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REVOLUTION: Shaping the New America XXI
Dr. A. Sh. Abdoullaev
Author of the Project “America XXI”
In most developed nations and developing countries, the business elite have been
incorporated officially and unofficially into the state political power in order to
keep the group check, lest it become a rival to the state, to its political
So far, this incorporation has not shown signs that it will lead to healthy economies
and real democracies, but rather to more corruption and disruption.
The following might refer to any state: the systemic crisis continues to deepen in
…; real economy decline, government stagnation, a falling national currency, the
collapse of the banking system, inflation, the decline of the reserves of the Central
Bank, an increase in unemployment; the masses are impoverished, the people’s
standard of living as a whole has decreased. The list could go on.
Donald Trump’s dramatic victory has shocked the nation and the whole world,
dividing it into two big camps.
The American establishment, including its journalists, academics, political writers,
and pundits, view the election of Donald Trump with his political position as a
“dangerous, destructive choice” for the country.
The opposite party more inclines to see it in radically different ways, like as Bill
Gates saying Trump's ideas are like the Apollo Space Program, comparing him to
John F. Kennedy.
A Revolution from the Top
In fact, Trump’s victory is a Smart Revolution from the Top aimed to remedy the
current state of the United States as a nation in dire peril plagued by lawlessness,
poverty, and violence, constantly under threat, and at risk at having "nothing,
absolutely nothing, left."
The Smart Revolution from the Top is saving the nation from the destructive
revolutions from the bottom, which are spreading across the globe, with major
changes in life, culture, economy, and socio-political institutions, bringing
“complete change from one constitution to another” (Aristotle, Politics).
In a big sense, DONALD J. TRUMP’S VISION sounds as a revolutionary
ideology, with the revolutionary slogans:
We Will Make America Wealthy Again.
We Will Make America Strong Again.
And Will Make America Great Again.
The American Revolution initiated a series of social, political and intellectual
transformations in American society and government. Americans rejected the
oligarchies common in aristocratic Europe at the time, advancing republicanism
and freedom based on the Enlightenment, the creation of a representative
government responsible to the will of the people.
Most fundamentals of national governance were settled in the Constitution of the
United States in 1788, amended twenty-seven times, including the Bill of Rights,
specific protections of individual liberty and justice and restrictions on the powers
of government, influencing the constitutions of many other nations.
The preamble to the Constitution, explaining the document's purpose and
underlying philosophy, states: “We the People of the United States, in Order to
form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide
for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of
Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for
the United States of America”.
Donald Trump was not just “an American businessman, politician, actor, television
personality, author”.
He was a key member of the business elite, which is part of the power elite, the
political, economic, and military circles controlling a disproportionate amount of
wealth, privilege, military and political power in the American society. As such,
the power elite include bureaucratic, corporate, intellectual, military, media, and
political elites who control the key institutions in the USA and whose opinions and
actions influence the decisions of the policymakers
What is critical, Donald Trump happened to be a socially responsible member of
the power elite with an unusually high civil awareness of how the ruling class
betraying the American Constitution, and so deservedly getting the highest social
status: the President-elect of the United States.
Being a wise member of the power elite, he understood that it would be moral and
practical to go beyond their group interests, destroying the US “democratic
plutocracy” and "civil oligarchy", mitigating the destructive conditions affecting
large numbers of less affluent citizens.
The power elite in the United States traditionally draw its members from three
circles: political leaders, as the president, key cabinet members and close advisers;
major corporate owners and directors; high-ranking military officers. These groups
intertwine such that the elites could circulate from one sector to another, and
consolidate power in the process, like as the former Soviet and current Chinese and
Russian Nomenklatura (in Russia today, 110 plutocrat-billionaires own 35% of all
The ability to incorporate elites is a key aspect of a state’s political power. The
inability of a state to satisfy an elite’s desire for political power can lead to its
disruption or to civil collapse. Elites are distinctive, be it intellectual, business or
military. Their power is disproportionate to their numbers and may rely on
knowledge, resources, connections, influence. Elites are independent and often
have much autonomy from the state.
The business elite in the USA must be the richest and smartest ones unlike the
Chinese or Russian business elites, which emerged as a result of dirty cheap
privatization, regardless the contributions to public welfare projects to legitimize
their wealth and prestige.
The wealth, international ties, contacts, education, and resources make the business
elite a powerful political group. If these attributes are not invested in the political
system, they could threaten the power of any state power. The links often drawn
between new market economies, real economy growth and democracy might
suggest that the business elite are a threat to any inefficient political bureaucracy.
The failure of the state power in co-opting the business elite offers insight into the
Democratic Party which lost its political power to the outsider.
The political views and actions of a wealthy business class do not suggest a desire
for a democratic system, but rather a wish to consolidate their political and
economic power to maximize profits.
Donald Trump could become a “revolutionary hero”, as far as he makes the
business elite a cause of drastic political change, creating a revolutionary,
innovative society, as the Project America XXI, which national significance for
future America a failed revolutionary Obama and his team failed to comprehend.
Last not least, Donald Trump is largely avoiding the harmful cronyist or patronage
systems of the both Parties, Republican and Democratic, by which major donators
and contributors were rewarded on a quid pro quo basis by high political positions.
So, what of the smart revolution? The smart elites should take Trump’s political
innovation in demand, revolutionizing its efficiency, adapting it to the local socio-
economic environment and multiplying it for a global smart policy market,
including Europe, China and Russia. Now with a lot less money and shocks.
All in all, the American business elite are becoming a driver for worldwide
political change what could imply disruptive changes across the whole globe.
Disruptive changes, yes. But, constructive or destructive, revolutionary or counter-
revolutionary, that is a question!
Revolutionary Reforms and Project AMERICA XXI
Donald Trump has proposed sweeping reforms in many key areas:
Specifically, the Trump Infrastructure Plan is to “Pursue an “America’s
Infrastructure First” policy that supports investments in transportation, clean water,
a modern and reliable electricity grid, telecommunications, security infrastructure,
and other pressing domestic infrastructure needs”.
Create a dynamic booming economy that will create 25 million new jobs over the
next decade and average 3.5% growth or more.
Project AMERICA XXI backs up the Trump New America policy as well as
covers the American Innovation Strategy, by innovating all the key spheres of life,
infrastructure and industry, science and technology, ICT and Internet, society and
economy, health and education, safety and security, administration and governance
Project AMERICA XXI is about building the intelligent and innovative,
interconnected and instrumented, democratic and inclusive, healthy and wealthy,
livable and efficient, moral and fair, smart and sustainable United States, or briefly,
Project AMERICA XXI is to drive the Fourth Industrial Revolution to seek a
global socio-technological leadership in the 21st Century.
The America Firsters, the religious warriors, and
the traditionalists in Trump’s Cabinet
Secretary of State
Requires Senate confirmation
Whether Mr. Trump picks an ideologue or a seasoned foreign policy hand from past Republican
administrations, his challenge will be that the State Department is the centerpiece of the post-
1945 experiment of alliance-building and globalism, which Mr. Trump said he would dismantle.
Rex W. Tillerson Mr. Trump’s choice is the president and chief executive of Exxon Mobil,
whose ties with Russian President Vladimir V. Putin may draw scrutiny during the confirmation
Energy Secretary
Requires Senate confirmation
Despite its name, the primary purview of the Energy Department is to protect and manage the
nation’s arsenal of nuclear weapons.
Rick Perry Mr. Trump has selected the former Texas governor, who in 2011 proposed scrapping
the Energy Department while he was seeking the Republican nomination for president.
Labor Secretary
Requires Senate confirmation
The Labor Department enforces rules that protect the nation’s workers, distributes benefits to the
unemployed and publishes economic data like the monthly jobs report. The new secretary will be
in charge of keeping Mr. Trump’s promise to dismantle many Obama-era rules covering the vast
work force of federal contractors.
Andrew F. Puzder Mr. Trump’s expected choice is the chief executive of CKE Restaurants —
and a donor to his campaign — who has criticized the Obama administration’s labor policies.
Small Business Administration
Requires Senate confirmation
The agency guarantees loans for small businesses, helps them get government contracts and
supports their interests on Capitol Hill.
Linda McMahon Mr. Trump has selected the
former chief executive of World Wrestling Entertainment to lead the agency. Ms. McMahon, a
failed Senate candidate from Connecticut, was with her husband, Vince, one of Mr. Trump’s
biggest donors.
E.P.A. Administrator
Requires Senate confirmation
The Environmental Protection Agency, which issues and oversees environmental regulations, is
under threat from the president-elect, who has vowed to dismantle the agency “in almost every
Scott Pruitt Mr. Trump has selected the Oklahoma attorney general, who is a close ally of the
fossil fuel industry.
Homeland Security Secretary
Requires Senate confirmation
The hodgepodge agency, formed after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has one key role in the
Trump administration: guarding the United States’ borders. If Mr. Trump makes good on his
promises of widespread deportations and building a wall, this secretary will have to carry them
John F. Kelly Mr. Trump has named the retired
four-star Marine general, whose son was killed in combat in Afghanistan.
Defense Secretary
Requires Senate confirmation
The incoming secretary will shape the fight against the Islamic State while overseeing a military
that is struggling to put in place two Obama-era initiatives: integrating women into combat roles
and allowing transgender people to serve openly. Both could be rolled back.
James N. Mattis Mr. Trump announced at a rallythat he had selected General Mattis, who led a
Marine division to Baghdad during the 2003 invasion of Iraq and led the United States Central
Command from 2010-13. General Mattis, now retired, has been a critic of the Obama
administration. He would need a waiver from Congress to lead the Pentagon because he has been
out of uniform for less than seven years.
Treasury Secretary
Requires Senate confirmation
The secretary will be responsible for government borrowing in financial markets, assisting in any
rewrite of the tax code and overseeing the Internal Revenue Service. The Treasury Department
also carries out or lifts financial sanctions against foreign enemies — which are crucial to
President Obama’s Iran deal and rapprochement with Cuba.
Steven Mnuchin Mr. Trump has selected Mr. Mnuchin, who served as his campaign finance
chairman. Mr. Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs executive, has deep roots in Hollywood but no
government experience.
Transportation Secretary
Requires Senate confirmation
The next transportation secretary will oversee Mr. Trump’s campaign pledge to increase
infrastructure funding to rebuild America's roads, bridges, airports and transit systems.
Elaine L. Chao Mr. Trump has selected Ms. Chao, the labor secretary under President George
W. Bush. Ms. Chao, who is married to the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, has been a
fixture of the Republican establishment in Washington.
Health and Human Services Secretary
Requires Senate confirmation
The secretary will help Mr. Trump achieve one of his central campaign promises: to repeal and
replace the Affordable Care Act. The department approves new drugs, regulates the food supply,
operates biomedical research, and runs Medicare and Medicaid, which insure more than 100
million people.
Tom Price Mr. Trump has selected Mr. Price, a six-term Republican congressman from Georgia
and orthopedic surgeon who has led opposition to the Affordable Care Act. Mr. Price has said
the law interferes with the ability of patients and doctors to make medical decisions.
White House Counsel
As the president’s adviser on legal matters, the White House counsel may have an unusually
daunting job in the Trump administration, given Mr. Trump’s far-reaching business empire and
potential conflicts of interest.
Donald F. McGahn II Mr. Trump has chosen Mr. McGahn, who served as general counsel for
the Trump campaign. Mr. McGahn, a Washington lawyer who pushed to deregulate campaign
finance and election laws, served on the Federal Election Commission for five years.
Commerce Secretary
Requires Senate confirmation
The Commerce Department has been a perennial target for budget cuts, but the secretary
oversees a diverse portfolio, including the census, the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Wilbur Ross Mr. Trump has selected Mr. Ross, an investor whose fortune is estimated by
Forbes to be $2.9 billion. Mr. Ross has said the United States must free itself from the “bondage”
of “bad trade agreements,” and has advocated threats to impose steep tariffs on China.
Education Secretary
Requires Senate confirmation
Mr. Trump has said he wants to drastically shrink the Education Department and shift
responsibilities for curriculum research, development and educational aid to state and local
Betsy DeVos Mr. Trump has selected Ms. DeVos, a former chairwoman of the Michigan
Republican Party and an education activist who is a passionate believer in school choice, as his
U.N. Ambassador
Requires Senate confirmation
Second to the secretary of state, the United States ambassador to the United Nations will be the
primary face of America to the world, representing the country’s interests at the Security Council
on a host of issues, from Middle East peace to nuclear proliferation.
Nikki R. Haley Mr. Trump has selected Ms. Haley, the governor of South Carolina, as his
nominee. The daughter of immigrants from India, she was a prominent and frequent critic of Mr.
Trump early in his run.
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Requires Senate confirmation
The secretary oversees fair-housing laws, the development of affordable housing and access to
mortgage insurance. As a real estate developer, Mr. Trump is attuned to the tax breaks for
housing development.
Ben Carson Mr. Trump has selected the former neurosurgeon and presidential candidate to be
his nominee to lead HUD. Mr. Carson had previously said he did not want to work in
C.I.A. Director
Requires Senate confirmation
Mr. Trump takes over at a time of diverse and complex threats to American security. The new
C.I.A. director will have to decide whether to undo a C.I.A. “modernization” plan put in place
this year by Director John O. Brennan, and how to proceed if the president-elect orders a
resumption of harsh interrogation tactics — critics have described the tactics as torture — for
terrorism suspects.
Mike Pompeo Mr. Trump has selected Mr. Pompeo, representative of Kansas and a former
Army officer, as his nominee. Mr. Pompeo is a member of the House Intelligence Committee
and was a sharp critic of Hillary Clinton during the congressional investigation into the 2012
attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.
Attorney General
Requires Senate confirmation
The nation's top law enforcement official will have the authority for carrying out Mr. Trump's
“law and order” platform. The nominee can change how civil rights laws are enforced.
Jeff Sessions Mr. Trump has selected Senator Sessions, of Alabama, as his nominee. Mr.
Sessions is a strong proponent of strict immigration enforcement, reduced spending and tough-
on-crime measures. His nomination for a federal judgeship in 1986 was rejected because of
racially charged comments and actions, which are very likely to become an issue as he faces
another set of Senate confirmation hearings.
National Security Adviser
The national security adviser, although not a member of the cabinet, is a critical gatekeeper for
policy proposals from the State Department, the Pentagon and other agencies, a function that
takes on more importance given Mr. Trump's lack of experience in elective office.
Michael T. Flynn Mr. Trump has selected the retired Army lieutenant general and former
director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. General Flynn has been outspoken about his view
of the threat posed by Islamist militancy and was an ardent supporter of Mr. Trump during the
White House Chief of Staff
The chief of staff manages the work and personnel of the West Wing, steering the president's
agenda and tending to important relationships. The role will take on outsize importance in a
White House run by Mr. Trump, who has no experience in policy making and little in the way of
connections to critical players in Washington.
Reince Priebus Mr. Trump announced on Nov. 13that he had chosen Mr. Priebus, the chairman
of the Republican National Committee.
Chief Strategist
Stephen K. Bannon was also considered for chief of staff, but Mr. Trump instead named him
chief strategist and senior counselor in the White House, saying that he and Mr. Priebus would
be “working as equal partners” in the administration.
Stephen K. Bannon Also on Nov. 13, Mr. Trump announced the appointment of Mr. Bannon, a
right-wing media executive and the chairman of the president-elect’s campaign. Many have
denounced the move, warning that Mr. Bannon represents racist views.
Director of National Intelligence
Requires Senate confirmation
The person who holds this post is the president’s principal adviser on intelligence and oversees
the entire military and civilian intelligence apparatus. The coordination between the intelligence
agencies of the military and civilian wings will be vital for the war on the Islamic State.
David H. Petraeus Former four-star Army general and director of the Central Intelligence
Michael S. Rogers Navy admiral and director of the National Security Agency. Choosing Mr.
Rogers may be complicated because the Obama administration is considering removing him after
frustrations over the speed at which he moved to combat the Islamic State.
Frances Townsend Homeland security adviser under George W. Bush
Interior Secretary
Requires Senate confirmation
The Interior Department manages the nation’s public lands and waters. The next secretary will
decide the fate of Obama-era rules that stop public land development; curb the exploration of oil,
coal and gas; and promote wind and solar power on public lands.
Jan Brewer Former governor of Arizona
Mary Fallin Governor of Oklahoma
Robert E. Grady Gryphon Investors partner
Harold G. Hamm Chief executive of Continental Resources, an oil and gas company
Forrest Lucas President of Lucas Oil Products, which manufactures automotive lubricants,
additives and greases
Cathy McMorris Rodgers Representative from Washington
Sarah Palin Former governor of Alaska and the 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee
Agriculture Secretary
Requires Senate confirmation
The agriculture secretary oversees America's farming industry, inspects food quality and
provides income-based food assistance. The department also helps develop international markets
for American products, giving the next secretary partial responsibility to carry out Mr. Trump's
positions on trade.
Sam Brownback Kansas governor
Chuck Conner Chief executive officer of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives
Heidi Heitkamp Democratic Senator from North Dakota
Sid Miller Commissioner of agriculture for Texas
Kristi Noem Representative from South Dakota
Sonny Perdue Former governor of Georgia
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Requires Senate confirmation
The secretary will face the task of improving the image of a department Mr. Trump has widely
criticized. Mr. Trump repeatedly argued that the Obama administration neglected the country's
veterans, and he said that improving their care was one of his top priorities.
Scott Brown Former senator from Massachusetts
Jeff Miller Retired representative from Florida who was chairman of the House Veterans
Affairs Committee
Sarah Palin Former governor of Alaska and vice-presidential nominee
U.S. Trade Representative
Requires Senate confirmation
The president’s chief trade negotiator will have the odd role of opposing new trade deals, trying
to rewrite old ones and bolstering the enforcement of what Mr. Trump sees as unfair trade,
especially with China.
Dan DiMicco Former chief executive of the Nucor Corporation, a steel production company,
and a critic of Chinese trade practices
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) · Twitter
Outsiders, Insiders and Multimillionaires in Trump’s Cabinet
Trump’s Team of Rivals, Riven by Distrust
Mike Flynn, Jim Mattis, and Rex Tillerson don’t have much in common with each other – or
Donald Trump. But together they might revolutionize American foreign policy.

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Donald Trump: New American Revolution

  • 1. DONALD J. TRUMP’S SMART AMERICAN REVOLUTION: Shaping the New America XXI Dr. A. Sh. Abdoullaev Author of the Project “America XXI” In most developed nations and developing countries, the business elite have been incorporated officially and unofficially into the state political power in order to keep the group check, lest it become a rival to the state, to its political establishment. So far, this incorporation has not shown signs that it will lead to healthy economies and real democracies, but rather to more corruption and disruption. The following might refer to any state: the systemic crisis continues to deepen in …; real economy decline, government stagnation, a falling national currency, the collapse of the banking system, inflation, the decline of the reserves of the Central Bank, an increase in unemployment; the masses are impoverished, the people’s standard of living as a whole has decreased. The list could go on. Donald Trump’s dramatic victory has shocked the nation and the whole world, dividing it into two big camps. The American establishment, including its journalists, academics, political writers, and pundits, view the election of Donald Trump with his political position as a “dangerous, destructive choice” for the country. The opposite party more inclines to see it in radically different ways, like as Bill Gates saying Trump's ideas are like the Apollo Space Program, comparing him to John F. Kennedy.
  • 2. A Revolution from the Top In fact, Trump’s victory is a Smart Revolution from the Top aimed to remedy the current state of the United States as a nation in dire peril plagued by lawlessness, poverty, and violence, constantly under threat, and at risk at having "nothing, absolutely nothing, left." The Smart Revolution from the Top is saving the nation from the destructive revolutions from the bottom, which are spreading across the globe, with major changes in life, culture, economy, and socio-political institutions, bringing “complete change from one constitution to another” (Aristotle, Politics). In a big sense, DONALD J. TRUMP’S VISION sounds as a revolutionary ideology, with the revolutionary slogans: We Will Make America Wealthy Again. We Will Make America Strong Again. And Will Make America Great Again. The American Revolution initiated a series of social, political and intellectual transformations in American society and government. Americans rejected the oligarchies common in aristocratic Europe at the time, advancing republicanism and freedom based on the Enlightenment, the creation of a representative government responsible to the will of the people. Most fundamentals of national governance were settled in the Constitution of the United States in 1788, amended twenty-seven times, including the Bill of Rights, specific protections of individual liberty and justice and restrictions on the powers of government, influencing the constitutions of many other nations. The preamble to the Constitution, explaining the document's purpose and underlying philosophy, states: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”.
  • 3. Donald Trump was not just “an American businessman, politician, actor, television personality, author”. He was a key member of the business elite, which is part of the power elite, the political, economic, and military circles controlling a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, military and political power in the American society. As such, the power elite include bureaucratic, corporate, intellectual, military, media, and political elites who control the key institutions in the USA and whose opinions and actions influence the decisions of the policymakers What is critical, Donald Trump happened to be a socially responsible member of the power elite with an unusually high civil awareness of how the ruling class betraying the American Constitution, and so deservedly getting the highest social status: the President-elect of the United States. Being a wise member of the power elite, he understood that it would be moral and practical to go beyond their group interests, destroying the US “democratic plutocracy” and "civil oligarchy", mitigating the destructive conditions affecting large numbers of less affluent citizens. The power elite in the United States traditionally draw its members from three circles: political leaders, as the president, key cabinet members and close advisers; major corporate owners and directors; high-ranking military officers. These groups intertwine such that the elites could circulate from one sector to another, and consolidate power in the process, like as the former Soviet and current Chinese and Russian Nomenklatura (in Russia today, 110 plutocrat-billionaires own 35% of all wealth). The ability to incorporate elites is a key aspect of a state’s political power. The inability of a state to satisfy an elite’s desire for political power can lead to its disruption or to civil collapse. Elites are distinctive, be it intellectual, business or military. Their power is disproportionate to their numbers and may rely on knowledge, resources, connections, influence. Elites are independent and often have much autonomy from the state. The business elite in the USA must be the richest and smartest ones unlike the Chinese or Russian business elites, which emerged as a result of dirty cheap
  • 4. privatization, regardless the contributions to public welfare projects to legitimize their wealth and prestige. The wealth, international ties, contacts, education, and resources make the business elite a powerful political group. If these attributes are not invested in the political system, they could threaten the power of any state power. The links often drawn between new market economies, real economy growth and democracy might suggest that the business elite are a threat to any inefficient political bureaucracy. The failure of the state power in co-opting the business elite offers insight into the Democratic Party which lost its political power to the outsider. The political views and actions of a wealthy business class do not suggest a desire for a democratic system, but rather a wish to consolidate their political and economic power to maximize profits. Donald Trump could become a “revolutionary hero”, as far as he makes the business elite a cause of drastic political change, creating a revolutionary, innovative society, as the Project America XXI, which national significance for future America a failed revolutionary Obama and his team failed to comprehend. Last not least, Donald Trump is largely avoiding the harmful cronyist or patronage systems of the both Parties, Republican and Democratic, by which major donators and contributors were rewarded on a quid pro quo basis by high political positions. So, what of the smart revolution? The smart elites should take Trump’s political innovation in demand, revolutionizing its efficiency, adapting it to the local socio- economic environment and multiplying it for a global smart policy market, including Europe, China and Russia. Now with a lot less money and shocks. All in all, the American business elite are becoming a driver for worldwide political change what could imply disruptive changes across the whole globe. Disruptive changes, yes. But, constructive or destructive, revolutionary or counter- revolutionary, that is a question!
  • 5. Revolutionary Reforms and Project AMERICA XXI Donald Trump has proposed sweeping reforms in many key areas:  INFRASTRUCTURE  CYBERSECURITY  VETERANS AFFAIRS REFORM  TRADE  TAX PLAN  REGULATIONS  NATIONAL DEFENSE  IMMIGRATION  HEALTH CARE  FOREIGN POLICY AND DEFEATING ISIS  ENERGY  EDUCATION  CONSTITUTION AND SECOND AMENDMENT  CHILD CARE  ECONOMY Specifically, the Trump Infrastructure Plan is to “Pursue an “America’s Infrastructure First” policy that supports investments in transportation, clean water, a modern and reliable electricity grid, telecommunications, security infrastructure, and other pressing domestic infrastructure needs”. Create a dynamic booming economy that will create 25 million new jobs over the next decade and average 3.5% growth or more.
  • 6. Project AMERICA XXI backs up the Trump New America policy as well as covers the American Innovation Strategy, by innovating all the key spheres of life, infrastructure and industry, science and technology, ICT and Internet, society and economy, health and education, safety and security, administration and governance Project AMERICA XXI is about building the intelligent and innovative, interconnected and instrumented, democratic and inclusive, healthy and wealthy, livable and efficient, moral and fair, smart and sustainable United States, or briefly, i-America Project AMERICA XXI is to drive the Fourth Industrial Revolution to seek a global socio-technological leadership in the 21st Century.
  • 7. SUPPLEMENT The America Firsters, the religious warriors, and the traditionalists in Trump’s Cabinet Secretary of State Requires Senate confirmation Whether Mr. Trump picks an ideologue or a seasoned foreign policy hand from past Republican administrations, his challenge will be that the State Department is the centerpiece of the post- 1945 experiment of alliance-building and globalism, which Mr. Trump said he would dismantle. Rex W. Tillerson Mr. Trump’s choice is the president and chief executive of Exxon Mobil, whose ties with Russian President Vladimir V. Putin may draw scrutiny during the confirmation process. Energy Secretary Requires Senate confirmation Despite its name, the primary purview of the Energy Department is to protect and manage the nation’s arsenal of nuclear weapons.
  • 8. Rick Perry Mr. Trump has selected the former Texas governor, who in 2011 proposed scrapping the Energy Department while he was seeking the Republican nomination for president. Labor Secretary Requires Senate confirmation The Labor Department enforces rules that protect the nation’s workers, distributes benefits to the unemployed and publishes economic data like the monthly jobs report. The new secretary will be in charge of keeping Mr. Trump’s promise to dismantle many Obama-era rules covering the vast work force of federal contractors. Andrew F. Puzder Mr. Trump’s expected choice is the chief executive of CKE Restaurants — and a donor to his campaign — who has criticized the Obama administration’s labor policies.
  • 9. Small Business Administration Requires Senate confirmation The agency guarantees loans for small businesses, helps them get government contracts and supports their interests on Capitol Hill. Linda McMahon Mr. Trump has selected the former chief executive of World Wrestling Entertainment to lead the agency. Ms. McMahon, a failed Senate candidate from Connecticut, was with her husband, Vince, one of Mr. Trump’s biggest donors. E.P.A. Administrator Requires Senate confirmation The Environmental Protection Agency, which issues and oversees environmental regulations, is under threat from the president-elect, who has vowed to dismantle the agency “in almost every form.”
  • 10. Scott Pruitt Mr. Trump has selected the Oklahoma attorney general, who is a close ally of the fossil fuel industry. Homeland Security Secretary Requires Senate confirmation The hodgepodge agency, formed after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has one key role in the Trump administration: guarding the United States’ borders. If Mr. Trump makes good on his promises of widespread deportations and building a wall, this secretary will have to carry them out. John F. Kelly Mr. Trump has named the retired four-star Marine general, whose son was killed in combat in Afghanistan.
  • 11. Defense Secretary Requires Senate confirmation The incoming secretary will shape the fight against the Islamic State while overseeing a military that is struggling to put in place two Obama-era initiatives: integrating women into combat roles and allowing transgender people to serve openly. Both could be rolled back. James N. Mattis Mr. Trump announced at a rallythat he had selected General Mattis, who led a Marine division to Baghdad during the 2003 invasion of Iraq and led the United States Central Command from 2010-13. General Mattis, now retired, has been a critic of the Obama administration. He would need a waiver from Congress to lead the Pentagon because he has been out of uniform for less than seven years. Treasury Secretary Requires Senate confirmation The secretary will be responsible for government borrowing in financial markets, assisting in any rewrite of the tax code and overseeing the Internal Revenue Service. The Treasury Department also carries out or lifts financial sanctions against foreign enemies — which are crucial to President Obama’s Iran deal and rapprochement with Cuba.
  • 12. Steven Mnuchin Mr. Trump has selected Mr. Mnuchin, who served as his campaign finance chairman. Mr. Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs executive, has deep roots in Hollywood but no government experience. Transportation Secretary Requires Senate confirmation The next transportation secretary will oversee Mr. Trump’s campaign pledge to increase infrastructure funding to rebuild America's roads, bridges, airports and transit systems. Elaine L. Chao Mr. Trump has selected Ms. Chao, the labor secretary under President George W. Bush. Ms. Chao, who is married to the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, has been a fixture of the Republican establishment in Washington.
  • 13. Health and Human Services Secretary Requires Senate confirmation The secretary will help Mr. Trump achieve one of his central campaign promises: to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. The department approves new drugs, regulates the food supply, operates biomedical research, and runs Medicare and Medicaid, which insure more than 100 million people. Tom Price Mr. Trump has selected Mr. Price, a six-term Republican congressman from Georgia and orthopedic surgeon who has led opposition to the Affordable Care Act. Mr. Price has said the law interferes with the ability of patients and doctors to make medical decisions. White House Counsel Appointed As the president’s adviser on legal matters, the White House counsel may have an unusually daunting job in the Trump administration, given Mr. Trump’s far-reaching business empire and potential conflicts of interest.
  • 14. Donald F. McGahn II Mr. Trump has chosen Mr. McGahn, who served as general counsel for the Trump campaign. Mr. McGahn, a Washington lawyer who pushed to deregulate campaign finance and election laws, served on the Federal Election Commission for five years. Commerce Secretary Requires Senate confirmation The Commerce Department has been a perennial target for budget cuts, but the secretary oversees a diverse portfolio, including the census, the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
  • 15. Wilbur Ross Mr. Trump has selected Mr. Ross, an investor whose fortune is estimated by Forbes to be $2.9 billion. Mr. Ross has said the United States must free itself from the “bondage” of “bad trade agreements,” and has advocated threats to impose steep tariffs on China. Education Secretary Requires Senate confirmation Mr. Trump has said he wants to drastically shrink the Education Department and shift responsibilities for curriculum research, development and educational aid to state and local governments. Betsy DeVos Mr. Trump has selected Ms. DeVos, a former chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party and an education activist who is a passionate believer in school choice, as his nominee. U.N. Ambassador Requires Senate confirmation Second to the secretary of state, the United States ambassador to the United Nations will be the primary face of America to the world, representing the country’s interests at the Security Council on a host of issues, from Middle East peace to nuclear proliferation.
  • 16. Nikki R. Haley Mr. Trump has selected Ms. Haley, the governor of South Carolina, as his nominee. The daughter of immigrants from India, she was a prominent and frequent critic of Mr. Trump early in his run. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Requires Senate confirmation The secretary oversees fair-housing laws, the development of affordable housing and access to mortgage insurance. As a real estate developer, Mr. Trump is attuned to the tax breaks for housing development.
  • 17. Ben Carson Mr. Trump has selected the former neurosurgeon and presidential candidate to be his nominee to lead HUD. Mr. Carson had previously said he did not want to work in government. C.I.A. Director Requires Senate confirmation Mr. Trump takes over at a time of diverse and complex threats to American security. The new C.I.A. director will have to decide whether to undo a C.I.A. “modernization” plan put in place this year by Director John O. Brennan, and how to proceed if the president-elect orders a resumption of harsh interrogation tactics — critics have described the tactics as torture — for terrorism suspects. Mike Pompeo Mr. Trump has selected Mr. Pompeo, representative of Kansas and a former Army officer, as his nominee. Mr. Pompeo is a member of the House Intelligence Committee and was a sharp critic of Hillary Clinton during the congressional investigation into the 2012 attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. Attorney General Requires Senate confirmation The nation's top law enforcement official will have the authority for carrying out Mr. Trump's “law and order” platform. The nominee can change how civil rights laws are enforced.
  • 18. Jeff Sessions Mr. Trump has selected Senator Sessions, of Alabama, as his nominee. Mr. Sessions is a strong proponent of strict immigration enforcement, reduced spending and tough- on-crime measures. His nomination for a federal judgeship in 1986 was rejected because of racially charged comments and actions, which are very likely to become an issue as he faces another set of Senate confirmation hearings. National Security Adviser Appointed The national security adviser, although not a member of the cabinet, is a critical gatekeeper for policy proposals from the State Department, the Pentagon and other agencies, a function that takes on more importance given Mr. Trump's lack of experience in elective office.
  • 19. Michael T. Flynn Mr. Trump has selected the retired Army lieutenant general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. General Flynn has been outspoken about his view of the threat posed by Islamist militancy and was an ardent supporter of Mr. Trump during the campaign. White House Chief of Staff Appointed The chief of staff manages the work and personnel of the West Wing, steering the president's agenda and tending to important relationships. The role will take on outsize importance in a White House run by Mr. Trump, who has no experience in policy making and little in the way of connections to critical players in Washington. Reince Priebus Mr. Trump announced on Nov. 13that he had chosen Mr. Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee. Chief Strategist Appointed Stephen K. Bannon was also considered for chief of staff, but Mr. Trump instead named him chief strategist and senior counselor in the White House, saying that he and Mr. Priebus would be “working as equal partners” in the administration.
  • 20. Stephen K. Bannon Also on Nov. 13, Mr. Trump announced the appointment of Mr. Bannon, a right-wing media executive and the chairman of the president-elect’s campaign. Many have denounced the move, warning that Mr. Bannon represents racist views. Director of National Intelligence Requires Senate confirmation The person who holds this post is the president’s principal adviser on intelligence and oversees the entire military and civilian intelligence apparatus. The coordination between the intelligence agencies of the military and civilian wings will be vital for the war on the Islamic State. David H. Petraeus Former four-star Army general and director of the Central Intelligence Agency Michael S. Rogers Navy admiral and director of the National Security Agency. Choosing Mr. Rogers may be complicated because the Obama administration is considering removing him after frustrations over the speed at which he moved to combat the Islamic State. Frances Townsend Homeland security adviser under George W. Bush Interior Secretary Requires Senate confirmation The Interior Department manages the nation’s public lands and waters. The next secretary will decide the fate of Obama-era rules that stop public land development; curb the exploration of oil, coal and gas; and promote wind and solar power on public lands. Jan Brewer Former governor of Arizona
  • 21. Mary Fallin Governor of Oklahoma Robert E. Grady Gryphon Investors partner Harold G. Hamm Chief executive of Continental Resources, an oil and gas company Forrest Lucas President of Lucas Oil Products, which manufactures automotive lubricants, additives and greases Cathy McMorris Rodgers Representative from Washington Sarah Palin Former governor of Alaska and the 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee Agriculture Secretary Requires Senate confirmation The agriculture secretary oversees America's farming industry, inspects food quality and provides income-based food assistance. The department also helps develop international markets for American products, giving the next secretary partial responsibility to carry out Mr. Trump's positions on trade. Sam Brownback Kansas governor Chuck Conner Chief executive officer of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives Heidi Heitkamp Democratic Senator from North Dakota Sid Miller Commissioner of agriculture for Texas Kristi Noem Representative from South Dakota Sonny Perdue Former governor of Georgia Secretary of Veterans Affairs Requires Senate confirmation The secretary will face the task of improving the image of a department Mr. Trump has widely criticized. Mr. Trump repeatedly argued that the Obama administration neglected the country's veterans, and he said that improving their care was one of his top priorities. Scott Brown Former senator from Massachusetts Jeff Miller Retired representative from Florida who was chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee Sarah Palin Former governor of Alaska and vice-presidential nominee U.S. Trade Representative
  • 22. Requires Senate confirmation The president’s chief trade negotiator will have the odd role of opposing new trade deals, trying to rewrite old ones and bolstering the enforcement of what Mr. Trump sees as unfair trade, especially with China. Dan DiMicco Former chief executive of the Nucor Corporation, a steel production company, and a critic of Chinese trade practices Sources: Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) · Twitter Outsiders, Insiders and Multimillionaires in Trump’s Cabinet Trump’s Team of Rivals, Riven by Distrust Mike Flynn, Jim Mattis, and Rex Tillerson don’t have much in common with each other – or Donald Trump. But together they might revolutionize American foreign policy.