills. McDermott + Bull, 2020 Leadership is a trainable, transferable skill, rather than it being an exclusively inborn ability. Are Leaders Born or Made?
  • 35. Effective leaders are made, not born. They learn from trial and error, and from experience. Colin Powell Leadership is a trainable, transferable skill, rather than it being an exclusively inborn ability.
  • 36. Employees who have undergone leadership training have shown: • a 28% boost in critical leadership abilities • a 20% improvement in work performance • a 25% increase in learning abilities . DDI’s Global Leadership Forecast 2018 Public sector managers who underwent executive coaching after leadership training, for instance, displayed an 88% increase in productivity A Review in Context. The Leadership Quarterly, 11 (4), Day, 2000 Are Leaders Born or Made?
  • 38. Only Three Things Happen Naturally in an Organization!!! Everything else…requires Leadership! Friction 1 Confusion 2 Under Performance 3 3 Things Happen Without Leadership Does Leadership Matter? Peter Drucker
  • 39. 94% Leadership capabilities and effectiveness are important or very important to their organization’s Success Deloitte, 2023 Effective leadership is vital to organizational success. • Act more decisively • Navigate through complexity with greater efficiency • Anticipate and reacting to business challenges with ease. Does Leadership Matter?
  • 40. Globally, an average of USD366 billion is spent on leadership training and leadership development each year. The global Corporate Leadership Training market size was valued at USD70 billion in 2022. 360 Research Reports Global Leadership Development Budget 2023 Does Leadership Matter?
  • 41. Effective leadership EXCITES people to EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE
  • 42. 5 Levels of Leadership
  • 43. 5 Levels of Leadership: Where do you Stand? Leadership is Action, not Position PEOPLE FOLLOW YOU BECAUSE of what you have done for them of what you have done for the organization they want to they have to of who you are and what you represent Employees do not see the leaders as someone they can trust. Difficult to attract volunteers. Position does not automatically result in influence Leaders begin to connect, build & grow relationships with their people which lead to positive influence, gain trust & respect Leaders produce results, build influence and credibility. People follow them because they trust the leaders know what they’re doing and will lead them in the right direction. They are servant leaders who teach, mentor, build, and multiply other leaders. They invest resources to improve the leadership skills of others. The rarest type of leader. People follow them because of who they are, what they represent and the quality of their leadership. Level 5 leaders achieve their success through others' success. Leading from the position of authority Leading in a way that build relationships Leading in a way that get things done Leading to reproduce Leading in a way that you invest your life into
  • 45. What Good Leaders Do… ➢ Empowering ➢ Equipping ➢ Engaging Define the path Align the resources Connect through 3 E’s Execute & STAY THE COURSE
  • 46. Leadership Roles Envision Clarity of purpose & strategy Paint a vivid picture of what the future looks like Communicate the vision intensely to excite, energize, and mobilize the team. Establish strategies, clarify goals & expectations Enable Align the resources and processes Enlist the support of stakeholders. Align resources– people, process, structure, systems, etc. – and make changes to pave the path to support the strategy execution Empower Inspire and energize others Provide autonomy, decentralize decision making, delegate & get out of the way. Equip Build capability Provide the necessary resources and tools, training, and support to accomplish their assigned tasks. Engage Build relationship & collaboration Foster open communication, listen and encourage sharing of ideas, and concerns. Celebrate successes and milestones. Recognize and reward. Execute Putting plans into action Execute the plan Provide ongoing performance and coaching S T A Y T H E C O U R S E Define the Path Align the Resources Connect with People thru 3 E’s STAY THE COURSE What Leaders Do… 6 E’s of Leadership
  • 47. “People work better when they know what the goal is and why.” Elon Musk Purpose & Meaning
  • 48. 6 E’s of Leadership: Some Stats… want leaders to be visionary & forward looking 72% 78% feel empowered to work with minimal oversight Gallup 2023 HBR 41% less employee turnover higher profitability 21% 59% less absenteeism Gallup 2023 Highly Engaged Teams Empowerment Visioning Ability
  • 49. How Can I Become a Good Leader?
  • 50. The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership James M. Kouzes, Barry Posner
  • 51. The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership ▪ Discover your personal values and beliefs. ▪ Set the example by aligning actions with shared values. Stand up for your beliefs. Model the Way 1. Inspired a Shared Vision 2. ▪ Envision the future by imagining exciting possibilities. ▪ Enlist others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations. “To gain and sustain the moral authority to lead, it’s essential to Model the Way.” (Kouzes & Posner, 2007)
  • 52. The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership ▪ Search for opportunities by seizing the initiative and by looking outward for innovative ways to improve. ▪ Experiment and take risks by constantly generating small wins and learning from experience. Challenge the Process 3. Enable Others To Act 4. ▪ Foster collaboration by building trust and facilitating relationships. ▪ Strengthen others by increasing self- determination and developing competence.
  • 53. The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Encourage the Heart ▪ Recognize contributions by showing appreciation for individual excellence. ▪ Celebrate the values and victories by creating a spirit of community. 5. ▪ Leadership is a relationship ▪ Inspire, energise and mobilize others to struggle for shared aspirations - with mutual respect and confidence
  • 54. Characteristics of Leaders Top 4 Characteristics of Admired Leaders majority belief ▪ Honest ▪ Forward-Looking ▪ Competent ▪ Inspiring
  • 55. 1. They motivate and engage employees with a compelling mission and vision. 2. They have the assertiveness to drive outcomes and the ability to overcome adversity and resistance. 3. They create a culture of clear accountability. 4. They build relationships that create trust, open dialogue, and full transparency. 5. They make decisions based on productivity, not politics. Great Leaders: Abilities Gallup
  • 56. Leadership in 2023 & Beyond
  • 57. McKinsey & Co’s The State of Organizations 2023 Most Important Elements of Leadership 2023 1. Role modeling: (focusing on building respect and considering the ethical consequences of decisions) - 46% 2. Inspiring others: (presenting a compelling vision of the future and inspiring optimism about its implementation) - 37%: 3. Developing people: spending time teaching, mentoring, and listening to individual needs and concerns - 35% 4. Setting expectations: defining responsibilities clearly and rewarding achievement of targets - 32% 5. Fostering team discussions: building a team atmosphere in which everyone is encouraged to participate in decision making – 28% 6. Communicating efficiently: communicating in a convincing and charismatic way - 27%
  • 58. 01 Leader and Manager Effectiveness 02 Organizational Design and Change Management 03 Employee Experience 04 Recruiting 05 Future of Work 60% of HR leaders prioritizing 53% of HR leaders prioritizing 46% of HR leaders prioritizing 42% of HR leaders prioritizing 47% of HR leaders prioritizing New imperative: The Human-Centric Leader + = + Human Leadership Authenticity Act with purpose and enable true self-expression for themselves and their teams. Empathetic Show genuine care, respect and concern for employee well-being. Adaptivity Enable flexibilityand support that fit the unique needs of team members. Top 5 Priorities for HR Leaders in 2023 Gartner forHR
  • 59. Five Skills Leaders Need for the Future Gardner 2023 Identifying/ Developing Future Talent Strategic Thinking Decision- Making Prioritization Managing Successful Change Influencing Others
  • 60. Critical Leadership Competencies for 2023 and Beyond 1. Role modeling 2. Inspiring others 3. Developing people 4. Setting expectations 5. Fostering team discussions 6. Communicating efficiently + 1. Authenticity 2. Empathy 3. Adaptivity New Leadership Paradigm: Human Centric Leader Gallup 1. Talent Management 2. Strategic Thinking 3. Change Management 4. Decision Making Prioritizatiomn 5. Influencing Others + Gartner Critical Competencies for 2023 and Beyond
  • 62. • Leadership is based on trust & team basics • Leaders plays the role of coaches and mentors • Create a culture of openness, trust, fair play and transparency • Empower people • Take the lead • Walk the talk Way Forward…
  • 63. “The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but not folly”. Jim Roth
  • 64. Changing the Rules of the GAME Leadership needs to focus on Transformation and be Game-Changers!
  • 65. Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way!