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1 Portfolio Dora Desiderio-Eaton COMM 320: Craig A. DeLarge MBA, Design Management Spring 1 2011
2 Information for the viewer… Please note: Image sources are listed on each presenter's note’s slide and also at the end of each section on the reference slide. It is not necessary to view the slides in slide show format.
3 Table of Contents Section One  		Assignment #1: Good and Bad Advertisements Assignment #1 Reflections Section Two 		Assignment #2: Challenging  Communication Opportunity Assignment #2 Reflections Section Three 		Assignment #3: The Art of WOO, Discuss Your WOO Styles Assignment #3 Reflections Section Four	 		Assignment #4: Selected Brand.  Emotional Appeals and Stories Assignment #4 Reflections Section Five	 		Assignment #5: Technology Assignment #5 Reflections Section Six	 		Assignment #6: Cultural Communication Assignment #6 Reflections
4 Section One Assignment 1:  Good and bad advertisements
5 Good & Bad Advertisements Dora Desiderio-Eaton COMM 320: Craig A. DeLarge 	MBA, Design Management February 9, 2011
6 Good Advertisement The Foundation for A Better Life uses this advertisement  to encourage inspiration however, it has many attributes of the SUCCESs model (Heath): Simplicity & Concreteness (Heath)– The core message here is “inspiration”.  The statement of a child fighting cancer is compelling and becomes even more so when we realize that she was also fighting her cancer. Unexpectedness & Emotions (Heath)– The unexpected element here is seeing an adorable little girl selling lemonade and then realizing that she died of cancer.  Her lemonade stand was created to fight childhood cancer “including hers”, this was an unexpected and emotional statement. Credibility & Stories (Heath)– The larger story is inferred and appears credible because of the statistic that is given of “$1M raised” and also because of the very personal element shared through her story.  In addition, this ad may encourage the viewer to make a donation to the non-profit because all elements of the SUCCES model (Heath) are present.
7 Bad Advertisement Not very sticky… The advertisement that appears on this slide goes against the SUCCES model (Heath). It is wordy, creates no discernable Emotion, does nothing Unexpected and leaves the target audience confused. The use of a martini glass  and spelling errors is very clever however, the message takes some effort to realize and actually reminded me of drinking a martini. The information shared does nothing to encourage the viewer to further examine the Credibility of the organization. I would easily pass by this billboard without a second thought as to what the agency is trying to share or if and/or how I should respond.
8 Reference Page Heath, Chip, and Dan Heath. "What Sticks?" Introduction. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. New York: Random House, 2007. Print.  Inspiration, Pass It On. Alex’s Lemonade Stand - Good advertisement:       Image Source Page: (Note: To view full story/ad visit: don’t drink and drive – Bad advertisement:       Image Source Page:
9 Reflection: Good and Bad Advertisements Assignment #1 Reflections: 		Our first assignment provided me with the opportunity to seek a contrast between good and bad advertisements using the SUCCES model (Heath). It was a great opening assignment that peaked my interest in the text and helped to answer my questions about the focus of this course. Although professional communication's is the objective of this course, I believe that the skills presented here will help me enormously in my personal life. 		I enjoyed this opening assignment and look forward to learning more about the application of the SUCCES model (Heath). This simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, emotional and story-telling model is easy to remember and to apply as it is presented. Heath's book is an enjoyable start to this experience and I look forward to becoming an more effective communicator overall.
10 Section Two Assignment 2:  Challenging Communication Opportunity
11 Challenging Communication Opportunity Dora Desiderio-Eaton COMM 320: Craig A. DeLarge 	MBA, Design Management February 16, 2011
12 Challenging Communication Opportunity One challenging communication opportunity in my workplace that I am facing at this time is with our Computer Support Specialist (CSS) program. This program is a digital technology apprenticeship and meant to last for a maximum of two years time for each individual participant. The communication challenge here is that there are many CSS’s that have been in the program for well over two years. The length of their participation has created a sticky idea among the participants, both the old and the new – that they can stay a CSS until they want to leave. This creates a programmatic compliance issue that has recently come to the forefront and that has also been negatively addressed by our funder’s.  Here is the problem – the CSS’s don’t believe that at the end of this program year all participant’s with over two years of participation will be terminated from the CSS program and must seek other employment. They believe that because their counterparts have been here for so long, and because this threat has been rumored before, that it is an idle one. This belief, unfortunately, is untrue
13 Un-sticking a very sticky idea… The communication challenge here is that there are many CSS’s that have been in the program for well over two years.  The length of their program participation has created a sticky idea among the participants, both the old and the new – that they can stay a CSS until  they want to leave.
14 …so that another idea will stick. The organization has initiated a Workforce Development or Career Advancement, Relocation and Employment (CARE) process to prepare all of the CSS’s to move forward at program end. Topics covered include resume creation, interviewing skills and the completion of recognized industry certifications before they are let go so that they are well equipped for a job search. The SUCCES model (Heath) is highly useful to me at this time because I need to find a way to make the ideas that are being presented to the CSS’ stick. I plan to use each principal in the hope that each CSS participant will absorb the following: change is imminent, we are prepared to assist them in their search for employment and they are wasting useful resources and valuable career planning opportunities.
15 SUCCES Model Simple: In the presentation of our core message, “The CSS program is two years long, for everyone, no exceptions”. This message must be the lead and be compact enough for each CSS to fully understand. Perhaps a visual proverb or existing schema will help here. They might need to visualize their impending termination letter or empty bank account. Unexpected: I am working on this aspect of the SUCCES model (Heath); however, at a recent job development training I surprised the CSS’s by telling them that one of their colleagues has decided to move on and quickly found a job using our Workforce Development model. This got their attention because the program is at the half-way mark. They did not expect anyone to start looking for work so quickly. (Note: This CSS met me for one-on-one mentoring, completed his technical resume and was eager to find work before all of his “competitors” started looking.) Concrete: The concrete idea that I would like the CSS participants to embrace is the actual value of their skill set. They apprentice with a mentor and receive technical training that sets them far above other entry level workers in their age group. They underestimate themselves and need “hooks” to place true value on what they know.  	They are now required to create a living document that they must create entries in daily. This document lists each and every detail of their day that revolves around some skill set. We meet and put these daily skills together every two weeks to create a powerful statement that describes their value as a Computer Support Specialist within the school district. They also provide weekly reflections on how they make a difference in the lives of others with technology. This has become very effective in the program and now that I can name it using the SUCCES model (Heath), it will continually be refined.
16 SUCCES continued… Credible: Statistics work here. I really like the illustration on page 149 that asks, “Which of these animals is more likely to kill you? A SHARK / A DEER?” (Heath) This question immediately piques the attention of the audience and opens the door for a credible response. I know that this is a highly effective tool and hope to applystatistics in the CSS meetings. Emotions: The ‘you” connection would be effective in creating a bond between the CSS and the CARE process. They need to see that this is meant to impact them each individually. We also offer one-on-one mentoring and I have seen greater response form the CSS participants when I personally share praise with them or relate to some professional struggle. I hope to be emotionally self-controlled and approachable to each participant as well. The CSS’s are fearful of the future and their plans after the program.  	Perhaps by sharing an emotional association (identifying with those without a job), identifying the problem (you will need a job when the program ends), or fostering a “what’s in it” attitude for the individual and perhaps also their CSS group, I can motivate them to work together and spur each other on toward success in their future employment. Stories: Finally, stories. I know that the CSS have heard stories that our organization will always come through for them. This may have been true in the past; however, we are financially unable to provide forty CSS participants with jobs in the organization due to severe downsizing over the past year. We now need to collect stories that will inspire our CSS’s to transition successfully into the job market. A good connection plot would be effective in reiterating the power of our Workforce Development program, our corporate reputation and the uniqueness of our CSS apprenticeship program.
17 Achieving ‘SUCCES’ In conclusion, I hope to share the SUCCES model (Heath) with the CSS participants and allow the necessary ideas to stick with them so that they may move forward, feel confident and reflect on their time in the program with pride in their accomplishments.
18 Reference Page Heath, Chip, and Dan Heath. "What Sticks?" Introduction. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. New York: Random House, 2007. Print.  Saul, Shiralee. "The Body Speaks: Nonverbal Communication & Semiotics." SlideShare. Oct.  	2010. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. < 	nonverbal-communication-semiotics>. Patel, Suhas, Yogesh Patade, Deepak Agarwal, Abhijeet Kale, and Deepak Patil. “Business  	Communication.” SlideShare. 2008. Web 10 Feb. 2011.  	<>.  Sahu, Prashant. "Non Verbal Communication." SlideShare. 2009. Web. 10 Feb. 2011.  	<>. Image Source Page: Image Source Page: Image Source Page:
19 Reflection: Challenging Communication Opportunity Written Assignment #2 Reflections: This assignment allowed me to explore fully the use of the SUCCES model (Heath) in my professional life. I was able to correlate each component of the model with a direct challenge faced in our Computer Support Specialist (CSS) program. This analysis has been highly effective in allowing me to take the necessary time to reflect upon the areas of improvement within our program and processes.  In addition, I took the time to formulate a plan to make the integral ideas stick with the CSS participants. I feel that this is a great first step in moving toward becoming a more effective, clear and concise communicator.
20 Section Three Assignment 3:  The Art of WOO, Discuss Your WOO Styles
21 The Art of WOO Dora Desiderio-Eaton COMM 320: Craig A. DeLarge 	MBA, Design Management February 23, 2011
22 Winning Others Over (WOO):How I effectively use WOO styles in my professional communications.   The most effective and natural  WOO persuasion style that I employ is referred to as the “Door in the Face” technique". (Shell) I ask for much more than necessary in my day-to-day negotiations to achieve the bottom-line commitment required to complete my tasks and to move forward in my projects at work. I also tend to be the “Driver” and initiate the idea, so the door in the face helps to diffuse my request for both the implementation of a new idea and asking for too much help in achieving the desired results. 	  This technique works by making a grand request that will surely be rejected by the other parties involved. The initial request is then significantly reduced to allow the other parties to comply to the second, much more reasonable request, quickly and easily.  I have used this technique effectively and with great success.   Another  strength in my use of the WOO styles is in my implementation of credibility. My consistent past performance has created a credible character that now speaks for itself.  I have developed the reputation of “covering every base” as recently expressed by my Deputy Chief.     During a salary negotiation one overly ambitious candidate suggested that he received a more lucrative offer from my department.  He mentioned a telephone conversation with me in which this “verbal offer” occurred.  The Deputy’s response was to stand firm in the written offer provided.  She later contacted me and said that she believed that I would never make a verbal offer and that any offer of employment would always be properly addressed and well documented.  I “covered all of the basis” so she knew that the imagined verbal offer was a ploy used by the candidate to negotiate a larger compensation package.  Her confidence in my credibility led to a successful negotiation, even though I was not present at the time to confirm her belief.
23 WOO and SUCCES I use the SUCCES model with the WOO style in the following ways: Making a case – by using Simple concepts in my initial presentation of the information at a negotiation, I am able to make a case that is clearly conveyed to the receiver. Negotiation above the perceived conflict – Unexpected redirect toward commonality is a technique that I have used and that has allowed the group to rise above the perceived conflict and look towards the shared goals.  This is very effective when negotiations become heated at my organization. Credibility is present in both models.  I have created personal credibility in my workplace. This is due to my known character and past performance as well as the facts and figures that I present to back up shared data during negotiation’s.  I am well prepared for negotiations and  bring the added element of  using my persuasive abilities for the greater good.  The concept of starting from who we are and working out correlates with the SUCCESs (Heath) elements of Concreteness, Emotional and Stories. The use of theses elements allow me to share my idea’s, to care about them and finally, to act on them.  Because I am true to my inner self the information that I share rings true to others and is often more persuasive than not. The combination of the SUCCES model (Heath) and WOO (Shell)  styles is highly powerful and effective stuff!
24 Final Thoughts… “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness,  that frightens us most.  We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?  Actually who are you not to be?  You are a child of the universe.  You were born to manifest the glory of the universe that is within us.  It's not just in some of us;  it's in everyone.” (Marianne Williamson (born 1952);author, lecturer)
25 Reference Page Heath, Chip, and Dan Heath. "What Sticks?" Introduction. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. New York: Random House, 2007. 16-18. Print.  Art of Woo slides ( Leading@Google: Richard Shell DeLarge, Craig G. Richard Shell and Mario Moussa. The Art of WOO: Using Strategic Persuasion to Sell Your Ideas. (PORTFOLIO/PENGUIN) Marianne Williamson (born 1952);author, lecturer. Quote from Daily Quote of the Day 2/23/2011: Image Source Page: Image Source Page:
26 Reflection: TheArt of WOO Assignment #1 Reflections: 		The Art of Winning Others Over or WOO (Shell) impressed me very much because I learned I am a “Driver” (Shell) and also that my credibility remains even when I’m not in the room to reinforce it.   		In addition, I have been given the leeway to use Shell’s WOO Assessment and Worksheet in our professional development training and to help to identify successful teams in one of our program projects. 		This information is bringing me closer to understanding my own professional communications style and how to improve upon my natural tendencies as a communicator.
27 Section Four Assignment 4:  Selected Brand. Emotional Appeals and Stories.
28 Selected Brand. Emotional Appeals and Stories Dora Desiderio-Eaton COMM 320: Craig A. DeLarge 	MBA, Design Management February 28, 2011
29 Selected Brand. Emotional Appeals and Stories “…once a consumer's emotions are engaged,  the strength of a brand is realized.”(Dawson)
30 My selected brand: Every brand involved in the (Red) campaign The first lines in The (RED)  Manifesto state,  “All things being equal.  They are not.” This is the first step in an  emotional appeal to  consumers to choose  (RED) products over  other consumer product offerings.
31 By connecting the consumer with well-liked celebrities of every ilk, such as, actors, musicians, athletes, etc…, the (RED) campaign associates the cause with the celebrity persona.  (The main danger in this is if the celebrity receives bad publicity during the campaign.) The consumer pays more attention to a story that is presented by their favorite celebrity.  This creates the ability for a “Connection Plot” (Heath) to occur between the celebrity and the audience. The Connection plot is about bridging a gap consisting of “racial, class, ethnic, religious, demographic, or otherwise.” (Heath)  This type of story creates a common ground for the (RED) campaign appeal to take place. The consumer first identifies with Oprah, for example, listens to her story about the (RED) campaign to provide much needed medicine for people in Africa suffering with AIDS, then personally connects with overcoming the challenge that was presented. Celebrity Endorsements
32 Appealing to Self-Interest Heath says that whatmatters to people most is their own self-interest. (Heath)  By wearing and displaying (RED) consumer products, the consumer may display their goodness and charity while applying the WIIFM mentality of self-identity.  According to James March, people ask themselvesthree identity questions when making a decision.  They are, “Who am I? What kind of situation is this? And what do people like me do in this situation?” (Heath)  By connecting the individual consumer with the larger group of (RED) consumers, the (RED) campaign was ingenious in it’s model. No matter which product is selected by the consumer, if it is (RED) they may identify with charity and be identified as a charitable person. This emotional appeal is something that feeds every human desire for Esteem and Belonging, according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Heath)
33 (RED) Campaign Brand Sponsors
34 In conclusion… I selected the (RED) campaign because it used emotional appeals and stories (Heath) very effectively.  The emotional appeals were given by celebrities and associated the consumer with doing something that they would do in any case, purchase needed or desired products, but that would allow the (RED) sponsoring company to give some of its profits to finance and to distribute anti-retroviral medicine to “our brothers and sisters dying of AIDS in Africa”. ((RED) Manifesto)  The (RED) Manifesto states, “We believe that when consumers are offered this choice, and the products meet their needs, they will choose (RED).” This campaign combined the consumers self-interest, self-identity, stories and an emotional appeal, as discussed in Heath’s book (help our brothers and sisters in Africa, you will buy the product anyway), and allowed the consumers to take part in a connection plot (Heath) which, in turn, fed their human desire for esteem and belonging according to Maslow (Heath). The (RED) campaign helped to reinforce my feelings of trust, loyalty and positive interactions (Dawson) with the companies who chose to participate and create (RED) products.
35 Reference Page Dawson, Kyra.  Brands of Emotion Article Web. 2/28/2011  Heath, Chip, and Dan Heath. "What Sticks?" Introduction. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. New York: Random House, 2007. 16-18. Print.  Brand Stairway Image Source: The Red Manifesto Image Source Page: Bono and Oprah Image Source Page: Spielberg Image Source Page: Bono’s Red Campaign Image Source Page: Drogba-BonoImage Image Source Page: Gap Red Shirt Image Source Page: Cente(red) Image Source Page:
36 Reflection: Selected Brand. Emotional Appeals and Stories Written Assignment #4 Reflections:
37 Section Five Assignment 5: Technologies
38 Technologies Dora Desiderio-Eaton COMM 320: Craig A. DeLarge 	MBA, Design Management March 4, 2011
39 Technology and Communication Technology has influenced and assisted my communication methods over the last decade in many unexpected ways.   		My ability to communicate, both personally and professionally, is enhanced by text messaging, email, social and professional networking, locating family and friends on sites like Facebook and also by using the software, research and communication tools that are available to me through current technologies from multiple resources around the globe.
40 Technology and SUCCESs (Heath)My ability to communicate effectively by using technology may be expressed by using Heath’s SUCCESs model as described below: Simple — find the core of any idea and create a prioritized yet, profound single statement. (Heath) Technology has allowed me toexpress myself, in both words and pictures, in an instant.  I am able to easily communicate a message, invitation or report and send it to my mass contact list virtually, within moments and easily attach a flow chart, document or memorandum, when required. The simplicity of communicating my message to many friends or colleagues is astounding and correlates to the “Simple” in Heath’s SUCCESs model.   I can simply communicate my core idea and eradicate the majority of potential “noise” associated with my message, in many cases. This does, however, take some practice as the written word may be interpreted in many ways. Over the last decade, I have witnessed technology gain momentum.  Technology has become, in some respects,  all encompassing and heavily relied upon in many areas of my personal and professional life. Unexpected — grab people's attention by creating interest and curiosity gaps that can only be filled by exploring further. (Heath) One aspect of technology that is both unexpected and priceless is its ability to be used to create endless “curiosity gaps”. (Heath)  The internet has changed my communication methods through the availability of easily accessible professional resources or .edu websites that provide best practices and well researched answers to my professional, and sometimes personal,  challenges. I can always share more information, simply because more information is always readily available for me to share. One factor in creating Unexpected (Heath) communications lies in my use of these resources effectively to design communications that invariably pique my listener’s interest and leave them wanting more information. Technology constantly reinvent’s itself.  This aspect of my personal and professional experience's with technology has been both exciting and, at times, a bit daunting.
41 The evolution of technology…
42 Technology and SUCCESs (Heath) continued… Concrete — make sure an idea can be grasped and remembered later by using images that mean the same thing to each person in our audience. Technology has enabled me to rely less on the spoken or written word.  I am able to visually illustrate my message in a much more Concrete manner (Heath) using multiple media formats.  I can add clip art, content – both audio and video, and express information entirely in picture or other non-verbal (Heath) methods. The ease of expressionof concrete notions is available to me know more than ever. Academically and professionally, I use presentations to display my message using signs and symbols that are universally agreed upon and understood.  The ideas that I need to share are quickly graspedusing technology and in many cases, no further explanation is needed to convey the concrete message that I intended to share. Credible — give an idea believability that relates to the individual’s sensibilities and  experiences.  The Credibility (Heath) of my message is reinforced with facts, figures and statistics that have been well researched and established by resources unavailable to me without the use of current technologies. I can share credible information that is cited, referenced and easily located for further scrutiny by the listener.  My credibility as a communicator is seen as stronger and more reliable.  The reinforced belief in the factual content of the information that I communicate to my audience allows them to hear my message more easily. 	In addition, they may confirm that the foundation that I am providing is accurate.
43 Credible technology and other resources… The advent of credible websites, often distinguished by the .edu domain name, has allowed me to communicate most effectively and in a SUCCESs-ful (Heath) manner by offering Concrete and Credible (Heath) information and resources that have been properly researched and well cited.   		This technology offers an unlimited number of options for communication in both my personal and professional life.  I am able to easily locate white pages, research, professional “best practices”, templates and almost  any necessary information to SUCCES-fully (Heath) work in a fast-paced environment that demands the most current information and knowledge of applicable standards.
44 Technology and SUCCESs continued… Emotional — help people see the importance of an idea by feeling something relevant to the situation as well as themselves. I have used technology to search for Emotional (Heath) images personally in my volunteer work as the Vice President of Fundraising for Unite, Inc. Bereavement Support.  The images that I can search and share seem unlimited and they are very helpful in creating and emotional appeal or connection when combined with our monthly or annual fundraising efforts. Technology has assisted my efforts in creating relevance through emotions in this area more than any other to date. Stories – allow us to rehash information or connect to the situation through sensory elements. Technology has allowed me to connect Stories(Heath) to my own communication needs by correlating the information shared within the story to my message.   A professional example of my use of stories is in our campaign for drop-out prevention.  I have searched our organizations local and international stories for successful outcomes that may be shared in my communications with funders and internal staff members alike. The use of Stories(Heath) to rehash information and to connect my listener to other program participants has been SUCCESs-ful (Heath) in building morale and creating momentum in many of our programs.
45 Technology impact’s on my personal communication… Verbal impact: Verbal cue's may be reinforced with readily available resources found on the internet that may offer credibility to the speaker. Speaking guides and language assistance software and internet sites offering everything from pronunciation to translation assistance. Non-verbal impact: Lack of full attention such as eye contact, “active listening”, (Shell) appropriate response to verbal and non-verbal cue’s. Assistance offered from software which helps to provide direction in written communications (i.e. – spell check, word count, formatting, MLA style guides, etc…)
46 Augmented RealityAugmented Reality (reality augmented by technology with communication tools built on the web and displayed through a “window”…in this case, the window being an iPhone). (Jarvis)
47 Augmented Reality continued… “Augmented reality (AR) is a term for a live direct or an indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input, such as sound or graphics. 		 		It is related to a more general concept called mediated reality, in which a view of reality is modified (possibly even diminished rather than augmented) by a computer.  		As a result, the technology functions by enhancing one’s current perception of reality. By contrast, virtual reality replaces the real-world with a simulated one.” (Chen)
48 Other Assistance Provided by Technology…Websites like MediaBuzz have assisted me in locating much needed resources to pursue my education.  This information is communicated to me with no effort on my part other than my  initial acceptance to receive regular email updates and notifications. “Education is more affordable when seeking financial resources that are easily located using simple search engine websites like the one listed below: 	Thousands in Scholarships& Hundreds of Degrees MediaBuzz has located over $158,000 in new scholarships so you don't break the bank by going back to school. Get the information you need to find the right school and learn how to finance your career-targeted education.”  What Does It Take to Get a Scholarship? Scholarship Checklist Search Scholarships”  (Media Buzz)
49 Other Assistance Provided by Technology continued… I have been able to complete classes online at both Villanova University and Philadelphia University. This method of communication is welcomed by me due to a busy professional and personal schedule.  Overall, the courses make good use of many elements of Heath’s SUCCESs model.
50 Reference Page Heath, Chip, and Dan Heath. "What Sticks?" Introduction. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. New York: Random House, 2007. 16-18. Print. Technology types: Image Source Page: Technology evolution: Image Source Page: Technology anywhere: Image Source Page: http: Image Source Page: Wikipedia Image Source Page: Credible technology sites: Image Source Page: G. Richard Shell and Mario Moussa. The Art of WOO: Using Strategic Persuasion to Sell Your Ideas. (PORTFOLIO/PENGUIN)
51 Reference page continued… History of on-line education: Image Source Page: Disconnection: Image Source Page: Technology chart: Image Source Page: Augmented Reality (AR): Image Source Page: Jarvis, Yates. Augmented Reality Technology and Communication. 10 July 2009 zonkio Magazine. Chen, Brian X. (2009-08-25). "If You’re Not Seeing Data, You’re Not Seeing". Wired Magazine. Retrieved 2009-08-26.
52 Reflection: Technology Written Assignment #5 Reflections:
53 Section Six Assignment 6: Cultural Communication
54 Cultural Communication Dora Desiderio-Eaton COMM 320: Craig A. DeLarge 	MBA, Design Management March 11, 2011
55 The Lewis Cross Cultural Communication Model "Cultural behavior is the end product of collected wisdom, filtered and passed down through hundreds of generations as shared core beliefs, values assumptions, notions and persistent action patterns.  In other words, culture is a collective programming of the mind, that distinguishes the members of one human group from another." Richard Lewis
56 Simple 		The above illustration is a wonderful example of the unclear and diluted communication that is, unfortunately, encountered at my workplace on almost a daily basis.  Verbal and non-verbal cue’s play a large impact on how challenges are identified and ultimately resolved.
57 Simple continued… A lack of understanding is common among both cultures. The workplace culture is sometimes divisive and the collected patterns that arise among small groups within the larger group are often negative and counter-productive.  The culture of my workplace is vastly different from my home culture and although I may be tempted to repeat the message that needs to be communicated, I have found that one “Simple” message will often “stick”. (Heath 16-18)  While my workplace is wrought with competition, chaos and confusion, my home culture is team-oriented, orderly and peaceful. The “core” ideas in both environments that must be conveyed are essential however, the workplace is the most challenging environment that I face in which to share Simple information. (Heath 16-18) Both cultures and I have reaped the benefit’s of Heath’s Simple approach to sharing information.  The result has often been an easier understanding of the core concept and desired course of action, when necessary.
58 Unexpected Often, a lack of understanding amongst my peers at work leads to the need to present information in an Unexpected manner as described in Heath’s model.  The use of unexpected presentation practices aids my ability to communicate a Simple “core” message in a clear and concise manner. (Heath 16-18)  The use of Unexpected (Heath 16-18) visual aids, props and, on occasion, guest presenter’s, has allowed the focus to shift from the messenger (me) to the message that I need to convey. I can easily share information using Heath’s model and I often share information through redirecting the focus of my group or creating a “curiosity  gap”. (Heath 16-18) This technique works well in both my work and home culture when the expectation during a communication conflict  is  to receive a defensive response.  By re-focusing the group on the commonality of the message and the desired results, I can create an Unexpected arena for both my work and home communications. Sharing unexpected insights, idea’s or visual’s pulls my workplace culture closer together and creates a common bond or, in the least a shared directive.
59 Concrete The idea’s that must be related in the workplace and in my home culture are more easily understood by my listener’s when I share a Concrete (Heath 16-18) example with them. In the workplace, there is a common foundation that is shared among the staff.  This foundation makes it possible to share Concrete imagery among my peers because we share the same workplace cultural belief’s.  We all hope to help kids to achieve in life and to graduate college.  This commonality allows my workplace culture to begin at the same point of understanding in some necessary  key areas.   In order to enhance this cultural belief system I often use concrete example’s from our affiliates that reinforce the idea’s or messages that I want to share.
60 Concrete continued… My home culture, like my workplace culture, shares a common foundation of family values, moral’s and ethic’s.  When I need to convey a message to my home culture, I often rely on past examples that have bonded the group and resulted in a certain remembered outcome.   These historical example’s provide a clear and focused message that is easily remembered by my home culture.
61 Credible Credibility in my work culture is only as good as the information shared at any given time.  Because of this constant need to re-establish credibility, I rely on shared information among the workplace culture that maintains significance and connections among my peers.  If information comes from CIS National, for example,  then it is automatically Credible (Heath 16-18) to my audience. My credibility is not challenged so often in my home culture.  Although my credibility depends on believability, my home culture is more apt to believe what I share due to our closely matched cultural commonalities and shared understandings.
62 Emotional “…inter-cultural communication competence can only be attained when self-reflective processes increase a person's awareness of her own culture, personality, identity in that particular situation and various other factors.”(Aleksandra)
63 Emotional continued… Emotional stories are the basis of our organizational success as a non-profit entity. The workplace culture is in agreement to maintain and share information that is emotional and pulls at the heart strings of our funders.  This use of Emotional Stories from Heath’s SUCCESs model is common in my workplace culture.  This has helped me to develop my communication skill’s in order to create an emotional connection. My home culture is heavily inundated with Emotional Stories (Heath 16-18). The common responses to Emotional Stories is understood and therefore, easy to apply to my home culture communication.
64 Stories Factor's of cultural influences and communication from The Japan HR Society Cultural Communications: The Key to Language Fluency article are : Gossip Silence Mental blocks Conditioning  Environmental factors “Thinking language” or how we see things based on the language that we speak in our head.
65 Stories continued… According to The Japan HR Society Cultural Communications: The Key to Language Fluency article:  We put on a show for others but follow our own silent program  My “core beliefs” may align with common concepts however, I have different “notions” of truth, concepts and ethics.  The use of Stories (Heath 16-18) as an aid to see the same thing rather than a kaleidoscope of varied impressions is often effective in overcoming these barriers. The SUCCESs checklist (Heath 246) listed below offers a framework to deal with communication problems. Pay attention:  Unexpected Understand and remember it: Concrete Agree/Believe: Credible Care: Emotional Be able to act on it: Story
66 Stories continued… Stories help remove barriers to communication, rehash the information and connect us through the use of sensory elements. (Heath 16-18)
67 In conclusion… It is interesting to see that there are common elements in my workplace culture and home culture. The foundation set by my organization creates a common workplace culture or clearinghouse for our staff to build upon just as my home culture set certain foundation’s for my value's, ethic's and belief's to develop. This being said, I am able to more fully appreciate the cultural connections that each environment has to offer and I hope to grow in my understanding and application of Heath’s SUCCESs model in my professional and personal life.
68 Reference Page The Lewis Cross Cultural Communication Model Image Source Page: Lewis, Richard D. "When Cultures Collide - Managing Successfully Across Cultures“. Nicholas Brealey Publishing; First Edition (February 23, 1999)  Heath, Chip, and Dan Heath. "What Sticks?" Introduction. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. New York: Random House, 2007. Print. (16-18, 246) Cartoon Image Source Page: Handshake or bow Image Source Page: CISP Image Source Page: Family Values Image Source Page: Credibility Image Source Page:
69 Reference Page continued… Inter-cultural communication Sketch Image Source Page: Aleksandra Vuckovic, (2008) "Inter-cultural communication: a foundation of communicative action", Multicultural Education & Technology Journal, Vol. 2 Iss: 1, pp.47 - 59 The Japan HR Society Cultural Communications: The Key to Language Fluency. HRA Editorial - September 2010. J@pan.Inc (March 11, 2011) Gossip Image Source Page: Communication Illusion Image Source Page: Hierarchy of Lean Business Needs Pyramid Image Source Page:
70 Reflection: Cultural Communication Written Assignment #6 Reflections:

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  • 1. 1 Portfolio Dora Desiderio-Eaton COMM 320: Craig A. DeLarge MBA, Design Management Spring 1 2011
  • 2. 2 Information for the viewer… Please note: Image sources are listed on each presenter's note’s slide and also at the end of each section on the reference slide. It is not necessary to view the slides in slide show format.
  • 3. 3 Table of Contents Section One Assignment #1: Good and Bad Advertisements Assignment #1 Reflections Section Two Assignment #2: Challenging Communication Opportunity Assignment #2 Reflections Section Three Assignment #3: The Art of WOO, Discuss Your WOO Styles Assignment #3 Reflections Section Four Assignment #4: Selected Brand. Emotional Appeals and Stories Assignment #4 Reflections Section Five Assignment #5: Technology Assignment #5 Reflections Section Six Assignment #6: Cultural Communication Assignment #6 Reflections
  • 4. 4 Section One Assignment 1: Good and bad advertisements
  • 5. 5 Good & Bad Advertisements Dora Desiderio-Eaton COMM 320: Craig A. DeLarge MBA, Design Management February 9, 2011
  • 6. 6 Good Advertisement The Foundation for A Better Life uses this advertisement to encourage inspiration however, it has many attributes of the SUCCESs model (Heath): Simplicity & Concreteness (Heath)– The core message here is “inspiration”. The statement of a child fighting cancer is compelling and becomes even more so when we realize that she was also fighting her cancer. Unexpectedness & Emotions (Heath)– The unexpected element here is seeing an adorable little girl selling lemonade and then realizing that she died of cancer. Her lemonade stand was created to fight childhood cancer “including hers”, this was an unexpected and emotional statement. Credibility & Stories (Heath)– The larger story is inferred and appears credible because of the statistic that is given of “$1M raised” and also because of the very personal element shared through her story. In addition, this ad may encourage the viewer to make a donation to the non-profit because all elements of the SUCCES model (Heath) are present.
  • 7. 7 Bad Advertisement Not very sticky… The advertisement that appears on this slide goes against the SUCCES model (Heath). It is wordy, creates no discernable Emotion, does nothing Unexpected and leaves the target audience confused. The use of a martini glass and spelling errors is very clever however, the message takes some effort to realize and actually reminded me of drinking a martini. The information shared does nothing to encourage the viewer to further examine the Credibility of the organization. I would easily pass by this billboard without a second thought as to what the agency is trying to share or if and/or how I should respond.
  • 8. 8 Reference Page Heath, Chip, and Dan Heath. "What Sticks?" Introduction. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. New York: Random House, 2007. Print. Inspiration, Pass It On. Alex’s Lemonade Stand - Good advertisement: Image Source Page: (Note: To view full story/ad visit: don’t drink and drive – Bad advertisement: Image Source Page:
  • 9. 9 Reflection: Good and Bad Advertisements Assignment #1 Reflections: Our first assignment provided me with the opportunity to seek a contrast between good and bad advertisements using the SUCCES model (Heath). It was a great opening assignment that peaked my interest in the text and helped to answer my questions about the focus of this course. Although professional communication's is the objective of this course, I believe that the skills presented here will help me enormously in my personal life. I enjoyed this opening assignment and look forward to learning more about the application of the SUCCES model (Heath). This simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, emotional and story-telling model is easy to remember and to apply as it is presented. Heath's book is an enjoyable start to this experience and I look forward to becoming an more effective communicator overall.
  • 10. 10 Section Two Assignment 2: Challenging Communication Opportunity
  • 11. 11 Challenging Communication Opportunity Dora Desiderio-Eaton COMM 320: Craig A. DeLarge MBA, Design Management February 16, 2011
  • 12. 12 Challenging Communication Opportunity One challenging communication opportunity in my workplace that I am facing at this time is with our Computer Support Specialist (CSS) program. This program is a digital technology apprenticeship and meant to last for a maximum of two years time for each individual participant. The communication challenge here is that there are many CSS’s that have been in the program for well over two years. The length of their participation has created a sticky idea among the participants, both the old and the new – that they can stay a CSS until they want to leave. This creates a programmatic compliance issue that has recently come to the forefront and that has also been negatively addressed by our funder’s. Here is the problem – the CSS’s don’t believe that at the end of this program year all participant’s with over two years of participation will be terminated from the CSS program and must seek other employment. They believe that because their counterparts have been here for so long, and because this threat has been rumored before, that it is an idle one. This belief, unfortunately, is untrue
  • 13. 13 Un-sticking a very sticky idea… The communication challenge here is that there are many CSS’s that have been in the program for well over two years. The length of their program participation has created a sticky idea among the participants, both the old and the new – that they can stay a CSS until they want to leave.
  • 14. 14 …so that another idea will stick. The organization has initiated a Workforce Development or Career Advancement, Relocation and Employment (CARE) process to prepare all of the CSS’s to move forward at program end. Topics covered include resume creation, interviewing skills and the completion of recognized industry certifications before they are let go so that they are well equipped for a job search. The SUCCES model (Heath) is highly useful to me at this time because I need to find a way to make the ideas that are being presented to the CSS’ stick. I plan to use each principal in the hope that each CSS participant will absorb the following: change is imminent, we are prepared to assist them in their search for employment and they are wasting useful resources and valuable career planning opportunities.
  • 15. 15 SUCCES Model Simple: In the presentation of our core message, “The CSS program is two years long, for everyone, no exceptions”. This message must be the lead and be compact enough for each CSS to fully understand. Perhaps a visual proverb or existing schema will help here. They might need to visualize their impending termination letter or empty bank account. Unexpected: I am working on this aspect of the SUCCES model (Heath); however, at a recent job development training I surprised the CSS’s by telling them that one of their colleagues has decided to move on and quickly found a job using our Workforce Development model. This got their attention because the program is at the half-way mark. They did not expect anyone to start looking for work so quickly. (Note: This CSS met me for one-on-one mentoring, completed his technical resume and was eager to find work before all of his “competitors” started looking.) Concrete: The concrete idea that I would like the CSS participants to embrace is the actual value of their skill set. They apprentice with a mentor and receive technical training that sets them far above other entry level workers in their age group. They underestimate themselves and need “hooks” to place true value on what they know. They are now required to create a living document that they must create entries in daily. This document lists each and every detail of their day that revolves around some skill set. We meet and put these daily skills together every two weeks to create a powerful statement that describes their value as a Computer Support Specialist within the school district. They also provide weekly reflections on how they make a difference in the lives of others with technology. This has become very effective in the program and now that I can name it using the SUCCES model (Heath), it will continually be refined.
  • 16. 16 SUCCES continued… Credible: Statistics work here. I really like the illustration on page 149 that asks, “Which of these animals is more likely to kill you? A SHARK / A DEER?” (Heath) This question immediately piques the attention of the audience and opens the door for a credible response. I know that this is a highly effective tool and hope to applystatistics in the CSS meetings. Emotions: The ‘you” connection would be effective in creating a bond between the CSS and the CARE process. They need to see that this is meant to impact them each individually. We also offer one-on-one mentoring and I have seen greater response form the CSS participants when I personally share praise with them or relate to some professional struggle. I hope to be emotionally self-controlled and approachable to each participant as well. The CSS’s are fearful of the future and their plans after the program. Perhaps by sharing an emotional association (identifying with those without a job), identifying the problem (you will need a job when the program ends), or fostering a “what’s in it” attitude for the individual and perhaps also their CSS group, I can motivate them to work together and spur each other on toward success in their future employment. Stories: Finally, stories. I know that the CSS have heard stories that our organization will always come through for them. This may have been true in the past; however, we are financially unable to provide forty CSS participants with jobs in the organization due to severe downsizing over the past year. We now need to collect stories that will inspire our CSS’s to transition successfully into the job market. A good connection plot would be effective in reiterating the power of our Workforce Development program, our corporate reputation and the uniqueness of our CSS apprenticeship program.
  • 17. 17 Achieving ‘SUCCES’ In conclusion, I hope to share the SUCCES model (Heath) with the CSS participants and allow the necessary ideas to stick with them so that they may move forward, feel confident and reflect on their time in the program with pride in their accomplishments.
  • 18. 18 Reference Page Heath, Chip, and Dan Heath. "What Sticks?" Introduction. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. New York: Random House, 2007. Print. Saul, Shiralee. "The Body Speaks: Nonverbal Communication & Semiotics." SlideShare. Oct. 2010. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. < nonverbal-communication-semiotics>. Patel, Suhas, Yogesh Patade, Deepak Agarwal, Abhijeet Kale, and Deepak Patil. “Business Communication.” SlideShare. 2008. Web 10 Feb. 2011. <>.  Sahu, Prashant. "Non Verbal Communication." SlideShare. 2009. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. <>. Image Source Page: Image Source Page: Image Source Page:
  • 19. 19 Reflection: Challenging Communication Opportunity Written Assignment #2 Reflections: This assignment allowed me to explore fully the use of the SUCCES model (Heath) in my professional life. I was able to correlate each component of the model with a direct challenge faced in our Computer Support Specialist (CSS) program. This analysis has been highly effective in allowing me to take the necessary time to reflect upon the areas of improvement within our program and processes. In addition, I took the time to formulate a plan to make the integral ideas stick with the CSS participants. I feel that this is a great first step in moving toward becoming a more effective, clear and concise communicator.
  • 20. 20 Section Three Assignment 3: The Art of WOO, Discuss Your WOO Styles
  • 21. 21 The Art of WOO Dora Desiderio-Eaton COMM 320: Craig A. DeLarge MBA, Design Management February 23, 2011
  • 22. 22 Winning Others Over (WOO):How I effectively use WOO styles in my professional communications. The most effective and natural WOO persuasion style that I employ is referred to as the “Door in the Face” technique". (Shell) I ask for much more than necessary in my day-to-day negotiations to achieve the bottom-line commitment required to complete my tasks and to move forward in my projects at work. I also tend to be the “Driver” and initiate the idea, so the door in the face helps to diffuse my request for both the implementation of a new idea and asking for too much help in achieving the desired results. This technique works by making a grand request that will surely be rejected by the other parties involved. The initial request is then significantly reduced to allow the other parties to comply to the second, much more reasonable request, quickly and easily. I have used this technique effectively and with great success. Another strength in my use of the WOO styles is in my implementation of credibility. My consistent past performance has created a credible character that now speaks for itself. I have developed the reputation of “covering every base” as recently expressed by my Deputy Chief. During a salary negotiation one overly ambitious candidate suggested that he received a more lucrative offer from my department. He mentioned a telephone conversation with me in which this “verbal offer” occurred. The Deputy’s response was to stand firm in the written offer provided. She later contacted me and said that she believed that I would never make a verbal offer and that any offer of employment would always be properly addressed and well documented. I “covered all of the basis” so she knew that the imagined verbal offer was a ploy used by the candidate to negotiate a larger compensation package. Her confidence in my credibility led to a successful negotiation, even though I was not present at the time to confirm her belief.
  • 23. 23 WOO and SUCCES I use the SUCCES model with the WOO style in the following ways: Making a case – by using Simple concepts in my initial presentation of the information at a negotiation, I am able to make a case that is clearly conveyed to the receiver. Negotiation above the perceived conflict – Unexpected redirect toward commonality is a technique that I have used and that has allowed the group to rise above the perceived conflict and look towards the shared goals. This is very effective when negotiations become heated at my organization. Credibility is present in both models. I have created personal credibility in my workplace. This is due to my known character and past performance as well as the facts and figures that I present to back up shared data during negotiation’s. I am well prepared for negotiations and bring the added element of using my persuasive abilities for the greater good. The concept of starting from who we are and working out correlates with the SUCCESs (Heath) elements of Concreteness, Emotional and Stories. The use of theses elements allow me to share my idea’s, to care about them and finally, to act on them. Because I am true to my inner self the information that I share rings true to others and is often more persuasive than not. The combination of the SUCCES model (Heath) and WOO (Shell) styles is highly powerful and effective stuff!
  • 24. 24 Final Thoughts… “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually who are you not to be? You are a child of the universe. You were born to manifest the glory of the universe that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.” (Marianne Williamson (born 1952);author, lecturer)
  • 25. 25 Reference Page Heath, Chip, and Dan Heath. "What Sticks?" Introduction. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. New York: Random House, 2007. 16-18. Print. Art of Woo slides ( Leading@Google: Richard Shell DeLarge, Craig G. Richard Shell and Mario Moussa. The Art of WOO: Using Strategic Persuasion to Sell Your Ideas. (PORTFOLIO/PENGUIN) Marianne Williamson (born 1952);author, lecturer. Quote from Daily Quote of the Day 2/23/2011: Image Source Page: Image Source Page:
  • 26. 26 Reflection: TheArt of WOO Assignment #1 Reflections: The Art of Winning Others Over or WOO (Shell) impressed me very much because I learned I am a “Driver” (Shell) and also that my credibility remains even when I’m not in the room to reinforce it. In addition, I have been given the leeway to use Shell’s WOO Assessment and Worksheet in our professional development training and to help to identify successful teams in one of our program projects. This information is bringing me closer to understanding my own professional communications style and how to improve upon my natural tendencies as a communicator.
  • 27. 27 Section Four Assignment 4: Selected Brand. Emotional Appeals and Stories.
  • 28. 28 Selected Brand. Emotional Appeals and Stories Dora Desiderio-Eaton COMM 320: Craig A. DeLarge MBA, Design Management February 28, 2011
  • 29. 29 Selected Brand. Emotional Appeals and Stories “…once a consumer's emotions are engaged, the strength of a brand is realized.”(Dawson)
  • 30. 30 My selected brand: Every brand involved in the (Red) campaign The first lines in The (RED) Manifesto state, “All things being equal. They are not.” This is the first step in an emotional appeal to consumers to choose (RED) products over other consumer product offerings.
  • 31. 31 By connecting the consumer with well-liked celebrities of every ilk, such as, actors, musicians, athletes, etc…, the (RED) campaign associates the cause with the celebrity persona. (The main danger in this is if the celebrity receives bad publicity during the campaign.) The consumer pays more attention to a story that is presented by their favorite celebrity. This creates the ability for a “Connection Plot” (Heath) to occur between the celebrity and the audience. The Connection plot is about bridging a gap consisting of “racial, class, ethnic, religious, demographic, or otherwise.” (Heath) This type of story creates a common ground for the (RED) campaign appeal to take place. The consumer first identifies with Oprah, for example, listens to her story about the (RED) campaign to provide much needed medicine for people in Africa suffering with AIDS, then personally connects with overcoming the challenge that was presented. Celebrity Endorsements
  • 32. 32 Appealing to Self-Interest Heath says that whatmatters to people most is their own self-interest. (Heath) By wearing and displaying (RED) consumer products, the consumer may display their goodness and charity while applying the WIIFM mentality of self-identity. According to James March, people ask themselvesthree identity questions when making a decision. They are, “Who am I? What kind of situation is this? And what do people like me do in this situation?” (Heath) By connecting the individual consumer with the larger group of (RED) consumers, the (RED) campaign was ingenious in it’s model. No matter which product is selected by the consumer, if it is (RED) they may identify with charity and be identified as a charitable person. This emotional appeal is something that feeds every human desire for Esteem and Belonging, according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Heath)
  • 33. 33 (RED) Campaign Brand Sponsors
  • 34. 34 In conclusion… I selected the (RED) campaign because it used emotional appeals and stories (Heath) very effectively. The emotional appeals were given by celebrities and associated the consumer with doing something that they would do in any case, purchase needed or desired products, but that would allow the (RED) sponsoring company to give some of its profits to finance and to distribute anti-retroviral medicine to “our brothers and sisters dying of AIDS in Africa”. ((RED) Manifesto) The (RED) Manifesto states, “We believe that when consumers are offered this choice, and the products meet their needs, they will choose (RED).” This campaign combined the consumers self-interest, self-identity, stories and an emotional appeal, as discussed in Heath’s book (help our brothers and sisters in Africa, you will buy the product anyway), and allowed the consumers to take part in a connection plot (Heath) which, in turn, fed their human desire for esteem and belonging according to Maslow (Heath). The (RED) campaign helped to reinforce my feelings of trust, loyalty and positive interactions (Dawson) with the companies who chose to participate and create (RED) products.
  • 35. 35 Reference Page Dawson, Kyra. Brands of Emotion Article Web. 2/28/2011 Heath, Chip, and Dan Heath. "What Sticks?" Introduction. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. New York: Random House, 2007. 16-18. Print. Brand Stairway Image Source: The Red Manifesto Image Source Page: Bono and Oprah Image Source Page: Spielberg Image Source Page: Bono’s Red Campaign Image Source Page: Drogba-BonoImage Image Source Page: Gap Red Shirt Image Source Page: Cente(red) Image Source Page:
  • 36. 36 Reflection: Selected Brand. Emotional Appeals and Stories Written Assignment #4 Reflections:
  • 37. 37 Section Five Assignment 5: Technologies
  • 38. 38 Technologies Dora Desiderio-Eaton COMM 320: Craig A. DeLarge MBA, Design Management March 4, 2011
  • 39. 39 Technology and Communication Technology has influenced and assisted my communication methods over the last decade in many unexpected ways. My ability to communicate, both personally and professionally, is enhanced by text messaging, email, social and professional networking, locating family and friends on sites like Facebook and also by using the software, research and communication tools that are available to me through current technologies from multiple resources around the globe.
  • 40. 40 Technology and SUCCESs (Heath)My ability to communicate effectively by using technology may be expressed by using Heath’s SUCCESs model as described below: Simple — find the core of any idea and create a prioritized yet, profound single statement. (Heath) Technology has allowed me toexpress myself, in both words and pictures, in an instant. I am able to easily communicate a message, invitation or report and send it to my mass contact list virtually, within moments and easily attach a flow chart, document or memorandum, when required. The simplicity of communicating my message to many friends or colleagues is astounding and correlates to the “Simple” in Heath’s SUCCESs model. I can simply communicate my core idea and eradicate the majority of potential “noise” associated with my message, in many cases. This does, however, take some practice as the written word may be interpreted in many ways. Over the last decade, I have witnessed technology gain momentum. Technology has become, in some respects, all encompassing and heavily relied upon in many areas of my personal and professional life. Unexpected — grab people's attention by creating interest and curiosity gaps that can only be filled by exploring further. (Heath) One aspect of technology that is both unexpected and priceless is its ability to be used to create endless “curiosity gaps”. (Heath) The internet has changed my communication methods through the availability of easily accessible professional resources or .edu websites that provide best practices and well researched answers to my professional, and sometimes personal, challenges. I can always share more information, simply because more information is always readily available for me to share. One factor in creating Unexpected (Heath) communications lies in my use of these resources effectively to design communications that invariably pique my listener’s interest and leave them wanting more information. Technology constantly reinvent’s itself. This aspect of my personal and professional experience's with technology has been both exciting and, at times, a bit daunting.
  • 41. 41 The evolution of technology…
  • 42. 42 Technology and SUCCESs (Heath) continued… Concrete — make sure an idea can be grasped and remembered later by using images that mean the same thing to each person in our audience. Technology has enabled me to rely less on the spoken or written word. I am able to visually illustrate my message in a much more Concrete manner (Heath) using multiple media formats. I can add clip art, content – both audio and video, and express information entirely in picture or other non-verbal (Heath) methods. The ease of expressionof concrete notions is available to me know more than ever. Academically and professionally, I use presentations to display my message using signs and symbols that are universally agreed upon and understood. The ideas that I need to share are quickly graspedusing technology and in many cases, no further explanation is needed to convey the concrete message that I intended to share. Credible — give an idea believability that relates to the individual’s sensibilities and experiences. The Credibility (Heath) of my message is reinforced with facts, figures and statistics that have been well researched and established by resources unavailable to me without the use of current technologies. I can share credible information that is cited, referenced and easily located for further scrutiny by the listener. My credibility as a communicator is seen as stronger and more reliable. The reinforced belief in the factual content of the information that I communicate to my audience allows them to hear my message more easily. In addition, they may confirm that the foundation that I am providing is accurate.
  • 43. 43 Credible technology and other resources… The advent of credible websites, often distinguished by the .edu domain name, has allowed me to communicate most effectively and in a SUCCESs-ful (Heath) manner by offering Concrete and Credible (Heath) information and resources that have been properly researched and well cited. This technology offers an unlimited number of options for communication in both my personal and professional life. I am able to easily locate white pages, research, professional “best practices”, templates and almost any necessary information to SUCCES-fully (Heath) work in a fast-paced environment that demands the most current information and knowledge of applicable standards.
  • 44. 44 Technology and SUCCESs continued… Emotional — help people see the importance of an idea by feeling something relevant to the situation as well as themselves. I have used technology to search for Emotional (Heath) images personally in my volunteer work as the Vice President of Fundraising for Unite, Inc. Bereavement Support. The images that I can search and share seem unlimited and they are very helpful in creating and emotional appeal or connection when combined with our monthly or annual fundraising efforts. Technology has assisted my efforts in creating relevance through emotions in this area more than any other to date. Stories – allow us to rehash information or connect to the situation through sensory elements. Technology has allowed me to connect Stories(Heath) to my own communication needs by correlating the information shared within the story to my message. A professional example of my use of stories is in our campaign for drop-out prevention. I have searched our organizations local and international stories for successful outcomes that may be shared in my communications with funders and internal staff members alike. The use of Stories(Heath) to rehash information and to connect my listener to other program participants has been SUCCESs-ful (Heath) in building morale and creating momentum in many of our programs.
  • 45. 45 Technology impact’s on my personal communication… Verbal impact: Verbal cue's may be reinforced with readily available resources found on the internet that may offer credibility to the speaker. Speaking guides and language assistance software and internet sites offering everything from pronunciation to translation assistance. Non-verbal impact: Lack of full attention such as eye contact, “active listening”, (Shell) appropriate response to verbal and non-verbal cue’s. Assistance offered from software which helps to provide direction in written communications (i.e. – spell check, word count, formatting, MLA style guides, etc…)
  • 46. 46 Augmented RealityAugmented Reality (reality augmented by technology with communication tools built on the web and displayed through a “window”…in this case, the window being an iPhone). (Jarvis)
  • 47. 47 Augmented Reality continued… “Augmented reality (AR) is a term for a live direct or an indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input, such as sound or graphics. It is related to a more general concept called mediated reality, in which a view of reality is modified (possibly even diminished rather than augmented) by a computer. As a result, the technology functions by enhancing one’s current perception of reality. By contrast, virtual reality replaces the real-world with a simulated one.” (Chen)
  • 48. 48 Other Assistance Provided by Technology…Websites like MediaBuzz have assisted me in locating much needed resources to pursue my education. This information is communicated to me with no effort on my part other than my initial acceptance to receive regular email updates and notifications. “Education is more affordable when seeking financial resources that are easily located using simple search engine websites like the one listed below: Thousands in Scholarships& Hundreds of Degrees MediaBuzz has located over $158,000 in new scholarships so you don't break the bank by going back to school. Get the information you need to find the right school and learn how to finance your career-targeted education.” What Does It Take to Get a Scholarship? Scholarship Checklist Search Scholarships” (Media Buzz)
  • 49. 49 Other Assistance Provided by Technology continued… I have been able to complete classes online at both Villanova University and Philadelphia University. This method of communication is welcomed by me due to a busy professional and personal schedule. Overall, the courses make good use of many elements of Heath’s SUCCESs model.
  • 50. 50 Reference Page Heath, Chip, and Dan Heath. "What Sticks?" Introduction. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. New York: Random House, 2007. 16-18. Print. Technology types: Image Source Page: Technology evolution: Image Source Page: Technology anywhere: Image Source Page: http: Image Source Page: Wikipedia Image Source Page: Credible technology sites: Image Source Page: G. Richard Shell and Mario Moussa. The Art of WOO: Using Strategic Persuasion to Sell Your Ideas. (PORTFOLIO/PENGUIN)
  • 51. 51 Reference page continued… History of on-line education: Image Source Page: Disconnection: Image Source Page: Technology chart: Image Source Page: Augmented Reality (AR): Image Source Page: Jarvis, Yates. Augmented Reality Technology and Communication. 10 July 2009 zonkio Magazine. Chen, Brian X. (2009-08-25). "If You’re Not Seeing Data, You’re Not Seeing". Wired Magazine. Retrieved 2009-08-26.
  • 52. 52 Reflection: Technology Written Assignment #5 Reflections:
  • 53. 53 Section Six Assignment 6: Cultural Communication
  • 54. 54 Cultural Communication Dora Desiderio-Eaton COMM 320: Craig A. DeLarge MBA, Design Management March 11, 2011
  • 55. 55 The Lewis Cross Cultural Communication Model "Cultural behavior is the end product of collected wisdom, filtered and passed down through hundreds of generations as shared core beliefs, values assumptions, notions and persistent action patterns. In other words, culture is a collective programming of the mind, that distinguishes the members of one human group from another." Richard Lewis
  • 56. 56 Simple The above illustration is a wonderful example of the unclear and diluted communication that is, unfortunately, encountered at my workplace on almost a daily basis. Verbal and non-verbal cue’s play a large impact on how challenges are identified and ultimately resolved.
  • 57. 57 Simple continued… A lack of understanding is common among both cultures. The workplace culture is sometimes divisive and the collected patterns that arise among small groups within the larger group are often negative and counter-productive. The culture of my workplace is vastly different from my home culture and although I may be tempted to repeat the message that needs to be communicated, I have found that one “Simple” message will often “stick”. (Heath 16-18) While my workplace is wrought with competition, chaos and confusion, my home culture is team-oriented, orderly and peaceful. The “core” ideas in both environments that must be conveyed are essential however, the workplace is the most challenging environment that I face in which to share Simple information. (Heath 16-18) Both cultures and I have reaped the benefit’s of Heath’s Simple approach to sharing information. The result has often been an easier understanding of the core concept and desired course of action, when necessary.
  • 58. 58 Unexpected Often, a lack of understanding amongst my peers at work leads to the need to present information in an Unexpected manner as described in Heath’s model. The use of unexpected presentation practices aids my ability to communicate a Simple “core” message in a clear and concise manner. (Heath 16-18) The use of Unexpected (Heath 16-18) visual aids, props and, on occasion, guest presenter’s, has allowed the focus to shift from the messenger (me) to the message that I need to convey. I can easily share information using Heath’s model and I often share information through redirecting the focus of my group or creating a “curiosity gap”. (Heath 16-18) This technique works well in both my work and home culture when the expectation during a communication conflict is to receive a defensive response. By re-focusing the group on the commonality of the message and the desired results, I can create an Unexpected arena for both my work and home communications. Sharing unexpected insights, idea’s or visual’s pulls my workplace culture closer together and creates a common bond or, in the least a shared directive.
  • 59. 59 Concrete The idea’s that must be related in the workplace and in my home culture are more easily understood by my listener’s when I share a Concrete (Heath 16-18) example with them. In the workplace, there is a common foundation that is shared among the staff. This foundation makes it possible to share Concrete imagery among my peers because we share the same workplace cultural belief’s. We all hope to help kids to achieve in life and to graduate college. This commonality allows my workplace culture to begin at the same point of understanding in some necessary key areas. In order to enhance this cultural belief system I often use concrete example’s from our affiliates that reinforce the idea’s or messages that I want to share.
  • 60. 60 Concrete continued… My home culture, like my workplace culture, shares a common foundation of family values, moral’s and ethic’s. When I need to convey a message to my home culture, I often rely on past examples that have bonded the group and resulted in a certain remembered outcome. These historical example’s provide a clear and focused message that is easily remembered by my home culture.
  • 61. 61 Credible Credibility in my work culture is only as good as the information shared at any given time. Because of this constant need to re-establish credibility, I rely on shared information among the workplace culture that maintains significance and connections among my peers. If information comes from CIS National, for example, then it is automatically Credible (Heath 16-18) to my audience. My credibility is not challenged so often in my home culture. Although my credibility depends on believability, my home culture is more apt to believe what I share due to our closely matched cultural commonalities and shared understandings.
  • 62. 62 Emotional “…inter-cultural communication competence can only be attained when self-reflective processes increase a person's awareness of her own culture, personality, identity in that particular situation and various other factors.”(Aleksandra)
  • 63. 63 Emotional continued… Emotional stories are the basis of our organizational success as a non-profit entity. The workplace culture is in agreement to maintain and share information that is emotional and pulls at the heart strings of our funders. This use of Emotional Stories from Heath’s SUCCESs model is common in my workplace culture. This has helped me to develop my communication skill’s in order to create an emotional connection. My home culture is heavily inundated with Emotional Stories (Heath 16-18). The common responses to Emotional Stories is understood and therefore, easy to apply to my home culture communication.
  • 64. 64 Stories Factor's of cultural influences and communication from The Japan HR Society Cultural Communications: The Key to Language Fluency article are : Gossip Silence Mental blocks Conditioning Environmental factors “Thinking language” or how we see things based on the language that we speak in our head.
  • 65. 65 Stories continued… According to The Japan HR Society Cultural Communications: The Key to Language Fluency article: We put on a show for others but follow our own silent program My “core beliefs” may align with common concepts however, I have different “notions” of truth, concepts and ethics. The use of Stories (Heath 16-18) as an aid to see the same thing rather than a kaleidoscope of varied impressions is often effective in overcoming these barriers. The SUCCESs checklist (Heath 246) listed below offers a framework to deal with communication problems. Pay attention: Unexpected Understand and remember it: Concrete Agree/Believe: Credible Care: Emotional Be able to act on it: Story
  • 66. 66 Stories continued… Stories help remove barriers to communication, rehash the information and connect us through the use of sensory elements. (Heath 16-18)
  • 67. 67 In conclusion… It is interesting to see that there are common elements in my workplace culture and home culture. The foundation set by my organization creates a common workplace culture or clearinghouse for our staff to build upon just as my home culture set certain foundation’s for my value's, ethic's and belief's to develop. This being said, I am able to more fully appreciate the cultural connections that each environment has to offer and I hope to grow in my understanding and application of Heath’s SUCCESs model in my professional and personal life.
  • 68. 68 Reference Page The Lewis Cross Cultural Communication Model Image Source Page: Lewis, Richard D. "When Cultures Collide - Managing Successfully Across Cultures“. Nicholas Brealey Publishing; First Edition (February 23, 1999) Heath, Chip, and Dan Heath. "What Sticks?" Introduction. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. New York: Random House, 2007. Print. (16-18, 246) Cartoon Image Source Page: Handshake or bow Image Source Page: CISP Image Source Page: Family Values Image Source Page: Credibility Image Source Page:
  • 69. 69 Reference Page continued… Inter-cultural communication Sketch Image Source Page: Aleksandra Vuckovic, (2008) "Inter-cultural communication: a foundation of communicative action", Multicultural Education & Technology Journal, Vol. 2 Iss: 1, pp.47 - 59 The Japan HR Society Cultural Communications: The Key to Language Fluency. HRA Editorial - September 2010. J@pan.Inc (March 11, 2011) Gossip Image Source Page: Communication Illusion Image Source Page: Hierarchy of Lean Business Needs Pyramid Image Source Page:
  • 70. 70 Reflection: Cultural Communication Written Assignment #6 Reflections: