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Dorian Gray Blindness
While the Biblical element played a major role throughout the novel, blindness also played its part.
In protest to this the reader may note that neither Dorian or any of the other characters lack in sight,
but the literal blindness is not the one that Thomas C. Foster refers to in Chapter 22 titled "He's
Blind for a Reason, You Know"; within this chapter, Foster alludes to the notion that "when literal
blindness, sight, darkness, and light are introduced into a story, it is nearly always the case that
figurative seeing and blindness are at work. Here's the caveat: seeing and blindness are generally at
issue in many works, even where there is no hint of blindness..." (212). Based on the acquired
information one can conclude that Dorian was in fact blind from the very beginning since he was
naïve to the world and the corruption that surrounded him, that is until he met Lord Henry, who ...
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The story of Dorian Gray became the inspiration behind a new age of writing, more daring and
defying to the point of the notion itself becoming cliché in the public's eyes, however the beauty of
this specific book lies not in the over utilized concept of making a pact with the devil, but in the fact
that the plot can be infinitely analyzed and new meanings found within each sentence. There is not
an explicit meaning to the novel, yet one can assume that the overview is such that life exists to test
those who have been fortunate, or rather unfortunate enough to have been born; no life is perfect,
and temptation of sin awaits at every step, yet it is the task of the one being tested to resist
unbecoming influence and carve one's own path, while enjoying things as they come rather than
becoming infatuated with ephemeral aspects of existence such as one's beauty or the lack
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Intentional Blindness: Changes In One's Environment
I found chapter 4, Bounded awareness interesting because it brings to light the apparent choice
people make to focus primarily on what they want to see. I think the PowerPoint presentation
summarized it best; Bounded awareness is "In–attentional blindness to obvious information. 2.The
failure to notice obvious changes in one's environment. The tendency to focus on only a part of the
problem at hand". For example, I think the puzzle in the text of 9 dots illustrates this perfectly. I fell
victim to this exact dilemma. I tried to stay within the boundaries of the nine dots and made the
choice to place a boundary within the dots that did not exist nor was directed. The video of the
"missed" moon walking bear was an amazing illustration of Intentional
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Changes And Changes Of Change Blindness Essay
Change blindness shows surprising perception phenomenon that is noticed through the visual
change of stimulus introduced and observers do not notice the change. When observer fails to
observe and notice the change major changes and differences introduced into an image at a flick off
and on again. People having poor ability in detecting the changes are argued to have limitation of
human attention (Hecht–Nielsen & McKenna, 2003). Change blindness has provided a wide range
of research that has important and practical implications especially in eyewitness position and
distraction while driving among other areas.
In early observation of change blindness was made in 19th century when the film was edited and
introduced. The editor came to realize that those watching it were not noticing the changed
background (Norman, 2006). This made Williams James to become the first person to mention the
lack of ability to detect the changes according to principles of psychology.
According to research, the earliest experimental change blindness is developed from the phenomena
such as eye movements and more on working memory. It depends on the personal attention to the
images they perceive (MacWhinney, 2001). Although individual have well informed and good
memory on whether or not they have perceived an image, they also have poor recalling ability
especially on the smaller details that are presented in that image. This is evidently through
presentation of the complex pictures that are stimulated
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The Detection Of Change Blindness
1 – Briefly describe the aim(s) of the study In the abstract the authors Daniel. J. Simmons and
Daniel. T. Levin, document that the aim of the study was to determine the detection of change
blindness for objects in still images and motion pictures, but their focus was to use people in the real
world. In the abstract it is pointed out that the research was divided into two similar experiments
only changing specific details in which the surrounding objects, such as; clothing, accessories and
their general approach to the randomly selected subjects were changed or modified slightly. They
would then continue by asking the participants whether or not they noticed the swap. If yes, they
would follow up with asking about what tipped them off to the change and if no, they would retort
to explaining what had just occurred by explaining the experiment.
2 – Indicate whether or not the study was theoretically motivated. The introduction section of the
article provides a brief explanation as to what motivated the study and why people have trouble
retaining the visual details of our surroundings and states that we actually find it difficult to detect
changes in such details. Thanks to experiments in various laboratories it has been discovered that
this occurs when the ability to detect retinal differences is eliminated. This basically means that
when visual information showing a change is masked by an eye movement, such as blinking,
observers have difficulty detecting changes to
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Blindness-King Lear
It seems ironic that both the oldest characters, Gloucester and Lear, who are blind either
metaphorically or physically. They both exemplify that wisdom does not always come with old age.
The parallel characters are very important to each other, Lear who is blinded metaphorically, and
Gloucester who is physically blinded. Both characters undergo radical changes and their once
sightless decisions become regrettable actions. They are unable to see people for who they truly are;
thus their tragedy is the journey they must endure to regain sight. It is clear that although, Lear can
physically see, he is blind, and lacks understanding, insight and pure intentions. It seems that the
characters who had and kept their "healthy eyes" throughout ... Show more content on ...
Shakespeare shows this in the beginning of the play, to depict Lear's immaturity and shallow
personality. Despite his age, wisdom has obviously not followed. Because of Lear's blinded "mind
sight", he sets himself up for his own fate. He banishes the only true, pure, and devoted ones. His
vision becomes clouded from lack of insight and understanding of the character's true–selves. Over
the course of the play, Lear begins to "see", his other two daughters for who they really are. When
his daughter Goneril, forces him to rid himself of his guards; since it is her home, she wants to
control Lear and make him live under her rules. Lear rebels against his daughter's authority and
believes that his other daughter ,Reagan, will not abuse him. When he is proven wrong, the only
"safe place" he has to turn, is his own madness. The journey that Lear embarks on, takes him from
the mentality level of a king to knowing and seeing the truth that always seemed "below him". The
final result of his experiences, is the end when Cordelia forgives him and the Kingdom is restored,
but yet his fate was death. One of Lear's tragedies is that he had to be blind to be able to see. It is
pitiable to think, in order for Kent to help Lear see the truth, he must hide his own identity. Kent
must become someone else and it is only then does Lear start to realize the true selves of others.
Kent's decision to disguise himself clearly illustrates how blind Lear really is.
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Change Blindness And Its Effects On Blindness
Many studies and experiments have been conducted to explain why change blindness occurs and in
what situations is change blindness more likely to occur. Literature on change blindness is quite
extensive, as it is an emerging area in psychology. A number of researchers have conducted
experiments into the key areas where change blindness has been found to cause consequential
outcomes. These areas include the effects of change blindness on eye witness testimonies, driving
ability, and effects on autism. Literature on change blindness places an emphasis on methodology
and this literature review will focus primarily on this. According to Simons & Levin (1998) change
blindness is the phenomenon that occurs when a person fails to detect large changes between one
viewed scene and another. Recent studies show similar findings and evidence as to the original
literature into change blindness. As stated by Rensink, 2002 (as cited in Davies & Hone, 2007),
change blindness has been the subject of intensive research in recent years beginning with studies in
which researchers manipulated the content of abstract scenes.
Researchers do differ on their perspectives on change blindness depending upon their method
approach and background or field; however literature is largely in an agreed consensus as to what
change blindness is and its effects on attention. Change blindness is studied by using the
methodology of change detection, which is where participants are shown two stimuli that are
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Change Blindness Ecstasy
The purpose of this study is to build upon previous research that examined the relationship between
change blindness and eyewitness testimony in relation to the threat superiority hypothesis. Change
blindness is when a person has difficulty detecting a change in a scene (Goldstein, 2014). Davies
and Hine (2007) found that most people fail to notice when one person in a scene takes the place of
another individual despite the fact that the two individuals look vastly different. Similarly, Smart,
Berry, and Rodriguez (2014) found that law enforcement officers are also susceptible to change
blindness and frequently fail to identify the correct perpetrator in a lineup. In relation to the threat
superiority hypothesis, researchers found that threat
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Change Blindness And The Field Of Human Sensation And...
Change blindness is a phenomenon in attention where drastic changes to a scene can go unnoticed.
This is important to the field of Human Sensation and Perception because it helps illustrate how a
visual scene is processed. Specifically it shows how even if there is direct attention to a scene, there
are times when drastic changes can occur without perception of the change occurring. With
extensive research already conducted illustrating this effect, new research has recently been
conducted studying different types of scene changes in the hopes of understanding which changes
are easier or harder to notice. The results of these studies were quantified by the measurement of
change detection time (usually reported in seconds). This subset of change blindness research has
far–reaching practical applications, especially in the field of security and law enforcement. By
applying the knowledge of which type of stimuli lead to longer change detection times training
programs could be developed that allow this population to improve their observation skills.
Literature Review
A study conducted by Gusev, Mikhaylova, and Utochkin used the flicker paradigm as described by
Rensink et. al (1997) to observe the effect of different stimuli on change blindness. The different
stimuli studied were number of objects, object organization, object shape, appearance/disappearance
of an object, object shift, color change of an object, and increasing the interstimulus interval (blank
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Change Blindness Limitations
Limitations The use of certain tests listed above has some limitations, such as in the change
blindness test, we can not say with 100% certainty where the participant have seen changes, and
where just click on the keyboard buttons. About this restriction also mentioned Levin, Momen, IV &
Simons, they also coined the term "change blindness blindness" which characterizes the
misconceptions about the vision due to the fact that some participants in the experiment have given
the answer at random trying to guess what was supposed to be the right answer. The motivation to
divining the answer may be a desire to look smart and impress yourself and others (2010). In some
tests, such as
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Essay on King Oedipus
King Oedipus by Sophocles
Blindness is the downfall of the hero Oedipus in the play "King Oedipus" by Sophocles. Not only
does the blindness appear physically, but also egotistically as he refuses to acknowledge the
possibility of him actually being the murderer of Laius, the former King of Thebes.
Coincidentally, he is also Oedipus's biological father. The use of light and dark in the play is
strategically applied in order to better understand the emotion that lies within the characters.
As blame is placed upon Oedipus for the murder of Laius, he blinds himself from the possible
reality that he may be the killer. The people of Thebes are informed that there is an impending curse
upon them as a result of the murder mystery of their ... Show more content on ...
The blindness of Oedipus leads to the darkness of Thebes also known as The City of Light. "We
cannot believe, we cannot deny; all's dark. We fear, but we cannot see, what is before us" worry the
townspeople. Dark, here, symbolizes the confusion that is placed upon the people of Thebes. They
are in a chasm trying to decipher what is to be determined as true, the prophecy of Teiresias, or the
good word of Oedipus.
After several testimonies, Oedipus opens his eyes and accepts the blame. In order to deliver justice
for his wrongs in killing his father and marrying his mother, Oedipus chooses to blind himself
physically. The Attendant explains the people regarding the Oedipus's self–inflicted injury. "And
thrust, from full arm's length, into his eyes–– eyes that should see no longer his shame, his guilt, no
longer see those they should have never seen, nor see, unseeing, those he had longed to see,
henceforth seeing nothing but night." The use of night is similar to that of the use of dark throughout
the play. Night is in reference to lies. Everything that he, or his eye, has seen has all resulted in the
discovery of a lie. From the parents he thinks he has, to the family that he has, the world he has
created centers around a lie. Until the moment he discovers that he has really killed his father,
ironically, Oedipus has never known
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Change Blindness Essay
The distractions of driving are a popular area of research. Recent studies have looked at what
distracts drivers and what other failures of awareness may contribute to traffic accidents. The goal of
this paper is to look at research and explain how change blindness can possibly effect driving.
One failure of awareness that seems to have a connection with traffic accidents is change blindness.
Rensink (2002) proposed that change blindness occurs when a change within the scene goes
unnoticed, due to the inability or difficulty to detect it. Resink (2002) also explained that change
blindness can take place during a disruption in vision, such as an eye– movement or a blink.
Lees, Sparks, Lee, and Rizzo (2007) looked at the high numbers of ... Show more content on ...
Lees et al. (2007) asked the participants to verbally express what they saw in terms of landmarks
(e.g restaurants). While the participants explained the landmarks, the experimenter assessed all the
driving faults that occurred and tallied the number of correct landmarks that were acknowledged
(Lees et al., 2007). Without being biased towards elderly drivers, Lees et al. (2007) found a common
factor. It was not so much that older people could not detect change; it was the speed to which they
could react to it (Lees et al., 2007). It seemed as though elders are cognitively busy both assessing
the change and deciding what to in regards to it. Lees et al. (2007) acknowledged that people of all
ages are susceptible to traffic crashes and proposed that people be aware of the need of attention in
driving. Lees et al. (2007) also explained that when researching on different ages, specific stimuli
may be considered more attractive to one individual more so than the other. While Lees and
coworkers emphasized on elderly drivers Galpin and coworkers acknowledged drivers as a whole.
Galpin, Underwood and Crundal (2009) conducted a research that explained how quick disruptions
in ones visual field can affect the ability to detect changes. Galpal et al. (2009) described the
difference between looking at something and actually processing what is going on. The research was
produced by placing the participants in front of a screen and every time a change was detected,
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Analysis Of The Story ' Cathedral ' By Raymond Carver
The Story "Cathedral" by Raymond Carver is about true blindness and the effects of emotional
contact. Peterson studies the use of determiners, a and the, that refer to the blind man in the story
and its effects to establish the atmosphere of the story. He states that the change in determiner seems
subtle, but these subtle changes are significant because the changes show how narrator feel about
Robert throughout the story. Nesset studies the sexual polices and the love lives in several Carver's
stories. He discusses how Carver wrote his stories based on less of love and more of love
withdrawal. Also Facknitz addresses rediscovery of human worth and the effects of emotional touch
by discussing three short stories written by Carver. He analyses each narration of the narrator and
comments based on psychological manner. The story "Cathedral" suggests the meaning of true
blindness does not only refer to physical disability; it refers to those people who cannot see the
world from other's perspectives and it can be overcome through emotional contact.
The story "Cathedral" by Carver Raymond was published in 1983, when about 11.7 percent of the
US population was considered poor by government standards (Aker 45). Tim Akers mentions that
around this year, the wages people got from their employers were not sufficient to raise them out of
the poverty level (Aker 45). Akers adds that like in the 1980s, Carver experienced poverty even
though both he and his wife worked for a living (Aker
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Examples Of Change Blindness
In 007 Bond Girl, there is a scene where Halle Berry is coming out of the ocean. She is clearly
drenched as she is exiting the water but a few moments later when she approaches Bond, she
appears as if she had never been in the water at all.
v=ctgf5uxBQW8 The subtle difference in the scene goes to show that we don't pay that much
attention to the background details. We believe that our senses and perceptions don't fault us, but
this small example shows that we are all victims to different phenomena such as change blindness.
Change blindness is a perceptual phenomenon that occurs when there is a change in a visual
stimulus but we do not notice this change. Change blindness along with other phenomena
demonstrates that our cognitive faculties are not perfect; humans are not perfect, we are prone to
error. This is also reflected in the criminal justice processes. One of the biggest areas where fallacies
tend to occur is during witness testimony. Eyewitnesses are prone to change blindness because the
amount of information they need to recall. If there was high activity, the offender happened to be
wearing a disguise, or if they used any weapons or tools can cause a lot of confusion for
eyewitnesses. It become more chaotic if there are multiple ... Show more content on
She happened to point out Massey as the man who "looked most like" the man who committed the
crime against her. She also stated that his voice was the same as her attacker. During the trial, she
pointed out that his hair had been a different length and style than her attacker. He was convicted
despite evidence proving he was busy at work during the time of the attack. A co–worker had even
verified that Massey's hair had always been short, even during the time the crime had occurred.
Attorneys later admitted that the victim displayed doubt when identifying Massey as her
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Change Blindness Research Paper
Change blindness occurs when the observer does not noticed any changes in their visual field. In
today's society, people tends to be distract by objects such as cell phone and doesn't look at their
surroundings. That happens to me often, usually I won't notice any changes around me and that
included changes of people. I remember when I was in high school, I used to walk around the
building a lot, but during my junior year, I started to notice there's a new building beside the main
building. It took me long enough to notice it, I never actually look at the changes. Another story,
during my middle school year, there was an girl who's always quiet sitting in the corner. She was
sick and was absent for 3 days, but I never noticed that she wasn't
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Change Blindness: a Literature Review on Attention
Change Blindness: A Literature Review on Attention
When going about our daily lives, just how much are we missing of the things around us? Visual
attention has fascinated psychologists and now research is being carried out to distinguish to what
extent, our attention or the absence of it, can affect our day–to–day lives. Change blindness is
something we all experience at some point, some more than others. By definition it refers to the
failure a person has to notice a change that would otherwise seem obvious when pointed out.
(Watson, Leekam, Connolly, Collis, Findlay, McConachie & Rodgers, 2012). Researchers
believe there are a few different causes for this such as altered position, eye movements, a visual
obstruction or in the ... Show more content on ...
So just what is it that makes people unable to make simple observations about the things around us?
Even when they are right in front of us, we still struggle to acknowledge that they are there. How
many times have you heard recounts of a car accident where the person at fault says, "I did not see
them coming". How many times can you recall leaving your phone somewhere and not being able to
see it when its staring you in the face? How many times have you kicked yourself for something like
this occurring when at the time it seemed like they were no where to be seen? It is simple,
psychological research tells us that despite continuing image shifts, attention to specific features in a
visual scene can be critical in ensuring stable perception. (Cavanaugh & Wurtz, 2004). We can
overcome this phenomenon however, if the right amount of spatial attention is allocated to the
changing features. The flicker paradigm has become a useful psychological tool in change detection.
It allows us to rule out influences from other known causes to change blindness such as eye
movements, visual saccades, or a change in location. It has been designed so that any changes
detected can be directly associated with attention. By manipulating perceived images in participants,
we are able to study the role of attention in relation to change blindness. Research has concluded
that without due visual attention, observers are blind to change. (Rensink et al. 1997). Therefore we
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Barbarianism In The Road By Cormac Mccarthy
In all cultures, there are people struggling for survival. Some are starving, some are living in sheer
poverty, some are thrown into slavery and some just cannot get their footing; but in all of these
situations there seems to be a common theme that presents itself over and over again. Many of these
people become so desperate to live they will give up their morals and give in to whatever they can to
get by. Occasionally, there is one person stronger than the rest, one able to hold onto their morals,
one that would rather die than give in to immorality. However, given certain circumstances; even
these people turn to pure barbarianism in order to survive. The Pulitzer Award–Winning novel, The
Road by Cormac McCarthy, details the numerous ... Show more content on ...
While on the road, in a few flashback sequences, the fate of the boy's mother is revealed. Among the
flashbacks, there was a conversation between the man and his wife after the boy has been born. The
man entreats his wife not to commit suicide. She wishes to die by her own hand however, in order to
escape what she believes is her inevitable rape and her family's inevitable murder. She wishes that
their pistol had three bullets, not only two, so that she could spare her entire family from their
gruesome fate. Throughout the conversation, the man continues to beg her to reconsider her decision
or at least wait until the morning to say goodbye to their son. After her death, the man and the boy
pack up their camp, and the boy only says, "She's gone, isn't she?" (McCarthy 50). This sequence of
events reveals the mother's very dark nature because instead of being there for her son, like a
devoted parent, she chooses to leave this world out of pure fear of the post–apocalyptic event. She
even goes so far as to question the existence of her husband and newborn; yet she does not even do a
small good deed as to tell her son goodbye. Instead, she chooses to burden her husband to be the
sole proprietor for their son; thus revealing her animalistic nature. In addition, in preparation for the
catastrophe, the dark nature of the boy's father is also evident through his decision to buy a gun in
anticipation of the worst possible scenario. Contrary to popular belief, he does
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The Metaphor Of Blindness In John Updike's A & P
The metaphor of blindness remains true for the majority of the world. From the time we were born
to the time of our death, we will continue to stay blind to what the world really is. Blindness dictates
the way we eat, the way we interact, and the way we live. We see what everyone else see, which
makes us happy because almost no one likes to be different. Blindness makes us the same as
everyone, however, once we see what the world truly is, we become different. The life we once
knew changes before our eyes, and we start seeing what no one else sees. We may start seeing
poverty, hunger, violence, and death, or we may start seeing beauty, life, and hope. The metaphor of
blindness exist in our typical, everyday life through films, stories, games, ... Show more content on ...
The first time was when Emmet found the piece of resistance and was caught by bad cop who told
him that President Business is going to end the world and showed him a video of what people
around him thought of him. In the video Emmet is describe as "not normal like us, he's not that
special.... Wait does he work with us?.... when you say the other guy I go (silence)....a little like a
blank stale.. Emmet is nothing". Compare that to a normal person, Emmet is not worth
remembering, nor is he special, he is just a nobody. The next time Emmet was able to see the real
world ensure the fact that he really is a nobody was when Vitruvius was about to die and tells
Emmet "The prophecy, I made it up". This told Emmet that the world he is living in is just a lie and
that he is not the special, that he is no
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Change Blindness: a Literature Review on Attention
Change Blindness: A Literature Review on Attention
When going about our daily lives, just how much are we missing of the things around us? Visual
attention has fascinated psychologists and now research is being carried out to distinguish to what
extent, our attention or the absence of it, can affect our day–to–day lives. Change blindness is
something we all experience at some point, some more than others. By definition it refers to the
failure a person has to notice a change that would otherwise seem obvious when pointed out.
(Watson, Leekam, Connolly, Collis, Findlay, McConachie & Rodgers, 2012). Researchers
believe there are a few different causes for this such as altered position, eye movements, a visual
obstruction or in the ... Show more content on ...
Change detection has also been used to investigate the ways in which people with atypical
development such as autism have any particular attentional preferences. (Watson et al. 2012).
Usually the images shown to the viewer are a real life scene or location where a change occurs.
These changes are made so that they are neither too subtle nor too obvious to the participant.
Changes in the images presented can include colour, location or the presence or absence of a
particular object. (Watson et al. 2012). It is predicted that the participants would be able to pick up
on the change that is taking place as visual transients generally capture attention. (Cavanaugh
& Wurtz, 2004).
It is largely thought that when viewing a display, focussed attention on a specific object is required
in order to detect a change. (Rensink et al. 1997). O'Regan, Deubel, Clark & Rensink highlight
that internal representation of the visual field only contains the particular aspects that have been
attended to in a scene. (2000). We can relate this back to the example used previously by Caplovitz,
Fendrich & Hughes where we can only be reassured that our keys are not in one place by
focussing our attention on that spot. Until then we are unsure of where exactly our keys might be
and cannot rule out the possibility that we left them on the sofa. This is due to the fact that when
visually processing a particular scene, we
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Mud Blindness
We recruited 18 undergraduate students from a California State University using general class
announcements and one campus posting. Participants were offered academic credit or extra credit
for participating. There were 3 men and 15 women with ages that ranged from 20–27, (M = 22.89,
SD = 1.84).
We used the mud–splash paradigm to examine change blindness. Each trial consisted of two
Microsoft PowerPoint images. The first image was of a natural scene and almost identical to the
second image, but a small object was removed from the central area of the scene in the changed
image. Additionally the changed image was nmasked with several high contrast mud–splash's,
similar to previous research studies that have used the mud–splash paradigm (O'Regan et al., 1999),
and covered 10%, 20%,, or 40% of the scene. Using Microsoft PowerPoint ... Show more content on ...
This may have yielded better results, but only when combined with the audio shadowing task. These
results indicated a floor effect because of the insensitive levels of mud–splash and the interaction
only at the 40% mud–splash level. Future research using this design should include sensitive levels
with the minimum level of mud–splash distraction to 40% and increase the range of conditions
(Rensink et al., 1997). The results were similar on a multi–modal study where participants
completed a verbal counting task at the same time as a visual search task. Only when the task
became cognitively demanding a significant difference was observed, (Most, 2005). The perception
of change in a scene requires a person to have attended to relevant stimuli and encoded the
information into working memory. Moreover visual change detection occurs when a person has
given attention to something. Yet change blindness occurs because attention had failed to encode the
necessary information for change detection to occur (Rensink, et al.,
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Change Blindness Essay
A cross–cultural investigation into change blindness.
Cross–cultural differences in change–blindness has been a topic of interest to psychologists in recent
times. The literature shows a trend in perception that Eastern individuals note more details of the
background whereas Western individuals tend to focus more on central objects. The change–
blindness phenomenon also follows this trend in the literature with Eastern individuals being more
observant of background changes and Western individuals being more observant of foreground
changes. In this study, the participants took part in a change–blindness task that included both
foreground and background trials. A repeated measures ANOVA was conducted on the results and it
was found that there was a significant difference in accuracy scores between Chinese and English
participants. Post–Hoc analysis concluded that Chinese participants were significantly better at the
background trial and that English participants were significantly better at the foreground trial.
Cross–cultural differences in perception have been researched in psychology for many years. This
type of research in perception enables psychologists to determine to what extent perception is
controlled by the nervous system, and is thus universal, and to what extent perception is influenced
by environmental factors and ... Show more content on ...
It is hypothesised that (1) English participants will be more accurate in detecting foreground
changes whereas Chinese participants will be more accurate in detecting background changes and
that (2) English participants will have higher reaction times to foreground changes whereas Chinese
participants will have higher reaction times to background changes. The null hypothesis is that there
will be no significant difference between Chinese and English participants in accuracy or reaction
times, any difference will be due to
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Assignment 6: Change Blindness In Movies
PSYC 4210 Assignment 6: Blindness in Movies
1. Were you able to detect all of the continuity errors after your first view of the scene? Why not?
a. No, I was not able to detect all of the continuity errors. Despite the fact that I knew there was
going to be continuity errors in this video, I was still only able to catch one. I even thought I spotted
another error, however, the item was in the same spot the whole time. The reason that I did not see
all of the continuity errors was because of a phenomenon called change blindness. Change blindness
is the idea that individuals cannot recognize or remember changes that occur between different
images or scenes. My attention was focused more on the meaning of the conversation than the
details of what was changing in the environment. Another reason that I was unable to identify all the
errors is because of the illusion of memory. This is the idea that we think we perceive and remember
more of our world than what we really do. Though I thought I was perceiving multiple details about
the scene, I was unable to remember and perceive a large number of details.
2. Why are continuity errors in movies not jarring and distracting to audiences?
a. ... Show more content on ...
Continuity errors in movies are not jarring and distracting to audiences because of the ideas of
change blindness and the illusion of memory. Since continuity errors are often subtle and are not
directly related to the main point of the scene, individual have trouble recognizing them. This
inability to recognize or identify the changes between two visual stimuli present after each other
called is change blindness. Additionally, the illusion of memory can also play a role because people
are usually confident that they would notice changes to a picture or scene. Since it is difficult to
recognize small and slow changes in the environment and individuals are confident that they would
know if something has changed, continuity errors in movies are not as jarring and distracting to
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Change Blindness
Change blindness is the incapacity to detect changes to a visual scene. Over the past decade, many
researchers (Simons & Levin, 1997; Simons & Rensink, 2005) have studied and reviewed this
phenomena among several experiments. Notably, these studies have given contribution to
understand perception, attention, and awareness. In experiments of scene memory, subjects viewed
hundreds of photographs of natural scenes. Afterward, they were asked to identify which photograph
they had seen and which ones they had never viewed before. Even though subjects can recognize
previously viewed pictures very well, the memories were not linked to the precise visual form. In
addition, subjects failed to detect changes when the images were mirror–reversed. These ... Show
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For that reason, the existence of movement transients across the retina might help to change
blindness. Transients also play a role drawing attention. Under those circumstances, mimicking the
eye movement without changing the fixation location can help to understand change blindness. The
flicker paradigm was designed to test this hypothesis. In the flicker paradigm, an original image, a
blank gray screen, and a modified image are presented respectively in a fast alternation, giving the
display a flickering appearance. The cycle of rotation repeats until subjects report the change. The
response latency is used as a measure of change blindness. The results showed that the change
detection during the first cycle of alternation was almost zero and did not increase too much after
one minute of alternation. Interestingly, when the blank gray screen was removed, the changes were
detected easily. Experiments using real world situations also demonstrated change blindness by
people. Surprisingly, the age of the participants reflected in how they noticed the changes. This was
depending on if the experimenters had almost their same age, especially to younger participants.
Additionally, familiar scenarios causes earlier attention to a changed property, for example, drug
users seeing pictures of drug
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Cathedral: Blindness of the Non-Blind Essay
Prejudice is an issue that is present in communities around the world due to diversity in race,
religion, sexual orientation, lifestyles and physical disabilities of others as well. However,
sometimes it just takes a life changing moment for one to realize that he or she should not
discriminate against others just because of their appearance or beliefs. In the story "Cathedral",
author Raymond Carver writes about a man who is prejudging towards his wife's blind friend,
Robert, who will be visiting the couple. At first the narrator, or "Bub" as Robert nicknamed him,
does not like the idea of Robert staying there because he is blind. Once Robert arrives, "Bub" does
not really make an effort to get along with him; they had dinner together ... Show more content on ...
By saying that his idea of blind people came from the movies shows that he probably has not had
any real life encounters with a person who is blind, therefore the only idea he has of blind people are
the kind that are portrayed in movies. However, by saying that blind people "never laugh" and
"move slowly" makes them seem dysfunctional as human beings. Blind people cannot see, but that
does not correlate to how quickly they move. By saying that blind people move slowly, that
indicates that they are "disabled" and not able to keep up at the same pace as others. Not only is the
fact that the narrators perception of those who are blind awkward, but it makes it seem as if the blind
have their own stereotypes–which is the foundation of discrimination and prejudice.
Throughout the middle of the story, the narrator is discriminatory towards blind people but suddenly
feels the need to make Robert feel comfortable just because it will please his wife. The narrator and
his wife were in the kitchen talking, and then the wife says "If you love me, you can do this for me.
If you don't love me, okay. But if you have a friend, any friend, and the friend came to visit, I'd
make him feel comfortable" (116). To show that her husband is still prejudice towards blind people,
he replies and says "I don't have any blind friends" (116) which gets his wife upset because Robert
is her friend. When the narrator says that he does not have any
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What Is The Phenomenon Of Change Blindness
Frequently, people encounter situations where it is impossible for them to attend to all the
surrounding stimulus. This is because humans have a limited attention capability. Even when fully
engaged the slightest change to a stimulus, an object, or person in the nearby surround go unnoticed
by humans. This phenomenon is known as change blindness, which is the "difficulty in detecting
changes in similar, but slightly different, scenes that are presented one after another." Previous
research has demonstrated that the ability to detect change is key component to every day life
(Rensink, 2002). Rensink aimed to test this phenomenon with a technique known as Gap–
contingent. Gap–contingent would place a gap in between the original and alter stimulus
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Sight And Blindness In Oedipus The King
Sight and blindness, though opposites in every sense, are paradoxically interconnected in literature
and film. The old archetype of a blind prophet has been strewn throughout both ancient and modern
media. Justice and her blindfold, Paul Atreides from the Dune series, and the superhero Daredevil
are all part of this paradox, albeit in different variants. One of the most well known examples of this
tension between the seeing and unseeing is found in the timeworn story of Oedipus by Sophocles,
and still it can be found even in modern films, like Minority Report, directed by Steven Spielberg. In
Oedipus and Minority Report, interaction between sight and blindness causes destruction. Blindness
prompts ruination, while literal and metaphorical sight ... Show more content on ...
In Oedipus, the readers are given an understanding of Jocasta's mind and level of awareness through
her suddenly jerky and panic–filled moments; her frantic "Which man? What matters who he
means? Why ask? Forget it all, it's not worth knowing," (Sophocles, 58) especially showcases her
level of insight, which is far deeper and more encompassing than Oedipus'. Jocasta is still seeing,
and the knowledge, suspicion, or intuition towards the situation is tearing her mind apart, ruining her
peace of mind and creating individual, internal destruction. Her final act was to sob over her bed,
and then hang herself after Oedipus' past was completely revealed (Sophocles, 70). The moment
Jocasta began to understand, her mental stability started in a downward spiral, and eventually her
will to live directly opposed her reaction to reality, resulting in her suicide. Minority Report has a
comparable confliction, in the same vein of mental health and stability contrasting with sight. In the
beginning of the movie, Spielberg shows John drugging himself and playing videos of his time with
his son and his wife. These videos give John sight into the past, but come at a cost to his mental
health, as his perception of reality is altered, and he is left dependent on the drugs he uses to watch
them. The "hindsight" and
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Sensory Loss Essays
ensory loss
Acquired Sensory Loss
This is when somebody is born without any sensory loss, but then has an accident or illness which
causes a sensory loss.
Diabetes: The most serious complication of diabetes for the eye is the development of diabetic
retinopathy. Diabetes affects the tiny blood vessels of the eye and if they become blocked or leak
then the retina and possibly your vision will be affected.
Measles: Measles blindness is the single leading cause of blindness among children in low income
countries, accounting for an estimated 15,000 to 60,000 cases of blindness per year. There is a close
synergism between measles and vitamin A deficiency that can result in xerophthalmia, with corneal
ulceration, ... Show more content on ...
This may be due to an accident, illness, a genetic condition, e.g. a syndrome such as Usher, Alstrom,
and Stickler, etc. or as a result of aging in later life. In children and young people if these problems
occur later in life, this is called acquired Deafblindness.
When someone is born with combined sight and hearing difficulties this is called congenital
Deafblindness. Examples of this include conditions such as Rubella or CHARGE. Congenital can
also refer to people who have lost vision/ hearing before the acquisition of language, i.e. in their
very early years.
Deaf: deaf with a small "d" simply refers to the medical condition of hearing loss. However, most
people who use BSL/ ISL refer to themselves as Deaf. The use of upper case "D" indicates a
language preference and is also a political and cultural term of belonging to the Deaf community. It
is used in the same way that people who belong to a national, cultural or religious group would
describe themselves, for example, as French or Muslim. It is for this reason that many Deaf people
do not define themselves as disabled, rather they describe themselves as belonging to a cultural or
linguistic minority
Deafened: A person who was born hearing and subsequently became severely or profoundly deaf
Hard of hearing: A general term used to describe people with a
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Change Blindness
TERM PAPER: Systems of Thought and Change Blindness Jean A. Ball–Meza INTRODUCTION:
Daniel Kahneman's book, Thinking Fast and Slow, describes two systems: System 1, which is the
automatic, effortless hero of the mind, and System 2, the "conscious, reasoning self"(p. 21). In
separating the mind into two different processes, Kahneman, the Nobel Prize–winning economist,
developed different ways to measure how our minds and bodies react to stressing one process or the
other. Since System 2 is inherently lazy, it often makes decisions after System 1 assess the situation.
However, there are tasks that only System 2 can do, usually complex and vital, and because they are
demanding and require discipline, System 2 can become overwhelmed, or work at ... Show more
content on ...
We often think that law enforcement officers are better observers than lay people, so Smart, Berry,
and Rodriguez(2014) decided to test that assumption. They begin by testing forty undergraduates,
the control group, and sixty–one law enforcement officers, the experiment group, to determine if
there is a difference in observation skills and change blindness rates. The two groups were in two
separate testing sessions. The groups were shown a 2 minute, 44 second video clip from a police
officer's dashboard camera, where the driver exits his car and then the driver and the police officer
leave the frame. When the driver and the police officer re–enter the frame, the driver is replaced by
another man, very physically different from driver 1, in different clothing from driver 1. Upon
completion of the film, the participants completed both open–ended questions, multiple–choice
questions, as well as rating their confidence of their
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Hugues De Montalembert's Invisible
The ending of Hugues de Montalembert's memoir, "Invisible", leaves the reader with a sense of
empowerment and control of their own destiny. Although, this is not the theme that Montalembert
was portraying at the beginning of the story. At first he talked about all the negative aspects
associated with being blind. For example, the author mentioned that when he woke up the next day
after becoming blind he felt as if he has transformed into a new person (Montalembert, 4). This
shows that he looks at blindness as a disability that changes who he is as a person completely. This
disability should only change his vision, and not the aspirations and character of who it affects. In
addition, Montalembert said that although he is blind, his brain still creates images which were often
times morbid (5). By sharing this occurrence with his readers, the authors enhances the negative
traits associated with blindness and shows how he still hasn't accepted his new self. About half way
through the memoir, Montalembert experiences a turning point in his outlook on his blindness when
he wonders away from the Lighthouse on his own at ... Show more content on ...
In Mairs' essay she shares an anecdote in which she is on her way to vacation with her family and
begins experiencing a strange feeling in her leg. After informing her husband, who asked what
should be done, Mairs responded, "I think we better get the hell to California" (Mairs, 19). This
story shows that she doesn't let her disease stop her from living her life. Just like Montalembert
refuses to allow his blindness to cease his traveling alone around the world. Both have come to
terms with their disability and realize that although it may change them physically, they do not allow
their disability to stop them from achieving their goals and
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Physical Disabilities In Literature: Chapter Analysis
Just like in the previous chapter, the author has discussed the importance of physical disabilities. In
this chapter, the author states that a character being blind is a lot more than a disability. For a
character to be blind, it could mean that his other senses are greater than that of a regular person or it
could symbolize the character's blindness to a problem or their ignorance. Their blindness could also
be a representation of themselves as a whole. For a writer to give a character this disability, they are
trying to get a deeper point across to the readers. The author in this chapter used different examples
in which a blind character was more than just a blind character. Blindness is not just blindness in
works of literature. Just like
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Oedipus Figurative Blindness
"I think we are blind. Blind people who can see, but do not see."– (Jose Sermago) In this play,
figurative blindness and ignorance had a huge role when it came to the main character Oedipus
developing throughout the play. Although Oedipus was not literally blind, he was ignorant and
figuratively blind to the truth about who was the real murderer of King Laius."Oedipus Rex" was a
Greek play performed around 429 B.C. and was written by Sophocles. The ignorance of the main
character, Oedipus, led to a dramatic ending in the book. He gained knowledge and this is what
made him come to the realization that he was blind to the truth. This play shows the readers how
blindness vs truth correlates with ignorance vs knowledge because blindness prohibited ... Show
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Towards the end of the play, he comes to the realization that he was ignorant to the truth once the
old man told him that he really was the murderer of his father and what he thought was true was
actually wrong. He starts to feel miserable for being the murderer of his own father and being
ignorant of the truth. "Nay rather, If there were any way to choke the fount of hearing, through my
ears, I would have tried To seal up all this miserable frame and live blind and deaf to all things;"
(Sophocles 49). Oedipus gaining of knowledge causes him to feel very hurt inside for disobeying
that he was the murderer of King Laius. In the evidence, his usage of words such as miserable,
blind, and deaf shows hint to the readers that he has come to the conclusion that he has gained
knowledge that he disregarded the truth for so long and his ignorance was clearly shown throughout
the play. Oedipus acted like he knew he was right about not being the murderer of King Laius.
Finally, Oedipus gains the knowledge from the old man about the death of Laius. As a result of this,
Oedipus begins to realize that he was the one who killed King Laius. This causes him to feel that it
was planned for this to happen, "Woe! Woe it all plain indeed! O Light, This be the last time I shall
gaze on thee, who was revealed to have
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Essay On Change Blindness
Changes in our surroundings are happening every minute and if we started noticing every minute
detail about a scene then our visual system will be over whelmed in no time (Rensink, 2000). We are
limited in our capacity to encode, retain and compare visual information from one glance to the
other. Our awareness of our visual surroundings is far lesser than what most people believe
intuitively. Change Blindness is the inability to consciously perceive a changing stimulus in the
visual environment and subsequently not being able to report it. It occurs in other sensory modalities
as well. Interestingly change blindness has been found to also take place in Olfaction (Sela & Sobel,
2010), Auditory (Eramudugola, Irvine, McAnally, Martin & Mattinglley ... Show more content on ...
The first cause is overwriting. Overwriting occurs when the individual has no visual representation
of how the scene was in the beginning. The information from the first scene is simply replaced by
new information (Simons, 2000).Impressions is the second culprit. When the information from an
initial scene is encoded but not re–examined as long as the meaning in the scene is consistent,
impressions takes place (Simons, 2000). The third cause is that nothing is stored. Since the
individuals have not encoded or compared the scenes, they can't identify any changes (Simons,
2000). The fourth cause is everything is stored but not compared. Though the individuals encoded
the first and the second scene, they failed to realize that both the scenes are different. Research has
shown that it is possible for an individual to hold two beliefs about a scene without realizing that the
scenes are very different from each other (Simons, 2000). And our final convict is feature
combination. Feature combination says that individuals remember certain features from one scene
and different features from the second scene that the individual remembers, not accurately represent
either of the scenes (Simons,
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Change Blindness Essay
Change Blindness
After investigating spatial cognition and the construction of cognitive maps in my previous paper,
"Where Am I Going? Where Have I Been: Spatial Cognition and Navigation", and growing in my
comprehension of the more complex elements of the nervous system, the development of an
informed discussion of human perception has become possible. The formation of cognitive maps,
which serve as internal representations of the world, are dependent upon the human capacities for
vision and visual perception (1). The objects introduced into the field of vision are translated into
electrical messages, which activate the neurons of the retina. The resultant retinal message is
organized into several forms of sensation and is ... Show more content on ...
The concept of change blindness has been addressed over the course of nearly half a century, with
increasing focus on the subject throughout the past five years (3). Although biologists,
psychologists, and philosophers have yet to resolve definitively the paradox of looking without
seeing, the investigation of each theory on the matter yields deeper insight into visual perception and
sight as well as a decreasingly incorrect understanding of those components of the nervous system,
which are crucial for visual cognition. Under normal viewing conditions, changes produce transient
signals that can draw attention. Change blindness studies are designed to eliminate or block these
transient signals by inserting a visual disruption when the change occurs (3). Flicker Paradigm
studies examine the occurrence of change blindness and attempt to explain the inability to not see
that which is directly in front of our eyes. The Flicker Paradigm demonstrates the essentiality of
attention in the process of seeing (4). The alternation of an object and a modified version of that
same object is interrupted by millisecond flashes of blank space. Subjects are then asked to report
changes in the images.
In order understand the events leading to the failure to recognize change, comprehension of the
mechanism by which change is successfully recognized is requisite. According to the traditional
understanding of this process, an individual must form an internal
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Blindness Or Low Vision, Cancer, And Alzheimer 's Disease
Blindness or low vision is one of the most feared illness by Americans, ranking fourth after acquired
immunodeficiency by syndrome, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. The National Eye Institute reports
that blindness or low vision affect 3.3 million American 40 years and older, this number is projected
to reach 5.5 million by 2020. As the U.S. population ages, the number of persons with major eye
disease is increasing. Octogenarians currently make up 8 percent of the population, but they account
for 69 percent of blindness. Age–related macular degeneration (AMD) accounts for 54 percent of all
blindness and is the leading cause of blindness among white Americans. Cataracts are the most
prevalent eye disease in older persons and are the leading cause of blindness worldwide. Almost all
persons in their 90s will have had a cataract surgery is the most common therapeutic surgical
procedure reimbursed by Medicare, with more than 1.5 million operations performed annually.
Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of new blindness in U.S. adults 20 to 74 years of age. Low
vision ranks behind arthritis and heart disease as the third most common chronic cause of impaired
function in persons older than 70 years. Patients with vision impairment are more likely to fall,
make medication errors, have depression, or report social isolation. With rehabilitation, many
patients with impaired vision can attain independence, retain their jobs, and lessen their reliance on
social services and
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The World Health Organization ( Ngo )
Introduction The World Health Organization (WHO) has created an agenda for 2030. Within this
agenda there are seventeen sustainable developmental goals (SDG) that aim to transform our world.
These goals are to be met through numerous different means, government policies, public change,
non–government organizations (NGO) and a variety of other ways. NGO's are a large way to help
meet these goals and impact the world for the better. LRBT, an NGO that focuses on eye care for
those who live in Pakistan, focuses on meeting the goal ensuring healthy lives and wellbeing for all
at all ages (United nations SDG, reference). Ensuring eye care for the residents of Pakistan not only
provides them with care they should be subject too always, but ... Show more content on ...
Pakistan with a population of 182,143,000 in 2013, it is one of the most populated countries in the
world, but it is also one of the least developed (poverty in Pakistan) (WHO reference). Poverty is a
prevalent issue through out Pakistan: "about one quarter of the population lives below poverty line"
(Poverty in paki). Pakistani's living in poverty being less common in the urban areas, and more
common in the rural areas with about half of the rural population still under the category of absolute
poverty (Poverty in paki). Poverty in Pakistan and throughout the world impacts the population's
ability to live healthy lifestyles. Without the means to acquire adequate nutrition, health care, and
services, these people are unable to meet their individual health needs. Due to the link with poverty
and health, it has remained priority in almost all national plans of Pakistan (Pakistan poverty).
Blindness and impaired vision have been linked with poverty and can affect ones health and income
status quite heavily in developing countries. Unfortunately many of the reasons for impaired vision
such as blinding cataracts, are the most common form of preventable blindness in the developing
world such as Pakistan (Blindness and poverty outreach). LRBT is an NGO based in Pakistan that
treats and provides eye care to the residents. This NGO was established in 1984, the co–creators
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Attention To Perceive Changes In Scenes: Scene Analysis
Change Detection: To See or Not to See: The need for Attention to Perceive Changes in Scenes
Jainish A. Patel
High Point University
When we look out at something, whether it is a landscape, painting, picture, or whatever else, we
believe that we are taking in the entire scene, we think we notice every little detail, and are generally
able to notice changes to the scenario we are looking at. We do not, however, notice any minor
change when we look away for even the briefest amount of time. This is similar to when we are
driving and look away from the road to change the radio station, and when we look up, we tend to
fail to notice changes that have occurred in even the smallest amount of time. Our class did a
Cognition ... Show more content on ...
al was almost identical to the one we did in class. One difference between our experiment and the
one Rensink did was that we looked at two different types of changing images, one type that did not
have the blank screen flashing in between the original and the "altered" scene, and one that did.
Also, we did not have to verbally tell what was different; we only had to determine whether or not
there was a change in the scene. My results showed that without the flicker, I managed to detect
changes at around 2115 ms, and with the flicker it took me around 3273 ms to notice the change.
Our group data showed that with no flicker, we detected change at around 3755 ms, and with the
flicker we noticed change at around 6012 ms. Global data shows that on average with no flicker
people noticed change at about 5653 ms, and with the flicker it took 8647 ms to notice any change.
Also, the Doctors who did the original experiment looked at how many alternations between the two
images it took for people to determine whether change took place, and our experiment measured it
in seconds. While the resulting data tells us the same exact thing, it is hard to tell how much
difference there is in our results. Over all, the results are consistent with each
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Glaucoma Essay
Glaucoma is a group of eye disorders that cause blindness by hurting the optic nerve, which is the
large nerve that is responsible for vision. In glaucoma, the optic nerve damage is related to a change
in the fluid pressure that circulates around the eyeball. In many cases, Glaucoma occurs when the
eye's fluid pressure is high, but it can also occur when the pressure is measured as normal.
Fluid circulating inside the front portion of the eye is produced by a structure called the ciliary body,
which is located behind the iris. This fluid moves through the opening of the pupil, passes into the
space between the iris and the cornea, and drains out of the eye through a tissue called the angle.
With glaucoma, the passing of fluid ... Show more content on ...
Right now, although there is no way to prevent glaucoma, there are many successful treatments
available to prevent the blindness caused by glaucoma. Because the gradual vision loss of chronic
glaucoma may not be noticed until it is too late, regular eye examinations, dilated exams of the optic
nerve, and screening tests of the visual field are essential for all persons aged 40 and older,
especially is your family has a history of glaucoma.
Treatment of open–angle glaucoma usually begins with prescription eyedrops. These eyedrops lower
pressure inside the eyeball, either by causing the eye to produce less fluid or by helping fluid to
drain more. As an alternative to medication or when medication does not control glaucoma, laser
surgery can be done. This surgery, also called laser trabeculoplasty, uses a laser to make the
openings in the eye's drainage network larger. If medication and laser surgery are unsuccessful,
conventional eye surgery may be necessary to make a new opening for fluid to leave the eye.
Acute glaucoma must be treated early to prevent loss of vision. Treatment usually begins with laser
treatment to make a new opening in the iris that allows the angle to open. This is often restores
vision, but in some eyes it is necessary to use eyedrops long–term. Surgical treatment
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Themes: Joseph Merrick and Elephant Man Essay
Breaking through the Blindness: A Fight for Freedom The three short stories we read, The Elephant
in the Village of Blind, 20/20, and The Cathedral, all have many common themes with the movie
The Elephant man. What intrigues me the most is the hidden underlining meaning each and every
story carries. There are three prominent themes I would like to discuss, the figurative and the literal
blindness of the characters in the works, enlightenment, and the freedom the characters experience
throughout each individual piece. The themes also go hand in hand because one cannot learn a
lesson without achieving enlightenment, and cannot free themselves if there is no blinding barrier.
The one prominent similarity in all the works is the blindness ... Show more content on ...
Even though sometimes people are deceived by other aspects and judge hashly by first impression,
eventually they will surely change their perspective to understand things more clearly. There are
times when one's vision is blinded due to the lack of experience, but once they cross that barrier they
surely reach enlightenment. The four young mothers sitting on the bench, in the story The Elephant
in the Village of the Blind, came to a realization that the elephant in fact is not a scary creature but
an enormous, gentle ox with a stretched nose. If the villagers would have never given the elephant a
chance, they would have been blinded from the idea of a dangerous elephant and probably would
not have been delightfully enlightened to find out how gentle the elephant is. Bill, in 20/20, gets
enlightened towards the end of the story. Even though at first he found Ruthie's imagination and her
vision naive, he decided to drive and try t see the world from Ruthie's perspective. At the end of the
story The Cathedral, Robert says " It's really something" to the experience he received by drawing
the cathedral blindfolded. He judged the blind man from the beginning and did not like the fact that
the man was in his house, but eventually he realizes how much he was missing out on and was
enlightened by the experience of drawing blindfolded. We also see the same occurrence in the movie
The Elephant man, the whole town
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Causes Of Change Blindness
Psychologists often study the processes of stimuli through sensation and perception, and
experimental research is tested for those who fail to perceive certain stimuli. Our perception of the
world around us accounts for the method in which we perceive stimuli or fail to perceive it. Change
blindness, inattentional blindness, absolute threshold, difference threshold, blind spot, and
sensorineural hearing loss are often reasons why we do not recognize stimuli; we become
unconscious to it. Change blindness and inattentional blindness are very closely related because they
correspond to an individual's ability to perceive a change or an obvious and unexpected stimulus
that is in plain sight. Change blindness refers to a perceptual phenomenon where
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Dretske's What Change Blindness
In Dretske's paper over "what change blindness teaches about consciousness," I think one of the
most important ideas pointed out is that what is in question is not what the person thinks they saw or
were aware of, but what they actually were aware of. This is really hard to test and get results on
accurately. Now, later on in the paper, Dretske gives a scenario and later about it says, " Reactions to
Sam will not add up to knowledge. They will be guesses– correct guesses, perhaps, if they are
reliably caused by information being received about Sam–but guesses nonetheless. Sarah's
judgments about Sam, however, are not guesses. She knows he wasn't standing on his head. No
guessing about it. She knows it because she could see he wasn't. That
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Dorian Gray Blindness

  • 1. Dorian Gray Blindness While the Biblical element played a major role throughout the novel, blindness also played its part. In protest to this the reader may note that neither Dorian or any of the other characters lack in sight, but the literal blindness is not the one that Thomas C. Foster refers to in Chapter 22 titled "He's Blind for a Reason, You Know"; within this chapter, Foster alludes to the notion that "when literal blindness, sight, darkness, and light are introduced into a story, it is nearly always the case that figurative seeing and blindness are at work. Here's the caveat: seeing and blindness are generally at issue in many works, even where there is no hint of blindness..." (212). Based on the acquired information one can conclude that Dorian was in fact blind from the very beginning since he was naïve to the world and the corruption that surrounded him, that is until he met Lord Henry, who ... Show more content on ... The story of Dorian Gray became the inspiration behind a new age of writing, more daring and defying to the point of the notion itself becoming cliché in the public's eyes, however the beauty of this specific book lies not in the over utilized concept of making a pact with the devil, but in the fact that the plot can be infinitely analyzed and new meanings found within each sentence. There is not an explicit meaning to the novel, yet one can assume that the overview is such that life exists to test those who have been fortunate, or rather unfortunate enough to have been born; no life is perfect, and temptation of sin awaits at every step, yet it is the task of the one being tested to resist unbecoming influence and carve one's own path, while enjoying things as they come rather than becoming infatuated with ephemeral aspects of existence such as one's beauty or the lack ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Intentional Blindness: Changes In One's Environment I found chapter 4, Bounded awareness interesting because it brings to light the apparent choice people make to focus primarily on what they want to see. I think the PowerPoint presentation summarized it best; Bounded awareness is "In–attentional blindness to obvious information. 2.The failure to notice obvious changes in one's environment. The tendency to focus on only a part of the problem at hand". For example, I think the puzzle in the text of 9 dots illustrates this perfectly. I fell victim to this exact dilemma. I tried to stay within the boundaries of the nine dots and made the choice to place a boundary within the dots that did not exist nor was directed. The video of the "missed" moon walking bear was an amazing illustration of Intentional ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Changes And Changes Of Change Blindness Essay Change blindness shows surprising perception phenomenon that is noticed through the visual change of stimulus introduced and observers do not notice the change. When observer fails to observe and notice the change major changes and differences introduced into an image at a flick off and on again. People having poor ability in detecting the changes are argued to have limitation of human attention (Hecht–Nielsen & McKenna, 2003). Change blindness has provided a wide range of research that has important and practical implications especially in eyewitness position and distraction while driving among other areas. In early observation of change blindness was made in 19th century when the film was edited and introduced. The editor came to realize that those watching it were not noticing the changed background (Norman, 2006). This made Williams James to become the first person to mention the lack of ability to detect the changes according to principles of psychology. According to research, the earliest experimental change blindness is developed from the phenomena such as eye movements and more on working memory. It depends on the personal attention to the images they perceive (MacWhinney, 2001). Although individual have well informed and good memory on whether or not they have perceived an image, they also have poor recalling ability especially on the smaller details that are presented in that image. This is evidently through presentation of the complex pictures that are stimulated ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Detection Of Change Blindness 1 – Briefly describe the aim(s) of the study In the abstract the authors Daniel. J. Simmons and Daniel. T. Levin, document that the aim of the study was to determine the detection of change blindness for objects in still images and motion pictures, but their focus was to use people in the real world. In the abstract it is pointed out that the research was divided into two similar experiments only changing specific details in which the surrounding objects, such as; clothing, accessories and their general approach to the randomly selected subjects were changed or modified slightly. They would then continue by asking the participants whether or not they noticed the swap. If yes, they would follow up with asking about what tipped them off to the change and if no, they would retort to explaining what had just occurred by explaining the experiment. 2 – Indicate whether or not the study was theoretically motivated. The introduction section of the article provides a brief explanation as to what motivated the study and why people have trouble retaining the visual details of our surroundings and states that we actually find it difficult to detect changes in such details. Thanks to experiments in various laboratories it has been discovered that this occurs when the ability to detect retinal differences is eliminated. This basically means that when visual information showing a change is masked by an eye movement, such as blinking, observers have difficulty detecting changes to ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Blindness-King Lear It seems ironic that both the oldest characters, Gloucester and Lear, who are blind either metaphorically or physically. They both exemplify that wisdom does not always come with old age. The parallel characters are very important to each other, Lear who is blinded metaphorically, and Gloucester who is physically blinded. Both characters undergo radical changes and their once sightless decisions become regrettable actions. They are unable to see people for who they truly are; thus their tragedy is the journey they must endure to regain sight. It is clear that although, Lear can physically see, he is blind, and lacks understanding, insight and pure intentions. It seems that the characters who had and kept their "healthy eyes" throughout ... Show more content on ... Shakespeare shows this in the beginning of the play, to depict Lear's immaturity and shallow personality. Despite his age, wisdom has obviously not followed. Because of Lear's blinded "mind sight", he sets himself up for his own fate. He banishes the only true, pure, and devoted ones. His vision becomes clouded from lack of insight and understanding of the character's true–selves. Over the course of the play, Lear begins to "see", his other two daughters for who they really are. When his daughter Goneril, forces him to rid himself of his guards; since it is her home, she wants to control Lear and make him live under her rules. Lear rebels against his daughter's authority and believes that his other daughter ,Reagan, will not abuse him. When he is proven wrong, the only "safe place" he has to turn, is his own madness. The journey that Lear embarks on, takes him from the mentality level of a king to knowing and seeing the truth that always seemed "below him". The final result of his experiences, is the end when Cordelia forgives him and the Kingdom is restored, but yet his fate was death. One of Lear's tragedies is that he had to be blind to be able to see. It is pitiable to think, in order for Kent to help Lear see the truth, he must hide his own identity. Kent must become someone else and it is only then does Lear start to realize the true selves of others. Kent's decision to disguise himself clearly illustrates how blind Lear really is. ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Change Blindness And Its Effects On Blindness Many studies and experiments have been conducted to explain why change blindness occurs and in what situations is change blindness more likely to occur. Literature on change blindness is quite extensive, as it is an emerging area in psychology. A number of researchers have conducted experiments into the key areas where change blindness has been found to cause consequential outcomes. These areas include the effects of change blindness on eye witness testimonies, driving ability, and effects on autism. Literature on change blindness places an emphasis on methodology and this literature review will focus primarily on this. According to Simons & Levin (1998) change blindness is the phenomenon that occurs when a person fails to detect large changes between one viewed scene and another. Recent studies show similar findings and evidence as to the original literature into change blindness. As stated by Rensink, 2002 (as cited in Davies & Hone, 2007), change blindness has been the subject of intensive research in recent years beginning with studies in which researchers manipulated the content of abstract scenes. Researchers do differ on their perspectives on change blindness depending upon their method approach and background or field; however literature is largely in an agreed consensus as to what change blindness is and its effects on attention. Change blindness is studied by using the methodology of change detection, which is where participants are shown two stimuli that are ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Change Blindness Ecstasy The purpose of this study is to build upon previous research that examined the relationship between change blindness and eyewitness testimony in relation to the threat superiority hypothesis. Change blindness is when a person has difficulty detecting a change in a scene (Goldstein, 2014). Davies and Hine (2007) found that most people fail to notice when one person in a scene takes the place of another individual despite the fact that the two individuals look vastly different. Similarly, Smart, Berry, and Rodriguez (2014) found that law enforcement officers are also susceptible to change blindness and frequently fail to identify the correct perpetrator in a lineup. In relation to the threat superiority hypothesis, researchers found that threat ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Change Blindness And The Field Of Human Sensation And... Change blindness is a phenomenon in attention where drastic changes to a scene can go unnoticed. This is important to the field of Human Sensation and Perception because it helps illustrate how a visual scene is processed. Specifically it shows how even if there is direct attention to a scene, there are times when drastic changes can occur without perception of the change occurring. With extensive research already conducted illustrating this effect, new research has recently been conducted studying different types of scene changes in the hopes of understanding which changes are easier or harder to notice. The results of these studies were quantified by the measurement of change detection time (usually reported in seconds). This subset of change blindness research has far–reaching practical applications, especially in the field of security and law enforcement. By applying the knowledge of which type of stimuli lead to longer change detection times training programs could be developed that allow this population to improve their observation skills. Literature Review A study conducted by Gusev, Mikhaylova, and Utochkin used the flicker paradigm as described by Rensink et. al (1997) to observe the effect of different stimuli on change blindness. The different stimuli studied were number of objects, object organization, object shape, appearance/disappearance of an object, object shift, color change of an object, and increasing the interstimulus interval (blank screen ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Change Blindness Limitations Limitations The use of certain tests listed above has some limitations, such as in the change blindness test, we can not say with 100% certainty where the participant have seen changes, and where just click on the keyboard buttons. About this restriction also mentioned Levin, Momen, IV & Simons, they also coined the term "change blindness blindness" which characterizes the misconceptions about the vision due to the fact that some participants in the experiment have given the answer at random trying to guess what was supposed to be the right answer. The motivation to divining the answer may be a desire to look smart and impress yourself and others (2010). In some tests, such as ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Essay on King Oedipus King Oedipus by Sophocles Blindness is the downfall of the hero Oedipus in the play "King Oedipus" by Sophocles. Not only does the blindness appear physically, but also egotistically as he refuses to acknowledge the possibility of him actually being the murderer of Laius, the former King of Thebes. Coincidentally, he is also Oedipus's biological father. The use of light and dark in the play is strategically applied in order to better understand the emotion that lies within the characters. As blame is placed upon Oedipus for the murder of Laius, he blinds himself from the possible reality that he may be the killer. The people of Thebes are informed that there is an impending curse upon them as a result of the murder mystery of their ... Show more content on ... The blindness of Oedipus leads to the darkness of Thebes also known as The City of Light. "We cannot believe, we cannot deny; all's dark. We fear, but we cannot see, what is before us" worry the townspeople. Dark, here, symbolizes the confusion that is placed upon the people of Thebes. They are in a chasm trying to decipher what is to be determined as true, the prophecy of Teiresias, or the good word of Oedipus. After several testimonies, Oedipus opens his eyes and accepts the blame. In order to deliver justice for his wrongs in killing his father and marrying his mother, Oedipus chooses to blind himself physically. The Attendant explains the people regarding the Oedipus's self–inflicted injury. "And thrust, from full arm's length, into his eyes–– eyes that should see no longer his shame, his guilt, no longer see those they should have never seen, nor see, unseeing, those he had longed to see, henceforth seeing nothing but night." The use of night is similar to that of the use of dark throughout the play. Night is in reference to lies. Everything that he, or his eye, has seen has all resulted in the discovery of a lie. From the parents he thinks he has, to the family that he has, the world he has created centers around a lie. Until the moment he discovers that he has really killed his father, ironically, Oedipus has never known ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Change Blindness Essay The distractions of driving are a popular area of research. Recent studies have looked at what distracts drivers and what other failures of awareness may contribute to traffic accidents. The goal of this paper is to look at research and explain how change blindness can possibly effect driving. One failure of awareness that seems to have a connection with traffic accidents is change blindness. Rensink (2002) proposed that change blindness occurs when a change within the scene goes unnoticed, due to the inability or difficulty to detect it. Resink (2002) also explained that change blindness can take place during a disruption in vision, such as an eye– movement or a blink. Lees, Sparks, Lee, and Rizzo (2007) looked at the high numbers of ... Show more content on ... Lees et al. (2007) asked the participants to verbally express what they saw in terms of landmarks (e.g restaurants). While the participants explained the landmarks, the experimenter assessed all the driving faults that occurred and tallied the number of correct landmarks that were acknowledged (Lees et al., 2007). Without being biased towards elderly drivers, Lees et al. (2007) found a common factor. It was not so much that older people could not detect change; it was the speed to which they could react to it (Lees et al., 2007). It seemed as though elders are cognitively busy both assessing the change and deciding what to in regards to it. Lees et al. (2007) acknowledged that people of all ages are susceptible to traffic crashes and proposed that people be aware of the need of attention in driving. Lees et al. (2007) also explained that when researching on different ages, specific stimuli may be considered more attractive to one individual more so than the other. While Lees and coworkers emphasized on elderly drivers Galpin and coworkers acknowledged drivers as a whole. Galpin, Underwood and Crundal (2009) conducted a research that explained how quick disruptions in ones visual field can affect the ability to detect changes. Galpal et al. (2009) described the difference between looking at something and actually processing what is going on. The research was produced by placing the participants in front of a screen and every time a change was detected, ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Analysis Of The Story ' Cathedral ' By Raymond Carver The Story "Cathedral" by Raymond Carver is about true blindness and the effects of emotional contact. Peterson studies the use of determiners, a and the, that refer to the blind man in the story and its effects to establish the atmosphere of the story. He states that the change in determiner seems subtle, but these subtle changes are significant because the changes show how narrator feel about Robert throughout the story. Nesset studies the sexual polices and the love lives in several Carver's stories. He discusses how Carver wrote his stories based on less of love and more of love withdrawal. Also Facknitz addresses rediscovery of human worth and the effects of emotional touch by discussing three short stories written by Carver. He analyses each narration of the narrator and comments based on psychological manner. The story "Cathedral" suggests the meaning of true blindness does not only refer to physical disability; it refers to those people who cannot see the world from other's perspectives and it can be overcome through emotional contact. The story "Cathedral" by Carver Raymond was published in 1983, when about 11.7 percent of the US population was considered poor by government standards (Aker 45). Tim Akers mentions that around this year, the wages people got from their employers were not sufficient to raise them out of the poverty level (Aker 45). Akers adds that like in the 1980s, Carver experienced poverty even though both he and his wife worked for a living (Aker ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Examples Of Change Blindness In 007 Bond Girl, there is a scene where Halle Berry is coming out of the ocean. She is clearly drenched as she is exiting the water but a few moments later when she approaches Bond, she appears as if she had never been in the water at all. v=ctgf5uxBQW8 The subtle difference in the scene goes to show that we don't pay that much attention to the background details. We believe that our senses and perceptions don't fault us, but this small example shows that we are all victims to different phenomena such as change blindness. Change blindness is a perceptual phenomenon that occurs when there is a change in a visual stimulus but we do not notice this change. Change blindness along with other phenomena demonstrates that our cognitive faculties are not perfect; humans are not perfect, we are prone to error. This is also reflected in the criminal justice processes. One of the biggest areas where fallacies tend to occur is during witness testimony. Eyewitnesses are prone to change blindness because the amount of information they need to recall. If there was high activity, the offender happened to be wearing a disguise, or if they used any weapons or tools can cause a lot of confusion for eyewitnesses. It become more chaotic if there are multiple ... Show more content on ... She happened to point out Massey as the man who "looked most like" the man who committed the crime against her. She also stated that his voice was the same as her attacker. During the trial, she pointed out that his hair had been a different length and style than her attacker. He was convicted despite evidence proving he was busy at work during the time of the attack. A co–worker had even verified that Massey's hair had always been short, even during the time the crime had occurred. Attorneys later admitted that the victim displayed doubt when identifying Massey as her ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Change Blindness Research Paper Change blindness occurs when the observer does not noticed any changes in their visual field. In today's society, people tends to be distract by objects such as cell phone and doesn't look at their surroundings. That happens to me often, usually I won't notice any changes around me and that included changes of people. I remember when I was in high school, I used to walk around the building a lot, but during my junior year, I started to notice there's a new building beside the main building. It took me long enough to notice it, I never actually look at the changes. Another story, during my middle school year, there was an girl who's always quiet sitting in the corner. She was sick and was absent for 3 days, but I never noticed that she wasn't ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Change Blindness: a Literature Review on Attention Change Blindness: A Literature Review on Attention When going about our daily lives, just how much are we missing of the things around us? Visual attention has fascinated psychologists and now research is being carried out to distinguish to what extent, our attention or the absence of it, can affect our day–to–day lives. Change blindness is something we all experience at some point, some more than others. By definition it refers to the failure a person has to notice a change that would otherwise seem obvious when pointed out. (Watson, Leekam, Connolly, Collis, Findlay, McConachie & Rodgers, 2012). Researchers believe there are a few different causes for this such as altered position, eye movements, a visual obstruction or in the ... Show more content on ... So just what is it that makes people unable to make simple observations about the things around us? Even when they are right in front of us, we still struggle to acknowledge that they are there. How many times have you heard recounts of a car accident where the person at fault says, "I did not see them coming". How many times can you recall leaving your phone somewhere and not being able to see it when its staring you in the face? How many times have you kicked yourself for something like this occurring when at the time it seemed like they were no where to be seen? It is simple, psychological research tells us that despite continuing image shifts, attention to specific features in a visual scene can be critical in ensuring stable perception. (Cavanaugh & Wurtz, 2004). We can overcome this phenomenon however, if the right amount of spatial attention is allocated to the changing features. The flicker paradigm has become a useful psychological tool in change detection. It allows us to rule out influences from other known causes to change blindness such as eye movements, visual saccades, or a change in location. It has been designed so that any changes detected can be directly associated with attention. By manipulating perceived images in participants, we are able to study the role of attention in relation to change blindness. Research has concluded that without due visual attention, observers are blind to change. (Rensink et al. 1997). Therefore we ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Barbarianism In The Road By Cormac Mccarthy In all cultures, there are people struggling for survival. Some are starving, some are living in sheer poverty, some are thrown into slavery and some just cannot get their footing; but in all of these situations there seems to be a common theme that presents itself over and over again. Many of these people become so desperate to live they will give up their morals and give in to whatever they can to get by. Occasionally, there is one person stronger than the rest, one able to hold onto their morals, one that would rather die than give in to immorality. However, given certain circumstances; even these people turn to pure barbarianism in order to survive. The Pulitzer Award–Winning novel, The Road by Cormac McCarthy, details the numerous ... Show more content on ... While on the road, in a few flashback sequences, the fate of the boy's mother is revealed. Among the flashbacks, there was a conversation between the man and his wife after the boy has been born. The man entreats his wife not to commit suicide. She wishes to die by her own hand however, in order to escape what she believes is her inevitable rape and her family's inevitable murder. She wishes that their pistol had three bullets, not only two, so that she could spare her entire family from their gruesome fate. Throughout the conversation, the man continues to beg her to reconsider her decision or at least wait until the morning to say goodbye to their son. After her death, the man and the boy pack up their camp, and the boy only says, "She's gone, isn't she?" (McCarthy 50). This sequence of events reveals the mother's very dark nature because instead of being there for her son, like a devoted parent, she chooses to leave this world out of pure fear of the post–apocalyptic event. She even goes so far as to question the existence of her husband and newborn; yet she does not even do a small good deed as to tell her son goodbye. Instead, she chooses to burden her husband to be the sole proprietor for their son; thus revealing her animalistic nature. In addition, in preparation for the catastrophe, the dark nature of the boy's father is also evident through his decision to buy a gun in anticipation of the worst possible scenario. Contrary to popular belief, he does ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Metaphor Of Blindness In John Updike's A & P The metaphor of blindness remains true for the majority of the world. From the time we were born to the time of our death, we will continue to stay blind to what the world really is. Blindness dictates the way we eat, the way we interact, and the way we live. We see what everyone else see, which makes us happy because almost no one likes to be different. Blindness makes us the same as everyone, however, once we see what the world truly is, we become different. The life we once knew changes before our eyes, and we start seeing what no one else sees. We may start seeing poverty, hunger, violence, and death, or we may start seeing beauty, life, and hope. The metaphor of blindness exist in our typical, everyday life through films, stories, games, ... Show more content on ... The first time was when Emmet found the piece of resistance and was caught by bad cop who told him that President Business is going to end the world and showed him a video of what people around him thought of him. In the video Emmet is describe as "not normal like us, he's not that special.... Wait does he work with us?.... when you say the other guy I go (silence)....a little like a blank stale.. Emmet is nothing". Compare that to a normal person, Emmet is not worth remembering, nor is he special, he is just a nobody. The next time Emmet was able to see the real world ensure the fact that he really is a nobody was when Vitruvius was about to die and tells Emmet "The prophecy, I made it up". This told Emmet that the world he is living in is just a lie and that he is not the special, that he is no ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Change Blindness: a Literature Review on Attention Change Blindness: A Literature Review on Attention When going about our daily lives, just how much are we missing of the things around us? Visual attention has fascinated psychologists and now research is being carried out to distinguish to what extent, our attention or the absence of it, can affect our day–to–day lives. Change blindness is something we all experience at some point, some more than others. By definition it refers to the failure a person has to notice a change that would otherwise seem obvious when pointed out. (Watson, Leekam, Connolly, Collis, Findlay, McConachie & Rodgers, 2012). Researchers believe there are a few different causes for this such as altered position, eye movements, a visual obstruction or in the ... Show more content on ... Change detection has also been used to investigate the ways in which people with atypical development such as autism have any particular attentional preferences. (Watson et al. 2012). Usually the images shown to the viewer are a real life scene or location where a change occurs. These changes are made so that they are neither too subtle nor too obvious to the participant. Changes in the images presented can include colour, location or the presence or absence of a particular object. (Watson et al. 2012). It is predicted that the participants would be able to pick up on the change that is taking place as visual transients generally capture attention. (Cavanaugh & Wurtz, 2004). It is largely thought that when viewing a display, focussed attention on a specific object is required in order to detect a change. (Rensink et al. 1997). O'Regan, Deubel, Clark & Rensink highlight that internal representation of the visual field only contains the particular aspects that have been attended to in a scene. (2000). We can relate this back to the example used previously by Caplovitz, Fendrich & Hughes where we can only be reassured that our keys are not in one place by focussing our attention on that spot. Until then we are unsure of where exactly our keys might be and cannot rule out the possibility that we left them on the sofa. This is due to the fact that when visually processing a particular scene, we ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Mud Blindness Method Participants We recruited 18 undergraduate students from a California State University using general class announcements and one campus posting. Participants were offered academic credit or extra credit for participating. There were 3 men and 15 women with ages that ranged from 20–27, (M = 22.89, SD = 1.84). Materials We used the mud–splash paradigm to examine change blindness. Each trial consisted of two Microsoft PowerPoint images. The first image was of a natural scene and almost identical to the second image, but a small object was removed from the central area of the scene in the changed image. Additionally the changed image was nmasked with several high contrast mud–splash's, similar to previous research studies that have used the mud–splash paradigm (O'Regan et al., 1999), and covered 10%, 20%,, or 40% of the scene. Using Microsoft PowerPoint ... Show more content on ... This may have yielded better results, but only when combined with the audio shadowing task. These results indicated a floor effect because of the insensitive levels of mud–splash and the interaction only at the 40% mud–splash level. Future research using this design should include sensitive levels with the minimum level of mud–splash distraction to 40% and increase the range of conditions (Rensink et al., 1997). The results were similar on a multi–modal study where participants completed a verbal counting task at the same time as a visual search task. Only when the task became cognitively demanding a significant difference was observed, (Most, 2005). The perception of change in a scene requires a person to have attended to relevant stimuli and encoded the information into working memory. Moreover visual change detection occurs when a person has given attention to something. Yet change blindness occurs because attention had failed to encode the necessary information for change detection to occur (Rensink, et al., ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Change Blindness Essay A cross–cultural investigation into change blindness. Abstract Cross–cultural differences in change–blindness has been a topic of interest to psychologists in recent times. The literature shows a trend in perception that Eastern individuals note more details of the background whereas Western individuals tend to focus more on central objects. The change– blindness phenomenon also follows this trend in the literature with Eastern individuals being more observant of background changes and Western individuals being more observant of foreground changes. In this study, the participants took part in a change–blindness task that included both foreground and background trials. A repeated measures ANOVA was conducted on the results and it was found that there was a significant difference in accuracy scores between Chinese and English participants. Post–Hoc analysis concluded that Chinese participants were significantly better at the background trial and that English participants were significantly better at the foreground trial. Introduction Cross–cultural differences in perception have been researched in psychology for many years. This type of research in perception enables psychologists to determine to what extent perception is controlled by the nervous system, and is thus universal, and to what extent perception is influenced by environmental factors and ... Show more content on ... It is hypothesised that (1) English participants will be more accurate in detecting foreground changes whereas Chinese participants will be more accurate in detecting background changes and that (2) English participants will have higher reaction times to foreground changes whereas Chinese participants will have higher reaction times to background changes. The null hypothesis is that there will be no significant difference between Chinese and English participants in accuracy or reaction times, any difference will be due to ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Assignment 6: Change Blindness In Movies PSYC 4210 Assignment 6: Blindness in Movies 1. Were you able to detect all of the continuity errors after your first view of the scene? Why not? a. No, I was not able to detect all of the continuity errors. Despite the fact that I knew there was going to be continuity errors in this video, I was still only able to catch one. I even thought I spotted another error, however, the item was in the same spot the whole time. The reason that I did not see all of the continuity errors was because of a phenomenon called change blindness. Change blindness is the idea that individuals cannot recognize or remember changes that occur between different images or scenes. My attention was focused more on the meaning of the conversation than the details of what was changing in the environment. Another reason that I was unable to identify all the errors is because of the illusion of memory. This is the idea that we think we perceive and remember more of our world than what we really do. Though I thought I was perceiving multiple details about the scene, I was unable to remember and perceive a large number of details. 2. Why are continuity errors in movies not jarring and distracting to audiences? a. ... Show more content on ... Continuity errors in movies are not jarring and distracting to audiences because of the ideas of change blindness and the illusion of memory. Since continuity errors are often subtle and are not directly related to the main point of the scene, individual have trouble recognizing them. This inability to recognize or identify the changes between two visual stimuli present after each other called is change blindness. Additionally, the illusion of memory can also play a role because people are usually confident that they would notice changes to a picture or scene. Since it is difficult to recognize small and slow changes in the environment and individuals are confident that they would know if something has changed, continuity errors in movies are not as jarring and distracting to ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Change Blindness Change blindness is the incapacity to detect changes to a visual scene. Over the past decade, many researchers (Simons & Levin, 1997; Simons & Rensink, 2005) have studied and reviewed this phenomena among several experiments. Notably, these studies have given contribution to understand perception, attention, and awareness. In experiments of scene memory, subjects viewed hundreds of photographs of natural scenes. Afterward, they were asked to identify which photograph they had seen and which ones they had never viewed before. Even though subjects can recognize previously viewed pictures very well, the memories were not linked to the precise visual form. In addition, subjects failed to detect changes when the images were mirror–reversed. These ... Show more content on ... For that reason, the existence of movement transients across the retina might help to change blindness. Transients also play a role drawing attention. Under those circumstances, mimicking the eye movement without changing the fixation location can help to understand change blindness. The flicker paradigm was designed to test this hypothesis. In the flicker paradigm, an original image, a blank gray screen, and a modified image are presented respectively in a fast alternation, giving the display a flickering appearance. The cycle of rotation repeats until subjects report the change. The response latency is used as a measure of change blindness. The results showed that the change detection during the first cycle of alternation was almost zero and did not increase too much after one minute of alternation. Interestingly, when the blank gray screen was removed, the changes were detected easily. Experiments using real world situations also demonstrated change blindness by people. Surprisingly, the age of the participants reflected in how they noticed the changes. This was depending on if the experimenters had almost their same age, especially to younger participants. Additionally, familiar scenarios causes earlier attention to a changed property, for example, drug users seeing pictures of drug ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Cathedral: Blindness of the Non-Blind Essay Prejudice is an issue that is present in communities around the world due to diversity in race, religion, sexual orientation, lifestyles and physical disabilities of others as well. However, sometimes it just takes a life changing moment for one to realize that he or she should not discriminate against others just because of their appearance or beliefs. In the story "Cathedral", author Raymond Carver writes about a man who is prejudging towards his wife's blind friend, Robert, who will be visiting the couple. At first the narrator, or "Bub" as Robert nicknamed him, does not like the idea of Robert staying there because he is blind. Once Robert arrives, "Bub" does not really make an effort to get along with him; they had dinner together ... Show more content on ... By saying that his idea of blind people came from the movies shows that he probably has not had any real life encounters with a person who is blind, therefore the only idea he has of blind people are the kind that are portrayed in movies. However, by saying that blind people "never laugh" and "move slowly" makes them seem dysfunctional as human beings. Blind people cannot see, but that does not correlate to how quickly they move. By saying that blind people move slowly, that indicates that they are "disabled" and not able to keep up at the same pace as others. Not only is the fact that the narrators perception of those who are blind awkward, but it makes it seem as if the blind have their own stereotypes–which is the foundation of discrimination and prejudice. Throughout the middle of the story, the narrator is discriminatory towards blind people but suddenly feels the need to make Robert feel comfortable just because it will please his wife. The narrator and his wife were in the kitchen talking, and then the wife says "If you love me, you can do this for me. If you don't love me, okay. But if you have a friend, any friend, and the friend came to visit, I'd make him feel comfortable" (116). To show that her husband is still prejudice towards blind people, he replies and says "I don't have any blind friends" (116) which gets his wife upset because Robert is her friend. When the narrator says that he does not have any ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. What Is The Phenomenon Of Change Blindness Frequently, people encounter situations where it is impossible for them to attend to all the surrounding stimulus. This is because humans have a limited attention capability. Even when fully engaged the slightest change to a stimulus, an object, or person in the nearby surround go unnoticed by humans. This phenomenon is known as change blindness, which is the "difficulty in detecting changes in similar, but slightly different, scenes that are presented one after another." Previous research has demonstrated that the ability to detect change is key component to every day life (Rensink, 2002). Rensink aimed to test this phenomenon with a technique known as Gap– contingent. Gap–contingent would place a gap in between the original and alter stimulus ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Sight And Blindness In Oedipus The King Sight and blindness, though opposites in every sense, are paradoxically interconnected in literature and film. The old archetype of a blind prophet has been strewn throughout both ancient and modern media. Justice and her blindfold, Paul Atreides from the Dune series, and the superhero Daredevil are all part of this paradox, albeit in different variants. One of the most well known examples of this tension between the seeing and unseeing is found in the timeworn story of Oedipus by Sophocles, and still it can be found even in modern films, like Minority Report, directed by Steven Spielberg. In Oedipus and Minority Report, interaction between sight and blindness causes destruction. Blindness prompts ruination, while literal and metaphorical sight ... Show more content on ... In Oedipus, the readers are given an understanding of Jocasta's mind and level of awareness through her suddenly jerky and panic–filled moments; her frantic "Which man? What matters who he means? Why ask? Forget it all, it's not worth knowing," (Sophocles, 58) especially showcases her level of insight, which is far deeper and more encompassing than Oedipus'. Jocasta is still seeing, and the knowledge, suspicion, or intuition towards the situation is tearing her mind apart, ruining her peace of mind and creating individual, internal destruction. Her final act was to sob over her bed, and then hang herself after Oedipus' past was completely revealed (Sophocles, 70). The moment Jocasta began to understand, her mental stability started in a downward spiral, and eventually her will to live directly opposed her reaction to reality, resulting in her suicide. Minority Report has a comparable confliction, in the same vein of mental health and stability contrasting with sight. In the beginning of the movie, Spielberg shows John drugging himself and playing videos of his time with his son and his wife. These videos give John sight into the past, but come at a cost to his mental health, as his perception of reality is altered, and he is left dependent on the drugs he uses to watch them. The "hindsight" and ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Sensory Loss Essays ensory loss Acquired Sensory Loss This is when somebody is born without any sensory loss, but then has an accident or illness which causes a sensory loss. Illness Diabetes: The most serious complication of diabetes for the eye is the development of diabetic retinopathy. Diabetes affects the tiny blood vessels of the eye and if they become blocked or leak then the retina and possibly your vision will be affected. Measles: Measles blindness is the single leading cause of blindness among children in low income countries, accounting for an estimated 15,000 to 60,000 cases of blindness per year. There is a close synergism between measles and vitamin A deficiency that can result in xerophthalmia, with corneal ulceration, ... Show more content on ... This may be due to an accident, illness, a genetic condition, e.g. a syndrome such as Usher, Alstrom, and Stickler, etc. or as a result of aging in later life. In children and young people if these problems occur later in life, this is called acquired Deafblindness. From Congenital When someone is born with combined sight and hearing difficulties this is called congenital Deafblindness. Examples of this include conditions such as Rubella or CHARGE. Congenital can also refer to people who have lost vision/ hearing before the acquisition of language, i.e. in their very early years. From Deaf: deaf with a small "d" simply refers to the medical condition of hearing loss. However, most people who use BSL/ ISL refer to themselves as Deaf. The use of upper case "D" indicates a language preference and is also a political and cultural term of belonging to the Deaf community. It
  • 52. is used in the same way that people who belong to a national, cultural or religious group would describe themselves, for example, as French or Muslim. It is for this reason that many Deaf people do not define themselves as disabled, rather they describe themselves as belonging to a cultural or linguistic minority Deafened: A person who was born hearing and subsequently became severely or profoundly deaf Hard of hearing: A general term used to describe people with a ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Change Blindness TERM PAPER: Systems of Thought and Change Blindness Jean A. Ball–Meza INTRODUCTION: Daniel Kahneman's book, Thinking Fast and Slow, describes two systems: System 1, which is the automatic, effortless hero of the mind, and System 2, the "conscious, reasoning self"(p. 21). In separating the mind into two different processes, Kahneman, the Nobel Prize–winning economist, developed different ways to measure how our minds and bodies react to stressing one process or the other. Since System 2 is inherently lazy, it often makes decisions after System 1 assess the situation. However, there are tasks that only System 2 can do, usually complex and vital, and because they are demanding and require discipline, System 2 can become overwhelmed, or work at ... Show more content on ... We often think that law enforcement officers are better observers than lay people, so Smart, Berry, and Rodriguez(2014) decided to test that assumption. They begin by testing forty undergraduates, the control group, and sixty–one law enforcement officers, the experiment group, to determine if there is a difference in observation skills and change blindness rates. The two groups were in two separate testing sessions. The groups were shown a 2 minute, 44 second video clip from a police officer's dashboard camera, where the driver exits his car and then the driver and the police officer leave the frame. When the driver and the police officer re–enter the frame, the driver is replaced by another man, very physically different from driver 1, in different clothing from driver 1. Upon completion of the film, the participants completed both open–ended questions, multiple–choice questions, as well as rating their confidence of their ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Hugues De Montalembert's Invisible The ending of Hugues de Montalembert's memoir, "Invisible", leaves the reader with a sense of empowerment and control of their own destiny. Although, this is not the theme that Montalembert was portraying at the beginning of the story. At first he talked about all the negative aspects associated with being blind. For example, the author mentioned that when he woke up the next day after becoming blind he felt as if he has transformed into a new person (Montalembert, 4). This shows that he looks at blindness as a disability that changes who he is as a person completely. This disability should only change his vision, and not the aspirations and character of who it affects. In addition, Montalembert said that although he is blind, his brain still creates images which were often times morbid (5). By sharing this occurrence with his readers, the authors enhances the negative traits associated with blindness and shows how he still hasn't accepted his new self. About half way through the memoir, Montalembert experiences a turning point in his outlook on his blindness when he wonders away from the Lighthouse on his own at ... Show more content on ... In Mairs' essay she shares an anecdote in which she is on her way to vacation with her family and begins experiencing a strange feeling in her leg. After informing her husband, who asked what should be done, Mairs responded, "I think we better get the hell to California" (Mairs, 19). This story shows that she doesn't let her disease stop her from living her life. Just like Montalembert refuses to allow his blindness to cease his traveling alone around the world. Both have come to terms with their disability and realize that although it may change them physically, they do not allow their disability to stop them from achieving their goals and ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Physical Disabilities In Literature: Chapter Analysis Just like in the previous chapter, the author has discussed the importance of physical disabilities. In this chapter, the author states that a character being blind is a lot more than a disability. For a character to be blind, it could mean that his other senses are greater than that of a regular person or it could symbolize the character's blindness to a problem or their ignorance. Their blindness could also be a representation of themselves as a whole. For a writer to give a character this disability, they are trying to get a deeper point across to the readers. The author in this chapter used different examples in which a blind character was more than just a blind character. Blindness is not just blindness in works of literature. Just like ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Oedipus Figurative Blindness "I think we are blind. Blind people who can see, but do not see."– (Jose Sermago) In this play, figurative blindness and ignorance had a huge role when it came to the main character Oedipus developing throughout the play. Although Oedipus was not literally blind, he was ignorant and figuratively blind to the truth about who was the real murderer of King Laius."Oedipus Rex" was a Greek play performed around 429 B.C. and was written by Sophocles. The ignorance of the main character, Oedipus, led to a dramatic ending in the book. He gained knowledge and this is what made him come to the realization that he was blind to the truth. This play shows the readers how blindness vs truth correlates with ignorance vs knowledge because blindness prohibited ... Show more content on ... Towards the end of the play, he comes to the realization that he was ignorant to the truth once the old man told him that he really was the murderer of his father and what he thought was true was actually wrong. He starts to feel miserable for being the murderer of his own father and being ignorant of the truth. "Nay rather, If there were any way to choke the fount of hearing, through my ears, I would have tried To seal up all this miserable frame and live blind and deaf to all things;" (Sophocles 49). Oedipus gaining of knowledge causes him to feel very hurt inside for disobeying that he was the murderer of King Laius. In the evidence, his usage of words such as miserable, blind, and deaf shows hint to the readers that he has come to the conclusion that he has gained knowledge that he disregarded the truth for so long and his ignorance was clearly shown throughout the play. Oedipus acted like he knew he was right about not being the murderer of King Laius. Finally, Oedipus gains the knowledge from the old man about the death of Laius. As a result of this, Oedipus begins to realize that he was the one who killed King Laius. This causes him to feel that it was planned for this to happen, "Woe! Woe it all plain indeed! O Light, This be the last time I shall gaze on thee, who was revealed to have ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Essay On Change Blindness Changes in our surroundings are happening every minute and if we started noticing every minute detail about a scene then our visual system will be over whelmed in no time (Rensink, 2000). We are limited in our capacity to encode, retain and compare visual information from one glance to the other. Our awareness of our visual surroundings is far lesser than what most people believe intuitively. Change Blindness is the inability to consciously perceive a changing stimulus in the visual environment and subsequently not being able to report it. It occurs in other sensory modalities as well. Interestingly change blindness has been found to also take place in Olfaction (Sela & Sobel, 2010), Auditory (Eramudugola, Irvine, McAnally, Martin & Mattinglley ... Show more content on ... The first cause is overwriting. Overwriting occurs when the individual has no visual representation of how the scene was in the beginning. The information from the first scene is simply replaced by new information (Simons, 2000).Impressions is the second culprit. When the information from an initial scene is encoded but not re–examined as long as the meaning in the scene is consistent, impressions takes place (Simons, 2000). The third cause is that nothing is stored. Since the individuals have not encoded or compared the scenes, they can't identify any changes (Simons, 2000). The fourth cause is everything is stored but not compared. Though the individuals encoded the first and the second scene, they failed to realize that both the scenes are different. Research has shown that it is possible for an individual to hold two beliefs about a scene without realizing that the scenes are very different from each other (Simons, 2000). And our final convict is feature combination. Feature combination says that individuals remember certain features from one scene and different features from the second scene that the individual remembers, not accurately represent either of the scenes (Simons, ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Change Blindness Essay Change Blindness After investigating spatial cognition and the construction of cognitive maps in my previous paper, "Where Am I Going? Where Have I Been: Spatial Cognition and Navigation", and growing in my comprehension of the more complex elements of the nervous system, the development of an informed discussion of human perception has become possible. The formation of cognitive maps, which serve as internal representations of the world, are dependent upon the human capacities for vision and visual perception (1). The objects introduced into the field of vision are translated into electrical messages, which activate the neurons of the retina. The resultant retinal message is organized into several forms of sensation and is ... Show more content on ... The concept of change blindness has been addressed over the course of nearly half a century, with increasing focus on the subject throughout the past five years (3). Although biologists, psychologists, and philosophers have yet to resolve definitively the paradox of looking without seeing, the investigation of each theory on the matter yields deeper insight into visual perception and sight as well as a decreasingly incorrect understanding of those components of the nervous system, which are crucial for visual cognition. Under normal viewing conditions, changes produce transient signals that can draw attention. Change blindness studies are designed to eliminate or block these transient signals by inserting a visual disruption when the change occurs (3). Flicker Paradigm studies examine the occurrence of change blindness and attempt to explain the inability to not see that which is directly in front of our eyes. The Flicker Paradigm demonstrates the essentiality of attention in the process of seeing (4). The alternation of an object and a modified version of that same object is interrupted by millisecond flashes of blank space. Subjects are then asked to report changes in the images. In order understand the events leading to the failure to recognize change, comprehension of the mechanism by which change is successfully recognized is requisite. According to the traditional understanding of this process, an individual must form an internal ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Blindness Or Low Vision, Cancer, And Alzheimer 's Disease Blindness or low vision is one of the most feared illness by Americans, ranking fourth after acquired immunodeficiency by syndrome, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. The National Eye Institute reports that blindness or low vision affect 3.3 million American 40 years and older, this number is projected to reach 5.5 million by 2020. As the U.S. population ages, the number of persons with major eye disease is increasing. Octogenarians currently make up 8 percent of the population, but they account for 69 percent of blindness. Age–related macular degeneration (AMD) accounts for 54 percent of all blindness and is the leading cause of blindness among white Americans. Cataracts are the most prevalent eye disease in older persons and are the leading cause of blindness worldwide. Almost all persons in their 90s will have had a cataract surgery is the most common therapeutic surgical procedure reimbursed by Medicare, with more than 1.5 million operations performed annually. Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of new blindness in U.S. adults 20 to 74 years of age. Low vision ranks behind arthritis and heart disease as the third most common chronic cause of impaired function in persons older than 70 years. Patients with vision impairment are more likely to fall, make medication errors, have depression, or report social isolation. With rehabilitation, many patients with impaired vision can attain independence, retain their jobs, and lessen their reliance on social services and ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. The World Health Organization ( Ngo ) Introduction The World Health Organization (WHO) has created an agenda for 2030. Within this agenda there are seventeen sustainable developmental goals (SDG) that aim to transform our world. These goals are to be met through numerous different means, government policies, public change, non–government organizations (NGO) and a variety of other ways. NGO's are a large way to help meet these goals and impact the world for the better. LRBT, an NGO that focuses on eye care for those who live in Pakistan, focuses on meeting the goal ensuring healthy lives and wellbeing for all at all ages (United nations SDG, reference). Ensuring eye care for the residents of Pakistan not only provides them with care they should be subject too always, but ... Show more content on ... Pakistan Pakistan with a population of 182,143,000 in 2013, it is one of the most populated countries in the world, but it is also one of the least developed (poverty in Pakistan) (WHO reference). Poverty is a prevalent issue through out Pakistan: "about one quarter of the population lives below poverty line" (Poverty in paki). Pakistani's living in poverty being less common in the urban areas, and more common in the rural areas with about half of the rural population still under the category of absolute poverty (Poverty in paki). Poverty in Pakistan and throughout the world impacts the population's ability to live healthy lifestyles. Without the means to acquire adequate nutrition, health care, and services, these people are unable to meet their individual health needs. Due to the link with poverty and health, it has remained priority in almost all national plans of Pakistan (Pakistan poverty). LRBT Blindness and impaired vision have been linked with poverty and can affect ones health and income status quite heavily in developing countries. Unfortunately many of the reasons for impaired vision such as blinding cataracts, are the most common form of preventable blindness in the developing world such as Pakistan (Blindness and poverty outreach). LRBT is an NGO based in Pakistan that treats and provides eye care to the residents. This NGO was established in 1984, the co–creators ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Attention To Perceive Changes In Scenes: Scene Analysis Change Detection: To See or Not to See: The need for Attention to Perceive Changes in Scenes Jainish A. Patel High Point University When we look out at something, whether it is a landscape, painting, picture, or whatever else, we believe that we are taking in the entire scene, we think we notice every little detail, and are generally able to notice changes to the scenario we are looking at. We do not, however, notice any minor change when we look away for even the briefest amount of time. This is similar to when we are driving and look away from the road to change the radio station, and when we look up, we tend to fail to notice changes that have occurred in even the smallest amount of time. Our class did a Cognition ... Show more content on ... al was almost identical to the one we did in class. One difference between our experiment and the one Rensink did was that we looked at two different types of changing images, one type that did not have the blank screen flashing in between the original and the "altered" scene, and one that did. Also, we did not have to verbally tell what was different; we only had to determine whether or not there was a change in the scene. My results showed that without the flicker, I managed to detect changes at around 2115 ms, and with the flicker it took me around 3273 ms to notice the change. Our group data showed that with no flicker, we detected change at around 3755 ms, and with the flicker we noticed change at around 6012 ms. Global data shows that on average with no flicker people noticed change at about 5653 ms, and with the flicker it took 8647 ms to notice any change. Also, the Doctors who did the original experiment looked at how many alternations between the two images it took for people to determine whether change took place, and our experiment measured it in seconds. While the resulting data tells us the same exact thing, it is hard to tell how much difference there is in our results. Over all, the results are consistent with each ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Glaucoma Essay Glaucoma Glaucoma is a group of eye disorders that cause blindness by hurting the optic nerve, which is the large nerve that is responsible for vision. In glaucoma, the optic nerve damage is related to a change in the fluid pressure that circulates around the eyeball. In many cases, Glaucoma occurs when the eye's fluid pressure is high, but it can also occur when the pressure is measured as normal. Fluid circulating inside the front portion of the eye is produced by a structure called the ciliary body, which is located behind the iris. This fluid moves through the opening of the pupil, passes into the space between the iris and the cornea, and drains out of the eye through a tissue called the angle. With glaucoma, the passing of fluid ... Show more content on ... Prevention Right now, although there is no way to prevent glaucoma, there are many successful treatments available to prevent the blindness caused by glaucoma. Because the gradual vision loss of chronic glaucoma may not be noticed until it is too late, regular eye examinations, dilated exams of the optic nerve, and screening tests of the visual field are essential for all persons aged 40 and older, especially is your family has a history of glaucoma. Treatment Treatment of open–angle glaucoma usually begins with prescription eyedrops. These eyedrops lower pressure inside the eyeball, either by causing the eye to produce less fluid or by helping fluid to drain more. As an alternative to medication or when medication does not control glaucoma, laser surgery can be done. This surgery, also called laser trabeculoplasty, uses a laser to make the openings in the eye's drainage network larger. If medication and laser surgery are unsuccessful, conventional eye surgery may be necessary to make a new opening for fluid to leave the eye. Acute glaucoma must be treated early to prevent loss of vision. Treatment usually begins with laser treatment to make a new opening in the iris that allows the angle to open. This is often restores vision, but in some eyes it is necessary to use eyedrops long–term. Surgical treatment ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Themes: Joseph Merrick and Elephant Man Essay Breaking through the Blindness: A Fight for Freedom The three short stories we read, The Elephant in the Village of Blind, 20/20, and The Cathedral, all have many common themes with the movie The Elephant man. What intrigues me the most is the hidden underlining meaning each and every story carries. There are three prominent themes I would like to discuss, the figurative and the literal blindness of the characters in the works, enlightenment, and the freedom the characters experience throughout each individual piece. The themes also go hand in hand because one cannot learn a lesson without achieving enlightenment, and cannot free themselves if there is no blinding barrier. The one prominent similarity in all the works is the blindness ... Show more content on ... Even though sometimes people are deceived by other aspects and judge hashly by first impression, eventually they will surely change their perspective to understand things more clearly. There are times when one's vision is blinded due to the lack of experience, but once they cross that barrier they surely reach enlightenment. The four young mothers sitting on the bench, in the story The Elephant in the Village of the Blind, came to a realization that the elephant in fact is not a scary creature but an enormous, gentle ox with a stretched nose. If the villagers would have never given the elephant a chance, they would have been blinded from the idea of a dangerous elephant and probably would not have been delightfully enlightened to find out how gentle the elephant is. Bill, in 20/20, gets enlightened towards the end of the story. Even though at first he found Ruthie's imagination and her vision naive, he decided to drive and try t see the world from Ruthie's perspective. At the end of the story The Cathedral, Robert says " It's really something" to the experience he received by drawing the cathedral blindfolded. He judged the blind man from the beginning and did not like the fact that the man was in his house, but eventually he realizes how much he was missing out on and was enlightened by the experience of drawing blindfolded. We also see the same occurrence in the movie The Elephant man, the whole town ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Causes Of Change Blindness Psychologists often study the processes of stimuli through sensation and perception, and experimental research is tested for those who fail to perceive certain stimuli. Our perception of the world around us accounts for the method in which we perceive stimuli or fail to perceive it. Change blindness, inattentional blindness, absolute threshold, difference threshold, blind spot, and sensorineural hearing loss are often reasons why we do not recognize stimuli; we become unconscious to it. Change blindness and inattentional blindness are very closely related because they correspond to an individual's ability to perceive a change or an obvious and unexpected stimulus that is in plain sight. Change blindness refers to a perceptual phenomenon where ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Dretske's What Change Blindness In Dretske's paper over "what change blindness teaches about consciousness," I think one of the most important ideas pointed out is that what is in question is not what the person thinks they saw or were aware of, but what they actually were aware of. This is really hard to test and get results on accurately. Now, later on in the paper, Dretske gives a scenario and later about it says, " Reactions to Sam will not add up to knowledge. They will be guesses– correct guesses, perhaps, if they are reliably caused by information being received about Sam–but guesses nonetheless. Sarah's judgments about Sam, however, are not guesses. She knows he wasn't standing on his head. No guessing about it. She knows it because she could see he wasn't. That ... Get more on ...