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Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered To 18
Writing an essay on the topic of whether the drinking age should be lowered to 18 involves
navigating through a complex web of arguments, perspectives, and societal considerations. The
issue is multifaceted, touching upon legal, health, and cultural aspects, making it a challenging
task to present a well-rounded and persuasive argument.
To begin with, you must delve into the existing legal framework surrounding the drinking age,
understanding the reasons behind the current regulations and the potential consequences of
altering them. This involves examining research on the impact of alcohol on young adults, both
physiologically and psychologically. Balancing these aspects while considering individual rights
and freedoms adds another layer of complexity to the essay.
Moreover, the societal and cultural dimensions come into play, requiring an exploration of how
different societies and cultures approach the issue of alcohol consumption. Understanding the
historical context and the evolution of attitudes toward alcohol can provide valuable insights.
Crafting a compelling essay involves not only presenting data and statistics but also weaving
together a narrative that captures the essence of the debate.
You'll need to address counterarguments effectively, acknowledging opposing views while
reinforcing your stance with sound reasoning and evidence. Finding the right balance between
emotion and logic is crucial, as the topic often elicits strong opinions. Additionally, maintaining a
coherent structure and flow throughout the essay is essential to ensure that your arguments are
presented in a compelling and persuasive manner.
In conclusion, writing an essay on whether the drinking age should be lowered to 18 is a
demanding task that requires a thorough understanding of legal, health, and cultural aspects. It
involves navigating through a myriad of perspectives, data, and arguments to present a well-
reasoned and persuasive case. Crafting such an essay demands time, research, and the ability to
communicate complex ideas effectively.
If you need assistance with essays or other academic writing tasks, various resources, including
professional writing services, can provide support. For similar essays and more, you may explore
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Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered To 18 EssayDrinking Age Should Not Be Lowered To 18
Comparing Women And Men s Basketball
It is officially basketball season! Do you know what this means? This means crazy
fans going topless, painting their torso one color, incise a letter to spell out their
team s name, and excessive screaming. It is such an interesting atmosphere to be in.
However, there is a difference between men and women basketball. What is the
difference? Women and men s basketball are different in so many ways. Even though
their size, athleticism, speed, and strength are comparable they are less competitive,
are not able to reach the same level of stability while men add an interest to the game.
From my observation I decided to go to University of South Carolina Aiken. There I
observed the men s and women s teams straight for two hours each, for five days ...
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To be clear, these players have no idea who each other are. The questions that were
asked are very simple, nothing out of the ordinary. The two women I interviewed
was Sade J, a sophomore basketball player at the University of South Carolina Aiken
(Division 2) and Kira G, a senior basketball player at the University of North Carolina
(Division 1). The first question I asked both players was, what motivates you or
what drives you? Surprisingly both of their answers were different from the first
question to last. Sade s answer was My teammates , while Kira s answer was To keep
my scholarship . The second question I asked these ladies were, what made you want
to compete in collegiate level? Sade s answer was Playing at this level helps pay for
school , while Kira stated It was always a dream since I was a kid . The third
question asked was, would you consider yourself to be a leader on the court? Sade
replied Yes if I was on the court more often , while Kira stated Sometimes . The
fourth question asked was, what steps do you take to improve your experience?
Sade responded Practice , while Kira stated Constantly in the gym working on
things I need to improve on . The fifth question asked was, how would you earn
your teams trust? Sade answered By being a virtuous player on and off the court ,
while Kira replied Keeping my
The Prince As A Modern Polititcal Treatise
The Prince As A Modern Political Treatise
Written almost 500 years ago by the so called first political scientist in the world,
Niccolo Machiavelli s The Prince brings forward a new definition to virtue. A
definition which argues against the concept brought forward by the Catholic Church.
Machiavelli did not impose any thoughts of his own rather he only wrote from his
experience and whatever philosophy that lead to actions which essentially produced
effective outcomes in the political scene of Italy and in other countries. While he is
still criticized for his notions, the truth is that, consciously or subconsciously we are
all thinking for our own benefit and going ... Show more content on ...
Once he became the emperor, he quickly expanded his empire in all fronts resulting
in the deaths of thousands. However after one point he converted to Buddhism and
ruled his land with peace till his death. The philosophy prescribed by Machiavelli is
still used by different governments to some degree. There are laws and rules of
conduct which enforces certain behaviors in the society. However an important
distinction to be noted is that while The Prince deals with an autocrat, the world right
now is mostly democratic. It is not about a person ruling the masses, rather one
person out of the masses being selected to serve them. Intimidation and fear are
tactics which are obsolete right now. In case a leader of the country fails to
perform according to expectations he will be faced with consequences. Either
someone new will be selected or an election will result with an opposing party
participating. The whole concept of democracy was to shift the power from a
ruler to the mass. People now have a fundamental right to voice their opinions and
concerns and it is part of a healthy democratic system. However this does not mean
that one could trample over a government if someone wanted to. There are laws
which everyone has to follow. If we take a broader perspective, such as taking a 3rd
world country where democracy is not strong we see the same controlling methods
prescribed in
Home Life Analysis
Captain Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron) is a firefighter in Albany, Georgia and firmly
keeps the most important rule of all firemen, Never leave your partner behind . But
Caleb s home life is a completely different story; his seven year marriage to his wife
Catherine (Erin Bethea) is almost at the point of explosive destruction. Neither one
understands the pressures the other faces, and after a heated argument in which Caleb
screams in Catherine s face, she declares she wants out of the marriage, and takes off
her wedding ring.
While Caleb claims to his friends and co workers that Catherine is over sensitive and
disrespectful, Catherine (at the same time) claims to her peers that Caleb is
insensitive to her needs and doesn t listen to her. Further ... Show more content on ...
Keller didn t pay for. But when the clerk shows/tells to Catherine that it was Caleb
two weeks prior who paid $24,000 (Keller added/gave only $300), Catherine bursts
into tears and leaves the store. Now fully convinced of Caleb s real/honest change of
heart, Catherine runs home crying to put her wedding ring back on her finger. After
freshening up, she goes straight to the fire house to tell Caleb that she now forgives
him, and the two lovingly hug/support. (Also, in a deleted scene, Catherine discovers
Gavin flirting with a nurse shortly after learning of Caleb s payment for the hospital
WorkPlay is Helping Musician s Dreams Come True
In Birmingham, Alabama, a popular music venue is helping musician s dreams
come true. WorkPlay sits on the corner of 5th Avenue South and 23rd Street South,
and musicians from all over the world come to play on one of the two stages this
venue has. However, on Monday nights at 7pm WorkPlay hosts a singer/songwriter
competition in the theater. These musicians come from all over the state to play on
this stage for 10 weeks. Performing on stage is a dream for many musicians around
town and WorkPlay is making those dreams a reality.
Last summer WorkPlay announced they would be doing a singer/songwriter night
that would lead to each of the top ten musicians having a song recorded live and
played on Birmingham Mountain Radio. The contest would run in a similar fashion
to American Idol. The audience members would pick up a ballot at the box office and
vote on each musician on a scale of 1 10. There were nights that musicians would not
stop playing until 11:30pm. American Idol contestant, Jessica Muese, won the
competition, which ended in August 2013. Ellis Hopkins, the man in charge,
announced at the final show that there would be another singer/songwriter
competition at WorkPlay soon. Soon became January 2014.
January 27, 2014 had musicians gathering again for the competition. This time they
would be able to win a $250 cash prize. Several musicians from the fall competition
came back to perform and many new faces came as well. Edward Hartline, who
finished 7th in the fall, says
Red Headed Hawaii
Most people imagine Hawaii to be paradise. An island Utopia where the rich and
upper middle class come on vacation. However just like most places Hawaii has its
own share of poverty, economic problems, environmental issues, high crime rate, and
high unemployment rates. The Red Headed Hawaiian by Chris McKinney gives a
more realistic and insightful view on what life in Hawaiiis like for the Hawaiians. The
book was published May 1st, 2014, it is a first hand account of what life in Hawaii is
really like. It tells of the struggles and hardships native Hawaiianshave to face just to
make a living. It describes the challenges they overcome along with the brave souls
who overcome them.
The story of the red headed Hawaiian is about a local who one day decides that he
wants to become a doctor. The book follows his journey about what it is like to grow
up in rural Hawaii as well as what it takes to be a doctor and what it means to be ...
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This outlook was refreshing and surprisingly accurate, I see the conditions that
others live in and it is sad but true and I m glad that this book shows that because
many don t know about it and view this island as some sort of Untouchable Paradise
when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. I believe that the author meant
to write about what Really like living in Hawaii. I believe that this was captured in
the first person narrative of someone s rags to riches story that talked about hard
work as well the general spirit of Aloha that encompasses all aspects of life in
Hawaii. I believe what Rudy Pauana was trying to say with this is that Hawaii is
like any other place while it is beautiful and it is a paradise there are problems that
you can t ignore. The book talks about how someone may not have the easiest start to
light but contained in a row if they choose may not have the easiest start to life if
they choose
Negative Effects Of The Alien And Sedition Act
In 1798, President John Adams passed the Alien and Sedition Acts containing three
parts: the Alien Act, the Sedition Act, and the Naturalization Act. The Alien Act
allowed the President to deport any immigrant he found dangerous to the nation, the
Sedition Act made it a crime to criticize the government, and the Naturalization Act
lengthened the citizenship process. All of these acts were repealed by 1802 due to
all of their negative impacts. The Alien and Sedition Actsadversely impacted the
nation through the deprivation of human rights, which ultimately led to societal
rebellion and controversy. The Alien and Sedition Acts took away the rights declared
in the first amendment: freedom of speechand freedom of press. In addition, these acts
violated the rights of all immigrants during the time. Lastly, even... Show more
content on ...
When the first amendment was ratified, citizens were promised the freedom of
speech, allowing all humans to give their opinion about the government without
punishment. The Alien and Sedition Acts, however, prohibits anybody to speak
negatively about the government. Berns, an American constitutional law and political
philosophy professor states, The Bill of Rights, with its cherished guarantee of free
speech and press... According to the traditional view, the infamous Alien and Sedition
Laws...would have been declared unconstitutional had they ever come before the
Supreme Court (Berns 110). The Bill of Rights ensures that citizens can speak freely
and if the Alien and Sedition Acts hinder these rights, the Supreme Court would then
deem these act unconstitutional. The Alien and Sedition Acts unjustly deprived
citizens from their constitutional right of freedom of speech, leading to the anger of
citizens that, eventually, resulted in rebellion. The Alien and Sedition negatively
influenced the nation because it took away the rights thatthe Founding Fathers
created and ratified in 1791. When the Alien and
Goals For College Freshman Essay
James Mason Wood said, Education today, more than ever before, must see clearly
the dual objectives: education for living and education for making a living. When
people go to school because they have to, then it is only education for living.
When people try hard and get a good education, then they get good jobs to make a
living. West Texas A M University, home of the Buffaloes, will provide me with
new skills to learn about the medical field and can assist me to become an
anesthesiologist. Before being able to apply for WTAMU, there is some
requirements college freshmen need to have and they also have to go through
admissions. Before being able to register, incoming students need to have certain
amounts of credits from their high school. They need to have four English credits,
four for math, four for science, three and a half for social science, half a credit for
economics, one for physical education, one for speech, and six credits of electives
(WTAMU). College freshmen also need to have their meningitis shot up to date
before they are allowed into a classroom. They also need to submit their high school
transcripts. To be able to get accepted to WTAMU, students need to obtain 2.0 GPA.
They also need to have certain ACT and SATscores. If the student is in the top 25%
of the class, they have no minimum ACT or SAT score. If they are in the 26% to
50% they need to have an ACT score of 18 or an 860 to 940 on the SAT. If the
student is in... Show more content on ...
For example, the student needs to ensure their career choice uses their talents and
passions, and they should also work towards a career that they are passionate about
(KCSE). Also, if a student wants to be a neurosurgeon for example, they need to
consider the job demand now and for the future. (KCSE) They also need to research
the career for the starting salary, and see how many graduates got employed into that
field after graduating
Positives and Negatives of Legalizing Marijuana
I have always been against the use of all illegal drugs including marijuana, but
while researching this topic, I have learned a lot about some of the positives of
legalizing marijuana use. Considering it is classified as an illegal controlled
substance, I have always been under the assumption that marijuana was bad for
people, no matter what my friends may have said about how good it was. I was
peer pressured into trying it when I was fourteen. I knew right away that it was not
for me. It made me pass out and sick to my stomach when I woke up. That
reiterated my assumption that it was bad for people. I did not understand how
people could like it. I figured other people must not have had the same reaction as I
did after smoking it.... Show more content on ...
It can also make judging distances and reacting to signals and sounds while
driving more difficult. A roadside study of reckless drivers who were not impaired
by alcohol showed that 45% tested positive for marijuana (Fiction). Marijuana use
has also been linked to car crashes. Marijuana has been linked to adolescents
engaging in risky behaviors. Research has shown a link between frequent marijuana
use and increased violent behavior. Research found that among youth, the incidence
of physically attacking people, destroying property and stealing increased in
proportion to the number of days marijuana was smoked in the past year (Fiction).
Youths engaging in delinquent behavior rose right along with their marijuana use.
The ability of young people to concentrate and retain information has been linked
to heavy marijuana use. Regular marijuana use has been shown to be associated
with cognitive deficits and poor academic performance (Fiction). Students who
smoke marijuana are known to skip classes and some miss classes because of
illnesses caused by smoking marijuana. According to Just Think Twice, other
dangers of marijuana use include: The substances in marijuana stay in the fatty parts
of the body for long periods of time. A 50% concentration of THC can be found in
the body up to eight days after using marijuana and traces can be found in the body
up to 3 months after use. THC, the active ingredient in
Knee Arthroplasty Essay
Background: Previous studies demonstrated that an abrupt change in conformity
occurs during flexion of knee joint after total knee arthroplasty using the multi radius
femoral design implant. An abrupt change in conformity was shown to lead to
paradoxical anterior sliding and anteroposterior movement. For this reason, a
gradually reducing radius femoral design was introduced. Recent studies showed that
the gradually reducing radius design helped to attenuate paradoxical anterior sliding
and provide better contact area without point loading or edge loading.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of MR versus GR
knee design on the kinematics and kinetics of the knee during level ground walking
one year after total knee arthroplasty. ... Show more content on ...
Exclusion criteria were more than fifteen degree of varus deformity, more than twenty
degree of flexion contracture and muscle weakness from neuromuscular disease
including Parkinsonism or cerebral lesion. The groups consisted of twelve patients
(twenty knees) who had total knee arthroplasty (TKA) with a representative MR
designed implant (B Braun Aesculap VegaВ® Knee System) and thirteen patients
(seventeen knees) who had TKA with a representative GR designed implant (Depuy
AttuneВ® Knee System)
Gait analysis data were collected before the operation and one year after TKA using
a three dimensional motion analysis system (Oxford Met¬rics Inc., Oxford, UK),
which consisted of eight VICON MX T20 infra red cameras and two force plates
(AMTI, Water town, MA, USA).
The kinematic and kinetic parameters of knee varus angle, first peak knee adduction
moment, sagittal plane knee excursion during mid stance and extensor moment at
first peak knee flexion were evaluated during ground level walking, as well as the
spatiotemporal gait outcomes of walking speed, stride length, cadence, step length,
the percentage of stance
The French Revolution And The Arab Spring
Throughout history many societies have, and will likely continue to have revolutions
as we as humans strive towards a utopian society. Each and every one of these
revolution follows some pattern, a pattern that most often includes a great number of
civilian casualties. But what is it that pushes such revolutions forward? Why have
people risked and given their lives fighting against their own leadership? Looking at
both the French Revolutionand the Arab Spring can help uncover the answer to
these questions, as for people to willingly risk their lives, they must have been
living in destitute situations. Both of these societies did indeed have many social
and economic problems, as well as a poor quality of life, specifically for the
bottom class, or in the case of the French Revolution, the Third Estate. It is because
of these issues that the people stood up to their leaders and demanded a better life,
overtaking the government in the process. Prior to the French Revolution
enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire had been writing about equality and
individual freedoms. These ideas began to catch hold with the populous of France,
who were almost all living in very poor conditions. Perhaps the most important of
these authors, in regards to the French Revolution, was John Locke who talked
about the idea of a decentralized government, a system where the people represented
the people; a democracy.1 The people of France began to make a push for such
equality, and in August of
Garmin s Cultural Issues
A multinational company s cultural issues will relate to the type of product or service
provided by that company. Some services and products create issues that deal directly
with a specific countries culture, like serving pork ribs in India or selling bible s in
Iran. A common cultural issue that every company has to face is dealing with the
foreign countries government, laws, and regulations. Dealing with high tech
equipment made from various materials that transmit signals with radio and satellite
technology, Garmin must make sure that its products comply with all the various
regulations of different countries when it comes to telecommunications, foreign
exchange, and hazardous substances. The telecommunications industry is highly
regulated, and the regulatory... Show more content on ...
(Garmin, 2010) Foreign exchange control laws and regulations of Taiwan with
respect to remittances into and out of Taiwan may have an impact on Garmin s
operations. The Taiwan Foreign Exchange Control Statute, and regulations there
under, provide that all foreign exchange transactions must be executed by banks
designated to handle such business by the Ministry of Finance of Taiwan and by the
Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan), also referred to as the CBC.
(Garmin, 2010) The European Union ( EU ) enacted the Restriction of the Use of
Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (
RoHS Directive ) and the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (
WEEE Directive ). The RoHS Directive requires EU member states to enact laws
prohibiting the use of certain substances, including lead, mercury, cadmium and
hexavalent chromium, in certain electronic products put on the market after July 1,
Gold s Gym Expansion to Asia
Table of contents
1. Background of the company_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _04
2. PESTLS analysis and SWOT/5 Forces Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _05
3. Factor score analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _17
4. Analysis of the cultures _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _18
5. Analysis of the market environment _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _21
6. Analysis of the market mix _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _26
7. Trade agreements and laws affecting the expansion _ _ _ _ _ _32
8. Market entry strategy and recommendations _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _36
9. Bibliography and ... Show more content on ...
10. We arrived at a cumulative score base score based on the scores of the 3 analysis
Note: At the start of the analysis we used diamond theory by Prof. Michael Porter to
answer the million dollar question? Should Gold s Gym concentrate expanding
across borders if so? If so, does it have the necessary competencies to achieve that?
We have concentrated more on political analysis because of the novelty of the
Political/Legal Analysis
1. Political Stability
Political uncertainty/instability is considered an investor s worst nightmare. This
influences the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by companies in to a particular
With permission from Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), we used Political Hotspots
Map software (created by PWC in collaboration with Eurasia Group) to identify the
political risks of a country.
Link to the Political Hotspots Map
Singapore received a score of 6/6 with a high political stability rating. Malaysia
received a score of 3/6 with a medium low political stability rating due to recent
political uncertainties. Indonesia received a score of 2/6 with low political stability
Political stability results in extension of government policies which enable companies
to predict and adapt to the environment well.
2. Extension of
Intraindiv Uniform Crime Report
Uniform Crime Report is a route for police of distinctive locales to look at
wrongdoing inside of their group. It began in 1931 by the FBI. The way that it has
been around for so long despite everything it being utilized as top efficient date
authority in law implementation demonstrates its significance. Not all casualties
report the criminal acts so it may not be as precise but rather it is solid. The
National Opinion Research Center was the first national casualty overview.
Questioners contemplated family units in a twelve month period to see what
occurrences they have experienced. It was made in 1967 by Ennis. The UCR
delineated like fifty percent of what the family units were included in. exploitation
overviews are exceptionally useful to the law implementation organization. I don t
comprehend what other approach to track wrongdoing in the point of view of a
casualty. The issue is that a great many people who are casualties won t report the
wrongdoing in which they were exploited.... Show more content on ...
It concentrates on the individual and what isn t right with them that address such a
conduct. The issues are generally brought on because of substance misuse, emotional
instability, or discouragement. Individuals with this mental issue turn into the
casualty and have a legitimate motivation to why they carried out a wrongdoing. I
don t think everybody, for the most part white wrongdoers, who claim on having an
issue or attempt to legitimize their reason of doing a wrongdoing. I feel that
intraindividual hypothesis isn t as precise on how they attempt to see what the issue
is with the person by drawing tests however how would you be able to truly
delineate somebody s entire mental ability with a
Grief And Pain
According to Leming and Dickerson (2011) Grief and pain is a common part of
everyone s life and should be expected at one point or another. As I once stated,
there comes a time in life where the helper will need to be comforted, the provider
will need to be tended to and the strong will need to be strengthened. For me, this
time came while I was at the age of 21 years old. After I married, I became with
child and shortly found out that I was carrying twins. This was one of the most
memorable times of my life, I had never experience such joy and happiness; I felt
as if God had favorably smiled upon me. I experienced a very healthy pregnancy and
carried my twin s full term. No complications, no deficiencies and no unexpected
pain, life... Show more content on ...
Not thinking much of it at the time due to the fact I had just exerted all of my
energy bringing them into this world, I allowed the nurses to perform their post
delivery duties. Not a few minutes hence, the doctor delivered my baby girl and
boy to me and told me that I had given birth to stillborn children. In layman s terms,
they were deceased upon delivery. How could this be, I asked myself. Instantly I was
numb, I had no feeling toward anything. Although this was a painful event for me, the
real grief did not set in until about 30 days later. I remembered reading that to
understand the nature of a loss as it relates to a fetus, we must remember that
relationship of a child and parent starts way before the birth (Leming and Dickerson,
2011). Also, they stated that no matter where in the life cycle deathoccurs, it is never
easy for the survivor to make the adjustment. Well, for me losing a baby before it
even had a chance to experience what it was like to inhale their first breath of fresh
air seemed completely unfair. I found myself upset with God; and felt as if He
failed me. In my mind, this could not be happening to me. I am used to helping
others get through rough times in life, now I find myself on the opposite end of
the spectrum. Instead of comforting others, I needed to be comforted which what
Leming and Dickerson (2011) emphasized to their readers. My friends constantly
tried to encourage me with Romans 8:28, And we know that in all things God
works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his
purpose (King James Version). This was the last thing I wanted to hear at this time as
it made me further resent the God that I
Helping A Service Organization
Helping those who need help is something that people should do. Giving their time
to helping a cause that can better the world is worth it. Helping the people, overall
will help the world. Service can come in all sorts of forms and shapes. Service can
be: doing volunteer work at a local non profit organization, watching your friend s
children if s/he has an emergency, and even giving some back an item to someone
that they dropped (McMillen). Time is something that everybody in the world can
run out of eventually, but it is important that before it runs out we make good use of
it. Helping, by offering your service can put your valuable time in good use. There
shouldn t only be one person helping, everyone that can time, should help. If there...
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My group for this project started out slow, but now we are working together. No
matter the age, building relationships with people is crucial (Zimmer). Ever since
working on this project, I was able to feel more connected to my classmates. By
working with them every day, I was able to create more friendships. Working alone,
this could have taken longer. Finding the organization and then getting in contact
with them. Then coming with ideas by yourself to see how you can help them is
hard. The help we should provide should help their organization spread and grow.
Working alone this might not have been possible. Working as a group, this is
possible. After discussing about the service organization, we thought of creating a
twitter and spreading awareness through the use of social media. Social media is
big and even our service organization has a twitter, so we could get in touch with
them and see how we can help. By using twitter, we can get in touch with people
who can help us either by retweeting or even telling others. By them retweeting
other people can see the dangers of gun violence and maybe they will decide to
help us fight for this cause. Another good idea we thought of was to do a pamphlet
and hand it out to people so they could see the horrible things a gun can do. By
handing these pamphlets out to people on
The Importance Of Classroom Management
When it comes to teaching, it s not so much about best moments, but the diminutive
activities that happen each day, because when you walk in, you re cared about. Your
teaching philosophy stays the same, but as you age, you change how you teach
/discipline due to perception. There is no advantage in knocking people down. Your
perceptionof students changes as you age, since as you become older, it is easier to
be farther strict and disciplining. You can stick to the same technique and be bored,
or you can change it up. Your pay does not increase, but the job will become farther
interesting. You also attain fewer discipline problems/threats as you age. Classroom
management is everything, as it is the most important aspect of teaching and
managing a class. Some teachers who are really great at making lesson plans have
difficulty managing a class. Classroom management is different depending on
where you go. Routines are set up, not ruled, and there are no punishments for
breaking routine. Routines change over the school year, but they re always
connected to prior routine. No one will hear the lesson if you can t manage your
class. When teaching special needs, all teaching is commendable teaching practice.
It is imperative to use all 5 senses, as we learn terrific using our 5 senses. Whatever
senseyou use depends on who you work with. If you teach first grade or
kindergarten, you can teach any group of special needs kids. The biggest challenge
for kids today is being satisfied.
The Core Values Of Social Work
Statement of Purpose
Social work concentrates not only on the wellbeing of society, but also the welfare of
individuals, families, groups, and communities. Social work is a critical tool in
acknowledging national controversial issues such as transparency in the government
but can also address local concerns, like gang related activity within a community. It
means seeing issues affecting daily lives and taking the initiative to enact a solution.
Social work encompasses many facets such as community development, program
development, public policy, intervention, and direct one on one communication. The
core values of social work for me include the overall well being of society, social
justice for all, equality, and dignity among individuals. ... Show more content on ...
Not long after, they enrolled her in school and extracurricular activities. She was
getting the love and support as a young girl should, and she recognized it. She
even said to me one day, Ashley, I m so lucky now. I knew she was comparing her
new opportunity to her old situation. As the school year went on, she formed a
close bond with her foster brother and they even began to refer to each other as
sibling. I witnessed the familial love grow organically between the family and
Chelsea. After two years of being considered a foster child, the family was finally
able to legally adopt Chelsea. The adoption day was incredibly meaningful to the
whole family. Chelsea had a new last name and the family officially had a new
daughter/sister. Working with Chelsea and the family, completely changed my views
of the foster care and adoption system. I learned that children could grow to love
their adoptive parents as their own, and vice versa. The experience can both be
appreciative and enlightening for everyone involved.
After college, I searched for a career in which I could continue to help children.
Luckily, I was offered a position in the finance department at the Children s Institute,
Inc. (CII). I would be indirectly helping children, but nonetheless contributing. The
Children s Institute, Inc. is a non profit organization focusing on comprehensive
social services for infants, children, youth and the whole entire family. CII
Essay The NHL Lockout
The NHL Lockout
The rookie salary cap was gutted when teams took advantage of a loophole, adding
lucrative bonus payments on top of the maximum base salary. It began in 1997, when
the Boston Bruins gave two rookies, Joe Thornton and Sergei Samsonov, the
maximum salary allowed under the rookie cap. But those contracts also had bonus
clauses that would roughly triple the base salary if certain criteria such as
statistical benchmarks were met. From then on, all high draft picks began
demanding and receiving similar contracts. The multimillion dollar offers made to
a few free agents served to raise the bar, leading to comparable salary increases for
comparable players. This movement was led by a few wealthy teams, like the ... Show
more content on ...
The league s latest American television contract pays no money up front for
broadcast rights. Many teams, especially the newer ones, have also seen a decline in
ticket sales.
In its most recent offer, made February 2, 2005, the NHL owners proposed a six year
deal. Its main features are:
League Wide Salary Cap
A formula will see the players receive 53 to 55 per cent of all NHL revenues.
This is the deal killer. The players want no part of any such restriction. The
percentage formula is especially unattractive now, because short term league revenues
will likely drop because of the lengthy lockout.
Team Salary Cap
A team payroll will be no less than $32 million and no more than $42 million
benefits included. This range will be adjusted every year, ensuring that players
receive 53 to 55 per cent of league revenues.
Possible Salary Cap for Individual Players
The parties may have a mutual interest in negotiating over the establishment of an
NHL maximum salary for individual players. No specific amount is being proposed.
Salary Cap for Entry Level Players
In his first four years in the NHL, a player will earn no more than $850,000 per year
in salary and signing bonuses. He can be offered additional incentives: Up to
$250,000 in performance bonuses (for goals, assists, etc.) and up to $500,000 for
finishing among the top five in voting for major awards. Few players qualify
Lucille Clifton Study The Masters Summary
(An Analysis of poetry during the Harlem Renissance)
The Harlem Renaissance marks a time in history where colored artist were finally
taken seriously in American society. The Harlem Renaissance was what Nathan
Huggins has called, a channeling of energy from political and social criticism into
poetry, fiction, music, and art. They were finally given a voice and when someone
started to hear them, they began to shout. Pride was taken in their culture and race,
and while no style was shared among the artists, an urgent need to take note and
document their peoples experiences became prominent in the work. A cultural
identity was being expressed and shared among the people. During the Harlem
Renaissance, colored voices began to take rise ... Show more content on ...
This poem deals with not just studying and modeling after European poetry, but
also with giving a voice to women at the time. Wall states that, Lucille Clifton s
poem Study the Masters implores readers to pay attention to invisible women.
Especially colored women, who were at the bottom of the pecking order underneath
white and black men, and also white women. The poem is discussing how you don t
have to model after the European masters anymore, its time to establish an American
identity, a specific cultural identity among the states to say. Clifton is also hinting
towards the fact that not every master has to be a man, it could also be the woman
that irons his sheets for when a master rests. Style expresses, The poem protests the
women s exclusion from national history even as it insists on her centrality to it.
Clifton is saying that women have a voice in this, too. It is not just the men that can
contribute to the cultural identity of the colored. Clifton is exhibiting here that a
master does not have to be someone white, male, or european. It s time to start
creating our own masters for a new
King Henry Viii s Achievements
Isaiah Taylor Henry VIII King of England Have you ever known of someone that
has been divorced and remarried over three times? Henry VIII, king of England,
was famously married six times and played a huge role in the English
Reformation, turning his country into a Protestant nation. Besides being vaguely
known for being bad at keeping wives he was also known for many other
achievements. He was born June 28, 1491 in England and died January 28, 1547. His
reign as King and his impacts will be widely remembered for a long period of time,
as he had a big part in the redevelopment of England. He was king of England from
April 21, 1509 until his death. King Henry VIII was born unto a royal family. His
parents were Henry VII of England and Elizabeth... Show more content on ...
Doing this changed many things during this time period. Without King Henry VIII
we all would believe in the same thing. When Henry split from the church this
caused everyone to have different beliefs. If Henry would have never split from
the church everyone would have the same belief. Life today without Henry would
be a different lifestyle for many. When Henry split from the church this caused
people to be able to believe in a different religion that what the church wanted.
Without Henry today could be much different. People could still believe in one
religion. This could have changed the way certain people live completely. Due to
the fact certain people are very religious and revolve their whole life around religion.
Many people should be thankful for Henry VIII because of the actions he has
The Drivable Suburban Domestic Policy
The drivable Suburban domestic policy is meant to be a social engineering project
the United States is much tougher to try to do than to mention. The economy lessons
are learned regarding drivable sub urban development that committed the designed
atmosphere is aware of in and out zoning code, parking ratios, and optimum densities
for every property product. The Drivable sub urban development is simple: it is
single product focused, all parking is inexpensively at grade, there are few conflicts
between uses, everybody is aware of the way to couple of currently, finance is almost
automatic, and coordination, financial, and management skills, most of that do not
seem to be weighed on the market however. 5 steps that require to drivable suburbs
American Dream is partition and land use rules to permit walkable Urbanism;
educating the monetary community; ending subsidies for drivable sub urbanism. The
first step changing the zoning and land use of form based coded. The second step is
educating the monetary community. The third step is ending the subsidies
affirmative drivable sub urbanism, creating sprawl pay its own manner. The fourth
step is investment. The fifth step intensively manages walkable urban districts to
make sure that the required complexes really happen on the bottom. The financing
investing within the acceptable infrastructure, significantly rail based transit that may
even be delineate as adding subsidies for walkable Urbanism; and intensively
Emile Durkheim s Theory Of Anomie
This paper examines about Emile Durkheim s theory of anomie and its relationship
to the field of criminology. Durkheim proposed a theory in order to test different
types of norms in societies that cause crime. He explains that social norms are an
agreement of some people who live in that geographical location. Conservative
societies incline to have less population and be more oppressive. If certain behavior
goes against social norms, then severe punishment can ensure to reject the behavior.
In opposite case more advanced societies allow more facilities for different behavior
and accepts changes. Behavior against the norm is tolerated in advance societies.
Durkheim focused on society, social organization and development. He explained that
... Show more content on ...
This paper examines Emile Durkheim s theory gave a different approach to the
criminological research. He interested in social organization and rules. He was
curious that how social structure develops within societies (Bernard et al., 2010,
p. 115). At that time, the psychological thoughts were motivated by Durkheim own
ideas (Bernard et al., 2010, p. 116). During the French revolution, there was a quick
change in the society. Old ideas were replaced by new ideas (Bernard et al., 2010,
p. 116). Durkheim concluded that social development impacts society s rules and
values. He considered the lack of social norms cause anomie. The anomie causes
social violence (Bernard et al., 2010, p. 117). He categorized his concept in two
different ways of anomie one is mechanical (Bernard et al., 2010, p. 117) and
organic society (Bernard et al., 2010, p. 117). A mechanical society normally has
less population then organic society. A mechanical society is more isolated and
conservative where diversity in thoughts is not welcomed. In contrast, organic
society is more advanced and contains diversity. The organic society always
welcomes new thoughts and changes. (Bernard et al., 2010, p. 117). Rules and
regulations in mechanical society are more punitive whereas in organic society laws
are concentrated on restitution (Bernard et al., 2010, p. 117). He also discussed an
Anthology on Individual Rights
An anthology is a collection of works that portray a theme. One prevalent theme
that is essential to the world around us is having individual rights. These rights are
prominent in Self Reliance , From Bonifacius: Essays to Do Good , From Poems
on Various Subjects. On Being Brought from Africa to America. , and From
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: Chapter X, . Within this anthology, the
reader(s) will discover passages that represent the balancing act of individual rights
versus societal rights in America. In Self Reliance , by Ralph Waldo Emerson, the
audience can see a theme of a desire for an individualistic society. Ralph Emerson
wrote: Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist (935). This statement is...
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Another piece of evidence for this belief is, It is easy in a world to live after the
world s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he
who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of
solitude (Emerson 937). This proves that Emerson believed that it was easier for
an individual to follow the example of the men who came before them; however,
the world cannot advance if individuals only repeat what others have done. At the
same time, Emerson is saying that an individual who follows their own thoughts
will live happily among the larger population; however, they will maintain their
solidarity. Emerson believed that individuals who do not conform to the ways of
the world and follow their own path will prosper. From Bonifacius: Essays to Do
Good , by Cotton Mather, demonstrates the belief that individuals who do good
deeds will be honored. Mather was a puritan and used his writings to spread his
beliefs, such as: the kingdom of God in the world calls for innumerable services
from us. To do such things is to do good (Mather 198). Mather used his belief in
God to attempt to persuade individuals that if they did good deeds, that were
required by God, they would be doing good. He believed men doing good would
feel a sense of accomplishment from serving their master. Similarly, he wrote: To
have done good, was accounted honorable (Mather 199). On the same
Canadian Shield Case Analysis
Using the Accenture document on governance presented with the Alcan case, place
Canadian Shield in the appropriate quadrant.
According to the Accenture document, I would place Canadian Shield within the
efficient, predictable operator category. The slow rate of change and need to compete
on operational efficiencies characterized by most companies in this quadrant is
detailed by the following quote from the case authors. Sustainability for Canadian
insurance companies greatly depended on investments in projects that increased
customer service and improved operational efficiency. This comment is aligned with
the predictable operator company practices and is evidence that in order to gain a
competitive advantage in the Canadian insurance ... Show more content on ...
According to the model the IT Monarchy style allows IT executives to hold the right
to make important IT decisions. A more affective mechanism could be put in place
by AC in the form of an IT leadership council that includes corporate and business
unit CIOs.
What do questions 1 2 tell us about IT governance at CS? Is it appropriately
structured for this kind of decision?
As mentioned above, AC and Canadian Shield both reflect signs of the IT Monarchy
style of IT governance. It appears that by letting the same IT manager that helped
create the existing problematic information system called ALPHA spearhead the
project of finding its replacement was a conflict of interest.
In an industry that is heavily dependent on gaining a competitive advantage through
operational efficiencies and consistently delivering value added projects to the
customer, it is essential for AC and CS to rethink the current corporate governance
Across almost all of the major IT governance categories, it seems that CS and AC are
either lacking elements completely or lagging behind current IT standards
significantly. IT principles or high level statements about how to use technology to
create business value is non existent in the Canadian Shield philosophy statement and
hard to identify within the case write up by the authors. Furthermore, the corporate IT
infrastructure and architecture has become so archaic that the
Language In My Fair Lady
A language is a system of conventional signals used for communication by a whole
community A. C. Gimson. Language is an essential tool for communication as well
as for self expression. Language can be considered as a habit which is not genetically
transmitted. It is acquired from the environment and therefore it is always subject to
change. Language and linguistics go hand in hand. Language is a network of
varieties and linguistics is the discipline that deals with the scientific study of
language and its variations like dialect, registers, pidgin, Creole, etc.
The purpose of this study is to explore the importance of the movie My Fair Lady in
the study of Linguistics. My Fair Lady is directed by George Cukor and it is adapted
... Show more content on ...
A simple example for the above statement is a comparison between a news covered
by a news channel and a newspaper. The news covered by the news channel would
be more influential as it includes the video clips along with the news scrolls and the
reporter s narration, which creates an effect on the audience that makes them feel as
if they are witnessing the incident live, whereas, the one covered by the newspaper
will simply act as third person narrative to the audience. Similarly, there are many
text books and reference books that deal with the study of linguistics. But the movie
My Fair Lady is an excellent example, that gives the students of linguistics an idea
about the benefits of learning it properly and that gives the teachers of linguistics an
idea about how to teach it effectively.
This study will work on understanding how the movie My Fair Lady depicts the
power and beauty of the English language through the life of a linguist and his
student and the impact it has on the study of linguistics. It will also analyze how
different researchers have viewed this movie as a helpful tool in the study of
linguistics. The content analysis is done on the story of the movie My Fair Lady, the
play Pygmalion, written by George Bernard Shaw, from which the story of the movie
is adapted, a website and a research paper. The researcher has done an expert
interview too, of a professor who deals with
The Causes Of Hurricane Katrina
When I think about Hurricane Katrina, what first comes to mind is the
overwhelming ineptitude of the federal, state and local authorities and agencies
charged with planning for and dealing with the aftermath of such a disaster. On
August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast of the United States. As
a result of the hurricane force winds in excess of 140 miles per hour and the
accompanying storm surge, the levee system in New Orleans was overwhelmed
and many of the levees simply washed away. Low lying neighborhoods, such as St.
Bernard Parish and the Ninth Ward were under so much that people had to
scramble to attics and rooftops for safety. No American city in modern times had
ever been ravaged by floods in such a way. Over a year prior to Katrina, in June
2004, FEMA conducted a five day exercise which simulated a storm ( Hurricane
Pam ) in which New Orleans was completely devastated. (FEMA 2004). The
purpose of this drill, which included emergency officials from 50 parishes, state,
federal and volunteer organizations, was supposed to help officials develop joint
response plans for a catastrophic hurricane. According to Ron Castleman, the FEMA
Regional Director at the time: We made great progress this week in our preparedness
efforts, Disaster response teams developed action plans in critical areas such as
search and rescue, medical care, sheltering, temporary housing, school restoration and
debris management. These plans are essential for quick
Late Adulthood
Table of Contents Introduction Personal Factors Personality Personal Control Age
Environmental Factors Physical health Living Arrangements Social Support and
Social Networks Conclusion References Introduction The satisfaction or happiness
of the human race has always been a central theme in the humanities. Life
satisfaction is conceptualized as one of the cognitive components of subjective well
being, and refers to the global judgments people make about the quality of their lives
(Diener et al., 2003). This means that people can examine the condition in their lives,
weigh the importance of these conditions and evaluate their lives on a scale ranging
from satisfied to dissatisfied. The concept of life... Show more content on ...
304). The feeling of being in control of one s life is important to psychological well
being in a period of life when primary control has been found to decrease
(Heckhausen Schultz, 1995). In their experimental study, Langer and Rodin
(1976) stated that by enhancing personal responsibility and choice in a group of
nursing home residents, well being was improved. The finding illustrates the
importance of one s own influence in a typical dependency situation. Locus of
control not only influences well being, but also health, functional capacity as well
as the ability to use social support in both old and oldest old people (Bisconti
Bergeman, 1999). In fact, in a study including individuals aged 80 and older, locus
of control was more important to well being than social resources (Landau Litwin,
2001). Taken together, there is strong empirical evidence of a relationship between
the experience of high influence over one s life and the perception of life
circumstances. Age Life satisfaction is generally assumed and expected to decline in
older age, most notably as health conditions deteriorate. In reality, the general
finding of the large body of gerontological literature on the relationship between age
and life satisfaction, is that there is no age related decline in life satisfaction.
However, contemporary society still has the expectation that the life satisfaction of
older adults is negatively affected by age related
Political Correctness in Richard Scarry s Book
The Appearance of Political Correctness in Children s Literature: With special
regards to Richard Scarry s Best Word Book Ever Political correctness is one of the
most controversial cultural and academic issues of today. Although because of its
interdisciplinary nature it can be studied in relation to American English. In this
paper the main focus is on the new interdisciplinary studies emerging in the scope of
academics, such as multicultural literature; narrowing down to children s
multicultural literature. The purpose of this essay is to study the development of
political correctness in children s literature and also to try to explore whether it is a
clear cut appearance of the phenomenon, or it is whether a continuing... Show more
content on ...
Is it only a revision, a change in style, to be more up to date? Or is it more a
conscious changing of images to be shown to children at early ages. I am going to
illustrate these phenomena with pictures as well. Furthermore I would also like to
make more categories based on text and the words used in the dictionary, but
firstly the focus is on visual representation. Different changes in the images can be
categorized as well. Based on the personal exploration, I have come to list the
following categories: 1. Gender roles (family roles, occupational stereotypes) 2.
Representation of different ethnic groups 3. Religious references 4. Political
reference To start with gender roles I would like to explain a little more what
results the research come up with. Firstly, the typical gender roles in the 1963
edition were the old , conservative stereotyping of sexes. Probably the most striking
example for this can be found in the kitchen of the rabbit house . In the 1963 edition
it is only mother rabbit that is standing at the stove in the kitchen, stating the
stereotypical role of a woman, to do the housework. However, in the 1991 edition
the image had been revised. It is not only the household equipment that has been
renewed, but father rabbit appears with mother rabbit in the kitchen as well.
Moreover he is there to help in preparing for breakfast, so now the male member of
Analyzing Current Sbu’s for Assigning Resources (by
article center Tuesday, July 24, 2012 mkt plan final mkt plan final 1. Introduction
of Tea Garden Tea is the most popular non intoxicating beverage in the world
enjoyed by the rich and poor alike. Tea drinking was quite common in every part of
the world. The most popular form of value addition is selling branded tea. This
involves not only the packing of tea but also blending of other varieties to maintain
consistency of taste. To arrive at a blend, expert tea tasters sample hundreds of
liquors. Convenient drinks like instant tea (soluble tea powder), tea bags (bags are
dipped in hot water), ready to drink (served in cans) and flavored tea (with vanilla,
strawberry flavor) are becoming popular in developed countries like the... Show more
content on ...
The Conference drew over 12,480 participants, including over 5400 government
officials, 5800 representatives of UN bodies and agencies, intergovernmental
organizations and civil society organizations, and more than 1200 members of the
media. They are summarized below. 1. Forest Management is mandatory. In Durban
a decision was made to make accounting for forest management mandatory. Prior to
Durban countries could choose to account for forest management or not which
meant they could hide their emissions from logging and burning forests if they
wanted to. 2. Biomass emissions remain unaccounted for Burning native forests for
electricity is bad for the climate, bad for the forests and bad for forest communities.
Countries that are responsible for the emissions made from producing biomass
should have to account for those emissions. 3. Harvested Wood Products will be
credited 4. Limit of 3.5 % set for the contribution of Land Use, Land Use Change and
Forests Reductions to Countries Emission Reduction Targets. Posted by
অমি২০১২ at 11:38 pm No comments: Email This BlogThis! Share to
Twitter Share to Facebook Analyzing current SBU s for assigning resources
Analyzing current SBU s for assigning resources Analyzing current SBU s for
assigning resources (By using Boston consulting group Approach): example for
Bangladesh perspective. vStars: We can consider Grameen phone as star. On
How Do Affiliate Marketing The Right Way !
How to Do Affiliate Marketing the Right Way!
By Richard Fysh | Submitted On June 21, 2010
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Expert Author Richard Fysh
There s one thing I know for sure...affiliate marketing is a marketing system that can
bring in boat loads of cash. But a word of caution! Even after logging all the hours
affiliate marketing requires, make just one poor judgment call and you ll be left
standing all by yourself waiting for that boat to come in. So if you re going to do it,
you better know how to do affiliate marketing the right way!
When you first look at affiliate marketing as an opportunity for an online business, it
s hard to imagine how anyone could fail at this.
The incentives for this type of online selling falls just a little short of spectacular;
especially when you compare affiliate marketing on the internet to a conventional
marketing distribution channel in the bricks and mortar world.
Consider a food sales representative working in the H.R.I. (Hotel, Restaurant and
Institutional) distribution channel in the bricks and mortar world:
Commissions in this industry are usually based on 2% of the net price of the food
product. That means that on a food
How Does Bigger Thomas Deserve Sympathy
In the novel Native Son by Richard Wright, the protagonist engages in certain
behavior that most would find socially and morally unacceptable. It is debatable
whether Bigger Thomas was truly responsible for what he did, and throughout the
novel, the ongoing dilemma is whether or not he deserves sympathy or not. Although
some might argue Bigger is deserving of sympathy due to the environment where he
grew up, he is not worthy of sympathetic treatment. His immoral actions throughout
the novelare so unforgivable that he does not deserve sympathy. The way he treated
his family, the murders he committed, how he feels about what he does, and some
characters in the novel also going against him, all point to Bigger being a character
not deserving of sympathy. One reason Bigger isn t deserving of sympathy is the
way he... Show more content on ...
Throughout the trial, Buckley is determined to have Bigger killed and is driven by
a mob mentality. He does not feel bad for Bigger at all, bringing up all of his faults
and making it clear to the judge, jury, and the population of Chicago that Bigger
Thomas deserved to die. The long black empty years ahead would constitute for his
mind and feelings the only certain and durable object around which he could build
a meaning for his life (404). When Buckley cane out and said this during the trial,
he made it evident that he had absolutely no sympathy for Bigger. Saying that
prison would be the best thing that ever happened to him shows just how
unforgivable Buckley thought Bigger s crimes were. Also, even Bigger s mother
had somewhat of an idea that her son was not deserving of sympathy. The only
place she looked to to seek forgiveness for her son was God, because she knew He
was really the only one who could. Buckley did his job by showing how Bigger isn t
worthy of sympathy, and his mother also indirectly showed that he wasn t deserving as
Theme Of Ethics In Erin Brockovich
The movie, Erin Brockovich, is based on a true story revolves around a file clerk
named, Erin Brockovich, who represented the community of Hinkley against the
electric corporation Pacific Gas and Electric Company, PG E. PG E faced disputes of
ethical dilemmas and groundwater contamination lawsuits after Erin uncovered and
exposed its unethical business practices. PG E operated a compressor plant in Hinkley
and hexavalent chromium, which could cause severe medical issues, was used to
cool down the machines used at the plants to prevent corrosion in the machinery. The
company failed to take the step of adding liner to the ponds at their plant, which led
to groundwater pollution that affected the water near the compressor plant. PG E
was involved in more unethical behaviors followed by this initial breach of ethics,
such as deception, bribery, and cover up evidence of chromiumuse.
As Erin spent time filing documents as a clerk, she came across a case against PG E
that her law firm handled on behalf of the residents of Hinkley. Erin went to Hinkley
to investigate the underlying problems that led to those ... Show more content on ...
According to Rawl, Justice is the balance between collective equality and individual
freedom. It is critical for one to be granted with his/her freedom to implement any
strategies to elevate one s business; however, if it interferes with other people s well
being, then the justice system becomes out of balance. PG E ultimately ranked their
interest over the well being of the whole community. According to Emmanuel Kant,
deception is always wrong and one should do whatever is right no matter what the
consequences. Evidently, PG E violated Kant s Categorical Imperative theory, by
deceiving that they were using Chromium III instead of
Analytical Review of Cutting the Fuse
This quote by Pat Robertson works as a great illustration for how our nation
reacted to the suicide attacks carried out by Al Qaeda on United States soil. The
initial reaction by political pundits and politicians alike was that the only cause of
these attacks was due to a radical Islamic view on the world. However, in Robert A.
Pape and James K. Feldman s book Cutting the Fuse they try to analyze data on
suicide bombing and try to determine what is the root cause of these violent acts.
Their conclusions are the exact opposite of the rhetoric that was presented to the
American public. Instead of blaming Islamic extremists, they instead come to the
conclusion, that military occupation is the main factor driving suicide terrorism
(Pape Feldman 10). Furthermore, they also put forth the argument that our current
military strategies involving military occupation are counter productive because
rather than deterring violence, it actually increases suicide bombings committed
against American forces. In this paper I will examine the conclusions Robert Pape
and James Feldman have come to and will also analyze these conclusions in Cutting
the Fuse with a belief that this text works to refute much of what the American
public has been told. However, before we can begin to analyze the judgements that
are presented within the text I must first defend my position as to why I believe
Cutting the Fuse is an excellent book. During a heated press conference in 2009
former University of
Congestive Hepatopathy And Cardiac Cirrhosis
It has been known for a long time that the heart and the liver are strongly related. So,
patients with heart failure develop manifestations from the liver. Congestive
hepatopathy and cardiac cirrhosis includes a spectrum of hepatic derangements
occurring in the setting of right sided heart failure (Moller and Bernardi, 2013).
A sudden and dramatic liver transaminase elevation in relation to cardiogenic shock
correlates extensive hepatocellular necrosis called ischemic hepatitis (Crespo Leiro et
al., 2008).
Oppositely; chronic liver disease per se may influence heart functions and
electrophysiology in the absence of other cardiac disease. These abnormalities are
collectively called cirrhotic cardiomyopathy that affects the patient prognosis and
exacerbates the course during invasive procedures as insertion of a trans jugular
intrahepatic porto systemic shunt (TIPS), surgery and orthotropic liver
transplantation (OLT) (Moller and Bernardi, 2013).
Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy (CCM): The term cirrhotic cardiomyopathy was initially
presented more than 3 decades ago, and is defined as chronic cardiac dysfunction in
cirrhotic patients in absence of previous cardiac disease, regardless the etiology of
cirrhosis. Particular diagnostic criteria for CCM have recently been defined by an
international expert consensus committee that involve systolic and/or diastolic
dysfunction, chronotropic incompetence, and electrophysiological abnormalities.
Overt heart failure is not a
The Career Fields Of Accounting
Many students eventually come to a point in their collegiate career that they must
decide what path to pursue in their professional careers. For the majority of
accounting students, this could not be more challenging since there are such a large
variety of career paths to choose from. To further complicate this decision making
process, many of the career fields in accounting mandate the individual to obtain
certain field related certifications that are essential to that particular field of study.
Examples of these certifications are as follows: Certified Financial Manager (CFM),
Certificated Public Accountant(CPA), and Certified Management Accountant (CMA).
These accounting certifications can sometime prove to be incredibly difficult to
The majority of the available certifications required exam preparation, fees to be paid,
background checks, character references, and the exam itself. Once an individual
passes the exam and obtains the other required credentials, he or she must be able to
maintain their certification. In most instances accountants usually must seek
continuing professional education (CPE) classes and pay membership dues annually
in order to maintain these certifications. We will examine some of these previously
mentioned certifications and others in the follow text. In addition, we will compare
the similarities and differences of these certifications in order to assist UHD
graduates in this complicated decision.
Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) vs.
Watchtowers Research Paper
Wikipedia lists all the different things that are considered Watchers , Watchtowers ,
or Guardians . Wikipedia goes on to break down the Watchtowers into different
pantheons and even to their coordinating colors. In Richard Cavendish s book, The
Powers of Evil5, he listed the Watchers as the fallen angels that magicians call forth
in ceremonial magic. He mentions that the Watchers were so named because they
were stars, the eyes of night . According to Minnie Eerin in the Student Resources
Library1, The Watchtowers are the homes of the Elementals. The elements as in
water, air, fire and earth. However, the Watchtowers can also be considered the four
quarters such as north, south, east and west2. And according to E.A. Koetting3, the
Watchtowers can also be called by their angelic administrators. These are all great
things to be when you are trying to create or use a spell, ritual and a number of other
magical workings.... Show more content on ...
The Watchers, or Watchtowers are evoked to watch over and guard and witness the
rites performed in witchcraft. In some traditions, the Watchers or Watchtowers are
the elements, water, air, fire and earth. Each of these elements have their own
specific calling for these rites, but they usually are all called or evoked. Each of
these elements are matched up with the four quarters as well as their
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia ( Vap )
Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) is among the most fatal hospital acquired
infections, with mortality ranging from 15% to 70%. Ventilator associated
pneumonia is also known to increase length of stay which directly affects unit
budgets. In 2010 the institute for health care improvement added daily oral care
with chlorahexidine to the five evidence based interventions which include, (1)
head of bed elevation between 30 degree and 45 degree; (2) a daily sedation vacation
and a readiness to wean assessment; (3) peptic ulcer disease prophylaxis; (4) deep
vein thrombosis prophylaxis; (5) daily oral care with chorahexidine. (Lim, et al.,
Recently in 2015, the South Miami adult intensive care unit added oral
chlorahexadine to the ... Show more content on ...
National Taiwan University did a retrospective review of data to decrease VAP
density by fifty percent at a SICU medical center. The sample population consisted of
adult surgical intensive care unit invasively ventilated patients, The primary aim of
this study was to check the efficacy of the VAP bundle by comparing the before and
the after density at SICUs. A multidisciplinary teamwork was set up including
administrator (vice superintendent), quality improvement and infection control
professionals, SICU doctors, and nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, and
general affairs and information technology specialists. (Lim, et al., 2015)
The National Taiwan University Hospital s Infection control department led the
education of all disciplines and a revised compliance tool from the institute of
healthcare improvement bundle checklist was implemented to track and assess daily
compliance. VAP density differences from pre VAP bundle phase and post VAP
bundle phase was collected and analyzed on SPSS software and the differences in
data of inpatients and the outcomes were analyzed based on Mann Whitney U test.
Compliance rate for the SICU nurse s pre bundle phase and post bundle phase did
improve, The compliance rates between before and after this re education promotion
Confucius And Religion
One of the first points to note is that extreme caution has to be used when relying
on any specific quote or work attributed to Confucius (born 500 BC), because
historical records are either poor or non existent. Much of the life and professional
history of Confucius is not recorded in any formal sense, but has been passed down
as part of Chinese social traditions, though it would be extending it too far to call it a
legend; there is no doubt that he did exist. For that reason, specific acts or events that
he may be associated with can never be satisfactorily substantiated. Furthermore, one
point that is known is that many of the famous quotes attributed to him were
collected many years after his death, and may actually be aphorisms. Nonetheless,...
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The total writings of Confucius could not really be taken as a religious work, but
rather as a code of morality independent of any kind of religious implication; the
author of this code of morality may well be a religious person, and that may
occasionally reflect in his writings, but that is not the same as saying that his body of
work is a religious endeavour or should be turned into one through praxis. Indeed, it
might almost be taken as an anti religious work, in the sense that it focuses solely on
improving the relationships that people have between them with no other
interference to detract from that; with the implication being that religion is one of the
prime reasons that human beings are not humane, in the Confucian sense, towards
Thomas Hardy s The Mayor of Casterbridge Essay
Thomas Hardy s The Mayor of Casterbridge.
Sex is so intertwined in our society that it pervades each facet, including television,
books, advertising, and conversation. Movies like The Matrix toss in gratuitous sex
because the audience nearly expects it. Thomas Hardy s The Mayor of Casterbridge,
therefore, is exceptional in its lack of sexual situations. The subject of sexual
motivation and its inherent ambiguity with regard to Henchard s actions is a topic
that caught my attention from the very first pages of The Mayor of Casterbridge.
Continually in the novel there is tension, but it is never described as sexual. Much the
same, there are countless marriages during the novel but no related sexual attraction is
discussed. The ... Show more content on ...
It seems that for Henchard, maturity involves a kind of assimilation of female
suffering, an identification with a woman which is also an effort to come to terms
with with [his] own deepest sel[f] (Showalter, 394). It is not until the end of the
novel that Henchard realizes this, withdraws from society, and loses his will to live.
However, his wrongdoings are not completely restricted to women. For this reason, I
believe that this indicates not misdirected sexual energy, but a general lack of
Henchard s act of selling his wife had clearly been mentioned between husband and
wife prior to the actual incident, but that does not mean that it was well thought out.
In fact, it seems that Henchard rarely thought things out to a full extent. Selling his
wife in the first place would lead me to believe that he never loved Susan at all.
I married at eighteen, like the fool that I was; and this is the consequence. But a
fellow never knows these little things till all chance of acting upon em is past (9).
Further, this quote shows that Henchard did not even think thoroughly about
marrying Susan. He claims that he was a fool because he was eighteen; I say that at
this point in the novel, he had not grown emotionally in the least.
Likewise, Henchard s relationship with Lucetta seems to be centered on a debt he
felt he owed her for
Nuclear Warheads Research Paper
Today on Earth there are all kinds of destruction that people play in today s society
that could lead to a total global breakdown of are civilization. Today there are all
kinds of different ways that it could happen; every country has nuclear warheads,
are farmland is depleting rapidly because they are being used to house are growing
population. And the Doomsday Clock says it all. One thing that could lead are
plaint to Doomsday is that ever single county has conformed to have nuclear
warheads that can be shot and kill millions of people that have done nothing wrong.
One of the big story s about all the nuclear problem is the leader of North Korea,
Kim Jong Um. Kim has calmed that his country has the nuclear power to reach from
Major Outcomes For Mr. C
Major outcomes for Mr. C would include managing activities of daily living
effectively, decreasing his pain level and notifying members of the heath care team
prior to his pain level becoming unmanageable. He will be able to report that the pain
management regimen is acceptable using the numeric scale. Mr. C will use non
pharmacological methods to help achieve comfort, recognize early signs and
symptoms of pancreatitisexacerbation and cutback alcohol consumption or preferably
alcohol cessation (Urden, Linda D; Stacy, Kathleen M; Lough, Mary E;, 2016).
Mr. C s laboratory values need to be stabilized, body temperature and pulse rate
decreased, blood pressure increased, weaned of the oxygen by nasal cannula an
increase his urine output. Many of the signs and symptoms experienced are related
to local and systemic complications of the disease process. His uncle stated that he
has nausea and vomiting for the past few day and this caused many of the electrolyte
imbalance (Urden, Linda D; Stacy, Kathleen M; Lough, Mary E;, 2016).
The problems or risks that need to be monitored include providing comfort through
pain control, emotional support and maintaining surveillance for complication. Mr. C
requires education related to the medical diagnoses of acute pancreatitis. The risk for
deficits also include hydration and rudiments linked to his culture, lack of
communication and isolation from his nuclear family. Mr. C is a Hispanic male and
culturally the ethnic group is very stoic
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Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria
Deoxyribonucleic, or DNA, contains the instructions for the synthesis of molecules
that are necessary for the survival of all living organisms. Genetic mutations can
occur due to a variety of reasons, and the effects vary in severity. Hutchinson Gilford
Progeria (HGP) syndrome is a severe disease that arises due to a genetic mutation in
LMNA gene, which codes for laminin A protein. Such alteration in the genetic code
leads to a protein with an aberrant structure which is unable to function properly. The
disease occurs approximately in one in eight million births (CoppedГЁ, 2013), and
death usually occurs at around the age of 13 (CoppedГЁ, 2013).
Molecular Mechanism
Eighty eight percent of Hutchinson Gilford Progeria cases are associated with ...
Show more content on ...
(Sarkar et al., 2001). Cardiovascular degeneration is the most severe abnormality
seen in children with HGP and is responsible for the dead of 75 percent of those
affected (CoppedГЁ, 2013). Vascular stiffening and atherosclerosis of coronary
arteries and aorta are to blame for the mortality of the disease, with death occurring
by 13 years of age (CoppedГЁ, 2013). Cerebral vessels are also affected with silent
strokes and cerebral arterial lesions usually present (CoppedГЁ, 2013). Other cellular
processes thought to be involved in the premature aging seen in HGP are the short
length of telomeres that is seen in progeria cells. It is speculated that short telomeres
significantly reduce the time required for somatic cells to enter senescence, which is
defined as a viable non dividing state , thus short telomeres are believed to
contribute to premature aging (Sarkar et al., 2001). Biochemical analysis of urine
revealed the presence of copious amounts hyaluronic acid (10 20 times greater than
normal) (Sarkar et al., 2001). Hyaluronic acid is an important structural molecule
found in skeletal, muscular and vascular systems, all of which are severely impaired
in patients with HGP (Sarkar et al.,
Organizational Knowledge Theory And Practice
Portfolio Project Organizational Knowledge
Mike Meeker
ORG502 Effective Organizations: Theory and Practice
Colorado State University Global Campus
Dr. Mike Lavelle
November 23, 2014
Organizational Knowledge Theory
In 2007, the worldwide volume announced that mergers and acquisitions (M As) had
reached more than $4.74 trillion according to The Wall Street Journal. Despite their
persistent acceptance, M As remain highly debatable (Muehlfeld, Rao Van
Witteloostuijn, 2012). The constant debate about post acquisition performance
repercussions of M As (Rooney, Mandeville, Kastelle, 2013) points to important
questions as to whether and under what conditions organizations learn from past
acquisition experience. However, outside of operational backdrops, the effects of
experience on learning as well as their outcomes have proved more intangible.
Multifaceted environments as observed in typical corporate level executive and
strategic activities prevent reinforced learning and diminish the identification
between current actions and observed outcomes (Finkelstein S, Haleblian, 2002).
Thus, it can take years to witness effective wisdom obtained regarding mergers
between large organizations (Muehlfeld, Rao Van Witteloostuijn, 2012).
Abstract: Overview of Problem Thesis
Davita transformed itself from an outpatient based and acute hospital dialysis
provider to an international healthcare organization. This has been accomplished
through organic growth as well as
Analysis Of International Banking
Banking in today s era is in process of upgrading itself by joining the wave of latest
technologies and trends. Currently, it is in the midst of chaos and disruptions and is
in process of reshaping its business models to alienate the traditional processes. The
driving force for Banks to adopt such changes can be a. Changing customer needs, b.
Optimization of cost and Banking Operations, c. Digitization and Automation, d.
Streamlining of complex and lengthy processes and e. New competitors in the
Trade Finance is one such segment that is typically driven by the traditional methods
of processing and also is laid back in terms of adopting the disruptions. This segment
has not changed much in past few decades.
However, ... Show more content on ...
The Blockchain Technology is one of such very powerful disruption which has
capability to revolutionize the Trade Finance business for Banks.
Blockchain Overview
A Blockchain is a secure public ledger shared by all the entities of a distributed
network which stores all transaction that have ever been executed in that network.
Every transaction that is recorded over a blockchain network is irrevocable and
complete transaction history is auditable. This technology allows any participant in
the business network to access all the record of the transaction. A transaction may
have one or more events. All events of the transaction are recorded in the form of a
block. Once all the recent events are completed then it is saved as permanent record
into Blockchain.
Important Elements of Blockchain Technology
Bottlenecks of Traditional Trade Finance
Banking industry today is in the midst of disruptions. Trade finance is one of the area
which still is driven mostly by the traditional processes and instruments which indeed
is a very crucial banking service assisting global economy. But all thanks to these
unavoidable disruptions, the traditional brick and mortar banking structures and
technologies are fast alienating from the industry. These chaos of disruptions is so
powerful that even Trade Finance cannot be estranged from this flow.
Blockchain will
Types of Teachers
Types of Teachers Marko Mihajloski South East European University Course
Name: Skills V Professor s Name: Estela Eaton Date: 23.12.2012 Abstract This
paper explains three different types of teachers and their role and impact over the
educational system. By the same token it is emphasized that the teacher is an
important part of the learning process who impacts the shaping of the lives of young
children. The relationship between a student and a teacher is a difficult one in most
of cases and it is something that raises problems which need to be resolved. At this
point every teacher has different way of presenting and teaching the given material
and the crucial role in establishing a good and fruitful... Show more content on ...
Many psychological studies, such as Baumrind (1971) which shows the various
parenting styles can correlate with various teachers classroom styles in the sense that
a good model of a parent is an appropriate model for teacher. According to the study,
the crucial elements of relationships are the responsiveness and demandingness.
Considering these elements teachers can be classified as authoritative, intimate, and
indifferent. Authoritative teachers will be characterized by a high response, and a
high demand, and are considered to be the closest to the ideal picture of a teacher.
Most of them can be described with personality traits such as: curious, creative,
attentive, principled, astute, patient, hardworking, gregarious, communicative, and
openhearted and perhaps the most important, proficient. They are eager to know
something more about the student apart from their first and last name, something
more about their individuality, more personal. They are more likely to build a good
relationship with the students and will allow them participation in the class, as long
as it is something relevant to the topic of the lesson, so the student involvement in the
class is at a very high rate. These ways of participations are important predictors of
social and academic adjustment (Hughes, 2002). The authoritative classroom might
be an excellent opportunity for developing speaking skills, because an authoritative
teacher is open to feedback
Informative Essay Hook
Pinkston, Anna Dr. Jeff Newberry ENGL 1101H August 26, 2017 As my ninth
grade English teacher, Mrs. Newton would say, without a good hook to start your
essay, no one will ever read it. As I was taught, a hook is a crucial part in your
essay because it will help grab the audience s attention so that they will continue to
be invested throughout the paper. For example, the hook could be a question or a
quote about the overall topic of your essay. In my junior year, we had to do a
controversial essay and I used a quote from a famous tattoo artist as my hook
because I did my essay over tattoos and piercings. After the hook, the introduction
begins to take form and show the audience what your essay is about. The
introduction is the first thing in your essay that will tell the audience what the essay
is about. The introduction paragraph should be as interesting as the initial hook and
keep the audience invested in the paper. It will establish the basis of the essay and
should contain the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the point in your essay
where you will state the topics that the essay will contain. In high school, we were
taught that the thesis should contain the three points that you will elaborate upon in
your three body paragraphs: the weakest point, the middle point, and the strongest
point. The first body paragraph should be the weakest or simplest way to get the
overall point of the essay across to the readers. This will be the foundation of all
three points,

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Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered To 18 Essay.pdf

  • 1. Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered To 18 Essay Writing an essay on the topic of whether the drinking age should be lowered to 18 involves navigating through a complex web of arguments, perspectives, and societal considerations. The issue is multifaceted, touching upon legal, health, and cultural aspects, making it a challenging task to present a well-rounded and persuasive argument. To begin with, you must delve into the existing legal framework surrounding the drinking age, understanding the reasons behind the current regulations and the potential consequences of altering them. This involves examining research on the impact of alcohol on young adults, both physiologically and psychologically. Balancing these aspects while considering individual rights and freedoms adds another layer of complexity to the essay. Moreover, the societal and cultural dimensions come into play, requiring an exploration of how different societies and cultures approach the issue of alcohol consumption. Understanding the historical context and the evolution of attitudes toward alcohol can provide valuable insights. Crafting a compelling essay involves not only presenting data and statistics but also weaving together a narrative that captures the essence of the debate. You'll need to address counterarguments effectively, acknowledging opposing views while reinforcing your stance with sound reasoning and evidence. Finding the right balance between emotion and logic is crucial, as the topic often elicits strong opinions. Additionally, maintaining a coherent structure and flow throughout the essay is essential to ensure that your arguments are presented in a compelling and persuasive manner. In conclusion, writing an essay on whether the drinking age should be lowered to 18 is a demanding task that requires a thorough understanding of legal, health, and cultural aspects. It involves navigating through a myriad of perspectives, data, and arguments to present a well- reasoned and persuasive case. Crafting such an essay demands time, research, and the ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. If you need assistance with essays or other academic writing tasks, various resources, including professional writing services, can provide support. For similar essays and more, you may explore services like Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered To 18 EssayDrinking Age Should Not Be Lowered To 18 Essay
  • 2. Comparing Women And Men s Basketball It is officially basketball season! Do you know what this means? This means crazy fans going topless, painting their torso one color, incise a letter to spell out their team s name, and excessive screaming. It is such an interesting atmosphere to be in. However, there is a difference between men and women basketball. What is the difference? Women and men s basketball are different in so many ways. Even though their size, athleticism, speed, and strength are comparable they are less competitive, are not able to reach the same level of stability while men add an interest to the game. From my observation I decided to go to University of South Carolina Aiken. There I observed the men s and women s teams straight for two hours each, for five days ... Show more content on ... To be clear, these players have no idea who each other are. The questions that were asked are very simple, nothing out of the ordinary. The two women I interviewed was Sade J, a sophomore basketball player at the University of South Carolina Aiken (Division 2) and Kira G, a senior basketball player at the University of North Carolina (Division 1). The first question I asked both players was, what motivates you or what drives you? Surprisingly both of their answers were different from the first question to last. Sade s answer was My teammates , while Kira s answer was To keep my scholarship . The second question I asked these ladies were, what made you want to compete in collegiate level? Sade s answer was Playing at this level helps pay for school , while Kira stated It was always a dream since I was a kid . The third question asked was, would you consider yourself to be a leader on the court? Sade replied Yes if I was on the court more often , while Kira stated Sometimes . The fourth question asked was, what steps do you take to improve your experience? Sade responded Practice , while Kira stated Constantly in the gym working on things I need to improve on . The fifth question asked was, how would you earn your teams trust? Sade answered By being a virtuous player on and off the court , while Kira replied Keeping my
  • 3. The Prince As A Modern Polititcal Treatise The Prince As A Modern Political Treatise Written almost 500 years ago by the so called first political scientist in the world, Niccolo Machiavelli s The Prince brings forward a new definition to virtue. A definition which argues against the concept brought forward by the Catholic Church. Machiavelli did not impose any thoughts of his own rather he only wrote from his experience and whatever philosophy that lead to actions which essentially produced effective outcomes in the political scene of Italy and in other countries. While he is still criticized for his notions, the truth is that, consciously or subconsciously we are all thinking for our own benefit and going ... Show more content on ... Once he became the emperor, he quickly expanded his empire in all fronts resulting in the deaths of thousands. However after one point he converted to Buddhism and ruled his land with peace till his death. The philosophy prescribed by Machiavelli is still used by different governments to some degree. There are laws and rules of conduct which enforces certain behaviors in the society. However an important distinction to be noted is that while The Prince deals with an autocrat, the world right now is mostly democratic. It is not about a person ruling the masses, rather one person out of the masses being selected to serve them. Intimidation and fear are tactics which are obsolete right now. In case a leader of the country fails to perform according to expectations he will be faced with consequences. Either someone new will be selected or an election will result with an opposing party participating. The whole concept of democracy was to shift the power from a ruler to the mass. People now have a fundamental right to voice their opinions and concerns and it is part of a healthy democratic system. However this does not mean that one could trample over a government if someone wanted to. There are laws which everyone has to follow. If we take a broader perspective, such as taking a 3rd world country where democracy is not strong we see the same controlling methods prescribed in
  • 4. Home Life Analysis Captain Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron) is a firefighter in Albany, Georgia and firmly keeps the most important rule of all firemen, Never leave your partner behind . But Caleb s home life is a completely different story; his seven year marriage to his wife Catherine (Erin Bethea) is almost at the point of explosive destruction. Neither one understands the pressures the other faces, and after a heated argument in which Caleb screams in Catherine s face, she declares she wants out of the marriage, and takes off her wedding ring. While Caleb claims to his friends and co workers that Catherine is over sensitive and disrespectful, Catherine (at the same time) claims to her peers that Caleb is insensitive to her needs and doesn t listen to her. Further ... Show more content on ... Keller didn t pay for. But when the clerk shows/tells to Catherine that it was Caleb two weeks prior who paid $24,000 (Keller added/gave only $300), Catherine bursts into tears and leaves the store. Now fully convinced of Caleb s real/honest change of heart, Catherine runs home crying to put her wedding ring back on her finger. After freshening up, she goes straight to the fire house to tell Caleb that she now forgives him, and the two lovingly hug/support. (Also, in a deleted scene, Catherine discovers Gavin flirting with a nurse shortly after learning of Caleb s payment for the hospital
  • 5. WorkPlay is Helping Musician s Dreams Come True In Birmingham, Alabama, a popular music venue is helping musician s dreams come true. WorkPlay sits on the corner of 5th Avenue South and 23rd Street South, and musicians from all over the world come to play on one of the two stages this venue has. However, on Monday nights at 7pm WorkPlay hosts a singer/songwriter competition in the theater. These musicians come from all over the state to play on this stage for 10 weeks. Performing on stage is a dream for many musicians around town and WorkPlay is making those dreams a reality. Last summer WorkPlay announced they would be doing a singer/songwriter night that would lead to each of the top ten musicians having a song recorded live and played on Birmingham Mountain Radio. The contest would run in a similar fashion to American Idol. The audience members would pick up a ballot at the box office and vote on each musician on a scale of 1 10. There were nights that musicians would not stop playing until 11:30pm. American Idol contestant, Jessica Muese, won the competition, which ended in August 2013. Ellis Hopkins, the man in charge, announced at the final show that there would be another singer/songwriter competition at WorkPlay soon. Soon became January 2014. January 27, 2014 had musicians gathering again for the competition. This time they would be able to win a $250 cash prize. Several musicians from the fall competition came back to perform and many new faces came as well. Edward Hartline, who finished 7th in the fall, says
  • 6. Red Headed Hawaii Most people imagine Hawaii to be paradise. An island Utopia where the rich and upper middle class come on vacation. However just like most places Hawaii has its own share of poverty, economic problems, environmental issues, high crime rate, and high unemployment rates. The Red Headed Hawaiian by Chris McKinney gives a more realistic and insightful view on what life in Hawaiiis like for the Hawaiians. The book was published May 1st, 2014, it is a first hand account of what life in Hawaii is really like. It tells of the struggles and hardships native Hawaiianshave to face just to make a living. It describes the challenges they overcome along with the brave souls who overcome them. The story of the red headed Hawaiian is about a local who one day decides that he wants to become a doctor. The book follows his journey about what it is like to grow up in rural Hawaii as well as what it takes to be a doctor and what it means to be ... Show more content on ... This outlook was refreshing and surprisingly accurate, I see the conditions that others live in and it is sad but true and I m glad that this book shows that because many don t know about it and view this island as some sort of Untouchable Paradise when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. I believe that the author meant to write about what Really like living in Hawaii. I believe that this was captured in the first person narrative of someone s rags to riches story that talked about hard work as well the general spirit of Aloha that encompasses all aspects of life in Hawaii. I believe what Rudy Pauana was trying to say with this is that Hawaii is like any other place while it is beautiful and it is a paradise there are problems that you can t ignore. The book talks about how someone may not have the easiest start to light but contained in a row if they choose may not have the easiest start to life if they choose
  • 7. Negative Effects Of The Alien And Sedition Act In 1798, President John Adams passed the Alien and Sedition Acts containing three parts: the Alien Act, the Sedition Act, and the Naturalization Act. The Alien Act allowed the President to deport any immigrant he found dangerous to the nation, the Sedition Act made it a crime to criticize the government, and the Naturalization Act lengthened the citizenship process. All of these acts were repealed by 1802 due to all of their negative impacts. The Alien and Sedition Actsadversely impacted the nation through the deprivation of human rights, which ultimately led to societal rebellion and controversy. The Alien and Sedition Acts took away the rights declared in the first amendment: freedom of speechand freedom of press. In addition, these acts violated the rights of all immigrants during the time. Lastly, even... Show more content on ... When the first amendment was ratified, citizens were promised the freedom of speech, allowing all humans to give their opinion about the government without punishment. The Alien and Sedition Acts, however, prohibits anybody to speak negatively about the government. Berns, an American constitutional law and political philosophy professor states, The Bill of Rights, with its cherished guarantee of free speech and press... According to the traditional view, the infamous Alien and Sedition Laws...would have been declared unconstitutional had they ever come before the Supreme Court (Berns 110). The Bill of Rights ensures that citizens can speak freely and if the Alien and Sedition Acts hinder these rights, the Supreme Court would then deem these act unconstitutional. The Alien and Sedition Acts unjustly deprived citizens from their constitutional right of freedom of speech, leading to the anger of citizens that, eventually, resulted in rebellion. The Alien and Sedition negatively influenced the nation because it took away the rights thatthe Founding Fathers created and ratified in 1791. When the Alien and
  • 8. Goals For College Freshman Essay James Mason Wood said, Education today, more than ever before, must see clearly the dual objectives: education for living and education for making a living. When people go to school because they have to, then it is only education for living. When people try hard and get a good education, then they get good jobs to make a living. West Texas A M University, home of the Buffaloes, will provide me with new skills to learn about the medical field and can assist me to become an anesthesiologist. Before being able to apply for WTAMU, there is some requirements college freshmen need to have and they also have to go through admissions. Before being able to register, incoming students need to have certain amounts of credits from their high school. They need to have four English credits, four for math, four for science, three and a half for social science, half a credit for economics, one for physical education, one for speech, and six credits of electives (WTAMU). College freshmen also need to have their meningitis shot up to date before they are allowed into a classroom. They also need to submit their high school transcripts. To be able to get accepted to WTAMU, students need to obtain 2.0 GPA. They also need to have certain ACT and SATscores. If the student is in the top 25% of the class, they have no minimum ACT or SAT score. If they are in the 26% to 50% they need to have an ACT score of 18 or an 860 to 940 on the SAT. If the student is in... Show more content on ... For example, the student needs to ensure their career choice uses their talents and passions, and they should also work towards a career that they are passionate about (KCSE). Also, if a student wants to be a neurosurgeon for example, they need to consider the job demand now and for the future. (KCSE) They also need to research the career for the starting salary, and see how many graduates got employed into that field after graduating
  • 9. Positives and Negatives of Legalizing Marijuana I have always been against the use of all illegal drugs including marijuana, but while researching this topic, I have learned a lot about some of the positives of legalizing marijuana use. Considering it is classified as an illegal controlled substance, I have always been under the assumption that marijuana was bad for people, no matter what my friends may have said about how good it was. I was peer pressured into trying it when I was fourteen. I knew right away that it was not for me. It made me pass out and sick to my stomach when I woke up. That reiterated my assumption that it was bad for people. I did not understand how people could like it. I figured other people must not have had the same reaction as I did after smoking it.... Show more content on ... It can also make judging distances and reacting to signals and sounds while driving more difficult. A roadside study of reckless drivers who were not impaired by alcohol showed that 45% tested positive for marijuana (Fiction). Marijuana use has also been linked to car crashes. Marijuana has been linked to adolescents engaging in risky behaviors. Research has shown a link between frequent marijuana use and increased violent behavior. Research found that among youth, the incidence of physically attacking people, destroying property and stealing increased in proportion to the number of days marijuana was smoked in the past year (Fiction). Youths engaging in delinquent behavior rose right along with their marijuana use. The ability of young people to concentrate and retain information has been linked to heavy marijuana use. Regular marijuana use has been shown to be associated with cognitive deficits and poor academic performance (Fiction). Students who smoke marijuana are known to skip classes and some miss classes because of illnesses caused by smoking marijuana. According to Just Think Twice, other dangers of marijuana use include: The substances in marijuana stay in the fatty parts of the body for long periods of time. A 50% concentration of THC can be found in the body up to eight days after using marijuana and traces can be found in the body up to 3 months after use. THC, the active ingredient in
  • 10. Knee Arthroplasty Essay Background: Previous studies demonstrated that an abrupt change in conformity occurs during flexion of knee joint after total knee arthroplasty using the multi radius femoral design implant. An abrupt change in conformity was shown to lead to paradoxical anterior sliding and anteroposterior movement. For this reason, a gradually reducing radius femoral design was introduced. Recent studies showed that the gradually reducing radius design helped to attenuate paradoxical anterior sliding and provide better contact area without point loading or edge loading. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of MR versus GR knee design on the kinematics and kinetics of the knee during level ground walking one year after total knee arthroplasty. ... Show more content on ... Exclusion criteria were more than fifteen degree of varus deformity, more than twenty degree of flexion contracture and muscle weakness from neuromuscular disease including Parkinsonism or cerebral lesion. The groups consisted of twelve patients (twenty knees) who had total knee arthroplasty (TKA) with a representative MR designed implant (B Braun Aesculap VegaВ® Knee System) and thirteen patients (seventeen knees) who had TKA with a representative GR designed implant (Depuy AttuneВ® Knee System) Gait analysis data were collected before the operation and one year after TKA using a three dimensional motion analysis system (Oxford MetВ¬rics Inc., Oxford, UK), which consisted of eight VICON MX T20 infra red cameras and two force plates (AMTI, Water town, MA, USA). The kinematic and kinetic parameters of knee varus angle, first peak knee adduction moment, sagittal plane knee excursion during mid stance and extensor moment at first peak knee flexion were evaluated during ground level walking, as well as the spatiotemporal gait outcomes of walking speed, stride length, cadence, step length, the percentage of stance
  • 11. The French Revolution And The Arab Spring Throughout history many societies have, and will likely continue to have revolutions as we as humans strive towards a utopian society. Each and every one of these revolution follows some pattern, a pattern that most often includes a great number of civilian casualties. But what is it that pushes such revolutions forward? Why have people risked and given their lives fighting against their own leadership? Looking at both the French Revolutionand the Arab Spring can help uncover the answer to these questions, as for people to willingly risk their lives, they must have been living in destitute situations. Both of these societies did indeed have many social and economic problems, as well as a poor quality of life, specifically for the bottom class, or in the case of the French Revolution, the Third Estate. It is because of these issues that the people stood up to their leaders and demanded a better life, overtaking the government in the process. Prior to the French Revolution enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire had been writing about equality and individual freedoms. These ideas began to catch hold with the populous of France, who were almost all living in very poor conditions. Perhaps the most important of these authors, in regards to the French Revolution, was John Locke who talked about the idea of a decentralized government, a system where the people represented the people; a democracy.1 The people of France began to make a push for such equality, and in August of
  • 12. Garmin s Cultural Issues A multinational company s cultural issues will relate to the type of product or service provided by that company. Some services and products create issues that deal directly with a specific countries culture, like serving pork ribs in India or selling bible s in Iran. A common cultural issue that every company has to face is dealing with the foreign countries government, laws, and regulations. Dealing with high tech equipment made from various materials that transmit signals with radio and satellite technology, Garmin must make sure that its products comply with all the various regulations of different countries when it comes to telecommunications, foreign exchange, and hazardous substances. The telecommunications industry is highly regulated, and the regulatory... Show more content on ... (Garmin, 2010) Foreign exchange control laws and regulations of Taiwan with respect to remittances into and out of Taiwan may have an impact on Garmin s operations. The Taiwan Foreign Exchange Control Statute, and regulations there under, provide that all foreign exchange transactions must be executed by banks designated to handle such business by the Ministry of Finance of Taiwan and by the Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan), also referred to as the CBC. (Garmin, 2010) The European Union ( EU ) enacted the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive ( RoHS Directive ) and the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive ( WEEE Directive ). The RoHS Directive requires EU member states to enact laws prohibiting the use of certain substances, including lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium, in certain electronic products put on the market after July 1,
  • 13. Gold s Gym Expansion to Asia [pic] GOLD S GYM PROPOSED EXPANSION TO ASIA Table of contents Page 1. Background of the company_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _04 2. PESTLS analysis and SWOT/5 Forces Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _05 3. Factor score analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _17 4. Analysis of the cultures _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _18 5. Analysis of the market environment _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _21 6. Analysis of the market mix _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _26 7. Trade agreements and laws affecting the expansion _ _ _ _ _ _32 8. Market entry strategy and recommendations _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _36 9. Bibliography and ... Show more content on ... 10. We arrived at a cumulative score base score based on the scores of the 3 analysis above. Note: At the start of the analysis we used diamond theory by Prof. Michael Porter to answer the million dollar question? Should Gold s Gym concentrate expanding across borders if so? If so, does it have the necessary competencies to achieve that? We have concentrated more on political analysis because of the novelty of the operation. Political/Legal Analysis 1. Political Stability Political uncertainty/instability is considered an investor s worst nightmare. This influences the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by companies in to a particular country. With permission from Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), we used Political Hotspots
  • 14. Map software (created by PWC in collaboration with Eurasia Group) to identify the political risks of a country. Link to the Political Hotspots Map Singapore received a score of 6/6 with a high political stability rating. Malaysia received a score of 3/6 with a medium low political stability rating due to recent political uncertainties. Indonesia received a score of 2/6 with low political stability rating. Political stability results in extension of government policies which enable companies to predict and adapt to the environment well. 2. Extension of
  • 15. Intraindiv Uniform Crime Report Uniform Crime Report is a route for police of distinctive locales to look at wrongdoing inside of their group. It began in 1931 by the FBI. The way that it has been around for so long despite everything it being utilized as top efficient date authority in law implementation demonstrates its significance. Not all casualties report the criminal acts so it may not be as precise but rather it is solid. The National Opinion Research Center was the first national casualty overview. Questioners contemplated family units in a twelve month period to see what occurrences they have experienced. It was made in 1967 by Ennis. The UCR delineated like fifty percent of what the family units were included in. exploitation overviews are exceptionally useful to the law implementation organization. I don t comprehend what other approach to track wrongdoing in the point of view of a casualty. The issue is that a great many people who are casualties won t report the wrongdoing in which they were exploited.... Show more content on ... It concentrates on the individual and what isn t right with them that address such a conduct. The issues are generally brought on because of substance misuse, emotional instability, or discouragement. Individuals with this mental issue turn into the casualty and have a legitimate motivation to why they carried out a wrongdoing. I don t think everybody, for the most part white wrongdoers, who claim on having an issue or attempt to legitimize their reason of doing a wrongdoing. I feel that intraindividual hypothesis isn t as precise on how they attempt to see what the issue is with the person by drawing tests however how would you be able to truly delineate somebody s entire mental ability with a
  • 16. Grief And Pain According to Leming and Dickerson (2011) Grief and pain is a common part of everyone s life and should be expected at one point or another. As I once stated, there comes a time in life where the helper will need to be comforted, the provider will need to be tended to and the strong will need to be strengthened. For me, this time came while I was at the age of 21 years old. After I married, I became with child and shortly found out that I was carrying twins. This was one of the most memorable times of my life, I had never experience such joy and happiness; I felt as if God had favorably smiled upon me. I experienced a very healthy pregnancy and carried my twin s full term. No complications, no deficiencies and no unexpected pain, life... Show more content on ... Not thinking much of it at the time due to the fact I had just exerted all of my energy bringing them into this world, I allowed the nurses to perform their post delivery duties. Not a few minutes hence, the doctor delivered my baby girl and boy to me and told me that I had given birth to stillborn children. In layman s terms, they were deceased upon delivery. How could this be, I asked myself. Instantly I was numb, I had no feeling toward anything. Although this was a painful event for me, the real grief did not set in until about 30 days later. I remembered reading that to understand the nature of a loss as it relates to a fetus, we must remember that relationship of a child and parent starts way before the birth (Leming and Dickerson, 2011). Also, they stated that no matter where in the life cycle deathoccurs, it is never easy for the survivor to make the adjustment. Well, for me losing a baby before it even had a chance to experience what it was like to inhale their first breath of fresh air seemed completely unfair. I found myself upset with God; and felt as if He failed me. In my mind, this could not be happening to me. I am used to helping others get through rough times in life, now I find myself on the opposite end of the spectrum. Instead of comforting others, I needed to be comforted which what Leming and Dickerson (2011) emphasized to their readers. My friends constantly tried to encourage me with Romans 8:28, And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (King James Version). This was the last thing I wanted to hear at this time as it made me further resent the God that I
  • 17. Helping A Service Organization Helping those who need help is something that people should do. Giving their time to helping a cause that can better the world is worth it. Helping the people, overall will help the world. Service can come in all sorts of forms and shapes. Service can be: doing volunteer work at a local non profit organization, watching your friend s children if s/he has an emergency, and even giving some back an item to someone that they dropped (McMillen). Time is something that everybody in the world can run out of eventually, but it is important that before it runs out we make good use of it. Helping, by offering your service can put your valuable time in good use. There shouldn t only be one person helping, everyone that can time, should help. If there... Show more content on ... My group for this project started out slow, but now we are working together. No matter the age, building relationships with people is crucial (Zimmer). Ever since working on this project, I was able to feel more connected to my classmates. By working with them every day, I was able to create more friendships. Working alone, this could have taken longer. Finding the organization and then getting in contact with them. Then coming with ideas by yourself to see how you can help them is hard. The help we should provide should help their organization spread and grow. Working alone this might not have been possible. Working as a group, this is possible. After discussing about the service organization, we thought of creating a twitter and spreading awareness through the use of social media. Social media is big and even our service organization has a twitter, so we could get in touch with them and see how we can help. By using twitter, we can get in touch with people who can help us either by retweeting or even telling others. By them retweeting other people can see the dangers of gun violence and maybe they will decide to help us fight for this cause. Another good idea we thought of was to do a pamphlet and hand it out to people so they could see the horrible things a gun can do. By handing these pamphlets out to people on
  • 18. The Importance Of Classroom Management When it comes to teaching, it s not so much about best moments, but the diminutive activities that happen each day, because when you walk in, you re cared about. Your teaching philosophy stays the same, but as you age, you change how you teach /discipline due to perception. There is no advantage in knocking people down. Your perceptionof students changes as you age, since as you become older, it is easier to be farther strict and disciplining. You can stick to the same technique and be bored, or you can change it up. Your pay does not increase, but the job will become farther interesting. You also attain fewer discipline problems/threats as you age. Classroom management is everything, as it is the most important aspect of teaching and managing a class. Some teachers who are really great at making lesson plans have difficulty managing a class. Classroom management is different depending on where you go. Routines are set up, not ruled, and there are no punishments for breaking routine. Routines change over the school year, but they re always connected to prior routine. No one will hear the lesson if you can t manage your class. When teaching special needs, all teaching is commendable teaching practice. It is imperative to use all 5 senses, as we learn terrific using our 5 senses. Whatever senseyou use depends on who you work with. If you teach first grade or kindergarten, you can teach any group of special needs kids. The biggest challenge for kids today is being satisfied.
  • 19. The Core Values Of Social Work Statement of Purpose Social work concentrates not only on the wellbeing of society, but also the welfare of individuals, families, groups, and communities. Social work is a critical tool in acknowledging national controversial issues such as transparency in the government but can also address local concerns, like gang related activity within a community. It means seeing issues affecting daily lives and taking the initiative to enact a solution. Social work encompasses many facets such as community development, program development, public policy, intervention, and direct one on one communication. The core values of social work for me include the overall well being of society, social justice for all, equality, and dignity among individuals. ... Show more content on ... Not long after, they enrolled her in school and extracurricular activities. She was getting the love and support as a young girl should, and she recognized it. She even said to me one day, Ashley, I m so lucky now. I knew she was comparing her new opportunity to her old situation. As the school year went on, she formed a close bond with her foster brother and they even began to refer to each other as sibling. I witnessed the familial love grow organically between the family and Chelsea. After two years of being considered a foster child, the family was finally able to legally adopt Chelsea. The adoption day was incredibly meaningful to the whole family. Chelsea had a new last name and the family officially had a new daughter/sister. Working with Chelsea and the family, completely changed my views of the foster care and adoption system. I learned that children could grow to love their adoptive parents as their own, and vice versa. The experience can both be appreciative and enlightening for everyone involved. After college, I searched for a career in which I could continue to help children. Luckily, I was offered a position in the finance department at the Children s Institute, Inc. (CII). I would be indirectly helping children, but nonetheless contributing. The Children s Institute, Inc. is a non profit organization focusing on comprehensive social services for infants, children, youth and the whole entire family. CII
  • 20. Essay The NHL Lockout The NHL Lockout The rookie salary cap was gutted when teams took advantage of a loophole, adding lucrative bonus payments on top of the maximum base salary. It began in 1997, when the Boston Bruins gave two rookies, Joe Thornton and Sergei Samsonov, the maximum salary allowed under the rookie cap. But those contracts also had bonus clauses that would roughly triple the base salary if certain criteria such as statistical benchmarks were met. From then on, all high draft picks began demanding and receiving similar contracts. The multimillion dollar offers made to a few free agents served to raise the bar, leading to comparable salary increases for comparable players. This movement was led by a few wealthy teams, like the ... Show more content on ... The league s latest American television contract pays no money up front for broadcast rights. Many teams, especially the newer ones, have also seen a decline in ticket sales. In its most recent offer, made February 2, 2005, the NHL owners proposed a six year deal. Its main features are: League Wide Salary Cap A formula will see the players receive 53 to 55 per cent of all NHL revenues. This is the deal killer. The players want no part of any such restriction. The percentage formula is especially unattractive now, because short term league revenues will likely drop because of the lengthy lockout. Team Salary Cap A team payroll will be no less than $32 million and no more than $42 million benefits included. This range will be adjusted every year, ensuring that players receive 53 to 55 per cent of league revenues. Possible Salary Cap for Individual Players The parties may have a mutual interest in negotiating over the establishment of an NHL maximum salary for individual players. No specific amount is being proposed. Salary Cap for Entry Level Players In his first four years in the NHL, a player will earn no more than $850,000 per year in salary and signing bonuses. He can be offered additional incentives: Up to $250,000 in performance bonuses (for goals, assists, etc.) and up to $500,000 for finishing among the top five in voting for major awards. Few players qualify
  • 21. Lucille Clifton Study The Masters Summary Harlem (An Analysis of poetry during the Harlem Renissance) The Harlem Renaissance marks a time in history where colored artist were finally taken seriously in American society. The Harlem Renaissance was what Nathan Huggins has called, a channeling of energy from political and social criticism into poetry, fiction, music, and art. They were finally given a voice and when someone started to hear them, they began to shout. Pride was taken in their culture and race, and while no style was shared among the artists, an urgent need to take note and document their peoples experiences became prominent in the work. A cultural identity was being expressed and shared among the people. During the Harlem Renaissance, colored voices began to take rise ... Show more content on ... This poem deals with not just studying and modeling after European poetry, but also with giving a voice to women at the time. Wall states that, Lucille Clifton s poem Study the Masters implores readers to pay attention to invisible women. Especially colored women, who were at the bottom of the pecking order underneath white and black men, and also white women. The poem is discussing how you don t have to model after the European masters anymore, its time to establish an American identity, a specific cultural identity among the states to say. Clifton is also hinting towards the fact that not every master has to be a man, it could also be the woman that irons his sheets for when a master rests. Style expresses, The poem protests the women s exclusion from national history even as it insists on her centrality to it. Clifton is saying that women have a voice in this, too. It is not just the men that can contribute to the cultural identity of the colored. Clifton is exhibiting here that a master does not have to be someone white, male, or european. It s time to start creating our own masters for a new
  • 22. King Henry Viii s Achievements Isaiah Taylor Henry VIII King of England Have you ever known of someone that has been divorced and remarried over three times? Henry VIII, king of England, was famously married six times and played a huge role in the English Reformation, turning his country into a Protestant nation. Besides being vaguely known for being bad at keeping wives he was also known for many other achievements. He was born June 28, 1491 in England and died January 28, 1547. His reign as King and his impacts will be widely remembered for a long period of time, as he had a big part in the redevelopment of England. He was king of England from April 21, 1509 until his death. King Henry VIII was born unto a royal family. His parents were Henry VII of England and Elizabeth... Show more content on ... Doing this changed many things during this time period. Without King Henry VIII we all would believe in the same thing. When Henry split from the church this caused everyone to have different beliefs. If Henry would have never split from the church everyone would have the same belief. Life today without Henry would be a different lifestyle for many. When Henry split from the church this caused people to be able to believe in a different religion that what the church wanted. Without Henry today could be much different. People could still believe in one religion. This could have changed the way certain people live completely. Due to the fact certain people are very religious and revolve their whole life around religion. Many people should be thankful for Henry VIII because of the actions he has
  • 23. The Drivable Suburban Domestic Policy The drivable Suburban domestic policy is meant to be a social engineering project the United States is much tougher to try to do than to mention. The economy lessons are learned regarding drivable sub urban development that committed the designed atmosphere is aware of in and out zoning code, parking ratios, and optimum densities for every property product. The Drivable sub urban development is simple: it is single product focused, all parking is inexpensively at grade, there are few conflicts between uses, everybody is aware of the way to couple of currently, finance is almost automatic, and coordination, financial, and management skills, most of that do not seem to be weighed on the market however. 5 steps that require to drivable suburbs American Dream is partition and land use rules to permit walkable Urbanism; educating the monetary community; ending subsidies for drivable sub urbanism. The first step changing the zoning and land use of form based coded. The second step is educating the monetary community. The third step is ending the subsidies affirmative drivable sub urbanism, creating sprawl pay its own manner. The fourth step is investment. The fifth step intensively manages walkable urban districts to make sure that the required complexes really happen on the bottom. The financing investing within the acceptable infrastructure, significantly rail based transit that may even be delineate as adding subsidies for walkable Urbanism; and intensively managing
  • 24. Emile Durkheim s Theory Of Anomie This paper examines about Emile Durkheim s theory of anomie and its relationship to the field of criminology. Durkheim proposed a theory in order to test different types of norms in societies that cause crime. He explains that social norms are an agreement of some people who live in that geographical location. Conservative societies incline to have less population and be more oppressive. If certain behavior goes against social norms, then severe punishment can ensure to reject the behavior. In opposite case more advanced societies allow more facilities for different behavior and accepts changes. Behavior against the norm is tolerated in advance societies. Durkheim focused on society, social organization and development. He explained that ... Show more content on ... This paper examines Emile Durkheim s theory gave a different approach to the criminological research. He interested in social organization and rules. He was curious that how social structure develops within societies (Bernard et al., 2010, p. 115). At that time, the psychological thoughts were motivated by Durkheim own ideas (Bernard et al., 2010, p. 116). During the French revolution, there was a quick change in the society. Old ideas were replaced by new ideas (Bernard et al., 2010, p. 116). Durkheim concluded that social development impacts society s rules and values. He considered the lack of social norms cause anomie. The anomie causes social violence (Bernard et al., 2010, p. 117). He categorized his concept in two different ways of anomie one is mechanical (Bernard et al., 2010, p. 117) and organic society (Bernard et al., 2010, p. 117). A mechanical society normally has less population then organic society. A mechanical society is more isolated and conservative where diversity in thoughts is not welcomed. In contrast, organic society is more advanced and contains diversity. The organic society always welcomes new thoughts and changes. (Bernard et al., 2010, p. 117). Rules and regulations in mechanical society are more punitive whereas in organic society laws are concentrated on restitution (Bernard et al., 2010, p. 117). He also discussed an
  • 25. Anthology on Individual Rights An anthology is a collection of works that portray a theme. One prevalent theme that is essential to the world around us is having individual rights. These rights are prominent in Self Reliance , From Bonifacius: Essays to Do Good , From Poems on Various Subjects. On Being Brought from Africa to America. , and From Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: Chapter X, . Within this anthology, the reader(s) will discover passages that represent the balancing act of individual rights versus societal rights in America. In Self Reliance , by Ralph Waldo Emerson, the audience can see a theme of a desire for an individualistic society. Ralph Emerson wrote: Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist (935). This statement is... Show more content on ... Another piece of evidence for this belief is, It is easy in a world to live after the world s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude (Emerson 937). This proves that Emerson believed that it was easier for an individual to follow the example of the men who came before them; however, the world cannot advance if individuals only repeat what others have done. At the same time, Emerson is saying that an individual who follows their own thoughts will live happily among the larger population; however, they will maintain their solidarity. Emerson believed that individuals who do not conform to the ways of the world and follow their own path will prosper. From Bonifacius: Essays to Do Good , by Cotton Mather, demonstrates the belief that individuals who do good deeds will be honored. Mather was a puritan and used his writings to spread his beliefs, such as: the kingdom of God in the world calls for innumerable services from us. To do such things is to do good (Mather 198). Mather used his belief in God to attempt to persuade individuals that if they did good deeds, that were required by God, they would be doing good. He believed men doing good would feel a sense of accomplishment from serving their master. Similarly, he wrote: To have done good, was accounted honorable (Mather 199). On the same
  • 26. Canadian Shield Case Analysis Using the Accenture document on governance presented with the Alcan case, place Canadian Shield in the appropriate quadrant. According to the Accenture document, I would place Canadian Shield within the efficient, predictable operator category. The slow rate of change and need to compete on operational efficiencies characterized by most companies in this quadrant is detailed by the following quote from the case authors. Sustainability for Canadian insurance companies greatly depended on investments in projects that increased customer service and improved operational efficiency. This comment is aligned with the predictable operator company practices and is evidence that in order to gain a competitive advantage in the Canadian insurance ... Show more content on ... According to the model the IT Monarchy style allows IT executives to hold the right to make important IT decisions. A more affective mechanism could be put in place by AC in the form of an IT leadership council that includes corporate and business unit CIOs. What do questions 1 2 tell us about IT governance at CS? Is it appropriately structured for this kind of decision? As mentioned above, AC and Canadian Shield both reflect signs of the IT Monarchy style of IT governance. It appears that by letting the same IT manager that helped create the existing problematic information system called ALPHA spearhead the project of finding its replacement was a conflict of interest. In an industry that is heavily dependent on gaining a competitive advantage through operational efficiencies and consistently delivering value added projects to the customer, it is essential for AC and CS to rethink the current corporate governance model. Across almost all of the major IT governance categories, it seems that CS and AC are either lacking elements completely or lagging behind current IT standards significantly. IT principles or high level statements about how to use technology to create business value is non existent in the Canadian Shield philosophy statement and hard to identify within the case write up by the authors. Furthermore, the corporate IT infrastructure and architecture has become so archaic that the
  • 27. Language In My Fair Lady Abstract: A language is a system of conventional signals used for communication by a whole community A. C. Gimson. Language is an essential tool for communication as well as for self expression. Language can be considered as a habit which is not genetically transmitted. It is acquired from the environment and therefore it is always subject to change. Language and linguistics go hand in hand. Language is a network of varieties and linguistics is the discipline that deals with the scientific study of language and its variations like dialect, registers, pidgin, Creole, etc. The purpose of this study is to explore the importance of the movie My Fair Lady in the study of Linguistics. My Fair Lady is directed by George Cukor and it is adapted ... Show more content on ... A simple example for the above statement is a comparison between a news covered by a news channel and a newspaper. The news covered by the news channel would be more influential as it includes the video clips along with the news scrolls and the reporter s narration, which creates an effect on the audience that makes them feel as if they are witnessing the incident live, whereas, the one covered by the newspaper will simply act as third person narrative to the audience. Similarly, there are many text books and reference books that deal with the study of linguistics. But the movie My Fair Lady is an excellent example, that gives the students of linguistics an idea about the benefits of learning it properly and that gives the teachers of linguistics an idea about how to teach it effectively. This study will work on understanding how the movie My Fair Lady depicts the power and beauty of the English language through the life of a linguist and his student and the impact it has on the study of linguistics. It will also analyze how different researchers have viewed this movie as a helpful tool in the study of linguistics. The content analysis is done on the story of the movie My Fair Lady, the play Pygmalion, written by George Bernard Shaw, from which the story of the movie is adapted, a website and a research paper. The researcher has done an expert interview too, of a professor who deals with
  • 28. The Causes Of Hurricane Katrina When I think about Hurricane Katrina, what first comes to mind is the overwhelming ineptitude of the federal, state and local authorities and agencies charged with planning for and dealing with the aftermath of such a disaster. On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast of the United States. As a result of the hurricane force winds in excess of 140 miles per hour and the accompanying storm surge, the levee system in New Orleans was overwhelmed and many of the levees simply washed away. Low lying neighborhoods, such as St. Bernard Parish and the Ninth Ward were under so much that people had to scramble to attics and rooftops for safety. No American city in modern times had ever been ravaged by floods in such a way. Over a year prior to Katrina, in June 2004, FEMA conducted a five day exercise which simulated a storm ( Hurricane Pam ) in which New Orleans was completely devastated. (FEMA 2004). The purpose of this drill, which included emergency officials from 50 parishes, state, federal and volunteer organizations, was supposed to help officials develop joint response plans for a catastrophic hurricane. According to Ron Castleman, the FEMA Regional Director at the time: We made great progress this week in our preparedness efforts, Disaster response teams developed action plans in critical areas such as search and rescue, medical care, sheltering, temporary housing, school restoration and debris management. These plans are essential for quick
  • 29. Late Adulthood Table of Contents Introduction Personal Factors Personality Personal Control Age Environmental Factors Physical health Living Arrangements Social Support and Social Networks Conclusion References Introduction The satisfaction or happiness of the human race has always been a central theme in the humanities. Life satisfaction is conceptualized as one of the cognitive components of subjective well being, and refers to the global judgments people make about the quality of their lives (Diener et al., 2003). This means that people can examine the condition in their lives, weigh the importance of these conditions and evaluate their lives on a scale ranging from satisfied to dissatisfied. The concept of life... Show more content on ... 304). The feeling of being in control of one s life is important to psychological well being in a period of life when primary control has been found to decrease (Heckhausen Schultz, 1995). In their experimental study, Langer and Rodin (1976) stated that by enhancing personal responsibility and choice in a group of nursing home residents, well being was improved. The finding illustrates the importance of one s own influence in a typical dependency situation. Locus of control not only influences well being, but also health, functional capacity as well as the ability to use social support in both old and oldest old people (Bisconti Bergeman, 1999). In fact, in a study including individuals aged 80 and older, locus of control was more important to well being than social resources (Landau Litwin, 2001). Taken together, there is strong empirical evidence of a relationship between the experience of high influence over one s life and the perception of life circumstances. Age Life satisfaction is generally assumed and expected to decline in older age, most notably as health conditions deteriorate. In reality, the general finding of the large body of gerontological literature on the relationship between age and life satisfaction, is that there is no age related decline in life satisfaction. However, contemporary society still has the expectation that the life satisfaction of older adults is negatively affected by age related
  • 30. Political Correctness in Richard Scarry s Book The Appearance of Political Correctness in Children s Literature: With special regards to Richard Scarry s Best Word Book Ever Political correctness is one of the most controversial cultural and academic issues of today. Although because of its interdisciplinary nature it can be studied in relation to American English. In this paper the main focus is on the new interdisciplinary studies emerging in the scope of academics, such as multicultural literature; narrowing down to children s multicultural literature. The purpose of this essay is to study the development of political correctness in children s literature and also to try to explore whether it is a clear cut appearance of the phenomenon, or it is whether a continuing... Show more content on ... Is it only a revision, a change in style, to be more up to date? Or is it more a conscious changing of images to be shown to children at early ages. I am going to illustrate these phenomena with pictures as well. Furthermore I would also like to make more categories based on text and the words used in the dictionary, but firstly the focus is on visual representation. Different changes in the images can be categorized as well. Based on the personal exploration, I have come to list the following categories: 1. Gender roles (family roles, occupational stereotypes) 2. Representation of different ethnic groups 3. Religious references 4. Political reference To start with gender roles I would like to explain a little more what results the research come up with. Firstly, the typical gender roles in the 1963 edition were the old , conservative stereotyping of sexes. Probably the most striking example for this can be found in the kitchen of the rabbit house . In the 1963 edition it is only mother rabbit that is standing at the stove in the kitchen, stating the stereotypical role of a woman, to do the housework. However, in the 1991 edition the image had been revised. It is not only the household equipment that has been renewed, but father rabbit appears with mother rabbit in the kitchen as well. Moreover he is there to help in preparing for breakfast, so now the male member of the
  • 31. Analyzing Current Sbu’s for Assigning Resources (by Using... article center Tuesday, July 24, 2012 mkt plan final mkt plan final 1. Introduction of Tea Garden Tea is the most popular non intoxicating beverage in the world enjoyed by the rich and poor alike. Tea drinking was quite common in every part of the world. The most popular form of value addition is selling branded tea. This involves not only the packing of tea but also blending of other varieties to maintain consistency of taste. To arrive at a blend, expert tea tasters sample hundreds of liquors. Convenient drinks like instant tea (soluble tea powder), tea bags (bags are dipped in hot water), ready to drink (served in cans) and flavored tea (with vanilla, strawberry flavor) are becoming popular in developed countries like the... Show more content on ... The Conference drew over 12,480 participants, including over 5400 government officials, 5800 representatives of UN bodies and agencies, intergovernmental organizations and civil society organizations, and more than 1200 members of the media. They are summarized below. 1. Forest Management is mandatory. In Durban a decision was made to make accounting for forest management mandatory. Prior to Durban countries could choose to account for forest management or not which meant they could hide their emissions from logging and burning forests if they wanted to. 2. Biomass emissions remain unaccounted for Burning native forests for electricity is bad for the climate, bad for the forests and bad for forest communities. Countries that are responsible for the emissions made from producing biomass should have to account for those emissions. 3. Harvested Wood Products will be credited 4. Limit of 3.5 % set for the contribution of Land Use, Land Use Change and Forests Reductions to Countries Emission Reduction Targets. Posted by অমি২০১২ at 11:38 pm No comments: Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Analyzing current SBU s for assigning resources Analyzing current SBU s for assigning resources Analyzing current SBU s for assigning resources (By using Boston consulting group Approach): example for Bangladesh perspective. vStars: We can consider Grameen phone as star. On Bangladesh
  • 32. How Do Affiliate Marketing The Right Way ! How to Do Affiliate Marketing the Right Way! By Richard Fysh | Submitted On June 21, 2010 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Richard Fysh There s one thing I know for sure...affiliate marketing is a marketing system that can bring in boat loads of cash. But a word of caution! Even after logging all the hours affiliate marketing requires, make just one poor judgment call and you ll be left standing all by yourself waiting for that boat to come in. So if you re going to do it, you better know how to do affiliate marketing the right way! When you first look at affiliate marketing as an opportunity for an online business, it s hard to imagine how anyone could fail at this. The incentives for this type of online selling falls just a little short of spectacular; especially when you compare affiliate marketing on the internet to a conventional marketing distribution channel in the bricks and mortar world. Consider a food sales representative working in the H.R.I. (Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional) distribution channel in the bricks and mortar world: Commissions in this industry are usually based on 2% of the net price of the food product. That means that on a food
  • 33. How Does Bigger Thomas Deserve Sympathy In the novel Native Son by Richard Wright, the protagonist engages in certain behavior that most would find socially and morally unacceptable. It is debatable whether Bigger Thomas was truly responsible for what he did, and throughout the novel, the ongoing dilemma is whether or not he deserves sympathy or not. Although some might argue Bigger is deserving of sympathy due to the environment where he grew up, he is not worthy of sympathetic treatment. His immoral actions throughout the novelare so unforgivable that he does not deserve sympathy. The way he treated his family, the murders he committed, how he feels about what he does, and some characters in the novel also going against him, all point to Bigger being a character not deserving of sympathy. One reason Bigger isn t deserving of sympathy is the way he... Show more content on ... Throughout the trial, Buckley is determined to have Bigger killed and is driven by a mob mentality. He does not feel bad for Bigger at all, bringing up all of his faults and making it clear to the judge, jury, and the population of Chicago that Bigger Thomas deserved to die. The long black empty years ahead would constitute for his mind and feelings the only certain and durable object around which he could build a meaning for his life (404). When Buckley cane out and said this during the trial, he made it evident that he had absolutely no sympathy for Bigger. Saying that prison would be the best thing that ever happened to him shows just how unforgivable Buckley thought Bigger s crimes were. Also, even Bigger s mother had somewhat of an idea that her son was not deserving of sympathy. The only place she looked to to seek forgiveness for her son was God, because she knew He was really the only one who could. Buckley did his job by showing how Bigger isn t worthy of sympathy, and his mother also indirectly showed that he wasn t deserving as
  • 34. Theme Of Ethics In Erin Brockovich The movie, Erin Brockovich, is based on a true story revolves around a file clerk named, Erin Brockovich, who represented the community of Hinkley against the electric corporation Pacific Gas and Electric Company, PG E. PG E faced disputes of ethical dilemmas and groundwater contamination lawsuits after Erin uncovered and exposed its unethical business practices. PG E operated a compressor plant in Hinkley and hexavalent chromium, which could cause severe medical issues, was used to cool down the machines used at the plants to prevent corrosion in the machinery. The company failed to take the step of adding liner to the ponds at their plant, which led to groundwater pollution that affected the water near the compressor plant. PG E was involved in more unethical behaviors followed by this initial breach of ethics, such as deception, bribery, and cover up evidence of chromiumuse. As Erin spent time filing documents as a clerk, she came across a case against PG E that her law firm handled on behalf of the residents of Hinkley. Erin went to Hinkley to investigate the underlying problems that led to those ... Show more content on ... According to Rawl, Justice is the balance between collective equality and individual freedom. It is critical for one to be granted with his/her freedom to implement any strategies to elevate one s business; however, if it interferes with other people s well being, then the justice system becomes out of balance. PG E ultimately ranked their interest over the well being of the whole community. According to Emmanuel Kant, deception is always wrong and one should do whatever is right no matter what the consequences. Evidently, PG E violated Kant s Categorical Imperative theory, by deceiving that they were using Chromium III instead of
  • 35. Analytical Review of Cutting the Fuse This quote by Pat Robertson works as a great illustration for how our nation reacted to the suicide attacks carried out by Al Qaeda on United States soil. The initial reaction by political pundits and politicians alike was that the only cause of these attacks was due to a radical Islamic view on the world. However, in Robert A. Pape and James K. Feldman s book Cutting the Fuse they try to analyze data on suicide bombing and try to determine what is the root cause of these violent acts. Their conclusions are the exact opposite of the rhetoric that was presented to the American public. Instead of blaming Islamic extremists, they instead come to the conclusion, that military occupation is the main factor driving suicide terrorism (Pape Feldman 10). Furthermore, they also put forth the argument that our current military strategies involving military occupation are counter productive because rather than deterring violence, it actually increases suicide bombings committed against American forces. In this paper I will examine the conclusions Robert Pape and James Feldman have come to and will also analyze these conclusions in Cutting the Fuse with a belief that this text works to refute much of what the American public has been told. However, before we can begin to analyze the judgements that are presented within the text I must first defend my position as to why I believe Cutting the Fuse is an excellent book. During a heated press conference in 2009 former University of
  • 36. Congestive Hepatopathy And Cardiac Cirrhosis It has been known for a long time that the heart and the liver are strongly related. So, patients with heart failure develop manifestations from the liver. Congestive hepatopathy and cardiac cirrhosis includes a spectrum of hepatic derangements occurring in the setting of right sided heart failure (Moller and Bernardi, 2013). A sudden and dramatic liver transaminase elevation in relation to cardiogenic shock correlates extensive hepatocellular necrosis called ischemic hepatitis (Crespo Leiro et al., 2008). Oppositely; chronic liver disease per se may influence heart functions and electrophysiology in the absence of other cardiac disease. These abnormalities are collectively called cirrhotic cardiomyopathy that affects the patient prognosis and exacerbates the course during invasive procedures as insertion of a trans jugular intrahepatic porto systemic shunt (TIPS), surgery and orthotropic liver transplantation (OLT) (Moller and Bernardi, 2013). Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy (CCM): The term cirrhotic cardiomyopathy was initially presented more than 3 decades ago, and is defined as chronic cardiac dysfunction in cirrhotic patients in absence of previous cardiac disease, regardless the etiology of cirrhosis. Particular diagnostic criteria for CCM have recently been defined by an international expert consensus committee that involve systolic and/or diastolic dysfunction, chronotropic incompetence, and electrophysiological abnormalities. Overt heart failure is not a
  • 37. The Career Fields Of Accounting Many students eventually come to a point in their collegiate career that they must decide what path to pursue in their professional careers. For the majority of accounting students, this could not be more challenging since there are such a large variety of career paths to choose from. To further complicate this decision making process, many of the career fields in accounting mandate the individual to obtain certain field related certifications that are essential to that particular field of study. Examples of these certifications are as follows: Certified Financial Manager (CFM), Certificated Public Accountant(CPA), and Certified Management Accountant (CMA). These accounting certifications can sometime prove to be incredibly difficult to obtain. The majority of the available certifications required exam preparation, fees to be paid, background checks, character references, and the exam itself. Once an individual passes the exam and obtains the other required credentials, he or she must be able to maintain their certification. In most instances accountants usually must seek continuing professional education (CPE) classes and pay membership dues annually in order to maintain these certifications. We will examine some of these previously mentioned certifications and others in the follow text. In addition, we will compare the similarities and differences of these certifications in order to assist UHD graduates in this complicated decision. Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) vs.
  • 38. Watchtowers Research Paper Wikipedia lists all the different things that are considered Watchers , Watchtowers , or Guardians . Wikipedia goes on to break down the Watchtowers into different pantheons and even to their coordinating colors. In Richard Cavendish s book, The Powers of Evil5, he listed the Watchers as the fallen angels that magicians call forth in ceremonial magic. He mentions that the Watchers were so named because they were stars, the eyes of night . According to Minnie Eerin in the Student Resources Library1, The Watchtowers are the homes of the Elementals. The elements as in water, air, fire and earth. However, the Watchtowers can also be considered the four quarters such as north, south, east and west2. And according to E.A. Koetting3, the Watchtowers can also be called by their angelic administrators. These are all great things to be when you are trying to create or use a spell, ritual and a number of other magical workings.... Show more content on ... The Watchers, or Watchtowers are evoked to watch over and guard and witness the rites performed in witchcraft. In some traditions, the Watchers or Watchtowers are the elements, water, air, fire and earth. Each of these elements have their own specific calling for these rites, but they usually are all called or evoked. Each of these elements are matched up with the four quarters as well as their
  • 39. Ventilator Associated Pneumonia ( Vap ) Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) is among the most fatal hospital acquired infections, with mortality ranging from 15% to 70%. Ventilator associated pneumonia is also known to increase length of stay which directly affects unit budgets. In 2010 the institute for health care improvement added daily oral care with chlorahexidine to the five evidence based interventions which include, (1) head of bed elevation between 30 degree and 45 degree; (2) a daily sedation vacation and a readiness to wean assessment; (3) peptic ulcer disease prophylaxis; (4) deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis; (5) daily oral care with chorahexidine. (Lim, et al., 2015) Recently in 2015, the South Miami adult intensive care unit added oral chlorahexadine to the ... Show more content on ... National Taiwan University did a retrospective review of data to decrease VAP density by fifty percent at a SICU medical center. The sample population consisted of adult surgical intensive care unit invasively ventilated patients, The primary aim of this study was to check the efficacy of the VAP bundle by comparing the before and the after density at SICUs. A multidisciplinary teamwork was set up including administrator (vice superintendent), quality improvement and infection control professionals, SICU doctors, and nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, and general affairs and information technology specialists. (Lim, et al., 2015) The National Taiwan University Hospital s Infection control department led the education of all disciplines and a revised compliance tool from the institute of healthcare improvement bundle checklist was implemented to track and assess daily compliance. VAP density differences from pre VAP bundle phase and post VAP bundle phase was collected and analyzed on SPSS software and the differences in data of inpatients and the outcomes were analyzed based on Mann Whitney U test. Compliance rate for the SICU nurse s pre bundle phase and post bundle phase did improve, The compliance rates between before and after this re education promotion
  • 40. Confucius And Religion One of the first points to note is that extreme caution has to be used when relying on any specific quote or work attributed to Confucius (born 500 BC), because historical records are either poor or non existent. Much of the life and professional history of Confucius is not recorded in any formal sense, but has been passed down as part of Chinese social traditions, though it would be extending it too far to call it a legend; there is no doubt that he did exist. For that reason, specific acts or events that he may be associated with can never be satisfactorily substantiated. Furthermore, one point that is known is that many of the famous quotes attributed to him were collected many years after his death, and may actually be aphorisms. Nonetheless,... Show more content on ... The total writings of Confucius could not really be taken as a religious work, but rather as a code of morality independent of any kind of religious implication; the author of this code of morality may well be a religious person, and that may occasionally reflect in his writings, but that is not the same as saying that his body of work is a religious endeavour or should be turned into one through praxis. Indeed, it might almost be taken as an anti religious work, in the sense that it focuses solely on improving the relationships that people have between them with no other interference to detract from that; with the implication being that religion is one of the prime reasons that human beings are not humane, in the Confucian sense, towards each
  • 41. Thomas Hardy s The Mayor of Casterbridge Essay Thomas Hardy s The Mayor of Casterbridge. Sex is so intertwined in our society that it pervades each facet, including television, books, advertising, and conversation. Movies like The Matrix toss in gratuitous sex because the audience nearly expects it. Thomas Hardy s The Mayor of Casterbridge, therefore, is exceptional in its lack of sexual situations. The subject of sexual motivation and its inherent ambiguity with regard to Henchard s actions is a topic that caught my attention from the very first pages of The Mayor of Casterbridge. Continually in the novel there is tension, but it is never described as sexual. Much the same, there are countless marriages during the novel but no related sexual attraction is discussed. The ... Show more content on ... It seems that for Henchard, maturity involves a kind of assimilation of female suffering, an identification with a woman which is also an effort to come to terms with with [his] own deepest sel[f] (Showalter, 394). It is not until the end of the novel that Henchard realizes this, withdraws from society, and loses his will to live. However, his wrongdoings are not completely restricted to women. For this reason, I believe that this indicates not misdirected sexual energy, but a general lack of knowledge. Henchard s act of selling his wife had clearly been mentioned between husband and wife prior to the actual incident, but that does not mean that it was well thought out. In fact, it seems that Henchard rarely thought things out to a full extent. Selling his wife in the first place would lead me to believe that he never loved Susan at all. I married at eighteen, like the fool that I was; and this is the consequence. But a fellow never knows these little things till all chance of acting upon em is past (9). Further, this quote shows that Henchard did not even think thoroughly about marrying Susan. He claims that he was a fool because he was eighteen; I say that at this point in the novel, he had not grown emotionally in the least. Likewise, Henchard s relationship with Lucetta seems to be centered on a debt he felt he owed her for
  • 42. Nuclear Warheads Research Paper Today on Earth there are all kinds of destruction that people play in today s society that could lead to a total global breakdown of are civilization. Today there are all kinds of different ways that it could happen; every country has nuclear warheads, are farmland is depleting rapidly because they are being used to house are growing population. And the Doomsday Clock says it all. One thing that could lead are plaint to Doomsday is that ever single county has conformed to have nuclear warheads that can be shot and kill millions of people that have done nothing wrong. One of the big story s about all the nuclear problem is the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Um. Kim has calmed that his country has the nuclear power to reach from North
  • 43. Major Outcomes For Mr. C Major outcomes for Mr. C would include managing activities of daily living effectively, decreasing his pain level and notifying members of the heath care team prior to his pain level becoming unmanageable. He will be able to report that the pain management regimen is acceptable using the numeric scale. Mr. C will use non pharmacological methods to help achieve comfort, recognize early signs and symptoms of pancreatitisexacerbation and cutback alcohol consumption or preferably alcohol cessation (Urden, Linda D; Stacy, Kathleen M; Lough, Mary E;, 2016). Mr. C s laboratory values need to be stabilized, body temperature and pulse rate decreased, blood pressure increased, weaned of the oxygen by nasal cannula an increase his urine output. Many of the signs and symptoms experienced are related to local and systemic complications of the disease process. His uncle stated that he has nausea and vomiting for the past few day and this caused many of the electrolyte imbalance (Urden, Linda D; Stacy, Kathleen M; Lough, Mary E;, 2016). The problems or risks that need to be monitored include providing comfort through pain control, emotional support and maintaining surveillance for complication. Mr. C requires education related to the medical diagnoses of acute pancreatitis. The risk for deficits also include hydration and rudiments linked to his culture, lack of communication and isolation from his nuclear family. Mr. C is a Hispanic male and culturally the ethnic group is very stoic
  • 44. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Wallpaper Modern wall coverings are unparalleled in the aesthetic dimensions that they can add to your living spaces. They enrich with warmth, beauty and character and go a long way in creating multitude of effects. Advantages of wallpaper at Easy Wall Prints пѓ We own a plethora of over 1800+ embellishing wallpaper designs. You have the treat to choose from myriad wallpaper patterns, designs and colors пѓ Customized designs and size options to fit into any taste and space пѓ Our Wallpaper can last up to 15 years or more which make them a cost effective and durable choice in the long run пѓ With a higher tactile quotient along with a multitude of texture and designs to pick from, wallpaper gives you best of both the worlds пѓ Wallpaper adheres easily... Show more content on ... Chic designs, intriguing textures and gorgeous prints prettify any living space пѓ Easy upkeep and maintenance пѓ Free shipping all over India пѓ Wallpaper requires no extra adhesives and helps you with additional savings пѓ Wallpaper gives an instant face lift to your surroundings by hiding wall imperfections and giving them a million dollar look пѓ Custom size printing of wallpaper is economical пѓ You can play around with options on wallpaper placement in your room. Some rooms look best with a complete wall cover while some with just a wallpaper border пѓ We give you the best buy as compared to local vendors. We offer features like Warranty on colors, PVC free product, Custom Size Design option, an organized Online gallery and meeting various safety standards Custom Wallpaper Engineer your living space with the best! Easy Wall Prints champion the showground of customized Wallpaper and offer you your dream spaces like no other. So maybe you have bought a new place, or you wish to refurbish your space or just look to change your surroundings; we have got the wall dГ©cor solutions that suit your moods and
  • 45. Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Deoxyribonucleic, or DNA, contains the instructions for the synthesis of molecules that are necessary for the survival of all living organisms. Genetic mutations can occur due to a variety of reasons, and the effects vary in severity. Hutchinson Gilford Progeria (HGP) syndrome is a severe disease that arises due to a genetic mutation in LMNA gene, which codes for laminin A protein. Such alteration in the genetic code leads to a protein with an aberrant structure which is unable to function properly. The disease occurs approximately in one in eight million births (CoppedГЁ, 2013), and death usually occurs at around the age of 13 (CoppedГЁ, 2013). Molecular Mechanism Eighty eight percent of Hutchinson Gilford Progeria cases are associated with ... Show more content on ... (Sarkar et al., 2001). Cardiovascular degeneration is the most severe abnormality seen in children with HGP and is responsible for the dead of 75 percent of those affected (CoppedГЁ, 2013). Vascular stiffening and atherosclerosis of coronary arteries and aorta are to blame for the mortality of the disease, with death occurring by 13 years of age (CoppedГЁ, 2013). Cerebral vessels are also affected with silent strokes and cerebral arterial lesions usually present (CoppedГЁ, 2013). Other cellular processes thought to be involved in the premature aging seen in HGP are the short length of telomeres that is seen in progeria cells. It is speculated that short telomeres significantly reduce the time required for somatic cells to enter senescence, which is defined as a viable non dividing state , thus short telomeres are believed to contribute to premature aging (Sarkar et al., 2001). Biochemical analysis of urine revealed the presence of copious amounts hyaluronic acid (10 20 times greater than normal) (Sarkar et al., 2001). Hyaluronic acid is an important structural molecule found in skeletal, muscular and vascular systems, all of which are severely impaired in patients with HGP (Sarkar et al.,
  • 46. Organizational Knowledge Theory And Practice Portfolio Project Organizational Knowledge Mike Meeker ORG502 Effective Organizations: Theory and Practice Colorado State University Global Campus Dr. Mike Lavelle November 23, 2014 Organizational Knowledge Theory In 2007, the worldwide volume announced that mergers and acquisitions (M As) had reached more than $4.74 trillion according to The Wall Street Journal. Despite their persistent acceptance, M As remain highly debatable (Muehlfeld, Rao Van Witteloostuijn, 2012). The constant debate about post acquisition performance repercussions of M As (Rooney, Mandeville, Kastelle, 2013) points to important questions as to whether and under what conditions organizations learn from past acquisition experience. However, outside of operational backdrops, the effects of experience on learning as well as their outcomes have proved more intangible. Multifaceted environments as observed in typical corporate level executive and strategic activities prevent reinforced learning and diminish the identification between current actions and observed outcomes (Finkelstein S, Haleblian, 2002). Thus, it can take years to witness effective wisdom obtained regarding mergers between large organizations (Muehlfeld, Rao Van Witteloostuijn, 2012). Abstract: Overview of Problem Thesis Davita transformed itself from an outpatient based and acute hospital dialysis provider to an international healthcare organization. This has been accomplished through organic growth as well as
  • 47. Analysis Of International Banking Introduction Banking in today s era is in process of upgrading itself by joining the wave of latest technologies and trends. Currently, it is in the midst of chaos and disruptions and is in process of reshaping its business models to alienate the traditional processes. The driving force for Banks to adopt such changes can be a. Changing customer needs, b. Optimization of cost and Banking Operations, c. Digitization and Automation, d. Streamlining of complex and lengthy processes and e. New competitors in the industry. Trade Finance is one such segment that is typically driven by the traditional methods of processing and also is laid back in terms of adopting the disruptions. This segment has not changed much in past few decades. However, ... Show more content on ... The Blockchain Technology is one of such very powerful disruption which has capability to revolutionize the Trade Finance business for Banks. Blockchain Overview A Blockchain is a secure public ledger shared by all the entities of a distributed network which stores all transaction that have ever been executed in that network. Every transaction that is recorded over a blockchain network is irrevocable and complete transaction history is auditable. This technology allows any participant in the business network to access all the record of the transaction. A transaction may have one or more events. All events of the transaction are recorded in the form of a block. Once all the recent events are completed then it is saved as permanent record into Blockchain. Important Elements of Blockchain Technology Bottlenecks of Traditional Trade Finance Banking industry today is in the midst of disruptions. Trade finance is one of the area which still is driven mostly by the traditional processes and instruments which indeed is a very crucial banking service assisting global economy. But all thanks to these unavoidable disruptions, the traditional brick and mortar banking structures and technologies are fast alienating from the industry. These chaos of disruptions is so powerful that even Trade Finance cannot be estranged from this flow. Blockchain will
  • 48. Types of Teachers Types of Teachers Marko Mihajloski South East European University Course Name: Skills V Professor s Name: Estela Eaton Date: 23.12.2012 Abstract This paper explains three different types of teachers and their role and impact over the educational system. By the same token it is emphasized that the teacher is an important part of the learning process who impacts the shaping of the lives of young children. The relationship between a student and a teacher is a difficult one in most of cases and it is something that raises problems which need to be resolved. At this point every teacher has different way of presenting and teaching the given material and the crucial role in establishing a good and fruitful... Show more content on ... Many psychological studies, such as Baumrind (1971) which shows the various parenting styles can correlate with various teachers classroom styles in the sense that a good model of a parent is an appropriate model for teacher. According to the study, the crucial elements of relationships are the responsiveness and demandingness. Considering these elements teachers can be classified as authoritative, intimate, and indifferent. Authoritative teachers will be characterized by a high response, and a high demand, and are considered to be the closest to the ideal picture of a teacher. Most of them can be described with personality traits such as: curious, creative, attentive, principled, astute, patient, hardworking, gregarious, communicative, and openhearted and perhaps the most important, proficient. They are eager to know something more about the student apart from their first and last name, something more about their individuality, more personal. They are more likely to build a good relationship with the students and will allow them participation in the class, as long as it is something relevant to the topic of the lesson, so the student involvement in the class is at a very high rate. These ways of participations are important predictors of social and academic adjustment (Hughes, 2002). The authoritative classroom might be an excellent opportunity for developing speaking skills, because an authoritative teacher is open to feedback
  • 49. Informative Essay Hook Pinkston, Anna Dr. Jeff Newberry ENGL 1101H August 26, 2017 As my ninth grade English teacher, Mrs. Newton would say, without a good hook to start your essay, no one will ever read it. As I was taught, a hook is a crucial part in your essay because it will help grab the audience s attention so that they will continue to be invested throughout the paper. For example, the hook could be a question or a quote about the overall topic of your essay. In my junior year, we had to do a controversial essay and I used a quote from a famous tattoo artist as my hook because I did my essay over tattoos and piercings. After the hook, the introduction begins to take form and show the audience what your essay is about. The introduction is the first thing in your essay that will tell the audience what the essay is about. The introduction paragraph should be as interesting as the initial hook and keep the audience invested in the paper. It will establish the basis of the essay and should contain the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the point in your essay where you will state the topics that the essay will contain. In high school, we were taught that the thesis should contain the three points that you will elaborate upon in your three body paragraphs: the weakest point, the middle point, and the strongest point. The first body paragraph should be the weakest or simplest way to get the overall point of the essay across to the readers. This will be the foundation of all three points,