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Are your eyes playing tricks on you?
Are your eyes playing tricks on you?
A review of Anatomy Have you ever wondered how your eyes worked? How you see things? How
colors appear to you? And what you actually aren't seeing? There are many different ways our
eyes work, and thankfully everyone's eyes are different in their own way. Doctors today are still
finding out new things about how our eyes work, and new ways to fix our eyes so we can see better,
or even fix little in corrections our eyes make. Have you ever looked at an object in front of you and
still were able to see more objects around it, but not clearly? Those inconveniences are called blind
spots. Many people are unaware about blind spots in their eyes, or what colors their eyes are
actually seeing. A blind spot more content...
The process happens so the light that passes through can refocus on the retina in the back of the eye
which is another important reason our eyes work the way they do. The retina in the eye is a thin
layer of tissue in the back of the eye that has millions of light–sensing nerve cells that are called rods
and cones that help us see. The cones are located in the center of the eye that provides clear, sharp
central vision in bright light conditions. The rods are located on the outside of the macula right
next to the cones which provide us with side vision and peripheral vision. The rods allow us to
see dim light at night, and detect when things are in motion. We use need rods and cones to be
able to see the objects we see every day. Last but not least, the optic nerve, right next to your blind
spot sends what we like to call messages to the brain where the images we see are produced.
Listed below is a diagram of the eye to help you better understand where the locations of
everything are. Wholly empirical terms are another way of being understood as the way we see
brightness, color, or anything in motion. Wholly empirical is an example of why we see things
the way we do. Phenomenology of visual perceptions is explained in terms of wholly empirical. This
lets us know why we see things the way we do because of the link images are in our brain. The way
our eyes work is an
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Optometry Personal Statement
An eager interest in the workings and anatomy of the eye has stemmed my interest towards a
career in optometry. My fondness for science came from reading the book 'The Man Who
Mistook His Wife for His Hat', which recounts the case histories of patients lost in the bizarre,
apparently inescapable world of neurological disorders, this drove my passion past the scope of
the curriculum, engaging with ideas independently to follow a career in optometry. As vital
organ of vision, the eye, allows us to learn more about the world around us more than any other
organ or senses. Sight, the physical sensory experience and vision, the metaphysical concept of
how our brain interprets images both work harmoniously and play a huge role in our everyday
lives. However, almost a billion people are either blind or visually impaired simply due to not
having a pair of glasses. Being able to lead people in the direction of good vision is what developed
my interests. Thanks to the copious amounts of applications, I completed 2 weeks of work
experience to further obtain a job offer as an optical assistant at Specsavers. Shadowing the
optometrists and dispensing opticians, had the opportunity to build technical skills when using
equipment such as the tonometer and autorefractor which improved my manual more
Having been promoted to Lance corporal, I had the opportunity to teach others lesson on first aid
and medical practice in the field. Leading my team and taking responsibility for them involved
having to be aware of their strengths and weakness in order to utilise them to accomplish more
together. These skills would give me a head start into the field as it requires the ability to analyse
and deal with complex situations and excellent communication skills which I have all experienced
and gradually
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Under Western Eyes by Mohanty
In this text Mohanty argues that contemporary western feminist writing on Third World women
contributes to the reproduction of colonial discourses where women in the South are represented as
an undifferentiated "other". Mohanty examines how liberal and socialist feminist scholarship use
analytics strategies that creates an essentialist construction of the category woman, universalist
assumptions of sexist oppression and how this contributes to the perpetuation of colonialist relations
between the north and south(Mohanty 1991:55). She criticises Western feminist discourse for
constructing "the third world woman" as a homogeneous "powerless" and vulnerable group, while
women in the North still represent the modern and liberated more content...
She makes an important point when trying to go beyond the female (otherness), by paying careful
attention to differences among women themselves, and by putting emphasize on the multiple realties
that women faces, and by that trying to uncover universalist interpretations (Parpart and Marchand
1995:6). She reveals the inadequacy of binary categories by showing us how power is defined in
binary terms, between the people who have (men) and the people who do not (women). This is a
consequence of seeing women as a homogenous group, and contributes to the reinforcement of the
binary division between men and women (Mohanty 1991:64). By assuming that women are a already
constituted group with the same experiences and interests, gender is looked upon as something that
can be applied cross cultures (Mohanty 1991:54), and it also produces an assumption about the
"average third world woman" as poor and uneducated, in contrast to the educated, modern Western
women (Mohanty 1991:56). Implicit in the binary analytic lies the assumption that the third world
woman only can be liberated through western rationality. Mohanty is making an important point
when emphasising the need to challenge these objectifications (Udayagiri 1995:163). Mohantys
emphasis on historical, spatial and cultural specificity contributes to important insights on how
different contexts influence on women's lives, and challenges the fact that much of the discourse of
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Big Eyes Movie Essay
Set in the 1960's, Big Eyes is a movie based on a true–story that is not only accurate and believable,
but extremely impactful. The movie tells of Margaret, an up–and–coming artist who runs into trial
after trial while trying to make a name for herself. One day, while in the park trying to sell her
unique paintings of children with big eyes, she meets Walter Keane. This man would go on to
play an extremely important part in Margaret's career and her development as an independent
woman. Walter's charming nature (which is later clearly revealed as extremely manipulative)
allows him to work his way into Margaret's heart and eventually become her husband. After being
married for only a short time, Walter begins to take credit for all of Margaret's art and he refuses
to let her claim any as her own. Soon Walter Keane becomes known as the artist who paints the
children with the big eyes. Over and over, Walter takes advantage of Margaret and yet she still
continues to take care of him, even bailing him out of jail more content...
Margaret is constantly being told what to do, where to go, and how to live her life. By the middle
of the movie, she seems almost blank, every ounce of her individuality having been drained out of
her. At one point she goes to confession, saying that she lied to her own daughter at her husband's
bidding. The priest simply says that as a Christian, she should respect and understand that the man is
the head of the household, and therefore he must know what is best. This shows that there really was
no one, not even the church, that would stand up for a woman who was in a controlling, even
potentially abusive
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Through Deaf Eyes Essay
"Through Deaf Eyes" is another world that introduces to hearing people educate them about "deaf
world" or "deaf culture" and how those deaf and hard of hearing people experiences in their world
and their history happened in the past. My perspective on hearing loss as a disability or difference
that is always on my mind and I never thought to be deaf or hard of hearing as a disability. One day,
in the classroom at the University, a professor was discussing the list of disabilities. My interpreter
asked me a personal question, "do you think you're deaf as a disability?" honestly I have paused and
made me pondering for a few seconds. "Yes, I am deaf, and I don't think myself as a person with a
disability just because of hearing loss. However, more content...
I considered myself as a deaf person who lives in both worlds, but when I was reading Deafness and
the Riddle of Identity. The article discussed "not deaf enough." I was thinking, wait a minute,
American Sign Language is my first language before English, and I'm wearing a cochlear implant,
is that mean I am deaf or not? Since I cannot hear or grasp everything and I have a profound
hearing loss when I was watching "Through the Deaf Eyes" everything made sense when deaf
people interviewed about their lives and experiences. However scenes are so bizarre that I was in
disbelief and laughing to hear about history, for instance, there was a scene, was to bring hearing
back, pay 50 dollars to go on the plane and swirling in the sky. If I ever go on that ride, I would
know that I won't have my hearing back, but definitely, will have airsick! Another scene, meet a
famous baseball Yankee player, Babe Ruth to "shock them to bring hearing back." Now, I have
jumped numerous times due to loud noises or a person behind me. None of them would ever bring
me back my hearing for sure! It would be great lessons to teach those children about the deaf history
to help them understand the
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Big Eyes Synopsis
Big Eyes: A Summary
The movie Big Eyes is a biography, crime, and dram film, directed by Tim Burton. The movie stars
Amy Adams as Margaret Keane and Christopher Waltz as Walter Keane. The film was released in
the USA on the 25th of December in 2014.
The movie is based on true–life events of artist Margaret Keane. The story takes place in the 1960's.
The story begins with Margaret, a progressive woman who leaves her husband and moves to San
Francisco in the late 1950's. While trying to support her daughter, she meets Walter, an artist like
herself. The two hit it off perfectly and marry swiftly in Hawaii. The beginning of their marriage is
delightful and sweet. While Margaret stays at home raising Jane and painting, Walter tries to sell their more content...
We are taken from the point where Margaret meets artist Walter and naively marries him to their
everyday life of painting together and living happily. The movie continues with the Walter trying
to make a living off of their art by selling it in art galleries. We are then taken to Walter's small
gallery space in the Hungry I nightclub where he finds his wife's work is liked more than his.
Walter mistakes a couple's compliment for his work, but was for one of Margaret's "Big Eyes";
Walter takes credit for his wife's work and deceives his buyers and admirers. Walter issues a whole
plan to convince Margaret to sell the paintings as his own creations. When Margaret allows him,
thinking it would be the best for all of them, things turn around. The movie takes a turn from a sweet
story, to something twisted. Walter's greed for fame and money takes over him and he is willing to
hurt the woman he
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My Hero Essay : A Hero In My Eyes
A hero in my eyes in not someone who saves you, not someone who you is the perfect citizen in
the community, not someone who is the most liked or most popular and famous. A hero in my
eyes is someone who makes you take a look at yourself, a hero is someone who makes you want
to be a better person. I know this might sound cheesy but it's the absolute truth my Hero is my
significant other, my boyfriend Jahi Woods. He has molded me into a hard working, fun loving
person that I never used to be. I'm thankful for him not just because he is my boyfriend but because
before all of the "I love you"s and all the "Goodnight"s he was and still will always be my best friend.
My first reason Jahi is my Hero is because he's been through everything you can think of, watching
someone die in his arms, being homeless, not having a christmas or thanksgiving get together, to
having three jobs his own house and paid off two brand new cars. He has such a sensible way of
handling life he has the greatest imagination his reach has no end to what he can do, he has had an
excuse for everyone else and what they had done to him but that is because he has the biggest heart
and trusts people to often and too much.
My Second reason my boyfriend is my hero is because he's kept my head up through the two and
a half years we have been together from family problems in my life to giving me advice on what I
should buy. "He's my Rock" is what I should say but i'm not in to cliches and I think that I could
sum it up all in one sentence, "I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for him." I was depressed once
I got out of middle school and just finished ninth grade because I was bullied my entire life and I
had no sense of confidence whatsoever. Once I met him and still to this day he compliments me
probably a low guess 30 times a day.
My Third reasoning for choosing my other half is because he has molded me into a new person,
if it wasn't for him I would be a sad, depressed, self hating black wearing girl who was fat and had
no voice for herself. He helped me avoid that I know that with him I could accomplish anything. I
could rule the world with him by my side, do anything I set my mind too with him and this ring on
my finger. I now have one
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The Eyes Are The Mirror Of The Soul Essay
"The eyes are the mirror of the soul" ("Quotes+about+eyes – Google Search."). After high school I
would like to study optometry for my career. An "optometrist examines the eyes and other parts of
the visual system. They also diagnose and treat visual problems " ("Summary"). The reason I chose
optometry is because when I was in 7th grade I had to get glasses and ever since I have had a
fascination with the practice. When I went in the eye doctor for the first time they did a bunch of
tests with some really funny looking machines to decide my prescription and it caught my interest.
After my optometrist, Dr. McGee, figured out my prescription I went and got my eye glasses. That
was the day I decided to start looking into being an optometrist. When choosing a career it is
important to understand the education of the field of study you are studying and the training
requirements of the job, skills or talents needed, salary and benefits offered, and the duties of the
If I were to go to college and become an optometrist I would work at an office that has other
optometrists or I could work in a doctor 's office. About 49% of optometrists worked in stand alone
offices of optometry ("Summary"). Another place I could work would be in an optical good stores.
The work hours of an optometrist could be tedious depending on when I schedule my patients but
most work full time. Many work evenings and weekends too depending on their patient's needs.
About 1 and 6 optometrists were self
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How the Eye Creates Vision Essay examples
Sight is one of the most important senses because it allows us to gain knowledge about the wold.
Without vision our ability to know what your surroundings are is limited. In this essay I will explain
the complex structure of the eye, how it works, the properties of vision, and how heterchromia iridis
effects the eye. From this essay the reader will be be able to understand the working of the eye and
have a foundation for more advanced knowledge.
The eye has an intricate structure that consists of many parts. The sclera, or whites of the eye
works to keep in the inside of the eye dark and also to providing the "casing of the eye." Posterior to
the sclera is the cornea which is to protect the eye. In addition it also helps the more
The retina displays the image. Similar to an eye, a camera lets light through the lens, projecting an
image on the film. The film is like the retina and the lens of the camera is similar to the cornea lens
pair of the eye. Without cornea, lens, and retina we would not be able to experience vision.
Our vision has several properties of vision starting with including the field of view(FOV), which has
the sub–element: central field of view, peripheral vision, and the blind spot. The FOV is the "cone
space" that a regular person can see at any given moment. There is different angles(your given view
of the eye) for one eye or two. The angle of the FOV for one eye is roughly 150 degrees and for two
eyes the angle is roughly 180 degrees. The central field of view is a small area in the center of the
FOV where fine details of the images can be identified. The central field of view is quite
small,having an angle at only about 3 degrees. There is a small dip in the retina called the
"fovea," which detects the central field of view. The central field of view is the most detailed are
of our vision. The middle vision is around a 13 degree angle from the eye but it isn't as detailed as
the central field of view but small details can still be seen. The macula, a special area in the retina,
detects middle vision.( In the middle of the macula is the fovea and the rest of the FOV is made up
of peripheral vision.) Without the peripheral vision we would not be able to see
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Eye contact Essay
A common phrase used about the eyes is that, "the eyes are the window to the soul." This phrase
is not necessarily true; however, it gives a good perspective on how people use eyes to judge a
person's character. First of all, eye contact is a great communication tool and can be used effectively
in social situation. Second, a teacher can use eye contact to help their interaction with students.
Third, employers want a future employee to have good eye contact to know that the employee is
listening and will understand the job they are asked to perform. Eye contact is important and can
determine a person's true thoughts and opinions. The use of eye contact in socializing is important.
Social Situations Eye contact can determine a person' more content...
There are people with high self–esteem and people with low self–esteem. People with low
self–esteem and people with high self–esteem have different eye contact reactions when they receive
news. People with high self–esteem reduce eye contact and avoid it when they are receiving news
they do not like or do not want to hear, however, they have excellent eye contact while receiving
good news (Greene & Frandsen, 1979). People with low self–esteem are on the opposite end of the
spectrum, they increase eye contact with bad news and decrease eye contact with good news
(Greene & Frandsen, 1979). The eyes can even have conversations of their own in social
situations. You can be saying one thing and your eyes could be saying another. You can use your
eyes to tell people things that you do not want to say out loud. People use their eyes to help in the
turn taking in a conversation; they just use their eyes to show that they are anxious to talk or are
tired of talking and wish the other person would chime in (Comadena, 1990). The eyes are a
dangerous tool to use in social situations. They can be used effectively or can be confused with
staring or gawking. People do not always like to be looked at, even if the intentions are good. There
are two types of people, people that feel they need to be stared at and those
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Eyes In The Great Gatsby Analysis
Ever Seeing Eyes of the Light ATTENTION GETTER In Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby,
Fitzgerald depicts the life of an everyday broker named Nick, and an elegant man named Gatsby.
As an American writer, Fitzgerald did a great job symbolizing different things in The Great
Gatsby. Throughout the story, eyes and lights are the symbol most important because the eyes
symbolize that somebody is always watching and judging your every movement, also Fitzgerald
uses lights to symbolize how unobtainable happiness is. The eyes of T.J. Eckleberg and and Owl
Eyes are used throughout the story and are both recurring. Owl Eyes is a very minor character in
the grand scheme of things, but his eyes are one of the most important pairs. Before the novel has
taken full flight, Jordan and Nick come across a strange man in Gatsby's library who is amazed that
Gatsby owns all of the books. "'What do you think?' he demanded impetuously. 'About what?' He
waved his hand toward the book–shelves. 'About that. As a matter of fact you needn't bother to
ascertain. I ascertained. They're real.' 'The books?' He nodded" (Fitzgerald 45). Owl Eyes
questions the accountability of Gatsby, because there are a very large number of rumors of things
that Gatsby has accomplished and done. It may come across as odd that somebody would question
the accountability of a wealthy man during this era, but there was a mystery behind Gatsby because
so few people were actually able to meet him at the parties. Not only was
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Tim Tebow's Through My Eyes
Tim Tebow sits below the stage nervously waiting for the announcement of the Heisman Trophy
Winner. He flashes through his life, remembering the hardships and walls he broke through to get to
this amazing point. In the story Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow and Nathan Whitaker, Tebow
recalls his ride through life that got his to the biggest stage in college football. This novel is based
on Tim Tebow's life before the NFL. He takes you through his many spiritual and athletic events he
experienced in his life. Tebow was an athletic phenom who was good at every sport he played
including baseball, basketball, and most importantly football. Tim Tebow's autobiography has great,
descriptive events that everyone should read and experience. The more content...
Many chapters will start with the introduction of a new character. Normally, this would confuse
me because of the build up of different characters. But, he made it an emphasis to describe each
character with enough details to differentiate each person from each other. "Uncle Dick was out
next door neighbor and an important part of our lives. Known to the rest of the world as Richard
Fowler, I really thought he was my uncle. He was close to all the children in the Tebow family,
probably in no small part because he'd never been married and therefore never had children of his
own" (Tebow 7). Tebow brings Uncle Dick into the story to help describe his life in Jacksonville
as a child. He spent much of his time as a child at Uncle Dicks. Tebow's novel is a great gateway
into his past and to see how he felt during his eventful years at Florida as the Quarterback. As the
reader, you understand his thoughts through each obstacle because he takes the time to describe his
emotions and thoughts in the specific time. This novel uses sensory details very well which creates
the descriptive events that this novel prides itself on. Tim Tebow tells how his hard work and
blessing given by God earned him the life he
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Different Color Eyes Essay
My mother use to be "an active volcano." Now she is 77, older and frail. I felt guilty. This feeling
does not abandon me when I am thinking how I have rarely visited my mother. How is she? I
have not seen her for couple years, but soon, very soon I will see her. I hurried to embrace her
again. The taxi rushed on an empty road. It was an early summer morning. I was looking through a
window. Light fog was spreading on the land, enveloping trees and bushes and making a view
similar to a mirage. Sunrise commenced. On the skyline the sun, as a giant orange–red sphere, was
lifting giving to a landscape the warm nuances and more legible forms. In the distance appeared
houses. The taxi was driving across the village where I grew up. Since more content...
Oh! These eyes, she has exceptional eyes; they are a different color: left eye is green, but right eye
is clear brown. In youth my mother was brunette, about five feet high not very thin, but well done
with feminine forms. She was always with nice coiffure and well–dressed, elegant, simple and with a
good taste, and never in pants. An inalienable part of her clothes were shoes on the heels, which
made her walking more graceful. She has never worn a makeup only a light color lipstick. She
was a beautiful woman, on my regard, with which the mother has never agreed. When I asked
her, "How can you explain those numerous admirers whom you had in your life?" She laughed
and replied, "They were entranced by my eyes are a different color." My mother was a librarian.
Until now, the odor of books associates with the time when I have spent in the library reading
books, while she was working. Owing to the profession, she has always read and developed. The
mother was very creative and full of ideas woman. Therefore, people have always surrounded her,
and especially youth has been attracted. She had written scenarios for concertos, dedicating for
special events and participated in as the master of ceremonies. She founded an amateur dramatic
theater where she was the producer and actress. I liked to see their repetitions and shows. She was
acting so harmoniously and speaking so naturally that there was not doubt that was a real personage,
whom she was
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Blind Eye Research Papers
Are There Blind Spots in Our Eyes?
Our eyes are vital organs because they help us visualize our surroundings. But are our eyes
perfect in seeing what's right in front of us? Sadly I learned in our evolution, nature messed up at
one point and gave us blind spots in our eyes. This project shows why we have these blind spots,
how to discover them, and how big they are. I researched on how our eyes see things; why when one
eye is closed, the other eye sometimes can't see what's in front of it. I also found during my
research a formula that is used to estimate the size of a human eye's blind spot. I performed an
experiment using Blind Spot Test card I made to verify the existence of blind spots in my eyes. I
also collected more content...
Use a black marker pen to draw a black dot and a cross on the two edges of the card. Make sure the
dot and the cross are on the same level.
Hold the test card away at an arm's length and at eye level, while the other hand holds a yardstick
just below the left eye. Put the test card on top of the meter stick. Make sure the cross on the test
card is on the right hand side.
Close your right eye and stare at the cross with your left eye. At this point, you should also be able
to see the black dot.
Focus on the cross and move the test card towards you by sliding it along the yardstick slowly. At a
certain point, the black dot will disappear from your vision. Record the measurement on the meter
stick when that happens.
Continue to move the test card forward; you'll notice the black dot will reappear again.
You can also test for the other eye by closing your left eye instead. This time you should look
directly at the black dot with your right eye, and as you move the test card closer to you, you should
notice the cross disappear and reappear again.
The following is the formula for finding the size of the blind spot of a human eye:
S/m = d/D
In this equation, S is the size of the
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Eye For An Eye
Although, some citizens feel that an eye for an eye is a satisfactory way of determining one's
punishment for a wrongdoing, others feel that a person is punishable in other ways than inflicting
the pain the victim felt. If a person gets brutally bombarded, the person that hurt one should be
punished, but not in the same way the victim was. Sometimes an eye for an eye is a terrific way of
determining one's punishment; however, it can become very violent in some cases. People should not
get revenge for the wrongdoings a person does upon them; nevertheless, the authorities or officials
should punish them in a way that will get through to them.
First and foremost, an eye for an eye is not a good system for determining punishments because more content...
An eye for an eye can hurt other people than just the person that has hurt someone. Not only the
victim but their families can suffer from emotional and psychological problems for a lifetime. If
someone murders a person remorselessly they should be punished; however, there are other ways
to punish someone rather than inhumanely hurting them. If the person survives the non
compulsory punishment from the authorities, they can and probably will suffer from things that
they will never be able to forget. In contrast, if a person hurts someone or their family, they should
be punished like the victim was. People should have a consciousness of what they are doing;
nevertheless, they should be punished just like the victim and their family was. People should do
unto others as you have them do unto you, so if a person is attacked, they should be attacked as
effectively as the victim was. There are some heartless attackers out there, so people should be
heartless right back and show them what they did and are doing is notoriously wrong. In conclusion,
the an eye for an eye system should not be used in deciding punishments for hoodlums. Using this
system can be terribly dangerous and can possibly result in death or injury. In the future, if this
system is being used somewhere in the country, it should be stopped immediately before further
damage is done to the
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The Physics Of The Human Eye
Physics of the human eye.
The human eye, what a complex but fascinating organ. It has the ability to see past the horizon
and observe the different colors of a rainbow. The eye can be quicker then a race car but slow
enough to witness a snail crawling across a beach. The eye can capture objects at various different
angles, such as birds flying overhead or a person walking right beside you. Yes indeed, theeye is
probably the greatest sense a person can have.
The eye is so vast and complex. To try and write everything about the eye would take a very long
time. Compiling all the information and then putting it down on paper, a person could write another
book. The eyeball it self weighs about 7gm., the volume 6.5cc., and its more content...
(Fig 1.) Normally when we see an image, it is because light passes through the cornea, pupil and lens.
Both the cornea and lens work in conjunction to focus the image on the retina. The lens is actual
flexible so that it may become flatter or more rounded, so that is able to focus the image on the
retina. In normal healthy eyes, the light that passes through the eye and that is focused on the
retina. This light has the right focal point. This means that the eye converges parallel light rays
from distant objects to a point that is focused on the retina. (6) This focal point is located directly
in the back of the eyeball on which the image is formed. (1) (Fig. 2)
When light enters the eye, the lens forms an image that is inverted (similar to a camera). This
means that the retinas in our eyes interpret the image as being right side up by our eye–brain system.
Fig. 1Fig. 2
(Eye anatomy)(Normal eye)
If an individual was experiencing any loss in vision, it would be a good idea to test your vision.
A eye chart (see fig 3. Pg.3) could be placed in a well illuminated area and the person would stand
about 6 meters from the chart. The lowest line that you can read correctly is you visual acuity. If
the chart printed is the correct size, the calibrated line should measure 100mm. If so, the
calibration should be multiplied by 2.26. An example, the calibration line is 100 mm, 100 * 2.36 =
236 inches, or 19 feet, 8 inches (which is about 20
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Growing up we've all experienced something in common, living a life through people's eyes .
What I mean by living a life through people's eye is caring too much of other people's opinion
more than your own opinion. We listened to other people's opinion more than our own due to the
fear of embarrassment of doing something incorrect getting a sense of feeling guilty and because
the opinion of other people give us confidence that we are doing great. As children, we are easily
fooled by our parents, teachers, siblings as they can get to make us do anything they told us . As
young children we are not fully aware of our own self but instead depend on our parents opinion
as they needed to tell us what to do,what not to do, and even what to wear. I remember one time
when I was approximately eight years old my parents telling me "if you don't go to sleep early
you'll get old quickly as your great grandma with wrinkles and bags under the eyes." Of course
our parents telling us this scared us so we would go to sleep instead. Remember during our
elementary and middle school years when we would put teachers opinion first then anything else
when it came to essays, presentations because we thought teachers were never wrong , but
correct. We always had a mind set in which we needed people's thought in order to feel like if we
run the world since it always gave us a boost of self esteem . As children we were developing based
on others opinion but now everything is different.
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Eyes: Pupillary Light Measure
Eyes: Pupillary light reflex: Pupils are equal, round, reactive to light. Accommodation is present.
Eyebrows, eyelids, and lashes are present, symmetric, and eyelids are a proximal completely.
Conjunctive is pink, clear, with no swelling or lesions. Sclera is china white. Patient wears
glasses and the glasses are in good repair. The last vision test was last spring and the patient gets
an eye exam done every two years. The client states her left eye did not fully develop so she has
always had bad vision in that one eye. However, when you look at the eye, you would never notice.
Cataracts were removed in both eyes, but it was 3 years apart. Ears: Client states she has does not
have hearing difficulties. Client states she has not had
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Human Vision and the Eye Essay
Human eyes receive and form images from outside, also automatically changes in light and seeing
things close up and at a distance. Therefore, we can see most of things from outside world. But
without light, we can't see anything. Light travels though space and the sun gives off light rays then
enter the eyes they are bent or refracted and these light rays create images or picture of all the
objects around you, that's why we can see things very clearly. How light enter the eye, first light
enters the eye though pupil which control different amounts of light into our eye. Then crystalline
lens helps us see clearly, when we look at near objects crystalline lens will grows thicker and when
we look at far objects then it more content...
Therefore, to help nearsighted person to see clear they should wear glasses or contact lenses. The
shape of lens help human eye changes the direction of the incoming light rays so the refractions in
the eye have a clear image on the retina. So the shape of the lens is important because different
kinds of lenses fix different kinds of problem.
Concave lenses are helping nearsighted people to correct their vision. They are thicker on the edges
than in the middle.
If the eye under converges and light rays focus behind the retina, this is called farsighted person.
A farsighted person can see distant objects very clear, but nearby objects such as words in a book
is very fuzzy. Convex lenses are helping farsighted people to correct their vision. They are thicker
in the middle than at the edges. The following are the diagram to show you how the convex lenses
Another vision problem is – Presbyopia a vision problem created by the stiffening of the crystalline
lens. People with presbyopia have poor near vision. This happen usually after people after 45.
Multiple Lens On One Glasses
One glasses with three different kinds of lens that you can see objects from farsight, middle place,
and nearsight. This kind of glasses is very useful for people who have different kinds of problem on
their eye.
1. How far the focal length of the cornea lens system of the eye must change, when the
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The Eyes Are The Windows Of The Soul
Many philosophers have said that the 'Eyes are the windows to the soul.' The eyes can show a
person's true personality. Not their clothes, facial expressions, or how they hold themselves, but
looking into another's eyes will show one's soul. But what if their personality was not found in
their eyes, but in the form of a mutation? As found in Black Hole, the town's teens have contracted
an STD they call "the bug." Each teen that acquires it grows an external mutation. This is
especially found in some of the main characters: Keith, Rob, and Chris. Keith grows appendages
that look like tadpoles on his chest. Rob has another mouth on his neck. Chris sheds her skin. Each
of these mutations indicate what this person is actually like. The external mutations of Keith, Rob,
and Chris symbolize the characters' inner selves. Keith's tadpole mutations on his chest represent
his adaptable personality with his friends and with mutations. Keith's mutation doesn't show until
the end of the book, but that doesn't mean his inner personality wasn't there; it was merely hidden.
Once his mutation does form, one could analyze from the whole book that Keith is adept at
accepting his surroundings. Like a frog, he can survive in the water and on land. Stereotypical
stoners are his friends, but he also goes to 'The Pit.' 'The Pit' consists of people who have
contracted the bug. For a large part of the book he doesn't even have a mutation, but Keith is
accepted and welcomed. Either with his school
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Eyes Essay

  • 1. Are your eyes playing tricks on you? Are your eyes playing tricks on you? A review of Anatomy Have you ever wondered how your eyes worked? How you see things? How colors appear to you? And what you actually aren't seeing? There are many different ways our eyes work, and thankfully everyone's eyes are different in their own way. Doctors today are still finding out new things about how our eyes work, and new ways to fix our eyes so we can see better, or even fix little in corrections our eyes make. Have you ever looked at an object in front of you and still were able to see more objects around it, but not clearly? Those inconveniences are called blind spots. Many people are unaware about blind spots in their eyes, or what colors their eyes are actually seeing. A blind spot more content... The process happens so the light that passes through can refocus on the retina in the back of the eye which is another important reason our eyes work the way they do. The retina in the eye is a thin layer of tissue in the back of the eye that has millions of light–sensing nerve cells that are called rods and cones that help us see. The cones are located in the center of the eye that provides clear, sharp central vision in bright light conditions. The rods are located on the outside of the macula right next to the cones which provide us with side vision and peripheral vision. The rods allow us to see dim light at night, and detect when things are in motion. We use need rods and cones to be able to see the objects we see every day. Last but not least, the optic nerve, right next to your blind spot sends what we like to call messages to the brain where the images we see are produced. Listed below is a diagram of the eye to help you better understand where the locations of everything are. Wholly empirical terms are another way of being understood as the way we see brightness, color, or anything in motion. Wholly empirical is an example of why we see things the way we do. Phenomenology of visual perceptions is explained in terms of wholly empirical. This lets us know why we see things the way we do because of the link images are in our brain. The way our eyes work is an Get more content on
  • 2. Optometry Personal Statement An eager interest in the workings and anatomy of the eye has stemmed my interest towards a career in optometry. My fondness for science came from reading the book 'The Man Who Mistook His Wife for His Hat', which recounts the case histories of patients lost in the bizarre, apparently inescapable world of neurological disorders, this drove my passion past the scope of the curriculum, engaging with ideas independently to follow a career in optometry. As vital organ of vision, the eye, allows us to learn more about the world around us more than any other organ or senses. Sight, the physical sensory experience and vision, the metaphysical concept of how our brain interprets images both work harmoniously and play a huge role in our everyday lives. However, almost a billion people are either blind or visually impaired simply due to not having a pair of glasses. Being able to lead people in the direction of good vision is what developed my interests. Thanks to the copious amounts of applications, I completed 2 weeks of work experience to further obtain a job offer as an optical assistant at Specsavers. Shadowing the optometrists and dispensing opticians, had the opportunity to build technical skills when using equipment such as the tonometer and autorefractor which improved my manual more content... Having been promoted to Lance corporal, I had the opportunity to teach others lesson on first aid and medical practice in the field. Leading my team and taking responsibility for them involved having to be aware of their strengths and weakness in order to utilise them to accomplish more together. These skills would give me a head start into the field as it requires the ability to analyse and deal with complex situations and excellent communication skills which I have all experienced and gradually Get more content on
  • 3. Under Western Eyes by Mohanty In this text Mohanty argues that contemporary western feminist writing on Third World women contributes to the reproduction of colonial discourses where women in the South are represented as an undifferentiated "other". Mohanty examines how liberal and socialist feminist scholarship use analytics strategies that creates an essentialist construction of the category woman, universalist assumptions of sexist oppression and how this contributes to the perpetuation of colonialist relations between the north and south(Mohanty 1991:55). She criticises Western feminist discourse for constructing "the third world woman" as a homogeneous "powerless" and vulnerable group, while women in the North still represent the modern and liberated more content... She makes an important point when trying to go beyond the female (otherness), by paying careful attention to differences among women themselves, and by putting emphasize on the multiple realties that women faces, and by that trying to uncover universalist interpretations (Parpart and Marchand 1995:6). She reveals the inadequacy of binary categories by showing us how power is defined in binary terms, between the people who have (men) and the people who do not (women). This is a consequence of seeing women as a homogenous group, and contributes to the reinforcement of the binary division between men and women (Mohanty 1991:64). By assuming that women are a already constituted group with the same experiences and interests, gender is looked upon as something that can be applied cross cultures (Mohanty 1991:54), and it also produces an assumption about the "average third world woman" as poor and uneducated, in contrast to the educated, modern Western women (Mohanty 1991:56). Implicit in the binary analytic lies the assumption that the third world woman only can be liberated through western rationality. Mohanty is making an important point when emphasising the need to challenge these objectifications (Udayagiri 1995:163). Mohantys emphasis on historical, spatial and cultural specificity contributes to important insights on how different contexts influence on women's lives, and challenges the fact that much of the discourse of Get more content on
  • 4. Big Eyes Movie Essay Set in the 1960's, Big Eyes is a movie based on a true–story that is not only accurate and believable, but extremely impactful. The movie tells of Margaret, an up–and–coming artist who runs into trial after trial while trying to make a name for herself. One day, while in the park trying to sell her unique paintings of children with big eyes, she meets Walter Keane. This man would go on to play an extremely important part in Margaret's career and her development as an independent woman. Walter's charming nature (which is later clearly revealed as extremely manipulative) allows him to work his way into Margaret's heart and eventually become her husband. After being married for only a short time, Walter begins to take credit for all of Margaret's art and he refuses to let her claim any as her own. Soon Walter Keane becomes known as the artist who paints the children with the big eyes. Over and over, Walter takes advantage of Margaret and yet she still continues to take care of him, even bailing him out of jail more content... Margaret is constantly being told what to do, where to go, and how to live her life. By the middle of the movie, she seems almost blank, every ounce of her individuality having been drained out of her. At one point she goes to confession, saying that she lied to her own daughter at her husband's bidding. The priest simply says that as a Christian, she should respect and understand that the man is the head of the household, and therefore he must know what is best. This shows that there really was no one, not even the church, that would stand up for a woman who was in a controlling, even potentially abusive Get more content on
  • 5. Through Deaf Eyes Essay "Through Deaf Eyes" is another world that introduces to hearing people educate them about "deaf world" or "deaf culture" and how those deaf and hard of hearing people experiences in their world and their history happened in the past. My perspective on hearing loss as a disability or difference that is always on my mind and I never thought to be deaf or hard of hearing as a disability. One day, in the classroom at the University, a professor was discussing the list of disabilities. My interpreter asked me a personal question, "do you think you're deaf as a disability?" honestly I have paused and made me pondering for a few seconds. "Yes, I am deaf, and I don't think myself as a person with a disability just because of hearing loss. However, more content... I considered myself as a deaf person who lives in both worlds, but when I was reading Deafness and the Riddle of Identity. The article discussed "not deaf enough." I was thinking, wait a minute, American Sign Language is my first language before English, and I'm wearing a cochlear implant, is that mean I am deaf or not? Since I cannot hear or grasp everything and I have a profound hearing loss when I was watching "Through the Deaf Eyes" everything made sense when deaf people interviewed about their lives and experiences. However scenes are so bizarre that I was in disbelief and laughing to hear about history, for instance, there was a scene, was to bring hearing back, pay 50 dollars to go on the plane and swirling in the sky. If I ever go on that ride, I would know that I won't have my hearing back, but definitely, will have airsick! Another scene, meet a famous baseball Yankee player, Babe Ruth to "shock them to bring hearing back." Now, I have jumped numerous times due to loud noises or a person behind me. None of them would ever bring me back my hearing for sure! It would be great lessons to teach those children about the deaf history to help them understand the Get more content on
  • 6. Big Eyes Synopsis Big Eyes: A Summary The movie Big Eyes is a biography, crime, and dram film, directed by Tim Burton. The movie stars Amy Adams as Margaret Keane and Christopher Waltz as Walter Keane. The film was released in the USA on the 25th of December in 2014. The movie is based on true–life events of artist Margaret Keane. The story takes place in the 1960's. The story begins with Margaret, a progressive woman who leaves her husband and moves to San Francisco in the late 1950's. While trying to support her daughter, she meets Walter, an artist like herself. The two hit it off perfectly and marry swiftly in Hawaii. The beginning of their marriage is delightful and sweet. While Margaret stays at home raising Jane and painting, Walter tries to sell their more content... We are taken from the point where Margaret meets artist Walter and naively marries him to their everyday life of painting together and living happily. The movie continues with the Walter trying to make a living off of their art by selling it in art galleries. We are then taken to Walter's small gallery space in the Hungry I nightclub where he finds his wife's work is liked more than his. Walter mistakes a couple's compliment for his work, but was for one of Margaret's "Big Eyes"; Walter takes credit for his wife's work and deceives his buyers and admirers. Walter issues a whole plan to convince Margaret to sell the paintings as his own creations. When Margaret allows him, thinking it would be the best for all of them, things turn around. The movie takes a turn from a sweet story, to something twisted. Walter's greed for fame and money takes over him and he is willing to hurt the woman he Get more content on
  • 7. My Hero Essay : A Hero In My Eyes A hero in my eyes in not someone who saves you, not someone who you is the perfect citizen in the community, not someone who is the most liked or most popular and famous. A hero in my eyes is someone who makes you take a look at yourself, a hero is someone who makes you want to be a better person. I know this might sound cheesy but it's the absolute truth my Hero is my significant other, my boyfriend Jahi Woods. He has molded me into a hard working, fun loving person that I never used to be. I'm thankful for him not just because he is my boyfriend but because before all of the "I love you"s and all the "Goodnight"s he was and still will always be my best friend. My first reason Jahi is my Hero is because he's been through everything you can think of, watching someone die in his arms, being homeless, not having a christmas or thanksgiving get together, to having three jobs his own house and paid off two brand new cars. He has such a sensible way of handling life he has the greatest imagination his reach has no end to what he can do, he has had an excuse for everyone else and what they had done to him but that is because he has the biggest heart and trusts people to often and too much. My Second reason my boyfriend is my hero is because he's kept my head up through the two and a half years we have been together from family problems in my life to giving me advice on what I should buy. "He's my Rock" is what I should say but i'm not in to cliches and I think that I could sum it up all in one sentence, "I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for him." I was depressed once I got out of middle school and just finished ninth grade because I was bullied my entire life and I had no sense of confidence whatsoever. Once I met him and still to this day he compliments me probably a low guess 30 times a day. My Third reasoning for choosing my other half is because he has molded me into a new person, if it wasn't for him I would be a sad, depressed, self hating black wearing girl who was fat and had no voice for herself. He helped me avoid that I know that with him I could accomplish anything. I could rule the world with him by my side, do anything I set my mind too with him and this ring on my finger. I now have one Get more content on
  • 8. The Eyes Are The Mirror Of The Soul Essay "The eyes are the mirror of the soul" ("Quotes+about+eyes – Google Search."). After high school I would like to study optometry for my career. An "optometrist examines the eyes and other parts of the visual system. They also diagnose and treat visual problems " ("Summary"). The reason I chose optometry is because when I was in 7th grade I had to get glasses and ever since I have had a fascination with the practice. When I went in the eye doctor for the first time they did a bunch of tests with some really funny looking machines to decide my prescription and it caught my interest. After my optometrist, Dr. McGee, figured out my prescription I went and got my eye glasses. That was the day I decided to start looking into being an optometrist. When choosing a career it is important to understand the education of the field of study you are studying and the training requirements of the job, skills or talents needed, salary and benefits offered, and the duties of the career. If I were to go to college and become an optometrist I would work at an office that has other optometrists or I could work in a doctor 's office. About 49% of optometrists worked in stand alone offices of optometry ("Summary"). Another place I could work would be in an optical good stores. The work hours of an optometrist could be tedious depending on when I schedule my patients but most work full time. Many work evenings and weekends too depending on their patient's needs. About 1 and 6 optometrists were self Get more content on
  • 9. How the Eye Creates Vision Essay examples Sight is one of the most important senses because it allows us to gain knowledge about the wold. Without vision our ability to know what your surroundings are is limited. In this essay I will explain the complex structure of the eye, how it works, the properties of vision, and how heterchromia iridis effects the eye. From this essay the reader will be be able to understand the working of the eye and have a foundation for more advanced knowledge. The eye has an intricate structure that consists of many parts. The sclera, or whites of the eye works to keep in the inside of the eye dark and also to providing the "casing of the eye." Posterior to the sclera is the cornea which is to protect the eye. In addition it also helps the more content... The retina displays the image. Similar to an eye, a camera lets light through the lens, projecting an image on the film. The film is like the retina and the lens of the camera is similar to the cornea lens pair of the eye. Without cornea, lens, and retina we would not be able to experience vision. Our vision has several properties of vision starting with including the field of view(FOV), which has the sub–element: central field of view, peripheral vision, and the blind spot. The FOV is the "cone space" that a regular person can see at any given moment. There is different angles(your given view of the eye) for one eye or two. The angle of the FOV for one eye is roughly 150 degrees and for two eyes the angle is roughly 180 degrees. The central field of view is a small area in the center of the FOV where fine details of the images can be identified. The central field of view is quite small,having an angle at only about 3 degrees. There is a small dip in the retina called the "fovea," which detects the central field of view. The central field of view is the most detailed are of our vision. The middle vision is around a 13 degree angle from the eye but it isn't as detailed as the central field of view but small details can still be seen. The macula, a special area in the retina, detects middle vision.( In the middle of the macula is the fovea and the rest of the FOV is made up of peripheral vision.) Without the peripheral vision we would not be able to see Get more content on
  • 10. Eye contact Essay A common phrase used about the eyes is that, "the eyes are the window to the soul." This phrase is not necessarily true; however, it gives a good perspective on how people use eyes to judge a person's character. First of all, eye contact is a great communication tool and can be used effectively in social situation. Second, a teacher can use eye contact to help their interaction with students. Third, employers want a future employee to have good eye contact to know that the employee is listening and will understand the job they are asked to perform. Eye contact is important and can determine a person's true thoughts and opinions. The use of eye contact in socializing is important. Social Situations Eye contact can determine a person' more content... There are people with high self–esteem and people with low self–esteem. People with low self–esteem and people with high self–esteem have different eye contact reactions when they receive news. People with high self–esteem reduce eye contact and avoid it when they are receiving news they do not like or do not want to hear, however, they have excellent eye contact while receiving good news (Greene & Frandsen, 1979). People with low self–esteem are on the opposite end of the spectrum, they increase eye contact with bad news and decrease eye contact with good news (Greene & Frandsen, 1979). The eyes can even have conversations of their own in social situations. You can be saying one thing and your eyes could be saying another. You can use your eyes to tell people things that you do not want to say out loud. People use their eyes to help in the turn taking in a conversation; they just use their eyes to show that they are anxious to talk or are tired of talking and wish the other person would chime in (Comadena, 1990). The eyes are a dangerous tool to use in social situations. They can be used effectively or can be confused with staring or gawking. People do not always like to be looked at, even if the intentions are good. There are two types of people, people that feel they need to be stared at and those Get more content on
  • 11. Eyes In The Great Gatsby Analysis Ever Seeing Eyes of the Light ATTENTION GETTER In Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald depicts the life of an everyday broker named Nick, and an elegant man named Gatsby. As an American writer, Fitzgerald did a great job symbolizing different things in The Great Gatsby. Throughout the story, eyes and lights are the symbol most important because the eyes symbolize that somebody is always watching and judging your every movement, also Fitzgerald uses lights to symbolize how unobtainable happiness is. The eyes of T.J. Eckleberg and and Owl Eyes are used throughout the story and are both recurring. Owl Eyes is a very minor character in the grand scheme of things, but his eyes are one of the most important pairs. Before the novel has taken full flight, Jordan and Nick come across a strange man in Gatsby's library who is amazed that Gatsby owns all of the books. "'What do you think?' he demanded impetuously. 'About what?' He waved his hand toward the book–shelves. 'About that. As a matter of fact you needn't bother to ascertain. I ascertained. They're real.' 'The books?' He nodded" (Fitzgerald 45). Owl Eyes questions the accountability of Gatsby, because there are a very large number of rumors of things that Gatsby has accomplished and done. It may come across as odd that somebody would question the accountability of a wealthy man during this era, but there was a mystery behind Gatsby because so few people were actually able to meet him at the parties. Not only was Get more content on
  • 12. Tim Tebow's Through My Eyes Tim Tebow sits below the stage nervously waiting for the announcement of the Heisman Trophy Winner. He flashes through his life, remembering the hardships and walls he broke through to get to this amazing point. In the story Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow and Nathan Whitaker, Tebow recalls his ride through life that got his to the biggest stage in college football. This novel is based on Tim Tebow's life before the NFL. He takes you through his many spiritual and athletic events he experienced in his life. Tebow was an athletic phenom who was good at every sport he played including baseball, basketball, and most importantly football. Tim Tebow's autobiography has great, descriptive events that everyone should read and experience. The more content... Many chapters will start with the introduction of a new character. Normally, this would confuse me because of the build up of different characters. But, he made it an emphasis to describe each character with enough details to differentiate each person from each other. "Uncle Dick was out next door neighbor and an important part of our lives. Known to the rest of the world as Richard Fowler, I really thought he was my uncle. He was close to all the children in the Tebow family, probably in no small part because he'd never been married and therefore never had children of his own" (Tebow 7). Tebow brings Uncle Dick into the story to help describe his life in Jacksonville as a child. He spent much of his time as a child at Uncle Dicks. Tebow's novel is a great gateway into his past and to see how he felt during his eventful years at Florida as the Quarterback. As the reader, you understand his thoughts through each obstacle because he takes the time to describe his emotions and thoughts in the specific time. This novel uses sensory details very well which creates the descriptive events that this novel prides itself on. Tim Tebow tells how his hard work and blessing given by God earned him the life he Get more content on
  • 13. Different Color Eyes Essay My mother use to be "an active volcano." Now she is 77, older and frail. I felt guilty. This feeling does not abandon me when I am thinking how I have rarely visited my mother. How is she? I have not seen her for couple years, but soon, very soon I will see her. I hurried to embrace her again. The taxi rushed on an empty road. It was an early summer morning. I was looking through a window. Light fog was spreading on the land, enveloping trees and bushes and making a view similar to a mirage. Sunrise commenced. On the skyline the sun, as a giant orange–red sphere, was lifting giving to a landscape the warm nuances and more legible forms. In the distance appeared houses. The taxi was driving across the village where I grew up. Since more content... Oh! These eyes, she has exceptional eyes; they are a different color: left eye is green, but right eye is clear brown. In youth my mother was brunette, about five feet high not very thin, but well done with feminine forms. She was always with nice coiffure and well–dressed, elegant, simple and with a good taste, and never in pants. An inalienable part of her clothes were shoes on the heels, which made her walking more graceful. She has never worn a makeup only a light color lipstick. She was a beautiful woman, on my regard, with which the mother has never agreed. When I asked her, "How can you explain those numerous admirers whom you had in your life?" She laughed and replied, "They were entranced by my eyes are a different color." My mother was a librarian. Until now, the odor of books associates with the time when I have spent in the library reading books, while she was working. Owing to the profession, she has always read and developed. The mother was very creative and full of ideas woman. Therefore, people have always surrounded her, and especially youth has been attracted. She had written scenarios for concertos, dedicating for special events and participated in as the master of ceremonies. She founded an amateur dramatic theater where she was the producer and actress. I liked to see their repetitions and shows. She was acting so harmoniously and speaking so naturally that there was not doubt that was a real personage, whom she was Get more content on
  • 14. Blind Eye Research Papers Are There Blind Spots in Our Eyes? ABSTRACT Our eyes are vital organs because they help us visualize our surroundings. But are our eyes perfect in seeing what's right in front of us? Sadly I learned in our evolution, nature messed up at one point and gave us blind spots in our eyes. This project shows why we have these blind spots, how to discover them, and how big they are. I researched on how our eyes see things; why when one eye is closed, the other eye sometimes can't see what's in front of it. I also found during my research a formula that is used to estimate the size of a human eye's blind spot. I performed an experiment using Blind Spot Test card I made to verify the existence of blind spots in my eyes. I also collected more content... Use a black marker pen to draw a black dot and a cross on the two edges of the card. Make sure the dot and the cross are on the same level. Hold the test card away at an arm's length and at eye level, while the other hand holds a yardstick just below the left eye. Put the test card on top of the meter stick. Make sure the cross on the test card is on the right hand side. Close your right eye and stare at the cross with your left eye. At this point, you should also be able to see the black dot. Focus on the cross and move the test card towards you by sliding it along the yardstick slowly. At a certain point, the black dot will disappear from your vision. Record the measurement on the meter stick when that happens. Continue to move the test card forward; you'll notice the black dot will reappear again. You can also test for the other eye by closing your left eye instead. This time you should look directly at the black dot with your right eye, and as you move the test card closer to you, you should notice the cross disappear and reappear again. DATA AND DISCUSSION The following is the formula for finding the size of the blind spot of a human eye: S/m = d/D In this equation, S is the size of the Get more content on
  • 15. Eye For An Eye Although, some citizens feel that an eye for an eye is a satisfactory way of determining one's punishment for a wrongdoing, others feel that a person is punishable in other ways than inflicting the pain the victim felt. If a person gets brutally bombarded, the person that hurt one should be punished, but not in the same way the victim was. Sometimes an eye for an eye is a terrific way of determining one's punishment; however, it can become very violent in some cases. People should not get revenge for the wrongdoings a person does upon them; nevertheless, the authorities or officials should punish them in a way that will get through to them. First and foremost, an eye for an eye is not a good system for determining punishments because more content... An eye for an eye can hurt other people than just the person that has hurt someone. Not only the victim but their families can suffer from emotional and psychological problems for a lifetime. If someone murders a person remorselessly they should be punished; however, there are other ways to punish someone rather than inhumanely hurting them. If the person survives the non compulsory punishment from the authorities, they can and probably will suffer from things that they will never be able to forget. In contrast, if a person hurts someone or their family, they should be punished like the victim was. People should have a consciousness of what they are doing; nevertheless, they should be punished just like the victim and their family was. People should do unto others as you have them do unto you, so if a person is attacked, they should be attacked as effectively as the victim was. There are some heartless attackers out there, so people should be heartless right back and show them what they did and are doing is notoriously wrong. In conclusion, the an eye for an eye system should not be used in deciding punishments for hoodlums. Using this system can be terribly dangerous and can possibly result in death or injury. In the future, if this system is being used somewhere in the country, it should be stopped immediately before further damage is done to the Get more content on
  • 16. The Physics Of The Human Eye Physics of the human eye. The human eye, what a complex but fascinating organ. It has the ability to see past the horizon and observe the different colors of a rainbow. The eye can be quicker then a race car but slow enough to witness a snail crawling across a beach. The eye can capture objects at various different angles, such as birds flying overhead or a person walking right beside you. Yes indeed, theeye is probably the greatest sense a person can have. The eye is so vast and complex. To try and write everything about the eye would take a very long time. Compiling all the information and then putting it down on paper, a person could write another book. The eyeball it self weighs about 7gm., the volume 6.5cc., and its more content... (Fig 1.) Normally when we see an image, it is because light passes through the cornea, pupil and lens. Both the cornea and lens work in conjunction to focus the image on the retina. The lens is actual flexible so that it may become flatter or more rounded, so that is able to focus the image on the retina. In normal healthy eyes, the light that passes through the eye and that is focused on the retina. This light has the right focal point. This means that the eye converges parallel light rays from distant objects to a point that is focused on the retina. (6) This focal point is located directly in the back of the eyeball on which the image is formed. (1) (Fig. 2) When light enters the eye, the lens forms an image that is inverted (similar to a camera). This means that the retinas in our eyes interpret the image as being right side up by our eye–brain system. Fig. 1Fig. 2 (Eye anatomy)(Normal eye) If an individual was experiencing any loss in vision, it would be a good idea to test your vision. A eye chart (see fig 3. Pg.3) could be placed in a well illuminated area and the person would stand about 6 meters from the chart. The lowest line that you can read correctly is you visual acuity. If the chart printed is the correct size, the calibrated line should measure 100mm. If so, the calibration should be multiplied by 2.26. An example, the calibration line is 100 mm, 100 * 2.36 = 236 inches, or 19 feet, 8 inches (which is about 20 Get more content on
  • 17. Growing up we've all experienced something in common, living a life through people's eyes . What I mean by living a life through people's eye is caring too much of other people's opinion more than your own opinion. We listened to other people's opinion more than our own due to the fear of embarrassment of doing something incorrect getting a sense of feeling guilty and because the opinion of other people give us confidence that we are doing great. As children, we are easily fooled by our parents, teachers, siblings as they can get to make us do anything they told us . As young children we are not fully aware of our own self but instead depend on our parents opinion as they needed to tell us what to do,what not to do, and even what to wear. I remember one time when I was approximately eight years old my parents telling me "if you don't go to sleep early you'll get old quickly as your great grandma with wrinkles and bags under the eyes." Of course our parents telling us this scared us so we would go to sleep instead. Remember during our elementary and middle school years when we would put teachers opinion first then anything else when it came to essays, presentations because we thought teachers were never wrong , but correct. We always had a mind set in which we needed people's thought in order to feel like if we run the world since it always gave us a boost of self esteem . As children we were developing based on others opinion but now everything is different. Get more content on
  • 18. Eyes: Pupillary Light Measure Eyes: Pupillary light reflex: Pupils are equal, round, reactive to light. Accommodation is present. Eyebrows, eyelids, and lashes are present, symmetric, and eyelids are a proximal completely. Conjunctive is pink, clear, with no swelling or lesions. Sclera is china white. Patient wears glasses and the glasses are in good repair. The last vision test was last spring and the patient gets an eye exam done every two years. The client states her left eye did not fully develop so she has always had bad vision in that one eye. However, when you look at the eye, you would never notice. Cataracts were removed in both eyes, but it was 3 years apart. Ears: Client states she has does not have hearing difficulties. Client states she has not had Get more content on
  • 19. Human Vision and the Eye Essay ABOUT THE EYE Human eyes receive and form images from outside, also automatically changes in light and seeing things close up and at a distance. Therefore, we can see most of things from outside world. But without light, we can't see anything. Light travels though space and the sun gives off light rays then enter the eyes they are bent or refracted and these light rays create images or picture of all the objects around you, that's why we can see things very clearly. How light enter the eye, first light enters the eye though pupil which control different amounts of light into our eye. Then crystalline lens helps us see clearly, when we look at near objects crystalline lens will grows thicker and when we look at far objects then it more content... Therefore, to help nearsighted person to see clear they should wear glasses or contact lenses. The shape of lens help human eye changes the direction of the incoming light rays so the refractions in the eye have a clear image on the retina. So the shape of the lens is important because different kinds of lenses fix different kinds of problem. Concave lenses are helping nearsighted people to correct their vision. They are thicker on the edges than in the middle. FARSIGHTED EYE GLASSES If the eye under converges and light rays focus behind the retina, this is called farsighted person. A farsighted person can see distant objects very clear, but nearby objects such as words in a book is very fuzzy. Convex lenses are helping farsighted people to correct their vision. They are thicker in the middle than at the edges. The following are the diagram to show you how the convex lenses work. Another vision problem is – Presbyopia a vision problem created by the stiffening of the crystalline lens. People with presbyopia have poor near vision. This happen usually after people after 45. Multiple Lens On One Glasses One glasses with three different kinds of lens that you can see objects from farsight, middle place, and nearsight. This kind of glasses is very useful for people who have different kinds of problem on their eye. MATH QUESTION 1. How far the focal length of the cornea lens system of the eye must change, when the
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  • 21. The Eyes Are The Windows Of The Soul Many philosophers have said that the 'Eyes are the windows to the soul.' The eyes can show a person's true personality. Not their clothes, facial expressions, or how they hold themselves, but looking into another's eyes will show one's soul. But what if their personality was not found in their eyes, but in the form of a mutation? As found in Black Hole, the town's teens have contracted an STD they call "the bug." Each teen that acquires it grows an external mutation. This is especially found in some of the main characters: Keith, Rob, and Chris. Keith grows appendages that look like tadpoles on his chest. Rob has another mouth on his neck. Chris sheds her skin. Each of these mutations indicate what this person is actually like. The external mutations of Keith, Rob, and Chris symbolize the characters' inner selves. Keith's tadpole mutations on his chest represent his adaptable personality with his friends and with mutations. Keith's mutation doesn't show until the end of the book, but that doesn't mean his inner personality wasn't there; it was merely hidden. Once his mutation does form, one could analyze from the whole book that Keith is adept at accepting his surroundings. Like a frog, he can survive in the water and on land. Stereotypical stoners are his friends, but he also goes to 'The Pit.' 'The Pit' consists of people who have contracted the bug. For a large part of the book he doesn't even have a mutation, but Keith is accepted and welcomed. Either with his school Get more content on